Sanguine Tides (Part 2A)
Sanguine Tides (Part 2A)
Sanguine Tides (Part 2A)
Guide to this adventure: ....................................................................................................... 3
Background and Campaign Information .................................................................................. 4
Lilorn ......................................................................................................................................... 5
About Town ............................................................................................................................... 6
The Thirsty Dwarf Inn .......................................................................................................... 6
The Fat Mans Hat Inn ........................................................................................................... 6
Lilorn Exchange..................................................................................................................... 7
Iron Smiths ............................................................................................................................ 7
Luthrom’s Supplies ............................................................................................................... 7
Town Hall ..............................................................................................................................8
Grathed’s House .................................................................................................................... 9
Side Quests ............................................................................................................................... 11
The Rapid Bear ..................................................................................................................... 11
The Highway Menace .......................................................................................................... 12
The Restoration of Luthrom’s Supplies .............................................................................. 13
Conclusions.............................................................................................................................. 14
Lilorn Character Study ............................................................................................................ 15
Leif Frumlo .......................................................................................................................... 15
Grathed Onslod ................................................................................................................... 15
Nurlem Marn ....................................................................................................................... 15
Hilfa Luthrom ...................................................................................................................... 15
Encounter NPC’s & Items ........................................................................................................ 16
Guide to this adventure:
Character Studies provide a much deeper insight to a NPC, their beliefs, desires and
sometimes special abilities or RPing options. This section should at least be read once
before playing the module.
Regular text can be read to the party at the DM’s Discretion if warranted
As always, WotC with the core rule books and various lore and story I use to help flesh out
the realm of Faerun. Particularly the Neverwinter Campaign Setting (4e) has been of
enormous assistance with this module.
Attention DM: These modules are created in a way as to act as a framework for the story. Not all NPC’s and story
diversions have been considered. In the spirit of trying not to railroad the party, please feel free to improvise or alter any
component to suit the direction of the party. Some continuity issues may exist between the modules, as much as I have
aimed to mitigate this, I can only edit or alter them as I find them. Some situations bought up in these modules are
unrelated to the current story arc, these are to be devices in which to lay the ground work for future adventures and
campaigns. Additionally due to the scope of this adventure arc, some situations will require some improvisation, these
are mainly roleplaying situations, but on your prerogative may include combat also.
Background and Campaign Information
After the events of Faebyth, the Lilorn sits 35 miles south east of
adventurers could have taken several Neverwinter on the cusp of the Swords
different actions to arrive in Lilorn. If Mountain Range. The journey into the
they have previously visited either town is a rugged road heading up
Haftree, Ballaton, Neverglen or through a number of hills ever increasing
Stonedren, at the DM’s choosing, one or in size. Numerous rolling farms of
two gangs of mercenaries should attack livestock dot the road towards the
the party as to keep with previously destination.
established stories. Especially if the party
isn’t being discrete about their previous Upon arrive the adventurers find that
exploits or they’re reason for coming to Lilorn is a homely little township
Lilorn. consisting of 2 well frequented Inns, a
smithy, general goods dealer, an
If arriving fresh from Faebyth discount exchange, a number of orchards, a town
the previous information. square, shrine to Lathander and a rather
large town hall. The town seems to be
As keeping with the stereotypical
flourishing as a bustling trade route from
vampiric lore, radiant damage dealt by
the mountains through to Neverwinter
the party via spells or the Driftglobe,
which brings both business and
should cause an additional 1d6 damage
resources. Seemingly picturesque,
per turn or grant players an advantage on
previous mentions of the Sanguine Tide
attack rolls at the DM’s Discretion. This is
operating here, on the surface appear
essentially to ensure smaller or weaker
parties can conquer stronger vampire
enemies if they play smart.
Fat Man’s
Hat Inn Shrine to
Frumlo’s Lathander
Road to Stonedren5 | P a g e
The Thirsty Dwarf Inn has 2 rooms
If your able to sneak in overnight the
Lilorn Exchange
ledgers found show a few mysterious
Lilorn Exchange is a bustling traders
entries from a small company named
shop seemingly responsible for most of
highway supplies. Records show that over
the trade of basic resources passing
the past few months the amount of
throughout the town. A few labourers
materials incoming has slowly increased
can be seen loading and unloading carts
constantly yet the price paid hasn’t risen.
about the place. As you enter the building
This goes against previous information
you can sense that the store has been
gathered about town. Additionally the
changed recently, everyone seems uneasy
entries from Stonedren show that
and nervous. A clerk greets you and asks
Grathed has recently swapped the
if he can help at all.
companies used to source the raw
If you ask about the recent price materials such as ore and gems.
rises the clerk simply states that
due to bandit activity the supply
and demand have shifted to suit Iron Smiths
the situation.
The local smiths looks more of a foundry
If you ask as to the nature of the
than that of a smiths, it turns most of the
business the clerk describes how
ore passing through town into ingots for
ore and minerals are bought from
the larger cities. The ore is smelted here
Stonedren, some are sold here to
rather than in the mountains due to the
townsfolk and the smith and
abundance of trees and coal to stoke the
others are then forwarded and
forges. The smiths also produces a
sold in Neverwinter. Additionally
number of farming tools and
livestock and produce is bought
consumables. Tack and equipment for
here from the local farms and then
wagons, mounts and pets can be
sold on to either Stonedren or
purchased here providing it isn’t too
exotic or uncommon.
The clerk if questioned about the
any changes in Grathed recently
(DC 15), he states that Grathed
has become much more stressed Luthrom’s Supplies
than usual and that their recent Luthrom’s Supplies seems to be
prices rises are much greater than struggling as of late, their shelves are
the losses generated by bandit almost bare and no one seems to be
activity. shopping here. Upon entering the store
If you ask to speak to Grathed the no one appears to be about, if knocking
clerk states that he hasn’t been in on the desk or asking out loud a 30ish
this morning and that perhaps you aged woman appears who looks run
should try at his home to the west down and as if she has been weeping.
of town. You are given accurate She mournfully greets the adventurers as
descriptions on how to get there. Hilfa Luthrom.
Hilfa States she doesn’t have much majority of Luthroms business
to sell, she has on offer a few now disappeared the shop has
rations etc. slowly slipped into bankruptcy.
If asked about her demeanour or Hilfa has maintained all she can
the state of business she tells the for the past 10 months or so
sad story of the Luthrom’s dealing with the local farmers.
Supplies: A year ago her husband Now that Lilorn Exchange is
Lumbard Luthrom was running facing some backlash it could be a
this very shop as a thriving supply prime opportunity for Luthrom’s
post. Along with the Lilorn Supplies to once again return to a
Exchange, both companies profitable business. Hilfa however
imported goods from Stonedren has neither the money nor the
and surrounding farms and manpower to restock and
redistributed them to the local renegotiate new trade routes to
townsfolk and on towards larger nearby towns.
cities. Both business’s although in Hilfa is unaware of local
competition often negotiated and happenings. After grieving the loss
split large or one off expensive of her husband and the constant
shipments. Around 10 months ago struggle with maintaining the
Lumbard had travelled for store Hilfa simply wants to turn
business to try to negotiate new her fortunes around in honour of
trade routes to the nearby her late husband and for the
settlement of Haftree. He was future of their 2 children.
supposed to be gone only 5 nights If the players wish to assist Hilfa, all
but has never returned. Hilfa tried items required can be found in the side
to organise a search party, fearing question section towards the end of the
leaving the shop personally would module.
possibly disrupt business too
much. A group of men wearing
black and maroon capes passing Town Hall
through town offered to track Within the town hall sits a buys clerk
down Lumbard for 200gp and leafing through heavy ledgers and
return him upon hearing of Hilfa’s tallying numbers. She seems so busy she
plight. They took the gold in hasn’t noticed you enter. When disturbed
advance as well as provisions for she introduces herself as Erial the
the trip and promised a swift Mayors daughter.
return. It ever eventuated. Within
a month of waiting Hilfa received
Erial seems happy to meet you
word that their regular ore
and offers to fetch her father for
supplier from Stonedren would no
you to talk to.
longer be supplying Luthrom’s as
If asked about the work she is
they were having issues with their
doing she replies that she is trying
mines. With 200g taken and the
to balance the town’s expenditure, If asked about Luthrom’s he
which seems to be uneven. simply states that bad luck has
IF asked about any unusual befallen that family, no one has
happenings about the town she heard of Lumbard for some time
declares that there has been some now. The town has tried to assist
recent changes happening at the family with donations of food
Lilorn Exchange that have angered and clothing for the children
some of the locals.
Once the other items are taken care of, or
After waiting a brief duration to see a persuasion or intimidation roll of 20 is
the Mayor, a portly bearded man achieved the following information can
emerges from a door behind Erial’s be divulged. Nurlem admits that the
Desk. He introduces himself as Lilorn Exchange has been recently upped
Nurlem the town Mayor and ushers all their goods exchanges for no viable
you into his well-furnished office. reason. As a main purchasing point for
most bulk goods within the town, this
has led to quite a bit of tension in
Nurlem upon hearing of this
townsfolk and other businesses
Sanguine Order is initially
throughout the area. This behaviour is
horrified. He states there are a
quiet peculiar for the proprietor of the
number of small issues plaguing
exchange Grathed Onslod, with which
the town but Vampirism has not
Nurlem has been a close personal friend
yet been one of them.
for a number of years. Nurlem believes
He talks about a bounty on a rapid
there must be something else
bear that has been plaguing farms
underpinning this situation.
to the west (50gp 200xp reward),
Nurlem would be interested in any
Talking to Leif Frumlo at his
evidence that corruption is happening
orchard to the west will give you
within the township. Working to aid the
all the relevant details.
town and uncover any plots or
He also mentions the bounty on a
corruption will gain the favour of the
group of bandits harassing
Mayor, this can lead to the players being
caravans and merchants operating
rewarded with a local political ally. This
on the path into the mountains
can aid in dealing with other high
about 8 miles from town (150gp
ranking officials.
He states that he doesn’t trust you
enough yet to give away any
information that could Grathed’s House
compromise the town’s reputation Grathed’s house appears deserted as the
so if the other 2 issues can be dealt characters approach. The door is shut
with he can provide some and the windows have heavy drapes
information on a possible financial drawn over all windows. It is a larger
issue with one of the local house with a few stories and sprawling
businesses that seems rather fishy. gardens.
This encounter has multiple paths and occurs the stealthy player can
endings: investigate to find a well-used
stair case disappearing into a
1. If the door is approached players
basement which reeks of death and
can roll for detect magic to detect
decay (DC 15 +Dex for lockpick)
some form of warding spell. If
(DC 10 Investigation for papers
listening to the inside of the house
and stairs to basement).
players may be able to hear some
rustling of paper and the clinking
of coins. . If the party manages to get into
a. The players can knock at Gratheds basement they find a number of
the door but are unable to corpses all bitten and pale. They appear
force it open. If knocking to be travellers and merchants who must
eventually Grathed will have been passing through town. Again a
answer the door by coffin lies on the far side of the room, it
opening it a slither and is resting horizontal on a makeshift altar.
demanding what the A bench resides along one wall stacked
nature of the disturbance with papers and reagents.
is. He cannot be convinced
If the party has stealthed down and the
to let the players into the
vampire remains resting, they will be
house and is unwilling to
attacked if approaching the coffin. If they
leave. Any questions will
manage to surprise the vampire with a
be met with short gruff
spell or ranged attack, the vampire
answers and requests the
instantly loses ¼ of its hit points.
party leaves the property.
Additionally radiant damage dealt by the
b. If the players force their
party via spells or the Driftglobe, should
way into the darkness of
cause an additional 1d6 damage per turn
the home and discover
or grant players an advantage on attack
Grathed’s operation,
Grathed will yell wildly
and attack the characters. After defeating the vampire, players find
This disruption awakens a some details on its intentions as well as a
Vampire lord will erupt potion of invisibility and a scroll of
from the lower levels and polymorph (1500 xp divided between the
join the fight. This vampire party). Residing within Lilorn, the
cannot leave the house vampire seems to be simply an overseer
during daylight and can in operations happening within the
shapeshift in an attempt to township. It was the vampire’s duty to
hide if becoming low on keep operations flowing as neatly as
health. possible without drawing outside
2. The house can be broken into attention.
using a stealth check and thieves
In the main room on the first floor
tools via a window only. If this
players will discover three large bags of
10 | P a g e
gold and paperwork outlining money their masters or overseers, they simply
skimming from various trades and server under fear of death.
transactions. The bags are labelled with
dates and destinations (Haftree,
Stonedren and Ballaton). The total of the
gold seems to equate to roughly 1500gp Side Quests
with acquisition dates ranging the past
month. Upon further investigation, a
note has a date for a “Pick up” occurring The Rapid Bear
at roughly just past midnight 2 days from On approach to Leif’s modest farm you
now. Little else of any worth or note can sense nature has begun a process of
be found through the rest of the house. reclaiming the land. Plants grow from
1. Players can use this information to between every stone, small trees grow
plan a sting for the pickup, or from the thatch roofs. Birds sing and the
perhaps to notify Nurlem the town bushes all rustle with life as the
mayor if they have talked to him adventures walk near. An old man sitting
previously. Proof will need to be on his porch polishing a crate of apples
provided of the items found. hails you as you approach.
2. If the players plan to witness or
interrupt the “pick up” they will Frumlo’s the name travellers, would you
eventually been drawn into a fight be interested in taking care of a little
via attacking themselves or being problem for me on your journey of
discovered by the vampire lord. wonderlust?
This encounter includes 2 lesser
vampires acting as couriers. Leif Frumlo provides information on
3. The players may choose to try to recent sightings of the bear and its
handle the “pick up” themselves, if attempts to pick the farms clean of any
undisguised as the master berries or livestock it seems to desire. It
vampire, they will be discovered has recently been getting more
and the vampire couriers will aggressive and on two occasions killed
attempt to escape. They can be family pets and horses.
followed however capturing them
may require some serious effort. The bear’s tracks are easily traceable
through the encroaching forest along a
The lesser vampires can be intimidated small stream. After a few miles a cave is
or tortured into detailing lists of contacts discovered. The bear is sleeping within
to meet at specific destinations as well as the cave.
times (DC 15 for intimidate or 1d4 days of This bear appears enraged or aggravated
torture). This information provides once awakened. The bear can be killed
details on payments going to a contact at and its scalp can be returned for the
Stonedren (largest), Leifra at Ballaton stated reward and 250xp share between
and Illrata the Wizard at Haftree. The the party.
vampires do not know any details about
11 | P a g e
Or: hear many voices, laughter, arguments
If any party member can speak with etc. A perception check will reveal that at
animals, roll for investigation or provides least 8 differing voices can be heard. As
a high enough animal handling role to the party gets closer a crude fence of
provide an understanding of the animals sorts surrounds a reasonably sized camp
behavior, the bear portrays that a of bandits (roll for stealth DC15 during
maddening throb of magic has been daylight and DC10 at night). Backed up
piercing its consciousness , detect magic against the cliff there are around 6 tents
will reveal a thin wisp like magical 2 cooking fires, 2 wagons a pen of oxen
tendril coming from further within the and at the base of the cliff a small cave
cave. which looks to be heaped with crates. All
If the bear can be persuaded outside the of this camp spands around 90ft along
cave or killed, the party can move further the cliff face and about 30ft out from the
into the cave to determine the source of base of the cliff. Most of the bandits are
the magic. relaxed and without weapons or armor in
hand. Only a few stand guard near the
After a short distance of around 120ft
entrance of the camp and another 1
they will find a shire and Green Hag
stands guard at the mouth of the cave. A
encamped between a number of large
visual count shows there are 12 bandits
that can be seen throughout the camp.
There is a small hut near the cave
Killing the Hag provides a number of
small worthless trinkets and a nature
Trying to negotiate with this many
based spell casting focus of the DM’s
bandits would be foolish. Players may be
choosing along with 450xp divided
able to perhaps create a rock slide on the
among the party equally. The Hag also
cliff or even other creative ways to
has hidden in her possessions a strange
disperse or disorientate such a large
flask (Decanter of endless water). Magic
lingers around the flask. Roll for arcana
to identify the flask.
Once combat begins a large Bandit
Captain will emerge from the hut and
charge the nearest player. He is the
The Highway Menace leader of the bandits and can be captured
If the party travels along the road they for information.
may be ambushed by a 4 man group of
bandits. These may be captured and
The Leaders name is Narg and he has
intimidated for information. If the party
orders from a vampire residing in Lilorn
is not ambushed use a survival (Wis) or
to attack travellers merchants and
investigation (Int) check to check for
wagons at his leisure. The only item off
tracks along the path.
the menu is the ore supply from
The path leads away from the road to an
Stonedren he has been told they are to
outcrop of cliffs under a large mountain.
pass untouched. Narg and his band are
As you draw closer towards the cliffs you
12 | P a g e
allowed to keep any loot that they desire
from their raids. Once the bandits have
excess gear that they don’t want he sends The Restoration of
a wagon full of stolen goods with 2
disguised bandits to the Lilorn Exchange
Luthrom’s Supplies
Should the players decide to assist Hilfa a
where he gets supplies for is group and a
range of outcomes could become
bit of gold. The bandits are aware that
they receive less than the value of the
If the party offers to find Lumbard
goods but don’t mind as they have the
they may discover his body in
pick of the loot and are able to exist
Haftree, a small amulet featuring
without any threat of the law.
the symbol of Waukeen will be
Experience for clearing the camp is found on Lumbards body and can
2000xp divided equally among the party. be shown to Hilfa (bonus exp).
Loot found includes a number of The party could offer gold to Hilfa
miscellaneous items with a total value of to pay for restocking the store and
800gps. This loot can be returned to hiring a number of labourers and
town using one of the wagons found in emissaries to negotiate new
the camp, it is too much to be taken by contracts from local towns (2000
hand. It can be surrendered to the mayor gp).
for redistribution to travellers and town’s The party can travel to Stonedren
folk, given to Hilfa to stock her store, or to gain Hilfa a new supply of ore
kept by the players to fence at another from the dwarves. This can only
point. Along the items players find a be done once all the problems
number of precious gem stones including discovered in Stonedren are
sapphire, malachite, jasper and jade resolved. This works in
valuing 150gps. A small chest contains cooperation with item 2.
118gps 87sps and 44cps.
Narg’s scimitar sword is an item of some If all the above items are satisfied (as
interest. The blade looks to have been well as any additional items at the
intricately made and features a number DM’s Discretion) then Hilfa will offer
of small symbols along its almost black a part ownership in the store. This
metallic body. The base has tigers eye will grant the players a monthly
inlaid along the grip and tigers eye income of 4d6 x5 as well as reduced
cost rations and ore. Players can
pommel. The sword is named “The
spend time here to increase the profit
Errant Blade”. An arcana check on this
by 1d6 per week spent per player.
weapon reveals the blade has an uncanny
ability to aid in practices of a “criminal”
nature (the player wielding this sword
gains advantage on deception and sleight
of hand roll’s).
13 | P a g e
The party has had a number of leads and used to influence other people in
options to follow whilst in town. Due to positions of power to aid the party. Along
the nonlinear paths the players may have with this document, Nurlem will forward
involved with certain events may have word to a commanding officer of the
been missed or overlooked. Using Neverwinter Guard, of both the party’s
information the party has discovered, the deeds and details of the vampire’s actions
party could choose to venture to either within the town.
Stonedren, Haftree or Ballaton.
Experience Gained:
If Nurlem is informed about happenings All experience gained throughout this
within the town and provided with proof module should essentially be decided
of events he will implore the characters upon by the dungeon master. Due to the
to act to remove the vampire threat. This non-linear progression of this story
will be rewarded in a few ways. Firstly if characters should either be arriving with
the gold in Garthed’s home is returned levels ranging anywhere from 2 to 5 at
half will be gifted to the players. Secondly least. If all items are completed
Nurlem will provide the players with a thoroughly by the party, experience
written document providing granted should approach a single level
endorsement of the town, this can be gain.
14 | P a g e
Nurlem Marn – City Mayor – A
Lilorn Character becon of exemplary town management
Nurlem achieves much with the little he
Study has. Due to his town being a bustling
trade post on a well-travelled route,
Leif Frumlo – orchard farmer – A Nurlem spends most of his day dealing
simple man with a very humble desire to with squabbling travellers, highway
grow the best apples in the region. Leif is banditry and trivial village business.
friendly and warm, he will aid the party Nurlem is honest and simply wants the
but has very limited resources and does best for his small township. (Noble
not like the adventuring lifestyle. Background PHB 135)
Personality Trait: 2 Ideal: 2
Bond: 3 Flaw: -
Grathed Onslod – Lilorn
Exchange quartermaster – Grathed lacks
a strong personality and uninterested in Hilfa Luthrom – Luthrom
anything that doesn’t concern his Supplies – Hilfa has had a rough trot
business. As he is working alongside a throught the past year. Her drive to put
vampire, he isn’t evil, typically more the business above all her personal
greedy and opportunistic. Grathed likes worries is the only reason Luthrom’s
money and like a vulture spotting a Supplies still exsist. Hard working and
carcass he will swoop to gain on others very dedicated, Hilfa can become an
hard work. (Guild merchant Background important ally in providing the party
PHB pg133) with peculiar items, a steady income and
Personality Trait: 7 Ideal: 4 various trader gossip. A very reliable
Bond: - Flaw: 4 contact, if the party prove themselves
and are able to prop Hilfa back onto her
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Encounter NPC’s & Items
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