Expert System
Expert System
Expert System
Expert System
Practical File
SubmittedBy: 1002203
Roll No.1002203 16 | P a g e
$%o ga&e !e t%e opportunity to underta'e t%e pro(e#t )*+pert "yste! for !edi#al diagnosis, in #ollege and also - got t%e .est a&aila.le resour#es fro! t%e #ollege, $%i#% %elped !e in learning ne$ t%ings. - a! &ery !u#% fortunate for .eing guided .y Ms. Sukh Am !" Kau /0P1. 0ll t%an's to %er for su#% guidan#e 2 'no$ledgea.le le#tures. - a! &ery !u#% grateful to %er for .eing %elpful t%roug%out !y pro(e#t for pro&iding &arious details of e+pert syste! and prolog language.
Roll No.1002203 15 | P a g e
TA#LE OF CONTENTS -N8ROD9 8-ON 8O *:P*R8 ";"8*M *:P*R8 ";"8*M D*=*>OPM*N8 PRO *"" -N8ROD9 8-ON 8O PRO>O? 0@O98 PROA* 8 OD-N? ON >9"-ON @-@>-O?R0PH;
Roll No.1002203 17 | P a g e
*+pert syste!s %a&e .een used to sol&e a $ide range of pro.le!s in do!ains su#% as !edi#ine, !at%e!ati#s, engineering, geology, #o!puter s#ien#e, .usiness, la$, defen#e and edu#ation. Fit%in ea#% do!ain, t%ey %a&e .een used to sol&e pro.le!s of different types. 8ypes of pro.le! in&ol&e diagnosis /e.g., of a syste! fault, disease or student error1G design /of a #o!puter syste!s, %otel et#1G and interpretation /of, for e+a!ple, geologi#al data1. 8%e appropriate pro.le! sol&ing te#%niBue tends to depend !ore on t%e pro.le! type t%an on t%e do!ain. F%ole .oo's %a&e .een $ritten on %o$ to #%oose your 'no$ledge representation and reasoning !et%ods gi&en #%ara#teristi#s of your pro.le!.
0l!ost all e+pert syste!s also %a&e an explanation subsystem, $%i#% allo$s t%e progra! to e+plain its reasoning to t%e user. "o!e syste!s also %a&e a knowledge base editor $%i#% %elp t%e e+pert or 'no$ledge engineer to easily update and #%e#' t%e 'no$ledge .ase.
Roll No.1002203 20 | P a g e
One i!portant feature of e+pert syste!s is t%e $ay t%ey /usually1 separate do!ain spe#ifi# 'no$ledge fro! !ore general purpose reasoning and representation te#%niBues. 8%e general purpose .it /in t%e dotted .o+ in t%e figure1 is referred to as an expert system shell. 0s $e see in t%e figure, t%e s%ell $ill pro&ide t%e inferen#e engine /and 'no$ledge representation s#%e!e1, a user interfa#e, an e+planation syste! and so!eti!es a 'no$ledge .ase editor. ?i&en a ne$ 'ind of pro.le! to sol&e /say, #ar design1, $e #an usually find a s%ell t%at pro&ides t%e rig%t sort of support for t%at pro.le!, so all $e need to do is pro&ide t%e e+pert 'no$ledge.
R./0 mu1a"!0ns
Roll No.1002203 21 | P a g e
F01105!n3 !s "h. 2.s6 !7"!0n 0/ s"a3.s sh05n a809. !n /!3u . 0/ 2.9.107m.n" 7 O/ .:7. " s;s".m < %. I2.n"!/!6a"!0n I -dentify #lass of pro.le!s t%at t%e syste! $ill .e e+pe#ted to "ol&e , in#luding t%e data t%at t%e syste! $ill $or' $it%, and t%e #riteria t%at "olutions !ust !eet. -dentify t%e resour#es a&aila.le for t%e pro(e#t in ter!s Of e+pertise, !anpo$er, !oney and #o!puting fa#ilities. &. C0n6.7"ua1!=a"!0n I un#o&er t%e 'ey #on#epts and relations%ips .et$een t%e!. 8%is s%ould in#lude a #%ara#teriCation of different 'inds of data, t%e flo$ of infor!ation and t%e underlying stru#ture of do!ain in ter!s of #ausal, spatio <te!poral and so on. '. F0 ma1!=a"!0n I 8ry to understand t%e nature of underlying sear#% spa#e and t%e #%ara#ter of sear#% t%at $ill %a&e to .e #ondu#ted. -!portant issues in#lude t%e #ertainty and #o!pleteness of infor!ation and ot%er #onstraints upon t%e logi#al interpretation of data, su#% as ti!e dependen#y and #onsisten#y of different data sour#es. (. Im71.m.n"a"!0n I -n turning a for!aliCation of 'no$ledge into a runna.le pro< gra!, one is pri!arily #on#erned $it% t%e spe#ifi#ation of #ontrol and details of infor!ation flo$. De#isions !ust .e !ade a.out t%e data stru#tures and Roll No.1002203 22 | P a g e
t%e degree of independen#e .et$een different !odules of t%e progra!. ). T.s"!n3 I 8%e e&aluaton of e+pert syste! is far fro! .eing an e+a#t s#ien#e, .ut it is #lear t%at t%e tas' #an .e !ade easier if one is a.le to run t%e progra! on a large and representati&e sa!ple of test #ases. o!!on sour#es of error are rules $%i#% are eit%er !issing, in#o!plete , $%ile #o!petition .et$een related rules #an #ause une+pe#ted .ugs.
0@O98 PROA* 8
8%is pro(e#t is an e+pert syste! .ased on !edi#al diagnosis in #ase of dental. Diagnosis /fro! t%e ?ree' $ords dia J .y and gnosis J 'no$ledge1 is t%e pro#ess of identifying a disease .y its signs, sy!pto!s and results of &arious diagnosti# pro#edures. 8%e #on#lusion rea#%ed t%roug% t%at pro#ess is also #alled a diagnosis. 8%is pro(e#t gi&es details regarding &arious diseases related to dental su#% as signs 2 sy!pto!s, treat!ent and pre&ention. 8%e infor!ation pro&ided .y t%is pro(e#t #an %elp to find t%e rig%t $ay to a digital #lini#al pra#ti#e. Ho$e&er, signifi#ant efforts and in&est!ents are needed to transfor! t%eories and #on#epts into real<$orld solutions to i!pro&e dental pra#ti#e.
Roll No.1002203 23 | P a g e
Diagnosis /fro! t%e ?ree' $ords dia J .y and gnosis J 'no$ledge1 is t%e pro#ess of identifying a disease .y its signs, sy!pto!s and results of &arious diagnosti# pro#edures. 8%e #on#lusion rea#%ed t%roug% t%at pro#ess is also #alled a diagnosis. 8%e ter! Ldiagnosti# #riteriaL designates t%e #o!.ination of sy!pto!s $%i#% allo$s t%e do#tor to as#ertain t%e diagnosis of t%e respe#ti&e disease. 8ypi#ally, so!eone $it% a.nor!al sy!pto!s $ill #onsult a p%ysi#ian, $%o $ill t%en o.tain a %istory of t%eir present illness and e+a!ine t%e! for signs of disease. 8%e p%ysi#ian $ill for!ulate a %ypot%esis of li'ely diagnoses and in !any #ases $ill o.tain furt%er testing to #onfir! or #larify t%e diagnosis .efore pro#eeding to render treat!ent. Hor!s of testing #o!!only perfor!ed are urine tests, stool sa!ples, sali&a sa!ples, .lood tests, !edi#al i!aging, %ydrogen .reat% test .8%e list of !ost li'ely and possi.le diagnoses .ased on a&aila.le infor!ation is #alled a differential diagnosisG t%e final diagnosis is only arri&ed at after ot%er
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diseases on t%is list %a&e .een eli!inated t%roug% furt%er in&estigations or #onsultations.
1. Medi#ine. a. 8%e a#t or pro#ess of identifying or deter!ining t%e nature and #ause of a disease or in(ury t%roug% e&aluation of patient %istory, e+a!ination, and re&ie$ of la.oratory data. .. 8%e opinion deri&ed fro! su#% an e&aluation. 2. a. 0 #riti#al analysis of t%e nature of so!et%ing. .. 8%e #on#lusion rea#%ed .y su#% analysis.
3. @iology. 0 .rief des#ription of t%e distinguis%ing #%ara#teristi#s of an organis!, as for ta+ono!i# #lassifi#ation
-t is #lini#al diagnosis is .ased on t%e !edi#al %istory and p%ysi#al e+a!ination of t%e patientI it !ay .e #onfir!ed $it% :<Rays, la.oratory tests. Diagnosis .y p%ysi#al e+a!ination in#ludes as#ertaining te!perature, pulse, and .lood pressure , to dete#t enlarged organs and ot%er a.nor!alitiesG tapping, to delineate so!e of t%e internal organsG and listening, to interpret sounds fro! organs su#% as t%e %eart and lungs. -nstru!ents t%at fa#ilitate p%ysi#al e+a!ination in#lude t%e sp%yg!o!ano!eter for .lood pressureG t%e stet%os#ope for listening to t%e %eart and lungsG t%e op%t%al!os#ope to e+a!ine t%e inner eye. Re#ent inno&ations in ele#troni#s %a&e !ade it possi.le for any of t%ese de&i#es to .e fitted $it% &ideo #a!eras and lig%ts, so t%at t%e interior of t%e .ody #an .e &ie$ed on &ideo !onitors and re#orded on &ideotape for future referen#e. Roll No.1002203 26 | P a g e 08 "#ans / o!puteriCed 0+ial 8o!ograp%y1, MR- /Magneti# Resonan#e -!aging1, and ot%er
-n diagnosti# tests, t%e .lood, urine, tissues, and ot%er e+#retions of t%e .ody are e+a!ined for e&iden#e of #%e!i#al i!.alan#e, #ellular #%ange, and t%e presen#e of pat%ogeni# organis!s. *+ploratory surgery and t%e insertion of &isual eBuip!ent t%roug% a s!all in#ision /e.g., laparos#opy and art%ros#opy1 !ay .e used to assist in diagnosis.
8%e steady e+pansion of !edi#al 'no$ledge %as !ade it !ore diffi#ult for t%e p%ysi#ian to re!ain a.reast of !edi#ine outside a narro$ field. onsultation $it% a spe#ialist is a solution $%en t%e #lini#al pro.le! lies .eyond t%e p%ysi#ianEs #o!peten#e, .ut freBuently e+pert opinion is eit%er una&aila.le or not a&aila.le in a ti!ely fas%ion. 0tte!pts %a&e .een !ade to de&elop #o!puter progra!s t%at #an ser&e as #onsultants . @y t%e early 1450s it .e#a!e #lear t%at #on&entional tools su#% as flo$ #%arts, pattern !at#%ing, and @ayesE t%eore! $ere una.le to deal $it% !ost #o!ple+ #lini#al pro.le!s . -n&estigators t%en .egan to study t%e e+pert p%ysi#ian to o.tain detailed insig%ts into t%e .asi# nature of #lini#al pro.le! sol&ing . 8%e results deri&ed fro! su#% studies %a&e su.seBuently for!ed t%e .asis for #o!putational !odels of t%e #ogniti&e p%eno!ena, and t%ese !odels %a&e furt%er .een #on&erted into so<#alled artifi#ial intelligen#e progra!s . Many of t%e early efforts to apply artifi#ial intelligen#e !et%ods to real pro.le!s, in#luding !edi#al reasoning, %a&e pri!arily used rule<.ased syste!s . "u#% progra!s are typi#ally easy to #reate, .e#ause t%eir 'no$ledge is #atalogued in t%e for! of Lif ... t%en...L rules used in #%ains of dedu#tion to rea#% a #on#lusion. -n !any relati&ely $ell<#onstrained do!ains rule<.ased progra!s %a&e .egun to s%o$ s'illed .e%a&ior . 8%is is true in se&eral narro$ do!ains of !edi#ine as $ell , .ut !ost serious #lini#al pro.le!s are so .road and #o!ple+ t%at straig%tfor$ard atte!pts to #%ain toget%er larger sets of rules en#ounter !a(or diffi#ulties. Pro.le!s arise prin#ipally fro! t%e fa#t t%at rule<.ased progra!s do not e!.ody a !odel of disease or #lini#al reasoning. -n t%e a.sen#e of su#% !odels, t%e addition of ne$ rules leads to unanti#ipated intera#tions .et$een rules and t%us to serious degradation of progra! perfor!an#e . Roll No.1002203 25 | P a g e
Deter!ination of dental disease pro#eeding and sy!pto!s for t%e gi&en patient, %is p%ysi#al and psy#%i#al state, le&el and type of !orp%ologi#al and fun#tional disorders, is possi.le only at #orre#t and #areful #lini#al resear#%. Dete#tion of etiologi#al !o!ents and pat%ogenesis assists in t%e diagnosis deter!ination. Diagnosis M is a .rief $ritten !edi#al #on#lusion of t%e e+isting disease, des#ri.ed in !edi#al ter!s, denoting t%e na!e of disease < its for!, and defining indi&idual pe#uliarities of t%e patient,s organis!. 8%e study of diseases deter!ination !et%ods is #alled Ndiagnosti#sO and is an i!portant part of any !edi#al spe#ialty. Medi#al diagnosti#s is .ased on different !et%ods of resear#% and diseases deter!ination, t%eir se&erity and patient,s state of organis! $it% t%e purpose to sele#t and #arry out ne#essary treat!ent and effe#ti&e !easures, pre&enting t%e de&elop!ent of #o!pli#ations and re#urring disease. Diagnosti#s is a #o!ple+ #ogniti&e pro#ess. 8o #arry out t%e #orre#t diagnosti# pro#ess it is ne#essary to study and .e a.le to apply on pra#ti#e se&eral tests. -t is ne#essary to 'no$ prin#ipal and spe#ifi# sy!pto!s of t%e oral region disorder diseases and t%eir #lassifi#ation. 0d&an#ed !edi#al t%in'ing, 'no$ledge of t%e analysis and synt%esis of esta.lis%ed su.(e#ti&e and o.(e#ti&e sy!pto!s, logi#ally pro&ed !et%ods of la.oratory in&estigations allo$s in defining and spe#ifying disease,s etiology and its pat%ogenesis. Due to t%is, $it%out t%e 'no$ledge of p%ysiologi#al standards and possi.le p%ysiologi#al &ariants of separate organ,s fun#tioning, for!ing dental and oral syste!, t%eir fun#tional interrelations, it is i!possi.le to understand in detail, t%e $%ole diagnosti#s pro#ess, and t%erefore, #orre#tly deter!ine t%e diagnosis and a##o!plis% all ne#essary treat!ent pro#edures. Roll No.1002203 24 | P a g e
Ma'ing out a diagnosis is #onne#ted $it% se&eral issuesI people are used to get tired and forget, t%ey !ay also !a'e #areless !ista'es or !a'e %asty #%oi#e not ta'ing into a##ount an i!portant sy!pto!, $%i#% on t%e first sig%t !ay .e !ar'ed or does not e+#eed t%e &alue of t%e !ost &i&idly pro#eeding, .ut not t%e !ain sy!pto!s. Purely #lassi# !anifestations of diseases o##ur seldo!, !ore freBuently t%ere are &arious defle#tions or #o!.inations of diseases, and as a result #%anges #lassi# s#%e!e of #lini#al #ourse. 0n e+pert syste! is proposed #ontains t%e 'no$ledge, o.tained .y e+perien#ed dentists, and infor!ation fro! relati&e literature and tutorials.. 8%e stru#ture of t%e dental e+pert syste! is illustrated in Higure
Roll No.1002203 30 | P a g e
-nitially, t%e dentist gat%ers infor!ation fro! t%e patient in t%e for! of #o!plaints /toot%a#%e or t%e !out% doesn,t open1, and also !edi#al infor!ation .ased on patient,s e+a!ination /reddening !u#ous tuni# in area of 16t% toot%1, t%e dentist pro&ides t%is infor!ation as sy!pto!s and t%eir &alues t%roug% an interfa#e engine. 8%en t%e analyCer ta'es t%e infor!ation pro&ided .y t%e interfa#e engine and perfor!s feature e+tra#tion on t%e &arious data in order to pro&ide to t%e e+pert syste! data.ase a set of sy!pto!s. 8%e 'no$ledge .ase syste! pro&ides diagnosis #orresponding for t%e inserted sy!pto!s. 0fter$ards t%e e+pert syste! pro#essor re#al#ulates t%e #onfiden#e #oeffi#ients per ea#% pro&ided diagnosis .ased on t%e initial set of sy!pto!s. LA#ELLED DIAGRAM OF TEETH<
Roll No.1002203 31 | P a g e
11 D.n"a1 Ca !.s<?
Dental #aries is a 2.m!n. a1!=a"!0n of t%e toot% surfa#e #aused .y .a#teria. "igns and sy!pto!sI @la#'ening of toot% surfa#e STAGES<? 1. 0 toot% surfa#e $it%out #aries. 2. 8%e first signs of de!ineraliCation, a s!all Q$%ite spotR %a&e .een for!ed /initial #aries, in#ipient #aries1. -t is not yet a #a&ity, t%e surfa#e is still %ard.-t is not #al#ulated as LDL /De#ayed1 a##ording to FHO #riteria. Fit% proper !easures, t%e #aries pro#ess #an .e %alted %ere and e&en re&ersed. 3. 8%e ena!el surfa#e %as .ro'en do$n. Fe %a&e got a LlesionL $it% a soft floor. -t is no$ #al#ulated as a LDL toot% or surfa#e.
Roll No.1002203 32 | P a g e
K. 0 filling %as .een !ade, .ut as #an .e seen, t%e de!ineraliCation %as not .een stopped and t%e lesion is surrounding t%e filling. -t is so!eti!es #alled L"e#ondary #ariesL .ut in fa#t, it is usually t%e Lsa!eL disease t%at is in progress. 8%e toot% is .ot% LHL /Hilled1 and LDL /De#ayed1. -n #aries indi#es it is nor!ally #al#ulated as a D toot% only. 6. 8%e de!ineraliCation pro#eeds and under!ines t%e toot%. 6. 8%e toot% %as fra#tured < an effe#t of a pro#ess $%i#% #ould %a&e .een stopped at an early stageS
CARIES $RE,ENTI,E METHODS AND MEANS Dental #aries is a disease t%at usually #an .e su##essfully pre&ented or #ontrolled. -t is an i!portant tas' for t%e dental tea! to tea#% indi&iduals to ta'e #orre#t a#tions to !ini!iCe t%e ris' for t%e disease. -t is also possi.le to identify and e&aluate fa#tors of i!portan#e for #a&ity for!ation. @y targeted a#tions, su#% ris' fa#tors #an usually .e #%anged, resulting in a redu#ed ris' for #aries. Due to t%e fa#t t%at dental #aries is a !ultifa#torial disease, a nu!.er of !et%ods e+ists to pre&ent it. 8%is se#tion $ill pri!arily deal $it% indi&idual !easures, and applies !ainly to patients in industrialised #ountries, alt%oug% t%e .asi# prin#iples are t%e sa!e $orld<$ide.
Hluoride and different &e%i#les to pro&ide fluoride Diet !easures Oral %ygiene !easures /t$o #ase reports1 0nti!i#ro.ial treat!ents "ali&a < Buality and Buantity i!pro&e!ent /not finis%ed1
Roll No.1002203 33 | P a g e
8oot%a#%e #an .e a sign of toot% de#ay. Only a Dental do#tor #an find t%e real #ause of t%e pain. 8%e !ost #o!!on #ause of toot%a#%e, or pain in t%e region of t%e (a$s and fa#e, is pulpitis < infla!!ation of t%e pulp of t%e toot%. 8%e s%ort, s%arp pains usually o##ur in response to %ot, #old or s$eet sti!uli.
-f left untreated, t%e pulp dies and becomes infected, leading is CAUSES<?
to the formation of a dental abscess. The pain from a throbbing and continuous.
Dental de#ay. 0 fra#ture of t%e toot%. 0 #ra#'ed toot%. 8%is !ay .e in&isi.le and so #an .e diffi#ult to diagnose.
Roll No.1002203 3K | P a g e
-rritation of t%e pulp follo$ing dental treat!ent. Regardless of %o$ $ell it is done, dental treat!ent and t%e !aterials used to fill t%e toot% #an so!eti!es #ause pain later.
0n e+posed toot% root, $%i#% #an o##ur if t%e gu!s re#ede or are da!aged .y o&er<&igorous .rus%ing.
8%e follo$ing pro.le!s #an also #ause sy!pto!s si!ilar to toot%a#%e, e&en t%oug% t%e teet% t%e!sel&es !ay .e free of diseaseI
0n a.s#ess in t%e gu!. 9l#eration of t%e gu!s. 9l#eration of t%e soft tissues #an so!eti!es .e !ista'en for toot%a#%e. -nfla!!ation of t%e gu! around a toot% $%i#% is in t%e pro#ess of gro$ingP.rea'ing t%roug% /peri#oronitis1. -nfla!!ation of t%e sinuses #an .e !ista'en for toot%a#%e in t%e upper (a$.
H05 6an "00"ha6h. 8. a90!2.2A 8%e .est $ay to pre&ent toot%a#%e is to 'eep your teet% and gu!s %ealt%y. 8ry to a&oid #a&ities .y redu#ing your inta'e of sugary foods and drin's < %a&e t%e! as an o##asional treat and at !ealti!es only. @rus% your teet% t$i#e daily using a toot%paste #ontaining fluoride. 8o get t%e !ost .enefit fro! t%e fluoride, do not rinse t%e toot%paste a$ay after .rus%ing. lean .et$een your teet% using dental floss, $ood sti#'s or an inter<dental .rus% a##ording to your dentistEs ad&i#e. =isit your dentist regularly. 8%is $ay,
Roll No.1002203 36 | P a g e
pro.le!s #an .e diagnosed early and your treat!ent $ill .e !ore straig%tfor$ard.
$ .9.n"!0n 3eeping your teet% and gu!s %ealt%y reBuires good nutrition and regular .rus%ing and flossing. 8o a&oid a toot% pro.le!I @rus% your teet% after !eals and .et$een<!eal sna#'s. Hloss at least on#e a day.
9se a toot%paste t%at #ontains fluoride. 0&oid foods t%at #ontain a lot of sugar. 0s' your dentist or dental %ygienist a.out tongue #leaning. ;ou #an use a tongue #leaner or a soft<.ristled toot%.rus%, stro'ing in a front<to<.a#' dire#tion. 8ongue #leaning is parti#ularly i!portant for people $%o s!o'e or $%ose tongues are #oated or deeply groo&ed.
0s' your dentist or %ygienist $%et%er %e or s%e re#o!!ends using a !out%$as% t%at #ontains fluoride and ingredients to redu#e plaBue. ?et regular #%e#'ups or re#o!!ended .lood tests ordered .y your %ealt% professional if you are on a .lood<t%inning !edi#ation or you %a&e a .leeding disorder.
Do not s!o'e or use ot%er to.a##o produ#ts .e#ause it de#reases your a.ility to fig%t gu! infe#tion and delays %ealing.
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@leeding fro! t%e gu!s is !ainly due to inadeBuate plaBue re!o&al fro! t%e teet% at t%e gu! line. 8%is $ill lead to a #ondition #alled gingi&itis, or infla!ed gu!s. -f plaBue is not re!o&ed t%roug% regular .rus%ing and dental appoint!ents, it $ill %arden into $%at is 'no$n as tartar. 9lti!ately, t%is $ill lead to in#reased .leeding and a !ore ad&an#ed for! of gu! and (a$.one disease 'no$n as periodontitis. C0ns!2. a"!0ns -t is i!portant to follo$ t%e instru#tions fro! your dentist in order to !aintain %ealt%y gu!s. -!proper .rus%ing and flossing te#%niBue !ay a#tually irritate or trau!atiCe t%e gu! tissue. -f gu! .leeding persists, it !ay .e a sign of serious !edi#al disorders su#% as leu'e!ia, .leeding disorders, platelet disorders, or o&er!edi#ation $it% anti#oagulants /L.lood t%innersL1, su#% as ou!adin. C0mm0n Caus.s ?ingi&itis fro! inadeBuate plaBue re!o&al
Periodontitis /ad&an#ed for! of gingi&itis1 0nti#oagulants su#% as ou!adin /$arfarin1 and %eparin 8oot%.rus% a.rasion, i!proper flossing -nfe#tion, $%i#% #an .e eit%er toot% or gu!<related "#ur&y /=ita!in defi#ien#y1 =ita!in 3 defi#ien#y Roll No.1002203 35 | P a g e
Hor!onal #%anges during pregnan#y %e!i#al irritants su#% as aspirin Pla#e!ent of ne$ dentures #an lead to denture soresPirritations
-f any .leeding is noti#ed $%ile .rus%ing, t%is !eans you need to .rus% and floss !ore often or !ore t%oroug%ly and t%at you need your teet% professionally #leaned.
De#rease t%e Buantity and freBuen#y of your #onsu!ption of sugar. "ugar %elps plaBue gro$. =isit your dentist t$i#e a year Mout% rinse #ontaining #%lor%e+idine, an anti<!i#ro.ial agent, $%i#% re!o&es e+#ess .a#teria. use a %ig% Buality ele#tri# toot% .rus% su#% "oni#are , $%i#% uses sound $a&es to re!o&e plaBue, or t%e @raun Oral<@ O+yAet Oral -rrigator to !assage t%e gu!s.
(B T00"h F a6"u .I
8oot% fra#tures #an range fro! !inor /in&ol&ing #%ipping of t%e outer toot% layers #alled ena!el and dentin1 to se&ere /in&ol&ing &erti#al, diagonal or %oriContal fra#tures of t%e root1. *na!el and dentin are t%e t$o outer prote#ti&e layers of t%e toot%. 8%e ena!el is t%e outer!ost $%ite %ard surfa#e. 8%e dentin is a yello$ layer lying (ust .eneat% t%e ena!el. *na!el and Roll No.1002203 37 | P a g e
dentin .ot% ser&e to prote#t t%e inner li&ing toot% tissue #alled t%e pulp. 8%e &isi.le 1P3 of t%e toot% is #alled t%e #ro$n, $%ile t%e re!aining 2P3 of t%e toot% .uried in t%e .one is #alled t%e root. Dental +<rays are ne#essary in !ost instan#es to diagnose, lo#ate, and !easure t%e e+tent of toot% fra#ture.
Prevention of dental injuries Pre&ention of dental in(uries in&ol&es aligning protruding front teet% .y dental .ra#es and using fa#e !as's and !out%guards $%ile parti#ipating in sports. Mout%guards %a&e .een s%o$n to redu#e trau!a not only to teet%, gu!s, and t%e surrounding (a$ .one, .ut also to redu#e in(ury to t%e te!poro!andi.ular (oints /8MA1 and to redu#e t%e intensity and nu!.er of %ead #on#ussions. Mout%guards also redu#e pressure and .one defor!ation of t%e s'ull $%en a for#e is dire#ted to t%e #%in. @efore t%e !andatory use of fa#e !as's and !out%guards for %ig% s#%ool and #ollege foot.all players in l463, 60T of all foot.all in(uries in&ol&ed t%e fa#e and t%e !out%. "in#e t%e !andatory use of t%ese prote#ti&e de&i#es, dental in(uries in foot.all players %a&e al!ost .een eli!inated. -t is no$ re#o!!ended t%at !out%guards .e $orn, not only for organiCed foot.all, .ut also for unorganiCed foot.all, .ase.all, .as'et.all, ra#Buet.all, so##er, i#e, field, and street %o#'ey, $restling, .o+ing, !artial arts, &olley.all, roller.lading, s'ating, s'ate.oarding, and .i#y#ling.
Roll No.1002203 34 | P a g e
Mout% guards #an .e pur#%ased in p%ar!a#ies and sports supply stores and !olded at %o!e. 8%ey #an also .e #usto! !ade .y t%e dentist. "tore<.oug%t !out%guards are less e+pensi&e t%an #usto! !ade ones. Ho$e&er, t%e store .oug%t ones !ay not fit t%e at%leteEs !out%, !ay .e#o!e loose, !ay .e un#o! .ul'y, and !ay interfere $it% spee#% or .reat%ing. 8%e ideal !out%guards are #usto! !ade .y a dentist. 0n i!pression is !ade of t%e at%leteEs upper dental ar#% to !a'e a !old of %isP%er teet% and gu!s. 0 #usto! !out%guard !ade of a &inyl a#etate et%ylene #opoly!er /a spe#ial plasti#1 is t%en fa.ri#ated fro! t%is !old in t%e dental offi#e or .y a dental la.oratory. 0 $ell<fitting #usto! !out%guard is #o!forta.le and $ill not interfere $it% .reat%ing and spee#%
Roll No.1002203 K0 | P a g e
CAUSES: -t ta'es se&eral years for toot% ena!el to de&elop and in t%at ti!e, foreign su.stan#es #an .e in#orporated altering t%e e&entual #olor of t%e teet%. -n #%ildren, dis#olored .a.y teet% are usually a result of toot% de#ay, $%i#% is often #aused .y inadeBuate .rus%ing. -n su#% #ases, nor!al, per!anent teet% gro$ in to repla#e t%e dis#olored teet%. Ho$e&er, if your #%ild,s teet% appear dis#oloured despite #areful .rus%ing, t%ere is so!e sort of a dental pro.le! and you s%ould #onsult your dentist. -n rare #ases, #%ild%ood infe#tions #an !a'e a toot% yello$ or .ro$n .e#ause t%e ena!el did not de&elop properly. 0n infant !ay %a&e toot% dis#olorations if t%e !ot%er too' tetra#y#line during pregnan#y. "i!ilarly, #%ildren $%o ta'e t%is !edi#ation during t%e period of per!anent toot% de&elop!ent !ay %a&e si!ilar dis#olorations of t%eir per!anent teet%. 8eet% #an dar'en o&er ti!e due to stains fro! food and drin'. *+#essi&e use of fluoride #an #ause $%itis% to dar' .ro$n dis#olorations.
Roll No.1002203 K1 | P a g e
-llness, !alnutrition and ot%er types of p%ysi#al stress #an #ause $%ite splot#%es on t%e teet%. 0n in(ury t%at #auses .leeding in t%e pulp of t%e toot% !ay #ause t%e ena!el to turn pin' or grey. $RE,ENTIONS<
0&oid e+#essi&e fluoride use. ;ou !ay $ant to find out t%e fluoride le&el in your lo#al $ater supply. -t is i!portant t%at $e ta'e fluorine into our .ody, %o$e&er too !u#% #an #ause toot% dis#olouration.
Do not ta'e drugs .elonging to t%e tetra#y#line fa!ily if you are pregnant and do not gi&e it to #%ildren $%o are under eig%t years of age.
*nsure t%at #%ildren are a$are of t%e i!portan#e of dental %ygiene. 8%ey s%ould .rus% t%eir teet% t$i#e a day and t%is s%ould .e super&ised to ensure t%at t%ey are doing it properly. Most #%ildren need %elp $it% .rus%ing until t%ey are around se&en.
Roll No.1002203 K2 | P a g e
%elpdentistI< $rite/EPlease sele#t #ategory of pro.le! you are %a&ing $it% your teet%E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. Dental aries.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E2. 8oot%a#%ePsoretoot%.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E3. @leeding gu!.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/EK. 8oot% Hra#ture.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E6. 8oot% Dis#olourationE1,nl,ta./K1, read/N1, #ategory/N1. #ategory/11I< $rite/E"igns and "y!pto!sE1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. @la#'ening of 8oot% "urfa#eE1,nl,ta./K1, read/N11, s#ategory1/N1. #ategory/21I< $rite/E"igns and "y!pto!sE1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. PainE1,nl,ta./K1, read/N21, s#ategory2/N1. #ategory/31I< $rite/E"igns and "y!pto!sE1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. @lood #o!ing out of gu!s.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E2. 8oot% .e#o!ing loose.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E3. PlaBue and tar<tar.E1,nl,ta./K1, read/N31, s#ategory3/N1. #ategory/K1I< $rite/E8ypes of Hra#tureE1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. Minor fra#ture /#%ipping of outer toot% layer1. E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E2. "e&ere fra#ture /&erti#al or %oriContal fra#ture of root1. E1,nl,ta./K1, Roll No.1002203 K3 | P a g e
read/NK1, s#ategoryK/N1. #ategory/61I< $rite/E"igns and "y!pto!sE1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. %ange of toot% #olour.E1,nl,ta./K1, read/N61, s#ategory6/N1. s#ategory1/61I< su.#ategory1/11. s#ategory2/51I< su.#ategory2/11. s#ategory3/71I< su.#ategory3/11. s#ategoryK/41I< su.#ategoryK/11. s#ategory6/101I< su.#ategory6/11. su.#ategory1/11I< $rite/EDiagonosis.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. :<ray.E1,nl,nl, su.#ategory1/21. su.#ategory1/21I< $rite/E8reat!ent.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. Hilling of toot%.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E2. Pit and Hissure "ealants.E1,nl,nl, su.#ategory1/31. su.#ategory1/31I< $rite/EPre&ention.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. Dietary ad&i#e.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E2. Hluoride.E1,nl,nl. su.#ategory2/11I< $rite/E8ypes of Pain.E1,nl,ta./K1, Roll No.1002203 KK | P a g e
$rite/E1. Pain in response to #old and disappear on re!o&al of #old.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E2. Pain in response to %ot and often at nig%t.E1,nl,nl, su.#ategory2/21. su.#ategory2/21I< $rite/EDiagonosis.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. :<ray.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E2. "ensiti&ity 8est.E1,nl,nl, su.#ategory2/31. su.#ategory2/31I< $rite/E8reat!ent.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/ERestrorati&e 8reat!ent.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. Hilling of toot% in #ase pain is due to #old.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E2. Root anal 8reat!ent in #ase pain is due to %ot.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E3. -f toot% is dead t%en e+tra#t t%e toot%.E1,nl,nl, $rite/E*!ergen#y 8reat!ent.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. Pain 'iller.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E2. 0nti<infla!!atory 0nalgesi#s.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E3. lo&e Oil.E1,nl,nl. su.#ategory3/11I< $rite/EDiagonosis.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E@y applying Dis#losing 0gent.E1,nl,nl, su.#ategory3/21. su.#ategory3/21I< $rite/E8reat!ent.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E"#aling and Polis%ing.E1,nl,nl, su.#ategory3/31. su.#ategory3/31I< $rite/EPre&ention.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. Maintain proper Oral HygineE1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E2. Proper 8oot% .rus%ing 8e#%niBueE1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E3. Hlossing of toot% surfa#esE1,nl,nl. su.#ategoryK/11I< $rite/E"igns and "y!pto!s.E1,nl,ta./K1, Roll No.1002203 K6 | P a g e
$rite/E1. Pain.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E2. "$elling of gu!s.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E3. @leedingE1,nl,nl, su.#ategoryK/21. su.#ategoryK/21I< $rite/EDiagonosis.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E:<ray.E1,nl,nl, su.#ategoryK/31. su.#ategoryK/31I< $rite/E8reat!ent.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E1. Root anal treat!ent and #ro$n is gi&en.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E2. 8oot% #oloured !aterial is used to restore t%e toot%.E1,nl,nl. su.#ategory6/11I< $rite/EDiagonosis.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E=isual.E1,nl,nl, su.#ategory6/21. su.#ategory6/21I< $rite/E8reat!ent.E1,nl,ta./K1, $rite/E@lea#%ing of dis#oloured toot%.E1,nl.
Roll No.1002203 K6 | P a g e
0s dental infor!ati#s is i!portant in !any $ays to #lini#al pra#ti#e. "in#e t%e nu!.er of #o!puter syste!s and t%e freBuen#y of t%eir use in#rease #onstantly in a dental en&iron!ent, it is getting !ore diffi#ult to distinguis% .et$een .asi# and spe#ial purpose needs. 0long t%e pat% of a dental patient entering and lea&ing t%e dental offi#e, $e %a&e s%o$n e+isting %ard$are solutions as $ell as soft$are pa#'ages and identified #urrent de&elop!ents in diagnosti#s and treat!ent !odalities. Dental infor!ati#s #an %elp to find t%e rig%t $ay to a digital #lini#al pra#ti#e. Ho$e&er, signifi#ant efforts and in&est!ents are needed to transfor! t%eories and #on#epts into real<$orld solutions to i!pro&e dental pra#ti#e.
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Roll No.1002203 K5 | P a g e