PackML Definition Document V3.0 Final

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The document defines machine state types, operating modes, a mode manager, and state models/transitions. It also compares the current definitions to previous versions of PackML.

The document defines three machine state types: No Command State, Command State, and Busy State.

The document defines two distinct definitions of mode: UNIT CONTROL mode and PROCEDURAL mode. It states that PackML defines the use of UNIT CONTROL modes.

OMAC Motion for Packaging Working Group PackML Subcommittee

Packaging Machine Language V3.0 Mode "efinition "ocument

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David Arens (Bosch Rexroth) Thomas Hopfgartner (B&R Automation) Tom Jensen (Elau) i!e "amping (#rocter & $am%le) i!e #ieper (&iemens Automation) Dan &eger (Roc!'ell Automation)

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/

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
AT3( AT3( 4DE 4DE

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#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/

). (*(C+',V( S+MMA-.
&ince its inception: the #ac!aging achine "anguage (#ac! ") group has %een using a variet; of information sources and technical documents to define a common approach: or machine language: for pac!ing machines, The primar; %enefits %eing to encourage a common <loo! and feel= across a plant floor: and to ena%le: encourage and focus on industr; innovation, The #ac! " group consists of (ontrol *endors: 4E >s and End 1sers: 'hich colla%orate on definitions that endeavour to %e consistent 'ith 3&A &?66: and consistent 'ith the technolog; and the changing needs of a majority of pac!aging machiner;, 1sing the a%ove as a %asis: these ideas have led to the follo'ing@ 0, Definition of machine state t;pes ., Definition of machine operating modes +, Definition of machine mode manager 7, &tate models: &tate descriptions and transitions Machine State '6pe! A achine &tate completel; defines the current condition of a machine, Three machine state t;pes are proposed@ No Command State is one 'hich: after completing its o'n logic: forces automatic transition to a Ainal &tate, An example is &T4##32$, Final State represents a safe state: i,e, no moving parts: &T4##ED, Acting State, 'hich 'as previousl; a Transient &tate: is one 'hich represents some processing activit;: ie &TART32$: H4"D32$: Wait State, 'hich 'as previousl; a Buiescent: or &tead; &tate: is used to identif; that a machine has achieved a defined set of conditions: ie AB4RTED: HE"D: &1&#E2DED: 3D"E, Dual State 'hich 'as not previousl; descri%ed in #ac! " is defined as wait state that is causing the machine to appear as an acting state, There is currentl; onl; one Dual state@ E8E(1TE, Arom the state diagram (Aig 0) it should %e clear that Acting states are follo'ed %; Wait &tates or a Dual &tate, Machine Operating Mode! There are t'o classes of defined odes@ unit contro7 modes and procedura7 modes, 1nit control modes are referenced to the machine entit; and are contextuall; referenced in pac!aging s;stems: and in previous #ac! " versions: as <mode=, 3n this document unit control modes are referred to as <unit mode=: <mode=: or <machine mode=, #rocedural modes are referred to as <procedural mode= onl;, odes are defined in more detail in section +,., 3n #ac! " *+,- there exist an unlimited num%er of unit modes, 1nit modes are reference to an operating condition of the machine such as A1T4 AT3(: A21A": TR3 &ET: &ET1#: A32TE2A2(E, A 123T ode determines ho' a machine 'ill operate in response to the commands 'hich are issued to it, #rocedural modes are t;picall; referenced in %atch s;stems as to a logical operating condition of the machine, #rocedural modes are referenced to the operating condition of a procedure or soft'are routine: such as the soft'are %eing in A1T4 AT3(: &E 3?A1T4 AT3(: or A21A",
#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/ +

Machine Mode Manager Cith the addition of multiple machine modes: a machine mode manager is introduced for #ac! " *+,- for the machine designer to manage unit mode transitions, #rocedural mode management is not reDuired as a separate logical routine: it is t;picall; integrated into: or referenced directl; %; the unit mode or could %e a <%uilt?in= controller function, &pecification on transitions %et'een modes is left to the user: %ut t;pical transition points are at wait states, The specification of the mode manager is such that no state or control functions are carried out in this upper level routine, The intent of the mode manager is to logicall; supervise 'hen a change in mode can %e done: and command a mode change and report status of the change reDuest, Aor each defined 123T mode there is a &tate model, The states proposed: and 'idel; used are generall; applica%le to all machine modesE details of the states and the conditions 'hich force transition %et'een states have %een provided: as an example, (ommon s;non;ms and the arrangement of the states provide the flexi%ilit; reDuired for most pac!aging machiner;, 'he concept! propo!ed u!e pre8iou! PackML 9ork a! it! foundation and !et out to further enhance the 9ork done to date. A77 pre8iou! 9ork and 8er!ion! of PackML 9i77 be back9ard! compatib7e. 'he abi7it6 to co77ap!e PackML V3.0 to PackML V$.$ i! noted in Section 4 of thi! document. Per!onne7 and (n8ironmenta7 Protection The #ersonnel and Environmental #rotection control activit; provides safet; for people and the environment, 2o control activit; should intervene %et'een #ersonnel and Environmental #rotection: and the field hard'are it is designed to operate 'ith, #ersonnel and Environmental #rotection is: %; definition: separate from the higher level control activities in this document, 3t ma; map to more than one soft'are level of the eDuipment as desired, A complete discussion of personnel and environmental protection: the classification of these t;pes of s;stems: and the segregation of levels of interloc!s 'ithin these s;stems is a topic of its o'n and %e;ond the scope of this document,

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/

$. ,&'-O"+C',O&
The o%Fective of this document is to provide a definition of pac!ing machine (unit) modes and states as 'ell as state models corresponding to the different machine operating modes, 3t %uilds on previous machine state definition 'or! carried out %; the #ac! " group, All information and guidelines are %ac!'ards compati%le 'ith previous versions of #ac! ", &ection + provides a series of definitions 'hich are used later in this document, Aour different state t;pes are descri%ed and named and four example operating modes are proposed, A state model for a unit mode: <automatic=: machine operation is proposed in section 7, A diagrammatic representation of the state model is provided along 'ith a more detailed description of each state and the conditions that force transition %et'een states, aintenance operations are descri%ed in section 9, This defines t'o machine?operating modes that are envisaged for the performance of maintenance operations, Chere appropriate a diagram of the proposed state model has %een provided, &tate transition matrices have %een defined for the Automatic odes in section 7, The maFor differences %et'een this document and G#ac! " *.,.G are discussed in section 5, This %riefl; descri%es the proposed changes 'hich have %een included, (onclusions are summarised in section 6,

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/

3. "(0,&,',O&S
This section provides descriptions of some of the terms that are used throughout the document, &ection +,0 provides definitions of machine statesE this illustrates the different t;pes of states and ho' transitions %et'een states are forced, 3n &ection +,. machine operating modes are discussed, And in section +,+ the mode manager is descri%ed,

3.). State!
A &tate can consist of one or more commands to <control o%Fect(s)= 0: or consist of the status of a <control o%Fect(s)=: or %oth, Each state has a functional definition as part of a machine mode, 3n performing the function specified %; the state: the state 'ill issue a set of commands to the machine <control o%Fect(s)= 'hich in turn can report status, The state 'ill perform conditional logic 'hich 'ill either lead to further execution 'ithin the current machine state or cause an ena%ling transition to another state, &tates are arranged in an ordered fashion that is consistent 'ith the specified operation H unit mode of the machine, There are a fixed num%er of states, These states are@ &topping: &topped: A%orting: A%orted: Resetting: 3dle: &tarting: Execute: &uspending: &uspended: 1nsuspending: Holding: Held: 1nHolding (learing: (ompleting: (omplete, A representative definition of theses states is give %elo': %ut these definitions 'ill var; depending on the machine: the definition: and function of the mode, The num%er of these states reDuired for a particular mode is also dependent on the machine and the function of the mode, A &tate completel; defines the current condition of a machine, The function of a state is defined %; the process reDuirement of the control o%Fect(s) in the mode that the state resides in, &tates consist of an ordered list of commands to control o%Fect(s): responses (status) from control o%Fects: conditions: & transitions, Transitions %et'een &tates occur as result of@ 4perator 3ntervention Response to the status of one or more <control o%Fects=, A ode state complete: defined as the completion of all operating steps 'ithin a defined state, A acting &tate is one 'hich represents some processing activit;, 3t implies the single or repeated execution of processing steps in a logical order: for a finite time or until a specific condition has %een reached A Cait &tate is used to identif; that a machine has achieved a defined set of conditions, 3n such a &tate the machine is holding or maintaining a status until transition to a Acting &tate, Dual state is defined as a machine activel; executing in the chosen mode, Execute is the onl; defined Dual &tate, The dual state is representative of a machine state that can %e continuousl; transitioning %et'een acting and 'aiting: and looping: as defined %; the logical seDuence reDuired,

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/

3.$. +nit Mode!

A 1nit ode consists of various statesE the states are arranged in an ordered fashion that is consistent 'ith the specified operation of the machine, 1nit odes define ho' a machine operates, There can %e an; num%er of modes: %ut t;picall; there are a fixed num%er of states: as noted a%ove, T;pical unit modes are Automatic: &emi?Auto: anual: 3ndex: Jog: (lean: Dr; (;cle: etc, The distinguishing elements %et'een these unit modes are t;picall; the commands given to the control elements %; the states 'ithin the unit modes, The definition (command: responses: conditions: & transitions) of the state 'ithin each mode 'ill %e uniDue for the unit mode that the state resides in, Aor example in the Automatic unit mode the definition of <executing= in a filling machine 'ill mean it is <producing= product, 3n the anual 1nit ode the definition of the <executing= state ma; %e dr; c;cling: or Fogging H indexing, Although each unit mode has a <executing= state the state definition is mode dependent, The unit mode and state functional definitions differ along machine lines as 'ell, A 1nit ode completel; defines the current operating condition of a machine 1nit odes consist of an ordered set of states, Transitions %et'een 1nit odes occur@ As a result of an operator command As a result of a &tate change, This is generated %; change of state of one or a num%er of machine conditions: either directl; from 3H4 or completion of a logic routine At onl; pre?programmed states, 1nit odes use a common %ase model %ut are functionall; defined %; the process of the machine 1nit modes can use a su%set of states identified in the %ase model, (onversel;: procedural modes descri%e the 'a; the logic: or machine code H procedure operates, #rocedural modes: from &?66: are Automatic: &emi?Automatic: and anual: and are %uilt in methods the machine operator can use to manipulate the machine logic, An example of the procedural mode ma; %e semi?automatic such that it allo's a machine operator to single step through the states of a particular unit mode, The primar; difference %et'een procedural and unit mode is that the program: or procedure from unit mode to unit mode is different: 'here the program code for different procedural modes has not changed: although the method in 'hich the code is executed has changed, &'itching from one to procedural mode to another can %e independent of the state the machine is in, This is converse to s'itching unit modes: 'hich t;picall; occurs at 'ait states or Fust in the &T4##ED state,

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/

These are examples of unit H machine modes@ Automatic Mode This represents the mode 'hich is utilised for routine production, The machine executes relevant logic in response to commands 'hich are either entered directl; %; the operator or issued %; another supervisor; s;stem, Maintenance Mode This mode allo's: ma; allo' suita%l; authorised personnel: the a%ilit; to run an individual machine independent of other machines in a production line, This mode 'ould t;picall; %e used for faultfinding: machine trials or testing operational improvements, This mode 'ould also allo' the speed of the machine to %e adFusted ('here this feature is availa%le), Manua7 This provides direct control of individual machine axes, This feature is availa%le depending upon the mechanical constraints of the mechanisms %eing exercised, This feature 'ould %e t;picall; used for the commissioning of individual drives: verif;ing the operation of s;nchronised drives: testing the drive as a result of modif;ing parameters etc,

3.3. +nit Mode Manager

#ac!aging machiner; has unit modes other than <automatic=: as noted a%ove, Each unit mode is a defined %; its o'n state model, 3n order to manage the change from one mode to the next a procedure !no'n as a <mode manager= must %e defined, The mode manager determines ho': and in 'hat state a machine ma; change unit modesE ie, the mode manager includes interloc!s that prevent the machine changing at inappropriate states, &pecification on transitions %et'een modes is left to the user: %ut t;pical transition points are at wait states: and in particular the &T4##ED state, The specification of the mode manager is such that no state or control functions are carried out in this upper level routine, The intent of the mode manager is to logicall; supervise 'hen a change in mode can %e done: and command a mode change and report status of the change reDuest, Tag names 'ill also %e mode literal: and the mode manager 'ill %e responsi%le for not onl; managing the commanded mode: %ut also report mode status and time 'ithin a unit mode,

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/

1. A+'OMA',C OP(-A',O& S'A'( MO"(L

The proposed achine &tate model for the operation of a machine in Automatic mode is depicted in the figure %elo'@

0igure ): Machine State Mode7 for Automatic Mode Operation Aor some machine states an alternative state name has %een included %elo': this refers to state names proposed in a previous #ac! " documents on machine states, A %rief description of the individual machine states appears in Ta%le 0 %elo',

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/

'ab7e ) : Automation Operation! Machine State! State &ame O00 "e!cription State '6pe: 0ina7 All po'er to machine s'itched off, This state is assumed if there is no response from the machine, 'hi! State 9a! part of V$.$ but i! being de7eted a! part of V3.0 State '6pe: Wait The machine is po'ered and stationar;, All communications 'ith other s;stems are functioning (3f applica%le), State '6pe: Acting This state provides the steps needed to start the machine and is a result of a starting t;pe command (local or remote), Aollo'ing this command the machine 'ill %egin to <execute=, State '6pe: Wait This is a &tate 'hich indicates that RE&ET32$ is complete, This state maintains the machine conditions 'hich 'ere achieved during the RE&ET state, State '6pe: Acting This state is a result of a command change from the E8E(1TE state, This state is t;picall; reDuired prior to the &1&#E2DED 'ait state: and prepares the machine (ie stops glue c;cles: stops carton feeds: etc) prior to the &1&#E2D state, State '6pe: Wait The machine ma; %e running at the relevant setpoint speed: there is no product %eing produced, This state can %e reached as a result of a machine status: and differs from HE"D in that HE"D is t;picall; a result of an operator reDuest, State '6pe: Acting This state is a result of a reDuest from &1&#E2DED state to go %ac! to the E8E(1TE state, This actions of this state ma; include@ ramping up speeds: turning on vaccums: the re?engagement of clutches, This state is done prior to E8E(1TE state: and prepares the machine for the E8E(1TE state, State '6pe: "ua7 State 4nce the machine is processing materials it is deemed to %e Executing or in the E8E(1TE state, Execute refers to the mode in 'hich the machine is in, 3f the machine is in the <(lean 4ut= mode then <execute= refers to the action of cleaning the machine, State '6pe: Acting This state executes the logic 'hich %rings the machine to a controlled and safe stop


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#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/

State &ame A?O-',&G

"e!cription State '6pe: Acting The AB4RTED state can %e entered at an; time in response to the A%ort command or on the occurrence of a machine fault, The a%orting logic 'ill %ring the machine to a rapid: controlled safe stop, 4peration of the Emergenc; &top 'ill cause the machine to %e tripped %; its safet; s;stem it 'ill also provide a signal to initiate the AB4RT32$ &tate, State '6pe: Wait This state maintains machine status information relevant to the A%ort condition, The &top command 'ill force transition to the &topped state State '6pe: Acting Chen the machine is in the E8E(1TE state the Hold command can %e used to start H4"D32$ logic 'hich %rings the machine to a controlled stop or to a state 'hich represents HE"D for the particular machine mode, State '6pe: Wait The HE"D state 'ould t;picall; %e used %; the operator to hold the temporaril; hold the machineJs operation 'hilst material %loc!ages are cleared: or to stop throughput 'hilst a do'nstream pro%lem is resolved, State '6pe: Acting The 12H4"D32$ state is t;picall; a response to an operator command to resume E8E(1TE state, 12H4"D32$ prepares the machine to re?enter the E8E(1TE state, State '6pe: Acting This state is t;picall; an automaticall; response from the E8E(1TE state, 2ormal operation has run to completion: ie, processing of material at the infeed 'ill stop, State '6pe: Wait The machine has finished the (4 #"ETE32$ state and is no' 'aiting for a &T4# command that 'ill cause a transition to the &T4##ED state State '6pe: Acting This element is the result of a RE&ET command from the &T4##ED state, RE&ETT32$ 'ill t;picall; cause a machine to sound a horn and place the machine in a state 'here components are energiKed a'aiting a &TART command, State '6pe: Acting The procedural element has received a command to clear faults that ma; have occurred 'hen AB4RT32$: and are present in the AB4RTED state %efore proceeding to a &T4##ED state,









#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/


1.). Automatic Mode State 'ran!ition MatriA

The &tate transition matrix for Automatic ode is sho'n %elo', State Commands Un-Hold Suspend Un-Suspend Clear Stop Abort State Complete

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/



'ab7e $ : Automatic Mode State 'ran!ition MatriA (Aamp7e of Machine Command! E"ample Ma#$%ne Commands Current State Operator Carton Carton Do(nstream Do(nstream E-Stop No rodu#t Operator rodu#t Clear Start Ma&a'%ne Ma&a'%ne Not Read* Read* rodu#t resent Stop Count )aults Lo( )ull resent Rea#$ed IDLE Start Abort Stop STARTING Abort Stop EXECUTE Hold Suspe d Abort Suspe d Stop Co!plete COM LETING Abort Stop COM LETE Abort Stop RESETTING Abort Stop HOLDING Abort Stop HELD U -Hold Abort Stop UN-HOLDING Abort Stop SUS ENDING Abort Stop SUS ENDED U -Suspe d Abort U -Suspe d Stop UN-SUS END Abort Stop STO ING Abort STO ED Abort A!ORTING A!ORTED Clear CLEARING Abort

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/


1.$. Automatic Mode Comment!

&ome further explanator; notes have %een included to further clarif; some elements of the &tate odel, The Auto state diagram has %een clarified in version + 'ith each 'ait state preceded: and follo'ed: %; an acting state, The onl; exception to this is the dual state of E8E(1TE, 3n order to progress to a 'ait state the machine must go through a change in state or some action, All #ac! " mode models or state diagrams can %e derived from the super?set of states sho'n a%ove in the Auto ode diagram, The Auto ode diagram a%ove is collapsi%le: and do'n'ard compati%le to the *.,. model as sho'n in section 5, The 4AA state from *.,. has %een eliminated in *+,- %ecause although the state does exist it could not %e sho'n due to a paradox in the definition at the local level: and the value of an 4AA state could not %e Fustified, The 4AA state represented a loss of machine po'er and therefore could not %e displa;ed at a local level, &ote! about Machine Start +p 3n order to start a machine from the &T4##ED state the operator needs to issue the RE&ET command and once the machine is 3D"E the &tart (ommand 'ill allo' the machine to start (E8E(1TE), 4n some lines a single operator ma; %e responsi%le for the supervision of a num%er of machines 'hich ma; all %e locall; started, 4n one pass do'n the line heHshe can reset all of the machines for operation and once all are confirmed (3D"E) he 'ill then %e a%le to start individual machines in the correct order, Aor those lines 'hich have supervisor; control: the Reset command can %e issued at all machines at once and then the correct starting seDuence can %e initiated once all are confirmed 3D"E,

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/


/. MA,&'(&A&C( OP(-A',O&S
Automatic mode has %een defined in order to deliver control of routine processing and production, 3t is recognised that machines reDuire maintenance: cali%ration and setting up, To address this reDuirement t'o additional modes of operation are proposed: aintenance and anual,

/.). Maintenance Mode

This mode allo's suita%l; authorised personnel the a%ilit; to run an individual machine independent of other machines in a production line, This 'ould t;picall; %e used for faultfinding: machine trials or testing operational improvements, 3t is expected that: %ecause the machine 'ill perform its usual operations: it 'ill need to undergo some or all of its routine starting up procedures, aintenance mode operations 'ill therefore follo' a recognised state model, B; 'a; of example: one possi%le aintenance ode state model is sho'n in Aigure . %elo', 3t is recognised that individual machine manufacturers ma; have good reason to develop other versions of maintenance mode state models, T;pical modes: such as aintenance are developed as su%sets of the Automatic mode, The state names remain consistent %ut the function of the state has %een modified to %e consistent 'ith the mode function,

0igure $ : Maintenance Operation! State Mode7

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/


As can %e seen from a%ove: the state model proposed for maintenance operations is a su% set of the previousl; defined model for automatic operations, The essential difference %et'een Automatic and aintenance modes is the a%sence of a &1&#E2DED states in aintenance, 3t is envisaged: for certain line t;pes: that the &1&#E2DED states are not reDuired as its function is to provide for a 'ait state for incoming material, aintenance mode is not designed for routine production and hence no &1&#E2DED states are availa%le, The function or E8E(1TE state has also ta!en on ne' meaning: in that E8E(1T32$ production ma; not reDuire the same logic as E8E(1TE32$ in maintenance, 3t is recognised that some maintenance operations 'ill reDuire the testing of machine performance in conFunction 'ith pac!ing materials, aintenance mode 'ill provide this function: ho'ever it 'ill not provide material usage data 'hen doing so,

/.$. Manua7 Mode

This mode of operation provides suita%l; authorised personnel the a%ilit; to operate individual drives 'ithin the machine under push%utton control, All operations in the mode ma; %e on a Ghold?to?runG %asis such that removal of the run signal 'ill cause the drive to %e stopped, The a%ilit; to perform specific functions 'ill %e dependent upon mechanical constraints and interloc!s, This mode of operation 'ill %e of particular use for setting the machine to 'or!, The predefined state model associated 'ith this mode can again %e defined as a su%set from earlier modes, (ommon s;non;ms for this mode of operation are 3nch: Jog: or 3ndex,

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/


/.3. +!er Mode

An; mode of operation can %e defined 'hich provides a reDuired function for the machine, This guideline provides suita%l; authorised personnel the a%ilit; to operate the machine under push%utton control for an; num%er of modes, The guideline stipulates a commonalit; of approaches for all modes %ased on a given num%er of general machine states, The <name= of the state(s) ma; %e customiKed to provide the operator 'ith an intuitive or descriptive name for the state: %ut the function of the state(s) is consistent 'ith general nomenclature of the guideline, The predefined state model associated 'ith this mode can again %e defined as a su%set from earlier modes, Belo' is a depiction of the Ceihenstephan standard harmoniKed to the 4 A( H #ac! " *+,- model, As can %e seen the #ac! " *+ model included states that 'ere collapsed to %e consistent 'ith the Ceihenstephan standard,

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/


%. MO"( MA&AG(#ac!aging machiner; has unit modes other than <automatic=: as noted a%ove, Each unit mode is a defined %; its o'n state model, 3n order to manage the change from one mode to the next a procedure !no'n as a <mode manager= must %e defined, The mode manager determines ho': and in 'hat state a machine ma; change unit modes, The mode manager is a high level routineE there is t;picall; onl; one mode manager routine per machine: if a mode manager is reDuired, The primar; function of the mode manager is to provide a means in 'hich the machine changes its unit mode, Aor instance: 'hen changing mode from A1T4 (producing) to ("EA241T: the machine must %e &T4##ED: else the mode is prohi%ited from changing, Cait states are t;picall; used for mode changing: %ut this guideline does not restrict other mode changing states, Belo': the green arro's sho' t;pical <safe= states to transition modes, The ;ello' and green arro's ma; %e considered less <safe=, An example function %loc! for a mode selector is given %; #"(open Technical (ommittee 9: &afet; &oft'are: Technical &pecification: *ersion 0: section /,+: < ode &elector=, All considerations of a mode manager must %e consistent 'ith prevailing safe practices and standards, Tag names 'ill also %e mode literal: and the mode manager 'ill %e responsi%le for not onl; managing the commanded mode: %ut also report mode status and time 'ithin a unit mode,









































#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/ 06

4. COMPA-,SO& 'O PAC5ML V$.$ A&" V3.0 "(0,&,',O&

The differences %et'een the #ac! "*.,. and *+,- &tate Definition documents are highlighted and discussed %elo', State '6pe! This document proposes three state t;pes instead of four@ Cait: Acting: DualE versus Ainal: Transient: Buiescent and 2o (ommand, The ne' states are descriptive of the purpose of the state, The state diagram is no' more intuitive 'ith each 'ait: or dual state: preceded nad follo'ed: if applica%le: %; its respective acting state, Mode! The #ac! " *.,. document defines three operating modes Automatic: aintenance and 3ndex, These 'ere redefined in the context of 1nit modes for #ac! " *+,-, The num%er of modes for *+,- are unlimited 'hereas the modes defined in *.,. 'here limited to +, #rocedural modes are o%served in this guideline %ut not defined for usage, &umber of State! 3n #ac! " *.,. Automatic ode document defines eleven operating states: for *+,-: 05 different states are defined, #rimaril; the increase in num%er states is due to the separation of the action and the 'ait state, State Mode7 A 'ait &tate: 3D"E: has %een introduced after completing the RE&ETT32$ L&tart upM state for *+,-, This state maintains the operating conditions of the machine until the &tart command is issued and essentiall; it represents that the RE&ETT32$ &tate has %een completed, The (4 #"ETE state: in this document: is entered on occurrence of a completed machine run: defined %; the machine configuration, Running out of pac!ing materials 'ill not force transition to (4 #"ETE unless programmed and configured, 3t is proposed that (4 #"ETE 'ill cause the machine to stop processing product at its infeed and %e %rought to a state that 'ill no longer process materials, The ("EAR32$ state is a transient state used for clearing faults that ma; have occurred in the AB4RT32$ state, $enerall;: a machine produces faults 'hen performing an AB4RT function, The state noted as &TA2DBN in the previous revision of #A() " *.,. has %een expanded to the &1&#E2D32$ states, 3t 'as recogniKed that a machine going from an 4#ERAT32$ state to a &TA2DBN state and %ac! again: as depicted in *.,. 'as actuall; performing multiple actions that 'ere state changes caused %; the machine logic, &TA2DBN 'as replaced %; the acting and 'ait states that 'ere represented %; &TA2DBN, 4f course as 'ith all #A() " *+ the &1&#E2DED states can %e collapsed %ac! to the &TA2DBN state, The caveat is in the placement of the &TATE, The &1&#E2D32$ states have %een placed around the E8E(1TE states 'here the previous &TA2DBN state 'as placed prior to the E8E(1TE state, The difference is programmatic rather than operational, Belo' is a pictorial comparison of #ac! " *.,. to #ac! " *+,-,
#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/ 0I

Aigure 5,0 Representation of #ac! " *.,., 3ncluded are all #ac! " *.,. states 'ith the exception of 4AA, All states 'ithin the dar! (;an %ox can %e AB4RTED: and all states 'ithin the light (;an %ox can %e &T4##ED, &o all states can %e AB4RTED including &T4##32$ states,

Aigure 5,. Representation of #ac! " *.,. overlaid on #ac! " *+,-, As can %e seen: #ac! " *+,- can %e collapsed to include *.,.,

Aigure 5,+ HarmoniKation Representation of #ac! " *+,- & #ac! " *.,.
#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/ .-

The %loc!s shaded gra; %elo' ne' to #ac! " *+,-: names represented in parenthesis are those existing in #ac! " *.,.,

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/


%. CO&CL+S,O&S
Three state t;pes 'ere defined to cover differences in the functionalit; of machine states T'o distinct definitions of mode are defined: 123T (42TR4" mode and #R4(ED1RA" mode, #ac! " defines the use of 123T (42TR4" modes, Different state models for Automatic and aintenance modes are reDuired: %ut others ma; %e possi%le, A 4DE A2A$ER has %een included to trac! and manage unit mode changes, #revious versions of #ac! " are compati%le 'ith ne'er versions, The ("EAR32$ and (4 #"ETE states have %een added to allo' a machineJs harmoniKation 'ith &?66 This 'or! uses previous #ac! " 'or! as its foundation and sets out to further enhance the 'or! done to date, Auture 'or! ma; encompass@ Aault Handling &;stems E& H (ell communication Reference to safet; resources H 3 templates

4. -(0(-(&C(S
#ac! " &tate Definition Document *.,. (Ared #utman) #ac! " &tate Definition Draft (Andre' acDonald) 3&A &?66 #art 0 #"(open Technical (ommittee 9: &afet; &oft'are: Technical &pecification o http@HH''',plcopen,orgH (Eelco van der Cal) 4 A( H #ac! " 'e%site@ http@HH''',omac,orgHpac!ml

#A() " Definition *+,- June .--/


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