Bods Interview Q&A
Bods Interview Q&A
Bods Interview Q&A
2) tell me about transformations in sap bods?
Transforms & Categories (DI, DQ, PF)
Data Integration
Data_Transfer, Date_Generation
Data Integration Effective_Date, Hierarchy_Flattening
Data Integration History_Preserving, Key_Generation
Data Integration Pivot, Reverse_Pivot, XML_Pipeline
Platform Case, Map_Operation, Merge, Query
Platform SQL, Validation Custom ABAP Transform
3) what is job ?
A job is the smallest unit of work that you can schedule independently for e
4) what is Workflow in sap bods?
A work flow defines the decision-making process for executing data flows
5) what is Dataflow?
Data flows extract, transform, and load data. Everything having to do with data
, including reading sources, transforming data, and loading targets, occurs insi
de a data flow.
6) tell me about Scripts in sap bods?
A Script is a single-use object that is used to call functions and assign values
in a workflow. To apply decision-making and branch logic to work flows DI scrip
ting language is used
7)tell me about Data Quality Transforms in sap bods ETL processes?
8)tell me about Data Cleanseing processes?
Use the Data Cleanse transform to parse and format custom or person and firm dat
a as well as phone numbers, dates, e-mail addresses, and Social Security numbers
Custom data includes operational or product data specific to the business.
The cleansing package we specify defines how our data should be parsed and stand
Within a data flow, the Data Cleanse transform is typically placed after the add
ress cleansing process and before the matching process
9)What is Dictionary in BODS?
10) what is Directory in BODS?
11)what are components in Data Services ?
Job Server
Access Server
Real-time Services
Address Server
Cleansing Packages, Dictionaries, and Directories
Management Console [sociallocker]
12)How to reduced SCD Type 3 in SAP BODS?
13) what is Pivot Transformation?
14)What is Repository and a Datastore in data Services ?
repository is a set of tables that holds user-created and predefined system obje
cts, source and target metadata, and transformation rules. There are 3 types of
A local repository
A central repository
A profiler repository
datastore is a connection to a database
There are three kinds of Datastores namely Database Datastores (RDBMS), Applicat
ion Datastores (ERP) and Adapter Datastores (3rd Party applications).
15) what is Row-by-row select Table Tranform ?
16)what is performance tuning in data services ?
17)what is Case Transform?
18)What is Auto Correct Load in SAP BODS?
Auto correct loading ensures that the same row is not duplicated in a target tab
19)what use of A profiler repository?
the profiler repository is used by the Profile Server for doing Data profiling (
statistical analysis and insigh tinto the data content and relationship, Min/Max
values, Frequency Distribution, Pattern Analysis) and Data QUality Assessment t
A good component to quickly get detailled insight into the content of your table
s and use this information to measure the quality level.
Profiler repositroy stores following information
1 - Profiler tasks, that are created when a profiling request is submitted from
Desginer, from the Management Console you can monitor the progress and execution
of these task
2 - Profiling result (data), when you profile columns of tables, the summay and
detail information will be stored in profiler repo, along with the sample data f
or each profiling attribute (this from where the profiler results are displayed
in Designer)
Profiles repositroy is stores information Like, Profiles of the tasks that occur
when a request is made from profiling desgin of the management console you can
monitor the development and implementation of these two tasks 1. Performance Profiling when the columns of tables profile information profiles
and detailed Summary stored in the repository.
20)tell me about Array fetch size in BODS?
Design type 2 in BODS?
1. History preserve transform
2. Table comparison, map operation, case transform
What will happen if a column removed in sql t/f?
1. Job will not show error while validating but during running or if we update s
chema in sql t/f, it will fail.
How to call a batch script in BODS?
1. EXEC function
How oracle table values loaded into variables?
1. SQL function
How to use pushdown sql in BODS?
1. To limit data from source/target
2. Reduce the barrier between source/target to BODS
What are date types available?
What are the available memory types in data flows?
1. Pageable
2. In Memory
The software provides the following types of caches that your data flow can use
for all of the operations it contains:
Use in-memory cache when your data flow processes a small amount of data that fi
ts in memory.
Pageable cache
Use a pageable cache when your data flow processes a very large amount of data t
hat does not fit in memory.
How to import data from table in datastore?
1. Import table by giving owner name
Company Name
How many types datastores in BODS?
3 Types