This document provides a list of English grammar terms including parts of speech, verb tenses, and other grammatical structures. It defines common verbs like "be", "have", "do", and their past and past participle forms. It also includes prepositions of location like "on", "in", "at", and adjectives like "small", "interesting". Overall, the document serves as a reference for basic English grammar terms and their meanings.
This document provides a list of English grammar terms including parts of speech, verb tenses, and other grammatical structures. It defines common verbs like "be", "have", "do", and their past and past participle forms. It also includes prepositions of location like "on", "in", "at", and adjectives like "small", "interesting". Overall, the document serves as a reference for basic English grammar terms and their meanings.
This document provides a list of English grammar terms including parts of speech, verb tenses, and other grammatical structures. It defines common verbs like "be", "have", "do", and their past and past participle forms. It also includes prepositions of location like "on", "in", "at", and adjectives like "small", "interesting". Overall, the document serves as a reference for basic English grammar terms and their meanings.
This document provides a list of English grammar terms including parts of speech, verb tenses, and other grammatical structures. It defines common verbs like "be", "have", "do", and their past and past participle forms. It also includes prepositions of location like "on", "in", "at", and adjectives like "small", "interesting". Overall, the document serves as a reference for basic English grammar terms and their meanings.
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Infinitive Past simple Past participle Arti\
be (am/is/are) was/were been beat beat beaten Memukul become became become Menjadi/sesuai/cocok begin began begun Memulai/terbentuk bite bit bitten Megigit/memotong dg alat blow blew blown Bertiup/berembus break broke broken Memecahkan/mematahkan bring brougth brought Membawa build built built Membangun/mendirikan buy bought bought Membeli/menukar/menyuap catch caught caught Menangkap choose chose chosen Memilih/membuat pilihan come came come Datang/tiba/mendekat cost cost cost Harga/biaya cut cut cut Pemotongan/penyensoran read read Read Membaca eat ate aten Makan !ry cried !ried Menangis play played Played Bermain look looked "ooked Melihat watch watched #atched Menjaga/menonton/arloji dri$e dro$e Dri$en Mengendarai/melksn dg penuh semangat teach tought %ought Mengajar/melatih work worked #orked &erja/pekerjaan ha$e had Had Mempunyai/harus/silakan write wrote #ritten Menulis make made Made Membuat see saw seen Melihat Withdrawal : pengambilan, penarikan kembali Overall : keseluruhan Assessment : penaksiran, evaluasi, pemeriksaan Effort : usaha, daya, upaya Refers : memberi petunuk, menyerahkan, berhubungan dengan !ummary : ringkasan, rangkuman Able : mampu, dapat, pandai, terampil Measuring : berkenaan dengan takaran "efened : mendefinisikan, menelaskan "esire : menginginkan, merasa, memiliki Remain : tersisa, berada, tinggal Atta#hment : pengikat $nvolvement : keterlibatan "ue : pantas, yang harus dibayar Member : keanggotaan Awareness : kesadaran Obligation : kewaiban hutang %ase : #ontoh, keadaan, situasi !tay : menginap, bermalam Ought : seharusnya, mungkin &arti#ular : khusus, tertentu, keterangan &ersonality : kepribadian 'alues : nilai Ability : kemampuan, kepandaian, ke#erdasan (ough : keras, kenyal, kuat, ulet, kasar )owever : meskipun, bagaimanapun %ongruent : serasi, #o#ok Earlier : sebelumnya *ound : berdasarkan "issatisfa#tion : ketidakpuasan !alary : gai *re+uently : seringkali Mentioned : yang tsb di atas E,pressing : ungkapan -usy : sibuk (ardiness : lamban, keterlambatan Missing meeting : pertemuan yg lepas Absenteeism : kebiasaan bolos .uitting : meninggalkan, berhenti "ay dreaming : #ita/#ita, mengharapkan Moonlighting : kera lembur pd waktu malam (rust : per#aya, keper#ayaan &ride : kebanggaan %uretor : kepala musium Yang menunjukan tempat On the left 01 right : sebelah kiri 01 kanan 2ear 01 far : dekat 01 auh Opposite 3 a#ross : diseberang -etween : diantara On the #orner : di sudut $n the middle of : di tengah/tengah 4dua benda5 Among : diantara banyak hal 6nder : di bawah 3 menurut $n : di dalam -elow : di bawah On : di atas 4nempel5 Above : di atas 4tidak nempel5 $n front of : di depan -ehind : di belakang 2e,t to : di sebelah -esaides : di samping At : di 3 pada Kata sifat (adjective) !mall : ke#il $ntereting : menarik .uiet : tenang 2i#e : bagus *amous : terkenal -eautiful : #antik Always : selalu 6sually : biasanya !ometimes : kadang/kadang Often : sering After : sesudah After that : setelah itu 2ever : tidak pernah *irsh : pertama (hen : kemudian -efore : sebelum Kata kerja (Verb) Get up : bangun (ake a bath : mandi "o morning prayer : shalat shubuh Get dressed : berpakaian )ave brekfast : sarapan Go to the offi#e : pergi ke kantor 7un#h : makan siang $ get home : pulang (ake a rest : istirahat Wat#h (' : nonton (' Go to sleep : tidur 7ate : terlambat -argain : harga yang murah 3 persyaratan 3 persetuuan8 "id you go somewhere yesterday 9 ke mana kamu pergi kemarin 9 2o $ didn:t8 What are you doing 9 apa yang sedang kerjakan ? What do you do 9 apa pekerjaan mu ? Where are you from 9 $ from $ndonesia $ may be late 4saya mungkin terlambat) $ wish you a good evening ; 4Saya mengucapkan selamat petang5 )ow mu#h 4is it 3 is this 3 is that 3 are they 3 are these 3 are those5 9 )ow mu#h money do you have 9 )ow many #hildren do you have 9 )ow mu#h does it #ost 9 )ow old are you 9 berapa umurmu ? Who studies English 9 siapa belaar 888888888888888 Whom do you study English with 9 dengan siapa kamu 888888888888 May $ bargain 9 boleh saya tawar 9 Grammar !imple &resent (ense 4sekarang3 umum3kebiasaan5 !imple &resent %ontinous (ense 4sedang brlngsung5 &resent &erfe#t (ense 4lampau5 *uture 4akan datang5 <8 )e eats ri#e =8 !he lives in flat >8 !he doesn:t live in flat8 ?8 "oes she live in flat 9 <8 )e is eating ri#e =8 !he is living in a flat now8 >8 !he is not living in flat now8 ?8 $s she living in a flat now 9 <8 )e has eaten ri#e =8 !he has lived in a flat8 >8 !he hasn:t lived in a flat8 ?8 )as she lived in a flat 9 <8 )e will eat ri#e =8 !he will live in a flat8 >8 !he will not 4won:t5 live in flat8 ?8 Will she live in flat 9 @ata kera yang tidak boleh memakai ing <8 2eed : butuh =8 6nderstand : mengerti >8 )ave3has : mempunyai ?8 -elieve : per#aya A8 )ate : memben#i3tdk suka3tdk senang B8 )ear : mendengar C8 7ove : #inta D8 Appear : mun#ul3terbit E8 Want : ingin <F8 !ee : melihat <<8!mell : men#ium bau3men#ium <=8 Own : milik sendiri <>8 Wish : ingin 3 mengharapkan My Family My name:s !uhiman8 $:m born at a small town @uningan West Gawa $ fifty five years old $:m marrid, my wife name is Edah !yubaedah $ lives with my wife and $ have many #hildren8 (hey are two son and two daughter8 My adress is F< Rawa !emut Raya , Margahayu @ota -ekasi8 My handphon number is FD<=D=C<?AB, and my home phon number F=</ DD<C<AB8 $:m work as supervisor edu#ation at elementry s#hool to 6&(" &aud 3!" @e#amatan %ikarang -arat, @abupaten -ekasi8 My histori#ally worked is a tea#her in <ECD until <EEF, and headmaster at elementery s#hool in <EEF until =FF=, then a supervisor edu#ation elementry s#hool in =FF= until now8 My hobby is traveling8 6sually $ 6ser H pemakai3pengguna 6se3using H menggunakan3memakai3memperalat (o parti#ipate in3 to get involved in H ikut serta E,perts H ahli3mahir -etter3good H lebih baik E,hibit H memperagakan E,pe#ten#y3e,pe#t H harapan3pengharapan $mpe#t H tabrakan3dampak yg kuat menimbulkan perubahan &ropensity H ke#enderungan Risk H risiko &robable H mungkin akan teradi !uggest H menyarankan3mengusulkan $n#rease H penambahan3peningkatan Gotten3get H mengambil3mendapat3memperoleh Any time H kapan saa Any ting H apa saa 3 anyone Any how3however H bagaimanapun3meskipun (ake #are H berhati/hati (ake #are of H menaga3mengurus (ake down H pelepasan3menurunkan (ake off H lepas landas3berangkat3lepaskan Wherever you go H kemana saa kamu pergi &artial H sebagian 2ever mind 3 it doesn:t matter 3 it:s all right H tidak apa/apa Iou made me sad H kau membuat ku sedih maybe H barangkali3boleh adi maybe you are right H barangkali kamu benar way H alan3peralanan3arah why H mengapa why did you do it 9 H mengapa kamu melakukan hal itu9 7et me go along with you H biarkan saya pergi bersamamu8 (end H #enderung !trengthen H memperkuat Rather H agaknya3lebih tepatnya3lebih suka 'iewing H pendapat Engage H mempekerakan 3 menarik Order H keadaan Re#ipro#ate H saling memberi $mproving H mau3memperbaiki (hemselves H mereka sendiri 3 diri mereka sendiri Effe#ts H dampak 3 pengaruh Responsible H bertanggung awab3dapat diper#aya %ontinge#ies H kemungkinan !our#e H bersumber More 3 many3mu#h H lebih banyak 7ikely H yang sesuai8 Along with H beserta3bersama (urnover H pergantian Ass8 Wr8 Wb8 May God Allah !W(8 to give found safe and sound for you to #ome ba#k from Me##a8 And you will be )a Mabrur8 Amiin8 *rom !6)$MA2 and My Wife8