Aspect Identification
Aspect Identification
Aspect Identification
0 (March 2002)
Module 3 - 1
To plan for and control your environmental impacts, you must know what these impacts are. But knowing what the impacts are is only part of the challengeyou also should know where these impacts come from. Stated another way, how does your facility (i.e., its activities, products, and services) interact with the environment? In Module 4, you will identify the legal requirements and voluntary commitments that apply to your facility. In this module you consider legal requirements and other information as you identify environmental aspects and determine which ones are significant. The systematic identification and efficient management of environmental aspects and impacts should result in positive impacts on the bottom line and significant environmental improvements. Environmental Aspects and Impacts Environmental aspect : An element of a facilitys activities, products, or services that can or does interact with the environment. These interactions and their effects may be continuous in nature, periodic, or associated only with events, such as emergencies. Environmental impact: Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, resulting from a facilitys activities, products, or services. In short, the aspect is the cause and the impact is the effect. Figure 3-1: Examples of the Link between Aspects and Impacts Environmental Aspect Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Discharges to stream Spills and leaks Electricity use Use of recycled paper Environmental Impact(s) Air pollution, smog Degradation of aquatic habitat and drinking water supply Soil and groundwater contamination Air pollution, global warming Conservation of natural resources
Module 3 - 2
Various approaches exist for identifying environmental aspects and determining significance. Tool 3-1 provides examples of techniques that can help you identify and prioritize your aspects. The tools presented in this Template provide examples of approaches your facility might wish to customize for its use. They are not me ant to be rigid prescriptions. In general, identifying and evaluating your environmental impacts will involve the following tasks:
Define the scope within which the environmental aspects and impacts will be identified, (that is, the scope of your EMS as you addressed in Module 1 ); Identify all activities, products, and services within that scope (Module 1); Identify the environmental aspects associated with the activities, products, and services; and Determine the subset of your environmental aspects that have significant impacts.
Select an approach that makes sense for your facility and then describe the approach in the form of a written procedure . You can modify Tool 3-2, Sample Procedure for Identification of Environmental Aspects and Determination of Significant Environmental Aspects, to develop that procedure. Keep the resulting information up-to-date , so that the potential aspects of new activities, products and services are factored into your targets and objectives (see Module 5) and operational controls (see Module 12). A Recommended Approach: Creating Process Flow Diagrams There are several ways to approach identification of aspects and impacts, but regardless of the approach you use, you will need a thorough understanding of all of your processes. Process flow diagrams are a tool that allow a facility to visualize and understand how work gets accomplished. That understanding can help identify how processes can be improved. Facilities can use process flow diagrams to identify process inefficiencies and focus improvement efforts where they will have the most effect. Process flow diagrams also can help you identify environmental aspects and impacts. As an EMS tool, process flow diagrams can help a facility to: Improve its understanding of existing processes , including the key inputs (such as chemicals, raw materials and other resources used), outputs (including products, wastes, air emissions, etc.) and interactions with other processes. Identify areas for process improvement that can result in environmental performance improvements (such as pollution prevention opportunities) Identify environmental aspects and impacts.
Module 3 - 3
A process flow diagram of a common industrial operation is provided below as Example 3-2. For this EMS Template, the process flow diagram also shows the environmental aspects of the process. This process flow diagram shows inputs, processes, outputs, products labels that correspond to a column heading of this name on the associated environmental aspect identification form (Form 3-2, Identification and Significance Determination of Environmental Aspects, and Setting Objectives and Targets). Form 3-2 is provided to illustrate how the process flow diagram can be used to identify and determine SEAs. You should review the example and use it to provide a starting point for understanding how the aspect identification process works and for applying it at your facility.
Module 3 - 4
Additional Points to Consider in Identifying Aspects In addition to process flow diagrams, your aspect identification process may benefit from consulting other sources of information such as environmental permits, EPCRA reports, Material Safety Data Sheets, and monitoring records. Tool 3-1: Some Techniques and Data Sources for Identifying and Evaluating Environmental Impacts provides a list of such techniques and data sources. Remember to look at services as well as products. While the need to examine on-site operations might be obvious, you also should consider the potential impacts of what you might do off-site (such as servicing equipment at customer sites). Similarly, the environmental aspects of the products, vendors, and contractors you use may be less obvious, but should still be considered. Aspects may also result from past activities, such as spills. You may want to refer to the defined scope of your EMS when undertaking this activity. Where appropriate, individual aspects can be grouped. For example, if energy use is listed as an environmental aspect for several processes, it may also be a facility-wide concern. The CFT could list energy on each process-specific aspect form and then record the aspect, significance determination, and objectives for that aspect on a facility-wide form to indicate it as a facilitywide concern. A facility- wide objectives and targets by category example is included as Example 5-1. Determining Significance Determining which aspects have significant impacts and therefore will be included in your EMS as significant environmental aspects (SEAs) is one of the most crucial steps in EMS planning. It can be one of the most challenging as well as one of the most rewarding . Decisions you make in this step will affect many other system elements (such as setting objectives and targets, establishing operational controls, and defining monitoring needs). Careful planning of this activity will pay dividends later. Determining which aspects are significant involves some subjective decisions. For this reason, you will achieve more balanced results by having a CFT that represents different job functions. This will provide a cross-section of operational experience and different perspectives. Your CFT should carefully define the criteria that will be used to determine which environmental aspects are significant. The criteria presented below and in Tool 3-2: Sample Procedure for Identification of Environmental Aspects and Determination of SEAs are intended to achieve a balance between structure and flexibility. They are a starting point that you can use to customize your own criteria. An obvious initial criterion is whether or not the aspect is subject to environmental regulationsall of these aspects, as defined by broad scientific and legislative consensus, are significant. A closely related condition is whether an aspect is the subject of company policy, goals, or voluntary commitments. For example, many companies have established
EMS Policy and Planning Module 3 - 5
energy-use, water-use or waste reduction goals and targets because it also makes good business sense. If these company policy/goals apply to your facility then the associated aspects should be considered significant. A second criterion to consider involves the views of interested parties. One of the commitments of your environmental policy must be communication with external stakeholders. There are a variety of community concerns that might affect your designation of a particular activity as a significant aspect. These may include issues other than pollution. Some examples are the noise level or odor produced by your facility; increased traffic caused by your business; and increased light needed for your operations. Aspects that the community considers important (for example, has lodged complaints about), should be labeled as significant in your EMS. As a starting point, see Tool 3-3: Worksheet for Identifying Community Issues. A third criterion is whether the aspect has good technical and financial potential for pollution prevention improvements (such as the reduced use of water, energy, or hazardous materials). Pollution prevention is also included in your environmental policy. The determination that makes for a particular aspect under this criterion is highly subject to the specific circumstances and values of your facility and community. For example, a high rate of water use would be of higher concern in a desert region than in a region where water is more plentiful. The determination that your CFT makes is based on your judgment and your facilitys specific circumstances. As a starting point, see Tool 3-4: Worksheet for Identifying Natural Resources Use/Pollution Prevention Potential. A final criterion is one that your CFT customizes for your facility. A commonly used approach relies on scoring environmental aspects based on magnitude, frequency, toxicity, and duration. Tool 3-2: Sample Procedure for Identification of Environmental Aspects and Determination of SEAs presents one example of such factors.
SEAs serve as the basis for further planning of your EMS. In a subsequent step, each SEA is assigned an objective . That is, it either becomes the subjects of controls, improvements, or an investigation leading to improvements ( Module 5). Controls will be ongoing. Improvements will have targets that specify how much can be achieved and by when. Investigations will have targets that indicate when study results will be issued. Each improvement (and investigation) objective will be associated with an environmental management program that specifies who is responsible for what outcomes and by when ( Module 6). In addition, your facilitys SEAs will have key characteristics that are monitored and measured ( Module 14 ), and also will be the basis for determining where operational controls are required (Module 12). Of course, all aspects that are significant as a result of being subject to environmental regulations must be managed and controlled. You must comply with the law. However, when you select improvement objectives you should consider both regulated and non-regulated significant aspects. For instance, a regulated aspect may also be the subject of pollution prevention efforts that save your company money. For example, eliminating certain constituents in, or reducing volumes of discharges or emissions, might place your facility in a less onerous regulatory reporting bracket and reduce your environmental management and reporting costs.
Module 3 - 6
Remember: You dont have to do everything at once . There may be good reasons (such as cost, availability of technology, notices of violation, or scientific uncertainty) for making environmental improvements regarding some SEA while just trying to control others.
Module 3 - 7
Tool 3-1: Some Techniques and Data Sources for Identifying and Evaluating Environmental Aspects and Impacts
Process Hazard Analyses Failure Mode and Effects Analyses Process Flow Diagrams Used to identify and assess potential impacts associated with unplanned releases of hazardous materials. Methodology in common use due to Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Process Safety Management regulations. Typically employs team approach to identify and rank hazards. Commonly used in the quality field to identify and prioritize potential equipment and process failures as well as to identify potential corrective actions. Often used as a precursor to formal root cause analyses. Process flow diagrams are a tool that allows an organization to visualize and understand how work gets accomplished and how its work processes can be improved. Process flow diagrams can help an organization understand its environmental aspects, reduce wastes and pollution, and reduce operating costs by identifying and eliminating unnecessary activities. See Example 3-2 of this module for an example of a process flow diagram for an industrial process (outdoor painting of large equipment). Used to satisfy requirements of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regarding the evaluation of environmental impacts associated with proposed projects. Methodology in common use, but not typically used to assess environmental impacts associated with existing operations. Used to assess the cradle-to-grave impacts of products or processes, from raw material procurement through disposal. Life-cycle methodologies are somewhat subjective and can be resource intensive. These methodologies are described in ISO 14040-14048. Used to assess potential health and/or environment risks typically associated with chemical exposure. Variety of qualitative and quantitative methodologies in common use. Used to assess and mitigate potential safety hazards associated with new or modified projects. Methodologies in common use. Typically do not focus on environmental issues. Used to quantify emissions of pollutants to the air. Some data on emissions or chemicals of concern may already by available to you, based on EPCRA requirements and Clean Air Act (CAA) Title V permitting program data requirements. Used to identify opportunities to reduce or eliminate pollution at the source and to identify recycling options. Requires a fairly rigorous assessment of facility operations. These audits typically do not examine off-site impacts. Used to assess potential environmental liabilities associated with facility or business acquisitions or divestitures. The scope and level of detail is variable. These assessments typically do not assess impacts associated with products or services. Used to assess the full environmental costs associated with activities, products or services. Emerging protocols require comprehensive assessments to quantify such costs. Used to assess compliance with federal, state, and local environmental regulations. These methodologies are in common use. Their scope and level of detail vary. These are not typically directed at examining environmental impacts (particularly for products).
Environmental Impact Assessments Life Cycle Assessments Risk Assessments Project Safety / Hazard Reviews Emission Inventories
Pollution Prevention or Waste Minimization Audits Environmental Property Assessments Environmental Cost Accounting Environmental Compliance Audits
Module 3 - 8
Tool 3-2: Sample Procedure for Identification of Environmental Aspects and Determination of Significant Environmental Aspects
Purpose This procedure defines [Your Facilitys Name]s method for the identification of environmental aspects of its operations and the determination of significance for aspects that have actual or potential significant impacts on the environment. Procedure for Environmental Aspect Identification
Procedure for Environmental Aspect Identification
Responsibilities of the CFT The facility Cross Functional Team (CFT) led by the Environmental Management Representative (EMR) or designee is responsible for completing the Form 3-2 (see below) for each core process and supporting activity. If possible, members of the CFT will conduct a physical inspection when completing the form. The completed form is a process flow diagram of a process or activity and is used to identify environmental aspects. At a minimum, the CFT will review and revise the completed forms, by means of physical inspection, as necessary at issuance, annually, and before and immediately following implementation of new or modified processes/activities. All environmental aspects are evaluated for significance as defined in the section below, Procedure for Determination of Significant Environmental Aspects. Creating a Process Flow Diagram
The following procedure is used to fill out the Aspect Identification portion of Form 3-2, Identification and Significance Determination of Environmental Aspects, and Setting Objectives and Targets.
Module 3 - 9
Creating the process flow diagram consists of identifying all raw materials, chemicals, and utilities used as inputs and all outputs produces as products and by-products. Outputs are all products, wastes produced, recycled materials, water discharges, and air emissions known for the process(es). When identifying inputs and outputs, all modes of operation will be considered because startup, shutdown, or emergency operations might introduce additional aspects to the process. When doing the diagrams, the team will make notes of other potentially useful information such as the quantity or volume used per unit time, where available. These diagrams will be improved over time with specific data to allow material balances in the long term, if this is not possible initially. To assist with these diagrams, the CFT shall consider the following potential inputs and outputs: Inputs Supplies: Enter the major, non-chemical supplies used in the process. Chemical: Enter any chemical materials used in the process. Energy Use: Enter energy type and use. (Levels can be relative to the facility total use if individual rates through a process are not known). Water Use: Enter water type (e.g. city, well, storm, process, chilled) and use. (Levels can be relative to the facility total use if individual rates through a process are not known). Other Inputs: Enter inputs that are not covered clearly in the above categories. Outputs Air Emissions: List all air emissions whether they are drawn directly through a stack or are discharged into the room and escape as fugitive emissions. Noise/Odor/Radiation: Include noise and odor as an air emission if potentially noticeable outside the facility and list any potential radiation emitted from the facility. Water Discharges: Enter all wastewater streams that discharge directly to storm or sanitary sewer systems or surface waters. Containerized wastewater should be included in the solid waste / residual wastes category. Solid / Residual Wastes: Wastes are any materials intended to be discarded or disposed of, whether regulated or not, and include liquids, solids, and gases. Also include recycled materials, returnable containers, and chemical by-products under this category. Storm Water Discharges: List all storm water discharges from all process areas. Spills: Enter all potential spills that might occur in all process areas. Procedure for Determination of Significant Environmental Aspects (SEAs) Where appropriate, individual aspects can be grouped. (For example, if the consumption of energy is listed as an environmental aspect in several areas, the CFT can group these listings such that consumption of energy appears just once on a facility- wide form.)
Module 3 - 12
The following criteria will be used to determine significance and are listed Form 3-2: 1. Legal Requirements/Voluntary Commitments/Company Policy: Subject to specifically relevant legislation, regulation and/or permit requirements that address significant impacts to the environment. This will likely include aspects associated with processes and activities if (1) environmental regulations specify controls and conditions, (2) information must be provided to the authorities, and/or (3) there are, or may be, periodic inspections or enforcement actions taken by the authorities. Potential aspects that are subject to environmental regulations in the event of incidents will be recognized as significant when such as event occurs. A closely related condition is whether an aspect is the subject to or associated with environmentally- related company goals, directives, policies or subject to or associated with voluntary covenants to which the company had committed. 2. Community Concern: Subject to or associated with community concerns, such as those previously expressed in the form of complaints or critical inquiry. If helpful, use Tool 3-3: Worksheet for Identifying Community Issues. 3. Pollution Prevention Potential: Based on technical and business conditions, the aspect has a high potential for pollution prevention or resource-use reduction. If helpful, use Tool 3-4: Worksheet for Identifying Natural Resources Use/Pollution Prevention Potential 4. Potential Impact to the Environment: Associated with potential impact to the environment from high environmental loading due to one or more of the following: a. Toxicity (compositional characterization of materials and wastes) b. Amounts (volumes and masses of emissions, waste, or releases) c. Amounts (consumption of renewable and non-renewable resources) d. Frequency of episodes e. Severity of actual or potential impacts Using the Significance Determination portion of Form 3-2, the CFT or a subset thereof, shall evaluate, each identified aspect to determine whether it is significant. The environmental aspects will be considered to be significant if the aspect has an impact on the environment and meets one or more of the four criteria. For criteria 1 and 2, put Yes or No in the appropriate column on Form 3-2. Put Low or Yes for criteria 3. Ind icate Low, High, or NA for not applicable for criterion 4. Finally, evaluate the four criteria. If any of them are Yes (or High for criteria 4), indicate S for significant in the appropriate column. Otherwise, indicate N for not significant. Provide the rationale for S or N in the appropriate column on Form 3-2. Frequency This procedure will be repeated at least annually. More frequent updates will be conducted for new projects or processes that affect the list of the facilitys significant aspects. Records The originals of completed Form 3-2 are maintained by the EMR or designee.
Module 3 - 13
Form 3-2: Identification and Significance Determination of Environmental Aspects and Setting Objectives and Targets
Legal Requirements/ Voluntary Commitments, Company Policy Community Concern
Quantity or Volume
Water Usage: Supplies/Disposables: Chemicals: Air Emissions: Noise/Odor/Radiation: Wastes: Water Discharges: Stormwater Discharges: Spillage and Other: * The Objectives & Targets column is discussed in Module 5, Objectives and Targets. A completed form is provided with Example 3-2.
Module 3 - 14
Date: ________________________
Tool 3-4: Worksheet for Identifying Natural Resources Use/Pollution Prevention Potential
Process Aspect Natural Resources Used/ Pollution Prevention Potential Rank
Date: ________________________
Module 3 - 15
This module presents an example of how to develop process flow diagrams and how to use that information on the Aspects Identification and Significance Determination Form (Form 3-2). A hypothetical federal facility is used as an example. The drydock painting example will be further expanded in Modules 5 and 6 to illustrate how to proceed from SEA determination to setting objectives and targets and establishing Environmental Management Programs (EMPs). Example 3-1 provides a list of common activities and processes at a hypothetical federal facility. Example 3-2 provides an example process flow diagram and aspect identification and significance determination form for outdoor painting of large equipment*.
*Example 3-2 was prepared for EPA by DM Austin Environmental Consulting, Inc. (Austin Environmental) and is included as provided with some modification. This example is taken from Module 3 of the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry- EMS Implementation Guide (Rev 3.0, November 2001), also prepared by EPA. That document also includes other industrial operations related to the shipbuilding and repair sector. The example likely will require you to further refine and modify them to fit your facilitys needs.
Module 3 - 16
Example 3-1: A List of Common Activities and Processes with Functional Areas at a Hypothetical Federal Facility (Navy Facility)
Activity and Process Administration General Repairs Building and Grounds Painting Landscaping, Mulching, Composting Fuel Storage and Transfer Cafeteria Operations Laundry Operation Electrical Generation Compressed Air Generation Steam Generation Outdoor Painting (of Large Equipment)* Outdoor Painting (of Small Parts) Depainting and Surface Preparation, Solvent-Based Depainting and Surface Preparation, Dry Abrasive Blasting Gas Metal Arc Welding Burning and Cutting High Pressure Water Jetting Metal Grinding Material Transport (crane, etc.) Metal Working Other Painting, Coating, and Plating Pipe Fabrication, Aluminum Fabrication, Steel Fabrication Metal Plating and Surface Finishing Storage of Raw Materials and Waste: paint and solvents, metals, hydraulic fluids, lube oils, paint waste, blasting media, welding gases, universal waste, diesel, fuel, gasoline Hazardous Waste Disposal Universal Waste Disposal Wastewater Disposal Wastewater Treatment Functional Area General Support
Raw Materials Management and Waste Accumulation Waste Disposal and Treatment
* Indicates that an example process flow diagram and aspect identification and significance determination form are provided for this operation (see Example 3-2). This example is modified from Module 3 of the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry- EMS Implementation Guide (Rev 3.0, November 2001), also prepared by EPA. That document also includes other industrial operations related to the shipbuilding and repair sector. That document is available at
Module 3 - 17
Example 3-2: Flow Diagram and Aspect Identification and Significance Determination Form for Outdoor Painting of Large Equipment
Transport Coating to Painting Area Pro-1
Module 3 - 18
Date: 5/17/01
Legal Requirements/ Voluntary Commitments, Company Policy Community Concern
Quantity or Volume
Energy Usage: Electricity/ Paint Mixers Diesel Fuel/Forklift
No No
No No
Low Low
Low Low
Water Usage: N/A Supplies/Disposables: Rags Gloves Tyvek coverall Filters Sand Paper Chemicals: VOC Content HAP Content VOC Content HAP Content Air Emissions: Fugitive VOCs Fugitive HAPs
No No No No No
No No No No No
Does not meet significance criteria Does not meet significance criteria Does not meet significance criteria Does not meet significance criteria Does not meet significance criteria
Virgin Coatings (Inp-1) Virgin Thinners (Inp-2) Applying Coating (Pro7) Applying Coating (Pro7)
Air Permit Air Permit Permits to operate, toxic air emissions rule Permits to operate, toxic air emissions rule
Module 3 - 19
Potential Impact to the Environment Pollution Prevention Potential
Quantity or Volume
Over spray, fugitive particulate emissions Noise/Odor/Radiation: Odor from VOCs fume Wastes: Contaminated Scrap Contaminated Waste
8 tons
Yes No
Yes No
Yes Low
N/A Low
Waste Paint and Solvent (Out-2) Consolidate contaminated disposables (Pro-12) and debris (Pro-13)
RCRA (Title C)
Water Discharges: N/A Stormwater Discharge: VOC-contaminated water Heavy metal contaminated water
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Module 3 - 20
Potential Impact to the Environment Pollution Prevention Potential
Quantity or Volume
Spillage and Other:
Yes No
No No No No No No
Does not meet significance criteria, N low spillage volume Does not meet significance criteria , N low volume of spillage, scrap is recycled S S N Volume exceeds No Spill Policy limits Volume exceeds No Spill Policy limits Does not meet significance criteria, low volume of spillage
5 gallons 100 gallons per year 50 gallons per year 10 gallons per year
Module 3 - 21