Ask your ISTP what its love languages are. Many ISTPs need physical touch. I personally also need quality
time, however, I also need personal space. Different ISTPs have different levels of personal space needs.
(Maybe try to figure out what his Enneagram Tritype & instinctual variant is, that can assist in knowing
his needs and triggers).
Be consistent. Be straightforward. Be honest. Be genuine. If you say you’re going to do something, do it.
If something is wrong, share it with your ISTP and ask him how it can be fixed. ISTPs love fixing stuff,
even relationship problems.
If you just want to vent and don’t want a solution, tell your ISTP ahead of time and ASK if you can vent to
him for a specified amount of time (5–10 min). The time limit helps because personally, if I feel like there
is no end to your complaining, I’ll only be able to think about how I can exit this situation and I’ll be less
likely to want to be around you in the future.
Make your ISTP your top priority, without being smothering. Be loyal. Be trustworthy. Let your ISTP
know on a regular basis that you value them and appreciate what they do for you, be specific, give
examples of the things that you like. And make sure whatever you say is genuine. We hate fake
compliments. Personally, I need my partner to see my good and bad sides, to love who I am as a person
(I don’t know if all ISTPs need that or if that is an Enneagram 4 need). I hate it when my partner tells me
I’m perfect, I feel like they don’t SEE me, and then I don’t feel loved, because I know I’m not perfect, so
their love feels fake, it feels like they’re idealizing me.
Never TELL your Istp what to do. Tell them what you want and tell them what you think; be specific.
Give your ISTP options. We NEED freedom of choice because of Ni Child. If NI child feels trapped or
controlled, ISTP can get very angry. You don’t want your ISTP to rage. It is preventable.
You can tell the ISTP how you feel, but be careful of your wording so you don’t sound manipulative. We
can’t trust people who resort to manipulation. Be direct, try to get to the point instead of going on and
on, that gets terribly irritating.
Some ISTPs have developed Fe and others haven’t. Some will be afraid of feelings and some won’t. Do
NOT attempt to guilt them or manipulate them, eventually they will figure out what you tried to do and
it may turn off your ISTP.
Try not to be annoying. ISTPs are very sensitive to what annoys us. If we feel annoyed, give us space. We
need alone time to recharge. We need time to think.
Don’t try to force us to be social.
Listen to your ISTP. You don’t have to agree, but it would be wise to acknowledge and validate us. Then
you can tell us what you think. Our Ti needs to be listened to. We love teaching people what we know.
We will love it if you are teachable.
Share experiences with us. Introduce us to new things, show us possibilities and we’ll decide if we want
to do it or not.
Do the “little things,” the ISTP will notice when you’re being considerate and thoughtful (at least, I notice
those things)
Some ISTPs like talking about theories and some don’t. We all definitely like practicality. I like theory
that I can experiment with and apply into reality.
Many ISTPs are very giving. Our Fe is a 3 year old, it’s difficult NOT to give, we want to make you happy,
and we show love through actions. Many of us have felt taken advantage of in our lives several times.
Don’t take advantage of our kindness.
Be there for us. Don’t abandon us. If you work hard for the relationship, the ISTP will work hard for the
relationship. We take our close relationships seriously. Many of us don’t have too many close friends, so
we cherish the ones we do have. We’re not afraid of difficult times, we grow the most when we have a
challenge to overcome.
Often times we just don’t care (Fi demon function). If it’s important to you, then maybe try to inspire us
to care, give us a good reason why we should care. Some ISTPs will be more stubborn than others,
different maturity levels obviously, and different levels of pride/humility. If you are dating a healthy
ISTP, congratulations you hit the jack pot! … if they like you back. :)