This document is a bartender training manual that provides guidelines and procedures for bartenders to follow. It covers topics such as alcohol awareness, safety, serving orders, drink preparation, closing out checks, and job responsibilities. The goal is to train bartenders to provide quality beverages and friendly service while upholding high standards and fulfilling their responsibility to prevent overserving customers.
This document is a bartender training manual that provides guidelines and procedures for bartenders to follow. It covers topics such as alcohol awareness, safety, serving orders, drink preparation, closing out checks, and job responsibilities. The goal is to train bartenders to provide quality beverages and friendly service while upholding high standards and fulfilling their responsibility to prevent overserving customers.
This document is a bartender training manual that provides guidelines and procedures for bartenders to follow. It covers topics such as alcohol awareness, safety, serving orders, drink preparation, closing out checks, and job responsibilities. The goal is to train bartenders to provide quality beverages and friendly service while upholding high standards and fulfilling their responsibility to prevent overserving customers.
This document is a bartender training manual that provides guidelines and procedures for bartenders to follow. It covers topics such as alcohol awareness, safety, serving orders, drink preparation, closing out checks, and job responsibilities. The goal is to train bartenders to provide quality beverages and friendly service while upholding high standards and fulfilling their responsibility to prevent overserving customers.
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The key takeaways from the bartender training manual are alcohol awareness, sanitation, safety, serving customers, and proper procedures for taking orders, preparing drinks, and checking identification.
The main topics covered in the bartender training manual include alcohol awareness, sanitation, safety, serving customers, drink preparation, cash register operations, and expected bartender behavior.
Some of the bartender's responsibilities regarding serving alcohol include not watering down or short pouring drinks, checking identification of guests who appear underage, explaining double drink pricing and not recommending excessive alcohol consumption, and knowing signs of intoxication.
Bartender Training Manual
BE USED ONLY AS A GUIDE. YOU MUST REVIEW, IN DETAIL, THE VARIOUS POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND PRACTICES AND MODIFY AS APPROPRIATE FOR YOUR RESTAURANT. Bartender Training Manual Table of Contents INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................3 ALCOHOL AWARENESS....................................................................................................................................4 SANITATION......................................................................................................................................................6 SAFETY.............................................................................................................................................................6 ............................................................................................................................................................................ THE GUEST.....................................................................................................................................................15 PERSONAL APPEARANCE...............................................................................................................................18 Uniform...................................................................................................................................................18 SUGGESTIVE SELLING...................................................................................................................................19 THE GREETING..............................................................................................................................................1 TA!ING THE ORDER......................................................................................................................................1 REGISTER OPERATIONS................................................................................................................................3 BAR STATION SETUP.....................................................................................................................................4 The Well..................................................................................................................................................24 BAC! STATION SETUP...................................................................................................................................5 Hot Drink Station....................................................................................................................................25 ORDERING PROCEDURES...............................................................................................................................6 Category..................................................................................................................................................26 Abbreiation!..........................................................................................................................................26 Sering "r#er..........................................................................................................................................26 Seri$e Sy!tem........................................................................................................................................2% PREPARING DRIN! ORDERS..........................................................................................................................8 Deliering an# Sering Drink!................................................................................................................28 SERVICE TIME................................................................................................................................................3" LI#UOR LAWS................................................................................................................................................31 SERVICE WELL..............................................................................................................................................3 Drink &a!i$!............................................................................................................................................'' STANDARDI$ATION OF BEVERAGE ORDERS................................................................................................35 (re)aring Drink!......................................................................................................................................'5 GLASSWARE...................................................................................................................................................3% ICE..................................................................................................................................................................39 [Restaurant Name] 2 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual DRIN! MA!ING TECHNI#UES.......................................................................................................................4" GARNISHES.....................................................................................................................................................45 CLOSING OUT A TABLE.................................................................................................................................4% (re!enting the Che$k...............................................................................................................................4% The *are+ell............................................................................................................................................48 ,etho#! of (ayment................................................................................................................................48 OPENING, RUNNING, CLOSING DUTIES........................................................................................................49 BAR CLEANLINESS.........................................................................................................................................5" END OF SHIFT RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................................................................51 BARTENDER SECURITY RESPONSIBILITIES..................................................................................................53 CHEC!&OUT PROCEDURES............................................................................................................................54 "er -ing! or .oi#!................................................................................................................................54 Ho/!e (romo...........................................................................................................................................55 ,anager (romo.......................................................................................................................................55 0m)loyee Di!$o/nt1C/!tomer Di!$o/nt.................................................................................................55 TIP POOL........................................................................................................................................................5% PERFORMANCE STANDARDS..........................................................................................................................58 FRONT OF THE HOUSE PROCEDURES...........................................................................................................6 CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................................63 [Restaurant Name] 3 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Introduction Congrat/lation! on yo/r em)loyment a! a barten#er at 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(02 We +ill )roi#e yo/ +ith the training yo/ nee# to be !/$$e!!f/l. A! a barten#er yo/3ll be an im)ortant )art of ea$h g/e!t3! e4)erien$e in o/r re!ta/rant. We take great )ri#e in o/r 5/ality beerage! an# frien#ly6 re!)on!ie !eri$e. "/r high !tan#ar#! $an only be maintaine# thro/gh great )eo)le like yo/ +ho !hare o/r al/e! an# #e!ire to #o the ery be!t 7ob )o!!ible for o/r g/e!t! eery #ay. The g/i#eline! li!te# on the follo+ing )age! hae been e!tabli!he# to hel) yo/ in yo/r effort to )roi#e the!e 5/alitie! to o/r g/e!t!. Along +ith the han#!8on training yo/ +ill re$eie6 thi! man/al +ill )roi#e an!+er! to 5/e!tion! yo/ may hae regar#ing the o)erating )ro$e#/re! for 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(0. "n$e again6 +el$ome to the 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(0 Team2 [Restaurant Name] 4 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Alcohol Awareness Al$ohol A+arene!! i! a gro+ing $on$ern +ithin the Ho!)itality 9n#/!try nation+i#e. &y re$ogni:ing the ;early; !ign! of into4i$ation6 monitoring yo/r $/!tomer3! $on!/m)tion6 an# treating them a! yo/ +o/l# a g/e!t in yo/r o+n home< yo/ f/lfill yo/r re!)on!ibility an# )rote$t the g/e!t. To serve or not to serve? B1 ,.2(-)*+.23.4 +.2 5,653663.4 17,- -()87.)39363*3()... Y7,- R76(: "b!ere ,onitor -e)ort A))3)*(2 91 *;( 4,32+.<( +.2 ),887-* 75 /+.+4(/(.*... Y7,- M+.+4(-=) R76(: Confirm Confront -e!ole [Restaurant Name] 5 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual W3*; +2;(-(.<( *7 *;( <7/8+.1=) 8763<3()... 1. We +ill not kno+ingly a#mit obio/!ly into4i$ate# for /n#erage $/!tomer! to the bar. 2. We +ill not kno+ingly !ere al$ohol to an obio/!ly into4i$ate# or /n#erage $/!tomer. '. We +ill offer alternatie! to al$ohol. 4. We +ill $reate an atmo!)here to )romote re!)on!ible #rinking. 5. We +ill make a rea!onable attem)t to )reent obio/!ly into4i$ate# $/!tomer! from #riing. . . . W( <+. +<<,-+*(61 +.2 <7.532(.*61 +.)>(- *;+* ?(-1 3/87-*+.* @,()*37.. -e!)on!ible !eri$e of al$ohol re5/ire! a team effort. =no+ an# +at$h for the !ign! of into4i$ation. 9f there i! any 5/e!tion6 aoi# f/rther !eri$e an# re)ort to a manager +ho +ill make the final #e$i!ion an# #etermine +hether the g/e!t !ho/l# remain or leae. 9f yo/ kno+ +hat it take! to get !omeone #r/nk6 yo/ $an )reent it by monitoring their $on!/m)tion an# offering alternatie!. Do not allo+ #r/nk! to $ome in6 an# #o not allo+ into4i$ate# g/e!t! to #rie. Ho!)itality i! o/r b/!ine!!. &eerage !eri$e i! only one element. Coo)eration bet+een em)loyee! an# management allo+! /! to e4er$i!e a #egree of infl/en$e on the behaior of o/r $/!tomer! that +ill re!/lt in an atmo!)here of re!)on!ible #rinking. Thi! i! 7/!t a )ortion of o/r $om)any Al$ohol A+arene!! )rogram. A $om)lete han#book +ith $ertifi$ation te!t i! )roi#e# at orientation. [Restaurant Name] 6 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Sanitation The re!)on!ibility of management an# !taff to )rote$t the )/bli$ from foo# borne illne!! i! f/n#amental. A foo# borne illne!! i! !im)ly a #i!ea!e that i! $arrie#6 or tran!mitte#6 to h/man being! by foo#. Thro/gho/t yo/r training6 yo/ +ill re$eie information $on$erning )ro)er tem)erat/re! of foo# !torage an# !ering6 a! +ell a!6 $leanline!! !tan#ar#!6 )ro)er /!e of $hemi$al $leaning6 an# #i!infe$tant )ro#/$t!. 9t i! o/r ob7e$tie to o)erate the re!ta/rant at the highe!t leel of $leanline!! an# !anitation for the benefit of o/r $/!tomer! an# em)loyee!. Safety 9n a##ition to a $lean an# !anitary enironment6 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(0 )roi#e! a !afe enironment. "ne of o/r goal! here at 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(0 i! to o)erate an a$$i#ent8free re!ta/rant. A !afe re!ta/rant take! team+ork an# effort on eeryone3! )art. 0eryone +ho +ork! +ith $leaning $hemi$al! +ill re$eie training on the /!e of tho!e )ro#/$t!6 an# +ill be te!te# follo+ing the g/i#eline! of "SHA Ha:ar# Comm/ni$ation Stan#ar#6 Title 2> Co#e of *e#eral reg/lation! 1>1?.12??. Safety meeting! +ill al!o be /!e# to reie+ information )re!ente# from the initial training6 an# a !afety re)re!entatie +ill be !ele$te# for the 0m)loyee A!!o$iate &oar# of Dire$tor!. ,anagement3! role i! to )roi#e the #aily monitoring of !afe +ork )ra$ti$e #eelo)e# from the!e meeting!. Wheneer yo/ !ee a )otential ha:ar#6 or !omething yo/ noti$e a! /n!afe6 notify a manager imme#iately. Here i! a li!t of g/i#eline! to follo+ for !afety an# !anitation@ Major cause of food borne illness - *oo# left in the #anger :one of 4?A to 14?A for fo/r or more ho/r!. =ee) all foo#! o/t of the #anger :one of 4?A to 14?A. [Restaurant Name] 7 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual =ee) hot foo#! hot6 an# $ol# foo#! $ol#. Han#le foo#! 5/i$kly #/ring #eliery6 an# )/t refrigerate# an# fro:en foo#! a+ay a! !oon a! )o!!ible. Slo))y )er!onal hygiene habit! +ill not be tolerate#. Do not )re)are foo# a #ay or more before !ering. Do not !ere foo# that i! not $om)letely $ooke#. Tha+ foo#! in refrigerator6 mi$ro+ae6 or /n#er $ol# r/nning +ater for not more than 2 ho/r!6 follo+e# imme#iately by $ooking. Aoi# )re)aring foo# in a#an$e6 /nle!! ab!ol/tely ne$e!!ary. 9n!)e$t *oo#! thoro/ghly for fre!hne!! an# +hole!omene!! /)on re$ei)t6 $ooking6 an# !ering. "nly /!e !aniti:e# e5/i)ment an# table !/rfa$e!. Always wash your hands after you - Smoke6 eat6 /!e the re!troom< to/$h money6 ra+ foo#!6 or yo/r fa$e6 hair or !kin< $o/gh6 !nee:e6 or blo+ yo/r no!e Comb yo/r hair6 han#le anything #irty &efore an# after taking a break Disose of waste roerly - Take garbage o/t fre5/ently. =ee) garbage area! $lean an# !eale#. Clean an# !aniti:e garbage $an! reg/larly. Store !oile# linen in a la/n#ry bag or non8ab!orbing $ontainer. [Restaurant Name] 8 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual !ee insects and ani"als out by - =ee)ing #oor! $lo!e#. Taking garbage o/t fre5/ently an# kee)ing garbage area! $lean. -e)ort any hole! +here an animal $an enter. Do not )roi#e a free meal for any animal!. #andle ice and tableware roerly - U!e $lean !$oo)! or tong! to )i$k /) i$e< #o not /!e han#! or gla!!. Store !$oo)! or tong! in a $lean $ontainer6 not in the i$e. Do not !tore any foo# or beerage in the i$e. Aoi# to/$hing foo# $onta$t !/rfa$e +ith #i!he!6 /ten!il!6 et$. Avoid cross conta"ination fro" one food ite" to another - =ee) !e)arate $/tting boar#! for ra+ an# $ooke# foo#!. Beer mi4 leftoer! +ith fre!h foo#. Store fre!h ra+ meat!6 )o/ltry6 an# fi!h on lo+e!t ra$k!. Saniti:e thermometer! after ea$h /!e. When tha+ing ra+ foo#! in the refrigerator6 )la$e them on the lo+e!t !helf. Store foods and e$ui"ent roerly - Coer6 label6 an# #ate foo#! in !torage. Do not !tore foo# in o)en $an!. [Restaurant Name] 9 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Store ne+ foo#! behin# ol# one!. Store foo# off the floor an# a+ay from the +all. Che$k tem)erat/re! of refrigerator! an# free:er! #aily. Defro!t free:er! a! ne$e!!ary. *ro!t b/il# /) $a/!e! free:er! to +arm /). Dry goo#! an# !torage area! !ho/l# be $ool an# #ry for goo# !torage. Do not !tore foo# or e5/i)ment /n#er e4)o!e# !erer line!. =ee) !torage area! $lean. Store all e5/i)ment !o that #/!t $annot !ettle on it. Store $hemi$al! an# )e!ti$i#e! !e)arately from foo#. %hen cleaning stationary e$ui"ent - Un)l/g e5/i)ment6 an# make !/re han#! are #ry. Di!a!!emble. Wa!h remoable )art! in #i!h ma$hine6 or three8$om)artment !ink. Wa!h an# rin!e !tationary )art!. Saniti:e foo# $onta$t !/rfa$e! +ith !aniti:er. Air #ry before rea!!embling6 +itho/t to/$hing foo# $onta$t !/rfa$e!. &reventing falls - Wi)e /) !)ill! imme#iately. U!e ;+et floor; !ign!. Wear !hoe! +ith non8!ki# !ole! an# heel!. =ee) i!le! an# !tair! $lear. [Restaurant Name] 10 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Walk6 an# #o not r/n. *ollo+ e!tabli!he# traffi$ )attern!. Do not $arry anything that blo$k! yo/r i!ion. =ee) #ra+er! $lo!e#. U!e la##er! )ro)erly< neer /!e $hair!6 table! or bo4e!. Do not !tan# on to) of la##er6 an# #o not oer rea$h. U!e han#rail! on !tair!. T/rn light! on to !ee. Beer r/n in the kit$hen. The floor may be +et. Beer leae anything on the floor in$l/#ing i$e from the i$e ma$hine. &reventing electric shoc' - Beer to/$h ele$tri$al e5/i)ment +ith +et han#!6 or +hile !tan#ing in +ater. Un)l/g e5/i)ment before $leaning or #i!a!!embling6 to aoi# !ho$k. Do not yank )l/g! o/t by $or#. Thi! $an $a/!e #amage to the $or#!6 +hi$h may then $a/!e !ho$k!. -e)ort #amage# an# +orn )l/g! an# $or#! to yo/r !/)eri!or. (ift &roerly - P6+. 3*. Do yo/ nee# hel)C Co/l# yo/ /!e a $artC Where i! it goingC Whi$h ro/te i! be!tC G(* -(+21 . S)rea# feet a)art6 !ho/l#er +i#th. (/t one foo# !lightly in front of the other for a goo# !/))ort ba!e. S5/at #o+n +ith ba$k !traight an# hea# /). Do not ben# oer from the +ai!t2 Dri) the ob7e$t firmly +ith both han#!. =ee) elbo+! an# arm! [Restaurant Name] 11 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual $lo!e to bo#y. T/$k in $hin. 9f lifting a tray6 !5/at #o+n along!i#e the tray an# !li#e the tray onto yo/r !ho/l#er an# han#. L35* 3*A Straighten yo/r knee! !lo+ly an# !moothly to a !tan#. Aoi# #oing thi! in a 5/i$k or 7erky manner. Do not lift an# t+i!t at the !ame time. M7?( 3*A =ee) ob7e$t $lo!e to yo/. To $hange )o!ition6 moe yo/r feet an# entire bo#y. Do not t+i!t from the +ai!t. Eook +here yo/ are going an# $all o/t ;$oming thro/gh; a! nee#e#. S(* 3* 27>.A &en# yo/r knee! !lo+ly an# !moothly. Sli#e loa# into )la$e< +at$h yo/r finger! an# toe!. Moving a cart roerly) (/!h rather than )/ll. S)rea# feet +i#e6 one in front of the other +ith yo/r front knee bent. =ee) ba$k !traight. Slo+ly )/!h into the $art +ith yo/r bo#y +eight6 /!ing yo/r leg m/!$le! to #o m/$h of the )/!hing. (/!h !lo+ly an# !moothly. Aoi# !/##en motion! or t+i!ting yo/r ba$k. &reventing Cuts - =no+ ho+ to o)erate e5/i)ment. (ay attention +hen /!ing !har) e5/i)ment. Beer to/$h e#ge! of !har) bla#e!. U!e g/ar#! +hen )roi#e# on e5/i)ment. U!e tam)er! to )/!h foo# into e5/i)ment. T/rn e5/i)ment off before a#7/!ting. [Restaurant Name] 12 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Bo loo!e !leee!6 tie!6 or #angling 7e+elry !ho/l# be by e5/i)ment U!e knie! $aref/lly. Carry #i!he! an# gla!!+are $aref/lly. S+ee) /) broken gla!!< #o not /!e yo/r han#!. U!e !)e$ial $ontainer to #i!)o!e of broken gla!!6 #i!he!6 an# other !har) ob7e$t!. -emoe $an li#! entirely from $an!6 then #i!)o!e of them. &reventing burns - (ay attention +hen +orking aro/n# hot e5/i)ment. U!e #ry )othol#er! or to+el! +hen han#ling hot e5/i)ment. Wet or moi!t to+el! +ill !ere a! $on#/$tor! of heat. =ee) )ot han#le! t/rne# in from the e#ge of the range an# o)en flame!. Aoi# oerfilling $ontainer! +ith hot foo#!. Det hel) lifting heay )ot! of hot foo#!. ")en li#! of )ot! an# #oor! of !treamer! a+ay from yo/6 an# #o !o !lo+ly6 to aoi# a !team b/rn. Stir foo#! +ith long8han#le# !)oon!. Warn other! of hot !/rfa$e!. Eet e5/i)ment $ool before $leaning6 an# #o not /!e +et rag!. Do not )/t i$y fro:en foo#! into the fryer. (/t foo#! !lo+ly into the fryer an# !tan# ba$k to aoi# being !)lattere#. Strike mat$h before t/rning on ga! e5/i)ment6 to aoi# a flare8 /). [Restaurant Name] 13 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Wear $lo!e#8toe an# $lo!e#8heel !hoe! that #o not ab!orb li5/i#!. Warn g/e!t of hot #i!he!. &reventing fires - Smoke only +here allo+e#. Do not t/rn yo/r ba$k on hot fat6 a! it may b/r!t into flame!. =ee) e5/i)ment an# hoo)! from grea!e b/il# /) be$a/!e grea!e $a/!e! many foo# !eri$e fire!. Do not !et the fryer at too high a tem)erat/re. Store mat$he! in a $oere# $ontainer6 a+ay from heat. =ee) garbage in $oere# $ontainer6 a+ay from heat. Store $hemi$al! a+ay from heat be$a/!e many $hemi$al! are flammable. Safe che"ical handling - Do kno+ +here the material !afety #ata !heet! are )o!te#6 an# rea# them. Do rea# the label! of all )ro#/$t!6 before yo/ /!e them. Do follo+ the #ire$tion! for )ro)er !torage6 han#ling6 an# /!e for all $hemi$al! yo/ /!e. Do a!k yo/r !/)eri!or any 5/e!tion! or $on$ern! yo/ may hae abo/t /!ing a $ertain )ro#/$t!. Do kno+ ho+ to $all for me#i$al hel)6 in $a!e of an emergen$y. Do not eer mi4 $hemi$al! together. Do not !tore $hemi$al! in /nmarke# $ontainer!. [Restaurant Name] 14 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Do not !tore $hemi$al! in or $lo!e to foo# !torage6 )re)aration6 or !ering area!. Do not leae aero!ol !)ray $ontainer! near heat or !)ray $lo!e to an o)en flame. Do not #i!)o!e of any em)ty $hemi$al $ontainer /ntil yo/ hae $he$ke# on the label for ho+ to #o !o. *eading the MSDS +Material Safety Data Sheets, - -ea# )ro#/$t name. *ire ha:ar# 8 e4)lain! if the )ro#/$t $an $at$h fire or e4)lo#e. Health ha:ar#! 8 e4)lain! effe$t! of oer e4)o!/re an# fir!t ai# )ro$e#/re!. S)ill )re$a/tion! e4)lain! !te)! to take in $a!e of !)ill!. S)e$ial )rote$tion 8 #e!$ribe! any !)e$ial mea!/re!6 !/$h a! goggle! an# r/bber gloe!6 /!e# to #e$rea!e e4)o!/re an# ri!k. [Restaurant Name] 15 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual The -uest N(?(- ,.2(-()*3/+*( *;( 3/87-*+.<( 75 + 4,()*AAA A g/e!t i! not #e)en#ent /)on /! 88 +e are #e)en#ent /)on him For herG. A g/e!t i! B0.0- an interr/)tion of o/r +ork 8 he i! the )/r)o!e of it. A g/e!t #oe! /! a faor +hen he $ome! here 88 +e are not going him a faor by !ering him. A g/e!t i! )art of o/r b/!ine!! 88 not an o/t!i#er. A g/e!t i! not a $ol# !tati!ti$ 88 he i! a fle!h an# bloo# h/man being +ith feeling! an# emotion!6 like o/r o+n. A g/e!t i! a )er!on +ho bring! /! hi! +ant! 88 it i! o/r 7ob to fill tho!e +ant!. A g/e!t i! #e!ering of the mo!t $o/rteo/! an# attentie treatment +e $an gie him. A g/e!t i! the lifebloo# of 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(0. .ou Must Be Able To Serve Many Different Tyes /f -uests To make a))ro)riate !elling !/gge!tion!6 an# gie goo# !eri$e6 it i! hel)f/l to re$ogni:e an# kno+ ho+ to han#le all ty)e! of g/e!t!. *or e4am)le T;( T3/32 G,()*: Den/ine intere!t an# )atient /n#er!tan#ing +ill )/t thi! ty)e of g/e!t at ea!e. 0en a $omment on the +eather $an make him feel at home. T;( A44-())3?( G,()*: Thi! ty)e m/!t be han#le# in a $o/rteo/! an# b/!ine!!like manner. =in#ne!! an# )olitene!! $an often $hange him into a !tea#y an# a))re$iatie $/!tomer. [Restaurant Name] 16 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual T;( F,))1 G,()*: Thi! i! one of the har#e!t g/e!t! to )lea!e. Try to !tay one !te) ahea# of him by learning the thing! that irritate him. &e !/re to hae eerything 7/!t right6 before !ering the f/!!y g/e!t. -emember all of the little thing! the f/!!y g/e!t e!)e$ially like!6 een +hen they may !eem )e$/liar to the aerage )er!on. T;( O?(-&F+/363+- G,()*: &e $o/rteo/!6 #ignifie#6 an# aoi# long $oner!ation!. Stay a+ay from the table6 e4$e)t +hen a$t/al !eri$e i! nee#e#. Beer try to gie a +i!e$ra$k an!+er to a !mart remark. Ho/ +ill only $hea)en yo/r!elf an# lo+er yo/r!elf to the !ame leel a! the r/#ene!! of the g/e!t. T;( G,()* >;7 3) A67.( @ Don3t $all attention by a!king if he i! alone. Seat him +here he $an !ee +hat i! going on. The g/e!t may be lonely an# +ant !omeone to talk to. &e frien#ly6 b/t #on3t negle$t other g/e!t!. With nobo#y to talk to6 time !eem! long6 !o !ere a! 5/i$kly a! )o!!ible. Thi! $o/l# be yo/r mo!t $riti$al g/e!t. T;( N73)1 T-7,96(&/+B(-: Don3t be #ra+n into arg/ment!. S)eak !oftly. Don3t antagoni:e. -ef/!e to )arti$i)ate in $riti$i!m of management6 the e!tabli!hment6 or other )er!onnel. T;( B63.2 G,()*: Seat blin# )eo)le +ith a #og !o that the #og +ill not be noti$e#. Beer hoer oer blin# $/!tomer!. Al+ay! !tan# near eno/gh to hel) if nee#e#. 9!!/e men/! in &raille to the blin# g/e!t. Al+ay! make a blin# $/!tomer feel a))re$iate# an# im)ortant. G,()* >3*; ;+.2 7- +-/ 3.C,-3()D23)+9363*1: Seat a! 5/i$kly a! )o!!ible. &e hel)f/l6 [Restaurant Name] 17 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual a!k if yo/ may a!!i!t them6 b/t #o not be too eager. &e $on!i#erate< #o not $all attention by hoering. Seat +heel$hair g/e!t! at a table on gro/n# leel #o not blo$k an ai!le. Al+ay! make a #i!able# g/e!t feel im)ortant an# a$$ommo#ate#. [Restaurant Name] 18 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual &ersonal Aearance Ho/r oerall image i! o/r image. Ho/ make a #i!tin$t im)re!!ion on ea$h of o/r g/e!t!. The image yo/ $reate $an enhan$e or #etra$t from o/r oerall $on$e)t an# the +ay o/r -e!ta/rant i! )er$eie# in the min#! of the g/e!t. Ho/ are entr/!te# +ith han#ling o/r g/e!t!3 nee#! an# m/!t6 therefore6 refle$t $leanline!! an# +hole!omene!! at all time!. Al+ay! remember . . . Ho/ are re!)on!ible for kee)ing yo/r /niform neat an# $lean at all time!. There i! no e4$/!e for re)orting to +ork o/t of /niform. Do not +ear !$ente# lotion on yo/r han#!6 a! it $ling! to gla!!+are. A !mile i! )art of yo/r /niform. At no time +ill em)loyee! $he+ g/m or eat +hile in the )/bli$ area! of o/r !tore. Do not re)ort to +ork +ith an /n8)re!!e# or #irty /niform6 or /n8ke)t hair. 0nifor" When yo/ +alk thro/gh the front #oor of the -e!ta/rant6 ;H"U A-0 "B.I Ho/ +ill be informe# of the /niform re5/irement! +hen yo/ !tart +ith /!. Ho/r #e!ignate# /niform al!o in$l/#e! a C"BTAD9"US6 0BTHUS9AST9C ATT9TUD0. Ho/ are re5/ire# to enter the b/il#ing for yo/r !hift in *UEE UB9*"-,. Ho/ are al!o re5/ire#6 +hen yo/ leae the b/il#ing6 to be in *UEE UB9*"-,. Ho/r /niform al!o in$l/#e! the follo+ing6 +itho/t e4$e)tion@ At lea!t t+o )en! Eighter Wine =ey &ottle ")ener &ank [Restaurant Name] 19 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Smile [Restaurant Name] 20 1/01/2003 People like to buy, but hate to be SOLD! Bartender Training Manual Suggestive Selling Selling i! a )art of eeryone3! life. Ho/ ha# to !ell the 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(0 ,anagement Team on yo/r ability a! a barten#er. "/r $/!tomer i! ;!ol#; on 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(0 before they $ome in. 9f they en7oy them!ele!6 $han$e! are they +ill ret/rn an# ;!ell; /! to !omeone el!e. (eo)le #on3t like to be ;S"ED.; 0ffe$tie !/gge!tie !elling i! !/btle. Ho/ are #oing the g/e!t a faor6 looking after hi! be!t intere!t! by offering yo/r kno+le#ge an# e4)erti!e an# making hone!t re$ommen#ation!. ,any of o/r g/e!t! are not familiar +ith o/r #aily !)e$ial!. A! their interme#iary6 yo/ are in the )o!ition to !mooth the +ay for a $onf/!e# g/e!t. Aboe all6 be !in$ere an# hone!t. Al+ay! #o +hat yo/ tr/ly beliee i! in the ;g/e!t3!; be!t intere!t. -e$ommen# item! yo/ kno+ are !/)erior an# yo/ are $ertain they +ill en7oy. B0.0- ".0- S0EE2 Al+ay! allo+ the g/e!t to fini!h or#ering before yo/ !tart !/gge!ting. &e a+are of +hat the g/e!t i! or#ering an# make !/re he /n#er!tan#! +hat he i! getting. *ead your guests and suggest aroriate coc'tails) "n a $hilly eening6 ;Wo/l# yo/ like to try a =eoke CoffeeC; To b/!ine!!men6 ;Wo/l# yo/ $are for a ,artini or &loo#y &/llC; With )arty )eo)le6 ;Ho+ abo/t a Eong 9!lan# 9$e# Tea or a ,argaritaC; An ol#er $o/)le6 ;Wo/l# yo/ like a ,anhattan or !ome &ailey! 9ri!h CreamC; Ho/ $an al!o !/gge!t beerage! ma#e +ith yo/r g/e!t3! faorite li5/or or /)!ell o/r )remi/m ho/!e +ine to g/e!t! )referring ho/!e +ine by the gla!!. [Restaurant Name] 21 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual 9f g/e!t! !eem to be in a h/rry6 !/gge!t that they eat at the bar6 in!tea# of +aiting for a table. &/!y l/n$h !hift! are a great time to greet g/e!t! an# inite them to hae l/n$h at yo/r bar. Do not $onf/!e !/gge!tie !elling +ith oerloa#ing yo/r g/e!t! +ith beerage! or foo#. Ho/r goal i! a !ati!fie# g/e!t +ho en7oye# their e4)erien$e an# +ant! to ret/rn. [Restaurant Name] 22 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual The -reeting Ho/r greeting i! the fir!t im)re!!ion gien to the $/!tomer6 !o !trie to make it !)e$ial. Al+ay! greet the g/e!t +ith a !mile6 a +el$ome6 an# yo/r name. Demon!trate !ome a!)e$t of yo/r )er!onality. Change it aro/n#@ /!ing the !ame greeting eery time !o/n#! me$hani$al. A))roa$h yo/r g/e!tF!G a! !oon a! )o!!ible. 9f yo/ $an3t get to a ne+ g/e!t +ithin '? !e$on#!6 be !/re that yo/ at lea!t a$kno+le#ge them by eye $onta$t an# erbal $onta$t. The fir!t tho/ght going thro/gh a g/e!t3! min# i!6 ;Am 9 going to be +aite# onC; Ho/ $an noti$e the )er!on i!ibly rela4 +hen yo/ !ay6 ;93ll be right +ith yo/.; Ta'ing the /rder When a))roa$hing a g/e!t for a #rink or#er6 al+ay! )la$e a na)kin in front of ea$h g/e!t. Thi! alert! management an# fello+ barten#er! that the g/e!t ha! been take $are of. When taking or#er!6 make a mental note of the g/e!t3! fa$e. ,aintain eye $onta$t +hen a##re!!ing g/e!t! in or#er to )reent mi!take! an# to $omm/ni$ate effe$tiely. Beer a!k for a #rink or#er in a manner6 +hi$h $an be an!+ere# Jye!I6 or ;no.; Ho/ are m/$h more than an or#er taker@ yo/ are a !ale!)er!on. We e4)e$t yo/ to !ell o/r )ro#/$t! an# !ati!fy the $/!tomer3! nee#!. C/!tomer !ati!fa$tion )roi#e! the o))ort/nity to b/il# re)eat b/!ine!! an# e!tabli!h reg/lar $lientele that6 allo+! yo/ to be !/$$e!!f/l. A )rere5/i!ite of !elling i! the kno+le#ge of o/r )ro#/$t! an# )ri$e!. 9f a g/e!t #oe! not !)e$ify a bran# of li5/or6 it i! o/r )oli$y to offer a beerage by bran# name. Thi! te$hni5/e i! referre# to a! ;/)8!elling.; U)8!elling re5/ire! thoro/gh kno+le#ge of the )ro#/$t! aailable in or#er to be effe$tie@ i.e.6 the $/!tomer !ay!6 ;93ll hae a o#ka toni$.; The barten#er re!)on#!6 ;Wo/l# yo/ like Ab!ol/t or =ettle "neC; [Restaurant Name] 23 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual A goo# a))roa$h to hae +hen taking or#er! from a $o/)le i! to a!k for the la#y3! or#er fir!t. -e)eat the or#er to the $/!tomer. A!k +hether the $o$ktail! +ill be )ai# for in $a!h or if the g/e!t +o/l# like to r/n a tab on a $re#it $ar#. "btain the $re#it $ar# before leaing the g/e!t to !ae time. 9f one )er!on #oe! the or#ering for !eeral )eo)le6 that )er!on i! /!/ally the $/!tomer +ho +ill be )aying< #ire$t yo/r 5/e!tion! to thi! )er!on. Beer a!!/me one )er!on i! )aying for the entire ro/n#6 or that the !ame )er!on i! b/ying the ne4t ro/n#. When in #o/bt6 AS=2 A!!/re the g/e!t! that yo/ +ill be right ba$k +ith their $o$ktail!. Che$k the a!htray! an# $o$ktail na)kin! for $hanging6 if ne$e!!ary. Al+ay! thank the g/e!t after eery tran!a$tion an# a!!/re them of yo/r $ontin/e# !eri$e@ ;93ll be ba$k in a fe+ min/te! to !ee if yo/ nee# a refill.; Al+ay! $he$k the a!htray an# table $leanline!!. A!htray! m/!t be $a))e#6 em)tie#6 an# +i)e# before being ret/rne# in front of a $/!tomer.; "ne $igarette b/tt i! eno/gh6 t+o i! too many.I &e highly attentie to thi! motto. [Restaurant Name] 24 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual *egister /erations Ho/ +ill re$eie training on o/r $om)/teri:e# regi!ter !y!tem. 9t i! e5/i))e# +ith im)rinter! that +ill !en# foo# item! to the kit$hen an# bar item! to the bar. The regi!ter !y!tem im)rint! time of or#er6 bar !eat n/mber6 an# #ate. 9t i! e4tremely im)ortant that yo/ f/lly /n#er!tan# the regi!ter o)eration!6 to eliminate foo# or beerage! going o/t at +rong time! an# to the +rong table!< an#6 +rong foo# being ma#e an# !ent o/t. Thi! !y!tem +ill al!o allo+ yo/ to $lo!e o/t metho#! of )ayment for $a!h or $re#it $ar#!. Thi! !y!tem i! #e!igne# for the !erer3! ea!e an# $omfort6 an# enable! them to remain on the floor an# in their !tation!. I* 3) 3/87-*+.* 57- *;( )(-?(- *7 9( 56,(.* 3. -(43)*(- 78(-+*37.) 57- /+.1 -(+)7.): "rgani:ation an# !)ee# in the kit$hen Wa!te $ontrol 04)e#ien$e The be!t $/!tomer !eri$e an# e4)erien$e [Restaurant Name] 25 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Bar Station Setu The %ell The +ell !tation i! !et /) at ea$h lo$ation behin# the bar. Thi! !tation i! #e!igne# to ma4imi:e the barten#er!3 !)ee# an# effi$ien$y in )re)aring $ommonly or#ere# #rink!. 0a$h highball !tation !ho/l# be !et /) in the !ame manner !o that barten#er! are not !ear$hing for )ro#/$t a! they moe aro/n# the bar. -uidelines for this station include) C/be# i$e in the bin +ith the i$e !$oo) )la$e# han#le /) in the i$e. ,i4er an# !o#a g/n on the right han# !i#e of the !tation. ,i4ing mat )la$e# in the rail6 2 mi4ing tin!6 an# the bar !trainer to the right. &ar !)oon in a #e!ignate# area. All ne$e!!ary garni!he! in their )ro)er $ontainer! Flime!6 et$.G Stra+!6 na)kin! in the na)kin hol#er 8 organi:e# an# in ea!y rea$h. Well li5/or!6 arrange# in a !)e$ifie# or#er6 lo$ate# in a !)ee# rail atta$he# to the i$e bin. Eime mi4 an# Drena#ine in the !)ee# rail. ,o!t fre5/ently /!e# $all li5/or! lo$ate# at eery !tation in the !)ee# rail!. Dla!!+are !tore# in it! #e!ignate# area at ea$h !tation. Stem+are lo$ate# !o that it i! a$$e!!ible from eery !tation. Tra!h re$e)ta$le nearby. 68(a$k! in a $entral6 $onenient lo$ation for all barten#er!. Con#iment! in a $entral $onenient lo$ation for all barten#er!. [Restaurant Name] 26 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Clean men/! lo$ate# by ea$h bar +ell. [Restaurant Name] 27 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Bac' Station Setu #ot Drin' Station 2 b/rner hot )late! F!et on me#i/mG +ith t+o $offee )ot! Fone for $offee6 one for hot +aterG. S/gar an# S+eet n3 Eo+ in )la!ti$ $ontainer!. *oote# gla!! $/)! in ea!y rea$h Tea bag! Darni!he!@ K Eemon t+i!t! K S/gar for rimming Whi))e# $ream an# !)e$ial +hi))e# $ream in ea!y rea$h. Ei5/or! an# li5/e/r! for hot #rink! in the neare!t !)ee# rail Fbottle! are gro/)e# by #rink re$i)e +here )o!!ibleG. [Restaurant Name] 28 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual /rdering &rocedures Category There are fo/r F4G ba!i$ )ri$ing $ategorie!. All #rink! !ere# at 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(0 fall into one of the!e $ategorie!@ Call (remi/m S/)er (remi/m To) Shelf Some !)e$ialty #rink! +ill hae their o+n )ri$e! li!te# on the )ri$e look8/) !heet. Abbreviations 9t i! a m/!t that !eri$e )er!onnel6 an# barten#er!6 /!e the $orre$t abbreiation!. Thi! i! a ba$k /) !y!tem in $a!e o/r regi!ter break! #o+n. We are /!ing a ne+ ty)e of regi!ter +ith a )rinter to re#/$e o$al $onf/!ion of $alling ea$h #rink. (lea!e get into the habit of +riting all #rink! on yo/r or#er )a#. Thi! +ill gie yo/ a +ritten re$or# of ea$h #rink !ol#. Serving /rder When making #rink! for !erer!6 yo/ nee# to !et them /) in the follo+ing or#er. The !erer! +ill ring them in thi! or#er6 an# +ill be e4)e$ting to )i$k them /) in thi! manner. A $alling or#er !y!tem i! ne$e!!ary for effi$ien$y an# e4)e#iting the !eri$e +ell. 1. *ro:en #rink! 2. U) Drink! '. &ottle# beer 4. Tall an# ro$k! #rink!@ &ran# [Restaurant Name] 29 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual .o#ka Din Whi!key -/m S$ot$h &o/rbon Te5/ila Ei5/e/r! 5. L/i$e 8 Water 6. Wine by the gla!! %. Coffee an# hot #rink! 8. Draft beer Service Syste" U)( *;( 57667>3.4 )1)*(/ 3. <+)( 75 -(43)*(- 5+36,-(: At 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(06 +e /!e a !ilent or#ering !y!tem. All #rink! are to be +ritten )ro)erly by the !erer! on a g/e!t $he$k before obtaining $o$ktail! from the bar. &e !/re of )ro)er )ri$e $ategory an# #rink abbreiation! before going to the bar. (/t ti$ket in on bar ea!el. &arten#er +ill then make the #rink! an#6 /!ing a grea!e )en$il6 /n#erline the ti$ket. Serer! +ill garni!h )ro)erly an# !ere. Al!o6 thi! !y!tem eliminate! haing to $all o/t the #rink!. Thi! i! mo!t im)ortant for $ontrol an# effi$ien$y at the bar. [Restaurant Name] 30 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual &rearing Drin' /rders (re)are all #rink or#er! to re$i)e. Che$k gla!!+are to make !/re it i! $lean an# not $hi))e#6 i$e all #rink! )ro)erly an# en!/re all beer1+ine i! !ere# $ol#. Ho/r goal i! to )re)are an# #elier an or#er in le!! that 18min/te. Delivering and Serving Drin's 9n )re!enting #rink! at the table6 !ere la#ie! fir!t. Han#le the gla!!+are in !/$h a manner that yo/r han#! +ill not $ome in $onta$t +ith the rim. 9f yo/ are in #o/bt abo/t +ho get! +hi$h #rink6 AS=2 9t i! better to a))ear forgetf/l than to a))ear #/mb. 9f the $/!tomer i! !itting at the bar6 al+ay! a!k if they +o/l# like to r/n a tab6 +hether it3! +ith $a!h or $re#it $ar#. 9f the g/e!t )ay! in $a!h6 leae yo/r!elf o)en for a ti). *or e4am)le6 if the tab i! M24.5? an# the g/e!t gie! yo/ M4?.??6 make !/re yo/ gie $hange of 5 one!6 2 fie!6 an# 2 5/arter!. 9f the tab i! M4.%5 an# the g/e!t gie! yo/ M1?.??6 make !/re yo/ gie $hange of 5 one! an# 1 5/arter. Continued Service &e attentie. *a$e yo/r !tation. Beer t/rn yo/r ba$k on yo/r g/e!t!22 After a g/e!t ha! been !ere#6 #o not aban#on them. A))roa$h the g/e!t! often to em)ty an# $lean a!htray! an# remoe #ebri!. Change !oggy na)kin! for fre!h one!. All the!e !eri$e! are !/btle metho#! of ;!ilent !elling.; 9f yo/ !ee an em)ty )a$k of $igarette!6 offer to get the $/!tomer a ne+ )a$k. ")en the )a$k6 ta) a $igarette o/t an# offer to light the $igarette for the $/!tomer. Al+ay! $arry a lighter +hile yo/ are +orking. [Restaurant Name] 31 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Be able to do two things at one ti"e EE+/86(): Take #rink or#er! +hile $leaning bar. Take or#er! +hile +aiting for another g/e!t to )ay for a #rink. When not !eri$ing the bar6 !te) ba$k an# refrain from inoling yo/r!elf in the g/e!t!3 $oner!ation!. &e attentie an# effi$ient6 b/t neer a))ear to be li!tening to the $oner!ation. Beer take )art in a g/e!t3! $oner!ation /nle!! #ire$tly a##re!!e# by the g/e!t. Contin/ally $he$k for reor#er! +ith eye $onta$t an# attentiene!!. Al+ay! be alert to !ole g/e!t!3 )roblem! an# an!+er 5/e!tion!@ be a )art of the !ol/tion. 9f g/e!t! leae the bar to $ir$/late6 $oer their #rink! to notify other! that the g/e!t +ill be ret/rning. 0!tabli!h reg/lar! by remembering +hat they #rink. Thi! $ontrib/te! to )er!onali:e# !eri$e. There i! no rea!on a g/e!t !ho/l# hae to a!k for another $o$ktail. When the #rink i! 112 em)ty6 offer to bring another by name@ i.e.6 ;Can 9 bring yo/ another La$k an# CokeC; Beer take a g/e!t3! gla!! /ntil a g/e!t !ignal! that it $an be remoe#6 or /ntil re)la$e# +ith a fre!h #rink. Al+ay! re)la$e !oggy na)kin! an# re)la$e +hen !ering a fre!h $o$ktail. 9f a ne+ g/e!t 7oin! a )arty6 take hi!1her or#er6 b/t neer a!!/me that the ne+ #rinkF!G go on any e4i!ting tab. -e)eat !eri$e )ro$e#/re! for eery a##itional g/e!t. &e a+are of yo/r !tation. A! g/e!t! are leaing6 thank them for $oming an# inite them ba$k again. Die yo/r g/e!t! a Unit b/!ine!! $ar# +ith yo/r name +ritten on it6 !o they +ill a!k for yo/r e4$ellent !eri$e the ne4t time they i!it /!. [Restaurant Name] 32 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Service Ti"e Seri$e time i! the time it take! for the g/e!t to be greete#6 hae their or#er taken6 an# for the g/e!t!3 #rink! to be #eliere#. 9t i! the length of time the g/e!t )er$eie! re$eiing !eri$e. The total length of time !ho/l# be fo/r min/te! or le!!. "ne min/te or le!! to be greete#6 an# then three min/te! from the time the or#er i! taken /ntil the #rink! are #eliere#. (erio#i$ally thro/gho/t the night6 management ran#omly $lo$k! !eri$e time! an# tra$k! them on a $hart. Thi! i! not a )er!onal te!t of yo/r ability to effi$iently !ere $o$ktail!6 it i! a tool /!e# to rai!e o/r leel of a+arene!! a! to ho+ o/r g/e!t! )er$eie o/r !eri$e. "/r goal i! to !eri$e all g/e!t! effi$iently an# $on!i!tently +ithin fo/r min/te!. [Restaurant Name] 33 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual (i$uor (aws -emember at all time! that +e hae a re!)on!ibility in taking $are of o/r g/e!t!6 to +hom +e are !ering al$oholi$ beerage!. It is against the law to) Sere al$oholi$ beerage! to an into4i$ate# )er!on. Sere al$oholi$ beerage! to an /n#erage )er!on. 9f yo/ are in #o/bt6 it i! yo/r re!)on!ibility6 a! a !erer of al$oholi$ beerage!6 to a!k the in#ii#/al for )ro)er i#entifi$ation. (ermit any into4i$ate# )er!on to remain on the )remi!e!. Do not try to han#le thi! ty)e of !it/ation yo/r!elf@ D0T A ,ABAD0-. Allo+ anyone to bring al$ohol in any form into the -e!ta/rant +ith him or her. Hae an em)loyee /n#er the legal #rinking age han#le6 #i!)en!e6 or !ere li5/or. (o/r from one bottle to another. Sere li5/or from any bottle not )/r$ha!e# by the -e!ta/rant. Allo+ anyone /n#er the legal #rinking age to !it at the bar. They are allo+e# to !it in the bar area6 b/t not at the bar. [Restaurant Name] 34 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Service %ell Serer! +ill or#er beerage! for g/e!t! at table! thro/gh the barten#er at the !eri$e +ell. Server *esonsibilities Serer! +ork a! a team +ith the !eri$e barten#er to en!/re that #rink! are )re)are# for o/r g/e!t! in the mo!t effi$ient manner. S(-?(-) +-( -()87.)396( 57-: Darni!hing #rink! Bartender *esonsibilities T;( )(-?3<( 9+-*(.2(- 3) -()87.)396( 57-: (re)aring #rink!. Tea$hing !erer! +hen mi!take! are ma#e in )ri$e6 gla!!6 or garni!h. Al+ay! /!e t+o han#! to #o !eeral thing! at one time. Seri$e +ell i! yo/r main )riority Fkee) !erer! ha))yG. The barten#er +orking the !eri$e +ell i! the barten#er +ho )o/r! #rink! for the !erer!< b/t al!o i! re!)on!ible for the g/e!t area of the bar. Seri$ing the !erer!3 nee#! i! the !eri$e barten#er3! to) )riority. When b/!y6 re$ogni:e the $/!tomer fir!t6 b/t !ere the !erer! fir!t. D/e!t! +ill often try to or#er #rink! in the !eri$e +ell area. Ho/ !ho/l# )olitely a!k them to !te) o/t of the !tation. 04)lain that yo/ +ill be ha))y to get their #rink! if they !te) to another area6 b/t +here they are !tan#ing i! a +ork area for the !erer!. [Restaurant Name] 35 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Drin' Basics Co$ktail! $ontain t+o ty)e! of ingre#ient! an# may $ontain a thir#. T;(1 +-(: &a!e ,o#ifying6 !moothing6 or aromati:ing agent S)e$ial flaoring an# $oloring ingre#ient! Base Thi! i! the f/n#amental ingre#ient. 9t make! /) at lea!t 5?N of the $o$ktail. Bormally6 the ba!e $on!i!t! of a !ingle li5/or6 +hi$h #etermine! the ty)e of $o$ktail. There are gin $o$ktail! F,artiniG6 +hi!key $o$ktail! F,anhattanG6 r/m $o$ktail! FDai5/iriG6 et$. 9t i! )o!!ible to $ombine t+o For moreG li5/or! a! a ba!e. *or e4am)le6 rye an# bo/rbon +hi!key!6 +hile #ifferent in flaor6 hae the !ame $hara$teri!ti$! an# $an be /!e# inter$hangeably or in $ombination a! a ba!e. Din an# +hite r/m al!o blen# +ell. Modifying Agent Thi! ingre#ient !moothe! #o+n the biting !har)ne!! of the ra+ li5/or an# a##! $hara$ter to it! nat/ral flaor. The mo#ifier flaor !ho/l# neer )re#ominate oer the li5/or flaor. T;(-( +-( *;-(( <6+))() 75 /723513.4 +4(.*): A-7/+*3<) 8 ermo/th6 bitter!6 D/bonnet F-,3* F,3<() 8 orange6 lemon6 lime6 et$.6 +ith or +itho/t !/gar M3)<(66+.(7,) 8 ;!moothing; agent! !/$h a! !/gar6 $ream6 egg!6 et$. Cream an# egg! )ro#/$e a $reamy6 foamy #rink that i! )lea!ing to the eye6 a! +ell a! )lea!ant ta!ting. [Restaurant Name] 36 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Secial 1lavoring 2 Coloring Agents The!e in$l/#e fr/it !yr/)! a! +ell a! $or#ial! or li5/e/r!. An ingre#ient that i! /!e# a! a mo#ifier in one $o$ktail may be /!e# a! flaoring or $oloring in another. *ecie Adherence Ho/r g/e!t! e4)e$t to re$eie a $on!i!tent6 great ta!ting #rink eery time they i!it. 9n or#er to maintain a high leel of $on!i!ten$y an# g/e!t !ati!fa$tion 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(0 ha! $aref/lly #eelo)e# +ritten re$i)e! for all #rink!. 0ery re$i)e ha! been thoro/ghly te!te# to en!/re that the 5/ality meet! o/r g/e!t!3 e4)e$tation!. Take )ri#e in a#hering to the re$i)e 1??N of the time. S*-3<* -(<38( +2;(-(.<( >366 3.?76?( 57<,)3.4 7. *;( 57667>3.4 +-(+): Dla!!+are 9$e Ei5/or (o/ring Drink ,aking O Te$hni5/e! 0ye A))eal ,i4e! FThi! may be +aie#6 after yo/ )a!! a free )o/r te!tG [Restaurant Name] 37 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Standardi3ation of Beverage /rders W(66 li5/or! are /!e# +hen the g/e!t #oe! not !)e$ify a )arti$/lar bran# to /!e@ i.e.6 bo/rbon an# Coke. C+66 li5/or! are /!e# +hen a g/e!t !)e$ifie! a )arti$/lar bran# of li5/or for the #rink@ i.e.6 La$k Daniel3! an# Coke. P-(/3,/ li5/or! are li5/or! +ith a !)e$ifi$ bran# name6 b/t are either age# or im)orte#6 an# therefore6 are more e4)en!ie@ i.e.6 Cro+n -oyal an# Coke. Thi! +o/l# in$l/#e the S/)er (remi/m li5/or!. To be )o/re# into the #rink6 then the #rink i! or#ere# by $alling it! name. 04am)le! of thi! +o/l# be Eong 9!lan# 9$e# Tea6 &la$k -/!!ian6 or ,anhattan. Al!o6 +hen or#ering a #rink that i! to be )re)are# on the ro$k!6 or#er it a! !/$h. 9f a $/!tomer or#er! a Stoli on the ro$k!6 or#er ;Stoli ro$k!.; The barten#er +ill then )o/r 2 o:. of that li5/or. Thi! #oe! not in$l/#e #rink! that $ontain a ;!)la!h; of a mi4. The!e get or#ere# normally6 an# get an o/n$e an# a 5/arter !hot. S,8(- P-(/3,/ li5/or! are li5/or! an# li5/e/r! +ith !)e$ifi$ bran# name!6 b/t are either age# or im)orte#6 an# therefore6 more e4)en!ie@ i.e.6 a m/lti8li5/or #rink !/$h a! Eong 9!lan# 9$e# Tea +hi$h /!e! Ab!ol/te6 Tan5/eray6 Dran# ,arnier6 an# &a$ar#i. T78 S;(65 li5/or! are !)e$ialty li5/or! an# li5/e/r! +ith a !)e$ifi$ bran# name6 b/t are either age# or im)orte#6 an# hae limite# aailability6 therefore6 are more e4)en!ie. The item! +ill be in#ii#/ally )ri$e# )er $ir$/m!tan$e@ i.e.6 (orfi#io Te5/ila an# &a!il Ha#en &o/rbon are in the To) Shelf $ategory6 yet may not be the !ame )ri$e. &rearing Drin's Con!i!ten$y of )ro#/$t i! a ital )art of o/r )rofe!!ionali!m. A #rink )re)are# by one barten#er m/!t be )re)are# e4a$tly the !ame +ay by all other barten#er!. Therefore6 it i! e!!ential that yo/ !t/#y an# learn the #rink re$i)e man/al an# any !)e$ialty or regional #rink re$i)e!. [Restaurant Name] 38 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual &efore )re)aring a #rink or#er6 be $ertain that yo/ hae hear# the g/e!t3! or#er $orre$tly6 an# re)eat the or#er to the $/!tomer. -et/rne# #rink! are $o!tly to the -e!ta/rant3! )rofit! an# )ro#/$e /nha))y g/e!t!. 9f yo/ #o not kno+ a re$i)e6 look it /) in the re$i)e book. 9f the #rink i! not li!te#6 a!k the g/e!t if he or !he kno+! the ingre#ient!. "ften6 the !ame #rink i! $alle# by a #ifferent name in #ifferent lo$ale!. Al+ay! line /) yo/r tool! an# ingre#ient! before beginning. A #rink that !tay! in the !haker +hile yo/ get a gla!! +ill be le!! than the be!t. (o/r #rink! a$$/rately6 /!ing yo/r 7igger. Wheneer )o!!ible6 mi4 #rink! +ithin the g/e!t3! !ight +ith the label )ointing to+ar# the g/e!t. -et/rn all li5/or or other ingre#ient! to their )ro)er )la$e after /!ing them. Thi! !)ee#! /) !eri$e by en!/ring the item $an be fo/n# 5/i$kly an# ea!ily for the ne4t #rink. After /!ing any mi4ing time6 al+ay! rin!e an# +a!h before ret/rning it to it! )ro)er !torage )la$e. The tin +ill be rea#y for the ne4t #rink. [Restaurant Name] 39 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual -lassware There are three ba!i$ r/le! $on$erning gla!!+are@ U!e the )ro)er gla!!+are for ea$h #rink. 0n!/re that gla!!+are i! !)arkling $lean. 0n!/re that gla!!+are i! not $ra$ke# or $hi))e#. FAl+ay! /!e an i$e !$oo)< thi! +ill )reent gla!!+are from $hi))ing an# $ra$king. Thi! i! al!o a !afety mea!/reG. &roer -lassware Dla!!+are i! !)e$ifie# on ea$h #rink re$i)e. Al+ay! /!e the $orre$t gla!!. Thi! en!/re! the $orre$t ratio of li5/or to mi4er. All of o/r re$i)e! +ere #eelo)e# !)e$ifi$ally for o/r gla!!+are. Unle!! !)e$ifie# in the re$i)e a! )re8heate# or )re8$hille#6 gla!!+are m/!t be at room tem)erat/re. Dla!!+are 7/!t o/t of the #i!h ma$hine i! too hot to /!e. A##ing i$e to a hot gla!! +ill $a/!e breakage. Chilled -lassware A gla!! i! $hille# +hen /!e# to !ere a $ol# beerage +ith no i$e. To Chill a Dla!!@ *ill the gla!! +ith $/be# i$e6 an# then +ith !elt:er. Allo+ to !it +hile )re)aring the #rink6 then #i!$ar# i$e an# +ater. Shake o/t e4$e!! +ater an# )o/r the $o$ktail. Do not ret/rn i$e an# +ater to the i$e bin. &re-#eated -lassware A gla!! i! )re8heate# +hen /!e# to !ere a hot #rink or aromati$ li5/e/r. To (re8Heat a Dla!!@ *ill the gla!! +ith hot +ater an# allo+ to !it /ntil hot to the to/$h6 then )o/r hot +ater ba$k into the )ot. [Restaurant Name] 40 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Clean -lassware A #rink lo!e! it! a))eal if it i! !ere# in a !)otte# or !treake# gla!!. At the front bar the gla!! +a!hing ma$hine i! /!e# to en!/re $lean gla!!+are@ (lea!e $he$k $leaning $hemi$al! fre5/ently to en!/re )ro)er o)eration. Thi! metho# !ati!fie! health re5/irement!6 an# en!/re! !)arkling gla!!+are. [Restaurant Name] 41 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Ice >?N of the #rink! yo/ make /!e i$e in !ome form. 9$e i! a foo# )ro#/$t an# i! $on!/me# by yo/r g/e!t!. 9t i! treate# +ith the !ame !anitary )ro$e#/re! a! any foo# item in o/r -e!ta/rant. A6>+1) 3<( 46+))() >3*; +. 3<( )<778. Beer /!e yo/r han#! or !$oo) a gla!! thro/gh the bin. G6+))() );7,62 .(?(- 9( 86+<(2 3. 3<(. Ho/ might break the gla!! in the i$e. I<( /,)* 9( ;+-2 +.2 <6(+-. Ho/r management !taff ha! a reg/lar maintenan$e )rogram for the i$e ma$hine! to en!/re that they +ork )ro)erly an# )roi#e the $orre$t )ro#/$t. I<( /,)* 9( <762. 9$e may ary in tem)erat/re from 81? * to P'2 *. ;Warm; i$e melt! 5/i$kly an# make! +eak6 #il/te# #rink!. I<( /,)* 9( 2-1. 9$e !ho/l# !tay #ry. The i$e bin! !ho/l# hae a#e5/ate #rainage to allo+ melting +ater to #rain off ea!ily an# 5/i$kly. Che$k i$e bin #rain! at the i$e ma$hine6 !eri$e bar6 an# front bar at lea!t one a +eek. I<( /,)* 9( <6(+.. =ee) all im)/ritie! o/t of the i$e. Some bar! !tore fr/it6 bottle!6 an# $arton! in the !ame i$e /!e# to mi4 #rink!. Health #e)artment! regar# !/$h i$e a! $ontaminate#6 an# yo/ !ho/l#6 too. 9$e bin! an# i$e !$oo)! !ho/l# be in$l/#e# in a reg/lar $lean8/) )rogram. U)( 86(.*1 75 3<( >;(. /+B3.4 2-3.B). Unle!! !)e$ifie# by re$i)e6 all gla!!e! !ho/l# be )a$ke# +ith i$e before a #rink i! ma#e. Thi! en!/re! the )ro)er ratio of li5/or to mi4er. The $orre$t amo/nt of i$e al!o )reent! oer8#il/tion. Dil/tion i! the +ater from melting i$e6 an# i! )art of any #rink. Ho+eer6 e4$e!! #il/tion !)oil! the #rink. U)( 5-();, <6(+. 3<( 57- (?(-1 2-3.B 17, /+B(. Thro+ /!e# i$e a+ay. Ho/ +o/l# not !ere a )artially eaten !ala#6 !o #o not /!e )artially $on!/me# i$e. "$$a!ionally6 a g/e!t +ill re5/e!t that yo/ b/il# a ne+ #rink on to) of the ol# one. 9n that $a!e6 a$$ommo#ate the g/e!t. 9f yo/ break a gla!! near or oer an i$e bin6 take that i$e o/t of !eri$e imme#iately2 Do not take a $han$e +ith yo/r g/e!t!3 !afety. &roken gla!! in i$e i! e4tremely ha:ar#o/!. [Restaurant Name] 42 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Drin' Ma'ing Techni$ues All of o/r #rink! are ma#e /!ing one of the follo+ing te$hni5/e!@ &/il# Eayer Stir O Strain *loat Shake O Strain To) ,i4 ,/##le &len# The $orre$t )ro$e#/re +ill be !)e$ifie# in the re$i)e. Build When b/il#ing a #rink6 the ingre#ient! are )o/re# #ire$tly into the gla!! in +hi$h it i! !ere# F+ith or +itho/t i$eG. &/il#ing i! the ea!ie!t #rink8 making te$hni5/e F/!e# for highball!6 7/i$e #rink!6 nail!6 an# hot #rink!G. Stir 2 Strain Thi! te$hni5/e i! /!e# to $hill a $lear li5/or1li5/e/r or $ombination of li5/or!1li5/e/r! +hen they are !ere# !traight /). Stirring mi4e# ingre#ient!6 a!!/re! )ro)er #il/tion6 an# $hill! li5/or to the )ro)er !ering tem)erat/re. Clear li5/or! are !tirre# an# !traine#6 in!tea# of !haken an# !traine#6 to maintain the $ry!tal $larity of the li5/i#. 9f a $lear li5/i# i! !haken or mi4e#6 it be$ome! mi4e# +ith air an# look! $lo/#y. [Restaurant Name] 43 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual T7 )*3- +.2 )*-+3. + 2-3.B: 1. *ill a mi4ing gla!! +ith i$e. 2. (o/r ingre#ient! into the mi4ing gla!!. '. Stir 5/i$kly 8 to 1? time! +ith a bar !)oon /ntil $on#en!ation form! on the o/t!i#e of the gla!!. D" B"T CHU-B. 4. *it a bar !trainer oer the mo/th of the mi4ing gla!! an# !train the li5/i# into the )ro)er gla!!. Beer /!e yo/r finger! to !train a $o$ktail. 5. Wa!h the mi4ing gla!!6 !trainer6 an# bar !)oon. Sha'e 2 Strain Thi! te$hni5/e i! /!e# +ith o)a5/e ingre#ient! F7/i$e!6 !+eet O !o/r mi46 $reamG. Shaking an# !training a$$om)li!he! the !ame re!/lt a! !tirring an# !training6 b/t al!o )ro#/$e! a froth from the mi4t/re an# )roi#e! a goo# !ho+ for the g/e!t. T7 );+B( +.2 )*-+3. + 2-3.B: 1. *ill a mi4ing gla!! +ith i$e. 2. (o/r ingre#ient! into the mi4ing gla!!. '. *it the mo/th of a mi4ing tin oer the mo/th of the mi4ing gla!! at an angle. 4. -a) mi4ing tin firmly #o+n+ar# onto the mi4ing gla!! to $reate a !eal. 5. Hol# the ba!e of the mi4ing gla!! in one han# an# the ba!e of the mi4ing tin in the other han#. .igoro/!ly !hake /ntil a fro!t a))ear! on the mi4ing tin. 6. While hol#ing the mi4ing tin an# gla!!6 a! in Ste) Q56 gently ta) the )rotr/#ing e#ge of the mi4ing tin again!t the !hot rail to break the !eal bet+een the tin an# the gla!!. Eift the tin off. [Restaurant Name] 44 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual %. *it a bar !trainer oer the mo/th of the mi4ing gla!! an# !train the mi4t/re into the )ro)er gla!!. 8. Wa!h the mi4ing gla!!6 tin6 an# !trainer. Blend A blen#ing te$hni5/e i! /!e# to li5/efy !oli#!. *ro:en an# i$e $ream #rink! are blen#e# to a !l/!hy or $reamy $on!i!ten$y. There !ho/l# be fl/i# eno/gh to )o/r6 yet thi$k eno/gh to hol# a !tra+ /)right. T7 96(.2 + 2-3.B, 57667> *;()( 3.)*-,<*37.): 1. (la$e ingre#ient! into the blen#er $/)6 an# then a## i$e. 2. *irmly !et blen#er $/) on ba!e1motor. (la$e the to) on the blen#er. '. Set !)ee# to ;lo+; F#ra+! ingre#ient! #o+n into bla#e! an# e4ten#! the life of the bla#e!6 $l/t$h an# motorG. T/rn motor ;on.; 4. To )ro#/$e a f/lly blen#e# #rink6 after ingre#ient! are in$or)orate#6 !+it$h !)ee# to ;high; /ntil the blen#ing i! !mooth. 5. S+it$h !)ee# ba$k to ;lo+;6 t/rn off motor6 allo+ blen#er to !lo+6 an# remoe blen#er $/) Fthi! e4ten#! the life of the bla#e!6 $l/t$h an# motorG. 6. (o/r the mi4t/re into the )ro)er gla!!+are. %. Wa!h the blen#er. (ayer Eayering i! /!e# to )ro#/$e #i!tin$t ;layer!; of ingre#ient! +ith $lear an# !har) !e)aration of one layer from another. 0a$h ingre#ient i! )o/re# !o that it ;!it!; ato) the )re$e#ing ingre#ient6 +ith no mi4ing of the t+o. T7 +<;3(?( *;3) (55(<*, 57667> *;( 3.4-(23(.* 7-2(- 63)*(2 3. *;( -(<38(. [Restaurant Name] 45 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual 1. (o/r fir!t ingre#ient into the gla!!. 2. (la$e bar !)oon ato) fir!t ;layer; !o that the bo+l of the !)oon re!t! on the !/rfa$e of fir!t ;layer.; '. Slo+ly an# $aref/lly )o/r the #e!ire# amo/nt of the ne4t ingre#ient ;layer; into the bo+l of the !)oon Fte$hni$ally6 the #o+n+ar# for$e be$ome! an o/t+ar# for$e6 moing the !e$on# ingre#ient a$ro!! in!tea# of thro/gh the fir!t.G 4. Caref/lly angle the !)oon o/t of the layer. 1loat4To Thi! te$hni5/e )ro#/$e! an effe$t !imilar to layering. When floating or to))ing6 ho+eer6 the ;blee#ing; of one ingre#ient into another i! #e!ire# !. the !har) #i!tin$tion bet+een ingre#ient! a$hiee# by layering. To float an ingre#ient6 )o/r it !lo+ly from $lo!ely aboe the rim of the gla!! +hile moing the bottle or )it$her in a $ir$le oer the to) of the #rink. Muddling M,2263.4 +<<7/863);(): 04tra$tion of 7/i$e! or flaor! from !oli#! Fe4am)le@ $herry an# orange for an "l# *a!hione#G6 or Di!!oling of !oli#! into li5/i# Fe4am)le@ !/gar $/be! for 9ri!h CoffeeG. A m/##ler i! a non8)oro/! +oo#en tool /!e# to )re!! the ingre#ient!6 not beat them. To m/##le an ingre#ient6 hol# m/##ler firmly an# )re!! it into the ingre#ient +hile t/rning it a 5/arter of a t/rn. Contin/e thi! a$tion /ntil the !oli# i! #i!!ole# or the 7/i$e i! relea!e#. [Restaurant Name] 46 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual 5ye Aeal 0ye a))eal i! ery im)ortant. 9t im)a$t! a g/e!t3! e4)erien$e in o/r -e!ta/rant in three +ay!@ It Is a Sales Tool There i! a $ertain ;!omething; abo/t a /ni5/e #rink that aro/!e! the g/e!t3! $/rio!ity eno/gh to a!k the !erer abo/t it. Thi! i! an e4$ellent o))ort/nity to /!e !ale!man!hi) to intro#/$e g/e!t! to o/r /ni5/e )ro#/$t!. It 5nhances the 1lavor of a Coc'tail 0ye a))eal i! an im)ortant )art of a g/e!t3! im)re!!ion of a mi4e# #rink. 9f a #rink i! !ere# in a !)arkling6 $lean gla!! +ith fre!h an# attra$tie garni!he!6 it +ill !eem to ta!te better than the e4a$t !ame #rink !ere# in a !)otte# gla!! +ith an inferior garni!h. Serves as a State"ent of /ur /verall 6uality 0ery #rink +e !ere i! an e4am)le of the 5/ality of o/r -e!ta/rant. 9nferior )ro#/$t! or garni!he! !ho/l# neer be /!e#. There i! no rea!on eye a))eal $annot be 1??N $orre$t 1??N of the time. [Restaurant Name] 47 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual -arnishes A goo# garni!h in$rea!e! the oerall a))eal of a #rink. 9t !ho/l# not #etra$t from the #rink or make it #iffi$/lt to $on!/me the #rink. A garni!h !ho/l# be ii# in $olor an# fre!h in a))earan$e +ith no i!ible !ign! of age or #eterioration. A garni!h i! )art of the re$i)e an# i! an e!!ential )art of the #rink. The #rink re$i)e book gie! !en!itiitie!6 +hi$h m/!t be ob!ere# for all garni!he!. 6uality #ints C,**3.4 F-,3* Al+ay! +a!h fr/it in $ol# +ater before $/tting. Al+ay! /!e a $lean $/tting boar#. U!e a $lean6 !har) knife. S*7<B3.4 "nly !to$k eno/gh fr/it for any gien 28ho/r )erio# Fboth at the )oint an# !eri$e +ell!G. S*7-+4( Al+ay! !tore garni!he! refrigerate#6 $oere#6 an# labele#. Do not !tore ol# garni!he! on to) of ne+ garni!he!. When !toring $itr/! garni!he!6 +hi$h hae been !to$ke#6 rin!e them +ith !o#a or +ater6 an# #rain before $oerage an# refrigerating. Cherrie!6 olie!6 an# $o$ktail onion! !ho/l# be !to$ke# an# !tore# in their o+n 7/i$e. C/t $elery !ho/l# be !tore# in +ater to retain $ri!)ine!!6 an# !to$ke# on the !tation in i$e +ater. [Restaurant Name] 48 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual W+)*(D#,+63*1 C7.*-76 The mo!t effe$tie +ay to $ontrol garni!h +a!te i! to /!e a$$/rate )ar!. Ho/r manager +ill #emon!trate +here yo/r )ar! are re$or#e# an# ho+ to /!e them. R/ality $ontrol i! eeryone3! re!)on!ibility. Darni!h 5/ality m/!t be 7/#ge# ea$h time a garni!h i! !to$ke#6 !tore#6 or /!e#. 78-#our -arnish Cycle U!ing a 248ho/r garni!h $y$le en!/re! garni!h fre!hne!!. To begin thi! $y$le6 a!!/me that +hen the barten#er begin! to $/t garni!he!6 no fr/it i! left from the )reio/! #ay. [Restaurant Name] 49 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Closing /ut A Table &resenting the Chec' &efore )re!enting the $he$k6 look it oer to make !/re yo/ hae $harge# for eerything $orre$tly. A))eti:er! So/)! Sala#! 0ntree! Si#e! De!!ert! Coffee Wine 0ither gie the $he$k in a booklet to the ho!t Fif kno+nG6 or )la$e it in the $enter of the gro/) an# !ay6 ;Thank yo/.; 9f the $/!tomer i! )aying +ith a $re#it $ar#6 follo+ the ho/!e )ro$e#/re. (i$k /) the $he$k an# o/$her after it i! !igne#6 an# again6 thank the $/!tomer. D" B"T e4amine the ti) a! yo/ leae the $/!tomer. When yo/ #ro) the $he$k at the bar6 make !/re the $/!tomer kno+! H"U are the $a!hier an# +ill take $are of the $he$k +heneer they are rea#y. There i! nothing more aggraating for a $/!tomer than +an#ering aro/n# looking for a $a!hier. -emember6 it i! at thi! )oint6 +hen $lo!ing o/t the $he$k6 that the g/e!t i! #e$i#ing the barten#er3! ti). A ba# im)re!!ion here $an /n#o all )reio/! goo# im)re!!ion!. [Restaurant Name] 50 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual The 1arewell When yo/r g/e!t! are #e)arting6 +e hae fo/r #i!tin$t ob7e$tie!@ 5. To make !/re their e4)erien$e in o/r re!ta/rant +a! )lea!/rable. 6. Thank them6 by name6 for their )atronage. %. To inite them ba$k for another i!it !oon. 8. To make !/re their la!t im)re!!ion i! a )o!itie one. Methods of &ay"ent A))roe# metho#! of )ayment are $a!h6 .9SA6 ,a!ter Car#6 an# Ameri$an 04)re!!6 an# $he$k!. All other metho#! of )ayment6 i.e. Traeler! Che5/e!6 re5/ire management a))roal. When a$$e)ting )er!onal $he$k!6 yo/ m/!t get a))roal by management6 an# in$l/#e the follo+ing information@ Drier3! li$en!e n/mber C/rrent a##re!! (hone n/mber F#ay an# eeningG [Restaurant Name] 51 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual /ening9 *unning9 Closing Duties 0ery !hift at the re!ta/rant ha! o)ening6 r/nning6 an# $lo!ing #/tie!. The!e #/tie! are )o!te# in the bar book. The!e #/tie! are e4tremely im)ortant in a!!/ring !mooth #aily o)eration! an# ongoing 5/ality !eri$e. The!e #/tie! re5/ire team+ork6 an# thro/gh team+ork6 +e +ill maintain e4$ellen$e in !eri$e. ")ening an# $lo!ing #/tie! +ill not be $on!i#ere# $om)lete /ntil a))roe# by the manager on #/ty. -/nning #/tie! refer to ongoing #/tie! +hile the -e!ta/rant i! o)en for b/!ine!!. The re!)on!ibility of making !/re the!e #/tie! are being #one #/ring the !hift i! that of yo/ an# yo/r teammate!. 0a$h !tation i! a!!igne# it! o+n #/tie!. Some #/tie! +ill re5/ire in#ii#/al effort6 +hile other! +ill re5/ire team effort. [Restaurant Name] 52 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Bar Cleanliness Cleanline!! at the bar i! e!!ential. "/r g/e!t!3 im)re!!ion of /! i! at !take. 0en at ho/r! of )eak b/!ine!!6 yo/r bar !ho/l# a))ear $lean an# attra$tie. Ho/r !tore +ill hae a li!t of #aily ho/!ekee)ing #/tie! for the bar. Thi! li!t +ill in$l/#e the follo+ing@ Stainle!! $o/nter! &len#er! Sink! ,i4er! 9$e bin! &a$k /) li5/or Ei5/or bottle! &eer ta)! Tra!h $an! Coffee b/rner! &ar !/rfa$e &eer #rain! -efrigerator! an# Cooler! S)ee# rail! (la!ti$ bottle! Storage area! Dla!!+are So#a g/n ho!e! an# no::le! Con#iment! an# hol#er! Ca!h regi!ter! The!e ta!k! are !)e$ifi$ally a!!igne# a! A.,. or (.,. #/tie! to the o)ening barten#er6 early o/t barten#er6 or $lo!ing barten#er!1barba$k. "n a +eekly ba!i!6 eery )art of the bar i! thoro/ghly $leane#. The wee'ly clean u will include) Cleaning o/t all !torage area!. Cleaning o/t all )ar !hele!. Cleaning !tainle!! $o/nter! an# !ink!. Cleaning o/t +alk8in an# rea$h8in! thoro/ghly. Cleaning !o#a g/n 8 no::le!6 hol#er!6 an# ho!e!. [Restaurant Name] 53 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual 5nd /f Shift *esonsibilities At the en# of yo/r !hift6 yo/ +ill be re!)on!ible for $leaning an# re!to$king the bar. 9f yo/ +ork on A.,. !hift or a (.,. early o/t6 yo/ +ill leae the bar $lean6 organi:e#6 an# !to$ke# +ith li5/or6 beer6 +ine6 mi4e!6 garni!he!6 an# gla!!+are for the $lo!ing barten#erF!G. 9f yo/ are $lo!ing6 yo/ +ill $om)lete a $om)rehen!ie $he$k of the bar3! organi:ation. Ho/r re!)on!ibilitie! +ill in$l/#e@ -e!to$king re!)on!ibilitie!@ Ei5/or &eer Wine Ba)kin! Stra+! (ro)er !torage )ro$e#/re!@ ,i4e! an# 7/i$e! U!able fr/it garni!he! 9$e $ream Cleaning re!)on!ibilitie!@ *r/it $ontainer! ,i4ing gla!!e! Tin! Strainer! an# /ten!il! &ar to) [Restaurant Name] 54 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual 9$e bin! Stainle!! !/rfa$e! *loor -emoing all bottle!6 $leaning the !)ee# rail an# the bottle!6 an# reorgani:ing the bottle!. *l/!hing beer #rain! an# $leaning #ri) )an! an# grill!. 0m)tying tra!h an# !toring tra!h $an!. -e5/i!itioning li5/or. Com)leting +alk thro/gh +ith the ,anager. [Restaurant Name] 55 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Bartender Security *esonsibilities 1. When $oming on #/ty6 the ,anager +ill !/))ly yo/ +ith the a))ro)riate $a!h bank!. Ho/ !ho/l# $o/nt thi! )rior to !tarting yo/r !hift. 2. Ho/ are re!)on!ible for any #ifferen$e! +hen $he$king o/t. '. 9f yo/ nee# $hange #/ring yo/r !hift6 notify yo/r ,anager. 4. 9f yo/ a$$/m/late oer M16??? in $a!h in the regi!ter #ra+er6 the ,anager +ill remoe the e4$e!! leaing only !/ffi$ient $hange re!ere for yo/ to o)erate. 5. The ,anager an# yo/ +ill erify an# re$or# Fin the (.".S. a! a Dro)G the amo/nt of $a!h taken. The $a!h +ill be #ro))e# in the !afe an# +ill be +itne!!e# by another ,anager or barten#er. 6. U)on $he$king o/t yo/r regi!ter6 $all the ,anager for an e!$ort to the offi$e an# lo$k the #oor. [Restaurant Name] 56 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Chec' /ut &rocedures 1. Ho/r $om)/teri:e# regi!ter !y!tem +ill )rint o/t yo/r g/e!t $he$k at the en# of ea$h table3! meal. Thi! alleiate! the i!!/an$e of any man/al g/e!t $he$k!. 2. "n$e a g/e!t $he$k i! )rinte# o/t an# a $/!tomer ha! )ai#6 yo/ +ill $lo!e o/t that $he$k to $a!h6 ,a!ter Car#6 .9SA6 or Ameri$an 04)re!!6 or other form! of )ayment. Ho/ m/!t kee) all )rinte# o/t $lo!e# g/e!t $he$k! for $he$ko/t. '. &efore beginning yo/r $he$ko/t ea$h !hift6 $he$k the follo+ing@ ,ake !/re all yo/r $/!tomer! are thro/gh6 hae been tabbe#6 an# #o not nee# anything el!e. 9.e.6 $offee6 tea6 et$. &e $ertain the manager ha! $lo!e# yo/r !e$tion for the !hift. ,ake !/re yo/ hae $olle$te# from all of yo/r table! an# hae all yo/r ti$ket! +ith yo/. ,ake !/re all )late!6 !iler+are6 gla!!+are6 an# $ontainer! are $leare# from all of yo/r table!. &e $ertain that all of yo/r !i#e +ork an# $lo!ing #/tie! are #one. ,ake !/re that yo/ hae yo/r f/ll /niform on at all time!6 +hile in the front of the ho/!e. Hae a manger #o any #eletion! of oi#!6 oer ring!6 an# )romo ti$ket!. All oer ring! m/!t be !igne# by a manager at the time they o$$/r6 an# not at the en# of the !hift. Ho/ neer !it #o+n to eat6 #rink6 or !moke /ntil all of the aboe are $om)lete#. Starting yo/r $he$ko/t before all yo/r $/!tomer! are fini!he# i! gro/n#! for termination. [Restaurant Name] 57 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual /ver *ings /r :oids Any time yo/ make a regi!ter mi!take of an item yo/ #i# not +ant to ring /). Det a manager imme#iately to $orre$t thi! on the regi!ter6 an# notify the kit$hen or bar B"T T" (-0(A-0 THAT 9T0,. "er ring! an# oi#! are regi!ter mi!take! of item! neer !ere# or )re)are#. #ouse &ro"o "$$/r! anytime an item ha! been )re)are# an# !ere# to a $/!tomer that +a! not !ati!fie# +ith the item. (erha)! it +a! /n#er or oer $ooke#6 or the gla!! +a! $hi))e#6 et$. Thi! +o/l# in$l/#e a $/!tomer +aiting too long for their meal. "nly a manager $an #o thi! f/n$tion on the regi!ter. Det the manager before $lo!ing any ho/!e )romo ti$ket!.
Manager &ro"o "$$/r! anytime a manager +i!he! to b/y a table a ro/n# of #rink!6 )erha)! a #e!!ert6 or any free )/r$ha!e a))roe# by a manager )romoting goo# +ill to o/r )atron!. 9nform the manager +hen yo/ are !ering a reg/lar g/e!t yo/ +o/l# like to b/y a #rink for6 a !)e$ial g/e!t to !en# an a))eti:er o/t to6 a large )arty6 or to !en# $om)limentary #e!!ert!. (lea!e intro#/$e the manager to the!e $/!tomer! by name. We +ant to hel) yo/ #eelo) a large reg/lar follo+ing. *rom time to time6 the re!ta/rant +ill hae $onte!t! )romoting !/$h $lientele b/il#er!. Det the manager on #/ty before $lo!ing o/t any manager )romo ti$ket!. 5"loyee Discount4Custo"er Discount "$$/r! anytime the f/ll amo/nt of an item +ill not be $olle$te#. *or e4am)le6 em)loyee meal! or $o/)on! offering M2.?? off any men/ item6 or b/y one6 get one free $o/)on!6 or fre5/ent l/n$h )rogram #i!$o/nt!. "nly a manager $an #i!$o/nt g/e!t $he$k! on the regi!ter. Det the manager on #/ty before $lo!ing o/t any #i!$o/nt $he$k!. [Restaurant Name] 58 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual ;ow .ou Are *eady To Chec' /ut<< 1. Arrange yo/r ti$ket!6 to) to bottom6 in the follo+ing or#er@ All )romo ti$ket! 8 manager6 ho/!e #i!$o/nt! an# other $harge!. All $harge!6 !e)arate# in thi! or#er@ 1G Ameri$an 04)re!!6 2G ,a!ter Car#6 an# 'G .9SA. &e $ertain mer$hant $o)y of the $harge o/$her i! !ta)le# to the )a)er g/e!t $he$k. All remaining $a!h ti$ket!. 2. (re)are the Serer Che$ko/t Sheet. ,ake !/re yo/ hae no o)en $he$k!. '. &e $ertain $harge total! of ,a!ter Car#6 .9SA6 an# Ameri$an 04)re!!6 along +ith )romo!6 #i!$o/nt! or other $harge! balan$e +ith +hat yo/ hae on yo/r g/e!t $he$k!. U!e the $al$/lator to #o/ble $he$k. 9f they #o not balan$e6 thi! mean! that yo/ are mi!!ing a g/e!t $he$k6 or $harge re$ei)t NOTE@ Add only items that were actually rung up on the register. If you bought a customers cigarettes, for example, and you added that money in on their tab by hand, do not include it in your actual totals. This will prevent you from balancing to the register. 4. The follo+ing item! !ho/l# be rea#y for the manager6 before yo/ enter the offi$e@ (romo $he$k!6 ho/!e!6 an# oer ring! a$$o/nte# for on regi!ter. Hae all money $o/nte# an# fa$e#. Hae all $harge o/$her! mat$he# +ith the ti$ket they )ai# for. All ti$ket! in or#er6 +ith ho/!e!6 )romo!6 then $harge!6 an# $a!h ti$ket! a! )reio/!ly !tate#. There !ho/l# only be "B0 )er!on in the offi$e #oing $he$ko/t at a time. Thi! hel)! eliminate /nne$e!!ary $onf/!ion an# mi!take!. (lea!e /!e the $al$/lator )roi#e# for yo/. [Restaurant Name] 59 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Hae the Che$k "/t Sheet $om)lete# /) to the regi!ter rea#ing entrie!. 5. The manager +ill gie yo/ yo/r regi!ter rea#ing to enter on yo/r Che$k8"/t Sheet. The regi!ter rea#ing +ill in$l/#e yo/r total !ale! an# yo/r total $a!h #/e. Ca!h #/e S total !ale! 8 $harge!. Co/nt o/t $a!h #/e an# hae rea#y in the large!t #enomination! of bill! )o!!ible. 9f for !ome rea!on yo/ $annot balan$e to the regi!ter total!6 a!k the manager for a!!i!tan$e. Ti &ool A ti) )ool i! to !ho+ a))re$iation to+ar#! tho!e team mate! +ho a!!i!t yo/ in #oing yo/r 7ob more )rofi$iently@ allo+ing yo/ to gie the be!t !eri$e )o!!ible6 an# hel)ing yo/ make more money. The management at 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(0 /n#er!tan#! that +e $annot #i$tate ho+ the !eri$e !taff )arti$i)ate! in a ti) )ool< ho+eer6 +e beliee in a !trong team+ork )hilo!o)hy. D/e to thi! )hilo!o)hy6 +e hae gien the !taff the #e$i!ion8making )o+er! to $reate an# im)lement a ti) )ool +ith management a!!i!tan$e an# final a))roal. [Restaurant Name] 60 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual &erfor"ance Standards 1. We #o not hae ;go $/)!; /n#er any $ir$/m!tan$e!. Bo one may take any bottle or gla!! o/t!i#e of the b/il#ing. 2. We #o not kee) )/r!e! or any )er!onal belonging! for the $/!tomer!. Thi! in$l/#e! em)loyee! +hen they are in on their off night!. '. A#i!e a ,anager of any $/!tomer +ho a))ear! to be into4i$ate#. 4. 9* H"U AS= T" E0A.0...H"U CE"S0. 5. 9f yo/ fail to !ho+ /) for a !hift6 yo/ +ill meet +ith the Deneral ,anager )rior to yo/r ne4t !$he#/le# !hift. 6. Botify a ,anager of anything o/t of the or#inary6 or any )o!!ible )roblem. %. A !mile an# frien#ly attit/#e are )art of eeryone3! /niform an# +ill in$rea!e yo/r in$ome. 8. All em)loyee! are re5/ire# to hae a tele)hone n/mber +here they $an be rea$he#. >. 9f yo/ noti$e anything in the -e!ta/rant that i! broken or #amage#6 notify a ,anager. 1?. Do not leae the bar on break +itho/t $he$king +ith a ,anager. 11. Do not eat6 #rink6 or !moke +hile on the floor. 12. Ho/ m/!t be in the bar +orking in $om)lete# /niform at yo/r !$he#/le# time. 1'. A ,anager m/!t a))roe all !$he#/le $hange!. 14. 9f yo/ +i!h to $ontin/e to hae a break area6 kee) it $lean. Do not leae gla!!e!6 a!htray!6 na)kin!6 et$.6 lying o/t. 15. Ho/ m/!t $lo$k in an# o/t a! !$he#/le#. &0 "B T9,0 16. (rint a $o)y of yo/r !$he#/le ea$h +eek. Do not $all /) to the -e!ta/rant to fin# o/t yo/r !$he#/le. Ho/ are re!)on!ible for kno+ing yo/r !$he#/le. [Restaurant Name] 61 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual 1%. Ho/ may not re$eie )er!onal )hone $all! at the -e!ta/rant6 e4$e)t in a real emergen$y. (lea!e inform yo/r frien#! an# family. 18. S$he#/le re5/e!t! are #/e one +eek )rior to the )o!ting of the !$he#/le. Eeae them in the #e!ignate# area. 1>. Ho/ may not $ome into the ba$k of the ho/!e after yo/ hae been #rinking. Ho/ may not take #rink! into the break room. 2?. 9f yo/ +ant to ret/rn to the -e!ta/rant after +ork an# hae a $o$ktail6 maintain a ery high !tan#ar# of behaior6 leae at la!t $all6 an# be the ery fir!t to leae +hen the light! go /). 21. 9f yo/ hae a !/gge!tion on ho+ to make the -e!ta/rant r/n more effi$iently6 )lea!e gie them to a ,anager. 22. -emember to en7oy yo/r!ele! an# hae f/n +hile yo/ are here. Eet the ,anager! han#le all )roblem!6 big or !mall. 2'. Ho/ +ill greet yo/r g/e!t! +ith 8 A !mile Ho/r name A +el$ome (romotional information an# !)e$ial! 24. When yo/r g/e!t! leae6 yo/ +ill thank them for $oming an# inite them ba$k. 25. Ho/ +ill $lean !tation! #/ring yo/r !hift 8 0.0-HTH9BD from floor to $eiling. 26. Bo more than t+o $igarette b/tt! )er a!htray. Ca) them )ro)erly. 2%. Ho/r !eri$e +ell i! yo/r !tation 88 =00( 9T CE0AB2 28. Team+ork i! 0SS0BT9AE. 2>. Do not grab gla!!e! from )eo)le3! han#! at la!t $all. *in# a ,anager6 an# let them a!!i!t. [Restaurant Name] 62 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual .ou Should ;ot 1. ,ake /nne$e!!ary noi!e. Thi! i! annoying to g/e!t! #ining nearby. 2. "erfill a gla!! +ith mi4< it +eaken! the #rink. '. &e oerly familiar +ith a g/e!t +hen he1!he i! +ith other!. 4. ,ention a g/e!t3! la!t i!it /nle!! they bring it /) fir!t. 5. Eet g/e!t! +ait for !eri$e if they are alone at the bar Fthey +ill be$ome im)atient 5/i$klyG. -emember the or#er in +hi$h g/e!t! arrie6 b/t try to !ere the ;loner; fir!t. 6. Do!!i). Do not tell off8$olor !torie! or arg/e )oliti$! or religion. Beer $om)lain abo/t fello+ em)loyee!6 !/)eri!or!6 g/e!t!6 or bo!!e!. A goo# barten#er neer +in! an arg/ment. %. Begle$t a ;ne+; g/e!t by !tan#ing at one en# of the bar engage# in i#le $oner!ation. Beer let anyone feel like an o/t!i#er. 8. 9nterr/)t< be a goo# li!tener. Ho+eer6 neer gie the im)re!!ion of li!tening in on $oner!ation bet+een g/e!t!. >. Do not +ater #o+n #rink! or !hort )o/r #rink!. Do not try to $orre$t the !it/ation by ref/!ing or #i!$ontin/ing !eri$e to a g/e!t. Thi! $o/l# 7eo)ar#i:e yo/r relation!hi) +ith other g/e!t!. 1?. To en!/re the !afety of o/r g/e!t! 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(0 ha! #eelo)e# a )rogram to e#/$ate all em)loyee! to the effe$t! an# )o!!ible ha:ar#! of al$ohol. 11. "/r intent i! to )roi#e o/r g/e!t! +ith an en7oyable e4)erien$e in o/r -e!ta/rant an# to en!/re that they leae o/r -e!ta/rant !afely. 12. "/r al$ohol a+arene!! +ritten material inform! em)loyee! abo/t re$ogni:ing the !ign! of into4i$ation. 0m)loyee! are !ho+n ho+ to )reent into4i$ation an# +hat )ro$e#/re! to follo+ if a g/e!t be$ome! into4i$ate#. [Restaurant Name] 63 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Chec'ing Identification &y la+6 yo/ are re!)on!ible for $ar#ing anyone that yo/ !/!)e$t i! not of legal #rinking age. Do not )/t yo/r!elf in 7eo)ar#y by !ering a minor. Che$k 9D3! of anyone +ho a))ear! to be /n#er the age of 25. Al!o6 $ar# g/e!t! a))earing to be /n#er 256 +ho ret/rn an em)ty gla!! an# or#er another #rink. Try to !ere only g/e!t! yo/ $an !ee. ,inor! may !en# !omeone ol#er for their #rink!. Doubles "/r )ri$ing on #o/ble! i! a! follo+!@ for a #o/ble #rink6 $harge t+i$e the normal )ri$e. There are t+o rea!on! for thi! )oli$y@ We #o not +ant to en$o/rage o/r g/e!t! to be$ome into4i$ate#. 9n mi4e# an# blen#e# #rink!6 a##ing an e4tra !hot of li5/or alter! the flaor. We beliee that the !tan#ar# re$i)e! are the be!t +ay to !ere the!e #rink!. 9f a g/e!t re5/e!t! a #o/ble mi4e# #rink6 e4)lain the )ri$e an# a#i!e him that +e #o not re$ommen# !ering the #rink that +ay. 9f they )er!i!t6 a$$ommo#ate them6 an# then notify a ,anager. [Restaurant Name] 64 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual 1ront /f The #ouse Behavior There i! to be no yelling or arg/ing in the front of the ho/!e. 9f yo/ hae a )roblem +ith a $/!tomer6 D" B"T A-DU06 kee) $alm6 an# get a manager. The !ame a))lie! to em)loyee relation!. Bo yelling or arg/ing or yelling6 get a manager. 5ating /r Drin'ing There i! to be no eating or #rinking in the front of the ho/!e at any time. *oo# i! only to be eaten #/ring management8a))roe# break!. After Shift Behavior 0m)loyee! may not !it +ith $/!tomer! at a table or at the bar +hile in /niform. 9f yo/ are i!iting the re!ta/rant off #/ty6 yo/ are !till a re)re!entatie of 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(0. *or thi! an# other rea!on!6 +e +ill a))re$iate yo/ maintaining a ery high !tan#ar# of behaior.
[Restaurant Name] 65 1/01/2003 Bartender Training Manual Conclusion There i! a lot of information $ontaine# in thi! man/al2 &eliee it or not6 ho+eer6 there i! een more information that i! not. We hae gien yo/ the ba!i$!6 a! +e ie+ them6 an# ho+ +e +o/l# like them to be $on#/$te#. There i! no !e$tion in thi! man/al $on$erning ;Team+ork.; The rea!on for thi! i! that +e feel thi! to)i$ fall! /n#er the ;Common Sen!e; $ategory. We e4)e$t o/r !taff at 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(0 to )o!!e!! thi! $ommon !en!e from the +or# ;D".; We +ant yo/ to /!e the !eri$e ti)! in the man/al6 along +ith yo/r $ommon !en!e6 an# aboe all6 H"U- in#ii#/ality6 to hel) $reate an atmo!)here that +ill en$o/rage goo# time! for o/r $/!tomer!6 an# yo/r!elf. When thi! ha))en!6 yo/ +ill be en!/ring the !/$$e!! of not only 'R()*+,-+.* N+/(06 b/t al!o yo/r!elf. D""D EUC=222 [Restaurant Name] 66 1/01/2003
How To Be a Food Waitress in a Pub and Make Big Tips. Master Simple Strategies to Become a Highly Profitable Food Server in a Liquor Serving Establishment