Assignment 3 DSPA

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DSP Architecture First yr. M.

Tech (SP)
Assignment No 3
(Units 3,4,6 and 7)
(Due on 22-Apr-2014)
Q.1 !" t!e trend #or mu$ti%ore D&' is on rise( Dis%uss t!e )ierar%!i%a$ net*or+s approa%!
,ersus -es! net*or+ approa%! in t!e %onte.t o# /nter%onne%t t"pe mu$ti%ore D&' ar%!ite%tures.
Q.2 0.p$ain t!e -aster &$a,e mode$ ,is-1-,is Data 2$o* mode$ o# mu$ti%ore programming. !at
is t!e ro$e o# 2or+ and 3oin met!od$og" in %reating teams o# t!reads in -u$ti%ore programming(
Q.3 !at is a%!ie,ed 4" resorting to mu$tit!reading( 0.p$ain t!e %ommon$" used 5pragma
dire%ti,es supported in open-' programming on +e"stone mu$ti%ore D&' 6/32076678 p$at#orm.
Q.4 6!e #o$$o*ing %ode snippet o# open-p on 6/9s mu$ti%ore D&' uses %ompi$er dire%ti,es and
open-' $i4rar" modu$es. 0.p$ain t!e #un%tioning o# t!e %ode $ine 4" $ine.
5in%$ude :ti;omp;omp.!<
=oid main()
> omp?set?num?t!reads(4)@
5pragma omp para$$e$
/nt tidAomp?get?t!read?num()@
>print#(B/ am t!read A CdDnE, td)@F FF
Q.G 6!e #o$$o*ing %ode snippet o# open-p on 6/9s mu$ti%ore D&' uses %ompi$er dire%ti,es and
open-' $i4rar" modu$es. 0.p$ain t!e #un%tioning o# t!e %ode $ine 4" $ine.
5in%$ude :ti;omp;omp.!<
=oid main()
> int i, N@ #or(iA0@ i:N@ iHH)
5pragma omp para$$e$
>5pragma omp #or
> #or(iA0@ i:N@ iHH)
Q.6 /denti#" t!e addressing modes o# t!e operands in ea%! o# t!e #o$$o*ing instru%tions K t!eir
Q.7 Dra* t!e ta4$e s!o*ing t!e %ontent o# t!e instru%tion pipe$ine *!en t!e #o$$o*ing program is
e.e%uted in 6/ 7GL pro%essor.
&A-- 6N0O0
-'P MH
/# t!e #irst instru%tion *as %!anged to ADD 52G00!, *!at is t!e e##e%t on instru%tion pipe$ine(
Q. 8 (a) )o* man" %"%$es are needed #or Qran%! instru%tion in 6/ 7GL pro%essor #ami$"( !at
is t!e signi#i%an%e o# de$a"ed 4ran%! instru%tion in 6/ 7GL (
(4) !en do "ou use NRN- instru%tion in 7GL pro%essor #ami$"
(%) Set t!e initia$ ,a$ue o# AN', AN2 and A77 4e 3, 00! and 02222 2002! respe%ti,e$". &!o*
t!e %ontents o# AN', AN2 and A77 a#ter e.e%uting t!e NRN- MH instru%tion
Q. T 7onsider e.e%ution o# t!e #o$$o*ing %ode snippet on 7GL pro%essor. 0.p$ain *!at t!e %ode
segment is e.e%uting.
Q 'O-12G0!
-A7 4G00),2G!
'O-12G0V SA77 MH
/# t!e se%ond instru%tion #rom t!e top is rep$a%ed 4" QD 'O-12G0 !, *!at is its impa%t on t!e
%ode e.e%ution(
Q.10 6!e assem4$" %ode #or 7GL pro%essor is gi,en 4e$o*. !at is t!e purpose o# assem4$er
dire%ti,es( !i%! D&' operation %an ma+e use o# su%! an initia$iWation(
.ps 0a00!
.*ord 1!,2!,3!,3!,1!
.ds 1000!
.*ord 0!,0!,0!,0!
.*ord 3!,4!,G!
.*ord 0!,0!,0!,0!
Q. 11 0.p$ain t!e *or+ing o# t!e #o$$o*ing %ode and s!o* t!e %ontents o# A%%umu$ator and AN0
on 7GL pro%essor.
.ps 0a00!
SA77 51000!
SA77 50004!,4
SAN AN0,51000!
Q. 12 0.p$ain t!e di##erent t"pes o# interrupts in 6-&3207G0 'ro%essor #ami$".
Q. 13 0.p$ain t!e operation o# seria$ /;R ports and !ard*are timer o# 6-&3207G0 on %!ip
Q.14 (a) it! t!e !e$p o# a suita4$e 4$o%+ diagram, e.p$ain t!e *or+ing o# ANAU o# 6-&3207G0
(4) 2ind out t!e output #rom t!e #o$$o*ing %ode on 6-&3207G0 pro%essor
&6AN6V SD' 5100!
SA77 5037A!, 0
&A7S 0000, 0
SA77 5 0120!, 0
&A7S 50001, 0
S6 0000
-'P 0001
&A7S 0003, 0
)S6V Q )S6
Q.1G (a) it! t!e !e$p o# a s%!emati% 4$o%+ diagram o# 6-&32072G e.p$ain its programmers
mode$. )o* is t!e address generation me%!anism imp$emented in dire%t and indire%t
(4) !at is t!e signi#i%an%e o# N0'0A6 instru%tion in 672G pro%essor(
(%) rite a assem4$" %ode #or %omp$e. mu$tip$i%ation on 6-&32072G pro%essor.
(d) )o* is t!e on-%!ip program and data memor" organiWed in %2G( !at is t!e need #or Q0, Q1
and Q2 4$o%+s in data memor"(
Q.16 (a) Dra* a 4$o%+ diagram o# 728L mu$tip$ier and ASU;&!i#ter. )o* is t!e memor" arranged
in pages(
(4) 2ind out t!e operation per#ormed 4" t!e #o$$o*ing 6-&32022812 assem4$" %ode
&6AN6V &067 L2
7SN7 L2
Q &6AN6, UN7
!at is t!e e##e%t o# inter%!anging t!e seXuen%e o# #irst t*o instru%tions in t!e a4o,e %ode(
Q. 17 rite s!ort notes on
(a) 7ode se%urit" modu$e in 6-&32022812
(4) Atomi% Arit!meti% and Sogi% Unit in 728L (

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