LAN Switching

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LAN Switching

Ethernet switches are used in LAN to create Ethernet n/ws. Switches forward the traffic on the
basis of MAC address. Switches maintain a Mac Addresse table in which mac addresses and port
no.s are used to perform switching decision. Working of bridge and switch is similar to each
Classification of switches
Switches are classified according to the following criteria !
Types of switches based on working
"#$ Store % &orward
'his switch recei(es entire frame then perform error checking and start forwarding data to
the destination.
")$ Cut through
'his switch starts forwarding frame as soon as first si* b+tes of the frame are recei(ed.
",$ &ragment!free
'his switch recei(es -. b+tes of the frame/ perform error checking and then start forwarding
".$ Adapti(e cut!through
0t changes its mode according the condition. 0f it see there are errors in man+ frames then it
changes to Store % &orward mode from Cut through or &ragment!free.
Types of switches based on management
"#$ Manageable switches
")$ Non!Manageable switches
",$ Semi!Manageable switches
Types of switches based on OSI layer
"#$ La+er ) switches "onl+ switching$
")$ La+er , switches "switching % routing$
Types of switches based on command mode (only in Cisco)
"#$ 01S based
")$ CL0 based
Type of switches based on hierarchical model
"#$ Core la+er switches
")$ 2istribution la+er switches
",$ Access la+er switches
Qualities of switch
! No. of ports
! Speed of ports
! '+pe of media
! Switching or wire speed or throughput
3asic Switch Administration
01S based switches are similar to the routers. We can perform following function on switches in
a similar manner as performed on router.
"#$ Access switch using console
")$ Commands to enter % e*it from different mode
",$ Commands to configure passwords
".$ Manage configuration
"4$ 3ackup 01S and configuration
"-$ Configuring and resol(ing hostnames
"5$ Managing telnet
"6$ Configuring C27
"8$ Configuring time clock
"#9$ Configuring 3anners
"##$ Command line shortcuts and editing shortcuts
"#)$ Managing histor+
"#,$ Configure logging
"#.$ 3oot s+stem commands
&ollowing function and options are not similar in router and switch.
"#$ 2efault hostname is :Switch;
")$ Au*iliar+ port is not present
",$ <'= ports are mostl+ 9 to #4
".$ 3+ default interfaces are enabled
"4$ 07 address cannot be assign to interfaces
"-$ >outing configuration mode is not present
"5$ 0nterface no. starts from #
"6$ Web access is b+ default enabled
"8$ Configuration registr+ is not present in similar manner
"#9$ &lash memor+ ma+ contain multiple files and startup!configuration is also sa(ed in flash

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