Oecd/Ecmt/Jtrc: Financial Viability and Affordability of Off-Budget Infrastructure Funding Models
Oecd/Ecmt/Jtrc: Financial Viability and Affordability of Off-Budget Infrastructure Funding Models
Oecd/Ecmt/Jtrc: Financial Viability and Affordability of Off-Budget Infrastructure Funding Models
Financial Viability and Affordability of Off-budget Infrastructure
Funding Models
Foreword by Dr Timothy J Stone
We attach our report from a short study to assist the work of the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)/European Conference of
Ministers of Transport (ECMT)/Joint Transport Research Centre (JTRC) on
investment in transport infrastructure. You asked us to look at the factors that
determine the financial viability of inland transport projects - mainly roads and rail
- focussing on the ones that use innovative, “off budget” funding mechanisms
such as Public Private Partnership (PPP) concessions and other structures such as
specialised government agencies, special funds or taxes.
We have identified factors that affect long-term project affordability from the point
of view of government and users, and financial viability from the infrastructure
operator’s perspective. It is no surprise that these factors overlap and are driven
by complex issues specific to each project and set of circumstances. As a result,
we have adopted for the five case studies considered an evaluation methodology
that reflects these complexities.
• If the project revenues do not cover operating costs and the concessionaire’s
cost of capital, then it is unlikely to be financially viable in the long run. The M5
project in Hungary provides a good illustration of this point.
• Specialist transport agencies in the public sector have no profit motive to drive
efficiency gains. Transport funds can be used to support strong or weak
projects, but such hypothecation is often no more efficient than raising funds
from general taxation.
• Of the funding mechanisms considered, PPPs are the only ones that spell out
the project specifics – for instance the funding structure of each project and
expected returns on investment.
• The funding mechanisms are not mutually exclusive. For instance many
governments are using receipts from road taxes to fund PPPs. The German
A-Modell road scheme is a good example.
• Well structured concession or PPP contracts can protect the public interest
with provisions such as revenue sharing, refinancing gain sharing and
sometimes benchmarking.
• Our review of case studies show that the factors that affect financial viability
and affordability are many and varied and often depend on project specific
• As the Skye Bridge example shows, even where a project is financially viable
for the concessionaire and affordable for most users, popular opposition driven
by ideological objection and perceptions of social inequity can result in project
Dr Timothy J. Stone
Partner and Chairman
Infrastructure & Government
Corporate Finance
There are many aspects to project viability. Our main area of focus was the financial
elements. In other words, what are the elements, under different circumstances
that define and determine the affordability of a given project, while also allowing it to
meet objectives in terms of optimal usage? At what point does a project become
unaffordable to governments or to users? What factors influence its financial viability,
and will make it unstable? And how can the costs of the project be balanced and
spread to improve affordability?
• What is the public’s willingness to pay – through fares and tolls? How is this
determined? Are there means of measuring this? What mechanisms might
increase the public’s willingness to pay user charges?
• What factors affect governments’ willingness and ability to support the project?
What quantifiable factors should be taken into consideration in determining the
appropriate levels of grants and contributions that could be provided by
government? What mechanisms might determine an appropriate level of
contribution? What sources of government revenues should be taken into
account, including taxes, property options and others?
• What factors affect the inside of a concession or PPP, and give it financial viability?
The approach we took, in a short study, was to have an internal workshop to look
at the different factors behind project viability and to develop a standard
questionnaire. We then used the questionnaire as a tool for desk research on a
number of case study projects, and developed a radar graph as a way of
displaying each project’s performance against a number of key criteria. We
summarise the facts of each case study in Annex A; those unfamiliar with these
projects may want to review this Annex first. Annex B provides detailed scores
for each project against the key criteria.
We have adopted in the report the convention of using funding to mean who
ultimately pays for a project and of using financing to mean mechanisms for
spreading capital costs over time. So funding comes either from users or
governments for transport projects; and finance can come from public or private
sources. With finance comes an opportunity to shift the risks inherent in the project
as finance does not always have to be guaranteed. But the private sector financiers
will only be funding projects inadvertently where something has gone very wrong,
as with the Channel Tunnel or the Croydon Tramlink in the UK. Such failures tend to
have a strong effect on market sentiment.
There is also a subtle difference between the term financial viability and the term
affordability. Financial viability looks at the issue from the perspective of the
infrastructure operator; affordability from the point of view of the government or user
who is paying. Financial viability is a subset of project viability, which could also
include technical or other issues. The links between financial viability and affordability
are complex. At the simplest level, an increase in the allowed level of user charges
would improve financial viability but reduce user affordability. But the relationship is
not a simple trade off; an unrealistic project could turn out to be both unviable and
This report is structured around the terms of reference you gave us. Section B looks
at the different off budget mechanisms which allow governments to tap into
different types of finance, and sometimes to access new sources of funding.
These include:
In Section C of the report we then concentrate on bringing out the lessons learnt
from our case studies of PPP projects about the factors affecting project viability
and affordability at individual project level.
This is a short study with the aim of provoking discussion and sharing some
learning points. There are no simple answers to project viability and affordability;
and different countries have quite reasonably adopted different approaches. Yet
the same mistakes continue to be made, in particular when short term political or
administrative objectives dominate in a long term and expensive project. One
advantage of involving private finance is that it puts more of a requirement on
governments to consider and state objectives and to prepare higher quality
documentation for a competitive process.
Section B - Mechanisms
Government’s role is to establish the legal basis for the agency, agree its annual
budget, give it the appropriate borrowing powers and set any borrowing limits
deemed necessary. In other words, the role is an all encompassing one as
enabler, customer, regulator, subsidy provider and in, some cases, arbiter.
To the extent that the agency is able to levy user fees, these normally reflect a
balance between political acceptability and the economic requirement for
operating costs and a surplus.
In the end governments tend to intervene to control debts, whether these are
formally on its balance sheet or not. The trend in the railway industry in Europe
has been to try and separate out government’s roles – establishing sustainable
levels of subsidy, independent regulation, separate operating and infrastructure
divisions and so on.
Nothing in this structure determines what the balance between user pricing and
government subsidy is for any project, or which investment projects are justified.
And over time new independent agencies revert to the bureaucratic norm for that
society, as there is no profit motive to drive efficiency. At a programme level, the
main contribution to the affordability question becomes whether the agency’s
borrowing is seen as different to that of government. Some examples are
highlighted below.
The main point about this structure is that it does not appear to be enough to
ensure project viability. For less developed countries, administrative reform may
represent a stepping stone to further change. But it does not really address any
of the project issues, and off balance sheet treatment generally requires greater
independence and risk bearing capacity. Users tend to find services provided by
these agencies affordable, because they often do not reflect the full economic
cost in their pricing; governments tend to pick up the difference in the long term.
Road funds tend to be established as independent legal entities with their own
governing board, but in some cases they are run as bank accounts controlled by
government road agencies. The former approach has been shown to be more
effective, as it provides a layer of independence.
Road funds tend to be funded from either road user taxes and charges or
transfers from the government’s general tax revenues. The former source is
relatively stable, while the latter is highly unstable. Governments, although in
theory in favour of the road fund, can still find the temptation to transfer funding
to other needs overwhelming - particularly during times of fiscal constraints.
Views differ on road funds: many economists are against the establishment of
dedicated road funds on the grounds that they fetter the discretion of spending
departments (fiscal inflexibility) and therefore undermine their ability to make
sensible spending decisions. However, the evidence suggests that in a situation
where there is significant infrastructure development and maintenance backlog,
countries do use dedicated infrastructure funds to attempt to redress the
User buy-in for the imposition of charges to support a fund will be easier to
secure if user representatives are present on the management board of the fund.
Users, being the ones who pay the tariffs, have a vested interest in ensuring that
the fund’s proceeds are not misappropriated or diverted towards other purposes.
For road funds, possible revenues from user taxes and charges include: (i) fuel
levies, bridge and ferry tolls and weigh bridge fees; (ii) vehicle license fees; and
(iii) international transit fees. Some countries also pay fines from overloaded
vehicles into the road fund on the grounds that these vehicles cause
disproportionate damage to the road network.
Again the structure itself does not tell us very much about affordability – either in
terms of the users or the government. And as a national or regional structure, it
says little about particular projects. Some examples of transport funds are
highlighted below. Similar issues are raised by the next structure – dedicated
transport taxes.
The Czech State Fund for Transport Infrastructure was created as a legally
separate unit subordinated to the Ministry. It is responsible for funding the
development, building, maintenance and modernisation of roads, motorways,
railways and waterways. It is governed by a Committee headed by the Minister
but there is a Supervisory Board whose members are elected by the Czech
Parliament. The Fund’s revenues are derived from government transfers,
motorway tolls, investment income, interest on loans and EU grants.
Chile has taken a network-wide approach to funding its highway network. The
government has established an Infrastructure Fund through which various
payments by concessionaires of profitable highway concessions are used to
cross-subsidize concessionaires of unprofitable highway concessions. The
Japanese operate a similar “pool” system which allows for an aggregation of toll
receipts nationwide towards motorway construction and operating expenses. This
allows successful roads to be used to subsidize the not-so-successful ones.
Experience shows that for roads funds to work, they must have1: (i) clear
objectives; (ii) an independent source of revenues mobilized through a road tariff;
(iii) arrangements for effectively managing the road fund; and (iv) commercial
accounting systems and independent audit arrangements.
Both tax receipts and user charges can be securitised to finance major capital
projects without on balance sheet lending. This is particularly useful where states
or municipalities are constrained from borrowing themselves; but it can be
expensive if there is real revenue risk for the private sector.
London’s congestion charge is also a form of road charge, whose proceeds are
dedicated for use in upgrading public transport.
1 African Road Funds, what works and why? World Bank (March 1995)
There has been considerable debate over the balance between direct road
charges, such as tolls, and taxes such as fuel duties and licence payments. One
recent development has been the introduction of electronic tolling schemes so
that governments can charge on the basis of the type of vehicle and distance
travelled. This is examined in the example below:
On the German A-Modell roads scheme, revenues received from the charges
levied on Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) - via an electronic charging system - are
applied directly towards the expansion of highways from 4 to 6 lanes.
A new company, VIFG, was founded separate from the Ministry of Transport and
charged with the responsibility for managing the HGV toll revenue in order to
ensure that all monies collected are invested in transport infrastructure projects.
This approach ensures transparency for users and taxpayers alike.
Hypothecation of taxes has traditionally been seen as a bad idea - why should
beer duty be spent on beer drinkers alone? And in Europe, governments tend to
raise considerably more from fuel taxes than is spent on the roads as this fits
with environmental objectives of reducing traffic. In the US, the situation is
different with lower taxes, of which 75% are spent on highways, with much of
the rest on other transport projects.
This approach again tells us nothing about the individual projects and what their
financial viability or affordability might be.
Public Private Partnerships/Concessions
PPPs and concessions differ from the mechanisms above. They are normally
more project specific and deal with the financing and operation of an
infrastructure asset, rather than a country or region wide approach to collecting
funds. Consequently they can be used in conjunction with most of the other
Note: Different countries use different terminology to refer to essentially similar arrangements
• Public sector retains strategic control over service delivery – by setting the
specifications and regulating prices;
• Private Sector contractor takes full responsibility for design, delivery and
• Private Sector contractor accepts the responsibilities and risks of delivering the
– The public sector partner for performance and availability and in some cases
• Designed to encourage the most efficient use of public sector resources (i.e.
value for money)
There is a fairly well understood list of what governments need to do to promote
PPPs. While easy to state, it can be difficult to put into proper practice and this
limits the ability to implement PPPs in some countries. The list includes:
In the developed world, toll road concessions have a long and successful history
in countries such as France, Spain, and Italy. For instance the French concession
model (affirmage) has been in operation for over 150 years.
2 A recent study (Guasch 2003) showed that 55% of transport concessions signed in Latin America between 1985 and 2000 were renegotiated
within, on average, 3.32 years. Such renegotiation was in approximately 70% of cases initiated by the private sector. Different theories abound as
to why this is the case, but one likely reason is because bidders bid too aggressively in order to secure the concession. Once appointed, they
then re-negotiate in order to achieve what they consider to be a realistic return on investment.
There are, though, a number of arguments in favour of PPPs:
• There is evidence that PPPs, when properly structured, are more efficient, and
produce better value for money than traditional procurement, from greater
competition, innovation and attention to whole life costing3.
• The risk transfer in PPPs often allows an off balance sheet treatment which
means that governments can spread the cost of expensive capital projects –
and pay for them as they are used rather than when they are built.
• The thorough preparation for PPPs and the involvement of private sector
partners means that project costs and revenues get very careful scrutiny, as
does the project’s affordability. This to some extent operates as a filter for
unaffordable and financially unviable projects.
• The introduction of PPPs has allowed new user charges to be introduced for
some projects– for instance tolls on roads in Ireland.
This said, PPPs do not represent a free lunch. Government or users will
ultimately have to pay. Over the long-term governments must ensure that they
have the required budgetary allocation in place to support their PPP
commitments otherwise the project will fail.
Full Privatisation
Full privatisation implies outright divestiture by the government of its shares in a
publicly owned enterprise - this can sometimes be seen as a form of PPP,
especially where the enterprise is a monopoly provider of utility services.
The eighties and early nineties saw a wave of privatisations sweep through most
of the developed world. Regardless of the model of privatisation, effective
regulation is the key to financial viability and user affordability. Regulators have to
tread a thin line between being unduly punitive, and discouraging market abuse
because transport infrastructure systems are natural monopolies. Without
adequate regulation, operators can become complacent because many
infrastructure services are extremely price and income inelastic.
The experience of privatisation across the world has been mixed, with some
countries having made better progress than others. A detailed review of the
experience of privatisation around the world is beyond the scope of this report.
What is the link between privatisation and affordability? Where user charges are
sufficient to meet long run costs, for instance in the utility sector, privatisation
removes artificial government spending restrictions. This allows privatised
companies to invest from their own resources. As the UK experience with rail
privatisation shows, however, where an industry is dependent on government
subsidy, it is very difficult for government to stand back from major investment
decisions. And this factor makes privatisation a less attractive option in most of
the transport sector – other than airports and ports.
The need for financial viability means that privatisation is usually preceded by
restructuring to improve the profit and loss account and the balance sheet – by
removing historic pension liabilities and debt and by ensuring revenues from
users and government exceed costs.
Section C - Viability and affordability
Our approach has been to apply the same standard evaluation framework across
five selected projects. A summary of each of the project case studies examined
is provided at Annex A. Annex B contains detailed scoring tables.
The Sub-factor of the key elements of the project
table below contains a summary
evaluation framework:
Project Realism Costs
Expected revenues
Availability of government support
Level of toll/user charges
Existence of competing/alternative routes
Project Preparation Technical studies
Project promotion to stakeholders
Project complexity and innovation
Procurement process and competition
Project definition and clarity of requirements
Context of project
Regulatory Environment Legislative framework for regulation
Concession legislation
Regulatory institutions
Strength of financial market Deep and liquid capital market
Instruments and funding institutions
Legal Framework Culture of contractualising private sector service provision
to the public sector
Procurement laws
Property rights
Expropriation risk
Bidder Expertise Number of bidders
Financial and technical expertise in the sector
These factors and sub-factors are essential pre-requisites to ensure project
viability and affordability. The radar map4 below compares the selected projects
against each of the factors. The marks given are subjective; and all factors have
been assigned equal weighting although this may not be the case in reality. Any
scoring system of this nature can only provide a broad representation of the
issues and is unlikely to be able to capture some of the more subtle differences
between projects. For instance, the chart for the Skye Bridge does not bring out
fully the impact of the perceptions of social inequity that were so critical to the
project outcome.
Project Realism
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Skye Bridge
Dutch High Speed Rail
Hungary M5
Portuguese Scut
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
A) Project Realism
Costs: the link between cost and affordability is obvious. Even where the
expectation is that users will pay, the risk involved becomes substantial.
Projects undertaken for ‘prestige’ reasons are prone to viability issues. All the
case studies examined, apart from Skye Bridge, were large projects with
exceptionally high project capital expenditure compared to other projects being
procured in the country at the time. For example project debt for the M5
represented the highest amount and longest tenor debt that had ever been
raised for infrastructure in Hungary at the time. This scale was a factor behind
overoptimistic traffic projections and a lack of realism.
4 Points have been awarded out of 10; with 10 being the most satisfactory score and 0 being the least satisfactory.
institutions, are usually unwilling to take full revenue risk for this reason.
So revenue risk is often now shared between public and private sectors.
Exchange rates also affect revenue volatility. Where countries cannot borrow in
their own currency, they face a currency mismatch between a project generating
local currency and foreign currency debt and equity. The solution adopted in many
countries was to allow user charges to fluctuate with changes in exchange rates.
The Asian crises in the late nineties however demonstrated that this solution was
far from ideal; after the collapse of local currencies, users were unwilling or
unable to pay the escalated rates.
The case studies produced a mixed picture on revenue risk and the extent to
which it affected project viability. On CTRL, the revenue forecasts were wildly
optimistic: the numbers of passengers using the high speed train services
between London and Paris and London and Brussels are about half that predicted
number. By contrast, revenues on the Skye Bridge have been higher than
expected. On the Portuguese SCUT toll road projects, the shadow tolls have been
higher than expected.
The case studies demonstrate the variety of ways in which government support
can be provided, and the impacts on project viability. On the M5 the Hungarian
5 Standard and Poor’s: Traffic Forecasting Risk Update August 2005 and Review of Large Public Procurement in the UK – Mott MacDonald
(July 2002)
government provided a revenue shortfall facility. This prevented early default but
added government affordability issues to the user ones. The UK Government
provided government guaranteed debt for CTRL unusually on an off balance
sheet basis; but the Office for National Statistics (ONS) confirmed recently that
this would not now be the case for part of the debt. On the Skye bridge project,
the objective was to reduce toll levels by direct payments for land purchase and
government provided grants of 12.5% of total revenues in order to subsidise user
fees. The Dutch Government supported the HSL by funding the civil engineering
works through Design and Build contracts which required no long term finance.
Grants from national government itself clearly raise affordability issues; but they
reduce future payments by users or government. The level of government grant
involves some trade-offs. Grants can be paid on a milestone basis during
construction, but can still be fixed in amount. This has the effect of leaving
funding risks with the private sector (provided the private sector body has the
financial strength to carry them).
Government loans and guarantees have their place. Credit enhancement can be
an effective way of reducing the cost of debt. But governments need to think
hard about the risks they are taking on, and the realism of the business case,
as governments themselves have to reflect these in national accounts.
EU Commission rules currently only provide for EU grants to be put into projects
during construction.6 Capital grants make it easier for the concessionaire to raise
the remaining finance and reduce the total bill to government. There is
considerable discussion about what is the right balance between public and
private finance – as too much public grant reduces private sector incentivisation.
Two rules of thumb adopted by experienced practitioners are that the grant
should not exceed 50% of capital costs, and that grant should be considered
where the financing requirement is over €2 billion as these projects can strain
market capacity. Projects where the majority of capital costs are grant financed
are possible, but the risks of cost escalation and delay during construction are
more likely to have to be picked up by the public sector. Market Capacity issues
are based on judgement and the maturity of local capital markets - these vary over
time, but larger projects like the CTRL tend to have a mixture of public and private
Tolls/user charges: the rate of user charges has to balance different factors.
These include the overall cost of the project including finance, the amount that
government is prepared to contribute, the cost to the user of alternative options
and what is socially and politically acceptable. Rail projects almost always require
6 TheEU Commission is currently considering whether the leverage of its TENs grants would be improved if the option also existed for them to be
paid over the operating life of a project to support availability payments.
an element of subsidy; and many road concessions also receive it. The Skye
Bridge illustrates neatly that there are political and social factors as well as
economic demand.
Tolls will change over time. Tolls can be reset either through a contractual
mechanism, or through the use of a regulator, or for public projects through
political decision. The PPP concessionaire will expect a reasonable level of
certainty at the outset and will tend to prefer a contractual formula. When
setting these formulae public authorities need to be realistic as to the level of
fare increase that will be acceptable in future. For example, a permitted annual
real rise of 5% in commuter rail fares, typically with low elasticities, would have
very substantial results over a 30 year contract.
Political acceptability varies from country to country. For instance in the UK, road
tolls remain rare and most privately financed roads have been based on a shadow
toll model. In the US and Europe, user tolls are more common. Some countries
have used user surveys or measures of average disposable income to assess the
level of tolls that users were likely to find acceptable.
Tolls can also be used as a tool for implementing wider transport policy.
For instance if the key policy option is to control congestion, toll rates will vary
according to the most congested times of the day. Where the government’s
primary aim is not to influence driver behaviour through the pricing mechanism
a shadow toll could be put in place.
The M5 and the Skye Bridge show some of the difficulties of user tolls. The M5
demonstrates issues of economic demand: tolls were too high against users’
income and the costs of using alternative routes. In Skye, tolls were seen as being
inequitable because the ferries had been discontinued and there was no alternative
means for drivers to reach the island. Both tolls have now been scrapped.
Alternative Routes: bridges and tunnels tend to be well suited to user charges
because the benefit of choosing a tolled crossing to an alternative un-tolled route
can be more easily identified. Governments prefer to introduce a free alternative
whenever a toll road is being introduced in order to avoid penalising users in the
lower socio-economic groups. The SCUT projects illustrate this principle – the
shadow toll approach was adopted where no alternative free route was identified;
This said, the existence of alternative routes can severely affect project financial
viability as demonstrated by the M5 project.
As this subsection has shown, there are a number of elements in project realism
and it was a major cause of viability issues in the case study projects (with the
exception of the HSL). The techniques for addressing realism exist, and can be
used in the preparation of business cases. But as Flyvbjerg argues7, there are
also institutional factors which can encourage project promoters and
governments to ignore reality. PPP can provide a partial answer for three reasons:
i) they involve private sector parties with a strong incentive not to underbid;
ii) they involve a competition which promotes different thinking and provides an
incentive not to overbid; and iii) the process normally involves more preparation
by the public sector than a traditional procurement – which leads us into the next
subsection on project preparation.
Skye Bridge
Project Realism
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
7 Procedures for dealing with Optimism Bias in transport planning – Flyvbjerg & COWI (July 2004)
B) Project Preparation
Project preparation is very important and key to success. Projects progress more
quickly if the proper feasibility studies have been undertaken and expropriation,
development and environmental consents are in place. All the projects examined
were prepared reasonably well.
Planning Risks are usually shared between public and private sectors. It is
usually the case that the public sector obtains outline planning permission first,
with detailed planning permission and consents being obtained by the private
sector later. On M5 and Skye, governments had to intervene and accept this risk,
amending their earlier plans for greater risk transfer. On CTRL, government had
to pick up the cost of earlier strategic decisions to take the line across the
Thames and into the centre of London. In the end, planning issues were not
critical to any of our projects.
All the projects in our study were procured transparently, but with individual
flaws. For instance, on Skye Bridge, there were fewer bids than expected and
it was difficult to bring competition to bear at the final stages of the process.
This attracted criticism from the state auditor (NAO).
Generally the projects we studied were well defined in physical terms by the
time they came to market; and they have delivered the capacity and quality
expected. But at least three had changes in financial definitions and requirements
during bidding and construction. CTRL had two major restructurings; the
Hungarian Government had to increase its support for M5 as did the Scottish
Executive for Skye. By contrast, SCUT projects were well defined with
standardised procedures and regulations.
Our conclusion is that all the projects we examined were reasonably well
prepared. However, picking up our earlier point, sometimes the project
preparation did not reflect sufficient realism.
Dutch HSL
Project Realism
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
C) Regulatory Environment
Legislative framework for regulation: A country needs to have a strong legal
framework to govern how the concession will be regulated. For example, many
contracts include the principle of economic equilibrium which provides for the
concessionaire to renegotiate the agreement if macro-economic conditions
change significantly from the ones envisaged at the time the concession was
signed. This provision, which is commonly found in the Latin countries, has the
potential to dilute risk transfer. In the UK, although contracts provide for break
points (usually every 5-7 years) at which the contract may be reviewed, these are
more rigid than the economic equilibrium clause.
In conclusion, with the partial exception of the M5, the regulatory environment
was not a major factor in financial viability issues for these projects.
Hungary M5
Project Realism
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
D) Strength of Financial Market
Depth and liquidity of capital markets: There needs to be depth and liquidity in
the financial markets to facilitate long-term lending at sustainable interest rates.
There are two key issues here: i) the longer the debt term (tenor) that is available
to the project contractor, the lower the charges to the user or government; and ii)
the ability to borrow in local currency is important as both users’ and
government’s incomes are predominantly in local currency.
None of the projects examined had difficulty accessing finance, once the terms
were right, and in some ways the markets displayed a sophisticated approach to
project realism by forcing project promoters to revisit their assumptions. For
instance on CTRL, they forced a restructuring of risk with more taken by public
sector or quasi public sector organisations. For the HSL and the SCUTs, the
Dutch and Portuguese Governments, respectively, took steps to make the
projects bankable in international markets. The involvement of the EBRD was
critical to the M5 in Hungary, but the fact that most of the borrowing was in a
foreign currency added to the affordability issues.
Project Realism
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
E) Legal Framework
Culture of private sector participation: The argument here is that for private
finance to work at affordable rates of return there needs to be a culture of private
sector participation to encourage competition amongst qualified bidders. The private
sector needs to be confident that its investments will be well protected and that
there is a level playing field. This protection can only be provided through sanctity of
contract, protection of individual and property rights, and speedy dispute resolution
All the countries studied had mixed economies but limited experience of long term
contracts for infrastructure provision and maintenance at the time the contracts
were signed – especially Hungary.
None of the cases reviewed suggested any problems with these items, probably
because of the well developed legal framework.
Project Realism
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
F) Bidder Expertise
Number of bidders: Competition and value for money are best achieved where
there are sufficient bidders on a level playing field. Countries should seek to
promote participation from a wide range of international investors. They should
not adopt a protectionist approach in order to protect their home market from
international competition.
All projects examined showed sufficient bidding interest to ensure some level of
competition. CTRL had two shortlisted bidders, Skye Bridge three, and HSL four,
later reduced to two. In Portugal, there were experienced Spanish bidders in
addition to the domestic players.
Financial Capacity and Technical Expertise: Many markets have yet to develop
a market for long-term private sector provision and operation of infrastructure.
Bidders must be encouraged to build up the financial standing and technical
expertise required to undertake complex PPP projects. And public authorities
must acquire and retain expertise in specifying outputs and managing the
procurement process. In Portugal and the Netherlands these conditions were met
at the time of the studies, and while the Skye project showed lack of expertise it
was a very early UK project.
This report has looked at the financial viability of PPP concessions and other
structures and at the affordability of their charges to users and governments. It has
used a standard evaluation framework to score projects and to illustrate points
through case studies.
Having established that project specifics were key, rather than funding mechanisms,
we then concentrated on examples of PPPs/concessions. These bring out issues of
tariff levels, expected demand and investment costs better. So in Section C, we
looked at project realism, project preparation, regulatory environment, strength of
financial markets, legal framework and bidder expertise. Realism overlaps with the
others; but is still the most important factor. All of our case studies, except possibly
the Dutch HSL, had difficulties caused by this area but they were different in each
case. The M5 shows issues related to economic demand, Skye Bridge issues of
perceived social inequity and the SCUTs issues of government affordability. We drew
attention to the importance of a proper project economic appraisal, including the
effect of optimism bias on cost estimates and revenue projections. We considered
the role of government grants, the affordability of user charges and the effect of
having an alternative route. We also noted the benefits of a transparent procurement
process and effective competition. All these affect affordability and financial viability.
Scale and scope do matter but these are not the only determinants of success.
Prestige projects such as the CTRL, or large projects for the country such as M5, are
prone to realism problems – but smaller projects such as Skye can also be difficult.
Project preparation and bidder expertise are project specific areas and important to
managing affordability and viability. Some points were highlighted in the case
studies, though these were not critical factors in the ones we chose.
Regulatory environment, strength of financial market and legal framework are the
basic prerequisites for success. Without a country being reasonably developed in
these areas, it will be difficult to use PPP techniques. Hungary stood out from the
other case studies as being less developed in these areas at the time the M5 was
signed and this worsened some of the project specific issues on the project.
• On user affordability, the case studies raise economic and non-economic points.
The M5 shows the importance of a tariff level that is attractive compared to the
alternatives; the CTRL shows how the alternatives available to users changed
(with the advent of low cost airlines); the Skye bridge shows the importance of
perceptions of social equity. There needs generally to be an alternative route, but
it needs to be significantly less attractive.
• On financial viability, all of the case studies except the HSL have required some
form of financial renegotiation. For the SCUTs and Skye, the concessionaire’s
finances were sound but a rebalancing between government and users was
required for affordability reasons. For M5 and CTRL there were serious viability
problems, mainly from unrealistic traffic forecasts.
This is a short report in a complex area, and the right approach can vary from project
to project. Although, project promoters, procuring authorities and others will need to
take appropriate project specific advice as necessary, we have highlighted below
some key areas for government action in order to improve affordability and project
viability. These include:
Annex A
The Skye Bridge project was one of the earliest examples of an infrastructure
project carried out under the Private Finance Initiative (“PFI”), the contracts for
which were signed by the Scottish Office Development Department (“the
Department”) in December 1991.
Miller Civil
Dyckerhoff &
Widmann AG
Project Realism
Costs: The bridge was opened to users in 1995 and cost approximately £25
million to build. In addition to the £25 million, the Department spent £15 million,
of which £12 million went to approach roads and design modifications, and £3
million to negotiating the deal.
The bridge and toll protest became a continuing political issue, resulting in the
Scottish Enterprise Minister finally deciding to abolish tolls and buy-out the
shareholders. Finally, in December 2004 the bridge was sold to the Scottish
Executive for £27 million following which toll collection immediately ceased.
During the preceding decade, £33 million in tolls had been collected from users.
Project Preparation
Technical Studies: The evidence suggests that there was a significant amount of
preparation undertaken on this project. Unlike many toll road projects, traffic on
the Skye bridge was higher than projected.
Planning: The government retained planning risk. This was demonstrated by the
fact that following objections to the preferred design on environmental and
aesthetic grounds, the government agreed to pay the operator an additional £4m
to cover costs arising from the delay caused by the need for a public inquiry and
from the recommended changes that resulted.
Areas where procedures could have been better implemented included the
appointment of advisers and the requirement for full access to the bidders'
financial models to strengthen the assessment and negotiation of bidders'
Project Definition and Clarity of Requirements: The Skye bridge achieved its
primary objective which was the provision of a privately financed tolled crossing
to Skye. Compared to the former ferry crossing, the bridge brought a number of
benefits to users including shorter journey times and more reliable service in bad
whether. In this sense the project definition was very clear and unambiguous and
achievement was not difficult to measure.
Context of Project: This project was one of the first PFI projects in the market,
at a time when the government’s pipeline of future projects had not been clearly
articulated and there was very little official guidance. As a result, the Skye
experience provided lessons that have contributed to the efficient procurement of
later PFI projects in the UK.
Legal and Regulatory Framework
Scotland has a well established legal and regulatory framework.
Bidder Expertise
There was a limited amount of toll road financing and operating expertise
n the UK market at the time the Skye bridge project was launched. The local
contracting expertise of Miller Civil Engineering was augmented by technical
expertise of Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG of Munich and the financial know-how
of Bank of America. Only two credible bidders were short-listed and of these,
one bid was capable of acceptance. As a result, the Department was unable
to take full advantage of competitive tension. Consequently, the estimated
costs rose rather than fell during the period of exclusive negotiations with
the winning bidder.
Despite the political protests, most users of the bridge (especially the tourists)
found the bridge tolls affordable. Locals were hit hardest by any price increases -
although originally cheaper than the ferry it replaced, the bridge’s tolls
subsequently increased, and were said to be the amongst the highest in Europe.
As a result, discounts and price caps were introduced in order to protect locals.
Despite the protests, usage of the bridge was exceptional before tolls were
eventually abolished for political reasons.
Skye Bridge
Project Realism
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
Case Study 2: The Dutch High-Speed Line (“HSL”)
Background: The Dutch HSL Zuid is a 100km high-speed rail link between
Antwerpen in Belgium and Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The line is being
financed through a public private partnership (“PPP”) scheme led by the
Infraspeed BV Consortium (“the Consortium”), which comprises Siemens, BAM
NBM, Fluor Daniel and the institutional investment companies Charterhouse
Project Equity Investment and Innisfree.
Senior Debt
Equity Dividends
– Siemens
– BAM NBM 51%
– Fluor Daniel
– Charterhouse Project
Equity Inv. 49%
– Innisfree
Costs: The total construction cost for HSL-Zuid is estimated at around €1.2 billion.
The concession is for a period of 30 years, of which the first 5 will involve
construction. The HSL reached financial close in November 2001.
The standard that must be achieved for the full fee to be paid is 99% availability.
Anything less would result in the state deducting penalties. By linking the level of
remuneration to contract performance, only good performance would allow the
Infraspeed to pay back the pre-financed investment and make a sound profit.
Availability of Government Support: The Dutch government supported the
project by funding the civil engineering works through DB (Design Build)
contracts which required no long-term finance.
Level of Toll/User Charges: The Dutch government did not transfer demand risk
to the concessionaire. HSL revenues will be based on availability payments to be
paid by government.
Project Preparation
Technical Studies: The evidence suggests that detailed technical studies were
undertaken for this project. This said, more work could have been done. Cost
overruns of €562 million above budget were reported during the period covering
1 January 2004 to 1 July 2004.
The Public Sector Comparator (PSC) predicted that the Dutch government will
spend approximately 5% less on the project under PPP procurement than it
would have under conventional procurement.
Project Definition and Clarity of Requirements: The project was well defined
with clear requirements although complications have arisen as a result of the
numerous contractor interfaces occasioned by the separation of the Civil
Engineering (sub-structure) contract from the rail infrastructure (superstructure)
Context of Project: This was the first rail PPP project signed in the Netherlands.
With regard to the capital structure, a broad range of financial instruments were
available. The total debt package includes a €605 million syndicated loan, a €119
million subordinated debt bridge facility, a €15 million working capital facility and
a term loan of €400 million from the European Investment Bank (EIB). Equity
was provided by the project sponsors (contractors) an institutional investor
Bidder Expertise
There is some experience of PPP projects in the Netherlands but many of the
participants in the HSL project also had extensive experience from the UK and
elsewhere. This international participation contributed to the relatively smooth
progress of the transaction.
The project attracted bids from well established names in the rail and banking
industries who understood the operational and systems procurement risks that
the concessionaire was being called upon to bear.
Affordability: The fact that the concessionaire’s revenues will be derived from
availability payments made by government provides additional comfort since the
Dutch government enjoys a strong credit rating. It is expected that the Dutch
government will make adequate budgetary provision to meet its obligations
under the contract.
Financial Viability: The due diligence undertaken by the banks would have
focused on ensuring that the project generates sufficient revenues to cover
operating costs and meet debt service requirements. The reality will depend on
how well the contract is managed by the contracting authority (keeping changes
to a minimum) and how efficient the concessionaire is at providing the service
and keeping construction and operating costs as low as possible.
Dutch HSL
Project Realism
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
Case Study 3: Portuguese SCUT
Background: Historically, Portugal’s road concessions have been very successful
and are regarded as an example for other European States. At the end of 1995
there were 972km of motorways in use in Portugal. Just five years later, this
increased by 53% to 1,488km, of which 808km were built by BRISA, the main
motorways concessionaire in Portugal and 680km by the State.
Typical SCUT
Senior Debt toll paid by
State on behalf
European Investment Bank Commercial of road users
– €470mterm loan financing LusoScut Instituto das
(Concessionaire) Estradas
Othe Bank Funding Concession Portugal (IEP)
– Banco Espirito Santo Agreement
– BCP Investimento
– Abbey National
– Bank of Ireland
As a result, the government has considered converting these to real tolls in order
to address budgetary constraints. No more shadow tolls are likely to be built in
Existence of Competing/Alternative Routes: There were no alternative
competing routes to the SCUTs. It was the government’s policy that in order to
preserve social equity real tolls would only be applied on a roads for which there
were competing/alternative free routes. Accordingly, the shadow toll approach
was restricted to concessions with no economic and financial feasibility on the
basis of affordable tariffs paid directly by users.
Project Preparation
Technical Studies: Although detailed technical studies were undertaken in
preparing the SCUTs. However more work should have been undertaken to
ensure that the government had adequate safeguards in place to identify its
affordability constraints before the contracts were signed.
Project complexity and innovation: These roads were not technically complex.
Context of Project: The SCUTs were amongst the first PPP projects to be
signed in Portugal. These projects however formed part of a larger programme of
PPP projects.
LusoScut, a consortium of mostly Portuguese and Spanish contractors and equity
providers, won the DBFO contract and raised €1.2 billion for a 165km motorway
known as the SCUT IP5 – the largest ever shadow toll road project.
Part of the financing, a €470 million loan, was provided by the EIB. Other
participants Banco Espirito Santo, BCP Investimento, Abbey National and the
Bank of Ireland.
Bidder Expertise
The Portuguese market had a number of national and international players bidding
for road contracts at the time the SCUT projects were launched although PPP in
Portugal was in its infancy. In addition, Spanish contractors, with their long history
of running concessions in Spain were able to provide the required depth in the
Financial Viability: For the private sector concessionaire, the SCUTs have been
financially viable and the certainty of revenues provided by the shadow toll
structure has made it easy to attract financing.
Project Realism
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
Case Study 4: M5 Motorway
Background: The M5 Motorway, which runs southward from Budapest to the
State border, forms part of the main international trade corridor linking Western
Europe to the Balkan and Black Sea region. It is part of the UN-ECE promoted
Trans-European North-South Motorway (TENs) Project and lies in the Pan-
European Transport Corridor No. IV (Berlin – Praha – Bratislava – Budapest –
Bucharest – Thessaloniki – Istanbul).
An international tender was launched in 1992 to finance, build and operate the
motorway. In February 1994, a French-Austrian-Hungarian consortium lead by
Bouygues and Bau Holding won the tender. The special purpose company created
to finance Phase 1 of the concession, of which Bouygues and Bau Holdings are a
major shareholder, was known as Alfold Koncesszios Autopalya (AKA).
EBRD and Agreement
private AKA Ministry of
international (Concessionaire) Transport
bank loans Revenue shortfall
Maygar Intertoll
Costs: The cost of Phase 1 was ECU 370 million (HUF 70,800 million), of which
construction comprised 68.3%, concession company costs 12.7% and capitalised
interest 19%. M5 was one of the largest projects in Hungary when it was
brought to market. With approx ECU 303m in debt financing over a 14 year
period, this represented the highest amount and longest tenor debt that had ever
been raised for infrastructure debt in Hungary.
Expected Revenues: The project did not generate sufficient revenues to meet its
debt service requirements and had to be restructured. These financial difficulties
arose because traffic projections were over-optimistic.
Although AKA, together with the debt providers, bore the bulk of the commercial,
operational and financial risks, the estimated governmental contributions
exceeded one third of total project costs. The governmental contribution was
expected to be reimbursed through a profit sharing scheme, in terms of which
nearly one third of any dividend distributions during the second half of the
concession period were to be paid to the Road Fund.
Level of Tolls/User Charges: At HUF 5.00 per km for cars and approx HUF 20
per km for Heavy Goods Vehicles (1993 prices), M5 tolls were expensive by
Hungarian standards and did not reflect the purchasing power of the average
Project Preparation
Technical Studies: None of the studies undertaken accurately predicted the
expected traffic volumes.
Procurement Process and Competition: This process appeared transparent and
fair, but there was dissatisfaction in some quarters with regard to bidder pre-
qualification, and changes to the tender conditions during the procurement
process. These factors were thought to have limited real competition.
In addition, the procurement process was delayed due to financial viability issues
identified in an independent traffic study requested by the banks. Finally,
following a governmental decision to increase and guarantee the standby
operational subsidy provided by the Road Fund, together with financial and legal
fine tuning, financial close was achieved in December 1995 (pre-qualification
documents were issued in April 1995). Construction started in May 1996.
Context of Project: This project was the second road PPP concession in Hungary
after the unsuccessful M1/M15 concession which had to be taken into public
sector ownership to avoid financial collapse. On the M5, the Hungarian
government sought to avoid one of the key mistakes of M1/M15 by providing a
revenue shortfall guarantee as a way of improving the projects financial viability.
Bidder Expertise
Construction of Phase 1 was completed on schedule and within budget, but as
discussed earlier, the project experienced financial difficulties because traffic
projections were over-optimistic.
In 2004, the State took a decision to buy 40% of the shares of AKA in order to
make the M5 part of the national motorway sticker system. Under the terms of
the agreement, real tolls were abolished and the State paid a standby fee of
€56.7 million annually based on the availability of the motorway. The State is also
expected provide partial compensation for any lost motorway toll revenue.
This action by the Hungarian government has improved the affordability and
financial viability of the M5.
Hungary M5
Project Realism
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
Case Study 5: Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL)
Background: The CTRL is a 108km twin track high-speed passenger and freight
line between St Pancras Station, London and the Channel Tunnel. CTRL will have
the capacity to carry up to between 40-45 million passengers a year, and will
transport passengers between London and Paris in just over two hours.
A competitive tender was launched in 1993 and won by London and Continental
Railways (LCR). The project involves the construction and operation of the rail link,
and the transfer of two government owned companies to LCR, namely European
Passenger Services Ltd (EPSL), which together with SNCB and SNCF operates
the passenger service in the Channel Tunnel, and Union Railways Ltd (URL),
whose task it has been to conceive the CTRL project.
Construction Sub-
Availability of Government Support: The revenue shortfall meant that LCR was
unable to raise funding for the project. As a result, on 3 June 1998, the
government agreed to guarantee up to £3.75 billion of debt to be issued by LCR,
with a maximum of £2.65 billion for Stage 1 and a further maximum of £1.1
billion for Stage 2.
Project Preparation
Technical Studies: Several technical studies were commissioned that
demonstrated that growth of rail services in south England would be constrained
if no new rail infrastructure was provided through Kent. Over five possible routes
were considered but the consulting engineers (Ove Arup & Partners) noted some
shortcomings in the five possible routes and in March 1990 developed an
alternative route for the rail link which had several technical advantages over
the others.
Project Complexity and Innovation: CTRL is one of the most complex and
innovative projects in British engineering history.
Project Definition and Clarity of Requirements: The project was not well
defined. It was originally envisaged that the concessionaire would Design, Build,
Finance and Operate (DBFO) the CTRL for 99 years. However, during the
development of the project the concession was renegotiated to Design, Build and
Finance (DBF); the option of selling it to Network Rail, the UK national rail
infrastructure company, was also considered.
Context of Project: The CTRL was one of the first PPP projects in the UK at the
time the first deal was struck. However, by the time it was restructured several
other PPP projects had been signed and many lessons had been learnt which
informed the re-structuring.
Bidder Expertise
Although the UK market has access to some of the most experienced bidders
and financiers for rail projects in Europe, the financial projections upon which the
initial funding was based were woefully inadequate. The effect of competition
from airlines and ferries was grossly under-estimated. As a result, government
had no alternative but to step-in to rescue the project.
Financial Viability: The financial re-structuring undertaken by the banks 1998,
based on revised (more realistic revenue estimates) and the debt guarantees
provided by government has improved the project’s chances of being financially
viable because it provides additional comfort to project lenders and reduces the
cost of debt.
The outcome will ultimately depend on how well the contract is managed by LCR
including how efficient it is at providing the service and keeping construction and
operating costs as low as possible.
Project Realism
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
Annex B Project Evaluation Charts
Criteria Weighting Projects Explanation of the criterion Explanation of scoring
factor 10=excellent; 1=poor
Skye Dutch Hungary CTRL Portuguese
Bridge High M5 Scut
Legislative 10 8 7 10 9 Determine whether the country has a 10 if contracts are easily enforceable.
framework strong legal framework? Are contracts 1 if there is no sanctity of contract.
easily enforceable?
Concession 2 6 5 8 5 Examine whether the country has 10 if the country had a long history of
agreements concession legislation in place? Was signing concession contracts.
there a history of project concessions?
Independent 5 7 2 8 5 Examine the strength of the regulatory 10 if there was a strong regulatory
regulation regime? Does the country have a strong processs in place when the project was
independent regulator? signed.
Sub total 6 7 5 9 7
Strength of
financial market
Deep and liquid 5 7 3 10 5 Examine the depth and liquidity of the 10 for London, NY, Frankfurt and Tokyo;
capital market country's capital markets. 1 for countries with relatively 'young'
stock market.
Instruments and 6 7 5 10 7 Determine whether there was a variety 10 for the availability of different funding
Funding institutions of funding institutions offering a options including sponsor equity, long-
number of funding instruments. term debt, equity funds etc; 1 for limited
financing options.
Sub total 6 7 4 10 6
Legal framework
Culture of private 4 5 1 7 4 Determine whether there was a history 10 if there were numerous existing
sector participation of contractualising the provision of precedents for the private sector
private sector services? provision of public services; 1 if
there were no precedents.
Procurement laws 6 10 7 7 7 Examine whether international 10 if recongised good international
procurement practice was followed. procurement ractice was followed; 1 if
good practice was not followed.
Property rights 9 10 10 10 8 Examine whether the law contained 10 if there existed an established
safeguards for property rights? recognition of property righs under the
law; 1 if property rights were
not recognised.
Expropriation risks 10 10 10 10 9 Examine whether there were high risks 10 for no risks; 1for high risks.
of expropriation.
Sub total 8 9 7 9 7
Bidder expertise
No. of bidders 7 9 5 4 10 Determine how many credible bidders 10 for three bidders or above; 1 for one
were shorlisted to tender? or no credible bidders.
Financial capacity 6 10 10 4 9 Examine whether the right bidders 10 for experienced and well capitalised
and technical were selected . Did they have sufficient bidders; 1 for inexperienced bidders.
expertise in the experience of the sector?
Sub total 7 10 8 4 10
Skye Bridge
Project Realism
Costs 7 Examine costs relative to other large scale infrastructure Score 10 if costs are NOT exceptional; score 1 if costs
projects in the same country at the time. are high compared to other public sector projects at
the time.
Expected Revenues 9 Examine certainty of traffic forecasts and projected Score 10 if revenues are certain and ensure cost
revenues. recovery; Score 1 if expected revenues are very low
and uncertain.
Government grant 3 Examine level of government grant relative to user fees. Score 10 if government grant exceeds 50% of revenues.
Toll/user charges 5 Examine price of tolls relative to local purchasing 10 for realistic pricing that most users will find
power? affordable. 1 for unrealistic pricing.
Availability of competing routes/ 8 Examing the availability of competing routes/modes of 10 if there is no competition from any other routes or
modes of transport transport. transport modes; 1 if there is direct competition along
the same route.
Sub total 7
Project Preparation
Technical studies 9 Examine whether a technical feasibility study 10 for detail feasibility study; 1 for no feasibility study.
undertaken prior to project commencement?
Planning 4 Examine the extent to which government accepted 10 if government accepted most of the planning risk; 1
planning risk. if planning risk was transferred to the private sector.
Project promotion to stakeholders 2 Examine the extent to which a project was promoted to 10 if the project was widely accepted as essential;
stakeholders such as unions, landowners, general 1 if there was significant opposition from all quarters.
public/consumers etc?
Project complexity and innovation 7 Examine whether the project was technically complex Score 1 if the project was technically complex and/or
and/or innovative. innovative and 10 if the project was simple.
Procurement process and 7 Examine whether the procurement process was 10 if the process was transparent; 1 if the process
competition transparent, allowing bidders to submit competitive bids.was opaque.
Project definition and clarity of 8 Examine whether the project was well defined. Was the 10 if the project was well defined; 1 if the project was
requirements public sector clear about what it wanted to buy? not well defined and government frequentlychanged
its requirements.
Context of project 2 Determine whether the project was a 'one off' or part of 10 if project was part of a structured PPP/PFI
a programme of privately financed infrastructure programme with a clearly identifiable pipeline
projects? of repeat projects.
Sub total 6
Regulatory environment
Legislative framework 10 Determine whether the country has a strong legal 10 if contracts are easily enforceable. 1 if there is no
framework? Are contracts easily enforceable? sanctity of contract.
Concession agreements 2 Examine whether the country has concession legislation 10 if the country had a long history of signing
in place? Was there a history of project concessions? concession contracts.
Independent regulation 5 Examine the strength of the regulatory regime? Does 10 if there was a strong regulatory processs in place
the country have a strong independent regulator? when the project was signed.
Sub Total 6
Strength of financial market
Deep and liquid capital market 5 Examine the depth and liquidity of the country's capital 10 for London, NY, Frankfurt and Tokyo; 1 for countries
markets. with relatively 'young' stock market.
Instruments and Funding 6 Determine whether there was a variety of funding 10 for the availability of different funding options
institutions institutions offering a number of funding instruments. including sponsor equity, long-term debt, equity funds
etc; 1 for limited financing options.
Sub total 6
Criteria Project Explanation of the criterion Explanation of scoring 10=excellent; 1=poor
Legal framework
Culture of private sector 4 Determine whether there was a history of 10 if there were numerous existing precedents for the
participation contractualising the provision of private sector private sector provision of public services; 1 if there
services? were no precedents.
Procurement laws 6 Examine whether international procurement practice 10 if recongised good international procurement
was followed. practice was followed; 1 if good practice was not
Property rights 9 Examine whether the law contained safeguards for 10 if there existed an established recognition of
property rights? property righs under the law; 1 if property rights were
not recognised.
Expropriation risks 10 Examine whether there were high risks of expropriation. 10 for no risks; 1for high risks.
Sub total 8
Bidder expertise
No. of bidders 7 Determine how many credible bidders were shorlisted 10 for three bidders or above; 1 for one or no credible
to tender? bidders.
Financial capacity and 6 Examine whether the right bidders were 10 for experienced and well capitalised bidders; 1 for
technical expertise in selected. Did they have sufficient experience inexperienced bidders.
the sector of the sector?
Sub total 7
1 Project Realism 7
Skye Bridge
2 Project Preparation 6
3 Regulatory environment 6
4 Strength of financial market 6 Project Realism
5 Legal framework 8 10
6 Bidder expertise 7 8
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
Dutch HSL
Dutch High
Speed Rail
Project Realism
Costs 5 Examine costs relative to other large scale infrastructure Score 10 if costs are NOT exceptional; score 1 if costs
projects in the same country at the time. are high compared to other public sector projects at
the time.
Expected Revenues 5 Examine certainty of traffic forecasts and projected Score 10 if revenues are certain and ensure cost
revenues. recovery; Score 1 if expected revenues are very low
and uncertain.
Government grant 10 Examine level of government grant relative to user fees. Score 10 if government grant exceeds 50% of revenues.
Toll/user charges 10 Examine price of tolls relative to local purchasing 10 for realistic pricing that most users will find
power? affordable. 1 for unrealistic pricing.
Availability of competing routes/ 1 Examing the availability of competing routes/modes of 10 if there is no competition from any other routes or
modes of transport transport. transport modes; 1 if there is direct competition along
the same route.
Sub total 7
Project Preparation
Technical studies 8 Examine whether a technical feasibility study 10 for detail feasibility study; 1 for no feasibility study.
undertaken prior to project commencement?
Planning 10 Examine the extent to which government accepted 10 if government accepted most of the planning risk; 1
planning risk. if planning risk was transferred to the private sector.
Project promotion to stakeholders 4 Examine the extent to which a project was promoted to 10 if the project was widely accepted as essential;
stakeholders such as unions, landowners, general 1 if there was significant opposition from all quarters.
public/consumers etc?
Project complexity and innovation 4 Examine whether the project was technically complex Score 1 if the project was technically complex and/or
and/or innovative. innovative and 10 if the project was simple.
Procurement process and 7 Examine whether the procurement process was 10 if the process was transparent; 1 if the process
competition transparent, allowing bidders to submit competitive bids.was opaque.
Project definition and clarity of 10 Examine whether the project was well defined. Was the 10 if the project was well defined; 1 if the project was
requirements public sector clear about what it wanted to buy? not well defined and government frequentlychanged
its requirements.
Context of project 1 Determine whether the project was a 'one off' or part of 10 if project was part of a structured PPP/PFI
a programme of privately financed infrastructure programme with a clearly identifiable pipeline
projects? of repeat projects.
Sub total 7
Regulatory environment
Legislative framework 8 Determine whether the country has a strong legal 10 if contracts are easily enforceable. 1 if there is no
framework? Are contracts easily enforceable? sanctity of contract.
Concession agreements 6 Examine whether the country has concession legislation 10 if the country had a long history of signing
in place? Was there a history of project concessions? concession contracts.
Independent regulation 7 Examine the strength of the regulatory regime? Does 10 if there was a strong regulatory processs in place
the country have a strong independent regulator? when the project was signed.
Sub Total 7
Strength of financial market
Deep and liquid capital market 7 Examine the depth and liquidity of the country's capital 10 for London, NY, Frankfurt and Tokyo; 1 for countries
markets. with relatively 'young' stock market.
Instruments and Funding 7 Determine whether there was a variety of funding 10 for the availability of different funding options
institutions institutions offering a number of funding instruments. including sponsor equity, long-term debt, equity funds
etc; 1 for limited financing options.
Sub total 7
Criteria Project Explanation of the criterion Explanation of scoring 10=excellent; 1=poor
Dutch High
Speed Rail
Legal framework
Culture of private sector 5 Determine whether there was a history of 10 if there were numerous existing precedents for the
participation contractualising the provision of private sector private sector provision of public services; 1 if there
services? were no precedents.
Procurement laws 10 Examine whether international procurement practice 10 if recongised good international procurement
was followed. practice was followed; 1 if good practice was not
Property rights 10 Examine whether the law contained safeguards for 10 if there existed an established recognition of
property rights? property righs under the law; 1 if property rights were
not recognised.
Expropriation risks 10 Examine whether there were high risks of expropriation. 10 for no risks; 1for high risks.
Sub total 9
Bidder expertise
No. of bidders 9 Determine how many credible bidders were shorlisted 10 for three bidders or above; 1 for one or no credible
to tender? bidders.
Financial capacity and 10 Examine whether the right bidders were 10 for experienced and well capitalised bidders; 1 for
technical expertise in selected. Did they have sufficient experience inexperienced bidders.
the sector of the sector?
Sub total 10
1 Project Realism 7
Dutch HSL
2 Project Preparation 7
3 Regulatory environment 7
4 Strength of financial market 7 Project Realism
5 Legal framework 9 10
6 Bidder expertise 10 8
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
Hungary M5
Project Realism
Costs 1 Examine costs relative to other large scale infrastructure Score 10 if costs are NOT exceptional; score 1 if costs
projects in the same country at the time. are high compared to other public sector projects at
the time.
Expected Revenues 2 Examine certainty of traffic forecasts and projected Score 10 if revenues are certain and ensure cost
revenues. recovery; Score 1 if expected revenues are very low
and uncertain.
Government grant 7 Examine level of government grant relative to user fees. Score 10 if government grant exceeds 50% of revenues.
Toll/user charges 1 Examine price of tolls relative to local purchasing 10 for realistic pricing that most users will find
power? affordable. 1 for unrealistic pricing.
Availability of competing routes/ 1 Examing the availability of competing routes/modes of 10 if there is no competition from any other routes or
modes of transport transport. transport modes; 1 if there is direct competition along
the same route.
Sub total 3
Project Preparation
Technical studies 10 Examine whether a technical feasibility study 10 for detail feasibility study; 1 for no feasibility study.
undertaken prior to project commencement?
Planning 5 Examine the extent to which government accepted 10 if government accepted most of the planning risk; 1
planning risk. if planning risk was transferred to the private sector.
Project promotion to stakeholders 6 Examine the extent to which a project was promoted to 10 if the project was widely accepted as essential;
stakeholders such as unions, landowners, general 1 if there was significant opposition from all quarters.
public/consumers etc?
Project complexity and innovation 8 Examine whether the project was technically complex Score 1 if the project was technically complex and/or
and/or innovative. innovative and 10 if the project was simple.
Procurement process and 3 Examine whether the procurement process was 10 if the process was transparent; 1 if the process
competition transparent, allowing bidders to submit competitive bids.was opaque.
Project definition and clarity of 5 Examine whether the project was well defined. Was the 10 if the project was well defined; 1 if the project was
requirements public sector clear about what it wanted to buy? not well defined and government frequentlychanged
its requirements.
Context of project 1 Determine whether the project was a 'one off' or part of 10 if project was part of a structured PPP/PFI
a programme of privately financed infrastructure programme with a clearly identifiable pipeline
projects? of repeat projects.
Sub total 6
Regulatory environment
Legislative framework 7 Determine whether the country has a strong legal 10 if contracts are easily enforceable. 1 if there is no
framework? Are contracts easily enforceable? sanctity of contract.
Concession agreements 5 Examine whether the country has concession legislation 10 if the country had a long history of signing
in place? Was there a history of project concessions? concession contracts.
Independent regulation 2 Examine the strength of the regulatory regime? Does 10 if there was a strong regulatory processs in place
the country have a strong independent regulator? when the project was signed.
Sub Total 5
Strength of financial market
Deep and liquid capital market 3 Examine the depth and liquidity of the country's capital 10 for London, NY, Frankfurt and Tokyo; 1 for countries
markets. with relatively 'young' stock market.
Instruments and Funding 5 Determine whether there was a variety of funding 10 for the availability of different funding options
institutions institutions offering a number of funding instruments. including sponsor equity, long-term debt, equity funds
etc; 1 for limited financing options.
Sub total 4
Criteria Project Explanation of the criterion Explanation of scoring 10=excellent; 1=poor
Legal framework
Culture of private sector 1 Determine whether there was a history of 10 if there were numerous existing precedents for the
participation contractualising the provision of private sector private sector provision of public services; 1 if there
services? were no precedents.
Procurement laws 7 Examine whether international procurement practice 10 if recongised good international procurement
was followed. practice was followed; 1 if good practice was not
Property rights 10 Examine whether the law contained safeguards for 10 if there existed an established recognition of
property rights? property righs under the law; 1 if property rights were
not recognised.
Expropriation risks 10 Examine whether there were high risks of expropriation. 10 for no risks; 1for high risks.
Sub total 7
Bidder expertise
No. of bidders 5 Determine how many credible bidders were shorlisted 10 for three bidders or above; 1 for one or no credible
to tender? bidders.
Financial capacity and 10 Examine whether the right bidders were 10 for experienced and well capitalised bidders; 1 for
technical expertise in selected. Did they have sufficient experience inexperienced bidders.
the sector of the sector?
Sub total 8
1 Project Realism 3
Hungary M5
2 Project Preparation 6
3 Regulatory environment 5
4 Strength of financial market 4 Project Realism
5 Legal framework 7 10
6 Bidder expertise 8 8
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
Channel Tunnel Rail Link
Project Realism
Costs 4 Examine costs relative to other large scale infrastructure Score 10 if costs are NOT exceptional; score 1 if costs
projects in the same country at the time. are high compared to other public sector projects at
the time.
Expected Revenues 1 Examine certainty of traffic forecasts and projected Score 10 if revenues are certain and ensure cost
revenues. recovery; Score 1 if expected revenues are very low
and uncertain.
Government grant 7 Examine level of government grant relative to user fees. Score 10 if government grant exceeds 50% of revenues.
Toll/user charges 8 Examine price of tolls relative to local purchasing 10 for realistic pricing that most users will find
power? affordable. 1 for unrealistic pricing.
Availability of competing routes/ 4 Examing the availability of competing routes/modes 10 if there is no competition from any other routes or
modes of transport of transport. transport modes; 1 if there is direct competition along
the same route.
Sub total 4
Project Preparation
Technical studies 8 Examine whether a technical feasibility study 10 for detail feasibility study; 1 for no feasibility study.
undertaken prior to project commencement?
Planning 6 Examine the extent to which government accepted 10 if government accepted most of the planning risk;
planning risk. 1 if planning risk was transferred to the private sector.
Project promotion to stakeholders 8 Examine the extent to which a project was promoted to 10 if the project was widely accepted as essential;
stakeholders such as unions, landowners, general 1 if there was significant opposition from all quarters.
public/consumers etc?
Project complexity and innovation 9 Examine whether the project was technically complex Score 1 if the project was technically complex and/or
and/or innovative. innovative and 1 if the project was simple.
Procurement process and 7 Examine whether the procurement process was 10 if the process was transparent; 1 if the process
competition transparent, allowing bidders to submit competitive bids. was opaque.
Project definition and clarity of 4 Examine whether the project was well defined. Was 10 if the project was well defined; 1 if the project was
requirements the public sector clear about what it wanted to buy? not well defined and government frequentlychanged
its requirements.
Context of project 5 Determine whether the project was a 'one off' or part 10 if project was part of a structured PPP/PFI
of a programme of privately financed infrastructure programme with a clearly identifiable pipeline of
projects? repeat projects.
Sub total 7
Regulatory environment
Legislative framework 10 Determine whether the country has a strong legal 10 if contracts are easily enforceable. 1 if there is no
framework? Are contracts easily enforceable? sanctity of contract.
Concession agreements 8 Examine whether the country has concession legislation 10 if the country had a long history of signing
in place? Was there a history of project concessions? concession contracts.
Independent regulation 8 Examine the strength of the regulatory regime? Does 10 if there was a strong regulatory processs in place
the country have a strong independent regulator? when the project was signed.
Sub Total 9
Strength of financial market
Deep and liquid capital market 10 Examine the depth and liquidity of the country's capital 10 for London, NY, Frankfurt and Tokyo; 1 for countries
markets with relatively 'young' stock market
Instruments and Funding 10 Determine whether there was a variety of funding 10 for the availability of different funding options
institutions institutions offering a number of funding instruments including sponsor equity, long-term debt, equity funds
etc; 1 for limited financing options
Sub total 10
Criteria Project Explanation of the criterion Explanation of scoring 10=excellent; 1=poor
Legal framework
Culture of private sector 7 Determine whether there was a history of 10 if there were numerous existing precedents for the
participation contractualising the provision of private sector private sector provision of public services; 1 if there
services? were no precedents.
Procurement laws 7 Examine whether international procurement practice 10 if recongised good international procurement
was followed. practice was followed; 1 if good practice was not
Property rights 10 Examine whether the law contained safeguards for 10 if there existed an established recognition of
property rights? property righs under the law; 1 if property rights were
not recognised.
Expropriation risks 10 Examine whether there were high risks of expropriation. 10 for no risks; 1for high risks.
Sub total 9
Bidder expertise
No. of bidders 4 Determine how many credible bidders were shorlisted 10 for three bidders or above; 1 for one or no credible
to tender? bidders.
Financial capacity and 4 Examine whether the right bidders were 10 for experienced and well capitalised bidders; 1 for
technical expertise in selected. Did they have sufficient experience inexperienced bidders.
the sector of the sector?
Sub total 4
1 Project Realism 4
2 Project Preparation 7
3 Regulatory environment 9
4 Strength of financial market 10 Project Realism
5 Legal framework 9 10
6 Bidder expertise 4 8
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
Portuguese Scuts
Project Realism
Costs 3 Examine costs relative to other large scale Score 10 if costs are NOT exceptional; score 1 if costs
infrastructure projects in the same country at the time. are high compared to other public sector projects at
the time.
Expected Revenues 7 Examine certainty of traffic forecasts and projected Score 10 if revenues are certain and ensure cost
revenues. recovery; Score 1 if expected revenues are very low
and uncertain.
Government grant 2 Examine level of government grant relative to user fees. Score 10 if government grant exceeds 50% of revenues.
Toll/user charges 10 Examine price of tolls relative to local purchasing 10 for realistic pricing that most users will find
power? affordable. 1 for unrealistic pricing.
Availability of competing routes/ 8 Examing the availability of competing routes/modes of 10 if there is no competition from any other routes or
modes of transport transport. transport modes; 1 if there is direct competition along
the same route.
Sub total 5
Project Preparation
Technical studies 4 Examine whether a technical feasibility study 10 for detail feasibility study; 1 for no feasibility study.
undertaken prior to project commencement?
Planning 5 Examine the extent to which government accepted 10 if government accepted most of the planning risk;
planning risk. 1 if planning risk was transferred to the private sector.
Project promotion to stakeholders 5 Examine the extent to which a project was promoted 10 if the project was widely accepted as essential;
to stakeholders such as unions, landowners, general 1 if there was significant opposition from all quarters.
public/consumers etc?
Project complexity and innovation 8 Examine whether the project was technically complex Score 1 if the project was technically complex and/or
and/or innovative. innovative and 1 if the project was simple.
Procurement process and 8 Examine whether the procurement process was 10 if the process was transparent; 1 if the process
competition transparent, allowing bidders to submit competitive bids. was opaque.
Project definition and clarity of 7 Examine whether the project was well defined. Was 10 if the project was well defined; 1 if the project was
requirements the public sector clear about what it wanted to buy? not well defined and government frequentlychanged
its requirements.
Context of project 10 Determine whether the project was a 'one off' or part 10 if project was part of a structured PPP/PFI
of a programme of privately financed infrastructure programme with a clearly identifiable pipeline of
projects? repeat projects.
Sub total 7
Regulatory environment
Legislative framework 9 Determine whether the country has a strong legal 10 if contracts are easily enforceable. 1 if there is no
framework? Are contracts easily enforceable? sanctity of contract.
Concession agreements 5 Examine whether the country has concession legislation 10 if the country had a long history of signing
in place? Was there a history of project concessions? concession contracts.
Independent regulation 5 Examine the strength of the regulatory regime? Does 10 if there was a strong regulatory processs in place
the country have a strong independent regulator? when the project was signed.
Sub Total 7
Strength of financial market
Deep and liquid capital market 5 Examine the depth and liquidity of the country's capital 10 for London, NY, Frankfurt and Tokyo; 1 for countries
markets. with relatively 'young' stock market.
Instruments and Funding 7 Determine whether there was a variety of funding 10 for the availability of different funding options
institutions institutions offering a number of funding instruments. including sponsor equity, long-term debt, equity funds
etc; 1 for limited financing options.
Sub total 6
Criteria Project Explanation of the criterion Explanation of scoring 10=excellent; 1=poor
Legal framework
Culture of private sector 4 Determine whether there was a history of 10 if there were numerous existing precedents for the
participation contractualising the provision of private sector private sector provision of public services; 1 if there
services? were no precedents.
Procurement laws 7 Examine whether international procurement practice 10 if recongised good international procurement
was followed. practice was followed; 1 if good practice was not
Property rights 8 Examine whether the law contained safeguards for 10 if there existed an established recognition of
property rights? property righs under the law; 1 if property rights were
not recognised.
Expropriation risks 9 Examine whether there were high risks of expropriation. 10 for no risks; 1for high risks.
Sub total 7
Bidder expertise
No. of bidders 10 Determine how many credible bidders were shorlisted 10 for three bidders or above; 1 for one or no credible
to tender? bidders.
Financial capacity and 9 Examine whether the right bidders were selected . 10 for experienced and well capitalised bidders; 1 for
technical expertise in Did they have sufficient experience of the sector? inexperienced bidders.
the sector
Sub total 10
1 Project Realism 5
2 Project Preparation 7
3 Regulatory environment 7
4 Strength of financial market 6 Project Realism
5 Legal framework 7 10
6 Bidder expertise 10 8
Bidder Project
expertise 4 preparation
Legal Regulatory
framework environment
Strength of
financial markets
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