God Attunements by Richard Eisenberg

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International LightWorkerS

God Attunements
LightWorker™ Series

Channelling & manual by Richard Eisenberg

Special Edition layout by Jens Søeborg
God Attunements (LightWorker™ Series)
Richard Eisenberg has made a series of attunements, shakti and systems inspired by the systems
from Dr. Jason Storm – another teacher who has graciously given his permission to have his
systems and manuals here in the LightWorker System.
You can find Richard’s systems for sale some places, but he has always wanted to give them freely,
which we do here. They are all free of cost! Do not pay for free systems!

LightWorker™ Richard Eisenberg Systems

Angel Contact (Richard Eisenberg) (LightWorker™ Series) Free of cost
Dental Shakti System (Richard Eisenberg) (LightWorker™ Series) Free of cost
Etheric Acupuncture (Richard Eisenberg) (LightWorker™ Series) Free of cost
God Attunements (Richard Eisenberg) (LightWorker™ Series) Free of cost

God Attunements
There are so many energy/healing/spiritual systems I
decided to see what I could do to simplify things a bit
and go straight to the source. So I created the
following “God Attunement”. I wrote a brief manual
then the attunement itself. I have gotten very positive
feedback from others who have done it. So sit back
and enjoy!


Through this attunement anything is possible. It works on all on levels and dimensions of reality
and through all times and can be sent anywhere. It is activated by intension. All you need to do is
say or think to yourself, “God attunement” and it activates. (This is not how one receives the
attunement. This is for after the attunement has been received.) After it is activated you ask for
what you want or ask God to do whatever is for the highest good.

This attunement comes from God. Being such it has infinite potential. Potential however is not
actualization. Receiving this attunement does not give you all of the abilities, power, love and
wisdom of God. The God attunement will not cure all disease, enlighten you or do everything you
want instantly, even though that is Gods potential. God will work with you. God knows your limits
for change and growth and works within them. Too much change too fast may not be good for you.
There may also need to be clearing on your part that needs to be done to be able to receive God’s
energy and qualities. There may also be “higher" reasons for you to have your current situation. For
example, you may need to learn certain lessons before you get what you want. You may just need
the experience of your current situation for a given period of time before it changes. There may be
many reasons why you do not get what you want.

God will, through this attunement, help you make the changes needed to help you receive what you
want but in most cases it will not happen instantly. We live in the conditional world of duality and
that implies limits on what can happen and hoe fast it will happen. Miracles do happen but they are
rare and the ability to produce them consistently usually goes hand in hand with the wisdom to
understand their full nature and implications. Until we get to that understanding we need be willing
to engage in process that may take more time than we may want. This attunement, God, will help us
get any higher level that is possible.
God helps those who help themselves.

God will not do it all. You must do

your part. It is not enough to ask God
for healing you while you smoke
cigarettes, eat junk food, don’t
exercise, and dwell in negative beliefs
thoughts and feeling. God is usually
willing to help you if meet it half way
(God is referred to as “it” do to the
lack of, or the inclusion of all

This is a sacred attunement. Please

treat it as such. Do not expect God to
respond to every little whim you
have or to obey your every command.
Use it with respect. God may be
willing to serve you but God is not
your servant. Use the attunement
with an attitude of thankfulness.

Some of the specifics of the attunement:

• You are only being attuned to the aspects of God that heals* and enlightens.

• God’s energy can be sent through and out of any part of your body to someone else. Hands
are most common.

• You can ask God to have its energy simply be at any place you want. It does not have to be
sent through you.

• Due to God’s innate wisdom it may not do exactly what you ask the way you ask if it knows a
better way.

• The attunement can be used on an entire group of people and it will only run on those in the
group for whom it is appropriate.

• You can ask for God’s energy to stay active for any amount of time you desire or to continue
to work as long as is needed to complete the request. However it does seem to work better if
you restate the request, activate the attunement, on a regular basis. The energy will stop
anytime it is asked to.

• Any time the God attunement is activated it will also help bring about emotional/spiritual
evolution, the learning of life and karmic lessons, bringing you or anyone you use the energy
with to continually higher level of emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual development on
the path to enlightenment.

• The energy can usually be felt be placing your hands, palms facing each other, about 6 to 8
inches apart, activating the energy and asking/intending to be able to feel it.

• The attunement increases your ability to communicate with God and to receive Gods
wisdom and insight.
You are granted the following abilities
• You can clear/purify an area of all lower energies, entities and thought/emotional forms and
fill/bless the area with healing, loving, enlightening energy. This is done by intension or by
saying, ”God attunement, sacred space for __name the space__ “

• You can attune objects or any liquid to Gods energy so that they radiate the energy
permanently or as long as it is good/needed. You can determine the direction the energy
comes out of the object. The attunement of objects will be done hands on or by intention.
The strength of the energy of the object will be self-adjusting according to what is needed
according to Gods wisdom and insight.

• You can make elixirs from common water of any strength (ex; a glass full or 3 drops will be
the correct dose). The elixirs will be made hands on or by intention. The type and strength of
the energy of the elixir will be self-adjusting according to what is needed according Gods
wisdom and insight.

• You can make a sacred “radionic devices” from any material to send Gods energy to anyone,
any place and to any time. The “radionic device” will be created by intension and will
perform according to your intension but it will also be guided by Gods wisdom. It will self
adjust as the needs of the person or place you are sending the energy to change. All you need
to do is intend for an object, a piece of paper or card board will do, to become a sacred
radionics device then take a second piece of paper and write the persons name and what you
want for them that piece of paper and place it on the device.

• You can create a shield of any size or shape you want to protect yourself or others from any
type of energy and place the shield anywhere you want.
Asking for what you want
Ask for what you want very specifically.
Chose your words with care. This helps you
get clear on what you want and tends to
increase self responsibility, awareness, clari-
ty of intension and outcomes and in the long
run it increase wisdom as well.

A few examples for asking for specifics

God, please…

• Balance my chakras
• Balance my meridians
• Balance my subtle bodies
• Clear my chakras
• Clear my meridians
• Clear my subtle bodies
• Clear me of any entities, thought forms and any lower energies that interfere with my
spiritual growth
• Repair, rejuvenate and unblock all my energy systems
• Bring my chakras to the next highest level of functioning to help me grow into a higher level
of love
• Help me to forgive
• Help me overcome (or develop) __any emotional/mental/spiritual state__ .
• Help me be less egocentric and more able to see the truth
• Help heal my ___whatever needs healing___.
• Help me be a better, cleared more affective channel for you.
• Help me feel your presence, love and forgiveness in the most concrete way possible

In general the more work that needs doing to achieve what you want the longer it will take and less
you will see dramatic results. But this is not always the case. There are times when great strides are
made in almost no time at all. It can also be helpful to take a large complicated issue, such as
enlightenment, and break it down into small chunks that can be worked on one at a time. Although
short precise request increase clarity, long conversational requests have their place as well. They
help to form a deeper relationship with God. Remember that God has total understanding of you.
Long explanations are not needed. They may be of more benefit to you than to God.

You can simple ask God to do whatever is for your highest good. This is good way to use the
attunement. One of the strengths of this approach is that you may not know, as well as God does,
just what you need. It is good to let go of control and turn your life over to a higher source. However
too much of this leads to a giving up of ones self determination, strength and power. Balance is

God knows everything about you (every though, feeling, dream and action). God understands you,
loves you and forgives you unconditionally.

God is all, God is one.

God, in the state of un-manifest oneness, could not experience the manifest world of duality (good
and bad, love and hate, rich and poor, etc.) It decided to manifest and experience duality and all that
could be experienced in those realms. God manifested as every part of the whole. That means that
every atom, molecule, plant, animal and you and me are God experiencing everything that can be
experienced. This means that the answer to the big question, why? is, “because”. We experience
what we do because God wanted to experience everything.

Since you are God, asking God for anything is really asking yourself.

*The word heal is not meant in the medical sense of the word. It is meant in the spiritual sense, “to
make whole”. No medical claims are made or suggested. The instructions on these papers should
not replace medical or psychiatric attention when needed. Nothing written here is meant to
diagnose, treat, cure or heal any physical, emotional, mental or spiritual condition. This paper is
only meant as an exercise in spiritual attunement.

God Attunement
God I ask (receiver) to be attuned to
the aspect of you that helps to heal and
enlighten. Please make whatever adjust-
ments need to be made on all levels
(physical, emotional, mental, energetic
[all energy systems- chakras, meridians,
subtle bodies, and centres, auric fields,
etc.] karmic and spiritual etc.) and make
all needed changes so that that your
healing, enlightening energy(s) comes
through (receiver) or simply manifests
where (receiver) intend it/them to be to
help heal and enlighten others and (her-,
him- or myself). And see that it is good.
(Good meaning that all changes take
place at a speed and in a way that is
accepted by the person and cause no
secondary problems.)

God, may the attunement achieve the following: Please, when I activate this attunement would
you send through me, or have manifest where it needs to be the energy(s) that are needed to most
affectively and completely heal and enlighten the people (receiver) is working with, hir/him/myself
or any place (receiver) is working with. Please send the energy of any; crystal, flower, herb,
homeopathic remedy, element, plant, mantra, sound, mineral, or any other energy needed to most
affectively and completely heal and enlighten.

Please send any being, (angel [angel of karma], master, deva, guide etc.) needed to most affectively
and completely heal and enlighten. If they cannot be sent please allow their energy to come through
me to heal and enlighten as rapidly and totally as is possible and good

When I activate this “God Attunement” would you please send through me any energy/being I have
already been attuned to. Also please attune (receiver) to any energy/healing/spiritual system
needed. Would you make whatever changes are needed on any level (physical, emotional, mental,
energetic, karmic and spiritual) and through time and space to heal and enlighten the people
(receiver) is working with, her/him/myself or the places (receiver) is working with as completely,
rapidly (instantly if possible). And see that it is good.
Please allow me to request of you that you work
towards anything needed or desired simply by my
asking/intending. Please heal any physical, emotional,
mental, energetic, karmic or spiritual condition. Please
work with my intension or if asked please do whatever
is for the highest good.

Let your energy come out of (receiver’s) hands when

working with others and or simply manifest where I
intend it to be or have it manifest where it needs to be
regardless of my intension if that would be better. Let
me be able to use it on an individual or on an entire
group of people having it only run on those in the group
for whom it is appropriate.

Please give (receiver) the ability to activate your energy

for any amount of time desired or let (receiver) ask that
you continue to work on the condition as long as is
needed to complete the request, to heal/enlighten the
person, relying on your intelligence to turn it off
automatically when appropriate. If for any reason the
person asks for the healing/enlightening to stop please
stop it.

As you do the healing please also help bring about emotional - spiritual unfoldment/emotional -
spiritual evolution, the learning of life and karmic lessons, bringing others and myself continually
higher level of emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual development on the path to
enlightenment. May this include but not be limited to, developing higher and higher levels of love,
joy, forgiveness, compassion, freedom, acceptance, peace of mind, self-personality/higher self/god
fusion, ego transparency and ultimately enlightenment.

Please give (receiver) the ability to be able to send your healing any distance and through time.

Please make this energy very easy for (receiver) to feel and for others to feel when that is

May (receiver) be able to modify or nullify this attunement and all of its affects, energies and all
thought forms and beings associated with it purely by intension.

Higher self please see that this entire process is good and safe.

Thank You.

God Wisdom & Insight Attunement

God, please grant (receiver) the following attunement; Please allow (receiver) to understand
this work, to have insight into it. Please give (receiver) the wisdom to use your healing and
enlightening, energies in a way that is good. God help me to understand healing. Thank You.
Communication Attunement
God, please grant (receiver) the following attunement; God, Higher self, Angels, and any higher
beings that have (receiver’s) best interest in mind and help with communication, please grant
(receiver) the ability to communicate on all levels with God for the purpose of helping to heal and
enlighten her/him/myself and others. Help (receiver) receive Gods messages and information and
to clearly know that it is God who (receiver) is communicating with. Thank You.

Higher Level Attunement

God, please grant (receiver) the following attune-
ment; Please create an evolutionary aspect to this
work so that we are brought into greater and greater
states of union with you to bring about even faster,
deeper and more total healing and enlighten-
ment/union. Would you please prepare others and
her/him/myself for higher frequencies, greater quanti-
ties, deeper aspects and more profound dimensions of
your energy. After we are prepared please attune us to
any energies needed. These energies may include any
already existing energies, healing- or spiritual systems,
any being,(angel [angel of karma], master, deva, guide
etc.)or any “new” energies or “your own” energies. Due
this at any time you see fit during the day or during
sleep. Please see that this is done as rapidly as is good
and safe. Thank You.

Sacred Space Attunement

God, please grant (receiver) the following attunement; Please allow me to be able to use your
energy to clear/purify an area of all lower energies, entities and thought/emotional forms and
fill/bless the area with your healing, loving, enlightening energy. Thank You.

Sacred Objects & Elixirs Attunement

God, please grant (receiver) the following attunement; Please grant (receiver) the ability to
attune objects and water (and any other liquid) to your energy so that they radiate your energy
permanently or as long as it is good/needed. Let (receiver) be able to determine the direction the
energy comes out of the object if (receiver) desires. Please give me the ability to make elixirs of any
strength I determine (ex; a glass full or 3 drops will be the correct dose). The attunement of objects
will be done hands on or by intention. Let the type and strength of the energy of the object/elixir be
self-adjusting according to what is needed by your wisdom and insight. Thank You.

Sacred “Radionics” Attunement

This attunement is for the ability to create an object, similar to the sacred object and elixir
attunement, that will send your energy to anyone, any place and to any time.
God, please grant (receiver) the following attunement; Please allow (receiver) to create
“radionic devices” from any material to send your healing enlightening energy to anyone, any place
and to any time. The “radionic device” will be created by intension and will perform according to
(receiver’s) intension and your wisdom. Let the type and strength of the energy coming from the
“radionic device” be self-adjusting according to what is needed by your wisdom and insight. Thank
God Shield Attunement
God, please grant (receiver) the following attunement; Please allow
(receiver) to create a shield using your healing enlightening energy of any
size or shape (The shield may be flat rounded or in the form of a bubble etc.)
to protect any person place or thing from any type of harmful energy or
entities (including all manmade energies such as electromagnetic fields and
radiation) and place the shield anywhere (receiver) want for any length of
time. This shield will stay stationary or travel with the person or thing as
desired. Thank You.

God Attunement Symbol Attunement

God, please grant (receiver) the following attunement; Please grant (receiver) the ability to use
the God Attunement Symbol to achieve any of the above.

The symbol is a follows, A circle with a dot in the middle.

Use of the symbol is optional.

There is only one symbol for all of the above. The symbol has no name. I simply call it the God
Attunement Symbol. This is not the name of the symbol it just a way to identify it.

You can draw the symbol in your mind or with your fingers. It can be drawn any size. Draw the
symbol and make any request you like. Typically is it is used on body parts for Healing, over food,
water or places for blessing.

Attuning Others
Please allow me to perform all of these
attunements on others purely by intension.

Love and Light,
Richard Eisenberg

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