Bible Made A Catholic Out of Me
Bible Made A Catholic Out of Me
Bible Made A Catholic Out of Me
Paul Whitcomb
Dedicated to All who Look to the Holy Bible for Their Rule of Christian Faith
NIHIL OBSTAT: Rudolph G. Bandas, Ph.D., S.T.D. et M.
Censor Librorum
!aulo"oli die #a $ctobris %&'(
LAST YEAR !"##$, a%%o&d'n( to the stat'st'%'ans, o)e& t*o +'ll'on people ,o'ned the
-athol'% -hu&%h. The total 'n%&ease 'n -athol'% -hu&%h +e+.e&sh'p *as +u%h (&eate&
due to the h'(h -athol'% .'&th &ate, .ut that *as the nu+.e& o/ %on)e&ts, the nu+.e& o/
people *ho e'the& s*'t%hed o)e& /&o+ othe& &el'('ons o& *ho settled on the -athol'%
&el'('on a/te& a l'/e o/ &el'('ous 'nde%'s'on. In the 0.S.A. alone the %on)e&s'ons e1%eeded
one hund&ed thousand.
Thus last 2ea& the -athol'% -hu&%h a%3u'&ed +o&e ne* +e+.e&s )'a the %on)e&s'on &oute
than an2 othe& %hu&%h, -h&'st'an o& non4-h&'st'an, a%3u'&ed )'a all &outes. Thus last 2ea&
the -athol'% -hu&%h a%3u'&ed +o&e ne* +e+.e&s )'a the %on)e&s'on &oute than +an2 o/
the *o&ld5s &el'('ons ha)e .een a.le to a%3u'&e )'a all &outes durin) the whole of their
e*istence. And last 2ea& *as .2 no +eans a .oon 2ea& /o& %on)e&s'ons to the -athol'%
-hu&%h6 a%%o&d'n( to the &e%o&ds 't *as a ty"ical year.
7h28 7hat p&o+pts so +an2 people to %hoose the -athol'% &el'('on8 7hat +a9es the
-athol'% &el'('on the *o&ld5s +ost des'&a.le &el'('on8
I *'sh I %ould ans*e& that 3uest'on .ut I %annot. Ea%h 'nd')'dual %on)e&t has h's o& he&
o*n pa&t'%ula& &eason /o& e+.&a%'n( the -athol'% /a'th and I ha)e ne)e& atte+pted a
su&)e2 to lea&n *hat those &easons a&e. I %ould (ene&al':e, that 's I %ould p'n 't do*n to a
%o++on deno+'nato& l'9e ;the att&a%t'on o/ the -hu&%h5s )'.&ant sp'&'tual 3ual't2,; .ut
that *ould .e no ans*e&6 the&e *ould st'll .e the 3uest'on: 7hat %on)'n%ed the %on)e&t
that su%h an att&a%t'on e1'sts8 o&: 7hat +ade the att&a%t'on '&&es'st'.le8
But *h'le I %annot ans*e& /o& the +'ll'ons I %an ans*e& /o& one 44 +2sel/. You see, I too
a+ a %on)e&t to the -athol'% -hu&%h. I too /ound the att&a%t'on o/ the -athol'% &el'('on
'&&es'st'.le. And I *ould not .e the least .'t su&p&'sed '/ +2 &eason /o& ta9'n( the step *as
the sa+e &eason that p&o+pted +an2 o/ +2 /ello* %on)e&ts. Se)e&al *'th *ho+ I ha)e
d's%ussed the su.,e%t %on/essed that the2 *e&e s'+'la&l2 p&o+pted.
M2 &eason /o& e+.&a%'n( the -athol'% /a'th *as the e+idence of ,acred ,cri"ture. Yes, the
t'tle o/ th's .oo9let *'ll undou.tedl2 en/la+e the sens'.'l't'es o/ +an2 P&otestants and
othe&s *ho &e(a&d the B'.le as the'& o*n p&')ate /o&te, .ut 't 's ne)e&theless t&ue that the
B'.le +ade a -athol'% out o/ +e. It *as pu&el2 and s'+pl2 +2 uns*e&)'n( de)ot'on to the
*&'tten 7o&d o/ God *h'%h ult'+atel2 %on)'n%ed +e that the -athol'% -hu&%h, o&
;Ro+an; -athol'% -hu&%h '/ 2ou p&e/e&, 's +2 t&ue sp'&'tual ho+e, the %hu&%h *he&e'n I
%ould .est e//e%t the sal)at'on o/ +2 soul.
A (l'+pse 'nto +2 p&e4-athol'% &el'('ous e1pe&'en%e *'ll, o& should, esta.l'sh that the
a.o)e state+ent %o+es d'&e%tl2 /&o+ the hea&t and not /&o+ the '+a('nat'on. 0nl'9e
+an2 %on)e&ts I had no %lose asso%'at'on *'th -athol'%s p&'o& to +2 %on)e&s'on, so the&e
*as no 'n/luen%e, no ;p&essu&e,; e1e&ted on +e /&o+ that d'&e%t'on. M'ne *as a st&'%tl2
P&otestant en)'&on+ent. I *as .o&n o/ P&otestant pa&ents, *as .apt':ed a P&otestant, *as
&ea&ed a P&otestant, +a&&'ed a P&otestant and /o& a nu+.e& o/ 2ea&s e)en held do*n a
P&otestant pulp't. I/ e)e& the&e *as a ;tho&ou(h.&ed; P&otestant I *as one.
That .e'n( +2 &el'('ous 'nhe&'tan%e I natu&all2 *as an a)'d student o/ the B'.le. So+e o/
+2 a%3ua'ntan%es, th'n9'n( that I should ha)e spent +o&e t'+e *'th othe& %hu&%h +atte&s,
%ons'de&ed +e too a)'d. I d'd not a(&ee *'th the+. Hou&s, da2s, *ee9s, +onths on end I
en(&ossed +2sel/ 'n the B'.le, th's .oo9 *h'%h *as +2 .elo)ed &ule o/ /a'th6 /o& I d'd not
&el'sh the p&ospe%t o/ al*a2s .e'n( a student o/ the B'.le. I ea&nestl2 des'&ed that
so+eda2 I %ould &e(a&d +2sel/ as an authority on the B'.le. Indeed, ho* %ould I pose as a
3ual'/'ed +'n'ste& o/ the Gospel unless I *as an autho&'t2 on the B'.le, unless I %ould
e1pla'n a*a2 see+'n(l2 a+.'(uous B'.l'%al passa(es, .&'n('n( the e1a%t and 'ntended
+ean'n( to the /o&e not .2 su&+'se .ut .2 a p&o%ess o/ %lea& and %on%'se &eason'n(
suppo&ted .2 a//'da)'t8 -ould I appeal to an o//'%'al P&otestant B'.l'%al 'nte&p&ete&8 No,
.e%ause *'th'n P&otestant's+ the&e 's no su%h %ou&t o/ appeal. Se&'ous, p&a2e&/ul
%onte+plat'on o/ the S%&'ptu&es and /a'th 'n the (u'dan%e o/ the Hol2 Sp'&'t a&e su//'%'ent
to &esol)e 'nte&p&etat'on p&o.le+s, P&otestant's+ tea%hes.
Th's 'ntense p&eo%%upat'on *'th the B'.le, th's (oal I had set /o& +2sel/, led to a +ost
(&at'/2'n( d's%o)e&2. I d's%o)e&ed that *hene)e& I %a+e a%&oss a see+'n(l2 a+.'(uous
passa(e o/ S%&'ptu&e, one to *h'%h se)e&al 'nte&p&etat'ons +'(ht eas'l2 .e as%&'.ed, I %ould
&e+o)e the a+.'(u't2, /'nd the one t&ue 'nte&p&etat'on, .2 sea&%h'n( out othe& passa(es
d'&e%tl2 .ea&'n( on the su.,e%t and %o&&elat'n( the+. <o& e1a+ple: 'n the B'.le -h&'st
&epeatedl2 &e/e&s to h'+sel/ as the ;Son; o/ God and to God as ;+2 <athe&.; 7hen these
passa(es a&e 'solated th&ee d'st'n%t and %ont&ad'%to&2 'nte&p&etat'ons %an .e d&a*n /&o+
the+: !$ =esus *as a +o&tal .e'n(, a son o/ God 'n the sa+e sense that all +en a&e sons o/
God, >$ =esus *as a d')'ne e+'ssa&2 o/ God, a d')'ne .e'n( su.o&d'nate to the Sup&e+e
Be'n(, ?$ =esus *as the ete&nal Son o/ the ete&nal <athe&, the Se%ond Pe&son o/ a T&'une
Godhead, %onsu.stant'al and %o4e3ual *'th the <athe&. But *hen those passa(es a&e
%o&&elated *'th =esus5 othe& state+ents .ea&'n( on H's 'dent't2 44=ohn !:!@, @:!", !A:?@,
!>:B# and !B:@4!>, /o& e1a+ple44the one t&ue 'nte&p&etat'on, na+el2 the th'&d one,
e+e&(es %lea& as %&2stal.
Th's p&o%edu&e /o& e1t&a%t'n( the 'ntended t&uth /&o+ the *hole o/ Sa%&ed S%&'ptu&e
44e+plo2ed .2 all o/ the lead'n( autho&'t'es 'n S%&'ptu&e e1e(es's, I late& /ound out
44.&ou(ht a (&eat deal o/ %onsolat'on to +e 'n that I *as no* a.le to %on/'&+ 'n the +ost
pos't')e *a2 the -h&'st'an )al'd't2 o/ +an2 .el'e/s I had p&e)'ousl2 ta9en /o& (&anted
s'+pl2 .e%ause the2 *e&e t&ad't'onal P&otestant .el'e/s. But 't also &esulted 'n so+e
sta&tl'n( &e)elat'ons, &e)elat'ons I had not .a&(a'ned /o&, &e)elat'ons *h'%h challen)ed the
-h&'st'an )al'd't2 o/ so+e o/ +2 .el'e/s. In th's I *as not %onsoled .ut &athe& )e&2
The /'&st o/ these d'stu&.'n( &e)elat'ons had to do *'th the 'nt&'ns'% st&u%tu&e, the t&ue
%o+pos't'on, o/ -h&'st5s -hu&%h. -h&'st5s t&ue -hu&%h, the B'.le &e)ealed to +e, 's a .od2,
not a %o+pos'te o/ +an2 'nd')'dual .od'es l'9e a .od2 o/ people .ut an o&(an'% and
sp'&'tual ent't2 l'9e the .od2 o/ a s'n(le pe&son. Also th's .od2, the t&ue -h&'st'an -hu&%h,
's not st&'%tl2 a hu+an .od2 .ut 's a9'n to .e'n( a di+ine .od26 this by +irtue of the fact
that it is the -ystical Body of Christ himself. In a +2st'%al .ut )e&2 t&ue sense the t&ue
/a'th/ul %onst'tute the members o/ -h&'st5s -hu&%h .od2 *h'le He &e'(ns 'n hea)en as the
Head o/ H's %hu&%h .od2. The /ollo*'n( a&e the B'.le passa(es that .ea& th's out:
.A)ain he is the head of his body the Church. /Col0 %1%230 .4ow you are the body of
Christ member for member /5 Cor0 %#1#630 .7e are members of his body made from his
flesh and from his bones. /8"h0 '19:30
And ho* d'd I a&&')e at the %on%lus'on that -h&'st5s %hu&%h .od2 +ust pe&/o&%e .e a
un'/'ed, not a se(+ented, %hu&%h .od28 I s'+pl2 %o&&elated the a.o)e te1ts *'th the
/ollo*'n( te1ts:
.There shall be one fold and one she"herd. /;ohn %:1%(30 .And the )lory that thou
Father has )i+en me 5 ha+e )i+en to them that they may be one e+en as we are one.
/;ohn %61##30 .<ou were called in one body 000 one s"irit= one ho"e000 one Lord000 one faith
0 0 0 one ba"tism. /8"h0 >1>?'30
The&e 't *as pla'n as %ould .e 'n Sa%&ed S%&'ptu&e, the 7ord of @od, that -h&'st5s t&ue
-hu&%h *as %onst'tuted as one 44 one 'n e)e&2 &espe%t: one 'n +e+.e&sh'p, one 'n .el'e/,
one 'n *o&sh'p and one 'n (o)e&n+ent. That *as the *a2 -h&'st5s -hu&%h *as o&'('nall2
%onst'tuted and that *as the *a2 't had to &e+a'n '/ 't *as al*a2s to .e 'dent'/'ed as His
No* 's 't an2 *onde& that I *as d'stu&.ed .2 th's &e)ealed t&uth8 5 was not a member of
one Christian body. Be'n( a P&otestant I *as a +e+.e& o/ a so&t o/ -h&'st'an ;%o4op,; an
;asso%'at'on55 +ade up o/ o)e& #AA -h&'st'an .od'es, ea%h one d'//e&ent 'n na+e, 'n .el'e/,
'n (o)e&n+ent and, to a lesse& e1tent, 'n +ode o/ *o&sh'p. Ho* th's %on%ept o/ -h&'st5s
-hu&%h %ould poss'.l2 .e %onsonant *'th the one .od2, one sp'&'t, one /a'th, one
shephe&d %on%ept des%&'.ed 'n the B'.le I %ould not /o& the l'/e o/ +e see.
No& %ould I /'nd an2 o/ the e+'nent P&otestant theolo('ans a.le to (')e +e a plaus'.le
ans*e&. In)a&'a.l2 the2 des%&'.ed the oneness o/ -h&'st5s -hu&%h as ;that /ello*sh'p
*h'%h e1'sts .et*een all *ho p&o/ess -h&'st as Sa)'o& and p&ea%h H's Gospel.; That this
.fellowshi". refuses to meet on common )round to "rofess their faith in Christ as ,a+ior ??
that this fellowshi". cannot a)ree on what constitutes ChristAs whole and true @os"el ??
does not ente& the'& th'n9'n( at all. No& does 't ente& the'& th'n9'n( that su%h a de/'n't'on
o/ -h&'st5s M2st'%al Bod2 appea&s no*he&e 'n the B'.le.
The &eal':at'on that I *as not pa&t o/ a &eal .ona /'de -h&'st'an un't2, a s'n(le %hu&%h .od2
on the o&de& o/ the s'n(le %hu&%h .od2 des%&'.ed 'n the B'.le, d'st&essed +e to the )e&2
+a&&o* o/ +2 soul. -h&'st5s Bod2 ne)e& *as and ne)e& *'ll .e a disBointed .od2, +2
%ons%'en%e 9ept &epeat'n(, and I d'd so *ant to .e a +e+.e& o/ H's Bod2, to (et +2 /ull
sha&e o/ the d')'ne l'/e *h'%h H's Bod2 '+pa&ts. ;A house d')'ded a(a'nst 'tsel/ %annot
stand,; sa'd +2 Lo&d and Sa)'o& /-ark 91#'3, and I d'd so *ant to &est +2 /a'th 'n a house
that *ould stand6 /o& '/ 't *ould stand, '+pe&)'ous to t'+e and hu+an de%e't do*n
th&ou(h the a(es, 't *ould +ost assu&edl2 .e God5s house.
And so I d'd *hat an2 othe& -h&'st'an *ho s'n%e&el2 .el'e)es 'n the B'.le and *ho does
not *ant to &'s9 h's sal)at'on *ould do: I loo9ed a&ound the -h&'st'an pano&a+a 'n sea&%h
o/ that un't2 *h'%h -h&'st sa'd *ould %ha&a%te&':e H's .lessed /a'th/ul 44 and, su&p&'se o/
su&p&'ses, I /ound 't 'n the -athol'% -hu&%h.
The d's%o)e&2 *as not eas'l2 a%9no*led(ed. I hated to th'n9 that the &el'('on I had .een
+ost opposed to *as, 'n the /'nal anal2s's, the &el'('on that held out the (&eatest hope /o&
+e. But I had to .e honest *'th +2sel/. The spe%ta%le o/ BC# +'ll'on -athol'%s, th&ee4
/'/ths o/ all p&o/essed -h&'st'ans, pe&/e%tl2, 'ndo+'ta.l2 un'ted 'n .el'e/, 'n o&(an':at'on
and 'n autho&'t2 44 the h'sto&'%al /a%t that -athol'%s, %ons'stentl2 the la&(est .od2 o/
-h&'st'ans 'n the *o&ld, ha)e always .een thus pe&/e%tl2 un'ted 44 *as e)'den%e I %ould
not 'n %ons%'en%e '(no&e. I *as p&e,ud'%ed .ut I *as not .l'nd.
Then 'n due %ou&se alon( %a+e anothe& B'.le &e)elat'on, *h'%h shoo9 +e up st'll +o&e.
Th's t'+e 't *as the %onsp'%uous t&uth that -h&'st5s -hu&%h 's a teachin) %hu&%h, and
*he&e the essent'als o/ -h&'st'an do%t&'ne a&e %on%e&ned an infallible tea%h'n( %hu&%h.
The 9e2 that opened the doo& o/ +2 %ons%'en%e to th's t&uth *as -h&'st5s d'&e%t')e to H's
apostles sho&tl2 .e/o&e H's As%ens'on 'nto hea)en:
.All "ower in hea+en and on earth has been )i+en to me0 @o therefore and make
disci"les of all nations ba"tisin) them in the 4ame of the Father and of the ,on and of
the Holy ,"irit teachin) them to obser+e all that 5 ha+e commanded you. /-att0
The tea%h'n( +'ss'on o/ the -hu&%h %ould not ha)e .een +o&e %lea&l2 p&onoun%ed '/
-h&'st had de)oted a (&eat lon( se&+on to 't. And, +'nd 2ou, th's tea%h'n( %o++'ss'on
*as not (')en to all and sund&2, 't *as (')en onl2 to the apostles, to the administrati+e
body o/ H's -hu&%h. Had -h&'st +eant that the tea%h'n( autho&'t2 o/ H's -hu&%h *as to .e
e1e&%'sed .2 the +asses He *ould ha)e add&essed H's *o&ds to the +asses, o& He *ould
ha)e 'nst&u%ted the apostles to so ad)'se the +asses, ne'the& o/ *h'%h He d'd. The B'.le 's
3u'te %lea& on that s%o&e. So+e ha)e .een pla%ed 'n the -hu&%h as tea%he&s, .ut not all,
*&ote the Apostle Paul /5 Cor0 %#1#2?#&3.
No* *he&e d'd I (et the 'dea that the tea%h'n( autho&'t2 o/ -h&'st5s -hu&%h %annot e&&
*hen 't de/'nes the essent'als o/ -h&'st'an do%t&'ne8 7he&e d'd I (et the 'dea that the
tea%h'n( autho&'t2 o/ -h&'st5s -hu&%h %an no +o&e e&& toda2 than 't %ould 'n the
.e('nn'n(8 I (ot the 'dea /&o+ -h&'st and H's apostles, .2 %o&&elat'n( the'& state+ents
%on%e&n'n( the tea%h'n( autho&'t2 o/ the -hu&%h *'th the'& state+ents %on%e&n'n( the
d')'ne p&ote%t'on pled(ed to that tea%h'n( autho&'t2. Sa'd -h&'st to the apostles:
.These thin)s 5 ha+e s"oken to you while yet dwellin) with you0 But the Ad+ocate the
Holy ,"irit whom the Father will send in my name he will teach you all thin)s and
brin) to your mind whate+er 5 ha+e said to you 0 0 0 when the Ad+ocate has come whom 5
will send you from the Father he will bear witness concernin) me0 And you also will
bear witness because from the be)innin) you are with me. /;ohn %>1#'?#( %'1#(?#630
In othe& *o&ds, the tea%h'n( autho&'t2 o/ H's -hu&%h *ould not, %ould not, tea%h e&&o&
.e%ause /all'.le hu+an .e'n(s *ould not .e do'n( the a%tual tea%h'n(6 the 'n/all'.le Hol2
Sp'&'t o/ God, the 'n/all'.le -h&'st, *ould .e do'n( the a%tual tea%h'n(, spea9'n( throu)h
the hu+an tea%h'n( autho&'t2 o/ the -hu&%h. -h&'st +ade th's 3u'te %lea& *hen He sa'd to
the apostles: ;He *ho heað 2ou heað +e; /Luke %:1%(3.
-on/'&+'n( that the tea%h'n( autho&'t2 o/ the -hu&%h 's the pe&enn'al and 'n/all'.le )o'%e
o/ -h&'st'an t&uth the Apostle Paul *&ote:
.5 write these thin)s to thee 0 0 0 that thou mayest know how to conduct thyself in the
house of @od which is the Church of the li+in) @od the "illar and mainstay of truth. /%
Tim0 91%'30
No* *h2 *as I d'stu&.ed .2 the d's%o)e&2 o/ th's B'.l'%al t&uth8 Because dear reader 5
was not a member of a teachin) church much less an infallible teachin) church0 The
%hu&%h I *as a//'l'ated *'th, l'9e all othe& P&otestant %hu&%hes, too9 the pos't'on that
-h&'st5s -hu&%h 's 'n no *'se possessed o/ a )'s'.le, aud'.le, l')'n( tea%h'n( autho&'t2.
The&e/o&e no P&otestant %le&'%, no +atte& ho* h'(hl2 pla%ed, %ould p&onoun%e, .'nd on
the P&otestant %ons%'en%e, *hat 's and 's not t&ue -h&'st'an do%t&'ne. Not on%e %ould I
*ho had the t'tle o/ ;+'n'ste& o/ the Gospel; sa2 to an un.el'e)e&: ;Lea&n o/ +e, /o& 2ou
%an .e su&e that the Gospel I tea%h 's God5s a.solute t&uth. Lea&n o/ +e, /o& *hen I tea%h
-h&'st'an do%t&'ne 't 's the Lo&d =esus, *ho %an ne'the& de%e')e o& .e de%e')ed, tea%h'n(
th&ou(h +e. He *ho hea&s +e hea&s H'+.; No& %ould +2 .'shop +a9e su%h a de%la&at'on.
No& %ould the P&es'dent o/ the 7o&ld -oun%'l o/ -hu&%hes, o& the h'(hest o//'%'al o/ an2
othe& P&otestant all'an%e, +a9e su%h a de%la&at'on. An2 P&otestant %le&'% *ho da&ed +a9e
su%h a de%la&at'on *ould ha)e .een a%%used o/ he&es2 44 he *ould ha)e .een a%%used o/
;pope&2; *h'%h to a P&otestant 's tanta+ount to he&es2.
The %hu&%h I *as a +e+.e& o/, l'9e all othe& P&otestant %hu&%hes, held 'nstead that the
B'.le 's the onl2 d')'nel2 autho&':ed d'spenso& and (ua&anto& o/ -h&'st'an t&uth, that '/
an2one *ould .e sa)ed he +ust lea&n /&o+ the B'.le *hat 's &e3u'&ed o/ h'+ to .e sa)ed.
The sole &espons'.'l't2 o/ the -hu&%h, a%%o&d'n( to P&otestant .el'e/, 's to +a9e that
9no*n and to p&o)'de the ;sa)ed,; those *ho p&o/ess -h&'st as Lo&d and Sa)'ou&, *'th a
pla%e *he&e the2 %an ,o'n to(ethe& 'n ;the /ello*sh'p o/ p&a2e&.;
This des"ite the fact that for the first four hundred years there was no "ublished
Christian BibleC this des"ite the fact that for the ne*t one thousand years until the
in+ention of the "rintin) "ress there were scant few BiblesC this des"ite the fact that only
the literate ha+e direct access to the BibleC this des"ite the fact that those who ha+e made
the Bible their sole rule of faith ha+e come u" with hundreds of conflictin) rules of faithC
this des"ite the fact that the Bible itself states that many who inter"ret it "ri+ately will
inter"ret it wron)ly /55 !eter 91%(30
Don5t (et +e *&on(, I *as not .e('nn'n( to dou.t that the B'.le 's the hol2 7o&d o/ God.
That I shall ne)e& dou.t. I *as s'+pl2 %o+'n( to the &eal':at'on that the B'.le, )ene&a.le
.oo9 o/ t&uth that 't 's, is not the teacher of its own truth. The o.)'ous *as /o&%'n( 'tsel/
upon +e: 'nstead o/ .e'n( a tea%he& o/ God5s t&uth the B'.le 's a catalo) o/ the t&uths God
*ants tau(ht, and tau(ht so that all, 'n%lud'n( the .l'nd and 'll'te&ate, %an hea& and
unde&stand6 and to do this teachin) unerrin)ly as di+ine truth must needs be tau)ht
@od in the !erson of ;esus Christ founded a Church. Ho* an2th'n( so o.)'ous %ould ha)e
es%aped +e .e/o&e I do not 9no*, unless +2 t&a'n'n( had e&e%ted a +ental .lo%9. It
%e&ta'nl2 's as pla'n as %an .e 'n the B'.le.
No* +2 ea&nest des'&e *as to /'nd the tea%h'n( %hu&%h des%&'.ed 'n the B'.le6 /'&stl2
.e%ause I dea&l2 *anted to .elon( to the %hu&%h pe&sonall2 /ounded and %onst'tuted .2
-h&'st +2 Lo&d and, se%ondl2, .e%ause I 9ne* that '/ I *as tau(ht .2 that %hu&%h I *ould
ha)e H's *hole and pu&e Gospel D 5 knew that my chances of eternal sal+ation would be
increased a hundredfold0
You (uessed 't, the tea%h'n( %hu&%h I *as loo9'n( /o& tu&ned out to .e the -athol'%
-hu&%h. A stud2 o/ the h'sto&'es o/ the )a&'ous -h&'st'an %hu&%hes &e)ealed to +e that
onl2 one, the -athol'% -hu&%h, e1e&%'ses, has %ont'nuousl2 e1e&%'sed, the 9'nd o/ tea%h'n(
autho&'t2 *h'%h the B'.le sa2s 's p&ope& to the t&ue -hu&%h o/ =esus -h&'st6 onl2 the
-athol'% -hu&%h /un%t'ons /o& he& +e+.e&s as an une&&'n( 'nte&p&ete& o/ Hol2 7&'t, a
;Sup&e+e -ou&t; on all 3uest'ons &elat'n( to /a'th and +o&als6 only the Catholic Church
dares "roclaim to the world that when she teaches Christian doctrine it is ;esus Christ
who can neither decei+e or be decei+ed teachin) throu)h her 44 onl2 the -athol'% -hu&%h
(')es he& +e+.e&s th's *onde&/ul 'ntelle%tual and sp'&'tual se%u&'t2.
To th's 2ou +a2 &eto&t: ;I/ the -athol'% -hu&%h 's the tea%h'n( %hu&%h des%&'.ed 'n the
B'.le *h2 does she supp&ess the B'.le8 7h2 does she .2pass the B'.le .2 d&a*'n( upon
5t&ad't'on5 /o& so+e o/ he& a&t'%les o/ /a'th8; M2 &epl2 to that, dea& /&'end, 's th's: Go to the
-athol'% -hu&%h as I *ent to the -athol'% -hu&%h, %ondu%t an on4the4spot 'n)est'(at'on o/
the -athol'% -hu&%h as I d'd, and 2ou *'ll /'nd out as I /ound out that all those sto&'es
a.out the -athol'% -hu&%h supp&ess'n( and .2pass'n( the B'.le a&e as /alse as /alse %an .e.
I &eal':e that th's 's a lot to as9. L'9e +e 2ou ha)e p&o.a.l2 .een tau(ht to d'st&ust and sta2
st&'%tl2 a*a2 /&o+ e)e&2th'n( that sa)o&s o/ ;Ro+an's+.; But, .el'e)e +e, 2ou +ust (o to
the -athol'% -hu&%h '/ 2ou *ant %o+plete and a%%u&ate 9no*led(e o/ he& tea%h'n(s and
p&a%t'%es. You %e&ta'nl2 *ould not (o to the S*'ss In/o&+at'on Bu&eau /o& autho&'tat')e
'n/o&+at'on on the *'nte& &eso&ts o/ No&*a2, o& to Gene&al Moto&s /o& autho&'tat')e
'n/o&+at'on on the pe&/o&+an%e o/ <o&d auto+o.'les, o& to a staun%h De+o%&at /o&
autho&'tat')e 'n/o&+at'on on the a%h'e)e+ents and asp'&at'ons o/ the Repu.l'%an pa&t2.
No& *ould 2ou see9 autho&'tat')e 'n/o&+at'on a.out the /o&+e& /&o+ the latte&. It ,ust 's
not /a'& to o.ta'n 'n/o&+at'on a.out so+eone /&o+ the'& &')al 44 not /a'& to the+ and not
/a'& to 2ou. 7h2 then t&ust a &')al o/ the -athol'% -hu&%h to (')e 2ou autho&'tat')e
'n/o&+at'on a.out he& .el'e/s and p&a%t'%es8
That *as the s'+ple &ule o/ lo('% and /a'&ness I adopted and I +ust sa2 that 't &e*a&ded +e
.e2ond +easu&e. Instead o/ /'nd'n( the B'.le supp&essed and .2passed 'n the -athol'%
-hu&%h I /ound 't h'(hl2 hono&ed and %onsp'%uousl2 p&esent. In /a%t, I had ne)e& .e/o&e
seen the B'.le so h'(hl2 hono&ed, so %onsp'%uousl2 p&esent 'n a %hu&%h. I not'%ed that
du&'n( Mass a la&(e and .eaut'/ul M'ssal %onta'n'n( the Sa%&ed S%&'ptu&es &ests on the
alta&. The p&'est tu&ns and &eads th's M'ssal /&e3uentl2 du&'n( the %ou&se o/ the Mass. At
Lo* Mass he .ends o)e& and 9'sses 't and at H'(h Mass he 'n%enses 't as /u&the& s'(ns o/
the -hu&%h5s )ene&at'on /o& the 7o&d o/ God. And the se&+on, *h'%h al+ost al*a2s has a
te1t o/ S%&'ptu&e /o& 'ts the+e, 's p&e%eded .2 Ep'stle and Gospel &ead'n(s. Du&'n( the
Gospel &ead'n( the %on(&e(at'on stands to sho* the'& &espe%t /o& the 7o&d o/ God. And
*hat5s +o&e, I /ound that th's p&o/ound l'tu&('%al de)ot'on to the S%&'ptu&es has .een
(o'n( on s'n%e the /ou&th %entu&2 *hen the -h&'st'an %anon o/ S%&'ptu&e *as /'&st
dete&+'ned, and dete&+'ned, 'n%'dentall2, .2 th's sa+e -athol'% -hu&%h.
A&e -athol'%s en%ou&a(ed to &ead and +ed'tate upon the S%&'ptu&es p&')atel2 'n the'&
ho+es8 Indeed the2 a&e. -ont&a&2 to *hat I had lon( .el'e)ed I /ound that the -athol'%
-hu&%h ea&nestl2 des'&es that he& /a'th/ul o.ta'n a B'.le and d*ell on 'ts %ontents at e)e&2
oppo&tun't2, and as an 'ndu%e+ent she o//e&s a &'%h (&ant o/ Indul(en%es to all *ho spend
at least /'/teen +'nutes a da2 thus o%%up'ed. I/ so+e -athol'%s '(no&e th's plea, and I a+
su&e so+e do ,ust as so+e P&otestants a&e la1 'n the'& B'.le &ead'n(, 't 's no /ault o/ the
-hu&%h. As the sa2'n( (oes: You %an lead a ho&se to *ate& .ut 2ou %annot /o&%e h'+ to
d&'n9. A (oodl2 nu+.e& o/ -athol'%s do &espond, ho*e)e&, and 't *as onl2 /a'& that I
should &e(a&d the+ as the &ep&esentat')e -athol'%s.
No, the&e de/'n'tel2 's no supp&ess'on o/ the B'.le 'n the -athol'% -hu&%h. All *ho .el'e)e
othe&*'se ha)e .een (&ossl2 +'s'n/o&+ed.
M2 on4the4spot 'n)est'(at'on also tu&ned up so+e 'nte&est'n( /a%ts on the -hu&%h5s &eason
/o& .as'n( so+e o/ he& a&t'%les o/ /a'th on t&ad't'on. The&e *as noth'n( 'n these /a%ts to
'nd'%ate that the B'.le *as .e'n( .2passed. On the %ont&a&2, the /a%ts esta.l'shed that 'n
.as'n( so+e o/ he& a&t'%les o/ /a'th on t&ad't'on the -athol'% -hu&%h 's %o+pl2'n( *'th the
B'.le. St&an(e that I had not not'%ed th's .e/o&e %onsult'n( the -athol'% -hu&%h .ut the
B'.le does /o& a /a%t state that so+e o/ -h&'st5s tea%h'n(s *e&e %o++'tted to t&ad't'on.
He&e a&e the B'.l'%al te1ts to *h'%h I *as &e/e&&ed:
.,tand firm and hold the traditions you ha+e learned whether by word or letter of ours.
/55 Thess0 #1'%30
.And we char)e you brethren in the name of $ur Lord ;esus Christ to withdraw from
e+ery brother who li+es irre)ularly and not accordin) to the traditions recei+ed from us.
/55 Thess0 91(30
The&e 's no 3uest'on'n( the +ean'n( o/ those te1ts. He&e the Apostle spe%'/'%all2 states
that the&e a&e not one .ut t*o %&'te&'a o/ -h&'st'an t&uth: that *h'%h *as le/t to the
-hu&%h )'a Sa%&ed S%&'ptu&e, )'a the *&'tten *o&d, and that *h'%h *as le/t to the -hu&%h
)'a t&ad't'on, )'a the un*&'tten *o&d, .oth o/ *h'%h, he sa2s, 's o/ e3ual '+po&tan%e to the
-h&'st'an depos't o/ /a'th. And *h2 *as 't ne%essa&2 to .e3ueath so+e p&e%epts o/ /a'th to
the -hu&%h )'a the un*&'tten *o&d, .2 *o&d o/ +outh &athe& than .2 lette&8 A(a'n the
B'.le /u&n'shes the ans*e&:
.This is the disci"le who bears witness concernin) these thin)s and who has written these
thin)s and we know that his witness is true0 There are howe+er many other thin)s that
;esus didC but if e+ery one of these should be written not e+en the world itself 5 think
could hold the books that would ha+e to be written. /;ohn #%1 #>?#'30
So *e ha)e the B'.le5s o*n *o&d /o& 't that the&e *e&e so+e th'n(s *h'%h =esus sa'd and
d'd, so+e th'n(s *h'%h the Apostles tau(ht, that *e&e not *&'tten do*n, that d'd not /'nd
the'& *a2 'nto the B'.le, not .e%ause the2 *e&e &elat')el2 un'+po&tant but because it
would ha+e in+ol+ed an im"ossible writin) assi)nment0 Had the Apostles and the'&
d's%'ples atte+pted to &e%o&d all o/ Ou& Lo&d5s do'n(s and tea%h'n(s the2 *ould ha)e had
no t'+e le/t /o& p&ea%h'n( and o&(an':'n( and ad+'n'ste&'n( the Sa%&a+ents to the soul
sta&)ed +asses, the +a,o&'t2 o/ *ho+ %ould not &ead an2*a2.
No* the 3uest'on a&'ses: 7hat +ade +e so su&e that the t&ad't'on upon *h'%h the
-athol'% -hu&%h .ases so+e o/ he& a&t'%les o/ /a'th 's the t&ad't'on, the un&e%o&ded
tea%h'n(s o/ -h&'st, +ent'oned 'n the B'.le8 A l'ttle o.,e%t')e &esea&%h, plus a l'ttle
o.,e%t')e -h&'st'an &eason'n(, +ade +e su&e. Go'n( .a%9 o)e& the +a'nst&ea+ o/
-h&'st'an .el'e/ and p&a%t'%e s'n%e -h&'st'an't2 .e(an I d's%o)e&ed, +u%h to +2 su&p&'se,
that all o/ the othe& an%'ent and se+'4an%'ent -h&'st'an %hu&%hes 44 -opt'%, G&ee9
O&thodo1 and Russ'an O&thodo1 44 hold to the sa+e t&ad't'onal .el'e/s as the -athol'%
-hu&%h, 'nd'%at'n( that a%%eptan%e o/ the+ *as un')e&sal p&'o& to the ad)ent o/
P&otestant's+. Also 't o%%u&&ed to +e that '/ the t&ad't'on upon *h'%h the -athol'%
-hu&%h .ases so+e o/ he& do%t&'nes 's not the t&ad't'on +ent'oned 'n the B'.le, *hat has
.e%o+e o/ 't8 -ould 't .e that so+e o/ -h&'st5s tea%h'n(s ha)e .e%o+e e1t'n%t8 To th's I
had to ans*e& 'n %ons%'en%e that a/te& ha)'n( su//e&ed '(no+'n2 on the -&oss to plant H's
t&uth 'n the *o&ld God *ould not pe&+'t 't, no& an2 pa&t o/ 't, to .e%o+e e1t'n%t. ;Hea)en
and ea&th *'ll pass a*a2,; He sa'd, ;.ut +2 *o&ds *'ll not pass a*a2; /-ark %919%3. The
t&ad't'on upon *h'%h the -athol'% -hu&%h .ases so+e o/ he& a&t'%les o/ /a'th +ust,
the&e/o&e, .e the t&ad't'on +ent'oned 'n the B'.le, because it is the only tradition u"on
which articles of Christian faith are based0
These d's%o)e&'es, these &e)elat'ons o/ the B'.le, le/t no dou.t 'n +2 +'nd that the
-athol'% -hu&%h 's 'n )e&2 t&uth the tea%h'n( -hu&%h o/ -h&'st +2 Sa)'ou&.
But as %o+pell'n( as these d's%o)e&'es *e&e I st'll d'd not ha)e the st&en(th o/ *'ll to hand
+2sel/ o)e&. <o&%e o/ ha.'t 's a +'(ht2 /o&%e, I /ound, 3u'te %apa.le o/ &es'st'n( so+e o/
the st&on(est +ental pe&suas'ons. It pla2s t&'%9s on the +'nd, 't anesthetiDes the +'nd, 't
%&eates the 'llus'on 'n the +'nd that %usto+, so+eho*, 's a p&o/ound t&uth 'n 'tsel/, one
*h'%h t&ans%ends all othe& t&uths. I *as a P&otestant not .2 %ho'%e, +2 su.%ons%'ous 9ept
'ns'st'n(, .ut .2 he&ed't2, that 's .2 nature, the&e/o&e the ;natu&al55 th'n( /o& +e to do *as
&e+a'n a P&otestant.
St'll /o&%e o/ ha.'t and all the e1%uses o/ +2 su.%ons%'ous *e&e no +at%h /o& the (&a%e o/
God. In t'+e D')'ne P&o)'den%e opened +2 e2es to 2et anothe& B'.le &e)elat'on, one so
rife with eternal conseEuences it defied all resistance. Had I &e+a'ned out o/ the -athol'%
-hu&%h a/te& th's B'.le t&uth *as +ade 9no*n to +e I *ould ha)e had to a.andon +2
%ons%'en%e alto(ethe&. I *ould ha)e had to l'/t +2 e2es to hea)en and sa2: ;Not th2 7'll,
Lo&d, .ut +'ne .e done.;
Spea9'n( to +e &'(ht out o/ the pa(es o/ the B'.le -h&'st +2 Lo&d sa'd:
"I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the desert, and have died.
This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that if anyone eat of it he will
not die. I am the living bread that has come down from heaven. If anyone eat of
this bread he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life
of the world" /;ohn (1>2?'#3.
I %onte+plated those *o&ds lon( and ha&d. I had .een told .2 +2 P&otestant +ento&s that
-h&'st *as spea9'n( 'n the /'(u&at')e sense, that 's the .&ead He p&o+'sed to (')e /o& the
l'/e o/ the *o&ld *as not to .e %onst&ued as H's a%tual /lesh .ut .&ead ;s2+.ol'%; o/ H's
/lesh, o& at .est o&d'na&2 .&ead 'n *h'%h H's /lesh *ould .e sp'&'tuall2, ;sa%&a+entall2,;
p&esent. But the +o&e I %onte+plated H's *o&ds the +o&e I suspe%ted that the&e *as
so+eth'n( d&ast'%all2 *&on( *'th th's 'nte&p&etat'on. Ho*, I as9ed +2sel/, %ould .&ead
+anu/a%tu&ed he&e on ea&th .2 s'n/ul +an .e %alled .&ead that has %o+e do*n /&o+
hea)en8 Ho* %ould ea&thl2 .&ead '+pa&t l'/e to the soul8 Ho* %ould a ;s2+.ol; o/
-h&'st5s <lesh .e %alled His <lesh8 Ho* %an one ;eat; sp'&'tual o& sa%&a+ental /lesh8
<a%ed *'th these pe&ple1'n( 3uest'ons I sou(ht /o& the ans*e&s else*he&e 'n Sa%&ed
S%&'ptu&e 44 I &eso&ted to ;'nte&p&etat'on .2 %o&&elat'on,55 the +ethod o/ 'nte&p&etat'on
*h'%h had se&)ed +e so *ell .e/o&e. And a(a'n th's +ethod d'd not /a'l +e. I /ound that
the =e*s to *ho+ Ou& Blessed Lo&d add&essed H's *o&ds did not unde&stand H'+ to
+ean s2+.ol'%al o& sp'&'tual .&ead. They understood Him to mean bread that consisted
of His true and li+in) Flesh0 ;Ho* %an th's +an (')e us h's /lesh to eat8; the2 a&(ued
/;ohn (1'93. -h&'st *as spea9'n( not 'n the /'(u&at')e sense .ut 'n the literal sense, those
=e*s su&+'sed6 and the2 +ust ha)e su&+'sed %o&&e%tl2 .e%ause -h&'st +ade no atte+pt to
%han(e the'& th'n9'n(6 'nstead He &epeated h'+sel/ la2'n( e)en (&eate& st&ess on the l'te&al
sense o/ H's *o&ds:
.Amen amen 5 say to you unless you eat the flesh of the ,on of -an and drink his
blood you shall not ha+e life in you0 He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has life
e+erlastin) and 5 will raise him u" on the last day0 For my flesh is food indeed and my
blood is drink indeed. /;ohn (1'>?'(30
No, He d'd not &et&a%t e)en *hen +an2 o/ H's d's%'ples, s%andal':ed at the l'te&al '+pl'%a4
t'on o/ H's *o&ds, dese&ted H'+ /;ohn (1(63. He e)en told the Apostles that the2, too,
%ould dese&t H'+ .e/o&e He *ould su.t&a%t one 'ota /&o+ the l'te&al '+po&t o/ H's *o&ds
/;ohn (1(23. -h&'st +ust ha)e +eant *hat He sa'd. In t&uth He +ust ha)e 'ntended to
nou&'sh +an9'nd *'th the d')'ne soul4sa)'n( /ood o/ H's o*n <lesh and Blood, otherwise
He would not ha+e been so adamant so unswer+in)ly s"ecific0
But ho*8 Ho* %ould the /a'th/ul5 a%tuall2 pa&ta9e o/ H's t&ue and l')'n( <lesh and Blood8
That *as *hat the =e*s *anted to 9no* and that *as *hat I *anted to 9no*. Onl2 the&e
*as th's d'//e&en%e .et*een the =e*s and +2sel/ 44 l'9e the Apostles I had /a'th that
so+eho* 't %ould .e done6 l'9e the Apostles I .el'e)ed that *'th -h&'st, *'th D')'n't2, all
th'n(s a&e poss'.le6 l'9e the Apostles I e1e&%'sed pat'en%e and *as &e*a&ded /o& +2
pat'en%e. Sea&%h'n( the S%&'ptu&es /u&the& I lea&ned e1a%tl2 ho* -h&'st 'ntended to (')e
H's <lesh and Blood /o& the /a'th/ul to eat and d&'n9 44 5 found the full e*"lanation
contained in the account of the Last ,u""er1
.And while they were at su""er ;esus took bread and blessed and broke and )a+e it to
his disci"les and said ATake and eatC TH5, 5, -< B$D<0A And takin) a cu" he )a+e
thanks and )a+e it to them sayin) AAll of you drink of thisC F$R TH5, 5, -< BL$$D.
/-att0 #(1#(?#2 -ark %>1##?#> Luke ##1%&?#:30
The .&ead and *'ne o/ Hol2 -o++un'on, that *as 'tE The .&ead and *'ne o/ Hol2
-o++un'on *e&e not +e&e s2+.ols o& sp'&'tual &epos'to&'es o/ -h&'st as I had .een led to
.el'e)e .ut *e&e 'n t&uth .&ead and *'ne +'&a%ulousl2 t&ans/o&+ed .2 the Po*e& o/ God
'nto H's t&ue and l')'n( <lesh and Blood, onl2 the appea&an%e o/ .&ead and *'ne
&e+a'n'n(. Not onl2 d'd I ha)e the *o&ds o/ the p&o+'se and the *o&ds o/ the /ul/'ll+ent
o/ the p&o+'se to %on)'n%e +e o/ th's, I had the *o&ds o/ the Apostles 44 the2 too .el'e)ed
that the .&ead and *'ne dul2 %onse%&ated on the alta& .e%a+e the a%tual ph2s'%al Bod2
and Blood o/ =esus -h&'st. 7&ote the Apostle Paul:
.The cu" of blessin) that we bless is it not the sharin) of the blood of ChristF And the
bread that we break is it not the "artakin) of the body of the LordF. /5 Cot0 %:1%(30 .But
let a man "ro+e himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cu"C for he
who eats and drinks unworthily without distin)uishin) the body of the Lord eats and
drinks Bud)ment to himself. /5 Cor0 %%1#2?#&30
7hat /u&the& p&oo/ d'd I need8 None at all /o& the B'.le *as +2 %&'te&'a o/ d')'ne t&uth
and the B'.le %ould not ha)e .een +o&e e1pl'%'t.
Yet, lest the&e .e so+e l'n(e&'n( susp'%'ons, I sou(ht out the op'n'on o/ the p&'+'t')e
-hu&%h <athe&s on the +atte&. I/ an2one *as 'n a pos't'on to %o&&o.o&ate the test'+on2 o/
the Apostles 't *as the2, /o& the2 had .een the d's%'ples o/ the Apostles, the'&
'nte&p&etat'on o/ Sa%&ed S%&'ptu&e *as o.ta'ned /'&sthand /&o+ the )e&2 autho&s o/ Sa%&ed
It tu&ned out that the p&'+'t')e -hu&%h <athe&s had a (&eat deal to sa2 on the su.,e%t and 't
tu&ned out that all o/ the+ *e&e 'n pe&/e%t a(&ee+ent. Those 'llust&'ous leade&s o/ the
'n/ant -h&'st'an -hu&%h %alled the .&ead and *'ne %onse%&ated on the'& alta&s the
;Eu%ha&'st55 and the2 unan'+ousl2 +a'nta'ned that .2 )'&tue o/ the %onse%&at'on 't *as no
lon(e& %o++on /oodstu//s .ut had .e%o+e, .2 the O+n'potent Po*e& o/ God, the t&ue
<lesh and Blood o/ =esus -h&'st.
7&ote I(nat'us, d's%'ple o/ the Apostle =ohn, %on%e&n'n( the he&et'%s o/ h's da2: ;The2
ha)e a.sta'ned /&o+ the Eu%ha&'st and p&a2e&, .e%ause the2 do not %on/ess that the
Eu%ha&'st 's the /lesh o/ Ou& Sa)'o& =esus -h&'st.;
7&ote =ust'n Ma&t2&, anothe& -hu&%h <athe& o/ the se%ond %entu&2: ;Th's /ood 's 9no*n
a+on( us as the Eu%ha&'st... 7e do not &e%e')e these th'n(s as %o++on .&ead and
%o++on d&'n96 .ut as =esus -h&'st ou& Sa)'ou&, .e'n( +ade /lesh .2 the 7o&d o/ God.;
7&ote -2&'l o/ =e&usale+, )ene&a.le -hu&%h <athe& o/ the /ou&th %entu&2: ;S'n%e then He
has de%la&ed and sa'd o/ the .&ead, 5Th's 's +2 .od2,5 *ho a/te& that *'ll )entu&e to dou.t8
And see'n( that He has a//'&+ed and sa'd, 5Th's 's +2 .lood,5 *ho *'ll &a'se a 3uest'on and
sa2 't 's not H's .lood8;
The&e *as no* no &oo+ le/t 'n +2 +'nd /o& e)en the sl'(htest )est'(e o/ dou.t. Not onl2
d'd the -hu&%h <athe&s su.stant'ate +2 'nte&p&etat'on o/ these pa&t'%ula& passa(es o/
S%&'ptu&e .ut the2 d'd so 'n the st&on(est, +ost une3u')o%al lan(ua(e poss'.le. And so
d'd all o/ the (&eat -h&'st'an apolo('sts o/ su%%eed'n( %entu&'es %on%u& *'th +e. Indeed, I
/ound that 't *as not unt'l %o+pa&at')el2 &e%ent t'+es, unt'l +ode&n's+ .e(an 'n/e%t'n(
-h&'st'an't2 *'th 'ts /ondness /o& &e%9less spe%ulat'on, that an2 p&o/essed -h&'st'an held a
%ont&a&2 op'n'on. O.)'ousl2 the ;s2+.ol; and the ;sp'&'tual &epos'to&2; theo&'es to *h'%h
P&otestant's+ holds and to *h'%h I had held all +2 l'/e *as *&on(, ent'&el2 *&on(.
7hat a spot to .e 'nE The&e 'n the B'.le *as -h&'st +2 Lo&d tell'n( +e that I needed to eat
o/ H's <lesh and d&'n9 o/ H's Blood 'n o&de& to ha)e ete&nal happ'ness *'th H'+ 'n
hea)en... the&e 'n the B'.le *as the Apostle Paul tell'n( +e that I should p&o)e +2 /a'th .2
d'st'n(u'sh'n( the Bod2 and Blood o/ -h&'st 'n the %onse%&ated .&ead and *'ne o/ the
alta&F the&e 'n h'sto&2 *e&e the -hu&%h <athe&s %onde+n'n( as he&et'%s all -h&'st'ans *ho
do not %on/ess .el'e/ 'n the Real P&esen%e . . . and the&e *as I *'thout th's d')'ne soul
sa)'n( /ood, th's p&oo/ o/ +2 /a'th, th's assu&an%e that I .elon(ed to -h&'st5s t&ue Apostol'%
It *as a despe&ate s'tuat'on, one that %alled /o& '++ed'ate and pos't')e a%t'on. And a%t
'++ed'atel2 I d'd, /ollo*'n( the sa+e %ou&se o/ a%t'on I a+ su&e 2ou *ould ha)e
/ollo*ed, dea& /&'end 'n -h&'st, unde& 'dent'%al %'&%u+stan%es: I *ent 'n sea&%h o/ that
-hu&%h *h'%h %ould (')e +e the t&ue and l')'n( -h&'st 'n Hol2 -o++un'on, not %o++on
e)e&2da2 .&ead and *'ne *h'%h I %ould /'nd on an2 (&o%e&5s shel/.
Th&ou(hout all o/ P&otestant's+ I sea&%hed .ut to no a)a'l. Al*a2s I *as 'n/o&+ed that the
-o++un'on .&ead and *'ne *e&e %o++on /oodstu//s, sa%&a+ental /oodstu//s to .e su&e
.ut 'n no *'se the &eal Bod2 and Blood o/ -h&'st. Always the Communion bread and
wine were substitutions of the Body and Blood of Christ0 To e+phas':e th's po'nt one
+'n'ste& %ons'(ned the le/to)e& -o++un'on .&ead to h's %h'%9ens. Anothe&, an a)o*ed
teetotale&, se&)ed h's %on(&e(at'on (&ape ,u'%e 'n pla%e o/ *'ne and *hen the le/to)e&
(&ape ,u'%e /e&+ented 44 do*n the d&a'n. No '&&e)e&en%e *as 'ntended, the2 s'+pl2
.el'e)ed 'n the'& hea&ts that the sa%&edness o/ a sa%&a+ental, *hethe& 't .e the .&ead and
*'ne o& (&ape ,u'%e$ o/ Hol2 -o++un'on o& the *ate& o/ Bapt's+, e1'sts onl2 'n the
+'nd, not 'n the sa%&a+ental 'tsel/. A%%o&d'n(l2 the %h'%9ens and the d&a'n p'pe had not
&e%e')ed Hol2 -o++un'on.
No* 't *as up to the -athol'% -hu&%h to sho* +e the (lo&'ous /ul/'ll+ent o/ -h&'st5s
p&o+'se. And sho* +e she d'd. Yes, 't *as 'n the -athol'% -hu&%h, the ;Ro+an; -athol'%
-hu&%h, that I /ound the +anna *h'%h has %o+e do*n /&o+ hea)en, the -o++un'on
.&ead and *'ne *h'%h *as 'n t&uth the Bod2 and Blood o/ -h&'st +2 Sa)'ou&. The
-athol'% -hu&%h de%la&ed that 't *as so and *hen I *'tnessed the p&o/ound sole+n't2 o/
the -onse%&at'on on he& alta&, *hen I *'tnessed the hush that /ell o)e& the %on(&e(at'on
at that +o+ent, *hen I *'tnessed the &ad'an%e and pea%e that sho*n on the /a%es o/ the
%o++un'%ants, when 5 myself felt His Di+ine !resence "er+adin) the atmos"here, I had to
a(&ee that 't +ust 'ndeed .e so.
Ho* %ould 't .e othe&*'se8 -ould those -athol'%s and the hund&eds o/ +'ll'ons that
p&e%eded the+ .a%9 th&ou(h the %entu&'es to the )e&2 da*n o/ -h&'st'an't2 all .e the
)'%t'+s o/ hallu%'nat'on8 Ha&dl2. Hallu%'nat'ons .e%o+e less p&e)alent *'th the ad)an%e
o/ %')'l':at'on, not +o&e p&e)alent. Hallu%'nat'ons do not 'nsp'&e the .u'ld'n( o/ the
*o&ld5s (&eatest p&')ate net*o&9 o/ un')e&s't'es and s%'ent'/'% la.o&ato&'es. Hallu%'nat'ons
do not att&a%t su%h people as Au(ust'ne, Tho+as A3u'nas, Lou's Pasteu&, Mada+ -u&'e,
Ma&%on' and +an2 o/ the +ode&n *o&ld5s lead'n( 'ndust&'al'sts, people to *ho+ &eal's+ 's
a )e&'ta.le /et'sh.
No, th's *as no hallu%'nat'on I had *'tnessed, it was faith in the 5nte)rity and !ower of
;esus Christ. Those -athol'%s had %o+e to a +ost &eal'st'% %on%lus'on: =esus -h&'st 's God,
the&e/o&e He has the po*e& to %han(e .&ead and *'ne 'nto H's <lesh and Blood on the
alta& *'thout e//e%t'n( a %han(e 'n the appea&an%e o/ the t&ans/o&+ed .&ead and *'ne6
and =esus -h&'st p&o+'sed that He *ould do ,ust that so that H's /a'th/ul %ould &e%e')e
H'+ Bod2 and Blood, Soul and D')'n't2 'nto the+sel)es /o& the'& san%t'/'%at'on, the&e/o&e
H's p&o+'se has .een and st'll 's .e'n( 9ept. Those -athol'%s *e&e s'+pl2 .el'e)'n( 'n the
B'.le as I *as %o++'tted 'n %ons%'en%e to .el'e)e 'n the B'.le. They were sim"ly
belie+in) what Christ e*"ects all of His faithful followers to belie+e0
The Sa%&a+ent o/ the Real P&esen%e 's also %alled the Blessed Sa%&a+ent 'n the -athol'%
-hu&%h. But to +e 't *as a .lessed Sa%&a+ent 'n +o&e *a2s than one. <o& 't *as +2
d's%o)e&2 o/ the t&ue and l')'n( -h&'st 'n th's Sa%&a+ent o/ the -athol'% -hu&%h *h'%h
'nsp'&ed +e to 'n3u'&e 'nto he& s'1 othe& Sa%&a+ents. D'd the othe& s'1 also en,o2 an
a.undan%e o/ s%&'ptu&al suppo&t8 I *anted to 9no*. Not that I e1pe%ted to /'nd the+
*'thout s%&'ptu&al suppo&t 44 I *as %on)'n%ed do*n deep 'n +2 hea&t that the %hu&%h
*he&e'n d*elt the Real P&esen%e o/ -h&'st *ould %e&ta'nl2 .e the %hu&%h *he&e'n d*elt
the /ull %o+ple+ent o/ H's Sa%&a+ents 44 .ut I /elt that 't *as e1ped'ent that I should +a9e
a %lean s*eep o/ the -athol'% Sa%&a+ents *h'le I *as on the su.,e%t, e1ped'ent that I
should ha)e +2 %on)'%t'on %on/'&+ed.
Needless to sa2 +2 %on)'%t'on *as %on/'&+ed. One .2 one I *ent o)e& the s'1 othe&
Sa%&a+ents *'th a -athol'% p&'est and one .2 one he .a%9ed the+ up *'th a host o/
S%&'ptu&e te1ts. Ta9e the -athol'% Sa%&a+ent o/ Penan%e, the %on/ess'n( o/ one5s s'ns to a
p&'est, /o& e1a+ple. That 's the one non4-athol'%s see+ to ha)e the +ost d'//'%ult2 *'th.
Open'n( h's B'.le +2 p&'est %onsultant &ead to +e:
.And ;esus came and stood in the midst of his disci"les and said to them A!eace be to
your And when he had said this he showed them his hands and side0 The disci"les
therefore reBoiced at the si)ht of the Lord0 He therefore said to them a)ain A!eace be to
youG As the Father has sent me 5 also send you0A 7hen he had said this he breathed
u"on them and said to them ARecei+e the Holy ,"iritC whose sins you shall for)i+e they
are for)i+en themC and whose sins you shall retain they are retained0A. /;ohn #:1%&?#93.
;But *asn5t the p&e&o(at')e o/ /o&(')'n( s'ns (')en to all o/ the /a'th/ul and not ,ust to the
%le&(28; I as9ed. A(a'n th's p&'est &ead to +e /&o+ the B'.le:
.5s anyone amon) you sickF Let him brin) in the "resbyters of the Church and let them
"ray o+er him00 and if he be in sins they shall be for)i+en him. /;ames '1%>?%'30
And he 3uoted +an2 othe& passa(es. He +ade 't 3u'te o.)'ous that the Sa%&a+ent o/
Penan%e *as a )al'd, B'.l'%all2 suppo&ted Sa%&a+ent o/ -h&'st5s -hu&%h, the ad+'n'ste&'n(
o/ *h'%h *as a spe%'al p&e&o(at')e o/ the p&es.2te&s, the %le&(2, o/ the -hu&%h. And he
+ade 't 3u'te o.)'ous that all o/ the othe& -athol'% Sa%&a+ents 44 Bapt's+, -on/'&+at'on,
Hol2 O&de&s, Mat&'+on2 and E1t&e+e 0n%t'on 44 l'9e*'se *e&e )al'd, B'.l'%all2 suppo&ted
Sa%&a+ents o/ -h&'st5s -hu&%h. In /a%t, I had ne)e& .e/o&e seen so +u%h S%&'ptu&e th&o*n
'n suppo&t o/ -h&'st'an do%t&'ne.
7hat a sha+e that the /ull '+po&t o/ those passa(es o/ S%&'ptu&e had es%aped +e .e/o&e,
althou(h I 9no* that I +ust ha)e &ead the+ hund&eds o/ t'+es. But *hat a ,o2 that the'&
/ull '+po&t had not %ont'nued to es%ape +e. God had 'ndeed ans*e&ed +2 p&a2e&s /o&
The&e *as noth'n( le/t /o& +e to do no* .ut .e%o+e a -athol'%. All &es'stan%e, e)e&2
+ental &ese&)at'on I had e)e& ente&ta'ned a.out the (&eat Mothe& -hu&%h o/ -h&'st'an't2,
*as (one, than9s to the Hol2 B'.le and the (&a%e o/ God. The -athol'% -hu&%h, I *as
%on)'n%ed 'n +2 +'nd and 'n +2 soul, 's e)e&2th'n( she %la'+s to .e. E'the& she 's the one
t&ue -hu&%h o/ =esus -h&'st, H's M2st'%al Bod2 on ea&th, o& the B'.le 's not *o&th the
pape& 't 's p&'nted on.
The t&ans't'on /&o+ P&otestant's+ to -athol'%'s+ *as a lot eas'e& than I thou(ht 't *ould
.e. I had '+a('ned that the&e *ould .e a sto&+ o/ &esent+ent a+on( +2 &elat')es and
+e+.e&s o/ +2 '++ed'ate /a+'l2. I '+a('ned that +2 *'/e 'n pa&t'%ula& *ould &a'se Old
Ned .e%ause I ne)e& on%e hea&d he& sa2 a (ood th'n( a.out the -athol'% -hu&%h. And I
/ea&ed that +2 /ello* P&otestant %le&'%s, *hose *a&+ /&'endsh'p I %he&'shed, *ould ne)e&
a(a'n spea9 to +e, e1%ept pe&haps to %ast'(ate +e /o& .e'n( a ;t&a'to&.;
But, su&p&'s'n(l2, su%h *as not the %ase at all. A/te& that 'n't'al sho%9 *h'%h an
announ%e+ent o/ th's 9'nd 'n)a&'a.l2 p&odu%es I *as %on/&onted not *'th a *a)e o/
&esent+ent and ant'path2 .ut *'th a *a)e o/ %u&'os't2 and *onde&+ent. The&e *e&e a
/e* 'solated 'nstan%es o/ &'d'%ule, o/ %onde+nat'on, .ut .2 and la&(e +2 /&eedo+ o/
%ons%'en%e *as &espe%ted. B2 and la&(e the &ea%t'on *as not ;-u&se 2ou /o& do'n( 'tE; .ut
;7h2 d'd 2ou do 't8; M2 /a+'l2 and +2 &eall2 %lose /&'ends 9ne* that I *ould ne)e&
*'ll/ull2 (o %ounte& to the 7'll o/ God 44 they knew that my loyalty to ;esus Christ
su"erceded all other loyalties. The2 s'+pl2 *anted to 9no* *h2 +2 lo2alt2 to -h&'st
should .e%o+e so d&ast'%all2 alte&ed 'n the +ode o/ 'ts e1p&ess'on.
And *hen I d'd e1pla'n *h2 +2 /a+'l2 and +an2 o/ +2 /&'ends .e%a+e %lose& to +e than
e)e& 44 they followed me into the Catholic Church. L'9e +e the2 %a+e to &eal':e that the
-athol'% /a'th 's the (enu'ne B'.le /a'th. L'9e +e the2 *anted the 'ne//a.le ,o2 o/ .e'n(
un'ted to -h&'st 'n the /ullness o/ H's Gospel, 'n the /ullness o/ H's Sa%&a+ents and 'n the
/ullness o/ H's G&a%e. L'9e +e the2 *ould let no p&e,ud'%e stand 'n the *a2 o/ -h&'st5s
hol2 T&uth.
So *'th that +2 sto&2 ends. No* 2ou 9no*, dea& &eade&, *h2 I and %ountless thousands
l'9e +e e+.&a%e the -athol'% /a'th 2ea& a/te& 2ea&, %entu&2 a/te& %entu&2. -o++'tted 'n
%ons%'en%e to a.'de .2 the 7o&d o/ God *e s'+pl2 had no othe& %ho'%e.
S'n%e&el2 2ou&s 'n =esus -h&'st,