2014 Visit Philadelphia Annual Report
2014 Visit Philadelphia Annual Report
2014 Visit Philadelphia Annual Report
Joint Marketing
Program since 2011.
17 organizationsincluding
the City of Philadelphia and
the Commonwealth of Penn-
sylvaniateamed up for
With Art Philadelphia
the collaborative campaign.
75 partners have signed on
to advertise on visitphilly.com
since April 2013. Hotels,
restaurants, attractions
and festivals enjoy greater
visibility on the regions
of cial visitor website.
155 organizations have joined
us for four diferent Philadel-
phia sections in US Airways
and Arrive magazineseach one branded With Love,
With Art and/or visitphilly.com. Participants included
attractions, neighborhood associations, schools,
hospitals, museums and art organizations. Look for
the next US Airways spread in June 2014.
Collaboration Is Key
VISIT PHILADELPHIAs partners depend on us to run strategic campaigns with a
unied voice. We turn partners news and dollars into marketing that gets people
to visit Philadelphia and our partners businesses and attractions.
Philadelphia Flower Show
In-Kind Partnerships
Communications: Our media team is in constant commu-
nication with the press, and theyre eager to share good
attraction news and quirky stories in our press materials
(releases, photos and videos) and through our Visiting
Journalist Program.
Hotel Program: We create hotel packages, promote hotel
packages, provide hotel room-booking capabilities, work
with AAA and Canadian Automobile Association clubs to
promote hotel packages and liaison with the concierge
Social Media: We have more than a dozen social media ac-
counts sending out Philadelphia information to varied audi-
ences daily, and the social media team is happy to promote
events, deals, special ofers and more on Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Pinterest and our other outlets.
Research: We publish research based on consumer sur-
veys, focus groups and visitor proles and are committed
to sharing these ndings with our partners.
Advertising: In addition to the advertising opportunities
mentioned on the left, we produce advertorials and collat-
eral materials that highlight attractions, events, exhibits and
more. We also run sweepstakes that require prize fulll-
ment (overnight stays, tickets, etc.).
Partner Oppor-
tunities brochure, including contact information, go to
visitphilly.com/about 7
City-Wide, Region-Wide
Promotional Partners
Building Philadelphias image and increasing visitation to
our ne region takes a collective and massive efort. We
want to work with partners to ensure that our campaigns
are strategic and our messages are unied.
Matching-Fund Programs &
Special Opportunities
Joint Marketing Program: Participants in this program,
which began in 2011, promote their exhibitions, events
and attractions by buying into our With Love campaign.
This opportunity broadens their reach and provides a
matched investment, strategic direction and creative
Advertising On Visitphilly.com: Visitphilly.com is our call-
to-action not only on ads, but also for press materials,
social media, newsletters, brochures and everything
else we do. Organizations secure more coverage on
visitphilly.com by taking advantage of our online adver-
tising program, launched in 2013. Our partners had been
wanting this opportunity for years.
Special Sections: We get our messages in the hands of
travelers while theyre traveling. Weve spearheaded four
special sections in US Airways and Arrive magazines that
highlight the region to national and international travel-
ersin the sky and on the rails.
Special Programs: Attractions and organizations partner
together to spread a stronger message to consumers.
To make our With Art Philadelphia campaign a reality,
we brought together 17 civic and cultural organizations
to shine a light on the citys vibrant arts scene. We intend
to lead more opportunities like this one in the future.
In December 2013, Skift, the inuential
global travel industry news site, named Meryl
Levitz to its Worlds Top Travel Marketers list.
Want To Know More About Us?
We have a few ways you can do just that.
Sign up for our president and CEOs
monthly email at visitphilly.com/email.
Go to visitphilly.com/about.
New Yorks Penn Station
New Year Brings New Name,
Evolved Campaign
After many years of planning, we changed our name
from the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing
Corporation to VISIT PHILADELPHIA. Sure, its
shorter and easier to say than our 17-syllable name,
but more importantly, VISIT PHILADELPHIA is a
strong call-to-action that tells people exactly what
we want them to do.
We debuted an evolution of our popular and efec-
tive With Love, Philadelphia XOXO campaign.
Called Phillyosophy
, an evolution of our
popular and efective With Love, Philadelphia XOXO
Sesame Place
SugarHouse Casino
Towns of the Philadelphia Countryside
Valley Forge Convention and Visitors Bureau
Barnes Foundation
In 2012, we embarked on a
rst-of-its-kind partnership with
16 civic and cultural organiza-
tions to leverage the opening
of the Barnes Foundation in
Philadelphia and shine a light
on the citys vast and varied art
scene. A 2013 survey conducted
by Russell Research revealed that 32% of young people
(18-34) had visited a Parkway museum, up from 19% in
2011. Pleased with the success of what was intended to be
a two-year endeavor, many partners signed on for a third
year of the visual arts marketing campaign.
Our Partners
City of Philadelphia
Barnes Foundation
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Penn Museum
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
Philadelphia International Airport
Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau
Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The Lenfest Foundation
William Penn Foundation
Knight Foundation
Arts & Business Council of Greater Philadelphia
Artistic Advertising Endeavors
A visit to Philadelphia is better with art. That was our key
message for year two of the campaign, and thats the
sentiment we conveyed in advertising that appeared in
outdoor, print and radio ads in the Philadelphia, New York,
Baltimore and Washington, DC markets, plus nationally and
internationally online. The ads featured highlights from our
partner museums collections and encouraged visitors to
curate their own Philadelphia experiences.
campaign, showcasing the citys
music, design and culture scene
to a cross-cultural millennial
Content Is King
This year, we tightened the content focus on our popu-
lar website, signing on new bloggers to dish expertly on
music, design and culture. We also launched an Instagram
account at this years Roots Picnic to give our fans another
avenue to engage with our brand. And video played as im-
portant a role as ever on our site. In fact, we created more
than 40 short videos that show of Philly events, exhibits,
artists and celebrities. Our most popular piece this year?
A behind-the-scenes video featuring Kevin Hart and Ice
Cube at Mitchell & Ness.
The Power Of Cross-Promotion
Philly 360 aligned with some of our other popular VISIT
PHILADELPHIA campaigns to cross-promote messages
and to share and maximize resources. At the Roots Picnic,
for example, we used a Philly neighborhoods painting
created by local artist Stacey Flygirrl Wilson as the back-
drop for a free photo booth, ensuring that audiences were
exposed to the Philly 360, With Art Philadelphia and Phil-
adelphia Neighborhoods messages at this daylong event.
We adopted a similar approach at Made In America, the
BlackStar Film Festival and The City, a pre-Fourth of July
music and fashion event.
Upping Phillys Cool Factor
With Collaborators
Working with inuential organizations and individuals is
key to getting our message out to the millennials were
looking to reach. We collaborated with BASSic Black
Entertainment, The Recording Academy
Visit Philadelphia is an industry leader when it comes to
content marketing and uses its web presence to share
content that goes beyond an ad or an image to include
useful information that visitors and locals interact with.
December 16, 2013
Canadas National Post
The citys of cial tourism site is better than most at ofer-
ing up extensively thought out itineraries and keeping on
top of a diverse and event-lled city. September 6, 2013
Anyone looking for a case study of how audience/pros-
pect research and tailored, multichannel marketing eforts
can pay of for destinations need look no further than
Philadelphia. May 28, 2013
Thanks to Visit Phillys Get Connected eforts, Philly has
developed a reputation for being a social media power-
house, and this guest pinner program is more social
engagement. April 23, 2013
Everett Potters Travel Report
So, kudos to the Greater Philadelphia Tourism folks for
serving as tour guides to Phillys changing and revitalizing
neighborhoods. July 30, 2013
Photos by M. Edlow, J. Fusco, M. Kennedy, R. Kennedy, B. Krist, B. Kuhlmann, J.S. Ruth and G. Widman
for VISIT PHILADELPHIA; also courtesy of the Four Seasons, Marriott Hotels and Resorts and StudioBooth
My Phillyosophy:
When great art moves you,
always follow.
Thank you to PNC for keeping
the Arts Alive in Philadelphia.