Planificare Calendaristica Cls IV LUISA
Planificare Calendaristica Cls IV LUISA
Planificare Calendaristica Cls IV LUISA
'PL'$(: LIMBA ENGLEZ CLASA: a IV-a ) or*sp m+n PLANIFICARE CALENDARISTIC Anul colar 20 !"20 # - S$%& I
). ,.
GREETINGS The meeting of the fingers 2 game REVISI*N E3pressing agreemen an4 4isagreemen (s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions Let us try to be polite r89me What is this? $aming 4ifferen o:;ec s (s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions My poor elephant r89me REVISI*N !oun ing from ) o )< Games 6i 8 num:ers Bah, Bah Black Sheep, , !, ", #, $, once % caught a fish ali&e=> The counting game ? r89mes an4 songs 6i 8 num:ers (s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions INITIAL TEST PAPER
A)02 ,< sep .B
? class :oo5> 6or5ing s8ee s1 coloure4 pencils1 images ?conDersa ion> e3plana ion> e3ercise ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole class * in pairs ac iDi 9 ?conDersa ion> e3plana ion> e3ercise
? o lis en an4 poin ? repea le ers*6or4s ? o sing a song ? o rea4 6or4s> sen ences ? o name an4 in ro4uce Eri is8 people
A,- 2,C sep .B
@A-< sep 2 . oc .B
C*L*'RS $aming 8e colours (s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions: What colour is it?, What is your fa&ourite colour?
AC2 )) oc .B
? eDalua ion s8ee s ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole class * in pairs ac iDi 9 ? :rains orming ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole
? o ans6er 7ues ions ? o repea 8e 6or4s af er 8e eac8er ?simple 4ialogue ? o pla9 a game 6i 8 num:ers ?ma c8ing e3ercises ? o 4ra6> colour an4
? colouring 8e rain:o6 ? 4ra6ing 8e coun r9Hs flag r89me ABlue is the seaB SEAS*NS $aming 8e seasons (s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions: What season is it?, What is your fa&ourite season? ? i4en if9ing seasons accor4ing o r89mes or 4ifferen imagesA!8ris mas carolsI 6in er> frui images I au umn> sno6 4ropsI spring> a.s.oB 4escri:ing seasons an4 rela e4 feelings o6ar4s oneHs faDouri e ime of 8e 9ear REVISI*N (s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions in or4er o comple e a form Pronuncia ion of in4iDi4ual 6or4s @/ )
A). 2)F oc B
? class :oo5> 6or5ing s8ee s> ?conDersa ion> e3plana ion> e3ercise> ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole class * in pairs ac iDi 9. ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole class * in pairs ac iDi 9. ? eDalua ion s8ee s ?conDersa ion> e3plana ion> e3ercise1 ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole class * in pairs ac iDi 9.
A,)?,/oc .B
? o i4en if9* recognize 6or4s for seasons ? o lis en an4 4ra6 ? o ma5e up sen ences ? o pla9 a game ? o rea4 6or4s*sen encesL ?ma c8ing e3ercises ? o lis en an4 poin ? o as5 an4 ans6er 7ues ions ? o repea 6or4s*sen ences ? o sing a song ? o rea4 6or4s*sen encesL ? rue*false sen ences ? o name 8e famil9 mem:ers ? o fill in 8e correc form of 8e 6or4s ? o as5 for an4 giDe informa ion Apersonal 4a aB
A,F?) noi.B
M/ FAMIL/ J8e possessiDe a4;ec iDe my J8e $oun: singular*plural forms Ker: to be 2 presen ense Aaffirma iDe> nega iDe> in erroga iDeB *impera iDe ? in ro4ucing someone: ? i4en if9ing elemen s in familiar surroun4ings1 ? as5ing for* giDing personal* general informa ion1 ? rela ing 4ifferen ac iDi ies1 ? as5ing someone o 4o a cer ain 8ing1 The finger family rhyme an' song % lo&e my mummy r89me M/ R**M &emons ra iDe (4;ec iDe: singular*plural forms
12- 0 no2&3 2acan45
A))?)/ noDB
J8e possessiDe a4;ec iDe my, your (s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions: Who is this?, (o) many people are there in your family?, What is this? Preposi ions for place Aon, un'erB %t*s time for be' r89me )). REVISI*N ? superDise4 o:serDa ion of images ? associa ion of messages 6i 8 a cer ain image ? 4escri:ing persons*o:;ec s*places Jes paper * c8ec5ing grammar an4 Doca:ular9 ),. M/ T*/ ).,1 ).-1 ).. ,.,1 ,.-.)1 -.,1 -.-1 -.. ..)1 ..T.E T*/S J8e Der:s to ha&e, to like (s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions: Which are your toys? Which one of these toys 'o you like? (o) many toys 'o you ha&e? ? pla9ing 8e games MFin4 8e o9N> M' sa9 one> 9ou sa9 6o Te''y bears, te''y bears r89me M/ T*/ J8e Der:s to ha&e, to like (s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions: Which are your toys? Which one of these toys 'o you like? (o) many toys 'o you ha&e? +ussycat, pussycat, ho) are you?, r89me REVISI*N Soli4if9 7ues ion forms :9 7uic5l9 pla9ing a Der: inDersion game -% ha&e t)o toys . (o) many toys 'o you ha&e?/ )
e3ercise> eDalua ion s8ee s ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole class * in pairs ac iDi 9 ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole class * in pairs ac iDi 9 ? class :oo5> 6or5ing s8ee s> ? s9s ema ic o:serDa ion ? class 6or5 ? Der:al apprecia ions
A,/?,G noD.B
? o repea le ers* 6or4s ? o sing a song ? o rea4 6or4s> sen ences ? o name an4 in ro4uce people ? o i4en if9* recognize o9s ? o fin4 6or4s ? o ransla e s a emen s ? o pronounce 6or4s ? o ma5e up sen ences ? o pla9 a game ? o rea4 a s8or e3 L ?ma c8ing e3ercises ? o 6ri e 6or4s> sen encesL ? o pronounce 6or4s ? o ma5e up sen ences accor4ing o a pa ern ? o name an4 colour ? o coun ? o fin4 8e 6or4s for
) @),
A,?0 4ec.B
) @)AG?)- 4ec.B
@). )..
?conDersa ion> e3plana ion> e3ercise> ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole class * in pairs ac iDi 9 ? :rains orming ? class :oo5> 6or5ing s8ee s> o9s ? eDalua ion s8ee s> ? s9s ema ic o:serDa ion
Ker: to ha&e 2impera iDe forms1 Preposi ions: in, on, ne0t to.near, un'er Oualif9ing a4;ec iDes $ouns ? i4en if9ing elemen s in familiar surroun4ings1 ? as5ing for* giDing personal* general informa ion1 ? 4escri:ing persons* animals* o:;ec s1 ? rela ing ac iDi ies (a&e you seen the little 'ucks > M9 ca 2 r89mes 1i&e little 'ucks ? song -ILD ANIMALS Jal5ing a:ou ourselDes Recognizing an4 naming 6il4 animals Spare ime ac iDi ies Sc8ool 2 specific ac iDi ies Ker: to be: presen ense Aaffirma iDe> in erroga iDeB> to ha&e, to like Oualif9ing a4;ec iDes Preposi ions: un'er, in, on, near J8e (r icle !ar4inal an4 or4inal numerals Ker: 2 impera iDe forms ? in ro4ucing 8emselDes* someone else1 ? i4en if9ing elemen s in familiar surroun4ings1 ? 4escri:ing persons*animals*o:;ec s*places The croco'ile> Li le Loo 6en o 8e Poo 2 r89mes REVISI*N Simple Presen ense1 grammar reDie61 ? i4en if9ing an4 naming 4ifferen animals ? using 8e correc in ona ion accor4ing o 8e re7ues ? in egra ing ne6 6or4s in correc sen ences Winter +oems T)inkle, T)inkle, Little Star2 , , ,+lease, 3at, 4un2 )
? class 6or5 ? Der:al apprecia ions ? conDersa ion> e3plana ion> e3ercise> ? :rains orming
animals ? o rea4 an4 coun ? o as5 an4 ans6er 7ues ions ? o ic5 8e rig8 6or4s ? ma c8ing e3ercises
? :rains orming ? Der:al * 6ri en eDalua ion ? Der:al apprecia ions @)0
A)-?)C ian.B
? ? ? ? ?
o sing a song o rea4 an4 poin o pronounce 6or4s o 6ri e 6or4s o coun
A,C?-) ian.B
?68ole class ?J?S ?pair 6or5 ?6or5ing s8ee s> o9s ?conDersa ion> e3plana ion> e3ercise>
? o i4en if9* recognize 6or4s ? o ma c8 6or4s 6i 8 pic ures ? o cop9 an4 learn a poem ? o name animals> o9s> 8e pupilHs o:;ec s ? o pronounce 6or4s an4 4ra6
? associa ion of messages 6i 8 a cer ain image ? 4escri:ing persons* animals*o:;ec s*places ? gree ings ? goo4:9es an4 fare6ells Jes paper 2 c8ec5ing grammar an4 Doca:ular9
? o rea4 in 8eir o6n pace 6or4s an4 sen ences> 8elpe4 :9 8e eac8er ? o coun ? o fin4 8e correc 6or4s ? o rue*false e3ercise ? o lis en an4 repea ? o pla9 a game ? o as5 an4 ans6er 7ues ions ? o sing a song ? o reci e a poem
coala Gimnazial MSf. Mina PROFESOR: Luisa George a !"R#"$% &'S!'PL'$(: LIMBA ENGLEZ CLASA: a IV-a ) or*sp m+n PLANIFICARE CALENDARISTIC Anul colar 20 !"20 # - SEM& al II-l$a
M/ .*'SE
REVISI*N IN T.E ;ITC.EN Furni ure i ems 2 o:serDing> recognizing an4 4escri:ing Ker:s to cook, to clean (s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions ? o:serDing images ? i4en if9ing cer ain 6or4s
) )
A)<?). fe:r.B
? eDalua ion s8ee s> ? class :oo5> 6or5ing s8ee s> 5i c8en images> o9s
A)C 2,) fe:r.B
? o arrange 8e 6or4s in or4er o ge 8e correc sen ence ? o use 8e ne6 Der:s in s8or sen ences ? o name 8e furni ure i ems in 8e 5i c8en ? o name 8e cu ler9 i ems ? o fill in 8e correc form of 8e Der:s in 8e giDen sen ences ? o 4escri:e 8e cu ler9 i ems using colours an4 sizes ? o enumera e some 9pes of foo4 8a can :e ea en* 4run5 ? o rea4 6or4s an4 sen ences 6i 8 8e eac8erHs 8elp ? o form sen ences using 8e cer ain
T**LS F*R T.E ;ITC.EN Presen ing 8e a:le6are an4 5i c8en6are Simple Presen Jense Ker:s to cook, to clean, to cut, to go, to ha&e (s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions: ? superDise4 o:serDa ion of images ? associa ion of messages 6i 8 a cer ain image ? 4escri:ing persons* animals*o:;ec s*places F**D Ker:s to eat, to 'rink (s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions: ? i4en if9ing 9pes of foo4 an4 ingre4ien s ? classif9ing foo4s Ara6*coo5e41 Dege a:les* frui B FR'IT Ker:s to eat, to buy, to like
) )
A,. 2,F fe:r.B
A- 2 C mar ieB
?conDersa ion> e3plana ion> e3ercise> ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole class * in pairs ac iDi 9 ? 4ifferen 9pes of frui an4 Dege a:les ?conDersa ion> e3plana ion> e3ercise>
) )
A)C?,) mar ieB
@,/ )
(s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions: ? naming 4ifferen frui s1 ? colouring 8e faDouri e frui /. ).)1 ).-1 ,..1 -.,1 ..)1 .., VEGETABLES Ker:s to eat, to buy, to like, to cut (s5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions: ? naming 4ifferen Dege a:les1 ? colouring 8e faDouri e Dege a:le REVISI*N Presen ense simple ? i4en if9ing an4 naming 4ifferen frui s*Dege a:les ? using 8e correc in ona ion accor4ing o 8e re7ues ? in egra ing ne6 6or4s in correc sen ences
mar ieB
@,0 )
A-) mar ie?. aprilieB
C?)) aprilieB
? eDalua ion s8ee s ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole class * in pairs ac iDi 9. ? class :oo5> 6or5ing s8ee s> o6n*Dillage images> maps
giDen 6or4s ? o arrange mingle4 6or4s in 8e rig8 or4er ? o name frui an4 Dege a:les ? o correc 8e 6or4s :9 filling in 8e missing le ers ? o rea4 in 8eir o6n pace 6or4s an4 sen ences> 8elpe4 :9 8e eac8er ? o form sen ences using 8e ne6 Der:s an4 o 8er 4ifferen 6or4s ? o e3press ac ions 8a a5e place in 8e presen ? o use pronouns an4 4emons ra iDe a4;ec iDes in 8e naming of 4ifferen De8icles ? o name 8e main :uil4ings ? o correc 6or4s an4 sen ences
IN T.E STREET ? o:serDing images ? i4en if9ing cer ain 6or4s ? logical rearranging of 6or4s in sen ences ? in egra ing cer ain 6or4s in correc sen ences
@,G )
A,Fapr?, maiB
@-< F. ).)1 ).,1 ,.)1 ,.,1 -.)1 ..)1 B'ILDINGS Specific s ruc ures: there is, there are ? superDise4 o:serDa ion of images ? associa ion of messages 6i 8 a cer ain image ?4escri:ing persons * :uil4ings * places REVISI*N Presen ense AsimpleB ?lis en an4 poin ?as5ing an4 ans6ering 7ues ions ?repea ing 6or4s*sen ences ) ) @-,
A)G ? ,A/?G maiB
?conDersa ion> e3plana ion> e3ercise> ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole class * in pairs ac iDi 9. ?conDersa ion> e3plana ion> e3ercise ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole class * in pairs ac iDi 9. ? eDalua ion
A),?)0 maiB
?singing songs ?rea4ing 6or4s*sen ences ? rue*false sen ences ?6ri e 6or4s*sen ences )<. ALL I ;N*).-1 ,.,1 -.)1 -.,1 ..)1 ..,1 /.) GENERAL REVISI*N E3ercises 6i 8 8e Simple Presen Jense ? o:serDing images ? i4en if9ing cer ain 6or4s associa ion of messages 6i 8 a cer ain image ?4escri:ing persons * :uil4ings * places ? logical rearranging of 6or4s in sen ences ? in egra ing cer ain 6or4s in correc sen ences ? gree ings ? goo4:9es an4 fare6ells ) )
s8ee s ?conDersa ion> e3plana ion> e3ercise1 ? in4epen4en ac iDi 9> 68ole class * in pairs ac iDi 9. ? eDalua ion s8ee s ? o 6ri e 6or4s 68ile 8e eac8er rea4s 8em ou lou4 ? o rea4 6or4s an4 sen ences in 8eir o6n pace ? o form sen ences using giDen 6or4s ? o repea 6or4s an4 s ruc ures
A,? 0 iunieB
A)0 ?,< iunieB