Letter of Offer Ralph Mtcalf 14 May 2014
Letter of Offer Ralph Mtcalf 14 May 2014
Letter of Offer Ralph Mtcalf 14 May 2014
Mr Ralph Metcalf
C/- Global Work Travel
Mobile: 0467 6 4!"
#ear Ralph
Letter of Offer for Casual Employment
$% behalf of &at' (talia%) ( a* plea'e+ to offer yo, a po'itio% of Chef for the 2014 'ki 'ea'o%-
Thi' po'itio% i' a ha%+'-o%) fa't pace+ role) for a ca',al ter* of appro.i*ately 14 /eek'- 0rrival +ate /ill
be We+%e'+ay 4 1,%e 2014 to co**e%ce o% Th,r'+ay 1,%e /ith prep a%+ or2a%i3atio% of the kitche%)
cool roo*' a%+ other +,tie' a' re4,ire+- The official 'ea'o% ope%i%2 i' 5at,r+ay 7 1,%e) ho/ever) /e /ill
ope% the re'ta,ra%t o% 6ri+ay 6 1,%e- Thi' ti*e e%able' yo, to a''i't the hea+ chef a%+ play /ith the *e%,
a%+ provi+e' a% opport,%ity for yo, to a++ yo,r o/% flaire) pre'e%tatio% etc-) a%+ for ,' to 'a*ple the
7*pha'i' i' place+ o% yo,r ability to /ork /ithi% a 2reat tea* e%',ri%2 that the kitche% i' 'tocke+
appropriately at all ti*e') prep i' carrie+ o,t) clea%i%2 a%+ appropriate hy2ie%e i' *ai%tai%e+ at a hi2h level8
that health a%+ 'afety re4,ire*e%t' are a+here+ to a%+ carrie+ o,t i% accor+a%ce /ith Cla'' 2 6oo+ 5afety
&la%- Thi' role i' a,to%o*o,' a%+ at ti*e' /ill be re4,ire+ to r,% it i%+epe%+e%tly-
0' a '*all fa*ily b,'i%e'') /e like to fo'ter a% e%viro%*e%t /here all o,r 'taff are re'pecte+ a%+
appreciate+ for their co%trib,tio% to the ',cce'' of the b,'i%e'' a%+) /e 'ee yo,r role) a' a profe''io%al) to
/ork clo'ely /ith the hea+ chef to achieve the hi2he't 'ta%+ar+ of flavor a%+ pre'e%tatio% po''ible- 9o,r
po'itio% i' critical to the ',cce'' of the re'ta,ra%t +,ri%2 the 'hort ti*e of the 'ki 'ea'o% a%+ it i'
,%+er'too+ that yo, a2ree to co**it to e*ploy*e%t /ith the b,'i%e'' for the e%tire 'ea'o%-
Ralph Metcalf
Telephone: 03 5777 6494
Facsimile: 03 5777 6493
Mobile: 0429 482 309
[email protected]
!t"at#o"d $%ic&' (t) *td
*e+el &, %illage !-a"e (la.a
(/ 0o1 28
Mont 0lle" 3723
Ralph Metcalf
<etter of $ffer
14 May 2014
- 2 -
Specific Details
Remuneration: =1200 per /eek8 pl,' ',pera%%,atio%- &ay*e%t for yo,r 'ervice' /ill be ',b>ect to the
%or*al &097 ta. +e+,ctio% a%+ the %et /ill be 76T i%to yo,r %o*i%ate+ ba%k acco,%t each We+%e'+ay-
Superannuation: !-2? ',pera%%,atio% /ill be pai+ i%to yo,r %o*i%ate+ f,%+ 4,arterly- (f yo, +o %ot
%o*i%ate a ',pera%%,atio% f,%+) yo,r co%trib,tio%' /ill be pai+ i%to @Ao'tpl,'B-
Trial: all 'taff are ',b>ect to a trial perio+-
Uniform: chef' ,%ifor* a%+ k%ive' to be provi+e+ by yo,r'elf-
Accommodation: acco**o+atio% i' 'hare+ a%+ f,lly f,r%i'he+- The re%tal co't i' =1"0 per /eek-
Meals: 1 *eal i' provi+e+ each +ay re2ar+le'' of ho,r' /orke+- 0t the Aea+ ChefB' +i'cretio%) *eal'
*ay be or+ere+ off the *e%, or e'pecially cooke+) by the chef) for 'taff- 5taff are to co%fir* thi' /ith the
6ro%t of Ao,'e Ma%a2er each +ay- Creakfa't of cereal a%+ toa't) i' provi+e+ for yo, b,t %ot prepare+ by
the chef o% +,ty- $ther *e%, foo+ ite*' ca% be p,rcha'e+ at a 20? +i'co,%t- Meal' that are provi+e+ are
to be eate% i% the re'ta,ra%t- To a''i't /ith happy livi%2 co%+itio%') it i' reco**e%+e+ that *eal' are %ot
take% back to the lo+2e for co%',*ptio%-
Hours per wee: There i' fle.ibility i% the role) ho/ever) it i' +iffic,lt to +eter*i%e e.act ho,r' to be
/orke+) a' 'o*e /eek' are b,'ier tha% other') +epe%+i%2 o% '%o/ a%+ *o,%tai% vi'itatio%- 0' a%
i%+icatio%) over the perio+ of the 'ea'o%) the ho,r' avera2e aro,%+ 0 ho,r' per /eek) b,t 'o*e /eek' /ill
be *ore- We e.pect yo, to have 1 to 2 +ay' off per /eek-
!ersonal Care: (t i' *a%+atory) a%+ a co%+itio% of yo,r e*ploy*e%t that yo, have Dictoria% 0*b,la%ce
cover) a' a *i%i*,*) to cover yo, +,ri%2 yo,r ti*e at Mt C,ller or travel i%',ra%ce- Dictoria% 0*b,la%ce
cover i' very cheap for a 'i%2le *e*ber-
Mo"ile Telep#ones and Electronic De$ices: *,'t %ot be ,'e+ +,ri%2 /orki%2 ho,r' b,t *ay be if
taki%2 a 'i2%e+ off break- (f yo, are o% +,ty 'olo) the o/%er' *,'t be able to co%tact yo, at all ti*e')
therefore yo, /ill be re4,ire+ to have acce'' to yo,r *obile +,ri%2 thi' ti*e-
Ot#er: the +oor*a%/'tock co%trol) i' re'po%'ible for the receivi%2 of 'tock i%to the re'ta,ra%t b,t help i'
al/ay' re4,ire+ 2ive% the re'ta,ra%t i' ,p'tair' a%+ 4,a%titie' are ,',ally e.te%'ive) ho/ever) all 'taff are
re4,ire+ to a''i't /here %ece''ary a%+ it ,',ally e%+' ,p that the kitche% 'taff provi+e the *a>ority of that
Epo% arrival) yo, /ill be a'ke+ to co*plete 'ta%+ar+ +oc,*e%tatio% applicable to yo,r e*ploy*e%t-
&at' (talia% operate' i% accor+a%ce /ith it' 7*ployer Gree%fiel+' 02ree*e%t a%+ the co*pa%yB' &olicie'
a%+ &roce+,re' Fa copy of /hich /ill be *a+e available to yo,G a%+ i% accor+a%ce /ith $cc,patio%al health
a%+ 'afety a%+ foo+ 'afety le2i'latio%'-
(f yo, /i'h to accept the po'itio%) plea'e 'i2% all pa2e' a%+ fa. to 777 64!H a%+ 'e%+ *e a te.t to 042!
4"2 H0!-
We look for/ar+ to /orki%2 /ith yo, thi' /i%ter a%+ tr,'t that yo, /ill e%>oy yo,r a''ociatio% /ith ,'-
9o,r' 'i%cerely
Catheri%e McIi'h
Ralph Metcalf
<etter of $ffer
14 May 2014
- H -
( have rea+ a%+ ,%+er'too+ the above) re4,e'te+ f,rther clarificatio% /here applicable) a%+ ( accept a%+
co**it to the offere+ po'itio% for 2014 'ki 'ea'o%-
5i2%at,re 5i2%at,re
Ralph Metcalf Catheri%e McIi'h) #irector
#ate ::::::::::::::::: #ate :::::::::::::::::