The Stony Brook Press - Volume 12, Issue 13
The Stony Brook Press - Volume 12, Issue 13
The Stony Brook Press - Volume 12, Issue 13
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Lean and Mean Levine further limits their ability to offer cash.
Germany, formerly a large source
of capital, now has its own investment needs
as it develops the unified nation's economy.
Financial Reporter Says Recession's End Near The oil countries, too have diverted funds.
Kuwait is busy rebuilding the country after
the Gulf War and Saudi Arabia has become a
borrowing nation for the first time.
by Fletcher Johnson 81-82 recession. He said that lower Stumbling Blocks
inventories have been the norm lately as to Economic Growth Saving Opportunities
Veteran journalist Irving R. Levine conservative ordering patterns and the wide
said last week that the economy would soon use of computers will in turn increase the Although citing reasons for a quick Levine said a tax increase would
be "on the go," possibly by summer. The factory demand/production figures. recovery of the economy Levine recognized not help the economy in the long run. High
internationally renowned correspondent, The correspondent cited jobs as problems as well. 1,000 banks have failed in spending is what makes and moves the
called the "pioneer of economic reporting" another key difference in the two recessions, the last six years - Levine claimed this to be economy. Saying that 2/3 of all spending is
by Time magazine, was the keynote speaker and a factor in his prediction of a short lived significant but not overwhelming as there are consumer spending - the other third
at a tunafish and pasta salad luncheon which slump. According to Levine the first quarter 14,000 banks left. comprising government and business - it is
was part of a program devoted to recession of the 80's recession saw a 7.5% The $220 billion Federal Budget vs. crucial that people have money to spend.
survival techniques. unemployment rate which eventually grew to The $320 billion deficit is a major block to a High taxes would only limit available
I 1 I I
Guaranteed a
Flexible budget
education, it's e
financing optior
why The Educa
Manufacturers I * 00
lineup of optior
you achieve you
financial objecti
It's as easy as
offers a more cc
range of option:
one else unders
needs better th Wa-
Educational Fi
Group. Call us
vott I s LOOS
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and go to the
head of
the class. sNOS_tOT
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Interviewing tips:
" Research the job beforehand so you know what transferrable skills are applicable.
*r Weekly
" "You control the content ofthe interview; dont volunteer negative information."
e "ffyou were fired from a previous position, respond: "There was a mutual breakdown of communication."
* If the interviewers question makes you uncomfortable, offer to return it in a momment.
* Maintain eye contact when the employer talks to you. Don't forget to send a thank you letter.
Gerrit Wolf, Dean of the Harimmn School for Management and Policy at Stony Brook
provided the results ofa survey of the people who attended the program; out of 129 respondees:
-- %
Deciphering Crystals
by Jean Rousseau loor. The tiles can be laid in different ways. For a crystal, By rotating the crystal, diffraction will occur at
he unit cells have to be arranged in a three-dimensional certain rotation angles, indicating the presence of an another
The chemistry department at Stony Brook recently attern. There are in fact 230 different ways to pack unit cells plane. A large unit cell will also increase the number of
acquired two X-ray crystallography units with computers for n a crystal. These different ways constitute the result of planes available.
$250,000. In the realm of chemistry, these analytical tools lisplacement operations that form the space group. The unit The intensity of the scattered beam will vary
have largely facilitated the determination of molecular ell can be replaced by point and their arrangement in space depending on the planes reflected. If a set of lattice plane
structures. What used to take months, and even allowed becomes a crystal lattice. happens to coincide, in orientation and position, with some
people to earn the Nobel prize can now be performed in a A crystal can be obtained be letting the solvent of a densely populated planar or nearly planar arrays of atoms in a
matter of days. Thanks to automation and high-speed digital ;olution, containing a molecule of interest, slowly evaporates. crystal, the diffraction maximum will be an intense one. This
computing methods, chemists do not need to devote their life the shape of the newly formed crystal won't look as will arise only if there is no other intervening planar plane that
to master crystallographic techniques. Very often their sole ;pectacular as huge quartz crystal. They may have the shape would cancel the scattering of the other plane by emitting a
responsibility will be to ascertain that the molecular structure of small needles or look like little blocks. This is more than scattering out of phase with the first one. This property arises
obtained is physically enough for crystallo- because X-ray scattering is dependant on the electrons in the
and chemicallv reason- graphy purposes. For atoms. More atoms, and consequently more electrons, will
able. certain molecules it then create a more intense scattering if there is no destructive
may be extremely interference.
Crystal difficult to grow cry- The diffraction pattern contains information
stal. Proteins that can describing the type of space group present and the structure
An amethyst, contain more than one present in the unit cell. There is then a reciprocal relationship
a type of quartz with a thousand atoms are between the diffracted pattern and the structure of the
nice violet color and especially tricky to molecule. The problem is to interpret back this information.
regular faces, is an crystallize. The deter- Mathematical techniques such as The Fourier transform
example of a crystal. A mination of the struc- Method or the use of Patterson Function can be employed.
piece of rock compri- ture of these molecules
sing many amethysts is an important part of Crystallography
can be sold for a large the rationale of drug
sum. The fascination design. One of the The crystallography unit shown on fig. 2 can
exerted by the perfec- only practical appli- determine the structure of a 3mm thick crystal. Mounted on a
tion of crystals have cations of the space needle, the crystal is illuminated with an X-ray beam. A
pushed some people to shuttle scientific pro- detector scans different position and determines if there is a
believe that crystals had gram has been the scattering peak at that position and also measures the
erepl r
i obtainment of more intensity. The sample is also rotated, which allows a better
s l the persons Fig. 1.An electron microcope picture of KCI c rystal spires condensed from gas at 550C. perfect protein crystal mapping. The data are recorded in a computer.
especially the persons
selling them. In the produced in zero- The determination of the structure is a two-step
new age fad, the so- weight gravity. process. At first, the computer searches for 25 different
called healing properties of crystals have been trumpeted. scattering intensity peaks. It can take a couple of hours. If
Supposedly, the crystal should be able to channel psychic X-rays there is enough information, the computer will suggest a unit
energy, redistribute it and heal the person holding the crystal. cell. If the user thinks that the result is acceptable, a program
The problem is that nobody knows what exactly psychic X-rays are electromagnetic waves, like visible light, will try to predict where the reflections should be. Typically,
energy is and how it can be physically measured. Many but with a much smaller wavelength. Visible light can be it will require 1 to 3 days to gather all the data. The analysis
criticize crystal healing as having more to do with fetishism diffracted when it passes through a grating or a series of of all these data is performed by the computer and will use
and gullibility than with sound physical principles. narrow slits. X-rays behaves the same way but one needs some of the mathematical techniques to predict what the
On a more extremely small slits. structure should be. It is not an absolute answer but it is
practical level, crystals In 1912 Von Laue definitive.
are now employed in Srealized that the An example of a structure determined with this
many watches to Swavelength of X-rays instrument is shown in fig. 3. It represents the structure of a
increase their precision. is of the same order of cadmium complex and was obtained by Jayson Moy, graduate
When compressed, a magnitude that the student in chemistry. Professor Stephen Koch of the
crystal will vibrate at a Saverage distance bet- chemistry department declares that the use of crystallography
specific high frequency ween the atoms in a has become a routine for small molecules. In 1970, it would
which can be measured solid. To test if X-rays have taken nine p~onths for determining a structure, now you
and used to calibrate the were effectively a form can obtain three structures per week.
mechanisms calculating of light, he reasoned
time. that a crystals could be
For chemists, considered as a three-
crystals are a regular dimensional grating.
assembly of molecules The passage of an X-
in a solid phase. As a ray beam through a
consequence, it can be crystal did produce a
said that a crystal is a diffraction pattern.
macroscopic expression von Laue obtained the
of a microscopic physics Nobel prize it
structure. Once 1914 for this achieve-
achieved, the macro- ment.
scopic structure is a When the
consequence of the X-ray beam meets the
internal cohesive forces crystal, part of the X-
between molecules ray is absorbed but
which form the material small amount is
and yield its general transmitted and scat
properties of density, tered in differen
hardness, ductility, etc. directions. The angu
To form a lar distribution of the
crystal, we can scattered beam can be
represent a primary understood by consi
unit, also called a unil dering that the dif
fracted beam behave<
cell, tnat piles up in Fig. 2. One of the new crystallography umit of the chemistry department. as if it were reflecte<
some regular way.
Interpretation of crystal- from planes passinE
lographic data showed that these unit cells may comprise a through points of the crystal lattice. By approaching such
single atom or molecule or a complex assembly of molecules, plane at a small incident angle with respect to the plane, th
or even part of a molecule. Such a molecule may be very beam behaves as if it bounces on a surface. If the incider Fig. 3. Structure of a Cadmium complex
large, like virus particles that can crystallize. The repetition angle is larger, the beam simply goes through the lattic
of unit cells can be represented as ceramic tiles covering a without reflection or is absorbed.
April 25, 1991 page 9
continued from page 7 against Emmanuel Severe and Philippe 2. It was also the duty of the EOB to throw trash SUNY style would never pull ranks on
Valbrune, and to revoke any decision already out this much smaller and drunker guy who fellow matter what their
taken as a consequence of those charges. posed a threat of some kind to these EOB status...correct me if rm wrong?
Outraged Sincerely,
Serge Hyancinthe
"guys" even though he was out numbered
and out weighted...when the guy being
3. This is the one thing that really pissed me
off, as if you couldn't tell that I'm a bit
Dear Dr. Fred Preston: President of HSA, ejaculated asked why he was being dissappointed in the EOB's attitude... I kind
It has come to our attention that Howard University ejaculated, they kind of mumbled something of complained about this old, fat piece of
two Haitian students, Emmanuel Severe and about him being a trouble maker...but they trash guy who was hanging out at the bar
Philippe Valbrune, attending the State
- C_
university ot
N7ý_l- ^*C*e*---.T»-^^lr% U-..^.
Xr1T_-.. i
i•ew I OrI at 3uony BrUoouk imve
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really didn't give him a good reason...they
didn't even let him find his jacket, they made
calling women names and being a pest...I told
the guy to "f--k off! get the f --k outta' my
been suspended from the University as a other people scammer around and look for it, face" but I guess that was too subtle because
result of their participation in a peaceful
demonstration against the racist policy of the
To Nowhere which kind of rude... seeing that not
only was this guy a paying customer, who is
the guy kept up with his I asked
the EOB to do know what
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that To The Editor: never allowed back there again at the #EOB's the EOB said? Sit down...don't laugh cuz' it's
excluded Haitians and Sub-Saharan Africans I, being of sound mind and body, command, but he is also a student...I don't not funny...the EOB said something to the
from donating blood. hereby risk the entirety of my drinking think he'd want to go back there anyway...and effect of ..."Did he grab your tits?" Did he
Dr. Preston, we, of the Haitian pursuits by out-right accusing a higher he wasn't's just one of those what? you heard him...they'd only do
Student Association (HSA) of Howard bureaucracy of wrong doing; i.e. the E.O.B., strange behavioral things that people get into something if the little weazle grabbed my
University are chagrined by this arbitrary which hereafter will be referred to as an when they are having difficulties excepting TITS! B------T! That fat old ugly dirt bag
decision which disregards the legitimate civil entity unto itself which a corporation is in the their own mediocrity, therefore feeling it isn't even a lousy student! This is serious
rights of individuals to protest. Moreover, we eyes of the law. Also, I am making reference necessary to exercise power over people who folks! The EOB threw out that other guy
deplore most vehemently the numerous to the EOB as an after 8pm Bar, not as the are smarter or more important on a societal without a second thought! But this little old
incongruities with respect to the trial fine eating facility which it is during the level...or something like that. Also, it doesn't pervert on vacation had 'rights' or
proceedings in which Severe and Valbrune earlier hours... There are three...count look good for a campus piece a' nothing bar something...They might as well put a sign up
were "found" guilty. Why were the audio em...three incidents of err... to go throwing out students and 86in' that reads: "KNOW YOUR LIMITS! THE
and video tapes of the demonstration kept 1. The E.O.B. has taken it upon itself to's the only place on campus that GRABBING ENDS WHERE THE TITS
confidential from the "randomly" chosen relate to customers that they 'smell serves alcohol after 8pm, I thought it was a BEGIN! A friend suggested that, pretty
jury? Why was the trial conducted behind bad'...which is unnecessary seeing as that a place for students? They could have at least clever, aye?
closed doors? paying customer who is within the confines explained themselves because the impression ** Is FSA willing to paly roulette with the
Mr. Vice-President for Student of their expected behavior as a customer is they gave the 'other' customers was that they EOB's reputation? A CAMPUS/STUDENT
Affairs, as an official of an institution of permitted to smell however they want... If were just exercising authority, and it's not facility? THIS NEVER HAPPENED AT
higher education, we are certain that you another customer had 'complained' about the good to leave that kind of impression because THE GSL! Maybe the powers that be won't
understand and agree that the suspension of smell of an other, than perhaps the things like that spread like wild-fire...and send me any letter bombs or try to knife me
Severe and Valbrune is unwarranted at best, complainer should have voiced their 'opinion' people will be intimidated by that kind of on my way to class...maybe they'll read this
especially when there is strong evidence without ivolving the EOB, which is already happening and their patronage will letter and realize that they aren't some
suggesting the culpability of the campus seen as a cold and heartless establishment in decrease...I think a lot of students are exclusive Upper East Side restaurant and be
police as agitating agents during the said the eyes of the thousands of students who intimidated by the 'elitest' image the EOB has nicer, less uptight..maybe not? But they owe
demonstration. 'would not go in there if yoy paid them'. already, and "IMAGE is everything." Am I a couple of people a couple of
In the name of justice and respect Besides, its kind of rude...and I hate the smell right? If I didn't know any better, I'd say apologies...aye?
for civil rights, we ask that you act in the of Aqua Velva or whatever that stench is that there was some kind of 'discrimination' going Thank You
greatest haste to drop all the charges brought hovers above the small crowds at the EOB, on here? But, I know a piece of corporate anonymous
but who's complaining?
-- -
Elite University
continued from page 8 perfectly with this plan.
concerning the fall of the Berlin Wall - sponsored by the This fact struck me firmly in the face while I was
NAS - was being delivered by Professor Richard reviewing both printed and taped material for this article.
Hofferbert, a member of the political science faculty, when I discovered, much to my amazement, that the NAS has
a group of organized protesters including students and managed to become directly involved in the shaping of
faculty members disrupted the meeting. The protesters' opinions surrounding the CUNY occupations. Last
attempts to demonstrate their outrage misfired quite badly, Monday (April 15th) during a live panel discussion
because a physical confrontation arose, and as a result one concerning the CUNY protests carried by WNET TV, an
of the student protesters has been charged with assault. appearance was made by Professor Barry Gross, from
On April 10, The Wall Street Journal picked up on the York College. He attacked the CUNY protests, accusing
incident, and printed a wildly inflammatory editorial student activists of using "bullying and intimidation
running under the headline: "Return of the Storm tactics," (sound familiar?) and being "disruptive of the
Troopers." whole educational process." Viewers were not informed, /
The Journal compared the protesters to rioting book- however, that Dr. Gross is in fact an active member on the
burners, and claimed that they were "carrying canes and Board of Directors for the NAS.
sticks..." and threatening the audience with violence. A This really is war. This really is an "intellectual
more recent account of the incident printed by The New Vietnam" (Public Enemy gets the credit for that term). In
York Times ("Dispute Arises After Students Protest a my discussions with friends and fellow graduate students,
Lecture," April 21, page 43) made no mention of "canes a number of interesting observations have been brought to
and sticks," or of threatened violence. What The Wall my attention. Chris Murphy, a Stony Brook alumnus who
Street Journal failed to mention in its diatribe is the fact recently joined the psychology faculty at the University of
that Professor Hofferbert two years ago invited active Maryland, asserts that neocons have come to experience
members of the Ku Klux Klan to speak in his classroom. the writings of progressives as a kind of "silencing," which
accounts for their self-concept as victims of radical
What's The Link? injustices. The highly organized nature of the
neoconservative assault has prompted some graduate
What do cultural wars have to do with tuition increases? students on our own campus to consider the formation of a
Why should we care about a bunch of cranks who feel more coherent response to the NAS than was shown in
threatened by the thoughts of some of the world's greatest Binghamton last month.
thinkers? Isn't this just a tempest in a tea-pot? We should Such ideas should receive more attention, and should
care because the very principles of reasoned intellectual involve the participation of faculty members as well. The
discourse are at risk. The track record of American NAS has not made its presence felt on our campus yet, and
scholars has already been greatly tainted by the history of perhaps by raising awareness regarding the hidden
the academic-military-industrial complex and its critical agendas behind this rapidly growing organization, we can
role in the National Security State of America. Our most help to resist and minimize its retrograde influence. But
recent frolicking in the Middle East provides ample first, as long as the struggles on CUNY and SUNY
evidence to support that assertion. The project of campuses continue, we must demonstrate solidarity and
recreating the elite university Las ideological, political, strength in the face of all attempts to sacrifice the minds of
and economic components. Forcing millions of underclass our brothers and sisters on the alter of economic and
Americans to leave universities and colleges fits in political expedience.
The Stony Brook
Press page 10
I I - I I I r · -- · - I
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The Stony Brook Press page 12
- I ·I ·
by Andrew Fsh on my body. The transition from one state to unable to recognize my transition from one housed his biology course, as he rotated
another remains incomplete. I must state to another." around and around on his swivel chair in
Ron was walking on the linoleum improvise." Ron began hopping in the "The attraction which I had previously felt order to atone for the fact that his coat
tiles of the floor of the hall of the institute, on direction of the room which housed his toward you has now abated, Ron, due to your remained undoffed. Eventually, the instructor
his way to the room which housed his course biology course. As he hopped, he began to deviation from cultural normalcy." of the biology course was compelled to
in biology, when he realized that he had feel discomfort due to the fact that his knees "Your interpretation of my actions is address Ron's behavior.
neglected to remove his yellow raincoat. and ankles were unaccustomed to this type of woefully misguided. My intention was to "I must turn and turn." responded Ron, "in
Being obliged to abide by the cultural norms stress. He attempted to alleviate it through a adhere to the accepted facets of our culture, order to attain cultural normalcy. My
of his society, and thus determined to system alternating legs after a leg had hopped rather than to stray from them." intention is sound, though my action may
recognize the transition from the outside, two times. Though alleviation tactics had "Your motivations mean little to those seem out of the accepted order."
rainy state, to the inside, dry and warm state, "The ability of mine to instruct, and the
Ron knew he must remove the protective ability of these young brains, within their
outer garment from his body. Ron had heard respective bodies, to absorb my instructions,
nothing of the factory recall of all Smithshine are severely curtailed by your deviant
yellow raincoats, model 2A47. He had not behavior which is, by your own admission,
seen or heard the current event depictions out of the accepted order. It therefore
regarding this or any other issue in any of the behooves me to verbally coerce you to exit
media forms, for the preceding five days due from this room in which I instruct this
to his involvement in several projects of high biology course."
difficulty rating. He had not been enlightened Ron rose from his swivel chair, and
as to the surprising nature of the new hopped from the room which housed his
waterproof, heat-circulating material of biology course. He thought,
which his raincoat was constructed. "It seems odd that as I exercise this
According to said depictions, a feature of the substitution method, which enables me to feel
material, which had not been an expectation confident in my own cultural normalcy, I am
of those who designed the product, became chastised due to the deviant appearance of my
apparent, which causes it, when stimulated by behaviors. I must weep now." Ron wept tears
body heat, to form a non-distance related of disbelief and resentment.
chemical bond with cells of the appendix of As Ron's tear ducts were issuing tears
the organism which it surrounds. Ron had which slid down his cheeks, he began to sing.
both body heat and an appendix, and was "Throughthe hills, and 'roundthe creek,
surrounded by this material. He was unable to Though some are subtle, and some are
remove his coat. meek,
Though able to unzip the coat, all else Accepted actions are held dear,
entailed in the removal of such a garment was While I sway from all those, I fear."
problematic. He attempted to slide one arm Ron's voice gathered strength and flowed
from its coat-sleeve, and such an endeavor from his lips with greater intensity, as he
proved futile. He tried to do the same with
two arms, in unison, and then, again with a
single upper appendage. His attempts were
not to be successful. Ron felt as if the coat
Culture Shock
been executed, hopping up steps remained a
began to sing from his diaphragm.
"If they won't accept mefor what I must
Then I will departfrom all else they want,
were attached to his skin through his purple who witness your behavior. Your substituting too.
plaid flannel shirt, and he was certain that the hurtful endeavor, and was the cause of no of a transition ritual of your own design for I have found the way, though they may
pang he felt in his innards was caused by his pleasure for Ron. one which has been accepted by our society think it mor harm, and
attempts to obliterate this attachment. Ron As Ron approached the room wherein his bears the result of your ultimate pariahic I owe it all to my stubbornprotective outer
ceased his battle when the pain in his biology course was taught, he was existence. According to all those outside garment."
abdomen became too great to be tolerated. approached from behind by a female, who your mind, you deviate. Therefore, whatever As he finished his song, he felt he knew
The pain ceased when Ron did. was of slight mass compared to the size of his might have occurred between myself and where he would go.
And thus Ron encountered his dilemma. own body, to whom Ron felt an attraction. yourself, shall never be." "Goodbye," he stated in a voice which
How now should the transition be "Why are you hopping on one leg en route Ron hopped inefficiently toward the room resounded through the halls, and throughout
recognized? to our course in biology?" she asked. which housed his biology course, while the the surrounding area. "I will now go and be
"I am within a shelter," he thought, "and "I must do this in order to off-set my female's relative high speed brought her there without pants and talk funny. And teach
yet my protective outer garment, reserved for inability to remove my protective outer within a small number of seconds. others to see the smell of cultural abnorm."
wet, windy, out of doors conditions remains garment, for such an inability renders me Ron sat dejectedly in the room which
t'TA f'F-
- I zT)AE• r-
Off Broadway Sounds Off was nine. In New York she is hailed as a
child prodigy and is sent to Europe to hone
her skills further. There she meets her first
Where her acting is sometimes
flawed, Ross's piano playing is absolutely
flawless. Her recital is mostly made up of
husband, a violinist, and runs away with him Chopin and Schuman and is carried out
at the age of seventeen. They tour abroad beautifully. The musical pieces perfectly fit
together, leaving her young daughter with her moods and various life stories. They are
relatives, until her husband becomes jealous performed with the elegance and passion that
of her superior musical abilities and leaves is sometimes missing from today's musicals.
her. When she returns home she finds out Considering that Ross has to add drama to the
that he has put their daughter up for adoption. music, this is quite an accomplishment. The
She then realizes that the only way to get her final blend of music and monologue is
back is with money and influences, so her stunningly smooth, and is only interrupted by
quest for the three things she desires most her violent mood swings.
begins. Carreno's life is interesting enough Ross makes this musical one of a
that even a dull monologue would have kept kind, and although it will be most enjoyed by
one enthralled, but Ross' writing is crisp and admirers of classical music, the play will
keeps the audience's attention throughout. most certainly appeal to those who need to be
She plays Carreno as a likeable, carried away from life for a while, and what
and somewhat angry character. The anger can better way to fly than with the sounds of a
be understood though. After all, her grand piano. That and the fact that Carreno's
daughter, whom she had been searching for adventurous life is told in an endearing way
for twenty five years, has just turned down an should make the play a stop on anyone's tour
invitation to see her play. At times, however, of Theatre Row in Manhattan.
but those times are few and far in between, Ross' explosions seem unnecessary. Her Carreno plays Wednesdays through
By Alon Hacohen
and are mostly forgotten when Ross sits at anger is too exaggerated and instead of letting Saturdays at the Intar Theatre at 8 P.M. with
the piano and starts playing. her piano show her emotions first, she matinees on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2
If nothing else, "Carreno"is one of
The play opens with Carreno screams at images from her past. By the time P.M. Sundays shows are at 3 and 7 P.M. On
the more interesting musicals to come our
reading a letter from her long lost daughter she finally lets the piano speak, the audience's Thursdays, the show is performed in Spanish.
way in a long while. It tells the story of
who refuses an invitation to see her mother eardrums are already quite irritated and The Intar is located on Theatre Row, 420
Teresa Carreno, a Venezuelan pianist who
play for the first time in two years. The letter unable to pick up a few of the first notes. West 42nd St. Students with college ID can
reached the height of her career at the turn of
of refusal opens the way for Carreno to tell Otherwise, her acting is adequate with a quite get tickets for half price ($12) and a group of
the twentieth century and is virtually
the audience at her recital about her life. It believable accent thrown in for good 50 or more may arrange a post-performance
unknown today. Pamela Ross, the writer and
all started, she says, when her family left measure. Her character jokes with the discussion with Pamela Ross. For ticket
star of the one woman show, has a huge load
Venezuela for the United States when she audience and is rather lively throughout her information, call (212) 279-4200.
to carry. At times she folds under the weight,
April 25, 1991 page 13
VINYL ,,,, ., ill
I I- , I . I , I ,SONICS I
oy ~cuu Warmniu
T: m ,-c
Linuai anl
ut•maniua to
.- d &I««.
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leopard/ They do it better than any man banned the tattoos, creating quite a stir
wiicer Lte
baby is. Linda replies, "I don't know, I'm can!" "Mabel Rock" is a song about Mabel among the school's pre-teen rockers. It
Elton Johnny Cash is the title of tripping!" but then says, "I think I put him King, the woman who played Mrs. Thomas made the record even more desirable (he
a new album that features Elton John in the kitchen." Muffy runs downstairs and on the TV show, "What's Happening." The softened up a few ears later when he
doing covers of Johnny Cash songs and finds the baby in the refrigerator. He is a Lunachicks proclaim her "The hottest babe allowed not one, but two groups of kids
vice versa. The idea for the project was little cold but still kicking. Linda follows on the seventies scene" and sing about her dressed in full Kiss costume and make-up
proposed by producer Sy Menchin when he and asks Muffy if she has any downers. toilet habits: "Butt cheeks spread all over lip-synch to Kiss records in the school
sat between the singers at the 1987 Rock Muffy, absolutely livid, starts to scream at the seat/ For you takin' a shit aint too neat" talent show). The excesses of Kiss Alive II
and Roll Hall of Fame awards ceremony. her. Linda tries to calm her down by In "Glad I'm Not Yew" and "Born 2B made sense. At the time the band was one
The album starts off with Elton and Johnny saying, "So5don't pay me! Don't pay me!" Mild," the band proclaim their greatness. of the most popular in the world. Their
dueting on "To All The Girls I've Loved Muffy then conks Linda on the head with a The music is raw punk rock with elements marketing people had a Kiss product in
Before." The rest of side one has Elton frying pan and then smothers her to death of hardcore and seventies metal. Guitarist every market and the money was coming
singing the best known hits of Johnny in a big b footsteps of in faster than they could count it, so why
Cash. Elton claims that he chose this outrageou Johnny not package the album so outlandishly?
particular group of songs after consulting scene from Ramone Babysitters On Acid has a fantastic cover.
the I Ching. His version of "A Boy Named film fille and the The band is standing in a kitchen with
Sue" plays upon the controversy that arose w i t MC 5' s empty bottles of wine and Stoli scattered
when Elton announced his bisexuality in outrageou W a n e about. Theo is holding a tot who looks like
the mid 70's. Elton incorporates the bass scenes, bu Kramer and he is scared shitless. Bass player Squid is
line from Lou Reed's "Walk On The Wild the Luna F r e d about to ram the nipple of a giant baby
Side" into "I Walk The Line." Johnny Cash chicks g "Sonic" bottle down the kid's throat. Drummer
is most associated with country music and one up o Smith . Becky Wreck is holding a huge butcher
rockabilly, but he is no stranger to the rock J o h T h e i r knife. A similar photo graces the cover of
world. He sang with Bob Dylan on Dylan's Waters guitars roar, the twelve page deluxe photo scrapbook
Nashville Skyline LP and he also covered They sid crash, and that is inside the record. A Kiss poster is
Bruce Springsteen's "Johnny 99" a few with th scream with visable on the wall. The booklet has the
years back. His patented "boom-chicka- babysittei all the deli- story of the title track told in comic strip
boom" guitar style adds a new flavor to The song' cacy of a form. Inside are great pictures of the band
"Crocodile Rock." A slow tempo, along chorus pair of jack- in performance. A sticker on the cover of
with Cash's deep baritone, give a richness "babysitter hammers. the record that tells you about the enclosed
to '"The Bitch Is Back" that Elton's version on aci, The album booklet also dares you to "lick this tab
lacks. The cover of the record is amusing. every town Uiss Alive II. sucker!" The dust sleeve has all of the
Elton is decked out in Cash's traditional taken as a rallying cry, not an ominous Kiss Alive II was a tribute to excess. The lyrics and lots of strange drawings. A
black western garb and Cash is resplendent warning. In their version of the tale, double album was their second live record number of them are of ugly little creatures
in a silver sequined jacket and a pair of vocalist Theo sings as both the babysitter in less than two years. The inside of the squeezing out turds. The album comes
huge sunglasses covered in crimson and the mother. The babysitter sings, gatefold sleeve showed the band in all their with tattoos too- lots of real ones decorate
rhinestones...Babysitters On Acid is the "Take the tab, stick it on my tongue/ Now glory with flashpots flaming, gigunda the arm of drummer Becky. This type of
first album from New York's Lunachicks. this crummy job will be some fun/ Lord, I lighting rigs, and walls and walls of amps. packaging is unprecedented for a band's
The title track is inspired by a scene from hope they never come back/ Ok kid, step The record contained a booklet called "The first record, especially during a time when
John Water's 1977 film DesperateLiving. on the oven rack." When the mother calls Evolution Of Kiss," which showcased the the record industry is tring to kill off vinyl
At one point in the film Muffy St. Jacques, to see how the child is, the babysitter tells bands' yearly costume changes. Kiss Alive (you're a sucker if you buy this on disc),
played by the lucious Liz Renay, returns her that "she's almost done." She also says II also came with a sheet of temporary but I can imagine nothing less for a band as
home from a cocktail party with her that she is "not leaving without getting tattoos. The tattoos became quite the rage great as the Lunachicks. This record is a
drunken husband and finds her babsitter paid." This type of raucous, low brow, when I was in elementary school. When truly great work of trash art, one that your
having a wild bash. Muffy runs tq the gross out humor is found in most of the one kid decided to put one of them on his life will be incomplete without; one that
nursery and finds the crib empty. She album's songs. In "Makin' It (With Other forehead, he was sent to the nurse so that will make my elementary school principal
locates the babysitter, Linda, in the master Species)," one verse goes, "I'm makin' it she could remove it with an alcohol soaked wish for the good old days.
bedroom. She is naked and having a bum with other species/ Lickin' up their little cotton ball. Fifteen minutes later, the
trip with some hippy jerk. Muffy smacks feces/ A German shepherd/ A big strong principal came on the PA system and
I , _I - -- I I I J I _ ~
School of Fish
By Wayne Myer slides into three, in the manner with which
Depeche Mode seems to have a tendency to
They hate fish jokes. School Of do. "Deep End" sprouts out of the tail end of
Fish recently released its debut album on the track three with distant lyrics and even more
Capitol label, and the quartet is making a distanced vocals that ring of something
big...splash. The Fish are Josh Clayton-Felt Robert Smith might do. The disc spins on
(vocals and guitar), Michael Ward (guitar), into "King Of The Dollar," another tribute to
Dominic Nardini (bass), and M.P. (drums). Elvis. Another dreamy song is injected into
Clayton-Felt and Ward first teamed up in the the stereo on "Speechless." The album is tied
Los Angeles based band, Francis X & The up with "Euphoria," a track fed by a drum
Bushmen, although the two have their roots machine, vocalizing the immunity to
in Boston and Minneapolis, respectively. emotional damage that eventually comes after
Nardini hails from New York City, and M.P. a heartbreak.
is from someplace like Cleveland. Add The band was signed in a fashion
producer/engineer John Porter (bassist for very different from he norm. Signed by
Roxy Music and Eno days), shake well, and Capitol in the Spring of '90, the band lacked
out comes a euphony that may sound a little any significant following. It was a gamble on
overproduced, but still manages to please the the part of Capitol Records, but one that has
aural senses. produced a viable product. School Of Fish
Their work is a dreamy, mood has the potential to make a (gasp, puke,
stirring sound that is feuled by heavy guitars convulse) Top 40 hit.
and a driving bass line. A near reference School Of Fish epitomizes
point would be The Jesus and Mary Chain progressive rock of today. The sounds of
meets Jane's Addiction. The sound defies R.E.M., The Jesus and Mary Chain,
classification. Replacements, and The Cult are packaged,
The 11 track album opens with mixed, cut, and burned into the aluminum
swirling intro and the luxurient "3 Strange vapor condensated onto a disc of
Days," about losing one's self for 72 hours. It polycarbonate to produce many pleasing
even turned up in a movie soundtrack, effects when inserted into the laser storage
"Reversal Of Fortune" starring Glenn Close, retrieval system. Net the Fish at your local
Jeremy Irons, and Ron Silver. Track two market for audio.
It's A Bird, It's A Plane, WUSB TOP 35
It's The Mighty Underdog as of 4/26/91