This document provides a confidential general update on the Development Bank of Mongolia in July 2014. It begins with legal disclaimers about the information presented. The document then provides an overview of Mongolia's economy, highlighting its rapid growth, natural resource potential, and attractive environment for foreign direct investment. It also summarizes Mongolia's banking sector and key details about the Development Bank of Mongolia, including its financial highlights and major projects.
This document provides a confidential general update on the Development Bank of Mongolia in July 2014. It begins with legal disclaimers about the information presented. The document then provides an overview of Mongolia's economy, highlighting its rapid growth, natural resource potential, and attractive environment for foreign direct investment. It also summarizes Mongolia's banking sector and key details about the Development Bank of Mongolia, including its financial highlights and major projects.
This document provides a confidential general update on the Development Bank of Mongolia in July 2014. It begins with legal disclaimers about the information presented. The document then provides an overview of Mongolia's economy, highlighting its rapid growth, natural resource potential, and attractive environment for foreign direct investment. It also summarizes Mongolia's banking sector and key details about the Development Bank of Mongolia, including its financial highlights and major projects.
This document provides a confidential general update on the Development Bank of Mongolia in July 2014. It begins with legal disclaimers about the information presented. The document then provides an overview of Mongolia's economy, highlighting its rapid growth, natural resource potential, and attractive environment for foreign direct investment. It also summarizes Mongolia's banking sector and key details about the Development Bank of Mongolia, including its financial highlights and major projects.
General Update July 2014 DISCLAIMER DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 2 THIS PRESENTATION IS NOT AN OFFER OR SOLICITATION OF AN OFFER TO BUY OR SELL NOTES. IT IS SOLELY FOR USE AT A ROADSHOW PRESENTATION AND IS PROVIDED AS INFORMATION ONLY. THIS PRESENTATION DOES NOT CONTAIN ALL OF THE INFORMATION THAT IS MATERIAL TO AN INVESTOR. BY ATTENDING THE PRESENTATION OR BY READING THE PRESENTATION SLIDES YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND AS FOLLOWS: Information contained in our presentation is subject to change without notice and it may not contain all material information concerning the issuer. By attending this presentation, you are agreeing to be bound by the restrictions set out below. Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of applicable securities laws. The information and opinions contained in these materials are provided as at the date of this presentation and are subject to change without notice. In addition, the information contains projections and forward-looking statements that reflect the issuer's current views with respect to future events and financial performance. These views are based on a number of estimates and current assumptions which are subject to business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies as well as various risks and these may change over time and in many cases are outside the control of the issuer and its directors. No assurance can be given that future events will occur, that projections will be achieved, or that the issuer's assumptions are correct. Actual results may differ materially from those forecasted and projected. This document may not be reproduced, disseminated or quoted without the prior written consent of the issuer. Relaying copies of this presentation to other persons in your company or elsewhere is prohibited. DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 3 Table of Content Mongolia Overview Macroeconomic Update . 5 Natural Resource Data .. 9 Banking Sector in Brief ..13 DBM Overview Key Milestone ..15 DBM Structure ..16 Financial Highlights . 17 Key Projects ..20 Correspondent Banking.. 21 Transactions .. 22 DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 4 1 MONGOLIA OVERVIEW Mongolia Overview DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 5 One of the fastest growing economies globally Large mineral resource base that can be leveraged for industrialization Attractive environment for FDI and trade Proven fiscal track record augmented by forward looking initiatives Strengthening financial sector Close Proximity to the Largest Global Resource Markets Mongolias Key Advantages Source: World Bank, National Statistical Office of Mongolia Large land per capita, abundant natural resources, well positioned for rapid economic expansion RUSSIA US$2,015 143 CHINA US$8,227 1,351 S.KOREA US$1,130 50 JAPAN US$5,961 128 MONGOLIA US$10 3 Nominal GDP 2012 in USD billions Population 2012 in millions LEADING LAND/ CAPITA Territory: 1.6 million sq km Population: 2.9 million Relatively YOUNG POPULATION with a HIGH LITERACY rate among emerging economies ABUNDANCE OF UNEXPLOITED NATURAL RESOURCES Located close to some of the LARGEST global commodity MARKETS FLOURISHING DEMOCRACY IN THE REGION Tested with 7 CONSECUTIVE SUCCESSFUL democratic ELECTIONS 3 1 2 USD mm 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014Q1 Real GDP Growth -1.3% 6.4% 17.5% 12.4% 11.7% 7.4% Nominal GDP 4,552 6,729 7,998 10,478 11,079 2,106 Real GDP 2,723 3,327 3,516 3,972 3,718 646 GDP Per Capita 1,715 2,285 3,181 3,673 3,820 3820* Inflation 4.2% 13.0% 8.9% 14.0% 12.5% 12.4% Trade Balance (252) (378) (1,781) (2,354) (2,082) (9) Export 1,885 2,899 4,817 4,384 4,272 987 Import 2,137 3,277 6,598 6,738 6,354 996 Macroeconomic Snapshot *As of 2013YE 2,723 3,327 3,516 3,972 3,718 646 4,552 6,728 7,998 10,478 11,079 2,106 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014Q1 11.7% 7.7% 5.7% 5.1% 6.5% 5.4% 1.3% M o n g o l i a C h i n a I n d o n e s i a M a l a y s i a P h i l l i p i n e s V i e t n a m R u s s i a One of the Fastest Growing Economies Globally DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 6 GDP Growth Comparison Emerging Sovereigns Source: National Statistical Office of Mongolia, National Bureau of Statistics of China, Badan Pusat Statistik of Indonesia, Department of Statistics of Malaysia, National Statistics Office of Philippines, General Statistics Office of Vietnam, Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, Moodys Country Reports, The Ministry of Economic Development of Mongolia Note: Exchange rate (MNT/USD) uses corresponding year end rate, 1,267.5 (2008), 1,442.8 (2009), 1,257.2 (2010), 1,396.4 (2011), 1,392.1 (2012), 1,659.3 (2013), 2013 Preliminary estimation Real and Nominal GDP (USD mm) Inflation Comparison Emerging Sovereigns 12.3% 2.6% 8.1% 2.1% 4.1% 6.0% 6.5% M o n g o l i a C h i n a I n d o n e s i a M a l a y s i a P h i l l i p i n e s V i e t n a m R u s s i a 27.7% 6.4% 31.8% 17.5% 26.4% 12.4% 25.2% 11.7% 0.5% (1.3%) YoY growth of Real GDP YoY growth of Nominal GDP YoY growth of Real GDP at 2013 YoY Inflation as of Dec 2013 Mongolia continues to perform well compared to its emerging market peers, demonstrating robust growth momentum while maintaining moderate levels of inflation 18.3% 7.4% Attractive Environment for FDI DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 7 Growing FDI into Mongolia (USD mm) Breakdown of FDI by Industry Source: Foreign Investments and Foreign Trade Agency of Mongolia, Moodys Country Report 2012 CAGR is calculated by using nominal GDP and total revenue in MNT during the period respectively 67.5% 68.4% 80.4% 66.3% 84.7% 69.3% 89.9% 26.1% 30.5% 17.9% 21.0% 7.1% 28.3% 9.9% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1H2013 Geology exploration Others Banking and financial services Information and communication technology Construction 623 1691 4714 4451 2140 294 -26% 171% 179% -6% -52% -65% -100% -50% 0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Q1 FDI Growth (RHS) In October 2013, the Parliament had made amendments to the controversial Strategic Entities Foreign Law (SEFIL). Private investors will no longer have to seek government approval The new law sets stable tax periods depending upon the characteristics of the investment from 5 to 22.5 years. DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 8 Source: National Statistical Office of Mongolia, the Minister of Economic Development of Mongolia; Note: CAGR is calculated by using nominal GDP and total revenue in MNT during the period respectively Strategically Advantageous Location for External Trade 1,885 2,899 4,817 4,384 4,272 987 2,137 3,277 6,598 6,738 6,354 996 (252) (378) (1,781) (2,354) (2,082) (9) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Q1 Export Import Trade Balance Strategic geographic location to be leveraged for transit trade Mongolia has a strategic location between the 2 nd and the 6 th largest economies of the world; Mongolia has good political and economic relations with the two neighbors; The strategic location can be used to the advantage of North-East Asian countries. Russia 24% China 29% Others 47% Import China 87% Russia 1% Others 12% Export Mongolia Russia China Active trade with immediate regions Legal environment for trade World Trade Organization member since 1997 Bilateral trade agreements with 23 countries Bilateral investment agreements with 44 countries External Trade (USD mm) Natural Resource Base That Can be Leveraged for Industrialization DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 9 1,885 2,899 4,817 4,384 4,272 63.8% 81.0% 89.2% 91.0% 81.8% 26.9% 39.0% 54.9% 42.6% 33.0% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Export Mineral Export % of Total Export Mineral Export % of Nominal GDP 37% 19% 14% 9% 6% 2% 13% Copper Coal Crude Oil Iron Ore Gold Zinc Others A High-Growth Mineral Sector driving the Exports (USD mm) Minerals Main Composition of Total Exports (2013) Source: National Statictical Office of Mongolia, Erdenes MGL Mongolias World Class Mineral Resources Main Mineral Resources Approved Resources (2012) Copper (thousand tons) 83,807 Coal (million tons) 18,473 Gold (tons) 2,402 Zinc (thousand tons) 1,740 Iron ore (million tons) 1,047 Uranium (thousand tons) 47.9 Rare Earth (thousand tons) 3,768 Conventional crude oil (million barrel) 2,438 Total coal exports are estimated to exceed 30 million tons at the end of 2015 once railway infrastructure is in place and is expected to further increase to 50 million tons by 2017 Operations at the Oyu Tolgoi deposit have commenced in 2013 and exports of its products began in July of 2013. These exports are expected to play a crucial role in total exports of Mongolia. USD 4,273 Million Natural Resource Base That Can be Leveraged for Industrialization (contd) DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 10 ULAANBAATAR Erdenet Tumurtoi Shivee Ovoo Tavan Tolgoi Oyu Tolgoi Nariin Sukhait Baganuur Gurvanbulag Tsagaan Suvarga Dornot Mardai Asgat Tumurtein Ovoo Boroo Burenkhaan Silver 6.4 mln tons Uranium 16 thousand tons Copper, molybdenum ore 12 mln tons Iron ore 229.3 mln tons Gold ore 25 tons Rare-earth elements 47.2 thousand tons Rare-earth elements 339 thousand tons Lignite coal 600 mln tons Phosphorite 300 mln tons Coal 7.4 bn tons Copper, molybdenum ore 10.6 mln tons of oxides; 240.1 mln tons sulphides Zinc 7.7 mln tons Uranium 29 thousand tons Uranium 2.9 thousand tons Mongolia has vast and diverse under developed mineral deposits, providing the economy with significant long-term upside potential Mushgia Khudag Metallurgical coal 125.5 mln tons Lugiin Gol Rare-earth elements 13.5 thousand tons Lignite coal 646.2 mln tons Khalzan Burgedei Khotgor Copper 37 mln tons Gold 1,300 tons Rare-earth elements 3,429.5 thousand tons DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 11 Exports of gold-copper-silver concentrate from Oyu Tolgoi have officially commenced on 9 July 2013 with planned volumes of 300,000 tons within this year; The deposit is ranked as the third largest in the world by its reserves, content of copper, gold and silver contained in concentrates; Additional investments are planned for the significantly higher value underground part of the deposit; The Government of Mongolia owns 34% of the project. Australasian Joint Ore Reserves Committee reserve estimate of 7.4 billion tons of coking and thermal coal resources; Expected to produce 30 millions tons per year at full capacity, counting for majority of the 50 million tons of targeted exports by 2017; Infrastructure: 1) Paved road constructed and operational; 2) Railway construction underway with 12% completion rate and expected to be full completed within 2015; 3) A 450MWt power plant project commenced at the site. One of the three largest deposits of metallurgical coal in the world; premium quality, highly desired coking and thermal coal. Oyu Tolgoi Overview Tavan Tolgoi Overview Source: Tavan Tolgoi website, Turquoise Hill website
Natural Resource Base That Can be Leveraged for Industrialization (contd) DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 12 Railroad Adding to Trans Mongolia Railway, a New railway, connecting commodities to the Chinese and Japanese market. Auto road Connecting the northern border point to the south, 990 km of highway project is under development. Gas pipeline Conceptual level. Connect through the Pacific to Japan Oil pipeline Conceptual level. Connect through the Pacific to Japan Electricity transmission line Conceptual level. Connect through the Pacific to Japan Expanding our railway network and connecting Mongolia to its immediate neighborhood via 5 transit corridors will significantly contribute to the development of international transit traffic, trade and transportation in North-East Asia. Source: Ministry of Roads and Transportation of Mongolia Natural Resource Base That Can be Leveraged for Industrialization (contd) DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 13 Source: Banks website & Mongol Bank Banking Sector Highlights 13 commercial banks, 1 development institution, and 5 foreign bank representative offices Total assets of the banking sector as of Dec 31, 2013 was MNT 20.1 trillion. Largest 5 banks (exc. DBM) make up 88% of the total assets in the banking sector Fast Growing Banking Sector DBM 14% TDB 23% Khan 21% Golomt 16% Xac 8% State 8% Others 10% Asset Market Share DBM 17% TDB 20% Khan 19% Golom t 17% Xac 8% State 7% Others 12% Loan Market Share Due to the regulatory requirement the largest commercial bank can lend up to around USD50 million to a single borrower. Although the banking sector witnessed a strong domestic credit growth, strategically important large projects still need long term funding at reasonable cost. 4,421 6,245 9,371 11,992 20,883 1% 21% 67% 29% 54% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% - 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Banking Sector Loan (MNT bln) Growth (RHS) DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 14 3 DBM OVERVIEW Key Milestones DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 15 May 12, 2011 The Bank was established by the Government. August 30, 2011 Partnership agreement was signed with Korea Development Bank. March 21, 2012 Successfully issued USD580 million bond in international market. August 06, 2012 Financed 1280km paved road system. May 07, 2013 Provided USD83.9 million financing for MIAT. October 05, 2012 Provided USD100 million financing for ETT. November 18, 2013 Organized Inside Mongolia campaign to promote Mongolia. December 31, 2012 Best Debut Bond award from Bloomberg TV Mongolia. December 25, 2013 Successfully issued JPY30 billion samurai bond guaranteed by JBIC. DBM will play a pivotal role in the development and continuous progress of Mongolias economy DBM is the Only Policy Oriented Bank DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 16 Shareholder Establishment Mission 100% owned by the Government of Mongolia The Law on Development Bank of Mongolia was ratified by the Parliament on 1 February, 2011. Accordingly, the Bank was established on 25 March, 2011 by the Government of Mongolia To foster the economic and infrastructure development of Mongolia by providing long-term financing for policy-oriented projects consistent with the Governments macroeconomic development strategy Government of Mongolia remains the sole shareholder in DBM and has continued to support the entity through: Governments strong capitalization commitments into the Bank o 2011: MNT 33.0 bn (total MNT 49.7 bn) o 2012: MNT 23.6 bn (total MNT 73.3 bn) o 2013: MNT 50.0 bn (total MNT 123.3 bn) o 2014Q1: MNT 40.0 bn (total MNT 163.3 bn) Strong Support from the Government of Mongolia Ownership & Org. Structure Sovereign Credit Ratings B1/negative B+/stable B+/negative Ministry of Finance Government of Mongolia Ministry of Economic Development DBM 100% ownership Direct supervision Direct supervision D e p u t y C E O ,
C r e d i t
D e p t .
Board CEO D e p u t y
C E O ,
I n v e s t m e n t
D e p t . D e p u t y
C E O ,
A s s e t
L i a b i l i t y
D e p t .
D e p u t y
C E O ,
R i s k
D e p t .
D e p u t y
C E O ,
A d m i n
M o n i t o r i n g
D e p t . 16 DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 17 ETT 34% Road 33% Power Plant 12% Construction Material Manufacturing 10% Mortgage 4% Other 7% DBM Funding Road 36% Agriculture & Light Industry 24% Railway 23% Infastructure 8% Construction 6% Other 3% Chinggis Bond Financial Highlights Business Mix Financed Projects Break Down Medium Term Note 33% Borriwings 67% As of 2013YE, the funding sources are divide into medium term note issued by DBM and the borrowings from the Government of Mongolia (Chinggis Bond). DBM allocates these funds to support strategically important sectors and entities. From Budget 63% From Project 37% 63% of the loan will be repaid from the State Budget while remaining 37% will be paid from the projects cash flows. Thus, those loans that will be paid from the State budget considered 0 percent risky in DBMs capital adequacy calculation. Financial Highlights DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 18 Highlights As the economy grew at unprecedented level in the past few years the need of development institution became crucial Commercial banks funding are tied to customer deposits that mature within 12 months, and borrowing cost is high for strategically important projects Development Bank of Mongolia enjoys full support from the Government of Mongolia hence cheaper cost of funding with longer maturities Close working relationship with the Government agencies Financial Highlights MNT bln 2011 2012 2013 2014 Q1 Asset 77 888 3,231 4394 Loan - 494 2,180 2563 Capital 49 67 144 163 Net Income -0.6 -5.7 26.8 19.2 CAR 8.9% 18.3% 12.8% 9.5% ROA -0.8% -0.6% 0.8% 0.5% ROE -1.2% -8.5% 18.7% 11.8% Asset Composition 12% 20% 67% 1% Cash & cash equivalents Deposits at banks Loans Other assets Liability Composition 4% 32% 64% 0% Deposits from banks Notes Borrowings Other liabilities Financial Highlights DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 19 Asset Total Profit/Loss Liability Total Capital 0.25 0.62 0.97 0.35 1.32 1.43 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.64 1.98 2.47 - 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 2011.12.31 2012.12.31 2013.12.31 2014.03.31 B i l l i o n s
U S D Assets Other assets Loan Cash (cash, deposit, current account) 0.58 0.58 0.92 - 1.20 1.36 - - 0.07 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.59 1.89 2.37 - 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 2011.12.31 2012.12.31 2013.12.31 2014.03.31 B i l l i o n s
U S D Liabilitities Other liabilities Domestic short term fund Fund from Chinggis bond International bond (0.4) (3.5) 21.3 10.8 -0.8% -1.0% 0.5% 0.5% -1.2% -8.0% 15.1% 15.1% -24.00% -14.00% -4.00% 6.00% 16.00% 26.00% 36.00% (5) - 5 10 15 20 25 2011.12.31 2012.12.31 2013.12.31 2014.03.31 M i l l i o n s
U S D Profit/loss before tax ROA ROE 35.6 52.7 74.5 69.2 -3.8 11.5 (0.43) (3.52) 17.00 10.83 35.16 48.69 87.73 91.54 (40) (20) - 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 2011.12.31 2012.12.31 2013.12.31 2014.03.31 M i l l i o n s
U S D Current year profit/loss Previos year profit/loss Capital Key projects Building for the Future DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 20 Sectors Description Mining The Bank has provided USD200m for the major coking coal project, Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi. Another USD14m has been disbursed for a thermal coal producer and supplier to Ulaanbaatar city Auto road The Bank has financed the construction work of 1,800 km highway Construction material USD75.3m was disbursed to a major cement producer for an expansion of capacity from 0.4 million tons per annum (tpa) to 1 million tpa Energy Provided USD105mm facility for Combined Heating & Power Plant # 4 and # 3 of Ulaanbaatar City for expansion of 100MWt and 50MWt respectively. Started an IPP project in Tavan Tolgoi, with a mezzanine facility Railway Initial funding of USD55m was disbursed for funding of design and survey of 1,800 km New Railway project, and construction work of TT-GS 243km rail is expected to commence with an additional USD200m funding Air transportation The Bank has disbursed USD83.9m to MIAT Mongolian Airlines for the purchase of aircraft Engineering utility USD16.5m has been disbursed to engineering utilities projects in Ulaanbaatar city, including clean & sewage water distribution systems Increasing Connectivity with Foreign Governments DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 21 DBM has signed a number of Memorandums of Understandings and Cooperation Agreements with various foreign and international developmental agencies and financial institutions, highlighting the Development Banks additional value-add in promoting Mongolias foreign economic relations These agreements also allow DBM to gain valuable knowledge on international best practices from the international development and policy bank community U.S.A. Export-Import Bank of the U.S. (2012) China China Development Bank (2012) Export-Import Bank of China (2011) Kuwait Kuwait Investment Authority (2011) Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (2011) International NE Asian EXIM Banks Association - Greater Tumen Initiative (2012) - Export-Import Bank of China - Export-Import Bank of Korea - Bank of Development and Foreign Economic Affairs, Russia Japan Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (2012) Japan Bank for International Cooperation (2013) Germany Euler Hermes (2013) Commerzbank (2013) Russia Vnesheconombank (2014) First Ever Sovereign Transaction from Mongolia DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MONGOLIA 22 Development Bank of Mongolia Government of Mongolia Samurai bond Ratings: B1 stable / BB- stable /- B1 stable / BB- stable / B+ stable B1 stable / BB- stable / B+ stable Format: Reg.S 144A / Reg.S Japanese Yen Bonds Series A Pricing Date: 14 March 2012 29 November 2012 16 December 2013 Settlement Date: 21 March 2012 5 December 2012 25 December 2013 Tenor: 5-year 5-year 10-year 10-year Size: USD580 million USD500 million USD1 billion JPY 30 billion Maturity: 21 March 2017 5 January 2018 5 December 2022 25 December 2023 Coupon: 5.750% 4.125% 5.125% 1.52% Price: 100.000% 99.996% 100.000% 100.0% Governing Law: English Law New York Law Japanese Law Listing: Singapore Stock Exchange Singapore Stock Exchange Private Placement Deal highlight and achievements The debut issuance for the DBM The final order book was over US$6.5bn (highest at one time) with 13x oversubscription, more than 300 accounts participated for DBM The transaction saw high levels of investor interest and was launched on the back of strong reverse enquiries The debut issuance for the Mongolian sovereign The Sovereign bonds attracted a heavily over- subscribed combined orderbook of over USD15bn from approximately 500 accounts globally. Bonds coupon was the lowest coupon achieved by any debut EM sovereigns The first issue of Samurai bonds by a Mongolian institution. The first institute with single B rating to get JBIC Guarantee for yen- denominated Samurai bonds. Development Bank of Mongolia Ministry of Economic Development