Activities April 17th
Activities April 17th
Activities April 17th
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Vienez I h · ary . ..
ue a as a revolut,on and 1nsp mng mus,.c educ . h' h ~im~ to improve the lives of
disadyaotaqec/ r.hildren and their families. El Sistema - at,on program, w 1c ~ . .
meaning "the system" - is a total-im~ers,on 1
that brings children together to play mus pr~gram
ic every day. Preschool children sit on their moth
play rhythm games, or play with paper instrumen ers ~nee s to s,ng,
ts that they make themselves. At age five, child stªrt to
play a real instrument, which is a thrilling expe ren
rience for them. As soon as the children are go~d
teach t~e youn_ger ones. Toe program is, highl enough, they
y ~l~~ ttifJ 11 By high school, students a_ r~ tackllng sorne of the
most difficult p1eces of classical music. However,
committed; they practice after school every day
\ program is demanding, and participants need
to be
:'-, , '- (
and on weekends.
H• •
..... Read six people's comments about El Sistema. Are their impressions correct? Write Yes or No.
Find evidence in the article to support your
1. A program like that can't really work. 1mean, they can't teach them to play adva
nced pieces. _H_Q_
2. The children must spend hours practicing. ~
3. Sir Simon Rattle must be really impressed with the program. ~
4. sorne of the students may come from wealthy families. Ye.s
They must get a lot of their money from arts
5. and music organizations. rJ o
Programs like that can't work in other countries
6. , though . ~ o
u ¿l H I í? A ¼
- -·• - ==- ere ·~at Zíff eiiF nziir
' 1
Janine Licare
Arn Chorn-Pond
Ardena Gojan i
1. Klds Saving the Ralnforest 2. Cambodlan Living Arts 3. The lnternational Book Project
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A ~>» 4•1•
List~n to t~ree conv~rsations about the people and organ izatio ns above. Write three
thing s
each organ izatio n does. Were your guesses correct?
C »
~> Listen again. How does each student plan to get involved with the organ izatio n?
Ta~e notes. Tell the class which program you would choose to get involv ed in.
About l
D Group work Think of a volunteer project you could start. Who would it help? What would it do?
Pres~nt your program to the class. Choose two programs to suppo rt.
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:=i,.ae:ing A Read the article. What does "child procligy " mean?
O someone under the age of 15 0a child with a special talent O a child who is famous
B Find a word or e;<pression j ¡-; the article for each m22ning below.
~ .
..~ Ai,,.·::,:fl My child is a p'rodigy! 6_:_/l
·. f .. ~➔\r-.Qr<'.:>10flll .> u ()('111 , o • e S
=i -:: :-~;,,;ting A Read the letter from a parent to a school
principal. Circle the expressions that give lmpressions
JL.Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper about one of the topics below or your own idea.
Use the expressions from part A.
1 0
~ There aren't enough leisure facilities for local teens. '""~· rec,ª• '· \
• We ne.ed healthierfood options in schools. lo.,..,1 1... 5" ' ".J ...i.,,
✓- There 'stoom uchlit teronc itystre ets. >x~Gs,.a.
'c. ~" '''" (.\ e~ 1. , , ,, , .,
Gramma r i
Vocabi.; lar y (
st,at11rlas f
Wrítlni ; .