Nobility Handout Piotr Nojszewski
Nobility Handout Piotr Nojszewski
Nobility Handout Piotr Nojszewski
2 What is “szlachta”?
Szlachta (Polish term for nobility) is an upper social class with certain privileges. Usually, people
who served with arms for the duke or the king. Its privileges included right to own land and
electing the monarch. Nobility was inherited in paternal line (later changed)
How to become a noble?
• Ennoblement (by King or Sejm)
• Heraldic Adoption / Cooptation (by a noble family)
• Indygenat / Naturalization (of a foreign noble)
• Personal title (non-inherited) connected with a function or a distinction
Other than in Western Europe the szlachta accounted for up to 8% of the entire population. In
some regions like in Podlasie up to 25% percent of all inhabitants were nobles. Majority of
nobles were poor, many not owning any land.
Ród herbowy (clan) - one and the same code of arms was used by many families with no
common roots.
Other important armorials include Paprocki, Wielądek, Uruski. There are many special armorials covering
some areas like Kaszuby or Galicja or specific groups like Tatars or Evangelic nobility.
Księgi grodzkie i ziemskie – old court records starting from 15th century. Examples:
Metryka Koronna I Metryka Litewska records of activity of the court and the king, includes eg
information on individual nobles like donations of land, oldest from 15th century. Examples: