Many of the villages, settlements and ruins on the overland map also have been mapped. These maps can be downloaded here in the FCW format used by Campaign Cartographer 2 (ersion!. And higher# by $roFantasy %td. In %ondon.
Many of the villages, settlements and ruins on the overland map also have been mapped. These maps can be downloaded here in the FCW format used by Campaign Cartographer 2 (ersion!. And higher# by $roFantasy %td. In %ondon.
Many of the villages, settlements and ruins on the overland map also have been mapped. These maps can be downloaded here in the FCW format used by Campaign Cartographer 2 (ersion!. And higher# by $roFantasy %td. In %ondon.
Many of the villages, settlements and ruins on the overland map also have been mapped. These maps can be downloaded here in the FCW format used by Campaign Cartographer 2 (ersion!. And higher# by $roFantasy %td. In %ondon.
This short summary may help you get a good idea of what kind of places the villages, settlements and ruins on the overland map are. Many of these locations also have been mapped, and these maps can be downloaded here in the FCW format used by Campaign Cartographer 2 (ersion !." and higher# by $roFantasy %td. in %ondon, the CC2 Viewer, which can be downloaded free from $roFantasy&s web site at http://www.profantasy.comand the Campaign Mapper element of T'(&s Core (ules )." C* (T'( + ,--.#. To use any of these programs, your computer re/uires a 0)+bit version of Microsoft Windows. For users of other systems, conversions of the maps also can be downloaded in the universal 12F+format. Anathar's Dell. 3bove the surface a beautiful farming community, beneath the surface, the mines of the 4rightblade *warven Clan who mine minerals and semi+precious stones. The only inn is also called Anathar's Ha and is run by a female dwarven innkeeper named 5harva. The village has a shrine to Chauntea and the halls of the 4rightblade clan have temples to Moradin and *umathoin. This is an official location. For more information see Voo's !"ide to the #aeands by 6d 1reenwood (T'( + ,--!#, the novel$inder's %ane by 7eff 1rubb and 5ate 8ovak (T'( + ,--.# and the $& 'nteracti(e Atas C* (T'( + ,---#. Black Switch. 3 farming village of ,, farms, with a blacksmith, a millstream, mill and a small, newly remodeled inn and brewery, called the &"se's Mage and shrines to Chauntea and %athander. This and the town&s name go back to an old tale of a farmer who scared off an orc band by holding an ordinary black switch in the hand, pretending that it was a wand and he was a mage, and threatening to blow the orcs all the way back to 1ruumsh, if they didn&t disappear. They did. %ac) *witch is an invention of the+orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. Bloodstone (earlier Highstone, also known as ndead !astle". 8ot a lot is known about the ancient ruins of this village high in the *agger 9ills. 2t is said that 9ighstone was one of the first settlements of 1 Merrydale to be completely taken over by vampires in the :ear of the 1ray Mists (.-! *(#. 2t supposedly was destroyed two years later by high elven mages and powerful elven warriors from Cormanthor. The stone walls of windowless, roofless buildings still stand in some places, as do remnants of the low city wall, but all is heavily overgrown with moss, weeds and trees. 4y day, the site leaves the viewer with a discomfiting eerie feeling. 4y night, the ruins are said to be haunted by ghosts and worse. More historical information can be found in 'ection );, entitled !wath. 3 map of the still e<istent dungeon beneath the ruin was published in the module How the Mighty Are $aen and republished in =pdate ) (March )"""# of the $r 'nteracti(e Atas C*. !astle Daggerdale. This mountain fortress was the traditional seat of the ruling family Morn. The >hent usurper Malyk gutted the castle in the :ear of the Wandering Wyrm (,0,. *(#, after driving the Morn family from rule and taking over *aggerdale himself. (andal Morn and his Freedom Fighters destroyed the castle themselves in the :ear of the 3rch (,0?0 *(#, when they killed Malyk. The castle is devastated today and fully in ruins. This is an official site. There are more details in the #aeands accessory by (icher %. 4aker 222 (T'( + ,--;#. We are aware of no floor plans. .Editors Note: According to /he #aeands s"ppement, Caste #aggerdae is sti intact, 0"t arge sections ha(e 0een g"tted 0y fire. 1sing this information, ' ha(e drawn my own set of pans for Caste #aggerdae, which can 0e downoaded here. /here are three maps, which show: 23 a (iew of the area aro"nd the caste4 23 the caste gro"nds with the was, the r"ined o"t50"idings, and the )eep4 and 63 the foorpan of the )eep with its 0asement. ' ha(e aso written a genera description of the maps that can 0e (iewed here. 557rs)ine $incher3 !astle D#n$arton. For years, the castle was an all but forgotten ruin in southwestern *aggerdale, until the 5ingdom of Cormyr took an interest in it, /uietly refurbished it and @ust as /uietly planted a contingent of $urple *ragons in it. >hentarim agents still at large in *aggerdale have begun taking an interest in Castle *unbarton because they have become aware of the $urple *ragon presence there. (andal Morn also has begun taking an interest, because the >hents are interested, although he&s not yet aware of the $urple *ragon presence. Castle *unbarton is an invention of 6ric %. 4oyd. 9is original te<ts can be downloaded free from the %est of the $& Maiing 8ist 2nternet site. Christof Wuttke of the *aggerdale $ro@ect e<panded upon and mapped Mr. 4oyd&s invention. !astle %nneth. 3 small walled city with a small castle or manor house, 6nneth supposedly still is in good condition. 6conomic plight caused the city to dwindle during the >hent reign. The last regular residents are believed to have left 6nneth in the :ear of the $rince (,0?. *(#. 9owever, the Freedom Fighters used it after that time as a base of operations. Much of 6nneth still is in good condition. The city could be revived, if new residents can be found. 'ufficient Freedom Fighters remain in 6nneth to keep it free of monsters. Castle 6nneth is an invention of the +orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. !old Springs. The village is at the source of a stream that flows into the 3shaba. 2t consists of a doAen farms, a smithy and a tavern (no accommodations# called the Waters of the #aes. There also is a mill about a mile downstream from the village and a small shrine to Chauntea near the mill. Cold 'prings is an invention of the +orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. Cold (ush Creek, which has its source in Cold 'prings, also is an invention of the same group. Dagger &alls. This is the largest town in *aggerdale and in more modern times its seat of government. For /uite a number of years, it was under the control of the >hentarim, and in the +9 adventure in %ac)ands it has fallen again into the hands of >hent renegades, who are being besieged by the followers and allies of (andal Morn. *agger Falls is an official location. We offer a custom+made map. Bther maps and details can be found in /he #aeands and Voo's !"ide to the #aeands. Considerably more material can be found in the T'( modules #oom of #aggerdae by Wolfgang 4aur (T'( + ,--0# and the &anda Morn /riogy by 7im 4utler (T'( +,--?#. #oom of #aggerdae introduced the subterranean Crypt of the Mage :ing, Colderon the (aAor, an evil ancestor of (andal Morn, and the 7age's 7yrie, once an outpost of the 4rightblade dwarves. 4oth the crypt and the dwarven ruins also are mapped on the $& 'nteracti(e Atas C*. The third module of the (andal Morn trilogy, &et"rn of &anda Morn, and the $& Atas C# also have floor plans of the *agger Falls garrison. Dagger Springs. (uins of an abandoned old village with the remains of ,; farms, a smith&s shop, a grain storage facility and a small tavern, none with roofs and some with only foundations still remaining. >hents or orcs may at any time be temporarily holed up here. *agger 'prings is an invention of the +orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. 2t has not been mapped or further detailed. &la'ing (ower. 3 >hentish garrison @ust outside the borders of *aggerdale on the Tesh. 2t now is run 2 as an enclave of the Cvimist faction of the >hentarim. The tower was mapped in the bo<ed set &"ins of ;henti :eep by 5evin Melka (T'( + ,--!#, republished in =pdate ) (March )"""# of the $& 'nteracti(e At)as C*. This map corresponds to the tower before it was destroyed by the 5nights of Myth *rannor. 2t is inconsistent with the description of the reconstructed tower in the novel $inder's %ane by 7eff 1rubb and 5ate 8owak (T'( + ,--D#, which we used as the basis for our map. )alders. 3 small abandoned village of four farms in decrepit condition. Brc bands sometimes hole up here. The last residents vanished from 1alders in the :ear of the 9ighmantle (,00! *(#. 1alders is an invention of the +orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. 2t has not been mapped or further detailed. )old*ields. 3 once prosperous village of rich farming and freshwater fishing, only dry lake beds, )" abandoned farms and a doAen cottages remain. Many of the buildings still seem to be in reparable condition. The last of the local residents left the village in the :ear of the 'pur (,0;D *(#, after foolish >hentish magical e<periments caused the spring+fed lakes to dry up. >hent records found in *agger Falls claim that a substantial colony of dopplegangers in the service of the >hentarim lairs here, but the Freedom Fighters have not yet verified if this still is the case. 1oldfields is an invention of the +orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. )reen Or$. This is a rather prosperous village for *aggerdale, but one that the Freedom Fighters keep their eyes on. 3 good )? farms are scattered across the countryside here, along with several miles of fruit orchards. The village has a smithy, a schnapps distillery and a tavern (no accommodations# called the *chnapps <"een, which has two separate guest rooms, one for locals and one for strangers. $eople in 1reen Brb are suspicious of and rather unfriendly toward natives of other parts of the *ales. This village produces fruit schnapps of very high /uality with a good reputation in much of the 9eartlands. The >hents, soured on by a fanatic priest of 4ane, managed to persecute and financially abuse the farmers of 1reen Brb to such an e<tent that the last of them at last left, and the highly profitable schnapps industry collapsed. (ealiAing the mistake that was made, financially wiser >hentarim saw to it that loyal farmers from the Moonsea and >hentish spies from elsewhere were brought into 1reen Brb to revive the schnapps industry. The ma@ority of these folk had been followers of 4ane until the Time of Troubles. 2n the intervening years they re@ected Cyric. Three different priests sent to 1reen Brb by the church of Cyric simply vanished, and their takeover of 4ane&s temple was a short+term matter. 3fter the Time of Troubles and the *estruction of >hentil 5eep, the people of 1reen Brb turned to the worship of 2yachtu Cvim. 3 low level priest, (uinlord (adargh from Cvim, came to 1reen Brb in the :ear of the 1auntlet (,0!- *(# and reopened the 4anite temple there, but it was destroyed in the same year by (andal Morn&s Freedom Fighters. (adargh vanished + into the hills behind 1reen Brb, where he maintains a small, makeshift cave chapel for the villagers. The main >hent agent in 1reen Brb is the town councilor 9eldarm *ernesch, who also owns the tavern. *ernesch and other village leaders have been debating @ust what position they should take in the future. They are beginning to believe that *aggerdale is lost to the >hentarim. 9owever, they do not want to lose their rich farms. (andal Morn&s deputy governor, Captain Mestin /ro *urmark of the Freedom Fighters, in her last visit to collect ta<es in 1reen Brb, made it /uite clear that the villagers have very little time left to integrate themselves as loyal *alesmen, or they will be deported back to the Moonsea. *ernesch and the others are looking for no new conflicts at present. The $Cs will not receive a welcome in 1reen Brb, but they also will not be harmed if they keep their noses out of village secrets. 1reen Brb is an invention of the +orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. )wath$#rg. This ancient castle, now filled with undead, is an invention of the +orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. 2t is detailed below and in the history above. Hadreth's )len. This village was created by 4ill T. %ree=e Murton, one of the volunteer mappers for the $& 'nteracti(e Atas C* and is thus an official location. 3 village map is available on the C*. +r,thkeep. The ruins of this small fortress are described by 6d 1reenwood in the novel Coa) of *hadows (T'( + ,--?#. The tale of the rise and fall of 2rythkeep is recorded on lost pages of history, but it appears that the castle once defended broad farmlands that spread across the surrounding area. The Tethyamar Trail to the west of the keep dips in this area, becoming even a bit swampy in places, and parts of the trail itself are in poor. Foundations and occasionally partially standing walls of old farms still can be seen through the brush and young forest that it is taking roots where fields once were tilled. The first that one sees of the 3 keep itself are two fingeri)e, stone piars arising from the overgrowth. The walls of the keep show signs of being battered in from without, and what remains of the walls shows signs of fire. 3 careful search will reveal a ragged stone ring o"tining the o"ter was, a few o(ergrown o"t0"idings and sta0es sti cinging here and there to their roofs and those fingeri)e remnants of towers. Fast growing duskwood, pine and shadowtop saplings are taking root everywhere within the keep&s grounds. 2n the :ear of the 'hadows (,0?D *(#, when the avatars came to FaerEn, a band of Malaugrym had established a powerful gate in the ruins of 2rythkeep. They were hunted down by 6lminster of 'hadowdale and three 9arpers who later became known as the (angers ThreeF 'harantyr, then a member of the 5nights of Myth *rannor, and two of 'torm 'ilverhand&s students, 4elkram and 2tharr. 3 battle followed in the ruins of 2rythkeep in which mighty magic was hurled both by 6lminster and the Malaugrym, who were slain before they could return to 'hadow Castle on the $lane of 'hadows. 2rythkeep has not been mapped or further detailed. -ellet. This small walled city was destroyed by a red dragon during the Flight of *ragons in the :ear of the Worm (,0?! *(#. 2t had been turned into a >hentilar garrison city, and the >hents incurred heavy losses during the destruction. The foundations of 5ellett&s buildings still stand, but that is all. The city wall also is mostly rubble. 5ellet is an invention of the +orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. 2t has not been mapped or further detailed. .iethen's Hills. The village consisted of four farms and three garden cottages, that continued in use until the :ear of the Worm (,0?! *(#, when the same red dragon that devastated 5ellett totally destroyed %iethen&s 9ills and all of its residents. >hentilar used to claim these ruins are haunted, but that claim has not been substantiated yet. %iethen&s 9ills is an invention of the +orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. 2t has not been mapped or further detailed. Nettle. The richly fertile valley between the green hills in this area makes 8ettle the foremost vegetable and grain basket of *aggerdale. The small 8ettle Creek flows down from =pper 8ettle through 8ettle, driving the recently rebuilt grain mill there + the biggest in all *aggerdale + which also is @oined by a newly rebuilt brewery that produces +ette %eer, already a secret tip among beer drinkers in 'hadowdale, Mistledale and Tilverton. 7hael 'ilvermane of the >d *)" in 'hadowdale is considering closing her own small house brewery and serving +ette %eer instead. There are about 0" farms in 8ettle, along with a large shrine to Chauntea. The small inn (! beds# is a house operation of the 8ettle brewery. 8ettle is an invention of the +orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. Serpents$ridge: Bne abandoned farm has been rebuilt here, along with another enclosed house that is said to belong to a reclusive mage who recently came to the area from the 'cardale area. 4oth (andal Morn and Captain *urmark have met with the mage and afterward told their followers he will ?0e an asset to the #ae.? %ittle more is known about him. This is an official site introduced in T'(&s &anda Morn /riogy. 2t has not been mapped or further detailed. Shraev,n's (o'$. 'hraevyn was an ancient mage lord in *aggerdale who created the magical *word of the #aes to protect his native Merrydale. 9e and the sword are documented in the first module of the (andal Morn trilogy, *word of the #aes, by 7im 4utler (T'( + ,--?#. The tomb has been looted and now is empty. The floor plan can be found both in the module and on the $& 'nteracti(e Atas C*. Stoneho'e. 3 totally decrepit village ruin of a doAen /uarry workers cottages and a broken down tavern, abandoned in the :ear of the 1rimoire (,0); *(#. 1oblinoids are almost always holed up here. 'tonehome is an invention of the +orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. 2t has not been mapped or further detailed. S#nstone. Bnce a combination of four garden cottages belonging to wealthy merchants of *agger Falls and five small farms, 'unstone was abandoned by the :ear of the *ragon (,0?) *(# at the latest. *uring the Time of the Troubles (:ear of the 'hadows + ,0?D *(# the Malaugrym had established a powerful gate in the ruins of 'unstone, which was destroyed in that year by 6lminster of 'hadowdale and the (angers Three. The buildings here range from somewhat decrepit to hopeless, but some could be restored with sufficient money and hard work. 'unstone is an invention of the +orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p, based upon descriptions of abandoned, Malaugrym+infested villages in the novels Coa) of *hadows and A *hadows $ed by 6d 1reenwood (T'( + ,--?#. (e'ple in the Sk,. Bnce a great temple of 4ane where the Voice of %ane spoke, the temple now is occupied by gnolls and fire giants who are members of a beast worship cult. The beast they worship is the beholder Culla, who lives with them inside of the rock. That&s what the temple is, a huge, tunneled rock that floats in the air above the Flaming Tower, held in place by a huge chain that prevents its drifting off. The temple floats and has for ages now as a result of ancient 8etherese 4 magic. The temple was mapped in the bo<ed set &"ins of ;henti :eep by 5evin Melka (T'( + ,--!# , republished in =pdate ) (March )"""# of the $& 'nteracti(e At)as C*. This floor plan is inconsistent with the description of the temple in the novel $inder's %ane by 7eff 1rubb and 5ate 8owak (T'( + ,--D#, which we used as the basis for our map. (esh'ere. This village was created by 4ill 9oward, one of the volunteer mappers for the $& 'nteracti(e Atas C* and is thus an official location. 3 village map is available on the C*. (eth,a'arside. This village was created by 2an (. Malcomson, one of the volunteer mappers for the $& 'nteracti(e Atas C* and is thus an official location. 3 village map is available on the C*. pper Nettle. 3lthough only si< miles (D km# upstream from 8ettle on 8ettle Creek, the village of =pper 8ettle has considerably less rainfall in a year&s time than 8ettle. The result is little farming land but rich graAing for cattle. The village consists of eight spread+out ranches and no other businesses, shrines or temples. The >hents had tried to starve the cattle ranchers with high ta<es, but those days now seem to be past. =pper 8ettle is an invention of the +orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. 1oldfields is an invention of the+orthern &eams ,ro-ects !ro"p. /hite !halk Hollow. This village was created by 'hawn %ewandowski, one of the volunteer mappers for the $& 'nteracti(e AtasC* and is thus an official location. 3 village map is available on the C*. 5