2002petcharakp 1
2002petcharakp 1
2002petcharakp 1
B y Pattarinee Petcharak
A Research Paper
Su !itte" in Partia# Fu#$i##!ent %$ the Re&uire! ents $%r the Master %$ Science 'e(ree )ith a Ma*%r in
////////////// R% ert 01 'a+ies In+esti(ati %n A"+is%r The 0ra"uate Sch%%# Uni+ersity %$ )isc%nsin2 St%ut May3 4554
Petcharak (Last)
Pattarinee (First)
The Assessment of Motivation in the Saint Paul Hotel Emplo ees (Title) Hospitalit an! Tourism ($ra!uate Ma+or) "o#ert $% &avies ("esearch A!visor) Ma '((' (Month,-ear ) )* (.o% of Pa/es)
1e 2or!s3 hospitalit an! tourism4 emplo ees5 motivation4 turnover4 a#senteeism4 human resource% The collective hotel in!ustr is a si/nificant parrot of the 2orl! tourism in!ustr % The in!ustr is # !esi/n !elivers services to #e re/istere! an! non re/istere! /uests% 1e in the process of !eliverin/ service in an hotel situation is the hotel staff% The ultimate 6ualit of service provi!e! 2ill !epen! on the collective a#ilit of staff4 trainin/ an! in!ivi!ual motivation to pro!uce the services !eman!e! # the /uest%
III Hotels are ph sical structures supporte! # human resources that ena#le the !eliver of service% 1e in the process of !eliverin/ 6ualit service is the in!ivi!ual motivation of all emplo ees 2hether professional4 skille! or unskille!% With the /ro2th of the service in!ustr the hotel in!ustr no2 competes for 6ualit service emplo ees% "esearch fin!s that it is a challen/e for hotel mana/ement to!a to motivate emplo ees to provi!e 6ualit services as hi/h turnover an! a#senteeism is 2i!esprea! in the 0nite! States hotel in!ustr % This stu! evaluate! the motivation factors of emplo ees in a four star hotel in St% Paul4 Minnesota% The stu! centere! on 2h people choose to 2ork for this specific hotel 2hile mo!elin/ motivational factors that ena#le their overall performance% The stu! also sou/ht to learn if there is a /en!er #ase! !ifference in motivational factors% The results of the stu! reveale! that the main reasons people choose to 2ork at the hotel 2as #ase! on the 76ualit 8 class of the hotel4 interestin/ +o#s4 salar an! +o# securit % When consi!erin/ the /en!er construct4 /en!er !i! have a role influencin/ emplo ees5 perception of motivational factors% Males preferre! salar 4 +o# securit an! lo alt to emplo ees4 2hile females preferre! interestin/ +o#s4 2orkin/ environment an! camara!erie 2ith co92orkers%
The completion of this research en!eavor 2oul! not have #een possi#le 2ithout the assistance of so man % I am /enuinel thankful to m thesis a!visor "o#ert $% &avies for his support4 /ui!ance4 encoura/ement4 an! en!urin/ patience%
M over2helmin/ thanks to $ina Souchera ; it 2as ver kin! of ou to help me collect !ata% M appreciation to Po Suri apee for our /reat assistance in !ata anal sis% Last4 an! most importantl 4 m heartfelt thanks to m famil 4 especiall m !a!4 Mr% Artorn Petcharak4 I coul!n5t have /otten throu/h this 2ithout our support4 an! encoura/ement% <esi!es I 2oul! like to thank m mom for our encoura/ement% All of ou #ri/htene! m !a %
Pattarinee Petcharak
Ma '(4 '(('
Pa/e A<ST"A=T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%II A=1.?WLE&$EME.TS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I: TA<LE ?F =?.TE.TS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> : LIST ?F TA<LES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%% I@ LIST ?F E@HI<ITS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>@ LIST ?F $"APHS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>% @I .HAPTER ONE, INTRO'U.TION
Intro!uction>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>% A
&efinition of terms>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%% C
The importance of motivation to emplo ees>>>>>>>>>>>% * The impact on an or/aniEation 2ithout motivation a2areness pro/rammin/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> F What !o emplo ees 2antG AA
:I ERG theory>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%% A) Equity theory>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AD Herzbergs theory>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AD Theory X and theory Y>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>% A* Techni6ue to motivate emplo ees>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AF o!!unication>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AF Training>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'( "ages and salaries>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'A #ringe benefits>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ''
Good wor$ing en%iron!ent>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'C The Saint Paul Hotel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'H
History of the &aint 'aul Hotel>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'H The mission an! vision statement of the Saint Paul Hotel>>>>>>') The or/aniEation of the Saint Paul Hotel>>>>>>>>>>>> 'D The Saint Paul Hotel3 Workplace constructors>>>>>>>>>>'D Increase! motivation factors nee!e! # the Saint Paul Hotel>>>>% '* Summar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%% 'F
.HAPTER THREE, RESEAR.H METHO'OLO0Y &escription of su#+ects>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BA Population>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BA Sample selection>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%% BA Surve instrument>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B' Pilot test>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%% BC &ata collection>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>% BC
&ata anal sis>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BH Limitation of stu! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%% BH
Gender>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%% BD (ge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>B* 'osition>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BF "or$ing status>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>% BF "espon!ents5 2orkin/ perio! in the hospitalit in!ustr an! in the Saint Paul Hotel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%%C( The reason for choosin/ a career in the Saint Paul Hotel>>>>>>C' The 2orkplace motivational factors in the Saint Paul Hotel emplo ees%CC The motivational !ifferences #et2een /en!ers at the Saint Paul Hotel%% C) Summar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%% C*
.HAPTER FIVE, .ON.LUSIONS ?#+ective A3 To !etermine the reasons emplo ees choose to 2ork at
the Saint Paul Hotel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%H( ?#+ective '3 To !etermine the 2orkplace motivational factors
for the Saint Paul Hotel emplo ees>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%H' ?#+ective B3 To investi/ate motivational !ifferences #et2een /en!ers at the Saint Paul Hotel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HH "ecommen!ations for the human resources !epartment>>>>>> HD
:III "ecommen!ations for further stu!ies>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HD "EFE"E.=ES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>% HF APPE.&I@ A3 Iuestionnaire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%% )B APPE.&I@ <3 The structure of the Saint Paul Hotel>>>>>>>>>>%% )F APPE.&I@ =3 =ate/ories of #enefits>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>% )H APPE.&I@ &3 Mission statement an! vision statement of the Saint Paul Hotel%%)*
Ta#le Pa/e A% =omparison of motivational factors #et2een males an! females>>>>% AC '% "espon!ents5 personal !ata3 /en!er>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%% BD
B% "espon!ents5 personal !ata3 a/e>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B* C% "espon!ents5 personal !ata3 position>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>% BF H% "espon!ents5 personal !ata3 2orkin/ status>>>>>>>>>>>>%% BF )% "espon!ents5 2orkin/ perio! in hospitalit in!ustr >>>>>>>>> C( D% "espon!ents5 2orkin/ perio! in the Saint Paul Hotel>>>>>>>>%%% CA *% The reasons for choosin/ a career in the Saint Paul Hotel>>>>>>>%%C' F% The most si/nificant motivational factors in the Saint Paul Hotel>>>>% CC A(% Male an! female motivational factors3 si!e # si!e comparison>>>>%% CD AA% =onclusion3 reasons for choosin/ a career in the Saint Paul Hotel>>>> H( A'% =onclusion3 2orkplace motivational factors in the Saint Paul Hotel>>>% H' AB% =onclusion3 male an! female motivational factors3 si!e # si!e comparison%HH
EJhi#itPa/e A% Maslo25s Hierarch of .ee!s>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%% AH '% E"$ Theor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>% A) B% E6uit Theor "atios>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AD
$raph Pa/e A% "easons for choosin/ a career in the Saint Paul Hotel>>>>>>>%% CB '% The most si/nificant motivational factors in the Saint Paul Hotel>>>%%CH B% The motivational !ifferences #et2een /en!ers>>>>>>>>>>%% C)
The hotel in!ustr is a si/nificant part of the tourism in!ustr 2orl! 2i!e an! its emplo ees pla a ke role in !eliverin/ the service pro!uct4 its to customers% EJcellent service provi!e! # emplo ees can create lastin/ positive eJperiences for customers% The in!ivi!ual motivational constructs of the hospitalit emplo ee pla an important an! perceiva#l a si/nificant role in achievin/ hi/h satisfaction amon/ hotel customers% The motivation of emplo ees4 2hether professional4 skille! or unskille!4 is a ma+or issue in all service or/aniEations% For the hotel in!ustr 4 emplo ee motivation is a ma+or issue% It is a challen/e for the mana/ement of the hotel in!ustr to motivate emplo ees to sta on the +o# an! to offer the efficient4 /oo! service 2hich customers eJpect (=hen/4 AFFH)% ?ne of a human resource mana/er5s functions is relate! to ensurin/ emplo ees5 2orkplace motivation% Human resource mana/ement5s function is to assist the /eneral mana/er in keepin/ the emplo ees satisfie! 2ith their +o#s% If emplo ees are not satisfie!4 the 2ill not perform to eJpecte! norms% Workplace !issatisfaction an! poor performance usuall lea! to hi/h emplo ee turnover in the hospitalit in!ustr 4 particularl in !evelope! countries% Accor!in/ to a Hotel an! =aterin/ Trainin/ =ompan in the 0nite! 1in/!om4 turnover is the 0nite! 1in/!om 2as estimate! to have cost the hotel an! caterin/ in!ustr CB( million poun!s a ear4 an! turnover 2as hi/her amon/ men than 2omen (Lucas4 AFFH)% The Hon/ 1on/ Hotels Association foun! in its AFFC9AFFH annual surve that CA%') percent of the emplo ees in )B hotels chan/e! +o#s or resi/ne!%
' -u (AFFF) reporte! that in or!er to re!uce la#or turnover an! retain pro!uctive emplo ees4 mana/ement has to improve 2orkin/ con!itions an! keep the emplo ees properl motivate!% Human resource mana/ers nee! to un!erstan! the motivational processes an! human nee!s in !ifferent cultures% To un!erstan! emplo ees5 nee!s4 mana/ers shoul! un!erstan! ke theories that help them learn the #asic nee!s of people% Maslo25s theor is one of man theories that pointe! out the #asic sorts of nee!s% The are Ph siolo/ical nee!s4 Securit nee!s4 <elon/in/ness nee!s4 Esteem nee!s4 an! Self9actualiEation nee!s% The lo2er level nee!s must #e satisfie! #efore the neJt hi/her level% Another theor 4 HertE#er/5s is #ase! on t2o !istinct sets of factors3 h /iene factors such as pa 4 or/aniEations4 policies4 2orkin/ environment an! motivatin/ factors such as reco/nition4 promotion4 achievement an! the intrinsic nature of the 2ork% Moreover4 mana/ers can learn 2hat kin! of motivation factors shoul! #e provi!e! to emplo ees from man research papers% For eJample4 the stu! of &r% 1ovach !urin/ fort ears conclu!e! that /oo! 2a/es ranke! the first throu/h the
fifth of the ten items of motivational factors (1ovach4 AF*D)% The stu! of seven =ari##ean Hotels4 Las :e/as =asino Hotels an! 'D* hotels locate! in 0nite! States an! =ana!a supporte! 1ovach5s research that /oo! pa is the first priorit for emplo ees (=harles an! Marshall4 AFF')% Ho2ever4 from the stu! of A4'CH emplo ees of the Hon/ 1on/ hotels conclu!e! that an opportunit for a!vancement is the first factor #ut /oo! pa is the thir! one (Siu4 Tsan/ an! Won/4 AFFD)% So4 2hen mana/ers un!erstan! emplo ees5 nee!s an! provi!e the suita#le motivational approach4 emplo ees 2ill match their /oals 2ith the or/aniEations5 /oals% As a result4 not onl emplo ees 2ill /et #enefits #ut also the 2hole or/aniEation 2ill #e more successful%
B The Saint Pau# H%te# The Saint Paul Hotel is a four star hotel locate! in !o2nto2n St% Paul4 Minnesota4 0SA% The a!!ress is BH( Market Street4 St% Paul4 M.% It consists of 'HC /uest rooms an! spacious suites !esi/ne! in a European st le an! ele/ance reminiscent of hotels at the turn of the previous centur % Each room ra!iates the 2armth4 comfort4 intimac an! attention to !etail that5s eJpecte! of a premier hotel% Each room has fine art4 2ith luJurious furnishin/s an! panoramic vie2s% The Saint Paul Hotel has variet of amenities3 &ail turn!o2n service 2ith mineral 2ater an! complimentar ne2spaper !elivere! to each /uest room4 ca#le T: inclu!in/ internet an! movie channels4 a /ift shop4 full9time concier/e services4 in!oor parkin/ an! valet service4 rooftop eJercise facilit % The hotel also has seven meetin/ rooms that can accommo!ate up to ')( people for meetin/s an! B*( for #an6uets% In '((A4 The Saint Paul Hotel has B)H emplo ees% There are AD' male an! AFB female% It is !ivi!e! into nine functional !epartments (See appen!iJ <) that are foo! an! #evera/e4 controller4 sales an! marketin/4 human resource4 caterin/4 hotel chef4 /uest services4 en/ineerin/ an! housekeepin/%
State!ent %$ the Pr% #e! <ecause of the hi/h turnover an! hi/h a#senteeism 2ithin the hospitalit in!ustr service4 mana/ers no2 realiEe the importance of emplo ee motivation to retain 6ualit staffin/% When emplo ees maintain a hi/h level of motivation4 6ualit services 2ill result%
C The purpose of this stu! 2as to assess the motivational factors of emplo ees at the Saint Paul Hotel% A hotel 2as kno2n to offer consistent 6ualit services4 lo2 turnover an! satisfie! emplo ees%
O *ecti+es %$ the Stu"y Three o#+ectives 2ere inclu!e! in this stu! 3 A% To !etermine the reasons emplo ees choose to 2ork at the Saint Paul Hotel% '% To !etermine the 2orkplace motivational factors for hotel emplo ees% B% To investi/ate motivational !ifferences #et2een /en!ers at the Saint Paul Hotel%
'e$initi%n %$ Ter!s For the purpose of clarification in this stu! 4 the follo2in/ terms are !efine! for #etter un!erstan!in/ of the hospitalit or/aniEation% H%spita#ity in"ustry is !efine! as the in!ustr se/ment pertainin/ to /uests an! entertainment such as hotels4 restaurants4 attractions4 etc% M%ti+ati%n is !efine! as the result of processes4 internal or eJternal to the in!ivi!ual that arouse enthusiasm an! persistence to pursue a certain course of action% Turn%+er is !efine! as 2hen an emplo ee leaves an! is replace! # another emplo ee% A senteeis! is !efine! as re/ular a#sence from 2ork 2ithout a /oo! reason% Up<ar" c%!!unicati%n is !efine! as a communication that comes from the lo2er level to the top level such as from the emplo ees to the mana/ers%
H Frin(e ene$its are !efine! as a service or a!vanta/e that emplo ees are /iven 2ith their +o# in a!!ition to pa % On2the2*% trainin( is !efine! as trainin/ of emplo ees to perform 2ork un!er the supervision an! /ui!ance of the supervisor% M%ra#e is !efine! as the feelin/s an emplo ee has a#out all aspects of the +o#% Uni%n is nothin/ more than a /roup of emplo ees that feel that the can o#tain4 from mana/ement4 2hat the 2ant more effectivel as a /roup than as in!ivi!uals% < #ar/ainin/ as a /roup4 the have more po2er an! mana/ement is more likel to listen to them%
)Gi%e !e enough !edals and *ll win you any war+
.apoleon <onaparte In !eterminin/ the si/nificant motivational factors of hotel emplo ees4 a literature revie2 covere! these follo2in/ topics3 AK Motivation4 the importance of motivation4 the previous research a#out 2hat emplo ees 2ant4 motivation theories4 strate/ies to motivate emplo ees 'K Structure an! motivational polic of the Saint Paul Hotel
Mana/ers in ever kin! of or/aniEation have ma!e /eneraliEe! assumptions a#out 2hat motivates their emplo ees% Motivation seems to #e the sin/le most important !eterminant of performance (La2ler4 AFDB)% Laruphon/sa (AFF*) revie2e! Motta (AFFH) that +o# performance is the result of motivation an! a#ilit % A#ilit inclu!es trainin/4 e!ucation4 e6uipment4 simplicit of task4 eJperience4 an! #oth in#orn mental an! ph sical capacit % "utherfor! (AFFH) ar/ue! that motivation makes an or/aniEation more effective #ecause motivate! emplo ees are al2a s lookin/ for #etter 2a s to !o a +o#4 /enerall are more 6ualit 9oriente! an! are more pro!uctive4 so it is important for mana/ement to un!erstan! ho2 or/aniEations influence the motivation of their in!ivi!ual emplo ees%
D 'e$initi%n %$ !%ti+ati%n If ou 2ere to ask mana/ers an! supervisors4 7What is motivationG8 ou 2oul! pro#a#l /et !ifferent responses% Some 2oul! sa it is /ettin/ people involve!% ?thers ma sa motivation is lettin/ people kno2 that the +o#s the !o are important an! value!% Still others ma !efine motivation as 2orker initiative% Ho2ever it is !efine!4 motivation is pro#a#l one of the most important human resources mana/ement responsi#ilities (Lerris4 AFFF)% =onsi!era#le research has #een con!ucte! re/ar!in/ the !efinition of motivation% Accor!in/ to &essler (AF*(4 p%HH) 7motivation is #oth one of the simplest an! most compleJ of mana/ement +o#s% It is simple #ecause people are #asicall motivate! or !riven to #ehave in a 2a that the feel lea!s to re2ar!s% So motivatin/ someone shoul! #e eas 3 +ust fin! out 2hat he or she 2ants an! hol! it out as a possi#le re2ar!8% &aschler an! .inemeier (AF*C4 p%'A() sai! 7Motivation is a state or force 2ithin an in!ivi!ual that makes the emplo ee act in a 2a !esi/ne! to achieve some /oal% Takin/ this #roa! !efinition an! puttin/ it into the conteJt of supervision in the hospitalit operation4 2e mi/ht sa that motivation is 2hat the supervisor !oes to encoura/e an! influence other people to take necessar action8% This is !ifferent4 ho2ever4 from the supervisor 2ho esta#lishes a /oal !ealin/ 2ith 72hat I 2ill !o to motivate m emplo ees8 (&aschler an! .inemeier4 AF*C4 p%'A()% Motivation is4 in fact4 an internall /enerate! force or !rive 2ithin the in!ivi!ual 2hich provi!es an incentive for the emplo ee to act%
"a an! Wielan! (AF*H) state! that motivation is the force 2ithin a person that makes him,her act in a certain 2a to achieve some /oal% As taken from Ma!sen (AFDC4 p%AB) 7motivation is an important concept in mo!ern ps cholo/ % It is not possi#le to un!erstan!4 eJplain or pre!ict human #ehavior 2ithout some kno2le!/e of
* motivation8 (=ai4 AFFB4 p%*)% Accor!in/ to &rummon! (AFF() motivation is in the in!ivi!ual an! helps to eJplain #ehavior% Motivation is an intricate insi!e process 2ith three components3 2hat !rives the in!ivi!ual to #ehave in certain 2a s4 2hat steers the #ehavior4 an! 2hat maintains the #ehavior% To satisf the emplo ees5 nee! is ver !ifficult #ecause each emplo ee has !ifferent characteristics that affect #ehavior% The factors that or/aniEations have to #e concerne! 2ith are self9concept4 attitu!es4 values4 interests4 feelin/s4 personalit 4 an! life eJperiences% The have to encoura/e emplo ees throu/h a positive or/aniEational climate that is motivatin/%
The i!p%rtance %$ !%ti+ati%n t% e!p#%yees Wh !o hospitalit or/aniEations tr to motivate emplo eesG "utherfor! (AFF() state! that all mana/ers realiEe that motivation is important an! if emplo ees are enthusiastic a#out task accomplishments4 tr to !o their +o#s the #est4 the or/aniEation 2ill #enefit% "utherfor! also note! that or/aniEational /oals cannot #e effectivel attaine! unless emplo ees 2ork to/ether4 so it is o#vious that the nee! for team2ork in the hospitalit or/aniEation is essential% ?ne thin/ that mana/ers shoul! realiEe is their +o# is not +ust to 7motivate an emplo ee8% All emplo ees come to a 2ork situation motivate! to attain personal /oals 2hich the have esta#lishe!% ?ne /oal for the service mana/er is to !evelop motivate! emplo ees an! increase their morale a#out their 2ork% Emplo ee morale to2ar!s 2ork4 such as supervisors an! peers4 or/aniEation4 2ork environment4 can #e !efine! as the feelin/s an emplo ee has a#out all aspects of the +o#% There are man #enefits to #e /aine! from #uil!in/ /oo! morale% <esi!es4 there are proven relationships #et2een morale levels4 turnover4 an! a#senteeism% Ho2ever4 research in!icates that hi/h emplo ee morale levels !o not al2a s iel! hi/h pro!uctivit levels (&aschler an! .inemeier4 AF*F)%
F Levels of emplo ees5 motivation There are three levels of emplo ees5 motivation accor!in/ to research con!ucte! # Mosle 4 Me//inson4 an! Pietri in '((A% (A) The !irection of an emplo ees5 #ehavior% It relates to those #ehaviors 2hich the in!ivi!ual chooses to perform% (') The level of effort% It refers to ho2 har! the in!ivi!ual is 2illin/ to 2ork on the #ehavior% (B) The level of persistence% It refers to the in!ivi!ual5s 2illin/ness to pursue the #ehavior !espite o#stacles or roa!#locks%
The i!pact %n an %r(ani=ati%n <ith%ut !%ti+ati%n a<areness pr%(ra!!in( The lack of emplo ees5 motivation in a hospitalit or/aniEation 2ill cause a hi/her turnover4 a#senteeism4 lo2er service4 hi/her operatin/ costs for recruitment4 selection4 an! trainin/% As a#senteeism increases the hotel 2ill have sche!ulin/ an! emer/enc staffin/ pro#lems in a!!ition to increasin/ overall pa roll costs (Thompson4 AFFA)% Lee9"oss (AFFF) state! that a#senteeism takes place 2hen emplo ees !o not report to 2ork% It can take t2o forms3 authoriEe! or unauthoriEe!% 0n!er most circumstances authoriEe! or sche!ule! a#senteeism !oes not have a ne/ative effect on a hotel since mana/ement can plan for the emplo ee5s a#sence% ?n the other han!4 unauthoriEe! or unsche!ule! a#sences can cause su#stantial har!ships for the hotel4 fello2 emplo ees4 an! customers alike% The stu! of .ico an! Ha/e!oorn (AFF)) in the causes of a#senteeism foun! that emplo ees5 perception of ine6uit in the 2orkplace 2as relate! to their intention to 2ith!ra24 2hich resulte! in the emplo ee callin/ in sick% Moreover4 other researchers foun! that the prevalence of a#senteeism
A( 2as hi/her amon/ or/aniEations that ha!3 poor emplo ee morale4 personnel conflicts4 unsatisfactor compensation an! #enefit pro/rams4 emplo ees 2ith unrealistic +o# eJpectations4 ina!e6uate trainin/4 an! unsafe or stressful 2orkplace con!itions (Lee9 "oss4 AFFF)% A!!itionall 4 Lee9"oss (AFFF) revie2e! Mo#le (AF*') that turnover can take several forms3 it can #e voluntar or involuntar 4 functional or ! sfunctional4 avoi!a#le or unavoi!a#le% :oluntar turnover occurs 2hen emplo ees leave a compan of their o2n free 2ill% Involuntar turnover is 2hen emplo ees are lai! off or force! to retire% Functional turnover occurs 2hen poor performers leave4 an! ! sfunctional turnover occurs 2hen /oo! performers leave% 0navoi!a#le turnover occurs 2hen an or/aniEation has a#solutel no control over the reason for an emplo ee5s eJit4 such as for relocation to follo2 a spouse4 for pre/nanc an! for sta in/ home to take care of a spouse or chil!ren% Avoi!a#le turnover occurs 2hen emplo ees leave a compan for #etter pa 4 #etter 2orkin/ con!itions4 pro#lems 2ith superiors4 etc% <ell an! Winters (AFFB) mentione! that much turnover in the hospitalit in!ustr is !ue to the fact that entr 9level emplo ees can easil move else2here to an emplo er 2ho can provi!e them 2ith #etter 2orkin/ con!itions% The pro#lem 2ith this situation4 from #oth the customer5s an! the mana/er5s perspective4 is that these are the emplo ees that represent the hotel to the /uest% If these emplo ees are !issatisfie! 2ith their 2ork situation an! are 2illin/ to move for hi/her 2a/es4 it is in the mana/er5s #est interest to ensure that front9line emplo ees are happ an! provi!in/ eJceptional /uest service%
Accor!in/ to the Hon/ 1on/ Hotels Association5s annual staff9turnover report4 avera/e emplo ee turnover 2as CA%') percent in AFFC9FH for )B hotels (Siu4 Tsan/ an! Won/4 AFFD)% Mok (AF**) sai! emplo ees5 turnover mi/ht have #ecome an
AA accepte! fact of life amon/ Hon/ 1on/5s hoteliers% Siu4 Tsan/ an! Won/ (AFFD) in!icate! that if hotel mana/ers kne2 2hat motivates their staff4 mana/ement 2oul! stan! a #etter chance of satisf in/ an! ultimatel retainin/ their emplo ees lon/er%
)hat "% e!p#%yees <ant> &aschler an! .inemeier (AF*F) investi/ate! 2hat emplo ees ma seek from the 2ork environment% Their !iscussion revie2s some emplo ee9relate! concerns that can #e strate/ies to emplo ees5 motivation% (A) Emplo ees are in!ivi!uals% Ever #o! comes from !ifferent #ack/roun!4 eJperience4 e!ucation an! famil so the nee! !ifferent thin/s% (') Each person is the center of his o2n concern; ho2ever4 the primar interest is to satisf nee!s4 am#itions4 !esires4 an! /oals% (B) An emplo ee 2ants to satisf #asic nee!s% These relate to survival an! securit concerns4 an! a !esire to #elon/4 to /enerate positive feelin/s from 2ithin an! from others4 an! to #e self9fulfille!% (C) Most emplo ees 2ant (a) fair an! consistent compan policies in matters 2hich affect them; (#) mana/ement staff the can respect an! trust; (c) a!e6uate 2orkin/ relationships 2ith mana/ers an! co92orkers; (!) accepta#le salaries an! 2orkin/ environment; (e) appropriate +o# securit assurance; (f) favora#le +o# status% (H) The other factors that can fulfill an! motivate emplo ees are3 challen/in/ 2ork4 2ork that iel!s a sense of personal accomplishment4 eJpression of appreciation for /oo! performance4 increase! responsi#ilit an! the chance to /ro2 in the +o#4 the feelin/ of importance an! makin/ a contri#ution to the or/aniEation4 an! participation in +o#9relate! matters that affect the emplo ees%
A' ()) Some more factors that emplo ees nee! are +o# rotation4 +o# enlar/ement an! +o# enrichment%
&r% 1enneth A% 1ovach4 a professor of mana/ement at $eor/e Mason 0niversit in FairfaJ :ir/inia4 !evelope! a 6uestionnaire to learn a#out motivational factors of emplo ees% The fin!in/s 2ere one set of varia#les that 2oul! often times alter the outcome of the rank or!er of 1ovach5s 6uestionnaire% The factors such as a/e4 seJ4 income4 cultural #ack/roun!4 an! +o# t pe coul! #e use! to create su#/roups (1ovach4 AF*D)% The results of &r% 1ovach5s stu! of hospitalit emplo ees5 +o#9relate! motivations of 2ere3 (A) (') (B) (C) (H) ( ) $oo! 2a/es ) Appreciation ( D Securit ) Lo alt to emplo ees ( * Feelin/ of #ein/ in on ?pportunit for a!vancement ) thin/s ( F $oo! 2orkin/ environment ) Tactful !iscipline (A() S mpathetic personal Interestin/ +o# help He foun! that 7/oo! 2a/es8 al2a s ranke! a#out the first throu/h the fifth on
the list of ten items !urin/ the C( ears of stu! % Ho2ever4 the results of stu! in/ A4'CH emplo ees in )C Hon/ 1on/ hotels foun! that the emplo ees of Hon/ 1on/ hotels consi!ere!3 (A) ?pportunities for a!vancement an! !evelopment to #e the first important factor% (') Lo alt to emplo ees (respect an! trust from their emplo ees)
AB The results su//este! that hotel emplo ees /enerall ha! a stron/ concern for career !evelopment (Siu4 Tsan/ an! Won/4 AFFD)% ?n the other han!4 =harles an! Marshall (AFF') replicate! 1ovach5s stu! amon/ emplo ees of seven =ari##ean hotels an! foun! that the /oo! 2a/es an! /oo! 2orkin/ environment are the important factors% Moreover4 a stu! of a Las :e/as casino hotel also foun! /oo! 2a/es an! +o# securit to #e important motivational factors% In the Simons an! EnE (AFFH) stu! 4 'D* hotel emplo ees from A' !ifferent hotels locate! throu/h 0nite! States an! =ana!a 2ere surve e!% Their stu! foun! that hospitalit emplo ees preferre! (A) /oo! 2a/es4 (') +o# securit an! (B) opportunities for a!vancement an! !evelopment to #e the top three motivation factors%
'i$$erences %$ !%ti+ati%n y (en"er The Simons an! EnE (AFFH) stu! in!icate! that there is no !ifference of motivation factors # /en!er% Male an! female ma re6uire similar4 not !ifferent4 treatment for optimal 2orkplace motivation% The stu! con!ucte! # "ei/er an! "ees in AFFB reflecte! that ears of eJperience si/nificantl affecte! the motivational levels of teachers% Ho2ever4 no si/nificant !ifferences 2ere foun! in relation to /en!er4 a/e or race% Won/4 Siu an! Tsan/ (AFFF) revie2e! the stu! of 1omives from AFFA an! note! that motivation is not affecte! # /en!er as it relates to lea!ership an! performance in resi!ence hall assistants%
Ho2ever4 the stu! of Won/4 Siu4 an! Tsan/ (AFFF) foun! that female emplo ees ha! a hi/h preference for several +o#9relate! motivators4 inclu!in/ interestin/ 2ork4 feelin/ of #ein/ involve!4 /oo! 2orkin/ environment an! appreciation an! praise for 2ork !one% This stu! in!icate! that /en!er !oes have a
AC role in influencin/ emplo ees5 perceptions of various 2orkplace motivational factors% This AFFF stu! in!icate! that female emplo ees prefer more care an! reco/nition from emplo ers than their male counterparts% This ta#le #elo2 sho2s the comparison of hotel emplo ees5 responses to important 2ork !imensions # /en!er (Won/4 Siu an! Tsan/ AFFF)%
Ta #e 9 Male &imension $oo! 2a/es Tactful !isciplinin/ Lo# securit $oo! 2orkin/ environment Interestin/ 2ork Feelin/ of #ein/ involve! ?pportunities for a!vancement,!evelopment Appreciation an! praise for 2ork !one S mpathetic help 2ith personal pro#lems Lo alt to emplo ees Mean (n M DCH) C%A( B%DH C%A' C%(C B%FB B%FB C%A* B%FF B%)' C%AA Female Mean (n M H(() C%AD B%DB C%(* C%AH C%() C%(H C%AF C%AH B%)( C%'A
M%ti+ati%na# the%ries Human #ein/s are motivate! # man nee!s% These !epen! on man factors an! var # the person an! in!ivi!ual situation% <asic nee!s are foo!4 clothin/4 me!icine an! shelters4 #ut 2orkplace nee!s eJten! to acceptance an! self9esteem% The researcher has in!icate! each in!ivi!ual 2ill eJperience these factors in !ifferent
AH !e/rees% Thus4 to #etter un!erstan! ho2 to motivate emplo ees4 mana/ers shoul! un!erstan! the #asic theories of motivation (=hen/4 AFFH)% The t2o foun!in/ theories inclu!e Maslo25s theor an! Al!erfer5s theor % <oth theories present the #asics of human nee!s%
Maslo25s Hierarch of .ee!s Accor!in/ to Maslo2 (AFHC)4 five #asic constructs form the human hierarch of nee!% There are ph siolo/ical nee!s4 securit nee!s4 #elon/in/ness nee!s4 esteem nee!s4 an! self9actualiEation nee!s% Maslo25s conceptualiEation of nee!s is represente! # a trian/le 2ith five levels 2hich he calle! the Hierarch of .ee!s% Maslo2 state! that lo2er level nee!s must #e satisfie! #efore the neJt hi/her level% When people satisf the first level4 the 2ill /o the neJt level an! the neJt%
E?hi it 9
Ph siolo/ical nee!s
(even 2hen unfulfille!) until lo2er nee!s 2ere satisfie!% Therefore4 it ma #e rather Maslo2 sai! hi/her9level nee!s inefficient to motivate a lone assem#l 9 like those for self9esteem or self9 line 2orker # actualiEation 2oul! not #ecome salient
A) offerin/ a2ar!s 2hen his +o# is !one as eJpecte!; Maslo2 sai! it is more important to #e part of a social /roup that 2ill motivate him (Wren4 AFFH)%
E"$ Theor Al!erfer (AF)F) sai! there are three /roups of core nee!s3 eJistence4 relate!ness4 an! /ro2th% It 2as calle! E"$ theor % The eJistence /roup is concerne! a#out provi!in/ the #asic material% The relate!ness /roup is concerne! a#out personal relationships% An! the last /roup is /ro2th nee!s% It is concerne! a#out intrinsic !esire for personal !evelopment% It is similar to Maslo25s hierarch of nee!s in man 2a s%
9 "elate!ness nee!s
9 <elon/in/ness nee!s
Althou/h there are similarities4 there are t2o important !ifferences% First4 Al!erfer5s sai! sometimes multiple nee!s coul! also #e operatin/ as motivators% Secon!4 !ifferin/ from Maslo25s to start at the lo2er level first4 sometimes people nee! the hi/her level #efore the lo2er level% It !epen!s on each situation an! each situation is !ifferent (Wren4 AFFH)%
AD E6uit Theor E?hi it E6uit Theor "atios Personal outcomes M Personal inputs
The e6uit theor of motivation assumes that in!ivi!uals are stron/l motivate! to maintain a #alance #et2een 2hat the perceive as their inputs4 or contri#utions4 an! their re2ar!s% Lea!ers shoul! treat follo2ers fairl % The follo2ers 2ill #e most satisfie! 2hen the #elieve that 2hatever the put in to activities or +o#4 the 2ill /et out of it the same as others 2ho !o the same thin/% The theor focuses on the eJchan/es that take place #et2een the or/aniEation an! the in!ivi!ual4 in terms of input4 such as effort4 an! output4 such as pa 4 promotion% A perceive! e6uit or ine6uit results 2hen a person compares input an! output 2ith others (Wren4 AFFH)%
HerE#er/5s Theor HerE#er/5s theor is #ase! on t2o !istinct sets of factors that influence #ehavior3 A% <asic factors influencin/ +o# !issatisfaction4 2hich inclu!e pa 4 or/aniEation policies4 2orkin/ environment an! the satisfaction 2ith supervision% '% Motivatin/ factors influencin/ +o# satisfaction4 2hich inclu!e reco/nition4 promotion4 achievement4 an! the intrinsic nature of the 2ork% Accor!in/ to HerE#er/4 +o# satisfaction an! !issatisfaction are seen as t2o !istinct an! in!epen!ent continuums% At one en!4 it ran/es from satisfaction to no satisfaction 2hile at the other; it ran/es from !issatisfaction to no !issatisfaction%
A* HerE#er/ consi!ere! +o# factors such as pa 4 status4 2orkin/ environment4 +o# securit an! interpersonal relations as eJtrinsic factors% These factors have a !isruptin/ effect in that emplo ees 2ill #ecome !issatisfie! 2ith their +o#s 2hen these nee!s are not a!e6uatel met% ?n the other han!4 factors such as the 2ork4 reco/nition4 feelin/ of achievement4 opportunities for /ro2th an! a!vancement are kno2n as intrinsic factors (Won/4 Siu an! Tsan/4 AFFF)% <almer an! <aum (AFFB) applie! HerE#er/5s theories to the area of hotel /uest satisfaction in = prus% The ar/ue! that HerE#er/5s theor is more applica#le an! relevant than Maslo25s4 in vie2 of chan/es in customer eJpectations an! the concept of 6ualit %
Theor @ an! Theor Lerris (AFFF) revie2e! Mc$re/or5s (AF)() theor 2hich investi/ate! mana/ers5 an! supervisors5 attitu!es to2ar! emplo ees4 an! effects on 2orkplace motivation% Theor @ #elieves that emplo ees naturall !islike 2ork4 responsi#ilit an! are laE % &ealin/ 2ith emplo ees like these4 mana/ers must closel control an! !irect their activities # usin/ threats an! punishment% Theor - #elieves that emplo ees naturall en+o 2orkin/ an! 2ant to #e pro!uctive% The !on5t nee! control4 mana/ers must trust them to /et the +o# !one4 as motivation for these emplo ees is the har!er the 2ork4 the more pa or promotion% The Theor @ an! Theor - are !ifferent from #asic assumptions re/ar!in/ human nee!s an! #ehavior% 0n!erstan!in/ people5s nee!s an! #ehavior then #ecomes an important skill all mana/ers nee! to !evelop%
AF Techni&ues t% !%ti+ate e!p#%yees There are man motivational factors that can #e use! to encoura/e emplo ees to 2ork% The follo2in/ are 7Stan!ar!s8 in 2orkplace supervision% =ommunication Within a hospitalit or/aniEation4 communication is important for passin/ alon/ information from one in!ivi!ual or /roup to another% =ommunication can #e in several 2a s such as ver#al4 nonver#al4 up2ar!4 an! !o2n2ar!% Lack of /oo! communication causes lo2 pro!uctivit 4 poor service4 an! increase! costs (&rummon!4 AFF()% The success of mana/ers is !etermine! # the +o#s their emplo ees !o% Since motivate! emplo ees are more pro!uctive4 mana/ers must have a clear interest in kno2in/ 2hat motivates their staff% =ommunication is one of man factors to motivate emplo ees into a cohesive 2orkin/ mo!ule 2hich results in o#+ectives #ein/ achieve! (Mor/an4 AFF()% T pes of communication Wheelhouse (AF*F) state! that communication coul! occur in man 2a s #oth formal an! informal% .ormall 4 it falls into three cate/ories3 !o2n2ar! communication4 up2ar! communication4 an! lateral communication% A% &o2n2ar! communication3 &o2n2ar! communication is occurs from hi/her levels in an or/aniEation to lo2er levels% It is mostl of an informative or !irective nature% =ommunication #et2een mana/ers to su#or!inates is the sample of !o2n2ar! communication% The other channels of !o2n2ar! communication use! # mana/ers are polic manuals4 emplo ee han!#ooks4 ne2sletters4 ma/aEines4 memoran!a4
'( annual reports4 posters an! #ulletin #oar!s% Each item shoul! have a specific purpose an! #e 2ritten clearl % '% 0p2ar! communication3 The /reatest communication is up2ar! communication accor!in/ to =hen/ (AFFH)% 0p2ar! communication is the communication that comes from the lo2er level to the top level such as from the emplo ees to the mana/ers% The sample of up2ar! communication inclu!es the su//estion #oJ4 emplo ees satisfaction surve 4 open9!oor polic 4 mana/ement9emplo ee meetin/s4 an! eJit intervie2s% The mana/ers shoul! accept ne2 i!eas even off#eat4 2ithout an/er% The shoul! encoura/e more frankness from their emplo ees an! make themselves more accessi#le% B% Lateral communication3 Lateral communication is the interchan/e of information an! i!eas amon/ all sectors of or/aniEation or people at the same level% Effective lateral communication is an essential element of team2ork% Without this interchan/e4 the structure of the or/aniEation 2oul! #e no !ifferent from an office #uil!in/ an! all emplo ees 2orkin/ in!epen!entl % 0suall 4 a hospitalit or/aniEation is a /roup of people 2orkin/ to/ether for the most satisfaction of /uests%
Trainin/ Po2ers an! <arro2s (AFFF) note! ho2 trainin/ #ecomes an important activit for an hospitalit or/aniEation% Trainin/ provi!es on9the9+o# eJperiences an! information that help emplo ees #ecome more proficient or 6ualifie! at a task at their current +o#s% Trainin/ !eals 2ith the 7ho25s8 N ho2 to #e a #etter mana/er% A 2ell traine! /roup of emplo ees shoul! result in a re!uction of costs4 stress4 turnover4 an!
'A a#senteeism an! a correspon!in/ increase in efficienc an! customer satisfaction (Mill4 AFF*)% Steven Hicke 4 senior vice presi!ent of T%$%I Fri!a 5s4 note! 7trainin/ is pro#a#l the most important aspect of re!uce! turnover #ecause it minimiEes mistakes an! that minimiEes a lot of reasons for turnover8 (Po2ers an! <arro2s4 AFFF)% Trainin/ is important #ecause of chan/in/ technolo/ an! markets% Mana/ers an! emplo ees nee! to up!ate their skills throu/h trainin/% Trainin/ pro/rams can #e a!!resse! in man 2a s such as classroom lectures4 pro#lem9solvin/ case anal sis an! interactive role9pla s (-u4 AFFF)% =onra!e4 Woo!s an! .inemeier (AFFC) aske! participatin/ emplo ees a#out the influence of trainin/ on their performance% .inet three percent in!icate! that trainin/ pro/rams that improve! their skills4 kno2le!/e4 an! #ehavior 2oul! encoura/e them to sta at a compan % Po2ers an! <arro2s (AFFF) state! that the alternative to trainin/ or no trainin/ mi/ht #e more eJpensive% Trainin/ !oes cost a lot of #ut no trainin/ means poor service an! lost customers% So the lost revenue from poor services far eJcee!s the cost of trainin/ emplo ees properl %
'' ma+or consi!eration in human resource mana/ement #ecause it provi!es emplo ees 2ith a tan/i#le re2ar! for their services (<ohlan!er4 Snell4 an! Sherman4 '((A)% Stone (AF*') in!icate! that people are motivate! # mone for man !ifferent reasons% The nee! to provi!e the #asic necessities of life motivates most people% Some people think of mone as instrumental to satisf in/ noneconomic nee!s such as po2er4 status an! affiliations 2ith !esire! /roups% Mone is often vie2e! as a s m#ol of personal success an! achievement% Man factors affect ho2 2a/es an! salaries are set% The factors !epen! on area of livin/4 the la#or market4 minimum 2a/es an! other /overnmental re/ulations4 the cost of livin/4 the a#ilit of the emplo er to pa 4 the 2orth of the +o# an! the presence of a collective #ar/ainin/ a/reement% Pa rates can #e a!+uste! to help emplo ees cope 2ith their livin/ situations (&rummon!4 AFF()%
Frin/e <enefits Frin/e #enefits are a complement to 2a/es of 2orkplace compensation% The frin/e #enefits for the 2orkers in hospitalit or/aniEations help the operation # havin/ a positive4 motivatin/ 2ork climate4 increases in pro!uctivit 4 sales4 profita#ilit 4 eJcellent 6ualit an! cost control% Mone is an important factor to motivate emplo ees #ut to!a 4 frin/e #enefits #ecome e6ual to mone as an important role to motivate emplo ees% So an essential part of learnin/ to lea! mana/ers is to un!erstan! #etter the con!itions 2hich an emplo ee nee!s the most to perform the #est +o# (&rummon!4 AFF()% Each ear4 or/aniEations have a lot of eJpense from emplo ees5 #enefits% Ho2ever4 a #enefits pro/ram shoul! meet the o#+ective of motivatin/ emplo ees% A /oo! #enefits pro/ram 2ill allo2 emplo ees to share their i!ea # !oin/ surve s or
'B other metho!s an! or/aniEations shoul! accept their i!eas to improve #enefits% Emplo ers shoul! also perio!icall revie2 the #enefits pro/ram to #e sure that it is meetin/ emplo ees5 nee!s% The cate/ories of #enefits (see Appen!iJ =) contain a list of #asic emplo ees #enefits provi!e! # or/aniEations (&rummon!4 AFF()% There are varieties of emplo ee #enefits3 for eJample; A% Health insurance3 Health insurance is the most common #enefit in the 0%S% in AF*B4 the most eJpensive #enefit for emplo ers to pa 2as Social Securit pa for retirement% In AF**4 health insurance #ecame the most eJpensive #enefit4 lar/el #ecause health care costs have #een increasin/ !ramaticall since AF)H% ?ne result of this has #een that more or/aniEations are shiftin/ part of the cost of health insurance onto the emplo ees% < far a ma+orit of emplo ers in the 0nite! States offer health insurance to their emplo ees (&rummon!4 AFF()% '% :acations 2ith pa 3 It is /enerall a/ree! that vacations are essential to the 2ell9 #ein/ of an emplo ee% Eli/i#ilit for vacations varies # or/aniEations4 locale4 an! siEe% To 6ualif for lon/er vacations of three4 four4 or five 2eeks4 one ma eJpect to 2ork for seven4 fifteen an! t2ent ears4 respectivel % A ne2 #enefit offere! # AA O
of A4((( emplo ers surve e! nation2i!e allo2s emplo ees to 7#u 8 an eJtra 2eek of vacation% The cost to emplo ees is a lost 2eek of pa 4 makin/ the eJtra vacation perio! simpl time off 2ithout pa % :acation #u in/ pro/rams appeal to relativel ne2 emplo ees 2ho haven5t ac6uire! the time for lon/er vacation perio!s% This #enefit also favors emplo ees 2ho nee! eJtra time to care for a/in/ parents or those simpl 2ishin/ to eJten! a vacation perio! (<ohlan!er4 Snell an! Sherman4 '((A)% B% Pension3 Pension is !eferre! income that emplo ees accumulate !urin/ their
2orkin/ lives an! that #elon/s to them after a specifie! num#er of ears of service% Since the passa/e of the Social Securit Act4 pension plans have #een use! to
'C supplement Social Securit #enefits% Pensions 2ere ori/inall use! as a 2a of retainin/ emplo ees an! re2ar!in/ them for sta in/ 2ith the or/aniEation until retirement% Thus4 emplo ees 2ho 6uit or 2ho 2ere terminate! #efore retirement 2ere consi!ere! ineli/i#le for the pension 7a2ar!8 (Lerris4 AFFF)% C% Meals3 In man hospitalit operations4 emplo ees receive one free meal per !ail shift an! an unlimite! amount of coffee an! soft !rinks% At Su#2a 4 for eJample4 emplo ees can eat for free in the compan 5s cafeteria4 Most hotels also serve meals in the emplo ees5 cafeteria an! !o not permit emplo ees to use foo! an! #evera/e outlets at their place of emplo ment (Lerris4 AFFF)%
$oo! 2orkin/ environment Wheelhouse (AF*F) note! that the 2orkin/ environment can often #e a cause of lo2 pro!uctivit % Emplo ees nee! a!e6uate e6uipment4 space4 heatin/4 li/htin/ an! ventilation% =olor also has a si/nificant impact on the 2ork environment% "estrooms an! lockers nee! to #e clean4 secure4 an! 2ell maintaine!% The foo! provi!e! shoul! #e the same for line emplo ees as for the mana/ers% Mana/ers4 inclu!in/ top eJecutives4 shoul! #e eJpecte! to eat at the cafeteria eJcept 2hen entertainin/% If it5s not /oo! enou/h for mana/ers4 it shoul! #e consi!er not /oo! enou/h for line emplo ees% Therefore4 =hen/ (AFFH) note! that a /oo! 2orkin/ environment means emplo ees 2ant the same con!itions in their 2ork lives as mana/ement% The nee! challen/e4 support from superiors4 a 6ualit 2orkplace4 frien!l co92orkers an! respect% To have a /oo! 2orkin/ environment4 mana/ers have to trust them an! value them% When the fail4 the must kno2 that the mana/er 2ill have a !efine! process to help them /et #ack on track% Finall 4 mana/ers nee! to listen to them an! accept their 2orkplace i!eas%
'H The Saint Pau# H%te# Histor of the Saint Paul Hotel ,uilt in -.-/ in the style of New Yor$s Grand entral &tation0 the &aint 'aul Hotel has beco!e a legend a!ong Euro1ean2styled lu3ury hotels in (!erica4 <e/innin/ in A*H)4 Lohn Summers4 a contractor # tra!e4 2elcome! travelers into his home on the site of the Saint Paul Hotel4 an! later into a )(9 room frame hotel9 The $reenman House9 that he #uilt in A*DA% 0n!aunte! # the hotel5s !estruction # fire in A*DD4 Mr% Summers imme!iatel erecte! a much #i//er an! finer hotel4 calle! The Win!sor4 at a cost of PDH4((( in A*DD% A!!itions to the #uil!in/ 2ere ma!e an! numerous o2nership an! mana/ement chan/es transpire! prior to the hotel5s closin/ in AF()% In AF(*4 one of St% Paul5s lea!in/ #usinessmen realiEe! the importance of a luJur hotel to the cit 5s !evelopment% Entrepreneur Lucius P% ?r!2a challen/e! the #usiness communit 2ith a ple!/e of PA million if The Win!sor 2as raEe! an! the St% Paul #usiness lea/ue 2oul! !onate the site on "ice Park in the heart of St% Paul for construction of a ne2 hotel% The challen/e 2as accepte!% The .e2 -ork firm of "ee! an! Stem4 2as commissione! to create the propose! sho2case hotel% The hotel opene! on April A*4 AFA(% The event 2as atten!e! # all of the local communit lea!ers4 inclu!in/ Lames L% Hill4 #uil!er of the $reat .orthern "ail2a 4 an! Lohn Irelan!4 Arch#ishop of St% Paul% < AFAF4 the hotel #ecame the cit 5s center of activit 4 popular not onl 2ith travelers for its fine /uest accommo!ations4 #ut 2ith local resi!ents for its fine !inin/ an! a#ilit to entertain visitors% In AFBD4 chan/es in the #uil!in/ an! hotel services 2ere implemente!% The roof /ar!en close! !ue to the lon/ perio!s of inclement 2eather that restricte! its use%
A hi/h9rise parkin/ /ara/e 2as a!!e!% In AFCC an earl improvement pro/ram inclu!e! the a!!ition of air con!itionin/ an! hi/h9spee! automatic elevators%
With the !evelopment of the interstate hi/h2a s stems an! a chan/e in focus from cit to su#ur# that #e/an in the late AFH(s4 the Saint Paul5s prominence #e/an to slo2l !iminish% Maintenance of the #uil!in/ !ecline!4 repairs 2ere postpone!4 an! the service #ecame poor% The !ra2 of ne2er su#ur#an hotels create! a ne2 competition% Fate intervene! in AF*'4 much as it ha! some D( ears earlier4 2hen the #usiness communit a/ain realiEe! the importance of a premier !o2nto2n hotel4 an! a !eveloper 2as sou/ht to return the hotel to its ori/inal ele/ance% A hotel compan 2as selecte! the #e/an the floor9# 9floor4 #rick9# 9#rick restoration of the Saint Paul% To!a 4 each of the 'HC /uest rooms an! suites reflects the European theme! histor of the hotel5s /ol!en era (The Saint Paul Hotel4 '((A)%
The !issi%n an" +isi%n state!ent %$ the Saint Pau# H%te# A mission statement is an en!urin/ statement of purpose for an or/aniEation that i!entifies the scope of its operations in pro!uct an! market terms4 an! reflects its values an! priorities% A mission statement 2ill help an or/aniEation make consistent !ecisions4 to motivate4 to #uil! or/aniEational unit 4 to inte/rate short term o#+ectives 2ith lon/er9term /oals4 an! to enhance communication (See Appen!iJ &)% A vision statement is an en!urin/ statement of purpose for the emplo ee that i!entifies the scope of operations in services to the customers% A vision statement 2ill help emplo ees to have clear i!eas of ho2 to treat the customers (See Appen!iJ &)%
'D The %r(ani=ati%n %$ the Saint Pau# H%te# The Saint Paul Hotel5s structure (See Appen!iJ <) consists of $eneral Mana/er to #e the top mana/er follo2e! # EJecutive Assistant Mana/er4 &irector of Foo! an! <evera/e4 =ontroller4 &irector of Sales an! Marketin/4 Assistant &irector of Human "esources4 &irector of =aterin/4 Hotel =hef4 $uest Services Mana/er4 =hief En/ineer an! EJecutive Housekeeper%
The Saint Pau# H%te#, )%rkp#ace .%nstruct%rs The motivational factors that the Saint Paul Hotel provi!es to emplo ees are as follo2s3 A% Trainin/3 It is calle! Stan!ar!s9#ase! trainin/% The Saint Paul Hotel 2ill provi!e trainin/ #oth for +o# skills an! safet % Stan!ar!s9#ase! trainin/ occurs 2eekl in each !epartment% Mana/ers an! emplo ees 2ill spen! a#out AH minutes to talk a#out their i!eas% It is an opportunit to fine9tune or learn ne2 skills% This trainin/ provi!es an opportunit for communication 2ithin the !epartments% '% <enefits3 The follo2in/ is a list of #enefits an! incentives that hotel offers all emplo ees3 A9 '9 B9 C9 H9 0niforms3 provi!e! an! maintaine! on the premises ?ne meal a !a in emplo ee !inin/ room at no cost Health4 !ental an! life insurance Emplo ees of the month, ear Mana/er of the 6uarter, ear use! for sick pa 4 !a off4 vacation
&epartmental incentives for safet ,revenue /eneration,eJpense savin/s .on N union emplo ees are also eli/i#le for C(A 1 participation
'* B% Short term !isa#ilit 3 If an emplo ee is hurt on the +o# an! is off 2ork more than ) 2eeks4 he starts /ettin/ a pa check% The #enefit level is )) ',BO of 2eekl pa for AB 2eeks; full fun!e! MH=% C% Performance revie2s3 It occurs at the en! of the )(,F( !a pro#ationar perio! an! annuall thereafter% H% Hi/her pa than the other hotels3 Salar increases 2ill occur on a sche!ule for 0nion emplo ees4 or annuall for non9 union emplo ees% )% The Saint Paul Hotel 2ill re2ar! lon/evit 2ith a watch for five ears an! a dia!ond 1in for ten ears% That !iamon! pin then has a ne2 +e2el set in it at each su#se6uent five ear interval% After t2ent !iamon!4 a ru# an! a sapphire% D% The Saint Paul Hotel prefers to promote from 2ithin 2henever possi#le% Ho2ever4 this can #e frustratin/ #ecause often emplo ees assume the are entitle! to promotion #ase! on seniorit % Sometimes atten!ance,performance issues preclu!e allo2in/ transfers or promotions% Sometimes lack of re6uire! eJperience interferes% While the Saint Paul Hotel trains man in!ivi!uals in their +o#s4 even if the have ha! no eJperience4 certain +o#s (sales4 accountin/4 etc%) re6uire a certain level of eJpertise that must #e /ro2n into4 as oppose! to han!e! over (Personnel =ommunication4 ?cto#er 'H4 '((A)% ears 2ith the Hotel4 a pin 2oul! have a
The !%ti+ati%n $act%rs that the Saint Pau# H%te# nee" !%re $ina Souchera 4 trainin/ an! emplo ee !evelopment mana/er at the Saint Paul Hotel4 state! that 7ri/ht no2 2e continue to look at ho2 to /et #etter support in the transportation process% Ho2ever4 no2a!a s 2e 2oul! like ever emplo ee to take the #us% We are lookin/ at provi!in/ a #etter support structure for people 2ho have to
'F take the #us or people 2ho have to !rive% Moreover4 2e are lookin/ for the opportunit for chil!care for #oth union an! non9union emplo ees% That5s t2o ke thin/s ri/ht no2 trans1ortation and childcare% We have a lot of emplo ees 2ho have pro#lems 2ith a /oo! chil!care s stem an! 2e have a can!i!ate 2ho has come !o2n to fill out memo a#out not enou/h parkin/ space 2hat 2e shoul! !o4 an! 2ho5s /onna pa for parkin/8 (Personnel =ommunication4 ?cto#er 'H4 '((A)%
Su!!ary To!a 4 2orkplace motivation pla s a ke role for 2orkplace pro!uctivit an! 6ualit % The researcher in!icate! the lack of emplo ees5 motivation #rin/s hi/h turnover4 hi/h a#senteeism an! hi/h eJpense% Hotels 2ill nee! to pa more for recruitment4 orientation an! so on% The more motivate! emplo ees4 the #etter 6ualit an! volume of 2ork% From his stu! 4 &r% 1ovach conclu!e! that /oo! pa ranke! first throu/h the fifth of the ten items% The stu! of seven =ari##ean Hotels4 Las :e/as =asino Hotels an! 'D* hotels locate! in the 0nite! States an! =ana!a supporte! 1ovach5s research that /oo! 2a/es is the first priorit for emplo ees% Ho2ever4 the stu! of A4'CH emplo ees of the Hon/ 1on/ hotels conclu!e! that the opportunit for a!vancement is the first factor #ut /oo! 2a/es is in the thir! one% Simon an! EnE (AFFH) conclu!e! that there are no !ifferent motivational factors #et2een /en!ers% ?n the other han!4 Won/4 Siu4 an! Tsan/ (AFFF) sai! female emplo ees prefer more attention an! reco/nition from emplo ers than male% There are man theories that help mana/ers un!erstan! emplo ees5 nee!s% For eJample4 Maslo25s theor is one of man theories that are 2ell kno2n an! accepte!% Maslo2 pointe! out the #asic nee!s3 Ph siolo/ical nee!s4 Securit nee!s4
B( <elon/in/ness nee!s4 Esteem nee!s4 an! Self9actualiEation nee!s% The lo2er level nee!s must #e satisfie! #efore the neJt hi/her level% So4 2hen service mana/ers un!erstan! emplo ees5 nee!s an! provi!e the suita#le motivational techni6ue4 emplo ees 2ill match their /oals 2ith the or/aniEations5 /oals% As a result4 not onl emplo ees 2ill o#tain #enefits #ut also the 2hole or/aniEations #ecome more successful in their primar missions%
BA .HAPTER THREE METHO'OLO0Y This is the stu! of the assessment of emplo ee motivation at the Saint Paul Hotel4 St% Paul4 Minnesota% This chapter presents the step # step proce!ure for this research pro+ect% It outlines the population4 sample selection4 instrumentation4 pilot testin/4 !ata collection4 !ata anal sis an! limitations%
'escripti%n %$ Su *ects The purpose of this stu! 2as to research the motivational factors that affect emplo ees in the Saint Paul Hotel4 St% Paul4 Minnesota4 0SA% The researcher aske! for approval to !istri#ute the 6uestionnaire to the mana/ers in each !epartment of the Saint Paul Hotel% Then the mana/ers in each !epartment !istri#ute! the surve s to the emplo ees%
P%pu#ati%n The total population availa#le for this surve consiste! of all emplo ees (. M B)H) from the Saint Paul Hotel4 St% Paul4 Minnesota% There 2ere AD' male an! AFB female% The emplo ees came from the nine !epartments that 2ere; foo! an! #evera/e4 accountin/4 sales an! marketin/4 human resources4 caterin/4 hotel chef4 /uest services4 en/ineerin/ an! housekeepin/%
Sa!p#e Se#ecti%n The researcher selecte! the emplo ees 2ho ha! #een 2orkin/ at the Saint Paul Hotel in ?cto#er '((A # a ran!om an! s stematic samplin/ techni6ue% The human
B' resources !irector provi!e! the researcher 2ith the name an! position of all emplo ees% The researcher prepare! a la#el for each emplo ee% The researcher then !re2 A(( la#els from B)H total la#els% The researcher #alance! the response # selectin/ H( males an! H( females% La#els 2ere returne! to the pool until H( men an! H( 2omen 2ere selecte!% The selecte! respon!ents 2ere !istri#ute! as follo2s3 C accountin/4 B a!ministration4 AH #an6uet4 ' cafQ4 A( culinar 4 H en/ineerin/4 A foo! an! #evera/e4 AH front !esk4 A human resource4 * housekeepin/4 H laun!r 4 ' lo## #ar4 C reservation4 C room service4 C sale an! marketin/4 H securit an! A' St% Paul $rill%
Sur+ey Instru!ent &escriptive !esi/n 2as use! for this stu! 3 to !escri#e the assessment of motivation in the Saint Paul Hotel emplo ees # usin/ a 6uestionnaire% It a!!resse! t2o ma+or concerns of this research3 the reason for choosin/ to 2ork in the Saint Paul Hotel an! motivational factors that make emplo ees perform their +o#s the #est% Also4 the 6uestionnaire 2as !evelope! # the researcher #ut 2as #ase! on the resources of the literature revie24 a previous stu! con!ucte! # =hen/ (AFFH)4 Laruphon/sa (AFF*)4 $a ('((()4 an! the researcher5s interpretation of emplo ees5 opinions on motivation%
The 6uestionnaire use! in this stu! 2as t2o pa/es4 ei/ht 6uestions that eJamine! the !emo/raphic !ata an! opinions of emplo ees (See Appen!iJ A)%
The 6uestionnaire consiste! of t2o parts% The first part (IA9I)) 2as !esi/ne! to collect respon!ents5 !emo/raphic !ata inclu!in/ /en!er (IA)4 a/e (I')4
BB emplo ment position (IB)4 emplo ment status (IC)4 an! perio! of 2ork in hospitalit or/aniEation (IH4 I))% The secon! part (IA9 I') 2as !esi/ne! to /ather respon!ents5 motivation characteristics% The 6uestions inclu!e3 the reason for 2orkin/ in the Saint Paul Hotel an! the most !esire! motivational factors% The Iuestion A4 part '; can ans2er the o#+ective of this stu! re/ar!in/ the reasons people choose to 2ork at the Saint Paul Hotel% The 6uestion sou/ht to learn the follo2in/ reasons (A) salar 4 (') frin/e #enefits4 (B) interestin/ +o#4 (C) fleJi#le hours4 (H) class of hotel4 ()) opportunit to meet people4 (D) close to respon!ents5 home4 (*) respon!ents5 frien!s 2ork there4 (F) some#o! in respon!ents5 famil 2ork there4 (A() respon!ents 2ill #e a#le to a!vance some!a 4 (AA) respon!ents can not fin! other +o#s% The 6uestion '4 part '; can ans2er o#+ective num#er t2o3 to !etermine the most si/nificant motivational factors for emplo ees% The 6uestion 2ante! opinions on3 (A) 2a/es,salar 4 (') frin/e #enefits4 (B) +o# securit 4 (C) interestin/ +o#4 (H) fleJi#le hours4 ()) 2orkin/ environment4 (D) co92orkers4 (*) opportunit for a!vancement4 (F) trainin/4 (A() empo2erment4 (AA) allo2e! to #e part of team4 (A') lo alt to emplo ees% In 6uestions A9)4 respon!ents 2ere aske! to choose the appropriate ans2er from multiple choices% The secon! part of the 6uestionnaire (IA N I')4 respon!ents 2ere aske! to rate the motivation factors that the like on the five9point Likert scale (A M less important4 ' M some2hat important4 B M important4 C M ver important4 H M the most important)% The Likert scale is the metho! most commonl use! # researchers to measure motivation factors4 an! prove! to iel! more consistent results
BC than some of the other metho!s (<onifiel!4 Len/4 R Fesenmaire4 AFFD)% This is 2h the scale 2as selecte! for this stu! %
Pi#%t Test To maJimiEe the relia#ilit an! vali!it of the 6uestionnaire4 the researcher con!ucte! an initial surve of ten Thai emplo ees in $ran! H att Ara2an4 <an/kok4 Thailan! via e9mail on ?cto#er H4 '((A% The participants 2ere aske! to fill out the initial surve s #ase! on their motivation factors% The initial surve took a#out five to ten minutes to complete% The instruction an! some 6uestions 2ere not clear% The 6uestionnaire 2as mo!ifie! #ase! on the pilot test an! the final version of the 6uestionnaire 2as complete! after a revie2 # the 0niversit of Wisconsin9Stout an! the thesis a!visor%
'ata .%##ecti%n A 6uestionnaire 2as use! in this stu! to collect !ata% The researcher #rou/ht the 6uestionnaire to the hotel so that each 6uestionnaire ha! a specific name an! !epartment of the emplo ee 2ho 2as ran!oml selecte! # the researcher% The human resources !irector helpe! the researcher !eliver these to the mana/ers in each !epartment% Mana/ers in each !epartment !elivere! the la#ele! 6uestionnaires to their emplo ees% The mana/ers of each !epartment collecte! the complete! 6uestionnaires an! #rou/ht them #ack to the human resources !irector% The researcher o#taine! the complete! 6uestionnaires from human resources !irector%
The D( emplo ees 2ho complete! the surve in this stu! consiste! of BC males an! B) females% The surve 2as !istri#ute! #et2een ?cto#er ''
9 ') to the
BH emplo ees% It 2as estimate! that each emplo ee took H minutes to complete the surve %
'ata Ana#ysis The researcher use! the Statistical Pro/ram for the Social Science (SPSS) version A(%( at 0niversit of Wisconsin9Stout to anal Ee the complete! 6uestionnaire% The statistical tools use! in this stu! 2ere means4 fre6uenc counts4 percenta/es4 an! T9test% The anal sis of the surve results com#ine! 2ith the statistical applications allo2e! for the researcher to !ra2 conclusions re/ar!in/ to the o#+ectives of the stu! %
Li!itati%n %$ Stu"y Limitations of the research 2ere as follo2s3 A% When comparin/ the total num#er of emplo ees (.M B)H) in the Saint Paul Hotel an! the num#er of respon!ents (. M D()4 this 2as a small num#er% For this reason4 the results of this stu! mi/ht not appl to the total population% '% The surve 6uestionnaires 2ere a!ministere! to emplo ees in the Saint Paul Hotel% The results of the stu! mi/ht onl #e /enerall applie! to emplo ees in the Saint Paul Hotel% B% <ecause of the une6ual sample returns of male an! female respon!ents4 there 2as not e6ual /en!er representation% C% "elia#ilit of the surve ma #e uncertain as the pilot test 2as con!ucte! in Thailan! for American emplo ees%
This chapter presents the anal sis of the !ata collecte! # the metho! !escri#e! in =hapter three% The results of the !ata 2ere !etermine! in the follo2in/ or!er3 A% Population an! "esponse "ate '% Anal sis "espon!ent Profile3 Fre6uenc &istri#utions B% Anal sis of the reasons for choosin/ a career in the Saint Paul Hotel an! the most si/nificant motivation factors in the Saint Paul Hotel3 &escriptive Statistics C% Anal sis of the motivational !ifferences #et2een /en!ers3 &escriptive Statistics
P%pu#ati%n an" Resp%nse Rate As mentione! in =hapter Three4 the 6uestionnaire surve metho!s 2ere use! to con!uct motivation factors in the Saint Paul Hotel5s emplo ees% The 2ere !esi/ne! to o#tain opinions of hotel emplo ees on 2h the chose careers at the Saint Paul Hotel% Also this stu! sou/ht to learn the most si/nificant motivation factors foun! at the Saint Paul Hotel% Fre6uenc counts4 percenta/es4 an! means 2ere use! to anal Ee the !ata% The total num#er of respon!ents 2as D( out of A(( representin/ D(%(( O of the total 6uestionnaires sent% The respon!ents 2ere separate! into t2o /roups3 male an! female% The total num#er of male respon!ents 2as BC out of H( representin/ C*%)O of the response rate% The total num#er of female respon!ents 2as B) out of H( representin/ HA%CO of the response rate%
BD Resp%n"ents@ Pers%na# 'ata The participants 2ere aske! to provi!e information a#out !emo/raphic !ata such as /en!er4 a/e4 position an! 2orkin/ status (6uestion .o% A4 '4 B4 an! C)%
$en!er Ta #e 4
Respondents Personal Data: Gender (n = 70) Cumulative Frequen cy alid !ale Female )otal "# "& 70 Perce nt #$%& '(%# (00%0 alid Percent #$%& '(%# (00%0 Percent #$%& (00%0
From ta#le '4 the results from D( emplo ees sho2e! that3 thirt four (C*%)O) 2ere male an! thirt siJ (HA%CO) 2ere female%
B* A/e Ta #e Respondents Personal Data: *+e (n = 70) Cumulative Frequen cy alid ($,-$ -.,". #0,'0 over '0 )otal -0 -' (# (( 70 Perce nt -$%& "'%7 -0%0 ('%7 (00%0 alid Percent -$%& "'%7 -0%0 ('%7 (00%0 Percent -$%& &#%" $#%" (00%0
In 6uestion .o% ' (Ta#le B) sevent respon!ents in!icate! that t2ent of sevent respon!ents ('*%)O) 2ere from A* to '* ears ol!% T2ent five of sevent respon!ents (BH%DO) 2ere from 'F to BF ears ol!% Fourteen of sevent respon!ents ('(%(O) 2ere from C( to H( ears ol!% An! AA of D( respon!ents (AH%DO) 2ere over H( ears ol!% This statistical ta#le sho2s that most of the emplo ees in the hotel are oun/%
BF Position Ta #e 7
Respondents Personal Data: Position (n = 70) Cumulativ e Frequenc y alid Room Food /t0er )otal (" -0 "7 70 Perce nt ($%& -$%& '-%. (00%0 alid Percent ($%& -$%& '-%. (00%0 Percent ($%& #7%( (00%0
From ta#le C4 the researcher foun! that A*%) O of the respon!ents 2orke! in room position4 '*%) O of the respon!ents 2orke! in foo! position% H'%F O of the respon!ents 2orke! in other positions%
Workin/ status Ta #e 6
Respondents Personal Data: 1or2in+ status (n = 70) Cumulativ e Frequency alid 3ull time Part time )otal '# (& 70 Perce nt 77%( --%. (00%0 alid Percent 77%( --%. (00%0 Percent 77%( (00%0
sho2e! that fift four (DD%AO) 2ere full The response # sevent emplo ees time emplo ees an! siJteen (''%FO) 2ere part time emplo ees (Ta#le H)%
C( Resp%n"ents@ Len(th %$ e!p#%y!ent in the H%spita#ity In"ustry an" in the Saint Pau# H%te# Ta #e A
Respondents len+t0 o3 employment in t0e 0ospitality industry (n = 70) Cumulative Frequenc y alid less t0an ( year (," years #,& years more t0an & years )otal 7 (. (0 "# 70 Perce nt (0%0 -7%( (#%" #$%& (00%0 alid Percent (0%0 -7%( (#%" #$%& (00%0 Percent (0%0 "7%( '(%# (00%0
In 6uestion .o% H4 "espon!ents in!icate! that their 2orkin/ perio! in the hospitalit in!ustr (Ta#le )) seven respon!ents (A(%(O) ha! #een 2orkin/ in the hospitalit in!ustr less than one ear% .ineteen respon!ents ('D%AO) ha! #een 2orkin/ in the hospitalit in!ustr for one to three ears% Ten respon!ents (AC%BO) ha! #een 2orkin/ in the hospitalit in!ustr for four to siJ ears% An! thirt four respon!ents (C*%)O) ha! #een 2orkin/ in the hospitalit in!ustr for more than siJ ears% This statistical ta#le sho2s that most of emplo ees in the Saint Paul hotel have #een 2orkin/ in the hospitalit in!ustr for a lon/ time%
Ta #e 8
Respondents 4or2in+ period in t0e 5aint Paul 6otel (n = 70) Cumulative Frequency alid less t0an ( year (," years #,& years more t0an & years )otal (-# (-70 Perce nt (7%( "#%" (7%( "(%# (00%0 alid Percent (7%( "#%" (7%( "(%# (00%0 Percent (7%( '(%# &$%& (00%0
Iuestion .o% ) in!icate! in Ta#le D4 t2elve respon!ents (AD%AO) ha! #een 2orkin/ in the Saint Paul Hotel less than one ear% T2ent four respon!ents (BC%BO) ha! #een 2orkin/ in the Saint Paul Hotel for one to three ears% T2elve respon!ents (AD%AO) ha! #een 2orkin/ in the Saint Paul Hotel for four to siJ ears% An! t2ent t2o respon!ents (BA%CO) ha! #een 2orkin/ in the Saint Paul Hotel more than siJ ears%
Iuestion .o% A4 part ' ans2ere! the o#+ective A3 to !etermine the reasons emplo ees chose to 2ork at the Saint Paul Hotel% <ecause of the importance of the reasons liste! in 6uestion .o% A part ' the Likert scale 2as use! for ans2erin/ (A M less important4 ' M some2hat important4 B M important4 C M ver important4 H M the most important)% Thus4 this 6uestion 2as anal Ee! # usin/ the mean to i!entif the rank of each reason% Ta #e B The reason for choosin/ a career in the Saint Paul Hotel (n M D() Mean "easons =lass of hotel Interestin/ +o# Salar FleJi#le hours Frin/e #enefits =lose to m home ?pportunit to meet people <ecome mana/er in this fiel! Frien!s 2ork here =oul! not fin! an other +o# Some#o! in m famil 2orks here "ankin/ B%F( B%D) B%HF B%HA B%'B B%'B B%AA '%BF A%FF A%H* A%C) Stan!ar! &eviation A%'' A%A( %FC A%(H A%AA A%BC A%'D A%CD A%'' A%'A A%(F "ankin / A ' B C H H ) D * F A(
0raph 9
Reasons for Choosing a Career in The Saint Paul Hotel
some8ody in my 3amily 4 or2s 0ere Reason: Reason: 3riends 4 or2 0ere could not 3ind any 7o8 Reason: close to my 0ome Reaso Reason: opportunity to meet people n: 8eco Reason: class o3 0otel me mana Reason: 3le9i8le 0ours +er in t0is Reason: interestin+ 7o8 3ield R e R e a s o n : Reason: 3rin+e 8ene3its Reason: salary 0 0%' ( (%' -%' # " "%' #%' Mean
p ' of overall sevent From ta#le * an! /raph A4 the 6uestion .o% A
a respon!ents4 7=lass (B%D))4 7Salar 8 2as r of hotel8 2as ranke! ranke! thir! (B%HF)4 t first (B%F()4 7Interestin/ +o#8 7FleJi#le hours8 2as ranke! fourth (B%HA)4
an! =lose to m a 7<ecome mana/er in ninth (A%H*)4 an! home8 2ere ranke! fifth in the same level (B%'B)4 s this fiel!8 2as ranke! seventh r ('%BF)4 7Frien!s a 2ork here8 2as 7Some#o! in m famil 2orks here8 2as ranke! tenth (A%C))%
CC The !%st si(ni$icant !%ti+ati%n $act%rs in the Saint Pau# H%te# The 6uestion .o% ' part ' ans2ere! the o#+ective '3 to !etermine the 2orkplace motivational factors for the Saint Paul Hotel emplo ees% <ecause of the importance of the factors liste! in 6uestion .o% ' part ' the Likert scale 2as use! for ans2erin/ (A M less important4 ' M some2hat important4 B M important4 C M ver important4 H M the most important)% Thus4 this 6uestion 2as anal Ee! # usin/ the mean to i!entif the rank of each reason% Ta #e C The most si/nificant motivational factors in the Saint Paul Hotel (n M D() Mean Factors Salar Lo# securit Interestin/ +o# Workin/ environment =o92orkers Lo alt to emplo ees Part of the team FleJi#le hours Frin/e #enefits Empo2erment ?pportunit for a!vancement Trainin/ "ankin/ B%DH B%DC B%DA B%D( B%)D B%)B B%H' B%BF B%') B%AD B%A) B%AC Stan!ar! &eviation A%(B %F* A%'H A%AH A%(A A%AB A%'( A%AF A%BC A%B' A%'F A%'B "ankin / A ' B C H ) D * F A( AA A'
CH 0raph 4
The most significant motivational factors in the Saint Paul Hotel
: opportunity 3or advancement Factors: loyalty Factors: co,4 or2ers Factors: part o3 Factors: 4 or2in+ environment team Factors: empo4 erment Factors: trainin+ F a c t o r s Factors: 3le9i8le 0ours Factors: interestin+ 7o8 Factors: 7o8 security Factors: 3rin+e 8ene3its Factors: salary -%$ -%. " "%( "%- "%" "%# "%' "%& "%7 "%$ Mean
M o
a securit 8 2as ranke! ranke! fifth (B%)D)4 7Lo alt to emplo ees8 2as ranke! siJth (B%)B)4 7Part of the team8 2as ranke! seventh
an! /raph '4 the l secon! (B%DC)4 6uestion .o% ' a 7Interestin/ +o#8 part ' of sevent respon!ents4 r 2as ranke! thir! (B%DA)4 7Workin/ 8 environment8 2as
for a!vancement8 2as ranke! AAth (B%A))4 an! the last one is 7Trainin/8 (B%AC)%
The !%ti+ati%na# "i$$erences et<een (en"ers at the Saint Pau# H%te# The 6uestion .o% ' part ' ans2ere! the o#+ective B3 to investi/ate motivational !ifferences #et2een /en!ers at the Saint Paul Hotel% In this o#+ective4 the researcher anal Ee! !ata # usin/ the mean to i!entif !ifferent motivation factors #et2een /en!ers% Ta#le A( an! /raph B #elo2 sho2s the !ata of motivational !ifferences #et2een males an! females in or!er to i!entif the rank of each motivational factor%
0raph -
Factors: salary
M o
Mea n
Ta #e 95 Male an! Female Motivation Factors3 Si!e # Si!e =omparison (n M B)) Work Motivation "ankin/ Mal e Salar Lo# securit Lo alt to emplo ees =o92orkers Workin/ environment Interestin/ +o# Frin/e #enefits FleJi#le hours Part of team Trainin/ ?pportunit for a!vancement Empo2erment A ' B C H ) D * * F A( AA Female C H D B ' A AA * ) A( F *
Men foun! that 7Salar 8 2as ranke! first (B%*H) from thirt three of thirt four respon!ents% 7Lo# securit 8 2as ranke! secon! (B%*') from thirt four of thirt four respon!ents% 7Lo alt to emplo ees8 2as ranke! thir! (B%)*) from thirt four of thirt four respon!ents% 7=o92orkers8 2as ranke! fourth (B%)C) from thirt three of thirt four respon!ents% 7Workin/ environment8 2as ranke! fifth (B%HF) from thirt four of thirt four respon!ents% 7Interestin/ +o#8 2as ranke! siJth (B%C*) from thirt three of
C* thirt four respon!ents% 7Frin/e #enefits8 2as ranke! seventh (B%CH) from thirt three of thirt four respon!ents% 7FleJi#le hours an! Part of team8 2ere ranke! ei/hth in the same level (B%BF) from thirt three of thirt four respon!ents% 7Trainin/8 2as ranke! ninth (B%A*) from thirt three of thirt four respon!ents% 7?pportunit for a!vancement8 2as ranke! tenth (B%A') from thirt four of thirt four respon!ents% 7Empo2erment8 2as ranke! the last ('%FC) from thirt three of thirt three respon!ents% Women foun! that 7Interestin/ +o#8 2as ranke! first (B%F') from thirt siJ of thirt siJ respon!ents% 7Workin/ environment8 2as ranke! secon! (B%*A) from thirt siJ of thirt siJ respon!ents% 7=o9 2orkers8 2as ranke! thir! (B%)F) from thirt siJ of thirt siJ respon!ents% 7Salar 8 2as ranke! fourth (B%)D) from thirt siJ of thirt siJ respon!ents% 7Lo# securit 8 2as ranke! fifth (B%))) from thirt five of thirt siJ respon!ents% 7Part of the team8 2as ranke! siJth (B%)C) from thirt siJ of thirt siJ respon!ents% 7Lo alt to emplo ees8 2as ranke! seventh (B%H*) from thirt siJ of thirt siJ respon!ents% 7FleJi#le hours an! empo2erment8 2ere ranke! ei/hth in the same level (B%BF) from thirt siJ of thirt siJ respon!ents% 7?pportunit for a!vancement8 2as ranke! ninth (B%AF) from thirt siJ of thirt siJ respon!ents% 7Trainin/8 2as ranke! tenth (B%AA) from thirt siJ of thirt siJ respon!ents an! the last one 2as 7Frin/e #enefits8 (B%(*) from thirt siJ of thirt siJ respon!ents%
Su!!ary The stu! results in!icate! that the emplo ees chose to 2ork at the Saint Paul Hotel #ecause of (A) =lass of hotel4 (') Interestin/ +o#4 (B) $oo! pa % The most si/nificant motivation factors re/ar!in/ the Saint Paul Hotel emplo ees are (A) $oo! pa 4 (') Lo# securit 4 (B) Interestin/ +o#%
CF ?verall4 males5 an! females5 ratin/s 2ere !ifferent% Male concerns 2ere a#out salar first4 then +o# securit an! lo alt to the emplo ees% Female concerns a#out an interestin/ +o# 2ere first4 then 2orkin/ environment an! co92orkers%
The purpose of this stu! 2as to investi/ate an! assess emplo ees5 attitu!es to2ar! motivation4 to i!entif the reasons 2h people chose to 2ork at the Saint Paul Hotel4 to help the human resource mana/ers an! hoteliers improve emplo ees5 motivation factors4 an! re!uce the turnover an! a#senteeism throu/h an efficient motivational approach% This chapter 2ill provi!e a summar an! !iscussion of the research fin!in/s that are at the core of this stu! % Inclu!e! in this !iscussion 2ill #e references to the literature revie2 an! ho2 outcomes of this research are similar or !ifferent% From the !ata /athere! in chapter four from the Saint Paul Hotel4 the follo2in/ conclusions can #e ma!e3
O *ecti+e 9, To !etermine the reasons emplo ees chose to 2ork at the Saint Paul Hotel Ta #e 99 The reasons for choosin/ a career in the Saint Paul Hotel "easons =lass of hotel Interestin/ +o# Salar FleJi#le hours Frin/e #enefits =lose to m home "ankin/ A ' B C H H
HA The !ata reveale! that the main reason emplo ees chose a career in the Saint Paul Hotel 2as 7=lass of hotel8% The secon! one 2as 7Interestin/ +o#8% Leral! an! "o#ert (AFFD) state! that motivation can #e enhance! # makin/ +o#s more appealin/ to people% To!a 5s or/aniEational scientists have foun! several 2a s of !esi/nin/ +o#s that can not onl #e performe! ver efficientl 4 #ut also are hi/hl pleasant an! en+o a#le such as +o# enlar/ement4 +o# enrichment an! +o# characteristics mo!el% Lo# enlar/ement is one of the first mo!ern approaches to re!esi/nin/ +o#s4 su//estin/ that such un2ante! coul! #e minimiEe! # havin/ people perform an increase! num#er of !ifferent tasks all at the same level% Lo# enrichment /ives emplo ees not onl more +o#s to !o4 #ut also more tasks to perform at a hi/her level of skill an! responsi#ilit % Lo# characteristics mo!el approaches +o# enrichment 2hich specifies that five core +o# !imensions (skill variet 4 task i!entit 4 task si/nificance4 autonom 4 an! +o# fee!#ack) pro!uce critical ps cholo/ical states that lea! to #eneficial outcomes for in!ivi!uals (e%/%4 hi/h +o# satisfaction) an! the or/aniEation (e%/%4 re!uce! turnover)% An! the thir! one 2as salar % The Saint Paul Hotel provi!es hi/her pa than other hotels of similar siEe% Wheelhouse (AF*F) sai! that mone must #e a /oal for the 2orker% The more stron/l someone 2ants more mone 4 the more pro!uction 2ill improve%
H' O *ecti+e 4, To !etermine the 2orkplace motivational factors for the Saint Paul Hotel emplo ees Ta #e 94 The 2orkplace motivational factors for the Saint Paul Hotel Work Motivation Salar Lo# securit Interestin/ +o# Workin/ environment =o92orkers "ankin/ A ' B C H
From o#+ective '4 the stu! trie! to learn 2hat motivates emplo ees at the Saint Paul Hotel to perform the #est on their +o#s% This surve foun! that the #est motivation factor for emplo ees 2as 7Salar 8%
Accor!in/ to a literature revie24 &aschler an! .inemeier (AF*F) !iscusse! in the strate/ies to emplo ees5 motivation that 7Each person is the center of his o2n concern; ho2ever4 the primar interest is to satisf nee!s4 am#itions4 !esires4 an! /oals8 an! 7An emplo ee 2ants to satisf #asic nee!s8% So the revie2s of strate/ies of emplo ees5 motivation that &aschler an! .inemeier sai! are true #ecause salar is the #asic nee! for the emplo ees of the Saint Paul% Thus4 the human resource !irector shoul! #e concerne! a#out hi/her pa as his first consi!eration% Wheelhouse (AF*F) sai! that the #asic o#+ectives of the 2a/e an! salar pro/ram are to help the compan attract an! keep 6ualifie! people4 provi!e e6ual pa for e6ual 2ork4 re2ar! /oo! performance4 control la#or costs4 an! maintain a cost parit 2ith !irect competitors%
HB The secon! one 2as 7Lo# securit 8% In Maslo25s Hierarch of .ee!s4 after the people 2ere satisfie! # the first level4 such as mone 4 the 2ill /o to the neJt level4 that is securit nee!s% So4 Maslo25s theor can eJemplif the motivational factors of the Saint Paul Hotel emplo ee #ecause the first factor the emplo ee chose 2as mone 4 an! +o# securit 2as the secon! factor% Furthermore4 the investi/ation of &aschler an! .inemeier (AF*F) a#out strate/ies for emplo ees5 motivation foun! that most emplo ees 2ant appropriate +o# securit assurance% Thus4 the most important factors that shoul! concern the hotel is +o# securit % An! the thir! one 2as 7Interestin/ Lo#8% As mentione! a#ove4 an interestin/ +o# is one of the motivation factors that can re!uce turnover rate an! a#senteeism rate in ever or/aniEation% Moreover4 the investi/ation of &aschler an! .inemeier (AF*F) of strate/ies to improve emplo ees5 motivation foun! that other factors that can fulfill an! motivate emplo ees are challen/in/ 2ork4 2ork that iel!s a sense of personal accomplishment4 increase! responsi#ilit an! the chance to /ro2 in the +o#% An! some more factors that emplo ees nee! are +o# rotation4 +o# enlar/ement an! +o# enrichment% Leral! an! "o#ert (AFFD) revie2e! Fre!erick W% Ta lor5s #ook treatin/ people like machines often meant havin/ them en/a/e in repetitive movements 2hich the foun! hi/hl routine an! monotonous% Then people #ecame #ore! 2ith such +o#s an! fre6uentl 6uit% So or/aniEations foun! several 2a s of !esi/nin/ +o#s to keep 6ualit emplo ees 2ith the or/aniEations as lon/ as possi#le% From these results4 the motivation factors of emplo ees in the Saint Paul Hotel are the same as the stu! of =harles an! Marshall (AFF') in a Las :e/as casino hotel3 that /oo! pa an! +o# securit are the first motivation factors of concern to emplo ees% Similarl 2ith the stu! of Simons an! EnE (AFFH)4 the stu! of 'D* hotel emplo ees from A' !ifferent hotels locate! throu/h 0nite! States an! =ana!a foun!
HC that those hospitalit emplo ees preferre! (A) /oo! 2a/es4 an! (') +o# securit % A!!itionall 4 the results of the stu! of &r% 1ovach foun! that /oo! 2a/es al2a s ranke! a#out the first throu/h the fifth on the list of ten items% Ho2ever4 the stu! of motivation factors in the Saint Paul Hotel emplo ees 2as !ifferent from the stu! of Hon/ 1on/5s hotel% Siu4 Tsan/ an! Won/ (AFFD) foun! that A4'CH emplo ees in )C Hon/ 1on/5s hotel consi!ere! opportunities for a!vancement an! !evelopment to #e the first important factor an! lo alt to emplo ees to #e the secon! factor% Therefore4 hotel mana/ement shoul! improve motivational factors as their emplo ees re6uire even thou/h emplo ees re6uire !ifferent factors #ecause the come from !ifferent #ack/roun!s% As &aschler an! .inemeier mentione! in the strate/ies to emplo ees5 motivation4 emplo ees are in!ivi!uals% Ever #o! comes from a !ifferent #ack/roun!4 eJperience4 e!ucation an! famil so the nee! !ifferent thin/s% Human resources can a!+ust to the appropriate 2a % Motivational factors can var in each hotel an! each perio!% Human resources !epartment shoul! evaluate the emplo ees5 nee!s ever ear%
HH O *ecti+e -, To investi/ate motivational !ifferences #et2een /en!ers at the Saint Paul Hotel Ta #e 9Male an! Female Motivational Factors Si!e # Si!e =omparison Work Motivation "ankin/ Mal e Salar Lo# securit Lo alt to emplo ees =o92orkers Workin/ environment Interestin/ +o# Frin/e #enefits FleJi#le hours Part of team Trainin/ ?pportunit for a!vancement Empo2erment A ' B C H ) D * * F A( AA Female C H D B ' A AA * ) A( F *
"evie2 of the 2ork motivation anal sis sho2s a si/nificant !ifference in male rankin/ an! female rankin/% The male rankin/ ha! 7Salar 8 as the first one an! 7Lo# securit 8 as the secon! one% The thir! one 2as 7Lo alt to emplo ees8% Mean2hile4 the female rankin/ ha! 7Interestin/ +o#8 as the first one4 7Workin/ environment8 as the secon! one an! 7=o92orkers8 as the thir! one%
H) The comparison of ta#le AC sho2s that /en!er !oes have a role in influencin/ emplo ees5 perceptions of various 2orkplace motivational factors% The revie2 of literature from the stu! of Won/4 Siu4 an! Tsan/ (AFFF) foun! that female emplo ees ha! a hi/h preference for several +o#9 relate! motivators4 inclu!in/ interestin/ 2ork4 feelin/ of #ein/ involve!4 /oo! 2orkin/ environment an! appreciation an! praise for 2ork !one% From the stu! of Won/4 Siu4 an! Tsan/ of emplo ees of the Hon/ 1on/ Hotel4 male emplo ees ha! motivational factors similar to the stu! at the Saint Paul Hotel% The results of the female motivational factors in emplo ees of the Hon/ 1on/ Hotel 2ere !ifferent from emplo ees of the Saint Paul Hotel (Ta#le A)% In ta#le A males an! females of the Hon/ 1on/ Hotel ha! almost the same motivational factors4 #ut in ta#le AC males an! females of the Saint Paul Hotel ha! totall !ifferent motivational factors% Ho2ever4 the results from the stu! at the Saint Paul Hotel 2ere a si/nificant !eparture from the stu! of Simons an! EnE (AFFH)4 that there is no !ifference in motivational factors # /en!er% Males an! females ma re6uire similar4 not !ifferent4 treatment for optimal motivation% In a!!ition4 the stu! of 1omives (AFFA) note! that motivation is not affecte! # /en!er as it relate! to lea!ership an! performance in resi!ence hall assistants%
Therefore4 it cannot #e conclu!e! that males an! females nee! the same factors or !ifferent factors #ecause the stu! of Simon an! EnE (AFFH) sho2e! males an! females nee! the same factors; in the stu! of emplo ees in the Saint Paul Hotel4 males an! females nee! !ifferent factors% In a!!ition4 &aschler an! .inemeier (AF*F) mentione! in the strate/ies of emplo ees5 motivation that emplo ees are in!ivi!uals% Ever #o! comes from a !ifferent #ack/roun!4 eJperience4 e!ucation an! famil so
HD the nee! !ifferent thin/s% Thus4 it !epen!s on the situation at that moment an! the #ack/roun! of each person%
Rec%!!en"ati%ns $%r the Hu!an Res%urces 'epart!ent This stu! provi!es information 2hich coul! #enefit the human resources !epartment in #etter un!erstan!in/ the nee!s of hotel 2orkers% The human resource !irector coul! consi!er an! !evelop the follo2in/ factors to respon! to the nee!s of his emplo ees3 To provi!e the ri/ht motivational factors to emplo ees4 the human resources !irector shoul! evaluate the nee!s of emplo ees ever ear%
Mana/ement shoul! #e concerne! a#out the #asic nee! of emplo ees first #ecause the results of this stu! sho2e! that salar an! +o# securit 2ere the first an! secon! rank of 2ork factors for emplo ees% Mana/ement can make a +o# more interestin/ # usin/ +o# !esi/n such as +o# rotation or +o# characteristics4 #ecause an interestin/ +o# is in the first rank for a female motivational factors% Mana/ers of each !epartment shoul! !evelop a famil atmosphere 2ithin the hotel%
Rec%!!en"ati%ns $%r $urther stu"ies A% This research coul! #e replicate! # other hospitalit researchers usin/ !ifferent /roups of emplo ees in other hotels to see if there are similarities to or !ifferences from this stu! % '% More hotels coul! #e inclu!e! in the comparison stu! in the future% B% This research coul! also #e con!ucte! 2ith other hotels in !ifferent countries%
H* C% Investi/ate the relationship #et2een re2ar!s an! motivation to2ar! 2ork performance% H% A lar/er sample siEe is recommen!e! for further stu!ies to promote vali!it an! accomplish the effective /eneraliEation of the results%
HF REFEREN.ES A%M% Stone ('(('4 Ma B)% Plannin/ an! =onsultin/% In Mission Statement Son N lineT% Availa#le3 http3,,222%plannin/%amstone%net,mission%asp <almer4 S% an! <aum4 T% (AFFB)% Appl in/ HerE#er/5s H /iene Factors to the =han/in/ Accommo!ation Environment% International Lournal of =ontemporar Hospitalit Mana/ement4 H (')4 B'9BH <ell4 "% A% an! Winters4 L%=% (AFFB)% 0sin/ Marketin/ Tools to Improve Emplo ee "elations% =ornell Hotel an! "estaurant A!ministration Iuarterl 4 BC ())4 B*9C' <ohlan!er4 $%4 Snell4 S% an! Sherman4 A% ('((A)% Mana/in/ Human "esources% =incinnati4 ?H3 South9Western =olle/e Pu#lishin/ <onifiel!4 "%L%4 Len/4 L% an! Fesenmaire4 &%"% (AFFD)% =omparison of Approaches for Measurin/ Travelers5 Motivation% Lournal of Tourism Anal sis4 A4 BF9 CD =ai4 <% (AFFB)% The Impact of Emplo ee Motivation on Hotel Service an! Emplo ee Turnover9 A =omparison <et2een T2o Properties in =hina an! The 0nite! States% 0npu#lishe! master5s thesis4 0niversit of Wisconsin9Stout4 Menomonie4 Wisconsin4 0nite! States% =harles4 1% an! Marshall4 L% (AFF')% Motivational Preferences of =ari##ean Hotel Workers3 An EJplorator Stu! % International Lournal of =ontemporar Hospitalit Mana/ement4 C (B)4 'H9'F =hen/4 H% (AFFH)% Assessin/ The Importance of Emplo ee Motivation in the Hotel In!ustr in Taipei4 Tai2an% 0npu#lishe! master5s thesis4 0niversit of Wisconsin9Stout4 Menomonie4 Wisconsin4 0nite! States
)( =onra!e4 $%4 Woo!4 "% an! .inemeier4 L% (AFFC)% Trainin/ in the 0%S% Lo!/in/ In!ustr 3 Perception an! "ealit % =ornell Hotel an! "estaurant A!ministration Iuarterl 4 BH (A()4 A)9'A &aschler4 P% L% an! .inemeier4 L% &% (AF*F)% Supervision in the Hospitalit In!ustr % East Lansin/4 MI3 E!ucational Institute American Hotel R Motel Association &ervaes4 =% (AFF*)% The Travel &ictionar % Tampa4 FL3 Ir2in Mc$ra29Hill &essler4 $% (AF*()% Human <ehavior3 Improvin/ Performance at Work% "eston4 :A 3 "eston Pu#lishin/ =ompan 4 Inc% &rummon!4 1% E% (AFF()% Human "esource Mana/ement for the Hospitalit In!ustr % .e2 -ork4 .-3 :an .ostran! "einhol! $a 4 1% ('((()% Work Motivation Factors of the Pu#lic Sector an! Private Sector =onvention =enter Emplo ees% 0npu#lishe! master5s thesis4 0niversit of Wisconsin9 Stout4 Menomonie4 Wisconsin4 0nite! State! Histor of the Saint Paul Hotel% ('((A)% The Histor of a Lan!mark Hotel% S<rochureT% The Saint Paul Hotel3 Author Laruphon/sa4 P% (AFF*)% Motivational Preferences of Hospitalit Workers3 A Stu! of the $ran! $ar!en Hotel4 Sun/aikolok4 .arathi2at4 Thailan!% 0npu#lishe! master5s thesis4 0niversit of Wisconsin9Stout4 Menomonie4 Wisconsin4 0nite! States Leral!4 $% an! "o#ert4 A% <% (AFFD)% <ehavior in ?r/aniEations3 0n!erstan!in/ an! Mana/in/ the Human Si!e of Work4 0pper Sa!!le "iver4 .L3 Prentice9Hall4 Inc% Lerris4 A% L% (AFFF)% Human "esource Mana/ement for Hospitalit % 0pper Sa!!le "iver4 .L3 Prentice9Hall4 Inc% 1ovach4 1% (AF*D)% What Motivates Emplo eesG Workers an! Supervisors $ive &ifferent Ans2ers% <usiness HoriEons% Septem#er,?cto#er4 H*9)H
)A La2ler4 E% E% (AFDB)% Motivation in Work ?r/aniEations% Montere 4 =alifornia3 <rooks, =ole Pu#lishin/ Lee9"oss4 &% (AFFF)% H"M in Tourism an! Hospitalit % .e2 -ork4 .-3 <ritish Li#rat =atalo/uin/9 in9 Pu#lication &ata Lucas4 "% E% (AFFH)% Mana/in/ Emplo ee "elations in the Hotel an! =aterin/ In!ustr % Lon!on4 0nite! 1in/!om3 =assell4 Inc% Mill4 "% =% (AF**)% "estaurant Mana/ement =ustomer4 ?peration4 an! Emplo ees% 0pper Sa!!le "iver4 .L3 Prentice Hall Mor/an4 W% L% (AFF()% Hospitalit Personnel Mana/ement% <oston4 MA3 =<I Pu#lishin/ =ompan 4 Inc Mosle 4 &% =%4 Me//inson4 L% =% an! Pietri4 P% H% ('((A)% Supervisor Mana/ement% =incinnati4 ?H3 South9Western =olle/e Pu#lishin/ .ico4 W% :% -% an! Ha/e!oorn4 M% (AFF))% Intent to Leave an! A#senteeism as "eactions to Perceive! Ine6uit 3 the role of ps cholo/ical an! social constraints% Lournal of ?ccupational an! ?r/aniEational Ps cholo/ 4 )F (C)4 B)D Po2ers4 T% an! <arro2s4 =% W% (AFFF)% Intro!uction to Mana/ement in the Hospitalit In!ustr % .e2 -ork4 .-3 Lohn Wile an! Sons4 Inc "ei/er4 "% =% an! "ees4 "% T% (AFFB)% Teachers an! Motivation3 a !emo/raphic stu! % E!ucation Sprin/4 AAB (B)4 C*'9C*C "e 4 A% M% an! Wielan!4 F% (AF*H)% Mana/in/ Service in Foo! an! <evera/e ?perations% East Lansin/4 MI3 E!ucational Institute American Hotel R Motel Association "utherfor!4 &% $% (AFF()% Hotel Mana/ement an! ?perations% .e2 -ork4 .-3 :an .ostran! "einhol!
)' Simons4 T% an! EnE4 =% (AFFH)% Motivatin/ Hotel Emplo ees% =ornell Hotel an! "estaurant A!ministration Iuarterl 4 B) (A)4 '(9'D Siu4 :%4 Tsan/4 .% an! Won/4 S% (AFFD)% What Motivates Hon/ 1on/5s Hotel Emplo eesG% =ornell Hotel an! "estaurant A!ministration Iuarterl 4 B* (H)4 CC9CF Stone4 T% H% (AF*')% 0n!erstan!in/ Personel Mana/ement% .e2 -ork4 .-3 =<S =olle/e Pu#lishin/ Thompson4 L% 1% (AFFA)% Ten Steps to Improve Morale an! "e!uce Turnover% EJecutive Housekeepin/ To!a 4 H' (')4 AC Wheelhouse4 &% (AF*F)% Mana/in/ Human "esources in the Hospitalit In!ustr % East Lansin/4 MI3 E!ucational Institute American Hotel R Motel Association Won/4 S%4 Siu4 :% an! Tsan/4 .% (AFFF)% The impact of !emo/raphic factors on Hon/ 1on/ hotel emplo ees5 choice of +o#9relate! motivators% International Lournal of =ontemporar Hospitalit Mana/ement4 AA (H)4 'B(9'CA Wren4 L% T% (AFFH)% The Lea!er5s =ompanion3 Insi/hts on Lea!ership Throu/h the A/es% .e2 -ork4 .-3 The Free Press -u4 L% (AFFF)% The International Hospitalit <usiness% .e2 -ork4 .-3 The Ha2orth Hospitalit Press
E!p#%yees !%ti+ati%n sur+ey &uesti%nnaire Part I3 Please =ircle the appropriate ans2er A % ' % B % C % $en!er3 A/e3 A% Male A% A*9'* =% C(9H( Position3 Work status3 A% "oom =% ?ther A% Full time <% Female <% 'F9BF &% over H( <% Foo! <% Part time
H% Ho2 lon/ have ou 2orke! in the hospitalit in!ustr G A% Less than A ear '% A to B ears B% C to ) ears C% More than ) ears )% Ho2 lon/ have ou 2orke! in the Saint Paul HotelG A% Less than A ear '% A to B ears B% C to ) ears
)C Part II3 Please rate the motivational factors from A to H A% Ho2 2oul! ou rate the reason ou choose to 2ork in the Saint Paul HotelG Least important Salar Frin/e #enefits Interestin/ +o# FleJi#le hours =lass of hotel ?pportunit to meet people =lose to m home Frien!s 2ork here Some#o! in m famil 2orks here I can #ecome mana/er in this fiel! some!a A I coul! not fin! an other +o# A A A A A A A A A A ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Importan t B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C Most important H H H H H H H H H H H
'% Ho2 2oul! ou rate each of the factors that motivate ou to perform our +o# the #estG Least important Wa/es, Salar Frin/e #enefits Lo# securit Interestin/ +o# FleJi#le hours Workin/ environment =o92orkers ?pportunit for a!vancement Trainin/ Empo2erment Allo2e! to #e part of the team Lo alt to emplo ees A A A A A A A A A A A A ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Importan t B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C Most important H H H H H H H H H H H H
)H APPEN'I; . .ate(%ries %$ ene$its .ate(%ries Le/all re6uire! #enefits Social Securit Workers5 compensation 0nemplo ment insurance Health an! life insurance $roup health insurance Health maintenance or/aniEations Preferre! provi!er or/aniEations &ental care :ision care Prescription care $roup term life insurance Acci!ental !eath an! !isa#ilit insurance Lon/9term !isa#ilit Short9term !isa#ilit Pensions &efine! #enefit &efine! contri#ution C(A (k) plan Profit sharin/ In!epen!ent "etirement Account Pa ment for time not 2orke! Sick leave :acation time Holi!a s Bene$its
)) <ereavement <reaks Lur !ut Emplo ee services an! other #enefits E!ucational assistance =re!it unions Meals, meal allo2ances "ooms, room allo2ances 0niforms, uniform allo2ance Parkin/, parkin/ cost assistance Emplo ee assistance pro/ram Wellness pro/ram Social an! recreational pro/rams Pa roll !e!uctions for a!!itional insurance Le/al services &iscount purchases
Financial plannin/ services Preretirement plannin/ an! counselin/ "elocation (movin/) eJpenses
=hil! care availa#ilit , chil! care assistance A2ar!s such as len/th of service Mem#ership in professional an! tra!e associations Atten!ance at in!ustr seminars
)D Tra!e +ournals an! perio!icals Scholarships for !epen!ent chil!ren Matche! !onations to universities an! colle/es
)* APPEN'I; '
Missi%n State!ent an" Visi%n State!ent %$ the Saint Pau# H%te# Mission Statement A%The Saint Paul Hotel 2ill continue to #e a lea!in/ luJur hotel in the T2in =ities area4 servin/ #usiness an! leisure travelers% '% ?ur foo! an! #evera/e operation 2ill #e the Metro East lea!er for the caterin/ an! restaurant #usiness4 2hile provi!in/ an eJcellent price value eJperience% B% The hotel continues to provi!e a sta#le4 safe4 an! re2ar!in/ 2ork environment for its emplo ees% C% The hotel must achieve its financial /oals to meet the o2ner5s eJpenses an! provi!e a reasona#le return on his investment% :ision Statement A% Inte/rit 3 When !ealin/ 2ith others4 maintain honest 4 hi/h stan!ar!s an! values% '% Honest 3 With the emplo ees4 /uests4 an! in #usiness performance% B% Sincerit 3 With /uests an! emplo ees% C% =ommitment3 To #ein/ the #est ou can #e4 an! usin/ all of our resources to the #est of our a#ilit % H% Sense of 0r/enc 3 In creatin/ a positive /uest impression; strivin/ for perfection in each an! ever eJecution% )% Settin/ Priorities3 To anticipate4 to #e for2ar! thinkin/%