Ripped (Mills & Boon Cosmo Red-Hot Reads)
Ripped (Mills & Boon Cosmo Red-Hot Reads)
Ripped (Mills & Boon Cosmo Red-Hot Reads)
Cover Ripped Wardrobe malfunction doesnt be in to cover it! Wit" a rip louder t"an t"e # dos$ Ha%le%s "ideous bile-%ello& bridesmaid dress e'plodes! ("es al&a%s "ad enviable curves$ but nearl% na)ed &asnt *uite t"e loo) s"ed been oin for at "er e's &eddin ! ("es rus"ed from t"e altar under t"e best mans desi ner tu' +ac)et! Ha%le%s e'pectin a blast of ic% disapproval from se'%$ sop"isticated ,iccol- Rossi."is usual reaction to an%t"in s"e does! W"at s"e ets is a )iss t"at nearl% melts &"ats left of "er pol%ester ni "tmare o&n! #ts impossible on a million levels! /'uberant en ineer Ha%le% and buttoned-up la&%er ,ico "ave never seen e%e to e%e.but s)in to s)in0 1"$ mio2! (o &"en ,ico s"o&s up at "er flat on C"ristmas 3a% to ive "er a fabulous ift."imself.Ha%le%s deli "ted to do t"e un&rappin ! But its +ust a "olida% flin ! B% ,e& 4ears 3a%$ s"ell come bac) to "er senses2unless ,icos sensual s)ills tear a&a% all "er resolve! Contemporar%$ se'% stories for sass% &omen! Cosmo Red-Hot Reads from Mills & Boon &&&!millsandboon!co!u)5cosmo Ripped 6o 7atie$ &it" love! Have fun and be fearless! '''' Ripped 3ear Reader$ # love &ritin about stron $ independent &omen and #ve al&a%s been a lover of Cosmopolitan$ so &"en # &as as)ed to &rite a Red-Hot Read from Mills & Boon stor% # )ne& # &as oin to en+o% m%self! 6"e "eroine of Ripped$ Ha%le%$ is a real Cosmo irl! ("es fun$ fearless$ independent and bus% livin life to t"e fullest! ("e s"ares an apartment &it" "er sister Rosie$ "as a +ob s"e loves$ a reat circle of friends.but "er love life is a total disaster! 8nd its about to et &orse! Rescued from t"e most embarrassin moment of "er life b% smo)in -"ot #talian ,ico Rossi$ s"e decides to ive up on love and settle for se'! But dar)$ dan erous ,ico "as "is o&n ideas about &"at "e &ants from Ha%le%2 # "ope %ou "ave as muc" fun readin t"is stor% as # "ad &ritin it! 9oo) out for Rosies sisters stor% comin :une ;<=>! ?ind out more about m% boo)s on m% &ebsite &&&!sara"mor an!com$ and c"at &it" me on ?aceboo) about boo)s$ s"oes$ life and all t"in s fun and fabulous! (ara" ''' Ripped Ripped (ara" Mor an Contemporar%$ se'% stories for sass% &omen! Cosmo Red-Hot Reads from Mills & Boon &&&!millsandboon!co!u)5cosmo Ripped 8B1@6 6H/ 8@6H1R B/(6(/99#,A aut"or (ara" Mor an &rites "ot$ "app% contemporar% romance and "er trademar) "umour and sensualit% "ave ained "er fans across t"e lobe! (ara" lives near 9ondon &it" "er "usband and c"ildren$ and &"en s"e isnt readin or &ritin s"e loves bein outdoors$ preferabl% on vacation so s"e can for et t"e "ouse needs tid%in ! 4ou can visit (ara" online at &&&!sara"mor an!com$ on ?aceboo) at &&&!faceboo)!com58ut"or(ara"Mor an and
on 6&itter B(ara"Mor anC! Ripped 1t"er boo)s b% (ara" Mor an M&B (9/#AH B/99( #, 6H/ (,1WD 6"e 1,eil Brot"ers trilo % Mills & Boon Modern 91(6 61 6H/ 3/(/R6 W8RR#1R 6"ese and ot"er titles b% (ara" Mor an are available from &&&!millsandboon!co!u)5cosmo Ripped Contents C"apter 1ne C"apter 6&o C"apter 6"ree C"apter ?our C"apter ?ive C"apter (i' C"apter (even C"apter /i "t C"apter ,ine Ripped
C"apter 1ne
E3earl% beloved$ t"e priest droned$ E&e are at"ered "ere toda% to &itness. 8 mista)e of massive proportions$ # t"ou "t loomil%$ "oldin m% breat" and sittin up strai "t in a bid to stop m% bridesmaid dress splittin at t"e seams! 8n% moment no& # &as oin to burst out of t"is %ello& tube and t"e &eddin &ould forever be remembered as t"e one &"ere t"e bridesmaid e'posed "erself! ,ot t"at # &as prudis"! ?ar from it! #d danced on plent% of tables in m% time$ but on an ideal da% #d prefer not to find m%self revealin all Fictorias secrets to Areat-@ncle Henr%! (ome irls &ent t"rou " t"eir lives dreamin of bein a bridesmaid! 4ou "eard people tal)in about it as if it &ere a life oal! # "ad a list of life oals! # &anted to an actress$ visit 6ibet (#ve al&a%s "ad a t"in about llamas)$ &or) for ,8(8! Bridesmaid0 6"at &as no&"ere on m% list! M% parents married &"en t"e% &ere bot" t&ent%-one! 6"e% stood at t"e front of a c"urc" muc" li)e t"is one &earin ridiculous clot"es t"e% &ouldnt normall% be seen dead in$ made all t"e usual promises."ave and "old$ deat" us do part$ bla"$ bla".and t"en divorced &"en # &as ei "t! W"ic" tau "t me one t"in .t"at a &eddin is +ust a part% b% anot"er name! Because m% nec) &as t"e onl% part of me t"at could move &it"out strainin a seam$ # turned m% "ead and lanced side&a%s! 6"rou " a forest of fascinators and absurd "ats t"at made me t"in) of @?1s$ # could see t"e door t"at led to a prett% private c"urc"%ard$ no& covered in a li "t dustin of sno&! # &as lad it &as prett% because # &as sure # &as oin to be t"ere soon! Here lies (o"ee$ &"o e'ploded out of "er dress at t"e most inconvenient moment of "er s"ort$ ver% unsatisfactor% life and promptl% died of s"ame! 6"e tin% c"urc" &as crammed &it" people and stuffed full of e'trava ant flo&er displa%s$ t"e clo%in scent of lilies t"ic)enin t"e air and min lin unpleasantl% &it" t"e smell of perfume from t"e elderl% aunts! M% nose tic)led and m% "ead started to t"rob! 6"e priest &as still dronin on in a "%pnotic voice t"at could "ave been recorded and sold for millions as a cure for insomnia! E#f an%one )no&s an% reason &"% t"ese t&o ma% not be +oined$ spea) no&2! 8n% reason0 Was "e )iddin 0 # could "ave iven "im at least ten reasons &it"out even revvin up a brain cell! ,umber one.t"e room &as a total bastard! ,umber t& &as t"ree da%s until C"ristmas and &"o t"e "ell &as dumb enou " to et married &"en t"e% s"ould "ave been rus"in round bu%in last-minute presents0 ,umber t" &as far too cold to be &earin a strapless dress and at t"is rate # &as oin to be eatin m% C"ristmas dinner in "ospital &it" a nast% bout of pneumonia! ,umber four. E(o"ee$ are %ou 170 M% sister (oo%oun nud ed me in t"e ribs$ increasin t"e strain on m% dress! 1f course # &asnt 17! We bot" )ne& # &asnt fuc)in 17! 6"at &as &"% s"ed a reed to come &it" me$ but t"is &as "ardl% t"e moment for sisterl% bondin over so+u! 6o be "onest$ if s"ed passed me a so+u # &ouldnt "ave )no&n &"et"er to drin) it or dro&n m%self in it! # &as ood at statistics and # could tell %ou ri "t no& t"ere &as a GG percent c"ance t"is &eddin &as oin to end in tears! Hrobabl% mine! E4ou s"ould "ave said no &"en s"e as)ed %ou to be "er bridesmaid$ (oo%oun "issed! E#t &as a mean t"in to do &"en ever%one )no&s %ou used to date "im! 8nd t"ere it &as! Ri "t t"ere! Reason number four &"% t"e bride and room s"ouldnt et married! Because "ed once said "e &anted to marr% me! #d told "im no! # didnt &ant to et married! /ver! #d never "ad ambitions to be a bridesmaid and # "ad even fe&er to be a bride! # assumed if "e loved me$ it &ouldnt ma)e a difference! # mean$ &"at &as t"e bi deal about a &eddin ceremon%0 #t &asnt as if it stopped people brea)in up! 8ll t"at mattered &as bein to et"er$ &asnt it0
8pparentl% not! 6urned out 7im (o H%un &as ver% traditional! He &as climbin t"e ladder in an investment ban) in t"e cit% and needed a &ife prepared to devote "erself to t"e advancement of "is career! #ve al&a%s been crap on ladders! # tried e'plainin # &as as e'cited about m% o&n career as "e &as about "is and "is response "ad been to dump me! #n a ver% public &a%$ # mi "t add$ +ust so t"at no one &as under an% illusions as to &"o "ad done t"e dumpin ! 8dmittedl% it "urt to be dumped$ but no&"ere near as muc" as it "urt to admit #d &asted ten mont"s on a u% &"o &asnt remotel% interested in t"e real me! # realiIed ever%one in t"e c"urc" &as loo)in at me accusin l%$ as if #d come "ere on purpose to ma)e t"in s a&)&ard! 6o some"o& punis" "im for not c"oosin me! 9oo) a ain$ # &anted to %ell$ and see &"ic" one of us is bein punis"ed! W"at irl in "er ri "t mind &ould c"oose to turn up at "er e's &eddin as a bridesmaid0 Was it m% fault t"e bride &anted to ma)e a public declaration about &"ic" one of us t"e room &as marr%in 0 8nd # )ne& # &asnt e'actl% uilt-free in all t"is! # could "ave said no! But t"en ever%one &ould "ave t"ou "t # &as mopin and bro)en-"earted and # "ad m% pride! 6"at &as t"e first t"in Mum tau "t us.never let a man )no& %oure bro)en-"earted! W"ic" mi "t be &"% our dad didnt stic) around for lon $ but more on t"at later! # could feel m%self turn pin)$ &"ic" # )ne& "ad to loo) "orrible a ainst t"e %ello&! # t"in) t"e fabric &as officiall% described as Emist% da&n but if # sa& a da&n li)e t"at # &ouldnt put a foot out of bed! Worst of all0 He &as loo)in at me! ,o$ not 7im (o H%un."e "adnt once lanced in m% direction$ t"e co&ard! 6"e best man! 7im (o H%uns friend from sc"ool$ alt"ou " t"e%d ro&n apart in recent %ears and t"e friend &as no& a super successful la&%er! 6o be "onest # &as a bit surprised "ed a reed to be best man$ but 7im (o H%un "ad lost a lot of friends since "ed ta)en a +ob in t"e cit% and started onl% "an in out &it" people &"o &ere Euseful to "im! 6"e best mans name &as 7&on :i%on ! He &as "ot! (eriousl% "ot! #n t"e loo)s department t"is man "ad been ifted b% t"e ods! @nfortunatel% immediatel% after t"e ods "ad dis"ed out super clever brain$ ood loo)s and an incredible bod%$ t"e% obviousl% decided too muc" of a ood t"in &as a bad t"in and &it""eld "umour! W"ic" &as a s"ame because :i%on "ad an amaIin mout"! 8 perfect sensual curve t"at &ould probabl% loo) ood in a smile! 1nl% "e never used it to smile! ,ever! 8nd "e &asnt usin it no& as "e loo)ed at me! He clearl% &asnt amused to see me sittin t"ere! # &asnt amused eit"er! #t &as probabl% t"e first time &ed felt t"e same &a% about an%t"in ! He lived in 6o)%o! Wed met t"e same ni "t # met 7im (o H%un and alt"ou " &e &ere al&a%s bumpin into eac" ot"er on t"e social circuit$ &ed barel% spo)en! # )ne& "e &asnt m% t%pe! He disapproved of me and # &as done &it" men &"o disapproved of me! 7im (o H%un "ated t"e fact # &as an en ineer! He al&a%s &anted me to &ear frill% dresses to compensate! ,o &onder &e came unstuc)! :i%on cast me an ic% lance at t"e same moment # loo)ed at "im! Bad timin ! 1ur e%es clas"ed! His &ere a dar)$ dan erous blac) and ever%t"in inside me turned to li*uid! # lared$ ta)in m% an er &it" m%self out on "im! # "ated t"at "e made me feel t"is &a%! He didnt li)e me! # didnt li)e "im! We &ere polar opposites! # &as fun-lovin $ friendl% and "onest about m% feelin s! He &as Iipped up$ rut"lessl% contained and cold as t"e inside of m% freeIer! 6"ere "ad been moments over t"e past fe& %ears &"en #d been tempted to leap on "im &it" a blo&torc" to see if # could t"a& "im out! Hed iven me a lift "ome in "is car once &"en 7im (o H%un "ad been too drun) to &al)$ let alone drive! #t &as a ni "t #d tried to for et! Wed been celebratin m% +ob$ &"ic" for some reason "ad sent 7im (o H%un over t"e ed e!
:i%on drove a red ?errari$ +ust about t"e se'iest car on t"e planet$ and "e &as rut"lessl% tid%! 6"ere &asnt a sin le scre&ed-up piece of paper in si "t! ,o mess (alt"ou " b% t"e time "e dropped me off t"ere ma% "ave been traces of saliva &"ere #d drooled all over "is car)! His suits &ere 6om ?ord$ "is s"oes polis"ed and "is s"irts a crisp$ pristine &"ite! But underneat" t"at carefull% polis"ed appearance t"ere &as somet"in ra& and elemental t"at no amount of sop"isticated tailorin could conceal! #d been &earin m% favourite blac) dress t"at ni "t and # remember "e didnt loo) at me once! ,ot even at m% le s$ &"ic" &ere definitel% m% best feature$ especiall% &"en # dressed t"em up in four-inc" stilettos (no pain no ain)! He "adnt bot"ered to "ide "is disapproval t"en and "e &asnt "idin it no&! His burnin aIe lo&ered to m% nec)line and t"at sensual$ unsmilin mout" ti "tened into a line of rim censure! # &anted to stand up and point out t"at t"e dress &asnt m% c"oice! 6"at it &as %et anot"er tric) on t"e part of t"e bride to ma)e sure # loo)ed "ideous! Juite "onestl% m% breasts &ere too bi for t"is dress and breasts enerall% &erent on t"e uest list to a &eddin ! Mine &ere so bi t"e% could "ave *ualified for separate invitations! 7&on :i%on obviousl% didnt t"in) t"e% s"ould "ave been invited at all! 6rut"0 # found "im intimidatin and # "ated t"at! # &as a modern$ independent &oman! #d never &orn pin) and #d never "ad t"e ur e to coo over stran e babies in prams! M% best sub+ects at sc"ool &ere Mat"$ H"%sics and 6ec"nolo %! # &as t"e onl% irl in t"e class and # al&a%s "ad better mar)s t"an t"e bo%s$ &"ic" usuall% pissed t"em off$ but # fi ured t"at &as t"eir problem not mine! # "ad a de ree in aeronautical en ineerin and &as &or)in on a supersecret pro+ect to do &it" satellites! # couldnt tell %ou more t"an t"at or #d "ave to )ill %ou and eat %ou and %ou didnt need a de ree in en ineerin to )no& t"ere &as no room in t"is dress for t&o people! # loved m% +ob! #t e'cited me more t"an an% man #d ever met! But t"at could "ave been because # constantl% messed up m% love life! /ver%! (in le! 6ime! Honestl%$ "o& could an intelli ent &oman et it so badl% &ron 0 #d tried to appl% data anal%sis met"ods to m% datin "istor% but failed to e'tract an%t"in meanin ful from t"e results e'cept t"at ettin it &ron "urt! # al&a%s seemed to end up compromisin &"o # &as$ but t"ats in t"e enes! Rosie and # &atc"ed our mum contort &"o s"e &as for men &"o subse*uentl% left "er! 8s # said$ &e &erent ood at relations"ips$ &"ic" &as probabl% &"% # &as sittin "ere sin le$ &atc"in m% e' et married! # breat"ed in t"e smell of t"is must% old c"urc" and t"ou "t about all t"e promises t"at "ad been made "ere onl% to be bro)en a fe& %ears do&n t"e line! 8nd ri "t t"ere and t"en$ # made a decision! ,o more feelin s! ?eelin s +ust led to miser% and # &as done &it" miser%! ,ot t"at #d ever been t"e sort of irl to &ait b% t"e p"one$ &illin it to rin ! Aod$ no! #f a u% pla%ed t"ose ames &it" me$ # deleted "im from m% contacts! But t"at didnt mean # couldnt be "urt! 8nd fran)l%$ &"at &as t"e point0 E#ve made a ,e& 4ears Resolution! # ris)ed t"e dress and leaned closer to (oo%oun ! E8nd #m startin ri "t no&! E4oure never &earin %ello& a ain0 ("e e%ed m% dress! EAood decision! # i nored "er! E#m sic) of romantic relations"ips! W"% bot"er0 # can o to t"e movies &it" irlfriends! # can c"at &it" irlfriends! # can lau " &it" irlfriends! E6"ats %our ,e& 4ears resolution0 E/ver%t"in # need in life # can et from irlfriends$ # "issed$ Eapart from one t"in . (oo%oun cou "ed! EWell$ %ou can. E,o$ # cant! # need a man for t"at part! But onl% t"at part! ?rom no& on #m usin men for se'! ,ot"in else!
EWell$ as resolutions o$ # predict t"at one is oin to be a lot more fun t"an ivin up c"ocolate! # could al&a%s rel% on m% sister for support! 6"e more # t"ou "t about it$ t"e more convinced # &as it &as a brilliant idea! E# s"ould "ave t"ou "t of it before! # &as tal)in out of t"e corner of m% mout"$ tr%in not to attract lares from t"e elderl% aunts! E#nstead of tr%in to find a man &"o can ma)e me lau " and is actuall% interested in me$ instead of &onderin &"at # can do for "is career$ # loo) for one t"in ! (e' appeal! E#f all %oure interested in is se' appeal$ %ou could start &it" ,ico Rossi$ Rosie &"ispered! EHe is scorc"in "ot! ,ot +ust me t"en! 6"e problem &as$ # didnt &ant to find ,ico se'%! # didnt &ant to t"in) of "im na)ed or &onder "o& it &ould feel to be )issed b% "im! He didnt li)e me! #t disturbed m% sense of order and fairness t"at # s"ould find "im attractive! # loo)ed a&a%$ but not for lon ! # couldnt "elp m%self! # snea)ed anot"er loo)! #t &as some consolation t"at ever% ot"er &oman under ninet% &as starin $ too! #f ever t"ere &as suc" a t"in as ra& se' appeal$ ,ico "ad it! He &as t"e sort of u% t"at made %ou t"in) about sin in a bi &a%$ &"ic" &asnt a ood t"in &"en %ou &ere sittin in c"urc" &it" %our breasts "alf e'posed! # couldnt &ait to et to t"e bat"room so t"at # could unIip m% dress and ive m% ribs t"e freedom t"e% deserved! W"en &as t"is &eddin oin to end0 /nou " alread%! :ust sa% # do and o and live %our lives until %our realiIe &"at %ou s"ould "ave said &as # dont! But no& t"e% &ere starin into eac" ot"ers e%es and recitin "and&ritten personaliIed messa es! # promise to love %ou forever and c"eris" %ou! # promise never to cancel %our subscription to t"e sports c"annel! (17 # made t"at one up but %ou et t"e point!) # &ri led in m% seat$ &onderin &"et"er ,ico Rossi spo)e in #talian &"en "e &as "avin se'! Hed brou "t "is %oun er sister to t"e &eddin .a slee)$ dar) vision of slender perfection! ("e &as poised and sop"isticated$ +ust li)e "im! /ver% no& and t"en s"e lanced at "im adorin l%$ as if "e &ere a od! #t seemed unnatural to me! # mean$ # loved m% sister but t"ere &ere plent% of da%s # &anted to po)e "er in t"e e%e! But t"ese &ere perfect people &"o &ould never s"o& emotion in public! 6"e% probabl% never ar ued! 6"e% &ere t"e sort &"o believed marria e to be an e'citin +ourne%! # &as al&a%s sic) on +ourne%s! 6"an)s to our parents less t"an stellar e'ample$ m% sister and # &ere bot" e*uall% scre&ed-up about relations"ips! ,ot t"at t"ere &erent men in our lives! ?ar from it! Men &ere al&a%s attracted b% Rosies s&eet$ "eart-s"aped face and "er prett% smile! 6"e% t"ou "t s"e &as fra ile and needed protectin ! 6"en t"e% discovered m% sister "ad a blac) belt in )arate and could brea) a mans bones &it" one )ic) and t"e% usuall% retreated nervousl%$ lic)in t"eir &ounded mac"ismo! 6"ere &as a u% once$ but if # so muc" as t"ou "t "is name s"ed brea) m% bones$ too$ so it &as a sub+ect # didnt touc"! :ust &"en # t"ou "t t"is &eddin &as never oin to end$ t"e priest benevolentl% told t"e room "e could )iss t"e bride! Hed been )issin t"e bride and "alf "er friends re ularl% for t"e past si' mont"s &it"out permission from an%one$ but no one seemed to care about t"at! # couldnt "elp &onderin if t"e )iss &as for m% benefit$ to remind me &"at #d turned do&n! #t &as ver% Holl%&ood! ,o bumpin noses or a&)&ard moments! (cripted! 6"e sort of )iss &"ere %ou +ust )ne& t"e% &ere t"in)in about "o& it loo)ed on t"e outside$ not "o& it felt on t"e inside! 6"ere seemed to be an a&ful lot of ton ue involved! Rosie made sic) c"o)in noises ne't to me!
Aod$ # loved m% sister! 8nd t"en finall%$ finall%$ it &as over! # breat"ed a "u e si " of relief! 8nd m% dress split! Ripped
C"apter 6&o
1" fuc)$ so no& # &as na)ed! ,ot +ust &earin a condom$ but a split condom$ and suddenl% no one &as loo)in at t"e bride and room.t"e% &ere starin at me and # couldnt e'actl% blame t"em because t"ere &as plent% to see! 6"ere &ere times &"en # &as "app% to be t"e centre of attention$ but t"is &asnt one of t"em! W"% o" &"% "adnt # &orn a bra0 #d tried it$ but it "ad s"o&n t"rou " t"e c"eap$ s"in% fabric$ so #d decided in t"e interests of vanit% t"at if # "ad to &ear t"is "ideous dress at least m% outline &ould be smoot" and perfect! 8not"er bad decision! 6"e dress "ad split do&n bot" side seams simultaneousl%$ e'posin me completel% from t"e &aist up! # felt li)e a "alf-peeled banana$ but # probabl% loo)ed li)e one of t"ose &omen &"o turned up at sta parties and leapt out of ca)es! # &as strip-o- ram bridesmaid! /ver%one &as starin $ transfi'ed b% delicious "orror$ all deepl% relieved it "adnt "appened to t"em! But it could never "ave "appened to t"em! 1nl% to me! M% life "ad a "abit of unravelin $ onl% usuall% not *uite as literall% as t"is! 6"e sno& and t"e drau "t%$ under-"eated old c"urc" "ad conspired to ma)e m% nipples stand to attention! # tried to cover t"em &it" m% "ands$ but t"en # realiIed # &as probabl% ma)in it &orse! ,o& # &asnt +ust na)ed.# &as touc"in m%self! ?or t"e first time in *uite a fe& %ears$ # pra%ed! 7ill me no&! Mum "ad al&a%s drummed into Rosie and me t"at &e s"ould &ear clean under&ear in case of an accident$ alt"ou " to be fair # dont t"in) t"is &as t"e sort of accident s"e "ad in mind &"en s"e dis"ed out t"at advice! # &is"ed #d listened$ but # "onestl% "adnt t"ou "t m% under&ear$ or lac) of it$ &as oin to be an issue! /ver% unattac"ed irl "oped s"e &ould score at a &eddin $ but # &as a realist! ,o man &as oin to "it on a &oman &earin a iant bod% condom! 3ont misunderstand me.# &as all for safe se'! # insisted on condoms! #t &as +ust t"at # didnt usuall% tr% and s*ueeIe m% &"ole self into one! 6"e dress &as a "orribl% ti "t tube$ floor len t"$ &"ic" basicall% meant m% le s &ere loc)ed to et"er! # couldnt even run a&a%! # &as li)e a mermaid$ but &it"out an ocean to dro&n in! /scape &ould be a slo&$ s"ufflin $ breast-bouncin affair! (carlet-faced$ # tried to rab t"e misbe"avin fabric and cover m%self &it" t"at$ but "onestl% it &as li)e tr%in to cover Bi Ben &it" a "and)erc"ief! (ome&"ere t"rou " t"e s&irlin clouds of embarrassment # "eard Rosie snort! ("e &as lau "in so "ard # )ne& s"e &as oin to be as muc" use to me as a non-alco"olic coc)tail at a part%! Rosie "ad a problem &it" lau "ter! ("e couldnt control it! Watc"in "er lau " usuall% made me lau "$ too$ but an% desire to lau " &as s*uas"ed b% t"e loo) in rut"less ,ico Rossis e%es! W"ile ever%one else &as apin in "orrified silence (and # can tell %ou t"e% &erent loo)in at m% face) "e strode across t"e aisle to&ards me$ all broad s"ouldered and po&erful li)e a &arrior preparin to repel an invadin arm%! # &aited for Rosie to leap to "er feet and e'ecute one of "er incredible scissor )ic)s t"at &ould flatten "im$ but m% useless sister &as doubled up &it" tears pourin do&n "er face and ,ico &as still stridin ! # uessed it &ould ta)e a lot to flatten a man li)e "im! :ust for a moment # s"ivered because &"atever "e lac)ed in t"e emotional &armt" department$ p"%sicall% "e &as trul% spectacular.stomac"-meltin $ &illpo&er-destro%in spectacular! 6"e sort of man %ou couldnt loo) at &it"out t"in)in about se'! 3ar)$ litterin e%es &ere focused on me li)e a laser- uided &eapon pro rammed to destro%! His role as best man &as to support t"e room and solve problems and ri "t no& # &as t"e problem! 1r at least$ m% breasts &ere! 6"e% &ere loose and free and # could tell from t"e loo) on "is face "e t"ou "t breasts li)e mine s"ouldnt be allo&ed out &it"out a permit!
6"e elderl% aunts "ad t"eir e%es averted$ but t"e elderl% uncles &ere starin at me$ t"eir bul in e%es remindin me of sea creatures! # sa& s&eat on t"eir bro&s and &as +ust &onderin &"et"er # &as oin to be responsible for addin more bodies to t"at prett% c"urc"%ard &"en ,ico reac"ed me! He removed "is +ac)et in a smoot" movement t"at made me t"in) "ed be ood at undressin &omen$ and &rapped it around m% s"oulders! 8ctuall% E&rapped &as too entle a &ord for &"at "e did$ but eit"er &a% m% bouncin breasts &ere no& safel% buried under 6om ?ord! His +ac)et felt &arm! #t smelled delicious! #t smelled of "im! EMoveK #t &as a command$ not a re*uest and # opened m% mout" to point out m% le s &ere tied to et"er$ but "is "and &as on m% bac) and "e &as propellin me do&n t"e aisle! 3o&n t"e aisle! 6"ats ri "t$ #$ Ha%le% Miller of >; C"err% 6ree Crescent$ ,ottin Hill$ &as s"ufflin do&n t"e aisle &it" a man$ somet"in # al&a%s said #d never do$ e'cept t"at # &as doin it bac)&ards and "alf-na)ed$ so it probabl% didnt count! # sta ered past a sea of faces$ all &it" t"eir mout"s "an in open! 6"e% reminded me of a nest of bab% birds &aitin to be fed and # &asnt +ust feedin t"em morsels of ossip.#d iven t"em a ban*uet! 8t least t"e% &ouldnt need to eat at t"e reception! 8nd be"ind t"e fascinated "orror &as t"e deli "t some people felt &"en t"e% &itnessed someone elses public "umiliation! 6"e%d be tal)in about t"is moment for &ee)s! W"o &as # )iddin 0 4ears! 1ne t"in # )ne& for sure.# &as never trustin a condom a ain! But # "ad more immediate problems to &orr% about! # "ad no idea &"ere &e &ere oin ! 6"is &as a small private c"urc" in t"e rounds of a statel% "ome! /n land &as full of t"at sort of t"in and$ since t"e credit crunc"$ even t"e ver% ric" &ere loo)in for &a%s to supplement t"eir income! Hirin out t"e dust% famil% c"apel for &eddin s &as a clever &a% of allo&in less privile ed fol) to pretend for t"at one da% of t"eir lives t"at t"e% actuall% lived li)e t"is! # didnt t"in) it &as an% more fa)e t"an e'c"an in vo&s and promises about lovin eac" ot"er forever and t"en splittin up a fe& %ears later! #n ot"er &ords$ none of it meant an%t"in $ so &"% not o over t"e top0 #f dressin li)e an over-&"ipped dessert made %ou "app%$ t"en o for it # sa% (but for Aods sa)e et one t"at fits)! /ver%one &anted to et married in t"is particular c"apel$ not for reli ious reasons but because t"e door &as prett% and loo)ed ood in t"e p"otos! E1"$ Aod$ t"e p"otosK W"at about t"e p"otos0 # stopped dead$ but "e pus"ed me for&ard into a room and slammed t"e door! #t &as +ust t"e t&o of us and t"e silence &as reall% loud! # loo)ed around me and sa& &e &ere in a room &it" &ood panelin and portraits of unsmilin du)es on unsmilin "orses! #n t"e corner &as a perfectl% decorated C"ristmas tree! ,o &on)% "omemade decorations li)e t"e ones Rosie and # used in our apartment$ but desi ner perfection! # &as prett% sure &e &erent supposed to be "ere$ but # uessed ,ico &asnt ivin muc" t"ou "t to protectin t"e assets of our "osts! He &as more interested in "idin m% assets from t"e a&pin uests! W"at &as # supposed to sa%0 W"at &as t"e eti*uette for a serious &ardrobe malfunction0 # "ad a feelin Eoops &asnt oin to cut it and as)in for a needle and t"read &ould "ave been li)e as)in for a teacup to bail out t"e 6itanic! E/r.nice +ac)et! 8nd because # &as &earin "is +ac)et$ "e &as in "is s"irtsleeves and # could see t"e s&ell of "ard male muscle pressin a ainst t"e fabric! His s"irt &as pristine &"ite and # noticed "is s)in &as olden$ not pale and past% li)e C"arlies$ and "is +a& "ad t"e be innin s of a dar) s"ado&! 6"ic)$ dar) las"es framed e%es t"at &ere indecentl% se'%.t"e onl% t"in t"at spoiled it &as t"e dan erous lint of an er! He dra ed "is fin ers t"rou " "air t"at &as usuall% smoot" and slee)$ e'ploded into #talian$ and t"en s&itc"ed lan ua e in midsentence as if realiIin t"at if "e &anted to insult me "ed better do it in
a lan ua e # understood! ECristo$ &"at &ere %ou t"in)in c"oosin a dress t"at revealin 0 E# didnt c"oose it! E6"en %ou s"ould "ave refused to &ear it! His aIe &as fi'ed on mine and didnt &aver! Clearl% "ed "ad no desire to o le m% bare breasts! # told m%self t"at didnt bot"er me! W"at did bot"er me &as t"e unconcealed loo) of disapproval on "is "andsome face! # &as sure "e &as a ver% successful la&%er! # didnt even )no& &"ic" bit of t"e la& "e dealt &it"$ but &"atever "e did # &as sure "e &as t"e best of t"e best! # )ne& t"at if # &ere on t"e &itness stand and "e fi'ed me &it" t"at penetratin aIe # &ould "ave confessed to prett% muc" an%t"in ! 4es$ 4our Honour$ its true t"at on t"e t&ent%-second da% of 3ecember # &ore a iant condom to a &eddin 2! ,o$ # "ad no idea # &ould be arrested for antisocial be"avior.condoms are supposed to onl% "ave a ; percent failure rate$ but in m% case it &as =L< percent! 4es$ # understand t"ere &ere serious conse*uences! Weddin interruptus! # &ondered &"% "e &as so an r%! #t &asnt as if t"e room "ad ended up &it" me! 6"is episode could "ave +ust been labeled Enarro& escape! 1utra e started to simmer inside me! # &as t"e victim of a cruel fas"ion crime$ blameless in ever%t"in e'cept m% proportions and # &asnt about to apolo iIe for m% breasts! 8nd an%&a%$ # felt a bit funn% inside! ,ot *ueas% e'actl%$ but a bit diII% and s&imm%-"eaded! # t"ou "t it &as probabl% "earin "im spea)in #talian! 6"e onl% #talian # )ne& # learned from a menu and t"ere &as not"in se'% about HiIIa Mar "erita even if %ou tried sa%in it in a sultr% voice! 6"is man$ "o&ever$ &as spectacularl% se'% and ever%t"in t"at came out of "is mout" made me &ant to rab "im and do ver%$ ver% bad t"in s &"ic" &as definitel% off limits because ,ico &as t"e sort &"o &as al&a%s rut"lessl% in control of "imself and be"aved impeccabl% in public! # assumed la&%ers &erent allo&ed to misbe"ave! EW"% t"e fuc) are %ou "ere$ Ha%le%0 4ou are t"e master of bad decisions! He spo)e t"rou " "is teet" as if "e &ere afraid t"at if "e opened "is mout" a tirade of insults &ould escape! ?ran)l% # &as surprised to "ear "im sa% Efuc)! But no& "ed said it$ # started t"in)in about it! ,ot t"e &ord$ but t"e act! # couldnt "elp it! 6rut"full% #d been t"in)in about it lon before "ed said t"at &ord! # doubted an% &oman could loo) at ,ico and not t"in) of it! ,ot love or romance$ %ou understand! He &asnt t"e "earts and roses sort of man! # couldnt ima ine "im ris)in "is suit b% c"an in a napp% or rollin up "is perfectl% ironed sleeves to &as" a reas% saucepan$ but se'0 Aod$ %es! 8ll it too) &as one loo) to )no& t"is man &ould )no& ever%t"in t"ere &as to )no& about "ard$ "ot$ s&eat% se'! ?or a &ild moment # &anted to as) if "ed impart some of "is )no&led e$ but t"en # remembered "ed +ust told me # made bad decisions! 6"ere &as onl% so muc" abuse a irl could ta)e in one da% and # &as ri "t up to m% limit! W"en %ou &or) in a male dominated profession as # do$ %oure used to bein +ud ed! Most of t"e time # let it &as" over me! #f # t"reatened t"eir masculinit% t"at &as t"eir problem$ not mine! 1ccasionall% # fou "t bac)! (ometimes # too) sadistic pleasure in surprisin people$ but # &as damned if #d allo& m%self to be told # made bad decisions b% a man &"o never let "imself o! # stood up strai "ter and pus"ed m% c"est out ( ood +ob # &as &earin "is +ac)et)! E/'cuse me$ but &"at ives %ou t"e ri "t to +ud e m% decisions0 EWe could start &it" t"e fact %oure currentl% na)ed from t"e &aist up under m% +ac)et! ?i' t"e dress! #m t"e best man! # "ave duties to perform! 8nd # &as &illin to bet "ed perform t"em &ell! 1"$ Aod$ # "ad to stop t"in)in li)e t"at! E6"e dress is unfi'able! 8nd # couldnt refuse to &ear it! 6"is &as &"at Cressida &anted! E4our "alf-na)ed bod% on displa%0 # dont t"in) so! He t"re& me a loo) t"at &ould "ave terrified
an entire arm% into immediate surrender! EBut %oure +ust a irl &"o cant sa% no! EW"ats t"at supposed to mean0 # e'ploded$ &"ic" considerin # &as "alf-na)ed &asnt a ood idea! Because # &as *uite p"%sical # tended to add emp"asis to &"at # &as sa%in b% usin m% "ands! @p until a moment a o m% "ands "ad been "oldin t"e front of "is +ac)et to et"er! ,o& t"e% &ere &avin around &ildl%$ preparin to act in m% defense! @nfortunatel% t"e% &ere not t"e onl% part of me to be &avin around &ildl%! His e%es dar)ened and # realiIed t"at "e "ad stopped loo)in at m% face! (uddenl% t"ere &ere four of us in t"e room! Me$ "im and m% breasts! # sa& a tin% muscle move in "is +a& and t"en "is aIe lifted to mine and t"at &as t"e moment # discovered t"at loo)in at someone could ma)e %ou burn inside! E# can sa% no! M% voice came out croa)% and # realiIed t"e timin of t"at sentence &asnt reat because # )ne&$ # +ust )ne&$ t"at bot" of us &ere t"in)in about se'! EW"at t"e "ell are %ou doin "ere$ Ha%le%0 8t t"is &eddin 0 Have %ou no pride0 EHride is t"e reason #m "ere! #f #d sta%ed a&a% ever%one &ould "ave t"ou "t # &as bro)en"earted! E8nd are %ou0 His *uestion surprised me as muc" as t"e rou "ness of "is voice! We didnt e'actl% "ave t"e sort of relations"ip t"at included an e'c"an e of confidences and t"at &as a deepl% personal *uestion! # "ad no intention of ans&erin it! # "adnt even told Rosie "o& bad # felt$ alt"ou " s"e )ne& of course! 6"at &as &"% s"e &as "ere! (olidarit% even in t"e absence of confession! 6"at &as one of t"e unspo)en rules of true sister"ood! 6"e second &as t"at &e &ere oin to leave at t"e first possible moment$ scoot bac) to our apartment in 9ondon and dro&n t"e memories of toda% in a lar e bottle of &ine &"ile &e &rapped presents and finis"ed decoratin our apartment for C"ristmas! ,ot t"at # &as bro)en-"earted about C"arlie.# &asnt! #t &as more t"e miser% of bein forced to confront %et more evidence of "o& utterl% impossible relations"ips &ere! # &as mournin t"e fair% tale$ &"ic" &as ridiculous &"en # t"ou "t about it because #d never believed in t"e fair% tale! EHa%le%0 Cristo$ ans&er t"e *uestion! His voice &as ra& and t"ic)ened b% an emotion # didnt reco niIe! # assumed it &as an er$ since t"at &as t"e onl% emotion "e ever seemed to feel around me! E8re %ou bro)en-"earted0 6"e *uestion "un bet&een us in an atmosp"ere t"at &as "eav% and s&eat%! 8 moment a o #d been freeIin ! (omeone needed to open a &indo&! #t &as stiflin in "ere! E@nless %oure a cardiolo ist$ t"e condition of m% "eart is none of %our business! # mi "t "ave been "idin m% feelin s but # &asnt "idin an%t"in else! # lifted m% "ands to close m% +ac)et but "e &as t"ere before me! (tron male fin ers tan led &it" mine and t"e bac)s of "is fin ers brus"ed a ainst m% breasts! His "ands &ere &arm and c"emistr% s"ot t"rou " me! #t &as li)e fallin on an electric fence! Bot" of us froIe! 6"e onl% sound in t"e room &as "is breat"in ! 1r ma%be it &as m% breat"in ! He &as standin reall% close to me$ so close # "ad a ma nified vie& of "ot masculinit%! M% e%es &ere level &it" t"at dar)ened +a&$ t"at unsmilin mout" and t"ose incredible bed me if %oure luc)% e%es! Ri "t at t"e moment # so$ so &anted to et t"at luc)%! # )ne& "e &ouldnt be ood for me! Hed probabl% be a bit li)e +un) food.somet"in %ou could crave even &"ile )no&in it "ad no nutritional value and mi "t ma)e %ou feel sic) later! # didnt care about t"e &eddin ! # didnt care t"at #d be ossiped about for t"e ne't t&o decades! 8ll # &anted &as to feel t"at mout" on mine and find out &"et"er )issin "im &ould be as ood as #
t"ou "t it &ould! 1"$ Aod$ &"% not0 6oda% "ad been suc" a total disaster # mi "t as &ell tr% and e'tract one decent memor% to comfort me in t"e "ours of crin in flas"bac)s t"at &ere bound to follo&! 6ellin m%self # &as doin us bot" a favor$ # rabbed t"e front of "is s"irt and &as about to pull "im to&ards me &"en "e muttered somet"in in #talian and dra ed me to&ards "im b% t"e lapels of "is +ac)et! We collided$ loc)ed to et"er li)e &ild animals in t"e matin season! Ripped
C"apter 6"ree
Bodies$ mout"s$ ever% part of us t"at could touc" &ere touc"in $ and alt"ou " # "ad no idea &"o made t"e first move # didnt care an% more because "is mout" &as &arm and s)illed and "is )iss confirmed &"at #d alread% suspected. 6"at "e &as t"e "ottest man on t"e face of t"e eart"! W"atever else it &as$ t"is &asnt a scripted )iss! # doubted eit"er of us &ould "ave )no&n or cared if an%one else &as &atc"in ! We &ere so &rapped up in eac" ot"er$ so absorbed in t"e moment$ &e &ouldnt "ave noticed if a "orse "ad leapt from one of t"e paintin s and started allopin around t"e room! # felt t"e erotic slide of "is ton ue in m% mout" and moaned aloud because &"at "e &as doin connected a million tin% circuits inside me and set off a c"ain reaction until # &as fairl% sure m% bod% &as close to meltdo&n! # didnt care t"at "e never smiled because # )ne& no& "is mout" &as made for )issin and "e proved it &it" ever% delicious$ s)illed stro)e of "is ton ue! M% arms &ere round "is nec)$ m% bod% pressed a ainst "is.and "is &as "ard$ muscular and +ust about perfect! @nder t"at s"oc)in l% e'pensive suit$ t"e man &as ripped! /ver%t"in &as ripped! M% dress$ "is bod% and m% reputation! # couldnt "elp m%self! # covered t"e front of "is trousers &it" t"e flat of m% "and and felt "im$ "ard and t"ic) a ainst m% palm! ECristo. "e muttered a ainst m% lips and slammed me bac) a ainst t"e &all$ "is mout" "ot and demandin on mine! His "ands "ad moved from t"e +ac)et to m% breasts and # felt a t"rill of delicious e'citement as "is t"umbs raIed m% nipples! @suall% # closed m% e%es &"en # )issed$ but not t"is time! His e%es &ere fi'ed on mine$ dar) &it" "eat and ra& desire! #t &as t"e se'iest e'perience of m% life and # didnt &ant to miss a sin le moment of it! M% mind &asnt capable of muc" co"erent t"ou "t$ but # )ne& #d been &ron about one t"in . ,ico Rossi &asnt a ood bo%! He &as a bad bo% dressed in a ood suit! Heat pulsed bet&een us$ t"e c"emistr% screamin $ scorc"in and intense! His fin ers drove into m% "air$ &"ic" tumbled out of its clip and slid over "is "and! His mout" &as pressin "ot$ sensual )isses a ainst m% nec) and lo&er! He murmured somet"in in #talian and # &as about to as) "im to translate &"en # realiIed # didnt &ant "im to! 7no&in &"at "e &as sa%in mi "t spoil ever%t"in ! 6"ere &as no &a% # &as ever oin to understand &"at &as oin on "ere an%&a%$ so &"at &as t"e point in tr%in 0 # felt t"e t"rust of "is "ard t"i " bet&een mine and t"ere &as anot"er rippin sound as t"e seams tore a bit furt"er! #f t"e bridesmaid dress "adnt alread% been ruined it &ould "ave been no&! # didnt t"in) "e even noticed! His mout" devoured mine and "e %an)ed &"at &as left of t"e stupid dress up and loc)ed "is "ands on m% s"iftin "ips! # strained a ainst "im$ feelin t"e "ard t"rust of "im a ainst me and t"en # felt "is "and move to m% inner t"i "! 6"e anticipation almost )illed me$ and t"en "e &as stro)in me &it" t"ose lon $ )no&in fin ers$ some"o& pro rammed to touc" me in e'actl% t"e ri "t place even t"ou " # "adnt said a &ord or made a sound! M% mout" &as on "is$ &e &ere breat"in t"e same air$ bitin $ lic)in and it &as t"e most erotic t"in #ve ever e'perienced! # &asnt t"in)in about an%t"in e'cept "o& ood it felt and t"en "e slid "is fin ers inside me and ood became incredible and # could feel m%self pulse around "im! # &as rippin "is s"oulder because m% )nees &ere so &ea) # t"ou "t # mi "t slide to t"e floor if # &asnt "oldin on$ but t"at left me &it" one "and free and # &asnt oin to &aste it! # &rapped m% "and around "im and felt "im t"ic)en in m% rasp! 8s # stro)ed "im # "eard "im ro&l deep in "is t"roat and it &as t"e se'iest sound #d ever "eard$ even se'ier because # )ne& # &as t"e one &"o "ad done t"at to "im! 6"is man &"o &as so bi on control &as losin control$ and "e &as losin it because of me! His fin ers &ere s)illed$ findin t"at e'act spot &it" unerrin accurac% and # felt t"e first flutters of
or asm! Wed barel% e'c"an ed a &ord before toda%$ t"is man and #$ and %et "ere &e &ere loc)ed in t"is unima inable intimac%! His )nee nud ed m% t"i "s furt"er apart$ ivin "im full access and "e )ept usin "is fin ers$ )ept )issin me until # felt ever%t"in inside me ti "ten and pulse! # &as close$ so close$ and "e )ne& because "e &as ri "t t"ere &it" me$ "is fin ers controllin ever%t"in # &as feelin $ "is mout" breat"in in m% asps! ECome$ "e ordered softl%$ and normall% # &as ver% bad at doin &"at # &as told but t"is time our ob+ectives &ere clearl% ali ned and # ti "tened m% "and around t"e lorious t"ic)ness of "im and t"en "eard someone callin m% name! EHa%le%0 #t &as m% sister$ usin one of "er frantic sta e &"ispers$ )noc)in on doors as s"e searc"ed for me! Hresumabl% s"ed finall% stopped lau "in for lon enou " to &or) out # mi "t be in trouble! ("it! ,ico and # stared at eac" ot"er$ e%es and mout"s still loc)ed to et"er! M% bod% &as suspended in a state of intense e'citement! ?or once in m% life # &is"ed Rosie "ad +ust carried on lau "in and not tried to "elp me out! Here # &as$ "overin on t"e ed e of &"at # )ne& &as oin to be t"e best or asm of m% life &it" t"e "ottest man # &as ever oin to meet and m% sister &as ban in on t"e door! # &as oin to )ill "er! (lo&l%! #f # &as oin to die in a on% t"en # &as oin to ma)e sure s"e did$ too! EHa%le%0 8re %ou 170 #t &as a measure of "o& turned on # &as t"at "avin m% sister ban in on t"e door "adnt made an% difference to t"e &a% # felt! ,ico s&ore a ainst m% mout" (in bot" #talian and /n lis"$ in case %ou &ere &onderin )$ and # &as +ust about to as) &"et"er "ed loc)ed t"e door &"en it burst open! ?ortunatel% ,ico "ad "is bac) to our audience$ s"ieldin me! # "ad %et anot"er reason to be t"an)ful for t"ose broad$ muscular s"oulders! Wit" admirable calm$ "e removed "is fin ers and "is mout" from m% bod% and some"o& mana ed to pull m% dress do&n and dra& t"e lapels of "is +ac)et to et"er at t"e same time! He &as impressive in a crisis.smoot" and composed! Rosie "ad seen most of it before$ of course! Wed lived to et"er since &e left "ome to o to colle e and &e didnt loc) doors ver% often$ so at t"is point # &as more e'asperated t"an embarrassed! But t"en # loo)ed past "is s"oulders (and t"at too) some &illpo&er$ # can tell %ou$ because it &as t"e best vie& #d seen in a lon time) and sa& a s"oc)ed face t"at didnt belon to m% sister! ,icos sister &as starin at "im as if s"ed never seen "im before! 1" crappit%$ crap$ crap! Her e%es &ere &ide and s"oc)ed$ "er mout" sli "tl% a ape! ("e obviousl% t"ou "t #d corrupted "er usuall% controlled brot"er! 8nd ma%be # "ad! # &as certainl% &ell on m% &a%! ?rom t"e moment "ed touc"ed me$ #d t"ou "t about not"in but "im! 8nd before %ou +ud e me # can tell %ou &it"out a flic)er of doubt t"at if t"is man "ad )issed %ou$ %ou &ouldnt "ave been t"in)in of an%t"in but "im eit"er! He s&ore under "is breat"! EAo bac) to t"e c"urc"$ 7iara! #t &as a command$ and s"e colored and stepped bac) &it"out *uestion! #f "ed spo)en to me li)e t"at # &ould "ave posted "is 6om ?ord suit to a &ort"% c"arit%$ but s"e didnt sa% a &ord! :ust obe%ed "im li)e a pupp% in an obedience class! # decided it must be t"e s"oc) t"at "ad stopped "er from standin up for "erself! 8nd # &as responsible for t"at s"oc)! (o muc" for "avin a se'ual relations"ip &it"out emotional involvement! #t seemed t"at no matter
&"at rules %ou pla%ed b%$ someone al&a%s ot "urt! # &anted to tell "er not to &orr%$ t"at &e "ated eac" ot"er reall%$ but s"ed alread% one and # &as left &it" more t"an a split dress to &orr% about! #d t"ou "t m% embarrassment couldnt et an% deeper! 6urned out #d been &ron about t"at$ too! Ripped
C"apter ?our
EBest &eddin ever! #t &as C"ristmas /ve and Rosie &as stretc"in on t"e livin room floor$ surrounded b% "alf-&rapped C"ristmas presents! ("e spent a lot of time stretc"in ! #d learned to ive "er a &ide bert" because t"ere "ad been more t"an one occasion &"en #d moved too close and ended up &it" "er foot in m% face! ("ed started )arate at t"e a e of si'$ t"en s"ed added in Mua% 6"ai &"en s"e &as ei "teen and met. But # &asnt allo&ed to mention "im! 9ets +ust sa% &e call "im He W"o ("all ,ot Be ,amed (and "es not t"at Foldemort u% from Harr% Hotter$ alt"ou " from t"e smile on m% sisters face at t"e time # t"in) "e mi "t "ave "ad a ma ic &and "idden some&"ere)! EAlad %ou &ere entertained! (no& drifted laIil% past t"e &indo&s! 6"e streets of 9ondon &ere &"ite and ever%one &as &rapped up a ainst t"e cold in bri "t scarves and outra eous "ats! 6"at &as one of t"e man% t"in s # loved about livin in 9ondon! Heople &erent afraid to dress creativel%$ especiall% &"ere &e lived! #n ,ottin Hill &e &ere surrounded b% artists$ musicians and &riters! 8nd m% an el-faced$ )arate-lovin $ )ic)bo'in sister! # snu led deeper into t"e sofa$ m% laptop balanced on m% t"i "s because # couldnt be bot"ered to &al) to t"e table and an%&a%$ it saved on "eatin bills! ECan &e stop tal)in about t"e &eddin 0 ("ed been lau "in non-stop for t"e past t"ree da%s! (isterl% love &as &earin t"in! # pretended to be absorbed b% m% laptop$ but if # &as "onest #d barel% done an% &or) since &ed arrived "ome from t"e &eddin ! # couldnt concentrate! M% brain &as +ammed up &it" t"e "ottest memor% of m% life! # couldnt stop t"in)in about it! 8bout "im! Mostl% about t"e &a% Mr (uper Cool "ad one from i norin me to virtuall% "avin se' &it" me! 6"e c"an e in "im "ad been s"oc)in and$ &ell$ e'citin ! W"at &asnt so e'citin &as t"e fact it "ad been interrupted and t"ere &as no c"ance of a repeat performance$ &"ic" basicall% meant # &as doomed to die of se'ual frustration! ,ot t"at # "adnt tried to do somet"in about t"at$ but no vibrator &as ever oin to come close to t"e uni*ue bedroom talents of ,ico Rossi! #t &as li)e &atc"in a bo'ed set$ endin an episode on a cliff"an er and t"en realiIin %oud lost t"e final 3F3! # desperatel% &anted to )no& &"at "appened ne't! But # &as never oin to because ,ico "adnt li)ed me before t"e &eddin $ so "e &as oin to li)e me even less since # ruined t"e da% and &al)ed off &it" "is 6om ?ord! ?or a couple of da%s #d nurtured a fantas% "e mi "t contact me$ but of course "e "adnt! Real life is a split dress and embarrassment$ not a "ot u% rin in %ou! # ans&ered anot"er email$ tr%in to bloc) out t"e memor% of t"e &eddin ! #d scoured 4ou6ube for da%s$ c"ec)in t"at no one "ad uploaded a video of m% diII%in descent into i nomin%! (o far all seemed &ell$ but if # could "ave du a "ole and lived under round for a &"ile$ # &ould "ave done! EW"% t"e "ell did %ou "ave to &al) in &"en %ou did0 EW"% t"e "ell didnt %ou loc) t"e door if %ou &ere plannin to "ave se'0 #ve &rapped a load of spare presents b% t"e &a%! 6"e%re t"e ones &it"out labels! ("e spun and )ic)ed$ almost removin a lamp from t"e table! #f t"e lamp "ad been a person$ it &ould "ave been unconscious! 8nd s"e &ondered &"% men &ere intimidated b% "er! (e' &it" m% sister could probabl% "ave been classified as a let"al sport! 8nd tal)in of se'2 EWe &erent "avin se'K # &atc"ed as Rosie paused to arran e t"e presents in a pile under t"e perfectl% s"aped fir tree &ed pic)ed up from t"e arden centre! # &ould "ave "ad a fa)e one$ but s"e said &e "ad so muc" fa)e in our life ro&in up$ &e deserved t"e real t"in ! Hersonall% # didnt see an%t"in romantic about pic)in dried reen needles out of t"e bottom of %our feet in Marc"$ but t"at &as +ust me! EHavent %ou overdone t"e spare presents t"is %ear0 M% sister al&a%s bou "t e'tra C"ristmas presents! ("e said it &as because it made t"e tree loo) festive$ but # )ne& "er idea of a terrible C"ristmas &ould be for someone to turn up and "er not "ave a ift for t"em! ("e &as ver% &as all lin)ed &it" "er fair%-tale vie& of t"e &orld! ,ot t"at
s"e &as idealistic$ but s"e believed %ou could ma)e %our o&n fair% tale if %ou &or)ed "ard enou " at it! W"o needed a prince &"en %ou "ad a credit card and online s"oppin 0 W"en &e &ere little s"e &as t"e one &"o danced around t"e room in pin) ti "ts &it" a tiara on "er "ead$ pretendin to be a princess! 6"en our parents split up and s"e decided s"ed rat"er be t"e 7arate 7id! M% sisters most important self-created fair% tale &as C"ristmas! Because &ed never "ad a proper famil% C"ristmas$ s"e overcompensated madl%! Hence t"e tree$ t"e stoc)in s and "er determination t"at no one &e )ne& &ould spend t"e da% alone! E#m oin to pic) up t"e tur)e%! ("e spun and e'ecuted anot"er )ic) and "er blonde "air fle& around "er face! 6"ere &ere times &"en # t"ou "t s"e s"ould "ave auditioned to pla% Bond (and # do mean Bond$ not t"e dope% irl planted in t"e film so "e can "ave se')! ("e trained for "ours ever% da%$ but it "ad paid off and s"ed landed a reat +ob coac"in martial arts at ?it and H"%sical in t"e Cit%! ("e &as also buildin a list of clients for personal trainin ! Her results &ere startlin $ but # uessed t"at &as because t"e% &ere all terrified of m% s&eet-faced sister! #f %ou didnt put in effort s"e )ic)ed %our butt! 9iterall%! 8not"er ten emails pin ed into m% inbo'! We &ere in t"e middle of t"is "u e pro+ect at &or) and it &asnt oin a&a% +ust because most of 9ondon "ad s"ut do&n for t"e "olida%s! Half of me &as "opin one of t"ose emails &as from ,ico! # didnt need to tell %ou &"ic" "alf but lets put it t"is &a%.# &as &onderin if it &as too late to as) (anta for a ne& vibrator! Was t"ere one called 6"e ,iccol-0 6"at &as t"e one # &anted! #dl% # t%ped Evibrator.t"e ,iccol- into t"e searc" en ine! E# "ave to send t"e +ac)et bac)! E4ou cant do it toda%."e &ont be in t"e office! #ts C"ristmas /ve and its sno&in ! Rosie rabbed "er coat! ECome &it" me! Better t"an mopin ! E#m not mopin ! E4oure mopin ! 8nd dreamin in #talian! # closed t"e lid of m% laptop so s"e couldnt see &"at #d +ust t%ped! # "ad some secrets! E#f it &erent for %ou # &ouldnt "ave "ad to dream! # &ould "ave "ad realit%! # &ould "ave put m% ,e& 4ears resolution of emotionless se' into practice! E#t &ould "ave been a &aste to rus" somet"in so ood &it" a man t"at "ot! E(o instead # didnt et to do it at all0 Ho& is t"at better0 # duc)ed as s"e t"re& me m% coat! E#m not oin out! # still "avent recovered from bein na)ed in c"urc"! (omeone mi "t reco niIe me! E6"e advanta e of bein na)ed from t"e &aist up is t"at no one &as loo)in at %our face! Rosie t"re& m% scarf! E@nless &"at %oure &or)in on is an emer enc%$ %oure comin ! # &is"ed s"e "adnt used t"ose e'act &ords! # &asnt comin ! 6"at &as t"e point! 8nd %es$ it &as close to an emer enc%! 8t t"is rate #d need resuscitation! Mout"-to-mout"! 8nd mout" to. Well$ %ou et t"e point! 8ll # could t"in) of &as se'$ &"ic" &asnt ood &"en t"ere &as no immediate "ope for a satisfactor% resolution! Ma%be freeIin cold and sno& &ould reduce t"e need for a vibrator! #t didnt$ but # "ad to admit t"ere &as somet"in upliftin about &al)in t"rou " ,ottin Hill on C"ristmas /ve! ("op &indo&s spar)led &it" li "ts and decorations and ever%one &as smilin $ &"ic" didnt ma)e sense &"en %ou t"ou "t about t"e number of people &"o found t"is a miserable time of %ear or didnt celebrate$ but ma%be t"e%d all sta%ed indoors! 8 famil% strolled past$ dra in an enormous tree! 6"e% &ere all "oldin "ands! 8 mot"er$ fat"er and t&o ver% e'cited c"ildren &it" pin) c"ee)s and s"in% e'pressions! (omet"in t&isted inside me! # didnt understand "o& # could env% t"at &"en it &asnt &"at # &anted! # cau "t Rosies e%e and s"e s"ru ed$ readin m% mind! 6"at &as one of t"e t"in s # loved about m% sister! ,ot onl% did s"e )no& &"at # &as t"in)in &it"out me sa%in it$ but t"e past &as t"e past! #f somet"in &as messed up$ t"en s"e &as oin to ma)e sure s"e did it differentl% in t"e future! ("e &as all about movin for&ard!
(no& &as fallin on "er "air and # t"ou "t "o& prett% s"e &as! 3ancer-slim &it" amaIin reen e%es and blonde "air t"at lic)ed around "er face and fell to "er s"oulders! 9on $ slim limbs t"at could )noc) %ou out &it" one )ic)! #t &as "er superpo&er! /ver%one else &as t"in)in about C"ristmas$ but # &as t"in)in about t"e &eddin ! E3o %ou t"in) # ruined t"eir bi da%0 E,o$ but it &ould serve t"em ri "t if %ou did! #t &as mean of t"em to insist %ou be a bridesmaid! ,ot t"at "e &as ri "t for %ou$ but t"e% never s"ould "ave put %ou in t"at position! ("e &as m% sister! #t &as "er +ob to tr% and ma)e me feel better$ but # reall% &anted to believe "er! #t &as C"ristmas /ve and no one &anted to feel bad about t"emselves on C"ristmas /ve! E#ts )ind of ironic t"at # &ent because of m% pride$ and ended up "alf-na)ed in public and t"en )issin a man &"o "ates me! Rosie made a snortin sound! EHe doesnt "ate %ou! 6"e t&o of %ou "ave c"emistr%! 4ou al&a%s "ave! 4ou t&o "ave al&a%s been muc" better suited t"an %ou and C"arlie! # stopped dead and aped at "er! EHo& can %ou sa% t"at0 # anal%Ied t"e evidence! E,ico Rossi "as barel% ever spo)en to me! W"enever &ere in t"e same room$ "e i nores me! He doesnt li)e me! W"ic" made t"e &"ole t"in all t"e more confusin ! Ho& could # possibl% "ave "ad suc" a "ot encounter &it" a man &"o didnt li)e me0 EHe arran ed for a car to drive us "ome from t"e &eddin so %ou didnt "ave to face t"e uests! 6"at must "ave cost "im a fortune! 8nd #d alread% tuc)ed t"e mone% into t"e poc)et of "is 6om ?ord! # didnt &ant to be in debt to ,ico! EHe did it because "e &anted to et us out of t"ere! #d alread% ruined t"e &eddin ! EHe rescued %ou &"en ever%one else stood around a&pin ! M% sister "ad stopped$ too! (no& settled on "er blonde "air! EHe ave %ou "is +ac)et! He didnt "ave to do t"at! # fro&ned! EHe didnt &ant me na)ed in a c"urc"! M% sister bent racefull% and scooped up a "andful of sno&$ formin it into a sno&ball! EW"o ave %ou a lift "ome t"e ni "t %ou invited a load of us to celebrate %our ne& +ob and C"arlie proceeded to i nore %ou and et &asted0 E,ico! 6"at evenin "ad been t"e be innin of t"e end for C"arlie and me! Hed proposed t"e da% after$ as an alternative to ta)in t"e +ob! #d t"ou "t "e &as still drun) and )iddin ! 6urned out "e &as sober and dead serious! He sa& marria e to "im as a preferable career option! E,ico$ but "e &as drivin past m% "ouse an%&a%! # &aited for "er to sa% E%es$ %oure ri "t$ but instead s"e &atc"ed me steadil% and suddenl% # &ondered &"at e'planation ,ico "ad iven "is sister! Ma%be "ed told "er it "adnt been "is fault$ t"at "ed been assaulted b% m% bare breasts and "ad merel% been defendin "imself! He &as a la&%er! # &as prett% sure "e could plead self-defense better t"an an%one! 1n t"e ot"er "and "e didnt stri)e me as t"e sort of man &"o made e'cuses! 6a)e "im or leave "im! #d tried to ta)e "im and loo) &"ere t"at "ad ot me! # slid m% arm t"rou " Rosies and resolved to stop t"in)in about "im! E9ets tal) about somet"in else! #d never spent so lon t"in)in about a man # &asnt even in a relations"ip &it"! E(o far m% resolution to "ave emotionless se' isnt turnin out so &ell! Ma%be # s"ould "ave +ust one for somet"in more traditional li)e losin &ei "t and ettin fit! E4oure alread% fit$ and %oure not supposed to start %our resolution until t"e ,e& 4ear! Her"aps %oull meet someone cute tomorro&! (omet"in in t"e &a% s"e said it made me turn m% "ead suspiciousl%! EW"o "ave %ou invited0 Hlease dont tell me its t"at +ournalist u%! E:ust all our usual friends and a fe& ot"ers! ("e &as stud%in a in erbread "ouse in t"e &indo& of our favorite ba)er%! E("ould &e bu% t"at0
E#f %ou bu% an% more food t"ere &ont be room for t"e uests! Rosie$ &"o e'actl% is comin tomorro&0 E# never )no& until t"e% )noc) on t"e door! 4ou )no& &"at its li)e.not ever%one confirms! ("e didnt loo) at me! 6"e %ear before s"ed invited an entire class from "er %m! 6"e% &ere all )ic)in in our livin room! We &andered on$ starin in &indo&s! # t"ou "t "o& muc" # loved 9ondon! We lived in a reat area$ &it" s"ops$ mar)ets and livel% restaurants on our doorsteps! 1ur apartment &as on t"e top floor of a beautiful red-bric) Fictorian "ouse in t"e trend% part of ,ottin Hill! 6"e streets &ere reall% prett% "ere and &e &ere round t"e corner from Hortobello mar)et and an eas% &al) from 7ensin ton Aardens! 9oads of our friends lived nearb%! # &ondered &"ere ,ico lived! Had "e one "ome to #tal% for C"ristmas0 # "oped "e didnt need "is +ac)et! EHe%$ &a)e up! #ts been sno&in all ni "t! # burro&ed under t"e covers$ resentin m% sisters ener % levels! E#ts too earl%! E#ts C"ristmas! We "ave to open our stoc)in s and t"eres loads to do! E1nl% because %ou insist on invitin "alf t"e &orld to lunc"! # emer ed from under t"e covers and loo)ed out of m% attic &indo&! 9ondon &as covered in anot"er deep coatin of spar)lin sno&! #t almost &as a fair% tale$ e'cept # "ad to et up and coo) C"ristmas lunc" for a bunc" of people #d probabl% never met before &"en all # &anted to do &as lie in a "eap$ &atc" bac)-to-bac) 6F and tr% to for et about t"e disastrous &eddin ! Rosie spran onto t"e bed and crossed "er le s$ "er dais% pa+amas a c"eerful$ sprin li)e rebellion a ainst t"e &inter &eat"er! E3o %ou mind0 Would %ou rat"er # didnt do t"is0 # &as about to confess t"at one %ear it mi "t be nice to +ust eat tur)e% sand&ic"es and flop in front of t"e 6F &"en # sa& t"e loo) of e'citement in "er e%es and )ne& # &ould never$ ever$ stop "er doin t"is! 8nd an%&a%$ # understood &"% s"e did it! We couldnt "ave a proper Efamil% C"ristmas so s"e "ad a Efriend C"ristmas instead! Rosie &as determined to create t"e life s"e &anted to live and # admired t"at! E# t"in) its reat! 8nd # did! Because of m% sister$ no one &e )ne& spent C"ristmas on t"eir o&n! /ver%one &it" no&"ere to o &as invited$ &"ic" meant t"at some %ears our apartment &as prett% cro&ded$ but # didnt reall% "ave a problem &it" t"at! E8re %ou sure0 ("e dra ed t"e stoc)in s onto t"e bed! E# &ondered &"et"er %ou &ouldnt rat"er +ust "ave a *uiet da%! E,ot in a million %ears! 3ont et me &ron .m% sister and # fou "t$ but it &as al&a%s over t"e small t"in s! W"en it &as an%t"in to do &it" our past$ &e &ere a united front! We opened t"e Estoc)in s &ed laid out t"e ni "t before (s"e filled mine and # filled "ers! 9ast %ear &ed bumped "eads stuffin stoc)in s at t"e same time)! /ac" &as full of funn% lo&-priced ifts! 6"an)s to t"e stress of t"e &eddin $ #d bou "t all mine on t"e internet! # "ad no idea &"en Rosie "ad done "er s"oppin ! (oon m% bed &as covered in ripped paper and in amon st c"ocolates$ a noteboo)$ an e'ceptionall% cute stuffed llama$ and a festive bra and pant% set in red &it" &"ite fau' fur trim$ t"ere &as a pac)et of condoms &it" Enot to be used until t"e ,e& 4ear on t"em! # raised an e%ebro&! E# dont remember mentionin t"ose &"en # &rote to (anta! EHe )no&s %ouve been a ood irl t"is %ear but "e also )no&s %oure oin to be a bad irl ver% soon! ("e &in)ed at me! E8nd "e &ants %ou to be prepared! Rosie &as as subtle as a )ic) in t"e stomac" from a reindeer! # &as prett% pleased &it" t"e presents #d c"osen for "er$ and as &ell as t"e small t"in s # ave "er m% main ift.a leat"er "andba in a soft s"ade of cappuccino s"ed admired in t"e mar)et bac) in ,ovember!
E# love it! ("e cooed over it and t"en t"re& me an eni matic loo)! E4our bi present is comin later! # &ondered "o& m% present could be comin later &"en t"ere &ere no deliveries on C"ristmas 3a%$ but # "ad no time to d&ell on it because &e &ere e'pectin a load of people and &e "ad to produce food! (urrenderin to t"e inevitable coo)in marat"on$ # s"o&ered *uic)l% and teamed m% favorite s)inn% +eans &it" t"i "-len t" boots and a cute s"irt &it" s"ell buttons! @nderneat" # &as &earin m% ne& festive under&ear (includin t"e bra$ in case %ou &ere &onderin ! ,ever let it be said # dont learn from m% mista)es)! # reported for dut% in t"e )itc"en +ust as Rosie sta ered t"rou " t"e door carr%in t"e tur)e%! #t "ad spent t"e ni "t in our "all&a%$ apparentl% reac"in Eroom temperature! E6"is needs a bit of attention! Can %ou do t"at &"ile # ma)e t"e stuffin 0 # loo)ed at it doubtfull% because # &asnt muc" of a coo)! EW"at sort of attention0 E6"ere are some stra% feat"ers! Hluc) t"em out! ("e &anted me to pluc) t"e tur)e%0 EHoultr% "air removal isnt e'actl% m% specialt%$ # be an$ but # &as tal)in to m%self! Rosie "ad alread% left t"e room$ &"irlin t"rou " t"e flat sin in C"ristmas carols! # &ouldnt "ave minded$ but m% sister &as a muc" better dancer t"an s"e &as a sin er! # stared loomil% at t"e tur)e%! #t "ad dar) stubble on one le ! Clearl% t"e person &"o "ad prepared t"is tur)e% for t"e oven "ad been an'ious to leave &or) earl%! # loo)ed at t"e stubb% ends po)in out of t"e plump pale s)in and s%mpat"iIed! #t &asnt eas% )eepin %ourself smoot"! W"at t"e "ell &as # supposed to do0 # pulled m% p"one out of m% poc)et and c"ec)ed m% te'ts and emails but t"ere &as still not"in from ,ico! ,ot t"at # &as e'pectin EMerr% C"ristmas$ but # t"ou "t "e mi "t at least "ave demanded "is +ac)et bac)! E(top loo)in at %our p"one! Rosie &as bac) in t"e )itc"en$ s*ueeIin oran e +uice into a bo&l of cranberries! EHe isnt oin to call %ou! E# "ave no idea &"at %ou mean! # &as c"ec)in m% &or) emails! E1n C"ristmas 3a%0 # &ondered &"% s"e &as so sure "e &ouldnt call me! # "ad "is +ac)et! #t &as 6om ?ord! #f not"in else$ "e s"ould &ant it bac)! 8 u% li)e "im &as bound to be oin to lots of smart dinners over t"e "olida%s! E6"is pro+ect is important! 8nd %oull be bus% once C"ristmas is over! Rosies p"one never stopped rin in &it" people &antin "er to "elp t"em et into s"ape! @suall% # didnt see "er until ?ebruar% &"en ever%one &ent bac) to bein inactive slobs! 6"e doorbell ran ! We &ere no&"ere near read% for uests and # loo)ed at "er in "orror but Rosie smiled$ &"ic" # t"ou "t &as a ver% odd reaction! Aiven t"e "air% tur)e% and t"e state of our )itc"en # &ould "ave anticipated screamin ! ("e vanis"ed to ans&er t"e door and # decided life &as too s"ort to pluc) a tur)e%! 8nd an%&a%$ # needed rapid results! # formulated a plan$ con ratulatin m%self on m% in enuit%! Be"ind me # could "ear our apartment slo&l% fillin up &it" people and it &as *uite a fe& minutes before Rosie came bac) into our prett% countr%-st%le )itc"en! EHa%le%$ %ou need to. ("e bro)e off and stared at me in disbelief! E4oure &a'in t"e tur)e%0 E4ou told me to remove t"e stra% feat"ers! # ripped t"e strip$ removin feat"ers and most of t"e s)in! E1ops! 6"at &asnt t"e &a% it &as supposed to turn out! E4ou &ere supposed to pluc) itK E6"ere &as no time to pluc) eac" feat"er individuall%! We bot" stared at t"e s)inless le of t"e tur)e%$ me &it" morbid fascination and Rosie &it" "orror!
E# cant believe %ou &a'ed our tur)e%K 4ouve ruined it! # felt a stab of uilt! E:ust one le ! 8nd le meat is often dr%! E#m never lettin %ou near m% )itc"en a ain! Rosie s"oved me aside and it &as onl% t"en # remembered s"ed come in to tell me somet"in ! E4ou &ere tellin me # needed to do somet"in ! W"at0 # turned m% "ead and almost passed out because ,ico &as standin t"ere$ "is broad s"oulders bloc)in m% vie& of t"e livin room and t"e ot"er uests! #d t"ou "t about not"in but "im for t"e past fe& da%s! (ometimes &"en %ou fantasiIed about a u% and t"en %ou sa& "im a ain$ %ou realiIed %oud built "im up in %our "ead! ,ot ,ico! He &as trul% spectacular! 8nd imposin ! He filled t"e door&a% of our )itc"en and "e lanced from me to t"e tur)e% and lifted an e%ebro&! (eriousl% unbalanced b% "is une'pected appearance$ # ave &"at # "oped passed for a casual s"ru ! E,ot ever%one li)es le ! E6rue! 6"ose dar) e%es met mine &it" sardonic "umour! ,ot a smile$ but definitel% "umour! E#m more of a breast man m%self! 1"$ Aod$ &"% did "e "ave to sa% t"at0 #mmediatel% # &as bac) in t"at room at t"e &eddin $ &it" "im s"o&in me +ust "o& muc" of a breast man "e &as! # &ondered &"at t"e "ell "e &as doin "ere! Hresumabl% "e needed "is +ac)et for some C"ristmas at"erin or ot"er$ but t"is seemed li)e an odd time to s"o& up on our doorstep! # turned to loo) at Rosie$ but s"e &as in a panic over t"e &a'ed tur)e%! M% sister "ad no sense of priorities! # &as about to fetc" ,icos +ac)et and send "im on "is &a% &"en # realised "e &asnt alone! 7iara stood in t"e door&a%$ roomed and polis"ed as ever! ("e ave me an a&)&ard smile$ &"ic" # returned! 8t a uess #d sa% mine &as more a&)&ard t"an "ers! # felt more na)ed t"an t"e tur)e% (alt"ou " &it"out bein vain$ #d sa% m% le s &ere loo)in a "ell of a lot better)! ,ico &as leanin casuall% a ainst t"e doorframe &atc"in me from under t"ose t"ic) las"es$ t"e &a% "e "ad &"en &ed )issed! He mi "t as &ell "ave been touc"in me because # could feel "is aIe ri "t t"rou " me! 6"e sensation started as a tin lin on t"e surface of m% s)in and t"en it &as a &armt" t"rou " m% veins$ and t"en t"e &armt" turned to "eat! 6"e "eat pooled lo& in m% pelvis and # didnt t"in) it "ad an%t"in to do &it" m% fur-trimmed panties! #t e'asperated me t"at # could feel li)e t"is! 8nd &"at &as even more e'asperatin &as t"e fact "e )ne& # &as feelin li)e t"is! ,ot t"at "e loo)ed smu or an%t"in ! 1"$ no! #f #d "ad to describe "is e'pression # &ould "ave said E&atc"ful! He )ept loo)in at me! @nflinc"in ! @nembarrassed! 8s if "ed as)ed "imself a *uestion and &as no& loo)in at t"e ans&er! 6"en "e lanced from me to t"e &oman standin *uietl% ne't to "im! E4ou "avent been formall% introduced$ "ave %ou0 1"$ reat! He &as oin to ram "ome t"e fact t"at "is sister "ad onl% ever seen me "alf-na)ed! E,o! # spo)e bet&een m% teet"! EWe "avent! E6"is is 7iara! 7iara$ t"is is Ha%le%! 4ou sa& "er briefl% at t"e &eddin ! 8ll ri "t$ enou "K #t mi "t "ave been brief$ but # "ad a feelin it "ad been fairl% compre"ensive! W"at &as t"e u% pla%in at0 1ne more comment li)e t"at and #d ive "im one of m% o&n )ic)s$ &"ic" mi "t not "ave been as impressive or ele ant as m% sisters$ but &ould still "ave t"reatened "is abilit% to fat"er c"ildren! EHi$ 7iara! 9ovel% to meet %ou! # tried not to loo) at "im even t"ou " # could feel "im loo)in at me! He "adnt stopped loo)in at me since "ed &al)ed into t"e )itc"en! Bein on t"e receivin end of t"at smolderin $ intense aIe
made m% le s turn from a solid to a li*uid! # &as about to reac" for t"e fire blan)et Rosie )ept in t"e )itc"en and t"ro& it over m%self! E#ts lovel% to meet %ou$ 7iara said earnestl%! E# )no& %oure an en ineer! #m in a&e! #m "opeless at Mat" and H"%sics! ,ico used to tear "is "air out "elpin me &it" "ome&or)! Hed "elped "er &it" "ome&or)0 # blin)ed! # tried to ima ine t"is smoot"$ sop"isticated u% sittin patientl% b% "is sister$ "elpin "er &it" al ebra! EWell t"ats$ er$ lovel%! 8nd "onestl% # did t"in) it &as lovel%! /'cept t"at # &as confused b% t"e contradictions! E4ou came "ere for %our +ac)et$ so # ou "t to et t"at for %ou. ,ico &as still &atc"in me! # &ondered if part of "is +ob involved interro ation because "is aIe &as li)e a laser! #f #d "ad a mirror # &ould "ave c"ec)ed t"ere &asnt a red dot on m% fore"ead! 6"ere &as a lon $ pulsin silence and "e continued to loo) at me as if somet"in #d said "ad ans&ered a *uestion lin erin in "is "ead! E#m not "ere for t"e +ac)et! Were "ere because Rosie invited us to +oin %ou for C"ristmas! Ripped
C"apter ?ive
("e &"at0 M% sister "ad invited "im &it"out tellin me! # didnt )no& &"et"er to )ill "er or )iss "er! 7iara &as loo)in an'ious! E#t &as )ind of %ou to invite us bot"! 8re %ou sure its all ri "t0 ,o$ it &asnt all ri "t! W"% "adnt s"e told me0 Co&ard! # turned m% "ead to loo) accusin l% at Rosie! # felt li)e %ellin Ec"ic)en but t"en realiIed it &ould confuse people as s"e currentl% "ad "er "ead buried in a tur)e%! # produced &"at # "oped &as a smile$ but felt closer to t"e face # pulled &"en # &as on t"e receivin end of t"e &a'! E4oure &elcome! E6"e food is oin to be a &"ile$ Rosie said bri "tl%$ Eso &"% dont %ou +ust o into t"e livin room and et to )no& eac" ot"er better! C"ill out and pla% some ames! C"ill0 # &as boilin "ot! 8nd as for ames.t"ere &ere alread% enou " ames oin on in t"is )itc"en! @nfortunatel% no one "ad told me t"e rules! 1ne loo) at Rosies face told me s"e not onl% t"ou "t s"ed alread% pla%ed t"e first ame$ s"e &as t"e &inner! ("e &afted past me and murmured under "er breat"$ EHapp% C"ristmas! /n+o% %our present! ,ico &as m% present0 6"at &as &"at s"ed meant &"en s"ed said it &ould be arrivin later0 # &ondered if s"ed told "im "e &as m% ift! # sincerel% "oped not$ but )no&in m% sister s"e probabl% "ad! # follo&ed "er into t"e livin room$ avoidin "is aIe! ,ot t"at # &as particularl% s"% or an%t"in $ but #d been t"in)in about not"in but se' &it" "im for t"e past four da%s! # &asnt confident t"at m% e%es &ouldnt li "t up li)e slot mac"ines! 6"an) oodness "e couldnt read m% mind! He sat do&n on t"e sofa$ nud in m% laptop to one side! Hed abandoned 6om ?ord$ presumabl% because # &as no& in possession of "alf of it$ and &as &earin a pair of blac) +eans! 6"e% molded t"emselves to "is lon $ po&erful le s as if t"ere &as no&"ere t"e%d rat"er be t"an snu led a ainst t"ose "ard t"i "s! # didnt blame t"em! #n fact # envied t"ose +eans! 6"rou " t"e ap in t"e nec) of "is s"irt # could see a "int of dar) "air a ainst bronIed fles"! # &as +ust ponderin t"e eti*uette of acceptin a ift &"o didnt )no& "e &as %our ift$ &"en "e reac"ed idl% for m% laptop! E# dont normall% &or) on C"ristmas da%$ but do %ou mind if # +ust c"ec) somet"in 0 # opened m% mout" to tell "im to "elp "imself &"en # remembered t"at not onl% "ad # not s"ut m% laptop do&n t"e ni "t before$ but t"at t"e last searc" "ad been Evibrator.t"e ,iccol-! # flun m%self across t"e room but it &as too late! Hed alread% opened it and # stood$ marinatin slo&l% in embarrassment for t"e second time in less t"an four da%s! #t seemed # &as destined to "umiliate m%self around t"is man! ?irst "ed seen t"e outer me stripped bare$ and no& "e &as seein t"e inner me similarl% na)ed! # &as doomed! E,ico cant stop "imself c"ec)in t"e court cases! 7iara &al)ed across t"e room balancin t"e bo&ls of nuts and crisps m% sister "ad iven "er! E,ormall% "e does it on "is p"one$ but # unplu ed "is c"ar er last ni "t$ so #m in trouble! ,o&"ere near as muc" trouble as # &as in! ("it$ s"it$ s"it! # &aited for "im to s)e&er me &it" one of "is severe$ disapprovin loo)s$ but "e didnt! #nstead "e tapped t"e )e%board &it" t"ose stron $ clever fin ers t"at )ne& e'actl% "o& to drive a &oman craI%
and c"ec)ed &"atever it &as "e &anted to c"ec)! His e'pression didnt flic)er! He &as t"e most inscrutable man #d ever met! #n fact "e &as so calm and controlled$ # &ondered if ma%be m% memor% &as failin me! Ma%be # "ad closed t"at pa e do&n! # must "ave done$ or "e &ould "ave said somet"in or at least iven me one of "is loo)s! 6"e doorbell ran a ain and ot"er people started streamin into our apartment$ leavin me no opportunit% to d&ell on it! #t &as a ood +ob Rosie "ad bou "t t"ose e'tra presents because prett% soon &e &ere up to t&elve people! # )ne& about ei "t of t"em$ but it didnt reall% ma)e an% difference because # &asnt loo)in at t"em an%&a%! 6"e% mi "t as &ell "ave not been t"ere for all t"e impact t"e% made on me! ?or me t"ere &as onl% one man in t"e room! We popped bottles of bubbl%$ opened presents$ t"en "elped Rosie carr% t"e food to t"e table! 8nd all t"e time # &as a&are of ,ico! 7iara "ad suddenl% become t"e life and soul of t"e part%$ but "ed barel% opened "is mout"! # )ne& t"at$ because # )ept loo)in at it! # loved t"e s"ape of "is lips and )ept rememberin "o& t"e%d felt as t"e%d moved over mine! E# s"ould ive %ou %our +ac)et! # blurted t"e &ords out$ &is"in # "ad a tent" of "is control! E,o "urr%! 6"at &as all "e &as oin to sa%0 6"e atmosp"ere &as so tense t"at b% t"e time m% sister placed t"e tur)e% in t"e centre of t"e table # &as "otter t"an an% of t"e food! Because our table &as desi ned to seat ei "t at t"e most$ t&elve &as a s*uas"! # sat do&n at t"e end$ because at least t"en #d be up close and personal &it" +ust one ot"er person! ,ico sat do&n ne't to me! M% "eart bumped! # tried to &or) out if t"is &as accident or desi n and decided "e &asnt a man &"o did an%t"in b% accident! He didnt loo) at me and as usual t"ere &as not"in in "is e'pression t"at ave me an% clues as to &"at "e &as t"in)in ! His arm brus"ed a ainst mine! We &ere +ammed to et"er li)e atoms in a molecule! 8n%one loo)in at us &ould probabl% "ave assumed it &as lac) of space t"at necessitated t"e closeness$ but # )ne& differentl%! #d li)e to sa% lunc" &as delicious$ but "onestl% # couldnt "ave told %ou &"at # ate because C"ristmas lunc" &as all about t"e man seated ne't to me! W"en "e reac"ed across and for)ed tur)e% onto m% plate all # sa& &ere lean$ bronIed "ands and a dustin of dar) "air on "is forearms! Hed rolled "is sleeves to t"e elbo&! # uessed t"at &as as close to casual as t"is man ot! E/nou "0 # loo)ed at "im blan)l%! E6ur)e%$ "e said entl% and # blin)ed! E4es! 6"an)s! W"at &as it about a mans forearms0 8lt"ou "$ if # &ere "onest$ it &asnt +ust "is forearms! #t &as all of "im! He leaned for&ard to pic) up a dis" of potatoes and # sa& t"e muscle fle' in "is po&erful s"oulders! 6"en "e sat do&n a ain and t"is time "e &as t"i " to t"i " &it" me! 1ur le s mi "t as &ell "ave been lued to et"er! # e'perimented and eased m% le a&a% sli "tl%$ but "is follo&ed! M% "eart s&ooped up&ards li)e a para lider "ittin a t"ermal$ ta)in m% mood &it" it! Rosie lanced at me! E#s it ood0 E1"$ %es! # focused on m% plate even t"ou " # )ne& s"e &asnt tal)in about t"e tur)e%! EBrilliant! 4oure brilliant! Heople &ere s&appin stories about t"eir C"ristmas traditions$ but # didnt "ear a &ord because # "ad t"is nois%$ "app% sound rin in in m% "ead! ,ico &as "ere!
(ittin ne't to me! 8nd &"atever our relations"ip "ad been in t"e past$ ri "t no& it &as "ot and electric! # decided one of us "ad to sa% somet"in or &ed dra& attention to ourselves! E(o &"at sort of la&%er are %ou0 He reac"ed for "is lass$ alt"ou " #d noticed earlier t"at "e &as drin)in &ater! Ma%be "e &as afraid "is control &ould slip if "e dran) alco"ol! E8 ood one! E6"ats not an ans&er! # turned m% "ead to loo) at "im and of course t"at turned out to be a mista)e because "is &asnt a face %ou &anted to loo) a&a% from! # could "ave stared at "im until #d died of "un er$ t"irst or frustration$ &"ic"ever came first! # could tell %ou at t"is rate it &as oin to be frustration! 8nd of course$ "e )ne&! E4ou reall% &ant to tal) about la&0 6"ere ou "t to be a la& preventin a man drivin a &oman t"is craI%! His voice &as so soft # )ne& no one else &ould be able to "ear "im! 6"e blood &as pumpin t"rou " m% veins and # could still feel "is t"i " pressed "ard a ainst mine! # &as +ust about to ma)e a second attempt at polite conversation$ &"en # felt "is "and slide over m% t"i "! 6"e &armt" of "is palm pressed t"rou " m% +eans and # almost +umped out of m% seat &it" s"oc)! # could no lon er pretend an% of t"is &as an accident or t"at &e &ere fused to et"er because of a lac) of space! He left "is "and t"ere$ as if testin to see if # &as oin to +ump$ +o t"e table and )noc) all t"e lasses over! W"en # didnt move$ "e slid "is "and "i "er up m% t"i " and no matter &"at an%one said about some men$ # could tell %ou t"ere &as not"in &ron &it" "is sense of direction! He )ne& e'actl% &"ere "e &as oin ! M% stomac" clenc"ed! 6"e e'citement &as almost painful! 6"e c"emistr% &as off t"e scale! # didnt understand it$ and # &as ood &it" all t"e sciences! # could e'plain nuclear fission but # couldnt e'plain t"is! W"at # felt made no sense at all to me$ but t"at didnt stop me feelin it and also t"e frustration t"at came from bein in public! 6"ere al&a%s seemed to be somet"in bet&een me and se'ual satisfaction! #n t"is case it &as denim and a room full of m% friends! # &is"ed #d &orn a dress &it" stoc)in s instead of s)inn% +eans and t"i "-len t" boots$ but "e &as obviousl% a man &"o didnt let obstacles et in "is &a% because "is fin ers moved "i "er and "i "er until "e &as pressin ri "t t"ere! # )noc)ed m% &ine lass over! ?ortunatel% #d alread% drun) "alf of it$ so &e "ad a puddle$ not a la)e! E1"$ crap! M% sister t"re& me a loo) and a nap)in! 6"en s"e turned bac) to "er nei "bour and continued t"e conversation! ,ico didnt move "is "and$ nor did "e rela' t"e pressure! 8s # said$ obviousl% not a man to let an%t"in stand in "is &a%! # felt s"iver% and &ea)! 6"e atmosp"ere bet&een us &as "eav%$ t"ic) and so scorc"in "ot # &as surprised &e "adnt set off t"e smo)e alarm! # decided # mi "t as &ell ma)e t"e most of t"e t"i "-len t" boots and ran m% foot up "is calf! EMore tur)e%$ Ha%le%0 8 u% # )ne& va uel% from Rosies %m smiled at me from across t"e table and # smiled bac)$ s"oo) m% "ead and murmured an acceptable response! #t &as a surprise to me # could still strin a sentence to et"er because # &as ripped b% ra& desire and t"e delicious friction created b% ,icos clever$ persistent fin ers! 6"e frustration &as almost unbearable! # decided pleasure t"is ood s"ouldnt be one-&a% and slid m% "and up "is t"i " and covered "im! #f #d needed confirmation t"at "e felt t"e same &a%$ # "ad it no&! His erection &as a t"ic)$ "ard rid e under m% "and$ pressin t"rou " t"e constrainin fabric of "is +eans! ?or a moment # &as tempted to pull t"at Iip
do&n$ but # decided #d "ad enou " public e'posure for one %ear! E8ns&er me a *uestion. His voice &as soft and +ust for me! Aiven &"ere m% "and &as$ # &as &orried about &"at t"e *uestion mi "t be! E1nl% t"e one0 # "ad millions # &anted to as) "im$ and t"en # remembered m% resolution to "ave a se'-onl% relations"ip! #d never done it before$ but # &as fairl% sure a se'-onl% relations"ip involved. &ell$ se' onl%! 8s)in *uestions about ot"er t"in s$ particularl% famil%$ &as a fast &a% of turnin it into somet"in # didnt &ant! EW"ats %our *uestion0 8t t"e far end of t"e table 7iara &as lau "in &it" t"e man from Rosies %m! /it"er ,ico "adnt noticed$ or "e didnt care! 1bviousl% "e &asnt "is sisters )eeper! E8re %ou bro)en-"earted0 Hed as)ed me t"e same *uestion at t"e &eddin ! # "adnt ans&ered it! W"% &ould # offer up somet"in so personal to someone &"o disapproved of me0 But no&.0 E,o$ # croa)ed! E#m not bro)en-"earted! He turned "is "ead and ave me a loo) t"at told me not"in ! EW"at time does %our friend C"ristmas usuall% end0 E#ts been )no&n to continue until ,e& 4ear! 1nce &e "ad a uest &"o en+o%ed "imself so muc" "e sta%ed until &e )ic)ed "im out on :anuar% =! We &ere about to start c"ar in "im rent! His aIe dropped to m% mout" and lin ered t"ere! Aod$ "e &as serious! # mean reall% serious! Most of t"e time # &as prett% sill%! M% instinct &as to +o)e around a lot$ alt"ou " #d &or)ed "ard to rein t"at side of me in$ especiall% around C"arlies famil%$ &"o "ad made no secret of t"e fact t"e% found m% sense of "umour inappropriate (and t"at &as before #d burst out of m% dress at t"e &eddin )! ,ico confused me! #d t"ou "t "e disapproved of me$ but "ere "e &as &it" "is "and2&"ere it &as! # sensed somet"in lur)in be"ind t"ose la%ers of rut"less control$ somet"in dar) la%ered under t"e po)er face "e presented to t"e &orld! # &ondered &"at "is secrets &ere! /ver%one "ad secrets$ didnt t"e%0 # &ouldnt "ave minded discoverin a fe& of "is! ?or once # &is"ed our apartment &ere bi er! # loved it$ but it &asnt bi enou " for me to vanis" to t"e bedroom &it"out all t&elve people around t"e table noticin ! #t &as a miracle t"e% "adnt alread% noticed &"at &as oin on under t"e tur)e%! #t &as a ood +ob C"ristmas &as c"aotic! # reall% s"ould "ave "elped clear t"e table$ but "onestl% # couldnt stand up$ let alone &al)! 8ll t"at entle under-table stro)in "ad driven me craI%! # &as so$ so close and t"e buildin desperation &as )illin me and %et still "e &as relentless$ stro)in and teasin until # "ad to clamp m% t"i "s to et"er to stop "im! # could feel "im t"robbin under m% "and! 6urnin m% "ead to loo) at "im # met "is aIe and sa& t"at "is e%es &ere dar)er t"an usual! 8lmost blac)! # s"ivered$ &onderin &"at it &ould ta)e to ma)e "im drop "is uard t"e &a% "e "ad at t"e &eddin ! #d never seen "im lau "$ but it occurred to me #d never seen "im s"o& an% ot"er emotion eit"er! /'cept desire! 6"ere &as no missin t"at! #t simmered in t"e dept"s of t"ose blac) e%es and pulsed bet&een bot" of us! # loo)ed at "is mout" and remembered "o& it "ad felt &"en &ed )issed! # )ne& t"at +a& &ould feel rou " a ainst m% palms$ because #d "ad m% "ands on it onl% da%s earlier! # &anted to "ave m% "ands on it a ain! # &as so absorbed b% "im # &as onl% diml% a&are of m% sister brin in in t"e C"ristmas puddin $ a perfect dome of alco"ol-infused dried fruit brou "t as a ift b% one of our uests! Rosie "ad put "oll% in t"e centre$ doused it in more alco"ol and set fire to it in traditional Britis" st%le! W"at &asnt so traditional &as t"at as s"e put it do&n on t"e table$ t"e flame lic)ed one t"e nap)ins! #t cau "t fire! ,ico &as on "is feet instantl%! Calml%$ "e doused t"e flames &it" a +u of &ater and t"en rabbed a
pile of nap)ins and mopped up t"e &ater before it could do more dama e! 8nd all &it"out ruinin t"e puddin ! EHe%$ *uic) &or)! M% sister loo)ed s"a)en but s"e smiled at ,ico and t"en at me$ as if s"e &as approvin m% c"oice! # &as startin to approve of m% c"oice$ too! 6"e man mi "t be a little uncommunicative$ but "e &as ood to "ave around in a crisis! ?irst m% dress$ and no& t"is! He &asnt a man &"o "esitated! 8nd # li)ed t"e &a% "e "elped m% sister &it" clearin t"e table before sittin do&n a ain! # &as surprised our little fire "adnt set off t"e smo)e alarm$ but ,ico and # &ere producin far more "eat t"an t"e flames on t"at puddin $ so t"e smo)e alarm &as probabl% unconscious b% no&! #d stopped eatin and so "ad "e! # &is"ed t"ere &as a &a% to ma)e C"ristmas lunc" o on forever because # didnt &ant toda% to end! But of course in real life ood t"in s al&a%s ended! EWe "ave to leave no&! He spo)e softl% so t"at no one else could "ear$ not t"at t"e% &ere pa%in an% attention to us an%&a%! 6"e% &ere too &rapped up in C"ristmas puddin and conversation! E1f course! # "adnt e'pected "im to leave *uite t"is soon and t"e level of disappointment appalled me! 6"e &"ole idea of a se'-based relations"ip &as to avoid t"ese emotional lo&s! Clearl% # &as doin somet"in &ron ! E#m sure %ou and 7iara "ave lots to do! E#m not leavin &it" 7iara$ "e said calml%! E#m leavin &it" %ou! EMe0 M% mout" &as drier t"an overcoo)ed tur)e% breast! 6"e same couldnt be said for t"e part of me t"at &as under "is fin ers! E# cant leave! # live "ere! #ts C"ristmas! He lanced at our friends$ most of &"om &ere b% no& lau "in uncontrollabl%! E6"e%re "app%! 8nd # need to ive %ou m% ift! E4ou bou "t me a ift0 4ou didnt "ave to do t"at! # felt a little embarrassed because obviousl% # didnt "ave an%t"in for "im! Hresumabl% "ed considered it an obli ation to "is "ost! EW"% didnt %ou +ust ive it to Rosie &"en %ou arrived0 E#t isnt for Rosie! #ts for %ou! #ts personal! E4ou could ive it to me "ere! E# dont t"in) so! He reac"ed for "is lass and # noticed t"at "e &as still drin)in &ater! # &ondered a ain &"et"er t"is &as all part of "is determination to "an onto control! #t scared me "o& badl% # &anted to pus" "im and rip it all bac) until # e'posed t"e real "im$ but ma%be t"at &as because #d been not"in but e'posed in t"e past &ee)$ so it &as definitel% "is turn! EW"% not0 EBecause m% ift is +ust for %ou! ,ot to be s"ared! EHo& do %ou )no& its somet"in # &ant0 # +umped as someone popped a cor) on anot"er bottle of c"ampa ne! 6"e movement increased t"e friction a ainst "is "and and # almost moaned! E# )no& its somet"in %ou &ant$ Ha%le%! EHo&0 EBecause %oud alread% t%ped it into a searc" en ine on %our laptop! # &as so distracted b% t"e sensations e'plodin t"rou " m% bod%$ it too) a moment for "is &ords to sin) in! W"en t"e% did$ # turned m% "ead a ain! His e%es &ere velvet dar) and loc)ed on mine! 6"ere &as a faint leam of "umour t"ere$ and somet"in else.somet"in t"at made m% stomac" t&ist and spin and t"en drop li)e a stone from a "i " cliff! EM% laptop0 He leaned closer! His lips brus"ed m% ear! E3id %ou mana e to locate 6"e ,iccol-0 Heat poured over me and &armt" pooled in m% pelvis! #f "e &as &aitin for me to respond$ "e &as oin to be &aitin a lon time! # couldnt form a &ord let alone a sentence! # made an inarticulate sound t"at dre& Rosies attention!
("e fro&ned sli "tl%$ satisfied "erself # didnt need t"e Heimlic" manoeuvre and dre& ever%ones attention to "erself b% tellin a funn% +o)e t"at re*uired sound effects and "and estures! 3id # mention # loved m% sister0 ,ico didnt seem to care &"at an%bod% else at t"e table t"ou "t! He &as focused +ust on me and it &as t"e se'iest$ most intense e'perience of m% life! C"arlie "ad loo)ed over m% s"oulder most of t"e time$ as if conversin &it" me &as an irritation "e "ad to endure! 6"e bo%friend #d "ad before "im used to +ust start tal)in about "imself! #d never "ad a man loo) at me t"e &a% t"is man &as loo)in at me! 8s if ever%one else in t"e room &as inconse*uential! E# dont )no& &"at %oure tal)in about! His e%es &ere t&o s"immerin pools of dar) promise! E,o0 Because # "appen to )no& &"ere %ou can find &"at %ou &ere loo)in for! Aod$ "is voice &as se'%! 8nd t"e &a% "is breat" &armed m% nec)! # *uivered and s"ivered! E4ou do0 E4es! # could "ear t"e smile in "is voice and feel t"e sure$ confident slide of "is "and bet&een m% s"a)in t"i "s! EBut %oull "ave to come &it" me! E4oure su estin # leave m% o&n C"ristmas part%0 E4ou "avent tal)ed to an%one else since &e sat do&n! 8 burst of raucous lau "ter brou "t me bac) to t"e present and # lanced at Rosie$ &"o &in)ed at me and raised "er lass! 8 different person mi "t "ave sco&led at t"e t"ou "t of bein left &it" t"e &as"in up$ but Rosie &asnt li)e t"at! ("ed set t"is up for me! 6"is &as m% C"ristmas present! # o&ed it to "er to ma)e t"e most of it! 3ecidin t"at t"is &as one ift # &as oin to un&rap in private$ # pus"ed m% plate a&a% and turned to ,ico! E9ets o! Ripped
C"apter (i'
His car &as still t"e same lo& red ?errari! 8 ro&lin as- uIIlin trop"% of #talian en ineerin perfection! # &ondered if # &as supposed to pla% it cool and pretend # travelled in cars li)e t"is all t"e time! 6"en # remembered "ed seen me "alf-e'posed in a torn dress and found m% computer searc"! Cool "ad flo&n t"e nest! # san) into e'pensive leat"er and si "ed! E3o %ou realiIe t"is "as a >!L litre FM en ine0 6"e% reduced t"e piston compression "ei "t as t"e% do in a racin en ine! 1"$ Aod$ # love it! # &ant to cra&l all over it and lic) it! # restricted m%self to stro)in t"e das"board! E# suppose bein #talian$ %ou "ave to "ave a car li)e t"is! 4oure not compensatin for deficiencies in %our masculinit%$ are %ou0 His response &as a slo& smile because of course # alread% )ne& t"e ans&er to t"at *uestion! #d eaten C"ristmas lunc" &it" one "and on "is masculinit%! #t &as t"e first time #d seen "im smile and it &as &ort" &aitin for! #t pulled "is mout" into a se'% curve t"at "inted at more "idden la%ers! # stared for a moment$ fascinated! 6"ere &as so muc" more to t"is man and # couldnt &ait to uncover t"ose parts.all of t"em! 6"is promised to be t"e best C"ristmas da% #d "ad in a lon time! Alancin in t"e mirror$ "e pulled smoot"l% a&a% from t"e curb and do&n t"e empt% streets! #t &as still sno&in ! 6"e ?errari s"ould "ave been a ni "tmare to drive in t"ese conditions$ but "e didnt seem to "ave an% problems! ,ico Rossi &as a man &"o seemed to ta)e ever%t"in in "is stride$ be it split dresses$ table fires or a let"al road surface! E(o # uess t"e abilit% to drive fast cars is in #talian 3,8! Ris)in life and limb$ # put m% "and bet&een "is t"i "s! ECristo. He breat"ed in s"arpl% but )ept "is e%es on t"e road and "is "ands on t"e &"eel! #mpressive! 8s # said$ t"is man "ad iron control! E4ou didnt )no& 7iara and # &ere comin toda%! # assumed Rosie "ad discussed it &it" %ou! E,o! ("e sprun it on me! Cursin softl%$ "e pulled in to t"e side of t"e road$ t"e movement so sudden # &as surprised t"e airba didnt smac) me in t"e face! E6ell me t"e trut"! He spo)e t"rou " "is teet" and "is e%es &ere a dar) flas" of molten passion! # couldnt believe #d ever t"ou "t "im cold! E8bout &"at0 E8bout "o& %ou feel! # need %ou to be "onest! # "ad no problem &it" "onest%! # preferred it$ even t"ou " "onest% meant e'posin %ourself! ,ot t"e split dress t%pe of e'posin .t"e ot"er t%pe! E#m in %our car! 6"at s"ould tell %ou "o& # feel! E# +ust &ant us bot" to be clear about &"at t"is is! #d for otten "e &as a la&%er! E4ou &ant me to si n a contract or somet"in 0 He s"ot me an e'asperated loo) and # s"ru ed! E(orr%$ +ust c"ec)in ! #f %ou e'pect me to read %our mind$ %oull "ave to ive me more clues! 4ou dont reveal an%t"in about %ourself! Most of t"e time # cant even tell &"et"er %oure "app% or sad! EW"at about turned on0 His voice vibrated$ lo& and se'%! ECan %ou tell &"en #m turned on0 # t"ou "t about "o& "e felt under m% "and! E6"ose clues are easier to read! E6"e%re t"e onl% clues %ou need! His aIe "eld mine! E# &ant %ou! #t s"ouldnt "ave turned me on to "ear t"at$ but it did! #n fact it &as e'actl% &"at # &anted to "ear! # didnt &ant an%t"in else! # &ondered if t"e ?errari came &it" a sprin)ler s%stem because # &as fairl% sure # &as oin to burst into flames at an% moment! E?ine b% me! M% ,e& 4ears resolution is to +ust "ave se' &it"out t"e complicated$ totall%-messedup relations"ip part! His e%es narro&ed$ as if "e didnt believe me and "is scepticism didnt surprise me! W"% &ould it0
We could put a man on t"e moon$ but apparentl% &e couldnt convince t"e ma+orit% of t"e male population t"at a &oman could &ant se' &it"out needin to "ear t"e 9 &ord! # didnt "ave an% reason to believe ,ico Rossi &as different to t"e avera e man! 6"ere &as a lon $ tense silence! (no& drifted onto t"e &indscreen! E6ell me "o& %ou felt at t"e &eddin ! EHonestl%0 # cant reall% e'plain it! 1bviousl% %oure an incredibl% ood )isser! 8nd %oure ood at ot"er t"in s$ too! # &as e'cited! 6urned on! /'asperated t"at bot" our sisters c"ose to )noc) &"en t"e% did. # stopped$ t"in)in #d prett% muc" summed it all up! 6"ere &as a lon $ pulsin pause and t"en "e breat"ed deepl%! E# &as as)in "o& %ou felt about seein C"arlie marr% anot"er &oman! E1"2 (o no& instead of a sprin)ler s%stem # "ad "umiliation$ &as"in over m% s)in li)e boilin oil$ seepin into m% pores and "eatin me up until # t"ou "t # mi "t vaporiIe! #d been tellin "im "o& stron l% # felt about "im and all t"e time "ed been as)in about C"arlie! #d revealed so muc"! 6oo muc"! W"ic" &as t"e stor% of m% life if %ou t"ou "t about it! Metap"oricall% and literall%$ m% &"ole life &as a ripped dress! ERi "t! Well$ t"is is embarrassin ! E,o$ it isnt! E,ot for %ou$ ma%be$ but %oure not t"e one &"o +ust put "erself out t"ere! E4ou &erent bro)en-"earted0 E#f &ere oin for "onest% "ere$ t"en #d li)e to )no& &"% %ou )issed me &"en %ou dont even li)e me! #m all for se' &it" no complications$ but self-esteem demands its at least &it" someone &"o li)es &"o # am! His aIe &as stead%! E3id %ou reall% t"in) # &ould "ave "ad m% "and up %our dress if # didnt li)e %ou0 E4oure a man! Men do t"at sort of t"in all t"e time! He flipped on t"e &ipers$ cleared t"e sno& from "is &indscreen and pulled bac) into t"e road! E(ome men ma)e decisions based on somet"in more t"an a sur e of testosterone! He s"ifted ears smoot"l% and t"e en ine purred$ lovin "is s)illed touc"! # s%mpat"iIed! # s"ifted in m% seat so t"at # could loo) at "is face! #t &as past si' ocloc) and an%&"ere else in t"e countr% it &ould "ave been dar)$ but in 9ondon it &as as if someone "ad for otten to turn t"e li "ts off! 6"e place blaIed li)e t"e run&a% at Heat"ro& airport! E8re %ou an r%0 #t &as a moment before "e ans&ered! E6"in)in about %ou &it" C"arlie ma)es me an r%! W"% t"e "ell &ere %ou &it" "im$ Ha%le%0 He constantl% tried to ma)e %ou someone %ou &erent! E6"at isnt true! EW"en %ou ot t"is +ob$ did "e "elp %ou celebrate0 ,o$ "e ot drun)! 8nd ,ico "ad driven me "ome! 8s m% sister "ad reminded me$ it "ad been ,ico &"o "ad dropped me safel% at m% door! M% "eart "ammered a ainst m% c"est! #t felt li)e a &a)e-up call because "e &as as)in me t"e *uestion # s"ould "ave as)ed m%self ri "t from da% one! E# )no& %ou disapprove of me! 8s usual "is e'pression revealed not"in ! E4ou dont )no& an%t"in $ Ha%le%! He pulled up at a +unction! 6"e li "ts &ere on red and # found m%self loo)in at t"e fle' of t"i " muscle as "e stopped t"e car! 8nd t"en "e turned "is "ead and # lanced from "is le to "is face! # felt li)e a teena er unable to stop starin at t"e best loo)in bo% in t"e class! Ri "t at t"at moment no one else e'isted for me! We could "ave been t"e onl% t&o people on an alien planet &"ere li "ts blaIed and t"e streets &ere empt%! E# dont &ant to tal) about C"arlie! His voice "ad a rou " *ualit% t"at rubbed over m% nerve
endin s and made me s"iver! E17! #t &asnt e'actl% an elo*uent response$ but it &as t"e best # could mana e &it" "im loo)in at me li)e t"at! E8nd +ust for t"e record$ # cant e'plain &"at "appened at t"e &eddin eit"er! 6"ere &as an ed e to "is voice! E#t &asnt li)e me! 1ne loo) at 7iaras face "ad told me t"at! ,o& # couldnt spea) at all! M% insides &ere *uiver%! Warmt" spread t"rou " me because ri "t no& # &as t"e &oman "e &as &it" and # didnt care &"at "ad "appened before or &"at mi "t come after! 6"e li "ts "ad c"an ed$ but "e didnt move and neit"er did #! We &ere loc)ed to et"er b% a s"oc)in c"emistr% and a total inabilit% to loo) a&a%! Honestl%$ &"enever t"is sort of t"in "appened in t"e movies # rolled m% e%es! 8lt"ou " admittedl% in t"e movies t"e "eroine &as starin at someone li)e R%an Aoslin $ &"ic" ma%be made t"e &"ole Estruc) b% li "tenin t"in sli "tl% more believable! But # "adnt ever ima ined it could "appen in real life to an ever%da% person li)e me! 6"e connection &as so intense and po&erful # &anted to bottle it! # &anted to feel t"at same revvedup level of e'citement for t"e rest of m% life! 1r ma%be # didnt! # &ouldnt be able to eat or sleep feelin li)e t"is! # t"ou "t about Around"o 3a% and decided if # could sta% in a moment forever it &ould be t"is one$ suspended in t"e blissful$ almost unbearable e'citement of &"at &as to come &it"out an% of t"e trauma after&ards! Ma%be &it" m% ,e& 4ears resolution$ all m% relations"ips &ould feel li)e t"is! #d live t"e e'citement$ t"en &al) a&a% before t"e collapse part! 8 "orn sounded be"ind us and # realiIed &e &erent t"e onl% people on t"e roads! ,ico s&ore softl% and turned "is attention bac) to t"e car! He &as drivin to&ards t"e river and # realiIed # "adnt even as)ed &"ere "e lived! # didnt )no& &"ere "e &as ta)in me! We drove alon t"e emban)ment$ past t"e 8lbert Brid e! #t &as m% favorite brid e in 9ondon! /le ant and floodlit$ it sent spar)les of li "t over t"e in)% blac) surface of t"e &ater belo&! W"en # &as little it used to ma)e me t"in) of a &oman puttin on diamonds for an e'citin ni "t out! Rosie called it t"e Blin Brid e! # didnt believe in fair% tales$ but if # did$ t"is brid e &ould definitel% "ave featured in mine! We &ere in C"elsea and # e'pected "im to drive sout" because # didnt )no& an%one &"o could afford to live "ere$ but "e suddenl% s&ooped into an under round car par)! #t &as spacious and &ell lit$ but a&a% from t"e bri "t li "ts of t"e cit%$ t"e trut" suddenl% "it me! # &as &it" a man # barel% )ne&! 6"e blood pulsed in m% ears and t"en "e reac"ed across and undid m% seat belt! E#ts cold! We s"ould o up! Cold0 # &asnt cold! # &as burnin "ot! # &as also "avin second t"ou "ts$ despite remindin m%self t"at t"e fact &e barel% )ne& eac" ot"er &as supposed to be a ood t"in ! 6"at &as t"e point of emotionless se'! 8nd it &asnt as if "e &as a stran er! Wed bumped into eac" ot"er on and off for %ears$ +ust never reall% spo)en! But "onestl%$ "o& &ell did an% of us ever reall% )no& an%one0 M% Mum &as married to m% 3ad for fifteen %ears before s"e found out "e &as "avin affairs! ("ed trusted "im! #d been &it" C"arlie for ten mont"s and "ed be"aved in &a%s t"at made it obvious to me #d never )no&n "im! 8ll &e )ne& about anot"er person &as &"at t"e% c"ose to s"o& us! 4ou could onl% )no& someone if t"e% let %ou )no& t"em! His apartment &as on t"e top floor and m% +a& &as also on t"e floor because it &as t"e pent"ouse$
complete &it" balcon% and vie&s over t"e river to&ards m% fair%-tale brid e! EWo&! 8s praise &ent$ it &asnt t"at elo*uent$ but it &as all # could mana e! Honestl%$ # &as dumbstruc)! Ho& t"e "ell could "e afford t"is0 EW"at sort of la&%er did %ou sa% %ou &ere a ain0 Hed told me "e &as a ood one! #t &as obvious "e &as a ver%$ ver% ood one! E3o %ou reall% &ant to tal) about &or)0 His voice came from ri "t be"ind me and # turned and sa& t"at "e &as "oldin a bottle of c"ampa ne! # &as surprised! E4ou didnt drin) an%t"in at lunc"time! E# )ne& #d be drivin %ou "ome! # lic)ed m% lips! EW"at if #d said no0 E# &as in possession of evidence t"at su ested %ou &ouldnt! His response &as sure and confident! 6"e corners of "is mout" flic)ered and "e eased t"e cor) out of t"e c"ampa ne li)e a pro! B% no& # &as so +ump% and on ed e t"at &"en it popped$ # flinc"ed! E# dont see "o& a fe& &ords t%ped into a searc" en ine could be used as evidence! (everal people "ad access to t"at laptop$ includin %ourself! He raised an e%ebro& and poured me t"e spar)lin li*uid into a tall$ t"in-stemmed lass! # didnt &ant to be impressed$ but # &as! Rosie and # onl% dran) c"ampa ne if someone else bou "t it and &e never dran) out of lasses li)e t"ese! #t made it feel special! He made me feel special! # &ondered &"at "ed t"ou "t of our apartment &it" its non-matc"in plates and table desi ned to seat "alf t"e number of people &ed s*uas"ed around it! His "ome &as all polis"ed &ood and soft leat"er! EW"at are &e celebratin 0 # &atc"ed as t"e bubbles rose and &ondered &"at it &as about c"ampa ne t"at lifted t"e mood! EC"ristmas0 E4ou! ,a)ed in m% apartment! M% tumm% ti "tened! E#m still dressed! His e%es met mine and "e "anded me a lass! E,ot for lon ! M% pulse &as racin and # lifted m% lass! EMerr% C"ristmas! EBuon ,ataleK (aluteK 1"$ Aod$ #talian &as a "ot lan ua e! We dran) and t"e c"ampa ne fiIIed in m% mout" and spread t"rou " m% veins! 1r ma%be it &as t"e c"emistr% t"at &as fiIIin $ but &"atever it &as # could feel it all t"e &a% t"rou " me! E6"e onl% #talian # )no& is HiIIa Mar "erita! 8nd %oure t"e first #talian man #ve met! 6"e corners of "is mout" flic)ered! E#m (icilian! E9i)e 8l Hacino! E8l Hacino &as born in ,e& 4or)! ("ut up$ Ha%le%! E#ll stop tal)in ! E3ont$ "e breat"ed and "e turned to put "is c"ampa ne lass do&n on t"e lo& lass table! E3ont stop tal)in ! # li)e it! E4ou li)e it &"en # tal) crap0 E4oure not tal)in crap! 4oure +ust nervous! He removed m% lass from m% "and and # s"ould "ave ob+ected$ not +ust because # &as en+o%in t"e c"ampa ne but because after C"arlie # didnt &ant an% man tellin me &"en # could or couldnt drin)! E8ctuall%. E# li)e it &"en %ou dont censor &"at %ou sa% and do! :ust &"en # &as read% to punc" "im$ "e said somet"in li)e t"at! E4ou didnt loo) as if %ou li)ed it &"en m% dress ave &a%! E# didnt &ant all t"ose &eddin uests "avin "eart attac)s! # didnt t"in) t"e "ospital could cope
&it" a ma+or incident t"at close to C"ristmas! # &as lau "in and blus"in at t"e same time because it &as impossible to remember it &it"out also rememberin t"e moments &ed s"ared! E# still dont )no& &"at "appened! E6"e inevitable "appened! E,ot true! #m not sa%in it "adnt crossed m% mind but not in a million %ears did # reall% t"in) it &ould "appen! He paused! E# &asnt tal)in about t"e dress! E,eit"er &as #! # &as e%e level &it" "is t"roat and # could see t"e dar) stubble s"ado&in "is +a&! #d seen t"e Arand Can%on and ,ia ara ?alls$ but # decided t"ere &erent man% better vie&s t"an t"is one! E# +ust didnt ever see us to et"er! # didnt t"in) %ou li)ed &"o # &as! E# didnt li)e &"o %ou &ere &"en %ou &ere &it" C"arlie$ because t"at &asnt t"e real %ou! 4ou &ere constantl% tr%in to rein %ourself in! He stro)ed "is fin er over m% +a&$ stud%in me and # ulped$ &onderin "o& "e )ne& so muc"! EMa%be %oure not oin to li)e t"e real me! EHa%le%$ # sa& &"o %ou &ere t"e first time # met %ou! # spotted %ou across t"e room and %ou &ere so full of ener %$ so e'cited about %our topic t"at # moved closer because # "ad to "ear &"at %ou &ere sa%in ! EHrobabl% somet"in borin ! 6"e trut" &as #d noticed "im$ too! E#t &as at C"arlies part%! 6&o %ears a o! E6&ent% mont"s$ t&o &ee)s$ t&o da%s! # c"o)ed on t"e c"ampa ne! E#s t"at a la&%er t"in 0 Rememberin t"e tin% details0 He loo)ed at me steadil%! E(ome t"in s sta% in m% "ead! E4ou didnt tal) to me t"at ni "t! He ave a funn% smile! E4ou &ere tal)in to C"arlie! 8nd after t"at$ # never sa& t"at same e'citement a ain! 4ou reined it in! EC"arlie didnt et too e'cited about satellites! /'cept t"e sort t"at ave "im t"e sports c"annel! EHe molded %ou into a different person and %ou &ere so an'ious to )eep t"e relations"ip oin $ %ou &ent alon &it" it! 8s"amed t"ou " # &as to admit it$ it &as all true! # suppose #d needed to )no& # could "old on to a man if #d &anted to! 6urned out # couldnt! 9ittle b% little$ #d subdued m% real self! #d stopped tal)in about m% &or) &"en &e &ent out and smiled &"en C"arlie "ad tal)ed about "is! #t "ad "appened a bit at a time$ so # barel% noticed # &as doin it! # &as li)e t"e 8rctic fo' &"o c"an ed "is coat from bro&n to &"ite in t"e &inter to blend into "is surroundin s! 1n t"e inside # &as t"e same$ but on t"e outside # blended &it" t"e cro&d! #d never been in a relations"ip t"at &or)ed on an% ot"er level! ,ever been &it" an%one$ apart from m% sister$ &"o onl% ever e'pected me to be me! But # "ad no idea "o& ,ico )ne& t"at! E# t"ou "t %ou disapproved of me bein &it" "im! He lo&ered "is "ead and leaned "is fore"ead a ainst mine! E# did! #t &as li)e ivin a ?errari to someone &"o onl% ever drives to t"e supermar)et! 8 tra ic &aste! E,o man "as ever compared me to a ?errari before! 6o me$ it &as a compliment! 8nd so &as t"e &a% "e &as loo)in at me$ as if # &as t"e best C"ristmas present an% u% could be iven! EHe &as &ron for %ou in ever% &a%! # &asnt oin to ar ue &it" t"at! /speciall% not ri "t no& &"en ,ico &as moments a&a% from )issin me! # &is"ed # "ad a tent" of "is control! Aiven t"at #d been &aitin all da% for t"is moment # t"ou "t # &as s"o&in reat restraint! # discovered # actuall% *uite li)ed t"e slo&$ desperate build of anticipation and ma%be "e did$ too$ because instead of brin in "is mout" do&n on mine$ "e ave a "alf smile and slid "is fin ers t"rou " m% "air! #t didnt matter &"at "e did &it" "is fin ers$ &"ic" part
of me "e &as stro)in .it al&a%s "ad t"e same effect on me! #d t"ou "t about not"in but bein )issed b% "im for t"e past four da%s and t"e &ait &as )illin me! #t didnt "elp t"at &ed driven eac" ot"er mad all da%! # bro)e first! 1ne moment # "ad m% "and loc)ed in t"e front of "is s"irt! 6"e ne't # &as undoin buttons! ?inall%! 6"e bi reveal! E4ou sa& me na)ed from t"e &aist up! 4ou o&e me! His mout" "overed close to mine$ but still "e didnt )iss me! He &as eit"er a s)illed torturer or "e )ne& ever%t"in t"ere &as to )no& about dela%ed ratification! E# al&a%s pa% m% debts! His e%es &ere "alf s"ut and t"e &a% "e &as loo)in at me made m% stomac" flip! # "ad "is s"irt undone to t"e &aist and m% fin ers &ent all fumbl%$ mostl% because # sa& se' in "is e%es! # lost patience and %an)ed t"e s"irt! Buttons s)ittered and bounced over t"e pale &ooden floor$ but # &as too bus% loo)in at t"e smoot"$ po&erful contours of "is c"est t"rou " t"e s"ado&in of dar) "air! 1"$ (anta$ (anta$ &"at "ave %ou brou "t me t"is %ear2! His e%es dar)ened! E4ou +ust ripped m% s"irt! E(orr%! ,ever in t"e "istor% of apolo ies "ad an apolo % sounded less sincere! # &asnt sorr% at all$ and +ust to prove it # slid m% "ands slo&l% up "is c"est! # felt "ard muscle and t"e stead% beat of "is "eart! E4ou sa& me in a ripped dress$ so no& &ere even! E4ou seem to "ave a t"in about rippin clot"es! 6"e leam in "is e%es made it "ard to breat"e! E#ts C"ristmas! 4oure allo&ed to rip open %our C"ristmas presents! 8nd an%&a%$ # fi ured if %ou can afford to live "ere$ %ou can afford anot"er s"irt! # pus"ed t"e s"irt off t"ose muscular s"oulders and suc)ed in a breat" because t"ere$ curlin over t"e top of "is biceps$ &as a s%mbol in)ed into "is fles"! # t"in) m% "eart mi "t "ave stopped! #t definitel% did somet"in stran e in m% c"est! E17$ &ell$ t"ats. # breat"ed and stared at it for a moment! 6"en # lifted m% "and and traced it &it" t"e tips of m% fin ers! E(urprisin ! ,ot in a million %ears &ould # "ave e'pected t"is man to "ave a tattoo! E# t"ou "t %ou &ere t"is rut"lessl% controlled$ conservative$ /ton-t"en-strai "t-to-1'ford t%pe! E3id %ou0 His "us)% *uestion slid a ainst m% )nees and &ea)ened t"em! # t"ou "t about t"e &eddin $ &"en #d spent a ood ten minutes starin at "im ac)no&led in t"e ra&$ elemental *ualit% t"at lur)ed beneat" t"e beautifull% cut suit! 8bout t"at car +ourne%$ &"en t"e tension "ad almost fried bot" of us! #d al&a%s )no&n &"at la% beneat" t"e surface! E# uess # made assumptions! EHeople do t"at! 6"e% loo) and t"e% t"in) t"e% )no&! 8nd sometimes t"e% dont loo) because t"e% dont &ant to )no&! EC"arlie. E# dont &ant to tal) about C"arlie an% more! ,eit"er did #! # &ondered "o& a man &"o never s"o&ed emotion could be so perceptive! (o in tune &it" m% feelin s! #t unsettled me! # &as used to people believin in t"e person # presented to t"e &orld! # c"ose "o& muc" of m%self # revealed! 3iscountin t"e da% of t"e &eddin &"ere #d revealed far more t"an #d &anted to$ # didnt s"o& muc"! # t"ou "t about all t"e parts of m%self #d never s"ared &it" an%one! 6"ou "ts t"at &ere all mine and not for s"arin ! E6ell me about t"e tattoo! E8 tattoo is +ust on t"e surface! 4ou and # are oin deeper t"an t"at! # s&allo&ed! We &ere0 E8 tattoo isnt &"o # am an% more t"an a ripped dress is &"o %ou are! His mout" &as closer to mine! # could feel t"e &armt" of "is breat" a ainst m% lips!
#d ot used to t"in)in relations"ips &ere mostl% fa)e and superficial$ but t"is didnt feel eit"er of t"ose t"in s! 6"ere &as not"in fa)e about t"e &a% "is ton ue traced t"e seam of m% lips! ,ot"in fa)e about t"e &a% "is "ands eased m% "ips into "is$ and certainl% not"in fa)e about t"e t"ic)ness of t"e erection # felt t"robbin a ainst me! # leaned for&ard and pressed m% mout" to "is s"oulder! 6"e tattoo s"oc)ed me because it &as so une'pected! #d al&a%s )no&n t"ere &as so muc" more to "im! # ran m% fin ers do&n t"e s&ell of "ard muscle$ feelin t"e leas"ed po&er under t"e dar) in) of "is tattoo! # "eard t"e sli "t c"an e in "is breat"in and could feel "im fi "tin for control! E4ou "old %ourself bac)! # t"ou "t about "o& rut"lessl% "e "eld "imself in c"ec) and &ondered &"at "ad made "im li)e t"at! EW"o are %ou reall%0 E3oes it matter0 He cupped m% face in "is "ands and "is voice "ad a ra& ed e to it t"at &as impossibl% e'citin ! # remembered m% resolution to "ave uncomplicated se' &it" a "ot man! 6"e% didnt come an% "otter t"an ,ico! E,o! # silenced t"e *uestions in m% "ead$ tellin m%self t"e% &erent relevant to t"e moment! E# &ant %ou! 6"e corner of "is mout" tilted into t"e se'iest smile #d ever seen! He mi "t not smile often$ but &"en "e did "e did it reall% &ell! His mout" "overed &ic)edl% close to mine until # &as afraid # mi "t )noc) "im over and dama e "im in m% "aste and desperation to finis" &"at &ed started at t"e &eddin ! 8nd t"en finall%$ after da%s of m% &aitin and t"in)in of not"in else$ "e lo&ered "is "ead and )issed me! Ripped
C"apter (even
8s #d been t"in)in of not"in else for da%s # t"ou "t m% mind "ad probabl% e'a erated "is s)ill at )issin ! #t s"ould "ave been a disappointment! #t &asnt! #t &as as ood as # remembered! Better$ because t"is time "e &as "alf-na)ed$ too$ and # finall% "ad full access to "is ripped bod%! His "and &as "ard on m% bac) and # could feel t"e &armt" of "is palm pressin t"rou " m% s"irt$ flattenin me a ainst "im! Aod$ "e &as stron ! He "ad t"e bod% of a fi "ter! # )ne&! #d seen plent% &"en #d been to Rosies %m and # )ne& t"is man could "ave )ept pace &it" all of t"em! 8fter t"e almost intolerable build-up of t"e past fe& da%s # &as desperate$ but "e )ept it slo&$ torturin bot" of us &it" pleasure! # moaned as "is mout" slid to m% nec)! E# "ate to rus" somet"in so ood$ but # t"in) # mi "t need %ou to. 6"e &ords died as m% s"irt slid to t"e floor! # "adnt even felt "im undo t"e buttons and "e must "ave done it &it" one "and! # remembered &"at else "e could do &it" "is fin ers and s"ivered in anticipation! He &as smoot"$ s)illed and in control &"ereas # +ust &anted to cra&l all over "im li)e a desperate pupp% and lic) "is face! 17$ not +ust "is face! 8ll of "im! # slid m% "ands do&n "is c"est (o"$ m% Aod)$ lin ered over "is "ard abs and t"en moved to t"e snap of "is +eans +ust as "is "ands parted m% s"irt! His e%es dar)ened$ but t"ere &as a limmer of amusement! E4oure &earin a bra! E1f course! # stared up at "im$ deadpan! E# &ould never be seen in public &it"out a bra$ 4our Honour! He traced t"e line of fur &it" one fin er! E#m not a +ud e! E/ver%ones a +ud e$ especiall% &"ere #m concerned! E#n t"at case$ #m oin to declare %ou uilt%! His voice &as "us)% and # found m%self loo)in at "is mout"! 6"at &ic)ed$ sinful line of sensual torture! # didnt care t"at "e rarel% used it to smile! # &anted "im to use it for ot"er t"in s and # &anted "im to do it ri "t no&! # &as at t"e point of e'plosion! E#f #m uilt%$ t"en #ll ta)e &"atever punis"ment # "ave comin $ but +ust et on &it" it! #m read% to pa% t"e price for m% sins! E# li)e %our festive bra$ but its oin to "ave to come off! # didnt even feel "is "and move but t"e sil)% bra slit"ered to t"e floor after m% s"irt! ?or t"e second time in a &ee) ,ico "ad an uninterrupted vie& of m% bare breasts! :ust for a moment # felt s"%$ &"ic" &as ridiculous &"en %ou t"ou "t about "o& &ed ot to t"is point! Ma%be it &as because up until no& it "adnt mattered &"at "e t"ou "t of me! # &as totall% "opeless at t"is unemotional se' t"in ! # tried to focus on t"e p"%sical! ECristo$ %ou "ave t"e most incredible breasts! His voice &as ra& and t"e loo) in "is e%es removed s"%ness! E6"ere are plent% of people &"o &ouldnt a ree &it" %ou! 9i)e most of t"e uests at t"e &eddin ! E6"e% all a reed &it" me$ dolceIIa! 6"at &as t"e problem! His mout" &as on mine and "e po&ered me bac) to t"e sofa! # fell bac)&ards$ off balance in ever% sin le &a%$ but "e cau "t me and lo&ered me carefull%$ li)e t"ose couples %ou see doin a ver% se'% tan o! Aod$ "e &as stron ! 6"en "e came do&n on top of me li)e a con*uerin "ero$ "is "and on m% t"i "! E# love %our t"i "-len t" boots$ "e breat"ed$ Ebut t"e%re oin to "ave to come off$ too! # &ant %ou na)ed! #n fact # &ant %ou! ,o&! His &ords turned me on almost as muc" as t"e loo) in "is e%es! 8ll # could t"in) of &as "im! @s! 6o et"er! His "ands &ere on m% boots and # &as about to ive "im instructions because t"e% &ere reall% a&)&ard to remove$ &"en "e slid t"em off m% le s! W"en # did it t"ere &as loads of tu in and s&earin and fallin over and %ellin for Rosie! He mana ed to do it in one perfect movement! (ame
&it" m% +eans! ,ot a man to let an%t"in stand in "is &a%! # s&allo&ed! E(o %oure obviousl% ood at undressin &omen. E9ets +ust sa% in t"is case #m motivated! # &as na)ed apart from t"e red t"on trimmed &it" &"ite fur and # decided it needed some e'planation! ERosie ave it to me for C"ristmas! E4ou loo) li)e (antas se'% little "elper! He slid a laI% fin er over t"e fur! E#t loo)s muc" too "ot to be &orn indoors! #t suddenl% occurred to me t"at # &as all but na)ed and "e &as still clot"ed! E#ts %our turn! (trip! 1ne e%ebro& lifted! E8re %ou ivin me orders0 E4ou ive people orders all t"e time! /%es moc)in $ "e rose to "is feet and stood t"ere for a moment +ust &atc"in me$ le s spread$ po&erful c"est on displa% and "is "ands on "is Iip! EW"at do %ou &ant me to do$ Ha%le%0 6ell me! His use of m% name made t"e &"ole t"in more intimate! ,o matter "o& muc" # )idded m%self$ &e &erent stran ers! ?ar from it! Wed circled round eac" ot"er for %ears! 8s "e slid "is Iip do&n$ m% e%es sa& &"at m% "and alread% )ne& and m% mout" dried! 6"e same couldnt be said for ot"er parts of me! # &as desperate! # s*uirmed on "is sofa! EHurr% up! 6"is is an emer enc%! He undressed s&iftl% and racefull%$ but t"at didnt surprise me! /ver%t"in about "im &as controlled! 8ctuall%$ not ever%t"in ! 6"ere &as one part of "im "e couldnt control and t"at part &as t"rustin "ard a ainst a pair of blac) bo'er briefs! # felt s%mpat"% for t"ose briefs! Containin an erection of t"at siIe +ust &asnt in t"e +ob description! #f #d needed evidence "e felt t"e same &a% # did$ # "ad it no&! M% aIe fi'ed on t"e line of dar) "air t"at disappeared beneat" t"e &aistband! # needed to see &"ere it ended! E4oure oin to be "ot in t"ose! He slid t"em off and # stopped +o)in ! Honestl%$ t"ere &as not"in to +o)e about! 6"e atmosp"ere "ad snapped ti "t! # )ne& "e felt it$ too! 8 muscle &or)ed in "is lean +a& and # could almost feel t"e battle "e &as fi "tin ! 6ension t"robbed from t"ose slee)$ po&erful muscles! Wit" a soft curse "e came bac) do&n on top of me$ removin t"e last barrier bet&een us so # &as as na)ed as "im! ECristo$ # promised m%self # &as oin to ma)e t"is last. EWeve made it last for da%s! # slid m% palms do&n "is bac)$ savourin t"e feel of slee) s)in over "ard muscle! He &as "eav%$ but # loved t"e &a% it felt "avin "im li)e t"is! E9on est forepla% ever! 6"e rou "ness of "is t"i " raIed t"e softness of mine as "e pus"ed m% t"i "s apart! 1ur e%es &ere loc)ed to et"er! # could "ave loo)ed at "im all da%! He &as t"e most spectacular man #d ever seen and if # &as "onest$ part of me couldnt *uite believe # &as doin t"is! Wit" "im! ,ot t"at # undersold m%self or an%t"in $ but men li)e "im didnt come alon ver% often! # )ne&$ because #d been loo)in for lon enou "! # &anted to rab m% iH"one and ta)e a picture$ +ust so # could prove it to m%self later! # &anted to post "is picture on 6&itter (&ould "ave ot me at least ><$<<< ne& follo&ers$ # can tell %ou) to increase m% street cred$ but t"en # felt "is "and move lo&er and "e stro)ed t"at *uiverin $ damp part of me &it" sure$ s)illful fin ers and # stopped t"in)in about an%t"in e'cept t"e moment$ and "e &as a man &"o )ne& e'actl% "o& to ma)e t"e most of t"e moment! # t"in) # moaned$ and t"at &as probabl% uncool but t"ere &as no &a% to )eep t"e sound inside &"ile "e &as touc"in me t"e &a% "e &as touc"in me! His fin ers &ere )no&in and clever$ slidin over me and into me in e'actl% t"e ri "t &a% and # )ne& from t"e &a% "e &as loo)in at me$ at t"e &a%
"e )issed me$ t"at t"is &as +ust t"e be innin of &"at &e &ere oin to do to et"er! # &as about to tell "im # couldnt stand it an% lon er &"en "e eased a&a% from me and &or)ed "is &a% do&n m% bod%! He started at m% nec) and t"en moved lo&er and b% t"e time "ed teased and to%ed &it" m% nipples # &as s*uirmin &it" desperation! #t &as almost too muc" to bear! W"en "e moved lo&er$ # s"ifted restlessl% but "e clamped "is "ands on m% "ips and pus"ed m% le s apart$ ivin "imself full access! 6"e first stro)e of "is ton ue made me asp and # soon discovered "e &as as talented &it" t"at part of "imself as "e &as &it" "is fin ers! /ac" s)illed flic) of "is ton ue$ eac" slo&$ delicious stro)e &as desi ned to drive me craI% and it did! # tried to move m% "ips$ tried desperatel% to relieve t"e almost intolerable ac"e$ but t"e "ard rip of "is "ands &ere "oldin me still! ,ot t"at "e &as "urtin me$ but it &as obvious t"ere &as no &a% # &as movin until "e &as read% to let me o! # &as totall% at "is merc% and #d never )no&n e'citement t"is intense! # needed to come$ but "e &ouldnt let me! 3eprived of an% ot"er outlet$ # du m% fin ers into t"e soft cus"ions of "is sofa! EHlease$ please. # couldnt believe # &as be in ! #d never be ed a man for an%t"in in m% life and # )ne& # &as oin to be "orribl% embarrassed later$ but # seemed to spend m% &"ole life in a state of embarrassment around t"is u%$ so # fi ured at t"is point it &asnt oin to ma)e muc" difference! E,ico$ # reall% need. M% &ords &ere dis+ointed$ mostl% because "is ton ue &as inside me$ lic)in me s"amelessl%$ and no& "e &as usin "is fin ers$ too$ so t"at m% bod% &as a mass of delicious$ s"iverin sensation "overin on t"e ed e of t"e incredible! 8nd # &as on t"e ed e! Ri "t on t"e ed e! #f "e "adnt been "oldin me firml% # could "ave moved m% "ips and finis"ed it m%self! But instead of lettin me do t"at$ "e eased a&a% from me sli "tl%$ leavin me "overin bet&een ecstas% and insanit%! E6ell me &"at %ou need$ dolceIIa! 8s if # &asnt alread% desperate enou "$ no& "e "ad to spea) to me in #talian$ t"e bastard! His #talian accent and t"e &a% "e lin ered over t"e &ord dolceIIa almost finis"ed me off! E4ou )no& &"at # need. # couldnt believe "e could be so cruel$ but t"en "e put "is mout" on me a ain and # for ave "im ever%t"in ! /ver% provocative slide of "is ton ue &as desi ned to torment me .onl%$ t"is time "e ave me &"at # &anted! #t &as t"e most intense e'perience of m% life! /ver%t"in inside me ti "tened and t"en or asm cras"ed do&n on me$ t"e rus" of pleasure almost a oniIin ! 8nd still "e "eld m% "ips$ controllin ever%t"in # &as feelin until # la% limp and &ea)! # t"ou "t # "eard "im murmur$ EMerr% C"ristmas$ Ha%le%$ but # could "ave ima ined it! 6"en "e reac"ed do&n and pulled somet"in from t"e poc)et of "is +eans! #d t"ou "t #d never &ant to see a condom a ain after t"e &eddin $ but it turned out # &as &ron ! # la% daIed$ &atc"in as "e s"eat"ed "imself and t"en came do&n over me! # &as &orried #d be too sensitive$ but +ust loo)in at "im made me &ant "im a ain and # &rapped m% le s around "im and felt "is "and slide underneat" m% buttoc)s$ liftin me! M% breat"in &as s"allo& and m% c"ee)s &ere burnin $ but # didnt t"in) t"e "eat "ad an%t"in to do &it" t"e flames flic)erin in t"e fireplace! #t &as "im! # &as lad our first time &as oin to be t"is &a% because # &anted to loo) at "im! 8nd "e obviousl% &anted to loo) at me$ too$ because "e )issed me a ain$ "oldin m% aIe as "e s"ifted "is position! # felt "im a ainst me$ felt "im "ard and smoot" a ainst t"e slipper% &etness "ed created and # "eld m% breat"! (till$ "e too) "is time! His mout" seduced mine$ "is "and &as "ard on m% bottom and "is aIe &as loc)ed &it" mine and finall% "e &as inside me$ slidin deep in a series of slo&$ e'pert t"rusts! 1"$ Aod! #t felt incredible! # didnt t"in) # could feel li)e t"is a ain so soon! He &as "ard and t"ic) and # could feel "im pulse inside me$ feel "is o&n battle to "old bac) t"e primal$ primitive desire t"at "ad sun) its teet" into bot" of us! He stopped for a moment$ "is breat"in unstead% and # sort of understood because # &anted it to last$ too$ but # &as also desperate! # du m% fin ers into t"e smoot"$ solid bul) of "is s"oulders and roc)ed into "im! # felt t"e tension and strain in "is muscles
increase! ECristo$ Ha%le%. His e%es &ere impossibl% dar) and t"en "e ave a roan and sur ed into me$ and # )ne& "e &as as out of control as # &as! He &as deep inside me$ movin &it" a perfect r"%t"m and # cried out because #d never felt an%t"in li)e it! ,ever! @ntil a fe& da%s before &ed never touc"ed eac" ot"er$ and %et some"o& "e )ne& m% bod%! He )ne& +ust "o& to move$ "o& to touc" me$ "o& to ad+ust t"e an le and t"e r"%t"m of "is movements so t"at # felt ever% inc" of "im! Wit" eac" e'pert t"rust "e drove me "i "er and "i "er and all t"e time # could feel "im$ all of "im$ stren t"$ po&er$ masculinit% and # moved &it" "im$ m% "ands on "is s"oulders and t"en buried in "is "air! Hed dimmed t"e li "ts$ but t"e room &as lit b% t"e dancin flames of t"e fire and t"e lo& of t"e cit% at ni "t! We &ere surrounded b% lass and t"e 9ondon s)%line! #t &as li)e "avin se' outdoors$ onl% &it"out t"e ris) of frostbite! 8fter&ards # realiIed t"at an%one &it" a pair of binoculars mi "t "ave been able to see us from t"e apartments on t"e ot"er side of t"e river$ but # didnt even t"in) about it at t"e time and neit"er did "e! We &ere +ust too into eac" ot"er! 6"e &"ole of me &as tremblin and "eld in a state of "ei "tened suspension! # s"ouldnt "ave been t"is desperate$ but # &as$ and so &as "e! He said somet"in to me in #talian$ "is lips dra in alon m% +a& and t"en lin erin on m% mout"! Hresumabl% "e didnt e'pect me to ans&er "im$ &"ic" &as a ood t"in because # &asnt capable of speec"! # didnt )no& &"et"er it &as all t"e forepla% under t"e C"ristmas lunc" table$ &"et"er t"is &"ole t"in "ad been buildin since t"e &eddin or &"et"er t"is &as se' #talian st%le (if so$ # &as emi ratin )$ but # couldnt "old an%t"in bac)! ?eelin s and sensations spread t"rou " me! #t started some&"ere # couldnt identif%$ deep in m% soul$ and t"en filtered and rippled t"rou " m% bod% until # came in a lorious rus" of pulsin pleasure! # felt m%self ti "ten around "im and "eard "im roan in "is t"roat as "e tried to "old on to control$ but t"e ripples of m% or asm sent "im over t"e ed e! # "eard "im curse$ but "e &as lost +ust as # &as$ and in a &a% # &as relieved "is rip on control &as as useless as mine! #f "e could "ave detac"ed "imself from pleasure t"is intense # &ould "ave been &orried! We didnt stop )issin ! ,ot once! ,ot as "e t"rust "ard$ or as m% bod% ripped "is.&e +ust )ept )issin and "is ton ue &as in m% mout" and mine in "is and &e +ust s"ared all of it! /ver%t"in ! /ver% pulse$ t"rob$ flutter$ moan and asp! 1ne of m% "ands &as +ammed into "is "air$ t"e ot"er clutc"in "is s"oulder$ no& slic) &it" s&eat$ and # la% for a moment stunned and s"a)en$ +ust starin up at "im tr%in to ma)e sense of it! # didnt )no& &"at &as oin to "appen ne't! 8fter all$ t"is level of intimac% &as ne& to bot" of us! # suppose part of me$ t"e part responsible for self-protection$ &as braced for "im to +ust roll a&a%! 8nd # suppose if "ed done t"at # &ould "ave said somet"in li)e$ EWell$ # t"in) 6"e ,iccol- is a product &it" a future$ or somet"in reall% lib t"at &ouldnt reveal "o& deepl% t"e &"ole e'perience "ad affected me! # t"ou "t t"at &as probabl% &"at someone &ould sa% after emotionless se'! But "e didnt roll a&a%! He didnt pull a&a%! #nstead "e slo&l%$ entl% lo&ered "is mout" to mine and )issed me a ain! But it &as different no&! 6"is &as a different t%pe of intimac%! #t &as slo&$ se'% &it" a "int of entleness t"at made m% "eart s*ueeIe! # "adnt e'pected tenderness! /ven as # felt m%self melt$ # felt a faint flic)er of panic! M% "eart &as t"e one or an t"at &asnt invited to t"is part%! 6"is &as &"ere "e &as supposed to do t"at classic man t"in and sa% and do t"e &ron t"in so t"at # could flounce bac) to ,ottin Hill and spend t"e rest of t"e ni "t curled up &it" Rosie a reein t"at men &erent +ust from Mars.most of t"em &ere from a ala'% far$ far a&a%! But "e didnt! He lin ered over t"e )iss$ pus"ed m% "air entl% bac) from m% face and studied me for a moment and t"en rolled onto "is side and pulled me a ainst "im! #f "ed done t"at in m% apartment &e &ould "ave bot" ended up on t"e floor$ but fortunatel% "is sofa &as bi er t"an ours! His arms "eld me in a possessive rip and it surprised me! #d t"ou "t "im cold and distant and "ad &ron l% ta)en t"at to mean "e &asnt
ood at intimac%! 1n t"e ot"er "and # "adnt anticipated t"e tattoo eit"er$ &"ic" +ust proved # &as clueless about t"is man! Because # "ad no c"oice in t"e matter # sta%ed &"ere # &as$ loc)ed in t"e circle of "is arms$ m% "ead on "is c"est! 6"e differences bet&een us fascinated me and # la% t"ere$ absorbin t"e contrast! M% blonde "air draped itself all over "im and min led &it" t"e dar) "airs on "is c"est! M% s)in loo)ed cream% pale a ainst t"e &armer tones of "is! 6"e inner s)in of m% t"i " &as soft a ainst t"e "ardness of "is! He lifted "is "and and t&isted a strand of m% "air around "is fin ers and # &ondered if "e &as noticin t"e differences$ too! #d never been t"e sort to lean on a man$ probabl% because &"en # &as ro&in up #d learned first"and t"at leanin &as a let"al sport t"at inevitabl% ended in serious in+ur%! M% Mum "ad leaned on m% 3ad and "e "adnt e'actl% proved "imself to be a sturd% sta)e! #d decided ri "t from t"e start # &as oin to stand tall b% m%self$ so # &as surprised b% "o& ood it felt to be "eld li)e t"is! # "ad to confess it made me feel safe$ &"ic" made no sense at all because &"% &ould # suddenl% feel safe &"en # "adnt ever felt unsafe0 He pus"ed m% tousled "air a&a% from m% face and tilted m% c"in so t"at # &as forced to loo) at "im! W"at # sa& t"ere made m% "eart bump "ard! #d ot so used to t"in)in of "im as remote and cold t"at t"e &armt" in "is e%es &rec)ed me! EBellissima$ "e murmured softl% and # didnt spea) an% #talian$ but # )ne& "e &as tellin me # &as beautiful! (e'ual intimac% "ad turned into somet"in else and nerves &ere +umpin in m% tumm% &"en "e lo&ered "is "ead$ delivered a lin erin )iss to m% mout" and t"en stood up! He pic)ed up m% discarded "air clip$ "anded it to me and t"en scooped me into "is arms! # loc)ed m% arms round "is nec) because alt"ou " "ed more t"an demonstrated "o& stron "e &as$ # didnt trust "im not to drop me! # &asnt used to bein carried an%&"ere$ but not"in about t"is ni "t &as normal! EW"% are %ou ivin me m% "air clip0 W"ere are &e oin 0 E#ts a surprise! E8fter t"at disastrous &eddin #ve one off surprises! # prefer to )no& &"ats oin to "appen so # can prepare for it! His mout" flic)ered at t"e corners! EWere oin to t"e bedroom! # dont &ant %ou to et cold! Cold0 Was "e )iddin 0 # &as so "ot t"at if "ed put a slice of bread on me # could "ave turned it into toast! But it &as evidence "e didnt intend to end t"e evenin %et$ so # &asnt about to ar ue &it" "is reasonin ! 8nd an%&a%$ if # &as "onest$ # &as en+o%in t"e cuddle! # tore m% reed% aIe a&a% from t"e stron lines of "is +a& to ta)e a limpse of "is apartment! E#ts amaIin ! 6"e vie& is incredible! He lo&ered me to t"e floor and # sa& t"at "is bedroom &as dominated b%.&ell$ t"e bed! #t &as sli "tl% raised and positioned to ta)e advanta e of t"e incredible vie&s! ,ot t"at # e'pected to be loo)in at an%t"in e'cept "im! # pressed m% lips to "is s"oulder! His s)in &as salt% &it" s&eat and "e cupped m% face in "is "ands and too) m% mout" &it" "is! He coa'ed m% lips apart and )issed me and # &as instantl% desperate a ain! #d e'pected "im to pull me onto t"e bed$ but instead "e too) m% "and and &al)ed &it" me to&ards t"e &indo&! # resisted! E4ou reall% are an e'"ibitionist$ # be an$ but t"en "e opened t"e lass door and # sa& t"at t"ere$ on t"e dec) &it" a perfect vie& of t"e River 6"ames sna)in to&ards t"e cit%$ &as a "ot tub! EHin %our "air bac) up! #t &as freeIin outside$ sno& still floatin do&n li)e confetti$ but "e pulled off t"e cover and &e
slid into t"e "ot &ater and "onestl%$ it &as t"e most delicious t"in ever! 6"e u% )ne& "o& to live$ # "ad to ive "im t"at! 6"e "eat seeped into m% limbs and soot"ed! 6"e scent &as blissful! ,o& # understood &"% "ed told me to pin m% "air up! E# love t"is part of 9ondon! Have %ou al&a%s lived "ere0 E,o! (omet"in about t"e &a% "e said it made me lance at "im$ but "is aIe &as on m% mout" and suddenl% # didnt care if "ed lived "ere for five minutes or five %ears! We &ere bot" on a little seat under t"e &ater$ m% t"i " pressed a ainst t"e "ardness of "is! ?ar beneat" us 9ondon &as carr%in on as normal$ oblivious to our presence$ and # &ondered "o& t"e cit% could be oblivious to t"e amaIin t"in t"at &as "appenin bet&een us! E#ts a fantastic apartment! W"ere does 7iara live0 E("e lived "ere &it" me until a %ear a o &"en s"e started colle e! ,o& s"e rents some&"ere &it" t&o friends! ("e &anted "er independence! # &as surprised "ed lived &it" "is sister! 6"is place "ad Ebac"elor &ritten all over it! Her"aps s"ed onl% moved in briefl%! EHo& lon did s"e live &it" %ou0 E(ince s"e &as t&elve! His voice didnt c"an e$ but still # sensed somet"in different! (omet"in complicated! #d ro&n up &it" complicated$ so # probabl% "ad sensitive radar! 8nd # &as ood enou " &it" numbers to &or) out t"at "e must "ave ta)en on t"at responsibilit% at a %oun a e! E,o famil%0 E:ust t"e t&o of us! Ho& lon "ave %ou and Rosie lived to et"er0 He &as c"an in t"e sub+ect$ but # didnt mind! # &asnt usuall% mad )een on tal)in about famil% eit"er$ but for some reason ri "t no&$ &it" "im$ it felt comfortable! EHrett% muc" all our lives! # leaned m% "ead bac) and aIed up at t"e s)%! (no& &as still fallin $ li "t$ feat"er% fla)es t"at dusted m% "air and "is! # s)immed m% "and over t"e surface of t"e &ater$ &atc"in as t"e% melted! E6"eres onl% ten mont"s bet&een us! We s"ared a room &"en &e &ere ro&in up! 6"e% almost split us up$ but &e ob+ected! E(plit %ou up0 E3ad &al)ed out &"en &e &ere ei "t! 6"e% fou "t over &"o &as oin to "ave us! 8ll a bit crap if #m "onest! 6"e% t"ou "t it &ould ma)e sense if eac" parent "ad one of us$ but t"at didnt ma)e an% sense at all to us! Rosie "ad once said it &as li)e bein t"e rope in a tu of &ar$ but # didnt tell "im t"at! ,or did # tell "im about t"e time Rosie "ad "un on to me li)e a barnacle &"ile 3ad "ad tried to pull "er a&a% from me and carr% "er to t"e car! #n t"e end "ed iven up! 6"e%d never tried to split us up a ain$ but Rosie "ad insisted on s&itc"in "er ballet classes to )arate +ust in case! EHence t"e friend C"ristmas0 ERosie li)es to create "er version of t"e fair% tale! E4our sister is ver% enerous! ("e invited "alf of 9ondon for C"ristmas lunc"! E?riends are our famil%! # slid deeper under t"e &ater! EW"at &ould %ou "ave done for C"ristmas if %ou "adnt come to us0 EWor)ed! E(o # distracted %ou! (orr% about t"at! M% voice &as smo)% soft and "e ave a moc)in smile! E#f t"ats %our sorr% loo)$ it needs &or)! # lo&ered m% e%elas"es! EBetter0 E,o! E4ou &ant me to be for iveness0 # remembered #d alread% be ed and felt m%self colour! His e%es dropped to m% mout" and # )ne& "e &as rememberin t"e same t"in ! E4oure so se'%! 7eepin m% "ands off %ou "as been t"e "ardest t"in #ve ever done! #t &as so not &"at #d e'pected "im to sa% # almost san) under t"e &ater! EReall%0 His e%es leamed &it" incredulit%! E4ou "ave to )no& t"at$ Ha%le%!
E/! W"% &ould # )no& t"at0 4ouve barel% ever spo)en to me! E/'actl%! 6"ere &as a "int of e'asperation in "is voice$ as if &e &ere tal)in about somet"in t"at s"ould "ave been obvious! # t"ou "t about &"at Rosie "ad said on C"ristmas /ve! E(o if %ou felt t"at &a%$ &"% didnt %ou ever tal) to me0 E4ou &ere &it" C"arlie! E8nd # dont even )no& &"%! # slid deeper in t"e &ater$ forcin m%self to t"in) about stuff #d avoided! ERosie and # "ave never been ver% ood at relations"ips! C"arlie seemed li)e t"e stable$ traditional t%pe! # suppose part of me t"ou "t if # &as oin to ma)e a relations"ip &or) &it" an%one$ it &ould be &it" someone li)e "im! E(omeone &"o &ould i nore t"e person %ou reall% are and sleep &it" %our friend0 E6"an)s for remindin me! # didnt even t"in) of Cressida as a friend an% more! ?riends didnt do t"at! E3oes it "urt0 # s)immed m% "and over t"e surface of t"e &ater! E,o! ,ot an% more! 8nd if #m "onest$ it &as onl% ever m% pride t"at "urt! # s"ould "ave been "eartbro)en$ but # &asnt! # suppose t"at s"ould tell me somet"in ! Honestl%$ #m +ust rubbis" at relations"ips! M% ,e& 4ears resolution is to "ave emotionless se'! 6"ats &"% #m "ere! ERi "t! 6"e &a% "e &as loo)in at me made m% c"ee)s burn! E4ou "avent told me &"at "appened after # left t"e &eddin ! E# "ad to arran e a fleet of ambulances to transport all t"e men &"o "ad "eart attac)s! E3ont! # s"ran) at t"e t"ou "t! E# "onestl% dont t"in) # can ever s"o& m% face in da%li "t a ain! E,o one &as loo)in at %our face$ so %oure fine! # lau "ed$ surprised b% "o& eas% it &as to tal) to "im! #t &as li)e removin a pile of roc)s from a river! Conversation +ust flo&ed$ "eld bac) for too lon ! E# "avent t"an)ed %ou for rescuin me! /ver%one else +ust stood t"ere a&pin ! /ven Rosie &as useless! #f it "adnt been for %ou$ #d still be standin t"ere li)e a Hla%bo% centrefold! 4ou &ere ver% *uic) on %our feet! W"at "appened durin t"e speec"es0 EHavin seen %our impressive breasts$ Cassie &as in a foul mood for t"e rest of t"e &eddin $ but it served "er ri "t for stealin %our man in t"e first place! E#m lad s"e stole "im! #f s"e "adnt$ # &ouldnt be "ere no&! E4es$ %ou &ould! #t &as al&a%s oin to "appen! M% stomac" flipped! E#t &as0 Ho& do %ou )no&0 EBecause # &as oin to ma)e it "appen! 3roplets of &ater clun to "is s"oulders! E# &as +ust &aitin for %ou to come to %our senses and realiIe "e &asnt oin to ma)e %ou "app%! E4ou &ere0 E# &as "opin %oud ma)e t"at decision$ not "im! W"en "e made it # &as &orried %ou "adnt "ad time to come to t"at conclusion %ourself and t"at "ed "urt %ou! # t"ou "t about m% +ob promotion part% &"en C"arlie "ad ot drun) and not even offered con ratulations! E# suppose # "ate ivin up on t"in s! #t feels li)e failure! 8n%&a%$ it &ont "appen a ain! ,o more relations"ips for me! :ust craI% se'! More of t"is! # didnt )no& t"is &as oin to "appen! # didnt )no& Rosie "ad invited %ou! E# )no&! 6"at &as obvious &"en # &al)ed into t"e )itc"en and sa& %our face! # turned m% "ead and loo)ed at "im! E#m lad s"e did! E(o am #! He leaned to&ards me$ "is aIe on m% mout"! His "and slid bet&een m% t"i "s! #t &asnt t"at lon since "ed been inside me$ but # desperatel% &anted "im t"ere a ain! # lifted m%self out of t"e &ater briefl%.ver% briefl% because t"e blast of freeIin air over m% s"oulders &as enou " to convince me t"at under t"e &ater &as better t"an out of it.and straddled "im!
# slid do&n so t"at m% s"oulders &ere under t"e &ater and sa& "e &as &atc"in me &it" t"at se'%$ "ooded aIe t"at made me &ant to do &ic)ed t"in s to "im! E4ou are t"e best C"ristmas present #ve ever "ad. # murmured t"e &ords a ainst "is lips and felt "im smile! His "ands &ere loc)ed on m% "ips$ preventin me from movin ! His e%es littered and "is +a& &as clenc"ed! E9ets o bac) inside! E,o&0 E4es$ ri "t no&! # &ant to see %ou! 8ll of %ou$ and # cant do t"at &it"out ivin %ou frostbite! Wit" "is arm around me$ "e lifted us bot" out of t"e &ater and steadied me &"ile "e rabbed a to&el! Ripped
C"apter /i "t
We left damp footprints on "is bedroom floor! He closed t"e door on t"e cold$ t"e sno& and t"e rest of t"e &orld and ur ed me into t"e master bat"room! His arm &as still around m% &aist$ "is mout" on mine and "e reac"ed out an arm and t"umped a button on t"e &all$ sendin needles of "ot &ater over bot" of us! ?inall% # understood t"e true appeal of a &al)-in s"o&er! We didnt "ave to stop )issin ! Water streamed over m% "air and do&n m% bac) and # t"in) "e must "ave altered t"e flo& or # probabl% &ould "ave dro&ned! He removed t"e clip from m% "air a ain and it slit"ered do&n m% bac) in a damp mass! His "ands slid over m% bod%$ leavin no part of me untouc"ed and # did t"e same to "im until # t"ou "t # &as oin to e'plode! # &anted to open m% e%es and loo) at "im$ so # roped for t"e &all and s&itc"ed off t"e &ater! (team s&irled bet&een us! # &as standin toe to toe &it" "im and # leaned for&ard and pressed m% mout" to "is s)in! 3roplets of &ater clun to "is fles" and &it" "ands and mout" # e'plored "is c"est$ t"e flat planes of "is abdomen$ t"e po&er of "is t"i "s! # too) m% time$ lic)in "im$ tastin "im and t"en dropped to m% )nees! 6"ere &as onl% one part of "im # didnt touc" and # "eard t"e breat" "iss t"rou " "is teet" as # teased "im as mercilessl% as "ed teased me! # came close several times$ slidin m% ton ue over "is &arm s)in$ tantaliIin l% close to t"e "ard len t" of "im! #n fairness # &as &illin to bet # &as as desperate as "e &as! ECristo$ Ha%le%. # lanced up and sa& "is e%es$ in)% dar) and focused on me! 8 muscle flic)ered in "is lean +a&! He &as ri "t on t"e ed e of control and # )ept "im t"ere for a moment$ +ust to s"o& # could prolon ratification if # "ad to! 6"at # could matc" ever%t"in "e did to me! 1f course # didnt last as lon as "e "ad! # slid m% ton ue over "im and t"en too) "im in m% mout"$ inc" b% lorious smoot"$ pulsin inc" and # "eard "im roan somet"in in #talian and felt "is fin ers loc) in m% "air! # &ondered "o& # could ever "ave t"ou "t "im ic% cold! He &as ra& #talian &as +ust t"at "e mana ed to conceal it in public and # loved t"at! # loved t"at # )ne& a part of "im ot"ers didnt! 6"at "e &as li)e t"is onl% &it" me! # sa& t"e real ,ico Rossi! # preferred t"at version! More "uman! Hotter in ever% &a%! # used m% lips and ton ue$ suc)ed and lic)ed until "e "auled me to m% feet and pressed me bac) a ainst t"e smoot"$ damp &all of "is &et room$ "is e%es fierce and "is breat"in uneven! # &as breat"less$ desperate$ but not"in compared to "im! His e%es &ere fierce and "e slammed "is arms eit"er side of me$ ca in me! ,ot t"at # needed to be ca ed! # &asnt oin an%&"ere! # could feel t"e cool$ smoot" tiles pressin a ainst m% bac) and t"e "ard "eat of "is bod%! #t &as t"e best )ind of trapped #d ever felt! Water clun to "is fore"ead and turned "is in)% dar) las"es to spi)es! He &as t"e "ottest man #d ever laid e%es on and # "oo)ed m% le be"ind "is "ips$ pressin "im closer$ not &antin an% space bet&een us! He lifted me easil% and # &rapped m% le s around "im and m% arms around "is nec)! Heat t"robbed bet&een us and "is first t"rust into m% bod% made me cr% out! E4ou feel incredible. His voice &as ra&$ but at least "e could still spea)! # &as incapable of ma)in an% sound t"at &asnt an animal moan and # simpl% clun to "is &ide s"oulders$ )issin "im as "e drove into me! We came to et"er in a simultaneous rus" of ecstas%! He lo&ered me entl% to t"e floor$ but didnt let me o$ &"ic" &as a ood t"in because m% le s &ere li)e +ell%! 6"e room &as steam% and &arm$ presumabl% from t"e "eat of t"e s"o&er$ but to be "onest it could "ave been from us! (till &it" "is arm around me$ "e reac"ed for anot"er to&el."e seemed to "ave an endless suppl% .&rapped it around me$ )issed me entl% on t"e mout" and led me t"rou " to t"e bedroom! M% "air "un in a damp mass past m% s"oulders and "e dried it carefull% and t"en dropped t"e to&el on t"e floor &it"out loo)in at it! He &as loo)in at me! 1ne t"in # )ne& for sure.if t"is &as emotionless se'$ # &as oin to do it ever% sin le da% for t"e
rest of m% life! # )ne& it &as late t"e moment # &o)e! 6"e sun &as blaIin t"rou " t"e lass &all of "is bedroom$ bouncin off t"e river li)e a million tin% diamonds! # rolled onto m% side and sa& t"e bed &as empt%! 6"en # smelled bacon! # sat up in bed and realised m% clot"es &ere probabl% still scattered across "is livin room! ?eelin li)e a bur lar$ # &al)ed into "is closet and found a s"irt! 1ne of "is perfect &"ite ones! (milin $ # slipped it on and it fell past m% bottom and over m% "ands! # rolled t"e sleeves bac)$ ra)ed m% fin ers t"rou " m% "air and &al)ed in t"e direction of t"e delicious smells! He &as standin &it" "is bac) to me$ but "e turned t"e moment # entered t"e room! Hed pulled on "is +eans but not"in else and # stared at "is c"est and &ondered "o& # could possibl% &ant to dra "im strai "t bac) to bed after t"e ni "t &ed spent! # &asnt an% ood at mornin -after conversations and # estured to&ards t"e door$ conscious t"at # &as na)ed under "is s"irt! E# s"ould probabl% et oin . EW"%0 # tuc)ed m% "air be"ind m% ear! E# t"ou "t %ou mi "t "ave t"in s to do toda%! E# "ave! He flipped t"e bacon! E8nd # plan to do t"em &it" %ou! E1"! M% stomac" curled! 8 ni "t &it" "im "adnt cured me of an%t"in ! # found m%self starin at "is s"oulders and t"e lean$ at"letic lines of "is bod%! He &as t"e "ottest u% on t"e face of t"e eart"! E@nless %ou t"in) Rosie needs %ou0 # &atc"ed t"e &a% "is biceps fle'ed as "e reac"ed for a plate! E("es &or)in toda%! C"ristmas 3a% is t"e onl% da% of t"e %ear s"e doesnt train! But # s"ould te't "er! 3ra in m% e%es a&a% from slee) male muscle$ # &andered t"rou " to t"e livin room! 9i "t poured t"rou " t"e &indo&s$ reflectin off lass and polis"ed surfaces! 1utside t"e s)% &as a perfect &inter blue and t"e sun spar)led on t"e surface of t"e river! # found m% p"one$ sent m% sister a te't t"an)in "er for m% C"ristmas E ift$ &"ic" # "ad no intention of returnin for a refund$ and t"en stood for a moment$ distracted b% t"e vie&$ t"in)in about t"e ni "t &ed spent! ECoffee0 He "ad t"e se'iest voice #d ever "eard and # turned and sa& "ed put t&o plates on t"e table and &as no& "oldin out a mu to me! E6"an)s! # too) it and curled m% "ands around t"e &armt"$ even t"ou " "is apartment &as a perfect temperature! E# love loo)in at t"e river! EMe$ too! He "adnt s"aved and "is +a& &as dar)ened b% stubble! E6"ats &"% # c"ose t"is place! 8re %ou "un r%0 E(tarvin ! # "adnt eaten since t"e tur)e% and &ed done some serious e'ercise! E(o %ou can coo)! E# coo)ed for m% sister for %ears! ("es still alive! He "anded me a plate piled &it" fluff% scrambled e s and ras"ers of crisp bacon and # carried it over to t"e lass table b% t"e &indo&! M% stomac" ro&led! E#f # "ad a vie& li)e t"is #d never o to &or)! E4oure not &or)in t"is &ee)0 E1fficiall% m% department is closed until :anuar% ;$ but t"at doesnt stop t"e emails! E4oure still lovin %our &or)0 He spra&led in t"e c"air opposite me and suddenl% t"e vie& "ad serious competition! # pic)ed up m% for)$ cautious about ans&erin ! 6"an)s to C"arlie # &as pro rammed not to tal) about m% &or)! E#ts fine$ t"an)s! E# remember "o& e'cited %ou &ere &"en %ou ot t"e +ob! 8nd # remembered "ed been t"e onl% one to as) *uestions! E#ts e'citin and t"e people are. # bro)e off$ remindin m%self "e &as probabl% +ust bein polite$ but t"en # realiIed "e &as still listenin and loo)in at me$ not at "is &atc" or over m% s"oulder as C"arlie "ad al&a%s done! 8nd because of
t"at # found m%self tellin "im ever%t"in # &as doin $ and t"e more # tal)ed t"e more ent"usiastic # &as until # realiIed #d cleared m% plate and must "ave bored "im ri id! E(orr%! E?or &"at0 6"at is t"e first time #ve seen %ou t"at ent"usiastic since t"at first ni "t &e met! 8nd "e didnt loo) bored! He loo)ed interested and "e as)ed me a fe& *uestions t"at proved "e &as as bri "t as "e &as spectacular loo)in ! E#m pleased its &or)in out! (o ,8(8 isnt oin to et %ou %et! # blus"ed$ t"in)in about t"at a&ful dinner &"en ever%one "ad tal)ed about t"eir "opes for t"e future and #d confessed # &anted to &or) for ,8(8! C"arlie "ad moc)ed me (# t"in) "is e'act &ords &ere E8pollo Ha%le%.Aod "elp us all)! #t &asnt lad%li)e to be interested in roc)ets and +et propulsion (alt"ou " fran)l%$ since t"at "ot encounter &it" ,ico at t"e &eddin #d t"ou " of not"in but t"rust$ and not t"e sort tau "t b% p"%sics teac"ers!) # c"an ed t"e sub+ect! E6ell me t"e "istor% of t"e tattoo! He dran) "is coffee and for a moment # t"ou "t "e &asnt oin to ans&er! 6"en "e put "is mu do&n! EWe moved from (icil% to 9ondon &"en # &as ten! M% /n lis" &as terrible and. "e dismissed it all &it" a s"ru E.lets +ust sa% sc"ool &as "ell$ so # sta%ed a&a%! EReall%0 # ima ined %ou bein a strai "t-8 student! E6"at part came later! Bac) t"en$ # &as out of control! # e%ed t"e tattoo &rapped round "ard bul e of "is bicep! E(o t"at &as t"at &"en.0 E6"at and ot"er t"in s! His tone &as flat! E# &as si'teen &"en m% fat"er died and 7iara &as ta)en into foster care! # ar ued t"at # &as "er onl% famil% and t"at &e s"ould be to et"er! 1f course no one listened! # put m% for) do&n$ )no&in "o& #d felt &"en m% parents "ad tried to separate Rosie and me! EW"at did %ou do0 E# re& up! # &or)ed out &"at sort of +ob &ould ma)e sure # ot 7iara bac) and decided # "ad to be a la&%er because t"e% earned ood mone% and )ne& "o& to ar ue! His smile moc)ed "imself! E# &ent bac) to sc"ool and &or)ed ever% "our of ever% da%! # ot a sc"olars"ip to a top sc"ool! # &as a social e'periment.)id &it" a brain but no income$ lets ive t"at a tr%! E6"at must "ave been tou "! E6ou " &as seein m% sister in a foster "ome! But t"e% &ere )ind people and t"e% "elped bot" of us! E8nd %ou did it! 4ou made a life for bot" of %ou! # mentall% compared "im to m% dad$ &"od left us! E4ou did a reat +ob! ("es confident and c"armin and t"in)s %oure t"e best! #t e'plained t"e bond # sa& and t"e respect s"e s"o&ed "im! E#t &as "ard lettin "er move into an apartment &it" "er friends! E#ndependence is a ood t"in ! 8nd #m lad %ou did$ # said softl%$ Eor &e &ouldnt be on our o&n no&! His e%es met mine and t"en "e stood up and pulled me to m% feet! E9ets ma)e t"e most of it! We didnt leave t"e apartment for five da%s! Most of t"at time &as spent in bed "avin amaIin se'$ but also tal)in and lau "in as &e s&apped stories! # told "im about t"e time #d built a roc)et in t"e )itc"en and made a "ole in t"e ceilin ! He told me "o& "ed blo&n up t"e toilets in sc"ool usin sodium ta)en from an unloc)ed c"emistr% lab! # still couldnt believe "o& muc" t"is cool$ controlled u% "ad "idden in "is past! # &as t"irst% to )no& more! ?avorite band$ favorite drin)$ best place "ed visited2 E6ell me %our most embarrassin moment ever! He rolled onto "is side and loo)ed at me from under t"ose t"ic)$ dar) las"es! E# once &ent to t"is &eddin &"ere t"e bridesmaid burst out of "er dress. 9au "in $ # pus"ed "im onto "is bac) and straddled "im! M% "air slid for&ard$ coverin us bot"!
E#f t"at "adnt "appened &e &ouldnt be "ere! E4es$ &e &ould! His "ands &ere in m% "air! EBut # &as plannin to ma)e m% move after t"e &eddin $ not durin ! # &as oin to persuade %ou to cr% on m% s"oulder! E#m not muc" of a crier! # lo&ered m% "ead and )issed "im$ m% mout" lin erin on "is! E4oure so se'%! (a% somet"in to me in #talian! EHiIIa Mar "erita! # i led$ but t"e craI% t"in &as "e even mana ed to ma)e t"at sound se'%! M% p"one beeped! # i nored it! E(a% somet"in else! E#l mio vestito N strappato! EW"at does t"at mean0 EM% dress "as torn! 8nd # &as lau "in ! 9au "in in bed &it" a u% # &anted to )no& more about! # &anted to )no& ever%t"in $ and finall% # reac"ed across to read m% te't from RosieO five da%s in bed &it" t"e same u% isnt emotionless se'! 8nd # stopped lau "in and realiIed &it" a flas" of panic t"at # &asnt supposed to &ant to )no& more! /motionless$ unattac"ed se' s"ould be e'actl% t"at$ but some"o& over t"e past five da%s #d mana ed to form an attac"ment! # &as in trouble! Ripped
C"apter ,ine
E6"is is %our fault! # stopped eatin ,utella out of t"e +ar and po)ed t"e spoon to&ards m% sister! E4ou invited "im "ere for C"ristmas! E4es! C"ristmasK # didnt e'pect %ou to o "ome &it" "im and sta% until /aster! # &as about to report %ou to t"e police as a missin person! W"at t"e "ell did %ou do for five da%s0 # rinned and s"e rolled "er e%es! EReall%0 (o "es even "otter t"an "e loo)s! Wa% to o! # abandoned t"e comfort eatin and slumped bac) a ainst t"e sofa! E# promised m%self # &as done &it" miser%! E(e' &it" "im &as miserable0 E,o$ it &as incredibleK But no& # cant stop t"in)in about "im! Crap! 8nd it &asnt +ust t"e se' # &as t"in)in about! # )ept picturin t"e &a% "e loo)ed asleep.t"ose las"es s"ado&in "is c"ee)s$ strands of dar) "air slidin across "is fore"ead! # t"ou "t about t"e "ours &ed spent tal)in ! 6"e t"in s #d told "im! 6"in s # "adnt told an%one else! #d discovered intimac% &asnt +ust about ettin na)ed &it" someone! Bat"ed in panic$ # spran to m% feet! E#t &as supposed to be +ust se'! /motionless se'! ERi "t! /motionless se' t"at lasted five da%s! # paced across t"e livin room and t"en turned to "er$ desperate! EW"at am # oin to do0 # need to for et "im strai "t a&a% and move on! E#s t"at reall% &"at %ou &ant0 E8bsolutel%! 3efinitel%! ,o emotional involvement! # didnt tell "er # &as &orried # &as too late for t"at$ but s"e probabl% )ne& because s"e stared at me for a moment and t"en si "ed! E17$ &ell$ t"e ood ne&s is t"at it isnt ,e& 4ear for anot"er si' "ours$ so %ou "avent blo&n %our resolution! 4ou can start fres" at one minute past midni "t! #ve ot F#H tic)ets to 6"e ()%line! 6oni "t &e are oin to part%! E6"e ()%line0 #t &as m% turn to stare! EHo& did %ou mana e t"at0 6"eir ,e& 4ears /ve parties are le endar%! E# meet a lot of people at t"e %m! M% sister loo)ed smu ! EWe &ill "ave a reat time and %ou can for et all about "im! # )ne& # &asnt oin to for et all about "im! # &anted to as) if s"ed reall% for otten He W"o Must ,ot Be ,amed$ but # didnt dare! EWill an%one &e )no& be t"ere0 E4es$ a &"ole roup of us and %ou are oin to "old %our "ead up "i " and &ear %our favorite blac) dress because it ma)es %ou loo) fabulous! EAreat! 9ets do it! # i nored t"e part of me t"at +ust &anted to be bac) in ,icos apartment! E#t &ill be m% first public appearance since # e'posed m%self (# didnt count C"ristmas)! Mi "t as &ell ma)e it "i " profile! # did love m% blac) dress! #t "ad tin% cr%stals se&n into t"e fabric and s"immered &"en it cau "t t"e li "t! #d found it in a c"arit% s"op in ,ottin Hill$ ot"er&ise # never &ould "ave been able to afford t"e label! #t &as brand ne&! (till "ad t"e ta s on it! 6"e o&ner told me t"at t"e &oman &"o "ad brou "t it in "ad fallen in love &it" it and bou "t it$ intendin to slim into it! ?ortunatel% for me$ s"e "adnt! Rosie &as ri "t! #t &as t"e perfect dress for toni "t! # presumed m% lac) of e'citement &as caused b% t"e prospect of meetin so man% people &"o "ad seen me "alf-na)ed! EWere oin to et read% to et"er li)e &e al&a%s do$ and &"ile &ere doin t"at %ou can tell me ever%t"in ! 8nd because s"e &as m% sister and t"is &as &"at &e did$ # did tell "er ever%t"in ! Ho& it "ad felt! Ho& # "ad felt! 8nd "o& # felt no&$ &"ic" &as totall% crap if # &as "onest! Aettin read% to o out to et"er s"ould "ave been fun! Rosie opened a bottle of c"ampa ne left
over from C"ristmas$ but it reminded me so muc" of bein &it" ,ico! E8re %ou nearl% read%0 M% sister &as &earin a velvet s)ater dress &it" mes" at t"e sides and no bac) t"at loo)ed perfect on "er toned bod%! Her blonde "air &as loose around "er s"oulders$ a little mess%$ but t"at made it all t"e se'ier! ("e &ore a pair of verti inous "eels on t"e ends of t"ose incredible$ )ic)-bo'in le s! # blin)ed! EWo&! EWo& %ourself! ("e e%ed me and smiled! E# predict emotionless se' &ill be in at five seconds past midni "t! 9ets o! 6"e cab is "ere! # &is"ed # could "ave felt more e'cited about t"e ni "t a"ead! #t mi "t "ave been easier "ad t"e cab not ta)en t"e e'act route alon t"e river ,ico "ad ta)en &"en "ed driven me to "is apartment on C"ristmas 3a%! E6"is is &"ere "e lives! E#n C"elsea0 Rosie craned "er nec)! EColour me impressed! ("e &ould "ave been even more impressed if s"ed )no&n "o& "ard "ed &or)ed to et to t"is point and all t"e sacrifices "ed made for "is sister$ but # &asnt read% to tal) about an% of it! ,or &as # supposed to be tal)in about ,ico! We arrived at 6"e ()%line and too) t"e lass elevator to t"e top floor! 6"e vie&s of 9ondon &ere incredible and ever%one &as in part% mood! /ver%one e'cept me! Rosie "anded our coats over and fro&ned at me! E4ou 170 EAreatK We sa& a cro&d of our friends and +oined t"em! 6"e ones &"o "adnt accepted invitations to t"e &eddin (because C"arlie "ad alienated most of t"em) &anted to )no& if t"e rumors &ere true! ,aturall% &"en t"e% "eard t"at t"e% &ere$ t"e% all &is"ed t"e%d been t"ere to Esupport me! 4ea"$ ri "t! E,ice one$ Ha%le%! Arinnin $ Rob put "is arm round m% s"oulders and suddenl% # &as rateful for m% friends! ?riends &ere li)e s"oc) absorbers! 6"e% made t"e bumps "urt less! # sa& Rosie &atc"in me and tried to loo) as if # &as "avin a ood time$ but of course s"e )ne& # &asnt! E4oull for et "im in time$ s"e murmured$ "andin me anot"er lass of c"ampa ne! E4ou &a)e up ever% da% and one da% %oull find its stopped "urtin ! E#s t"at &"at "appened &it" %ou and Hunter0 1"$ Aod$ #d said "is name! #d one five %ears &it"out slippin up and no& it "ad tumbled out! # &as dead! M% sister &as oin to )ill me$ ri "t "ere on t"e dance floor on ,e& 4ears /ve! # stood ri id$ not )no&in &"ere to be in &it" m% apolo %$ &"en Rosie leaned in and "u ed me! E#f "e &al)ed bac) into m% life ri "t no& t"is minute$ # &ouldnt even notice "im! ("e &"ispered t"e &ords in m% ear and t"en tapped "er lass a ainst mine and dran)! 8nd dran)! 8nd t"en "elped "erself to anot"er lass and dran) t"at$ too! # &as about to point out t"at if Hunter &al)ed bac) into "er life no& t"ere &as no c"ance of "er noticin "im because s"ed be unconscious$ but s"e slammed do&n "er empt% lass and rabbed m% "and! E(ister time! 9ets dance! We loved dancin to et"er! Considerin &"at s"e could do &it" t"ose le s of "ers$ Rosie &as *uite restrained! Half t"e men in t"e room &ere loo)in at "er! Juite a fe& of t"e ot"ers &ere loo)in at me$ but # &as lad to be dancin &it" m% sister! 6o be "onest$ # &asnt interested! 6"en # loo)ed up and sa& "im standin in t"e door&a%! ,ico Rossi! He "adnt seen me$ but "e &as loo)in round t"e room$ searc"in for someone! He &as &earin a
suit! #t loo)ed li)e t"e 6om ?ord$ onl% t"is time "is s"irt &as blac)! 8s al&a%s "e loo)ed smo)in "ot$ even more so no& # )ne& "o& it felt to be &it" "im! 8n e'plosion of e'citement and +o% &as follo&ed b% blindin panic! # didnt t"in) # &as up to seein "im spend ,e& 4ears /ve pic)in up anot"er &oman and alread% # could see "eads turnin because "e &as t"e sort of u% &"o eclipsed ever% ot"er man in t"e room &it"out even tr%in ! # &as in suc" a sorr% state # didnt even realiIe #d stopped dancin until Rosie too) m% arm and "auled me off t"e dance floor and be"ind a pillar! E# "ave to et out of "ere$ # babbled! E#m reall% sorr% to ruin %our evenin $ but #m oin "ome! 6"e music &as t"robbin and poundin and # sa& "er lips move$ but # couldnt "ear "er and s"e rolled "er e%es and dra ed me out onto t"e terrace &"ere ever%one &ould at"er to &atc" fire&or)s over t"e 6"ames at midni "t! EBreat"e! E#m oin to rab a cab! E4ou are not leavin ! E# "ave to! EW"%0 EBecause. # breat"ed and sent clouds into t"e freeIin air! EBecause # cant bear to &atc" "im pic)in up anot"er &oman! # cant bear to t"in) of "im &it" someone else! E8nd doesnt t"at tell %ou somet"in 0 E4esK #t tells me # totall% fuc)ed up m% ,e& 4ears Resolution before t"e first c"ime of t"e cloc)K E(o ma%be %ou s"ould ret"in) %our resolution! # t"ou "t of all t"e pain and a on% t"at &ent &it" relations"ips! 6"e "ope and t"en t"e "orrible letdo&n! E,o! #m +ust not puttin m%self t"rou " t"at a ain! E6"rou " &"at0 4ou +ust spent five da%s in bed &it" t"e u%! ?ive da%s! 4ou lau "ed! 4ou tal)ed! He listened to %ou$ &"ic" is more t"an C"arlie ever did! He li)es %ou for Aods sa)e. EHes come "ere because "es loo)in for a date! EHes loo)in for %ou! ("e said it *uietl%! EHa%le%$ t"is super-"ot u% is &al)in across t"e room ri "t no& loo)in for %ou and %ou are not oin to "ide! E#ll mess it up! 9oo) &"at "appened &it" C"arlie! EC"arlie is a dic)"ead$ Rose said calml%! E4ou pic)ed "im because. Well$ fran)l% # dont )no& &"% %ou pic)ed "im! We bot" )no& t"at &"en it comes to relations"ips our ps%c"olo % is a bit &arped$ but "e &as totall% &ron for %ou and ,ico isnt! 4ou t&o "ave somet"in ! 3ont t"ro& t"at a&a%! EHe probabl% isnt loo)in for me! #m leavin and if %ou love me %oull let me o! # &inced as "er "and loc)ed around m% &rist! Honestl%$ if t"e police ever ran s"ort on "andcuffs t"e% could use m% sister! E# love %ou$ s"e said s&eetl%$ E&"ic" is &"% # am not lettin %ou o! #m not oin to let %ou blo& t"is! E#m scared! E4ea"! # et all t"at! But its 17 to be scared$ as lon as %ou do it an%&a%! # t"ou "t about pointin out s"e "adnt done it since Mr 4ou 7no& W"o "ad bro)en "er "eart in t&o$ but # decided t"at mentionin "is name t&ice in one evenin after five %ears of silence on t"e sub+ect &as a ris) # &asnt prepared to ta)e! 8nd an%&a%$ t"is &as m% panic! # didnt &ant to s"are it! EHell mess me up! EMa%be "e &ont! #d never "eard m% sister sound so serious! EW"ats "appened to %ou0 4ou &ere t"e one &"o t"ou "t m% ,e& 4ears resolution &as a ood one! E6"at &as before # sa& %ou &it" "im! ("e too) a deep breat" and smiled! E#f %ou run a&a% from
,ico Rossi t"en %ou are bats"it craI%! # made a sound t"at &as "alf&a% bet&een a lau " and a sob and sa& ,ico standin in t"e door&a%! 6"ose dar) e%es &ere fi'ed on m% face and "e didnt lance left or ri "t at t"e &omen &"o &ere starin at "im "opefull%! Rosie released m% &rist and m% blood "ad a silent part%$ relieved to finall% be able to flo& around uninterrupted! E/'cuse me! 6"eres a ood dance floor oin to &aste$ s"e murmured and slid past "im &it" a smile! ,ico nodded to "er$ "is aIe still fi'ed on me! 6"ere &as no&"ere # could o! # &as trapped on t"e terrace and no& # &as s"iverin ! #t "ad stopped sno&in $ but t"e air &as freeIin ! He strolled across to me$ removed "is +ac)et and draped it around m% s"oulders! E# t"ou "t %ou mi "t be in need of a +ac)et! #t felt &arm and familiar and smelt li)e "im! M% tumm% tensed! # &as terrified # &as oin to ive a&a% "o& # &as feelin ! #t "ad +ust been se'! #d bro)en our rules! # felt li)e a snail &it"out its protective s"ell$ e'posed and +ust &aitin to be crus"ed under someones "eav% boot! EW"at are %ou doin "ere0 E# came to find %ou! He sounded so sure and confident! E6"ere are t"in s # need to sa%! Hreferabl% before t"e cloc) stri)es midni "t! EW"%0 3oes %our ?errari turn into a pump)in at midni "t0 He didnt smile! He &as too focused on me! E# &as read% to as) %ou out &"en %ou started oin out &it" C"arlie! (ound and people &as"ed past me! # &as oblivious to all of t"em! E4ou &ere0 E# told %ou # &as read% to cross t"e room and tal) to %ou$ but # &asnt fast enou " and for t"at # "ad to suffer &atc"in %ou &it" "im for ten lon mont"s! 8nd t"en # "ad to &atc" %ou after&ards$ copin &it" t"e fact "ed scre&ed %our friend! 8 muscle flic)ered in "is +a&! E(eein %ou &it" "im &as li)e &atc"in a car cras" in slo& motion! # +ust &anted to pus" %ou out of t"e &a% before %ou &ere crus"ed b% it! E,ico. EHe undermined %ou at ever% possible opportunit%! 6"at ni "t in t"e restaurant &"en "e put %ou do&n in front of ever%one. His voice &as t"ic) &it" an er and # &ondered "o& # could ever "ave t"ou "t "im cool and controlled! Wit" me "e &as an%t"in but! EHe didnt li)e me tal)in about &or)$ # muttered! EHe found it borin $ especiall% on a ni "t out! EHa%le%$ %ou t"reatened "im! He &anted to be &it" someone &"o made "im feel bi er$ not an e*ual! He put %ou do&n and instead of bouncin up %ou sta%ed do&n! He stopped %ou bein %ou! #t &as true! EBut t"at &as m% fault! # &as tr%in to ma)e it &or)! EHo& can a relations"ip &or) if %ou dont li)e eac" ot"er as %ou reall% are0 Ho& can t"at sort of relations"ip be an%t"in but false0 #t &as a fair *uestion! E# &as surprised %ou a reed to be "is best man! EW"% do %ou t"in) # did t"at$ Ha%le%0 6"ere &as somet"in in "is voice # didnt understand! 8n ur enc% t"at made no sense! EC"arlie and # "ave barel% spo)en since t"at ni "t "e ot drun) and # drove %ou "ome! E6"en &"%. E# a reed because "e told me %ou &ere a bridesmaid! 8t first # didnt believe "im! # couldnt believe t"e%d as)ed %ou to do t"at and # couldnt believe %oud a reed! # s"ifted a&)&ardl%! E4ou &ere &orried #d scre& it up for t"em0 E,o! # &as &orried %oud be ver% "urt! His +a& &as ti "t! E# &as &orried %oud fall apart at t"e &eddin and need someone to loo) out for %ou! # &as t"ere because of %ou! # felt a lump in m% t"roat! EMe0
E4ou as)ed &"% # a reed to be best man! 6"ats &"%! 4ou &ere t"e reason! E4ou. # ulped! E4ou )ept loo)in at me t"rou "out t"e ceremon%! # t"ou "t %ou disapproved! ECristo. He dra ed "is fin ers t"rou " "is "air$ e'asperated! E# &as &atc"in %ou to ma)e sure %ou &ere all ri "t! Ho& could %ou not "ave )no&n t"at0 # &as afraid %ou &ould fall apart! E# fell apart in a bi &a%! E# must admit # "adnt e'pected it to be *uite t"at literal! His e%es leamed! E4ou loo)ed so "orrified # +ust &anted to et %ou out of t"ere! E#ve been c"ec)in 4ou6ube for t"e video$ # confessed! E6"ere "as to be one! E6"ere &as! But no one is oin to upload it$ # made sure of t"at! E4ou did0 Ho&0 He stro)ed "is t"umb slo&l% over m% lo&er lip! E9ets +ust sa% # used la&%erl% intimidation! # felt &ea) &it" relief! E# )ne& t"ere "ad to be a reason &"% no one "ad posted it! # "ad no idea it &as %ou! 4ou.%ou said # made bad decisions! E3atin C"arlie &as a bad decision! 8 reein to be t"eir bridesmaid &as &orse! 8nd #d "ad no idea t"at &as "o& "e felt! But suddenl% # &as seein it all differentl%! 6"e &a% Rosie "ad seen it! E4ou &ere al&a%s t"ere &"en # needed someone! 4ou ave me %our +ac)et$ %ou drove me "ome &"en C"arlie &as drun) and acted li)e a dic)"ead$ %ou ave me multiple or asms &"en # t"ou "t # &as oin to die of frustration. E# &ant so muc" more t"an %our t"an)s! He cupped m% face in "is "ands and m% "eart &as poundin so "ard # &as surprised people couldnt "ear it over t"e music! E4ou do0 E4es! # &ant %ou! 8nd # reall% do mean %ou. His fin ers bit into m% "ead and "is e%es &ere fierce on mine! E,ot a version of %ou #ve made up to suit m% o&n needs$ but t"e real %ou! 6"e %ou # sa& t"at first ni "t! 6"e clever %ou! 6"e %ou t"at )no&s about en ines and &ants a +ob &it" ,8(8! 6"e %ou t"at can add up endless numbers in %our "ead as a part% immic)! 6"e %ou t"at loves llamas and &ould do an%t"in for "er sister! 6"e %ou #ve t"ou "t about ever% ni "t for t&ent% mont"s$ t"ree &ee)s and one da%! # couldnt breat"e! E,ico. E6"e %ou t"at &ould turn up at %our e's &eddin because %oure too proud to tell "im "es a bastard! 6"e %ou t"at &ould &a' a tur)e% and searc" for 6"e ,iccol- on %our laptop. E8ll ri "t$ enou ". Blus"in furiousl%$ # lanced around$ but ever%one &as too bus% earin up for midni "t to ta)e an% notice of us! But #d "ad enou " public "umiliation for one %ear$ so # rabbed "is "and and dra ed "im bac) inside into a *uieter corner! EM% ,e& 4ears resolution &as to "ave emotionless relations"ips! :ust se' and "ot men! E# )no&! But its not ,e& 4ear %et! His mout" &as close to mine! E4ou still "ave about four minutes to ma)e a different resolution! 3o it$ Ha%le%! # stared up at "im and &"at # sa& in "is e%es made me diII%! EW"at do %ou su est0 8nd # &ont ive up c"ocolate and #m not )een on ditc"in alco"ol eit"er! EHo& about ivin up "avin relations"ips &it" men &"o &ant %ou to be someone %oure not0 He spo)e softl%$ "is e%es entle! EHo& about startin t"e ,e& 4ear decidin to be %ou and en+o% it0 Ho& about comin bac) to m% place and startin t"e ,e& 4ear as &e mean to continue bed$ in t"e "ot tub$ to et"er! #t &as as if someone "ad )ic)ed m% )nees! # &anted to slide to t"e floor! /ver%one &as at"ered on t"e terrace &aitin for t"e first c"ime from Bi Ben! 8cross t"e room # could see Rosie &it" t"e rest of our friends$ all lin)ed to et"er$ &aitin for t"e countdo&n to ,e& 4ear! We e'c"an ed loo)s and s"e smiled! # )ne& s"e &as t"in)in #d be craI% to turn m% bac) on somet"in t"at felt t"is ood! # a reed &it" "er!
# slid m% arms round "is nec)! E6"e last five da%s &ere t"e best time #ve "ad! /ver! # "eard Bi Ben c"ime and people started to count! M% e%es &ere fi'ed on "is! 6"is felt li)e so muc" more t"an t"e start of a ,e& 4ear! E?or me$ too! He spo)e a ainst m% lips and # smiled! E3o # et permanent access to %our 6om ?ord0 E4ou seem to be &earin it most of t"e time an%&a%! 6"e cloc) &as still c"imin ! #d lost count$ but ever%one &as at"erin on t"e terrace$ bumpin into us in t"eir "aste to et t"e best vie&! 8 final c"ime$ loud c"eers and t"en an e'plosion of fire&or)s and t"e 9ondon s)%line lit up! ,ico )issed me$ slo&l% and t"orou "l%$ oblivious to ever%one around us and t"ere &ere definitel% more fire&or)s inside me t"an t"ere &ere outside! ?inall%$ "e lifted "is "ead! E(o &"ats %our ,e& 4ears resolution0 ?or t"e first time in a lon &"ile # felt li)e me! Reall% me! # realiIed t"at t"is &as m% life and # could live it t"e &a% # &anted to live it! # didnt "ave to be someone # didnt &ant to be! # &as allo&ed to "ave dreams and feel e'cited about m% future! 8nd # &anted ,ico to be part of t"at future! # smiled up at "im! E9ets o bac) to %our apartment and #ll s"o& %ou! 6H/ /,3 Ripped Cosmo Red-Hot Reads from Mills & Boon #(B,O GPM=>P;<Q;MRR R#HH/3 S (ara" Mor an ;<=R ?irst Hublis"ed in Areat Britain in ;<=R Harle*uin (@7) 9imited /ton House$ =M-;> Haradise Road$ Ric"mond$ (urre% 6WG =(R 8ll ri "ts reserved$ includin t"e ri "t of reproduction in &"ole or in part in an% form! 6"e te't of t"is publication or an% part t"ereof ma% not be reproduced or transmitted in an% form or b% an% means$ electronic or mec"anical$ no& )no&n or "ereinafter invented$ includin &it"out limitation 'ero rap"%$ p"otocop%in $ recordin $ stora e in an information retrieval s%stem$ or ot"er&ise$ &it"out t"e &ritten permission of t"e publis"er! 6"is eboo) is sold sub+ect to t"e condition t"at it s"all not$ b% &a% of trade or ot"er&ise$ be lent$ resold$ "ired out or ot"er&ise circulated$ &it"out t"e prior consent of t"e publis"er$ in an% form or cover ot"er t"an t"at in &"ic" it is publis"ed and &it"out a similar condition includin t"is condition bein imposed on t"e subse*uent purc"aser! 8ll c"aracters in t"is &or) "ave no e'istence outside t"e ima ination of t"e aut"or and "ave no relation &"atsoever to an%one bearin t"e same name or names! 6"e% are not even distantl% inspired b% an% individual )no&n or un)no&n to t"e aut"or$ and all incidents are pure invention! 6"is edition is publis"ed b% arran ement &it" Harle*uin /nterprises ## B!F!5(!T!r!l! U and 6M are trademar)s o&ned and used b% t"e trademar) o&ner and5or its licensee! 6rademar)s mar)ed &it" U are re istered &it" t"e @nited 7in dom Hatent 1ffice and5or t"e 1ffice for Harmonisation in t"e #nternal Mar)et and in ot"er countries! &&&!millsandboon!co!u)5cosmo