Concerto Digital Signage - How To Use: Quick Overview
Concerto Digital Signage - How To Use: Quick Overview
Concerto Digital Signage - How To Use: Quick Overview
Signing into Concerto..................................................................................................................................1
Adding Content to Your Screens..................................................................................................................2
Setting Time Limit on Content.................................................................................................................2
Add a Feed...............................................................................................................................................3
To Remove a Feed...................................................................................................................................3
To Add a picture / graphic.......................................................................................................................3
To Add Text.............................................................................................................................................4
Editing / Deleting Content...........................................................................................................................4
Browsing to Content................................................................................................................................5
Editing/Deleting Content.........................................................................................................................6
Quick Overview
Concerto is a website that allows someone to put up pictures and words on screens. DMPS uses it so
schools and offices can post digital signage information across the district and within the buildings. New
content can be posted across multiple screens at one time and old content can be updated as needed.
In the upper left corner, you’ll see the link for “Sign In”.
Use the username and password provided for you. Your username
will be your district email. However, the password is NOT you email
password. It will be different from other passwords that you will have
for district uses.
Add a Feed
A “feed” tells the which TV’s to show the content, such
as the picture or text. Typically each building is one
feed, so you can select on feed labeled for the building,
i.e. “EAST HS” and all the TVs in the building will show
the same content.
To Remove a Feed
This will not delete content, but tells the content to stop appearing on specific TVs.
If you need to edit the content, you can browse to your content.
Browsing to Content
Concerto starts at the upper grouping for the whole district. You will need to narrow the selection down
to your school/building.
All District
All District
All Schools
All Elementary
Specific Building
You can jump to a specific feed if you click
the “Jump to Feed…” button.
You can them type the name of the building
you are looking for.
Click on the blue title to go to that building.
Editing/Deleting Content
On the specific feed, you
will see four sections.
Click on a tile to edit that specific content. On the left, you’ll see the current settings.