Hypertext Hypermedia and Multimedia

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The term HYPER refers to the navigation, in this reason the concepts of Hypertext
as the links among texts or textual items indicated on a computer. The Hypertext is
a software tool with a non-sequential structure which allows creating, adding, link
and share information by means of many asociative links.
On a computer or a website it is easy to be recognized by key words set in
underlined blue type that when highlighted by the mouse, trackball or finger, and
then selected or clicked on it, it is transferred to the linked document
Also we can say that the hypertext is not limited to textual information, we can find
draws, sounds, videos, in this reason the software used to read these linked
documents is called Browser.
Concretely the hypertext allows the storage of big amounts of information
aparentely in a small space beacause this information is showed to the user in a
segmented way including photos, graphics, sounds and those can be aimed to
educative goals and evidentelly in CALL.

This term designs the methods used to write, design, contents that integrate
supports such as Text, Photos, video, maps and more with the characteristic of

interact with the user, in other words the Hypermedia uses the same bases used in
Hypertexts but instead of link text; Hypermedia links various medias such as sound,
images, animation and or video and the user.
The main aspect of the hypermedia is the interaction with the user, using diferent
estrategies for an easy conprhension and also a fluently development. To get this
features the hypermedia uses creative links which aimed to CALL, will obtain a
intersting and useful feedback.

The term Multimedia refers to any object or sistem which uses a variety of digital or
phisical ways to transmit information.
This term is subsumed to Hypermedia but the difference is that Hypermedia might
only make use of two types of media such as text and sound or text and
photograph, Multimedia tends to feature several media types including text images,
sound, video and or animation. Some of the most popular multimedia tools
developed are:
Web pages, videogames, Cellphones, digital enciclopedias, interactive software,
virtual games, GPS
Finally we can affirm that exists interactive multimedia whe the user has a free
control of the contents, in other words, controls what and when he wants to see
instead of a lineal presentation where the user is forced to vizualize the content in a
predetermined order.
Actually with the incresing of the technoogy The multimedia can be transported,
projected, transmited or reproduced and more by determined devices


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