IP Subnet: Why To Sub?

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IP Subnet

In TCP/IP by default three sizes of networks are available: (1) Class -!!" PC -# 1$%%%!1$ (!) Class & - !1$ PC-# $''($ (() Class C ) !* PC -# !'$ In subnetin+, we will divide -lass ,& . C network into s/all size sub networks0 This 1ro-edure is -alled subnetin+0 Subnetin+ is 1erfor/ed with the hel1 of subnet /ask0 There are two ty1es of subnetin+ that we 1erfor/ed: (1) 23S4 2i5ed 3en+th Subnet 4ask (!) 63S4 6ariable 3en+th Subnet 4ask

7hy to Sub8
(i) 9efault Class :etwork 1rovide us lar+e no0 of PCs in -o/1arison to the re;uire/ent of PCs in the network0 (ii) It is 1ra-ti-al never 1ossible to -reate a -lass or -lass & sized network0 To redu-e the broad-ast of network, we have to 1erfor/ 3 : se+/entation of routers0 In ea-h sub network, we need different network addresses0

<ow to Subnet8
In this for/ula, we will first /odify our re;uire/ent a--ordin+ to the no0 of subnet 1ossible then we -al-ulate new subnet /ask and -reate IP ran+e0 Example 1 Class = C :o0 of subnet =' Ste11 :o0 of subnet 1ossible is !,",*,1$,(!>> Class= C :o0 of subnets= * Ste1 ! Cal-ulate key value !8 = :o0 of subnets !8 = * !(= * Ste1 ( Cal-ulate new subnet /ask In -lass C :et id !"?key !"?( !%

<ost id *-key *-( '

111111110111111110111111110111@@@@@ !''0 !''0 !''0 !!" 7e add this address to /ake subnet /ask Ste1 " Aan+e :o0 of P-/Subnet= Total P-/ :o0 of Subnet = !'$/* =(! In Class C 505050@ ) 505050(1 (1)((@) 505050(!- 505050$( $"B' B$1!% 1!*1'B 1$@1B1 1B!!!( 505050!!"-505050!'' The first IP of ea-h subnet will be subnet id and last IP will be sub network broad-ast address0

Subnetin+ /ethod !
Class= :o0 of P-/Sub= * 4ask= 8 Aan+e= 8 In this -ase we have to -al-ulate the key a--ordin+ to the no0 of 1er subnet a--ordin+ to the key value the bits of subnet /ask fro/ ri+ht hand side are set to zero then ran+e is -al-ulated0 Example Class= C :o0 of P-/Sub=' Ste1 1 :o0 of P-/Subnet 1ossible ",*,1$,(!,$">0 :ew re;uire/ent Class= C :o0 of P-/Sub= * Ste1 ! !8= :o0 of P-/Sub

!8= * !(= * key ( 11111111011111111011111111011111@@@ !''0 !''0 !''0 !"* :o0 of Subnet= Total P-/(P-/Sub) = !'$/* Class C !''0!''0!''0!"* !@@01@@01@@0@ 0* 01$ 0!" Sub (! !@@01@@01@@0% 01' 0!( 0(1 P-/Sub *

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