Kendriya Vidyalaya Ottapalam Interview Detailss

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Walk- in- interviews for preparing a panel ofTeachers, Coaches, Educational Counsellors, Doctor
and Nurse for appointment on part time contractual basis at Kendria !idalaa for the academic
ear "#$%-$& will be held in the vidalaa at '(## am on the dates mentioned below(
S!N$! N%(e $. P$/t Mi)i(0( 10%'i.i*%ti$) D%te $.
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)Consolidated *onthl +alar(
,s-".&##/- 0
1ost-graduation in the concerned
sub2ect with minimum &#3 marks
with 4-Ed- from a 5niversit
recognised b government-
" P3T 58$(&0te2 S*ie)*e:!
)Consolidated *onthl +alar(
,s-".&##/- 0
4-E or 4-Tech)Computer +cience0/
*C7/*-+c-) Computer
+cience0from a 5niversit
recognised b government-
6 T3T-5 M%t-/7 S*ie)*e7 S$*i%'
S*ie)*e7 E)6'i/-7 Hi)4i %)4
)Consolidated *onthl +alar(
,s-"8"&#/- 0
9raduate in the concerned sub2ect
with minimum &#3 marks with
4-Edfrom a 5niversit
recognisedb government-
% P2i(%2, Te%*-e2/
Consolidated(: ,s
)Consolidated *onthl +alar(
,s-"$"&#/- 0
+enior +econdar)Class ;<< 0
<ntermediate/ =igher +econdar
with &# 3 marks and
>4T/TTC/4-El-Ed/4-Edfrom a
5niversit recognised b
& 8$(&0te2 I)/t20*t$2/!
)Consolidated *onthl +alar( ,s(
for 1rimar Classes /,s- "$"&#/-
?for +econdar Classes
*-C-7-, *-+c-)C-+0, 4-E or
4-Tech)Computer +cience0 or 1ost
9raduate Degree in an +ub2ect
with 1ost graduateDiploma in
Computer 7pplication with
minimum @7A level from DBE7CC
or 4achelorCs / *aster Degree in
+cience +ub2ect/ *athematics with
1ost 9raduate Diploma in
Computer 7pplication from a
5niversit /<nstitute recognised b
8 V$*%ti$)%' I)/t20*t$2 .$2 82%.t;
D%)*e; M0/i*;A2t; S&$2t/ et*!
)Consolidated *onthl +alar( ,s-
"$"&#/- 0
4-1 -Ed / Degree / Diploma in the
respective sub2ect / 1roficienc in
the respective field-
. M%'%,%'%( Te%*-e2
)Consolidated *onthl +alar(
,s-$D.&#/- 0
9raduation and 4-Ed in
D Te%*-e2 i) 3e2(%) L%)60%6e
Consolidated(: ,s
)Consolidated *onthl +alar(
,s-"8"&#/- 0
9raduate in an sub2ect and
Diploma in 9erman with minimum
&#3 marks-
' Y$6% Te%*-e2
)Consolidated *onthl +alar(
,s-"$"&#/- 0
9raduation in an sub2ect and $
ear training oga from recogniEed
$# D$*t$2
),emuneration (
For Doctor ,s- $###/- per working
*inimum *44+ and registered
with *edical Council of <ndia /
+tate *edical Council
$$ N02/e
),emuneration(For Nurse ,s- .&#/-
per working da-0
4-+c-)Nursing0/ Diploma in Nursing $'-#6-"#$%
$" E40*%ti$)%' 8$0)/e''$2
)Consolidated *onthl +alar( ,s-
"&###/- 0
*-7-/ *-+c-)1scholog0 from a
recognised College/ 5niversit G
regular one ear 1ost 9raduate
Diploma in 9uidance and
*-7- / *-+c-/*-Com- with 4-Ed- G
,egular one ear 1ost 9raduate
Diploma in 9uidance and
De/i2%b'e 10%'i.i*%ti$): W$2"i)6 K)$'e46e $. 8$(&0te27 Hi)4i %)4 E)6'i/-
Candidates are reHuired to produce all the Briginal certificates and *ark lists of class ;<<,
graduation, 1ost-graduationand professional Hualificationas well as EIperience Certificates and
bring a recent passport siEe photograph at the time of <nterview-

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