Spe 111793 MS
Spe 111793 MS
Spe 111793 MS
+ +
+ + +
+ +
E.: If
: E <? E and E.: If
A . > D . = == . D
= <
opt opt
opt opt opt
eD p
eD eD
u c u b a
du cu bu a
. y . N
y y
F #>$
( )
: . E ,
: . E ,
: . E
fD p
fD eD
C y
C +
opt p
$ ln# ? . E @= . E
ma& ,
where the parameters uopt , yeD and CfD*.+ are defined as
$ ln#
,opt fD opt
C u
+ +
D3 s
4 #
k% p p
>A< . E
ln :><>
$ #
< <
*or the two fractured configurations #one well centered and four placed in the center of each of four slices$, the I!2 to be
used is the classic pseudosteady state, in which the JD is determined with the )*+ methodology that accounts for the
reduction in the proppant pack permeability generated by turbulence
4 #
k% p p
$ #
< <
/henever the value of the reservoir permeability or the drainage area are such that transient flow regime is not negligible
and lasts for a relevant period before the boundaries are felt, the )*+ methodology needs to be modified, in order to account
for the production under transient flow regime #i.e., for the reservoir considered in this case study, the transient times would
be circa <=E days for the single well, =<E acres, and circa @E days for the quarter slice, BE acres$.
%he key problem in this circumstance is that the JD determined with the )*+ methodology for gas wells is pressure-
dependent. in other words, higher drawdown corresponds to higher gas flow rate. %he proper JD to consider in 8q. :: cannot
be the one corresponding to the initial reservoir pressure, but must be determined in correspondence to the reservoir pressure
at which the pseudosteady state flow regime would begin. %o solve this problem, in practice, an iterative algorithm is
required, and the functional steps are summarized below.
:$ 'ssume a value for the skin factor that would result from the fracturing treatment. ' good initial value for this skin
factor is -?4
<$ +etermine the duration of the transient flow regime period using well known e&pressions #for instance, see
8conomides et al.
=$ 7alculate the cumulative gas production 2p during the transient flow period #properly discretized$ using 8q. :E4
>$ Obtain real !"% data or calculate the values of the compressibility factor #4
?$ 7alculate the value of the formation factor from equation :E and the coresponding group
# p F
@$ +etermine the average reservoir pressure
A$ 7alculate the JD"5ax, the CfD"6pt and the optimal fracture geometry #xf and '$ using the usual )*+ correlations and
methodology, eventually accounting for the proppant pack permeability reduction andFor the effects of irregular
drainage areas4
B$ 7alculate the value of the pseudo-skin f-function, and then the resulting skin factor for the value of CfD"6pt determined
in point A4
D$ %he procedure is iterated by assuming ad each new step a new skin factor, until the skin factor assumed in point :
and the one calculated in point B are close enough.
SPE ...78/ ..
It is imperative to note that this
procedure, based on the 7inco-Cey and
(amaniego pseudo-skin function and its
relationship with the CfD and the fracture
length xf, is suitable for any !roppant umber
and any drainage area geometry. %he reason
is that during the transient flow regime, by
definition, the boundaries are not felt, and the
system can be appro&imated by pseudo-radial
infinite acting behavior, and thus the use of
the 7inco-Cey and (amaniego pseudo-skin
function, valid only in radial flow, is
*igures B and D show the resulting
forecasts of total production rates and
cumulative recovery for the four
configurations considered in this case study.
ote the thick dots shown in each curve
in *igures B and D, indicating respectively the
gas flow rate and the cumulative volume at
the beginning of the pseudosteady state flow
regime. %he enhancement of production
obtained combining infield drilling and
hydraulic fracturing is impressive. 's we will
see in the ne&t section, this provides a huge
boost to pro-ect economics and its net present
*rom *igure D we can infer that the time
to ultimate recovery from the four fractured
wells configuration would be about <.> years
#BB@ days$, while the same recovery would
take more than =E years from a single
unfractured well. %he four unfractured wells case would reach the abandonment pressure in about A years and the single
fractured well case would do it in about D.D years.
%he calculation presented here makes the )*+ a comprehensive tool able to describe well production enhancement from
the startup until the abandonment, for any type of reservoir and under any type of production mechanism. /ith these
capabilities, the outputs generated by the production forecasts can be employed for the determination of net present values
calculations or any preferred economic criterion. %he ne&t section aims to show how these economic calculations can be
performed and how the important information needed for production economics can be determined.
Economic Optimization of Hydraulic Fracturing
)p to this point, the robustness and uniqueness of the solutions to the optimization problem provided by the )*+
methodology has been shown. (tarting from the theory of )*+ we have then e&tended its suitability in virtually any reservoir
type and under realistic constrains that arise from e&ecution issues. /e have seen how to run the )*+ model to benchmark
well performances, to ameliorate production impairments because of turbulence, especially in gas reservoirs, to optimize
reservoir e&ploitation and cumulative field recovery and to account for irregular drainage geometries.
It is clear that, no matter what circumstance one deals with, the )*+ method allows the determination of the optimum
fracture geometry that will lead to the ma&imum well productivity inde& #JD"max$. !roduction forecasts can be run, based on
analytical material balance models coupled with suitable I!2 equations that reflect the well productivity through the )*+-
derived JD. (uch production forecasts represent important results from the )*+-based physical optimization, and in turn they
are suitable for straightforward implementation of an economic criterion that assesses the acceleration of production that is
achievable with hydraulic fracture treatments against the necessary investment.
%he criterion selected for the optimization and the evaluation of the hydraulically fractured well performances in this
work is the et !resent "alue, widely acknowledged and applied for screening and evaluating the portfolio of investments
#well stimulation operations in our case$.
%he first step for any !" calculation is to select reasonable economic and logistical variables that reflect reasonable
estimates #based on e&perience andFor observed behavior in similar situations$. In the calculations shown here two different
geographic scenarios are considered. one a mature and well developed petroleum producing province such as the )nited
(tates, and a far less mature with considerable logistical difficulties that can be found in a number of places in the world
#from now on, it will be referred to simply as 5Overseas6$. %he differences between the tow places deal with the discount rate
E =@? A=E :,ED? :,>@E :,B<? <,:DE <,??? <,D<E =,<B? =,@?E
time, d
: *ractured /ell > *ractured /ells : )nfractured /ell > )nfractured /ells
Figure 8: Production rate forecast for drainage in case study.
time, d
: *ractured /ell > *ractured /ells : )nfractured /ell > )nfractured /ells
Figure 9: :umulative recovery forecast for drainage in case study.
.% SPE ...78/
i as well as the initial investment. %he impact of these variables on the attractiveness of fracturing will be evaluated. In
general, Overseass investments would boost the 5risk factor6, as a result of comple& logistics and even geopolitical
uncertainties, delicate international contracts, etc. and this, in turn, would suggest a substantially higher discount rate i.
'nother typical characteristic of many Overseass regions is the considerably higher capital e&penditures required for the
construction of wells, facilities, pipelines and so on. In this e&pensive environment, fracturing e&ecution costs are much
larger without the benefit of 5massification6, a key feature of the fracturing industry in the )(.
%he annual revenue stream 7n is given by
( ) ( ) ( )
t o r 8 8 n
f f f & 7 : : : N #:=$
where &8 is the cumulative volume of
hydrocarbons produced in the reference
year #in barrels or in 1scf$, 98 is the
unitary revenue for the produced
hydrocarbon #in NFbarrels or in NF1scf$, fr
is the fraction of gross cash flow due to
the lease owners andFor to the foreign
nation governments as royalties, fo is the
fraction of gross cash flow to be allocated
as operative e&penditures and ft is the
fraction of gross cash flow due as ta&es in
the relative fiscal regime.
%able @ presents all the economic
parameters and their selected values in the
two scenarios )(' and Overseas4 the
working interest and net revenue interest
are reported additionally #both of them
selected as :EEO in both scenarios$.
%able A shows in detail the capital
investment for hydraulically fractured
wells. 'ssuming hydraulic fracturing as
the standard completion method for any
new well, construction costs #drilling and
completion$ and stimulation costs will be
considered as capital e&penditures for the
two scenarios )(' and Overseas.
%wo e&le of !" calculations are presented in the following sections. %he first considers a set of four different well
pattern configurations that could e&ploit a reservoir with a given drainage area, and aims to find the optimal configuration for
which the !" would be ma&imized. %he second e&le considers one hydraulically fractured well centered in a given
drainage area, and the purpose is to select the proppant mass to be in-ected during the fracturing treatment for which the !"
is ma&imized. It is worth to emphasize that the performance of each well configuration considered will be already at the
physical optimum, as determined via the )*+ methodology.
(P; of !ifferent !rainage :onfigurations <sing Fractured and <nfractured 3ells
*or this e&ercise the four different configurations already presented in *igure A are re-considered here for the economic
calculation. ' gas reservoir is used for the calculations. It must be re-emphasized that the comparisons presented in this and
subsequent calculations in this work are for aggressive and optimized production engineering decisions and, especially, for
hydraulic fracturing, the presumption is that the e&ecution follows the physical optimization as described by the )*+
methodology. 3adly or ad-hoc designed fracturing treatments may lead to different conclusions.
%he reservoir parameters in %able ? are used. *urthermore, an abandonment pressure of :,AEE psi is assumed #starting
from an initial reservoir pressure of >,EEE psi$, and the fracture optimization with the )*+ method has been performed for a
proppant mass of <EE,EEE lbm of <EF>E ceramic proppant #:?E,EEE md of proppant pack permeability$. %he reservoir
permeability is equal to : md.
able 5: "e=uired in,uts for the (P; calculations
Parameters <SA $verseas
+iscount date year E year E
+iscount rate, i :EO <?O
2evenue for produced
gas, NF1scf
A #no escalation applied$ A #no escalation applied$
2evenue for produced
oil, NFbarrel
@E #no escalation applied$ @E #no escalation applied$
/orking interest :EEO :EEO
et revenue interest :EEO :EEO
7ape&, I, N 2ef. %able @-< 2ef. %able @-<
Ope&, fo, N E.< of annual revenue E.< of annual revenue
2oyalties, fr, N E.< of annual revenue -
%a&es, ft, N E.? of annual revenue E.A? of annual revenue
able 7: :a,ital investment considered for the (P; calculations
:a,ital 6x,enditure <SA $verseas
/ell construction #drilling P completion$, N :,EEE,EEE =,EEE,EEE
!umping charges , N @E,EEE :EE,EEE
1obFdemob, N >E,EEE DE,EEE
!roppant #<EF>E ceramic, :?E,EEE md$ cost, NFlbm :.? <.?
*racturing fluids #Q-linked gel$ cost, NFgal E.> E.B
SPE ...78/ ./
(tarting from the production
forecasts obtained for these four
configurations #see *igures B and D$, the
annual revenue stream 7n has been
determined #8quation :=$ for each year
and making use of the parameters
presented in %able @. %hen, the !";s
are calculated. %he capital e&penditures
have been calculated with the values in
%able A, and in particular the fracturing
&-linked gel required to perform the
treatment #<EE,EEE lbm proppant mass$
has been assumed to be =?,EEE gals.
%wo values of !" have been
determined. one in which the pro-ect
lifetime N is the one at which the
abandonment pressure is reached in each
of the four drainage configurations, and
one in which the pro-ect lifetime N is the
one equal the one corresponding to the
abandonment time of the four-fractured
wells case #B@@ days$.
*igure :E shows the results of the
!" calculations for the )(' scenario,
all produced until the abandonment
pressure is reached. *or the !";s
evaluated at N G BB@ days #the green
columns$, it is clear that the infield
drilling P fracturing configuration
appears to be the best choice, thanks to
the cumulative amount of gas produced
in less than three years, versus all the
other 5sluggish6 configurations that still
have significant amount of gas to be
produced at the end of their respective
lifetimes. %his is a very important
finding supporting enhanced and
accelerated production.
/hen all the configurations are produced till the respective abandonment #the red columns$, the only configuration that
looks underperforming considerably is the single unfractured well, while the other three configurations offer similar values of
!", around N<A million. %his is e&plainable by observing that the different times to ultimate recovery #shown in *igure D$
impacts the !" value in such a way that it is widely compensated by the different values of capital investment. In simple
words, the 5revenue performances6 of the four fractured wells, the four unfractured wells and the single fractured well are
quite equivalent if compared to the investment needed to implement them.
*igure :: shows the results of the !"
calculations performed for the Overseas
scenario. %he Overseas scenario reveals the
severity of its economic parameters in both
set of columns of *igure ::. In fact, for the
!";s evaluated at N G BB@ days #the green
columns$ as well as for the !";s evaluated
when all the configurations are produced till
abandonment #the red columns$, the single
fractured well is the only option that really
appeals with its economic performance.
oticeable is the negative value of !" that
the four unfractured wells configuration
would achieve if evaluated at N G BB@ days.
1 <(F"A::6! 1 F"A::6! / <(F"A::6! / F"A::6!
All :ases Abandoned > 17.. ,si 885 days &:ase / Fracs Aband.*
Figure 1.: (P;4s for the <SA scenario# gas reservoir# 1 md.
1 <(F"A::6! 1 F"A::6! / <(F"A::6! / F"A::6!
All :ases Abandoned > 17.. ,si 885 days &:ase / Fracs Aband.*
Figure 11: (P;4s for the $verseas scenario# gas reservoir# 1 md.
E <E >E @E BE :EE :<E :>E :@E :BE <EE <<E <>E <@E <BE =EE =<E
time# years
: *ractured /ell > *ractured /ells : )nfractured /ell > )nfractured /ells
Figure 1+: :umulative recovery forecast for drainage in
the ..1 md gas reservoir.
.9 SPE ...78/
%hese results reflect the detrimental effect of high values of discount rate #in this case i G <?O$ and capital e&penditure on the
!" model.
%he ne&t set of results is for the gas
reservoir characterized in %able ?, with
the only difference that this time the
reservoir permeability is equal to E.: md.
'gain, the same abandonment pressure
of :,AEE psi is assumed #starting from an
initial reservoir pressure of >,EEE psi$,
and the fracture optimization with the
)*+ method has been performed for a
proppant mass of <EE,EEE lbm of <EF>E
ceramic proppant #:?E,EEE md of
proppant pack permeability$, obtaining
the production forecasts for the four
configurations presented in *igure :<.
%he effect of the low permeability on
the productivity, and then on the time to
achieve the abandonment pressure, is
dramatic. the single unfractured well
would take =E> years, and the single
fractured well would take ?< years.
%he procedure already described for
the : md reservoir case has been
repeated. %he annual revenue stream 7n
and then the relative !";s have been
determined, again for the two scenarios
)(' and Overseas. %he two pro-ect
lifetime N alternatives are, first, N G
time at which the abandonment pressure
is reached in each of the four drainage
configurations, and, second, N is equal
for the four configurations and is the one
that corresponds to the abandonment
time of the four-fractured wells case #for
this e&le it is :<.? years$. %he capital
e&penditures are as shown in %able A
#again, the fracturing &-linked gel
required to perform the treatment has been assumed to be =?,EEE gals$.
*igures := and :> show the results of the !" calculations performed respectively for the )(' and Overseas scenarios.
(everal important conclusions can be inferred from this new set of !";s, as a consequence of the lower reservoir
*irst, now the difference in !" values between the fully depleted cases #red columns$ and the ones for N G :<.?< years
#green columns$ is quite small. %his shows that e&tended periods of evaluation #i.e., high value of N$ are virtually
meaningless in the contribution to the !". *or instance, the single fractured well would be abandoned after ?< years of
production, with an associated !" of N:=.A million, while the !" evaluated for :<.?< years would be almost N:< million.
%he second meaningful observation is that in a tight reservoir environment, with low productivity and very long depletion
time, the two fractured configurations show their economic benefits in an even more noticeable way.
*or the )(' scenario #*igure :=$, the four fractured wells configuration is clearly dominating the economic
performances, with an !" of N<:.? million. the combination of low capital e&penditures and low discount rate i in a tight
reservoir emphasizes the potential of infield drilling and the hydraulic fracturing of those wells.
On the other hand, the penalizing capital e&penditures and high discount rates considered for the Overseas scenario
#*igure :>$ doom almost all of the development schemes in tight reservoirs.
1 <(F"A::6! 1 F"A::6! / <(F"A::6! / F"A::6!
All :ases Abandoned > 17.. ,si 1+.1+ years &:ase / Fracs Aband.*
Figure 1-: (P;4s for the <SA scenario# gas reservoir# ..1 md.
1 <(F"A::6! 1 F"A::6! / <(F"A::6! / F"A::6!
All :ases Abandoned > 17.. ,si 1+.1+ years &:ase / Fracs Aband.*
Figure 1/: (P;4s for the $verseas scenario# gas reservoir# ..1 md.
SPE ...78/ .1
%his finding e&plains the general
problem associated with production from
tight gas reservoirs in those Overseas
regions with e&tended resources but with
under-developed upstream business. '
wide set of currently unprofitable
pro-ects, could become more attractive if
massification of drilling and fracturing
were implemented, reducing their capital
e&penditures. %his concept is illustrated
in *igure :?, where the results of !"
calculations are shown for the usual four
configurations draining the E.: md gas
reservoir, considering the Overseas value
of discount rate but controlled costs #the
ones assumed for the )(' scenario$.
*igure :? is self-e&planatory.
massifying the drilling and fracturing
operations can lead to sufficiently low
capital e&penditures such that the
fractured wells configurations can lead to profitable resources currently labeled as stranded or unprofitable.
(P; as Function of the Pro,,ant Mass
%his e&ercise aims to provide a logic for using the )*+ approach to design a fracturing treatment and to estimate future well
performances. It should be clear by now that the solution for JD"max and the resulting optimum fracture conductivity indicate
that there is one pair of fracture length xf and width ' to provide the optimum.
It has also been shown that, virtually, there are no limits to the advantages achievable by in-ecting larger and larger
amounts of proppant and the model would provide an ever increasing value of JD"max.
%he )*+ model can be 5bounded6 with physical constraints #such as a ma&imum allowable net pressure$, which may
preclude the in-ection of a larger treatment. !roduction economics provide an additional level of constraints. (o the question
arises. /ithin the range of proppant mass that can be physically in-ected and used by the )*+ model, is there any specific
value at which the !" of the fractured well is ma&imizedR %o illustrate the concept, an application is presented below for
the undersaturated oil reservoir whose main parameters appear in %able B.
%he Havlena and Odeh
general material balance for oil reservoirs can be simplified for undersaturated reservoirs, and
proper manipulations #see 8conomides et al.
$ yield to the equation
t oi
o p
pc N1
1 N
1 <(F"A::6! 1 F"A::6! / <(F"A::6! / F"A::6!
All :ases Abandoned > 17.. ,si 1+.1+ years &:ase / Fracs Aband.*
Figure 11: (P;4s for the $verseas scenario# controlled costs#
gas reservoir# ..1 md.
.: SPE ...78/
where 1oi and 1o are oil formation volume factors #initial and
current, respectively$ in res bblF(%3, Np is oil cumulative
production in (%3, N is initial oil in place in (%3, :' is water
saturation, p is pressure step considered in the discretization of the
depletion and ct is the total compressibility of the system, in psi
7oupling the material balance with a suitable undersaturated
well I!2 e&pression, a forecast of well performance versus time can
be developed readily.
' set of production forecasts has been obtained for a single
vertical fractured well, for a wide range of proppant mass
considered #<?,EEE to >?E,EEE lbm$ and for the values of E.: and :
md of reservoir permeability.
*igures :@ and :A show the results of the !" calculations.
%hese results not only confirm the suitability of the procedure
presented for the identification of the most profitable proppant mass
#i.e., for the E.: md reservoir !" peaks at about =EE,EEE lbm,
while for the : md reservoir !" peaks at about <EE,EEE lbm$, but
also provide evidence that economics corroborate one of the well
known tenets of hydraulic fracturing. larger fractures of much larger
length are indicated for low permeability reservoirs and relatively
smaller fractures #but with much larger widths$ are indicated for
higher permeability reservoirs.
able 8: Main design variable values
!roppant mass for #two wings$, lbm "ariable
(p gravity of proppant material #H<OG:$ <.@?
!orosity of proppant pack E.=B
!roppant pack permeability, md :?E,EEE
!ermeable #leakoff$ thickness, ft ?E
2eservoir permeability, md "ariable
2eservoir porosity #) E.<
/ell radius, ft E.>
/ell drainage area, acres =<E
*racture height, ft :EE
2eservoir pressure, psi ?,EEE
Soung;s 1odulus #E$, psi <
!oisson;s ratio, #$ E.=B
3ottom-hole flowing pressure, psi :,?EE
'bandonment pressure, psi :,@EE
2eservoir temperature, K* :BE
Interstitial water saturation #:'c$ E.=
/ater compressibility #c'$, psi
2ock compressibility #cf$, psi
Oil specific gravity, '!I >@
(olution gas-oil factor #7s$, (7*F(%3 >EE
. 1.#... 1..#... 11.#... +..#... +1.#... -..#... -1.#... /..#... /1.#... 1..#...
Pro,,ant Mass# lbm
..1 md
Figure 15: (P; vs ,ro,,ant mass in the <SA scenario#
oil reservoir# ..1 md.
. 1.#... 1..#... 11.#... +..#... +1.#... -..#... -1.#... /..#... /1.#... 1..#...
Pro,,ant Mass# lbm
1 md
Figure 17: (P; vs ,ro,,ant mass in the <SA scenario#
oil reservoir# 1 md.
SPE ...78/ .7
In this work the physical optimization that comes from the )*+ approach has been coupled to an economic optimization, by
balancing of incremental future revenue against the cost of e&ecution. It has been shown how the combination of the )*+
approach with the !" economic criterion can be standardized in a routine procedure and can be used as an effective quick-
look tool for screening oil and gas investments in a modern global portfolio.
%he )*+-derived dimensionless productivity inde& has been used in proper I!2 relationships coupled with material
balance schemes to produce production forecasts. ' new calculation scheme has been introduced for the generation of )*+-
based production forecasts for reservoirs in which the initial transient flow regime is not negligible.
!arametric studies for a range of reservoirs #in terms of permeability, drainage area, drainage configuration and type of
hydrocarbon$ and e&ecution variables have been performed, and economic variables that differ in various parts of the world
have been utilized. 'ggressive and optimized production schemes have been systematically considered, with the presumption
that the e&ecution of the hydraulic fracturing treatments follows the physical optimization as described by the )*+
methodology. In fact, badly or ad-hoc designed fracturing treatments may lead to different conclusions.
It has been illustrated how massification of drilling and fracturing operations in tight gas reservoirs can lead to
sufficiently low capital e&penditures such that the systematic application of hydraulic fracturing can lead to profitable
resources currently labeled as stranded or unprofitable. *inally, it has been shown how the mass of proppant in-ected can be
effectively used as main design optimization variable for hydraulic fracturing treatments.
:. 8conomides, 1.,., Oligney, 2.8. and "alk9 !.!.. 5<nified Fracture !esign.6 Orsa !ress, 'lvin %Q, 1ay <EE<.
<. +emarchos, '.(., 7homatas, '.(. and 8conomides, 1.,.. 5!ushing the Cimits in Hydraulic *racture +esign.6 !aper (!8 B@>B=,
=. 8conomides, 1.,., +emarchos, '.(., 1ach, ,.1., 2ueda, ,. and /olcott, +.(.. 5!ushing the Cimits of Hydraulic *racturing in
2ussia.6 !aper (!8 DE=?A, <EE>.
>. +iyashev, I.2., 8conomides, 1.,.. 5' 0eneral 'pproach to /ell 8valuation.6 !aper (!8 D>@>>, <EE?.
?. /ang, Q., Indriati, (., "alk9, !.!. and 8conomides, 1.,.. 5!roduction Impairment and !urpose-3uilt +esign of Hydraulic
*ractures in 0as 7ondensate 2eservoirs.6 !aper (!8 @>A>D, <EEE.
@. 2omero, +.,., "alk9, !.!. and 8conomides, 1.,.. 5%he optimization of the productivity inde& and the fracture geometry of a
stimulated well with fracture face and choke skins.6 !aper (!8 A=A?B, <EE<.
A. 1ukher-ee, H. and 8conomides 1.,.. 5' !arametric (tudy of Horizontal and "ertical /ell !erformance.6 !aper (!8 :B=E=,
B. /ang, Q., 8conomides, 1.,.. 5'ggressive fracturing slashes turbulence in high permeability gas wells.6 ;orld 6il #,uly <EE>$
pp A=-AD.
D. Copez-Hernandez, H.+., "alk9, !.!. and !ham, %.%.. 5Optimum fracture treatment design minimizes the impact of non-+arcy
flow effects6. !roceedings - (!8 'nnual %echnical 7onference and 8&hibition, pp. :A<?-:A>E, <EE>.
:E. /ei, S., 8conomides, 1.,.. 5%ransverse Hydraulic *ractures from a Horizontal /ell.6 !aper (!8 D>@A:, <EE?.
::. +aal, ,.'., 8conomides, 1.,.. 5Optimization of hydraulically fractured wells in irregularly shaped drainage areas.6 !aper (!8
DBE>A, <EE@.
:<. +emarchos, '.(., 1arongiu-!orcu, 1. and 8conomides, 1.,.. 5%ransversely 1ulti-*ractured Horizontal /ells. ' 2ecipe for
(uccess.6 !aper (!8 :E<<@<, <EE@.
:=. 3ritt, C.M.. 5Optimized Oil /ell *racturing of 1oderate-!ermeability 2eservoirs.6 !aper (!8 :>=A:, :DB?.
:>. "eatch, 2./. ,r.. 58conomics of *racturing. (ome 1ethods, 8&les, and 7ase (tudies.6 !aper (!8 :??ED, :DB@.
:?. /arembourg, !.'., Mlingensmith, 8.'., Hodges, ,.8. and 8rdle, ,.8.. 5*racture (timulation +esign and 8valuation.6 !aper (!8
:>=AD, :DB?.
:@. 'ndersons, 2./., !hillips, '.1.. 5!ractical 'pplications of 8conomics /ell-!erformance 7riteria to the Optimization of
*racturing %reatments +esign.6 JP4 #*ebruary :DBB$ pp <<=-<<B.
:A. 3alen, 2.1., 1eng, H-T. and 8conomides, 1.,.. 5'pplication of the et !resent "alue #!"$ in the Optimization of Hydraulic
*ractures.6 !aper (!8 :B?>:, :DBB.
:B. 8conomides, 1.,., Oligney, 2.8., "alk9, !.. 5'pplying )nified *racture +esign to atural 0as wells.6 ;orld 6il #October <EE<$
pp ?E-@<.
:D. 0idley, ,.C.. 5' 1ethod for 7orrecting +imensionless *racture 7onductivity for on-+arcy *low 8ffects.6 !aper (!8 <EA:E,
<E. 7ooke, 7.8., ,r.. 57onductivity of !roppants in 1ultiple Cayers.6 JP4 #October :DD=$ pp ::E:-::EA.
<:. +ietz, +... 5+etermination of 'verage 2eservoir !ressure *rom 3uild-)! (urveys.6 JP4 #'ugust, :D@?$ pp D??-D?D.
<<. 7inco-Cey, H., (amaniego, *.".. 5%ransient !ressure 'nalysis for *ractured /ells.6 !aper (!8 A>DE, :DAB.
<=. 7inco-Cey, H., (amaniego, *.". and +ominguez .. 5%ransient !ressure 3ehavior for a /ell with a *inite-7onductivity "ertical
*racture.6 :PEJ #'ugust, :DAB$, pp <?=-<@>.
<>. (wift, 0./. and Miel, O.0.. 5%he !rediction of 0as-/ell !erformance Including the 8ffects of on-+arcy *low.6 JP4, #,uly
:D@<$ pp AD:-ADB.
<?. 8conomides, 1.,., Hill, '.+. and 8hlig-8conomides, 7.'.. 5Petroleum Production Systems.6 !rentice Hall, S, :DD>.
<@. Havlena, +., Odeh, '.(.. 5%he 1aterial 3alance as an 8quation of a (traight Cine.6 JP4 #'ugust :D@=$ pp BD@-DEE.
<A. Havlena, +., Odeh, '.(.. 5%he 1aterial 3alance as an 8quation of a (traight Cine. !art II U *ield 7ases.6 JP4 #,uly :D@>$ pp