Matlab Exam Practice Problems

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ELEC 206 Matlab Practice Questions Chapter 1 2 Questions Sample problems 1-1, 1-2, 1-4 Problem 15 a, b Sample problems

2-1, 2-2, 2- , Problems 1, 2, , 12, 1! Sample problems -1, -4 Problems 1, , !a, 1" Sample problem 4Problem 6 Sample problem 5-1 !, #, 15 Sample problems 6-1, 6-2 Problem 15, 1# Sample problems !-1, !-2, !Problem 1, 2 Sample problems "-1, "-2 Problem 1 Sample problems #-1, #-2 Problems 1, 6 Sample problem 10-2

4 5 6 ! " # 10

1$ %rue&'alse (circle )our choice*+ a$ % ' %he ,inal step o, the Engineering Problem-Solving Methodology is al-orithm .e/elopment$ b$ % ' %he semicolon (;* suppresses output 0hen use. 0ith M1%L12 comman.s$ c$ % ' %he transpose operator (T* interchan-es the ro0s an. columns o, a matri3$ .$ % ' %he disp comman. pauses a M1%L12 pro-ram an. prompts the user ,or input$ 2$ 4hich M1%L12 comman. -enerates a t0o-.imensional representation o, a three.imensional sur,ace5 a$ b$ mesh(z) contour(z) c$ .$ pie(x) figure(n)

$ 4hich M1%L12 comman. -enerates 100 uniform random numbers bet0een -5 an. 655 a$ b$ 10*rand(100)-5 10*rand(100,1)-5 c$ .$ 10*randn(100,1)-5 5*randn(100)-10

4$ 4rite the M1%L12 comman.s to .e,ine the ,ollo0in- matrices$ a$

1 G = 2 5 6


F = [0$0





##$" 100$0]

5$ Sho0 the results -enerate. b) the ,ollo0in- M1%L12 comman.$ y = !"1 #"$; $"5 5"1; %"& '"!(; maxy = max(y)

6$ 7i/en the ,ollo0in- table o, line an. color options, 0rite the M1%L12 comman. to -enerate a plot ,or x vs y1 as a dotted green line an. x vs y2 as a dashed red line$ Line %)pe .otte. .ashe. 8n.icator ) -Color -reen re. 8n.icator g r

!$ 4hich M1%L12 comman. -enerates the solution to the s)stem o, e9uations *+=,5 a$ b$ + = *-, + = in.(*)*, c$ .$ + = sum(*"*,) + = ,**/

"$ 7i/en the ,ollo0in- matrices, sho0 the results -enerate. b) these M1%L12 comman. *"*0 0 = eye(!) * = 1 !; ! #( $ #$ 7i/en the ,ollo0in- matri3, sho0 the results -enerate. b) these M1%L12 comman.s$ . = #"& !"% 0"# 5"! %"$( a$ b$ h = find(.1#"5) high = .(h)

10$ 7i/en the ,ollo0in- matri3, sho0 the results -enerate. b) the M1%L12 comman.$ 2 = 1"!! #"&$ !"%1( fprintf(/2 = 3#"1f 4n/, 2)

11$ 4rite a M1%L12 function that accepts time t as an input an. returns a /olta-e to the ,ollo0in- e9uation+ v : e-tsin(5t*$

12$ 4rite a M1%L12 pro-ram to prompt the user ,or a time constant an. a ma3 time T, then -enerate a plot o, v : e-t&;$

1 $ 4rite the M1%L12 comman.s to -enerate a table o, con/ersions ,rom inches to centimeters$ %he ran-e o, inches shoul. be ,rom 0 to 6 in increments o, $

14$ 4rite a complete C66 pro-ram similar to that re9uire. b) E3am 1$

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