Hazardous Material Management Procedure
Hazardous Material Management Procedure
Hazardous Material Management Procedure
M DM - Y M I - A L - G L 0 0 X - G - E N - P R 0 - 0 0 1 3 - 0
Project Organization Stage Location Category Discipline Doc. Type Number Vers.
Employer’s Representative:
Document Title:
Document No:
MDM - Y M I - AL - GL0 0 X - G - E N - P R 0 - 0 0 1 3 - 0
Project Organization Stage Location Category Discipline Doc. Type Number Vers.
Hazardous Material
MDM-YMI-AL-GL00X-G-EN-PRO-0013-0 15.06.2019
Management Procedure
This document must not be either loaned copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for
any purpose without the prior written permission of Yapi Merkezi unless it is used by the Tanzania
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Railways Corporation for the purposes of completing, operat ing, maintaining, altering, adjusting, repairing
and demolishing the Morogor o – Makutupora SGR Line Project . 2019
Environmental and
Prepared by Uğur BALBAY
Social Engineer
Hazardous Material
MDM-YMI-AL-GL00X-G-EN-PRO-0013-0 15.06.2019
Management Procedure
This document must not be either loaned copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for
any purpose without the prior written permission of Yapi Merkezi unless it is used by the Tanzania
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Railways Corporation for the purposes of completing, operat ing, maintaining, altering, adjusting, repairing
and demolishing the Morogor o – Makutupora SGR Line Project . 2019
1. PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 5
2. SCOPE .......................................................................................................... 5
4. REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 5
5. RESPONSIBILITIES...................................................................................... 6
8. TRAINING ..................................................................................................... 8
9. RECORDS .................................................................................................... 8
Hazardous Material
MDM-YMI-AL-GL00X-G-EN-PRO-0013-0 15.06.2019
Management Procedure
This document must not be either loaned copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for
any purpose without the prior written permission of Yapi Merkezi unless it is used by the Tanzania
Page 4 of 9
Railways Corporation for the purposes of completing, operat ing, maintaining, altering, adjusting, repairing
and demolishing the Morogor o – Makutupora SGR Line Project . 2019
The purpose of this document is to ensure hazardous materials are safely transported, stored and used
without damage to the environment and health on construction sites, camps, marhalling yards and other
project workplaces. The purpose of the procedure is also to ensure fuel is stored safely to protect the
environment from spills and the hazards associated with spills.
This procedure is to be implemented before, during and after usage of hazardous materials or any kind
of operations or any kind of equipment during construction activities. This procedure will be updated as
necessary during the life of the SGR Project.
Right of Way The strip of land above and below the railway; where construction,
maintenance, test, and operation activities occur
- Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
- Environmental and Social Monitoring Procedure
- Industrial and Consumer Chemicals (Management and Control Act), 2003
- Industrial and Consumer Chemicals (Management and Control) Regulations, 2004
Hazardous Material
MDM-YMI-AL-GL00X-G-EN-PRO-0013-0 15.06.2019
Management Procedure
This document must not be either loaned copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for
any purpose without the prior written permission of Yapi Merkezi unless it is used by the Tanzania
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Railways Corporation for the purposes of completing, operat ing, maintaining, altering, adjusting, repairing
and demolishing the Morogor o – Makutupora SGR Line Project . 2019
- Ensuring that adequate resources are made available to ensure compliance with national
legislation, international standards and Project standards and other requirements set out in this
- Ensuring that this procedure is prepared and updated as required, based on the activities and
preparations YMI undertakes as part of the project.
Hazardous Material
MDM-YMI-AL-GL00X-G-EN-PRO-0013-0 15.06.2019
Management Procedure
This document must not be either loaned copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for
any purpose without the prior written permission of Yapi Merkezi unless it is used by the Tanzania
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Railways Corporation for the purposes of completing, operat ing, maintaining, altering, adjusting, repairing
and demolishing the Morogor o – Makutupora SGR Line Project . 2019
- Ensure all nonconformities are reported;
- Conduct the necessary inspections on site and on equipment regarding plant & equipment plan.
- Ensure all necessary resources are available for the safe refuelling of plant & equipment.
It is prohibited to produce, export, import, and store, transport or deal in chemicals without a certificate.
Application is made by filing the relevant form depending on the purpose for which the application is
made. The application forms appear in Tenth Schedule. The Certificate is personal to the certificate
holder named therein and is not transferable (Section 29, Regulation 4 & Tenth Schedule). Import/export
chemicals through authorized ports of entry (Regulation 8).
YMI has already applied and gathered related permit for such kind of chemical activities.
YMI is going to train all related personnel to understand the potential risks of hazardous material
handling and refuelling activities and the environmental consequences of failure to contain potentially
harmful chemicals.
YMI is going to provide sufficient HSE training to ensure that personnel are aware of the relevant aspects
of this procedure. Toolbox talks and awareness training will be provided to employees at work sites to
maintain awareness. Safe Usage and Handling of Hazarodus Materials training will be given as required
to those staff with specific responsibilities, e.g. refuelling, use of chemical substances, or pumping.
Toolbox talks for each crew will be undertaken at regular intervals during the project.
The training in certain areas is required to raise awareness and skills to an adequate level.
After the implementation of this procedure, all records will be prepared by HSE department and the
related department heads and will be kept in specified time as mentioned in Document Management
There is no specific workflow for this procedure
Hazardous Material
MDM-YMI-AL-GL00X-G-EN-PRO-0013-0 15.06.2019
Management Procedure
This document must not be either loaned copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for
any purpose without the prior written permission of Yapi Merkezi unless it is used by the Tanzania
Page 8 of 9
Railways Corporation for the purposes of completing, operat ing, maintaining, altering, adjusting, repairing
and demolishing the Morogor o – Makutupora SGR Line Project . 2019
Approved procedures and all other documents are recorded to the procedure list by Quality Department.
Hard copy documents are distributed to all related departments with getting their signatures and/or they
will be saved in document management program in order to be published. For all hardcopy documents
“CONTROLLED COPY” statement must have specified on it.
There is no specific attachment for this procedure
Hazardous Material
MDM-YMI-AL-GL00X-G-EN-PRO-0013-0 15.06.2019
Management Procedure
This document must not be either loaned copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for
any purpose without the prior written permission of Yapi Merkezi unless it is used by the Tanzania
Page 9 of 9
Railways Corporation for the purposes of completing, operat ing, maintaining, altering, adjusting, repairing
and demolishing the Morogor o – Makutupora SGR Line Project . 2019