Artigo - 002 - Yield Gap Global
Artigo - 002 - Yield Gap Global
Artigo - 002 - Yield Gap Global
Received: 10 October 2022 James S. Gerber 1,2 , Deepak K. Ray 1, David Makowski 3,
Ethan E. Butler 4, Nathaniel D. Mueller 5, Paul C. West 2,6,
Accepted: 6 December 2023
Justin A. Johnson 6, Stephen Polasky 6, Leah H. Samberg7, Stefan Siebert 8
The green revolution coincided with a doubling of global crop produc- all of which compare current yields (measured or modelled) to a yield
tion from the late 1960s to 2000 (ref. 1), alleviating fears of a Malthusian ceiling11. Conceptualizations of yield ceiling range from agronomic
crisis. However, these production increases have come at a substantial potential12,13 to best-in-class regional yield6,14–16. We use as yield ceiling
environmental cost, and steadily increasing food demand is placing an ‘attainable yield’ defined as the 95th percentile observed regional
additional pressure on natural resources2,3. Closing yield gaps is widely yield, intending to estimate the highest yield attained somewhere
cited as a pathway for increasing production while minimizing envi- in the world in each set of biophysical conditions. This definition of
ronmental impacts1,2,4–9 and is directly related to several of the United attainable yield follows that of Evans and Fischer17 and is effectively the
Nations Sustainable Development Goals10, including no poverty, zero same as the ‘feasible yield’ defined by van Dijk et al.18 or the ‘plateau’ in
hunger, decent work and economic growth, climate action and life exploitable yield as articulated by van Ittersum et al.8, which remains
on land. 15–25% below17 agronomic potential8,18–21.
Considerable efforts have been devoted to calculating yield gaps Most yield gap studies to date have been snapshots in time and
at local to global scales, using various complementary methodologies, lead to limited policy recommendations. Van Oort et al.22 classify yield
Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN, USA. 2Project Drawdown, . 3Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, AgroParisTech, Palaiseau,
France. 4Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN, USA. 5Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Department
of Soil and Crop Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA. 6Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN,
USA. 7Rainforest Alliance, 8Department of Crop Sciences, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany.
World Resources Institute, Washington DC, USA. e-mail: [email protected]
gap studies into ‘narrow scope high detail’ relevant to analysing spe- Table 1 | Percentage of harvested area with growth in
cific interventions but with limited range of applicability, and ‘broad attainable yield and average annual percentage growth in
scope low detail’ that can address questions about the envelope of attainable yields
sustainable production possibilities or indicate locations to target
Percentage of harvested Average annual percentage
agronomic intervention22. Many authors have evaluated the envelope
area with significant growth growth in attainable yield
of sustainable production based on static yield gaps5,6,22,23, but there in attainable yield
have been limited attempts to derive policy recommendations from
Entire First and last Entire First and last
these studies22. Van Oort et al.22 identify five categories based on a period decades period decades
combination of economic, climatic and humanitarian considerations,
1975– 1975– 2000– 1975– 1975– 1975–
and recommend specific policy interventions ranging from increasing 2010 1985 2010 2010 1985 2010
resource use efficiency to agricultural research and development22.
Barley 69% 43% 1% 0.8% 1.3% 0.7%a
Fischer and Connor assess yield gaps and divide the world into two
typologies: low input–large yield gap, indicating a need for improving Cassava 85% 0% 75% 0.8% 0.1%a 3.4%
farmers’ access to tools for management, and intensified small yield Maize 100% 88% 97% 1.4% 1.4% 1.5%
gap, indicating a need for increases in potential yields24.
Oil palm 7% 0% 1% 1.3% 1.6%a 0.3%a
A few previous studies have considered yield gap trends through
time. A monograph by Fischer et al. surveys trends in yields and yield Rapeseed 99% 86% 1% 1.6% 2.2% 2.1%
ceilings based on case studies covering multiple crops and regions23. Rice 100% 94% 65% 1.2% 1.8% 0.7%
However, this analysis does not have consistent global coverage. Fis- Sorghum 94% 53% 0% 0.1% a
0.5% a
cher et al.23 reach policy conclusions consistent with those of Fischer
Soybean 100% 89% 86% 1.1% 1.1% 1.0%
and Connor24. Hatfield and Beres derive yield gaps for wheat for ten
countries based on a quantile regression analysis of national time series Sugar cane 56% 6% 0% 0.4% 0.6%a −0.2%a
of yields supplemented by state- and county-level data16. Such studies Wheat 98% 78% 4% 1.3% 1.8% 0.7%a
are valuable contributions and can provide a greater understanding Areas for which attainable yields increase over the indicated period with 95% confidence
of both production possibilities and specific policy prescription than intervals (first three numerical columns) and average annual per-year linear growth in globally
snapshot-in-time studies. We aim here to provide a study that is more averaged attainable yield (last three numerical columns). Statistical analysis was carried out
independently for the full interval as well as the first and last decades. Calculations of area
comprehensive in number of crops, spatial resolution of data and
and attainable yield growth are relative to 2000 for the 1975–2010 and 2000–2010 intervals,
global coverage and draw policy-relevant conclusions on trends in and relative to 1975 for the 1975–1985 interval. Confidence intervals and regional results
global production potential and indications of desirable interventions are shown in Supplementary Table 11. Results with fixed-area counterfactuals are shown in
for assuring food security. Supplementary Table 3. aNot significant (95% confidence intervals encompass zero).
Wheat 62% 36% 5% 8% 1% 4% Fig. 1 | Average relative yield gaps for ten major crops in 1975 and 2010. Crops
Areas where yield gaps increase or decrease over the indicated period with 95% confidence include barley, cassava, maize, oil palm, rapeseed, rice, sorghum, soybean, sugar
intervals. Area calculation is relative to 2000 for the 1975–2010 and 2000–2010 intervals, and cane and rice. Relative yield gap (shown as the percentage of the attainable yield
relative to 1975 for the 1975–1985 interval.
achieved) in each grid cell is calculated as an area-weighted average across the
crops and is shown on the top 98% of the growing area.
Table 3 | Average annual percentage change in globally
averaged yield gaps
have a significant rate of closure over 23% of area, representing 27%
Average annual trend in yield gap
of 2000 rice production, and are on track to close by 2030 for 18%
Entire period First and last decades of 2010 area (Fig. 2 and Table 2). Soybean yield gaps are closing over
1975–2010 1975–1985 2000–2010 16% of area (Table 2). Yield gaps for maize, in contrast, are growing
significantly over 56% of area and closing over 13% while only 3% of
Barley 0.9% 1.7% a
maize area is trending towards closure by 2030 (Fig. 2 and Table 2).
Cassava 0.6%a −1.9%a 5.6% Yield gaps are widening in more areas than they are closing for
Maize 1.2% 1.1% 1.6% multiple crops (Table 2).
Oil palm −0.4%a −0.7%a −2.6%a Rates of gap closure are particularly acute in some countries and
regions. For example, 11%, 51% and 34% of rice production in Indonesia,
Rapeseed 1.5% 2.1% 1.5%
Bangladesh and Vietnam (the world’s 3rd, 4th and 5th largest produc-
Rice 0.8% 2.1% −0.4%a ers), respectively, are on a trajectory to close yield gaps by 2030 (Sup-
Sorghum 0.4%a −0.2%a 0.8%a plementary Information). In China, the world’s largest wheat producer,
11% of harvested area has yield gaps closing by 2030. In Thailand, 86%
Soybean 0.8% 1.1% 1.4%
of sugar cane production trends to yield gap closure by 2030.
Sugar cane 0.1%a 0.6%a −1.3%a
Wheat 1.2% 1.9% 0.1%a Yield gap typologies reveal trends relevant to food security
Reported change is per-year linear change relative to 2000 yield gaps for the 1975–2010 and Linear yield gap trends cannot by themselves differentiate underly-
2000–2010 intervals, and relative to 1975 for the 1975–1985 interval. Confidence intervals and ing causes of change, for example, stagnation in yield versus growth
regional results are shown in Supplementary Table 12. Means are calculated after rejecting
in attainable yield. We introduce a three-element typology of yield
outliers (some realizations have yield gap ∼0, leading to infinite relative growth rates).
Outliers are defined as points outside of the interval mean + 4s.d. Results with fixed-area gap trajectories (Fig. 3), including ‘steady growth’ in which yield
counterfactuals are shown in Supplementary Table 3b. aNot significant (95% confidence gaps grow while attainable yield (‘ceiling’) and actual yield (‘floor’)
intervals encompass zero). increase, ‘stalled floor’ in which attainable yield grows but actual
yield stagnates and ‘ceiling pressure’ in which yield gaps close and/
Yield gap closure correlates with yield stagnation or attainable yield stagnates.
Agricultural census units where the yield gap is closing have a greater Yield gap trends are experiencing steady growth over half the har-
likelihood of future yield stagnation than census units where the yield vested area for cassava (65.2%), maize (60.3%) and sorghum (51.2%). By
gap is static or widening. For all crops studied except oil palm, signifi- contrast, rice has the lowest percentage of harvested area experiencing
cant yield gap closure from 1986 to 2000 increases the likelihood of steady growth (12%) and 84% is experiencing ceiling pressure (Figs. 3
yield stagnation from 2000 to 2012 by factors ranging from 1.78 (sugar and 4, Table 4 and Supplementary Table 13). The crop with the second
cane) to 3.75 (soybean) (Supplementary Table 5). Here we define yield greatest area experiencing ceiling pressure is wheat at nearly 56%. All
stagnation following Grassini28 as a plateau after a period of growth. crops have some area with stalled floor, ranging from 3.9% (rice) to
This increase in stagnation likelihood is not merely a ‘reversion to the 18.7% (cassava.)
mean’ effect associated with high yield growth rates: limiting analysis
to regions in the top yield-growth quartile leads to qualitatively similar Discussion
results (Supplementary Information). These results inform a long-running debate on potential for future
We evaluate trends in yield gap over the period 1998–2012 to growth in yields. In general, we find that both actual yields and attain-
identify areas at risk of future yield stagnation. For rice, yield gaps able yields have continually improved over many decades8,12,26,27.
Maize Rice
No trend
Closure by 2030
Closure by 2050
Closure 2050
onwards Wheat Soybean
Fig. 2 | Time to closure of yield gaps based on linear extrapolation of trends yield gap closure occurs within 95th percentile confidence intervals. ‘Widen’
from circa 2000 to circa 2010 for maize, rice, wheat and soybean. Yield gap indicates that yield ceiling and linear trend are significantly diverging (that is,
closure time is defined as the crossing point of the linear trend of attainable yield the crossing point is before 2010). See Supplementary Fig. 3 for other crops.
and the linear trend of actual yield relative to 2010. ‘No trend’ indicates that no
However, the nature of how they have grown—and the evolution of yield ceilings, notably investment in breeding technologies and improved
gaps—sheds light on contrasting claims regarding likely trajectories for agronomic practices24,23. Closing yield gaps in China have been noted
future yield growth. One view is that historical growth in crop yields is along with calls for increased investment in management technology
due to ‘one-time innovations’28: a ceiling is being approached, and meet- and advanced cultivars34.
ing demand beyond 2030 will require novel technological advances12. The ‘stalled floor’ category is characterized by a significant
This could be the situation for rice: over 3 decades, the ratio of har- decrease in growth rate of actual yield coupled with an increase in
vested area with yield gaps growing versus shrinking flipped from 6:1 the yield gap. There can be multiple reasons for this, ranging from
to 1:2 (Supplementary Table 4) with 84% of rice area now experiencing economic shocks to adoption of environmental policies to lack of
‘ceiling pressure’ (Supplementary Table 13). A contrasting view has been investment in agronomics. Practices in western Europe intended to
that economic incentives will lead to continuous future improvement29 provide environmental benefits may lead to stalling yields because
and that increases in agricultural research and development (R&D) will such practices (for example, reduction of fertilizer inputs, adoption of
lead to further increases in crop yield30,31. Maize trends are consistent agro-ecological systems, banning of chemical pesticides) do not aim
with this view, with increases in production in areas with diverging yield solely to maximize yields but rather to balance trade-offs with environ-
gaps increasing over the decades (Supplementary Table 4) and 60% of mental impacts35. A related example is legislation in Italy limiting the
maize area experiencing ‘steady growth’ (Supplementary Table 13). uptake of genetically modified strains of maize that can resist pests
The present approach represents a possible method for relating yield has caused yields to decrease36 (Supplementary Fig. 5). Agronomic
outcomes to investment in agricultural R&D and extension that will be decisions can also lead to decreases in yield growth. As yield is reported
critical to achieving food security and climate goals32. in units of tonnes per cultivated hectare, this can be associated with
Regions experiencing ‘ceiling pressure’ have closing yield gaps increased productivity in conjunction with increasing multicropping,
and are at risk of a pronounced decrease in future yield growth (if not particularly prevalent for rice37, but can also come about because a crop
outright stagnation) in the absence of investment to raise attainable is less favoured, such as sorghum in the United States being displaced
yields. While this result is intuitive, we have quantified the effect and by maize on the most productive farmland23.
shown that measures based on yield gap closure rates are more reliable Yield gaps evolve with change in either yield ceiling or floor, and
predictors of future stagnation than measures based on local yield ‘steady growth’ reflects ongoing increase in both, characterized by
time series or size of yield gap. By calculating yield gap closure over an consistent growth in attainable yield, associated with investment in
equivalent time interval, we identify risk of future stagnation for multi- agricultural R&D, and growth in actual yield, associated with diffusion
ple regional crops, particularly rice in Asia, with Vietnam, Bangladesh of improved management practices and results of R&D. An example of
and China at heightened risk with 75%, 59% and 34%, respectively, of this category is sorghum in India (Supplementary Fig. 5), where a strong
production in areas where yields are approaching the ceiling (Sup- programme of private–public partnership led to the development of
plementary Fig. 4 and Supplementary Information). Wheat yields in private plant breeding and uptake of improved hybrids23. Maize in
many European countries also have much harvested area undergoing many countries (Fig. 4) is undergoing this steady growth. In Mexico,
‘ceiling pressure’ (Supplementary Fig. 4 and Supplementary Informa- this trend is evident (Supplementary Figs. 4 and 5) in spite of relatively
tion), consistent with the yield stagnation observed by other authors33. large yield gaps associated with farmers growing lower-yielding white
Policies to address ‘ceiling pressure’ include those that increase yield corn preferred by consumers38.
different for maize and soybean than for wheat and rice. Maize and
soybean, which respectively deliver 24% and 52% of calories directly
or indirectly as food39, have significantly increasing yield gaps. By
contrast, wheat and rice, which deliver over 78% and 86%, respectively,
of their calories as food39, have seen no significant change in yield gaps.
Attainable yield This result is probably due to increased investment for maize and soy-
Yield gap
Yield bean, correlated with net production value increases over this time
period of 289% and 292% compared with increases of 106% and 87% for
wheat and rice, respectively27. Thus, ‘steady growth’, with its attendant
b Stalled floor
potential for future yield improvement12, is occurring for crops that
largely do not feed people (directly). An optimistic reading of this is
that commensurate levels of investment are possible for crops that are
more critical to food security, and a growing body of research suggests
that R&D investment in crops critical to food security can improve
yields31,40,41 and will be required to meet future food demand12. Recent
research, however, shows that the temporal relationship between R&D
expenditure and yield improvements exhibits longer lag times and
world. However, the present approach also has limitations owing to the
scale and type of information that can be used in a global model. For
example, we may overestimate yield gaps in Africa because of limited
soil rooting depth48. Variables such as slope, soil organic carbon and
pH are significant in explaining yield quantiles, but using these model
Attainable yield terms to predict results of extensification requires detailed assump-
Yield gap
tions about the soil properties of land available for expansion. These
results do not by themselves speak to the constituent components of
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 yield gap, a topic that can be usefully addressed with process-based
Year approaches18. The focus of our study is temporal trends in attaina-
Fig. 3 | Typologies of yield gap closure. a, ‘Steady growth’ category, an ble yields—application of similar methods using cross-validation in
archetype of which is the situation when attainable yield (‘ceiling’) and actual physical space and climate space would result in attainable yield sur-
yield (‘floor’) benefit from agronomic investment in new technologies and faces more appropriate for the assessment of production gaps. While
increased uptake of management practices. b, ‘Stalled floor’ category; yield gap is there may be crop and climate combinations that do not experience
increasing because ‘best in class’ management practices for maximizing yield are advanced management leading to conservative predictions of attain-
not widely adopted for reasons that could include economic barriers, selection able yield, the trends will still be valid. Global approaches can show
of lower-yielding higher-quality cultivars or adoption of environmental policies. sensitivity to choice of weather variables45,49 although we find our
c, ‘Ceiling pressure’ category, in which small yield gaps indicate a need for results to be robust with regard to selection of climatic datasets (Sup-
breeding and ‘new agronomy’24 to improve yield ceilings. Some archetypal
plementary Information). The present method is explicit with regard to
examples are shown in Supplementary Fig. 5.
choice of weather variables and climate dependencies (Tables 5 and 6).
The present approach, with its global scope and basis on empiri-
Yield gaps can vary with year-to-year on-field practices, but also cal yield data, emphasizes policy relevance over agronomic precision.
with structural changes, such as lower-productivity land coming into Indeed, top-down frameworks such as the one used here can lead to
cultivation. Yield ceilings for most crops have decreased compared instances at a local scale of predictions of yield ceiling below current
Steady growth
Stalled floor
Maize Ceiling pressure Rice
Fig. 4 | Maps of typologies of yield gap change for maize, rice, wheat and soybean. Typologies are as defined in the text and illustrated in Fig. 3. Maps for other crops
are shown in Supplementary Fig. 4.
Table 4 | Global allocation of circa 2000 harvested area into Table 5 | Biophysical variables used in the construction of
three typologies of yield gap evolution the yield attainment model
Rapeseed 42.2% 11% 46.8% IRR Fraction of area equipped for irrigation Portmann et al.68,
Siebert et al.69
Rice 12% 3.9% 84.2%
AWC Available water capacity in the upper ISRIC65
Sorghum 51.2% 9.1% 39.6% 30 cm of soil
Soybean 48% 11.2% 40.8% SOC Soil organic carbon in the upper 30 cm ISRIC65
of soil
Sugar cane 28.8% 18% 53.2%
PH The pH of the upper 30 cm of soil ISRIC65
Wheat 28.8% 15.5% 55.7%
SLOPE30 Proportion of area with slope >30° Harmonized World
Soils Database67
production . By using census-based yields for the empirical com-
parison, this method sidesteps the need to untangle exploitable and VF Vernalization factor, binary used for WorldClim V2.1
wheat only; 1 if −8 ≤ Tavg ≤ 5 °C, where (ref. 63)
agronomic potential8,11,19–21. The global nature of the dataset provides Tavg is the average temperature of the
a framework for sustainability studies. Moreover, while the approach coldest month
is global, it has predictive power at the local scale as evidenced by the t Year
skill it shows to predict likelihood of yield stagnation. The inclusion
of irrigated fraction is another important benefit, allowing for the
exploration of scenarios with changes in irrigation; until now, this has thus, yield gap calculations are only indirectly sensitive to change in
been a notable drawback of analogue approaches8. This approach com- yield due to climate. However, future climate change could impact
plements other global approaches such as the Global Agro-Ecological projections from this analysis owing to factors beyond the scope of this
Zones50, finding similar quantitative results at a global scale for a dif- model such as yield losses due to increased pathogen risk51 or increased
ferent set of crops (Supplementary Fig. 6) while providing trends in yields due to adaptations of cultivars and cropping calendars52. Despite
attainable yield. this, a recent econometric analysis argued that historical adaptation
Recent climate change does not alter the conclusions of this analy- to climate change is negligible53 and actual yield losses from increased
sis. Because our method fits model parameters anew every year, climate pathogen risk are not well quantified and increased primarily in regions
change impacts on yield will be mirrored in changes to attainable yield; with yield gains from a changing climate51. Furthermore, future climate
Table 6 | Terms included in each selected model can be obtained from a snapshot, and is critical to the definition of the
typology categories ‘ceiling pressure’, ‘steady growth’ and ‘stalled floor’,
Barley Y∼1+MAP+GDD^2+PCI+IRR+IRR*MAP+IRR*PCI+SLOPE30 which can help to determine types of intervention and where to target
Cassava Y∼1+GDD+MAP^2+GDD^2+IRR+IRR*MAP efforts to increase production. Continued growth of the attainable
yields identified here will require ongoing investment in agricultural
+PH technologies. Assuring this ‘room to grow’ for future crop yields is
critical to fulfilling the promise of the green revolution and providing
food security for future generations.
Sorghum Y∼1+GDD+MAP+IRR+IRR*MAP+MAP*PCI+IRR*PCI+SLOPE30 Tables of annual yield and harvested area data for barley, cassava,
maize, oil palm, rapeseed, rice, sorghum, soybean, sugar cane and
wheat were compiled following the methods of Ray et al.56. In general
Sugar cane Y∼1+MAP+MAP^2+GDD^2+IRR+IRR*MAP+PH
terms, the data compilation method relies on obtaining and reconciling
Wheat Y∼1+GDD+GDD*MAP+MAP^2+IRR+IRR*MAP+MAP*PCI+VF*GD data for crop yield and area from a variety of public sources. Data are
D+VF+SLOPE30+PH reconciled across administrative units (that is, if the sum of reported
state-level production exceeds reported national-level production,
change will shift the likelihood of extreme conditions, which may also the state-level data are reduced by a factor to assure agreement at the
drive extreme yield losses54. While extreme climate change would lead coarsest levels). There is a gap-filling procedure that is required when
to the functional form of the yield surfaces being poorly matched in there is a gap in a data series at a subnational level. In this case, the miss-
later years, there are two reasons to discount this here. One is that ing data are filled with the last 5 year average data available, so that it
impacts on yield due to climate change over the time period studied scales with the data at the higher administrative level while retaining the
are typically smaller than growth due to evolution in cultivars and subnational patterns for a crop. Full details are available in Ray et al.56.
management26,55–57. A second reason is more concrete: we repeated We note that yield data are reported in terms of tonnes per har-
analysis with yearly weather data instead of a fixed climatology and vested hectare; the same parcel of land can have multiple harvests in
found that the latter led to lower temporal cross-validation errors a year. A data quality check for each crop–year combination rejected
(Supplementary Information). In short, while future climate change points with harvested area greater than 300% (that is, the multicrop-
may move the global system into a climate space that is poorly captured ping index for the entire region exceeds 3) or yield values greater than
by this model, the historical analysis presented here appears robust to 2 s.d. above the area-weighted 97.5th percentile yield value for each
climate change experienced to date. crop–year.
Identifying yield gaps is not the same as prescribing how to close Data were developed using the detailed process described in sec-
yield gaps. While this analysis looks to identify yield gaps and catego- tion 1.2 of Supplementary Text 1 in Ray et al.56, which in turn is based on
rize regimes of yield gap evolution, it does not offer prescriptions the approach of Monfreda et al.62. All data are from public sources and
regarding how those gaps should be addressed. The very concept of can be replicated by a reader using the methods and sources provided.
closing yield gaps is not value-neutral and can be problematic58. In If those sources are no longer available, the second author will provide
addition to the difficulties of addressing the myriad socio-economic that data. The maize, rice, wheat and soybean yield data are available in
factors that keep farmers from improving production, small yield gaps Supplementary Table 8 in Ray et al.56. Requests for the actual gridded
imply reduced potential for future growth20,58. In some contexts, for maps can be sent to the first author of Ray et al.56.
example, in which smallholder subsistence agriculture is prevalent,
significant investment in closure of yield gaps in primary crops may Biophysical data
not be appropriate. This might be the case in which the investments in Climate data. We reprocessed global datasets of monthly average
inputs required to increase yields lead to high levels of debt for farmers, temperature and monthly precipitation at 5 arcmin resolution from
especially where availability of inputs may fluctuate year to year, leav- the WorldClim V2.1 (ref. 63) to calculate grids of growing degree days
ing farmers open to risk of over-investment in specific crops or crop (GDD) with base temperature (Tbase) = 0 °C, mean annual precipitation
varieties. Singular focus on yields of staple crops may also occur at the (MAP), precipitation concentration index64 (PCI) and a binary vernaliza-
expense of diversified crop production, with negative consequences tion factor (VF) that takes on the value 1 if the coldest monthly winter
for local nutrition and food security. In the context of transnational temperature is less than or equal to 8 °C and zero otherwise. These
land acquisitions, closing yield gaps can increase production while resulting grids (all at 5 arcmin resolution) were incorporated into data
putting local food security at risk59. By contrast, Zhang et al.60 report tables as described below.
that intense agricultural outreach to smallholder farmers in Quzhou,
China, helped close yield gaps and increase farmer incomes. Yield gaps Soils data. We obtained 30 arcsec grids of available water capacity, pH
may also persist as reflections of consumer preferences (for example, (PH) and soil organic carbon at various soil depths from the SoilGrid-
white corn in Mexico38 or high-protein low-yield wheat61). s1km project65,66 (downloaded from on 27 June 2017).
Since 2000, the growth rates in yield gap experienced by maize, After individual depth layers were aggregated to 5 arcmin resolution,
soybean and rapeseed over the green revolution have continued, while soil properties in the top 30 cm were obtained using a trapezoidal
yield gaps have significantly closed for rice and stagnated for wheat. integration following Hengl et al.65. We included topographical data
The discrepancy in attainable yield growth between crops reinforces by downloading 5 arcmin grids with percentage of 100 m × 100 m sub-
calls for increased agricultural research investment in crops critical to pixels with average slopes in the intervals below 10°, between 10° and
food security19,30,31, and suggests region and crop combinations where 30°, and above 30° from Harmonized World Soil Database v 1.2 (ref. 67).
investment should be targeted. The method introduced here for iden- These resulting grids (all at 5 arcmin resolution) were incorporated
tifying and analysing yield gaps should be viewed as a complement to into data tables as described below.
computational approaches, particularly those that upscale local and
regional results from process-based models43,44. The temporal nature Irrigated area. To determine a time series of irrigated area, we scaled
of the yield gap analysis presented here provides more insights than the fraction of irrigated area as the maximum proportion of the crop
growing area irrigated in each grid cell (IRR) from Mueller et al.6 (which ∑i τ| yi −qi |ai
yi > qi
was based on MIRCA2000 (ref. 68)) using ratios of area equipped for ⎪ ∑i ai
LFτ,year = (1)
irrigation from Siebert et al.69. We use linear extrapolation of the area ⎨ ∑i (1−τ)| yi −qi |ai
⎪ yi ≤ qi
equipped for irrigation to extrapolate beyond 2005, constraining the ⎩ ∑i ai
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the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. J.S.G., D.K.R. and P.C.W. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
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Environment. J.S.G. and P.C.W. received support from the Belmont as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
Forum/FACCE-JPI-funded ‘DEVIL’ project (NE/M021327/1). D.M. source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate
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the analysis; J.S.G., D.M., E.E.B. and N.D.M. developed the quantitative © The Author(s) 2024
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All weather, soil, and irrigation data used in this study are publicly available and sourced in references 66 and 68-73 of the methods, Crop yield and area data are
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Sampling strategy No sampling was performed to obtain the dataset. Sub-sampling of the dataset was performed to assess confidence intervals.
Timing and spatial scale Dataset is global, data are annual over period 1973-2012. Spatial scale depends on the number of administrative units within each
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Randomization Bootstrapping methods based on random sampling of the data were used to generate confidence intervals.
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April 2023