Towards A Philosophy of Gerontology

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Towards a philosophy of
gerontology, version 8


gerontological considerations
on aging.

2.0.Definition of senescence.

2.1.On the process of

2.3.The forms of the pressure
of time.

2.4. Explanatory-theoretic
aspects of senescence.

3. Philosophical thoughts on
the explanation of aging.

4. Towards eradication of
aging: a philosophical

1.Introduction: An atempt
to mediate a deeper
compatibility between
Philosophy and

What is philosophy in
general, or what is the
specific of philosophy? For
Aristotel, philosophy is the
knowledge of the first
principles and causes - those
supreme principles which
explain the whole
existence(Coltescu, 2002
p.160 ). For Kant, philosophy
is knowledge by concepts; or
the search of the limits of our
cognitive capacities. For
Hegel, philosophy is the
rational knowledge of
absolute. For Wittgenstein,
philosophy is the activity of
eludation of thoughts. For
analitical philosophers,
philosophy is the analysis of

scientific language or of
common language. For
Heidegger, philosophy is the
existential analytics , that is
investigating of those modes
of being that are proper to
human existent(Dasein);

For Frankfurt school
representatives (Marcuse),
philosophy is the critical
theory of modern society and
of forms of reification and
human alienation in the
background of this society.
Coltescu considered that "In
its esence, philosophy is this
reflection, this meditation by
which we want to understand,
to distinguish the sense of
world and of our proper

existence---and by
understanding, to liberate us,
to conquer our spiritual
autonomy"(Coltescu 2002,
p.21). Most philosophers had
considered that philosophy is
a knowledge, differences
appear either concerning its
object( first principles, the
absolute, the universal etc.)
or its method (by concepts to
Kant) or its faculty(reason,
senses etc). But, is
philosophy limited just to a
form of contemplative
knowledge disinterested from
a practical or applicative
point of view? Tudosescu
considers that"...only in
limits in which it
conditionate value

reedifications at the level of
other forms of social
conscience and, respective,
modifications in the structure
of the tables of cultural
values, so that these to
stimulate changes whith deep
character in the structure and
dynamics of civilizations, we
can say that philosophy have
an applicative
character"(Tudosescu 1997,
p.169). Someones had
emphasized the propensity
towards universality, the
tendency to cover the whole
reality: philosophy is a
general conception about the
world; it tries to discern the
most general determinations
of reality, that is of nature,

society and thinking. But,
neither thought is an
universal characteristic of
univers nor society. The most
general determinations of
world concern either the
fundamental-necessary level
of reality, substance,
microphysics level, or some
characteristics of the univers
as a whole, like evolution or
cosmic becoming. Others
considered that, philosophy
studies existence in its
totality . But Beaufret have
written about Wollf:"Wollf is
proposing for himself
therefore to make the census
of essentialias, that is of all
that it can be said about being
as being. This science is, by

consequence, the science of
being as posibility....One can
talk about being without to
say a word about its
existence. The last is just a
posibilitatis", a complement
of posibility."(Beaufret 1998,
p.11). On the other hand,
there are special
philosophies, as ethics or
ethical philosophy, which are
quasi-disinterested about
some ontic or ontological
aspects of reality. There is
some autonomy between
some philosophical
disciplines, such as there is a
certain freedom in human
life. An alternative
characterization of

philosophy concerns its aims.
Thus, for Rescher the
characteristic aims of
philosophy are: (i) Provide
answers to those domain
definitive questions, that is,
propound and comunicate
information that conveys
these answers . ( We want
answers.) (ii) Seek for
cogency, that is, fit those
answers out with a rationale
that attains cogency and
conviction by way of
evidentiation, substantiation,
and demonstration. (We want
not just answers but answers
worthy of acceptance.) (iii)
Strive for rational economy,
pursuing the tasks at issue in
points (i) and (ii) in a way

that is rationally
satisfacatory, that is, in an
efficient, effective,
economical ...

The general characterization
problem of philosophy
relative to its particular
domains or of its specific
relative to other cultural
forms---art, religion, science-
--is a metaphilosophical one.
But, how it can be justified
this diversity of opinions
about the esence of
philosophy? Coltescu had
considered that: "The two
levels of philosophy, [first-
order philosophy and
metaphilosophy] are in
interaction, are situated in a

circularity raport, the thinkers
options in the plane of proper
philosophy having effects on
their metaphilosophical
conceptions and, converse,
their metaphilosophical
conceptions influence their
investigations in the plane of
proper philosohy."(Coltescu,
2002, p.18-19).

About the antireduction of
philosophy, science, mind
and imortality

Like Vacariu et al (2001,
p.275), I consider that the
previous characterizations are
partly correct but they
concern philosophy from a
single perspective, sometimes

from a reductionist point of
view. They can be considered
as quasi-complementary.
However, previous
characterizations, either in
particular or taken all
together simultaneouslly, do
not succed to surprise all that
was, all that is, all that will
be, all that can be philosophy.
But, until to what limits can
be philosophy extended and
developed? What is
philosophy? Or, can be it
unificated? If an unification
by reduction at one of the
previous characterizations is
inacceptable, still remain a
posibility of unification not
by reduction but by an
ultimate persistent aim,

ideal. I will ilustrate this with
an example from philosophy
of science. Popper considered
that truth is the regulative
ideal of science, and in this
sense truth may have an
unificatory role, relative to
various special sciences, as a
common aim, ideal, tack
toward all the scientific
propensities converge. But,
truth single maybe is a too
strong criterion of
scientificity and is not
enough as an ideal of science,
because the common
statements as "the sun is
brilliant" are not veritable
scientific statements, because
they are too common-truths.
More constrains are needed.

In addition, science should to
pursue also sistematic
explanation, the laws and the
freedom grades of universe at
all its levels, from
microcosmos to individual
human conscience, society
and macrocosmos.

Against antistructural

Fetzer assume that science
aims at the discovery of laws
of nature that have the form
of general principles that are
applicabile for the purposes
of explanation and
prediction. On the other
hand, science should not to
prefere simplicity and

economy necessarly. Simpler
theories ought to be prefered
to complex alternatives only
in the cases in wich they are
also adequate, truth. I
addition, we do not know a
priori that reality is simple.
Other think that, science tend
towards unity(cf. Gold and
Stoljar, 1999). However,
science should to pursue
unity only in the case in wich
world is realy unitary. But,
we do not know a priori that
universe have an ultimate
universal unity. This aims are
preferable but they are
contingent aims, thereby they
have a contingent scientific
value. Maybe, the universe
have a fundamental

ontological level wich have a
necessary existence, and
consequently is universal,
for/in every posible world,
but the universe unity should
not be identified with the
unity of science. The unity of
universe exist at the
fundamental ontological
level, but the unity of human
science is at the level of
human conscious level. The
human consciousness is
something that exist at an
upper ontological level, that
depend on a more complex
level of organization. If the
"elementary particles" are not
elementary, if there exist an
ultimate unique-type-of-

however, "organization is a
property wich cannot be
reduced to the properties of
its parts, for the behavior of
each part depends on those of
the others and on the aims of
the whole."(Del Re, 1998).
By previous phrase I have not
intentioned to defend the
autonomy of chemistry,
biology or of psychology
against microphysics's
imperialism. I only intended
to criticize the tendency to
reduce all the emergent
properties of systems with
complex organization to the
sums of the properties of
their microparts. I disageed
whith idea that all the
phenomena from superior

organizational complexity
levels supervene as simple
sums of the phenomena from
lower levels.
The superior cognitive
capacities of human brain are
absent at the single neuron
level, that is neurons are not
small brains. Brain is not a
big neuron.
For exemple, if we take two
thousand of resistors and we
try to connect them in all
posibile structures, we know
that there is only one
unnecessary structure, wich
is total serial, in wich the
total resistance, the
phenomenon from higher
level, is the sum of the
resistance of each resistor, or

the sum of the properties of
phenomena from the lower
level, but in structures that
involve parallel conected
resistors, the total resistance
is not a simple sum of the
resistance of individual
resistors. The property that is
comon both to the higher
level and to the lower level is
And, in the non-serial
resistors corpus the
difference in the total
resistance is thanks to
structure. However, this
resistor corpus have a aditive
property, a property that is
only the sum of the properties
of parts: its mass. Only its
mass do not depend on its

structure. But, the previous
exemple concern a set of
objects that are of the same
kind. If we add to resistors
also condensators, transistors
and other parts, and try to
erect a computer, than the
properties of computer will
be only the sum of the
properties of its parts? How
will we add resistivity with
An other argument
antireductionist in spirit,
comming from cognitive
neuroscience, is that of
Quartz and Sejnowski
concerning how develop

They present to paradigms
that try to explain the
development of mind:
"For selectionism, then,
development marks a
reduction in representational
complexity. In contrast,
neural constructivism sees
development as a progressive
increase in representational
complexity." (Quartz, S. &
Sejnowski, T.J., 1997).
With regard to the measure
of the representational
complexity, they present
three main candidates
:synaptic numbers, axonal
arborization, and dendritic

And, with many empirical
evidences(e.g., Bourgeois et
al. 1994) they show that
there is no in the temporal
interval of development a
change(a sudenlly
eliminatory selectivity as
pretend selectionism) wich
sustain selectionism, on the
contrary they argue for neural
constructivism, that is for
development as an increase
in complexity. And, this is
not in favour of simplicity.

However, I think that the
developmental properties of
mind should to depend also
on the synaptic spatial
distribution, not only on the
synaptic number.

In addition, there are writers,
like van den Bos, wich
propose a framework for
animals consciousness study
wich is based on a
hierarchical organizational
feedback model of central
nervous system. van den Bos
defined consciousness" as a
property of neural networks
of self-organizing systems
dedicated to dealing with
rapidly changing
environments affording
flexibility in behavioral
patterning"([van den Bos,
2000]). He consider that:

the brain structures form a
functional unit.

the mental states have two
parts:one invariant(wich is
open to study in relation
with species' Umwelt) and
one variant.
the specific contents of a
mental state at a particular
time point is dependent on
momentarily active neural
connections within the
specific network and on the
information encoded in
these connections.
the encoded information is
formed by the specific input
(through sensory organs)
and output (the movements
that are made) relationship
in the hierarchical sistem.
On the other hand, between
the neuronal level and the

neuronal network level there
is a difference that is partial
analogous with that wich
there is between the atomic
level and the molecular level,
or between the
macromolecular level and the
celular level, or between
celular and tisular levels . If
thinking there is only at the
conscious level, and the
consciousness is a property
of a network wich is situated
at a superior level of a
hierarchy, then thinking and
animals consciousness cannot
be reduced/limited at
properties of a singular
neuron, as must to pretend
the neuron doctrine.The
correct tendency of present is

to recognize that there is a
dependency between
organization of conscience of
animals and the organization
of brain. On the other hand,
the posible relationships and
comunications between
neurons depend also on the
properties of neurons. But,
the properties of interactions
between sets of special
organized neurons, depend
also on the global properties
of those sets, wich depend
partial on the specific
organization of those sets,
and on the other influences
from CNS. Thus, properties
of neurons plus the quantity
(the number) of neurons
determine a big set of posible

CNSs, as the set of the CNSs
of mamals. From all posible
CNSs, the environment
[competition, the fight for
survival or/and reproduction,
the capacity of problem
solving even by deceptive
conditioning] have selected
some. But, the properties of
neurons, when there are more
than one neuron, cannot
determine only one type of
special organization of CNS,
but only a non-diferentiated
set of posibilities, or the
general laws of the
organization of any posible
CNS, wich permit the
existence of a great number
of different special
organizations of CNS. And,

if we consider the superior
cognitive emergent properties
of an individual CNS, like
that of human, I think that,
we will realize that the
properties of its single
neurons form in the
explanation of those superior
cognitive properties only the
necesary conditions--- with
the same neurons may be
constructed other different
CNSs--- and that for the
explanation of the specific or
individual properties of a
CNS we have to consider
also its organization,
structure, functioning, wich
form in its explanation a
sufficient condition. On the
other hand, there exist aditive

properties, as would be the
physical mass of brain, wich
do not depend on the
arrangement of the parts of
the whole. Thus, at different
levels of organizational and
functional complexity there
are emergent properties wich
cannot be founded at certain
too lower levels and wich are
not just simple sums of the
phenomena from wich they
supervene. For exemple,
chemists, at least Del Re,
admit the ireducibility of
higher levels properties (like,
the global properties of cells)
to the lower level properties--
-by ireducibility I intended to
say that a cell is not just a
quantity of molecules or

macromolecules---in the
folowing way:

a molecule is a collection
of nuclei and electrons.
the way in wich are put
together nuclei and
electrons matter, and the
connections (chemical
bonds or microforce fields)
determine the properties of
the whole.
a complete description of
the electrons and nuclei
wich form the parts of a
molecule is not a complet
description of an individual
molecule, because the whole
reality of a molecule include
also emergent properties.

the properties of nuclei and
electrons and their
numerical cantity, the
constrains of universal
environment plus the
contextual constrains,
determine all the type of
intramolecular connections
and molecular
the particular arrangement
of nuclei and electrons in a
molecular structure tend to
satisfy the actions of force
but the non-additive
properties of a molecule as a
whole depend also on its
specific molecular structure,
and they neither can be
finded at level of the

properties of nucleus,
neither are unique
determinated by the the
properties of the nuclei or of
the electrons.
a cell, is what it is, not
because it would correspond
to a metastable
configuration of atoms and
electrons by wich it is
constituted, but because its
coordinated activity
(entelehy) is finalized,
aimed at holding it alive in a
particular (normal) state.
Del Re considers that, for a
complet description of an
entity wich appear as unitary
at a certain level, we must to
describe the collection of all
the previous levels wich

appear in a hierarchy of an
organizational and functional
complexity, and that at each
previous level the
information about the
considered object is partial
latent and indeterminated. In
evolutionary psychology it is
considered that human mind
is the result of a modular
organization of brain; the
modules of brain have
multiple specialized
functions like: receptive
functions, motor functions, or
for the formation and the
criticise of beliefs; and these
modules are interconnected.
However, this modular view
is criticized by neural
constructivism. All these (the

hierarchy, modularity or
networks properties) tend to
falsify the thesis that human
mind or the integral
consciousness animal
experience can be reduced, or
can be the product of a single
neuron, untill to the level of
the singular neuron, as must
to pretend the neuron
doctrine. Maybe, neuron can
be an unity of NS, but cannot
be an unity of conscious
states. Two man with the
same number of synapses and
with the same number of
neurons can differ in their
mental properties, due to
synaptic spatial distribution.
Political sciences do not
treats about the properties of

elementary particles, but
unity must be, however, a
comm-unity of the particular
sciences and a specific unity
of science, not a hierarchy of
levels of existence or a
history of molecular
evolution from elementary
particles and forces to the
human society. However,
systematization and
clasification of sciences are
values from a rational point
of view(Hintikka and
Halonen, 1999).

The unity of science should
be an unity not of all the
levels of material
organization, but an unity of
all the scientific products.

Given the great diversity of
domains of sciences and
scientific products, a content
unity is less expectable. On
the other hand, the scientific
progress can change the unity
of science whith time.
Therefore, an regulative
ideal/ideals as unity of
science is good.

As a kind of conclusion to
antistructural ontology

Human brain is a
concretmaterialisation of an
ontologically posible system.

The set of all the posible
systems and structures
depend on the properties of
primitive/primitives, on their
numerical quantity, on the
trans-contextual conditions
and on the specific contextual

The properties of the wholes
depend on the properties of
ontological primitives, on the
quantity of the ontogical
primitives that constitue
them, on their structures;
there exist emergent

An ontologically posible
mind is not a product of

human brain, but it is a
human discovery.

The posible minds, the
properties of ontological
primitive/primitives, the laws
of univers, are not products
of human mind;their
existence is not conditionated
by humans; humans cannot
exist if they would not exist;
they had existed before the
life apparition and can to
exist if life would no longer

The ontological posibility of
human brain is implicated by
the properties of ontological
primitive/primitives, by their
sufficient quantity and by

some specific contextual

What is physically posible
do not depend at all on the
imagination of brain, but only
on the universal and local
physical constraints.

Implementation of a certain
ontologically posible mind
may be not independent of
human brain, but what is
ontologically posible in every
context in space and time will
never depend on human
brain, maybe.

Question: What is the
necessary level of univers? Is

there something
indestructible in Univers?
We can to conceive the
whole space being empty.
But, we cannot to imagine
something aspatial.

Is there something more
primitive than the empty
space in univers?

Is there something that
would can affect the space

...The matter density in some
region of space can increase
and decrease, but the space
itself cannot be destructed?...

Now, considered
etimologicaly, philosophy
have the sense of love of
wisdom. In an analog way,
we can consider that the
eternal regulative ideal of
philosophy is wisdom. We
saw that initial it was
considered that wisdom
involve the knowledge of
being, but then appeared an
enrichment, preoccupation
for the knowledge of
becoming, then for the
knowledge of humanity, then
for the knowledge of the
limits of the pure reason, and
so on. The history of
philosophy reveal that the
term philosophy have a
dynamical intension and

extension. What would
should to justify the inclusion
or exclusion of certain
conditions to the conceptual
sense of philosophy is their
consistency with its final
ideal: wisdom. This historical
development and enrichment
of intension and extension of
the love of wisdom make us
to anticipate that wisdom is
an ideal toward we tend
and/or progress, not a
something present wich we
would need just to analize,
like brain. I think that, brain
itself is nothing more than an
mean wich participate, by its
development, at the
realization of this ideal result,

and in conditions in wich its
functions or capacities can be
multiple implementable,
brain is not the only mean or
the necessary condition, the
posibility condition of
wisdom. If those capacities of
brain (like control of
movement, stimulus
reception and codification,
information processing,
imagination, problem
solving) are reproductible by
robots, then the neuronal
level is not a necessary
condition for the posibility of

The necessary and universal
characteristics of whatever
posible mind are a set of

capacities wich can be
implementated by
architectures wich can be
different both at the
level(the same capacity can
supervene on different
structures that do not
simulate brain arhitecture)
and at the implementational

As Block said, "it can be
implementated mecanicaly,
electricaly, biologicaly."

Brain is specialized in
realization of certain
function/functions like:

sensory functions:

(a) reception, codification
and processing of the light
quanta flow, in the limits of
some frequencies.
(b) reception, codification,
processing of acustic/air
pertubations, in some limits.
(c) reception, codification,
processing of the stimulus
coming from the interaction
with macrobjects.
motor functions:
for the reglation of
(a) for movement
(b) for the movement in the
external environment.
(c) for the internal motions
adjustment (as the motions of
heart, etc.)

for the codificated store of
for the abstract processing
of information.
for reasoning.

But, the function or the
ultimate utility of all this
functions and subsystems of
the brain-system is only one:
survival and optimization of
conditions of life; to
maximize the quantity and
quality of life;or the
preservation and the
improvement of life. A beter
visual system can help an
animal to resolve some vital
problems. But, the accuteness
of human vision is inferior
whith regard to the vision

accuteness of other animal
visual system. Humans are
superior to all animals with
respect to reasoning and
abstract processing of
information/content. In the
case of a conscious
authonomous robot this final
function or mission would
can be conservation of its
integrity, information... I
think that, feelings have an
unconscious very important
role in animals motivation.
The feelings of pain and
pleasure have a fundamental
role in the motivation of
animals. If animals would not
feel pain when are damaged,
how much time would they
survive? If they would not

feel the feeling of hungry, if
they would not feel any
pleasure in their life, would
they sufficient time to
reproduce theirself? That is
why a robot which would
have the capacity of feeling
pain when is damaged would
much resemble whith
animals, in its behaviour. On
the other hand, feelings
neither are necessary for
survival, nor are necessary
for presevation of the
integrity of a robot. The
capacity of abstract
processing of
information(coming from
other sensorial systems) and
the capacity of reasoning can

also realize the role or the
utlity of feelings. A robot can
be programated to have an
ultimate mission and to use
all its cogntive powers to
realize it. But in this case its
freedom would be only means. Bones,
muscles, brains have as an
ultimate utility or mission to
solve the preservation and
optimization of life problem?

We can conceive for every
neuronal network of brain an
artificial network wich is
superior both in quantity of
its components and in its
organizational properties, that
is in its performance. What is

essential is the final utility,
the set of actual structures
and the actual capacities
maybe is not the best one.
Can we conceive superior
alternative capacities of
mind? Is the abstract
principles of life multiple
concretizable? If the first
person level of an individual
human can supervene on
different material
implementations, if its long
therm memory would can be
transferred, then the problem
of imortality is multiple
solvable. However, here I
had made a grave, but,
unconscious intended eror.
Suppose that we would have
the power to double usself.

So as, linings would do not
differ qualitatively. Would
this mean that if we would
die but our lining would
survive, we had not die? No!
Two atoms of hidrogen are
not composed by the same
elementary particles, but only
by the same type of
elementary particles. I
attracted the attention on the
fact that two things cannot be
identical in the summer of
2003, when one of my
anemies(Stefanescu Adina.),
reactively to my thesis
suggested something about
the Harnad's indiscernability.

Now, what is more important
Cognitive Science or

Gerontology? What is more
mean and what is more aim?
For humans gerontology is
more important than creation
of robots. Robots should to
serve humans. That is why
my fundamental idea is:

Two objects never can be
absolute identical,
indifferently how many
properties they share,
because they are

When I presented first time,
in a primitive version,
Towards a Philosophy of
gerontology, some of my
anemies tried to extend in
mases hate against me by

suggesting the feeling that
my speech is against
When I refered to one of
them, in my previous version,
next day, some local political
voices suggested indirectly
that "some" do not listed the
good things that had been
maded locally and that are a
danger for the national
interests! To be local
politicians so interested of
philosophy? Or had been
they helped by some friends
to see my works?
This kind of deceptive and
manipulative behaviour is
present in all the countries of
the world and its agents are a
danger for the eternal

interests of humanity. Maybe,
at the top of the political
level are not those who
deserve to be there, but those
who are the best in deceptive
and manipulative inteligence.

Short digression

A manipulative person can
inhibit a person X
behaviour(by fear), by
exciting the hate of a mas Y,
by giving an ethicaly
negative misinterpretation of
X's behaviour. To be more
eficient, the manipulative
person can give an
antinational or antihuman
interpretation of X's
behaviour. Every human

action can be antinational or
antihuman misinterpreted by
those who have a deceptive
and manipulative retoric. The
person can prepare the mases
to be very agressive at some
point of time, progressively.
It can progress until the idea
that is more better to die one
single person than a nation.
Or if two person are in
competition for something,
one of them, the deceptive
one can try to suggest to
mases that its competitor
have some familiar duty and
is more better for it to stay
home or something. Or, to
inhibe the progress of its

competitor a deceptive
person rob its competitor
intimate journal from its
naive adolescence and treath
him with its publicity.That is,
the deceptive persons use
even ethics to misinterpret
and deceptively manipulate
humans. A little nation can
affected(e.g., robed) by a
more powerful nation. A
religious representative can
give the folowing
"explanation": "this was
permitted by god, due the
decrease of faith in the first
nation". A political leader
can provide this teleological
explanation:"this to punish
the antidemocratic politics

[practiced by the little
nation] and to stimulate
religious faith increase". If it
is not truth, however, will be
That is why every wrong
action can be deceptively
Or, another, a media agency
present at the place of an
interbinational conflict select
and transmit to other nations
only those news that are in
the favour of one part and is
for the destruction of other
one; and all this in function
of offers. All is negociable,
even the right to kill.
At least some political
actions are the sublime
expression of the most

barbarian will. And this
posibilities can be infinitely
diversified, developed and
mixed function of requests
and offers. With regard to
this type of man, "we will
never survive unless..."
You do not think that this
persons should be detected,
discredited and eradicated
from leadership?

Reflection on the idea of
nothing and its relevance
for science and humanity

On the reference of the idea
of nothing
It seems to me that there can
be no absolute nothing.

an idea is not nothing;
indeed, every posible
cognitive system is material
and, therefore, is a function
of matter; it is something
material: as a material state
of a material system;
therefore, until we have any
idea, the absolute nothing
cannot be.
on the other hand, if the
quantity of energy from
universe is constant, that is,
if energy cannot be
destroyed, but only
transformed from a state in
an another state, than outer
nothing cannot be, therefore
absolute nothing cannot be,

that is nothing both inside
and outside, cannot be. If
the empty space is
indestructible, than the same
it holds.

On the content of the idea of

By our experience of relative
nothing(e.g., an empty box
or by the experince of
relative destruction) we can
arrive, by mental operations,
at the idea of absolute
nothing, by extension. Or by
thinking at a continuously
reduction of a cognitive
content of an idea(e.g., we
can arrive until the idea of 0).
As we can arrive at the idea

of infinit...That is, by
increasing continuously
somehow a cognitive content.

But, any idea in order to be
understooded should to have
a content. Thus, idea of
nothing cannot be
understooded without starting
or relating it with something
positive content. 0 is
understooded relative to
quantity. The empty can be
understooded only relative to
matter or physical and space.

That is why, the idea of
nothing have, however, a is not merely
negation, in addition is the
negation of all that is .

On the other hand, we must
to understand that the idea of
nothing is something
material, is a material state of
a material system.

Only together with a positive
content this idea is
~ single have not any

Even single, ~ have a
content, although not a
meaningful content.

Therefore, the idea of nothing
does not involve an ideatic

However, we can think
somehow at the idea of
absolute nothing positive
content, but this idea is not
content-empty. We can
anticipate the idea of absolute
nothing, but we cannot arrive
to it...
My fundamental idea is that

there can be no an absolute
empty-content idea

But, content can to come
from many sensorial systems,
not only from visual system.

And, many animals have
sensorial contents.

I think that, there are animals
with better senses than

That is why mental
are very important.

As was argued by Quartz and
Sejnowsky in The neural
basis of cognitive
development , evolution of
cognition lead to a more
flexible capacity of forming
free representation...but, as
they argue, development also
involve an increase of the
complexity of
representations...not a
reduction to nothing...

Therefore, a depeer
understanding of everithing
involve more
coherence of all that is from
bottom to top.

The nothing cannot increase
the inteligibility of science. I
fear that idea of nothing is a
sterile one.


Neither science nor animal
cognition, evolutionarily
speaking, do not begin with
the nothing-content, but with
some content, at least a
sensorial content.

We do not start from nothing-
content, but we anticipate this
idea starting from some

More than simplity we want
inteligibility, and this involve
not only isolates primitives,
but also relations, structures,
processes etc.

We should to arrive not to the
idea of nothing, but to the
coherence of the whole the
understanding of all that is.
And this is not thanks to the
idea of nothing.

Humans and the whole
existence will never

participate toward idea of

Neither had we started, nor
we should to arrive at the
idea of nothing.

We should to arrive at the
understandig of all that is, all
that was, all that will be and
finally to understanding all
that can be and all that cannot
be; to an ultimate but
coherent understanding of all
...and to the discovery of
those posibities that will
make we happy. Not to
Neither simplity nor
economy is our ultimate and
necessary scientific and

philosophical aims. By
science we want primarly
understanding and secondly
happiness. The lather involve
extension of life quantity and
quality. The lather involve
r and maybe others.

Towards a unification by

We observe that, at the same
time with the extension of
science, art and culture
domains it is posible the
extension of domains of
philosophy, for exemple
apparition of philosophy of
gerontology. However, the

enrichment of the content of
the term philosophy may be
initiated even from the inside
of philosophy itself. The
progress in philosophy can
result in multiple ways:

by development of some
ancient fundamental
questions and answers.
by abandonment of some
theses, directions wich had
been proved untrue,
inexacte or improper.
by addition of new topics
supervened by philosophic
intuition and reflection.

And, may be, every domain
of reality or even the
posibility can to become an

object for philosophical
reflection, but much more
those themes wich are more
compatible with its
fundamental philosophycal
ideal: wisdom. Reasoning
thinking, and its forms, is the
necesary condition of human
wisdom, but it is not enough.
What it can be wisdom? Or,
at least, in great lines, with
what it is incompatible?
Wisdom cannot mean
ignorance, therefore it is
compatible with cognition.
However, wisdom cannot
mean any knowledge:
philosophy is not identical
neither with science, nor with
religion or art. And, some
proper objects for cognitive

philosophy, had been showed
before . On the other hand,
wisdom cannot mean
insuficient inteligence,
therefore it must involve also
inteligence. In absolute,
inteligence involve the
capacity of solving problems,
indifferent of their
importance or values for
humans. But, in addition,
wisdom should to involve
also the evaluation of the
fundamental function or
pragmatic utility of
inteligence in acord with the
fundamental needs of
biobeings. Thus, wisdom is
compatibile with the
conscious attempt to resolve
the folowing problems:

survival; adaptation have a
value only as a mean to
survival, not an absolute
value; sometimes is more
wiser the adaptation of
univers to the needs of
optimization of life
extension of life span.
eradication of senescence, if
it will be posible.
and progressing in this
sense we tend towards an
ideal limit: imortality and

In addition to inteligence,
wisdom must to involve the
capacity of correct

appreciation of the possesor
most important aims, for long
term. I propose the folowing
measure law , as a potential
biouniversal law of wisdom:

The wisdom of creatures,
either at individual level or at
species level, is directly
proportional to the quantity,
quality and the balance
between quantity and quality
of their life in the history of
univers; however,
considering the dificulty of
their contextual conditions
of life.

This law is well-grounded on
a supposition and
appreciation of what is and
what should to be the final
aims of all
survival, conservation and
development of life].

For 3,x miliards of years, the
final sense or utility of most
interactions either conscious
or unconscious, of
knowledge, of the navigation
within environment, of the
political organizations and
actions was the increase of
the quantity and the quality
of life, at least for actor. By
quality of life I mean all the

good mental pleasures(like
those related to freedom,
justice, cognition, love, non-
deceptive pleasures etc.) . I
think that philosophy neither
is deceptive inteligence nor is
manipulative inteligence.
Wisdom is consistent with
justice, but all the humans in
world try to impose theirself
by every imoral means.
Everyone aspire to
manipulate human mases. For
most of humans wisdom is
relative to the power to gain
many. Many is the ultimate
ethics of most humans.

Now, previous
considerations(the good
ones) can function as

alternative conditions wich
enrich the conceptual sense
of philosophy term. Or, they
can subsume the alternative
conditions. If mankind would
be suddenly threatened by a
natural disaster, as a collision
with an celestial body or by a
new glacial era, all the human
knowledge would be utilized
as a mean to solving the
problem/aim of survival and
unlimited conservation of
life. In relation with the other
body parts, brain have a role
of control, orientation,
problems(like survival,
reproduction and other
involved by happiness)
solving, but in relation with
life is only a mean; the

mental life of brain depend
on the life, the state and the
functional relation between
its (neuronal, glial)cells; and
survival and conservation of
other body parts cells depend,
at least in part, on the brain
inteligence; there is an
interdependence here. Human
mind have as fundamental
tack, or,

the "spirit" or the" finality"
of brain is the conservation
and the optimization of life.

From this perspective, of
maximal extension of the
quantity of life and in an non-
suficient measure of its
quality, I wish to draw

atention on the importance,
because it is compatibile with
the biouniversal wisdom law,
of gerontology, and to the
posibility of a philosophy of

2. Fundamental
considerations on aging

In what it will folow, I want
to present a minimal
consideration on some
important aspects of

2.1. Definition of senescence

Eremia consider that,
"senescence is apparently the
spontaneous process of
progressively deterioration of
life structures, released at the
molecular level, starting with
the first moment of this
structures and having as
result the permanent
reduction of biological
performances, as well as the
increase of the risk of life
cesation as a result of all
environmental aggressions
kinds".([Eremia, p.38])

2.2. On the process of

Strehler divide the processes
of senescence in two

determinated , by wich he
understand that part of any
senescent process wich is
geneticaly determinated.
and, subsidiary, related to
the aggressions efects wich
appear in the frame of the
interactions between body
and environment.

Most gerontologists (cf.
Eremia) consider that a
process is senescent when it
fulfil the folowing four
fundamental conditions:

universality: all the
members of species must to
be affected by it with time.
progressivity: wich suppose
that the lesions wich are at
base of senescence are
acumulated with time; the
affection of a
macromolecule is
spontaneous, but
accumulation of this lesions
it is produced gradualy and,
therefore, progressively,
to be intrinsic: are excluded
those lesions wich come
from external causes as
to be noxious.

2.3. The Forms of the Time

Eremia unify under the 'time
pressure' phrase the folowing
factors with senectogen

thermic agitation of
molecules wich implement
the structure of life.
fotonic and corpuscular
bombardment caming under
the form of environmental
interconnection of
macromolecular chains, in
special of proteins and
nucleus acids, wich is the
chemical reaction wich
generate the most ample

noxious efect, starting from
the most lower level
chemical interaction.

2.4. Explanatory-Theoretic
Aspects of Senecence

In his "An attempt at a
rational clasification of
theories of aging", Medvedev
estimated the number of
theories wich explain aging
to approximately three
hundred. This is a part of
them(cf. Eremia):

1. Theories of genetical

1.1. The hypothesis of
morphogenetic active
program- wich release the
death of animal at short time
after the end of reproduction
act (at species as somon,
marsupial mouse etc.) or at
short time after certain
modifications of
environmental properties
(day shortening, drought

1.2. The hypothesis of
postreproductive suicide
program - most often by non-
feeding ( at some insects,
nematods etc.).

1.3. The hypotheses of
morphogenetical passive

1.3.0.The hypothesis of aging
as a continuation of
differentiation, as a
supradifferentiation or as a
increase of genes repression.

1.3.1. The hypothesis of
aging as a disdifferentiation
with genes repression
disappearance and
disregulation of sequential

1.3.2.The hypothesis of aging
as an efect of incomplete
repression of development

1.4.The hypotheses of the
existence of some specific or
non-specific genes of

1.4.0.The hypothesis of non-
balance between mutator and
antimutator genes action.

1.4.1. The hypothesis of some
pleiotropic genes wich act in
the late life.

1.4.2. The hypothesis of the
programmed synthesis of
some mitotic inhibitors or of
some inhibitors of
transcription and translation.

1.4.3. The hypothesis of some
mutations wich accellerate
aging (theories inspirated
from human the sindroms of
premature aging).

1.5. The hypotheses of the
existence of some longevity
specific genes.

1.5.0. Hypotheses based on
the identification of some
genes wich extend the life of
some inferior eukariotes.

1.5.1. Hypotheses wich
explain the human superior
longevity comparatively with
the primates by some
additional genes that have

1.5.2. Hypotheses wich have
as starting point the
identification of mammals
longevity genes with the help
of selection by hibridization.

1.5.3. Hypothesis of the
existence of some genetical
programs for correction wich
are released only in germinal

1.6. Hypotheses about the
existence of some biological
clocks .

1.6.0. Hypothesis of the
existence of temporal genes,
hypothesis of gradual loss of
temporal organization,

hypotheses based on the
connections between
senescence and biorhythms.

1.6.1. Hypothesis of DNA
shortening in postmitotical

1.6.2. Hypothesis of DNA
repetitive sequences

1.6.3. Hypothesis of limited
potential of cellular

1.6.4. Hypothesis of the
cellular "capitulation".

1.6.5. Hypothesis about
hipotalamic neuroendocrin

2. Theories of the first

2.0. Hypothesis of wear by

2.1. Hypothesis of

2.2. The Hypothesis of the
suffocation by waste

2.3.The Hypothesis of
calcification (calcifilaxiei).

2.4. The Hypotheses of the
diminution of the co-
ordination grade between the
metabolic pathways.

2.5. The Hypothesis of the
erors in the protein synthesis.

2.6. The Hypothesis of the
secondary efects of the
intermediar metabolits.

2.7. The theory of the free

2.8. The theory of the thermic

2.9.The theory of somatic

2.10.The theory of entropy.

2.11. The theory of the
deuterium accumulation.

2.12. The theory of the
accumulation of some
metabolits isomers.

2.13. The theory of the
metallic ions accumulation.

2.14. The theory of the
radiations senectogen efects.

2.15. Theories of lesions by

3. Theories based on the
analysis of senescence
manifestations at the

molecular, cellular and
organic level

3.0.Theories of the structural
stabilization and of the

3.1. Theories based on the
calitative modifications of
protein by post-translational

3.2. Theories based on the
cantitative changes of

3.3. Theories based on
modifications in protein

3.4. Theories based on
modifications of structure of
nucleus acids.

3.4.0. Hypothesis of DNA
chain breakings.

3.4.1. Hypothesis of DNA
metilation diminuation.

3.4.2. Hypothesis of metalic
ions wich are connected with

3.4.3. Hypothesis of
modifications in DNA

4. Evolutionary Theories

4.0. Theories of rate of

4.1. Theories based on the
correlations between
breeding rate and aging rate.

4.2. Theories based on the
correlation between
development lenght and rate
of aging.

4.3. Theories based on the
carrelations between body
sizes and life span.

4.4. Theories based on the
correlations between some
modifications at molecular
level and the life span.

4.5. Theories based on the
correlations between some
modifications at genetic level
and rate of aging.

4.6. Theories based on the
correlations between some
modifications at celular level
and longevity.

4.7. Theories based on the
correlations between tisular
regeneration performances or
of celular proliferation and
life span.

5. Theories of certain
particular tissues aging

5.0. Theory of the colesterol
in aterosclerosis.

5.1. Theory of the protein
modification in cristalin

5.2. Theory of eritrocites

5.3. Theory of tooths

7. Unificatory Theories:

- wich try to combine
elements from different
groups of theories; for
exemple, so called "network
theory of aging" elaborated
by Kowald and Kirkwood in
1994, wich join the theory of

erors with the theory of free

The problem wich is put in
gerontology is that of
distinction between efects
and causes.The main
question will be always the

is the incriminated
modification really a first
cause of senescence or is
only the result of some
emergent changes from a
more fundamental
level?([Hayflick, 1983]).

Eremia had affirmed that
"most gerontologists consider
that senescence is, most

probable, a multicauzal and
multifactorial phenomenon,
at wich realization take part
many biophysical,
biochemical and biological
mechanisms. Each type of
cell, tissue, organ or
organism have its proper
trajectory of aging. Cellular
senescent processes are at
the base of global
phenomenon of aging, but
they form, at the same time,
the component elements of a
an interactive superior
hierachical network of wich
integrity is deteriorated with
time. There are senescent
processes wich affect systems
of different hierachical

p.126])[italics are of mine].

As we have seen before, in
the Medvedev' rational
classification, most theories
of senescence indicated
different factors with
senectogen efect. It is
possible that certain factors
to be of non-first order. Then
would be posible an
explanatory reductionism at
some first/final senectogen
factors? But, the process of
senescence is released only
from the fundamental
[physical, chemical] level
towards macroscopic, tissular
levels? There is no a
bidirectionality? Psychical

stress[at the sistemic,
emergent, macroneronal
level] would cannot affect
senectogenly the individual
cells level? Or the human
etiological and therapeutic
ignorance [I think at the
power of present-day
gerontology to eradicate
senescence] would cannot
take a place, as a condition,
in a rational, complete
explanation of human aging?
We see that, the senescence
conditions cannot be found in
totatlity at an fundamental
atomic-molecular] level,
because cognition and human
ignorance are states wich
depend on the dynamical

interactions in the space
phases of a cellular ensemble.
Therefore, a complete
explanation of senescence,
wich have to expose all the
conditions of senescence,
cannot be a reductionistic
one, because human
ignorance is a cognitive
insufficiency and conscious
cognitive level is an
emergent one. And, if
psychical stress may
influence the speed or the
rate of aging, than again the
reductive explanation is
incomplete. Human
conscience is not to be found
at the singular intraneuronal
level. On the other hand,
senectogen factors can be

both intrinsec[ for exemple,
replicative senecence] and
extrinsec [for exemple,
reactive species of oxigen
ROS], wich make havier the
reduction of explanation to a
singular factor with
senectogen efect. On the
other hand, if we would unify
the previous theories
clasificated by Medvedev and
create the folowing

T1 or T2 or ...or
X is a human
X will become specifically
old in a specific time, with a
specific rate (sure, if it will
not die because of certain

accident or incurable

we would make a non-valid
reasoning, because, on the
one hand,
we have not a demonstration
of senescence eradication
imposibility, on the other
hand, a good explanation of
human aging must to
include all the causes of
aging in order to justify all
the efects/manifestations of
aging. A single cause of
aging that human body
cannot neutralize it is
sufficient to produce aging,
but a different form af
aging, a different rate of
aging, a different longevity.

But, there is a mea rate of
human aging wich determ a
mean human longevity.
And if the eradication of
aging is not imposible, than
aging is a contingent
fenomenon and previous
conclusion is not necesary,
therefore the reasoning is
non-valid. Us hope is that
human aging can and will be
eradicated, maximal
minimized, or at least, very
much minimized. If there are
non-aging cells, like those
wich are caled "imortal"---
but they can be destructed---,
than aging, relativ to class of
all living things, is not an
universal and necesary

But, our reasoning is relative
to human. Our present
ignorance permite to us
neither to eradicate aging nor
to know if the prediction is
necesary. If human aging is
contingent, than in the
explanation of the human
actual non wanted aging,
ignorance have necesarily a
role to play, as a condition
that permit. If human aging is
non-necesary, even if for
human its eradication will be
for a long time or forever
imposible, than the reasoning
conclusion-prediction is non-
necesary or contingent. And
therefore, the reductive
explanation of aging is

incomplete. But, even if
human aging would be
ineradicable, the explanation
of specific of human aging
traiectory would require a
consideration of human body
arhitecture, of its structural
and functional specificity.
General cellular senescence
would indiferently explain
the aging of all mamals, but
there are certain diferences
wich cannot be explanated
without refering to special
structural or arhitectural
conditions. On the other
hand, now humans can
modulate in some limits the
rate of aging, and in this case
the pro-longevive actions are
initiated from a macrolevel.

If we want an unificatory
theory of aging, it must be a
general theory or a disjuntive
one; but, a theory wich unify
all the theories of aging by a
disjunction would unify
factors wich are at diferent
levels of organization. Aging
also can be conceived as
failure of systems,
transbiogenically. From a
philosophical point of view,
wich tend to the
absolute(necessary and
sufficient conditions), these
are good tendencies. Such
general theory of aging
would offer an most extense
and rational understanding of
aging. On the other hand, the
most general=universal

theory is the most minimal
one. If we restrict our general
theory of aging to the class of
living things, than that theory
should to refer to celullar
processes, because the most
simple living thing is a
unicelullar. But, how much
resemble, or how much
relevance have the unicelullar
senescence to the human
senescence? Eremia have
wrote that anemona, a
pluricelular organism, do not
age because it continuously
replace its unicelullar parts.
Some even have said that all
unicelullar do not age,
because they are imortal; in
this case a biouniversal
theory of aging is not posible.

However, a general theory of
aging can be general in
another sense: it is general
not relativ to all the living
things but to all the things
that are agingable or
senescentable. And, if we
conceive aging as
transbioaging than that theory
will be from an absolute
perspective very good, but
from a perspective wich
quest for a complete
explanation of human aging
will be very minimal and
insuficient. But, we must
evaluate theories also from
the point of view of solving
the problem of eradication of
human aging. It seem that a
such general theory of aging

would offer the most rational
help toward creating a
fundamental strategy for
eradicating of human aging.
But, a general theory of aging
cannot substantiate a
complete explanation of
human aging; and, if that
theory cannot justify all the
aspects of human aging, than
the strategy wich is based on
it cannot lead to eradicating
of human aging. On the other
hand, those laws of nature,
like termodynamics laws, that
explain the failure of
nonliving things, cannot
explain or are quasi-irelevant
for explanation of living
things. Living things cannot
leave in state of minimal

entropy(Oexle). If the laws of
nature that explain the
progressive deterioration of
non-living things are truthly
irrelevant to the explanation
of the aging of living things,
than can be a general theory
of aging? If the answer is yes,
in what sense? A such theory
must be a covery theory, not
general. It must must to refer
at a formal generality, or
formal abstractivity. We must
to conceive the general
concept or idea of aging as an
progressive, cumulative
process of deterioration wich
can be initiated both from the
inside and the outside of
body. The form of
senescence traiectory of

diverse objects, or the their
senescence rates are not
identical but similar. Those
characters of process of aging
that are proper only to living
things, like noxiousness or
the diminuation of biological
performances, cannot be
characteristics of the
universal form aging. Only
the progessiveness of a
deterioration can constitue
the universal form of aging.

Now I want to return to the
previous reasoning-
prediction-explanation. For
the conclusion to form a
necesary consequence, the
premises must to form a
sufficient condition. But,

even if the theories from the
first premise are all true, we
dont know if they form or not
form a complete causal
explanation; sure, the causal
explanation is not a complete
explanation because it do not
see the permissibility
conditions of aging. And, it
seem that the previous
theories form a complete
causal explanation of aging,
but the premises of explanans
are not sufficient to
determine the conclusion as a
necessary consequence-
prediction. Because the
conditions are not sufficient;
explanans do not contain a
explicit condition about the
imposibility of eradication of

aging. If the argument would
contain a condition about the
absolute imposibility of
eradication of aging or about
the imposibility to arrive at
this result, by the progress of
science, in a given period of
time(in the life of X), than
the prediction would folow
with necessity. However, our
reasoning was formed in an
absolute form, in the
conditions is not established
a temporal interval. That
global aging must
correlate(Shurtz) or depend
(Thalos) on endogenous(e.g.,
genetical, celullar, tisular
carelates) and
exogenous(e.g., physical
and/or evolutionary

conditions) senectogen
corelates it is truth, but in
order to a consequence to be
necessary its
condition/conditions must be
sufficient. For Schurz, "an
explicit and complet answer
to an explanation-seeking
question ?P is formally a pair
A = (Prem, Prem=>P)(for it
claims Prem to be true and
Prem => P to be correct... .
Prem is the descriptive and
Prem=>P the inferential part
of A"(Schurz 1999).
In our case, the endogenous
and exogenous correlates of
aging can form Prem. And,
this Prem implies P=aging
phenomenon. But, there is a
problem: even if the causal

corpus from Prem is
complete, the implication is
relative. If Harnad was right
when he said that physical
laws are contingent, then
there is no implication there.
If the implication it holds
only in the case in wich are
excluded accidents or
antiaging interventions than it
is relative to some conditions.
Should we add always some
conditions to
causes/correlates in Prem to
sustain the ontological
implication of Con?

2.5. Some philosophical
Toughts on the explanation
of aging

Human body, as a
multicelular colony, is a part
of whole univers; it neither
can isolate itself from the
univers nor can live in the
outside of universe; for
exemple, it need to inhale
oxigen and to ingurgitate
food from exterior. A living
being wich would live
eternaly by its proper
energetical production would
resemble with a perpetum
mobile. But, the atempt to
reduce/limited the
explanation of aging at a
physical process as entropy
was criticated. In this sense,
Oexle, a specialist, consider
that " Simple generalizing
explanations of aging in

terms of entropy are
insufficient for the following
reasons: i) Non-equi-librium
entropy itself is not a simple
concept. ii) The second law
of thermodynamics does not
demand that each temporal
process has to be explained in
terms of entropy. iii)
Thermodynamic entropy
must not be confused with
informational entropies, i.e.,
complexity measures. iv)
None of them is sufficient to
explain biological
organization. The same
applies to the explanation of
disorgan-ization in aging.
Indeed, both types of entropy
may decrease with age. v)
Theories that explain aging

as a declining sequence of
minimal entropy production
states, are not well founded
in thermodynamics.
Organisms do not live in
states of minimal entropy
production. Declining
entropy production is a
consequence but not the
cause of an age-dependent
decline in metabolic activity.
Aging is a function of self-
mainten-ance which varies
between species and was set
by evolution but not by
thermo-dynamic laws. vi)
The effect of free energy
availability on aging is not
transmitted by entropy. vii)
The overall entropy
production of an organism

indicates its activity, but is
not a useful measure of
efficiency. The P/O-ratio
(rate of ADP phosphorylation
per oxygen consumption)
does not seem to decline
significantly with age. viii)
Aging involves all aspects of
life. Neither life nor aging
can be explained sufficiently
by a single state parameter
such as entropy. Minute
changes in a regulatory part
may cause large, positive or
negative changes in entropy
and entropy production of the
entire system. ix)
Bioenergetics, i.e., the
research on regulation of and
by free energy, should be fit
into the framework of

emergent properties of an
organism. Then it will
contribute to the
understanding of aging".
And, I think that, even if the
universal spatial background,
the quasi-elementary physical
properties, alltogether with
micro an macro forces
influence, would determine
the fundamental laws of
matter compositionality, and,
therefore, would lie at base of
all forms of posible material
existence, and if microscopic
events would lie at the base
of macroscopic entropic
processes, if entropy would
have a fundamental influence
toward deterioration of all
microscopic existents,

however explanation of a
specific deterioration of
certain class of existents,
aging of living sistems,
would involve also
conditions related to their
specific body arhitecture, and
this would mean that, realy,
entropy neither have a
sufficient and may be neither
a necessary role in the
bioaging explanation. Appear
the folowing question: 'really
living organism cannot elude
the process of entropy?' or
'have entropy a necessary
senectogen efect/influence in
every moment of life?' At
least, at the age of breeding,
it seem that entropy, in the
sense of

increasing, have not power;
and than it is not a absolute
inevitable fenomen; therefore
the necessary condition of
human aging must to be at a
more specific level. The
causes of human aging are
both external(for, exemple,
ROS) and internal (for
exemple, replicative
senescence). But wath about
the posibility
condition/conditions of
aging. It seem that
destructibility or perishability
of human body is its first
condition of aging, if aging is
understuded as a progressive
deterioration it is a kind of
destruction. But this is also

posibility condition of
accidental death. May be this
condition is too large or there
are multiple conditions that
only together form a aging
posibility condition.
However, human aging is not
a simple or general form of
progressive deterioration; it
involve that some cells to
arrive non-replicative stage,
some cells must to acumulate
certain substances(lipofuscin,
neurofibrilary tangles, senile
plaques and others),
deterioration of certain
pathways for signal
transmission; the human
aging is more than the sum of
celular senescence, but the
interneuronal pathways are

also parts of body...; human
aging is not a simple
deterioration of organization
or is not just this, it is a
progressive decrease of
functional capacities wich
may supervene not only on
deterioration(for exemple,
lipofuscin acumulation or
quantitative neuronal loss). A
part of aging supervene on
organizational deterioration
and other parts can depend on
a functional decrease wich is
determinated not only of
body microparts organization
deterioration. We must to
reduce death to a form of
destruction: life destruction,
at least at the whole body

level. And, we must to reduce
aging at a decrease process, it
is a regressive unidirectional
change of body. Aging is a
specific change at a higher
level wich may
emerge/supervene on
multiple microchanges, wich
are not all of a deterioration
character. Surely this change
is a structural one, but this
structural change not involve
just deterioration, but also
acumulation(lipofuscin) or
cantitative decrease(neuronal
loss, or loss of viable cells).
But, what make posible these
emergent changes? On the
one hand, the imperfection of
body: absence of certain

regenerative mechanisms [for
anti(telomere shoretening)] ,
the insufficience eficiency of
some preventive, protective,
reparative mechanisms(like
those again ROS attack, wich
are antioxidant substances
like: tocoferols, SOD,
ascorbic acid), the absecence
of some mechanisms for
elimination of certain
substances(lipofuscin) wich
acumulate continuosly in
body, and on the other hand
certain cognitive
We know about a
reduction/regresion of
DHEA, melatonin)production
in aging, but wath are its

causes and wath are its
condition of posibility? In
other cases we know about
the inexistence of some
mechanism for regulation of
some processes (e.g., celullar
senescence, apopthosis,
arteries calcification([Judit,
2003; Wick et al 2003]) of
wich action is senectogen on
long term. But, is the
eradication of aging problem
suitable to be solutionated at
the genetic level? I dont
belive. The solution of this
problem involve thinking and
cooperation of some
researchers, conscious
inteligences. However, brain
arhitecture specificity is
partial geneticaly

determinated ([Delacour
1998]), and therefore, certain
cognitive capacities( like
thinking power) and their
limits are at least partial
geneticaly predestinated, but
not forever and the solution
to the aging eradication is not
inborn." In the nature/nurture
debate that still pervade
neuroscience, Gazzaniga
argues in favor of nature, by
emphasizing that nurture
alone is not enough to shape
brain function. He advocates
a prominent role for
modularity, adaptive
specialization and genetically
driven mechanisms in the
development of the

brain"(Teixeira 1998).
However, I think that the
most general behavioural
actions and attitudes of
individual life form have
formed a specialzation; this
specialization maybe
have determined a minimal
change at the genetic level;
maybe some genetical
changes due to continuosly
learning have accumulated
very slowly until the
apparition of...species. Both
genetic factors and nurture
factors should be involved in
the explanation of human
mind development. But, with
regard to ontogenetic
development of mind, I
agreed with Quartz and

Sejnowsky: "learning is a
dynamic interaction between
a changing, structured
environment and neural
mechanisms. The neural
machinery is extensively
shaped by activity stemming
from the environment, while
its intrinsic properties also
constrain this modulation and
play an indispensable role in
shaping the resulting
structures "( Quartz, S. &
Sejnowski, T.J., 1997). I
think that, something from
this structures can be
genetically transmited.

The solution to the problem
of eradication of aging, wich
is one of the main

provocation of human mind,
require the more efficient and
the more rapid,
intermediation of human
brain cognitive capacities. I
tend to belive and hope that,
the imperfection of
antisenectogen biological
mechanisms of human body
or the absence of certain
compensatory means for its
imperfection have as a
condition of posibility the
present human ignorance; I
tend to reduce the aging
posibility condition to some
insufficience of mind's
cognitive states. I believe that
we age and die because of
foolishness. Human organism
was not designed by a

conscious inteligence, like a
race car. There is no an
external entity wich is call
evolution or natural selection
wich act as a physical force
on the living organisms.
However, there was and there
is a fight for survival,
reproduction, adaptation,
domination, fame, by force,
deceptive conditioning or by
a subtle psychological
coercition. Adaptation have
not an independent of context
value, it have value only
when is necessary for
survival or for progress.
Progress itself is required
only when is necessary for
something, at least for
happiness. The previous

problems can be solved in
multiple ways, wich had
maded posible the
appearance of certain habits-
wich later have genetically

If certain species have
survived until now, this mean
that they have some
capacities wich, on the one
hand, advantage their
survival posibility, on the
other hand, advantage them
much more in solving of
some fundamental
problems(for exemple,
reproduction, adaptation,
control and manipulation of
minds, comunication, social

organization and orhers).
Nobody have selected these
capacities, but they had
advantaged much more some
species wich consequently
have imposed themselves in
number, fight, adaptation,
reproduction etc. May be, the
most important value-
capacity for evolution is
inteligence, and the
diferences are gradually.
Why isn't body endowed with
mechanisms wich to permite
it to remain forever young?
Because in late life there is
no fight or interest for
imortality or for non-aging?
Not at all.

I consider that apoptosis and
celular senescence are not
present in human organism
because they have positively
selected by evolution or by
nature due to their positive or
negative efects, but because
their negative efects do not
make imposible their life and
because organisms that
experience them can
reproduce themselves, have
not superior competitors and
not in least measure due
human insufficience

Why there is celular
senescence and apoptosis?
Why exist aging? Supporters
of evolutionary theory of

aging propose the concept of
antagonistic pleiotropy for
explanation of aging origin.
In conformity with
evolutionary theories
(Williams 1954), senecence
is geneticaly predeterminated
and senescence efectors
genes was selected by
evolution, by an accidental
process nondirectionted
toward aging per se, because,
on the one hand, they
advantage their reproductive
activity, on the other hand,
the force of natural selection
decrease after the post-
reproductive age. Therefore,
in conformity evolutionary
theories, the root-cause of
aging is natural selection, that

is selection resulted after the
fight, competition, for
survival and for the extension
of terrestrial regions domains
and of alternative species.
This fight had as a
consequence the disparition
of some non-senescent
species, though it is not know
evidence that would be ever
existed superior species, like
mammals, non-senescent, and
about fact that they would
dominated by the senecent
species. But, there exist also
thinkers wich think
differently. Thus, Clark
conider that recent genetic
analysis about the senescence
fundamental mechanisms,
and of genes wich

underdetermine them, are
remarcably similar in every
eukariot organism studied,
wich is hardly consistent with
an independ acumulation of
mutations with harmful
character in late life of
eukariots evolutionary
history. Clark propose, in the
place of gradualy accidentaly
accumulation though the big
periods of time, the thesis in
conformity with wich almost
every genetic elements of
senescence--- genes wich
effector genes) and those
wich it opose to their efects
(senescence resistor genes)---
have been established after

short time, or in some cases
even before, the eukariots
emergency from their
prokariots antecestors and
was preserved by subsequent
evolution. Clark assert that
selection of this elements was
guided by two radical new
biological parameter wich
define the eukariots life
forms: endosymbiosis with
prokariots, and use of sex for
reproduction. However, there
is autors wich consider that
there are no senescence
effector genes , but only
genes that allow senescence
appearance. Johnson (1988,
cited in Perlmutter M. and
Hall E., 1992) think that

genes majority are involved
in establishing of organisms
longevity...Suporters of
evolutionary theory of aging
have too litle succes in
imagination of some proper
mechanism by wich DNA to
induce planned

3. Towards eradication of
aging: A philosophical

We should not to forget that
that the final aim of
gerontological research is a
practical one: eradication of
aging. In this sense, research

must be guided, organizated
toward realisation of this aim.
But it is needed a first
strategical idea concerning
the realization or progression
toward eradication of aging. I
think that we can divide the
aging posibility conditions in
two sets:

those aging posibility
conditions concerning
imperfection of
body'mechanisms for
regeneration, prevention of
lesions(for DNA and
membrane damage due ROS
etc.), or concerning the
absence of some inerent
mechanisms wich is also

necessary for radical
eliminaton of aging. We can
call this conditions as aging
first order posibility
and those conditions wich
concern our ignorance about
the all aspects of
explanation of aging, or/and
our insufficience
cooperation, coordonation,
organization of research
toward aging eradication.

We need a very abstract, but
necessary and sufficient to
eradicate human aging,
strategical principle.

I think that a posible strategy
would can be grounded on

the folowing pragmatic
regulative principle:

Elimination of conditions of
aging posibility implies
eradication of the process of

But, eradication of the
condition of posibility of
aging can be multiple
realisable(e.g., freezer reduce
efects of aging etc.).

From the set of all posible
ways of eradication of all the
conditions of posibility of
aging we must to select only
those ways wich do not stop
life, if there are such ways.

We should to conceive the
conditions of the posibility of
aging in relations with the
complet set of the
fundamental causes of aging.

As an inteligible exemple,
they are those mecanisms,
factors, conditions, devices or
something X wich permit to
Y(fundamental causes of
aging, e.g., ROS) to have an
causal role, that is to
determine Z(damages,
sediments etc.).

As it was showed before, at
the level of aging
manifestations and causal

factors there is a
disconcertant diversity and
complexity. Each cell type
have its proper aging
traiectory([Eremia 1997
,p.126]). However, all cell
types have their first origin in
an one single egg cell. First
egg cell divission generate a
celular multiplicity. Each cell
have a finit number of the
same genes. By repression
and expression certain genes
differentiate the organism
different susystems cells:
nervous system's cells,
muscle's cells, bone's cells
etc. On the other hand, all
celullar types [prokariots and
eukariots] have ceratin
common features: celullar

membrane, DNA, cytoplasm,
and ribosomes.
Even between human body's
cells there are some
similarities. For exemple,
neurons have in common
with other cells of human
body some capacities or

celular membrane.
celular organeles.
protein synthesis.
energy production.

On the fundamental
mechanisms of senescence,
Eremia select the folowing

theory of senescence as a
result of genetic instability.
But wath are the posibility
conditions of genetic
instability. It is posible
somehow eliminate them?
Or would be posible to
repair the lesions of genetic
theory of senescence by
somatic mutations.
theory of senescence as a
result of the deregulation of
transcription and translation
processes. What are the
posibility conditions of this

deregulation. It is posible
for us to control this
theory of senescence due
acumulation of metabolic
waste products.
theory of senescence by
mitochondrial deterioration.
theory of senescence by
water loss.

However, aging at the highest
level, behavioural, depend on
the aging of different organs;
but it is posible that the aging
of each organ depend not
only on the its celullar
senescence but also by the
other organs aging; and the
organ aging depend also by
its quantity and its

al properties. That is, aging
aspects are both general and

Maybe, a strategical plan
would towards eradication of
aging have to start with

investigation of behavioural
manifestations of aging, as
age-dependent decline of
cognitive performance, at
the all organs and systems
(CNS, muscular system,
boned system, vascular
sistem, digestive system,
respiratory sytstem,
imunitar system,
reproductive system etc)
level; Investigation of aging

at celular, in general, is not
enough, tough research of
aging and its posibility
conditions at general
structural-functional celular
patern is necessary, but is
sufficient? There are some
researchers that explain the
decline of cognitive
performance, as memory,
not by loss of neuronal cells
or by major deterioration of
neuronal properties but by
deterioration of certain
signaling pathways; is
organism more than cells? it
maybe that pathways are not
made of cells? This first
step would make posible the
next step.

establishing of aging causes
at each level: the general
causes of celular
senescence, special causes
of special cells senescence,
the causes of aging at the
organic or systemic level,
the causes of aging at the
intersystemic or
interorganic level, causes of
aging at behavioural level.
Aging must to depend both
of interdependence between
organs, systems, and also on
the specificity of cells, on
the specificity of organ
arhitectures, and on the
certain posibility conditions.
It is posible that at each
level to be also posibility
conditions of aging?

establishing of aging
posibility conditions at each
level where they exist.
eradication of aging
posibility conditions at each
level, in the limits of

Eradication of aging involve
either perfecting of human
body's structural-functional
model or utilization of some
therapeutic tactics to
compensate, from outside, its
imperfections. It is posible
that elimination of aging
manifestations to be multiple
solvabile. My hope is that
human wisdom and
inteligence will succed, in
final, to carry out one of the

most loved dream of man: the
dream of youth without old
age...and of life without


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