ETAP IEC Short Circuit Calculation Methods

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The document discusses IEC standards and methodology for short-circuit calculations in ETAP, including modeling of equipment, fault classifications, and device ratings.

ETAP short-circuit calculations comply with IEC standards 60056, 600282-1, 61363, 600781, 600909-1, 600909-2, 600947-1, and 600947-2.

In IEC calculations, ETAP represents generators with their internal impedances and neglects line capacitances and static loads. Transformers can be modeled at nominal or tapped positions with correction schemes.


cy1.0 ETAP provides two short-circuit calculation methods based on ANSI IEEE and IE! standards. "ou can select the calculation method #rom the Short-!ircuit Study !ase Editor. This section describes the IE! standard method o# calculation. Standard !ompliance ETAP short-circuit calculation per IE! standards #ully complies with the latest IE! documentation as listed below% Standard IE! &00'& IE! &00$+$-1 IE! &1/&/ IE! &003+1 IE! &00404-1 IE! &00404-$ IE! &00463-1 IE! &00463-$ Title (i)h volta)e alternatin)-current circuit-brea*ers ,uses #or volta)es e-ceedin) 1000 . ac Electrical Installations o# Ships and 0obile and ,i-ed 1##shore 2nits Application )uide #or calculation o# short-circuit currents in low volta)e radial systems Short-circuit calculation in three-phase ac systems Electrical e5uipment - data #or short-circuit current calculations in accordance with IE! 404 7ow volta)e switch)ear and control)ear8 Part 1% 9eneral rules 7ow volta)e switch)ear and control)ear8 Part $% !ircuitbrea*ers


These standards are #or short-circuit calculation and e5uipment ratin) in ac systems with nominal volta)es up to $60 *. and operatin) at '0 (: or &0 (:. They cover ; three-phase8 line-to-)round8 line-to-line8 and line-to-line-to-)round #aults.

IE! 404 and the associated standards classi#y short-circuit currents accordin) to their ma)nitudes <ma-imum and minimum= and #ault distances #rom the )enerator <#ar and near=. 0a-imum short-circuit currents determine e5uipment ratin)s8 while minimum currents dictate protective device settin)s. Near-to-)enerator and #ar-#rom-)enerator classi#ications determine whether or not to model the ac component decay in the calculation8 respectively. IE! &1/&/ Standard calculates the short-circuit current as a #unction o# time and displays its instantaneous values usin) the machine>s subtransient reactance and time constants. This provides an accurate evaluation o# the short-circuit current #or si:in) protective devices and coordinatin) relays #or isolated systems such as ships and o##-shore plat#orms. /.0 9eneral ?escription o# !alculation 0ethodolo)y In IE! short-circuit calculations8 an e5uivalent volta)e source at the #ault location replaces all volta)e sources. A volta)e #actor c is applied to ad@ust the value o# the e5uivalent volta)e source #or minimum and ma-imum current calculations. All machines are represented by their internal impedances. 7ine capacitances and static loads are ne)lected. Trans#ormer taps can be set at either the nominal position or at the tapped position8 and di##erent schemes are available to correct trans#ormer impedance and system volta)es i# o##-nominal tap settin) e-ists.

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System impedances are assumed to be balanced three-phase8 and the method o# symmetrical components is used #or unbalanced #ault calculations. !alculations consider electrical distance #rom the #ault location to synchronous )enerators. ,or a #ar-#rom-)enerator #ault8 calculations assume that the steady-state value o# the short-circuit current is e5ual to the initial symmetrical short-circuit current. 1nly the dc component decays to :ero8 whereas #or a near-to-)enerator #ault8 calculations count #or both decayin) ac and dc components. The e5uivalent A B ratios determine the rates o# decay o# both components8 and di##erent values are recommended #or )enerators and motors near the #ault. !alculations also di##er #or meshed and unmeshed networ*s. The #actor *8 which is used to multiply the initial short-circuit current to )et the pea* short-circuit current ip8 is de#ined di##erently #or di##erent system con#i)urations and the methods selected to calculate the A B ratios. 6.0 ?e#inition o# Terms IE! standards use the #ollowin) de#initions8 which are relevant in the calculations and outputs o# PowerStation. Initial Symmetrical Short-!ircuit !urrent <IC*= This is the rms value o# the ac symmetrical component o# an available shortcircuit current applicable at the instant o# short-circuit i# the impedance remains at :ero time value. Pea* Short-!ircuit !urrent <ip= This is the ma-imum possible instantaneous value o# the available shortcircuit current. Symmetrical Short-!ircuit Drea*in) !urrent <Ib= This is the rms value o# an inte)ral cycle o# the symmetrical ac component o# the available short-circuit current at the instant o# contact separation o# the #irst pole o# a switchin) device. Steady-State Short-!ircuit !urrent <I*= This is the rms value o# the short-circuit current which remains a#ter the decay o# the transient phenomena. Subtransient .olta)e <EC= o# a Synchronous 0achine This is the rms value o# the symmetrical internal volta)e o# a synchronous machine which is active behind the subtransient reactance BCd at the moment o# short-circuit. ,ar-,rom-9enerator Short-!ircuit This is a short-circuit condition durin) which the ma)nitude o# the symmetrical ac component o# available short-circuit current remains essentially constant.

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Near-To-9enerator Short-!ircuit This is a short-circuit condition to which at least one synchronous machine contributes a prospective initial short-circuit current which is more than twice the )enerator>s rated current8 or a short-circuit condition to which synchronous and asynchronous motors contribute more than 'E o# the initial symmetrical short-circuit current < IC*= without motors.

Subtransient Aeactance <BCd= o# a Synchronous 0achine This is the e##ective reactance at the moment o# short-circuit. ,or the calculation o# short-circuit currents8 the saturated value o# <BCd= is ta*en. Accordin) to IE! Standard 4048 the synchronous motor impedance used in IE! short-circuit calculations is calculated in the same way as the synchronous )enerator. FG H G9 <A I BdC= G9 H <*.n I ! ma-= <*.n 1 I Bd sinJr= FG H G9<AIBCd= *.n cma*.r 1I-Cd sinKr G9 H Lhere *.n and *.r are the nominal volta)e o# the terminal bus and the motor rated *. respectively8 !ma- is determined based on motor rated volta)e8 -dC is machine subtransient reactance <per unit in motor base=8 and @r is the machine rated power #actor an)le.

0inimum Time ?elay <Tmin= o# a !ircuit Drea*er This is the shortest time between the be)innin) o# the short-circuit current and the #irst contact separation o# one pole o# the switchin) device. Note that the time delay <Tmin= is the sum o# the shortest possible operatin) time o# an instantaneous relay and the shortest openin) time o# a circuit brea*er. 0inimum time delay does not include the ad@ustable time delays o# trippin) devices.

.olta)e ,actor c This is the #actor used to ad@ust the value o# the e5uivalent volta)e source #or minimum and ma-imum current calculations accordin) to the #ollowin) table% N #inal V lta!e Un V lta!e Fa"t r " F r $a%i#&# F r $ini#&# S' rt(Cir"&it S' rt(Cir"&it C&rrent C&rrent Cal"&lati n Cal"&lati n "#in "#a% 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0' 1.0

(i)h .olta)e %- M /' *. to $/0 *. 0edium .olta)e %- M 1 *. to /' *. 1ther .olta)e %- N 1000 .

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!alculation 0ethods Initial Symmetrical Short-!ircuit !urrent !alculation Initial symmetrical short-circuit current <IC*= is calculated usin) the #ollowin) #ormula% IO* H c 2n P/ F* where F* is the e5uivalent impedance at the #ault location. Pea* Short-!ircuit !urrent !alculation Pea* short-circuit current <Ip= is calculated usin) the #ollowin) #ormula% i p H P$ * IO* where * is a #unction o# the system A B ratio at the #ault location. IE! standards provide three methods #or calculatin) the * #actor% Q 0ethod A - 2ni#orm ratio A B. The value o# the * #actor is determined #rom ta*in) the smallest ratio o# A B o# all the branches o# the networ*. 1nly branches that contain a total o# +0 percent o# the current at the nominal volta)e correspondin) to the short-circuit location are included. Dranches may be a series combination o# several elements. 0ethod D - A B ratio at the short-circuit location. The value o# the * #actor is determined by multiplyin) the * #actor by a sa#ety #actor o# 1.1'8 which covers inaccuracies caused a#ter obtainin) the A B ratio #rom a networ* reduction with comple- impedances. 0ethod ! - E5uivalent #re5uency. The value o# the * #actor is calculated usin) a #re5uency-altered A B. A B is calculated at a lower #re5uency and then multiplied by a #re5uency-dependent multiplyin) #actor.

Symmetrical Short-!ircuit Drea*in) !urrent !alculation ,or a #ar-#rom-)enerator #ault8 the symmetrical short-circuit brea*in) current <Ib= is e5ual to the initial symmetrical short-circuit current. Ib H IO * ,or near-to-)enerator #ault8 <Ib= is obtained by combinin) contributions #rom each individual machine. <Ib= #or di##erent types o# machines are calculated usin) the #ollowin) #ormula% I b H R IO * #or synchronous machines I b H R 5 IO * #or asynchronous machines where R and 5 are #actors that account #or ac decay. They are #unctions o# the ratio o# the minimum time delay and the ratio o# the machine>s initial short-circuit current to its rated current8 as well as real power per pair o# poles o# asynchronous machines.

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IE! standards allow you to include or e-clude ac decay e##ect #rom asynchronous machines in the calculation. ?! !omponent o# Short-!ircuit !urrent !alculation The dc component o# the short-circuit current #or the minimum delay time o# a protective device8 is calculated based on initial symmetrical short-circuit current and system B A ratio% I dc H I>> * P S $ - EBP T <- $.U.#.t min= < B A = V W where # is the system #re5uency8 tmin is the minimum delay time o# the protective device under concern8 and B A is the system value at the #aulted bus. Asymmetrical Short-!ircuit Drea*in) !urrent !alculation The asymmetrical short-circuit brea*in) current #or comparison with circuit brea*er ratin)8 is calculated as the rms value o# symmetrical and dc components o# the short circuit current. ,or #uses8 it is the sum o# asymmetrical currents #rom all #irst level contribution branches. Steady-State Short-!ircuit !urrent !alculation Steady-state short-circuit current <I*= is a combination o# contributions #rom synchronous )enerators. <I*= #or each synchronous )enerator is calculated usin) the #ollowin) #ormula% I * ma- H X ma- I r9 I * min H X min I r9 where X is a #unction o# a )enerator>s e-citation volta)e8 ratio between its initial symmetrical short-circuit current and rated current8 and other )enerator parameters8 and Ir9 is the )enerator>s rated current. The ma-imum steady-state current re#lects ma-imum modelin) inaccuracies. This value is used to determine minimum device ratin)s. The minimum steady-state current re#lects minimum modelin) inaccuracies. This value is used #or relay coordination purposes in preventin) the occurrence o# nuisance trips and loadin) deviations. &.0 !omparison o# ?evice Aatin) and Short-!ircuit ?uty In the Three-Phase ?evice ?uty calculation8 PowerStation compares the protective device ratin) a)ainst bus short-current duty #or the devices that are chec*ed as complyin) with IE! standard and also have device ratin) entered. In case the short-circuit duty is )reater than the device duty8 PowerStation will #la) the device as underrated in both one-line dia)ram and output reports. The #ollowin) table lists the device ratin)s and short-circuit duties used #or the comparison #or 0. !D8 7. !D8 and #uses%

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?evice Type 0. !D 0a*in) ?evice !apability S! !urrent ?uty 0a*in) ip A! Drea*in) Ib8symm Ib8asymm Y Ib8 asymm Idc Y 7. !D 0a*in) Ip A! Drea*in) Ib8symm Ib8asymm Y Ib8 asymm Idc Y ,use Drea*in) Ib8symm Ib8asymm Y Ib8asymm !omparison o# ?evice Aatin) and Short-!urrent ?uty Y?evice capability calculated by PowerStation. 3.0 Transient Short-!ircuit !alculation In additional to device duty calculations8 PowerStation also provides transient shortcircuit calculation per IE! standard &1/&/-1. The transient short-circuit calculation presents #ault current wave#orms as a #unction o# time8 considerin) a number o# #actors that a##ect short-circuit current variations at di##erent time a#ter the #ault. These #actors include synchronous machine subtransient reactance8 transient reactance8 reactance8 subtransient time constant8 transient time constant8 and dc time constant. It also considers decay o# short-circuit contributions #rom induction motors. This detailed modelin) provides an accurate evaluation o# the short-circuit current #or si:in) protective devices and coordinatin) relays #or isolated systems such as ships and o##-shore plat#orms. The calculation can be conducted on both radial and looped system with one or multiply sources. As calculation results8 PowerStation provides short-circuit current as #unction o# time up to 0.1 second at 0.001 second time increment. It also presents short-circuit current as #unction o# cycles up to 1 cycle at 0.1 cycle increment. Alon) with the instantaneous current values8 PowerStation also #urnish calculated A! component8 ?! component8 as well as top envelope o# the current wave#orm. In the summary pa)e8 it also provides the subtransient8 transient8 and steady-state #ault current #or each bus. +.0 !alculation o# IE! ?evice !apability As Shown in the above table8 some o# the dvice capability values are calculated by PowerStation based on capability provided by users and de#ault parameters )iven in IE! standards. Q 0. !D ; The asymmetrical brea*in) and dc current ratin)s #or 0. !D are calculated as #ollows8 Ib8 asymm H Ib8 symm P S 1 I $ - EBP T <- 6.U.#.t min= < B A = V W I dc H Ib8 symm P S $ - EBP T <- $.U.#.t min= < B A = V W Lhere # is the system #re5uency8 tmin is the minimum delay time8 and Ib8symm is the A! brea*in) current provided by the user. ,ollowin) IE! Standard '&8 ,i)ure 48 B A is calculated based on a testin) P, o# 3E at '0(:. Q 7. !D ; The asymmetrical brea*in) current ratin) #or 7. !D is calculated as #ollows%

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Ib8 asymm H Ib8 symm P S 1 I $ - EBP T <- 6.U.#.t min= < B A = V W Lhere # is the system #re5uency8 tmin is the minimum delay time8 and Ib8symm is the brea*in) current provided by the user. B A is calculated based on a testin) P, )iven in IE! Standard 463-$8 Table BI. Q ,use ; The asymmetrical brea*in) current ratin) #or #use is calculated as #ollows% Ib8 asymm H Ib8 symm P S 1 I $ - EBP T <- 6.U.#.t min= < B A = V W Lhere # is the system #re5uency8 tmin is assumed to be a hal# cycle8 and Ib8symm is the brea*in) current provided by the user. B A is calculated based on the de#ault testin) P,o# 1' E.

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