Eee Study Material at UTSA

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Electrical Engineering (EE) Course Descriptions

EE 5103 Engineering Programming

(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Object oriented programming for engineering design problems using C++; software
development for mathematical modeling and simulation of hardware systems; extrac
tion and reporting (e.g., text processing) using scripting languages such as Per
l; and individual class projects.
EE 5113 VLSI System Design
(3-1) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
VLSI Circuit Design, CMOS technology and device modeling, structured digital cir
cuits, VLSI systems; computer-aided design tools, placement, routing, extraction
, design rule checking, graphic editors, simulation, verification, minimization,
silicon compilation, test pattern generation, theory for design automation, and
chip design. (Formerly EE 5323 Topic 1: VLSI I. Credit cannot be earned for bot
h EE 5113 and EE 5323 VLSI I.)
EE 5123 Computer Architecture
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Description of digital computer systems, arithmetic algorithms, central processo
r design, memory hierarchies and virtual memory, control unit and microprogrammi
ng, input and output, coprocessors, and multiprocessing.
EE 5143 Linear Systems and Control
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Advanced methods of analysis and synthesis of linear systems, continuous and dis
crete-time systems, analytical approach to linear control theory.
EE 5153 Random Signals and Noise
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Study of probability theory, random processes, mean and autocorrelation, station
arity and ergodicity, Gaussian and Markov processes, power spectral density, noi
se, and linear systems.
EE 5163 Digital Signal Processing
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Study of discrete-time signals and systems, including Z-transforms, fast Fourier
transforms, and digital filter theory. Filter design and effects of finite regi
ster length, and applications to one-dimensional signals.
EE 5183 Foundations of Communication Theory
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor,
completion of EE 5153 recommended.
Basis functions, orthogonalization of signals, vector representation of signals,
optimal detection in noise, matched filters, pulse shaping, intersymbol interfe
rence, maximum likelihood detection, channel cutoff rates, error probabilities,
bandwidth, and power-limited signaling.
EE 5193 FPGA and HDL
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Fundamental digital systems principles. HDL modeling concepts and styles: struct
ural, RTL, and behavioral; modeling for synthesis and verification; modeling com
binatorial and sequential logic circuits; modeling finite state machines; testbe
nch developments; performance estimation and improvement. (Formerly EE 5223 Topi
c 2: FPGA and HDL. Credit cannot be earned for both EE 5193 and EE 5223 FPGA and
EE 5203 Multimedia Security Processing
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5163 or consent of instructor.
Signal representation systems and their based coders; the basic concepts of digi
tal steganography and cryptography; multimedia data hiding and detection techniq
ues; secure information transmission over mobile channels; the various object re
cognition techniques; performance and effectiveness assessment. (Formerly EE 535
3 Topic 1: Multimedia Signal Processing and Secure Communications. Credit cannot
be earned for both EE 5203 and EE 5353 Multimedia Signal Processing and Secure
EE 5223 Topics in Digital Design
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5123 or consent of instructor.
Topics may include the following:
Topic 1: Graph Theory and Networking. Introduction to graphs and digraphs, appli
cations of graphs, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, connectivity, trees, planar
graphs, decomposition problems, graph models for electrical and communications n
etworks and computer architectures, communications network application examples,
analysis and design.
Topic 2: Microcomputer-Based Systems. 8- and 16-bit microprocessors, bus timing
analysis, interfacing principles, LSI and VLSI chip interfacing, use of software
development tools such as assemblers, compilers, and simulators, and hardware d
evelopment tools including logic analyzer.
Topic 3: PCI System Design. Understanding PCI specifications including protocol,
electrical, mechanical, and timing. Study the protocol for high-speed, high-ban
dwidth data throughput. Designing a PCI-based system design and implementing in
May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
EE 5243 Topics in Systems and Control
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5143.
Topics may include the following:
Topic 1: Adaptive Systems and Control. Current methods in adaptive systems and c
ontrol including stability, convergence, robustness, system identification, recu
rsive parameter estimation, and design of parameterized controllers.
Topic 2: Optimal Control. Optimal and suboptimal techniques for controller desig
n using the principle of optimality, min-max principles, and induced norm minimi
Topic 3: Nonlinear Control Systems. Nonlinear systems modeling, existence and un
iqueness of solutions, phase plane analysis, Lyapunov stability, and advanced no
nlinear techniques.
Topic 4: Computational Intelligence. A study of neuron models, basic neural nets
and parallel distributed processing, and sound mathematical intuition and appli
cations about neural network algorithms and architectures. Includes theory of fu
zzy sets, foundations of fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms. Course emphasizes
engineering applications; control, pattern recognition, damage assessment, and d
Topic 5: System of Systems Science and Engineering. Introduction to Systems Engi
neering, Large-Scale Complex Systems, System of Systems (SoS). Architecture and
Modeling of System of Systems Engineering, Distributed and Cooperative Control o
f SoS, discrete-event simulation systems (DEVS) principles and applications, Aut
onomous Control Systems via Computational Intelligence Tools, principle componen
t analysis and data mining techniques for SoS, V-Lab a Virtual Laboratory and Mat
lab software for intelligent SoS, case studies: Sensor Networks, System of Robot
s, Future Combat Systems, Wireless Networks, System of Energy.
Topic 6: Advanced Topics of Embedded Control Systems. Study control techniques f
or embedded systems. Emphasis on hybrid system configuration, data acquisition,
sensing and fundamentals for motion control system. Control schemes include NI D
AQ based control and FPGA based control.
Topic 7: Advanced Power Electronics. DC-DC Converter dynamics and control, soft-
switching operation, resonant power conversion, magnetics design, power factor c
orrection, space vector PWM for inverters, matrix converter, other advanced conv
erter topologies.
May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
EE 5263 Topics in Digital Signal Processing and Digital Filtering
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5153 or EE 5163, or consent of instructor
Topics may include the following:
Topic 1: Nonlinear Filters. Order statistic filters, morphological filters, stac
k/Boolean filters, and other related topics.
Topic 2: Detection and Estimation Theory. Minimum variance unbiased estimation,
Cramer-Rao low bound, maximum likelihood estimation, Bayesian estimation, Neyman
-Pearson detector, Bayesian detector, matched filter, Generalized Likelihood Rat
io Test.
Topic 3: Orthogonal Transforms, Wavelets and Fractals with Applications. Fast or
thogonal transform (Cosine, Sine, Hartley, Haar, Slant, Short-time Fourier and G
abor and Walsh), subband decomposition, fractals, fractal dimension, iterated fu
nction systems, denoising and others.
Topic 4: Wavelet Transforms and Applications. Subband decompositions; wavelets a
nd wavelet packets: construction, properties, decomposition and reconstruction,
multiresolution analyses; image and video international compression standards, s
ignal and image denoising; steganography, and watermarking.
Topic 5: Signal Processing for Wireless Systems. Usage of transforms for the ana
lysis and design of wireless systems. FIR and IIR filter design and adaptive sig
nal processing for wireless systems.
May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
EE 5283 Topics in Communication Systems
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Topics may include the following:
Topic 1: Spread Spectrum Communications and GPS. Spread Spectrum (SS) Signals an
d Systems, Theory of Pseudorandom Sequences, Synchronization (Acquisition, Track
ing), CDMA and Global Positioning Systems (GPS, A-GPS, Galileo), Simulations of
SS Systems.
Topic 2: Simulation of Communication Systems. Simulation and implementation of r
epresentative communication systems, Automatic Gain Control (AGC), modulation/de
modulation, pulse shaping and matched filters, carrier and time recovery, equali
zers, fast correlators. Practical filter design for communication systems.
Topic 3: Wireless Communications and Networks. Communication systems, modulation
techniques, Spread Spectrum, multiple access techniques, coding, error detectio
n and correction, cellular systems, satellite systems, mobile communications, an
tennas, networks, TCP/IP suite, network protocols, Mobile IP, Wireless LANs, IEE
E 802 standards.
Topic 4: Computer Network Security. Data communications, transmission systems, p
eer-to-peer protocols, local area networks, wide area networks, wireless network
s, encryption techniques, symmetric ciphers, public key cryptography, Hash Funct
ions, authentication, email security, IP security, Web security, wireless networ
k security, firewalls.
Topic 5: 4G Wireless Communications. Concepts, theory, and modeling of 4G cellul
ar systems in Matlab from the perspective of 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE). Cov
erage includes multi-carrier modulation, OFDM, fading, multiple antenna systems,
diversity, MIMO spatial multiplexing and space time coding, adaptive modulation
and coding, H-ARQ and system ergodic and outage capacity.
May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
EE 5293 Topics in Microelectronics
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 4313.
Topics may include the following:
Topic 1: Analog Integrated Circuit Design. Introduction to MOS devices and analo
g circuit modeling. Analog circuits: active resistors, current sources, current
mirrors, current amplifiers, inverting amplifier, differential amplifier, cascad
e amplifier, MOS switches, and the output amplifier. Complex circuits: comparato
rs, operational amplifiers, and other commonly used building blocks for mixed si
gnal systems. Use of CAD tools to layout and simulate analog circuits.
Topic 2: Mixed Signal Circuits and Systems. Introduction to the circuits of syst
ems in which analog and mixed signal integrated circuit design are employed. The
topics are A/D and D/A converters, including Nyquist-rate and oversampling A/D
converters, switched capacitor filters, multipliers, oscillators, the PLL, and c
ircuit design issues, testing, digital calibration and correction.
May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
EE 5323 Topics in VLSI Design
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5113 or consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Advanced VLSI Design. Microelectronic systems architecture; VLSI circui
t testing methods; integration of heterogeneous computer-aided design tools; waf
er scale integration; advanced high-speed circuit design and integration. Engine
ering design of large-scale integrated circuits, systems, and applications; stud
y of advanced design techniques, architectures, and CAD methodologies.
Topic 2: Low Power VLSI Design. Hierarchy of limits of power, source of power co
nsumption, voltage scaling approaches; circuit, logic, architecture and system l
evel power optimization; power estimation; advanced techniques for power optimiz
ation; software design for low power.
Topic 3: VLSI Testing. Digital system design verification; logic and fault simul
ation; testbench guidelines; functional coverage; VLSI manufacturing test; fault
modeling; testability measures; Design for Testability (DFT); and Automatic Tes
t Pattern Generation (ATPG).
Topic 4: VLSI Performance Analysis and Optimization. Delay models, delay calcula
tion, signal integrity effects, timing analysis, performance variability, perfor
mance optimization, and delay test.
May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
EE 5343 Intelligent Control and Robotics
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5143.
Study of artificial neural networks control, knowledge-based control, and fuzzy-
logic control. Analytical techniques and fundamental principles of robotics; dyn
amics of robot arms, motion control, robot sensing, and robot intelligence.
EE 5353 Topics in Multimedia Signal Processing
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5153 or EE 5163, or consent of instructor
Topics may include the following:
Topic 1: Digital Image Processing. Study of binary image processing; histogram a
nd point operations; algebraic and geometric image operations; 2-D digital Fouri
er transforms; convolution; linear and nonlinear filtering; morphological filter
s; image enhancement; linear image restoration (deconvolution); digital image co
ding and compression; and digital image analysis. (Formerly EE 5363. Credit cann
ot be earned for both EE 5353 Topic 1: Digital Image Processing and EE 5363.)
Topic 2: Computer Vision and Application. Image perception, edge detection in th
e visual system, future vectors, image enhancement, shape from shading, image se
gmentation by textural perception in humans, chain codes, B-splines, classificat
ion (SVM and others).
Topic 3: Biomedical Image Processing. This course will examine the fundamental a
nd mathematical aspects of imaging; new algorithms and mathematical tools for th
e advanced processing of medical and biological images, which include fundamenta
l methods of image reconstruction from their projections, multi-modal imaging, i
mage analysis and visualization, image enhancement, image segmentation and gene-
expression calculation, image parameter estimation and measurements, target loca
tion, texture synthesis and analysis, morphological image processing, processing
of microarray images, processing of FISH stacked images, automated analysis of
gene copy numbers by fluorescence in situ hybridization, image acquisition and p
rocessing in major imaging techniques, including magnetic resonance, 2-D and 3-D
computed tomography, positron emission tomography, and others.
Topic 4: Development of Multimedia Applications for Wireless Devices. Programmin
g on wireless systems. Multimedia (image, audio and video) formats. Multimedia p
rocessing. Development of sample applications.
May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
EE 5373 Wireless Communication
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
This course offers in-depth study of wireless communication systems at the physi
cal layer, propagation modeling for wireless systems, modulation schemes used fo
r wireless channels, diversity techniques and multiple antenna systems, and mult
iple access schemes used in wireless systems.
EE 5403 Advanced Dielectric and Optoelectronic Engineering Laboratory
(2-4) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Principles of Dielectric Devices. Evaluation of capacitance devices, im
pedance frequency and temperature spectrum analysis, characterization of tunable
dielectric microwave materials, characterization of piezoelectric devices.
Topic 2: Principles of Optical Components and Systems. Lasers, photo-detectors,
phase locked interferometer, electro-optical and nonlinear optic devices, optica
l image processing, Fourier optics, holographic recording, and photorefractive s
May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
EE 5413 Principles of Microfabrication
(1-6) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 3323.
Photolithography, thin film deposition, doping, wet patterning, plasma etching,
thin film characterization. Students will fabricate simple microstructures such
as coplanar waveguides, micro-fluidic devices and nano-powder silica films. (Sam
e as ME 5803. Credit cannot be earned for both EE 5413 and ME 5803.)
EE 5423 Topics in Computer Architecture
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5123 or consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Parallel and Distributed Computing. Multiprocessor and multicomputer sy
stems, shared-memory and distributed memory systems, exploitation of parallelism
, data partitioning and task scheduling, multiprocessor system interconnects, me
ssage passing and data routing, parallel programming.
Topic 2: RISC Processor Design, RISC Concept. RISC versus CISC, RISC advantages
and disadvantages, various processor survey and applications, study of software
development tools: assemblers, compilers, simulators, RISC implementations.
Topic 3: Superscalar Microprocessor Architecture. Definition of superscalar, sup
erpipelined, and VLIW processors; available parallelism in programs; branch pred
iction techniques; memory systems for superscalar processors; trace caches; memo
ry disambiguation and load/store recording; performance evaluation techniques; m
ultimedia extensions in superscalar processors.
Topic 4: Fault Tolerance and Reliable System Design. Reliability and availabilit
y techniques, maintainability and testing techniques, evaluation criteria, fault
-tolerant computing, fault-tolerant multiprocessors, design methodology for high
reliability systems.
Topic 5: Computer Arithmetic. Fundamental principles of algorithms for performin
g arithmetic operations in digital computers. Number systems, fast implementatio
ns of arithmetic operations and elementary functions, design of arithmetic units
using CAD tools.
Topic 6: Advanced Computer Architecture. Superscalar and vector processors, adva
nced pipelining techniques, instruction-level parallelism and dynamic scheduling
techniques, advanced memory hierarchy design.
May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
EE 5443 Discrete-Time Control Theory and Design
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5143.
Control theory relevant to deterministic and stochastic analysis and design of c
omputer-controlled systems using both state-space and input-output models.
EE 5453 Topics in Software Engineering
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5123 or consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Large Domain-Specific Software Architectures. Software engineering appr
oaches; scenario-based design processes to analyze large problem domains; domain
modeling and representations; creation of component-based architecture providin
g an object-oriented representation of system requirements; and development of l
arge software class project.
Topic 2: Embedded Software Systems Design. Dataflow models, uniprocessor and mul
tiprocessor scheduling, hardware/software codesign, hierarchical finite state ma
chines, synchronous languages, reactive systems, and heterogeneous systems.
Topic 3: Embedded Software Testing and Quality Assurance. Systematic testing of
embedded software systems; unit (module), integration and system level testing;
software verification; hardware/software cotesting; code inspections; use of met
rics; quality assurance; measurement and prediction of software reliability; sof
tware maintenance; software reuse and reverse engineering.
Topic 4: Advanced Engineering Programming. Programming in the cloud, advanced en
gineering design problems and techniques using C++ and Java, advanced data struc
tures and complexity analysis of algorithms, dynamic programming using Perl and
Python, and large-scale and real-world group and individual projects.
May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
EE 5463 Artificial Neural Networks
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5163 or consent of instructor.
Study of parallel optimization algorithms using Hopfield networks, perceptrons,
backpropagation competitive systems, and other unsupervised techniques.
EE 5473 Fiber Optic Communication
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
In-depth study of fiber optic principles, performance of optical receivers, devi
ces, digital and analog fiber optic transmission systems, wavelength division mu
ltiplexing systems, optical amplifiers, and fiber optic measurements.
EE 5503 Introduction to Micro and Nanotechnology
(2-3) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or completion of or concur
rent enrollment in EE 3323.
Survey of micro-fabrication techniques, scaling laws, mechanical, optical and th
ermal transducers, micro-fluidic applications, nanostructures. (Same as ME 5883.
Credit cannot be earned for both EE 5503 and ME 5883.)
EE 5583 Topics in Digital Communication
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Topics may include the following:
Topic 1: Digital Information Theory. Entropy and mutual information; Huffman cod
ing; source and channel coding theorems; channel capacity; block coding error bo
unds; random coding bounds; cutoff rate; multiuser information theory; random ac
cess channels and protocols; multiaccess coding methods.
Topic 2: Digital Modulation Schemes. In-depth study of digital modulation; infor
mation sources and source coding, quantization, representation of digitally modu
lated signals; synchronization and timing issues in digital communications.
Topic 3: Computer Communication Networks. Fundamentals of communication networks
, data communication and transmission systems, peer-to-peer protocols, local/wid
e area networks, multiple access methods, and service integration.
Topic 4: Coding and Error Correction. Algebraic Coding Theory; groups and fields
, linear codes, Hamming distance, cyclic codes, minimum distance bounds, BACH co
des and algebraic decoding, Reed-Solomon codes, Reed-Mueller codes and maximum l
ikelihood decoding, suboptimal decoding, and applications of coding.
May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
EE 5593 Topics in Advanced Sensor Devices
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Fundamentals of materials parameters to design nano-micro level pyroelectric, pi
ezoelectric, ferroelectric and various electronic sensors and actuators. May be
repeated for credit as topics vary.
EE 5693 Dielectric and Optoelectronic Devices
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Introduction to functional dielectric and optoelectronic materials and devices.
Dielectric polarization, relaxation, loss and breakdown properties. Mechanisms o
f piezoelectric, pyroelectric, and electro-optic properties of solid state mater
EE 6323 Advanced Topics in Computers
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisites: Consent of Graduate Advisor of Record and D
issertation Director.
Current topics in the computer area. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
EE 6343 Advanced Topics in Systems and Control
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisites: Consent of Graduate Advisor of Record and D
issertation Director.
Current topics in the systems and control area. May be repeated for credit as to
pics vary.
EE 6363 Advanced Topics in Signal Processing
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisites: Consent of Graduate Advisor of Record and D
issertation Director.
Current topics in the signal processing area. May be repeated for credit as topi
cs vary.
EE 6383 Advanced Topics in Communications
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisites: Consent of Graduate Advisor of Record and D
issertation Director.
Current topics in the communications area. May be repeated for credit as topics
EE 6493 Advanced Topics in Electronic Materials and Devices
(2-3) 3 hours credit. Prerequisites: EE 5693 and EE 5503 or EE 5593 or consent o
f instructor.
Topics to be selected from advanced sensors, actuators, engineered materials, de
vice physics, microwave applications of MEMS structures, optoelectronics and pho
tonics, microelectronic devices and nanotechnology. May be repeated for credit a
s topics vary.
EE 6941-3 Graduate Project
1 to 3 hours credit. Prerequisites: Consent of the Graduate Advisor of Record an
d Project Advisor.
A semester-long project with approval of a supervising faculty. Credit will be a
warded upon successful submission of a written report and oral presentation to a
project committee. May be repeated for credit, but not more than 3 hours will a
pply to the Masters degree. Enrollment is required each term in which the project
is in progress. (Formerly EE 6963.)
EE 6951-3 Independent Study
1 to 3 hours credit. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission in writing
(form available) of the instructor and the Graduate Advisor of Record.
Independent reading, research, discussion, and/or writing under the direction of
a faculty member. For students needing specialized work not normally or not oft
en available as part of the regular course offerings. May be repeated for credit
, but not more than 6 hours, regardless of discipline, will apply to the degree.
EE 6961 Comprehensive Examination
1 hour credit. Prerequisite: Consent of the Graduate Advisor of Record.
Independent study course for the purpose of taking the Comprehensive Examination
. May be repeated for credit as many times as approved by the Graduate Studies C
ommittee. Enrollment is required each term in which the Comprehensive Examinatio
n is taken if no other courses are being taken that term. The grade report for t
he course is either CR (satisfactory performance on the Comprehensive Examination)
or NC (unsatisfactory performance on the Comprehensive Examination).
EE 6971-3 Special Problems
(1-0, 2-0, 3-0) 1 to 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
An organized course offering the opportunity for specialized study not normally
or not often available as part of the regular course offerings. Special Problems
courses may be repeated for credit when topics vary, but not more than 6 hours,
regardless of discipline, may be applied to the degree.
EE 6981-3 Masters Thesis
1 to 3 hours credit. Prerequisites: Consent of the Graduate Advisor of Record an
d thesis director.
Thesis research and preparation. May be repeated for credit, but not more than 6
hours will apply to the Masters degree. Credit will be awarded upon completion o
f the thesis. Enrollment is required each term in which the thesis is in progres
EE 6991 Research Seminar
(1-0) 1 hour credit.
Organized research lectures and seminar presentations. The grade report for this
course is either CR (satisfactory participation in the seminar) or NC (unsatisfacto
ry participation in the seminar). This course may include a written component. M
ay be repeated for credit, but not more than 1 hour will apply to the Masters deg
ree, regardless of discipline.
EE 7423 VLSI for Signal Processing
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5123.
VLSI applications in signal processing and telecommunications. General purpose D
SP architecture. ASIC architectures: systolic arrays, data-flow multiprocessing,
wavefront arrays. Case histories: modems, echo cancellers, digital PLL, high-sp
eed arithmetic and algorithms.
EE 7443 Nonlinear Control Systems
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5143.
Principles of nonlinear systems modeling and analysis: Lyapunov stability, input
-output stability, and homogeneous theory. Control of nonlinear systems: integra
tor backstepping, feedback domination, Lyapunov-based design, small control tech
nique, output feedback design, and applications to physical systems.
EE 7463 Pattern Analysis and Machine Vision
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5163.
Image formations, early vision, binary machine vision, 2-D representation, 3-D r
epresentation, image segmentation, statistical pattern recognition, and knowledg
e-based vision.
EE 7483 Communication Networks
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: EE 5183.
Networking, circuit and packet switching, layered architectures, protocols, and
network performance. Local and wide-area networks; Internet; ISDN principals. Br
oadband networks; SONET, SDH, ATM and BISDN. Applications to data/voice/video/mu
ltimedia traffic.
EE 7951-3 Doctoral Research
1 to 3 hours credit. Prerequisites: Ph.D. student standing and consent of instru
ctor and the Graduate Advisor of Record.
May be repeated for a maximum credit of 18 hours.
EE 7991-3 Doctoral Dissertation
1 to 3 hours credit. Prerequisites: Consent of the Doctoral Advisor of Record an
d Dissertation Advisor.
May be repeated for a maximum credit of 18 hours.

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