ISTP Guide

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Careers for ISTP Personality Types

Whether you're a young adult trying to find your place in the world, or a not-so-
young adult trying to find out if you're moving along the right path, it's important to
understand yourself and the personality traits that will impact your likeliness to
succeed or fail at various careers. It's equally important to understand what is
really important to you. When armed with an understanding of your strengths and
weaknesses, and an awareness of what you truly value, you are in an excellent
position to pick a career which you will find rewarding.
ISTPs generally have the following traits:
Interested in how and why things work
Do not function well in regimented, structured environments; they will
either feel stifled or become intensely bored
Constantly gather facts about their environment and store them away
Have an excellent ability to apply logic and reason to their immense store
of facts to solve problems or discover how things work
Learn best hands!on
"sually able to master theory and abstract thinking, but don#t particularly
like dealing with it unless they see a practical application
$ction!oriented doers
%ocused on living in the present, rather than the future
Love variety and new experiences
Highly practical and realistic
&xcellent trouble!shooters, able to 'uickly find solutions to a wide variety
of practical problems
(esults!oriented; they like to see immediate results for their efforts
"sually laid!back and easy!going with people
(isk!takers who thrive on action
Independent and determined ! usually dislike committing themselves
"sually 'uite self!confident
The IT! is fortunate "ecause they have the a"ilities to "e good at many
different kinds of tasks. Their introverted and thinking preferences give them the
a"ility to concentrate and work through pro"lems which leaves many doors open
to them. #owever, to "e happiest, the IT! needs to lead a lifestyle that offers a
great deal of autonomy and does not include much external enforcement of
structure. IT!s will do "est working for themselves, or working in very flexi"le
environments. Their natural interests lie towards applying their excellent
reasoning skills against known facts and data to discover underlying structure, or
solutions to practical questions.
!olice'corrections officer
(ace car driver
Weapons operator
Intelligence agent
.ire fighter
ports equipment'merchandise sales
!harmaceutical sales
!rivate investigator'detective
&lectrical'mechanical'civil engineer
&lectronics specialist
Technical trainer / one-to-one setting
Information services developer
oftware developer
%ogistics and supply manager / manufacturer
,etwork integration specialist 0telecommunications1
*omputer programmer
-arine "iologist
#&$%T# *$(&
&&2 technologist'technician
(adiological technician
&mergency medical technician 0&-T1
&xercise physiologist
3ental assistant'hygienist
ecurities analyst
!urchasing agent
+ffice manager
%egal secretary
-anagement consultant 0"usiness operations
*omputer repair person
$irline mechanic
$utomotive products retailer
*ommercial artist
&xcerpt from Do )hat *ou $re by +aul ,ieger and -arbara -arron!,ieger

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