Pritish Chandra Verma MPM (HR)
Pritish Chandra Verma MPM (HR)
Pritish Chandra Verma MPM (HR)
PRITISH CHANDRA VERMA C\O Mr. P.C VERMA Y- 43, Yamuna Appartment Mhada, Near Oshiwara p !i"e stati n Andheri-#w$, M%M&A'- 4(()(*
E-mail: pritish+,-.mai!." m Contact No.: /0)-00,++)0),+ CAREER OB"ECTIVE
5To c eate #al$e fo t!e o %ani&ation '( t!e effecti#e $tili&ation of )no*le+%e an+ ,)ill,. 6 P o-ect Detail,: P o-ect Title P o-ect D$ ation P o-ect Detail, : S(,tematic Rec $itment an+ Plannin% : HD/C STANDARD 0I/E : 1 mont!, :
To ,t$+( t!e ec $itment . oce,, in HD/C Stan+a + life. Diffe ent HR . actice, follo*e+ in HD/C Stan+a + 0ife. 2n+e ,tan+ +iffe ent ec $itment . oce+$ e, 'ein% follo*e+ an+ to a..l( +iffe ent ec $itment ,t ate%ie, fo t!e ec $itment of /inancial Con,$ltant, an+ Sale, De#elo.ment Mana%e .
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P o-ect Detail,: Con+$cte+ an in-+e.t! ,t$+( into c$ ent HR t en+, Anal(&e+ an+ e#al$ate+ t!e +ata collecte+ In+e.en+entl( o',e #e+ an+ e#al$ate+ alte nati#e ,t ate%ie, to tac)le i,,$e, i+entifie+ t! o$%! t!e ,$ #e( De#i,e+ ,$%%e,tion, to im. o#e t!e c$ ent ,it$ation in t!e
ED2CATIONA0 82A0I/ICATION Pursuin. MPM #2ina! 7EM$ 8r m 'N9'RA 'N7:':%:E O2 MANA;EMEN:, P%NE. BBA4 &a"he! r in &usiness Administrati n 8r m MA9RA7 %N'VER7':Y. Hi%!e Secon+a ( 8r m N.'.O.7. #NE< 9E=>'$. Secon+a ( 8r m C.&.7.E. #RANC>', ?>AR@>AN9$. PRO/ESSIONA0 82A0I/ICATION 9id ne Aear Di.loma in Com.$te A..lication an+ P o% ammin% (DCPA). COMP2TER PRO/ICIENC9
<ind ws #04, *(((, BP, *((3$ M7-O88i"e #< rd, EC"e!, P werP int, A""ess$ C, C//, Visua! &asi"
2ami!iar with di88erent >ardware C mp nents and its uses in C mputer. S7I00 SETS Ana!Ati"a! D pr 3!em s !Ein. sFi!!s, :eam 8a"i!itat r.
ACHIEVEMENTS Secured 72% marks in All India General knowledge competition, Ranchi. ; t A: in the " urse 9ip! ma in C mputer App!i"ati n and Pr .rammin. #9CPA$.
6en+e Ma ital Stat$, 0an%$a%e, 7no*n : : : Ma!e %nmarried En.!ish, >indi
M . P a'!at C!an+ a Ve ma