Technical Paper
Technical Paper
Technical Paper
The operational cycle and hence the availability of a
plate heat exchanger is highly dependent on the gaskets.
Which makes the choice of gaskets decisive. This folder
tells you more about materials, lifetime and applications.
Gaskets for conventional plate heat exchangers
are made of various elastic and formable
materials, such as rubber.
Experts can testify that rubber is a complex,
high-molecular material composed of a number
of different substances.
Number of components
A number of different raw materials and chemicals are avail-
able for production of rubber. This means that the development
process demands long experience and special expertise. The
number of substances that are available for making a new type
of rubber illustrates the complexity of developing rubber:
- 100 grades of EPDM polymers
cross-linked into the three-dimensional network that is - 150 different nitrile polymers
typical of polymers. - 50 fluorocarbon polymers
- 20 butyl polymers
Structure of rubber - 600 vulcanization chemicals
In addition to polymers, rubber - 200 fillers
comprises a number of other raw - 300 anti-degradants
materials: - 300 processing aids
— Vulcanization chemicals
such as sulphur, organic resins Laboratory work
and organic peroxides. These sub- Alfa Laval Thermal maintains an
stances bind the rubber polymer to intensive and continuous develop-
a three-dimensional network ment program aimed at improving
which gives the rubber its elastic the performance of our plate heat
properties. exchangers. This program consists
—Fillers, i.e. extenders and of six primary phases:
reinforcing components that
enhances such physical proper- 1. Study of literature and previous
ties of the rubber as hardness and experiments, which can take up to
strength. Carbon black is widely 4 months.
used as a filler and also makes the rubber black.
—Anti-degradants, which delay aging of the rubber 2. The 10 rubber materials that are most promising in theory
when it comes in contact with aggressive substances such as are chosen and subjected to chemical and mechanical stress,
oxygen or ozone. e.g. oxygen and stretching. This phase may take up to 5
—Components that facilitate handling and manufac- months.
turing, e.g. those that make the rubber softer and more
pliable, and thus easier to work. 3. The materials with the best results are then tested in plate
The quality of a gasket is related to the proportions of heat exchangers in the laboratory for as long as 1 year.
the raw materials. The quantity of polymer is important and
is usually around 50%. Cheaper products often have less 4. The feasibility of producing the rubber industrially is then
rubber, sometimes no more than 20%, but more fillers evaluated, which may take up to 2 months.
Quality means reliability.
Developing a specific gasket material calls for time and That s why it s vital to select the
money. But these resources represent an investment that right gasket for a plate heat
pays off for the user in terms of reliable operation. exchanger. The main point is to
avoid downtime!
5. The two best gasket materials are then tested in one or more Low-quality gaskets result in reduced capa-
practical applications for at least 1 year. This clarifies how the city for a plate heat exchanger. There s no ques-
materials perform in terms of operation, service, cleaning and tion about that.
other real-world parameters. And it s just as obvious that a quality gasket
means higher reliability.
6. The rubber material with the best results is approved for But over time, even a quality gasket becomes
manufacture. The compound must not be modified and in most less elastic and loses some of its capability as a
cases must not be divulged without written approval from Alfa sealant. In the end, aging leads to leaks and
Laval. downtime.
Aging results from exposure to oxygen, high
Manufacturing expertise temperatures and other factors. That s why the
In summary, rubber consists of a number of different sub- right gasket should provide maximum resistance
stances depending on the application, such as a squash ball, to these factors. And the right gasket is never a
jogging shoes or a gasket for a plate heat exchanger. question of a standard solution.
The important thing to remember is that a gasket from one
supplier is seldom identical to a gasket from another supplier, Resilience
although the gaskets may have the same designation. This A new gasket has impressive resilience, exactly
means that a nitrile gasket from one supplier does not neces- like a young person looking forward to a long
sarily have the same properties as a nitrile gasket from another life. The gasket expands and fills its groove in
source. order to seal in the media that flow through the
It takes a long time to acquire the expertise required for exchanger. This is the condition that we want to
identifying the precise requirements of various media and maintain. But since rubber is an organic material,
applications in terms of gaskets. Developing a specific gasket it is affected by its ambient environment —in
material calls for time and money. But these resources repre- other words, it ages. This is unavoidable. But
sent an investment that pays off for the user in terms of reliable there are ways to prolong the life of rubber.
operation. First of all, this calls for investing in the right
type of gasket. Since the plates have deep chan-
nels, a design such as an O-ring can t be used, as
it is best fitted to serve as a plug. Instead, the right
LADISLAV NOVAK gasket has to be capable of compression in order
to resist the stresses and forces that the flow of
Ph. D., Chemical Engineering, media can generate.
Chalmers University of Technology, Secondly, the right gasket materials must be
Gothenburg, Sweden.
selected, and this requires comprehensive exper-
Materials Laboratory Manager, tise in applications and materials.
Alfa Laval Thermal, Lund, Sweden. Some applications generate less wear, such as