Ivya Urali Ducation: A I T S C
Ivya Urali Ducation: A I T S C
Ivya Urali Ducation: A I T S C
/a"%, 0n"ia(
MAY, 2000
TITLE: PITCH ESTIMATION USING HIGHER ORDER STATISTICS Area > Signa! pro)essing Tool > 5A.?A* S !o"#$#: .he pro@e)t "ea!s <ith the estimation o1 pit)h %sing higher or"er Statisti)s an" a gen"er )!assi1i)ation +ase" on the res%!t( .he sim%!ation is "one in 5A.?A*( .he spee)h signa! o1 the in"ivi"%a! is re)or"e", 1rom <hi)h the pit)h o1 the spee)h signa! is "etermine" a1ter having the vario%s inter1eren)es remove" "%e to noise an" other higher 1reA%en)# )omponents( .his pro@e)t )an +e %se" to improve the e11i)ien)# o1 the e3isting spee)h re)ognition s#stems, +# the in)!%sion o1 pit)h as a ma@or parameter( TITLE: COMPUTER OPERATED WIRELESS HOME APPLAINCE CONTROL Area % "igita! )omm%ni)ation La!&'a&e % C S !o"#$#: .he pro@e)t "ea!s <ith the )ontro! o1 home app!ian)es %sing in1rare"( .he transmitters are )ontro!!e" %sing the para!!e! port o1 a PC( .he re)eiver "emo"%!ates the in1ra re" signa!s an" )ontro!s the app!ian)es a))or"ing!#( .he )o"ing <as "one in C(
Bn"er<ent in-p!ant training 1or a perio" o1 t<o <ee=s in 5a# 2&&4 at Premier 0nstr%ments an" Contro! ?imite"( 7PC0C;?8 at Coim+atore, .ami! /a"% S !o"#$#: We <ere e3pose" to the areas re!ate" to the "esign an" man%1a)t%re o1 e!e)troni) spee"ometer, ta)hometer, e!e)troni) press%re ga%ges an" temperat%re ga%ges( We a!so ha" an insight into the pro"%)tion o1 e!e)troni) ta3i 1are meter, roa" spee" !imiter, engine sa1et# )ontro! s#stem an" vehi)!e monitoring s#stems(
La!&'a&e# > C O"era($!& # #(e)# > Win"o<s 9D, Win"o<s DP, DSP (ool# % 5A.?A* ,(1 A##e)*l La!&'a&e#: 0/. ? 8&8-, 8&-1, 8&8,
/ame Age 2 D;* Se3 /ationa!it# ?ang%ages Gno<n : : : : : Div#a 5%ra!i 21 #ears, &1E18E198Fema!e 0n"ian ng!ish, .ami!, Sans=rit an" :in"i
0 here+# "e)!are that the a+ove <ritten parti)%!ar are tr%e to the +est o1 m# =no<!e"ge an" +e!ie1(