The Templar Salvation - Raymond Khoury

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The passage provides details about a siege and knights trying to enter Constantinople secretly.

Constantinople in 1203 during a siege.

The knights are trying to scale the fortifications and make their way into the city unnoticed.


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@irs" prin"ing# Oc"ober 0('(
*opyrigh" A 0('( by 7+y9ond Bhoury
All righ"s reser.ed

h+s been +pplied 1or

eIS3N ? ,75;';'(';)))0;5

PU34IS!-78S NOT-
This boo& is + $or& o1 1ic"ion. N+9es# ch+r+c"ers# pl+ces# +nd inciden"s ei"her +re "he
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The sc+nning# uplo+ding# +nd dis"ribu"ion o1 "his boo& .i+ "he In"erne" or .i+ +ny o"her
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copyrigh"ed 9+"eri+ls. %our suppor" o1 "he +u"hor8s righ"s is +ppreci+"ed.
For my father,
the kindest soul I ever met.

JULY 1203

S"+y lo$# +nd &eep Fuie"#G "he griDDled 9+n $hispered +s he helped "he &nigh" cl+9ber
on"o "he $+l&$+y. HThe r+9p+r"s +re s$+r9ing $i"h gu+rds# +nd "his siege h+s "he9 on edge.G o1 Tyre gl+nced le1" +nd righ"# sc+nning "he d+r&ness 1or +ny sign o1 + "hre+".
There $+s no one +round. The "o$ers "o ei"her side $ere dis"+n"# "he 1lic&ering "orches o1 "he
nigh" $+"ches 9+nning "he9 b+rely .isible in "he 9oonless nigh". The Beeper h+d chosen "heir
en"ry poin" $ell. I1 "hey +c"ed 1+s"# "here $+s + re+son+ble ch+nce "hey could sc+le "he res" o1 "he
1or"i1ic+"ions +nd 9+&e "heir $+y in"o "he ci"y unno"iced.
/+&ing i" b+c& ou" s+1elyC"h+" $+s + di11eren" 9+""er.
!e y+n&ed on "he rope "hree "i9es "o sign+l "he 1i.e &nigh";bro"hers $ho $+i"ed belo$# in
"he sh+do$s o1 "he gre+" ou"er $+ll. One by one# "hey cli9bed up "he &no""ed rope# "he l+s" one o1
"he9 pulling i" up behind hi9. 6i"h "heir s$ords no$ unshe+"hed +nd clenched "igh"ly in "heir
c+lloused h+nds# "hey sli"hered +cross "he r+9p+r" in + silen" single 1ile# 1ollo$ing "heir hos". The
rope $+s un$ound# "his "i9e do$n "he side o1 "he inner $+ll. /inu"es l+"er# "hey8d +ll "ouched
solid ground +nd $ere "r+iling + 9+n none o1 "he9 h+d 9e"# +d.+ncing in"o + ci"y in $hich
"hey8d se" 1oo".
They crouched lo$# uncer"+in o1 $here "he Beeper $+s le+ding "he9# $+ry o1 being
spo""ed. They $ore bl+c& surco+"s d+r& "unics ins"e+d o1 "heir "r+di"ion+l $hi"e 9+n"les# "he
ones be+ring "he dis"inc"i.e red# spl+yed cross. There $+s no need 1or "he9 "o +nnounce "heir
"rue iden"i"y. No" $hen "r+.eling "hrough ene9y "erri"ory# +nd e.en less $hen sne+&ing in"o +
ci"y "h+" $+s under siege by Pope Innocen"8s crus+ders. A1"er +ll# they $ere crus+ders. To "he
people o1 *ons"+n"inople# "he Te9pl+rs $ere "he pope8s 9en. They $ere "he ene9y. And
$+s 1ully +$+re o1 "he grisly 1+"e "h+" +$+i"ed &nigh"s $ho $ere c+p"ured behind ene9y lines.
3u" "he $+rrior;9on& didn8" consider "he 3yD+n"ines "he ene9y# +nd he $+sn8" here +" "he
pope8s behes".
@+r 1ro9 i".
Christian against Christian# he "hough" +s "hey slipped p+s" + church "h+" $+s closed 1or
"he nigh". Is there no end to this insanityI
Their Journey h+d been long# +nd +rduous. They h+d ridden $i"h only "he brie1es" o1
p+uses 1or d+ys# eKh+us"ing "heir horses "o ne+r;de+"h. The 9ess+ge "h+" h+d co9e 1ro9 "he
Beepers# deep inside "he 3yD+n"ine c+pi"+l# $+s uneKpec"edC+nd +l+r9ing. The ci"y o1 <+r+# on
"he D+l9+"i+n co+s"# h+d been ineKplic+bly s+c&ed by "he pope8s +r9yCineKplic+bly# gi.en "h+"
i" $+s + *hris"i+n ci"y# +nd no" Jus" + *hris"i+n ci"y# bu" + Catholic one +" "h+". The :ene"i+n 1lee"
1errying "he r+p+cious 9en o1 "he @our"h *rus+de $+s on "he 9o.e +g+in. *ons"+n"inople $+s
"heir neK" "+rge"# os"ensibly "o res"ore i"s deposed +nd blinded e9peror# +nd his son# "o "he "hrone.
And gi.en "h+" "he 3yD+n"ine c+pi"+l $+sn8" e.en *+"holic# bu" Gree& Or"hodoKC+nd gi.en "he
9+ss+cre "h+" h+d "+&en pl+ce "here + couple o1 dec+des e+rlierC"he por"en"s 1or "he ci"y didn8"
loo& pro9ising.
And so +nd his bro"her;&nigh"s h+d le1" "he Te9pl+r s"ronghold +" Tor"os+ in +
gre+" rush. They h+d ridden nor"h +ll "he $+y up "he co+s"# "hen $es"# crossing "hrough un1riendly
*ilici+n Ar9eni+n +nd /usli9 SelJu& "erri"ory# n+.ig+"ing +cross "he +rid 9oonsc+pes o1
*+pp+doci+# s"eering cle+r 1ro9 +ny se""le9en"s +nd "o$ns# doing "heir bes" "o +.oid
con1ron"+"ion. 3y "he "i9e "hey re+ched "he en.irons o1 *ons"+n"inople# "he crus+der 1lee"C9ore
"h+n "$o hundred g+lleys +nd horse "r+nspor"s under "he co99+nd o1 "he 1or9id+ble Doge o1
:enice hi9sel1C$+s $ell en"renched in "he $+"ers surrounding "he gre+"es" ci"y o1 i"s "i9e.
The siege $+s on.
Ti9e $+s running ou".
They shel"ered in "he sh+do$s $hile + p+"rol o1 1oo"9en "rudged p+s"# "hen "hey 1ollo$ed
"he Beeper "hrough + s9+ll ce9e"ery "o + "hic&e" o1 "rees $here + horse;dr+$n $+gon +$+i"ed
"he9. Ano"her gr+ying 9+n# one $hose sole9n eKpression couldn8" 9+s& + deep une+se# $+i"ed
+longside i"# holding "he reins. The second of three# "hough" +s he g+.e hi9 + s9+ll nod#
$hile his 9en cli9bed in"o "he b+c&. They $ere soon +d.+ncing deep in"o "he ci"y# +11ording "he
burly &nigh" +n occ+sion+l gl+nce "hrough "he n+rro$ sli" in "he $+gon8s c+n.+s
!e h+d seen such + pl+ce.
-.en in "he ne+r;d+r&ness# he could 9+&e ou" "he hul&ing silhoue""es o1 "he so+ring
churches +nd 9onu9en"+l p+l+ces "h+" $ere o1 + sc+le he h+dn8" i9+gined possible. The sheer
nu9ber o1 "he9 $+s +s"ounding. 7o9e# P+ris# :enice . . . he8d h+d "he good 1or"une "o .isi" "he9
+ll# ye+rs e+rlier# $hile +cco9p+nying his gr+nd 9+s"er on + "rip "o "he P+ris Te9ple. They +ll
p+led by co9p+rison. The Ne$ 7o9e $+s indeed "he gre+"es" ci"y o1 "he9 +ll. And $hen "he
$+gon 1in+lly re+ched i"s des"in+"ion# "he sigh" "h+" gree"ed hi9 $+s no less +$e;inspiring? +
9+gni1icen" s"ruc"ure 1ron"ed by + so+ring *orin"hi+n colonn+de# i"s pedi9en" dis+ppe+ring high
o.erhe+d in "he ne+r;d+r&ness.
The "hird Beeper# "he eldes" +9ong "he9# $+s $+i"ing 1or "he9 +" "he "op o1 "he edi1ice8s
gr+nd s"+irs.
H6h+" is "his pl+ceIG +s&ed hi9.
HThe i9peri+l libr+ry#G "he 9+n nodded. eKpression 1l+gged his surprise. The imperial libr+ryI
The Beeper c+ugh" i" +nd his 1+ce ligh"ened up $i"h "he 9eres" hin" o1 + grin. H6here bes"
"o hide so9e"hing "h+n in pl+in sigh"IG !e "urned +nd he+ded in. H@ollo$ 9e. 6e don8" h+.e
9uch "i9e.G
The older 9en escor"ed "he &nigh"s up "he 1ligh" o1 s"eps# "hrough "he en"r+nce .es"ibule#
+nd deep in"o "he c+.ernous building. The h+lls $ere deser"ed. The hour $+s l+"e# bu" i" $+s
9ore "h+n "h+". The "ension in "he ci"y $+s p+lp+ble. The hu9id nigh" +ir $+s he+.y $i"h 1e+r# +
1e+r "h+" $+s s"o&ed by "he uncer"+in"y +nd con1usion "h+" only go" $orse $i"h e.ery ne$ d+y.
They pressed on by "orchligh"# p+ssing "he .+s" scrip"oriu9s "h+" held 9os" o1 "he
&no$ledge o1 "he +ncien" $orld# upon o1 scrolls +nd codices "h+" included "eK"s
s+l.+ged 1ro9 "he long;los" libr+ry o1 AleK+ndri+. They $en" do$n + spir+l s"+ir$+y +" "he .ery
b+c& o1 "he building +nd "hrough + l+byrin"h o1 n+rro$ p+ss+ges +nd 9ore s"+irs# "heir sh+do$s
creeping +long "he spec&led li9es"one $+lls# un"il "hey re+ched +n unli" corridor "h+" $+s lined
$i"h + series o1 he+.y doors. One o1 "he hos"s unloc&ed "he door +" "he 1+r"hes" end o1 "he p+ss+ge
+nd led "he9 inside. I" $+s + l+rge s"oreroo9# one o1 9+ny# i9+gined. I" $+s clu""ered
$i"h cr+"es# i"s $+lls lined $i"h cob$ebbed "h+" housed scrolls +nd le+"her;bound
codices. The +ir $+s 9us"y +nd s"+le# bu" cool. buil" "his pl+ce h+d &no$n "h+" hu9idi"y
h+d "o be &ep" +" b+y i1 "he p+rch9en" +nd .ellu9 9+nuscrip"s $ere going "o sur.i.e. And "hey
h+dC1or cen"uries.
6hich $+s $hy +nd his 9en $ere "here.
HThe ne$s isn8" good#G "he eldes" o1 "he Beepers "old "he9. HThe usurper AleKius l+c&s
"he cour+ge "o "+&e on "he ene9y. !e rode ou" $i"h 1or"y di.isions yes"erd+y# bu" didn8" d+re
eng+ge "he @r+n&s +nd "he :ene"i+ns. !e couldn8" ge" b+c& inside "he g+"es 1+s" enough.G The old
9+n p+used# his eyes desponden". HI 1e+r "he $ors". The ci"y is +s good +s los"# +nd once i" 1+lls . .
.G could +lre+dy i9+gine "he .enge+nce "h+" $ould be "+&en ou" on "he ci"y8s
ner.ous inh+bi"+n"s i1 "he 4+"ins bre+ched "heir de1enses.
I" h+d only been "$en"y ye+rs or so since "h+" "he 4+"ins o1 *ons"+n"inople h+d been
9+ss+cred. /en# $o9en# children . . . no one h+d been sp+red. Thous+nds upon "hous+nds o1
"he9# $iped ou" in + 9urderous 1renDy "he li&es o1 $hich h+dn8" been seen since "he "+&ing o1
>erus+le9 in "he @irs" *rus+de. :ene"i+n# Genoese# +nd Pis+n 9erch+n"s +nd "heir 1+9ilies $ho
h+d long se""led in *ons"+n"inople +nd $ho con"rolled i"s se+1+ring "r+de +nd i"s 1in+ncesC"he
en"ire 7o9+n *+"holic popul+"ion o1 "he ci"yCh+d been sl+ugh"ered in + sudden up$elling o1
+nger +nd resen"9en" by "he en.ious loc+l popul+"ion. Their Fu+r"ers h+d been reduced "o +sh#
"heir up"urned# +ny sur.i.ors sold o11 +s "o "he Tur&s. The ci"y8s *+"holic clergy
didn8" 1+re be""er +" "he h+nds o1 "heir Gree& Or"hodoK ene9ies? Their churches $ere burned# +nd
"he pope8s represen"+"i.e $+s publicly behe+ded be1ore his he+d $+s "ied "o + dog8s "+il +nd
dr+gged "hrough "he ci"y8s blood;so+&ed s"ree"s in 1ron" o1 + Jubil+n" cro$d.
The old 9+n "urned +nd led "he &nigh"s deeper in"o "he s"oreroo9# "o + second door#
$hich $+s p+r"i+lly hidden by so9e he+.ily l+den HThe @r+n&s +nd "he 4+"ins "+l& +bou"
"+&ing b+c& >erus+le9# bu" you +nd I bo"h &no$ "h+" "hey8ll ge" "h+" 1+r#G he s+id +s he
1idge"ed $i"h "he door8s loc&s. HAnd in +ny c+se# "hey8re no" re+lly ou" "o recl+i9 "he !oly
Sepulchre. No" +ny9ore. They only "hing "hey c+re +bou" no$ is lining "heir poc&e"s. And "he
pope $ould li&e no"hing 9ore "h+n "o see "his e9pire 1+ll +nd h+.e i"s church brough" under "he
+u"hori"y o1 7o9e.G !e "urned# his eKpression d+r&ening. HI"8s been long s+id "h+" only "he +ngels
in !e+.en &no$ "he d+"e o1 "he ending o1 our gre+" ci"y. I 1e+r "hey8re no" "he only ones "o &no$
i" no$. The pope8s 9en $ill "+&e *ons"+n"inople#G he "old "he &nigh"s. HAnd $hen "hey do# I h+.e
li""le doub" "h+" "here8ll be + s9+ll con"ingen" o1 "he9 $hose sole "+s& $ill be "o l+y "heir h+nds
on "hese.G
!e s$ung "he door open +nd led "he9 in. The roo9 $+s b+re# s+.e 1or "hree l+rge $ooden
ches"s. he+r"be+" spi&ed. As one o1 "he chosen 1e$ $i"hin "he highes" echelons o1 "he
Order# he &ne$ $h+" l+y $i"hin "he si9ple# un+dorned "run&s. !e +lso &ne$ $h+" he no$ h+d "o
H%ou8ll need "he $+gon +nd "he horses# +nd Theophilus $ill help you +g+in#G "he old 9+n
con"inued# gl+ncing "o +c&no$ledge "he younges" o1 "he "hree Beepers# "he one $ho h+d helped +nd his 9en sne+& in"o "he ci"y. H3u" $e8ll need "o be Fuic&. Things could ch+nge +" +ny
9o9en". There8s e.en "+l& o1 "he e9peror 1leeing "he ci"y. %ou need "o be on your $+y by 1irs"
H L %ou8 . . . IG $+s surprised by "he 9+n8s $ords. H6h+" +bou" youI %ou8re +ll
co9ing $i"h us# +ren8" youIG
The elder eKch+nged + 9ourn1ul loo& $i"h his cohor"s# "hen shoo& his he+d. HNo. 6e
need "o your "r+il. 4e" "he pope8s 9en "hin& "h+" $h+" "hey $ere +1"er is s"ill here long
enough "o 9+&e sure you8re cle+r o1 +ny d+nger.G $+n"ed "o obJec"# bu" he could see "h+" "he Beepers $ouldn8" be s$+yed. They8d
+l$+ys &no$n "h+" + "i9e li&e "his 9igh" h+ppen. They8d been prep+red 1or i"# +s h+d e.ery
gener+"ion o1 Beepers be1ore "he9.
The &nigh"s lugged "he ches"s on"o "he $+gon# one +" + "i9e# 1our o1 "he9 he1"ing e+ch
he+.y lo+d $hile "$o o"hers s"ood gu+rd. 3y "he "i9e "hey h+d se" o11# "he 1irs" hin"s o1 d+$n
$ere seeping in"o "he nigh" s&y.
The g+"e "h+" "he Beepers h+d chosen# "he G+"e o1 "he Spring# $+s one o1 "he 9ore re9o"e
en"ries in"o "he ci"y. I" $+s 1l+n&ed by "$o "o$ers bu" +lso h+d + s9+ller pos"ern "o one side o1
"he 9+in g+"es# $hich $+s $here "hey $ere he+ded.
As "he he+.ily l+den $+gon dri.en by "$o clo+&ed 1igures cl+""ered "o$+rd i"# "hree
1oo"9en con.erged "o bloc& i"s p+"h# eyeing i" curiously.
One o1 "he9 r+ised his h+nd in + bloc&ing ges"ure +nd +s&ed# H6ho goes "hereIG
Theophilus# $ho $+s +" "he reins# le" ou" + p+ined cough be1ore 9u9bling + lo$ reply#
s+ying "hey urgen"ly needed "o ge" "o "he <oodochos 9on+s"ery "h+" $+s Jus" beyond "he g+"es.
Se+"ed neK" "o hi9# $+"ched in silence +s "he Beeper8s $ords did "he "ric& +nd see9ed "o
in"rigue "he gu+rd# $ho 9o.ed closer +nd sp+" ou" +no"her Fues"ion.
@ro9 under "he co$l o1 his d+r& "unic# "he Te9pl+r $+"ched "he 9+n +ppro+ching "he9
+nd $+i"ed un"il he $+s close enough be1ore l+unching hi9sel1 on"o hi9 +nd plunging his d+gger
deep in"o "he gu+rd8s nec&. In "he s+9e ins"+n"# "hree &nigh"s rushed ou" o1 "he b+c& o1 "he $+gon
+nd silenced "he o"her gu+rds be1ore "hey could sound "he +ler".
HGo#G hissed +s his bro"hers rushed "o "he g+"ehouse# $hile he +nd "$o o1 "he
&nigh"s crouched do$n +nd sc+nned "he "o$ers o.erhe+d. !e 9o"ioned 1or Theophilus "o sne+&
+$+y in"o +s "hey h+d +greed. The old 9+n8s $or& $+s done# +nd "his $+s no pl+ce 1or
hi92 &ne$ +ll hell could bre+& loose +" +ny secondC$hich i" did $hen "$o 9ore gu+rds
e9erged 1ro9 "he g+"ehouse Jus" +s "he &nigh"s h+d pulled o11 "he 1irs" o1 "he crossb+rs.
The Te9pl+rs reco.ered "heir s$ords +nd cu" "he gu+rds do$n $i"h s"unning e11iciency#
bu" no" be1ore one o1 "he9 h+d yelped ou" loudly enough "o +ler" his co9p+nions in "he "o$ers.
6i"hin seconds# l+n"erns +nd "orches $ere 1rene"ic+lly on "he r+9p+r"s +s +ler"s $ere
sounded. d+r"ed + loo& +" "he g+"e +nd s+$ "h+" his bro"hers $ere s"ill $or&ing on
loosening "he l+s" o1 "he crossb+rsCJus" +s +rro$s bi" in"o "he p+rched ground neK" "o hi9 +nd by
"he o1 "he $+gon8s horses# n+rro$ly 9issing one o1 "he9. There $+s no "i9e "o lose. I1
one o1 "he horses $ere "o be 1elled# "heir esc+pe $ould be scu""led.
H6e h+.e "o 9o.e#G he ro+red +s he loosed + bol" 1ro9 his crossbo$# hi""ing + b+c&li"
+rcher high +bo.e +nd sending hi9 "u9bling do$n 1ro9 "he r+9p+r". +nd "he "$o
&nigh"s +longside hi9 relo+ded +nd 1ired +g+in# spe$ing bol"s up$+rd# &eeping "he sen"ries +"
b+y# un"il one o1 "he &nigh"s yelled +nd "he g+"es cre+&ed open.
H4e"8s go#G shou"ed +s he $+.ed his 9en onC+nd +s "hey scr+9bled "o ge" b+c&
on "he $+gon# + bol" sl+99ed in"o "he &nigh" by his side# "hudding do$n$+rd in"o his righ"
shoulder +nd lodging i"sel1 deep in"o his ches" c+.i"y. The 9+nCOdo o1 7ide1or"# +n oK o1 + 9+n
Ccru9bled "o "he ground# blood spur"ing ou" o1 hi9. d+r"ed "o hi9 +nd helped hi9 b+c& on"o his 1ee"# c+lling ou" "o "he o"hers.
6i"hin seconds# "hey $ere +ll "heir $ounded bro"her;&nigh"# "hree o1 "he9 1iring up$+rd
de1ensi.ely $hile "he o"hers helped hi9 in"o "he b+c& o1 "he $+gon. 6i"h "he +rchers co.ering
hi9# sprin"ed "o "he 1ron"# +nd +s he cli9bed on"o "he bench se+"# he "urned "o shoo" +
p+r"ing nod o1 gr+"i"ude "o TheophilusCbu" "he Beeper $+sn8" $here he8d l+s" seen hi9. Then he
spo""ed hi9C+ shor" dis"+nce +$+y# do$n on "he ground# 9o"ionless# +n +rro$ "hrough his nec&.
!e gl+nced +" hi9 1or no 9ore "h+n + soli"+ry he+r"be+"# bu" i" $+s s"ill long enough 1or "he sigh"
"o br+nd i"sel1 per9+nen"ly in"o his consciousnessC"hen he le+p" on"o "he $+gon +nd $hipped
"he horses "o li1e.
The o"her &nigh"s cl+9bered on bo+rd +s "he $+gon ch+rged "hrough "he g+"es +nd ou" o1
"he ci"y under + deluge o1 +rro$s. As guided i" up + hilloc& be1ore "urning nor"h# he c+s"
his eye "he glis"ening se+ belo$ +nd "he $+r g+lleys "h+" $ere gliding p+s" "he ci"y8s $+lls#
b+nners +nd penn+n"s 1lying 1ro9 "heir s"ernc+s"les# shields unco.ered# bul$+r&s g+rnished#
l+dders +nd 9+ngonels r+ised "hre+"eningly.
Insanity# he "hough" +g+in $i"h + p+ined he+r" +s he le1" behind "he subli9e ci"y +nd "he
gre+" c+"+s"rophe "h+" $ould soon be upon i".

T!- 7OAD 3A*B 6AS S4O6-7. They8d reco.ered "heir horses# bu" "he cu9berso9e
$+gon +nd i"s he+.y p+ylo+d $ere holding "he9 b+c&. A.oiding "o$ns +nd +ny hu9+n con"+c"
$+s 9ore di11icul" "h+n $hen "hey $ere Jus" on horses +nd could ro+9 +$+y 1ro9 "he $ell;
"rodden "r+ils. 6orse s"ill $+s "h+" Odo $+s losing + lo" o1 blood# +nd "here $+s li""le "hey could
"o s"op "he bleeding $hile ch+rging +he+d. 6ors" o1 +ll $+s "he 1+c" "h+" "hey $eren8" "r+.eling
incogni"o +ny9ore? Their eKi" 1ro9 "he besieged ci"y h+dn8" been +s discree" +s "heir en"ry.
Ar9ed 9enCones 1ro9 ou"side "he ci"y $+lls "his "i9eC$ould be co9ing +1"er "he9.
And sure enough# be1ore "he 1irs" d+y8s sun h+d se"# "hey did. h+d sen" "$o &nigh"s +he+d o1 "he $+gon +nd "$o o"hers behind# e+rly;$+rning
scou"s 1or +ny "hre+"s. Th+" 1irs" e.ening# his prescience p+id o11. The con.oy8s re+r gu+rd spo""ed
+ co9p+ny o1 @r+n&ish &nigh"s# "hundering in 1ro9 "he $es"# ho" on "heir "+il. sen" + rider
+he+d "o bring b+c& "he 1or$+rd scou"s be1ore cu""ing +$+y 1ro9 "he 9ore ob.ious# +nd $ell;
"rodden# sou"he+s"erly rou"e "he crus+ders $ould eKpec" "he9 "o "+&e +nd he+ding 1+r"her e+s"#
in"o "he 9oun"+ins.
I" $+s su99er# +nd +l"hough "he sno$s h+d 9el"ed# "he ble+& l+ndsc+pe $+s s"ill "ough "o
n+.ig+"e. 4ush# rolling hills soon g+.e $+y "o s"eep# cr+ggy 9oun"+ins. The 1e$ "r+ils "h+" "he
$+gon could "+&e $ere n+rro$ +nd perilous# so9e o1 "he9 b+rely $ider "h+n "he "r+c& o1 i"s
$ooden $heels +nd s&ir"ing "he edges o1 diDDying r+.ines. And $i"h e.ery ne$ d+y# Odo8s
condi"ion $orsened. The onse" o1 he+.y r+in "urned +n +lre+dy "errible si"u+"ion in"o +n +ccursed
one# bu" $i"h no o"her op"ions# &ep" his 9en "o "he high ground $ he could +nd
"rudged on# slo$ly# e+"ing $h+" "hey could 1or+ge or &ill# 1illing up "heir gourds in "he
do$npours# 1orced "o s"op $hen "he ligh" 1+ded# spending "he 9iser+ble nigh"s $i"hou" shel"er#
+l$+ys "ense in "he &no$ledge "h+" "heir pursuers $ere s"ill ou" "here# loo&ing 1or "he9.
We have to make it back# he "hough"# ruing "he $re"ched uphe+.+l "h+" h+d been he+ped
upon hi9 +nd his bro"hers $i"hou" $+rning. We cannot fail. Not when so much is at stake.
I" $+s e+sier $illed "h+n done.
A1"er d+ys o1 sluggish progress# Odo8s condi"ion $+s desper+"e. They8d 9+n+ged
"o re9o.e "he +rro$ +nd s"e9 "he bleeding# bu" + h+d se" in# "he resul" o1 his in1ec"ed
$ound. &ne$ "hey8d h+.e "o s"op +nd 1ind + $+y "o &eep hi9 i99obile +nd dry 1or +
1e$ d+ys i1 he $ere "o h+.e +ny ch+nce o1 9+&ing i" b+c& "o "heir s"ronghold +li.e. 3u" $i"h "he
scou"s con1ir9ing "h+" "heir s"+l&ers h+dn8" ye" gi.en up# "hey h+d "o soldier on "hrough "he
hos"ile "err+in +nd hope 1or + 9ir+cle.
6hich $+s $h+" "hey 1ound on "he siK"h d+y# in "he sh+pe o1 + s9+ll# isol+"ed her9i"+ge.
They $ould h+.e 9issed i" en"irely# h+d i" no" been 1or + p+ir o1 hooded cro$s "h+" $ere
circling +bo.e i" +nd dre$ "he r+.enous eyes o1 one o1 "he 1or$+rd scou"s. A "igh" clus"er o1
roo9s c+r.ed ou" o1 "he roc& 1+ce# "he 9on+s"ery $+s .ir"u+lly unde"ec"+ble +nd per1ec"ly
c+9ou1l+ged# high up in "he 9oun"+ins# "uc&ed in"o "he croo& o1 "he cli11 "h+" "o$ered
pro"ec"i.ely +bo.e i".
The &nigh"s rode +s close +s "hey could# "hen le1" "he horses +nd "he $+gon +nd cli9bed
"he res" o1 "he $+y up "he roc&;s"re$n incline. 9+r.eled +" "he dedic+"ion o1 "he 9en
$ho h+d buil" "he 9on+s"ery in such + re9o"e +nd "re+cherous loc+"ionC1ro9 "he loo&s o1 i"#
9+ny cen"uries +goC+nd $ondered ho$ i" h+d sur.i.ed in "he region# gi.en "he ro+9ing b+nds
o1 SelJu& $+rriors.
They +ppro+ched i" $i"h c+u"ion# s$ords dr+$n# +l"hough "hey doub"ed +nyone could
possibly be in such +n inhospi"+ble spo". To "heir +9+De9en"# "hey $ere gree"ed by +
doDen or so 9on&s# $e+"hered old 9en +nd younger disciples $ho Fuic&ly recogniDed "he9 +s
1ello$ 1ollo$ers o1 "he *ross +nd o11ered "he9 1ood +nd shel"er.
The 9on+s"ery $+s s9+ll# bu" $ell s"oc&ed 1or + pl+ce "h+" $+s so 1+r re9o.ed 1ro9 "he
ne+res" se""le9en". Odo $+s co91or"+bly se""led in"o + dry co"# so9e ho" 1ood +nd drin& helping
re&indle his body8s $orn de1enses. +nd his 9en "hen lugged "he "hree ches"s up "he hill
+nd pl+ced "he9 in + s9+ll $indo$less roo9. NeK" door "o i" $+s +n i9pressi.e scrip"oriu9 "h+"
housed + l+rge collec"ion o1 bound 9+nuscrip"s. A h+nd1ul o1 scribes $ere busy +" "heir des&s#
concen"r+"ing on "heir $or&# b+rely loo&ing up "o +c&no$ledge "heir .isi"ors.
The 9on&sC3+sili+n# +s "he &nigh"s soon 1ound ou"C$ere s"unned by "he ne$s "he
&nigh"s brough" $i"h "he9. The ide+ o1 "he pope8s +r9y besieging 1ello$ *hris"i+ns +nd s+c&ing
*hris"i+n ci"ies# e.en gi.en "he gre+" schis9# $+s h+rd "o 1+"ho9. Isol+"ed +s "hey $ere# "he
9on&s h+dn8" been +$+re o1 "he loss o1 >erus+le9 "o S+l+din# or o1 "he 1+iled Third *rus+de.
Their he+r"s s+n& +nd "heir bro$s 1urro$ed under "he repe+"ed blo$s o1 ne$ in1or9+"ion.
Throughou" "heir con.ers+"ion# h+d c+re1ully glossed one "ric&y issue? $h+"
he +nd his 1ello$ Te9pl+rs $ere doing in *ons"+n"inople# +nd $h+" "heir role h+d been in "he
siege o1 "he gre+" ci"y. !e $+s +$+re "h+"# in "he eyes o1 "hese Or"hodoK 9on&s# he +nd his 9en
could e+sily be seen +s p+r" o1 "he 4+"in 1orces "h+" $ere poised +" "he g+"es o1 "heir c+pi"+l. And
rel+"ed "o "h+" $+s +n e.en "ric&ier issue# $hich "he 9on+s"ery8s hegumenCi"s +bbo"# @+"her
PhilippicusC1in+lly chose "o +ddress.
H6h+" is i" you c+rry in "hose ches"sIG could see "h+" "he 9on&s h+d eyed "he cr+"es curiously# +nd he $+sn8" sure $h+"
"o reply. A1"er + 9o9en"8s hesi"+"ion# he s+id# H%our guess is +s good +s 9ine. I $+s si9ply
ordered "o "r+nspor" "he9 1ro9 *ons"+n"inople "o An"ioch.G
The +bbo" held his g+De# 9ulling his reply. A1"er +n unco91or"+ble 9o9en"# he
nodded respec"1ully +nd rose "o his 1ee". HI"8s "i9e 1or .espers# +nd "hen $e should re"ire. 6e c+n
spe+& 9ore in "he 9orning.G
The &nigh"s $ere o11ered 9ore bre+d# cheese# +nd cups o1 +niseed in boiled $+"er# "hen
"he 9on+s"ery 1ell silen" 1or "he nigh"# s+.e 1or "he unin"errup"ed dru99ing o1 + p+"ch o1 r+in
+g+ins" "he $indo$s. The ligh" s"+cc+"o 9us" h+.e helped s9o"her une+se# +s he soon
dri1"ed o11 in"o + deep sleep.
!e $o&e up "o h+rsh sunligh" +ss+ul"ing his senses. !e s+" up# bu" 1el" groggy# his eyelids
he+.y# his "hro+" unco91or"+bly dry. !e loo&ed +roundC"he "$o &nigh"s $ho8d been sh+ring "he
roo9 $i"h hi9 $eren8" "here.
!e "ried "o ge" up# bu" 1+l"ered# his li9bs $obbly +nd $e+&. A J+r o1 $+"er +nd + s9+ll
bo$l s+" in.i"ingly by "he door. !e pushed hi9sel1 "o his 1ee" +nd shu11led r+ised "he J+r +nd
dr+ined i"s con"en"s# 1eeling be""er 1or "he drin&. 6iping his 9ou"h $i"h his slee.e# he
s"r+igh"ened up +nd he+ded 1or "he re1ec"oryCbu" Fuic&ly sensed so9e"hing $rong.
Where are the others
!is no$ on edge# he crep" b+re1oo" +cross "he cold 1l+gs"ones# p+s" + couple o1
cells +nd "he re1ec"ory# +ll o1 $hich $ere e9p"y. !e he+rd so9e noise co9ing 1ro9 "he direc"ion
o1 "he scrip"oriu9 +nd he+ded "h+" $+y# his body 1eeling unusu+lly $e+&# his legs sh+&ing
uncon"roll+bly. As he p+ssed "he en"ry "o "he roo9 $here "hey8d pl+ced "he ches"s# + "hough"
s"ruc& hi9. !e p+used# "hen crep" in"o "he roo9# his senses "ingling $ildly no$C+ sense o1
dre+d no$ con1ir9ed by $h+" he s+$.
The ches"s h+d been pried open# "heir loc&s y+n&ed ou" o1 "heir 9oun"ings.
The 9on&s &ne$ $h+" $+s in "he9.
A $+.e o1 n+use+ roc&ed hi9# +nd he le+ned +g+ins" "he $+ll "o s"e+dy hi9sel1. !e
su99oned +ny energy he could dr+$ on +nd pushed hi9sel1 b+c& ou" o1 "he roo9 +nd in"o "he
The sigh" "h+" s$+9 "hrough his dis"or"ed .ision 1roDe hi9 in pl+ce.
!is bro"hers $ere s"re$n +cross "he 1loor o1 "he l+rge roo9# lying in +$&$+rd# unn+"ur+l
poses# i99obile# "heir 1+ces rigid $i"h "he icy p+llor o1 de+"h. There $+s no blood# no signs o1
.iolence. I" $+s +s i1 "hey h+d si9ply s"opped +s i1 li1e h+d been c+l9ly siphoned ou" o1
"he9. The 9on&s s"ood behind "he9 in + 9+c+bre se9icircle# s"+ring +" bl+n&ly "hrough
hooded eyes# $i"h "he +bbo"# @+"her Philippicus# +" "heir cen"er.
And +s legs shoo& under hi9# he unders"ood.
H6h+" h+.e you doneIG he +s&ed# "he $ords s"ic&ing in his "hro+". H6h+" h+.e you gi.en
!e l+shed ou" +" "he +bbo"# bu" 1ell "o his &nees be1ore he h+d e.en "+&en + s"ep. !e
propped hi9sel1 up $i"h his +r9s +nd concen"r+"ed h+rd# "rying "o 9+&e sense o1 $h+" h+d
h+ppened. !e re+liDed "hey 9us" h+.e +ll been drugged "he nigh" be1ore. The +niseed drin&C"h+"
h+d "o be i". Drugged# "o +llo$ "he 9on&s so9e undis"urbed "i9e "o eKplore "he con"en"s o1 "he
ches"s. Then in "he 9orningC"he $+"er. I" h+d "o h+.e been poisoned# &ne$# +s he
clenched his belly# reeling 1ro9 sp+s9s o1 p+in. !is .ision $+s "unneling# his 1ingers shi.ering
uncon"roll+bly. !e 1el" +s i1 his gu" h+d been g+rro"ed +nd se" +1l+9e.
H6h+" h+.e you doneIG "he Te9pl+r hissed +g+in# his $ords slurred# his "ongue 1eeling
le+den no$ inside his p+rched 9ou"h.
@+"her Philippicus c+9e 1or$+rd +nd Jus" s"ood "here# "o$ering "he 1+llen &nigh"# his
1+ce loc&ed "igh" $i"h resol.e. HThe 4ord8s $ill#G he +ns$ered si9ply +s he r+ised his h+nd +nd
9o.ed i" slo$ly# 1irs" up +nd do$n# "hen side$+ys# his li9p 1ingers "r+cing "he sign o1 "he cross
in "he blurry +ir be"$een "he9.
I" $+s "he l+s" "hing o1 Tyre s+$.
Chapter 1


S+l+9# Pro1essor. !yah vaght darid keh ba man sohbat bo konidG 3ehrouD Sh+r+1i
s"opped +nd "urned# surprised. The s"r+nger $ho8d c+lled ou" "o hi9C+ d+r&ly h+ndso9e#
eleg+n" 9+n# 9id "o l+"e "hir"ies# "+ll +nd sli9# bl+c& gelled;b+c& h+ir# ch+rco+l roll;nec& under +
d+r& sui"C$+s le+ning +g+ins" + p+r&ed c+r. The 9+n 1lic&ed hi9 + s9+ll $+.e 1ro9 + 1olded
ne$sp+per in his h+nd# con1ir9ing "he pro1essor8s uncer"+in g+De. 3ehrouD +dJus"ed his gl+sses
+nd reg+rded "he 9+n. !e $+s pre""y sure he8d 9e" hi9# bu" "he s"r+nger $+s cle+rly +
1ello$ Ir+ni+nChis @+rsi +ccen" $+s per1ec". 6hich $+s uneKpec"ed. 3ehrouD h+dn8" 9e" + lo" o1
Ir+ni+ns since in Is"+nbul Jus" + ye+r +go.
The pro1essor hesi"+"ed# "hen# egged on by "he s"r+nger8s eKpec"+n" +nd in.i"ing loo&#
"oo& + 1e$ s"eps "o$+rd hi9. I" $+s + 9ild e+rly e.ening# +nd "he sFu+re ou"side "he uni.ersi"y
$+s $inding do$n 1ro9 i"s d+ily bus"le.
HI89 sorry# h+.e $eCG
HNo# $e h+.en8" 9e"#G "he s"r+nger con1ir9ed +s he eK"ended +n in.i"ing +r9 ou"#
shepherding "he pro1essor "o "he p+ssenger c+r door he8d Jus" opened 1or hi9.
3ehrouD s"opped# "ense $i"h + sudden# crippling une+se. 3eing in Is"+nbul h+d been# up "o
"h+" .ery ins"+n"# + liber+"ing eKperience. 6i"h e+ch p+ssing d+y# "he loo&ing;;your;shoulder#
$orrying;+bou";$h+";you;s+id "ensions o1 d+ily li1e +s + Su1i pro1essor +" Tehr+n Uni.ersi"y h+d
$i"hered +$+y. @+r 1ro9 "he poli"ic+l s"ruggles "h+" $ere s"r+ngling +c+de9i+ in Ir+n# "he 1or"y;
se.en;ye+r;old his"ori+n h+d been enJoying his ne$ li1e in + coun"ry "h+" $+s less insul+r +nd less
d+ngerous# + coun"ry "h+" $+s hoping "o Join "he -urope+n Union. A s"r+nger in + d+r& sui"
in.i"ing hi9 "o "+&e + ride h+d obli"er+"ed "h+" li""le pipe dre+9 in + he+r"be+".
The pro1essor r+ised his h+nds# open;p+l9ed. HI89 sorry# I don8" &no$ $ho you +re +nd
Ag+in# "he s"r+nger in"errup"ed hi9 $i"h "he s+9e cour"eous# non;"hre+"ening "one.
HPle+se# Pro1essor. I +pologiDe 1or "his r+"her sudden +ppro+ch# bu" I do need "o h+.e + $ord $i"h
you. I"8s +bou" your $i1e +nd your d+ugh"er. They could be in d+nger.G
3ehrouD 1el" "$in spi&es o1 1e+r +nd +nger inside hi9. H/y $i1e +ndC6h+" +bou" "he9I
6h+" +re you "+l&ing +bou"IG
HPle+se#G "he 9+n s+id $i"hou" + "r+ce o1 +l+r9 in his .oice. H-.ery"hing $ill be 1ine. 3u"
$e re+lly need "o "+l&.G
3ehrouD gl+nced le1" +nd righ"# no" Fui"e +ble "o 1ocus. Ap+r" 1ro9 "he bloodcurdling
con.ers+"ion he $+s e.ery"hing else see9ed nor9+l. A nor9+li"y "h+"# he &ne$# $ould be
b+nished 1ro9 his li1e 1ro9 here on.
!e cli9bed in"o "he c+r. -.en "hough i" $+s + ne$# "op;o1;"he;line 3/6# i" h+d +n odd#
unple+s+n" s9ell "h+" i99edi+"ely pric&ed his nos"rils. !e couldn8" Fui"e pl+ce i" +s "he s"r+nger
go" in behind "he $heel +nd pulled ou" in"o "he sp+rse "r+11ic.
3ehrouD couldn8" con"+in hi9sel1. H6h+"8s h+ppenedI 6h+" do you 9e+n# "hey 9igh" be
in d+ngerI 6h+" &ind o1 d+ngerIG
The s"r+nger &ep" his g+De s"r+igh". HAc"u+lly# i"8s no" Jus" "he9. I"8s +ll "hree o1 you.G
The e.en# un1lus"ered $+y he s+id i" 9+de i" sound e.en 9ore
The s"r+nger slid + side$+ys gl+nce +" hi9. HI" h+s "o do $i"h your $or&. Or 9ore
speci1ic+lly# $i"h so9e"hing you recen"ly 1ound.G
HSo9e"hing I 1oundIG 3ehrouD8s 9ind s&idded 1or + be+"# "hen l+"ched on"o $h+" "he 9+n
9e+n". HThe le""erIG
The s"r+nger nodded. H%ou8.e been "rying "o unders"+nd $h+" i" re1ers "o# bu" so 1+r#
$i"hou" success.G
I" $+s + s"+"e9en"# no" + Fues"ion# +nd s+id $i"h + 1ir9 +ssur+nce "h+" 9+de i" +ll "he 9ore
o9inous. The s"r+nger no" only &ne$ +bou" i"# he see9ed "o &no$ +bou" "he $+lls 3ehrouD $+s
hi""ing in his rese+rch.
3ehrouD 1idge"ed $i"h his gl+sses. H!o$ do you &no$ +bou" "h+"IG
HPle+se# Pro1essor. I 9+&e i" 9y business "o &no$ e.ery"hing +bou" +ny"hing "h+" piFues
9y curiosi"y. And your 1ind h+s piFued 9y curiosi"y. A lo". And in "he s+9e $+y "h+" you8re
9e"iculous +bou" your $or& +nd your rese+rchC+d9ir+bly so# I 9us" +ddCI89 Jus" +s
9e"iculous +bou" 9ine. So9e 9igh" e.en s+y 1+n+"ic+l. So# yes# I &no$ +bou" $h+" you8.e been
doing. 6here you8.e been. 6ho you8.e spo&en "o. I &no$ $h+" you8.e been +ble "o deduce# +nd
$h+" s"ill eludes you. And I &no$ + lo" 9ore. Peripher+l "hings. Things li&e /iss Debor+h being
your li""le @+rn+D8s 1+.ori"e "e+cher +" school. 4i&e &no$ing your $i1e8s prep+red you so9e
gheimeh badem"an 1or dinner.G !e p+used# "hen +dded# H6hich is re+lly s$ee" o1 her# gi.en "h+"
you only +s&ed her 1or i" l+s" nigh". 3u" "hen# she was in + .ulner+ble posi"ion# $+sn8" sheIG
3ehrouD 1el" "he l+s" .es"iges o1 li1e dr+in 1ro9 his 1+ce +s p+nic 1looded "hrough hi9.
#ow can he$#e%s watching us, listening to us In our bedroom I" "oo& hi9 + 9o9en" "o reg+in
con"rol o1 his body long enough "o e&e ou" + 1e$ $ords.
H6h+" do you $+n" 1ro9 9eIG
HThe s+9e "hing you $+n"# Pro1essor. I $+n" "o 1ind i". The "ro.e "h+" "he le""er re1ers "o. I
$+n" i".G
3ehrouD8s 9ind $+s dro$ning in + sin&hole o1 unre+li"y. !e s"ruggled "o sound coheren".
HI89 "rying "o 1ind i"# bu"Ci"8s li&e you s+id. I89 "rouble 1iguring i" ou".G
The s"r+nger "urned "o 1+ce hi9 only brie1ly# bu" his h+rd s"+re 1el" li&e + physic+l blo$.
H%ou h+.e "o "ry h+rder#G he "old 3ehrouD. @+cing 1or$+rd +g+in# he +dded# H%ou h+.e "o "ry +s i1
your li1e depended on i". 6hich# in "his c+se# i" does.G
!e s$er.ed o11 "he 9+in ro+d +nd "urned in"o + n+rro$ s"ree" "h+" $+s lined $i"h
shu""ered s"ore1ron"s# $here he pulled 3ehrouD g+.e "he surroundings + Fuic& sc+n. There
$+s no one +round# +nd no ligh"s 1ro9 "he buildings +bo.e "he shops.
The s"r+nger hi" "he s"+r"Es"op bu""on "o &ill "he engine +nd "urned "o 1+ce 3ehrouD.
HI need you "o &no$ "h+" I89 serious +bou" "his#G he "old hi9# s"ill $i"h "he in1uri+"ingly
s9oo"h "one. HI need you "o unders"+nd "h+" i"8s .ery# .ery i9por"+n" "o 9e "h+" you do
e.ery"hing possibleCeverythingC"o co9ple"e your $or&. I need you "o 1ully gr+sp ho$ cruci+l
i" is "o your $ell;being# +nd "o "h+" o1 your $i1e +nd d+ugh"er# "h+" you de.o"e +ll your "i9e +nd
energy "o "his 9+""er# "h+" you dig deep in"o +ny un"+pped resources inside you +nd 1igure "his
"hing ou" 1or 9e. @ro9 "his poin" on$+rds# you should be "hin&ing +bou" no"hing else. No"hing.G
!e p+used "o le" his $ords sin& in. HA" "he s+9e "i9e#G he +dded# HI +lso need "o 9+&e
sure you unders"+nd "h+" +c"ing on +ny silly 1+n"+sies you 9igh" h+.e +bou" going "o "he police
1or help $ould be# 1r+n&ly# c+"+s"rophic. I"8s .i"+l "h+" you unders"+nd "his. 6e could $+l& in"o +
police s"+"ion "oge"her righ" no$ +nd I gu+r+n"ee you "he only one o1 us $ho $ould su11er +ny
conseFuences $ould be youC+nd "hey $ould be# +g+in# c+"+s"rophic. I need "o con.ince you o1
"his. I need you "o h+.e +bsolu"ely no doub" +bou" $h+" I89 prep+red "o do# $h+" I89 c+p+ble o1
doing# +nd ho$ 1+r I89 prep+red "o go# "o 9+&e sure "h+" you do "his 1or 9e.G
The s"r+nger p+l9ed "he &ey 1ob +nd clic&ed open his door. H/+ybe "his $ill do "he "ric&.
!e cli9bed ou".
3ehrouD 1ollo$ed hi9# eKi"ing "he c+r on $obbly legs. The s"r+nger $+l&ed +round "o "he
b+c& o1 "he c+r. 3ehrouD gl+nced up$+rd# loo&ing 1or +ny sign o1 li1e# $ild no"ions o1 9+&ing +
run 1or i" +nd yelling 1or help s$elling +nd burs"ing inside hi9# bu" he Jus" Joined his "or9en"or#
$+l&ing lis"lessly +s i1 he $ere in + ch+in g+ng.
The s"r+nger hi" + bu""on on "he &ey 1ob. The "run& o1 "he c+r clic&ed open +nd ho.ered
3ehrouD didn8" $+n" "o loo& in# bu" +s "he s"r+nger re+ched in# "he pro1essor couldn8" rein
in his eyes. The "run& $+s 9erci1ully e9p"y# eKcep" 1or + s9+ll "r+.el c+se. The s"r+nger slid i"
closer "o "he edge o1 "he "run&# +nd +s he unDipped i"# + pu"rid s9ell +ccos"ed 3ehrouD8s nos"rils#
c+using hi9 "o g+g +nd 1+l"er b+c& + s"ep. The s"r+nger didn8" see9 "o 9ind i". !e re+ched in"o
"he b+g +nd c+su+lly pulled ou" + 9ess o1 h+ir# s&in# +nd blood "h+" he held up 1or 3ehrouD
$i"hou" "he 9eres" "r+ce o1 hesi"+"ion or disco91or".
3ehrouD 1el" "he con"en"s o1 his s"o9+ch shoo" in"o his "hro+" +s he recogniDed "he
se.ered he+d "he s"r+nger $+s holding up.
/iss Debor+h. !is d+ugh"er8s 1+.ori"e "e+cher.
Or $h+" $+s le1" o1 her.
3ehrouD los" hold o1 his body# re"ching .iolen"ly +s his &nees buc&led. !e coll+psed "o
"he ground# g+gging +nd spe$ing +nd g+sping 1or +ir# un+ble "o bre+"he# one h+nd cl+9ped +cross
his eyes "o bloc& ou" "he horror o1 i".
The s"r+nger didn8" +llo$ hi9 +ny respi"e. !e ben" do$n "o his le.el# gr+bbed "he
pro1essor by "he h+ir +nd y+n&ed his he+d up so he couldn8" +.oid being 1+ce;"o;1+ce $i"h "he
hideous# bloody lu9p.
H@ind i"#G he ordered hi9. H@ind "his "ro.e. Do $h+" you h+.e "o do# bu" 1ind i". Or
you# your $i1e# your d+ugh"er# your p+ren"s b+c& in Tehr+n# your sis"er +nd her 1+9ily . . .G
And he le1" i" +" "h+"# co91or"+bly cer"+in "h+" "he pro1essor h+d go""en "he 9ess+ge.
Chapter 2


As he s"rode +cross "he S+n D+9+so cour"y+rd# Se+n 7eilly c+s" + $e+ry gl+nce +" "he
clus"ers o1 $ide;eyed "ouris"s eKploring "he !oly See +nd $ondered i1 he8d ge" "o .isi" "he
pl+ce $i"h "heir c+su+l +b+ndon.
This $+s +ny"hing bu" c+su+l.
!e $+sn8" "here "o +d9ire "he 9+gni1icen" +rchi"ec"ure or "he eKFuisi"e $or&s o1 +r"# nor
$+s he "here on +ny spiri"u+l pilgri9+ge.
!e $+s "here "o "ry "o s+.e Tess *h+y&in8s li1e.
And i1 he $+s in +ny $+y $ide;eyed# i" $+s +n +""e9p" "o &eep his Je" l+g +nd his l+c& o1
sleep +" b+y +nd s"+y cle+rhe+ded enough "o "ry "o 9+&e sense o1 + 1r+n"ic crisis "h+" h+d been
"hrus" upon hi9 less "h+n "$en"y;1our hours e+rlier. A crisis he didn8" 1ully unders"+ndCbu"
needed "o.
7eilly didn8" "rus" "he 9+n $+l&ing +longside hi9C3ehrouD Sh+r+1iCbu" he didn8" h+.e
9uch choice. 7igh" no$# +ll he could do $+s run "hrough ye" +no"her 9en"+l grind o1 "he
in1or9+"ion he h+d# 1ro9 Tess8s desper+"e phone c+ll "o "he Ir+ni+n pro1essor8s h+rro$ing
1irs"h+nd +ccoun" during "he c+b ride in 1ro9 @iu9icino Airpor". !e h+d "o 9+&e sure he $+sn8"
9issing +ny"hingCno" "h+" he h+d "h+" 9uch "o go on. So9e Jer&$eed $+s 1orcing Sh+r+1i "o
1ind so9e"hing 1or hi9. !e8d chopped o11 so9e $o9+n8s he+d "o sho$ hi9 ho$ serious he $+s.
And "h+" s+9e psycho $+s no$ holding Tess hos"+ge "o ge" 7eilly "o pl+y b+ll. 7eilly h+"ed
being in "h+" posi"ionCre+c"i.e# no" pro+c"i.eC"hough +s "he @3I speci+l +gen" in ch+rge
he+ding up "he Ne$ %or& *i"y 1ield o11ice8s Do9es"ic Terroris9 Uni"# he h+d +9ple "r+ining +nd
eKperience in re+c"ing "o crises.
Proble9 $+s# "hey usu+lly didn8" in.ol.e so9eone he lo.ed.
Ou"side "he por"icoed building# + young pries" in + bl+c& c+ssoc& $+s $+i"ing 1or "he9#
s$e+"ing under "he he+" o1 "he 9id;su99er sun. !e led "he9 inside# +nd +s "hey $+l&ed do$n
"he cool# s"one;1l+gged corridors +nd cli9bed up "he gr+nd 9+rble s"+irc+ses# 7eilly 1ound i" h+rd
"o ch+se +$+y "he unco91or"+ble 9e9ories o1 his pre.ious .isi" "o "his h+llo$ed ground# "hree
ye+rs e+rlier# +nd "he dis"urbing sound bi"es o1 + con.ers+"ion "h+" h+d le1" his
consciousness. Those 9e9ories c+9e 1looding b+c& e.en 9ore .iscer+lly +s "he pries" pushed
"hrough "he o.ersiDed# in"ric+"ely c+r.ed o+& door +nd brough" "he "$o .isi"ors in"o "he presence
o1 his boss# *+rdin+l /+uro 3rugnone# "he :+"ic+n8s secre"+ry o1 s"+"e. A bro+d;shouldered 9+n
$hose i9posing physiFue $+s 9ore sui"ed "o + *+l+bri+n 1+r9er "h+n "o + 9+n o1 "he clo"h# "he
pope8s second;in;co99+nd $+s 7eilly8s :+"ic+n connec"ion +nd# i" see9ed# "he re+son behind
Tess8s +bduc"ion.
The c+rdin+lCdespi"e being in his l+"e siK"ies# he $+s s"ill +s hus&y +nd .igorous +s
7eilly re9e9bered hi9 1ro9 his pre.ious .isi" "hereCc+9e 1or$+rd "o gree" hi9 $i"h
ou"s"re"ched +r9s.
HI8.e been loo&ing 1or$+rd "o he+ring 1ro9 you +g+in# Agen" 7eilly#G he s+id $i"h +
bi""ers$ee" eKpression clouding his 1+ce. HThough I $+s hoping i" $ould be under h+ppier
7eilly se" his h+s"ily p+c&ed o.ernigh" b+g do$n +nd shoo& "he c+rdin+l8s h+nd. HS+9e
here# %our -9inence. And "h+n& you 1or seeing us +" such shor" no"ice.G
7eilly in"roduced "he Ir+ni+n pro1essor# +nd "he c+rdin+l did "he s+9e 1or "he "$o o"her
9en in "he roo9? /onsignor @r+ncesco 3escondi# "he pre1ec" o1 "he :+"ic+n Secre" Archi.esC+
sligh" 9+n $i"h "hinning 1+ir h+ir +nd + "igh"ly cropped go+"eeC+nd Gi+nni Delpiero# "he
inspec"or gener+l o1 "he *orpo dell+ Gend+r9eri+# "he :+"ic+n8s police 1orceC+ "+ller# 9ore
subs"+n"i+l 9+n $i"h + solid brush o1 bl+c& h+ir +nd h+rd# +ngul+r 1e+"ures. 7eilly "ried no" "o
sho$ +ny disco91or" +" "he 1+c" "h+" "he :+"ic+n8s he+d cop h+d been +s&ed "o Join "he9. !e
shoo& "he 9+n8s h+nd $i"h + cordi+l h+l1 s9ile# +ccep"ing "h+" he should h+.e eKpec"ed i"# gi.en
his urgen" reFues" 1or +n +udienceC+nd gi.en "he bure+u 1or $hich he $or&ed.
H6h+" c+n $e do 1or you# Agen" 7eillyIG "he c+rdin+l +s&ed# ushering "he9 in"o "he plush
+r9ch+irs by "he 1irepl+ce. H%ou s+id you8d eKpl+in $hen you go" here.G
7eilly h+dn8" h+d 9uch "i9e "o "hin& +bou" ho$ he $ould pl+y "his# bu" "he one "hing he
did &no$ $+s "h+" he couldn8" "ell "he9 e.ery"hing. No" i1 he $+n"ed "o 9+&e sure "hey8d +gree
"o his reFues".
H3e1ore I s+y +ny"hing else# I need you "o &no$ I89 no" here in +ny pro1ession+l c+p+ci"y.
This isn8" "he @3I sending 9e ou" here. I"8s + person+l reFues". I need "o be sure you8re o&+y $i"h
"h+".G !e8d +s&ed "o "+&e + couple o1 d+ys o1 person+l le+.e +1"er Tess8s c+ll. No one b+c& +"
@eder+l Pl+D+Cno" Ap+ro# his p+r"ner# or >+nsson# "heir bossC&ne$ he $+s in 7o9e. 6hich# he
"hough"# 9+y h+.e been + 9is"+&e# bu" "h+" $+s ho$ he8d decided "o pl+y i".
3rugnone brushed his c+.e+" +$+y. H6h+" c+n $e do 1or you# Agen" 7eillyIG he repe+"ed#
"his "i9e e9ph+siDing "he Hyou.G
7eilly nodded gr+"e1ully. HI89 in "he 9iddle o1 + delic+"e si"u+"ion#G he "old his hos". HI
need your help. There8s no $+y +round "h+". 3u" I +lso need your indulgence in no" +s&ing 9e 1or
9ore in1or9+"ion "h+n I c+n gi.e you +" "his 9o9en". All I c+n "ell you is "h+" +re +" s"+&e.G
3rugnone eKch+nged +n unse""led loo& $i"h his :+"ic+n colle+gues. HTell us $h+" you
HPro1essor Sh+r+1i here needs so9e in1or9+"ion. In1or9+"ion "h+"# he he c+n
only 1ind in your records.G
The Ir+ni+n +dJus"ed his gl+sses# +nd nodded.
The c+rdin+l s"udied 7eilly# cle+rly disco91i"ed by his $ords. H6h+" &ind o1
7eilly le+ned 1or$+rd. H6e need "o consul" + speci1ic fond in "he +rchi.e o1 "he
*ongreg+"ion 1or "he Doc"rine o1 "he @+i"h.G
The 9en shi1"ed unco91or"+bly in "heir se+"s. 7eilly8s reFues" 1or help $+s loo&ing less
benign by "he second. *on"r+ry "o popul+r belie1# "here $+s no"hing p+r"icul+rly secre"i.e +bou"
"he :+"ic+n Secre" Archi.es2 "he $ord Hsecre"G $+s only 9e+n" in "he con"eK" o1 "he
being p+r" o1 "he pope8s person+l Hsecre"+ri+"#G his private p+pers. The +rchi.e 7eilly needed
+ccess "o# ho$ "he !rchivio Congregatio pro &octrina FideiC"he Archi.e o1 "he InFuisi"ion
C$+s so9e"hing else +l"oge"her. I" held "he :+"ic+n +rchi.es8 9os" sensi"i.e docu9en"s#
including +ll "he 1iles rel+"ed "o heresy "ri+ls +nd boo& b+nnings. Access "o i"s $+s
c+re1ully res"ric"ed# "o &eep sc+nd+l9ongers +" b+y. The e.en"s i"s fondi co.eredC+ fond being +
body o1 records "h+" de+l" $i"h + speci1ic issueC$ere h+rdly "he p+p+cy8s 1ines" hour.
H6hich fond $ould "h+" beIG "he c+rdin+l +s&ed.
HThe Fondo 'candella#G 7eilly +ns$ered 1l+"ly.
!is hos"s see9ed 9o9en"+rily b+11led# "hen rel+Ked +" "he 9en"ion. Do9enico Sc+ndell+
$+s + rel+"i.ely insigni1ic+n" siK"een"h;cen"ury 9iller $ho couldn8" &eep his 9ou"h shu". !is
ide+s +bou" "he origins o1 "he uni.erse $ere dee9ed here"ic+l# +nd he $+s burned +" "he s"+&e.
6h+" 7eilly +nd "he Ir+ni+n pro1essor could $+n" 1ro9 "he "r+nscrip"s o1 his "ri+l didn8" r+ise +ny
+l+r9s. I" $+s + h+r9less reFues".
The c+rdin+l s"udied hi9# + perpleKed eKpression lining his 1+ce. HTh+"8s +ll you needIG
7eilly nodded. HTh+"8s i".G
The c+rdin+l gl+nced +" "he o"her "$o :+"ic+n o11ici+ls. They shrugged $i"h indi11erence.
7eilly &ne$ "hey $ere in.
No$ c+9e "he h+rd p+r".

3-S*ONDI AND D-4PI-7O A**O/PANI-D 7-I44% +nd his Ir+ni+n co9p+nion
+cross "he 3el.edere *our"y+rd "o "he en"r+nce o1 "he Apos"olic 4ibr+ry# $here "he $ere
HI h+.e "o +d9i"#G "he pre1ec" o1 "he con1essed $i"h + ner.ous chor"le# HI 1e+red
you $ere +1"er so9e"hing "h+" $ould be 9ore di11icul" "o . . . honor.G
H4i&e $h+"IG 7eilly +s&ed# pl+ying +long.
3escondi8s 1+ce clouded +s he se+rched 1or "he le+s" co9pro9ising +ns$er. H4uci+ Dos
S+n"os8s prophecies# 1or ins"+nce. %ou8re 1+9ili+r $i"h her# yesI The seer o1 @+"i9+IG
HAc"u+lly# no$ "h+" you 9en"ion i" . . .G 7eilly le" "he $ords dri1"# "hen 1l+shed hi9 +
sligh" grin.
The pries" le" ou" + s9+ll chuc&le +nd nodded $i"h relie1. H*+rdin+l 3rugnone "old 9e
you $ere "o be "rus"ed. I don8" &no$ $h+" I $+s $orried +bou".G
The $ords bounced unco91or"+bly inside 7eilly8s conscience +s "hey s"opped +" "he
en"r+nce o1 "he building. Delpiero# "he inspec"or gener+l# eKcused hi9sel1# gi.en "h+" he didn8"
see9 "o be needed.
HAny"hing I c+n do "o help# Agen" 7eilly#G "he cop o11ered# HJus" le" 9e &no$.G 7eilly
"h+n&ed hi9# +nd Delpiero $+l&ed o11.
The "hree h+lls o1 "he libr+ry# resplenden" $i"h orn+"e inl+id p+neling +nd .i.idly colored
1rescoes "h+" depic"ed "he don+"ions "o "he :+"ic+n by .+rious -urope+n so.ereigns# $ere
unner.ingly Fuie". Schol+rs# pries"s 1ro9 .+rious n+"ions# +nd o"her +c+de9ics $i"h i9pecc+ble
creden"i+ls glided +cross i"s 9+rble 1loors on "heir $+y "o or 1ro9 "he "r+nFuilli"y o1 i"s re+ding
roo9s. 3escondi led "he "$o ou"siders "o + gr+nd spir+l s"+irc+se "h+" burro$ed do$n "o "he
b+se9en" le.el. I" $+s cooler do$n "here# "he +ir;condi"ioning s"r+ining less "h+n +bo.eground "o
&eep "he su99er he+" +" b+y. They +9bled p+s" + couple o1 Junior"s# $ho g+.e "he
pre1ec" s9+ll# respec"1ul bo$s# +nd re+ched +n +iry recep"ion +re+ $here + S$iss Gu+rd in +
sober d+r& blue uni1or9 +nd bl+c& bere" s+" behind + coun"er;"ype des& +nd + b+n& o1 discree"
**T: 9oni"ors. The 9+n signed "he9 in# +nd 1i.e "+ps in"o "he securi"y &eyp+d l+"er# "he inner
sliding door o1 "he +ir loc& $+s $hishing shu" behind "he9 +nd "hey $ere in "he +rchi.e8s inner
HThe fondi +re +rr+nged +lph+be"ic+lly#G 3escondi s+id +s he poin"ed ou" "he s9+ll#
eleg+n"ly scrip"ed n+9epl+"es on "he +nd go" his be+rings. H4e"8s see# Sc+ndell+ should be
do$n "his $+y.G
7eilly +nd "he Ir+ni+n 1ollo$ed hi9 deeper in"o "he l+rge# lo$;ceilinged cryp". Ap+r" 1ro9
"he sh+rp clic&s o1 "heir heels +g+ins" "he s"one 1loor# "he only noise in "here $+s "he cons"+n"#
lo$ hu9 o1 "he +ir;9+n+ge9en" sys"e9 "h+" regul+"ed "he roo98s oKygen le.el +nd &ep" h+r91ul
b+c"eri+ +" b+y. The long ro$s o1 $ere p+c&ed "igh" $i"h scrolls +nd le+"her;bound
codices in"erspersed $i"h 9ore recen" boo&s +nd c+rdbo+rd boK 1iles. -n"ire ro$s o1 +ncien"
9+nuscrip"s $ere su11oc+"ing under bl+n&e"s o1 dus"# +s# in so9e c+ses# no one h+d "ouched or
consul"ed "he9 1or dec+desCi1 no" cen"uries.
H!ere $e +re#G "heir hos" s+id +s he poin"ed ou" + boK 1ile on + lo$ shel1.
7eilly gl+nced b+c&# "o$+rd "he +rchi.e8s en"r+nce. They $ere +lone. !e nodded his
+ppreci+"ion +" "he pries"# "hen s+id# HAc"u+lly# $e re+lly need "o see +no"her 1ond.G
3escondi blin&ed +" hi9# con1used. HAno"her 1ondI I don8" unders"+nd.G
HI89 sorry# @+"her# bu"CI couldn8" ris& you +nd "he c+rdin+l no" +llo$ing us do$n here.
And i"8s i9per+"i.e "h+" $e ge" +ccess "o "he in1or9+"ion $e need.G
H3u"#G "he" s"+99ered# Hyou didn8" 9en"ion "his be1ore# +nd . . . I8d need !is
-9inence "o +u"horiDe sho$ing you +ny o"herCG
H@+"her# ple+se#G 7eilly in"errup"ed hi9. H6e need "o see i".G
3escondi s$+llo$ed h+rd. H6hich 1ond is i"IG
HThe Fondo Templari.G
The"8s eyes $idened +nd did + Fuic& d+r" "o "he le1"# 1+r"her do$n "he +isle "hey
$ere s"+nding in# +nd b+c&. !e r+ised his h+nds in obJec"ion +nd s"u9bled b+c&. HI89 sorry#
"h+"8s no" possible# no" $i"hou" ge""ing !is -9inence8s +ppro.+lCG
HNo# i"8s no" possible# I c+n8" +llo$ i"# no" be1ore discussing i" $i"hCG
!e "oo& +no"her s"ep b+c& +nd edged side$+ys# in "he direc"ion o1 "he en"r+nce.
7eilly h+d "o +c".
!e re+ched ou"# bloc&ing "he pries" $i"h one +r9C
HI89 sorry# @+"her.G
C$hile "he o"her do.e in"o 7eilly8s J+c&e"8s side poc&e" +nd pulled ou" + s9+ll c+nis"er o1
9ou"h 1reshener# s$ung i" righ" up "o "he"8s s"+r"led 1+ce# +nd pu9ped + cloud o1 spr+y
righ" +" hi9. The 9+n s"+red +" 7eilly $i"h $ide# "erri1ied eyes +s "he 9is" s$irled +round his
he+dC"hen he coughed "$ice be1ore his legs Jus" coll+psed under hi9. 7eilly c+ugh" hi9 +s he
1ell +nd se" hi9 do$n gen"ly on "he h+rd 1loor.
The colorless# odorless liFuid $+sn8" 9ou"h 1reshener.
And i1 "he" $+sn8" going "o die 1ro9 i"# 7eilly needed "o do so9e"hing elseC1+s".
!e re+ched in"o +no"her poc&e" +nd pulled ou" + s9+ll cer+9ic syringe# y+n&ed i"s c+p
o11# +nd plunged i" in"o + "hrobbing .ein in "he 9+n8s 1ore+r9. !e chec&ed his pulse +nd $+i"ed
"ill he $+s sure "he opioid +n"+gonis" h+d done i"s Job. 6i"hou" i"# "he @en"+nylC+ 1+s";+c"ing#
inc+p+ci"+"ing opi+"e "h+" $+s p+r" o1 "he 3ure+u8s s9+ll +nd unpubliciDed +rsen+l o1 non;le"h+l
$e+ponsCcould send "he pre1ec" in"o + co9+# or +s in "he "r+gic c+se o1 9ore "h+n + hundred
hos"+ges in + /osco$ "he+"er + 1e$ ye+rs b+c&# i" could &ill hi9. A Fuic& ch+ser o1 N+loKone
$+s cruci+l "o 9+&e sure "he" &ep" bre+"hingC$hich he no$ $+s.
7eilly s"+yed $i"h hi9 long enough "o con1ir9 "he drug8s e11ec"# coun"ering "he c+us"ic
disco91or" he 1el" +" $h+" he h+d Jus" done "o "heir unsuspec"ing hos" by "hin&ing o1 Tess +nd
$h+" Sh+r+1i h+d "old hi9 her +bduc"or h+d done "o "he school"e+cher. @eeling "h+" "he"8s
bre+"hing h+d s"+biliDed# he nodded. H6e8re cle+r.G
The Ir+ni+n poin"ed do$n "he +isle. H!e loo&ed "h+" $+y $hen you 9en"ioned "he fond.
6hich 1i"s. LT8 is "he neK" le""er.G
H6e8.e go" +round "$en"y 9inu"es be1ore he $+&es up# 9+ybe less#G 7eilly "old hi9 +s
he s"+l&ed do$n "he +isle. H4e"8s 9+&e "he9 coun".G
Chapter 3

Tess *h+y&in8s lungs hur". So did her eyes. And her b+c&. In 1+c"# "here $+sn8" 9uch o1
her "h+" didn8" hur".
#ow much longer are they going to keep me like thisI
She8d los" +ll sense o1 "i9eC+ll sense o1 +ny"hing# 1or "h+" 9+""er. She &ne$ her eyes
$ere "+ped shu". As $+s her 9ou"h. !er $ris"s "oo# behind her b+c&. And her &nees +nd +n&les. A
"$en"y;1irs";cen"ury 9u99y o1 shiny duc" "+pe +ndCso9e"hing else "oo. A so1"# "hic&#
p+dded cocoon# $r+pped +round her. 4i&e + sleeping b+g. She 1el" i" $i"h her 1ingers. %es# "h+"8s
$h+" i" $+s. A sleeping b+g. 6hich eKpl+ined $hy she $+s drenched in s$e+".
Th+" $+s Jus" +bou" +ll she $+s sure o1.
She didn8" &no$ $here she $+s. No" eK+c"ly# +ny$+y. She 1el" li&e she $+s in + cr+9ped
sp+ce. A ho"# cr+9ped sp+ce. She "hough" she 9igh" be in "he b+c& o1 + .+n# or in "he "run& o1 +
c+r. She $+sn8" sure o1 i"# bu" she could he+r "he dis"or"ed# 9u11led sounds co9ing in "hrough "he
"+pe +round her e+rs. @ro9 ou"side. The sounds o1 + busy s"ree". *+rs# 9o"orcycles# scoo"ers#
ru9bling +nd buDDing p+s". 3u" so9e"hing +bou" "he sounds J+rred her. So9e"hing 1el" ou" o1
pl+ce# $rongCbu" she couldn8" Fui"e pu" her 1inger on i".
She concen"r+"ed# "rying "o ignore "he he+.iness in her he+d +nd bre+& "hrough "he 1og
"h+" $+s clouding her 9e9ory. :+gue recollec"ions s"+r"ed "o "+&e sh+pe. She re9e9bered being
gr+bbed +" gunpoin" on "he $+y in"o "o$n 1ro9 "he dig in Pe"r+# >ord+n# +ll "hree o1 "he9Cshe#
her 1riend >ed Si99ons# +nd "he Ir+ni+n his"ori+n $ho8d sough" "he9 ou". 6h+" $+s his n+9eI
Sh+r+1i. 3ehrouD Sh+r+1i# "h+" $+s i". She re9e9bered being loc&ed in"o so9e gro""y#
$indo$less roo9. No" long +1"er "h+"# her +bduc"or h+d 9+de her c+ll 7eilly# in Ne$ %or&. Then
she8d been drugged# inJec"ed $i"h so9e"hing. She could s"ill 1eel "he pric& in her +r9. And "h+"
$+s i"# "he l+s" "hing she re9e9beredCho$ long +go $+s i" no$I She h+d no ide+. !ours. A
$hole d+y# 9+ybeI /oreI
No ide+.
She h+"ed being in here. I" $+s ho" +nd cr+9ped +nd d+r& +nd h+rd +nd s9elled o1# $ell#
c+r "run&. No" li&e "he "run& o1 so9e scuDDy old c+r "h+" h+d +ll &inds o1 s"in&y residue $+1"ing
+round. This c+r# i1 i" $+s one# $+s cle+rly ne$Cbu" s"ill# unple+s+n".
!er spiri"s s+n& 1ur"her "he 9ore she "hough" +bou" her predic+9en". I1 she $+s in "he
"run& o1 + c+r# +nd i1 she could he+r noises ou"side . . . 9+ybe she $+s on + public ro+d. A sense
o1 p+nic s$elled up inside her.
What if I%ve "ust been dumped here, "ust left to rot
What if no one ever reali(es I%m in here
A .ein in her nec& s"+r"ed "hrobbing# "he duc" "+pe +round her e+rs "urning "he9 in"o echo
ch+9bers. !er 9ind r+ced $ildly# spurred by "he 9+ddening in"ern+l dru9be+"# $ondering +bou"
ho$ 9uch +ir "here $+s in "here# ho$ long she could sur.i.e $i"hou" $+"er or 1ood# $he"her or
no" "he "+pe 9igh" 9+&e her cho&e. She beg+n "o pic"ure +n +goniDingly slo$ +nd horri1ic de+"h#
shri.eling up 1ro9 "hirs" +nd hunger +nd he+"# Jus" $+s"ing +$+y in + d+r& boK +s i1 she8d been
buried +li.e.
The 1e+r o1 i" hi" her li&e + buc&e" o1 ice $+"er. She h+d "o do so9e"hing. She "ried
"$is"ing +round "o ch+nge posi"ion# 9+ybe ge" so9e "o "ry "o &ic& up +g+ins" "he lid o1
"he "run& or $h+" "he hell i" $+s she $+s inCbu" she couldn8" 9o.e. So9e"hing $+s holding
her do$n. She $+s pinned do$n# s"r+pped in"o pl+ce by so9e &ind o1 res"r+in" "h+" she could
no$ 1eel $+s "ugging +g+ins" her shoulders +nd her &nees.
She couldn8" 9o.e +" +ll.
She s"opped 1igh"ing +g+ins" "he "ies +nd se""led b+c&# + r+gged sigh "h+" echoed
in her e+rs. Te+rs $elled up in her eyes +s "he no"ion o1 de+"h solidi1ied +round her. The be+9ing
1+ce o1 her "hir"een;ye+r;old d+ugh"er# Bi9# bro&e "hrough her desp+ir +nd dri1"ed in"o her
consciousness# bec&oning her. She i9+gined her b+c& in AriDon+# enJoying "he su99er +" "he
r+nch o1 Tess8s older sis"er# !+Del. Ano"her 1+ce glided in"o "he pic"ure# "h+" o1 her 9o"her#
-ileen# $ho $+s +lso "here $i"h "he9. Then "heir 1+ces dissip+"ed# +nd + cold +nd hollo$ 1eeling
gre$ in her gu"# "he +nger +nd re9orse Ne$ %or& +nd co9ing ou" here# "o "he
>ord+ni+n deser"# +ll "hose $ee&s +go# "o rese+rch her neK" no.el. The su99er dig $i"h Si99ons#
+ con"+c" o1 her old 1riend *li.e -d9ondson +nd one o1 "he le+ding Te9pl+r eKper"s +round#
see9ed li&e + good ide+ +" "he "i9e. *o9ing ou" "o "he deser" $ould +llo$ her "o spend "i9e $i"h
*li.e +nd gi.e her + ch+nce "o eKp+nd on +ll "he Te9pl+r &no$ledge "h+" $+s "he b+c&bone o1
her ne$ c+reer. -Fu+lly# i1 no" 9ore i9por"+n"ly# i" $ould gi.e her "he sp+ce she needed "o "hin&
"hings "hrough on + 9ore person+l 1ron".
And no$ "his.
Tess8s regre"s s$ooped +cross +ll &inds o1 d+r& "erri"ories +s her 9ind se""led on +no"her
1+ce? 7eilly8s. She 1el" sic& $i"h guil"# $ondering $h+" she8d led hi9 in"o by 9+&ing "h+" c+ll#
$ondering $he"her or no" he $+s s+1eC+nd $he"her or no" he8d 1ind her. The "hough"
"riggered + sp+r& o1 hope. She $+n"ed "o belie.e he $ould. 3u" "he sp+r& died ou" +s Fuic&ly +s i"
h+d +ppe+red. She &ne$ she $+s &idding hersel1. !e $+s + couple o1 con"inen"s +$+y. -.en i1 he
"riedC+nd she &ne$ he $ouldChe8d be ou" o1 his ele9en"# + s"r+nger in + s"r+nge l+nd. I" $+sn8"
going "o h+ppen.
I can%t believe I%m going to die like this.
A 1+in" noise in"rudedCli&e e.ery"hing else# +nnoyingly 9u11led# +s i1 "o "or"ure her
1ur"her. 3u" she could "ell "h+" i" $+s + siren. A police c+r# or +n +9bul+nce. I" gre$ louder#
r+ising her hopes $i"h i"C"hen 1+ded +$+y. I" r+""led her 1or +no"her re+son. I" $+s + dis"inc"i.e
soundC+ll coun"ries see9ed "o h+.e "heir o$n sign+"ure sirens on "heir e9ergency .ehicles. 3u"
so9e"hing +bou" "his siren didn8" 1eel righ". She couldn8" be sure o1 i"# bu" she8d he+rd +9bul+nce
+nd police sirens during her spell in >ord+n# +nd "his one sounded di11eren". :ery di11eren".
I" $+s + sound she8d de1ini"ely he+rd be1ore# bu" no" in >ord+n.
A ripple o1 1e+r s$ep" +cross her.
Where the hell am I
Chapter &

%o$ 9uch longer do $e h+.eIG "he Ir+ni+n his"ori+n +s&ed +s he disc+rded ye" +no"her
"hic& le+"her;bound codeK in"o "he pile by his 1ee".
7eilly gl+nced +" his $+"ch +nd 1ro$ned. HI"8s no" + per1ec" science. !e could $+&e up
+ny second no$.G
The 9+n nodded ner.ously# drople"s o1 s$e+" bloo9ing +ll his 1orehe+d. H>us" one
9ore shel1 "o go.G !e +dJus"ed his gl+sses +nd pulled ou" +no"her bound se" o1 1olios# "hen# 1+s"# un"ied "he le+"her s"r+p "h+" held i" shu".
HI"8s go" "o be here# righ"IG 7eilly $+s cr+ning his he+d b+c& 1or +no"her loo& in "he
direc"ion o1 "he 1+llen pries" +nd "he +ir loc& in"o "he +rchi.e. Ap+r" 1ro9 "he cons"+n" hu9 o1 "he
cli9+"e con"rol sys"e9# +ll $+s Fuie"C1or no$.
HTh+"8s $h+" Si99ons s+id. !e $+s sure o1 i". I"8s here so9e$here.G !e pu" do$n "he
re+9 o1 bound 1olios +nd pic&ed up +no"her .olu9e.
The Te9pl+r fond occupied "hree en"ire +" "he 1+r end o1 "he +rchi.e# eclipsing "he
fondi +round i". 6hich $+sn8" surprising. The +11+ir h+d been "he bigges" poli"ic+l +nd religious
sc+nd+l o1 i"s "i9e. :+rious p+p+l co99issions +nd + s9+ll +r9y o1 inFuisi"ors h+d been +ssigned
"o loo& in"o "he Order# 1ro9 be1ore "he +rres" $+rr+n"s $ere issued in "he 1+ll o1 '3(7 "o "he
ul"i9+"e dissolu"ion o1 "he Order in '3'0 +nd "he burning o1 "he l+s" Gr+nd /+s"er in '3').
Al"hough "he Te9pl+rs8 o$n +rchi.e h+d been los"Ci" $+s l+s" &no$n "o h+.e been in *yprus#
$here i" h+d been 9o.ed 1ro9 Acre 1ollo$ing "he 1+ll o1 "he ci"y in '0,'C"he :+"ic+n h+d#
"he course o1 i"s"ig+"ion# buil" up +n eK"ensi.e record o1 i"s o$n. 7epor"s 1ro9
inFuisi"ors# "r+nscrip"s o1 in"errog+"ions +nd con1essions# $i"ness s"+"e9en"s# 9inu"es o1 p+p+l
deliber+"ions# lis"s o1 holdings +nd con1isc+"ed p+per$or& 1ro9 Te9pl+r houses +cross -uropeC
i" $+s +ll here# +n eKh+us"i.e 1orensic +ccoun" o1 "he $+rrior;9on&s8 in1+9ous end.
And# i" see9ed# i" s"ill h+d secre"s lur&ing $i"hin i"s 1+ding p+ges.
As i1 "o con1ir9 i"# "he his"ori+n "urned# his 1+ce +ligh" $i"h eKci"e9en". HThis is i".G
7eilly s"epped in 1or + closer loo&. The Ir+ni+n $+s cr+dling + "hic&# le+"her;bound
.olu9e. I" $+s he+.y +nd cu9berso9e# "he siDe o1 + l+rge pho"o +lbu9. I"s co.ers $ere "+""ered
+nd bri""le# "he h+rd$ood bo+rds inside "he "ooled le+"her bindings pee&ing ou" 1ro9 "he corners.
!e h+d i" open# eKposing i"s 1irs" p+ge. I" $+s b+re# eKcep" 1or + l+rge# bro$n;+nd;purple s"+in in
i"s bo""o9 righ" cornerC"he resul" o1 + b+c"eri+l +""+c&C+nd + "i"le in i"s cen"er? )egistrum
*auperes Commilitones Christi Templi+ue 'alomonis.
The 7egis"ry o1 "he Te9pl+rs.
HThis is "he one#G "he pro1essor insis"ed# "urning "he p+ges $i"h c+re1ul s"ro&es. /os" o1
i"s linen;b+sed p+per see9ed "o be co.ered $i"h bloc&s o1 prose# $ri""en in + cursi.e
3l+c&le""er scrip". A 1e$ h+d crude 9+ps on "he9# $hile on o"hers $ere lis"s o1 n+9es# pl+ces#
d+"es# +nd o"her in1or9+"ion 7eilly couldn8" decipher.
H%ou8re sureIG 7eilly +s&ed. H6e $on8" ge" + second cr+c& +" "his.G
HI "hin& so. Si99ons +c"u+lly s+$ i"# bu" i"8s Jus" +s he described i"# I89 sure o1 i".G
7eilly "oo& one l+s" gl+nce +" "he re9+ining .olu9es on "he shel1 +nd &ne$ he h+d "o
"rus" Sh+r+1i8s Judg9en". Precious seconds $ere 1li""ing +$+y. HO&+y. 4e"8s ge" ou" o1 here.G
>us" "hen# + lo$ gro+n echoed do$n "he +isle 1ro9 "he9. 7eilly 1roDe. The :+"ic+n" $+s co9ing "o. Beeping + .igil+n" eye ou" 1or +ny **T: c+9er+s he h+dn8" spo""ed on
his $+y in# 7eilly sprin"ed do$n "he n+rro$ p+ss+ge$+y +nd re+ched hi9 Jus" +s he $+s
s"r+igh"ening hi9sel1 up. 3escondi le+ned b+c& +g+ins" + shel1# 9opping his 1+ce $i"h his h+nds.
7eilly ben" do$n# closer "o his 1+ce.
The" loo&ed +" hi9 "hrough con1used# Ji""ery eyes. H6h+" . . . $h+" h+ppenedIG
HI89 no" sure.G 7eilly pu" + co91or"ing h+nd on "he 9+n8s shoulder. H%ou Jus" bl+c&ed ou"
"here 1or + second. 6e $ere +bou" "o c+ll 1or help.G !e $+sn8" enJoying "he lie.
3escondi loo&ed los"# .isibly "rying "o 9+&e sense o1 "he si"u+"ion. 7eilly &ne$ he
$ouldn8" re9e9ber +ny"hingCno" ye"# +ny$+y. 3u" he $ould. And soon.
HS"+y "here#G 7eilly "old hi9. H6e8ll go ge" help.G
The" nodded.
7eilly sho" Sh+r+1i + Hle"8s;goG 1lic& o1 "he he+d# his eyes d+r"ing discree"ly "o "he codeK
he $+s c+rrying.
The Ir+ni+n go" "he 9ess+ge. !e "uc&ed "he bul&y boo& under his +r9# +$+y 1ro9 "he"# +s he sides"epped +round hi9 +nd 1ollo$ed 7eilly.
They re+ched "he +ir loc&. The "$o se"s o1 sliding doors see9ed "o 9oc& "he9 +s "hey
plodded "hrough "heir slo$# synchroniDed "$o;s"epC"hen "he ou"er doors 1in+lly p+r"ed +nd
7eilly +nd "he Ir+ni+n pro1essor $ere in "he recep"ion +re+. The gu+rd $+s +lre+dy on his 1ee" +nd
+ler"# his bro$ 1urro$ed# cle+rly re+ding "he urgen" "ension in "heir 9o.e9en" +nd $ondering
$hy "he" $+sn8" $i"h "he9.
H/onsignor 3escondiCso9e"hing h+ppened "o hi9# he Jus" 1+in"ed#G 7eilly blur"ed#
poin"ing +" "he +rchi.e $hile doing his bes" "o shield Sh+r+1i 1ro9 "he gu+rd8s sigh" line. H!e
needs + doc"or.G
The gu+rd re+ched 1or his r+dio $i"h one h+nd $hile holding his +r9 ou"# "he heel o1 his
p+l9 in 7eilly +nd "he Ir+ni+n8s 1+ces# sign+ling "he9 "o s"+y pu". HOne 9o9en"#G he ordered.
7eilly didn8" le" up. H!e needs + doc"or# do you unders"+ndI !e needs one no$#G he
insis"ed# his 1inger s"ill J+bbing "he +ir# "rying "o spur "he gu+rd in"o going "hrough "he +ir loc&.
The gu+rd hesi"+"ed# 9ind1ul +bou" "he "$o .isi"ors un+""ended bu" needing "o
chec& on "he"# $hileC

CINSID- T!- A7*!I:-# T!- A7*!I:IST h+d Jus" s"+r"ed "o 1eel so9e gli99ers o1
cl+ri"y +nd c+s" his g+De do$n "he +isle "o his righ"# "hen "o his le1"C+nd s+$ "he 9essy
s"+c&s o1 codices +nd boK 1iles clu""ering "he 1loor.
The signi1ic+nce o1 "heir loc+"ion spe+red "hrough his dulled senses $i"h "he 1eroci"y o1 +
de1ibrill+"or. Du9bs"ruc&# g+sping $i"h shoc&# he cl+9bered "o his 1ee" +nd s"u9bled "o "he
+ir loc&# re+ching i" in "i9e "o see Agen" 7eilly +nd his Ir+ni+n colle+gue in he+"ed deb+"e $i"h
"he gu+rd. The groggy" hi" "he doors8 co99+nd bu""on# "hen s"+r"ed sl+99ing his h+nds
repe+"edly +g+ins" "he +ir loc&8s inner door $hile $+i"ing 1or i" "o slide open# his cries 1or help
bouncing o11 "he rein1orced gl+ss +nd echoing de+1eningly +round hi9# +ndC

C--7I4% /UT-D @7O/ T!- 7-*-PTION A7-A by "he +ir loc&# "he surre+l sigh"
sn+gging "he gu+rd8s +""en"ion.
The gu+rd8s re1leKes $ere Fuic&Chis s"+nce $en" +ll "ense +nd 1er+l +s he re+ched 1or "he
h+ndgun in his hols"er $hile bringing up his 9i&e "o sound "he +ler"# "$o +c"ions "h+" 7eilly h+d
"o s"op in "heir "r+c&s i1 he +nd Sh+r+1i $ere going "o 9+&e i" ou" o1 "here. And "hough "he gu+rd
$+s# li&e +ll "he o"her 9e9bers o1 "he s9+lles" +r9y in "he $orld# + soldier $ho8d been "r+ined in
"he S$iss Ar9y# he $+s + spli" second slo$er "h+n 7eilly# $ho l+unched hi9sel1 +" hi9# "hrus"ing
his le1" +r9 ou" "o $+rd o11 his gun $hile using his o"her h+nd "o $rench "he r+dio 1ro9 his
opponen" +nd 1ling i" ou" o1 re+ch. The gu+rd s$ung his 1ree +r9 b+c& +" 7eilly# "he uppercu"
+i9ed +" his he+d. 7eilly +.oided i" by le+ning b+c& +nd coun"ered $i"h one o1 his o$n "h+"
sl+99ed in"o "he gu+rd8s rib c+ge +nd $inded hi9. The gu+rd8s righ" h+nd sl+c&ened under "he
blo$Cenough 1or 7eilly "o $res" his h+ndgun 1ro9 hi9 $hile r+99ing his body $eigh" in"o
hi9 +nd hi9 b+c& on"o his des&. 7eilly $+"ched "he gun s&i""er +cross "he h+rd 1loor#
+$+y 1ro9 "he gu+rd# $ho loo&ed groggy 1ro9 his collision $i"h "he des&C+nd "urned +nd
gr+bbed Sh+r+1i.
H/o.e#G 7eilly yelled +s he dr+gged hi9 1or$+rd +nd bol"ed 1or "he s"+irs.
Chapter )

They burs" on"o "he ground 1loor +nd 1le$ +cross "he p+l+"i+l h+lls unch+llenged# "hough
7eilly &ne$ i" $ouldn8" l+s". Sure enough# $i"hin seconds# $his"les +nd he+.y 1oo"1+lls $ere
ch+sing +1"er "he9C"he S$iss Gu+rd 1ro9 belo$ h+d reco.ered# +nd he $+sn8" +lone +ny9oreC
$hile up +he+d# +" "he 1+r end o1 "he "hird ch+9ber# 1our c+r+binieri $ere ch+rging "heir $+y $i"h
r+ised h+ndguns.
Not going according to plan# 7eilly chided hi9sel1 +s he s&idded "o + s"op +nd cu" le1"#
1lic&ing + gl+nce b+c& +" Sh+r+1i "o 9+&e sure he $+s s"ill behind hi9. The" h+d $o&en
up "oo soon. 7eilly &ne$ i" could h+ppen. The dose o1 inc+p+ci"+n" "h+" he8d gi.en 3escondi $+s
in"en"ion+lly on "he 9ild side. !e couldn8" ris& &illing "he 9+n or pu""ing hi9 in + co9+# +nd h+d
h+d "o pl+y i" s+1e. Too s+1e# e.iden"ly. And righ" no$# 7eilly h+d "o 1igure ou" +no"her $+y ou" o1
"he holy ci"y# +s "here $+s no $+y "hey $ere going "o 9+&e i" b+c& "o "he $ho $+s $+i"ing
1or "he9 by "he Apos"olic P+l+ceC+nd e.en i1 "hey did# "hey $eren8" +bou" "o be ch+u11eured ou"
o1 "here# no" $i"h + posse o1 :+"ic+n cops ch+sing +1"er "he9.
HThis $+y#G he yelled "o "he Ir+ni+n pro1essor +s "hey 1le$ "hrough +no"her opulen" roo9
+nd in"o "he con"e9por+ry h+lls o1 "he ne$ $ing o1 "he *hi+r+9on"i /useu9. There $ere 9+ny
9ore .isi"ors +round# "urning "he .+s" sp+ce in"o +n obs"+cle course o1 people o1 +ll siDes "h+"
7eilly +nd his +cco9plice h+d "o sl+lo9 "hrough# + "r+il o1 s"+r"led scre+9s +nd indign+n"
ou"burs"s behind "he9# &no$ing "h+" +ny collision $ould be dis+s"rous. 3ehind# "heir pursuers
h+d 9erged in"o one 1r+n"ic p+c& +nd $ere cu""ing "hrough "he cro$d# ho" on "heir heels.
7eilly s+$ + 9+in en"r+nce loo9ing on "he righ" +nd .eered "o$+rd i"Conly "o s"u9ble "o
+ h+l" $hen "hree o"her cops s"or9ed in "hrough i"s big gl+ss doors. !e gl+nced le1"C"here $+s
+no"her eKi" on "he o"her side o1 "he h+ll# direc"ly opposi"e i". !e scr+9bled "o$+rd i"# $i"h "he
Ir+ni+n "uc&ed in righ" behind hi9# +nd ble$ ou" o1 i"s doors +nd on"o +n open;+ir "err+ce;li&e
l+nding "h+" $+s +" "he "op o1 + p+ir o1 cere9oni+l# 9irror;i9+ge 1ligh"s o1 s"+irs.
The su99er he+" hi" hi9 li&e "he eKh+us" o1 + "r+nsi" bus. Suc&ing in big gulps o1 +ir#
7eilly "urned "o Sh+r+1i# h+nds bec&oning. HGi.e 9e "he boo&# i"8s slo$ing you do$n.G
The Ir+ni+n $+s disconcer"ingly co9posed +s he shoo& his he+d +nd clenched "he boo&
"igh". HI89 1ine $i"h i". 6hich $+yIG
HNo ide+# bu" $e c+n8" s"+y here#G 7eilly +ns$ered be1ore bounding do$n "he s"+irs# his
1ee" l+nding h+rd on e.ery "hird s"ep.
!e he+rd "he sFu+$& o1 + "$o;$+y r+dio# +nd gl+ncing "he 9+rble b+lus"r+de# he
gli9psed "he c+ps o1 + couple 9ore c+r+binieri $ho $ere surging up "he lo$er 1ligh" o1 s"eps#
+i9ing "o boK "he9 in. In + second or so# "hey8d be 1+ce;"o;1+ce $i"h "he I"+li+n cops on "he
l+ndingCno" ide+l.
'crew that.
!e s"eeled hi9sel1 +nd b+n&ed o11 +nd hurdled "he h+ndr+il# cle+ring i" +nd l+nding
he+.ily on "op o1 "he cops# &noc&ing "he9 do$n $hile cle+ring + p+"h 1or "he pro1essor.
HBeep going#G he yelled "o Sh+r+1i +s "he do$ned c+r+binieri 1l+iled +round hi9# l+shing
ou" +nd gr+bbing +" his +r9s +nd legsCbu" he 9+n+ged "o 1ree hi9sel1 1ro9 "heir grip +nd $+s
soon hur"ling do$n +1"er "he pro1essor.
They $ere side by side +s "hey sprin"ed +cross "he 9+nicured l+$n o1 "he cen"r+l
cour"y+rd be1ore duc&ing in"o + b+rrel;.+ul"ed p+ss+ge$+y "h+" cu" "hrough "he building +nd led
b+c& ou" on"o "he open ground o1 "he S"r+done del Gi+rdini +nd "he long ro$ o1 p+r&ed c+rs on
ei"her side o1 i". 7eilly p+used# +llo$ing + h+nd1ul o1 precious seconds "o 1li" by# scru"iniDing "he
.icini"y# se+rching 1or so9eone ge""ing in or ou" o1 + c+r# + 9o"orcycle# +ny"hing# Jus" $illing +n
oppor"uni"y "o presen" i"sel1# + ch+nce "o J+c& so9e"hing $i"h $heels "o ge" "he9 "he hell ou" o1
"here. 3u" "hey $ere ou" o1 luc&C"here $+s no 9o.e9en" +ny$here# no chirps o1 + re9o"e
con"rol de+c"i.+"ing + c+r +l+r9# no ob.ious "+rge" 1or hi9C+nd "hen +no"her clu"ch o1
c+r+binieri +ppe+red# ch+rging +" "he9 1ro9 "he 1+r end o1 "he ro+d# 9+ybe + hundred y+rds +$+y.
!e r+c&ed his br+in# "rying "o ge" + loc& on his be+rings +nd co9p+re i" "o "he 9+p o1 "he
:+"ic+n "h+" he h+dn8" h+d enough "i9e "o s"udy properly be1ore se""ing o11 on "his ill;1+"ed
incursion. !e &ne$ $here "hey $ereCroughlyCbu" "he holy ci"y $+s h+ph+D+rdly l+id ou"# +
9+De o1 in"ersec"ing buildings +nd $inding p+"hs "h+" $ould s"u9p e.en "he 9os" orien"+"ion;
+lly gi1"ed. No esc+pe rou"e epiph+nies popped up# +nd his sur.i.+l ins"inc" "oo& +g+in#
spurring his legs 1or$+rd +nd propelling hi9 +$+y 1ro9 "he onco9ing d+nger.
!e led "he pro1essor +cross "he b+n& o1 p+r&ed c+rs +nd up + long# n+rro$ s"ree" "h+"
opened on"o + $ide p+"ch o1 l+$n spli" by "$o in"ersec"ing p+"h$+ys# "he Gi+rdino Mu+dre"o#
$hich 1ron"ed +no"her 9useu9Conly "o re+liDe "hey8d boKed " in. :+"ic+n cops +nd
S$iss Gu+rds see9ed "o be co9ing +" "he9 1ro9 +ll sides. They8d be on "he9 $i"hin secondsC
"he "$o 9en $ere in open ground $i"h no cle+r rou"es "o +ny buildings "o duc& in"o 1or
7eilly spun +round# sc+nning "he periphery# re1using "o +ccep" "he ine.i"+bleC+nd "hen i" s"ruc&
hi9. !is 9ind cle+red long enough "o re+liDe $here "hey $ere +nd $h+" $+s lur&ing ne+rby#
"+n"+liDingly $i"hin re+ch.
HThis $+y#G 7eilly spurred "he pro1essor# poin"ing +" "he 1+r end o1 "he cere9oni+l g+rden
C+nd + "+ll concre"e $+ll $i"h no openings in i".
HAre you ins+neI There8s no"hing "here bu" + $+ll.G
H>us" 1ollo$ 9e#G 7eilly sho" b+c&.
The Ir+ni+n "ore +1"er hi9C+nd Jus" be1ore "hey re+ched "he $+ll# "he ground opened up
be1ore "he9 in "he sh+pe o1 + $ide concre"e r+9p "h+" sloped do$n +nd led in"o so9e &ind o1
underground s"ruc"ure.
H6h+"8s do$n "hereIG "he Ir+ni+n $heeDed.
HThe *+rri+ge /useu9#G 7eilly s+id# bre+"hing h+rd. H*o9e on.G
Chapter *

Reilly +nd "he Ir+ni+n pro1essor re+ched "he bo""o9 o1 "he r+9p +nd Jus" &ep" running.
The *+rri+ge /useu9# "he 9os" recen" +ddi"ion "o "he 9useu9s o1 "he :+"ic+n# $+s +
.+s" underground sho$c+se "h+" loo&ed li&e i" "unneled on 1ore.erC$hich sui"ed 7eilly. !e
slo$ed righ" do$n +s he en"ered "he 1irs" eKhibi"ion h+ll# his 9en"+l /+pMues" + second "o
&ic& in. The sp+ce +round hi9 $+s slee& +nd 9odern# in s"+r& con"r+s" "o "he g+udy displ+ys "h+"
i" housed? 1ro9 su9p"uous sed+n ch+irs "o nine"een"h;cen"ury horse;dr+$n c+rri+ges o1 gold#
.el.e"# +nd d+9+s&# +n +s"ounding collec"ion o1 "$en"y;1our;c+r+" 9+s"erpieces on s"il"s +nd
!is +cco9plice loo&ed +round# con1used. H6hy +re $e do$n hereI I"8s + de+d end# +ndC
I don8" "hin& "hese +re going "o ge" us +ny$here# no" $i"hou" horses.G
H6e8re no" here 1or "he c+rri+ges#G he replied# be1ore le+ding Sh+r+1i deeper in"o "he
The gilded c+rri+ges g+.e $+y "o +n +rr+y o1 9o"orc+rs. They s"+l&ed p+s" + "rio o1
hul&ing bl+c& li9ousines 1ro9 "he ',3(s "h+" $ere s"r+igh" ou" o1 +n Al *+pone "heir
h+nd;buil" co+ch$or&# dru9 he+dligh"s# +nd 1lo$ing 1enders h+r&ing b+c& "o + 9ore eleg+n" +ge.
H%ou8re &idding 9e# righ"IG Sh+r+1i +llo$ed hi9sel1 + 9ild chor"le.
3e1ore 7eilly could +ns$er# he he+rd so9e co99o"ion behind "he9# by "he en"r+nce. A
clu"ch o1 c+r+binieri +nd S$iss Gu+rds $ere burs"ing in"o "he eKhibi"ion h+ll# s"or9ing p+s"
s"+r"led "ouris"s. One o1 "he cops h+d spo""ed 7eilly +nd "he Ir+ni+n "hrough "he clus"ers o1
"ouris"s +nd $+s poin"ing +" "he9 +nd shou"ing 1r+n"ic+lly.
7eilly 1ro$ned. H!+.e 1+i"h#G he "old Sh+r+1i +s he go" +g+in. !e dre$ "he Ir+ni+n
p+s" + $hi"e "hree;$heeled ric&sh+$Cco9ple"e $i"h p+p+l cres" on i"s c+n.+s doorsC+nd in"o
"he 1+r"hes" sec"ion o1 "he 9useu9# $here 9ore recen" Pope9obiles $ere housed. !e+ding 1or
"he .ery b+c& o1 "he 9useu9# "hey ble$ p+s" + /ercedes =(( l+nd+ule"# + 4incoln *on"inen"+l
1our;door"ible# +nd + *hrysler I9peri+l# +ll 1ro9 "he ',=(s +nd gle+9ing li&e bl+c&
Sh+r+1i gl+nced b+c&. The posse $+s closing in. H!o$ +re you going "o ge" us ou" o1
hereI *+n you ho";$ire one o1 "hese c+rsIG
HI89 hoping I $on8" h+.e "o#G 7eilly replied +s he spo""ed $h+" he $+s loo&ing 1or? +
door$+y neK" "o + $ide roller shu""er# "uc&ed in"o "he re+r $+ll +nd p+in"ed "o 9+"ch. HThere#G he
poin"ed +s he "oo& o11 "o$+rd i".
The pro1essor 1ollo$ed in his $+&e.
As "hey re+ched i"# "he door s$ung open +nd "$o 9+in"en+nce "echnici+ns in $hi"e c+9e "hrough# obli.ious "o "he 9+yhe9. 7eilly sho.ed "he9 +side +s he s$ooped p+s"
"he9# c+"ching "he door be1ore i" sl+99ed shu". As +ngry shou"s echoed behind hi9# he ushered
Sh+r+1i "hrough "he door +nd 1ollo$ed hi9 in"o + "unnel "h+" $+s $ide enough 1or + c+r "o ge"
"hrough. !e sped up# his lungs +nd "high 9uscles burning# gl+ncing his shoulder "o 9+&e
sure "he pro1essor $+s &eeping upC$hich# "o 7eilly8s surprise +nd relie1# he $+s. The "unnel
1erried "he9 "o + l+rge g+r+ge $here "hree 9ech+nics $ere $or&ing on "he curren" Pope9obiles?
+n open;"op /ercedes G(( SU:# $hich "he pope used loc+lly# +nd + couple o1 9odi1ied
/ercedes /4)3( HPopeFu+riu9G SU:s $i"h "he ele.+"ed bulle"proo1 gl+ss boKes ou" b+c&# 1or
$hen he "r+.eled +bro+d# +ll 1inished in $h+" "he Ger9+n 9+nu1+c"urer c+lled H:+"ic+n;9ys"ic
$hi"e.G Ano"her r+9p led +$+y 1ro9 "he g+r+ge# in "he opposi"e direc"ion "o "he $+y "hey8d co9e
A $+y ou".
7eilly did + spli";second "ri+ge in his 9ind +nd beelined 1or "he /4 "h+" $+s being
$or&ed on. I" $+s 1+cing "he $rong $+y# i"s b+c& "o "he eKi" r+9p# bu" "ru9ping "h+" $+s "he 1+c"
"h+" i" h+d i"s hood propped upC+nd i"s engine running. The s"+r"led 9ech+nics did + double;
"+&e +nd 9o.ed "o con1ron" "he9# bu" 7eilly $+s o.er1lo$ing $i"h +dren+line +nd ou" o1 "i9e.
!e didn8" bre+& s"ep. !e Jus" s"rode s"r+igh" up "o "he 1irs" 9ech+nic# gr+bbed hi9 by "he +r9#
"$is"ed i" +round# +nd used i" "o 1ling hi9 +" his colle+gue# sending "he9 bo"h "oppling b+c& in"o
+ se" o1 "ool "r+ys. The "hird 9ech+nic hesi"+"ed +nd 1+l"ered b+c&# re+ched in"o + "ool "r+y +nd
pulled ou" + big $rench# +nd s"+r"ed 1or$+rd +g+in.
HGe" in#G 7eilly b+r&ed "o Sh+r+1i# y+n&ing "he hood8s suppor" +r9 ou" o1 i"s cr+dle +nd
sl+99ing i" shu" be1ore scr+9bling in"o "he dri.er8s se+".
!e $+"ched +s Sh+r+1i hus"led +round "he b+c& o1 "he c+r# losing sigh" o1 hi9 behind "he
big gl+ss boKC"hen spo""ed "he 9ech+nic $i"h "he $rench rounding "he p+ssenger side o1 "he c+r
+nd he+ding s"r+igh" 1or hi9. !e hesi"+"ed# unsure +bou" $he"her or no" "o Ju9p ou" +nd help "he
pro1essor# "hen gli9psed hi9 in "he side 9irror o1 "he c+rC+nd $+s s"unned "o see "he Ir+ni+n
disp+"ch "he 9ech+nic $i"h + surgic+lly e11icien" +nd .icious p+ir o1 &ic&s "o "he &nee +nd 1+ce.
Sh+r+1i cli9bed in neK" "o hi9# bre+"hing h+rd bu" loo&ing unru11led# his h+nds s"ill
clu"ching "he he+.y boo&. Their eyes 9e"C+ spli";second# unspo&en +c&no$ledg9en" o1 "he
Ir+ni+n8s e11icien" h+ndling o1 his ch+llengeC"hen "he c+r+binieri burs" in"o "he g+r+ge 1ro9 "he
9useu9 side# yelling +" "he9 +nd $ h+ndguns. A deep $hirr co9ing 1ro9 behind sn+gged
7eilly8s +""en"ion. !e spun b+c& "o see "he roller shu""er +" "he 1+r end o1 "he eKi" r+9p gliding
do$n. One o1 "he 9ech+nics h+d reco.ered +nd s"ood by "he $+ll# his h+nd on "he shu""er8s
con"rol bu""on# his 1+ce loc&ed in + sel1;s+"is1ied grin.
H!+ng on#G 7eilly ro+red +s he sl+99ed "he c+r in"o re.erse +nd 1loored "he ped+l. The
1our;"on .ehicle lurched b+c&$+rd# i"s "ires sFue+ling loudly on "he +crylic 1loor. 7eilly guided
"he SU: "hrough "he "unnel +nd up "he shor" r+9pC"rying "o +.oid bouncing o11 "he side $+lls#
eyeing "he shu""er +s i" inched i"s $+y do$nC+nd Jus" 9+n+ged "o slip "hrough under i"# "he edge
o1 "he gl+ss boK scr+ping h+rshly +g+ins" "he lip o1 "he shu""er# 9e"+l bi"ing in"o "oughened s+1e"y
gl+ssC"hen "hey burs" in"o d+yligh"# +" "he 1+r end o1 "he ro+d he +nd Sh+r+1i h+d cu" +cross only
9inu"es e+rlier.
!e spun "he $heel "o "urn "he big SU: +round# $renched "he ge+r in"o dri.e# +nd
ch+rged 1or$+rd. The ro+d $+s n+rro$ +nd lined $i"h p+r&ed c+rs# hugging "he long 1+N+de o1
"he Apos"olic 4ibr+ry.
HNice 9o.e on "h+" 9ech+nic b+c& "here#G 7eilly re9+r&ed +s he slid + side$+ys gl+nce
+" "he Ir+ni+n pro1essor.
H/y coun"ry8s been 9ore or less cons"+n"ly +" $+r since I $+s born#G he shrugged.
H4i&e e.eryone else# I h+d "o do 9y "i9e in "he +r9y.G Gl+ncing +round# he +s&ed# H%ou &no$
$here $e +reIG
H/ore or less. The g+"e8s on "he o"her side o1 "his building#G he s+id# poin"ing +" "he
libr+ry rushing p+s" "he9 on "he le1". HI1 I8.e go" i" righ"# "here should be + p+ss+ge in"o "he
cour"y+rd $i"h "he p+r&ed c+rs Jus" +bou" hereCG
!e h+d i" righ"C+nd s$er.ed in"o "he n+rro$ "unnel "h+" led in"o "he 3el.edere
!e sle$ed "he c+r +round "he p+r&ed c+rs# s"+r"led .isi"ors scr+9bling ou" o1 "he $+y o1
"he lu9bering PopeFu+riu9 be+ring "he license pl+"e S*: 'C1or 'tato della Citta del -aticano#
9e+ning :+"ic+n *i"y S"+"e# "hough 9os" 7o9+ns Jo&ed "h+" i" re+lly s"ood 1or 'e Cristo -edesse#
9e+ning HI1 only *hris" could see "his#G + J+b +" ho$# "he cen"uries# "he popes h+d
co9ple"ely"urned >esus8s origin+l 9ess+ge o1 possession;1ree pre+ching. Ano"her .+ul"ed
p+ss+ge on "he opposi"e side o1 "he cour"y+rd led "he9 ou" on "he o"her side o1 "he libr+ry
co9pleKC+nd on"o + cle+r run do$n "he :i+ Del 3el.edere "o "he Por"+ S+n"8Ann+ +nd ou" o1
"he ci"y.
H6e c+n8" s"+y in "his "hing#G Sh+r+1i s+id. HI"8s li&e + be+con.G
H6e8re no" ou" o1 here ye".G 7eilly $+s s"+ring de+d +he+d.
T$o c+r+binieri c+rsCslee&# d+r& blue Al1+ 7o9eos $i"h 9en+cing# sh+r&li&e grilles#
spinning blue ligh"s on "heir roo1s# +nd shrill sirensCburs" ou" o1 + side s"ree" be"$een "he9 +nd
"he g+"e +nd $ere rushing "o$+rd "he9.
&efinitely not going according to plan# 7eilly "hough"# sco$ling +" "he prospec" o1
pl+ying chic&en $i"h "he I"+li+n police in + s"olen Pope9obile. 3u" he $+s doing i". And "hey
$ere co9ing righ" +" hi9# +nd didn8" loo& li&e "hey $ere +bou" "o blin& 1irs". And in "h+"
9o9en"# Tess8s 1+ce burs" in"o his consciousnessChis 9ind pic"uring her in so9e .ile loc&do$n#
ch+ined "o so9e r+di+"or# helpless# "he psycho lur&ing ne+rby. !e couldn8" b+c& do$n# nor could
he no" ge" "he9 ou" o1 "here $i"h "he boo&. !e h+d "o 9+&e i"C1or her.
!e &ep" his 1oo" do$n.
HAgen" 7eillyCG Sh+r+1i "ensed up# his righ" +r9 cl+9ping do$n on "he +r9res".
7eilly didn8" blin&.
!e $+s + n+nosecond +$+y 1ro9 sl+99ing he+d;on in"o "he9 $hen "he ro+d opened up
in"o + $ide pi+DD+ ou"side "he To$er o1 Nichol+s :# + 9+ssi.e round 1or"i1ic+"ion "h+" $+s p+r" o1
"he origin+l :+"ic+n $+lls. 7eilly Jer&ed "he $heel "o "he righ"Cs$ o11 his +rro$li&e p+"h
Jus" +s "he "$o bl+c& police c+rs sho" p+s"C"hen le1" +g+in "o ge" b+c& on "r+c&. !e gl+nced in"o
his 9irror "o see "he "$o Al1+s do so9e synchroniDed h+nd;br+&e "urns "h+" li" up "heir "ires +nd
spun "he9 +round be1ore "hey resu9ed "he ch+se.
The ro+d +he+d $+s +ll cle+r# "he g+"e less "h+n + hundred y+rds +$+y no$. I" $+s "he $+y
7eilly h+d been dri.en in"o "he :+"ic+n# "$ice no$# + gr+nd en"r+nce $i"h "$in 9+rble colu9ns
"opped by + sole9n s"one e+gle on ei"her side o1 "he he+.y $rough" iron g+"esCg+"es "h+" so9e
S$iss Gu+rds $ere no$ rushing "o close.
No" good.
7eilly &ep" "he ped+l J+99ed do$n# 1eeling + h+rdening in his gu". 6i"h "he "$o Al1+s
close behind# he c+nnoned p+s" + 1e$ c+rs "h+" $ere $+i"ing "o be ushered ou" o1 "he g+"e on"o "he
9+in ro+d# r+9ping "he SU:8s le1" $heels "he curb "o sFueeDe by# be1ore bl+s"ing "hrough
"he g+"es +nd obli"er+"ing "he9 in + de+1ening 1renDy o1 "$is"ed iron +nd s"eelCins"+n"ly
1ollo$ed by +n erup"ion o1 gl+ss +s "he PopeFu+riu98s "+ll .ie$ing boK sl+99ed in"o "he
in"ric+"e"hro$ "h+" sp+nned "he "op o1 "he g+"e +nd burs" in"o s9i"hereens.
Pedes"ri+ns on "he busy s"ree" ou"side "he :+"ic+n $+ll sc+""ered 1r+n"ic+lly# le+ping ou" o1
"he $+y +s 7eilly pulled + scre+9ing le1" +nd "ore up "he :i+ di Por"+ Angelic+. Sh+r+1i loo&ed
b+c& +s "he 1irs" Al1+ burs" ou" o1 "he g+"e +nd hoo&ed + scre+9ing le1" "o 1ollo$ "he SU:C+nd
Jus" "hen# + 9+ssi.e eKplosion roc&ed "he s"ree"# i"s shoc& $+.e Jol"ing 7eilly 1or$+rd o11 his
What the$
7eilly ins"inc"i.ely duc&ed $i"h "he bl+s"# con"rolling "he Pope9obile +s i" s$er.ed 1ro9
"he shoc& $+.e be1ore sl+99ing on "he br+&es +nd bringing i" "o + screeching h+l". !is e+rs
de+1ened# his he+d d+Ded# his body rigid $i"h shoc&# he gl+nced +cross +" Sh+r+1i in s"unned#
con1used silence. Sh+r+1i 9e" his g+De# loo&ing surprisingly cool +nd unru11led# +s i1 no"hing h+d
h+ppened. 7eilly8s 9ind $+s "oo busy slo$ing do$n +nd "rying "o 9+&e sense o1 "he surre+l
sigh" +round hi9 "o process i"# bu" "he Ir+ni+n8s inscru"+ble loo& s"ill regis"ered inside hi9
so9e$here +s he cr+ned +round 1or + be""er loo&.
The s"ree" ou"side "he g+"es $+s +poc+lyp"ic# li&e so9e"hing ou" o1 do$n"o$n 3+ghd+d.
Thic& bl+c& s9o&e $+s billo$ing ou" o1 "he 1l+9ing hul& o1 + c+r# + p+r&ed c+r "h+" 9us" h+.e
h+d + bo9b in i". I" 9us" h+.e eKploded Jus" +s "he le+d Al1+ $+s p+ssing +longside i"# +s "he
cops8 c+r $+s pl+s"ered +g+ins" "he :+"ic+n8s ou"er $+ll# "hro$n in"o i" side$+ys. 6h+" loo&ed
li&e "he second Al1+ $+s +lso in "he $rec&+ge# piled in"o so9e p+r&ed c+rs. Debris $+s
e.ery$here# clu9ps o1 concre"e +nd 9e"+l s"ill r+ining do$n +round "he9. Shell;shoc&ed people
$ere li9ping +round# d+Ded# loo&ing 1or lo.ed ones or Jus" s"+nding s"i11 in disbelie1. There h+d
"o be de+"hs# 7eilly $+s sure o1 i"C+nd lo"s o1 $ounded.
H6e8.e go" "o go#G "he Ir+ni+n s+id.
7eilly loo&ed +" hi9 +s&+nce# s"ill groggy 1ro9 "he bl+s".
HGe" us ou" o1 here no$#G "he 9+n insis"ed. H%ou need "o "hin& +bou" Tess.G
7eilly gl+nced b+c&C+ couple o1 c+r+binieri $ere co9ing ou" o1 "he s9o&e cloud#
running "o$+rd "he9# $e+pons dr+$nC"hen "hey s"+r"ed 1iring. 3ulle"s clipped "he b+c& o1 "he
$rec&ed SU:.
H/o.e#G "he Ir+ni+n r+sped.
7eilly ripped his g+De +$+y 1ro9 "he p+nde9oniu9 +nd hi" "he g+s. And +s "he +r9ored
SU: s"or9ed "hrough "he n+rro$ s"ree"s $i"hou" + speci1ic des"in+"ion in 9ind# + sudden
re+liD+"ion s"or9ed ou" o1 7eilly8s sn+rled 9indC+ re+liD+"ion "h+" sho" + piercing sens+"ion
"hrough his ches".
7+ndo9 obser.+"ions clic&ed in"o pl+ce. The $+y "he Ir+ni+n loo&ed $hen "hey $ere on
"he run# li&e he $+s ou" 1or + Jog $hile 7eilly $+s g+sping 1or bre+"h. The $+y he "oo& ou" "he
9ech+nic $i"h "he e11iciency o1 + ninJ+. The $+y he didn8" e.en 1linch $hen "he bo9b $en" o11.
The 1+c" "h+" 9+ngled bodies didn8" see9 "o regis"er $i"h hi9.
.h fuck.
!e "urned "o "he 9+n si""ing beside hi9. H6ho "he hell +re youIG
Chapter +

Reilly8s he+r" 1roDe. The 9+n si""ing in "he p+ssenger se+" $+s gl+ncing +" hi9 $i"hou" +
"r+ce o1 e9o"ion. No" + "+un"ing grin. No" + de9en"ed sco$l. No"hing. >us" +n e.en# le.el g+De.
%ou8d "hin& he $+s Jus" ou" on + Sund+y dri.e# $+"ching "he scenery dri1" by $hile sh+ring
chi"ch+" $i"h his
!is $ords# ho$ h+d + co9ple"ely di11eren" ring "o "he9.
HI1 you $+n" her "o li.e#G he "old 7eilly# HJus" &eep
A 1renDy o1 .isu+l +nd +udio snippe"s 1ro9 e.ery 9inu"e "h+" h+d p+ssed since Tess8s
phone c+ll rushed +cross 7eilly8s 9ind. The clips +ll con1ir9ed "he s+9e "hing? !e8d been pl+yed
by "he b+s"+rd si""ing neK" "o hi9.
!is 1ingers cho&ed "he s"eering $heel# his n+ils bi"ing in"o i"s p+dded le+"her. HThe
bo9b . . . "h+" $+s you.G
HInsur+nce#G "he 9+n con1ir9ed# pulling + cell phone 1ro9 his poc&e" +nd holding i" up
$i"h his righ" h+nd# +$+y 1ro9 7eilly. HAnd +s i" "urns ou"# one $e needed.G
7eilly unders"ood. The phone h+d "riggered "he bo9b. !is .eins $ere boilingChe Jus"
$+n"ed "o re+ch +nd rip "he guy8s he+r" ou" +nd sho.e i" do$n his "hro+" +nd $+"ch hi9
cho&e on i". HAnd "he re+l Sh+r+1iIG
H/y guess is he8s de+d.G The 9+n g+.e hi9 + s9+ll shrug. H!e $+s in "he "run& o1 "h+"
No" + 1lu""er o1 e9o"ion in his .oice.
The neK" Fues"ion $+s bouncing inside 7eilly8s he+d# &ic&ing +nd scre+9ing "o ge" ou".
!e didn8" $+n" "o le" i" loose. !e &ne$ "he +ns$er he $+s +bou" "o ge"Cbu" his 9ou"h .oiced "he
$ords +ny$+y. HAnd TessIG
The 9+n8s eyes h+rdened + "ouch. HThere8s +no"her c+r b+c& "here. 6i"h +no"her bo9b.G
!e held up "he phone 1or 7eilly +g+in# "o press "he poin" ho9e. HTess is in i".G
A 1ires"or9 igni"ed inside 7eilly8s ches" +s "he ci"ysc+pe 1lying p+s" hi9 $en" 1uDDy# +
blur o1 p+r&ed c+rs +nd gr+y $+lls. H6h+"I %ou8re s+ying she8s hereI In 7o9eIG
H%es. And closer "h+n you "hin&.G
!e8d +ssu9ed she $+s s"ill in >ord+n# $hich $+s $here she $+s $hen she8d c+lled hi9.
6hen she8d been &idn+pped by "he sic& b+s"+rd si""ing neK" "o hi9. 7eilly8s he+r" $+s no$
pounding +$+y# 1+r beyond i"s red line# de+1ening hi9 +nd 1looding hi9 $i"h +dren+line +nd bile#
"he urgency o1 ge""ing "o Tess eclipsing +ll o"her "hough"s. !e Dipped "hrough doDens o1 po"en"i+l +" "he s+9e "i9e# e.+lu+"ing "he9# loo&ing 1or +n +d.+n"+ge# re1using "o +ccep" "he no"ion
"h+" "he son o1 + bi"ch neK" "o hi9 could $+l& +$+y 1ro9 "his.
HAli.eIG !e h+d "o +s&# e.en "hough he h+d no $+y o1 &no$ing i1 "he +ns$er he8d ge"
$+s "he "ru"h or no". All he could do $+s loo& in"o "he guy8s eyes +nd see i1 he could spo" +ny "ell
+s "o $h+" "he "ru"h $+s.
The 9+n8s 1+ce $+s 9+ddeningly inscru"+ble. HAli.e.G
7eilly $+s "oo busy processing i" "o "hin& o1 slo$ing do$n +s "he b+""ered SU: bl+s"ed
p+s" "he 1lo$er 9+r&e" +nd ch+rged +cross + 9+Jor crossro+ds +" "he *ircon.+ll+Dione Trion1+le
+s i1 i" $ere on r+ils# c+using onco9ing c+rs "o sl+9 on "heir br+&es +nd "riggering + 1lurry o1
HBeep going s"r+igh"# +nd s"+y 1ocused#G "he bo9ber ordered. H%ou $on8" do Tess 9uch
good i1 you ge" us bo"h &illed. I don8" &no$ ho$ long she8ll be +ble "o bre+"he in "h+" "run&.G
7eilly didn8" &no$ $h+" "o belie.e. !e blin&ed# 9+shing his "ee"h r+$# 1inding i" h+rd "o
resis" Jus" pu99eling "he guy. Ins"e+d# he sco$led +" "he ro+d +he+d +nd "oo& i" ou" on "he g+s
ped+l# 9+shing i" h+rder. The /erc8s engine s"r+ined +s i" propelled "he +r9ored SU: 1+s"er# +nd
"he :i+ Trion1+le ben" righ" +nd le1" gen"ly be1ore "he ro$s o1 lo$ +p+r"9en" buildings on ei"her
side g+.e $+y "o greenery +nd "he ro+d cli9bed up + 1ores"ed hill.
7eilly h+d "he ped+l 1loored# "he big ).3;li"re engine gro$ling +s "he "rees $hipped p+s".
They $ere ch+rging up $h+" 1el" li&e + s9+ll 1ores" in "he 9iddle o1 7o9e bu" $+s +c"u+lly + lush
s9+ll p+r& o1 1i1"een +cres "h+" led "o "he *+.+lieri !il"on +" "he "op o1 "he hill. 7eilly8s eyes h+d
d+r"ed side$+ys# no"ing "h+" "he 9+n $+s gripping his +r9res" "igh"ly "o +.oid sliding +round#
$hen + sh+rp le1";h+nd h+irpin c+9e ou" o1 "he blue# surprising hi9. !e 1ough" "he $heel 1or
con"rol# s"ruggling "o &eep "he he+.y SU: on "he ro+d# i"s "ires scre+9ing 1or grip. The c+r
1ish"+iled ou" o1 "he "urn +nd ro+red up "he hillC$here +no"her h+irpin# + righ";h+nder "his "i9e#
loo9ed +he+d.
HI s+id e+sy# d+9n i"#G his p+ssenger b+r&ed.
Fuck you# 7eilly see"hed in$+rdlyC+nd s+$ i"# + s9+ll# l+ndsc+ped cle+ring "h+" $+s
9erci1ully deser"ed +nd s+" "here# c+lling ou" "o hi9 in "he glorious sunshine# +" "he end o1 + s9+ll
p+"h$+y Jus" be1ore "he "urn.
!e li1"ed o11# 1eigning + slo$do$n 1or "he "urn# "hen blipped "he "hro""le +nd "hre$ "he c+r
in "he opposi"e direc"ion. I" 1le$ o11 "he ro+d +nd ru9bled do$n "he gr+.el p+"h# sle$ing +ll
"he pl+ce be1ore 7eilly Jer&ed "he $heel h+rd "o "he le1" +nd y+n&ed "he h+ndbr+&e. The c+r spun
+round +ngrily# "he "ires pushing h+rd +g+ins" "he 9ounds o1 gr+.el "h+" buil" up +g+ins" "he9C
+nd 7eilly used i"s side$+ys 9o9en"u9 "o l+unch hi9sel1 on"o "he bo9ber# li1"ing up his elbo$#
J+c&ing i" in pl+ce# +nd +i9ing i" righ" +" his "+rge"8s 1+ce +s he 1le$ ou" o1 his se+".
The 9+n $+s ligh"ning Fuic&Cr+ising "he big# he+.y codeK up +s + shield "o bloc& hi9. I"
"oo& "he brun" o1 7eilly8s $eigh"# de1lec"ing "he hi". 7eilly s"ill h+d so9e +d.+n"+ge +s he crushed
"he bo9ber +g+ins" his c+r door. The 9+n8s h+nd l+shed ou" +nd 1lic&ed "he door open. 7eilly pu"
one +r9 +round "he boo& +nd used "he o"her "o "hro$ + punch +" hi9. The 9+n ben" +$+y "o
+.oid i"# le+ning prec+riously 1+r ou" o1 "he c+r no$C$hich 7eilly $+s Fuic& "o c+pi"+liDe on#
$renching "he boo& ou" o1 his gr+sp Jus" +s he sho.ed hi9 ou".
The bo9ber "u9bled "o "he ground. 7eilly cl+9bered righ" ou" o1 "he c+r +1"er hi9# bu"
"he 9+n reco.ered 1+s" +nd scurried b+c&# pu""ing + 9+rgin o1 "en y+rds or so be"$een hi9 +nd
"he @3I +gen". Ti9e slo$ed "o + cr+$l +s "hey s"ood "here in silence# 1+cing o11 under "he ho"
7o9+n sun# "+&ing s"oc& o1 e+ch o"her in "he e9p"y cle+ring. I" $+s eerily Fuie"# especi+lly +1"er
"he p+nde9oniu9 "hey8d been "hrough# $i"h only choruses o1 cic+d+s +nd "he occ+sion+l "$ee" o1
+ s"+rling cu""ing "he silence.
HSe""le do$n#G "he bo9ber "old 7eilly# holding up his cell phone $i"h one h+nd $hile his
o"her $+gged + s"ern# $+rning 1inger. HOne "$i"ch 1ro9 9e +nd she8s gone.G
7eilly gl+red +" hi9# clu"ching "he boo& "igh".
They s"udied e+ch o"her +s "hey "en"+"i.ely inched side$+ys# in unison# &eeping
"he s+9e bu11er be"$een "he9.
H6here is sheIG 7eilly +s&ed.
H-.ery"hing in i"s "i9e.G
H%ou8re no" $+l&ing +$+y 1ro9 "his.G 7eilly8s eyes $ere loc&ed on hi9# his senses +ler"#
processing e.ery 9orsel o1 in1or9+"ion +" h+nd# loo&ing 1or +n edge.
HI dis+gree#G "he bo9ber coun"ered. H6e8.e es"+blished "h+" you c+re + gre+" de+l 1or "his
$o9+n. %ou $ouldn8" h+.e 1lo$n h+l1$+y +cross "he $orld +nd "+&en 9e in"o "he :+"ic+n i1 you
didn8". 6hich 9e+ns you $on8" s"op 9e 1ro9 $+l&ing +$+y 1ro9 here i1 "h+" ge"s her &illed.
6hich i" $ould. UnFues"ion+bly.G
H3u" "hen +g+in# I8.e go" "his boo&. And $e8.e es"+blished "h+" i"8s pre""y i9por"+n" "o
you# righ"IG
The 9+n conceded 7eilly8s re9+r& $i"h + s9+ll nod.
HSo here8s $h+" $e8ll do#G 7eilly s+id. H%ou $+n" "he boo&. I $+n" Tess. In one piece. So
$e "r+de. T+&e 9e "o her# sho$ 9e she8s +li.e +nd $ell# +nd you c+n h+.e "he boo&.G
The bo9ber shoo& his he+d# + 9oc& +pology on his 1+ce. H*+n8" do "h+". I89 no" sure i"8s
s+1e 1or 9e "o go do$n "here righ" no$# you &no$ $h+" I 9e+nI No# you8ll h+.e "o go ge" her
yoursel1. So ho$ +bou" "his ins"e+d. The boo&# 1or her loc+"ion. And 9y $ord "h+" she8s s+1e +nd
#is word. 7eilly 9+shed his "ee"h. !e &ne$ he h+d no choice. HAnd "h+" phone you8re
holding#G he +dded.
The bo9ber "hough" +bou" i" 1or + brie1 9o9en"# "hen shrugged. HSounds 1+ir.G
The sick fuck%s talking about fair# 7eilly bris"led. !e 1ough" "o &eep his 1ury in chec& +nd
see "his "hrough.
HO&+y# here8s ho$ $e8ll pl+y "his#G 7eilly s+id. H%ou pu" "he phone do$n on "he ground
+nd "ell 9e $h+" c+r she8s in +nd $here i"8s p+r&ed. I8ll pu" "he boo& do$n "oo. Then $e8ll e+ch
9o.e side$+ys# one s"ep +" + "i9e# +s i1 $e8re going +round +n i9+gin+ry circle. Slo$ly. %ou ge"
"he boo&# I ge" "he phone.G
HAnd "henIG
HThen 9+ybe you ge" +$+yC1or + $hile. 3u" sooner or l+"er# 9+&e no 9is"+&e# your +ss
is 9ine.G 7eilly8s concen"r+"ion $+s l+sered on hi9# 9e9oriDing e.ery pore# e.ery $rin&le#
e.ery de"+il +bou" hi9.
The bo9ber $+"ched hi9# +s i1 pu""ing his pl+n "hrough + 1in+l s"ress "es". HShe8s in +
7eilly8s pulse spi&ed.
The 9+n held up so9e c+r &eys +nd d+ngled "he9# "+un"ing 7eilly. They $ere li&e +
bloodred r+g "o + r+bid bull. HA 1i.e;series. D+r& blue. 3rindisi pl+"es. I"8s p+r&ed by "he Pe"ri+no
6hich 9+de sense# 7eilly "hough". Insur+nceC"o use "he bo9ber8s c+llous $ordCin
c+se "hey eKi"ed "he :+"ic+n 1ro9 i"s o"her g+"e.
The 9+n held "he &eys "here 1or + 9o9en"# "hen he "urned +nd "ossed "he9 behind hi9#
sligh"ly o11 "o one side. They l+nded in + s9+ll s"re"ch o1 l+$n. !e eyed 7eilly# +n icy s9ir& Jus"
cr+c&ing "he sur1+ce o1 "he her9e"ic eKpression on his 1+ce. H%ou8re going "o $+n" "his "oo#G he
+dded +s he held up his phoneCbe1ore "urning +round +nd "ossing i" "oo.
7eilly8s ches" seiDed up +s he $+"ched "he phone spin in "he +ir "i9es be1ore i"
l+nded on "he s+9e gr+ssy p+"ch# by + couple o1 benches. !e Jus" 1roDe "here# e.ery 9uscle in his
body &no""ed "o "he bre+&ing poin"# his e+rs cr+n&ed up "o ele.en# dre+ding + "ell"+le# dis"+n"
boo9Cbu" he he+rd no"hing.
HDrop "he boo& +nd go ge" "he9#G "he 9+n b+r&ed# poin"ing +n +ngry 1inger "o$+rd "he
7eilly hesi"+"ed# his 1ee" n+iled "o "he groundChe couldn8" h+ng on "o "he he+.y boo& +nd
go +round "he bo9ber "o re"rie.e "he phone. The 9+n $ould h+.e no "rouble "+c&ling hi9. !is
legs "$i"ched# ge""ing con1lic"ing sign+ls +bou" s"+ying pu" or sprin"ing o11C"hen he 9+de his
9o.e. !e "urned +nd hurled "he codeK +s 1+r +s he could# sho";pu""ing i" behind hi9# +$+y 1ro9
"he bo9ber# "hen "ore o11 "o$+rd "he phone.
The bo9ber spr+ng 1or$+rd +" "he s+9e ins"+n". The "$o 9en r+ced 1or "heir priDes#
eyeing e+ch o"her $hile +ngling +$+y 1or s+1e"y +s "hey rushed p+s" e+ch o"her# $i"h 7eilly
h+rnessing +ll o1 his $illpo$er "o resis" .eering o11 his "r+Jec"ory +nd "+&ing "he 9+n do$nC
$hich he couldn8". !e couldn8" ris& i"C1+ilure 9e+n" conde9ning Tess "o + cer"+in de+"h. So he
s"uc& "o his he+ding +nd $+s on "he gr+ssy p+"ch $i"hin seconds. !e spo""ed "he phone +nd
pluc&ed i" o11 "he ground# s"+ring +" i" in disbelie1# hoping "he 1+c" "h+" he h+dn8" he+rd +n
eKplosion in "he ci"y belo$ 9e+n" "h+" i" h+dn8" "riggered one# his pulse "hrobbing $ildlyC"hen
he spun +round.
The bo9ber $+s gone.
As $+s "he boo&.
Chapter ,

Reilly 9o.ed $i"h +ndroidli&e purpose# +s i1 he $eren8" in con"rol o1 his body +ny9ore.
!e h+d "o do one "hing# +nd one "hing onlyC+nd no"hing could be +llo$ed "o in"er1ere.
!e s"or9ed up "he hill +nd cu" +cross "he ho"el8s grounds# shoc&ing i"s re1ined gues"s $i"h
his h+gg+rd +ppe+r+nce. !e didn8" e.en no"ice "he9. !e Jus" sprin"ed +cross "o "he ho"el8s
en"r+nce# Deroed in on + "+Ki "h+" $+s pic&ing up +n eleg+n"ly dressed couple# ch+rged p+s" "he9#
+nd s"or9ed in"o i".
HThe :+"ic+n# Pe"ri+no en"r+nce#G 7eilly ordered hi9. The 9+n# incensed by 7eilly8s
9o.e# s"+r"ed "o 9ou"h o11 in I"+li+n# bu" he b+rely go" + 1e$ $ords ou" be1ore 7eilly sho.ed his
@3I ID in "he 9+n8s 1+ce +nd# $i"h his o"her h+nd poin"ing +he+d +ngrily# ro+red# H-aticano.
No$. /o.e.G
They go" "o +s 1+r +s 9+ybe h+l1 + 9ile 1ro9 S". Pe"er8s SFu+re be1ore "he "r+11ic ground
"o + h+l".
The $hole +re+ $+s crippled by p+nde9oniu9 +s + resul" o1 "he bl+s". Police cordons
$ere spre+ding ou" pro"ec"i.ely on "he ro+ds le+ding up "o "he :+"ic+n# $hile hordes o1
1righ"ened "ouris"s $ere being herded +$+y 1ro9 "he si"e. On "he ro+ds# "+Kis +nd con.oys o1 "our
buses $ere 1igh"ing "heir $+y ou" o1 "he sn+rl under + p+ll o1 bl+c& s9o&e "h+" ho.ered "he
c+"hedr+l8s do9e.
7eilly eKi"ed "he "+Ki +nd b+""led his $+y "hrough "he onsl+ugh" o1 c+rs +nd people. !e
spo""ed + sign 1or "he HCancello *etrianoG "h+" direc"ed hi9 "o + n+rro$ s"ree" "h+" $+s cho&ed
by 1leeing "ouris"s. !e hugged "he 1+N+de o1 + building "h+" 1ron"ed "he s"ree" +nd 1ough" his $+y
"hrough "he hu9+n "orren"# he+ding "o$+rd "he b+c& o1 "he cur.ed colonn+de o1 S". Pe"er8s
SFu+re. Through "he s$+r9 o1 people# he spo""ed +no"her sign 1or "he g+"e# "his one poin"ing le1".
!e cle+red "he building +nd "urned le1"# bre+"hing h+rd +s he e9erged 1ro9 "he "hrong.
The g+"e $+s less "h+n + hundred y+rds +he+d o1 hi9 no$# $i"h + p+r&ing +re+ 1or + 1e$ doDen
c+rs le+ding up "o i". 7eilly8s pulse sped.
! dark blue /,W with /rindisi plates.
I" h+d "o be here so9e$here.
!e h+d s"+r"ed "o$+rd "he p+r&ed c+rs $hen + cop $ho $+s shepherding "he e.+cu+"ion
cu" +cross hi9 +nd "ried "o bloc& hi9. The cop $+s r+9bling so9e"hing inco9prehensible in
I"+li+n# his s$e+"y 1+ce bris"ling $i"h s"ress. 7eilly brushed hi9 +side $i"hou" bre+&ing p+ce +nd
&ep" The cop reco.ered +nd c+ugh" b+c& up "o hi9 +nd gr+bbed hi9 by "he +r9# h+rd
"his "i9e# yelling +" hi9# his o"her h+nd $ + s"eel b+"on +ngrily +nd ges"uring $i"h i" 1or
7eilly "o "urn +round +nd Join "he eKodus. 7eilly re+ched in"o his poc&e" 1or his credsC"hen
re9e9bered he couldn8" use "he9# no" "here. !e $+s prob+bly on "heir 9os";$+n"ed lis" righ"
no$. !e 9e" "he cop8s g+De# +nd "he cop see9ed "o re+d his hesi"+"ion.
No choice.
7eilly r+ised his h+nds de1ensi.ely $i"h + sheepish h+l1 grinCH*rego, signore #G Ple+se#
sirC"hen decided "his $ould "+&e "oo long +nd Jus" suc&er punched "he cop in "he gu"# "hen
1ollo$ed "hrough $i"h +no"her "o "he J+$.
The cop dropped.
7eilly $+s on "he 9o.e +g+in# his eyes sc+nning "he ro$s o1 c+rs# desper+"ely loo&ing 1or
"he 3/6. !e "hough" o1 using "he re9o"e con"rol "o "rigger "he door loc&s +nd le" "he +l+r98s
beeps +nnounce "he c+r8s loc+"ion "o hi9# bu" he didn8" $+n" "o ris& i"# $orried "h+" "he bo9ber
9igh" h+.e booby;"r+pped "he c+r $i"h Jus" "h+" in 9ind.
A $his"le bro&e "hrough his concen"r+"ion. The punched cop $+s pushing hi9sel1 b+c& "o
his 1ee" +nd c+lling in b+c&up. 6i"hin seconds# cops $ere rushing +" 7eilly# con.erging +" hi9
1ro9 "he g+"e +nd 1ro9 behindC+nd Jus" +s "he 1irs" o1 "he9 re+ched hi9# he spo""ed i"? n+.y
blue# $hi"e pl+"es $i"h "he 37 pro.inci+l code "h+" h+d "o s"+nd 1or 3rindisi.
A cop $+s yelling H!ltGCS"opC+" 7eilly +nd 9o.ed in "o bloc& hi9. 7eilly sho.ed hi9
+side +nd &ep" going# no$ only + 1e$ 1ee" 1ro9 "he c+r. Ano"her cop Joined in# "he "$o o1 "he9
no$ scre+9ing 1uriously# +r9s spre+d +nd $e+pons dr+$n# ordering hi9 "o s"op 7eilly
spre+d his +r9s $ide $i"h e.iden" 1rus"r+"ion# 9o"ioning 1or "he9 "o s"+y c+l9C$hile s"ill
inching his $+y closer "o "he 3/6.
HThe c+r#G he 1ired b+c&# his .oice ho+rse $i"h "ension. HThere8s + $o9+n in "h+" 3/6.G
!e $+s J+bbing his 1inger "o$+rd i"# his 1+ce con"or"ed $i"h r+ge. HIn "he godd+9n c+r#G he
repe+"ed. HShe8s in "here.G !e pu" his $ris"s "oge"her# 9i9ing so9eone $i"h "ied h+nds.
The cops8 1+ced clouded $i"h con1usion +s "hey 9o.ed $i"h hi9# "heir +r9s $ide# "rying
"o corr+l hi9# bu" he s"+red "he9 do$n +nd &ep" un"il he go" "o "he 3/6.
!e ges"ured +g+in "o "he9# using his h+nds +nd "he desper+"e eKpression on his 1+ce "o
i9plore "he9 "o gi.e hi9 + second +s he eyed "he b+c& o1 "he c+r# his 9ind buDDing $i"h
Was Tess in there Was she still alive Was there a bomb in there with her Was the
bomber watching from somewhere nearby, waiting to take them all out any second now with a
second remote trigger .r did he even need to What if that sick son of a bitch had booby0
trapped the trunk lid
The c+r+binieri soon cu" shor" his "or9en". One o1 "he9 lunged "o hi" hi9 $i"h his s"eel
b+"onCse""ing 7eilly o11. !e gr+bbed "he cop8s h+nd $i"h bo"h o1 his o$n# bloc&ing "he hi" +nd
"$is"ing "he 9+n8s +r9 "o $res" "he s"ic& 1ro9 his grip be1ore spinning hi9 +round +nd
hi9 b+c& on"o his colle+gue. No$ +r9ed $i"h "he b+"on# he d+shed +round "o "he dri.er8s side o1
"he c+r +nd "ried "he door. I" $+s loc&ed. !e s$ung "he b+"on +nd s9+shed "he $indo$# +nd "he
c+r8s +l+r9 s"+r"ed bl+ring Jus" +s "he cops re+ched 7eilly. They couldn8" s"op hi9 1ro9 le+ning
in# +nd $i"h + silen" pr+yer 1l+shing +cross his 9ind# his ins"inc"s "+&ing hoping +s h+rd +s
he could "h+" he $+sn8" 9+&ing + g+rg+n"u+n 9is"+&e# he re+ched do$n "o "he b+se o1 "he dri.er8s
se+" +nd "ugged "he "run&8s rele+se !e spun +round# $illing +$+y "he eKplosion "h+" $ould
rip hi9 "o shreds# +nd gli9psed "he "run& lid pop open +nd glide up$+rd h+r9lessly Jus" +s "he
cops sl+99ed hi9 +g+ins" "he c+rCh+rdC$inding hi9 +s 9ore cops piled in "o Join "he9.
!e yelled +" "he9 +s "hey pinned hi9 do$n# pressing his 1+ce +g+ins" "he roo1 o1 "he c+r#
crushing his chee& +nd e+r# 7eilly 1igh"ing b+c&# desper+"e "o li1" his he+d up +nd see $h+" $+s
inside "he "run& o1 "he c+r. And "hen he he+rd i"C+ cop $ho8d 9o.ed b+c& 1or + loo& $en"
b+llis"ic +nd s"+r"ed shou"ing $ildly.
7eilly s"i11ened +s 1e+r +nd hope ripped "hrough hi9# his 9ind scr+9bling "o unders"+nd
$h+" "he 9+n $+s blur"ing ou". H-nglish#G he shou"ed. HS+y i" in -nglish# d+9n i". Is she in
"hereI Is she o&+yIG
!e re+d "he p+nic in "he cops8 eyes +nd he+rd "he $ord H/ombaG blur"ed repe+"edly# i"s
9e+ning gl+ringly ob.ious. Then he he+rd +no"her $ord# H&onna#G +nd o.erC"he $ord
shredding his he+r". &onnaC$o9+n. 3u"C+li.eI OrC
!e dre$ on o1 s"reng"h he didn8" &no$ he possessed +nd he+.ed b+c&#
"he cops o11 o1 hi9# "hen 1ough" his $+y "o "he b+c& o1 "he c+r +nd loo&ed in.
She $+s "here.
6r+pped up inside + sleeping b+g# s"r+pped do$n "o "he b+se o1 "he "run&# duc" "+pe
+cross her eyes +nd 9ou"h# her nose +nd "$o s"rips o1 her chee&s "he only .isible s&in on displ+y.
She $+sn8"
And neK" "o her# in "he righ" corner o1 "he "run&# + Ju9ble o1 gr+y Se9"eK p+c&s# $ires#
+nd + digi"+l de"on+"or $i"h + s9+ll red 4-D indic+"ing "h+" i" $+s +r9ed.
7eilly didn8" gi.e i" + second gl+nce. !e re+ched in +nd se""led his h+nds so1"ly +g+ins"
Tess8s nec&# his "hu9b brushing +g+ins" her chee&# loo&ing 1or + pulse.
!er he+d "$i"ched side$+ys.
!is 1+ce 1looded $i"h relie1. !e gl+nced +" "he cops neK" "o hi9# $ho $ere $+"ching in
silence# du9bs"ruc&C"hen c+re1ully peeled "he "+pe o11 Tess8s 1+ce# 1irs" "he s"rip +cross her
9ou"h# "hen "he one +round her e+rs +nd eyes.
She loo&ed up +" hi9# her eyes bri99ing $i"h "e+rs o1 1e+r +nd Joy# her upper lip
I" $+s "he 9os" be+u"i1ul "hing he8d seen.
Chapter -

$+nsoor <+hed gl+nced in"o his$ 9irror one l+s" "i9e be1ore he pulled in"o "he
dri.e$+y. !e didn8" spo" +ny"hing "h+" g+.e hi9 c+use 1or concern. The house "h+" "he +gency
h+d ren"ed 1or hi9 $+s on + Fuie" residen"i+l s"ree". *urious eyes $eren8" + proble9# especi+lly
gi.en "h+" "he s9+ll dri.e$+y $+s shielded 1ro9 "he s"ree" by "+ll 9e"+l g+"es.
!e $+sn8" pl+nning on s"ic&ing +round "oo long. No$ "h+" $h+" he8d co9e 1or $+s lying
in "he 1oo" $ell o1 "he p+ssenger se+"# he "hough" he $+s prob+bly done $i"h 7o9e. The
A9eric+n his"ori+n# Si99ons# $ould soon con1ir9 $he"her or no" "h+" $+s "he c+se. In doing
"h+"# <+hed hoped# "he 9+n $ould +lso 1igure ou" $h+" "heir neK" des"in+"ion $ould be. <+hed8s
ins"inc"s "old hi9 he8d be on "he 9o.e +g+in soon# "he -"ern+l *i"y behind +s Jus" +no"her
blood;so+&ed en"ry in his in1+9ousCi1 +nony9ousCrOsu9O.
!e re1lec"ed b+c& on his d+y +nd 1el" re+son+bly s+"is1ied. Things h+dn8" gone +s
s9oo"hly +s he8d hoped# bu" +ll "h+" 9+""ered $+s "h+" he $+s here# he $+s s+1e# +nd he h+d "he
codeK $i"h hi9. ,ission accomplished# he "hough" $i"h + s9+ll s9ir&Che Jus" lo.ed "h+"
eKpression +nd i"s recen"ly 9in"ed# delicious irony. 3u" +s he repl+yed "he d+y8s e.en"s in his
9ind8s eye# his 9ind &ep" l+"ching on "o "he +c"ions o1 "he @3I +gen"# +nd he 1el" + 9ur9ur o1
une+se +bou" hi9. 6hich $+sn8" so9e"hing /+nsoor <+hed $+s used "o. Nor $+s i" so9e"hing
he "oler+"ed.
The +gen" h+d been e+sy "o 9+nipul+"e. <+hed h+d 9+n+ged "o lure hi9 "o 7o9e. !e8d
1ooled hi9 in"o he $+s "he spineless schol+r Sh+r+1i. !e8d pushed enough bu""ons "o
ge" "he +gen" "o "+&e hi9 in"o "he deepes" recesses o1 his religion8s inner s+nc"u9. Se+n 7eilly
h+dn8" 1linched "hen# +nd he h+dn8" 1linched in +ll "h+" 1ollo$ed. !e8d done $h+" $+s needed o1
hi9 $i"hou" hesi"+"ion. !e8d "urned hi9sel1 in"o + cri9in+l +nd ridden roughshod +cross "he .ery
epicen"er o1 his 1+i"h $i"hou" $orrying +bou" "he conseFuences.
And "h+" unse""led <+hed.
!e $+sn8" used "o seeing such co99i"9en"# no" in "hese so1" 6es"erners. No" "h+" he8d
"+&en "he 9+n ligh"ly. -.en "hough he h+dn8" h+d 9uch "o go on be1ore 9ee"ing hi9# $h+" he
h+d 9+n+ged "o dig up on 7eilly h+d sugges"ed "h+" "he 9+n $+sn8" + ligh"$eigh"# nor $+s he
p+r"icul+rly concerned $i"h s"ic&ing "o "he rule boo&. 6hich h+d ple+sed <+hed. Their Join"
.en"ure needed so9eone $i"h + rein1orced;concre"e spine. 3u" "here $+s + "ipping poin" +" $hich
"he .ery Fu+li"ies he needed "he 9+n "o h+.e $ould "urn hi9 in"o + p+in in "he +ss.
They $ere +lre+dy $+y p+s" "h+" "ipping poin".
!e $ondered $he"her he8d 9+de + 9is"+&e by le""ing 7eilly li.e# +nd 1ro$ned +" "he
"hough". !e8d h+d his ch+nce. !e could h+.e 9+de his 9o.e $hen 7eilly r+n 1or "he phone#
$hen "hey8d rushed p+s" e+ch o"her# bu" in "he he+" o1 "he 9o9en"# he8d 1el" + s"+b o1 doub"#
unsure +bou" $he"her or no" he could "+&e "he 9+n in h+nd;"o;h+nd co9b+". !e8d pulled b+c&.
!e8d seen so9e"hing in 7eilly# + bl+De o1 de"er9in+"ion +nd sel1;belie1 "h+" h+d 9+de <+hed
second;guess his o$n consider+ble s&ills. 6hich# +g+in# $+sn8" so9e"hing he $+s used "o. Or
/+nsoor <+hed chided hi9sel1 +" his 9o9en"+ry l+pse. !e should h+.e "+&en hi9 do$n#
"here +nd "hen# +nd $+l&ed +$+y $i"hou" "he $orry "h+" $+s no$ dogging hi9? "h+" "his @3I
+gen" could $ell beco9e + serious p+in in "he +ss 1or hi9.
If we should cross paths again, it%ll be more his misfortune than mine# <+hed decided
be1ore .+ul"ing "he "hough" +nd 1ocusing on 9ore i99edi+"e 9+""ers.
!e $+i"ed 1or "he g+"es "o s$ing b+c& shu" be1ore ge""ing ou" o1 "he c+r# + ren"ed @i+"
*ro9+. I" $+s + co99on 1+9ily sed+n "h+" $ouldn8" +""r+c" +""en"ion. !e8d le1" i" in "he
Tr+s"e.ere +re+# no" 1+r 1ro9 "he ri.erb+n&s o1 "he Tiber# be1ore "+Kiing "o "he +irpor" "o 9ee"
7eilly. !e8d "hen reco.ered i" once he h+d "he codeK in his grips# $hich $+s $hen he8d h+d "o
i9pro.iseCrushing b+c& do$n "he hill# pulling + h+pless "een+ger o11 his Pi+ggio scoo"er +nd
using i" "o ge" b+c& "o his c+r. !e $+sn8" $orried +bou" being "r+c&ed. No" in 7o9e. I1 he h+d
been in 4ondon# "hings $ould h+.e been di11eren". Th+" ci"y h+d un+sh+9edly e9br+ced +n
Or$elli+n .ision +nd spor"ed **T: c+9er+s on e.ery bloc&. 7o9e $+s di11eren". Old $orld.
4o$;"ech. 6hich sui"ed <+hedC+nd "he *os+ Nos"r+# $ho h+d in1luence 9os" *i"y *ouncil
decisionsCJus" 1ine.
!e 9+de his $+y in"o "he house. I" h+d "he 9us"y# d+n& s9ell o1 so9e$here "h+" h+dn8"
been li.ed in 1or 9on"hs. The 1e$ pieces o1 1urni"ure "h+" $ere in "here $ere co.ered up $i"h old
shee"s +nd bl+n&e"s "h+" <+hed h+dn8" bo"hered !e double;loc&ed "he door behind hi9
+nd s"epped in"o "he h+ll# p+using +" "he 9irror in "he en"r+nce 1oyer. !e s"udied "he 1igure "h+"
$+s s"+ring b+c& +" hi9 $i"h cool disd+in. The pluc&ed;b+c& h+irline# "he che+p gl+sses# "he dr+b
clo"hesC"hey $ere +ll necess+ry 1or "he decep"ion. !e $+s h+ppy "o" "o + ch+r+c"er in
$hose s&in he 1el" 9ore co91or"+ble# so9e"hing he could no$ do.
!e "oo& "he s"+irs do$n "o "he b+se9en" +nd unloc&ed "he door "o + s"oreroo9. !e
s"epped inside +nd 1lic&ed on "he ligh" s$i"ch. Si99ons $+sC+s eKpec"edCJus" $here he8d le1"
hi9? on "he 1loor o1 "he $indo$less roo9# his b+c& "o "he $+ll# his 9ou"h "+ped shu"# his righ"
$ris" "ied "o + r+di+"or pipe $i"h nylon cu11s.

>-D SI//ONS !-A7D T!- DOO7 sFue+l open Jus" be1ore "he b+re ligh"bulb "h+"
d+ngled 1ro9 + cord in "he 9iddle o1 "he roo9 c+9e on. !e gl+nced up "he s"one s"+irc+se. A1"er
"he d+r&ness o1 "he l+s" 1e$ hours# e.en "he p+le gl+re $+s p+in1ul. 3eyond "h+"# Jus" r+ising his
eyelids 1el" li&e +n Oly9pi+n e11or". !e didn8" recogniDe hi9sel1 in "his p+"he"ic s"+"eCso $e+&
"h+" he could b+rely 9o.e his li9bs# his bre+"hing l+bored# his con1used 9ind +dri1" in + 1oggy
s$ell $i"h no por"s in sigh".
A brie1# cruel 9o9en" o1 hopeC"h+" i" $+s + rescuer# "h+" so9eho$# so9eone h+d 1igured
ou" $h+" $+s h+ppening +nd $+s here "o end his nigh"9+reC$+s Fuic&ly eK"inguished +s "he
no$ 1+9ili+r silhoue""e o1 his +bduc"or c+9e in"o .ie$.
A spur" o1 +dren+line sho" "hrough hi9 +s his +nger 1l+red. !e 1el" ou"r+ged +" being held
li&e "his# by so9eone $hose n+9e +nd in"en" he &ne$ no"hing +bou". !is +bduc"or h+d been
9+ddeningly disciplined +bou" 1ollo$ing his need;"o;&no$ code. Si99ons didn8" &no$ +ny"hing
beyond "he b+re b+sics? "h+" he $+s "here "o help "he 9+n $h+" i" $+s so9e s9+ll
b+nd o1 Te9pl+rs h+d $his&ed ou" o1 *ons"+n"inople. 3eyond "h+"# $ho "he 9+n $+s# $ho he
$+s $or&ing 1or# $hy he $+s +1"er i"Cnone o1 "h+" $+s 1or"hco9ing.
!e $ondered i1 he8d die $i"hou" &no$ing. The "hough" +ngered hi9 e.en 9ore.
A rippled "hrough Si99ons +s he spo""ed "he codeK "he 9+n h+d brough" $i"h hi9.
!e $+"ched helplessly +s "he 9+n go" do$n on his h+unches in 1ron" o1 hi9 +nd# $i"h one Fuic&
1lic&# ripped "he duc" "+pe o11 his 9ou"h.
HGood ne$s#G he "old Si99ons +s he se" i" do$n on "he "iles in 1ron" o1 hi9. HI h+.e i".
6hich 9e+ns "h+" you8re s"ill use1ul "o 9e.G
HTess . . . 6here is sheI Is she o&+yIG The $ords $ere co9ing ou" $e+& +nd slurred.
HShe8s Jus" 1ine# >ed. She8s per1ec"ly +ll righ". She helped 9e# +nd so she8s 1ree. %ou seeI
I8ll do "he s+9e 1or you i1 you Jus" do $h+" I +s& +nd help 9e 1ind $h+" I89 loo&ing 1or. !o$
does "h+" soundIG
Si99ons s"+red +" hi9# + c+us"ic h+"red burning his gu". !e $+n"ed "o belie.e "he 9+n#
$+n"ed "o belie.e Tess $+s +ll righ"# bu" so9eho$# he doub"ed i" $+s "rue.
H6h+" +bou" Sh+r+1iIG
The 9+n s9iled. H!e8s 1ine "oo. I don8" need hi9 +ny9ore# so he $+s 1ree "o go. I"8s "h+"
si9ple.G !e re+ched ou" +nd g+.e Si99ons8s chee&s + p+"roniDing sFueeDe. HNo$ . . . ho$ +bou"
$e ge" you nice +nd co91or"+bleC+nd +$+&eCso you c+n ge" "o $or&IG
The 9+n8s h+nd slipped do$n in"o his poc&e" +nd c+9e b+c& up $i"h + syringe in i". !is
o"her h+nd brough" ou" + s9+ll bo""le o1 9edic+"ion 1ro9 +no"her poc&e". !e plunged "he needle
"hrough "he rubber c+p o1 "he bo""le +nd suc&ed "he cle+r liFuid up in"o "he syringe# "hen held i"
up 1or "he oblig+"ory sFuir" "o cle+r ou" +ny +ir holes.
The +rch+eologis" s"+red +" "he needle +nd didn8" s+y +ny"hing. !e Jus" nodded# his
"enebrous g+De dropping do$n "o "he +ncien" boo&# silen"ly ruing "he d+y "h+" he8d 1irs" he+rd
+bou" i" +nd $ishing he8d 9en"ioned "he d+9n "hing.
Chapter 10

Tuc&ed +$+y in "he P+l+ce o1 "he Tribun+l behind S" Pe"er8s *+"hedr+l# "he *en"r+l O11ice
o1 "he :+"ic+n Gend+r9eri+ $+s in 9el"do$n. Urgen" 1oo"1+lls $ere s"+9peding up +nd do$n "he
9edie.+l building8s c+.ernous h+ll$+ys# phones $ere ringing +ll "he pl+ce# Fues"ions +nd
upd+"es $ere being shou"ed ou" +cross roo9s +nd "hrough door$+ys# "he $hole discord+n" ch+os
drilling in"o Tess *h+y&in8s e+rs +nd echoing p+in1ully inside her s&ull.
7eilly +nd so9e c+r+binieri h+d brough" her here# +$+y 1ro9 "he rigged c+r# +nd se""led
her on + couch in + $+i"ing roo9. A couple o1 p+r+9edics h+d been dr+1"ed in "o chec& her
She $+s dehydr+"ed# $e+& 1ro9 hungerCbu" o"her$ise unh+r9ed. They8d gi.en her so9e
rehydr+"ing drin&s# so9e G+"or+de# +nd so9eone $+s disp+"ched "o rus"le up so9e cle+n clo"hes
+nd so9e 1ood 1or her. The $hole "hing h+d gone by in + blur# eKcep" 1or one Fues"ion "h+" $+s
1ir9ly +nchored in her 9ind?
#ow the hell did I get to )ome
She gl+nced up +" 7eilly# $ho $+s "+l&ing "o "he p+r+9edics. !e 9us" h+.e sensed her
loo&# +s he "urned +nd s9iled +" her. She $+"ched hi9 "h+n& "he p+r+9edics# "hen he Joined her.
H!o$ +re you 1eelingIG
H/uch be""er no$ "h+" I89 no" in "h+" d+9n co11in.G She h+d + 9illion Fues"ions 1or hi9#
bu" s"ill 1el" groggy +nd $+s "rouble ordering her "hough"s.
HI8ll ge" you ou" o1 here +s soon +s I c+n. They8re going "o 1ind you + roo9 +nd + bed.G
HTh+n&s.G !er .oice $+s s"ill $e+&# her "hro+" 1el" sc+brous# +nd her eyes s"ill h+dn8" los"
"heir h+un"ed .eneer. HI need "o ge" "o + phone#G she "old hi9. HI need "o c+ll Bi9# +nd /o9.G
!e h+nded her his 3l+c&3erry. H%ou &no$ "he loc& code.G
H%e+h#G she +ns$ered# + 1+in" s9ile $+r9ing up her 1+ce.
A .oice 1ro9 "he door$+y cu" in. H7eilly.G
7eilly "urned.
Doug Tilden# "he @3I leg+l +""+chO in 7o9e# $+s s"+nding "here. A "+ll 9+n $i"h co9bed;
b+c& gr+ying h+ir +nd slee&# 1r+9eless gl+sses# he loo&ed li&e he $+s his o$n 9el"do$n.
H6e need you in here.G
7eilly +c&no$ledged hi9 $i"h + sligh" nod# "hen "urned b+c& "o Tess +nd cupped her
chee& in one h+nd# so1"ly. HI8ll be neK" door i1 you need +ny"hing.G
HGo. I89 1ine Jus" si""ing here $i"h 9y s"+sh#G she s+id# holding up her bo""les +nd his
phone# her 1+ce clouded bu" s"ill 9+n+ging + p+ined s9ile.
!e rose "o his 1ee"# bu" Tess c+ugh" his +r9 in her grip +nd s"opped hi9. She pulled hi9
b+c& do$n# dr+$ing his 1+ce righ" up "o hers. HI89 sorry. I h+d no ide+ i" $ouldCG
7eilly cu" her o11 $i"h + sligh" sh+&e o1 his he+d. HDon8" $orry +bou" i". O&+yIG
She held his g+De# "hen pulled hi9 closer +nd pl+n"ed + so1" &iss on his lips. HTh+n&s#G
she $hispered. H@or 1inding 9e.G
!e s9iled# his eyes cle+rly "elegr+phing "h+" "he relie1 $+s 9u"u+l# "hen he+ded ou" $i"h

HT!AT8S ON- !-44 O@ A shi"s"or9 you8.e go" us in#G Tilden "old hi9 +s "hey 9+de
"heir $+y "o "he inspec"or gener+l8s o11ice. H6hy didn8" you s+y +ny"hing be1oreh+ndI 6e could
h+.e helped.G
Tilden $+s + c+reer 1eder+l +gen"# +nd +s "he 3ure+u8s leg+l +""+chO in 7o9e# he $+s
responsible 1or @3I oper+"ions in I"+ly +s $ell +s li+ising $i"h l+$ en1orce9en" org+niD+"ions in
sou"hern -urope# "he /iddle -+s"# +nd non;@rench;spe+&ing A1ric+. !e $+s undoub"edly used "o
de+ling $i"h crises# bu" "his one h+d cle+rly blo$n ou" "he 1uses o1 his shi"s"or9;o;9e"er. !is
being +round $+sn8" 9+&ing "hings +ny e+sier 1or 7eilly# $ho h+d 9e" hi9 be1ore# ye+rs e+rlier#
$hen "hey8d bo"h been on + Join" "+s& 1orce $or&ing +longside "he D-A. I" h+d been + p+in1ul
+ssign9en" "h+" h+d ended in "r+gedy# Jus" +s "od+y h+d. Innocen" bys"+nders h+d died on bo"h
occ+sions# +l"hough b+c& "hen# 7eilly h+d pulled "he 1+"+l "rigger hi9sel1. The shoo"ing h+d
s"opped h+un"ing hi9# +nd i" $+s so9e"hing he $ould h+.e pre1erred no" "o h+.e Tilden8s
presence dredge up# especi+lly no" "od+y# o1 +ll d+ys.
H%ou &no$ ho$ "hese "hings so9e"i9es go do$n# Doug#G 7eilly "old hi9.
HPlus i" $+s Tess# righ"IG
7eilly g+.e hi9 + H$h+" do you "hin&G loo&.
Tilden nodded grudgingly. H6ell# I89 Jus" gl+d you "old "he9 you $ere here on person+l
business. T+&es + bi" o1 "he s"ing o11 9y +ss.G
HI" $+s 9y c+ll +ll "he $+y.G
Tilden slid hi9 + gr+.e side$+ys gl+nce. HAll righ"#G he gru9bled. H>us" do 9e + 1+.or
+nd don8" 9+&e "hings $orse in "here.G
HDo I need "o ge" 9ysel1 + l+$yerIG
HProb+bly#G Tilden replied "ersely. HAssu9ing "hey le" you $+l& ou" o1 here +li.e.G
>udging 1ro9 "he loo&s "h+" Delpiero +nd "he "$o o"her 9en in "he roo9 sho" hi9 +s he
$+l&ed in# 7eilly &ne$ "h+" $+sn8" + gi.en.
Delpiero# "he :+"ic+n8s he+d cop# rushed "hrough +n in"roduc"ion o1 "he "$o 9en "o 7eilly
Cone $+s 1ro9 "he S"+"e Police8s +n"i"erroris" uni"# "he o"her 1ro9 "he coun"ry8s in"elligence
ser.iceC"hen opened ou" his h+nds in +n incensed H$h+" "he hellIG ges"ure. H3+rely +n hour +go#
I le1" you $i"h /onsignor 3escondi +nd your pro1essor +nd "old you I $+s "here 1or you i1 you
needed +ny"hing. This is ho$ you re$+rd our generosi"yIG
7eilly didn8" h+.e +n e+sy +ns$er 1or hi9. Ins"e+d# he +s&ed# HThe second bo9b. Is i"
HI"8s been de1used.G
No$ 1or "he h+rder one. HAnd "he 1irs" bo9bI !o$ b+d is i"IG
Delpiero8s eKpression h+rdened. HThree de+d. 1or"y $ounded# "$o o1 "he9 cri"ic+l.
Th+"8s $h+" $e &no$ so 1+r.G
7eilly sco$led# processing "he "errible ne$s. !e 1el" his .eins pe"ri1y $i"h +nger +nd
re9orse. A1"er + 9o9en"# he s+id# HThere $+s + 9+n in "he "run& o1 "he 1irs" c+r.G
Delpiero "urned "o one o1 his colle+gues +nd r+""led o11 + Fues"ion in I"+li+n. They h+d +
brie1 +nd in"ense eKch+nge "h+" "old 7eilly his s"+"e9en" $+s ne$s "o "he9.
H!o$ do you &no$ "hisIG Delpiero +s&ed.
HThe guy $ho $+s $i"h 9e "old 9e.G
HThe 9+n in "he "run&Cdo you &no$ $ho he $+sIG
H3ehrouD Sh+r+1i#G 7eilly in1or9ed hi9. HThe re+l one.G
HSo "he 9+n $ho $+s $i"h youCG
H!e $+s +n i9pos"or.G The "hough" $elled up so9e bile in 7eilly8s "hro+". !e s+$ "h+"
Delpiero +nd "he o"hers $ere los".
Delpiero8s "one rose $i"h +nger +nd con1usion. HSo you brough" "hisC"his "erroris" here#
"o "he :+"ic+n# $i"hou" e.en &no$ing $ho he re+lly $+sIG
HI"8s no" "h+" si9ple#G 7eilly 1ired b+c&# "rying "o &eep his 1uryC+" "he bo9ber +nd# e.en
9ore# +" hi9sel1Cin chec&. HI $+s "old I h+d "o ge" hi9 in"o "he or "h+" $o9+n si""ing
ou" "here $ould be &illed#G he s+id# "hrus"ing +n +ngry 1inger in "he direc"ion o1 "he door. HTh+"
b+s"+rd# $ he isChe pl+yed his role per1ec"ly# +nd you c+n be d+9n sure "h+" gi.en "he
le.el o1 resources he see9s "o h+.e +" his dispos+l# he $ould h+.e h+d no "rouble 1l+shing 9e +
1+&e ID $i"h Sh+r+1i8s n+9e on i" h+d I +s&ed 1or one.G !e shoo& his he+d bi""erly. H4oo&# he
"ric&ed 9e# +ll righ"I I eKpec"ed +ny"hing li&e "his. I $+s Jus" "rying "o s+.e + 1riend8s li1e.G
HAnd in doing "h+"# you go" "hree people &illed +nd doDens inJured#G Delpiero coun"ered.
The co99en" pierced 7eilly8s ches"# +nd +ny +ngry $ords he $+n"ed "o blur" ou" Jus"
shri.eled up in his "hro+". People h+d died# o"hers h+d been hur"# +nd he 1el" responsible. !e8d
been pl+yed by "h+" son o1 + bi"ch# $ he $+sCpl+yed +nd bes"ed. Al9os". 7eilly "ried "o
console hi9sel1 $i"h "he "hough" "h+" he could h+.e e+sily ended up de+d hi9sel1. I1 he8d gi.en
"he bo9ber h+l1 + ch+nce once "hey $ere ou" o1 "he :+"ic+n# "here $+s li""le doub" in 7eilly8s
9ind "h+" "he 9+n $ould h+.e &illed hi9. 6hich $ould h+.e 9e+n" "h+" Tess $ould h+.e
prob+bly died "oo. A" le+s" he8d 9+n+ged "o "urn "h+" p+r" o1 i" +round. !e didn8" gi.e + r+"8s +ss
+bou" +ny boo& or +bou" $rec&ing "he pope8s $heels. !e8d s+.ed Tess8s li1e# $hich $+s $h+"
he8d se" ou" "o do. 3u" no" li&e "his. Th+" $+sn8" p+r" o1 "he b+rg+in. People h+d died# innocen"
people $ho9 he h+d no righ" "o dr+$ in"o his dr+9+# +nd no"hing $ould 9+&e up 1or "h+".
Tilden re+d "he "or9en" on 7eilly8s 1+ce +nd s"epped in. H6i"h +ll due respec"# Ispettore. I
"hin& $e need "o he+r +ll "he 1+c"s be1ore +ny o1 us s+y so9e"hing $e 9igh" regre".G
HI +gree#G + .oice chi9ed in 1ro9 behind "he9.
*+rdin+l 3rugnone h+d $+l&ed in"o "he roo9. /onsignor 3escondi# "he pre1ec" o1 "he
:+"ic+n Secre" $+s $i"h hi9# see9ingly reco.ered 1ro9 "he inJec"ion 7eilly h+d gi.en
hi9. They $eren8" s9iling.
7eilly 1ound i" h+rd "o loo& "he9 in "he eye.
H6e need "o &no$ +ll "he 1+c"s +bou" $hy "his ou"r+ge $+s +llo$ed "o "+&e pl+ce#G
3rugnone gru9bled. HAgen" 7eillyC$hy don8" you "ell us $h+" you should h+.e "old us $hen
you 1irs" +rri.ed hereIG
7eilly 1el" "he onse" o1 + 9+ssi.e he+d+che. HI8ll "ell you $h+" I &no$# bu" I don8" e.en
&no$ +ll "he 1+c"s 9ysel1. 6e need "o he+r 1ro9 TessC/iss *h+y&in# ou" "hereC"o ge" "he
$hole pic"ure.G
H6hy don8" $e in.i"e her inIG "he c+rdin+l sugges"ed.
HI89 no" sure she8s up "o "h+" Jus" ye"#G 7eilly s+id.
The c+rdin+l 1iKed hi9 $i"h + gr+.e s"+re. H6hy don8" $e +s& her +bou" "h+"IG
Chapter 11

I" +ll s"+r"ed in >ord+n#G Tess "old "he group in "he roo9. 7igh" no$# i" $+s "he l+s" "hing
she $+n"ed "o do. She s"ill 1el" dr+ined# +nd dredging up "he 9e9ory o1 $h+" h+ppened $+s
9+&ing her S"ill# she re+liDed i" $+s i9por"+n". The 9en in "he roo9C7eilly# *+rdin+l
3rugnone# Inspec"or Delpiero# "he" 3escondi# +nd "he "$o de"ec" 1ro9 "he
+n"i"erroris" sFu+dC"hey +ll needed "o &no$ $h+" she8d been "hrough. She h+d "o do e.ery"hing
she could "o help "he9 c+"ch "he guy $ho $+s behind +ll "his# +nd rescue Si99ons# $ho# she
hoped# h+d "o s"ill be +li.e. @or ho$ long# "hough# $+s so9e"hing she didn8" re+lly $+n" "o "hin&
HI $+s ou" "here $i"h +no"her +rch+eologis"# his n+9e8s >ed Si99ons. !e8s go" "his dig
going ne+r Pe"r+# he8s go" 3ro$n b+c&ing hi9# +ndCG She s"opped# re9inding hersel1 "o s"ic& "o
$h+" $+s rele.+n" +nd no" go o11;pis"e. HAny$+y# "his Ir+ni+n his"ori+n sho$ed up# so9eone $ho
&ne$ so9eone $ho &ne$ >ed.G
H3ehrouD Sh+r+1i#G 7eilly no"ed.
Tess nodded. H%es. A s$ee"# Fuie" 9+n. Though"1ul# +nd eK"re9ely $ell re+d "oo.G 7eilly
h+d "old her $h+" h+d h+ppened "o hi9# +nd "he ide+ "h+" he $+s de+d 9+de her shi.ers $orse.
She s"eeled hersel1 +nd pressed on. HSh+r+1i needed help 1iguring so9e"hing ou". A con"+c" o1 his
h+d sugges"ed he "+l& "o >ed +bou" i" bec+useC$ell# +l"hough >ed8s $or& in Pe"r+ $+s +ll +bou"
N+b+"+e+n cul"ur+l his"ory# he8s +lso one o1 "he 9os" &no$ledge+ble people on "he pl+ne" $hen i"
co9es "o "he Te9pl+rs. Th+"8s +c"u+lly $hy I $+s "here 9ysel1.G
She no"iced 3rugnone s"ir +nd slide + gl+nce +" 7eilly# +s i1 "hings $ere s"+r"ing "o 1+ll
in"o pl+ce 1or hi9.
HTessC/iss *h+y&inCshe8s +n +rch+eologis"#G 7eilly eKpl+ined "o "he roo9. HA l+psed
one# re+lly. She8s no$ + no.elis". And her 1irs" boo& $+s +bou" "he Te9pl+rs.G
HI"8s his"oric+l 1ic"ion#G Tess speci1ied# suddenly 1eeling "he $+lls "igh"ening in +round
She gl+nced +round "he roo9 +nd no"ed 3rugnone8s re+c"ion. !e see9ed 1+9ili+r $i"h
$h+" she +nd 7eilly h+d Jus" 9en"ioned.
H%our boo&#G "he c+rdin+l 9used# his eyes scru"iniDing her. HI" $+s r+"her $ell recei.ed# i1
I89 no" 9is"+&en.G
HI" $+s.G Tess nodded# gr+ciously bu" +lso so9e$h+" unco91or"+bly. She &ne$ $h+" he
9e+n". Al"hough her no.el# + "hriller se" during "he *rus+des# $+s percei.ed +s no"hing 9ore
"h+n + $or& o1 his"oric+l 1ic"ion# she &ne$ "h+" 3rugnone $+s $ell +$+re "h+" "he s"ory $i"hin i"s
p+ges $+sn8" en"irely borne 1ro9 her i9+gin+"ion. She 1el" + p+ng o1 une+se +nd "ried "o re9ind
hersel1 "h+" she h+dn8" done +ny"hing $rong. She8d s"uc& "o $h+" she +nd 7eilly h+d +greed "oC
&eeping i" pri.+"e# no" "+l&ing +bou" i"# no" "elling +nyone# p+r"icul+rly 3rugnone +nd 7eilly8s
boss +" "he @3I# +bou" $h+" re+lly h+ppened in "h+" s"or9 +nd on "h+" Gree& isl+nd. 3u" "h+"
didn8" 9e+n she couldn8" use $h+" she8d li.ed "hrough +nd $h+" she8d disco.ered +bou" "he
Te9pl+rs +long "he $+y +s "he b+sis o1 + no.elC+ pre""y success1ul one# +s i" "urned ou"# bu" one
"h+" only "he 9os" r+dic+lly conspir+cy;9inded $ould "hin& $+s b+sed on re+l his"ory. I" h+d
l+unched her in"o + ne$ c+reer +nd + ne$ li1e# +nd i" h+d +lso pro.en ple+s+n"ly c+"h+r"ic 1or her.
Un"il no$.
The c+rdin+l held her g+De 1or +n unco91or"+ble 9o9en"# "hen s+id# H*on"inue# ple+se.G
Tess "oo& + sip 1ro9 her bo""le +nd shi1"ed in her ch+ir. HSh+r+1i h+d 1ound so9e"hing# in
Is"+nbul# in "he N+"ion+l 4ibr+ry. I" $+s in "he old O""o9+n !e c+9e +cross i" by
ch+nce. !e li.ed "here# in Is"+nbul. !e8d 9o.ed "here 1ro9 Tehr+n +nd he $+s "e+ching +" +
uni.ersi"y# +nd being +n eKper" on Su1is9# he $+s digging in"o Su1i his"ory in his sp+re "i9e. !e
$+s + Su1i hi9sel1# you &no$.G !er lips s"ill +ched 1ro9 "he duc" "+pe# +nd she $+s
"rouble 1ocusing. HAny$+y# i" $+s "he per1ec" pl+ce 1or "h+" line o1 rese+rch since "h+"8s $here i"
+ll s"+r"ed# in "hir"een"h;cen"ury Tur&ey# $i"h 7u9i +nd his poe9s.G
HAnd he 1ound so9e"hing "here "h+" $+s Te9pl+rIG 3rugnone +s&ed# + gen"le prod 1or her
"o ge" "o i".
HSor" o1. !e $+s roo"ing +round in "he old +rchi.esCyou &no$ "hey h+.e li"er+lly "ens o1
"hous+nds o1 docu9en"s "h+" +re Jus" s"ored "here# $+i"ing "o be sor"ed ou". All &inds o1 s"u11. The
O""o9+ns $ere 9+ni+c+l"s. Any$+y# Sh+r+1i c+9e +cross + boo&. A subs"+n"i+l .olu9e#
nice "ooled le+"her;bound co.ers# e+rly 1our"een"h;cen"ury. I" held "he $ri"ings o1 + Su1i "r+.eler
"h+" he h+dn8" co9e +cross be1ore. 3u" i" +lso h+d so9e"hing else. So9e loose .ellu9 shee"s h+d
been "uc&ed in under i"s bindings. !idden 1ro9 .ie$ 1or cen"uries. Sh+r+1i spo""ed "he9# +nd
n+"ur+lly# he go" curious. So $i"hou" "elling +nyone or see&ing per9ission# he pried "he9 ou". !is
1irs" surprise $+s "h+" "hey $eren8" $ri""en in Ar+bic# li&e "he boo& i"sel1. They $ere in Gree&.
/edie.+l Gree&. !e copied do$n + 1e$ sen"ences +nd +s&ed + colle+gue "o "r+nsl+"e "he9 1or
hi9. The p+ges "urned ou" "o be + le""er. No" Jus" + le""er . . . + con1ession. The con1ession o1 +
9on& $ho li.ed in + 3yD+n"ine Or"hodoK 9on+s"ery.G She concen"r+"ed "o rec+ll i"s n+9e. HThe
/on+s"ery o1 /oun" Arg+eus.G
She p+used +nd gl+nced +round# loo&ing 1or +ny signs o1 recogni"ion. No one see9ed
1+9ili+r $i"h i".
3escondi# "he pre1ec" o1 "he le+ned in. !e see9ed con1used. H%ou8re s+ying "his
9+n Sh+r+1i 1ound "he con1ession o1 + 9on& 1ro9 + 3yD+n"ine 9on+s"ery. 6h+" does "h+" h+.e "o
do $i"h "he Te9pl+rsIG
Only one $ord c+9e "o Tess8s lips.
Chapter 12

/A% '3'(

'i.e hundred hyperpyr+I Th+"8s . . . "h+"8s Jus" ou"r+geous#G "he @rench bishop blur"ed.
*onr+d o1 Tripoli $+sn8" 9o.ed. !e held "he old 9+n8s g+De $i"h "he sereni"y o1
so9eone $ho h+d done "his 9+ny "i9es be1ore# +nd shrugged. No" + cold# de9e+ning shrug. !e
9+de sure he 9+in"+ined +n +ir o1 con;geni+li"y +nd# +bo.e +ll# respec". H6e re+lly shouldn8" be
h+ggling + 1e$ pieces o1 gold# @+"her. No" $hen i" so9e"hing "his s+cred.G
They $ere se+"ed +" + discree" "+ble# "uc&ed +$+y in + d+r& corner o1 + "+.ern in "he
dis"ric" o1 G+l+"+# + Genoese colony on "he nor"h shore o1 "he Golden !orn. *onr+d &ne$ "he
o$ner o1 "he "+.ern $ell +nd o1"en conduc"ed his business "here. !e could coun" on hi9 "o gi.e
hi9 "he pri.+cy he needed +nd lend + h+nd i1 "hings go" 9essy. No" "h+" *onr+d needed 9uch
help. !e h+d seen 9ore 1igh"ing +nd spilled 9ore blood "h+n 9os" 9en could e.en i9+gine# bu"
"h+" $+s p+r" o1 + long;gone p+s" "h+" he &ep" "o hi9sel1.
The gilded boK s+" sFu+rely on "he "+ble. I" $+s + s9+ll 9+s"erpiece $i"h +n e9bossed#
1lori+"ed design on i"s side +nd + l+rge cross on i"s lid. Inside# i" $+s lined $i"h 1r+yed .el.e"
cushioning "h+" loo&ed li&e i" $+s cen"uries old. 6hen *onr+d h+d 1irs" presen"ed "he pries" $i"h
"he reliFu+ry# "he bones i" housed h+d been $r+pped inside + shee" o1 .ellu9 "h+" bore "he
9+r&ings +nd se+l o1 "he P+"ri+rch o1 AleK+ndri+. They $ere no$ l+id ou" on "he p+dded b+se o1
"he con"+iner# "heir +ncien" yello$;gr+y p+llor con"r+s"ing .i.idly +g+ins" "he burgundy p+dding.
The bishop8s "hin# long;n+iled 1ingers "re9bled +s he re+ched ou" "o "ouch "he bones
+g+in. @ro9 "he "+lus "o "he 9e"+"+rs+ls# "hey $ere +ll "here.
HS+cred# indeed. The 1oo" o1 S+in" Philip#G he 9u""ered# his eyes bri99ing $i"h
re.erence. HThe 1i1"h +pos"le.G !is 1ingers cu" "he +ir gen"ly +s he crossed hi9sel1 ye" +g+in.
HThe 9+n $ho &ep" pre+ching righ" "o "he bi""er end# e.en $hile he $+s cruci1ied upside
do$n#G *onr+d s+id. HA "rue 9+r"yr.G
H!o$ did you ge" hold o1 "he9IG "he pries" +s&ed.
HPle+se# @+"her. 6e +re no" in con1ession here# +re $eIG *onr+d s9iled# "e+sing hi9 1or +
9o9en" be1ore le+ning in +nd lo$ering his "one. HThere +re 9+ny cryp"s in "his ci"y. Under "he
*h+pel o1 "he !oly :irgin o1 Ph+ros# inside "he $+lls o1 "he Gre+" P+l+ce# +" "he church in
P+99+&+ris"os . . . i1 you &no$ $here "o loo&# "hey8re "here. The holies" o1 "re+sures# "uc&ed ou"
o1 h+r98s $+y Jus" be1ore "he gre+" s+c& +nd no$ $+i"ing "o be une+r"hed +nd re"urned "o "heir
righ"1ul glory. And +s +nyone $ill "ell you# I &no$ "hese dungeons li&e "he b+c& o1 9y h+nd#G he
s9iled# r+ising his righ" h+nd. H3u" I need "o &no$ i1 you $+n" "hese or no"# @+"her. There +re
o"her buyers $+i"ing . . . +nd I need "he 1unding "o con"inue 9y $or& i1 I89 going "o l+y 9y
h+nds on "he gre+"es" "re+sure o1 "he9 +ll.G
The bishop8s eyes bulged $ide. H6h+" "re+sure i" "h+"IG
*onr+d le+ned in closer. HThe /+ndylion#G he $hispered.
The bishop suc&ed in + sh+rp in"+&e o1 bre+"h +nd his 1+ce li" up. HThe /+ndylion o1
HThe .ery s+9e. And I "hin& I89 close.G
The bishop8s 1ingers s"+r"ed "$i"ching greedily. HI1 you $ere "o 1ind i"#G he s+id# HI
$ould be .ery# .ery in"eres"ed in +cFuiring i" 1or our c+"hedr+l.G
*onr+d inclined his he+d c+su+lly. HAs $ould 9+ny o1 9y clien"s. 3u" I89 no" sure I8d $+n" "o p+r" $i"h i". No" $hen "he i9+ge o1 our 4ord hi9sel1 is i9prin"ed on i".G
The old pries"8s lips $ere Fui.ering .isibly no$# his $rin&led 1ingers beseeching "he +ir
be"$een "he9. HPle+se. %ou 9us" pro9ise. 4e" 9e &no$ $hen you h+.e i". I8ll p+y h+ndso9ely.G
*onr+d re+ched ou" +nd brough" "he 9+n8s $i"hered 1ore+r9s b+c& do$n on "he "+ble.
H4e"8s conclude "his 9+""er 1irs"# sh+ll $eI The res" $e c+n "+l& +bou"# $hen "he "i9e co9es.G
The bishop s"udied hi9 1or + be+"# "hen s9iled# + "hin;lipped# ro""ed;"oo"hed s9ile "h+"
$+s + 1+ir 9+"ch 1or "he bones he $+s buying. They +greed on + "i9e $hen "hey $ould 9ee" up
+g+in 1or "he eKch+nge# "hen "he old 9+n go" up +nd $+l&ed o11.
*onr+d cr+c&ed + s+"is1ied grin +s he p+c&ed up "he bones +nd hollered ou" +n order 1or +
pi"cher o1 beer. !e "oo& in "he bus"le ou" in "he "+.ern8s 9+in roo9. /erch+n"s# +ris"ocr+"s#
co99on 1ol&# +nd $hores# $heeling +nd de+ling +nd ge""ing drun& in + r+ucous blur o1 pidgin
I"+li+nC"he lingu+ 1r+nc+ o1 "he G+l+"+ dis"ric"C+nd l+ugh"er.
Mui"e + ch+nge 1ro9 "he +us"eri"y o1 his pre.ious li1e# +s + $+rrior;9on& o1 "he Poor
@ello$;Soldiers o1 *hris" +nd o1 "he Te9ple o1 Solo9onC"he Te9pl+rs.
!e s9iled. The ci"y h+d been good "o hi9.
I" h+d "+&en hi9 in +nd +llo$ed hi9 "o cre+"e + ne$ li1e 1or hi9sel1# $hich h+dn8" been
e+sy. No" +1"er +ll "he se"b+c&s +nd dis+s"ers "h+" h+d be1+llen hi9 +nd his bre"hren# no" +1"er
"hey8d +ll been "urned in"o hun"ed 9en. 3u" "hings $ere going $ell 1or hi9 no$. !is repu"+"ion
$+s gro$ing $i"h e.ery s+le. And he p+r"icul+rly enJoyed "he 1+c" "h+" he $+s prospering +" "he
eKpense o1 "hose $ho h+d brough" +bou" "he de9ise o1 his Order# 1leecing "hose $hose il& h+d
c+used hi9 "o end up in *ons"+n"inople.
If they only knew# he "hough" $i"h gre+" relish.
4i&e his +dop"i.e ci"y# *onr+d $+s rising 1ro9 "he dregs o1 + :+"ic+n;bred c+l+9i"y. !is
"roubles h+d begun $i"h "he de1e+" +" Acre in '0,'# +l9os" "$o dec+des e+rlier# + dis+s"rous b+""le
"h+" ended $i"h *onr+d# his 1ello$ Te9pl+rs# +nd "he res" o1 "he crus+ders losing "he l+s" 9+Jor
*hris"i+n s"ronghold in "he !oly 4+nd# +nd resul"ed in "he 9+ss +rres"s o1 '3(7# $hich "he Bing
o1 @r+nce +nd "he pope h+d orches"r+"ed "o "+&e do$n "he Order. The Mueen o1 *i"ies h+d
su11ered i"s o$n c+"+s"rophic uphe+.+l +round + hundred ye+rs e+rlier# $hen "he pope8s +r9y h+d
r+ped +nd pill+ged i" in '0() +1"er besieging i" 1or close "o + ye+r. 3lood h+d 1lo$ed# +n&le;deep#
do$n "he s"ree"s. Gre+" 1ires h+d r+.+ged i" 1or d+ys on end# $iping ou" + "hird o1 i"s buildings.
Any"hing "h+" $+s le1" s"+nding h+d been loo"ed +nd r+ns+c&ed beyond recogni"ion. In "he
+1"er9+"h# +nyone $ho could +11ord "o do so h+d 9o.ed +$+y. Once "he $orld8s 9+r&e"pl+ce +nd
"he proud ho9e o1 God8s e9peror on -+r"h# "he Ne$ 7o9e h+d been "urned in"o + ci"y o1 ruins.
I"s conFuerors h+dn8" h+d 9uch Joy in ruling i". I"s 1irs" 4+"in e9peror# 3+ld$in# $+s
c+p"ured by "he 3ulg+ri+ns during + s&ir9ish ne+r Adri+nople less "h+n + ye+r in"o his reign.
They chopped his +r9s +nd legs o11 +nd du9ped hi9 in + r+.ine# $here he $+s s+id "o h+.e
sur.i.ed 1or "hree $hole d+ys. !is successors didn8" 1+re 9uch be""er. They only 9+n+ged "o
h+ng on "o "he ci"y 1or 1i.e dec+des be1ore "heir in1igh"ing +nd inco9pe"ence brough" "heir reign
"o + hu9ili+"ing end.
The 3yD+n"ine e9peror $ho re"oo& "he ci"y in '0='# /ich+el :III# s+$ hi9sel1 +s + ne$
*ons"+n"ine +nd se" +bou" res"oring i" "o i"s 1or9er glory. P+l+ces +nd churches $ere re1urbished#
s"ree"s rep+ired# hospi"+ls +nd schools 1ounded. 3u" re+li"y soon pu" + c+p on "hese +9bi"ions. @or
one "hing# 9oney $+s "igh". The 3yD+n"ine -9pire $+sn8" 9uch o1 +n e9pire +ny9ore. I" $+s
9uch s9+ller "h+n i" h+d been# e11ec"i.ely no 9ore "h+n + 9inor Gree& s"+"e# $hich 9e+n" "h+" i"s
rulers $ere only + 1r+c"ion o1 "he "+K +nd cus"o9s re.enues "hey h+d pre.iously
enJoyed. 6orse# i"s e+s"ern 1l+n&s $ere under cons"+n" +""+c&. 3+nds o1 no9+dic Tur&s $ere
1ur"her chipping +$+y +" "he 1r+c"ured +nd shrun&en e9pire. @leeing re1ugees 1ro9 "he
bele+guered pro.inces# penniless +nd desper+"e# $ere no$ cro$ding "he ci"y# in sFu+lor in
o.ercro$ded sh+n"y"o$ns +nd +cross i"s rubbish du9ps# 1ur"her s"r+ining i"s econo9y. A h+rsh
$in"er h+d only 9+de 9+""ers $orse# + l+"e 1ros" $iping ou" l+rge "r+c"s o1 crop;l+nd +nd
eK+cerb+"ing "he 1ood shor"+ges.
The ch+os +nd "he "ur9oil sui"ed *onr+d. !e needed "he +nony9i"y "h+" + ci"y in 1luK
could o11er. And "here $+s good 9oney "o be 9+de i1 you &ne$ $here "o 1ind i"? "he poc&e"s o1
gullible# .isi"ing clerics 1ro9 "he churches +nd c+"hedr+ls o1 "he $e+l"hy 6es".
*ons"+n"inople 9+y h+.e been s"ripped o1 +ny"hing o1 .+lue + hundred ye+rs e+rlier# bu"
i" $+s s"ill +n Al+ddin8s c+.e o1 holy relics. !undreds o1 "he9 $ere belie.ed "o be sc+""ered
+round "he ci"y# "uc&ed +$+y in i"s 9+ny churches +nd 9on+s"eries# $+i"ing "o be pil1ered +nd
sold. They $ere o1 gre+" .+lue "o "he pries"s o1 6es"ern -urope. A c+"hedr+l# + church# or + priory
1+r 1ro9 "he !oly 4+nd $ould g+in "re9endously in s"+"ureC+nd# hence# in con"ribu"ionsConce
i" housed + 9+Jor relic origin+"ing 1ro9 "hose dis"+n" shores. The 1+i"h1ul $ouldn8" h+.e "o
e9b+r& on long +nd eKpensi.e pilgri9+ges +nd "r+.el +cross l+nd +nd se+ "o see# +nd perh+ps
e.en "ouch# "he bone o1 + 9+r"yr or + splin"er 1ro9 "he True *ross. 6hich $+s $hy 9+ny clerics
c+9e "o *ons"+n"inople# in se+rch o1 + "rophy "hey could "+&e b+c& "o "heir ho9e church. So9e
p+id good 9oney# o"hers sche9ed +nd s"oleC$h+" i" "oo& "o secure "heir priDe.
*onr+d $+s "here "o help.
-.en i1# 1+r 9ore o1"en "h+n no"# "he priDe $+sn8" eK+c"ly $h+" he cl+i9ed i" "o be.
4i&e +ny p+rlor "ric&# i" $+s# he &ne$# +ll in "he presen"+"ion." in "he righ"
p+c&+ging# ge" "he b+c&s"ory righ"# +nd buyers $ould be lining up 1or + sh+rd o1 "he *ro$n o1
Thorns or + 1r+g9en" 1ro9 "he robe o1 "he :irgin /+ry.
HAno"her s+"is1ied cus"o9erIG "he "+.ern &eeper +s&ed +s he brough" + 1resh pi"cher
o1 beer.
HIs "here +ny o"her &indIG
H3less you# 9y son#G "he b+r&eep chuc&led. !e se" "he pi"cher on "he "+ble +nd nodded
"o$+rd "he b+c& o1 "he b+r. HThere8s so9eone $+i"ing 1or you ou" b+c&. A Tur&. S+id his n+9e
$+s M+sse9. S+id you8d &no$ $ho he $+s.G
*onr+d poured hi9sel1 + gl+ss +nd do$ned i" in one chug# "hen se" i" do$n +nd $iped his
9ou"h $i"h "he b+c& o1 his h+nd. HOu" b+c&I No$IG
The b+r&eep nodded.
*onr+d shrugged# "hen pushed "he reliFu+ry "o$+rd hi9. H4oo& +1"er "his 1or 9e un"il I
ge" b+c&# $ill youIG
!e 1ound "he 9+n $+i"ing by + s"+c& o1 e9p"y b+rrels ou"side "he re+r en"r+nce "o "he
"+.ern. !e8d 9e" M+sse9 +nd his 1+"her shor"ly +1"er in "he ci"y + li""le + ye+r +go.
!e8d "+&en +n ins"+n" disli&e "o M+sse9# + brooding# 9uscul+r young 9+n in his e+rly "$en"ies
$hose eyes l+c&ed +ny "r+ce o1 $+r9"h. The 1+"her# /eh9e"# $+s + di11eren" s"ory. A "ub o1 1+"#
h+iry 1lesh# he $+s + du9pling o1 + 9+n $i"h + $ide 1orehe+d# bulging eyes# +nd + shor"# "hic&
nec&. !e $+s +lso + consu99+"e "r+der# one $ho could sell you so9e"hing "hen buy i" righ" b+c&
1ro9 you +" h+l1 price +nd 9+&e you 1eel li&e he $+s doing you + 1+.or.
!e +lso h+d +ccess "o $h+" *onr+d needed "o pull o11 his sc+9s# +nd he didn8" +s& "oo
9+ny Fues"ions.
H/y 1+"her h+s so9e"hing he "hin&s you 9igh" be in"eres"ed in#G M+sse9 "old hi9.
HI8ll 1e"ch 9y horse#G *onr+d replied# no" &no$ing "h+" "he young Tur&8s 9und+ne
+nnounce9en" $+s +bou" "o upend his li1e.

!- 7-*OGNI<-D T!- 37OADS6O7DS I//-DIAT-4%.
There $ere siK o1 "he9# she+"hed in "heir le+"her sc+bb+rds# l+id ou" on + $ooden "+ble in
/eh9e"8s s9+ll shop. Alongside "he9 $ere o"her $e+pons "h+" only con1ir9ed *onr+d8s
s"+r"ling re+liD+"ion? 1our crossbo$s# + couple o1 doDen co9posi"e horn bo$s# +nd +n +ssor"9en"
o1 d+ggers +nd bre+d &
6e+pons $i"h $hich he $+s .ery 1+9ili+r.
The bro+ds$ords $ere $h+" in"eres"ed hi9 9os". Though 9odes" in +ppe+r+nce# "hey
$ere 1or9id+ble "ools o1 $+r1+re. 3ru"+lly e11icien"# eKper"ly 1+bric+"ed# per1ec"ly b+l+nced# bu"
$i"h none o1 "he g+udy orn+9en"+"ion co99only 1ound on "he grips +nd po99els o1 "he s$ords
o1 "he nobili"y. A Te9pl+r8s s$ord $+s no" +n os"en"+"ious displ+y o1 $e+l"h# nor could i" beC"he
$+rrior;&nigh"s li.ed under .o$s o1 s"ric""y. I" $+s + $e+pon o1 $+r# pure +nd si9ple. A
co91or"+ble cruci1or9 hil" cro$ning + p+""ern;$elded bl+de# designed "o c+r.e "hrough "he 1lesh
+nd bone o1 +ny ene9y +s $ell +s "hrough +ny ch+in 9+il "h+" +spired "o pro"ec" i".
The s$ords did# ho$ h+.e one s9+ll dis"inguishing 1e+"ure# b+rely no"ice+ble# bu"
de1ini"ely "here? "he ini"i+ls o1 "he s$ord8s o$ner# on ei"her side o1 + s9+ll spl+yed crossC"he
croi1 patt2e used by "he OrderC"he lo" engr+.ed on "he upper sec"ion o1 "he bl+de# Jus" belo$ "he
cross gu+rd.
Ini"i+ls "h+" *onr+d +lso ins"+n"ly recogniDed.
An +.+l+nche o1 i9+ges +nd 1eelings rolled hi9.
H6here did you ge" "heseIG
/eh9e" s"udied hi9 $i"h undisguised curiosi"y# "hen his doughy 1+ce rel+Ked in"o +
s+"is1ied grin. HSo you li&e 9y li""le collec"ionIG
*onr+d "ried "o &eep + lid on "he dis"urb+nce bubbling inside hi9# bu" he &ne$ "h+" "he
Tur&ish "r+der $+sn8" e+sily 1ooled. HI8ll "+&e "he $hole lo" o11 you +" "he price you +s&# bu" I
need "o &no$ $here you 1ound "he9.G
The Tur& eyed hi9 $i"h +dded curiosi"y# "hen +s&ed# H6hyIG
HTh+"8s 9y business. Do you $+n" "o sell "he9 or no"IG
The "r+der pursed his lips +nd rubbed his chin $i"h his pu11y 1ingers# "hen relen"ed. HI
bough" "he9 1ro9 so9e 9on&s. 6e c+9e +cross "he9 +" + c+r+.+nser+i "hree $ee&s +go.G
H-+s" o1 here# +bou" + $ee&8s ride +$+y.G
H6hereIG *onr+d pressed.
HIn *+pp+doci+. Ne+r "he ci"y o1 :eness+#G "he "r+der +dded# so9e$h+" grudgingly.
*onr+d nodded# deep in "hough"# his 9ind +lre+dy r+cing +he+d. !e +nd his "$o 1ello$
&nigh"s h+d slipped "hrough "he surre+l l+ndsc+pe o1 "h+" region on "heir $+y "o *ons"+n"inople.
They8d s&ir"ed +round c+r+.+nser+is# huge "r+ding pos"s "h+" $ere do""ed +long "he sil&
ro+d# buil" by SelJu& sul"+ns +nd gr+ndees "o encour+ge +nd pro"ec" "he "r+ders $ho $or&ed "he
c+9el "r+ils be"$een -urope +nd Persi+ +nd 1+r"her on "o *hin+.
HIs "h+" $here "heir 9on+s"ery isIG
HNo. All "hey s+id $+s "h+" i" $+s up in "he 9oun"+ins so9e$here#G "he "r+der s+id. HThey
$ere scrounging +round 1or 1ood supplies# selling $h+" "hey could. They8.e go" + drough"
ou" "here "h+"8s &illed o11 +ny"hing "he 1ros" didn8".G !e chuc&led. HAny$+y# i" doesn8" 9+""er
$here i" is. %ou c+n8" possibly be "hin&ing o1 going "here.G
H6hy no"IG
HI"8s d+ngerous "erri"ory# especi+lly 1or + @r+n& li&e you. %ou8d be crossing h+l1 + doDen
di11eren" beyliks "o ge" "here +nd ris& co9ing +cross "en "i9es +s 9+ny b+nds o1 Gh+Dis +long "he
*onr+d &ne$ he $+s righ". Since "he 1+ll o1 "he SelJu& Sul"+n+"e o1 7u9# "he en"ire region
e+s" o1 *ons"+n"inople h+d bro&en up in"o + "+pes"ry o1 independen" beyliks# e9ir+"es ruled by
beys. The beys8 +r9ies $ere $i"h 9ercen+ry Gh+Dis# $+rriors o1 "he 1+i"h $ho $ere
hungry 1or ei"her .ic"ory or 1or $h+" "hey re1erred "o +s H"he honey o1 9+r"yrdo9#G $i"h no
p+r"icul+r pre1erence ei"her $+y. They $ere 1ierce 1igh"ers +nd &ep" + "igh" grip on "he l+nds "hey
con"rolled. I" h+d been h+rd enough 1or hi9 +nd his bre"hren "o sne+& "hrough i" unno"iced. I"
$ould be +n en"irely di11eren" proposi"ion "his "i9e +round? ou" in "he open# +s&ing +round# "rying
"o loc+"e + 9on+s"ery "h+" prob+bly didn8" $+n" "o be 1ound.
H6e# on "he o"her h+nd# $ould h+.e 9uch less "rouble ge""ing "hrough#G "he "r+der
sugges"ed# se""ling b+c&# his s9ug s9ile 9ul"iplying "he 1olds "h+" bu""ressed his chin. HAnd i"
$ouldn8" be "oo di11icul" "o disguise you +nd bring you +long +s one o1 us.G
*onr+d eyed "he $ily "r+der. The 9+n h+d sni11ed so9e"hing o1 .+lue# "h+" 9uch $+s
!e8d de+l $i"h "h+" $hen "he "i9e c+9e. @irs" "hings 1irs".
H!o$ 9uchIG
HI" +ll depends on $h+" you8re +1"er#G "he "r+der s+id.
HA ch+".G
I" $+s e.iden"ly no" $h+" "he "r+der $+s hoping "o he+r. Then +g+in# *onr+d didn8"
i9+gine he re+lly eKpec"ed hi9 "o "ell hi9 "he $hole "ru"h.
The "r+der shrugged. HIn "h+" c+se# double "he price o1 "hese 1ine i"e9s#G he s+id +s he
$+.ed his 9e+"y +r9 +cross "he +rr+y o1 s$ords +nd & H-+ch $+y.G
I" $+s# in "he $ords o1 "he old pries"# +n ou"r+geous price. 3u" "he 1+&e bones $ould 9ore
"h+n i".
3esides# i" $+s 1or + $or"hy c+use.
The $or"hies" o1 "he9 +ll.
HI8ll le" you &no$#G *onr+d s+id.
/eh9e" g+.e hi9 + con"en"ed s9ile +nd + s9+ll# "he+"ric+l bo$. HI89 +" your 9y
They s"u11ed "he s$ords +nd & in"o + s+c& o1 co+rse clo"h# $hich *onr+d "ied "o "he
po99el o1 his s+ddle. !e $+s Jus" "ro""ing +$+y 1ro9 "he s"ore $hen he c+9e +cross her.
M+sse98s sis"er# /+ysoon. !e+ding b+c& "o her 1+"her8s shop.
Seeing her "hre$ hi9 in"o ins"+n" dis+rr+y.
A1"er +ll "he ye+rs o1 s"ric" celib+cy in "he 1or"resses o1 "he !oly 4+nd# he8d beco9e
re+son+bly co91or"+ble +round $o9en no$ "h+" he $+s +9ong "he9. 3u" so9e"hing +bou"
her 9+de his he+r" g+llop. 3y +ny s"+nd+rd# she $+s s"+ggeringly +lluring. A "+ll# gr+ce1ul young
$o9+n $i"h blis"ering "urFuoise eyes# 1l+$less honey;colored s&in# +nd + c+sc+de o1 luscious "h+" hin"ed "e+singly 1ro9 under her d+r&# 1lo$ing robe# she $+s i9possible "o ignore.
As she s+un"ered "o$+rd hi9# he pulled on "he reins# slo$ing his s"+llion righ" do$n "o
Jus" shy o1 s"opping in i"s "r+c&s# "rying "o eK"end "he 9o9en" +s long +s possible. Their eyes 9e".
I" $+sn8" "he 1irs" "i9e "hey h+d# +nd# +s be1ore# she didn8" "urn +$+y. She Jus" &ep" +n enig9+"ic
g+De loc&ed on hi9# igni"ing + bon1ire o1 "ur9oil $i"hin hi9. In "he h+l1 doDen "i9es he8d seen
her# "hey h+dn8" eKch+nged 9ore "h+n + 1e$ poli"e ple+s+n"ries. !er 1+"her or her bro"her $+s
ine.i"+bly "here# his presence h+s"ening her re"re+". M+sse98s body l+ngu+ge# in p+r"icul+r#
proJec"ed + 1iercely possessi.e +""i"ude "o$+rd her# one "h+" she heeded in silence. *onr+d h+d
no"iced so9e bruising +round one o1 her eyes +nd by "he edge o1 her 9ou"h on one occ+sion# bu"
he h+dn8" h+d "he oppor"uni"y "o 1ind ou" $h+" h+d c+used "he9. !e $+s +lone $i"h her# +ble "o re+lly eng+ge her "he $+y he $+n"ed. !e &ne$ "his encoun"er $ouldn8" be +ny
di11eren"# gi.en "h+" "hey $ere s"ill $i"hin sigh" o1 "he shop. All he could do $+s gi.e her + sligh"
nod o1 +c&no$ledg9en" +nd $+"ch helplessly +s she glided by# her eyes ch+llenging his +s long
+s "hey could be1ore "e+ring +$+y +nd breeDing p+s".
!e resis"ed "urning "o $+"ch her dri1" +$+y# +nd nudged his horse in"o + c+n"er. As he rode
on# he couldn8" "hin& +bou" +ny"hing else. !e8d 1+ced "his inner con1lic" be1ore +nd s"ill h+dn8"
1igured ou" ho$ "o h+ndle i". Up un"il recen"ly# his en"ire +dul" li1e h+d been +bou" s+cri1ice. !e
h+d gi1"ed hi9sel1 "o + s"ric" 9on+s"ic Order +nd .o$ed "o obey i"s 7ule $i"hou" hesi"+"ion. 4i&e
+ny 9on&# he8d co99i""ed hi9sel1 "o + rigidly regul+"ed li1e s"ripped o1 +ny &ind o1 possessions#
$i1e# or 1+9ily. As + $+rrior;9on&# he h+d "o con"end $i"h "he +dded burden o1 Fui"e possibly his li1e cu" shor" by + sci9i"+r or +n +rro$. Th+" s+cri1ice h+d +lre+dy cos" hi9 de+rly# +s
he8d le1" + p+r" o1 hi9sel1 on "he blood;so+&ed soil o1 Acre# + p+r" he $ould ge" b+c&.
3u" "his $+s +ll o1 "he p+s".
The Order $+s no 9ore.
!e $+s + ci.ili+n no$# 1ree 1ro9 "he eK"re9e cons"r+in"s o1 his pre.ious li1e. And ye" he
s"ill 1el" c+ugh" be"$een bo"h $orlds# s"ill 1ound i" h+rd "o 1ully e9br+ce his ne$1ound 1reedo9.
I" h+d been h+rd enough be1ore he 9e" her.
Thin&ing +bou" her no$# he re9e9bered + p+r"icul+r Te9pl+r 7ule# one "h+" 1orb+de
&nigh"s 1ro9 hun"ing o1 +ny &indCeKcep" 1or lions. An odd rule# gi.en "h+" no lions ro+9ed "he
l+nds $here Te9pl+rs li.ed +nd 1ough". -+rly on# *onr+d h+d been "+ugh" "h+" i" $+s +n +llusion
"o i"s scrip"ur+l sy9bolis9? H%our +d.ers+ry# "he ro+9s +s + ro+ring lion# loo&ing 1or
so9eone "o de.our.G !e &ne$ i" re1erred "o "he s"ruggle be"$een 9+n +nd "he be+s" o1 desire# +
con1lic" "h+" +ll &nigh"s cons"+n"ly s"ro.e "o o.erco9e.
!e $+sn8" sure he8d be +ble "o o.erco9e i" 9uch longer.
6hich c+used hi9 e.en 9ore "ur9oil# no$ "h+" "he p+s" he "hough" he8d le1" behind h+d
re+ched ou" +nd gr+bbed hi9 by "he "hro+".
!e h+d $or& "o do.

HIT8S O:-7# *ON7AD#G !ec"or o1 /on"1or" "old hi9. H%ou &no$ $h+" "hose b+s"+rds
h+.e done in P+ris. @or +ll $e &no$# "he o"hers h+.e been pu" "o "he "orch +s $ell by no$.G
They s+" cross;legged under + bl+n&e" o1 s"+rs# +round + s9+ll 1ire in + roo9 o1 +
dil+pid+"ed old 9+nsion "h+" h+d los" i"s roo1 +nd i"s o$ners dec+des +go. Three 1or9er bro"hers;
in;+r9s# "hree rugged 9en $ho h+d esc+ped +n unJus" +rres" $+rr+n" +nd $ere no$ rein.en"ing
" in + 1oreign l+nd.
*onr+d# !ec"or# +nd /iguel o1 Tor"os+.
The ne$s "hey8d he+rd + 1e$ $ee&s e+rlier h+d been de.+s"+"ing. In @ebru+ry# $ell
siK hundred o1 "heir bre"hren $ho h+d been +rres"ed in @r+nce h+d ch+nged "heir 9inds +nd
rec+n"ed "heir e+rlier con1essions. They8d decided "o de1end "heir Order +g+ins" "he &ing8s
ou"l+ndish +ccus+"ions. A br+.e 9o.e# bu" +n ill;1+"ed one? 3y denying "heir pre.ious
con1essions# "hey bec+9e l+psed here"ics# $hich c+rried "he pen+l"y o1 de+"h by burning. Th+"
/+y# 1i1"y;1our o1 "he9 h+d been burned +" "he s"+&e in P+ris. O"her Te9pl+rs su11ered "he s+9e
1+"e else$here +cross @r+nce.
!undreds o1 o"hers no$ +$+i"ed "heir "urn.
H6e h+.e "o "ry +nd s+.e "he9#G *onr+d insis"ed. H6e h+.e "o "ry +nd s+.e our Order.G
HThere8s no"hing "o s+.e# *onr+d#G /iguel coun"ered# "ossing one o1 "he bro+ds$ords
b+c& in"o "he pile o1 sc+bb+rds +nd & "h+" *onr+d h+d sho$n "he9. since Acre +nd "he
loss o1 "he @+lcon Te9ple# our Order h+s been de+d +nd buried.G
HThen $e h+.e "o bring i" b+c& "o li1e#G *onr+d s+id# his 1+ce bl+Ding $i"h 1er.or. H4is"en
"o 9e. I1 $e c+n $h+" +nd his 9en los"# $e c+n do i".G
!ec"or gl+nced +" /iguel. They bo"h loo&ed $e+ry# cle+rly s"ill reeling 1ro9 $h+" *onr+d
h+d "old "he9 $hen he8d sho$ed "he9 "he $e+pons e+rlier "h+" e.ening. As one o1 "he 9+s"er
+nd co99+nder8s 1+.ori"es# *onr+d h+d been in.i"ed in"o "he s9+ll circle o1 &nigh"s $ho &ne$
"he Order8s re+l his"ory. !e h+d been pri.y "o $h+" o1 Tyre +nd his 9en h+d been sen"
ou" "o do b+c& in '0(3. !ec"or +nd /iguel h+dn8". They h+dn8" been +$+re o1 "he secre"s o1 "he
Order. No" un"il "his nigh".
I" $+s + lo" "o "+&e in.
H3e re+lis"ic# bro"her#G /iguel sighed. H6h+" c+n "hree 9en do +g+ins" + &ing +nd +
popeI They8d h+.e us up on "hose s"+&es be1ore $e 9+n+ged "o u""er + single $ord.G
HNo" i1 $e h+.e i"#G *onr+d s+id. HNo" i1 $e pl+y i" righ". 4oo&# i" brough" "he9 "o "heir
&nees be1ore. Nine 9en buil" + s9+ll e9pire $i"h i". 6e c+n do "he s+9e. 6e c+n rebuild $h+"
$e h+d +nd con"inue "heir $or&.G
!e s"udied his 1ello$ &nigh"s. They $ere di11eren" no$. Older# 1or one. I" h+d been +l9os"
"$en"y ye+rs since "hey h+d +ll 1ough" "oge"her +" Acre. Older# he+.ier# slo$ed by "he spoils o1 +n
un1e""ered li1e. !e 1el" + 1lu""er o1 doub" +nd $ondered i1 he belie.ed his o$n $ords. 6h+" he
$+s +s&ing o1 "he9 $+s + "+ll order# + huge s+cri1ice 1or so9e"hing "h+" c+rried + 1+r;1ro9;cer"+in
H6e c+n s"+y here# "urn our b+c&s on our p+s" +nd li.e ou" our li&e "his#G he "old
"he9. HOr $e c+n re9e9ber our .o$s. Our 9ission. 6e c+n re9e9ber +ll "hose $ho g+.e "heir 1or our c+use +nd "ry "o ensure "h+" "hey didn8" die in .+in. I s+y "here is no choice here. 6e
h+.e "o "ry.G !e re+ched do$n +nd gr+bbed one o1 "he bro+ds$ords. HThese s$ords could h+.e
ended up in "he h+nds o1 +ny "r+der in "he l+nd. 3u" "hey didn8". They 1ound 9e. They 1ound us.
6e c+n8" ignore "h+". Our bro"hers +re c+lling ou" "o us 1ro9 "heir Tell 9e you8re no"
going "o "urn + de+1 e+r "o "heir ple+s.G
!e loo&ed +" !ec"or. The @rench9+n held his g+De 1or + long 9o9en"# "hen nodded
slo$ly. *onr+d nodded b+c&# "hen "urned "o /iguel. The Sp+ni+rd gl+nced +" !ec"or# "hen shoo&
his he+d $i"h + sligh" chor"le be1ore "he9 + nod "h+" $+s dripping $i"h reluc"+nce.

T!-% 7OD- OUT @OU7 DA%S 4AT-7? *onr+d# his "$o bro"her;&nigh"s# /eh9e" +nd
his son# +long $i"h 1our o"her 9en "h+" "he "r+der h+d dr+1"ed in +s 9uscle.
/uch "o "he "r+der8s curiosi"y# *onr+d $+sn8" on horseb+c&. Unli&e !ec"or +nd /iguel#
$ho $ere# he $+s +n old +nd ric&e"y open;"op# horse;dr+$n $+gon.
H%ou s+id +ny"hing +bou" + $+gon#G "he "r+der "old hi9. HThis is going "o slo$ us
H6hich h+s i9plic+"ions on our +greed price# is "h+" i"IG
The "r+der g+.e hi9 + "oo"hy# 9oc&;o11ended s9ile. H!+.e I been +ny"hing less "h+n
H%ou8re + pill+r o1 .ir"ue#G *onr+d s+id. HNo$ n+9e your ne$ price +nd le"8s ge"
They $ere soon riding ou" o1 "he ci"y# he+ding "o$+rd "he rising sun. A d+y l+"er# "hey le1"
3yD+n"ine "erri"ory +nd crossed in"o l+nd "h+" $+s no$ con"rolled by "he .+rious beys.
-ne9y "erri"ory.
@ollo$ing "he "r+der8s "he &nigh"s $ere dressed in + si9il+r 1+shion "o "heir
escor"s? si9ple d+r& robes +nd "unics# linen dol9+ns +nd s+shes. Their 1+ces $ere p+r"i+lly
hidden under "heir "urb+ns# +nd "heir bel"s c+rried sci9i"+rs# no" s$ords.
The ruse $or&ed.
Along $i"h /eh9e"8s .erb+l s&ills# i" go" "he9 s+1ely p+s" + couple o1 b+nds o1
$+ndering Gh+Dis# +nd +1"er eigh" d+ys o1 h+rd riding# "hey re+ched "he S+ri !+n# + huge# $ide#
+nd lo$ s"one edi1ice $i"h no openings in i"s ou"er $+lls +p+r" 1ro9 + richly decor+"ed en"r+nce
Once "hey $ere inside# 1inding "he 9on+s"ery pro.ed 9ore ch+llenging. None o1 "he
c+r+.+neers# or "he h+n8s 9+n+ger# see9ed "o &no$ o1 i"s eKis"ence. They rode on +nd "ried + 1e$
9ore c+r+.+nser+is# $i"hou" success. D+ys dri1"ed by $i"hou" +ny hin" o1 pro9ise un"il "heir
persis"ence 1in+lly p+id o11 $hen "hey c+9e +cross + pries" 1ro9 + loc+l *+pp+doci+n roc& church
$ho &ne$ o1 "he 9on+s"ery.
Despi"e his .+gue direc"ions# +nd s"eep cr+gs +nd diDDying r+.ines l+"er# "hey
e.en"u+lly 1ound i"? "he s9+ll clus"er o1 roo9s# nes"ling in "he b+se o1 + roc& 1+ce# "uc&ed +$+y
1ro9 "he res" o1 "he $orld.
*onr+d +s&ed /eh9e" "o Join hi9 1or + closer loo&. They le1" "heir horses +nd "he $+gon
$i"h "he o"hers +nd crep" up + s9+ll ridge# $here "hey "oo& up posi"ion behind + l+rge roc&# close
enough "o be +ble "o iden"i1y "he 9on&s +s "hey .en"ured in +nd ou" o1 "he her9i"+ge.
/eh9e" soon spo""ed one o1 "he 9on&s $ho8d sold hi9 "he s$ords.
The res"# *onr+d needed "o do +lone.
They reJoined "he o"hers. *onr+d reco.ered his horse +nd led i" up "o "he 9on+s"ery# on
his o$n.
!e $+s s"ill 9+&ing his $+y up "he roc&;s"re$n incline $hen "$o young +coly"es c+9e
ou"# +ler"ed by his s"ruggling horse8s $hinnies +nd "he cl+""er o1 i"s 3y "he "i9e he 9+de
i" up "o "he her9i"+ge# i"s en"ire popul+"ion $+s ou"side# $+"ching hi9 curiously +nd in silence.
Then "he +bbo"# + $i"hered old 9+n by "he n+9e o1 @+"her Nicode9us# c+9e ou" +nd s"udied hi9
c+u"iously be1ore in.i"ing hi9 inside.
They s+" in "he re1ec"ory# surrounded by + h+l1 doDen o"her 9on&s. A1"er +ccep"ing +
drin& o1 $+"er# *onr+d didn8" $+s"e "oo 9uch "i9e on +ny idle b+n"er beyond "elling "he9 his
n+9eChis re+l oneC+nd s+ying he h+d co9e 1ro9 *ons"+n"inople# despi"e "he 1+c" "h+" "he
9on&s $ere e+ger "o he+r ne$s o1 "he ci"y8s curren" s"+"e.
HI89 no" here by +cciden"# @+"her#G he "old "he +bbo".
HI89 here bec+use o1 so9e"hing you sold no" long +go.G
HSoldI And $h+" $ould "h+" beIG
HSo9e s$ords.G !e p+used# eyeing "he pries"# s"udying e.ery $rin&le +round "he 9+n8s
eyes +nd +" "he edge o1 his 9ou"h be1ore +dding# HTe9pl+r s$ords.G
The $ord .isibly r+""led "he 9on&. I" $+sn8" h+rd 1or *onr+d "o c+"ch "he "ellsC"he
blin&s# "he dry lips# "he 1idge"y 1ingers# "he +dJus"9en"s o1 posi"ion. The 9on&s h+d spen" 9os" o1
"heir in seclusion# cu" o11 1ro9 +ny &ind o1 soci+l in"er+c"ion. They $eren8" $ell .ersed in
"he +r" o1 decep"ion. 6hy "he 9on& $+s r+""led# "hough# $+sn8" +s ob.ious.
H%ou do &no$ $h+" s$ords I89 "+l&ing +bou"# correc"IG
The 9on& hesi"+"ed# "hen s"+99ered ou" + reply. H%es# I do.G
HI need "o &no$ ho$ you c+9e +cross "he9.G
The 9on& s+id no"hing 1or + long second# processing "he reFues"# his eKpression
so9e$h+" de1ensi.e. An unco91or"+ble s9ile cr+$led ou" o1 "he corners o1 his 9ou"h. H6hy is
"h+"# 9+y I +s&IG
*onr+d8s 1+ce re9+ined h+rd# his eyes HThey belonged "o bro"hers o1 9ine.G
*onr+d dre$ his bro+ds$ord slo$ly +nd l+id i" do$n on "he "+ble in 1ron" o1 "he +bbo".
!e "+pped his 1inger +" "he +" "he "op o1 i"s bl+de.
The +bbo" le+ned in 1or + closer loo&.
*onr+d $+s indic+"ing "he spl+yed cross.
HTe9pl+r &nigh"s#G *onr+d "old hi9. H4i&e 9ysel1.G
The cre+ses in "he +bbo"8s bro$ 9ul"iplied.
H!o$ did "hey end up in your possessionIG *onr+d +s&ed.
HI . . . I89 no" sure. They8re .ery old# you &no$. They8.e been si""ing in one o1 "he
s"oreroo9s 1or +ges. I"8s Jus" "h+" $i"h "he cold +nd "he drough"# $e couldn8" 1eed
+ny9ore. 6e needed "o sell so9e"hing. And# +s you c+n see# "here isn8" 9uch else "h+" $e c+n
*onr+d re+lly didn8" li&e "he 1eeling he $+s ge""ing 1ro9 "he old 9on&. HAnd you don8"
&no$ ho$ "hey go" hereIG
The 9on& shoo& his he+d. HThey8.e been here 1or + long# long "i9e. @ro9 be1ore 9y
*onr+d nodded# 9ulling i" slo$ly# 9+&ing i" cle+r he $+sn8" s+"is1ied $i"h "he +ns$er +nd
consciously s"re"ching his hos"8s disco91or". H%ou &eep + chronicle here# do you no"IG he 1in+lly
The Fues"ion see9ed "o surprise "he +bbo". HO1 course. 6hyIG
HI8d li&e "o loo& +" i".G
The +bbo"8s blin&ing in"ensi1ied. HOur chronicles +re . . . "hey8re pri.+"e docu9en"s. I89
sure you unders"+nd.G
HI do#G *onr+d s+id $i"hou" s9iling. H3u" I s"ill need "o see "he9. 3ro"hers o1 9ine $en"
9issing. Their "r+il ends here# $i"h "hese s$ords. In your 9on+s"ery. I89 sure you unders"+nd.G
The 9on&8s eyes $ere nipping +$+y +nd b+c& "o *onr+d8s 1+ce. !e couldn8" hold "he
&nigh"8s g+De.
HI need "o see "he en"ries 1ro9 "he ye+r o1 our 4ord '0(3 on$+rds#G *onr+d +dded.
HTh+"8s $hen "hey $en" 9issing. And I i9+gine "h+" "he d+y "heir s$ords +nd "he res" o1 "heir
$e+pons c+9e "o be in "his pl+ce $ould be +n e.en" "h+" $ould h+.e cer"+inly 9eri"ed + 9en"ion
in your records. And ye" you8re "elling 9e no one here h+s re+d o1 such + "hingIG !e sur.eyed
"he "igh" eKpressions o1 "he o"her 9on&s in "he roo9. They $ere 9os"ly young +nd sli9# $i"h
g+un" 1+ces +nd p+le s&in. They $ere +lso uni1or9ly s"+ring +" hi9 $i"h 9ou"hs cl+sped shu"# +
1e$ o1 "he9 hi9 sligh" sh+&es o1 "he he+d.
HNo oneIG *onr+d +s&ed +g+in. HNo" e.en your chroniclerI 6ho is "he chronicler hereIG
One o1 "he 9on&s hesi"+"ed# "hen r+ised + 9ee& h+nd +nd shu11led 1or$+rd by + s"ep.
*onr+d +s&ed# H%ou don8" &no$ o1 "his e.en"IG
The 9+n shoo& his he+d. HI do no".G
*onr+d "urned his +""en"ion b+c& "o "he +bbo". HI" see9s $e h+.e so9e re+ding "o do.G
The +bbo" "oo& in + deep bre+"h# "hen nodded. !e ordered "he chronicler "o "+&e *onr+d "o
see "he boo&s. HI8ll Join you in "he scrip"oriu9#G he "old "he &nigh". H%ou loo& "ired +nd p+le#
3ro"her *onr+d. I89 sure you could use so9e nourish9en" +1"er your long Journey.G
*onr+d 1ollo$ed "he chronicler in"o "he l+rge# $indo$less h+ll. 4+rge c+ndel+br+s l+den
$i"h doDens o1 c+ndles illu9in+"ed i"s des&s +nd i"s boo&;lined The chronicler p+dded "o + 1+r shel1# s"udied "he spines o1 "he le+"her;bound codices on i"# "hen pulled ou" "$o
.olu9es +nd c+rried "he9 b+c&. !e se" "he9 do$n on + l+rge# "il"ed des& +nd in.i"ed *onr+d "o
s"udy "he9.
*onr+d "oo& + se+" +" "he "+ble +nd s"+r"ed scouring "he en"ries 1or "he righ" d+"e. !e &ne$
"h+" +nd his 9en h+d le1" Tor"os+ +" "he beginning o1 su99er "h+" ye+r. !e $+s s"ill
$+ding c+re1ully "hrough "he bri""le .ellu9 p+ges $hen "he +bbo" re+ppe+red $i"h his en"our+ge
o1 young +coly"es. In one h+nd# "he 9on& $+s + c+rrying + pl+"e "h+" h+d so9e cheese +nd +
chun& o1 bre+d lo+1 on i". In "he o"her# he held + cup.
!e pl+ced "he9 on + 1l+" bo+rd "h+" eK"ended 1ro9 "he side o1 "he des&. HI"8s no" 9uch#
bu" I89 +1r+id i"8s +ll I c+n o11er you#G "he +bbo" s+id.
*onr+d $+"ched hi9 do i". Oddly# "he +bbo"8s h+nds $ere "re9bling# c+using "he cup "o
do + li""le d+nce be1ore se""ling do$n on "he bo+rd. HI"8s plen"y#G *onr+d s+id# + cre+se 1or9ing in
his bro$. H%ou h+.e 9y gr+"i"ude# @+"her.G
!e pic&ed o11 + s9+ll corner o1 "he bre+d +nd popped i" in his 9ou"h# "hen r+ised "he cup.
I" $+s 1illed $i"h + ho"# golden;yello$ liFuid. *onr+d brough" i" close +nd "oo& + sni11 o1 i". I"
$+sn8" + s9ell he $+s 1+9ili+r $i"h.
HAniseed#G "he +bbo" s+id. H6e gro$ i" here. 6hen "he 1ros" +nd "he drough" per9i" i".G
*onr+d shrugged +nd brough" "he cup "o his 9ou"h.
As i"s ho" edge "ouched his lips# his eyes se""led on "he +bbo"8s g+De# +nd +n +l+r9 $en"
o11 so9e$here in "he dungeons o1 his br+in. So9e"hing $+s $rong. The 9+n8s in"eres" $+s "oo
in"ense +nd +ll his li""le "ells h+d +cceler+"ed.
*onr+d8s 9ind lined up $h+" he &ne$. And in "h+" ins"+n"# he "hough" "he un"hin&+ble.
It%s not possible# he "hough". They can%t be hiding that.
And ye" i" $+s "here. A loud siren bl+ring +$+y inside his e+rs. %e+rs o1 de+ling $i"h
"re+chery in "he !oly 4+nd h+d sh+rpened his senses +nd "+ugh" hi9 "o eKpec" be"r+y+l +" e.ery
corner# +nd incogni"o in + 1oreign l+nd h+d only heigh"ened "hose senses e.en 9ore.
Senses "h+" $ere no$ $+rning hi9 "h+" "he un"hin&+ble $ould +c"u+lly eKpl+in + lo".
!e &ep" "he cup poised +" his lips +nd# $i"hou" "+&ing + sip 1ro9 i"# s"udied "he +bbo"8s
!e pushed i" +$+y + bi"# cle+r 1ro9 his 9ou"h.
H%ou &no$#G he "old "he +bbo"# Hyou see9 r+"her p+le yoursel1. Perh+ps you need "his
9ore "h+n I do.G !e eK"ended his h+nd# presen"ing hi9 $i"h "he cup.
HNo# no# I89 per1ec"ly con"en"#G "he +bbo" s+id +s he pulled b+c& sligh"ly. HPle+se. 6e8ll
e+" $hen "he d+y8s $or& is 1inished.G
*onr+d didn8" blin&. !e le+ned in +nd pushed "he cup closer "o "he +bbo" $hile pl+cing
his o"her h+nd .ery cle+rly on "he hil" o1 + l+rge d+gger he h+d on his bel". HI insis"#G he s+id.
!e &ep" "he cup "here# ho.ering inches 1ro9 "he pries"8s 1+ce. Tiny "re9ors bro&e ou"
+cross "he old 9+n8s 1+ce# ru11ling up "he edges o1 his 9ou"h# his nos"rils# his eyelids.
HT+&e i"#G *onr+d ordered.
The 9+n did so# his h+nd shi.ering.
HDrin&#G *onr+d hissed.
The +bbo"8s h+nd $+s Fu+&ing no"ice+bly no$# +l9os" c+using "he drin& "o spill ou" o1 "he
cup +s i" slo$ly crep" closer "o his 9ou"h. I" re+ched his lips. !e held i" "here 1or + 9o9en"# his
h+nd sh+&ing e.en 9ore# his eyes +bl+De $i"h 1e+r +nd d+r"ing 1ro9 "he cup "o *onr+d +nd b+c&.
HDrin& i"# @+"her#G *onr+d pushed# his "one c+l9 bu" po"en".
The 9on& closed his eyes +nd loo&ed li&e he $+s +bou" "o "+&e + sip 1ro9 "he cup# "hen
he s"opped +brup"ly +nd le" go o1 i". I" 1ell 1ro9 his h+nds +nd sh+""ered +g+ins" "he s"one 1loor.
*onr+d8s eyes bored in"o "he 9on& +s he pulled his d+gger ou" slo$ly +nd l+id i" ou" on
"he "+ble. HNo$# ho$ +bou" you "ell 9e ho$ "hose s$ords re+lly ended up hereIG

H6-8443-@IN-#G *onr+d "old "he "r+der +s he h+nded hi9 "he s9+ll pouch. H6e c+n
h+ndle i" 1ro9 here.G
/eh9e" "oo& + Fuic& gl+nce +" "he gold pieces inside "he pouch# "hen pulled i"s "ies "igh"
+nd "uc&ed i" under his bel". HI"8s + long $+y b+c& "o *ons"+n"inople. These +re d+ngerous l+nds.
Plen"y o1 Gh+Dis ou" "here.G
H6e8ll be 1ine#G he repe+"ed. H6e8re no" going b+c& "here.G
*onr+d Jus" nodded +nd s"ruc& ou" his h+nd# his eKpression cle+rly sign+ling "h+" he
$ouldn8" be s+ying 9uch 9ore +bou" "h+". The por"ly "r+der 1ro$ned# "hen "oo& his h+nd +nd
shoo& i" grudgingly.
HS+1e "r+.els "hen#G "he "r+der "old hi9.
HAnd "o you.G
!e s"ood $i"h !ec"or +nd /iguel +nd $+"ched +s "he Tur&s rode o11. *onr+d h+d no
illusions +bou" $h+" $+s prob+bly going on in "he "r+der8s 9ind. They h+d p+id hi9 + s9+ll
1or"une "o guide "he9 "o "his pl+ce# +nd "hey h+d brough" + $+gon $i"h "he9. A $+gon "o c+rry
so9e"hing. So9e"hing "h+" h+d "o h+.e gre+" .+lue i1 i" $+s $or"h "he ris& +nd "he cos".
So9e"hing "he "r+der $ould ins"inc"i.ely co.e".
HI89 guessing you 1ound so9e"hing#G !ec"or "old hi9.
HTh+" I did#G *onr+d s+id# &eeping $+"ch +s "he siK riders dis+ppe+red do$n "he
9oun"+in. !is 9ou"h bro+dened $i"h "he hin" o1 + chee&y grin. HTh+" I did.G

@AT!-7 NI*OD-/US SAT +" "he chronicler8s $or&"+ble +nd 1el" incre+singly n+useous
$i"h e.ery line he $ro"e. The $eigh" o1 his burden $+s clouding his 9ind# "urning "he selec"ion
o1 e+ch $ord in"o + hercule+n e11or". S"ill# he h+d "o do i". There $+s no ro+d b+c&. No" 1ro9 "his.
We should have burnt it# he "hough". We should have burnt it all, long ago. !e8d "hough"
+bou" i" 9+ny "i9es "he ye+rs# $ondered +bou" doing i"# e.en co9ing close on + couple o1
occ+sions. 3u" li&e his predecessors# he couldn8" bring hi9sel1 "o do i". 4i&e +ll his predecessors#
he didn8" d+re do i" 1or 1e+r o1 "r+nsgressing +nd bringing upon hi9sel1 + $r+"h no" o1 "his -+r"h.
!e 1el" "he he+.y g+De o1 his g+"hered +coly"es upon hi9# bu" he couldn8" loo& up +nd
1+ce "he9. !e Jus" concen"r+"ed on "he shee"s o1 .ellu9 under his eyes +nd "ried "o &eep his h+nd
s"e+dy +s i" 9o.ed "he Fuill +cross i".
I have failed my Church# he $ro"e. I have failed our Church and our 3ord and from that
failure, there is no possible redemption. I fear that the knight Conrad and his fellow Templars
have sealed our fate. They now roam the land, headed to Corycus and from there to shores
unknown, laden with the devil%s handiwork, written in his hand using poison drawn from the pits
of hell, its accursed e1istence a devastating threat to the rock upon which our world is founded. I
would not presume to seek forgiveness or mercy for our failure. !ll I can offer is this simple act
to save our heavenly father from the burden of tending to our miserable souls.
!e g+.e "he shee"s +no"her re+d# his eyes "ired +nd $+"ery. 6hen he $+s 1inished# he se"
"he Fuill do$n beside "he9 +nd only "hen did he d+re loo& up +" "he 9on&s be1ore hi9. They
$ere +ll s"+ring +" hi9 in silence# "heir 1+ces 9ore g+un" +nd p+le "h+n "heir lips +nd 1ingers
In 1ron" o1 e+ch o1 "he9 $+s + si9ple "err+co""+ cup.
The +bbo" c+s" his eyes +cross "he9# 9ee"ing e+ch o1 "heir g+Des $i"h his o$n 1orlorn
s"+re. Then he g+.e "he9 + collec"i.e nod +nd r+ised his cup "o his lips.
-+ch o1 "he9 r+ised his o$n.
!e nodded +g+in.
Chapter 13


A he+.y silence s9o"hered "he roo9. Tess gl+nced +round# her eyes sur.eying "he 1+ces
+bou" her +s she "ried "o g+uge $he"her or no" "o &eep going. *+rdin+l 3rugnone +nd "he pre1ec"
o1 "he /onsignor 3escondi# see9ed p+r"icul+rly dis"urbed by $h+" she8d rel+"ed.
6hich $+s unders"+nd+ble. @or 9en o1 "he clo"h# "he ide+ o1 9on&sCno" $+rrior 9on&s li&e "he
Te9pl+rs# bu" gen"le# highly pious 9en $ho8d re"re+"ed 1ro9 socie"y "o de.o"e "heir "o
pr+yer +nd s"udyC"he ide+ o1 such 9on&s resor"ing "o 9urder# no 9+""er "he re+son# $+s
7eilly +lso loo&ed puDDled by $h+" $+s in "he 9on&8s con1ession. HSo "he 1irs" group o1
Te9pl+rs h+d so9e"hing "h+" "he 9on&s $ere prep+red "o &ill "he9 1orI And "hen# + hundred
ye+rs l+"er# "hree Te9pl+rs pic& up "he "r+il o1 "heir 9issing buddies# sho$ up +" "he 9on+s"ery#
+nd "+&e b+c& $h+" $+s "heirs# "h+" group o1 9on&s so 1re+&ed ou" +bou" i" "h+" "hey &ill
HTh+"8s $h+" "he +bbo"8s le""er s+ys#G Tess con1ir9ed.
HThe i9pos"or $ho c+9e here $i"h Agen" 7eilly#G Tilden +s&ed. H6ho $+s heIG
HI don8" &no$#G she replied. HSh+r+1i didn8" &no$ $ho he $+s ei"her. %ou see# +1"er
Sh+r+1i 1ound "he con1ession# he 1el" he8d s"u9bled on"o so9e"hing big. !e couldn8" help bu"
$+n" "o loo& in"o i" so9e 9ore# bu" +" "he s+9e "i9e# i" dis"urbed hi9. Deeply. I 9e+n# re9e9ber
$h+" "he 9on& $ro"e. LThe de.il8s h+ndi$or&# $ri""en in his h+nd using poison dr+$n 1ro9 "he
pi"s o1 hell# i"s +ccursed eKis"ence + de.+s"+"ing "hre+" "o "he roc& upon $hich our $orld is
1ounded.8 /+ybe "his $+s so9e"hing "h+" shouldn8" be 1ound. S"ill# Sh+r+1i couldn8" resis" i"Cbu"
he &ne$ he h+d "o be c+re1ul. !e &ne$ "h+" so9e"hing li&e "his could be d+ngerous. -.en 9ore
so# perh+ps# i1 i" 1ell in"o "he $rong h+nds. So he sne+&ed "he le""er ou" o1 "he +rchi.esChe s"ole
i"# b+sic+llyC+nd he Jus" $or&ed on i" Fuie"ly in his sp+re "i9e# hoping "o 1igure ou" $h+"
h+ppened "o "hose Te9pl+rs +nd $h+" "hey "oo& $i"h "he9. !e spen" + lo" o1 "i9e in "he libr+ry#
loo&ing 1or 9ore clues. The Su1i "r+.eler h+dn8" $ri""en +bou" "he con1ession he8d hidden in his
Journ+l2 he h+dn8" le1" +ny"hing behind "h+" s+id $here he8d 1ound i" or $h+" he8d done +1"er he8d
1ound i". Sh+r+1i "hough" he 9us" h+.e been +s spoo&ed by i" +s he $+s. S"ill# "he Su1i8s Journ+l
described his "r+.els in "he +re+# $hich $+s + s"+r"ing poin"# +l"hough Sh+r+1i &ne$ "h+" + lo" o1
"he n+9es o1 pl+ces +nd n+"ur+l l+nd9+r&s "he "r+.eler used h+d ch+nged 9+ny "i9es "he
cen"uries. So Sh+r+1i h+d + loo& in "he +re+ "he Su1i h+d ro+9ed# "he +re+ +round /oun" Arg+eus#
$hich is no$ c+lled so9e"hing else# +s&ing +round# "rying "o 1ind "he re9+ins o1 "he 9on+s"ery.
!e +lso loo&ed in"o +ny 9+"eri+l on "he Te9pl+rs "h+" he could 1ind. 3u" he &ep" hi""ing $+lls.
The +re+ he $+s loo&ing in is sp+rsely popul+"ed# +nd he couldn8" 1ind "he 9on+s"eryCno" "h+"
he re+lly eKpec"ed "o 1ind +ny"hing "here# no" +1"er +ll "his "i9e. !e couldn8" 1ind +ny 9en"ion o1
*onr+d ei"her# no" in +ny o1 "he Te9pl+r records he h+d +ccess "o. !e $+s re+dy "o gi.e up $hen
+ couple o1 9on"hs +go# "his guy c+9e up "o hi9 ou"side "he uni.ersi"y# in Is"+nbul. !e &ne$ +ll
+bou" Sh+r+1i8s 1ind. !e "old Sh+r+1i he $+n"ed hi9 "o 1ind "he $ri"ings "h+" "he 9on& h+d "+l&ed
+bou". And he "hre+"ened hi9 +nd his 1+9ily.G
Tess gl+nced +" 7eilly. !e nodded his suppor". She s$+llo$ed +nd 1el" her body s"i11en
up. HSh+r+1i $+s . . . terrified. The 9+n sho$ed Sh+r+1i + se.ered he+d. The he+d o1 + $o9+n
he8d &illed# + school"e+cher $ho $+s Sh+r+1i8s d+ugh"er8s 1+.ori"e. !e8d cu" her he+d o11 . . . Jus"
"o 9+&e his poin".G The +ir in "he roo9 bris"led $i"h une+se +" her $ords.
H!o$ did "his guy &no$ $h+" Sh+r+1i $+s $or&ing onIG 7eilly +s&ed. HI +s&ed our
i9pos"or "h+" Fues"ion in "he "+Ki on "he $+y in 1ro9 "he +irpor"# "hin&ing I $+s +s&ing "he re+l
Sh+r+1i# +nd he s+id he h+dn8" "old +nyone +bou" i".G
H6e +s&ed hi9 "oo#G Tess replied. H!e s+id i" $+s his rese+rch +ssis"+n" +" "he uni.ersi"y.
!e $+s "he only person $ho &ne$ +bou" i" +p+r" 1ro9 his o$n $i1e. And $hen he con1ron"ed
hi9 +bou" i"# "he guy didn8" deny i". !e ber+"ed Sh+r+1i 1or no" repor"ed i" hi9sel1 +nd
s+id i" h+d been his du"y "o do "h+".G
H!is Ldu"y8I 6ho $+s heIG
HA gr+du+"e s"uden". @ro9 Ir+n.G
H6h+" +bou" "he &iller hi9sel1 I Did Sh+r+1i s+y +ny"hing +bou" $here he $+s 1ro9IG
H!e s+id he $+s +lso 1ro9 Ir+n.G
H!o$ sure $+s heIG 7eilly 1el" + blip in his pulse.
Tess "hough" +bou" i" 1or + be+". H!e Jus" s+id he $+s 1ro9 Ir+n. !e didn8" see9 "o h+.e
+ny doub" +bou" "h+".G
7eilly 1ro$ned. I" $+s cle+rly no" "he +ns$er he8d been hoping 1orCbu" +1"er +ll "h+" h+d
h+ppened# he8d co9e "o eKpec" i". This $+s s"+r"ing "o sound suspiciously li&e "he dir"y $or& o1
+n in"elligence +gency. The in"elligence +gency o1 + coun"ry "h+" $+sn8" &no$n "o pull i"s
punches. 6hich didn8" bode $ell +" +ll.
HAny$+y# Sh+r+1i go" "he 9ess+ge#G she con"inued. H!e h+d "o ge" resul"s. And $hen he
couldn8" go +ny 1ur"her on his o$n# he decided he needed "he help o1 + Te9pl+r eKper".G
HSo he $en" "o >ord+n#G Tilden +dded. HTo consul" your 1riend Si99ons.G
Tess nodded. H!e $+s in b+d sh+pe. A" 1irs"# he "ried "o hide i". !e didn8" "ell us "he $hole
s"ory. !e Jus" s+id he8d been $or&ing on so9e"hing 1or + p+per he $+s $ri"ing# he $+s "rying "o
"r+c& do$n + Te9pl+r &nigh" c+lled *onr+d $ho8d ended up in *ons"+n"inople in '3'(.G
H3u" I "hough" +ll "he Te9pl+rs $ere +rres"ed in '3(7IG 7eilly +s&ed.
HThe +rres" $+rr+n"s $ere ser.ed in Oc"ober o1 '3(7# yes. 3u" so9e Te9pl+rs 9+n+ged
"o hi" "he ro+d be1ore Bing Philip8s senesch+ls s$ooped in. /+ny @rench Te9pl+rs# 1or ins"+nce#
ended up in Sp+in +nd Por"ug+l# $here "he loc+l orders $ere 9ore or less pro"ec"ed by "he loc+l
&ings. They ch+nged "heir n+9es "o esc+pe de"ec"ion $hen "he pope8s inFuisi"ors "urned up
loo&ing 1or "he9. And in "he -+s"# "he Te9pl+rs h+d los" +ll "heir b+ses in "he !oly 4+nd long
be1ore "h+". Acre 1ell in '0,'# righ"I Their l+s" b+s"ion "here $+s on + s9+ll isl+nd o11 "he Syri+n
co+s"# Ar$+d. They $ere &ic&ed ou" o1 "here in '3(3 +nd "he Te9pl+rs ended up in
*yprus# $here "hey go" in"o "rouble 1or helping "he &ing8s bro"her"hro$ hi9. 6hen "he &ing
"oo& b+c& "he "hrone# he h+d "he 1our Te9pl+r ringle+ders eKecu"ed by dro$ning +nd eKiled "he
res"# $ho couldn8" re+lly go b+c& "o "heir ho9el+nds in -urope# $here "hey 1+ced +rres". 6e
&no$ .ery li""le +bou" $h+" h+ppened "o "he9.G
HSo "his *onr+d is# presu9+bly# one o1 "hose esc+pees#G 7eilly specul+"ed.
HTh+"8s $h+" >ed "hough"#G Tess s+id. H!e chec&ed his records. !e 1ound 9en"ion o1 +
&nigh" c+lled *onr+d righ" up "o "he +rres"s in *yprus. A1"er "h+"# "he "r+il $en" cold. !e couldn8"
1ind +ny"hing beyond "h+"C$hich isn8" surprising. Once "hey $ere eKiled by "he Bing o1 *yprus#
*onr+d +nd his buddies $eren8" +bou" "o he+d b+c& "o -urope# no" $i"h +ll "he inFuisi"ors "here
$+i"ing "o pounce. >ed "hough" "hey8d 9os" li&ely be incogni"o in big ci"ies li&e An"ioch
+nd *ons"+n"inople. So "h+" $+s i". And "hen Sh+r+1i bro&e do$n. !e "old us $h+" $+s re+lly
going on. And >ed# $ell# he decided he h+d "o do e.ery"hing he could "o help hi9. 6e bo"h did.
This $+sn8" Jus" + "ri.i+l +c+de9ic inFuiry. I" $+s cle+r "h+" Sh+r+1i8s guy $ouldn8" +ccep" 1+ilure.
Sh+r+1i $+s 1re+&ing ou" $i"h $orry "h+" he 9igh" do so9e"hing "o his $i1e or his d+ugh"er "o
push hi9 h+rder. 6e h+d "o 1ind so9e"hing. And $hen >ed hi" + $+ll $i"h his o$n records# he
"old us +bou" "he 7egis"ry. !e &ne$ +bou" i"# he &ne$ i" eKis"ed# he &ne$ i" $+s &ep" in "he
bo$els o1 "he :+"ic+nCbu" he +lso &ne$ no one $+s +llo$ed "o see i".G
Tess p+used# hoping so9eone $ould pic& up "h+" b+ll.
7eilly did. !e "urned "o 3rugnone. HIs "h+" "rueIG
3rugnone shrugged# his eKpression s"ill loc&ed in i"s 1ro$n# "hen nodded. H%es.G
H6hy is "h+"IG 7eilly pressed.
3rugnone slid + gu+rded gl+nce +" Tess# "hen direc"ed his +""en"ion b+c& +" 7eilly. HOur +re 1ull o1 sensi"i.e docu9en"s. A lo" o1 $h+" $e h+.e c+n be e+sily 9isin"erpre"ed +nd
"$is"ed +round by sc+nd+l9ongers $i"h less;"h+n;honor+ble +gend+s. 6e "ry "o li9i" "h+".G
HAnd "his 7egis"ryIG
3rugnone nodded "o 3escondi# $ho s"epped in. HI"8s + co9ple"e record o1 "he +rres" o1 "he
Te9pl+rs +nd "he dissolu"ion o1 "heir Order. -.ery"hing "he inFuisi"ors 1ound# e.eryone "hey
spo&e "o# i" $+s +ll logged in"o i". The n+9es o1 "he 9e9bers o1 "he Order 1ro9 "he gr+nd 9+s"er
righ" do$n "o "he lo$lies" o1 sFuires# $h+" h+ppened "o "he9# $here "hey ended up# $ho s+id
$h+"# $ho li.ed# $ho died . . . The Order8s proper"ies# i"s holdings +cross -urope +nd in "he
4e.+n"# "heir"oc&# "he con"en"s o1 "heir libr+ries . . . -.ery"hing.G
7eilly processed i". HSo Si99ons $+s righ". !e &ne$ "h+" i1 "here $+s +ny "r+ce o1 $h+"
h+ppened "o *onr+d# i" $ould be in "here.G
H%es#G 3escondi +greed.
7eilly no"iced 3escondi gl+nce poin"edly +cross +" "he c+rdin+l. A silen" eKch+nge see9ed
"o h+.e p+ssed be"$een "he9 +s "he c+rdin+l +ns$ered "he" $i"h +n +l9os" i9percep"ible
nod. The" did "he s+9e "o +c&no$ledge i".
7eilly "urned his +""en"ion b+c& "o Tess. HAnd . . . "h+"8s $hen you c+lled 9e.G
Tess shoo& her he+d rue1ully. HI89 sorry. I"8s Jus"CI "hough"# you $ere "he one person I
&ne$ could ge" Sh+r+1i in "o h+.e + loo& +" i". No"hing 9ore. S"ill# I +goniDed $he"her or no"
I should +s& you "o do "his. -speci+lly gi.en $h+" $e $ere . . .G !er g+De lingered on 7eilly 1or +
long second +s she le" "he $ords "r+il o11. There $+s no need 1or "he o"hers "o he+r +bou" "heir
proble9s. HI "+l&ed i" $i"h >ed 1irs". I $+sn8" sure# I $+s s"ill deb+"ing i" . . . +nd "he neK"
"hing I &no$# "his guy sho$s up ou"side >ed8s o11ice $i"h + gun in his h+nd# herds us in"o "he
b+c& o1 his .+n +nd us "o so9e gro""y pl+ce# I don8" &no$ $here i" $+s. !e "hro$s 9e +nd
>ed in"o "his roo9# i" 9us" h+.e been + cell+r o1 so9e &ind# he pu"s "hese pl+s"ic cu11s on our
$ris"s +nd +n&les. Sh+r+1i $+s +lre+dy "here# "ied up li&e us. And +ll "hese horrible i9+ges o1 "he
"e+cher8s he+d +nd "he hos"+ges in 3eiru" +nd in Ir+F s"+r"ed 1l+shing "hrough 9y 9ind.G Tess
$+s 1eeling colder no$. T+l&ing +bou" i" $+s 9+&ing her reli.e "he $hole nigh"9+re. She loo&ed
+" 7eilly. H!e 9+de 9e c+ll you.G
H!o$ did he &no$ +bou" +ll "h+"IG 7eilly +s&ed. HDid you discuss i" $i"h +nyone elseIG
HNo# o1 course no". /+ybe he $+s lis"ening in on $h+" 9e +nd >ed $ere "+l&ing +bou"#
9+ybe he h+d + 9i&e pl+n"ed in >ed8s o11ice or so9e"hing.G
7eilly processed i" 1or + 1e$ seconds. HThis guy# $ he is# $ he8s $or&ing 1or
C+nd I "hin& $e8.e go" so9e ide+s "o "hin& +bou" on "h+" 1ron"Che8s go" so9e serious resources
+" his dispos+l. !e sho$s up in Is"+nbul +nd "hin&s no"hing o1 9urdering + $o9+n "o 9o"i.+"e
Sh+r+1i. !e sh+do$s hi9 "o >ord+n +nd so9eho$ ge"s $ind o1 $h+" you +nd Si99ons $ere
"+l&ing +bou" pri.+"ely. !e gr+bs "he "hree o1 you ou" in >ord+n +nd 9+n+ges "o $his& +" le+s"
"$o o1 you# i1 no" +ll "hree# +ll "he $+y "o 7o9e# unde"ec"ed. !e h+s "he b+lls "o 9ee" 9e +" "he
+irpor" +nd sell 9e on his s"ory +nd h+s 9e bring hi9 in here "o "his 7egis"ry# bu" no"
be1ore se""ing up + couple o1 rigged c+rs "o use +s di.ersions in c+se he needs "he9.G !e shoo&
his he+d +nd eKh+led he+.ily. HThis guy8s go" +ccess "o "he righ" in"el# he8s go" resources "h+"
+llo$ hi9 "o "r+.el +round +s he li&es# he8s go" +ccess "o +nd de"on+"ors +nd c+rs +nd
God &no$s $h+" else. !e8s +s cool under pressure +s +nyone I8.e co9e +cross.G !e loo&ed
+round "he roo9 "o press his poin". HThis guy is no ligh"$eigh". !e8s "he re+l de+l. And $e8re
going "o need so9e serious resources i1 $e8re going "o s"+nd h+l1 + ch+nce o1 "+&ing
hi9 do$n.G
Delpiero bris"led# his eKpression indign+n". HOh# $e in"end "o do e.ery"hing $e c+n "o
bring "his 9+n "o Jus"ice#G "he :+"ic+n cop con1ir9ed# his "one l+ced $i"h 9oc&ery. H3u" eFu+lly#
I "hin& you h+.e + lo" "o +ns$er 1or in "his 9+""er. %ou see9 "o h+.e 1orgo""en "h+" you $ere his
+cco9plice in "his cri9e.G
HI h+.en8" 1orgo""en "h+" +" +ll#G 7eilly sn+pped. HI $+n" "his guy 9ore "h+n +nyone in "his
HPerh+ps I89 no" 9+&ing 9ysel1 cle+r#G "he inspec"or s+id. H6e8re 1iling ch+rges +g+ins"
you. %ou brough" "his 9+n in"o "he :+"ic+n. I1 you h+dn8" done "h+"# he $ouldn8" h+.e go""en in"o
"he he $ouldn8" h+.e needed "o de"on+"e +ny bo9bs# +ndCG
H%ou "hin& "h+" $ould h+.e been i"IG 7eilly 1ired b+c&. H%ou "hin& he8d h+.e c+lled i" +
d+y +nd scoo"ed ho9eI Are you &idding 9eI %ou s+$ ho$ he oper+"es. I1 I h+dn8" brough" hi9
in here# he $ould h+.e 1ound +no"her $+y in. !e 9igh" h+.e# I don8" &no$# 1ound + $+y "o ge" "o
/onsignor 3escondi. /+ybe $i"h +no"her se.ered he+d# "o 9+&e sure he $+s "+&en seriously.G
H%ou drugged "he 9onsignor#G Delpiero gro$led. H%ou helped "he bo9ber esc+pe.G
HTh+" $+s be1ore I &ne$ he was "he d+9n bo9ber or "h+" he e.en had + bo9b#G 7eilly
r+ged. HI did $h+" I h+d "o do "o ge" hi9 his d+9n boo& +nd s+.e "he hos"+ges. %ou "ell 9e "his#
+ll righ"I 6h+" $ould you h+.e s+id i1 I8d "old you "his guy needed "o chec& ou" "he Te9pl+r
7egis"ryI 6ould you h+.e Jus" le" hi9 $+l"D in "here +nd gi.en hi9 +ccess "o i"I Or $ould you
h+.e needed "o &no$ eK+c"ly $ho he $+s +nd $hy he needed "o see i"IG
Delpiero s"u9bled 1or + reply# "hen loo&ed +" 3escondi +nd 3rugnone. The"
+nd "he c+rdin+l see9ed eFu+lly 1lus"ered by "he Fues"ion.
H6ellIG 7eilly insis"ed# his "one 1ierce.
Their shrugs +ns$ered hi9.
!e 9opped his 1+ce $i"h his h+nds +nd "ried "o "hro""le b+c& his +nger. H4oo&#G he
o11ered# his .oice c+l9er no$# bu" s"ill resolu"e. H/+ybe you "hin& I $+s $rong# 9+ybe you "hin&
I should h+.e done "hings di11eren"ly. /+ybe you8re righ". 3u" in "he he+" o1 "he 9o9en"# I Jus"
didn8" see +ny o"her op"ion. I89 $illing "o 1+ce "he conseFuences o1 $h+" I did. Absolu"ely. %ou
c+n do +ny"hing you $+n" "o 9eConce "his is A1"er he8s in cus"ody or in "he 9orgue. 3u"
un"il "h+" h+ppens# I need "o be p+r" o1 "his. I need "o help bring hi9 in.G
Delpiero 9e" his g+De s"r+igh" on. HTh+"8s .ery +d9ir+ble o1 you# Agen" 7eilly. 3u" $e8.e
discussed "his $i"h your superiors# +nd "hey +gree $i"h us.G
7eilly 1ollo$ed "he inspec"or8s gl+nce +cross "o Tilden# $ho g+.e hi9 + H$h+" "he hell
did you eKpec"IG shrug. H%ou $eren8" here on 3ure+u businessC$orse# you $i"hheld in1or9ing
us +bou" $h+" you $ere re+lly here 1or. Th+" h+sn8" gone do$n "oo $ell $i"h "he po$ers "h+" be
b+c& ho9e. Unless I89 9issing so9e"hing# 9y be" is you should consider yoursel1 suspended#G
"he +""+chO "old hi9# Hpending "he :+"ic+n +nd I"+li+n +u"hori"ies8"ig+"ion.G
H%ou c+n8" sideline 9e on "his#G 7eilly pro"es"ed. HThis guy suc&ered 9e in"o i". I need "o
do "his.G !e loo&ed +round "he roo9 +nd no"iced 3rugnone s"udying hi9.
Tilden spre+d his h+nds open in + resigned# helpless ges"ure. HI89 sorry# bu" "h+"8s ho$ i"
h+s "o pl+y ou" 1or no$.G
7eilly sho" up "o his 1ee". HThis is ins+ne#G he r+iled# his h+nds cu""ing "he +ir
e9ph+"ic+lly. H6e h+.e "o 9o.e 1+s". 6e8.e go" + cri9e scene "o process. 6e8.e go" +n
uneKploded bo9b "o +n+lyDe. 6e 9+y h+.e prin"s in "he c+rs +nd in "he +nd .idc+ps on
**T: 1oo"+ge. 6e need "o ge" + 3O4O ou" "o +ll por"s o1 en"ry# $e need "o li+ise $i"h In"erpol.G
!e 1ocused on Delpiero. HDon8" cu" o11 your nose "o spi"e your 1+ce. I &no$ you8re pissed o11. So
+9 I. 3u" I c+n help# +nd I89 here no$. %ou c+n use @3I resources on "his +nd you c+n8" +11ord "o
$+i" un"il "hey 1igure ou" $ho "o send +nd 1ly "he9 !e could be long gone by "hen.G
Delpiero see9ed un9o.ed by 7eilly8s ple+. Three ch+irs +$+y# ho$ 3rugnone
cle+red his "hro+" conspicuously# dr+$ing e.eryone8s +""en"ion +s he rose ou" o1 his se+".
H4e"8s no" rush in"o +ny"hing.G !e slid + gl+nce +" 7eilly +nd s+id# HAgen" 7eilly. 6+l&
$i"h 9e "o 9y ch+9bers# $on8" youIG
Delpiero sho" "o his 1ee". H4minen(a -ostra#GC%our -9inenceCHbegging your
1orgi.eness# bu" . . . $h+" +re you doingI This 9+n should be under +rres".G
3rugnone s"illed hi9 $i"h + l+nguid 1lic& o1 his h+nd "h+"# ho$ unders"+"ed# c+rried
gre+" +u"hori"y. H*redersela con calma.G *+l9 do$n.
I" $+s enough "o s"op Delpiero in his "r+c&s.
7eilly go" up# gl+nced uncer"+inly +" Tilden +nd +" Delpiero# +nd 1ollo$ed "he c+rdin+l
Chapter 1&

Reilly +cco9p+nied "he c+rdin+l secre"+ry +cross "he le+1y g+rden sFu+re o1 Pi+DD+ S+n"+
/+r"+. I" $+s p+s" noon by no$# +nd "he +ir +round "he9 $+s scorched. @i1"y y+rds "o "heir le1"#
"he re+r 1+N+de o1 S". Pe"er8s *+"hedr+l so+red high in"o "he s&y. Only 1+in" $isps re9+ined o1 "he
bl+c& cloud 1ro9 "he c+r bo9b# bu" "he sFu+re i"sel1# usu+lly li.ely $i"h c+rs# buses# +nd "ouris"s
+" "his "i9e o1 ye+r# $+s deser"ed. -.en "hough "he second bo9b h+d been de1used +nd cle+red#
"he :+"ic+n 1el" li&e + ghos" "o$n# +nd seeing i" li&e "his 9+de 7eilly 1eel e.en lousier "h+n he h+d
1el" in "he inspec"or8s o11ice.
The c+rdin+l $+l&ed in silence# his h+nds cl+sped behind his b+c&. 6i"hou" "urning "o
loo& +" 7eilly# he +s&ed# H6e didn8" ge" + ch+nce "o spe+& +1"er your l+s" .isi"Cho$ long +go $+s
i"# "hree ye+rsIG
HTh+"8s righ"#G 7eilly con1ir9ed.
3rugnone nodded# deep in "hough". A1"er + 9o9en"# he +s&ed# HI" $+sn8" + ple+s+n" "i9e
1or you ei"her# $+s i"I The Fues"ions you h+d# "he +ns$ers you go" . . . +nd "hen# +1"er +ll "h+"#
ge""ing suc&ed in"o "h+" c+"+s"rophic s"or9 . . .G
/e9ories o1 "h+" episode o1 his li1e c+9e 1looding b+c&. -.en "hree ye+rs l+"er# he could
s"ill "+s"e "he s+l" $+"er in his "hro+" +nd 1eel "he deep chill 1ro9 "he long hours spen" h+l1;de+d in
"he se+# 1lo+"ing on + 9+&eshi1" r+1" 9iles +$+y 1ro9 "he co+s" o1 so9e "iny Gree& isl+nd. 3u" i"
$+s "he $ords he re9e9bered "he c+rdin+l s+ying "o hi9 b+c& "hen "h+" chilled hi9 "he 9os"?
I%m afraid the truth is as you fear it. I" re9inded 7eilly "h+" he h+dn8" h+d "he closure o1 +
de1ini"i.e +ns$er "o his Fues"ion. !e re9e9bered s"+nding on "h+" cli11 "op $i"h Tess +nd
$+"ching helplessly +s "he shee"s o1 p+rch9en" 1lu""ered do$n in"o "he ro+ring sur1# robbing hi9
o1 "he ch+nce "o &no$ $he"her "hey $ere "he re+l de+l or Jus" +n el+bor+"e 1orgery.
HTod+y $+sn8" + c+&e$+l& ei"her#G 7eilly replied.
The c+rdin+l didn8" ge" i". HA Lc+&e$+l&8IG
HI" $+sn8" +n e+sy d+y#G 7eilly cl+ri1ied. H@or so9e re+son# 9y .isi"s here see9 "o
be#G he l+9en"ed.
3rugnone shrugged +nd brushed "he co99en" +$+y $i"h + 1lic& o1 his big h+nd. HThis is
+ se+" o1 gre+" po$er# Agen" 7eilly. And $here "here is po$er# "here is bound "o be con1lic".G
They crossed "he ro+d +nd en"ered "he s+cris"y# + "hree;s"ory building "h+" h+d been "+c&ed
on"o "he sou"h side o1 "he c+"hedr+l. Once inside# "hey "urned le1" +nd cu" "hrough "he su9p"uous
h+lls o1 i"s Tre+sury /useu9. 6i"h e+ch s"ep# "he +cres o1 r+re 9+rble +nd "he bronDe bus"s o1
p+s" popes $eighed he+.ily on 7eilly. -.ery inch o1 "his pl+ce $+s s"eeped in his"ory# in "he .ery
underpinnings o1 6es"ern ci.iliD+"ionC+ his"ory he no$ &ne$ + lo" 9ore +bou".
The c+rdin+l +s&ed# H%ou $ere Fui"e + de.ou" person $hen $e 1irs" 9e". Do you s"ill
+""end 9+ssIG
HNo" re+lly. I help ou" @+"her 3r+gg $i"h "he &ids8 so1"b+ll on Sund+y 9ornings $hen I
c+n# bu" "h+"8s +bou" i".G
HI1 I 9+y +s&C$hy is "h+"IG
7eilly $eighed his $ords. The +d.en"ure he +nd Tess h+d sur.i.ed "hree ye+rs e+rlier#
+nd i"s dis"urbing re.el+"ions# h+d le1" "heir 9+r& on hi9# bu" he s"ill held 3rugnone in gre+"
es"ee9 +nd didn8" $+n" "o be in +ny $+y disrespec"1ul. HI8.e re+d + lo"# since $e 9e" . . . I8.e
"hough" +bou" i" +ll# +nd . . . I guess I89 less co91or"+ble $i"h "he $hole concep" o1
ins"i"u"ion+liDed religion "h+n I used "o be.G
3rugnone brooded his reply# his hooded eyes dis"+n" $i"h "hough". Nei"her o1 "he9
spo&e +s "hey re+ched "he end o1 "he 1rescoed g+llery +nd en"ered "he sou"h "r+nsep" o1 "he
c+"hedr+l. 7eilly h+d been inside "he gre+" b+silic+# +nd "he sigh" "h+" gree"ed hi9 $+s +
J+$;dropper. Argu+bly "he 9os" subli9e piece o1 +rchi"ec"ure on "he pl+ne"# i"s e.ery de"+il
d+DDled "he eye +nd li1"ed "he soul. To his le1"# he gli9psed 3ernini8s p+p+l +l"+r# "he "$is"ed
b+rley;sh+ped colu9ns +nd eKFuisi"e c+nopy o1 "he prodigious b+ld+chino d$+r1ed by "he
9+99o"h do9e "h+" "o$ered +bo.e i". To his righ"# he could b+rely 9+&e ou" "he dis"+n" en"r+nce
+" "he 1+r end o1 "he n+.e. Sh+1"s o1 sunligh" s"re+9ed in "hrough "he cleres"ory $indo$s high
o.erhe+d# b+"hing "he c+"hedr+l in +n e"here+l glo$ +nd re&indling + sp+r& deep $i"hin hi9 "h+"
h+d died ou" "he l+s" 1e$ ye+rs.
3rugnone see9ed "o no"ice "he e11ec" i" +ll h+d on 7eilly +nd p+used by "he in"ersec"ion
o1 "he "r+nsep" +r9s "o gi.e hi9 + 9o9en" "o s+.or i".
H%ou8.e h+d "he "i9e 1or + proper .isi"# h+.e youIG
HNo#G 7eilly replied. HAnd i"8s no" going "o be "his "i9e# ei"her.G !e p+used# "hen +s&ed#
HI need "o &no$ so9e"hing# %our -9inence.G
3rugnone didn8" 1linch. H%ou $+n" "o &no$ $h+"8s in "hose "run&s.G
H%es. Do you &no$ $h+" he8s +1"erIG
HI89 no" sure#G "he c+rdin+l s+id. H3u" i1 i"8s $h+" I "hin& i" 9igh" be . . . i" $ould be e.en
$orse 1or us "h+n $h+" "h+" 9+n :+nce $+s +1"er.G !e p+used 1or + be+"# "hen +s&ed# HA1"er $h+"
he did "od+y . . . does i" 9+""erIG
7eilly shrugged. I" $+s + 1+ir poin". HNo" re+lly. 3u" i" $ould help "o &no$. 6e need "o
1ind hi9.G
3rugnone nodded# cle+rly 9+&ing + 9en"+l no"e o1 7eilly8s reFues". !e s"udied 7eilly 1or
+ spell# "hen "old hi9# HI he+rd $h+" you s+id b+c& "here. And $hile I don8" condone $h+" you
did or +gree $i"h your decision "o eKclude us 1ro9 your deliber+"ions# I c+n +ppreci+"e "h+" you
$ere in + "ough posi"ion. And "he 1+c" is# $e +re indeb"ed "o you. %ou did us + gre+" "hree
ye+rs +go# one "h+" I re+liDe $+s h+rd 1or you "o s"o9+ch. 3u" you &ep" "rue "o your principles#
despi"e your doub"s# +nd you pu" your li1e on "he line 1or us# +nd "h+"8s no" so9e"hing +ny 9+n
$ould h+.e done.G
7eilly 1el" + "$inge o1 guil". 6h+" 3rugnone $+s s+ying $+s p+r"ly "rue# bu" "he c+rdin+l
didn8" &no$ "he $hole "ru"h. Upon "heir re"urn 1ro9 Greece "hree ye+rs +go# 7eilly +nd Tess h+d
+greed "o "ell + sligh"ly red+c"ed .ersion o1 $h+" h+d re+lly h+ppened. They8d lied. 3ig;"i9e.
They8d "old "he br+ss +" "he @3I +nd "he :+"ic+n8s represen"+"i.e in Ne$ %or& "h+" "he s"or9 h+d
led "o "he de+"hs o1 e.eryone in.ol.ed# e.eryone eKcep" 1or "he "$o o1 "he9# "h+" is# +nd s+id "he
$rec& o1 "he @+lcon Te9ple h+d been 1ound. They8d pro9ised no" "o "+l& +bou" $h+"
"hey8d been "hrough +1"er "he r+id +" "he /e"ropoli"+n /useu9# $hen 1our horse9en dressed +s
Te9pl+r &nigh"s h+d s"or9ed "he :+"ic+n8s big g+l+ +nd "r+shed "he Join" be1ore 9+&ing o11 $i"h
+n old Te9pl+r decoder. And "h+" $+s "h+". As 1+r +s "he :+"ic+n $+s concerned# 7eilly h+d
1ough" .+li+n"ly righ" "o "he end "o de1end i"s c+useC$hich +lso $+sn8" s"ric"ly "rue. And "he 1+c"
"h+" 7eilly +nd "he c+rdin+l $ere no$ s"+nding by "he Al"+r o1 "he 4ieC+ 9onu9en"+l Ad+9i
9os+ic depic"ing $h+" 7eilly recogniDed $+s "he punish9en" o1 + couple $ho h+d lied "o S".
Pe"er +bou" ho$ 9uch 9oney "hey8d been p+id 1or + piece o1 l+nd +nd $ere s"ruc& de+d 1or "heir
decep"ionC$+sn8" helping.
H6e needed your help b+c& "hen# +nd despi"e e.ery"hing# you +greed "o help us#G "he
c+rdin+l "old hi9. H6h+" I need "o &no$ is# ho$ do you 1eel no$I !+s +ny"hing ch+ngedI Are
you s"ill $illing "o 1igh" 1or usIG
7eilly sensed +n opening. I" didn8" ch+nge his +ns$er. H/y Job is "o 9+&e sure guys li&e
hi9 don8" ge" + ch+nce "o hur" o"hers +g+in. Innocen" people# li&e "he people $ho died
ou"side "hese $+lls "od+y. I don8" re+lly c+re $h+"8s in "hose "run&s# %our -9inence. I Jus" $+n" "o
loc& "his guy up or pu" hi9 siK 1ee" underground i1 "h+"8s his pre1erence.G
3rugnone held his g+De 1or + 9o9en"# "hen his in"ern+l deliber+"ions see9ed "o re+ch +
.erdic" +s he nodded "o hi9sel1# slo$ly. H6ell "hen# Agen" 7eilly . . . I "hin& $e need "o le" you
ge" on $i"h i"# don8" $eIG
A1"er e.ery"hing "h+" h+d h+ppened# +nd $i"h his e9o"ions s"ill 1r+yed# 7eilly $+sn8" sure
he8d he+rd righ". H6h+" +re you s+yingI I "hough" I $+s under +rres".G
3rugnone brushed his co99en" +$+y. H6h+" h+ppened "his 9orning s"+r"ed here# inside
:+"ic+n *i"y. !o$ $e de+l $i"h i" is our business . . . +nd +s you &no$# $e +lso h+.e so9e
in1luence in $h+" h+ppens beyond "hese $+lls.G
HDoes your in1luence eK"end +s 1+r +s @eder+l Pl+D+I *+use I "hin& "hey $+n" 9y b+dge
3rugnone g+.e hi9 + &no$ing# con1iden" s9ile. HIn "his 9+""er# I don8" "hin& "here +re
9+ny +re+s "h+" +re ou"side our sphere o1 in1luence.G !is "one "urned 1ir9. HI $+n" you "o be p+r"
o1 "his"ig+"ion# Agen" 7eilly. I $+n" you "o 1ind "his 9+n +nd pu" +n end "o his s+.+gery.
3u" I +lso need "o &no$ "h+" you8ll be loo&ing ou" 1or our in"eres"s# "h+" i1 you $ere "o 1ind
$h+" i" is he8s +1"er# you8ll bring i" "o 9e 1irs"# reg+rdless o1 +ll o"her consider+"ions . . . or
in1luences.G !is l+s" $ord h+d +n edge "o i".
7eilly 1el" i"s J+b. H6h+" do you 9e+nIG
HSo9e o1 your +ssoci+"esCor 1riendsC9+y h+.e o"her ide+s# in "er9s o1 $h+" "o do $i"h
+ 1ind o1 his"oric propor"ions.G Ag+in# one $ordCfriendsCc+9e ou" 9ore poin"edly.
7eilly "hough" he unders"ood. H%ou8re $orried +bou" TessIG
3rugnone shrugged. HAnyone $ould be + concern in + si"u+"ion li&e "his. Th+"8s $hy I
need "o &no$ "h+" you8ll h+.e "he *hurch8s in"eres"s +" he+r"# +bo.e +ll o"hers. Do I h+.e your
$ord on "his# Agen" 7eillyIG
7eilly pondered "he c+rdin+l8s $ords. On "he one h+nd# he 1el" li&e he $+s being
bl+c&9+iled. On "he o"her# i" $+sn8" li&e he $+s being +s&ed "o do so9e"hing he $ouldn8" h+.e
done +ny$+y. And besides# righ" no$# his priori"y $+s "+&ing do$n "he 9+n $ho8d c+used "he
c+rn+ge. 6h+" $+s in "hose "run&s $+s o1 second+ry i9por"+nce. A dis"+n" second.
H%ou h+.e 9y $ord.G
3rugnone +c&no$ledged hi9 $i"h + sligh" nod o1 his he+d. HThen you need "o ge" "o
$or&. I8ll "+l& "o Delpiero +nd "o "he o11ici+ls +" "he PoliDi+. And "o your superiors. %ou c+n "+&e
i" 1ro9 "here.G
HTh+n& you.G 7eilly eK"ended his h+nd gr+ciously# unsure i1 + h+ndsh+&e $+s "he
+ppropri+"e 9o.e here.
3rugnone cupped i" 1ir9ly in bo"h o1 his. H@ind hi9. And s"op hi9.G
HI" $on8" be e+sy. !e go" $h+" he c+9e 1or . . . +nd $i"h "h+" 7egis"ry# he8s go" + he+d
s"+r" on us. I1 i"8s go" +ny in1or9+"ion in i" +bou" $h+" h+ppened "o "his *onr+d# "hen "h+"8s $here
$e8ll 1ind our bo9ber. 3u" he8s go" i" +nd $e don8".G
3rugnone cr+c&ed + ghos" o1 + s9ile. HI $ouldn8" go "h+" 1+r.G !e le" "he $ords h+ng
"e+singly# "hen s+id# H%ou see# i"8s been cle+r "o us 1or Fui"e + $hile "h+" "he +rchi.e $+s
beco9ing 1+r "oo l+rge "o +d9inis"er using "r+di"ion+l 9e"hods. 6e h+.e eigh"y;1i.e line+r
&ilo9e"ers o1 +ll o1 "he9 Jus" $i"h 9+"eri+l. So# +bou" eigh" ye+rs +go# $e
ini"i+"ed + elec"ronic proJec". 6e8re +l9os" h+l1$+y "hrough sc+nning "he en"ire
7eilly8s 1+ce brigh"ened sligh"ly. !e +lre+dy &ne$ $h+" 3rugnone $ould +ns$er# bu" he
s+id# HI89 hoping you8re no" doing i" +lph+be"ic+lly.G
H6e8re doing i" +ccording "o percei.ed rele.+nce#G "he c+rdin+l replied $i"h + &no$ing
s9ile. HAnd "he Te9pl+rsCespeci+lly +1"er $h+" h+ppened "hree ye+rs +goC$ell# "hey8re h+rdly
irrele.+n"# no$# +re "heyIG
Chapter 1)

The res" o1 "he +1"ernoon $+s + ch+o"ic +nd noisy blur. 7eilly +nd Tess spen" i" in "he
o11ices o1 "he Gend+r9eri+# $here + "e9por+ry co99+nd pos" h+d been se" up in + l+rge
con1erence roo9. The 1renDy o1 +c"i.i"y +round "he9 didn8" +b+"e 1or + second +s Tess g+.e +
1ull# de"+iled s"+"e9en" o1 e.ery"hing "h+" h+d h+ppened "o her# +nd 7eilly 9+de sure "he loc+l
cops $eren8" 9issing + "ric& in "rying "o 1ind her &idn+pper.
/uch "o 7eilly8s relie1# "hey see9ed "o be on "he b+ll. A high;priori"y 3O4OCshor" 1or
Hbe on "he loo&ou"GC$+s issued "o "he coun"ry8s .+rious l+$ en1orce9en" +u"hori"ies# +nd +ler"s
$ere 1l+shed "o +ll o1 "he coun"ry8s 9+in por"s o1 en"ry. In"erpol $+s 9+&ing sure "he reFues" $+s
properly rel+yed +cross neighboring coun"ries. The in1or9+"ion on i" $+s# ho$ li9i"ed. The
bo9ber# $ho $+s +ssu9ed "o be +n Ir+ni+n using + 1orged p+sspor" o1 so9e o"her coun"ry# h+d
9+n+ged "o +.oid loo&ing direc"ly +" +ny **T: c+9er+s $i"hin "he :+"ic+n. The only i9+ges
"hey8d been +ble "o pull up o1 hi9 so 1+r $ere p+r"ly shielded +nd gr+iny. @orensic "e+9s h+d
been disp+"ched "o "ry "o +ny 1ingerprin"s o1 his 1ro9 "he +rchi.e# "he 3/6# +nd "he
b+""ered Pope9obile# in "he hope "h+" "hose $ould help le+d "o his iden"i1ic+"ion# $hile "heir
colle+gues +" "he +n"i"erroris" brig+de8s l+bs $ere eK+9ining "he de1used bo9b 1or +ny"hing "h+"
$ould help "r+c& i"s pro.en+nce.
They +lso +dded Si99ons "o "he +ler"# gi.en "he possibili"y "h+"# li&e Tess +nd Sh+r+1i#
he8d +lso been so9eho$ brough" "o 7o9e. An urgen" reFues" 1or his p+sspor" in1o $+s 1l+shed "o
"he e9b+ssy2 in "he 9e+n"i9e# Tess helped "he de"ec" dig up so9e pho"os o1 hi9 o11 "he
7eilly li+ised $i"h "he 3ure+u8s leg+l +""+chO in Is"+nbul# brie1ing hi9 +bou" "he need "o
loc+"e Sh+r+1i8s $i1e +nd d+ugh"er +nd in1or9 "he9 o1 $h+" h+d h+ppened. !e +lso +s&ed "he
leg+" "o ge" "he loc+l cops "o "r+c& do$n Sh+r+1i8s sni"ch o1 + rese+rch +ssis"+n"# +l"hough he
$+sn8" holding his bre+"h on "h+" one.
6hile +ll "his $+s going on# +" "he 3escondi ins"ruc"ed +s 9+ny schol+rs +s
he could 9us"er "o go "hrough "he sc+ns o1 "he 7egis"ry in se+rch o1 +ny re1erence "o + Te9pl+r
&nigh" by "he n+9e o1 *onr+d.
7eilly did his bes" "o ignore "he ob.ious irri"+"ion o1 Delpiero +nd "he PoliDi+ de"ec"
concerning his con"inued presence. 3rugnone8s in"ercession on his beh+l1 h+dn8" eK+c"ly gone
do$n $ell. The loc+l cops didn8" 9+&e +ny e11or" "o disguise "he 1+c" "h+" "hey "hough" he ough"
"o be l+nguishing behind b+rs ins"e+d o1 $or&ing +longside "he9. 7eilly 1+ced + couple o1 "ense
1l+re;ups $i"h "he9# bu" he res"r+ined hi9sel1 +nd +.oided 9+&ing + di11icul" si"u+"ion e.en
h+rder. !e +lso "ried "o be in "heir 1+ces +s li""le +s possible by spending 9os" o1 "he +1"ernoon
burning up "he phone lines# ge""ing bl+s"ed by his boss 1or his going solo# be1ore 1illing in .+rious
sec"ion chie1s +" @eder+l Pl+D+# 4+ngley# +nd @or" /e+de in +d.+nce o1 + coordin+"ed con1erence
c+ll once e.eryone $+s up "o speed.
3y sundo$n# "here $+s li""le 9ore "hey could do. Aler"s $ere in pl+ce#"ig+"ors $ere
scru"iniDing i99igr+"ion records +nd **T: 1oo"+ge# l+b "echnici+ns $ere plugging +$+y +" "heir
high;"ech s"+"ions# +nd schol+rs $ere poring 9edie.+l $ri"ings. The $+i"ing g+9e $+s on.

TI4D-N D7OOO-D 7-I44% AND T-SS +" "he So1i"el# + discree" 9id;siDed ho"el "he
e9b+ssy 1reFuen"ly used 1or .isi"ors. They $ere regis"ered under 1+lse n+9es +nd gi.en "$o
connec"ing roo9s on "he "op 1loor. T$o pl+inclo"hes cops $ere s"+"ioned ou"side "he ho"el in +n
un9+r&ed 4+nci+ on "he :i+ 4o9b+rdi+. I" $+s + Fuie"# one;$+y s"ree"# $hich 9+de "heir
b+bysi""ing "+s& + bi" e+sier.
The roo9s $ere sp+cious +nd h+d + gre+" ou"loo& "he lush g+rdens o1 "he :ill+
3orghese +nd "he do9es o1 "he *hurch o1 S+n *+rlo +l *orso +nd# 1+r"her "o "he $es"# o1 S".
Pe"er8s 3+silic+. I" $+s + glorious .ie$ on +ny d+y# +nd e.en 9ore so $i"h "he s&y +ll +glo$ 1ro9
"he se""ing sun# bu" Tess only 9+n+ged "o enJoy i" 1or +ll o1 "hree seconds be1ore s"epping +$+y
1ro9 "he $indo$ +nd coll+psing in"o "he co91or" o1 "he &ing;siDed bed. To her r+.+ged 9uscles
+nd dr+ined 9ind# i" 1el" li&e he+.en.
She s"re"ched her +r9s ou" +nd le" her he+d sin& b+c& deeper in"o "he so1" do$n pillo$s.
H6h+" ho"el is i" "h+"8s +l$+ys r+9bling on +bou" ho$ +9+Ding "heir beds +reIG
7eilly +ppe+red in "he door$+y "h+" connec"ed "he "$o roo9s# drying his 1+ce $i"h +
"o$el. H6es"in.G
H%e+h# $ell . . . "hey +in8" go" no"hing on "his b+by.G She s+n& b+c& e.en 9ore# her +r9s
ou"s"re"ched "o$+rd "he edges o1 "he bed# her eyes shu" $i"h deligh".
7eilly crossed "o "he 9inib+r +nd pee&ed inside. H%ou $+n" so9e"hing "o drin&IG
Tess didn8" loo& up. HSure.G
H6h+" $ould you li&eIG
HSurprise 9e.G
She he+rd "he ple+sing sound o1 + c+p being popped o11 + bo""leC"$is";o11 "ops# 1or so9e
re+son# $eren8" ye" + s"+ple in -uropeC"hen +no"her. Then "he 9+""ress s+gged sligh"ly "o her le1"
+s 7eilly s+" do$n on "he edge o1 "he bed.
She pushed hersel1 up +g+ins" "he propped up pillo$s# +nd he h+nded her + cold bo""le o1
Peroni beer.
H6elco9e "o 7o9e#G he s+id# + "ired +nd $ry eKpression on his 1+ce +s "hey clin&ed
H6elco9e "o 7o9e#G she repe+"ed# her 1+ce cloudy $i"h con1usion. She s"ill $+sn8" Fui"e
sure ho$ "h+" h+d h+ppened. -.en "hough "hey8d been i" +ll b+c& +" "he Gend+r9eri+
o11ices# i" s"ill 1el" surre+l "o be here. In 7o9e. In + ho"el roo9. 6i"h 7eilly by her side.
She "oo& + long# s+"is1ying sip# "he cold bre$ "ic&ling her "hro+" be1ore se""ing o11 + nice
"ingle in her belly# +nd con"e9pl+"ed his 1+ce. !e h+d + couple o1 s9+ll bruises# one on his le1"
chee&# "he o"her 9ore pronounced +nd sc+bbed# Jus" +bo.e his righ" eyebro$. She re9e9bered
ho$ he8d go""en + lo" o1 "hose b+c& $hen "hey8d 1irs" 9e". 3u" +1"er "h+"# once "hey8d go""en b+c&
"o "he U.S.# once "hey8d s"+r"ed seeing e+ch o"her +nd# soon +1"er# he8d 9o.ed in"o her house# "he
bruises h+d dis+ppe+redConly "o be repl+ced# she &ne$# by +no"her &ind o1 hur". She c+ugh"
hersel1 "hin&ing "h+" she8d 9issed seeing hi9 in "his guise# +ll li1e; super;+gen" $i"h "he
bruises +nd "he in"ensi"y +nd "he urgency# +nd 1el" +$&$+rd +bou" "he "hough".
HSo here $e +re +g+in# huhIG she +s&ed.
H%ep.G !is eyes h+d + dis"+n"# $e+ry "inge "o "he9# li&e his being "here s"ill h+dn8" se""led
in $i"h hi9 ei"her.
H/iss 9eIG she couldn8" resis" +s&ing# "he edges o1 her 9ou"h curled up in + 9ischie.ous
She $+"ched his eyes ro+9 +ll her 1+ceCGod# she8d 9issed "h+" loo&C"hen he le"
ou" + s9+ll# pl+y1ully derisi.e chor"le be1ore "+&ing +no"her long chug.
H6h+"IG she pressed.
H!ey# I $+sn8" "he one $ho r+n o11 h+l1$+y +round "he $orld.G
/uch "o her relie1# "he $+y he s+id i" didn8" sound resen"1ul +" +ll. HDoesn8" 9e+n you
c+n8" 9iss 9e#G she go+ded hi9.
!e l+ughed +nd shoo& his he+d $i"h disbelie1. H%ou8re unbelie.+ble# you &no$ "h+"IG
HSo is "h+" + yesIG !er be+9ing grin $+s in 1ull "r+c"or;be+9 9ode. She &ne$ his shields
$ouldn8" s"+nd + ch+nce.
!e held her g+De 1or + long 9o9en"# "hen s+id# HO1 course I 9issed you.G
She r+ised her eyebro$s $i"h 9oc& surprise. H6ell "hen ho$ +bou" you s"op loo&ing +"
9e li&e "h+" +ndCG
She didn8" ge" + ch+nce "o 1inish i". !e $+s +lre+dy +ll her# scooping her he+d up in
his h+nds +nd &issing her $i"h +n urgen"# pri9e.+l hunger. The h+l1;e9p"y bo""les "u9bled o11
"he bed +nd on"o "he c+rpe"ed 1loor $i"h 9u11led "huds +s "heir bodies "$is"ed +round e+ch o"her#
1r+n"ic h+nds under clo"hes +nd see&ing ou" 1+9ili+r 1lesh.
HI89 1il"hy#G Tess $hispered "o hi9 +s he y+n&ed her shir" o11 +nd de.oured his $+y do$n
"o her belly.
!e didn8" s"op. HI &no$. I li&e "h+" +bou" you#G he s+id# in be"$een big# $e" 9ou"h1uls o1
her s&in.
She l+ughed# + dre+9y# $ic&ed l+ugh# in be"$een 9o+ns o1 deligh". HNo# I 9e+n# I89
re+lly 1il"hyC+s in# dir"y.G
!e &ep" going. H4i&e I s+id# p+r" o1 "he +ppe+l.G
She cupped his he+d in her h+nds +nd closed her eyes +nd +rched her b+c&# her he+d
dis+ppe+ring be"$een "$o pillo$s. HI 9e+n I need + sho$er# doo1us.G
H6e bo"h do#G he 9u9bled $i"hou" le""ing up. H4+"er.G
Chapter 1*

L+"er "oo& + couple o1 hours "o co9e +round. They h+dn8" seen e+ch o"her in 1our 9on"hs.
In 1+c"# "hey h+dn8" &no$n $hen "hey8d see e+ch o"her +g+in# i1 +" +ll# since "hey h+dn8" eK+c"ly
p+r"ed on "he bes" o1 "er9s. And +l"hough + couple o1 hours o1 dis+ppe+ring in"o e+ch o"her +nd
shu""ing "he $orld ou" $+sn8" going "o 9+&e up 1or "he 1our 9on"hs o1 pen";up desire +s $ell +s
"he ne+r;de+"h eKperiences "hey8d Jus" been "hrough# i" $+s + good s"+r".
A1"er +n eK"ended s"in" "oge"her in "he 9+rble;lined sho$er s"+ll# "hey $ere on "he bed
+g+in# in "hic& "o$eling robes "his "i9e# digging in"o + roo9 dinner o1 risotto parmigiano
+nd scaloppine al limone.
7eilly $+"ched Tess +s she +"e. Despi"e "he ins+ni"y o1 "he l+s" "$en"y;1our hours# i" 1el" so
n+"ur+l "o be $i"h her. Ag+in. 3eing $i"h her brough" i" +ll burs"ing b+c& "o li1e# e.ery"hing "h+"
he 9issed +bou" her. The perido" green eyes "h+" glin"ed $i"h in"ellec" +s $ell +s $i"h 9ischie1.
The eKFuisi"ely sh+ped lips +nd per1ec" "ee"h# co;conspir+"ors behind her lu9inous s9ile. The
$ild# blond curls "h+" 1r+9ed i" +ll +nd +dded "o "he un"+9ed .ibe she r+di+"ed. The l+ugh. The
hu9or. The dri.e +nd "he energy. The 9+gic "h+" en"r+nced +ny roo9 she $+l&ed in"o. 6+"ching
her no$# +s she $ol1ed do$n her 1ood $i"h "he $holehe+r"ed deligh" o1 so9eone $ho +"e li1e up
in big# greedy 9ou"h1uls# he couldn8" belie.e he8d +c"u+lly le" her $+l& ou" o1 his li1e. And ye" he
h+d# +l"hough "he re+sons 1or "heir spli" no$ see9ed# $ell# i1 no" "ri.i+l# "hen cer"+inly
9ish+ndled. 6hich $+s so9e"hing "h+" $+s +l$+ys e+sily s+id in hindsigh".
!e should h+.e s+id so9e"hing b+c& "hen# he "hough". Pu" + s"op "o "he slo$ erosion# "o
"he 1rus"r+"ions +nd "he 1eelings o1 in+deFu+cy# "o "he hur". 3u" "here h+d been no e+sy solu"ion.
They8d le+p" in"o s"+r"ing + li1e "oge"her. She +lre+dy h+d + &id# Bi9# + d+ugh"er 1ro9 her eK;
husb+nd# + seKu+l;h+r+ss9en";l+$sui";in;$+i"ing o1 + ne$s +nchor $ho8d 9o.ed "o "he 6es"
*o+s". 7eilly# on "he o"her h+nd# h+d been 9+rried or 1+"hered + child. 6hich bec+9e +
proble9 $hen "he c+priciousness o1 hu9+n reproduc"ion c+9e in"o pl+y. 7eilly $+n"ed "o be no"
Jus" + s"ep;1+"her "o Bi9# bu" +lso + d+d hi9sel1# +nd# +s i" $+s $i"h 9ore +nd 9ore $o9en in
"heir "hir"ies# i" h+dn8" pro.en "o be "h+" si9ple. The gi1" o1 li1e $+s "o be 1rus"r+"ingly
elusi.e. Tes"s h+d sho$n "h+" his body $+sn8" "he one +" 1+ul". %e+rs o1 Tess "+&ing "he pill $ere +
prob+ble culpri". And so +n undercurren" o1 9el+ncholy "oo& roo" +s 7eilly8s pri9+l longing
bec+9e hers "oo. The I:@ "re+"9en"s +dded "o "he 9+l+ise# chipping +$+y +" "he bond be"$een
"he9. -+ch 1+iled +""e9p" 1el" li&e going "hrough + di.orce. 3y "he end o1 i"# Tess needed "o ge"
+$+y. The he+r"+che +nd "he 1eeling o1 1+iling hi9 $ere "oo pro1ound "o 1+ce. And he didn8" "ry
h+rd enough "o s"op her# +l"hough +" "he "i9e# he8d 1el" +s dr+ined +nd hollo$ +s she h+d.
%e+h# he should h+.e s+id so9e"hing# he "hough"# +s he held her 1ir9ly in his sigh"s. !e
"old hi9sel1 he8d le" her $+l& ou" o1 his li1e +g+inCbu" in "he s+9e bre+"h# he re9inded
hi9sel1 "h+" i" $+sn8" Jus" up "o hi9.
She 9us" h+.e sensed his s"+re# +s she slid + side$+ys gl+nce +" hi9. H%ou gonn+ 1inish
"h+"IG she 9u9bled be"$een che$s# poin"ing her &ni1e +" his pl+"e.
!e chuc&led +nd p+ssed her his pl+"e. She scooped up "he l+s" piece o1 .e+l +nd gobbled i"
do$n. A1"er + p+use# he +s&ed# H6h+" Jus" h+ppened hereIG
!e "ried "o order his "hough"s. HThis. Us. !ere. De+ling $i"h $h+c&Jobs +nd Te9pl+rs
H/+ybe i"8s our lo" in li1e#G Tess grinned be"$een 9ou"h1uls.
HI89 serious.G
Tess shrugged# "hen g+.e hi9 + sligh"ly poin"ed loo&. HThere8s s"ill + lo" $e don8" &no$
+bou" "he9. 6hy do you "hin& I $en" ou" "o see >edI I"8s $h+" I "ried "o eKpl+in "o you . . . be1ore
I le1". They deser.e "o be "+&en seriously. @or dec+des# "hey8.e been "his +c+de9ic no;go Done#
Jus" 1odder 1or 1+n"+sis"s +nd conspir+cy "heoris"s. 3u" $e &no$ be""er# don8" $eI -.ery"hing $e
"hough" $+s Jus" 9y"h +nd nonsense . . . i" +ll "urned ou" "o be "rue.G
H/+ybe#G 7eilly +rgued. H6e go" + ch+nce "o see i1 "he docu9en"s 1ro9 "he @+lcon
Te9ple $ere re+l# or Jus" 1orgeries.G
HS"ill . . . "hey $ere "here# $eren8" "heyIG
Th+" p+r" $+s "rue# he h+d "o +greeC+nd i" suppor"ed her .ie$ o1 "he Order. HSo no$ "h+"
your $or& +nd your boo&s +re +ll +bou" "he9#G he +s&ed# Hdoes "h+" 9e+n you8re going "o be in
"he line o1 1ire e.ery "i9e so9e cr+c&po" "hin&s he8s go" + le+d on one o1 "heir secre"sIG
HThis guy didn8" co9e +1"er 9e#G Tess re9inded hi9. H!e c+9e +1"er >ed. I Jus" h+ppened
"o be "here.G
HThis "i9e#G he poin"ed ou".
H6ell#G she crep" closer "o hi9 +nd g+.e hi9 + $e"# 9essy &iss# Hi1 i" h+ppens +g+in# Jus"
pro9ise you8ll be "here "o rescue 9eIG
!e dr+n& i" in Fuie"ly# "hen pulled +$+y# + pensi.e loo& on his 1+ce. H>us" so I unders"+nd
"hings correc"lyCi1 you8re gr+bbed by so9e 9urderous psychop+"h# +nd only "hen# your reFues"
"h+" I gi.e you so9e Lsp+ce8 GChe did so9e +ir Fuo"esCH+nd &eep +$+y 1ro9 you "o gi.e you
so9e "i9e "o L1igure "hings ou"8GC9ore +ir Fuo"esCHno longer +pplies.G !e p+used# 9oc&;
"hin&ing i" "hen nodded s+rdonic+lly. HO&+y. 6or&s 1or 9e.G
!er eKpression clouded +" his $ords# +s i1 +n unco91or"+ble re+li"y $ere co9ing b+c&
in"o 1ocus. H*+n $e . . . c+n $e Jus" enJoy "his 9o9en" +nd no" "+l& +bou" us 1or no$IG
HIs "here +n Lus8IG !e &ep" his "one ligh" +nd pl+y1ul# e.en "hough deep do$n# "he
Fues"ion $+s +ny"hing bu" "h+".
H6e8.e Jus" spen" + couple o1 hours pu""ing pr+c"ic+lly e.ery pose in "he B+9+ Su"r+ "o
"he "es". I "hin& "h+" &ind o1 h+s +n e11ec" on our s"+"us# doesn8" i"I 3u" c+n $e ple+se Jus" . . . no"
no$# o&+yIG
HSure "hing.G !e 1l+shed her + sligh" grin "o de1use "he 9o9en" +nd decided "o drop "he
subJec" 1or no$. 6h+" "hey8d been "hrough $+sn8" "he ide+l grounding 1or + serious ch+" +bou"
$here "hey s"ood $i"h reg+rd "o e+ch o"her. !e didn8" "hin& i" $+s 1+ir "o Tess# no" +1"er her
!e ch+nged "+c&. HTell 9e so9e"hing . . . "hese "run&s# "he $ri"ings "he 9on&8s
con1ession re1ers "o. The c+rdin+l didn8" see9 "oo &een on 9e + s"r+igh" +ns$er +bou"
$h+" "hey could be. %ou 9us" h+.e discussed i" $i"h Si99ons. Any ide+sIG
HSo9e# bu" . . . $e8re Jus" guessing.G
HSo guess.G
She 1ro$ned. H LThe de.il8s h+ndi$or&# $ri""en in his h+nd using poison dr+$n 1ro9 "he
pi"s o1 hell#8 +nd "he res" o1 i". I"8s go" + .ery creepy ring "o i"# doesn8" i"I And i"8s no" so9e"hing
"h+"8s co99only +ssoci+"ed $i"h "he Te9pl+rs.G
H3u" you &no$ di11eren"IG
Tess shrugged. HSor" o1. The "hing is# you h+.e "o unders"+nd "he con"eK" o1 i"# "he se""ing.
The e.en"s in "he di+ry# *onr+d +nd "he 9on&s . . . "h+" +ll h+ppened in '3'(. Th+"8s "hree ye+rs
after "he Te9pl+rs $ere +ll +rres"ed. And ho$ "h+" h+ppened# $hy i" h+ppened $hen i" h+ppened#
could help eKpl+in $h+" i"8s +ll +bou".G
HBeep going.G
Tess s"r+igh"ened# +nd her 1+ce li" up +s i" +l$+ys did $hen she go" eKci"ed +bou"
so9e"hing. HO&+y. !ere8s "he b+c&s"ory. 4+"e '0((s# e+rly '3((s. 6es"ern -urope8s going
"hrough "ough "i9es. A1"er cen"uries o1 $+r9 $e+"her# "he $e+"her8s no$ ge""ing 1re+&y
+nd unpredic"+bleC+ lo" colder +nd $e""er. *rops +re 1+iling. Dise+se is spre+ding. This $+s "he
s"+r" o1 $h+"8s c+lled "he L4i""le Ice Age8 "h+"C$eirdly enoughCl+s"ed un"il + hundred +nd 1i1"y
ye+rs +go. 3y "he "i9e you hi" '3'# i" r+ins +l9os" nons"op 1or "hree ye+rs +nd "riggers "he Gre+"
@+9ine. So "he co99on 1ol&C"hey8re + re+lly 9iser+ble "i9e. No$# on "op o1 "h+"#
"hey8.e Jus" los" "heir !oly 4+nd. The pope h+d "old "he9 "h+" "he *rus+des $ere $illed +nd
blessed by GodC+nd "hey 1+iled. The crus+ders los" >erus+le9 +nd $ere 1in+lly &ic&ed ou" o1 "he
l+s" *hris"i+n s"ronghold# +" Acre# in '0,'. No$ &eep in 9ind# "he church h+d spen" dec+des
building up "he +rri.+l o1 "he ne$ 9illenniu9 +s "his "hous+nd;ye+r 9iles"one +nd $+s "+l&ing i"
up +s "he d+"e o1 "he parousia# "he Second *o9ing. They $ere $+rning people "h+" "hey h+d "o
e9br+ce *hris"i+ni"y +nd sub9i" "o "he *hurch8s +u"hori"y be1ore "h+" d+"e or 9iss ou" on "heir
e"ern+l re$+rd. So "here $+s + gre+" resurgence o1 religious 1er.or +" "he "i9e# +nd $hen no"hing
h+ppened# $hen "he ne$ 9illenniu9 c+9e +nd $en" $i"hou" "he 3ig -.en" "+&ing pl+ce# "he
*hurch needed "o 1ind so9e"hing else "o dis"r+c" i"s people# +n eKcuse +l9os". And "hey "urned "o
liber+"ing "he !oly 4+nd 1ro9 "he /usli9s $ho h+d "+&en i" The pope dre+9" up "he
*rus+des +s so9e"hing "h+" God $+s $+i"ing 1or# "he cro$ning +chie.e9en" o1 "h+" $hole
9o.e9en"# "he s"+r" o1 + ne$ "riu9ph+n" +ge 1or *hris"i+ni"y. And "he *hurch h+d e.en gone +s
1+r +s "o ch+nge i"s posi"ion r+dic+lly# 1ro9 pre+ching +bou" pe+ce +nd h+r9ony +nd your
1ello$ 9+n# "o doing "he "o"+l opposi"eC"he pope $+s no$ +c"i.ely pro9o"ing $+r +nd "elling
his 1ollo$ers LGod $ill +bsol.e you o1 +ll your pre.ious cri9es i1 you go ou" +nd sl+ugh"er "he
he+"hen in "he !oly 4+nd.8 So "here $+s + lo" riding on ge""ing "he !oly 4+nd b+c&. And $hen
"h+" 1+iled# i" $+s + huge blo$. !uge. And people $ere 1eeling sc+red. They $ere $ondering i1
God $+s +ngry $i"h "he9. Or i1 so9e"hing po$er1ul +nd $+s +" $or&# under9ining God8s
e11or"s. And i1 "h+" $+s "he c+se# $ho $ere his +gen"s# +nd $h+" po$ers did "hey h+.eI
HNo$ $hile "his is +ll h+ppening# so9e"hing else is bre$ing +" "he s+9e "i9e#G Tess
con"inued. HPeople in 6es"ern -urope# +nd I89 "+l&ing +bou" "he people in po$er# "he pries"s +nd
"he 9on+rchsC"he 1e$ $ho could +c"u+lly re+d +nd $ri"eC"hey8.e recen"ly s"+r"ed "+&ing "he
d+ngers o1 9+gic +nd $i"chcr+1" seriously +g+in. They h+dn8"# no" 1or cen"uries. Those concerns
h+d died ou" $i"h p+g+nis9. /+gic +nd $i"chcr+1" $ere ridiculed +s no"hing 9ore "h+n "he
supers"i"ions o1 delusion+l old $o9en. 3u" $hen "he Sp+nish "oo& b+c& "he sou"h o1 Sp+in 1ro9
"he /oors "o$+rds "he end o1 "he ele.en"h cen"ury# "hey disco.ered + $hole ne$ $orld o1
$ri"ings in pl+ces li&e "he libr+ry o1 Toledo# +ncien" +nd cl+ssic+l scien"i1ic "eK"s "h+" "he Ar+bs
h+d brough" $i"h "he9 +nd h+d "r+nsl+"ed 1ro9 "he origin+l Gree& in"o Ar+bic +nd "hen in"o
4+"in. So "he 6es" redisco.ered +ll "hese los" $ri"ings# "he $or&s o1 gre+" "hin&ers +nd scien"is"s
"h+" "hey8d co9ple"ely 1orgo""en +bou"# li&e Pl+"o +nd !er9es +nd P"ole9y +nd + $hole bunch o1
o"hers "hey8d he+rd o1. 3oo&s li&e "he *icatri1 +nd "he Cyranides +nd "he 'ecreta
'ecretorum "h+" eKplored philosophy +nd +s"rono9y +s $ell +s 9+gico;religious ide+s +nd
po"ions +nd spells +nd necro9+ncy +nd +s"ro9+gic +nd +ll &inds o1 ide+s "hese people h+d
seen be1ore. And $h+" "hey re+d sc+red "he hell ou" o1 "he9. 3ec+use "hese "eK"s# reg+rdless o1
ho$ pri9i"i.e or 9isguided $e 9igh" no$ consider "he9# "+l&ed +bou" science +nd
unders"+nding ho$ "he uni.erse $or&ed +nd ho$ "he s"+rs 9o.ed +nd ho$ our bodies could be
he+led# +nd b+sic+lly# ho$ 9+n could g+in po$er "he ele9en"s +round hi9. And "h+" $+s
sc+ry "o "he9. I" $+s e+rly science# +nd e+rly science $+s considered 9+gic. And since i"
under9ined "he concep" o1 LGod8s $ill#8 "he pries"s p+in"ed i" +s Lbl+c& 9+gic#8 +nd +ny"hing i"
+chie.ed h+d "o be due "o de9on $orship.G
7eilly re9e9bered so9e"hing 1ro9 his pre.ious eKposure "o "he $+rrior;9on&s +nd
+s&ed# H6eren8" "he Te9pl+rs +ccused o1 $orshipping so9e de9onic he+dIG
HO1 course. The 3+pho9e". No$ "here +re con1lic"ing "heories on "h+"# $e s"ill don8"
&no$ 1or + 1+c" $h+" i" $+s +ll +bou". 3u" "h+"8s $h+" I89 "+l&ing +bou". To unders"+nd $hy "he
Te9pl+rs $ere rounded up +nd +ccused o1 +ll "hese 9os"ly ridiculous "hings# you h+.e "o
unders"+nd "he 9ind;se" in $hich "h+" h+ppened.G
HSo $e8.e go" people "hin&ing God is +ngry $i"h "he9 +nd "h+" "he de.il8s +gen"s +re ou"
"o des"roy "he9# +nd pries"s +nd &ings bl+c& 9+gic 9igh" +c"u+lly eKis".G
H-K+c"ly. And +g+ins" "h+" ch+rged b+c&drop# you8.e go" "hese +rrog+n"# $e+l"hy $+rrior;
9on&s $ho los" "he !oly 4+nd +nd +re no$ b+c& in -urope# +nd "hey don8" see9 "o be "oo
e9b+rr+ssed by "heir de1e+". They8.e s"ill go" +ll "hese .+s" holdings +nd "hey8re i" up on
"he 1+" o1 "he l+nd $hile e.eryone else is s" And people s"+r" +s&ing Fues"ions. They s"+r"
$ondering +bou" "he9# +s&ing " ho$ "hese guys +re ge""ing +$+y $i"h i"C+nd pre""y
soon# "hey8re +s&ing " i1 "hese guys don8" h+.e so9e &ind o1 po$er# i1 "hey8re no"
in le+gue $i"h "he i1 "hey8re no" deb+uched de9on;$orshipping $iD+rds. This 1e+r o1 bl+c&
9+gicCi" $+s +" "he roo" o1 "he Te9pl+r "ri+ls. O1 course# "heir +ccuser# "he Bing o1 @r+nce# h+d
plen"y o1 re+sons "o $+n" "o "+&e "he9 do$n. Greed +nd en.y pl+yed + huge role. !e o$ed "he9
+ lo" o1 9oney +nd he $+s bro&e# +nd he $+s +lso incensed by "heir +rrog+nce +nd "heir 1l+gr+n"
disrespec" "o$+rds hi9. 3u" beyond "h+"# he genuinely s+$ hi9sel1 +s "he 9os" *hris"i+n o1
&ings# "he de1ender o1 "he 1+i"h# e.en 9ore so +1"er "he de+"h o1 his $i1e in '3(7C"he s+9e ye+r
he ordered "he +rres"s# + "i9e $hen he8d $i"hdr+$n in"o religious sel1;+bsorp"ion# so9e"hing he c+9e ou" o1. !e s+$ hi9sel1 +s + 9+n chosen by God "o do !is di.ine $or& here on -+r"h
+nd pro"ec" his people 1ro9 heresy. !e $+s hoping "o se" up +no"her crus+de. And he +nd his
+d.isors Jus" couldn8" unders"+nd ho$ "hese Te9pl+rs could possibly be +s +rrog+n" +nd +s
dis9issi.e o1 God8s chosen one i1 "hey $eren8" ge""ing "he help o1 so9e &ind o1 de9onic po$er.G
7eilly chor"led. HThey re+lly belie.ed "h+"IG
HAbsolu"ely. I1 "he Te9pl+rs h+d 9+de + p+c" $i"h "he i1 "hey h+d &no$ledge "h+"
could "r+ns1or9 "he $orldC+nd "+&e +$+y po$er 1ro9 "hose $ho held i"C"hey h+d "o be
de1e+"ed. And i"8s no" +s ou"l+ndish +s i" sounds. Bno$ledge is po$er# in +ll &inds o1 $+ys# +nd
occul" $e+pons +re + co99on "hre+d in his"ory. /eg+lo9+ni+cs loo&ing 1or "h+" eK"r+ edge# "h+"
di.ine po$er# "h+" +rc+ne &no$ledge "h+" $ould le" "he9 conFuer "he $orld. !i"ler $+s obsessed
$i"h occul"is9. The N+Dis $ere "o"+lly en"hr+lled by bl+c& 9+gic +nd runes# +nd no" Jus" in
)aiders of the 3ost !rk. /ussolini h+d + pre""y nu""y person+l occul"is" c+lled >ulius -.ol+.
%ou8d be +9+Ded by "he supers"i"ions +nd "he $+c&y belie1 sys"e9s "h+" + lo" o1 $orld le+ders
"+&e seriously# e.en "od+y.G
7eilly 1el" he+.y;he+ded. HSo "hese "run&s . . . IG
HLThe de.il8s h+ndi$or&# $ri""en in his h+nd using poison dr+$n 1ro9 "he pi"s o1 hell# i"s
+ccursed eKis"ence + de.+s"+"ing "hre+" "o "he roc& upon $hich our $orld is 1ounded#8 G Tess
re9inded hi9. H6h+"8s in "hese boo&s "h+" 1righ"ened "he 9on&s so 9uchI *ould "here be +ny
"ru"h "o "he +ccus+"ions +g+ins" "he Te9pl+rsI 6ere "hey re+lly occul"is"s "h+" pr+c"iced bl+c&
7eilly loo&ed doub"1ul. H*o9e on. I" could +ll be Jus" 9e"+phoric+l.G !is pre.ious
9ee"ing $i"h 3rugnone# "hree ye+rs e+rlier# 1l+shed +cross his 9ind. HI c+n "hin& o1 o"her
$ri"ings "h+" $ould sh+&e up + 9on&8s $orld# righ"IG
HO1 course#G Tess nodded. H3u" &eep +n open 9ind. I8ll gi.e you one eK+9ple "h+" >ed
brough" up. %ou &no$ "here $ere + lo" o1 Te9pl+rs in Sp+in +nd Por"ug+l. 3ig presence "here.
6ell# +" so9e poin" in "he "hir"een"h cen"ury# "hey go" in"o "rouble +nd "hey h+d "o p+$n o11 9os"
o1 "heir holdings in *+s"ile. O1 +ll "he "hey h+d ou" "here# "he only one "hey &ep" $+s +n
insigni1ic+n" li""le church in "he 9iddle o1 no$here. I" didn8" 9+&e sense. I" $+sn8" in + s"r+"egic
loc+"ion. I"s l+nd didn8" e.en produce enough re.enue "o +llo$ i"s 1ri+rs "o send 1unds "o "heir
bro"hers in "he !oly 4+nd. 3u" i" $+s "he one encomienda# "he one encl+.e# "hey decided "o &eep.
6h+" $+sn8" i99edi+"ely ob.ious $+s "h+" "his s9+ll church +c"u+lly did h+.e +n in"eres"ing
1e+"ure? i"s loc+"ion. They h+d buil" i" righ" in "he cen"er o1 Sp+in# eFuidis"+n" 1ro9 i"s 1+r"hes"
c+pes. And I 9e+n per1ec"ly eFuidis"+n"# do$n "o "he 9e"er.G
H*o9e on#G 7eilly Fues"ioned# H$h+" do you 9e+n# Lper1ec"ly eFuidis"+n"8I !o$ could
"hey 1igure "h+" ou"# $h+"# se.en hundred ye+rs +goI -.en "od+y# $i"h GPS 9+pping +ndCG
HI"8s b+ng in "he cen"er# Se+n#G Tess insis"ed. HNor"h;sou"h# e+s";$es"# dr+$ "hose lines#
+nd $here "hey cross# "h+"8s $here i" is. >ed chec&ed i" using GPS coordin+"es. I"8s re+lly "here.
And "h+" loc+"ion h+s + 9+Jor occul" signi1ic+nce? con"rolling "he epicen"er o1 + "erri"ory $+s
9e+n" "o gi.e you 9+gic+l do9in+nce i". And "here +re o"her geogr+phic peculi+ri"ies "o "h+"
loc+"ion "h+" h+.e "o do $i"h "he pilgri9s8 ro+d "o S+n"i+go +nd o"her Te9pl+r holdings. No$# is
i" +ll Jus" + coincidenceI /+ybe. Or 9+ybe "he Te9pl+rs re+lly belie.ed in "h+" 9u9bo Ju9bo.
And 9+ybe i"8s 9ore "h+n 9u9bo Ju9bo.G
7eilly eKh+led he+.ily. 6h+" i" $+s# i" $+s so9e"hing "he 9+n he $+s +1"er $+s
prep+red "o &ill 1or. And 9+ybe "h+" re+lly $+s +ll he needed "o &no$.
H3o""o9 line . . . i" could be +ny"hing#G 7eilly concluded.
H%up#G Tess nodded +s she 1inished o11 "he l+s" piece o1 esc+lope.
7eilly s"udied her curiously# "hen shoo& his he+d slo$ly +nd ble$ ou" + s9+ll chor"le.
Tess eyed hi9 curiously. H6h+"IG
HI &no$ you. %ou8re Jus" "hin&ing +bou" ho$ "his is +ll going "o be gre+" 1odder 1or your
neK" boo&# +ren8" youIG
She se" do$n her 1or& +nd s"re"ched l+Dily# "hen s+n& b+c& in"o "he pillo$s. She "urned on
her side "o 1+ce hi9. H*+n $e "+l& +bou" so9e"hing elseIG She grinned# her eKpression dre+9y.
HOr e.en be""er# ho$ +bou" $e don8" "+l& +" +ll 1or + $hileIG
!e s9iled +" her# cle+red "he pl+"es o11 "he bed +nd on"o "he roo9 "+ble c+r" in one
1ell s$oop# +nd s+n& in"o her.

T!- 3U<< O@ A T-4-O!ON- Jol"ed his senses $i"h "he .el.e" "ouch o1 + "+ser +nd
y+n&ed hi9 ou" o1 + dre+9less sleep "h+" h+d eluded hi9 1or hours.
!e8d "ossed +nd "urned I" h+d been +n e9o"ion+lly de.+s"+"ing d+y# $i"h highs
+nd lo$s co9ing +" hi9 1+s" +nd 1urious. The nigh" $+s h+rder. I9+ges o1 "he de.+s"+"ion +nd "he
c+rn+ge +" "he :+"ic+n $ere su11oc+"ing +ny el+"ion he 1el" +" being $i"h Tess +g+in. !e 1ound
hi9sel1 repl+ying "he e.en"s +nd in his 9ind# "rying "o r+"ion+liDe $h+" he h+d done#
bu" he couldn8" esc+pe "he h+un"ing 1eeling "h+" he $+s responsible 1or i" +ll +nd $ondered ho$
he $+s going "o li.e $i"h "he burden o1 guil" "h+" $+s gro$ing inside hi9.
!e pushed hi9sel1 "o his elbo$s# 1eeling d+Ded. @ine s"r+nds o1 sunligh" $ere s"re+9ing
in "hrough s9+ll openings in "he shu""ers. I" "oo& hi9 + couple o1 seconds "o regis"er $here he
$+s. !e gl+nced +" "he cloc& r+dio on "he bedside "+ble. I" sho$ed "h+" i" $+s Jus" +1"er se.en
o8cloc& in "he 9orning.
Tess s"irred neK" "o hi9 +s he +ns$ered "he phone.
!e lis"ened# "hen s+id# HPu" hi9 "hrough.G
As he grun"ed one;syll+ble replies# Tess s+" up# +ll groggy +nd "ousled# +nd loo&ed hi9 +
!e cupped "he phone8s h+ndse". HI"8s 3escondi#G he 9ou"hed. HThey8.e go" + hi". In "he
HAlre+dyIG Then her eyes li" up. H*onr+dIG
Chapter 1+

As he s"eered "he c+r do$n "he l+s" o1 "he s$i"chb+c&s +nd dro.e up "o "he g+"e "h+" s"ood
+" "he end o1 "he scenic coun"ry l+ne# /+nsoor <+hed once +g+in 1el" ple+sed $i"h his choice o1
pilo". The +ir1ield see9ed +s so9nolen" +s i" h+d been $hen "hey8d l+nded "here "$o d+ys e+rlier.
The pilo" he8d hired# + Sou"h A1ric+n by "he n+9e o1 3ennie S"eyl# cle+rly &ne$ $h+" he $+s
!uddled in + Fuie" .+lley in "he AbruDDo region o1 I"+ly# "he s9+ll 1+cili"y $+s only +n
hour +nd + h+l18s dri.e 1ro9 7o9e. As <+hed +ppro+ched i"# he could see "h+"# +s be1ore# "here
$+s li""le discernible +c"i.i"y. 7ecre+"ion+l 1lying $+s 1+r 9ore eKpensi.e in I"+ly "h+n i" $+s in
"he res" o1 -urope due "o highly "+Ked +.i+"ion 1uel +nd s"eep ch+rges 1or e.ery"hing 1ro9 "he use
o1 +irsp+ce "o sno$ re9o.+l +nd de;icing ser.icesC+ co9pulsory 1ee# e.en in Sicily +" "he
heigh" o1 su99erC+nd "he Fuie" +ir1ield h+d gr+du+lly 1+llen in"o disrep+ir un"il +n e+r"hFu+&e
o1 =.3 9+gni"ude s"ruc& "he region in "he spring o1 0((,. The n+rro$# $inding ro+ds in +nd ou" o1
"he +re+ $ere clogged by 1leeing loc+ls# bu" "he 1+c" "h+" "he re9o"e# run;do$n 1+cili"y $+s $i"hin
+ s"one8s "hro$ 1ro9 "he de.+s"+"ed "o$ns +nd .ill+ges 9+de + 9+ssi.e rescue +nd hu9+ni"+ri+n
e11or" possible# $hich in "urn inspired "he I"+li+n pri9e 9inis"er "o reloc+"e "h+" su99er8s G5
Su99i" 1ro9 S+rdini+ "o "he s9+ll 9edie.+l "o$n o1 48AFuil+ "o sho$ solid+ri"y $i"h "he
e+r"hFu+&e8s .ic"i9s. The +ir1ield h+d been h+s"ily spruced up in order "o recei.e "he le+ders o1
"he de.eloped $orld# be1ore i""ed "o i"s n+"ur+l# sleepy s"+"e.
A s"+"e "h+" sui"ed <+hed per1ec"ly.
!e pulled up "o "he s9+ll g+"ehouse. In "he dis"+nce# he could +lre+dy see S"eyl8s pl+ne
$+i"ing idly on "he "+r9+c# i"s $hi"e 1usel+ge glin"ing in "he 9orning sun. The "$in;engined
*essn+ *onFues" $+s p+r&ed o11 "o one side# +$+y 1ro9 "he doDen or so s9+ller# single;engined
+ircr+1" o1 "he 48AFuil+ Aero *lub "h+" $ere lined up +longside "he shor" +sph+l" run$+y. The
bee1y g+"e9+n se" do$n his pin&;p+ged 5a(etta &ello 'port ne$sp+per +nd gree"ed hi9 $i"h +
le"h+rgic $+.e. <+hed $+i"ed +s "he un&e9p"# po"bellied 9+n pushed hi9sel1 ou" o1 his cr+"ered
$o.en;c+ne ch+ir +nd lu9bered "o "he c+r. <+hed eKpl+ined "h+" he needed "o dri.e in "o
drop o11 so9e lugg+ge +nd o"her supplies "o "he pl+ne. The g+"e9+n nodded slo$ly# p+dded
"o "he b+rrier# +nd se""led his 9e+"y +r9 on i"s coun"er$eigh". The b+rrier "il"ed up Jus" enough
1or <+hed "o be +ble "o dri.e "hrough# $hich he did# $i"h + cour"eous $+.e o1 gr+"i"ude "o "he
perspic+cious gu+rd.
The g+"e9+n didn8" +s& hi9 +bou" "he dro$sy 9+n $i"h "he d+r& sungl+sses $ho $+s
h+l1;+sleep on "he p+ssenger se+". <+hed h+dn8" eKpec"ed hi9 "o. In + Fuie"# ou";o1;"he;$+y
+ir1ield li&e "hisC&udos "o S"eyl# +g+inCsecuri"y $+sn8" +ny$here ne+r +s i9por"+n" +s "he
l+"es" 1oo"b+ll scores.
<+hed dro.e up "o "he pl+ne +nd pulled up +longside i". S"eyl h+d cle.erly posi"ioned i" so
"h+" i"s c+bin door 1+ced +$+y 1ro9 "he o"her pl+nes# "he 1lying club8s h+ng+r# +nd# 1+r"her +1ield#
"he si9ple yello$;+nd;blue s"ruc"ure "h+" housed "he 1+cili"y8s o11ices +nd i"s 9odes" con"rol
"o$er. The prec+u"ion $+s prob+bly unnecess+ry. There $+s no one else +round.
The pilo"# + "+ll# sine$y# be+rded 9+n $i"h slic&ed;b+c& ginger h+ir +nd deep;se" gr+y
eyes# e9erged 1ro9 "he c+bin door +nd helped <+hed $i"h Si99ons# $ho $+s sed+"ed "o "he
edge o1 uncousciousness. They guided "he +rch+eologis" up "he s"eps +nd se""led hi9 in"o one o1
"he $ide le+"her se+"s. <+hed chec&ed hi9 ou". 3ehind "he d+r& sh+des# Si99ons8s eyes $ere
s"+ring bl+n&ly +he+d# +nd his 9ou"h $+s sligh"ly open# + s9+ll gob o1 drool pooled +" "he edge
o1 his lo$er lip. The A9eric+n $ould prob+bly need + "op;up be1ore "hey l+nded in Tur&ey.
H4e"8s ge" ou" o1 here#G <+hed "old S"eyl.
H6e8re re+dy "o ru9ble#G "he Sou"h A1ric+n replied. !is "one $+s gru11# bu" <+hed &ne$
"h+" $+s Jus" "he 9+n8s $+y. H4e+.e "he c+r by "he edge o1 "he "+Ki$+y so +s no" "o dr+$ +""en"ion
"o i". I8ll s"+r" "he engines.G
<+hed did +s "he pilo" sugges"ed +nd +b+ndoned "he ren"+l c+r by "he side o1 "he h+ng+r.
The *essn+8s "urboprops $ere $hining "o li1e +s he he+ded b+c& "o "he pl+ne# +nd Jus" +s he
re+ched i"# he spo""ed + 9+n in + $hi"e T;shir"# + $ide p+ir o1 bl+c& "rousers held up by br+ces#
+nd big# he+.y boo"s e9erge 1ro9 "he "o$er s"ruc"ure. The "rousers see9ed "o h+.e + re1lec"i.e
s"ripe going do$n "he side o1 e+ch leg. !e h+d so9e p+pers in his h+nd +nd loo&ed li&e he $+s in
+ rush. /ore "h+n "h+"# his body l+ngu+ge $+s o11 + hin" o1 1lus"er +s he cli9bed on"o +n
old bicycle +nd s"+r"ed ped+ling# he+ding "heir $+y.
<+hed re+ched "he pl+ne be1ore hi9 +nd cli9bed in. !e 1ound S"eyl in "he coc&pi"#
1lic&ing s$i"ches +s he r+n "hrough his pre1ligh" chec&lis". !e poin"ed "he 9+n ou" "hrough "he
pilo"8s side $indo$. H6ho8s "his guyIG
The pilo" gl+nced ou". H!e8s + 1ire9+n. They h+.e "o h+.e "he9 +round +" +ll "i9es "o
Jus"i1y ch+rging us 1or "he9. And since "he odds o1 "he9 +c"u+lly "o de+l $i"h + 1ire +re
.ir"u+lly Dero# "hey usu+lly double +s p+per pushers +nd help ou" "he guy in "he "o$er $i"h "he
p+per$or&. This guy8s + bi" o1 + 1usspo"# bu" no" "oo 9uch o1 + p+in +s long +s you 1l+sh "he
<+hed "ensed up. H6h+" does he $+n"IG
S"eyl s"udied "he 9+n curiously. HD+9ned i1 I &no$. I +lre+dy p+id hi9 "he l+nding 1ee
+nd g+.e hi9 our 1ligh" pl+n.G
They $+"ched +s "he 9+n pulled up in 1ron" o1 "he pl+ne# r+ised his righ" h+nd up# +nd
9o.ed i" horiDon"+lly in + slicing 9o"ion# +cross his "hro+"C"he in"ern+"ion+l 9+rsh+ling sign 1or
"he pilo" "o &ill "he engines. S"eyn nodded +nd co9plied.
HGe" rid o1 hi9#G <+hed s+id.
S"eyl s"epped ou" o1 "he coc&pi" +re+. <+hed 1ollo$ed hi9 b+c& "o "he c+bin door.
The 1ire9+n# + b+lding# 9iddle;+ged c+rni.+l o1 "$i"ches# cli9bed on"o "he re"r+c"+ble
s"eps +nd peered in"o "he c+bin. !e s"+n& o1 cig+re""es# +nd his T;shir" h+d big s$e+" s"+ins on i".
!e loo&ed +ll ho" +nd bo"hered +nd + bi" d+Ded +s $ell# +s i1 so9eone h+d roused hi9 by
shou"ing in"o his e+rs. In his h+nd $ere so9e docu9en"s "h+" he $+s $ +" S"eyl.
H,i scusi, 'ignore#G "he 9+n $heeDed in be"$een gulps o1 bre+"h. 3e+ds o1 s$e+" $ere
"ric&ling do$n his 1orehe+d. HI +pologiDe 1or "he "rouble# bu"#G he con"inued# s"r+ining "o 1ind "he
righ" $ords# H+s you &no$# "here $+s + big "erroris" +""+c& in 7o9e yes"erd+y. And no$ $e h+.e
"o chec& "he p+sspor"s o1 e.eryone 1lying in or ou" o1 "his +irpor" +nd 1ill ou" "hese p+pers.G
S"eyl eyed hi9 "hough"1ully 1or + second# "hen slid + side$+ys gl+nce +" <+hed be1ore "he 1ire9+n + $ide s9ile. HI"8s no" + proble9# 9y 1riend. No" + proble9 +" +ll.G !e "urned
"o <+hed. HThis gen"le9+n needs "o see your p+sspor"# sir.G
HO1 course#G <+hed replied poli"ely.
S"eyl "hen poin"ed "o$+rd "he coc&pi" +nd +ddressed "he 1ire9+n slo$ly +nd $i"h
eK+gger+"ed enunci+"ion# +s i1 he $ere "rying "o eKpl+in so9e"hing "o + /+r"i+n in1+n". HI8ll Jus"
ge" 9y p+sspor" 1ro9 9y 1ligh" b+g# +ll righ"IG
The 9+n nodded +nd $iped his 1orehe+d $i"h + h+nd&erchie1. H5ra(ie mille.G
<+hed s"epped b+c& in"o "he c+bin# 1ound his brie1c+se# +nd 1ished ou" "he p+sspor"sC
bo"h 1+&es. The one he pic&ed ou" 1or hi9sel1# 1ro9 + h+nd1ul o1 p+sspor"s o1 di11eren"
n+"ion+li"ies# $+s S+udi. The one he8d h+d h+s"ily cr+1"ed 1or Si99ons h+d hi9 +s + ci"iDen o1
/on"enegro# li&e "he ones he8d h+d 9+de 1or Tess *h+y&in +nd 1or 3eyrouD Sh+r+1i# cour"esy o1
+ boKlo+d o1 bl+n& p+sspor"s pre.iously +cFuired 1ro9 + corrup" e9ployee o1 "h+" coun"ry8s
in"erior 9inis"ry. <+hed h+dn8" needed "he docu9en"s on "he $+y in. T$o d+ys e+rlier# +1"er
l+nding +" "he +ir1ield# S"eyn h+d loc&ed up "he +ircr+1"# dise9b+r&ed +lone# +nd c+su+lly "rudged "o "he "o$er "o de+l $i"h "he l+nding 1or9+li"ies. !e8d "hen re"urned "o "he pl+ne $i"h "he
ren"+l c+r l+"er "h+" e.ening +nd helped <+hed s9uggle his sed+"ed co9p+nions under o1
d+r&ness. This $+s ge""ing 9ore co9plic+"ed# $hich <+hed h+d so9e$h+" eKpec"ed. And +s he
gl+nced +" "he 1ire9+n# he s+$ "h+" "he 9+n8s g+De h+d se""led on Si99ons# $ho $+s Jus" si""ing
"here# 1+cing 1or$+rd# i99obile +nd eKpressionless# his eyes hidden behind sungl+sses. <+hed
1el" + "$inge o1 une+se# +nd shielded 1ro9 S"eyn +nd "he 1ire9+n by "he se+" b+c&# he re+ched
in"o his c+se# pulled ou" his ligh"$eigh" Gloc& 05 h+ndgun# "he one $i"h "he eKp+nded nine"een;
round 9+g+Dine "h+" he 1+.ored# +nd "uc&ed i" under his bel" +" "he s9+ll o1 his b+c&.
!e +nd S"eyl reJoined +" "he c+bin door# p+sspor"s in h+nd.
H%our 1riendChe is o&+yIG "he 1ire9+n +s&ed.
H!i9I Oh# he8s 1ine#G <+hed shrugged +s he h+nded "he I"+li+n "he p+sspor"s. !e g+.e
hi9 + co9plici" $in&. HA bi" "oo 9uch o1 your loc+l ,ontepulciano l+s" nigh"# "h+"8s +ll.G
HAh#G "he 9+n rel+Ked +s he 1lic&ed "hrough "he p+sspor"s.
<+hed eyed hi9 c+re1ully# his 9uscles "+u"# his senses on edge.
The h+rried 1ire9+n $+s s"ruggling "o &eep <+hed8s p+sspor" open $hile he 1illed ou" one
o1 "he 1or9s on his &nee. !e co9ple"ed i"# 9o.ed i" "o "he b+c& o1 "he pile# opened Si99ons8s
p+sspor"# "hen se" i" +side +s he 1lic&ed "hrough "he clu"ch o1 p+pers in his h+nd# e.iden"ly loo&ing
1or so9e"hing. !e loo&ed up +" <+hed +nd S"eyn $i"h e9b+rr+ss9en" +nd g+.e "he9 + sheepish
s9ile# "hen $en" b+c& "o his shee"sC"hen one o1 "he9 sn+gged his +""en"ion. !e 1lic&ed p+s" i"#
"hen s"opped# did + double;"+&e +nd $en" b+c& "o i". !e pulled i" ou" o1 "he pile +nd s"udied i"
curiously. And "hen he did $h+" he shouldn8" h+.e done? he gl+nced +" Si99ons. A gl+nce "h+"
$+sn8" c+su+l or +cciden"+l. A 1ur"i.e gl+nce# one "h+" $+s lo+ded $i"h in1or9+"ion. A gl+nce "h+"
9+de <+hed re+ch behind his b+c& +nd# in + c+l9 +nd 1luid 9o"ion# pull ou" "he h+ndgun +nd +i9
i" +" "he 1ire9+n8s 1+ce.
<+hed 9o.ed his o"her h+nd "o his o$n 1+ce# indeK poin"ed up +nd "+pping so1"ly +g+ins"
his lips# sign+ling "he 1ire9+n "o &eep Fuie". Then he s"re"ched "h+" h+nd ou" "o$+rd hi9 +nd
ges"ured 1or hi9 "o h+nd "he bundle o1 p+pers +nd "he p+sspor"s "h+" $ere in his h+nd. The
1ire9+n8s 1+ce clenched up 1ur"her +nd his eyes did + ner.ous le1";+nd;righ" 1lic&# +g+in
"elegr+phing "he op"ions he $+s "hin&ing +bou". <+hed g+.e hi9 + c+l9 Hno;noG ges"ure $i"h his
1inger be1ore "he 9+n nodded his unders"+nding +nd h+nded hi9 "he docu9en"s.
<+hed8s eyes le1" "he 1ire9+n 1or "he brie1es" o1 9o9en"s +s he s+id "o S"eyl# H!elp our
1riend in"o your pl+ne# $on8" youIG
S"eyl hesi"+"ed# "hen s+id# HSure "hing.G !e ben" do$n +nd cl+sped his h+nd +round "he
9+n8s 1ore+r9. The 1ire9+n nodded ner.ously +nd cli9bed in"o "he c+bin. !e s"ood "here#
s$e+"ing e.en 9ore pro1usely no$# 1e+r 1looding his 1+ce# his pu11y body +ll hunched up by "he
open c+bin door in "he lo$;ceilinged 1usel+ge.
<+hed 1lic&ed "hrough "he p+per$or& +nd 1ound "he shee" "h+" h+d c+used "he proble9. I"
$+s "he +ll por"s +ler". A pic"ure o1 Si99ons $+s on i". In"eres"ingly# <+hed no"ed# "here $+s no
pho"o o1 hi9. !e deduced "h+" none o1 "he .idc+ps 1ro9 "he :+"ic+n8s **T: 1oo"+ge h+d been
cle+r enoughC$hich $+s good ne$s. !e h+d "o 9+&e sure i" s"+yed "h+" $+y.
!e loo&ed up +" "he 1ire9+n +nd ges"ured in.i"ingly +" "he se+" +cross "he +isle 1ro9 "he
one Si99ons $+s in. H*rego.G Ple+se.
The 9+n nodded. As he "urned his b+c& "o hi9 +nd $en" "o si" do$n# <+hed r+ised his
h+ndgun +nd sl+99ed i" side$+ys +g+ins" "he 9+n8s he+d# "he h+rdened s"eel colliding +g+ins"
"he 9+n8s s&ull $i"h + dull cr+c&. The o11ici+l cr+shed he+.ily in"o "he ch+ir# 1+ce 1irs". 3lood $+s
seeping ou" on"o "he h+ir +" "he b+c& o1 his he+d +nd ooDing do$n on"o "he le+"her se+". !e
HA$# 9+n#G S"eyl gri9+ced# +nnoyed. HTh+"8s gonn+ 9+&e + bi"ch o1 + 9ess.G
HDon8" $orry +bou" i"#G <+hed "old hi9 c+l9ly +s he pulled "he 9+n o11 "he ch+ir +nd
du9ped hi9 on "he c+bin 1loor. H>us" ge" us ou" o1 here.G
H6e c+n8" l+nd "here $i"h hi9 on bo+rd# you &no$ "h+"#G S"eyl "old <+hed.
The Ir+ni+n "hough" +bou" i" 1or no 9ore "h+n + second# "hen shrugged. HSo $e $on8".G
!e g+.e "he pilo" + poin"ed loo&.
S"eyl nodded his unders"+nding.
The pilo" shu" "he c+bin door# "oo& his se+"# +nd res"+r"ed "he engines. !e guided "he pl+ne
o11 "he run$+y# +nd $i"hin seconds# "hey $ere cli9bing in"o "he cloudless s&y. <+hed $+s se+"ed
1+cing b+c&$+rd# $i"h Si99ons +cross 1ro9 hi9. !e loo&ed ou" his $indo$ +nd $+i"ed.
A 1e$ 9o9en"s +1"er "+&eo11# S"eyl slid "he righ" cup o1 "he he+dse" o11 his e+r +nd le+ned
b+c& in"o "he coc&pi"8s opening. H6e8.e been cle+red "o 1i.e "hous+nd 1ee"#G he in1or9ed <+hed.
The .ie$ $+s spec"+cul+r# +ll "he 9ore so +s S"eyl b+n&ed "he pl+ne in 9id;cli9b. The
high;coun"ry pl+ins +round 48AFuil+ Fuic&ly g+.e $+y "o 1ores";clo+&ed 9oun"+ins. The s9+ll
+ircr+1" soon crossed "he 1or"i1ied hill "o$n o1 *+s"el del /on"e# +nd $i"hin 9inu"es# "hey
$ere s&ir"ing + bold line o1 J+gged pe+&s# $i"h "he sno$c+pped "ip o1 "he Gr+n S+sso# "he highes"
pe+& in I"+ly# "o "heir le1".
S"eyl le+ned b+c& +cross. H4e.eling o11 +" 1i.e "hous+nd 1ee"#G he "old <+hed. H6e8.e go"
+bou" + 9inu"e or so be1ore I h+.e "o s"+r" cli9bing +g+in.G
<+hed 1el" "he +ircr+1" slo$ do$n +nd &ne$ S"eyl $+s "hro""ling b+c& "o +n +irspeed o1 +
hundred &no"s. 6hen he sensed "hey8d s"+biliDed# <+hed pushed hi9sel1 ou" o1 his se+". !e "oo&
Si99ons8s sh+des o11# "uc&ed "he9 in his poc&e"# +nd g+.e hi9 + Fuic& chec&. Si99ons $+s
+$+&e# bu" s"ill he+.ily "r+nFuiliDed# his di99ed eyes s"+ring +" <+hed 1ro9 + .ege"+"i.e 1+ce.
<+hed "ugged on "he +rch+eologis"8s se+" bel" "o chec& "h+" i" $+s secure# g+.e Si99ons +
p+"roniDing p+" on "he chee&# +nd crouched "o "he c+bin door.
The *onFues"8s door consis"ed o1 "$o sec"ions "h+" opened li&e + cl+9C"he upper p+nel#
+ "hird o1 "he heigh" o1 "he opening# $+s hinged 1ro9 "he "op +nd opened up$+rd# "he o"her#
$hich +lso con"+ined "he s"+irs# opened do$n$+rd. <+hed held "he l+"ch $i"h bo"h h+nds +nd
"$is"ed i" slo$ly# "hen held his bre+"h 1or + second +nd nudged "he upper p+r" o1 "he door ou"
+bou" +n inch. I" ins"+n"ly 1lung open# "he edge o1 "he p+nel c+"ching "he +ir1lo$ "h+" $+s rushing
+$+y 1ro9 "he 1usel+ge. !e rele+sed "he h+ndle o1 "he bo""o9 p+nel# +nd i" "oo 1le$ open.
A bl+s" o1 cold +ir rushed in# 1illing "he c+bin $i"h + de+1ening ro+r. <+hed s"e+died
hi9sel1. !e h+d "o +c" 1+s". Air "r+11ic con"rol $ould +lre+dy be S"eyl "he +ll;cle+r "o
+scend "o his neK" 1ligh" le.el +nd $ould s"+r" Fues"ioning hi9 i1 he didn8" resu9e his cli9b soon
+1"er. !e s"epped "o "he 1ire9+n# le+ned do$n# slid his h+nds under his +r9pi"s +nd y+n&ed
hi9 up. !e grun"ed under "he 9+n8s sheer $eigh" +nd h+d s"+r"ed pulling hi9 $hen he 1el" hi9
s"ir. The 9+n $+s groggy# bu" conscious. !is +r9s 1l+iled +round + bi"# $e+&ly. <+hed 9o.ed
$i"h +dded urgency. !e h+l1;li1"ed# h+l1;dr+gged "he 1ire9+n "he 1our 1ee" "o "he c+bin door#
&eeping "o his side# +ler" 1or +ny sudden 9o.e9en". None c+9e. !e go" hi9 "o "he door$+y +nd
se" hi9 do$n on "he c+bin 1loor# "hen 9o.ed "o his 1ee" +nd s"+r"ed pushing.
The 1ire9+n8s he+d $en" ou" 1irs". I" hi" "he 1ierce +ir1lo$ +nd "$is"ed side$+ys .iolen"ly#
$renching hi9 +$+&e +nd c+using his senses "o 1ire b+c& "o li1e. I" $+s so9e"hing he $ould h+.e
prob+bly pre1erred "o +.oid. !is eyes sn+pped open# +nd +1"er + brie1 9o9en" o1 con1usion# $h+"
$+s h+ppening "o hi9 cle+rly hi" ho9e +s he s"+red do$n "he b+c& o1 "he +ircr+1"# "hen s"r+ined
+g+ins" "he $ind +nd h+uled his g+De in"o "he pl+ne# $here <+hed h+d his +r9s loc&ed +round "he
1ire9+n8s legsC+nd he $+s s"ill pushing.
Their eyes 9e" 1or + second# long enough 1or <+hed "o see "he +bsolu"e "error in "he
1ire9+n8s eKpressionC"hen he g+.e hi9 + 1in+l sho.e. The 1ire9+n8s body "u9bled ou" o1 "he
pl+ne +nd ins"+n"ly plu99e"ed ou" o1 .ie$# "r+iling "he brie1es"# spli";second scre+9. <+hed hung
on +s "he +ircr+1"8s nose pi"ched do$n .iolen"ly# i"s cen"er o1 gr+.i"y shi1"ing 1or$+rd "he ins"+n"
"he 1ire9+n 1le$ ou"# Jus" +s S"eyl h+d "old hi9 i" $ould. S"eyl con"rolled i" +nd s"e+died "he
pl+ne. <+hed gl+nced "o$+rd "he coc&pi". S"eyl gl+nced b+c&. <+hed nodded. S"eyl nodded b+c&
+nd "urned "o 1+ce 1or$+rd.
<+hed 1el" "he pl+ne y+$ sligh"ly "o "he le1"# +s i1 i" $ere si""ing on + "urn"+ble "h+"
so9eone "urned coun"ercloc&$ise. S"eyl h+d "he *onFues" under crossed con"rols +nd $+s# +s
pl+nned# 1or$+rd;slipping "he +ircr+1". I" $+s no$ plo$ing +he+d +" + sligh" +ngle +$+y 1ro9 i"s
1usel+ge8s 9+in +Kis. The 9o.e redirec"ed "he +ir1lo$ +round i"? I" $+s no$ curling +round "he
pl+ne8s body 1ro9 "he $ind$+rd side r+"her "h+n 1ro9 "he 1ron"# +nd hi""ing "he open door p+nels
1ro9 behind. <+hed $+s re+dy. The $ind ble$ "he p+nels so "hey $ere no$ s"ic&ing ou" +l9os"
horiDon"+lly# $i"hin e+sy re+ch. <+hed re+ched ou" 1or "he bigger o1 "he "$o# "he lo$er door#
pulled i" in# +nd secured i" shu". !e "hen gr+bbed "he upper p+r" o1 "he door +nd loc&ed i" in"o
pl+ce. The noise inside "he pl+ne $en" 1ro9 hurric+ne ro+r "o l+$n9o$er buDD ins"+n"ly. <+hed
rel+Ked +nd inh+led deeply# "hen "urned +nd s+$ S"eyl8s 1+ce le+ning +cross "he coc&pi" opening.
The pilo" gi.e hi9 + "hu9bs;up. !e re"urned i" +nd "oo& +no"her deep bre+"h.
!e se""led b+c& in his se+" +s "he s9+ll +ircr+1" resu9ed i"s cli9b. !e 1el" "he
pressuriD+"ion s"+r" "o &ic& in# shu" his eyes# +nd le+ned b+c& +g+ins" "he lush he+dres"# punch;
drun& 1ro9 "he $ild sens+"ion "h+" $+s coursing "hrough hi9. /+nsoor <+hed h+d eKperienced
"hings 9os" 9en could concei.e o1# bu" he8d been "hrough "h+" be1ore. I" "oo& + lo" "o
ge" his pulse r+cing# +nd i" sure +s hell $+s r+cing no$. !e 1el" elec"ric. !e inh+led deeply +nd
+llo$ed "he sens+"ion "o +nchor i"sel1 in"o his 9e9ory 9ore in"ensely. I" ple+sed hi9 no end "o
re+liDe "h+"# e.en 1or so9eone li&e hi9# "here $ere s"ill ne$ eKperiences "o be sough" ou" in "his
!e +nd S"eyl h+d "+l&ed +bou" "his# + 1e$ ye+rs e+rlier# $hen "he Ir+ni+n h+d 1irs" hired
"he Sou"h A1ric+n 1or one o1 his" J+un"s. They8d discussed "he possibili"y "h+" so9e"hing
li&e "his $ould h+ppen one d+y. One nigh"# + 1e$ beers# S"eyl h+d "old <+hed +bou" his d+ys
in "he Angol+ bush $+rs# $here he used "o 1erry UNITA rebels +round in +n old *essn+ *+r+.+n.
!e8d "old "he Ir+ni+n ho$ one o1 "he rebels8 1+.ori"e p+s"i9es $+s "+&ing + bunch o1 c+p"ured
S6APO 9enC"he"; +nd *ub+n;b+c&ed go.ern9en" 1orces "hey $ere 1igh"ingC+nd
chuc&ing "he9 ou" o1 his pl+ne $hile $hooping i" up in drun&en 1renDies. <+hed h+d been deeply
in"rigued by S"eyl8s s"ory# bu" up un"il "his 9o9en"# he h+dn8" h+d + ch+nce "o eKperience i"
I" h+d been $or"h "he $+i".
!e opened his eyes slo$ly +s he c+9e ou" o1 his re.erie# +nd his g+De 1ound "he 9+n
si""ing 1+cing hi9. Si99ons $+s +$+&e +nd conscious# bu" his eyes $ere s"r+ining $ide. >udging
by "he horror r+di+"ing 1ro9 "he9# <+hed &ne$ "h+" "he +rch+eologis" h+d $i"nessed $h+" he h+d
<+hed g+.e hi9 + "hin# hu9orless s9ile.
Bno$ing "h+" Si99ons h+d been $+"ching in + helpless d+De 9+de "he e.en" e.en 9ore
Chapter 1,

Reilly spo""ed :ed+" -r"ugrul Jus" +s "he Ali"+li+ Airbus8s c+bin door s$ung open. The
leg+l +""+chO o1 "he 3ure+u8s Is"+nbul subo11ice# + p+unchy A9eric+n o1 Tur&ish descen" $i"h +
"ru9pe" pl+yer8s Jo$ls +nd pu11y crescen"s under his eyes# $+s $+i"ing 1or "he9 +" "he edge o1
"he Je"$+y. They8d 9e" brie1ly "hree ye+rs e+rlier# in "he sou"hern co+s"+l "o$n o1 An"+ly+# $hen
"he leg+" h+d pro.en "o be .ery e11icien" +nd e+sygoing. 7eilly hoped "h+" $+s s"ill "he c+se +s he
s"epped ou" "o 9ee" hi9# $i"h Tess close behind.
A couple o1 d+r&er;s&inned 9en $ere s"+nding "here +longside -r"ugrul# one in + n+.y
blue police o11icer8s uni1or9 $i"h + gold s"+r on e+ch shoulder# "he o"her in + ch+rco+l;colored
sui" + $hi"e shir". 3o"h h+d hu9orless# d+r& bro$n eyes# buDD cu"s# +nd se.ere 9us"+ches
+ccessoriDing "he s"ern eKpressions on "heir 1+ces. A1"er Fuic& in"roduc"ions +ll +round# -r"ugrul#
"he chie1 o1 police# +nd "he spoo& led 7eilly +nd Tess ou" o1 "he +ir;condi"ioned Je"$+y "hrough +
side door +nd do$n so9e s"+irs "o "he "+r9+c. -.en "hough i" $+s l+"e in "he +1"ernoon# "he +ir
$+s s"ill s"i1lingly ho" +nd dry# 9+de $orse by "he s"ench o1 +.i+"ion 1uel.
T$o bl+c& Suburb+ns $i"h "in"ed $indo$s $ere $+i"ing 1or "he9 by "he pl+ne8s 1ron"
l+nding ge+r. /o9en"s l+"er# "he +r9ored SU:s $ere being $+.ed "hrough "he +irpor"8s securi"y
g+"es +nd s"or9ing o11 "o$+rd "he Mueen o1 *i"ies.
-r"ugrul# riding in "he 9iddle ro$ direc"ly in 1ron" o1 7eilly# "$is"ed +round "o 1+ce hi9
+nd h+nded hi9 + hols"ered h+ndgun +nd + boK o1 shells. HThese +re 1or you.G
7eilly "oo& "he gun +nd chec&ed i" I" $+s + s"+nd+rd issue Gloc& 00 $i"h + 1i1"een;
round 9+g+Dine# no scr+"ches on i" +nd 1reshly oiled. !e clipped "he hols"er on"o his bel" +nd
slipped "he gun in"o i". HTh+n&s.G
HI8ll need you "o sign 1or "he9#G -r"ugrul s+id# h+nding 7eilly "he 1or9s +nd + pen. HI
spo&e "o Tilden Jus" +s your pl+ne c+9e in#G he +dded# H+nd# $ell# i"8s no" loo&ing gre+".G
HNo"hing 1ro9 "he prin"sIG 7eilly +s&ed +s he signed "he 1or9s.
-r"ugrul shoo& his he+d. HNe$ %or&8s li+ising $i"h 4+ngley# "he NSA# +nd "he DOD on
"rying "o pin +n ID on "his guy# bu" so 1+r# no"hing.G
H6e8.e go" "o h+.e hi9 on 1ile so9e$here#G 7eilly gru9bled +s he h+nded hi9 b+c& "he
p+per$or&. HThis guy8s no +9+"eur. !e8s done "his &ind o1 "hing be1ore.G
H6ell i1 he h+s# he8s been pre""y good +bou" duc&ing "he li9eligh".G
7eilly 1u9ed 1or + be+" +nd loo&ed ou" +" "he cloudless s&y. Je"s $ere lined up on
1in+l +ppro+ch# +n +rr+y o1 do"s "h+" s"re"ched +s 1+r +s he could see. I" $+s pe+& se+son in
Is"+nbul# +nd "ouris"s $ere 1loc&ing in 1ro9 +ll H6h+" +bou" "he border con"rols hereIG
The chie1 o1 police# $ho $+s se+"ed neK" "o -r"ugrul in "he 9iddle ro$# "urned +nd c+ugh"
his eye.
H!e8s co9ing here#G 7eilly "old hi9. HI1 he8s no" here +lre+dy.G
H%ou8re +ssu9ing he8s +lre+dy re+ched "he s+9e conclusions +s "he boys 1ro9 "he :+"ic+n -r"ugrul Fueried.
HI89 sure he h+s#G 7eilly insis"ed. H!e8s s"ill go" Si99ons "o 1igure "hings ou" 1or hi9.G
-r"ugrul +nd "he cop eKch+nged + 1e$ $ords in Tur&ish# "hen -r"ugrul "old 7eilly# HOur
1riends h+.e "he coun"ry on + "igh" loc&do$n. /os" o1 "he +irpor"s here +re +lso 9ili"+ry +ir1ields#
+nd gi.en "he si"u+"ion $i"h "he Burds +nd $i"h e.ery"hing "h+"8s going on in Ir+F# "he securi"y is
usu+lly pre""y "igh" +ny$+y. The "hing is# $e don8" h+.e 9uch "o go on 1or "he 9+in perp. 6e
don8" e.en &no$ $h+" &ind o1 p+sspor" he8s using.G !e ru99+ged "hrough his brie1c+se +nd
pulled ou" + couple o1 prin"ou"s "h+" he p+ssed b+c& "o 7eilly. HThe only 1+ce $e c+n re+lly +s&
"he9 "o loo& ou" 1or is Si99ons8s.G
7eilly perused "he +ll;por"s +ler". I" h+d p+r+llel p+r+gr+phs in bo"h Tur&ish +nd -nglish
+nd consis"ed o1 "he usu+l bold# urgen" le""ering +nd + couple o1 shor"# descrip"i.e p+r+gr+phs
+longside "$o pho"ogr+phs? one# + gr+iny# pre""y useless one 1ro9 "he :+"ic+n **T: c+9er+s o1
"he bo9ber2 "he o"her# + cle+r# s9iling p+sspor"li&e por"r+i" sho" o1 Si99ons# sho$ing + ruggedly
h+ndso9e 9+n $i"h shoulder;leng"h# $+.y h+ir +nd probing eyes. A young# ruggedly h+ndso9e
I" $+s "he 1irs" "i9e 7eilly h+d seen + pic"ure o1 "he 9issing +rch+eologis". !e "urned "o
Tess# surprised. She $+s se+"ed neK" "o hi9 on "he re+r bench. HThat%s >ed Si99onsIG
H%e+h# $hyIG
7eilly s"udied her $i"h + be9used loo& on his 1+ce# "hen shrugged. HNo"hing.G
!e s+$ "h+" -r"ugrul +nd "he Tur&ish o11icer $ere + sideb+r# +nd le+ned in + bi"
closer "o Tess. H6hen you s+id he $+s "his 1+9ous +rch+eologis" +nd "his big Te9pl+r eKper" +nd
+ll "h+" . . . I &ind o1 pic"ured so9eone older. And nerdier.G !e p+used# "hen "hre$ in# H/+ybe
uglier "oo.G
Tess le" ou" + s9+ll chuc&le. HTh+"# he +in8"#G she "e+sed. HAnd he8s so 1i". I 9e+n# 9y
God# you should see hi9 &i"esur1. T+l& +bou" ripped.G
HPro1essor >ed Si99ons# br+inboK;sl+sh;hun&. 6ho &ne$IG 7eilly 9u""ered $ryly.
Tess s"udied hi9 curiously 1or + be+"# "hen $hisper;l+ughed. HOh 9y God. %ou8re
+c"u+lly Je+lous# +ren8" youIG
3e1ore he could 1ind +n +ns$er "o "h+"# -r"ugrul "urned +g+in "o 1+ce "he9.
H6e +lso "r+c&ed do$n 3ehrouD Sh+r+1i8s $i1e +nd &id. I $en" +nd s+$ her l+s" nigh".
She8s in b+d sh+pe# +s you c+n i9+gine. Our 1riends here h+.e go" "he9 under pro"ec"i.e
7eilly 1ro$ned. H6h+" +re "hey going "o doIG
HI"8s + "ough one. They c+n8" eK+c"ly go ho9e "o Ir+n# no" gi.en $ho 9igh" be behind +ll
H%ou "+l&ed "o our guysIG 7eilly +s&ed hi9.
-r"ugrul nodded. H%e+h. The s"+"ion chie1 spo&e "o "he +9b+ss+dor +nd "he consul.
Shouldn8" be + proble9 "o ge" "he9 poli"ic+l re1ugee s"+"us. She8s go" cousins in S+n Diego# so
"h+"8s + possibili"y.G
HAnd "he rese+rch +ssis"+n"IG
HThere8s no sign o1 hi9. I" loo&s li&e he go" ou" o1 Dodge +lre+dy. Around "he s+9e "i9e
Sh+r+1i $en" "o >ord+n i" see9s.G !is eKpression d+r&ened +s his 9ind see9ed "o l+"ch on "o
so9e"hing else. HTh+" poor b+s"+rd. I $onder i1 he $+s s"ill +li.e be1ore . . .G !is eyes d+r"ed
hesi"+n"ly side$+ys +" Tess# +nd his .oice "r+iled o11. !e "hen re9e9bered so9e"hing else#
c+using hi9 "o ri1le "hrough "he p+per$or& in his h+nds be1ore p+ssing +no"her shee" b+c& "o
HOn "h+" 1ron"# $e go" so9e"hing#G he "old hi9. HThe uneKploded bo9b# "he one "h+" $+s
in "he c+r $i"h you# /iss *h+y&inIG !e g+.e her + gl+nce "h+" $+s so9e$h+" +pologe"ic. HThe
bo9b "ech guys8 repor" c+9e in. I" $+s + serious piece o1 h+rd$+re. T$en"y pounds o1 *) J+c&ed
"o + cell phone.G
7eilly $+s +lre+dy sc+nning "he shee". HNo "+gg+n"sIG
H6h+" +re "+gg+n"sIG Tess +s&ed.
H/+nu1+c"urers o1 such +s *) +nd Se9"eK +re bound by in"ern+"ion+l
con.en"ions "o +dd uniFue 9+r&er che9ic+ls "o "heir produc"s# "o help iden"i1y "heir pro.en+nce
i1 needed#G -r"ugrul eKpl+ined. HAnd surprisingly# "he sys"e9 $or&s. %ou r+rely see un"+gged
9+"eri+l. One pl+ce $e h+.e seen i"# "hough# is in Ir+F. In c+r bo9bs.G
H*+r bo9bs +""ribu"ed "o Ir+ni+n;b+c&ed insurgen"s#G 7eilly +dded.
-r"ugrul "urned b+c& "o 7eilly. HAlso# "he +rchi"ec"ure $+s iden"ic+l "o de.ices $e8.e seen
"here. The $+y "he circui" bo+rd $+s ho";$ired. The solder poin"s on "he de"on+"or c+ps. 7igh"
do$n "o "he $iring i"sel1. pu" i" "oge"her s"udied under "he s+9e Jih+d 9+s"er.G !e g+.e
7eilly + poin"ed loo&. H6e 9+y no" h+.e 9uch# bu" $h+" $e do h+.e +ll see9s "o be poin"ing +"
7eilly c+ugh" + no"ice+ble h+rdening in "he Tur&ish in"elligence o11icer8s J+$line +" "he
9en"ion. The Tur&s +nd "he Ir+ni+ns $eren8" eK+c"ly 3@@s. I" $+sn8" + big secre" "h+" "he Ir+ni+ns
h+d been suppor"ing "he Burdish 6or&ers P+r"y sep+r+"is"s inside Tur&ey 1or 9ore "h+n "$o
dec+des# supplying "he9 $i"h $e+pons +nd +nd p+r"icip+"ing in "heir drug s9uggling
oper+"ions. The 1+c" "h+" "he Burdish 9ili"+n"s h+d# in "he l+s" 1e$ ye+rs# spre+d "heir "he+"er o1
oper+"ions "o inside Ir+n i"sel1# $+s only o1 li""le sol+ce "o "he long;+ggrie.ed Tur&s. I1 "heir
Fu+rryC$ho $+s +lre+dy + $+n"ed 9+n in Tur&ey 1or "he behe+ding o1 Sh+r+1i8s d+ugh"er8s
"e+cherC$+s +n Ir+ni+n +gen"# "he Tur&s $ould $+n" no"hing 9ore "h+n "o ge" "heir h+nds on
hi9 +nd s"ring hi9 up "o +n ou"r+ged $orld.
The high$+y r+9ped up$+rd +s "hey re+ched "he big B+r+yolu in"erch+nge# opening up +
cle+r .ie$ o1 "he ci"y8s 1ull 9+Jes"y. I"s se.en hills rose +nd 1ell gen"ly in "he dis"+nce# e+ch one
o1 "he9 "opped by + 9onu9en"+l 9osFue# "heir 9+ssi.e# sFu+" do9es +nd "hin# roc&e"li&e
9in+re"s "he i9peri+l ci"y i"s uniFue# o"her$ordly s&yline. In "he 1+r dis"+nce# "o "heir
righ"# $+s "he l+rges" o1 "he9 +ll# !+gi+ Sophi+# "he church o1 "he holy $isdo9# 1or close "o +
"hous+nd ye+rs "he l+rges" c+"hedr+l in "he $orld# be1ore i" $+s"ed in"o + 9osFue +1"er "he
O""o9+ns conFuered *ons"+n"inople in ')3. The ci"y "h+" $+s once &no$n +s H"he ci"y o1 "he
$orld8s desire#G "he i9peri+l c+pi"+l "h+" h+d endured 9ore sieges +nd +""+c&s "h+n +ny o"her ci"y
on -+r"h# $+s "he only ci"y on "he pl+ne" "h+" s"r+ddled "$o con"inen"s. since i" $+s 1ounded
9ore "h+n "$o "hous+nd ye+rs +go# i" h+d been + pl+ce $here -+s" +nd 6es" 9e"C+nd b+""led. A
du+l role "h+" i" $+s s"ill# i" see9ed# des"ined "o pl+y.
HSo "his piece o1 in1o . . . you s+id you "hin& "he "+rge"8s co9ing "o Is"+nbul "o "ry +nd
1ind ou" $here so9e old 9on+s"ery isIG -r"ugrul +s&ed.
HThe Te9pl+r +" "he he+r" o1 $h+"8s going on is + &nigh" c+lled *onr+d. There8s .ery li""le
+bou" hi9 ou" "here# bu" "he guys +" "he :+"ic+n 1ound re1erences "o hi9 in "he sc+ns o1
"he 7egis"ry#G 7eilly eKpl+ined. HTh+"8s $h+" our "+rge" $+s +1"er. See# *onr+d $+s in *yprus
+1"er "he crus+ders go" &ic&ed ou" o1 Acre in '0,'. Si99ons &ne$ "h+" +lre+dy. 3u" "here $+s
9ore in1o in "he 7egis"ry# +bou" $h+" h+ppened "o hi9 +1"er "h+".G
!e de1erred "o Tess. She pic&ed up "he b+"on. HIn "he 9on"hs +nd ye+rs +1"er "he +rres"
$+rr+n"s $ere issued in '3(7#G she "old -r"ugrul# H+ s9+ll +r9y o1 inFuisi"ors $ere sen" ou" "o
round up +ny 1ugi"i.e Te9pl+rs +nd con1isc+"e $h+" Te9pl+r +sse"s "hey could ge" "heir
h+nds on. One o1 "hose inFuisi"ors# + pries" $ho8d been disp+"ched "o *yprus "o "r+c& do$n "he
Te9pl+rs $ho8d been eKiled 1ro9 "here# h+d s+iled on "o "he 9+inl+nd +nd spen" + ye+r ro+9ing
"he +re+ be"$een An"ioch +nd *ons"+n"inople hun"ing "he9 do$n. In his Journ+l# he recorded
co9ing +cross + derelic" 9on+s"ery "uc&ed +$+y up in "he 9oun"+ins "h+" $+s s"re$n $i"h "he
s&ele"ons o1 i"s 9on&s. !e "hen recorded 1inding "he "o9bs o1 "hree Te9pl+rs in + c+nyon no" 1+r
1ro9 "here. According "o "he 9+r&ings he 1ound by "he "o9bs# one o1 "he &nigh"s buried "here is
our 9+n *onr+d.G
H6h+" 9oun"+ins $+s he "+l&ing +bou"IG
H/oun" Arg+eus#G Tess s+id. HI"8s +n old 4+"in n+9e. %ou prob+bly &no$ i" +s /oun"
-r"ugrul nodded# recogniDing "he n+9e. H4rciyes &a67. I"8s +n eK"inc" .olc+no.G !e g+.e
"he9 + dubious loo&. HI"8s big.G
HI &no$#G 7eilly s+id so9berly.
HI"8s b+ng in "he 9iddle o1 "he coun"ry# in An+"oli+. There8s + s&iing resor" "here
so9e$here.G -r"ugrul "hough" +bou" i" 1or + 9o9en"# "hen s+id# HSo "h+"8s "he 9on+s"ery you
$+n" "he guys +" "he P+"ri+rch+"e "o help you loc+"eIG
7eilly nodded. H7igh" no$# *onr+d8s "r+il ends $i"h his gr+.e. I "hin& "here8s + good
ch+nce "h+"8s $here our "+rge"8s he+ded# hoping "o 1ind so9e clue "o "he loc+"ion o1 $h+" "he
&nigh"s "oo& b+c& 1ro9 "he 9on&s. 3u" $e don8" &no$ eK+c"ly $here "hose +re# +nd he
doesn8" ei"her. In his Journ+l# "he inFuisi"or only described "he loc+"ion o1 "he c+nyon relative to
the monasteryCbu" $e don8" &no$ $here "h+" is.G
H*+n8" $e eK"r+pol+"e his Journey by "rying "o 1i" i" "o "he "err+in +round "he 9oun"+inIG
HThe +re+ is riddled $i"h .+lleys +nd c+nyons. 6i"hou" &no$ing $here "he inFuisi"or se"
o11 1ro9# $e8d be guessing#G Tess "old hi9. H6e need "o &no$ $here "he 9on+s"ery is "o use i" +s
+ s"+r"ing poin"# "o &no$ $h+" direc"ion "o loo& in.G
H6h+" $e do &no$ is "h+" i"8s + 3+sili+n 9on+s"ery#G 7eilly +dded. H/e+ning i"8s +n
Or"hodoK 9on+s"ery.G
HAnd i1 "here8s +ny record o1 i"# "he 1irs" pl+ce "o loo& $ould be +" "he he+r" o1 "he
Or"hodoK *hurch#G -r"ugrul in1erred.
H-K+c"ly#G 7eilly +greed. HI1 $e 1ind "he 9on+s"ery# $e c+n 1ollo$ "he inFuisi"or8s
poin"ers 1ro9 "here "o ge" "o "he Te9pl+rs8 And i1 $e c+n ge" "here 1irs"# 9+ybe $e8ll 1ind
our bo9berC+nd Si99onsC"here.G
H6ell# I spo&e "o "he +rchbishop8s secre"+ry +1"er $e spo&e#G -r"ugrul "old hi9. HThey8re
eKpec"ing us.G !e shrugged +nd +dded# H/+ybe $e8ll ge" luc&y.G
7eilly 1el" + boil o1 r+ge bubble up inside hi9 +s he re9e9bered ho$ per1ec"ly "he
bo9ber h+d pl+yed his role# 1ro9 "he poin" he8d 9e" 7eilly +" "he +irpor" in 7o9e un"il 7eilly
h+d con1ron"ed hi9 in "he Pope9obile. The 9+n didn8" see9 "o le+.e +ny"hing "o ch+nce# +nd
7eilly didn8" "hin& "hey ough" "o be hoping 1or + luc&y bre+& here ei"her. I" $+s going "o "+&e
9ore "h+n "h+" "o bring hi9 do$n.
They go" o11 "he high$+y +nd slipped in"o "he ch+o"ic s"ree"s o1 cen"r+l Is"+nbul. 4oud
diesel belches 1ro9 old "ruc&s +nd buses +nd ir+"e c+r horns bl+red +round "he9 +s "hey cu"
"hrough "he ci"y# he+ding "o$+rd "he de1ensi.e $+lls "h+" lined "he c+l9 $+"ers o1 "he Golden
!orn. The s9+ll con.oy n+.ig+"ed "hrough + 1e$ "urns be1ore .eering in"o + n+rro$# one;$+y
l+ne "h+" rose up + gen"le hill# s&ir"ing + "+ll $+ll "o i"s le1".
HThere8s "he Ph+n+r#G -r"ugrul "old "he9# re1erring "o "he P+"ri+rch+"e by i"s nic&n+9e +s
he poin"ed ou" "he $indo$.
7eilly +nd Tess loo&ed ou". 3eyond "he $+ll l+y "he Gree& Or"hodoK P+"ri+rch+"e# $hich
$+s "o "he Or"hodoK *hurch $h+" "he :+"ic+n $+s "o "he *+"holicsC"hough no$here ne+r +s
gr+nd. The Or"hodoK *hurch $+sn8" + uni1ied 9o.e9en" +nd didn8" h+.e one spiri"u+l le+der +"
i"s he+d. I" $+s 1r+g9en"ed +nd h+d + di11eren" p+"ri+rch $ i" h+d + l+rge body o1
1ollo$ers# such +s in 7ussi+# Greece# or *yprus. The ecu9enic+l p+"ri+rch o1 Is"+nbul# ho$
$+s considered i"s cere9oni+l le+derC"he H1irs" +9ong eFu+lsGCbu" his P+"ri+rch+"e $+s s"ill
no"hing 9ore "h+n + hu9ble clus"er o1 unprepossessing buildings.
The co9pound $+s buil" +round "he *+"hedr+l o1 S". George# + pl+in# do9eless church
"h+" h+d s"+r"ed o11 +s + con.en". The $hole church could prob+bly h+.e 1i" inside "he n+.e o1 S".
Pe"er8s c+"hedr+l# $i"h roo9 "o sp+re. S"ill# i" $+s "he spiri"u+l cen"er o1 Or"hodoKy# + be+u"i1ully
decor+"ed church "h+" housed "re+sured relics# including p+r" o1 "he *olu9n o1
@l+gell+"ion "o $hich >esus $+s "ied +nd $hipped be1ore !is cruci1iKion. The le+1y co9pound
+lso included + 9on+s"ery# so9e +d9inis"r+"i.e o11ices# +ndCo1 9os" in"eres" "o 7eilly +nd Tess
C"he P+"ri+rch+"e 4ibr+ry.
Abou" se.en"y y+rds or so 1ro9 "he co9pound8s en"r+nce# "he c+rs +he+d o1 "he +r9ored
SU:s slo$ed "o + cr+$l. The +ppro+ch ro+d# $hich rose "o "he "op o1 "he hill be1ore dropping
b+c& so1"ly# $+s lined $i"h p+r&ed c+rs on bo"h sides# +nd $+s only $ide enough 1or + single l+ne
o1 "r+11ic# $hich $+s no$ grinding "o + h+l". A couple o1 i9p+"ien" c+r horns $ere Fuic& "o
ch+llenge "he del+y. 7eilly# 1rus"r+"ed by "he holdup# le+ned side$+ys 1or + be""er loo&. Up +he+d#
+bou" + doDen c+rs do$n "he l+ne# + s9+ll cro$d $+s clus"ered +round "he P+"ri+rch+"e8s 9+in
g+"e. They see9ed +gi"+"ed +nd $ere +ll loo&ing +" so9e"hing inside "he co9pound +nd poin"ing
up +" i". A s9+ll "our .+n +nd + "+Ki "h+" $ere dropping o11 so9e .isi"ors $ere +lso s"+lled "here#
"heir dri.ers ou" o1 "heir .ehicles +nd loo&ing up in "he s+9e direc"ion.
7eilly 1ollo$ed "heir g+Des +cross +nd in"o "he co9pound# +nd s+$ $h+" "hey $ere +ll
loo&ing +". A plu9e o1 bl+c& s9o&e $+s rising 1ro9 "he 1+r corner o1 one o1 i"s buildings.
And "hen he s+$ so9e"hing else.
A lone 1igure# $+l&ing ou" o1 "he co9pound.
A 9+n $i"h shor"# d+r& h+ir# $e+ring "he bl+c& c+ssoc& o1 + pries"# $+l&ing $i"h + c+su+l
g+i"# 9+ybe + bi" hurried# bu" no" in + $+y "h+" $ould dr+$ +""en"ion.
A burs" o1 blood 1lushed "hrough 7eilly8s "e9ples.
HTh+"8s hi9#G he blur"ed# cli9bing ou" o1 his se+" +s he poin"ed de+d +he+d. HTh+" pries"#
righ" "here. Th+"8s our guy. The son o1 + bi"ch is righ" "here.G
Chapter 1-

A9+d p+nic erup"ed inside "he le+d SU: +s +ll siK o1 i"s occup+n"s l+sered "heir +""en"ion
on"o "he g+"hering cro$d ou"side "he en"r+nce o1 "he P+"ri+rch+"e.
H6hereIG -r"ugrul +s&ed +s he cr+ned his nec& le1" +nd righ" +nd sc+nned +he+d. H6here
is heIG
H7igh" "here#G 7eilly gro$led# no$ le+ning 1or$+rd so 1+r o11 his se+" "h+" he $+s +l9os"
cli9bing "he b+c& o1 "he leg+". !e 1ough" "o &eep his "+rge" in .ie$# bu" "he 9+n in "he
pries"8s c+ssoc& $+s +$+y +nd dis+ppe+ring behind "he cro$d. H6e8re going "o lose
hi9#G he r+sped# +nd seeing "h+" "he c+rs $eren8" going +ny$here# he cl+9bered "he b+c& o1
"he 9iddle ro$ o1 se+"s +nd -r"ugrul# 1lung "he c+r door open +nd burs" ou" in"o "he s"ree".
>us" +s he $+s eKi"ing "he c+r# he he+rd "he police chie1 b+r& so9e"hing +ngrily "o "heir spurring "he young "rooper "o do $h+" $+s prob+bly "he $ors" "hing he could h+.e done?
sl+99ing his h+nd do$n on "he horn +nd le+ning ou" o1 his $indo$# shou"ing +nd ges"uring +"
"he o1 "he c+r +he+d o1 hi9 "o 9o.e ou" o1 "he $+y.
7eilly $+s +lre+dy ch+rging +$+y 1ro9 "he +r9ored Suburb+n $hen he s+$ "he bo9ber
re+c" "o "he 9isJudged ou"burs". 6i"hou" slo$ing do$n# "he 9+n spun his g+De +round +nd "heir
eyes 9e".
Wrong move# 7eilly cursed in$+rdly +s he sprin"ed 1or$+rd +nd dre$ his h+ndgun.
Wrong fucking move.

<A!-D SA6 7-I44% STO7/ OUT o1 "he bl+c& SU: +nd spurred his legs "o li1e.
There $+sn8" + second "o lose. 7eilly $+s no$ rushing "o$+rd hi9# gun dr+$n# + doDen or so c+r
leng"hs +$+y. O"her 9en $ere +lso pouring ou" o1 "he bl+c& Suburb+n +nd 1ro9 +no"her one Jus"
behind i".
All o1 $hich "oo& hi9 by surprise.
They%re good# <+hed see"hed. No, not they# he correc"ed hi9sel1. )eilly. )eilly%s good.
!e s"o$ed "he concern. There $ere 9ore pressing 9+""ers +" h+nd.
!e8d p+r&ed his ren"+l c+r do$n "he hill 1ro9 "he P+"ri+rch+"e8s g+"es# +nd he ins"+n"ly
re+liDed he8d h+.e "o +b+ndon i" "here. I" $+s +bou" 1i1"y y+rds +$+y do$n "he l+ne# "oo 1+r "o
re+ch s+1ely# +nd besides# "here $+s no "i9e "o co+K i" ou" o1 i"s "igh" spo".
!e decided on + 1+r 9ore e11icien" esc+pe rou"e.
/ $i"h "he cool 1+cili"y o1 so9eone $ho8d pr+c"iced "he rou"ine + hundred "i9es 1or
"he 1in+l o1 + re+li"y sho$# he b+n&ed righ" +nd doubled b+c& +nd he+ded uphillCcu""ing "hrough
"he cro$d "o$+rd 7eilly bu"# 9ore rele.+n"ly# beelining his $+y "o "he .ehicles "h+" $ere s"opped
ou"side "he co9pound8s g+"e.
@ro9 underne+"h his c+ssoc&# he pulled ou" "he big Gloc&.
And $i"hou" 9issing + be+"# he s"+r"ed 1iring.
!e loosed his 1irs" siK sho"s in"o "he +ir# Jus" 1iring in"o "he s&y +s he yelled# HGe" ou"P
/o.eP No$PG $hile $ his +r9s in "he +ir li&e + 9+d9+n. The e11ec" $+s ins"+n"+neousC+
"orren" o1 scre+9s c+sc+ded ou"$+rd +s "he "erri1ied onloo&ers s"+9peded 1or he+ding
+$+y 1ro9 hi9 +nd running s"r+igh" in"o 7eilly8s p+"h.
<+hed $+s s"ill bris&ly +nd $en" righ" up "o "he o1 "he .ehicle +" "he roo" o1
"he b+c&ed;up "r+11ic. The 9+n h+d been s"+nding by "he door o1 his .+n +nd $+s Jus" roo"ed
"here# s"+r"led +nd con1used. <+hed sFueeDed o11 + round .ir"u+lly poin";bl+n&# +nd be1ore "he
9+n e.en &ne$ $h+" hi" hi9# "he 1orce o1 "he .35(;c+liber shell ripped "he dri.er8s ches" open
+nd 1lung hi9 b+c&$+rd $i"h + .icious sn+p. <+hed &ep" Obli.ious "o "he 9+yhe9
+round hi9# he Jus" loped p+s" "he dri.er8s open door +nd r+ised his h+ndgun +g+in# "his "i9e +"
"he "+Ki "h+" $+s s"opped behind "he .+n. The "+Ki $ho $+s s"+nding neK" "o i"# loo&ed +"
"he gun;"o"ing pries" in "error +nd r+ised his +r9s# his legs crippled $i"h 1e+r. A d+r&# $e" p+"ch
bloo9ed +round his cro"ch. <+hed held his g+De 1or + second# "hen his e9o"ionless eyes s$ung
+$+y 1ro9 "he 9+n in concer" $i"h his gun h+nd un"il bo"h se""led on "he c+r8s righ" 1ron" $heel.
<+hed pulled "he "rigger +g+in# +nd +g+in# "hen + "hird "i9e# shredding "he "ire "o bi"s +nd c+using
"he c+r "o lurch +nd drop he+.ily on"o i"s ri9.
!e gl+nced "he hobbled "+Ki8s roo1 +nd c+ugh" + gli9pse o1 7eilly b+""ling "he "ide o1
esc+ping onloo&ers. The +gen" $+s no$ less "h+n "hir"y y+rds +$+y. !e r+ised his h+ndgun +nd
"ried "o line 7eilly do$n i"s sigh"# bu" "here $+s "oo 9uch co99o"ion +round "he +gen" +nd
<+hed couldn8" ge" + cle+n sho".
Ti9e "o .+9oose.
6i"h his $e+pon s"ill in his grip# he le+p" behind "he $heel o1 "he .+n# sl+99ed i" in"o
dri.e# +nd 1loored i".

7-I44% !AD 4OST SIG!T O@ his "+rge" 1or no 9ore "h+n + 1e$ in"+&es o1 bre+"h
be1ore "he 1irs" sho"s sen" "he cro$d scurrying in his direc"ion.
They $ere co9ing righ" +" hi9C9en +nd $o9en o1 +ll +ges +nd siDes# scre+9ing +nd
yelling +nd running 1or "heir !e "ried dodging +nd cu""ing "hrough "he onsl+ugh"# bu" i" $+s
h+rd enough 1or hi9 Jus" "o hold his ground. Precious seconds "ic&ed +$+y +s blurred bodies
sl+99ed in"o hi9 +nd scurried p+s"# seconds during $hich he he+rd +no"her sho"# "hen + 1e$
9ore# e+ch one o1 "he9 $hipping his neurons +nd urging hi9 1or$+rd.
!e held his gun up close "o his 1+ce +nd used his o"her +r9 "o cle+r + p+"h "hrough "he
1renDy# yelling +nd $ HGe" do$nG +s he 1ough" his $+y 1or$+rdC+nd "hen he he+rd i"# "he
$+il o1 + burdened engine +nd "he sFue+l o1 scrubbed "ires +nd "he l+s" o1 "he cro$d s"re+9ed by
"o re.e+l "he .+n "e+ring do$n "he l+ne.
7eilly sprin"ed +1"er "he .+n +s 1+s" +s he could# "hen s&i""ered "o + s"op +nd lined up +
sho" +nd pulled "he "rigger once# "$ice# + "hird "i9eCbu" i" $+s poin"less +" "h+" dis"+nce. The
.+n $+s +lre+dy dis+ppe+ring 1ro9 .ie$. !e spun +round# his ins"inc"s doing + ligh"ning;1+s"
+ssess9en" o1 "he si"u+"ion +round hi9. !e regis"ered "he bl+c& s9o&e no$ billo$ing ou" o1 +
$indo$ on +n upper 1loor o1 one o1 "he co9pound8s buildings# "he pries"s spilling ou" o1 "he
P+"ri+rch+"e in p+nic# -r"ugrul +nd "he Tur&ish cops rushing "o$+rd hi9# "he sho" 9+n spr+$led
on "he ground# +no"her 9+n s"+nding by + "+Ki $i"h + pe"ri1ied s"+re on his 1+ce# "he "+Ki8s "il" +nd
lo$ s"+nce on "he dri.er8s side# "he 1+c" "h+" i" $+s bloc&ing +ll "he c+rs behind i" +nd didn8" loo&
li&e i" $+s going +ny$here# no" soon enough +ny$+y.
6hich 9e+n" he only h+d one op"ion.
To run# +s 1+s" +s he could# +nd hope 1or + 9ir+cle.
*h+sing +1"er "he .+n "h+" $+s no$ dis+ppe+ring +round + bend do$n "he ro+d# he bol"ed
1or$+rd# bre+"hing h+rd# his p+l9s cu""ing "hrough "he s"ill +ir# his elbo$s ro$ing hi9 1or$+rd#
"he soles o1 his shoes hi""ing "he +sph+l" h+rd in + s"+cc+"o o1 crisp sl+ps. !e 9us" h+.e co.ered
"$en"y or so c+r leng"hs be1ore he spo""ed his 9ir+cle# + 9iddle;+ged $o9+n $ho $+s ge""ing
in"o her c+r# + s9+ll burgundy :6 Polo.
There $+s no "i9e 1or leng"hy eKpl+n+"ions.
6i"hin seconds# 7eilly h+d blur"ed ou" + couple o1 +pologe"ic $ords# sn+"ched "he &eys
ou" o1 her h+nd# Ju9ped behind "he $heel# +nd screeched ou" o1 "he p+r&ing spo"# "he
$o9+n8s incensed shou"s in his $+&e +s he roc&e"ed +1"er his prey.
Chapter 20

$+nsour <+hed sc+nned "he .ie$ 1ro9 "he .+n8s $indshield $i"h heigh"ened
!e $+s so9e$h+" 1+9ili+r $i"h Is"+nbul# + ci"y he8d .isi"ed on + nu9ber o1 occ+sions in
"he course o1 .+rious +ssign9en"s. 3u" he didn8" &no$ i"s ro+d con1igur+"ion "h+" $ell# +nd he
cer"+inly didn8" &no$ "he n+rro$ s"ree"s o1 "he Ph+n+r dis"ric" $ell enough "o &no$ $here he $+s
going. !e didn8" re+lly c+re $here he ended up. !e8d go""en $h+" he $+n"ed 1ro9 "he libr+ry o1
"he P+"ri+rch+"e. All he needed "o do no$ $+s pu" + re+son+ble bu11er Done be"$een hi9 +nd "he
Or"hodoK co9pound $hile 9+&ing sure he h+dn8" been 1ollo$ed# "hen du9p "he .+n +nd gr+b +
c+b "o Join up $i"h S"eyl +nd "heir c+p"i.e +rch+eologis".
!e re+ched +n in"ersec"ion +nd "urned righ"# he+ding "o$+rd "he $+"er1ron" +nd "he du+l
high$+y "h+" sn+&ed up +nd do$n "he sou"h b+n& o1 "he Golden !orn. I1 he could 9+&e i" on"o i"#
he $+s ho9e 1ree. I" $+s + 9+Jor +r"ery "h+" he could co91or"+bly ride "o dis"+nce hi9sel1 1ro9
7eilly +nd his posse. I" h+d "o be close "o "he $+"er# he "hough"# "he "ension +cross his body
s"+r"ing "o dissip+"e. No 9ore "h+n + h+nd1ul o1 s"ree"s +$+y.
The sFue+l o1 + c+r sliding +round + corner bru"+lly guillo"ined his reprie.e.
!e gl+nced in his 9irror. A d+r& h+"chb+c& h+d s&idded in"o .ie$ +nd $+s e+"ing up "he
ro+d behind hi9.
A gli9pse o1 "he $+s enough "o "ell hi9 i" $+s 7eilly.
,adar "endeh# he s$ore under his bre+"h +s he 9+shed "he g+s ped+l +nd "igh"ened his
grip on "he $heel.
!e re+ched + busy in"ersec"ion# +nd punched "he br+&e ped+l be1ore hi""ing "he horn +nd
b+rging "hrough. !e scru"iniDed his$ 9irror 1or + couple o1 "ense he+r"be+"s be1ore he
he+rd "he long dopplery ho$l o1 + c+r horn +nd spo""ed "he h+"chb+c& e9erge 1ro9 "he ch+os o1
"he in"ersec"ion +nd scurry +1"er hi9 li&e +n +ngry "errier.
!e s"or9ed "hrough + couple o1 9ore in"ersec"ions# cu""ing p+s" in1uri+"ed dri.ers +nd
using "he .+n8s bul& "o bully "he9 ou" o1 his $+y +s i1 he $ere in + de9oli"ion derby# +nd
9+n+ged "o pu" + 1e$ c+rs be"$een hi9 +nd 7eilly. !e do.e in"o +no"her s"ree" Jus" +he+d o1 +
big "ruc& +nd 9o"ored +$+y# &eeping +n eye on his side 9irror "o see ho$ 9+ny c+r leng"hs he8d
g+ined by "he 9+neu.erC+nd "hen dis+s"er s"ruc&. !e8d re+ched "he on;r+9p "o "he co+s"+l ro+d#
+ du+l p+r&$+y "h+" consis"ed o1 "$o sep+r+"e "$o;l+ne ro+ds# one he+ding nor"h +nd "he o"her
sou"h# "h+" r+n +longside e+ch o"her in pl+ces +nd $ere 1+r +p+r" in o"hers.
The proble9 $+s# "he +ccess ro+d he $+s on $+s bloc&ed by "r+11ic.
!e sl+99ed on his br+&es +nd sc+nned +he+d. The ro+d "h+" "he r+9p $+s le+ding "o# "he
one he+ding nor"h# $+s "o"+lly s$+9ped. @rus"r+"ingly# "he one he+ding sou"h $+s cle+r# bu" he
couldn8" ge" on i"# no" $i"h c+rs +nd "ruc&s no$ b+c&ed up behind hi9 +nd "$o;1oo" +lu9inu9
b+rriers on ei"her side.
!e $+s boKed in.
6orse# he gl+nced in his 9irror +nd# +bou" se.en c+r leng"hs b+c&# spo""ed + burgundy;
colored c+r door s$inging open +nd 7eilly burs"ing ou".
!e gri9+ced# i9pressed +nd +ngered in eFu+l 9e+sure by "he +gen"8s relen"lessness# +nd
lunged ou" o1 "he .+n.
!e sprin"ed do$n "he +ccess ro+d# cl+9bered one o1 "he b+rriers# +nd cu" +cross +
p+rched gr+ssl+nd "o re+ch "he 9+in ro+d. !e gl+nced b+c& +nd s+$ 7eilly rushing +1"er hi9# +nd
"hough" +bou" pulling ou" his gun +nd "+&ing + sho"# "hen decided +g+ins" i". Ins"e+d# he &ep" sn+&ing "hrough "he s"+lled c+rs# hurdling +no"her b+rrier# +nd "e+ring +cross
+no"her bi" o1 gr+ssl+nd# "hen + 1+r"her b+rrier "o re+ch "he sou"h p+r&$+y "h+" $+s 1lo$ing
$i"h c+rs.
!e loo&ed b+c&. 7eilly $+s closing in. !e "urned +nd siDed up "he onco9ing c+rs. !e
spo""ed + $hi"e sed+n $i"h + single occup+n" co9ing "o$+rd hi9# +nd s"epped in"o "he 9iddle o1
"he ro+d# his h+nds held ou" high +nd $ide# $ "he9 +s i1 c+lling ou" 1or help. !e c+lcul+"ed
"h+" "he pries"8s c+ssoc& he $+s $e+ring $ould helpC$hich i" did# +s "he c+r slo$ed righ" do$n
+nd pulled in close "o "he b+rrier. A couple o1 c+rs behind i" slid "o + h+l"# "ires +nd horns
shrie&ing. <+hed ignored "he9. !e Jus" +ppro+ched "he $i"h + sheepish# 1riendly loo& on
his 1+ce. The + sligh"# b+lding 9+n# s"+r"ed "o open his $indo$. I" h+d b+rely slid do$n +
1e$ inches $hen <+hed8s h+nd d+r"ed in +nd $renched "he door open# "hen he re+ched in +nd
rele+sed "he h+pless dri.er8s se+" bel"# gr+bbed hi9# +nd y+n&ed hi9 ou" o1 his c+r in one
1erocious 9o.e. !e 1lung hi9 on"o "he +sph+l" +s i1 he $ere unlo+ding + du11el b+g# sending hi9
"u9bling +cross "he l+ne di.ider +nd c+using +n onco9ing "ruc& "o s$er.e +$+y "o +.oid
1l+""ening hi9. <+hed didn8" no"ice. !e $+s +lre+dy behind "he $heel o1 "he hu9+n s&i""le8s @ord
/ondeo +nd s"re+&ing +$+y do$n "he open ro+d.

7-I44% 4-APT O:-7 T!- 4AST 3A77I-7 +nd re+ched "he co99o"ion on "he 9+in
ro+d $i"h "he "+ilg+"e o1 <+hed8s s"olen c+r b+rely s"ill in .ie$. G+sping 1or bre+"h# he s+$ "he
s"unned b+ld 9+n "+l&ing +ni9+"edly $i"h "he dri.ers o1 + couple o1 c+rs "h+" h+d s"opped. They
$ere bloc&ing one o1 "he l+nes +nd c+using + ripple e11ec" o1 ir+"e shou"s +nd horns behind "he9.
Can%t let him get away. Not again.
!e rushed up "o "he 9en# poin"ing +" "he le+d c+r $i"h 9+nic urgency. HIs "his your c+rIG
he +s&ed one o1 "he 9en. HIs "his yoursIG
The b+ld 9+n +nd one o1 "he o"hers eyed hi9 suspiciously +nd "oo& + s"ep b+c&# sh+&ing
"heir he+ds "o indic+"e "h+" i" $+sn8"# bu" "he "hird# + s"rong;boned 9+n $i"h + "hic& nec& +nd
cr+ggy# le+"hery s&in# s"ood his ground +nd s"+r"ed spi""ing ou" + "ir+de o1 +ngry $ords in Tur&ish
$hile $ his h+nds de1i+n"ly.
I don%t have time for this.
7eilly shrugged# re+ched behind his b+c&# +nd pulled ou" his h+ndgun. !e held i" up# his
o"her +r9 +lso r+ised# "he gun +nd his p+l9 1+cing "he 9+n +ppe+singly.
H*+l9 do$n# $ill youIG 7eilly ordered "he9. H%ou $+n" "his guy "o ge" +$+yI Is "h+"
$h+" you $+n"IG
The b+ld 9+n loo&ed li&e he $+s +bou" "o s+y so9e"hing# bu" "he ho";he+ded bruiser
$+sn8" i9pressed. !e resu9ed his "ir+de# cle+rly ber+"ing 7eilly +nd b+c&;sl+pping "he +ir "o
sho$ he $+sn8" i9pressed by "he +r"illery.
'crew this# 7eilly 1ro$ned +s he brough" "he gun do$n +nd 1ired "hree sho"s +" "he ground
by "he 9+n8s 1ee". The 9+n le+p" b+c& li&e he8d Jus" s"epped on + sn+&e. H%our &eys#G 7eilly
shou"ed# poin"ing +" "he c+r +g+in +nd "he he+"ed 9uDDle in"o /ongo8s 1+ce. HGi.e 9e
your godd+9n c+r &eys# you unders"+nd 9eIG
The big guy8s 1+ce crin&led $i"h con1usion# "hen he held ou" his h+nd $i"h "he c+r &eys in
i". 7eilly sn+"ched "he9 1ro9 hi9 +nd sp+" ou" + grudging HTh+n& youG +s he d+r"ed "o "he
c+r# + s"+"ion $+gon o1 nondescrip" pro.en+nce. !e slid behind "he $heel# +.oided g+gging 1ro9
"he s"ench o1 + 9ound o1 s"+le cig+re""e bu""s "h+" clogged +n +sh"r+y in "he d+shbo+rd# +nd "ore
o11 in pursui" o1 his "+rge".
The 1irs" 9ile or so 1le$ by $i"h b+rely +ny o"her c+rs "o"+&e +s + resul" o1 "he cho&e
poin" 7eilly h+d le1" behind. !e spo""ed + $hi"e do" in "he 1+r dis"+nce# +nd "he sigh" energiDed
hi9 1ur"her# "hough "here $+sn8" 9uch 9ore he could $r+ngle ou" o1 "he c+r8s engine. !e $+s
blo$ing p+s" +n old# o.erlo+ded bus $hen + ring 1ro9 "he inside o1 his J+c&e" s"+r"led hi9. 6hile
he &ep" one h+nd gripped on "he $heel# his o"her do.e in"o his poc&e" +nd 1ished "he 3l+c&3erry
Nic& Ap+ro8s ebullien" .oice boo9ed do$n his e+r c+n+l# +s cle+r +s i1 he $ere c+lling
1ro9 +no"her c+r beside hi9 +nd no" 1ro9 @eder+l Pl+D+ in lo$er /+nh+""+n. H!ey# $h+"8s going
onI %our -urope+n .+c+"ion ge""ing +ny be""er ye"# *l+r&IG
So9e .+gue connec"ion "o +n old *he.y *h+se 1l+shed +cross 7eilly8s 1r+DDled
9ind# bu" he $+s "oo 1ocused on reeling in "he $hi"e "+ilg+"e 1or i" "o regis"er.
HI c+n8" "+l& no$#G he s+id# bre+"hless# his eyes loc&ed de+d +he+d.
H%ou8ll $+n" "o he+r "his# *l+r&ie#G Ap+ro insis"ed# s"ill obli.ious "o $h+" his p+r"ner $+s
going "hrough. HI"8s +bou" your 9ys"ery 9+n. 6e go" + hi".G
Chapter 21

L+"er#G 7eilly 1ired b+c&. HI need you "o c+ll -r"ugrul 1or 9e# righ" no$. Tell hi9 I89 do$n "he $+"er1ron" in + s"+"ion $+gonGChe gl+nced +" "he s"eering $heel "h+"#
help1ully# h+d + n+9e +nd no" so9e obscure logo on i"CH+ blue Bi+# +nd our "+rge"8s in + $hi"e
sed+n Jus" +he+d o1 9e +nd $e8re he+dingGChe gl+nced ou" Fuic&ly "o ge" + re+d o1 "he sun8s
posi"ion +nd did + Fuic& 9en"+l J+9 "o 1igure ou" his he+dingCHsou"h# I "hin&# +long "he
True "o 1or9# Ap+ro8s "one $en" 1ro9 Jo.i+l "o de+d serious +s i1 + hypno"is" h+d Jus"
sn+pped his 1ingers. H6h+" "+rge"I The bo9berIG
H%es#G 7eilly blur"ed. H>us" 9+&e "he d+9n c+ll# $ill youIG
Ap+ro8s "one 9orphed in"o 9+nic. H!+ng on# I89 di+ling hi9 on +no"her line. 6h+"8s "he
+sshole dri.ingIG
HI89 no" sure# I didn8" ge" + good loo& +" i". 3u" he $on8" be h+rd "o spo"# no" +" "he speed
he8s going.G
HAll righ"# h+ng on# i"8s ringing.G
7eilly hi" "he loudspe+&er bu""on +nd chuc&ed "he phone on"o "he c+r se+" neK" "o hi9 +s
he sho" p+s" "he s"+lled "r+11ic in "he opposi"e direc"ion +" + diDDying speed. The ro+d sn+&ed le1"
+nd righ" sligh"ly $hile 9+in"+ining + bro+dly s"r+igh" he+ding# +nd 7eilly8s pulse spi&ed +s he
s+$ "he $hi"e sed+n s$er.e 1+r "o "he le1" "o "ry "o ge" p+s" + slo$; +nd p+c&ed dolmu
sh+re;"+Ki "h+" h+d been "rundling do$n "he l+ne di.ider. !e 1in+lly 9+n+ged i"# bu" "he
lu9bering 9ini.+n h+d del+yed hi9# +nd "he son o1 + bi"ch $+s no$ $i"hin re+ch. 7eilly hi" his
ligh"s +nd 9+shed "he horn +nd s$ep" p+s" "he dolmu $i"hou" del+y# g+ining precious ground on
"he $hi"e sed+n# $hich he could no$ dis"inguish +s + @ord.
!is 1ingers "igh"ened +g+ins" "he $heel# 1eeling "heir Fu+rry8s nec& $i"hin "heir gr+sp#
$hile up +he+d# "he 1irs" o1 "$o bridges +cross "he Golden !orn c+9e in"o .ie$. 7eilly g+ined
9ore dis"+nce on "he /ondeo +s i" slo$ed sligh"ly "o ride + clo.erle+1 r+9p sys"e9# +nd $i"hin
seconds# he $+s "+iling "he bo9ber +cross "he A"+"ur& 3ridge. I" $+s old# 9ore o1 + c+use$+y
"h+n + bridge re+lly# gi.en "h+" i" s+" on concre"e piers +nd h+d "$o l+nes in e+ch direc"ion# $i"h +
n+rro$ pedes"ri+n side$+l& on ei"her edge. There $+s + lo" 9ore "r+11ic on i"# $hich slo$ed "he
/ondeo do$n +nd +llo$ed 7eilly "o reel hi9 righ" in +nd "uc& in behind hi9 +s "he bo9ber
duc&ed +nd $e+.ed +nd bullied his $+y p+s" "he h+pless Tur&ish dri.ers.
HI89 righ" behind hi9 no$# $e8re going +cross + bridge#G he yelled# le+ning side$+ys# in
"he direc"ion o1 "he 3l+c&3erry# +s he s$er.ed +round + slo$er c+r. HI c+n see +n old "o$er on "he
o"her side# "o "he righ"# loo&s li&e so9e"hing 1ro9 +n old c+s"le.G
HGo" i"#G Ap+ro8s .oice sFu+$&ed b+c&# 9u11led +g+ins" "he se+" no$. H-r"ugrul8s p+ssing
i" on "o so9e loc+l cop he8s $i"h. %ou s"+y on hi9# buddy.G
It%s happening too fast# 7eilly "hough". They%re not going to be able to help. I have to do
this alone.
HTh+"8s "he G+l+"+ To$er#G Ap+ro c+9e b+c&# +s bre+"hless +s his p+r"ner. HThey8.e go" +
h+ndle on $here you +re. !+ng "igh".G
7eilly &ep" his 1oo" J+99ed +nd ch+rged +he+d# no$ $i"hin y+rds o1 "he /ondeo8s
"+ilg+"eC+nd &ep" going# r+99ing "he $hi"e c+r# h+rd# $+"ching i" 1ish"+il le1" +nd righ" be1ore i"
resu9ed i"s s"r+igh" he+ding.
!e 1loored "he ped+l +g+in +nd $en" in 1or +no"her hi".

T!- BIA 6AS NO6 SO *4OS- 3-!IND "h+" /+nsoor <+hed could +c"u+lly see "he
hunger "h+" $+s bl+Ding in 7eilly8s eyes.
,adar "endeh# he cursed +g+in +s he $+"ched "he blue s"+"ion $+gon e+" up his 9irror. !e
9+shed "he "hro""le +nd s$er.ed ou" o1 h+r98s $+y# sFueeDing be"$een "$o slo$er c+rs +nd
+.oiding +no"her pounding.
!e s+$ 7eilly drop b+c& +s "he c+rs behind hi9 slo$ed do$n +nd se""led b+c& in"o "heir
The !merican%s possessed. #e%s not going to be easy to shake off. Not now. Not after all
<+hed &ne$ "he "r+11ic could sn+rl up +g+in "he 9inu"e "hey le1" "he bridge. !e h+d "o do
so9e"hing no$# Fuic&ly# i1 he $+s going "o +.oid +no"her running ch+se $i"h "he bloodhound "h+"
$+s bre+"hing do$n his nec&.
6i"h his h+nd h+rd on "he /ondeo8s horn# he 9uscled p+s" + 1e$ 9ore c+rs# le+ding one
o1 "he9 "o ride up "he lo$ curb o1 "he side$+l& "h+" r+n +long +" "he $+"er8s edge.
Th+"# +nd + cro$ded bus up +he+dC+n old# ',7(s;er+ /ercedes# i"s roo1 s"+c&ed $i"h
lugg+ge# i"s eKh+us" spe$ing ou" + "hic& bl+c& cloud o1 dieselCinspired hi9.
!e r+ced on un"il he $+s +l9os" +longside "he bus# "hen Jin&ed his sed+n le1" +nd righ"
+nd r+99ed i" side$+ys. The bus gro+ned +nd bounced o11 "o "he righ"# i"s $indo$s suddenly
cr+99ed $i"h "he s"+r"led 1+ces o1 i"s p+ssengers# sui"c+ses +nd boKes sn+pping "heir "ies +nd
"u9bling do$n o11 i"s roo1 +nd in"o "he p+"h o1 "he c+rs behind i". <+hed Jer&ed "he $heel "o &eep
"he /ondeo pressed +g+ins" "he side o1 "he bus# shepherding i" o11 on +n +ngled "r+Jec"ory +nd
sending i" bounding on"o "he side$+l& +nd pul.eriDing "he "hin 9e"+llic r+iling be1ore 1lying o11
"he bridge.
<+hed s"r+igh"ened his o$n c+r8s "r+Jec"ory +nd eyed his 9irror# $here# 9uch "o his
deligh"# he s+$ 7eilly do eK+c"ly $h+" he8d hoped "he +gen" $ould do.

7-I44%8S @A*- *4-N*!-D +s he $+"ched "he $hi"e /ondeo l+unch "he old bus
"he curb +nd o11 "he bridge.
I" Jus" 1le$ o11 $i"h li""le 1+n1+re +nd do.e ou" o1 .ie$ 1or + n+nosecond be1ore + huge
$hi"e plu9e erup"ed ou" o1 "he es"u+ry. Gi.en "he 9oun"+in o1 lugg+ge "h+" h+d been s"+c&ed
prec+riously on i"s roo1# 7eilly &ne$ i" $+s prob+bly p+c&ed $i"h peopleCpeople $ho he could
i9+gine $ere +bou" "o be dr+gged under$+"er.
The c+r +he+d o1 hi9 sl+99ed on i"s br+&es# +nd he did "he s+9e. Screeching br+&es +nd
crunched 1enders ch+sed +1"er hi9. !e s+$ "h+" "here $+s roo9 1or hi9 "o sFueeDe p+s" "he c+rs
+he+d o1 hi9# bu" he couldn8" do "h+". No" $i"h + bunch o1 people possibly sin&ing "o "heir
!e h+d "o help.
!e scr+9bled ou" o1 "he c+r +nd r+n "o$+rd "he big g+p in "he r+iling. In "he dis"+nce# he
could see "he b+c& o1 "he $hi"e @ord dis+ppe+ring do$n "he bridge# +nd 1or +n ins"+n" he
i9+gined "he s9ug 1+ce o1 his Fu+rry. ,otherfucker# he "hough"# "he +nger +nd "he 1rus"r+"ion
propelling hi9 e.en 1+s"er "o "he edge o1 "he bridge. A 1e$ people 1ro9 o"her c+rs con.erged "o
Join hi9# loo&ing do$n# poin"ing# "+l&ing +ni9+"edly.
In "he $+"er# "he old bus $+s only p+r"ly .isible# "he b+c& o1 i"s roo1 s"ic&ing ou" li&e +
"iny iceberg. 7eilly sc+nned "he sur1+ce o1 "he $+"er# bu" couldn8" see +nyone 1lo+"ing +round.
The $indo$s o1 "he bus loo&ed li&e "hey $ere se+led shu"# $i"h only + n+rro$ sec"ion +" "he "op
"h+" slid open +nd $+sn8" +ny$here ne+r $ide enough 1or +nyone "o slip "hrough. 7eilly $+"ched
1or +n eK"ended second or "$o# $ondering i1 "he doors $ere hydr+ulic+lly oper+"ed# i1 "hey $ere
J+99ed shu" since "he elec"rics h+d shu" do$n# i1 "he p+ssengers $ere "oo shoc&ed "o 1igure ou"
$here "he e9ergency eKi"s $ere. No one $+s co9ing ou". They $ere "r+pped inside. And no one
$+s doing +ny"hing +bou" i".
!e gl+nced +" "he s"unned 1+ces +round hi9C+ 9iKed b+g o1 young +nd old# 9en +nd
$o9en# +ll in shoc&# bl+bbing +nd loo&ing do$n gloo9ilyC+nd 9o.ed.
No more deaths. Not because of me. Not if I can help it.
!e &ic&ed o11 his shoes# y+n&ed o11 his J+c&e"# +nd le+p" in.
The $+"er +round hi9 $+s li""ered $i"h pieces o1 lugg+ge +nd c+rdbo+rd boKes#
h+9pering his progress# bu" he 9+n+ged "o re+ch "he b+c& o1 "he bus +nd gr+b on "o i"s roo1 r+il
Jus" be1ore i" dis+ppe+red $i"h + 1in+l belch o1 +ir.
!e hung on +s "he bus slid under# slo$ly. Through "he 9ur&y $+"er# he could see "he
ghos"ly# 1e+r;s"ric&en 1+ces o1 "he p+ssengers on "he o"her side o1 "he bus8s re+r $indo$. They
$ere "ugging +" "he e9ergency rele+se h+ndle# $hich $+sn8" responding# +nd b+nging "heir 1is"s
+g+ins" "he gl+ss in desper+"ion. !+nging on $i"h one h+nd# he re+ched do$n "o his side hols"er
+nd pulled ou" his gun# "hen $+.ed i" +" "he p+ssengers closes" "o hi9# hoping "hey8d unders"+nd.
They $eren8" +$+y# bu" i" didn8" s"op hi9. !e Jus" pu" "he gun +g+ins" "he .ery "op o1 "he
gl+ss +nd +ngled i" righ" up# +i9ing i" +" "he underside o1 "he bus8s roo1C+nd 1ired# +g+in +nd
+g+inC1i.e Fuic& sho"s "h+" punched "hrough "he $indo$ be1ore dying ou" in "he $+"er inside
"he bus. The sho"s $e+&ened "he $indo$ enough 1or hi9 "o be +ble "o &ic& +nd h+99er i" in
$i"h "he bu"" o1 his h+ndgun# un"il i" 1in+lly g+.e $+y +nd ble$ ou" $i"h + big $hoosh o1 "r+pped
+ir "h+" +l9os" 9+de 7eilly lose his grip.
One +1"er +no"her# "he "r+pped p+ssengers s"re+9ed ou" in + 9+d 1renDy# + sho+l o1
desper+"e +r9s re+ching ou" "o 7eilly +nd "+&ing hold o1 his ou"s"re"ched h+nd be1ore &ic&ing
+$+y +nd gliding up "o$+rd "he ligh". !e hung on +s long +s his lungs could l+s"# "hen he 1in+lly
le" go +nd 1ollo$ed "he9 up "o "he sur1+ce# "he el+"ion o1 &no$ing +ll "he p+ssengers $ere s+1e
no" Fui"e 9+&ing up 1or "he bi""er 1rus"r+"ion "h+" $+s gn+$ing +" his gu".
Chapter 22

By "he "i9e 7eilly 9+de i" b+c& "o "he P+"ri+rch+"e# "he co9pound $+s one big# ch+o"ic
9ess. The +ppro+ch ro+d $+s cho&ed by 1ire engines# +9bul+nces# +nd police c+rs. -9ergency
ser.ices personnel $ere s$+r9ing +round 1rene"ic+lly# doing $h+" "hey did bes".
!e8d s$u9 on"o one o1 "he suppor" piers +nd cli9bed b+c& on"o "he bridge. A cop h+d
1in+lly 9+de i" on"o "he scene +nd# +1"er so9e $r+ngling# +greed "o dri.e hi9 b+c& "o "he Ph+n+r.
!e8d "+&en o11 his shir" +nd slipped on his J+c&e"# $hich he8d pulled o11 be1ore Ju9ping in"o "he
$+"er# bu" his "rousers $ere s"ill drenched# $hich h+dn8" eK+c"ly ende+red hi9 "o his ei"her.
3ec+use o1 "he 9ess +nd "he securi"y loc&do$n# he8d h+d "o $+l& "he l+s" couple o1 hundred
y+rds +nd 1ound Tess s"+nding by "he g+"es. -r"ugrul $+s +longside her# +s $ere + couple o1
young p+r+9ili"+ry soldiers $ho loo&ed + bi" "oo "rigger;h+ppy 1or co91or". @rus"r+"ed cops $ere + h+rd "i9e &eeping repor"ers +nd curious bys"+nders +$+y $hile + s9+ll +r9y o1 c+"sC
re.ered in Is"+nbul +s "he be+rers o1 good luc&Cspr+$led on "he $+lls +nd side$+l&s +round
"he9 +nd c+l9ly obser.ed "he proceedings.
Tess8s 1+ce erup"ed $i"h relie1 $hen she spo""ed hi9# "hen her eKpression $en" +ll curious
+s his shir"less;+nd;soggy;p+n"s loo& c+9e in"o 1ocus.
She g+.e hi9 + Fuic& &iss +nd held his +r9s. H%ou8.e go" "o ge" ou" o1 "hose clo"hes.G
H/y b+g s"ill in "he c+rIG he +s&ed -r"ugrul.
H%e+h#G "he leg+" +ns$ered. HI"8s p+r&ed do$n "he ro+d.G
7eilly gl+nced in"o "he co9pound# $here so9e p+r+9edics $ere lo+ding + gurney in"o +n
+9bul+nce. The body lying on i" $+s 1ully co.ered up by + gr+y bl+n&e"# he+d included. A g+ggle
o1 pries"s $ere cro$ding +round i"# "heir eKpressions 1orlorn# "heir shoulders s+gging.
7eilly loo&ed + Fues"ion +" -r"ugrul.
H@+"her AleKios. The gr+nd +rchi9+ndri"e o1 "he libr+ry. One bulle"# righ" be"$een "he
HThey +lso 1ound "he body o1 + de+d pries" in +n +lley$+y do$n "he ro+d#G Tess +dded.
HNo c+ssoc&#G 7eilly deduced.
Tess nodded.
!e eKpec"ed +s 9uch. HAnd "he 1ireIG
HI"8s ou"# bu" "he libr+ry8s + 9ess# +s you c+n i9+gine#G -r"ugrul s+id. A1"er + 1rus"r+"ed
grun"# he +dded# HI guess he go" $h+" he c+9e 1or.G
HAg+in#G 7eilly no"ed# "he $ord l+ced $i"h +cid.
!e s"ood "here# his 1is"s b+lled $i"h r+ge# +nd "oo& in "he scene silen"ly 1or +no"her
9o9en"# "hen s+id# HI8ll be righ" b+c&#G +nd he+ded do$n "he ro+d "o ch+nge.
!e $+s h+l1$+y "here $hen he re9e9bered so9e"hing# +nd 1ished ou" his 3l+c&3erry
1ro9 his J+c&e". Ap+ro pic&ed up on "he 1irs" ring.
H@ill 9e in# buddy#G his p+r"ner urged.
HI los" hi9. The guy8s + 1uc&ing lun+"ic.G The sides$ipe "h+" c+"+pul"ed "he bus o11 "he
bridge 1l+shed in his 9ind8s eye. H%ou s+id you h+d so9e"hing 1or 9eIG
H%e+h#G Ap+ro con1ir9ed. H6e 1in+lly go" + hi" 1ro9 9ili"+ry in"el. T+l& +bou" pulling
"ee"h. These guys +re re+lly c+gey +bou" $ho "hey sh+re $i"h.G
HSo $ho is heIG
H6e don8" h+.e + n+9e. >us" + pre.ious.G
H3+ghd+d# "hree ye+rs +go. %ou re9e9ber "h+" co9pu"er eKper"# "he one "h+" $+s gr+bbed
1ro9 "he @in+nce /inis"ryIG
7eilly &ne$ +bou" i". I" h+d c+used Fui"e + 1uror +" "he "i9e# b+c& in "he su99er o1 0((7.
The 9+n# +n A9eric+n# h+d been pluc&ed ou" o1 "he "echnology cen"er o1 "he 9inis"ry +long $i"h
his 1i.e bodygu+rds. The &idn+ppers h+d sho$n up in 1ull Ir+Fi 7epublic+n Gu+rd reg+li+ +nd
Jus" 9+rched in +nd gr+bbed "he 9en under "he guise o1 H+rres"ingG "he9. The speci+lis" h+d only
+rri.ed in 3+ghd+d + d+y e+rlier. !e $+s "here "o ins"+ll + sophis"ic+"ed ne$ so1"$+re sys"e9 "h+"
$ould &eep "r+c& o1 "he billions o1 doll+rs o1 in"ern+"ion+l +id 9oney +nd loc+l oil re.enues "h+"
$ere 1lo$ing "hrough Ir+F8s 9inis"riesCbillions "h+" $ere going 9issing +l9os" +s 1+s" +s "hey
$ere co9ing in. In"elligence sources &ne$ "h+" + lo" o1 "he 9issing 1unds $ere being"ed "o
Ir+n8s 9ili"i+ groups in Ir+F# cour"esy o1 Ir+n8s cheerle+ders $ho occupied 9+ny "op Ir+Fi
go.ern9en" pos"s +nd $ho# no doub"# helped " "o + he+l"hy co99ission +long "he $+y.
No one $+n"ed "he corrup"ion "o s"op# or 1or i" "o be eKposed. The @in+nce /inis"ry h+d been
sh+9elessly resis"ing "he so1"$+re8s i9ple9en"+"ion 1or 9ore "h+n "$o ye+rs. And so "he 9+n
$ho8d been 1in+lly 1lo$n in "o "ry "o pu" + s"op "o "he e9beDDle9en" $+s sn+"ched less "h+n
"$en"y;1our hours +1"er l+nding "here# righ" 1ro9 his &eybo+rd in "he .ery he+r" o1 "he @in+nce
The &idn+pping h+d been 9e"iculously pl+nned +nd eKecu"ed# +nd $+s +""ribu"ed "o "he
!l08uds 1orceC"he $ord $+s Ar+bic 1or H>erus+le9GC+ speci+l uni" o1 Ir+n8s 7e.olu"ion+ry
Gu+rd 1or" 1oreign oper+"ions. 6hen "he A9eric+n speci+lis" +nd his bodygu+rds $ere
1ound eKecu"ed + couple o1 $ee&s l+"er# "he +n"i;Ir+ni+n rhe"oric co9ing 1ro9 "he 6hi"e !ouse
esc+l+"ed. A h+l1 doDen Ir+ni+n o11ici+ls $ere c+ugh" +nd de"+ined by U.S. 1orces in "he nor"h o1
"he coun"ry. one "o resis" s"o&ing "he 1l+9es o1 con1lic" $i"h rec&less +b+ndon# Ir+n8s
le+dershipC.i+ + supposedly un+11ili+"ed# rogue 9ili"i+ group c+lled "he !saib !hl !l0#a+# or
"he H7igh"eous 4e+gueGCproceeded "o l+unch +n e.en 9ore br+Den +""+c&# "his "i9e on "he
pro.inci+l he+dFu+r"ers in B+rb+l+# during + high;le.el 9ee"ing be"$een U.S. +nd Ir+Fi o11ici+ls.
I" $+s e.en 9ore +ud+cious +nd br+Den "h+n "he e+rlier &idn+pping. A doDen !l08uds oper+"
sho$ed up +" "he g+"es o1 "he b+se in + 1lee" o1 bl+c& Suburb+ns "h+" $ere iden"ic+l "o "he ones
used "here by U.S. 9ili"+ry con"r+c"ors. They $ere dressed Jus" li&e "he 9ercen+ries +nd spo&e
per1ec" -nglish# so 9uch so "h+" "he Ir+Fis gu+rding "he g+"es $ere con.inced "hey $ere
A9eric+nC+nd le" "he9 in. Once inside# "he co99+ndos r+n +9uc&. They &illed one A9eric+n
soldier +nd gr+bbed 1our o"hers# $ho9 "hey eKecu"ed shor"ly +1"er s"or9ing ou" o1 "he co9pound.
I" ended up being "he "hird;de+dlies" d+y in Ir+F 1or U.S. "roops. A9+Dingly# no Ir+Fis h+d been
inJured in "he r+id.
H!e $+s "here. %our "+rge". !e $+s one o1 "he guys $ho hi" "he b+se#G Ap+ro "old hi9.
H!is prin"s 9+"ch + prin" "hey li1"ed o11 one o1 "he c+rs "hey le1" behind. And +ccording "o "he
in"el $e h+d# bo"h ops $ere pulled o11 by "he s+9e "e+9# so i"8s possibleCe.en prob+bleC"h+"
he $+s +lso in.ol.ed in "he progr+99er8s &idn+pping.G
HDo $e &no$ +ny"hing +bou" hi9IG
HNope#G Ap+ro "old hi9. HNo"hing +" +ll. The guys behind "he r+ids Jus" .+nished. All I
c+n "ell you is "h+" i" loo&s li&e he $+s "here. 3u" i" us so9e insigh" in"o $h+" "he res" o1 his
*: 9igh" loo& li&e. I 9e+n# $ho &no$s $h+" else "his +sshole8s been in.ol.ed in. I" sounds "o
9e li&e he8s "heir go;"o guy $hen "hey need so9e"hing speci+l done.G
7eilly 1ro$ned. H4uc&y us.G !e &ne$ "h+" i1 his"ory $+s +ny"hing "o go by# "his $+sn8"
loo&ing pro9ising +" +ll. In e.ery con1ron"+"ion be"$een "he U.S. +nd Ir+n since Bho9eini c+9e
"o po$er in ',7,# Ir+n h+d co9e ou" on "op.
H%ou8.e go" "o n+il his +ss# Se+n. @ind hi9 +nd $ipe hi9 o11 "he 1+ce o1 "he -+r"h.G
A siren s"+r"led 7eilly. !e "urned "o see one o1 "he +9bul+nces rushing do$n "he ro+d#
+nd s"epped +side "o le" i" "hrough.
H4e"8s 1ind hi9 1irs"#G he "old Ap+ro# H+nd $hen $e do# I89 no" eK+c"ly pl+nning "o spli" +
siK;p+c& $i"h hi9.G
Chapter 23

/i.en "he in"ern+l +nd eK"ern+l poli"ic+l "ensions gripping "he coun"ry# "he Tur&s "oo&
9+""ers o1 n+"ion+l securi"y .ery seriously# +nd "his $+s no eKcep"ion. 6i"hin +n hour o1 ge""ing
b+c& "o "he P+"ri+rch+"e# 7eilly# +long $i"h Tess +nd -r"ugrul# $ere se+"ed in + gl+ss;$+lled
con1erence roo9 in "he Tur&ish N+"ion+l Police8s Is"+nbul he+dFu+r"ers in "he ci"y8s A&s+r+y
dis"ric"# "r+ding Fues"ions +nd +ns$ers $i"h + h+l1;doDen Tur&ish securi"y o11ici+ls.
One Fues"ion $+s +" "he roo" o1 7eilly8s 1rus"r+"ion. H!o$ did he ge" in"o "he coun"ryIG
he +s&ed# s"ill pissed o11 by "he slipup. HI "hough" you guys h+d 9ili"+ry;le.el securi"y +" your
None o1 his hos"s see9ed "o h+.e +n i99edi+"e +ns$er 1or hi9.
Suley9+n QDDe""in# "he police c+p"+in $ho $+s +" "he +irpor" $i"h -r"ugrul# $+ded in"o "he
pregn+n" silence. H6e8re loo&ing in"o i". 3u" re9e9ber#G he s+id# cle+rly +s .eKed by i" +s 7eilly#
Hour border con"rols didn8" h+.e + cle+r pho"o or + li&ely +li+s 1or hi9. And besides# 9+ybe he
didn8" 1ly in.G
HNo $+y#G 7eilly coun"ered. H!e didn8" h+.e "i9e 1or + ro+d "rip# no" 1ro9 7o9e. !e
1le$ in. De1ini"ely.G !e gl+nced +round "he roo9# spe+&ing + bi" slo$er "h+n usu+l +nd sligh"ly
o.erenunci+"ing "o 9+&e sure "hey +ll unders"ood hi9. HThis guy 9+n+ged "o 9o.e his hos"+ges
1ro9 >ord+n "o I"+ly $i"hou" + proble9. No$ he8s here# +nd he8s s"ill go" one o1 "he9. 6e need "o
1igure ou" ho$ he8s Jus" hopping +round 1ro9 one coun"ry "o +no"her. And 1inding ou" $hich one
o1 your +irpor"s he slipped "hrough $ould be + big help.G
The securi"y o11icers erup"ed in"o + brie1# he+"ed deb+"e in Tur&ish. *le+rly# "hey didn8"
"+&e &indly "o being e9b+rr+ssed in 1ron" o1 + 1oreign o11ici+l. QDDe""in see9ed "o c+ll + "i9e;ou"
+9ong "he9 be1ore si9ply repe+"ing# "o 7eilly# $h+" he h+d s+id be1ore? H6e8ll loo& in"o i".G
HO&+y. 6e +lso need "o 1igure ou" ho$ he8s +round no$ "h+" he8s here#G 7eilly
pressed on. HI1 $e8re going "o "r+c& hi9 do$n# $e need "o &no$ $h+" $e8re loo&ing 1or. !o$
did he ge" "o "he P+"ri+rch+"eI Did he h+.e + c+r p+r&ed "here so9e$here "h+" he +b+ndoned
$hen he s+$ us +rri.eI Did he Jus" "+&e + c+bI Or $+s so9eone $+i"ing 1or hi9# does he h+.e
people here helping hi9 ou"IG
HAlso#G -r"ugrul chi9ed in# H+ssu9ing he8s brough" Si99ons here $i"h hi9# $here did
he p+r& hi9 in "he 9e+n"i9eIG
H6e "oo& con"rol o1 "he +re+ i99edi+"ely +1"er "he shoo";ou"#G QDDe""in "old hi9. HI89
pre""y sure he didn8" h+.e + $+i"ing 1or hi9. No one dro.e +$+y 1ro9 "here.G
H!e could h+.e Jus" +b+ndoned his c+r +nd $+l&ed o11#G 7eilly coun"ered.
HThe rese+rch +ssis"+n"#G Tess +s&ed -r"ugrul# H"he sni"ch $ho &ic&;s"+r"ed "his $hole
9ess by selling ou" Sh+r+1iI %ou8re sure he le1" "he coun"ryIG
!e nodded. H!e8s long gone.G
HThis guy8s "oo 1+s" "o be doing "his +lone#G 7eilly s+id. H!e8s go" "o h+.e so9e
b+c&up. 7e9e9ber# he didn8" &no$ "he "r+il led b+c& "o Is"+nbul un"il l+s" nigh"# $hen he go" "he
7egis"ry 1ro9 "he :+"ic+n. I"8s no" li&e he8s h+d + lo" o1 "i9e "o pl+n "his. !e8s $inging i". !e8s
re+c"ing +s "he in1or9+"ion co9es in# Jus" li&e usCbu" he8s one s"ep +he+d o1 us.G !e "urned "o
-r"ugrul. HThis 9on+s"ery . . . 6ho else c+n $e "+l& "o +bou" 1inding ou" $here i" isIG
HI h+d + Fuic& $ord +bou" "h+" $i"h "he p+"ri+rch8s secre"+ry# +1"er "he shoo"ing#G -r"ugrul
s+id. H!e $+sn8" in "he cle+res" s"+"e o1 9ind. 3u" he s+id he8d he+rd o1 i".G
HTh+"8s no" surprising#G Tess +dded. HThe inFuisi"or $ho c+9e +cross i" s+id i" $+s
+b+ndoned# +nd "h+" $+s b+c& in "he e+rly '3((s. Se.en hundred ye+rs# i"8s prob+bly li""le 9ore
"h+n rubble no$# Jus" so9e ruins in "he 9iddle o1 no$here.G
HThe secre"+ry8s going "o "+l& "o "he o"her pries"s "here#G -r"ugrul s+id. H/+ybe one o1
"he9 $ill &no$.G
7eilly "urned "o "heir hos"s# 1rus"r+"ed. H%ou8.e go" "o h+.e +ccess "o so9e eKper"s +" "he
uni.ersi"y# so9eone $ho &no$s "heir his"ory.G
The police chie1 shrugged. HI"8s +n Or"hodoK *hurch# Agen" 7eilly. No" Jus" Or"hodoK#
bu" Gree&. And "his is + /usli9 coun"ry. I"8s no" eK+c"ly + priori"y +re+ 1or our +c+de9ics. I1 no
one +" "he P+"ri+rch+"e &no$s . . .G
7eilly nodded glu9ly. !e $+s $ell +$+re "h+" "here $+s no lo.e los" be"$een "he Gree&s
+nd "he Tur&s# no" since "he d+$n o1 "he SelJu&s +nd# subseFuen"ly# o1 "he O""o9+n -9pire. I"
$+s + deep;se+"ed +ni9osi"y "h+" $en" b+c& 9ore "h+n + "hous+nd ye+rs +nd con"inued "o "his
d+y# 1l+ring up "horny issues such +s "he di.ided isl+nd o1 *yprus. HSo righ" no$# +ll $e
&no$ is "h+" i"8s in "he /oun" Arg+eus region# "he -rciyes D+RS /oun"+ins. !o$ big +n +re+ +re
$e "+l&ing +bou"IG
-r"ugrul eKch+nged so9e $ords $i"h "heir hos"s# +nd one o1 "he9 pic&ed up "he phone
+nd 9u9bled +$+y in Tur&ish. A 9o9en" l+"er# + younger cop brough" in + 1olded 9+p# $hich
$+s spre+d ou" on "he "+ble. -r"ugrul h+d +no"her "o;+nd;1ro $i"h "he loc+l o11ici+ls# "hen "urned
"o 7eilly.
HAc"u+lly# i"8s no" + r+nge# i"8s Jus" one 9oun"+in# here#G he eKpl+ined# poin"ing ou" +
$ide# d+r&er;sh+ded +re+ in "he cen"er o1 "he coun"ry. HI"8s + dor9+n" .olc+no.G
7eilly chec&ed ou" "he sc+le +" "he bo""o9 o1 "he 9+p. HI"8s +bou"# $h+"# "en 9iles long
+nd "he s+9e +cross.G
HTh+"8s + big h+ys"+c&#G Tess s+id.
H!uge#G -r"ugrul +greed. HAlso# i"8s no" "he e+sies" +re+ "o c+n.+s. I" goes up "o ele.en#
"$el.e "hous+nd 1ee"# +nd i"s 1l+n&s +re he+.ily $rin&led $i"h .+lleys +nd ridges. I"8s no $onder
"he 9on+s"ery 9+n+ged "o sur.i.e +ll "hose ye+rs# e.en +1"er "he O""o9+ns "oo& I" could be
"uc&ed in +ny one o1 "hose 1olds. %ou8d need "o "rip i" "o 1ind i".G
7eilly $+s +bou" "o respond $hen Tess spo&e up. HDo you "hin& you could ge" hold o1 +
de"+iled 9+p o1 "h+" $hole +re+IG she +s&ed -r"ugrul. HA "opogr+phic 9+p 9+ybeI 4i&e "he ones
cli9bers useIG
-r"ugrul "hough" +bou" i"# "hen s+id# HI i9+gine $e should be +ble "o#G his "one so9e$h+"
beli""ling o1 her reFues". !e eKpl+ined her reFues" in Tur&ish "o "heir hos"s# +nd one o1 "he9
pic&ed up "he phone +g+in# presu9+bly "o source one 1or her.
7eilly 1lic&ed her + Fuic& FuiDDic+l gl+nce# "hen $en" b+c& "o s"udying "he 9+p. H!o$ 1+r
is i"IG
H@ro9 hereI @i.e hundred 9iles# gi.e or "+&e.G
HSo ho$ $ould he ge" "here 1ro9 hereI Dri.eI @lyI A s9+ll pl+ne# or + helicop"er
Their hos"s eKch+nged + 1e$ $ords# +nd shoo& "heir he+ds .igorously. H!e could 1ly#G
-r"ugrul replied. HB+yseri8s close by +nd i"8s go" +n +irpor". There +re + couple o1 1ligh"s + d+y
1ro9 here. 3u" I don8" "hin& he8d need "o. Depending on "he "r+11ic +nd on $h+" ro+d you "+&e#
i"8s ele.en# "$el.e hours by c+r .ersus under "$o by pl+ne# bu" i"8s less ris&y# especi+lly no$ "h+"
"he +irpor"s +re on high +ler".G
Which, presumably, they also were last night# but that didn%t stop him# 7eilly $+n"ed "o
s+y# bu" he held b+c&.
HThere8s +lso + "r+in#G "he chie1 o1 police re9e9bered. H3u" i1 he h+s + hos"+ge $i"h hi9#
i"8s no" re+lly do+ble.G
HO&+y# so i1 he8s going "o dri.e "here# $here8d he ge" "he c+rIG 7eilly +s&ed -r"ugrul.
H6h+" do $e &no$ +bou" "he c+rs he used in 7o9eI The ones Sh+r+1i +nd Tess $ere inIG
-r"ugrul 1lic&ed "hrough his p+pers# "hen 1ound "he rele.+n" repor". HAll "hey h+.e righ"
no$ is "h+" "hey h+d 1+&e pl+"es. The preli9 :IN nu9ber chec& on "he one /s. *h+y&in $+s in
s+ys i" $+sn8" repor"ed s"olen# bu" i" c+n "+&e "i9e 1or + s"olen c+r cl+i9 "o 1il"er "hrough. And i"8s
"oo e+rly "o "ell $i"h "he o"her oneC"hey h+.e "o 1ind "he :IN "+g 1irs".G
HI"8s "he s+9e /O o1 c+r bo9bs $e8.e seen in Ir+F +nd in 4eb+non#G 7eilly no"ed. HThe
c+rs +re s"olen# or "hey8ll h+.e been bough" 1or c+sh $i"h 1+&e IDs. -i"her $+y# $e don8" usu+lly
1ind ou" $hich one i" is un"il +1"er "hey8.e been blo$n up.G !e 1u9ed. H6e need "o &no$ $h+"
he8s no$.G
H6e8re going "o need + lis" o1 +ll s"olen c+r cl+i9s since# $ell# yes"erd+y#G -r"ugrul "old
QDDe""in. HAnd $e8ll need "o h+.e + cons"+n" 1eed o1 +ny ne$ repor"s "h+" co9e in.G
HO&+y#G "he cop +ns$ered.
H!o$ 9+ny ro+ds +re "here "h+" le+d "o "h+" 9oun"+inIG 7eilly +s&ed hi9. H*+n you pu"
up ro+dbloc&sI 6e &no$ he8s he+ding "here.G
The chie1 o1 police shoo& his he+d +s he le+ned in"o "he 9+p. H-.en &no$ing he8s
co9ing 1ro9 here# "here +re 9+ny di11eren" ro+ds he could "+&e "o ge" "here. And i" depends on
$h+" p+r" o1 "he 9oun"+in he8s going "o. There +re di11eren" +ppro+ches 1ro9 +ll sides.G
H3esides#G -r"ugrul +dded# H$e8d s"ill h+.e "he s+9e proble9 +s "he +irpor" guys. 6e
don8" h+.e + cle+r pho"o or + n+9e "o gi.e "o "he guys +" "he ro+dbloc&s. They c+n only loo& 1or
HI"8s no" possible#G QDDe""in concluded. HThe +re+ +round "he 9oun"+in is .ery popul+r
$i"h "ouris"s. *+pp+doci+ is .ery busy "his "i9e o1 ye+r. 6e c+n8" s"op e.eryone.G
HO&+y#G 7eilly shrugged# his eyes d+r&ening $i"h 1rus"r+"ion.
Tess8s .oice bro&e "hrough "he gloo9. HI1 you8re s+ying he 9igh" be $or&ing 1or "he
Ir+ni+ns# $ouldn8" "hey h+.e people here helping hi9IG she +s&ed. HThey could ge" hi9 + c+r. A
s+1e house. 6e+pons.G
HI"8s possible#G 7eilly +greed. I" $+s so9e"hing he8d been $ondering +bou" "oo# bu" he
&ne$ "h+" i" $+s "ric&y "erri"ory. !e +s&ed -r"ugrul# H6h+" le.el o1 sur.eill+nce do $e h+.e on
"heir e9b+ssyIG
-r"ugrul hesi"+"ed# "hen duc&ed "he Fues"ion. HThe e9b+ssy isn8" here# i"8s in "he c+pi"+l#
in An&+r+. They Jus" h+.e + consul+"e here.G !e didn8" o11er 9ore. No in"el o11icer li&ed "o "+l& in
1ron" o1 "heir 1oreign coun"erp+r"s +bou" $ho he +nd his colle+gues $ere or $eren8" $+"ching#
unless "hey &ne$ "hey could "rus" "he9C$hich $+s# b+sic+lly#
HDo $e h+.e "he9 under $+"chIG 7eilly pressed.
H%ou8re +s&ing "he $rong guy. Th+"8s Agency business#G "he leg+" s+id# re9inding 7eilly
"h+" "he *IA h+ndled 1oreign in"el g+"hering.
7eilly unders"ood +nd dropped i" 1or no$. !e "urned in 1rus"r+"ion "o one o1 "he Tur&ish
o11icers +" "he "+ble# /ur+" Teli&bile&# 1ro9 "he /ITC"he /illi Qs"ihb+r+" TeU&il+"S# o"her$ise
&no$n +s "he N+"ion+l In"elligence Org+niD+"ion. H6h+" +bou" your peopleIG he +s&ed hi9. H%ou
9us" h+.e so9e &ind o1 sur.eill+nce in pl+ce.G
Teli&bile& s"udied hi9 1or + be+" $i"h "he inscru"+ble concen"r+"ion o1 + .ul"ure# "hen
s+id# HI"8s no" re+lly + Fues"ion one c+n +ns$er c+su+lly# especi+lly no" in 1ron" o1 GChe nodded
so9e$h+" dis9issi.ely in Tess8s direc"ionCH+ ci.ili+n.G
H4oo&# I don8" need "o &no$ "he sordid de"+ils o1 $h+" you guys +re up "o#G 7eilly s+id#
$i"h + dis+r9ing h+l1 s9ile. H3u" i1 you8re &eeping "+bs on "he9# p+r"icul+rly on "heir consul+"e
here# so9eone 9igh" h+.e seen so9e"hing "h+" c+n help us.G !e held Teli&bile&8s g+De 1or + long
second# "hen "he in"elligence o11icer8s hooded eyes blin&ed +nd he g+.e 7eilly + s9+ll nod.
HI8ll see $h+" $e8.e go"#G he s+id.
HTh+" $ould be gre+". 6e need "o 9o.e 1+s"#G 7eilly rei"er+"ed. H!e8s +lre+dy &illed "hree
people in your coun"ry# +nd i" could ge" $orse. !e8s prob+bly +lre+dy on his $+y "o "he
9on+s"ery# +nd unless $e c+n 1igure ou" $h+" he8s or $here he8s he+ded# he8s go" +n open
pl+ying 1ield.G !e p+used long enough "o 9+&e sure his co99en" s+n& in# "hen "urned "o -r"ugrul
+nd# in + lo$er .oice# s+id# H6e8re going "o need "o "+l& "o "he Agency boys. 4i&e# righ" no$.G
Chapter 2&

#i"h "he se""ing sun "urning his$ 9irror in"o + bl+Ding l+.+ l+9p# /+nsoor <+hed
se""led in"o "he s"re+9 o1 e.ening "r+11ic "h+" $+s "he ci"y +nd concen"r+"ed on "he ro+d
!e gl+nced "o his side. Si99ons $+s si""ing "here# in "he p+ssenger se+"# his he+d sligh"ly
slu9ped# "he no$ 1+9ili+r h+l1;.+c+n" s"+re in his eyes# "he "r+nFuiliDer once +g+in s+pped
his .ibr+ncy +nd "urned hi9 in"o + docile# subser.ien" pe". <+hed &ne$ he8d need "o &eep hi9
sed+"ed 1or + $hile. They h+d + long dri.e +he+d o1 "he9# 1+r longer "h+n "he one "hey h+d
co9ple"ed e+rlier "h+" d+y.
<+hed $+sn8" "hrilled "o be on "he ro+d +g+in. !e $+sn8" one "o d+$dle# especi+lly no"
+1"er $h+" he8d done +" "he :+"ic+n. !e $ould h+.e pre1erred "o 1ly "o B+yceri# Jus" +s he8d h+.e
pre1erred "o 1ly s"r+igh" 1ro9 I"+ly "o +n +ir1ield close "o Is"+nbul. S"eyl h+d &iboshed "h+" ide+#
"hough "hey $ere bo"h $ell +$+re o1 "he 1+c" "h+" "he Tur&ish 9ili"+ry &ep" + "igh" grip on +ll "he
coun"ry8s +ir1ields. S"eyl h+d re9inded <+hed "h+" "he ris&s# +1"er 7o9e# $ere "oo high# +nd
<+hed h+dn8" Fues"ioned his Judg9en". !e &ne$ "h+" $hen i" c+9e "o 1lying in +nd ou" o1
coun"ries $i"hou" dr+$ing "oo 9uch +""en"ion "o $h+" illici" c+rgo he h+d on bo+rd# S"eyl
&ne$ eK+c"ly $h+" $+s do+ble# +nd $h+" $+sn8". %ou could coun" on hi9 "o 1ly +ny p+ylo+d in"o
pre""y 9uch +ny$here +nd ge" i" p+s" "he +irpor" chec&s unch+llengedCbu" you could +lso coun"
on hi9 no" "o l+nd you in ho" $+"er# 9e"+phoric+lly spe+&ing. And so "hey8d 1lo$n sligh"ly nor"h
ins"e+d# "o 3ulg+ri+# +nd l+nded in Pri9ors&o# + s9+ll resor" "o$n on "he coun"ry8s 3l+c& Se+
co+s". I" h+d + s9+ll# ci.ili+n +ir1ieldCno" + 9ili"+ry oneC"he &ind $here eK+c"ly $ho $+s on
$h+" s9+ll pl+ne $+sn8" "he 1irs" "hing on "he loc+l o11ici+ls8 9ind. I" $+s +lso less "h+n "$en"y
9iles 1ro9 "he Tur&ish border# 9+&ing "he dri.e 1ro9 "he +ir1ield "o Is"+nbul + no";"oo;"+King
1i.e;hour s"in".
This dri.e $ould be 9ore "h+n "$ice +s long# bu" "here $+s no o"her op"ion. <+hed h+dn8"
p+r"icul+rly enJoyed nego"i+"ing "he;ending "r+11ic nigh"9+re "h+" $+s e.ening;rush;hour
Is"+nbul. The ch+o"ic 1ree;1or;+ll h+d re9inded hi9 o1 "he less +""r+c"i.e +spec"s o1 Is1+h+n# his
ho9e;"o$n b+c& in Ir+n# +no"her +ren+ o1 ou"s"+nding +rchi"ec"ur+l be+u"y "h+" $+s 9+rred by i"s
dri.ers8 de9en"ed Jous"ing. 3u" in con"r+s" "o his e+rlier ou"ing "h+" d+y# $hen e.+ding 7eilly#
he8d eKercised c+re1ul res"r+in" $hile ou" o1 "he ci"y +nd +.oided ge""ing in"o +ny dic&;
9e+suring con"es"s $i"h "he +ggressi.e "+Ki +nd dolmu dri.ers# +llo$ing "he9 "o b+rge "hrough
ins"e+d# &no$ing "h+" "he s9+lles" 1ender bender could h+.e dire conseFuences gi.en "h+" he $+s + s"olen c+r +nd "r+nspor"ing + he+.ily drugged c+p"i.e.
As "he high$+y sn+&ed "hrough so9e 1+s"# s$eeping bends +nd rose in"o + series o1 gen"le
hills# <+hed $+s 1inding i" h+rd "o rel+K. !e8d seen +s 9+ny "ruc&s +nd buses# big#
o.erlo+ded 9+s"odons "h+" $ere hur"ling do$n "he Is"+nbul;An&+r+ otoyol# +s "he siK;l+ne
high$+y $+s &no$n# obli.ious "o i"s o1"en h+D+rdously p+"chy ro+d sur1+ce +nd ignoring i"s '0(;
&ilo9e"er;per;hour speed li9i". Tur&ey h+d one o1 "he $ors" +cciden" r+"es in "he $orld# +nd "he
c+r <+hed h+d been gi.en# + bl+c& 4+nd Disco.ery# $hile ide+l 1or +ny o11;ro+d sec"ions
o1 his Journey# $+s de1ini"ely "oo "+ll 1or cruising co91or"+bly do$n + high$+y. 4i&e + ligh"
s+ilbo+" c+ugh" in + s"or9# i" $+s cons"+n"ly ge""ing bu11e"ed by "he p+ssing he+.y$eigh"s#
1orcing <+hed "o correc" his he+ding repe+"edly by b+n&ing in"o "he "urbulen" +ir "o &eep "he c+r
1+cing 1or$+rd.
As he +l$+ys did +1"er e+ch s"ep in "he course o1 +n +ssign9en"# <+hed r+n "hrough +
Fuic& 9en"+l +ssess9en" o1 his 9ission8s s"+"us. So 1+r# he h+d no 9+Jor Fuibbles $i"h ho$ i"
$+s $or&ing ou". !e8d 9+de i" in"o Tur&ey unde"ec"ed. !e8d go""en "he in1or9+"ion he needed
1ro9 "he P+"ri+rch+"e. !e8d e.+ded 7eilly# $ho# so9eho$# h+d 9+n+ged "o "r+c& hi9 do$n $i"h
unse""ling e11iciency. !e reeled his +""en"ion b+c& "o "he pre.ious d+y8s e.en"s# +" "he :+"ic+n#
"riggering + ple+sing c+sc+de o1 i9+ges in his 9ind8s eye. A deep;se+"ed 1eeling o1 deligh" s$ep" hi9 +s he reli.ed "he rush he8d 1el" $hen he8d $+"ched "he o1 his +c"ions on "he
"ele.ised ne$s +nd +ll "he d+y8s ne$sp+pers. /ore $ould 1ollo$# no doub"# +1"er his brie1
.isi" "o "he P+"i+rch+"e. !e "hough" +bou" his Fues" +nd "oo& gre+" sol+ce in "he 1+c" "h+"# e.en i1
he $eren8" +ble "o 1ind $h+" Sh+r+1i h+d une+r"hed# or i1 i" "urned ou" "o be $or"hless# his .en"ure
h+d +lre+dy "urned ou" "o be 9ore "h+n + $or"h$hile under"+&ing. This $+s be""er "h+n +ny"hing
he h+d +chie.ed in 3eiru"# or in Ir+F. @+r be""er. I" h+d gi.en hi9 "he oppor"uni"y "o +""+c& his
ene9ies +" "he .ery he+r" o1 "heir 1+i"h. Their ne$s;hungry 9edi+ $ould &eep 9il&ing i" 1or d+ys#
se+ring i" in"o "he 9inds o1 his "+rge" +udience. The 1in+nci+l 9+r&e"s $ere +lre+dy doing "heir bi"
"o +dd "o "he p+in# plu99e"ing +s eKpec"ed# $iping ou" billions o1 doll+rs 1ro9 "he ene9ies8
co11ers. No# his +c" $ould no" be soon 1orgo""en# o1 "h+" he $+s cer"+in. And $i"h + bi" o1 luc& i"
$ould only be "he beginning# he "hough"# i9+gining ho$ i" could +$+&en + "hous+nd o"her
$+rriors +nd sho$ "he9 $h+" could be done.
!is 9ind $+ndered b+c& "o +no"her beginning# "o +no"her "i9e# +nd "he 1+ces o1 his
younger bro"hers +nd his sis"er s$+9 in"o .ie$. !e could he+r "he9# running +round# pl+ying
+round "he house b+c& in Is1+h+n# his p+ren"s 1+r 1ro9 sigh". !is "hough"s 9igr+"ed "o his
p+ren"s# +nd he "hough" o1 ho$ proud "hey $ould h+.e been o1 hi9 righ" no$Ch+d "hey been
+li.e "o $i"ness i". /e9ories o1 "h+" cursed d+y c+9e r+ging b+c& +nd s"o&ed "he 1l+9es o1 "he
1ury "h+" h+d consu9ed hi9 sinceC9e9ories o1 "h+" Sund+y# "he 3rd o1 >uly# ',55# +
"orridly hu9id d+y# "he d+y on $hich his 1+9ily $+s blo$n ou" o1 "he s&y# "he d+y on $hich his
1our"een;ye+r;old $orld $+s inciner+"ed# "he d+y "h+" sp+r&ed his rebir"h. Not even the merest
hint of an apology# he "hough"# "hin&ing b+c& "o "he e9p"y c+s&e"s "hey h+d buried# +n up$elling
o1 bile scorching his "hro+". No"hing. >us" so9e blood 9oney 1or hi9 +nd 1or +ll "he o"hers $ho
h+d +lso los" lo.ed ones. And 9ed+ls# he see"hed. /ed+lsCincluding "he 4egion o1 /eri"# no
lessC1or "he ship8s co99+nder +nd 1or "he res" o1 "he Godless perpe"r+"ors o1 "h+" 9+ss 9urder.
!e s"i1led his +nger +nd "oo& in + deep bre+"h# +nd le" his 9ind se""le. There $+s no need
"o l+9en" $h+" h+d h+ppened or# +s his coun"ry9en $ere 1ond o1 "elling hi9# $h+" h+d been
$illed "o h+ppen. A1"er +ll# he &ep" he+ring# e.ery"hing $+s $ri""en. !e chor"led in$+rdly +" "he
b+c&$+rd# n+V.e "hough". 6h+" he h+d co9e "o belie.e# "hough# $+s "h+" "he o1 his p+ren"s
+nd siblings $eren8" los" in .+in. !is li1e# +1"er +ll# h+d "+&en on + 1+r gre+"er purpose "h+n i"
o"her$ise $ould h+.e h+d. !e Jus" needed "o 9+&e sure he +chie.ed e.ery"hing he8d se" ou" "o
do. To do +ny less $ould dishonor "heir 9e9ories +nd $+s si9ply no" +n op"ion.
!e "hough" +he+d +nd &ne$ he8d h+.e "o s"op in + 1e$ hours. !e didn8" $+n" "o be "hrough "he nigh"# $hen "r+11ic $ould be sp+rse +nd $hen police ro+dbloc&s 9igh" pop
up. !e couldn8" ch+nce s"+ying in +ny ho"els ei"her. A 9o"el $ould h+.e been do+ble# bu" -urope
h+d e9br+ced "he concep" or "he +nony9i"y such pl+ces +11orded. No# he +nd Si99ons
$ould be spending "he nigh" in "he SU:. In + 1e$ hundred 9iles or so# +" +round "he h+l1$+y
poin" o1 his Journey# he8d pull in"o + l+y;by# "uc& in be"$een so9e eigh"een;$heelers# +nd# +1"er Si99ons + &noc&ou" dose# $+i" 1or 9orning. Then he8d be on his $+y +g+in# brigh" +nd
e+rly# riding "he otoyol e+s" "o An&+r+ +nd on "o A&s+r+y be1ore "+&ing "he +ncien" sil& ro+d
"o$+rd B+yceri +nd "o "he priDe he so desper+"ely sough".
Chapter 2)

The "hing is# $i"h +n +re+ "his big#G "he *IA s"+"ion chie1 "old 7eilly +nd -r"ugrul# Hi"8s
going "o be "ough ge""ing hold o1 so9e"hing "h+"8ll do "he "ric&.G
They $ere in + $indo$less roo9 deep inside "he U.S. *onsul+"e# + sFu+" concre"e bun&er
o1 + building "h+" huddled de1ensi.ely behind 1or"i1ied $+lls +nd securi"y chec&poin"s. 4oc+"ed
"$el.e 9iles nor"h o1 "he ci"y# i" loo&ed 9ore li&e + 9odern prison "h+n + proud e9ble9 o1 i"s
9o"her n+"ion. I" $+s + 1+r cry 1ro9 "he s"+"ely# old;$orld eleg+nce o1 "he P+l+DDo *orpi# "he
pre.ious consul+"e "h+" h+d 9ingled $i"h "he b+D++rs +nd 9osFues in "he bus"ling cen"er o1 "he
old ci"y. Th+" consul+"e# s+dly# $+s p+r" o1 + long gone $orld. The ne$ 1+cili"y# buil" on + hill o1
solid roc& shor"ly +1"er ,E''# loo&ed li&e + prison 1or + re+son. I" h+d "o be i9per.ious "o +ny &ind
o1 +""+c&. 6hich i" $+s# so 9uch so "h+" one o1 "he "erroris"s $ho $+s c+p"ured +1"er "he
bo9bings o1 "he 3ri"ish *onsul+"e +nd + 3ri"ish b+n& "here "old "he Tur&ish +u"hori"ies "h+" he
+nd his 9en h+d origin+lly in"ended "o +""+c& "he U.S. *onsul+"e bu" h+d 1ound i" "o be so $ell
secured "h+"# "o Fuo"e "he "erroris" hi9sel1# H"hey don8" e.en le" birds 1ly "here.G
Three 9en did "ry "o +""+c& "he consul+"e + 1e$ ye+rs l+"er. All "hree $ere sho" de+d
be1ore "hey e.en 9+de i" "o "he g+"e.
H6h+" do you 9e+nIG 7eilly +s&ed.
H6ell# $e c+n prob+bly re;"+s& + Beyhole s+"elli"e "o p+ss "he +re+ $i"hin "he righ"
"i9e 1r+9e# bu" $e $on8" ge" re+l;"i9e .ideo or + cons"+n" 1eed# i"8ll Jus" sho$ us $h+"8s going
on during "he "i9e "h+" i" p+sses "he +re+ $i"h e+ch orbi". And "h+"8s no" gonn+ do i" 1or
7eilly shoo& his he+d. HNope. 6e don8" &no$ $hen he8s going "o sho$ up.G
H3e""er $ould be "o see i1 $e c+n $r+ngle one o1 our UA:s ou" o1 M+"+r 1or + cons"+n"
grid se+rch# bu"CG
HChe8ll spo" i"#G 7eilly in"erJec"ed# sh+&ing his he+d# niKing "he sugges"ion o1 using +
re9o"e;con"rolled# un9+nned sur.eill+nce drone.
HI89 no" "+l&ing +bou" Pred+"ors. I89 "+l&ing +bou" "he ne$ &ids on "he bloc&. 7M;)
Glob+l !+$&s. Those b+bies h+ng ou" +" 1or"y "hous+nd 1ee". %our guy doesn8" h+.e bionic
.ision# does heIG
7eilly 1ro$ned. !e didn8" li&e i". H-.en $i"h "he high +l"i"ude . . . This guy &no$s $h+"
he8s doing# he &no$s $h+" "hey loo& li&e. The s&ies $ill prob+bly be cle+r "his "i9e o1 ye+r. !e
9igh" spo" i". *+n8" $e ge" one o1 "he big birdsIG
4i&e "he s"+"ion chie1# 7eilly &ne$ "he 9ore $idely used sur.eill+nce s+"elli"esC"he
Beyhole cl+ss popul+riDed in 9o.ies +nd on T:C$ouldn8" do# no" in "his c+se. They $ere 9ore
sui"ed "o 9oni"oring + loc+"ion once e.ery couple hours 1or# s+y# "he cons"ruc"ion o1 + nucle+r
pl+n" or "he +ppe+r+nce o1 9issile l+unchers. 6h+" "hey couldn8" do $+s pro.ide li.e# cons"+n"
9oni"oring o1 + 1iKed loc+"ion. @or "h+"# 7eilly needed so9e"hing "he N+"ion+l 7econn+iss+nce
O11ice "ried "o &eep under "he r+d+r# so "o spe+&? + sur.eill+nce s+"elli"e "h+" could 9+in"+in +
geosynchronous orbi" +bo.e + 1iKed poin" on "he -+r"h8s sur1+ce +nd rel+y li.e .ideo b+c& in re+l
"i9e. I" $+s + .ery h+rd "hing "o +chie.e. S+"elli"es dri1"ed +$+y 1ro9 "heir posi"ions due "o +ll
&inds o1 per"urb+"ionsC.+ri+"ions in "he -+r"h8s gr+.i"+"ion+l 1ield in p+r" due "o "he 9oon +nd
"he sun# sol+r $ind# r+di+"ion pressure. Thrus"ers +nd co9pleK Hs"+"ion;&eepingG co9pu"er
progr+9s $ere needed "o &eep "he s+"elli"e i"s "+rge" 1or eK"ended periods. And +s "he birds
needed "o be deployed +" +n +l"i"ude o1 "$en"y;"$o "hous+nd 9iles "o 9+&e "his possible# "hey
+lso needed "o h+.e eKcep"ion+lly +d.+nced i9+ging "echnology. 6hich $+s $hy "hey $ere
bigger "h+n + school bus +nd $ere ru9ored "o cos" 9ore "h+n "$o billion doll+rs e+chCi1# "h+" is#
"hey eKis"ed +" +ll. And $hy "here $eren8" enough o1 "he9 "o go +round.
The s"+"ion chie18s 1+ce crin&led +" "he reFues". HNo" + ch+nce. 6i"h +ll "h+"8s going on
ou" in "h+" idyllic li""le p+r" o1 "he $orld# "hey8re cons"+n"ly 1ully "+s&ed. I"8d be i9possible "o ge"
hold o1 one. 3esides# I don8" "hin& $e could e.en re;"+s& one $i"hin "he "i9e 1r+9e you8re
"+l&ing +bou".G
H6e need so9e"hing#G 7eilly insis"ed. HThis guy8s +lre+dy done so9e serious d+9+ge#
+nd he8s in"en" on c+using 9ore.G
The s"+"ion chie1 spre+d ou" his h+nds +ppe+singly. HTrus" 9e on "his. An 7M;) $ill gi.e
you $h+" you need# +nd "hen so9e. Our boys in Ir+F +nd in A1gh+nis"+n s$e+r by "he9. /ore "o
"he poin"C"hey8re your only op"ion. So I8d s+y# e9br+ce i" +nd hope 1or "he bes".G
The s"+"ion chie1 $+s underpl+ying "he Glob+l !+$&8s "+len"s. I" $+s +n +$eso9e piece
o1 "echnology. A big +ircr+1" $i"h + $ingsp+n o1 9ore "h+n + hundred 1ee"# "he un9+nned#
re9o"e;con"rolled drone could "r+.el "hree "hous+nd 9iles "o i"s "+rge" Done# $here i" $ould h+.e
Hlong;d$ellGC9e+ning i" could spend 9+ny hours $+"ching "he s+9e spo"C+nd Hbro+d +re+ c+p+bili"y. I" could c+rry +ll &inds o1 i9+ging c+9er+s +nd r+d+rsCelec"ro;op"ic+l#
in1r+red# syn"he"ic;+per"ureC+nd rel+y b+c& i9+ges o1 "he "+rge"# d+y or nigh"# no 9+""er "he
$e+"her. A" + uni" cos" o1 "hir"y;eigh" 9illion doll+rs# i" $+s + s"unningly po$er1ul +nd cos";
e11ec"i.e $+y o1 ob"+ining I/INTCi9+gery in"elligenceC$i"hou" +ny ris& o1 ending up $i"h +
@r+ncis G+ry Po$ers &ind o1 deb+cle.
The s"+"ion chie1 reg+rded "he 9+p o1 "he 9oun"+in +g+in. HNo$# +ssu9ing $e ge" one#
$e s"ill h+.e so9e proble9s "o $or& ou". @or one "hing# "here +re "oo 9+ny +ppro+ch rou"es "o
&eep under $+"ch. The "+rge" +re+8s Jus" "oo big "o h+.e + cons"+n" 1iK +" +ny resolu"ion "h+"8s
use1ul. Unless $e c+n n+rro$ i" do$n# $e8ll need "o ro"+"e +round i". In $hich c+se $e 9igh"
9iss our "+rge".G
HI"8s +ll "he in1or9+"ion $e8.e go" righ" no$#G 7eilly gru9bled.
The s"+"ion chie1 9ulled i" 1or + be+"# "hen nodded. HO&+y. I8ll "+l& "o 4+ngley. See i1
$e c+n ge" "he guys +" 3e+le "o 1ree one up 1or us pron"o.G
H6e Jus" need i" 1or + d+y or "$o#G 7eilly "old hi9. H3u" $e need i" no$. No poin" in i" o"her$ise.G
H6e8ll bus" so9e b+lls +nd ge" one lined up#G "he s"+"ion chie1 re+11ir9ed. H3u" "hen# $e
s"ill don8" &no$ $h+" $e8re loo&ing 1or# do $eIG
H>us" gi.e 9e so9e eyes#G 7eilly s+id. HI8ll 9+&e sure "hey h+.e so9e"hing "o loo& 1or.G

!- @OUND T-SS IN AN e9p"y in"$ roo9# si""ing +" + "+ble "h+" $+s s$+9ped by
big 9+ps. She h+d her l+p"op open beside her +nd $+s deep in "hough". She only no"iced his
presence $hen he $+s s"+nding neK" "o her# +nd she loo&ed up +" hi9.
HSoIG she +s&ed. H!o$ did i" goIG
>udging by "he "one o1 her Fues"ions# his 1un& $+s cle+rly .isible.
!e shrugged. H6e c+n8" ge" "he s+"elli"e I $+n"# bu" I "hin& $e8ll ge" + sur.eill+nce drone.
The "+rge" +re+8s "oo big# "hough . . . "he $indo$ $on8" be +s "igh" +s I8d li&e i" "o be.G
H6h+" does "h+" 9e+nIG
HI" 9e+ns $e 9igh" 9iss so9e"hing#G he s+id# his "one so9ber +nd he+.y $i"h 1+"igue. !e
pulled ou" + ch+ir +nd plopped hi9sel1 in"o i".
Tess s9iled. H/+ybe I c+n help.G
7eilly8s bro$ 1urro$ed# "hen he 9+n+ged + s9+ll grin. HNo" + good "i9e "o be "+un"ing
9e $i"h + b+c& rub.G
Tess sho" hi9 + loo&. HI89 serious# doo1us.G She re+ched 1or + 9+p o1 "he $hole coun"ry#
l+id i" on "op o1 "he "opogr+phic 9+p o1 /oun" -rciyes# +nd "+pped her 1inger on Is"+nbul# in "he
upper le1" corner. HT+&e + loo&.G
!e 9o.ed closer.
HO&+y#G she beg+n. H*ons"+n"inople8s up here. Th+"8s $here +nd his 9erry 9en#
"he 1irs" Te9pl+rs "o .isi" "he 9on+s"ery# s"+r"ed "heir Journey.G
She gl+nced +" 7eilly "o 9+&e sure she h+d his +""en"ion. !e g+.e her + Hgo on# I89 +ll
e+rsG nod.
HThey $ere "rying "o ge" b+c& "o here#G she con"inued# H"o An"ioch# "he ne+res" Te9pl+r
s"ronghold.G She poin"ed ou" i"s loc+"ion# on "he -+s"ern /edi"err+ne+n# in presen";d+y Syri+.
H3u"# +s $e &no$# "hey only 9+de i" +s 1+r +s here#G she s+id +s her 1inger +rced b+c& "o "he
cen"er o1 "he 9+p# H/oun" Arg+eus# $here "he 9on+s"ery is.G
HTh+"8s Jus" . . . +s"onishing#G he ribbed.
H4oo& +" "his 9oun"+in# you bonehe+d. I"8s round. 7ound li&e + dor9+n" .olc+no should
be. They could h+.e e+sily gone +round i"# righ"IG She derisi.ely s"re"ched ou" "he $ord HroundG
+nd "$irled her 1inger +round i" on "he 9+p. HI"8s no" li&e i"8s + $+ll or + b+rrier "h+" "hey h+d "o
cross. And ye"# 1or so9e re+son# "hey decided "o cli9b up i".G
7eilly "hough" +bou" i" 1or + second. HDoesn8" see9 re+son+bleCunless "hey $ere "rying
"o s"+y ou" o1 sigh".G
She grinned $i"h 9oc& +d9ir+"ion. HGod# "h+" Mu+n"ico "r+ining o1 yours# "he $+y you
Jus" see "he 9os" obscure connec"ions . . . I" Jus" boggles "he 9ind# you &no$ "h+"IG
H6ell unboggle yoursel1 +nd "ell 9e $h+" you8re "hin&ing.G
!er "one"ed "o serious. +nd his "roupe were "rying "o s"+y ou" o1 sigh".
They h+d "o. This +ll h+ppened in '0(3# +nd b+c& "hen# "he SelJu& Tur&s h+d "+&en + big
chun& o1 "his +re+.G !er 1ingers circled "he 9iddle o1 "he coun"ry. HSo +s 1+r +s "he Te9pl+rs $ere
concerned# i" $+s ene9y "erri"ory# "ee9ing $i"h b+nds o1 Gh+Di 1+n+"ics. So i1 "hey h+d
h+l1 + br+in cell be"$een "he9# our li""le g+ng o1 Te9pl+rs $ould h+.e de1ini"ely $+n"ed "o +.oid
$ide open sp+ces. !ence s"ic&ing "o 9oun"+in "r+ils# $ "hey could 1ind "he9. !ence "he
pi" s"op +" "he 9on+s"ery.G
H!+ng on# + *hris"i+n 9on+s"ery in /usli9 "erri"oryIG
HThe SelJu&s "oler+"ed *hris"i+ni"y. *hris"i+ns $ere 1ree "o pr+c"ice "heir 1+i"h openly.
They $eren8" persecu"ed. 3u" "his $+s be1ore "he sul"+ns +nd "he O""o9+n -9pire. This +re+ $+s
li&e "he 6ild 6es"# $i"h +ll "hese g+ngs ro+9ing +round# loo&ing 1or bloodC&ind o1 li&e "he
g+ngs o1 *on1eder+"e soldiers +1"er "he * 6+r. They $ere d+ngerous# $hich is $hy "he
churches +nd "he 9on+s"eries $ere "uc&ed +$+y in +nd 9oun"+ins +nd no" Jus" ou" in pl+in
HO&+y# bu" "h+" doesn8" re+lly help us#G 7eilly "old her. HOnce +nd his people
s"+r"ed cli9bing# "hey could h+.e gone cloc&$ise or coun"ercloc&$ise# righ"I 6hich 9e+ns $e
s"ill h+.e "he $hole 9oun"+in "o $+"ch.G
H/+ybe. 3u"# chec& "his ou".G No$ .isibly en"hused# she brough" "he 9oun"+in;cli9bing
9+p b+c& ou". H4oo& +" "he con"our lines# here +nd here.G She $+s poin"ing ou" +n +re+ Jus" $es"
o1 "he nor"h side o1 "he 9oun"+in# &ind o1 +" "he .olc+no8s ele.en o8cloc& line. HSee ho$ "igh"
"hey +reIG
The con"our lines "h+" sho$ed "he ele.+"ion le.elsCin "his c+se# +" regul+r in"er.+ls o1
1i1"y 9e"ersCh+d con.erged +nd $ere .ir"u+lly on "op o1 one +no"her# 9e+ning "h+" +re+ $+s
.ery s"eep. In 1+c"# 9ore "h+n s"eepCi" $+s + .er"ic+l drop.
HI"8s + cli11#G Tess eKpl+ined. !er eyes $ere +bl+De $i"h eKci"e9en". HA pre""y big one# in
1+c". They $ould h+.e seen i" +s "hey s"+r"ed he+ding up "he 9oun"+in. And "hey $ould h+.e h+d
"o go "he o"her $+yCcoun"ercloc&$ise. 6hich# +s i" "urns ou"# is "he 9ore direc" rou"e 1or "he9
7eilly le+ned in 1or + be""er loo&# his in"eres" piFued. H6h+" i1 "heir +ppro+ch $+s 1ro9
1+r"her e+s"I They $ould h+.e hi" "he 9oun"+in on "he o"her side o1 "h+" cli11 +nd gone +round i"
"he o"her $+y.G
HI doub" "h+"#G Tess coun"ered. H4oo& +" "he +re+ here# nor"h o1 "he 9oun"+in. B+yseri8s
been +round 1or 1i.e "hous+nd ye+rs. I" $+s one o1 "he 9os" i9por"+n" SelJu& ci"ies. I1 our
Te9pl+rs $ere loo&ing "o go unno"iced# "hey $ould h+.e s"eered cle+r o1 i" "ooC+nd gi.en "h+"
"hey $ere co9ing 1ro9 "he nor"h$es"# "hey $ould h+.e s&ir"ed +round i" 1ro9 "he $es"# 9+ybe
"hrough "he .+lleys o1 *+pp+doci+# $here "hey $ould h+.e 1ound good $i"h "he *hris"i+n
co99uni"ies $ho8d been shel"ering in "h+" +re+8s +nd underground ci"ies since "he e+rlies"
d+ys o1 "he 1+i"h. And I did so9e 9ore digging +round# i1 you8ll p+rdon "he pun. This +re+ righ"
hereIG She indic+"ed "he nor"h$es"ern 1l+n& o1 "he 9oun"+in. H:ery popul+r $i"h 9oun"+ineers#
ye+r;round. I8.e go" "o "hin& "h+" i1 "he ruins o1 "he 9on+s"ery $ere "here# I $ould h+.e 1ound
so9e 9en"ion o1 i" on so9e 6eb si"e. And "his side# "he nor"h 1+ce# is $here "he s&iing resor" is.
S+9e "hing "here. The $hole 1+ce 9us" h+.e been sur.eyed "o de+"h. So9eone $ould h+.e seen
i" +nd 9+de + no"e o1 i".G She 1r+9ed 7eilly $i"h +n +ssured# +dren+line;ch+rged loo&. H%ou $+n"
+ s9+ller se+rch +re+I @orge" +bou" "he righ" side o1 "he 9oun"+in# Se+n. *oncen"r+"e on "he
$es"ern h+l1.G
7eilly s"udied "he 9+p 1or + be+"# "hen loo&ed up +" Tess. HI1 you8re $rong# $e8ll 9iss
Tess "hough" +bou" i" 1or brie1 9o9en"# "hen nodded. H6e 9igh" 9iss hi9 +ny$+y i1 $e
need "o 9oni"or "he $hole 9oun"+in. I re+lly "hin& i"8s "he righ" c+ll.G
!e held her g+De# enJoying "he r+di+nce ligh"ing up her 1+ce# 1eeling her en"husi+s9 +nd
her con1idence in1use hi9. HO&+y#G he s+id. HI8ll le" "he9 &no$.G
Tess s9iled# cle+rly ple+sed $i"h his response. As he pushed hi9sel1 ou" his ch+ir# she
s+id# H6e should be "here# you &no$. 6+i"ing 1or hi9.G
7eilly "urned +nd $+s +bou" "o s+y so9e"hing $hen she cu" hi9 o11.
!e loo&ed los". H6h+"IG
HDon8" s"+r". 6i"h "he spiel.G
!e $+s genuinely con1used. H6h+" spielIG
H%ou &no$# "he spiel $here you s+y you8re going ou" "here bu" I should s"+y here bec+use
i"8s $+y "oo d+ngerous# +nd I s+y# no# you need 9e "here 8c+use I unders"+nd +ll "he Te9pl+r
9u9bo Ju9bo# "hen you insis" "h+"8s no" gonn+ h+ppen# I coun"er;insis" "h+" $i"hou" 9e you
9igh" 9iss "he one clue "h+"8ll le+d you "o hi9# "hen you pl+y dir"y +nd "ell 9e "h+" I should
re+lly be "hin&ing +bou" Bi9 +nd be + good 9o9# I ge" +ll pee.ed +" you 1or bringing i" up +nd
insinu+"ing I89 + b+d 9o9 . . .G A pl+y1ul# Fues"ioning loo& spre+d +cross her 1+ce. HAre $e
re+lly going "o do "hisI SeriouslyI 8*+use you &no$ I89 gonn+ end up co9ing +long +ny$+y#
righ"I %ou 9us" &no$ "h+".G
7eilly Jus" s"+red +" her# loo&ing b+11led# her .erb+l 1usill+de s"ill ricoche"ing inside his
s&ull. Then# $i"hou" s+ying +ny"hing# he Jus" r+ised his h+nd in de1e+"# "urned# +nd $+l&ed o11.
She $+s s"ill grinning +s he le1" "he roo9.
Chapter 2*

Jed Si99ons dri1"ed b+c& "o consciousness $i"h "he dry 9ou"h +nd "he grogginess o1 +
big# booDy nigh" ou". The sigh" "h+" gr+du+lly 1ell in"o 1ocus# "hough# Fuic&ly dispelled +ny .+gue
illusions "h+" "his $+s "he resul" o1 +ny"hing e.en re9o"ely enJoy+ble. !e $+s in "he 1ron"
p+ssenger se+" o1 so9e &ind o1 SU: "h+" $+s "hrough un1+9ili+r "err+inC.+s"# sun;
so+&ed pl+ins "h+" see9ed "o s"re"ch The sens+"ion 1ro9 his righ" $ris" con1ir9ed "he
unco91or"+ble 1eeling. I" $+s "ied "o "he door8s +r9res"# + pl+s"ic sn+p;cu11 +nchoring i" in pl+ce.
The .oice o1 "he 9+n in "he dri.er8s se+" brough" "he $hole nigh"9+re cr+shing b+c&.
H6+&ey $+&ey#G his +bduc"or s+id. HThere8s + bo""le o1 $+"er +nd so9e chocol+"e b+rs in
"he b+g by your 1ee". %ou should h+.e so9e. I i9+gine you 9us" be 1eeling pre""y dried ou" righ"
Si99ons $+s "oo "iredC+nd "oo +ngryC"o resis". @ro9 +ll "he "i9e he8d spen" in "he
deser" in >ord+n# he &ne$ ho$ cruci+l i" $+s "o re9+in properly hydr+"ed# 1or bo"h 9ind +nd
body# bo"h o1 $hich $ere curren"ly in + lousy s"+"e.
!e re+ched do$n "o "he b+g $i"h his 1ree +r9# +nd +s he le+ned he 1el" so9e"hing
unco91or"+ble +round his $+is"# so9e"hing he h+dn8" 1el" be1ore. !e loo&ed do$n +nd shi1"ed in
his se+"# chec&ing i" ou" $i"h his 1ree +r9# "rying "o suss ou" $h+" i" 9igh" be. There $+s
so9e"hing "here# under his shir".
!e $+s "o pull his shir" up $hen "he 9+n s+id# HThe less you dis"urb i"# "he
Si99ons8s +r9 1roDe. !e r+ised his g+De +" his +bduc"or.
The 9+n $+s Jus" s"+ring +" "he ro+d +he+d# concen"r+"ing on "he his 1+ce
i9p+ssi.e +s sl+"e.
H6h+" . . . you did "hisIG
The 9+n nodded.
Si99ons $+s +1r+id "o +s&# bu" "he $ords spilled ou" o1 his consciousness# slo$ly# +s i1
1ro9 beyond his con"rol.
H6h+" is i"IG
The "hough" +bou" i" 1or + be+"# "hen "urned "o Si99ons +nd s+id# HOn second
"hough"# 9+ybe you should h+.e + loo&.G
Si99ons eyed hi9 1or +n unco91or"+ble be+"# unsure +bou" $he"her or no" he re+lly
$+n"ed "o see i"# $h+" i" $+s. Then his resis"+nce bro&e +nd he pulled his shir" up.
!e h+d so9e"hing on# +round his $+is"# Jus" +bo.e his "rousers. A bel" o1 so9e &ind# +
couple o1 inches or so $ide# 9+de up o1 "ough# shiny 9+"eri+l# li&e s+ilclo"h. I" see9ed
innocuous enoughCun"il he pulled ou" "he shir" so9e 9ore +nd spo""ed "he p+dloc& "h+"
connec"ed "$o br+ss eyele"s "h+" h+d been se$n in"o i" +nd &ep" "he bel" loc&ed "igh". Then he
s+$ so9e"hing e.en 9ore +l+r9ing? + bulge# on "he 1ron" p+r" o1 "he bel". There $+s so9e"hing
se$n in"o i"# so9e"hing h+rd "h+" 1el" no bigger "h+n + p+c& o1 c+rds. There $+s no +ccess "o i"
"h+" he could see# no poc&e" or Dipper or :elcro 1l+p. I" $+s e9bedded inside "he bel".
A s"+b o1 dre+d "ore "hrough hi9.
H6h+" is "h+"IG Si99ons +s&ed# his "e9ples suddenly pounding ou"$+rd. H6h+" h+.e
you doneIG
HI"8s + s9+ll bo9b. No"hing 1+ncy. A bi" o1 Se9"eK +nd + de"on+"or. 7e9o"e;con"rolled.G
!e pulled ou" his phone +nd held i" up 1or Si99ons "o see# "hen slipped i" b+c& in"o his poc&e".
H>us" big enough "o blo$ + hole "he siDe o1 9y h+nd "hrough your belly.G !e held up his h+nd#
1ingers eK"ended +s i1 "hey $ere cl+sping +n i9+gin+ry b+seb+ll# "o gr+phic+lly dri.e "he poin"
ho9e. HI1 +nd $hen i" blo$s up# "he odds +re i" $on8" &ill you ins"+n"ly. %ou could li.e 1or +
9inu"e# 9+ybe e.en 9ore# +nd you8ll +c"u+lly be +ble "o see "he cr+"er i" $ill h+.e 9+de. No"
.ery ple+s+n" "hough#G his +bduc"or +dded. HI $ouldn8" reco99end i".G
Si99ons 1el" li&e he $+s +bou" "o "hro$ up. !e shu" his eyes +nd "ried "o "+&e in so9e +ir
bu" 1ound "h+" he $+s "rouble bre+"hing. !e couldn8" unders"+nd $h+" "his "hing $+s
doing on hi9# bu" + 9ee& H6hyIG $+s +ll he could 9+n+ge.
Si99ons Jus" s"+red +" hi9# his 9ind s"r+ngled $i"h 1e+r.
H/o"i.+"ion "o beh+.e#G his +bduc"or "old hi9. H6e8re going "o be doing so9e
sigh"seeing# +nd I need "o 9+&e sure you don8" do +ny"hing s"upid. So I89 hoping "h+" "he "hre+"
o1 your gu"s blo$n s"r+igh" ou" o1 your b+c& $ill be + reli+ble 9o"i.+"or 1or you "o do +s
you8re "old. I" usu+lly does "he "ric&.G !e slid + side$+ys gl+nce +" Si99ons# see9ingly s"udying
his re+c"ion# "hen +dded# HOh# +nd don8" "ry "o undo "he buc&le. I"8s loc&ed shu".G !e s9iled.
H>us" "hin& o1 i" +s + ch+s"i"y bel". To bloc& ou" +ny $ild urges you 9igh" h+.e.G
Si99ons slu9ped b+c& in his se+" +nd loo&ed +he+d# dro$ning in desp+ir. The occ+sion+l
c+r "rundled p+s" in "he opposi"e direc"ion# bu" "here $ere 1e$ .ehicles on "he ro+d# $hich $+s
n+rro$ +nd une.en.
H6here +re $e goingIG he 1in+lly +s&ed# no" re+lly sure $h+" di11erence i" $ould 9+&e.
HUp "o "he 9oun"+ins. I "hin& "he 1resh +ir $ill do you + $orld o1 good#G "he
replied# + hin" o1 + grin no$ bre+&ing "hrough. H%ou loo& + bi" p+le.G
A 1l+sh o1 rec+ll sp+r&ed inside Si99ons8s 9ind. H%ou &no$ $here "he 9on+s"ery isIG
H/ore or less#G "he 9+n replied# +nd le1" i" +" "h+".

T!- GUID- 6AS 6AITING 1or "he9 +" "he design+"ed spo"# $hich# +s i" "urned ou"#
$+sn8" "oo h+rd "o 1ind. In;c+r GPS n+.ig+"ion $+s + gre+" boon# bo"h 1or +.oiding "he 9+in
ro+ds "hrough B+yceri in order "o e.+de +ny po"en"i+l ro+dbloc&s# +nd 1or 9ee"ing up $i"h
so9eone /+nsour <+hed h+d 9e"# in +n obscure loc+"ion he8d been "o.
The rou"e he8d chosen# + de"our "h+" +dded 9ore "h+n +n hour "o his Journey# byp+ssed "he
ci"y +nd +ppro+ched "he 9oun"+in 1ro9 "he $es"# sn+&ing "hrough + 1e$ sleepy "o$ns +nd cu""ing
"hrough "he n+"ion+l p+r& +nd $ildli1e preser.e o1 "he Sul"+n /+rshes be1ore cli9bing in"o "he
rolling 1oo"hills "h+" surrounded "he rugged# dor9+n" .olc+no.
The 9oun"+in $+s +n i9posing sigh". since i"s dis"+n" silhoue""e h+d 1irs" +ppe+red
in his $indshield# 9ore "h+n +n hour e+rlier# <+hed h+d 1ound i" h+rd "o "+&e his eyes o11 i"# i"s
9+Jes"ic# pos"c+rd;per1ec" pro1ile loo9ing bigger +nd bec&oning hi9 $i"h e.ery 9ile. 4i&e
Bili9+nJ+ro +nd o"her dor9+n" .olc+noes# i" $+s + 1rees"+nding 9oun"+in# +n i99ense# 1l+""ened
cone o1 roc& "h+" presided "riu9ph+n"ly "he 1l+"l+nds "hrough $hich i" h+d +risen. And e.en
"hough i" $+s "he heigh" o1 su99er +nd "he "e9per+"ure re+dou" on "he Disco.ery8s d+shbo+rd
$+s sho$ing + scorching nine"y;1i.e degrees# + cro$n o1 sno$ s"ill e9bellished i"s pe+&s.
!e pulled in"o "he 9ee"ing pl+ce# + "ired g+s s"+"ion on "he ou"s&ir"s o1 "he "o$n o1
B+r+&oyunlu. The guide# Suley9+n Topr+&# $+s $+i"ing "here# s"+nding neK" "o + b+""ered Toyo"+
>eep "h+" h+d e.iden"ly spen" 9+ny ye+rs being "hr+shed +round 9oun"+in "r+ils on "he &ind o1
bone;J+rring# o11;ro+d eKcursions 1or $hich i" h+d been designed.
<+hed pulled in behind hi9. !e re+ched in"o "he b+c& o1 "he c+r +nd 1ound + h+ndgun#
$hich he "uc&ed in"o his J+c&e"8s poc&e"# in 1ull sigh" o1 Si99ons.
!e loo&ed +" his c+p"i.e +nd g+.e hi9 + s"ern# c+u"ioning 1inger# ou" o1 .ie$ o1 "he guide#
$ho $+s no$ +ppro+ching "heir c+r. HDon8" 1orge" "o 1ollo$ "he scrip". %our li1eC+nd his#G he
$+rned# poin"ing +" "he 9+n# Hdepend on i".G
Si99ons8s J+$ 9uscles "igh"ened .isibly# "hen he g+.e hi9 + grudging nod.
<+hed s"udied hi9 1or + be+"# "hen s+id# HO&+y#G +nd s"epped ou" o1 "he c+r.
Topr+&# + greg+rious 9+n in his l+"e "$en"ies# loo&ed li&e he8d ridden Doc8s De4ore+n
s"r+igh" in 1ro9 6oods"oc&. !e h+d + "hic& 9+ne o1 long# bl+c& h+ir "h+" $+s p+r"ed in "he
9iddle +nd + geo9e"ric go+"ee "h+" loo&ed li&e i" h+d been chiseled in"o pl+ce. !e $+s in &h+&i
c+rgo ber9ud+s# + $hi"e# coll+rless shir" "h+" $+s open do$n "o his n+.el# +nd hi&ing s+nd+ls. An
+rr+y o1 le+"her nec&l+ces lur&ed bene+"h + luKuri+n" 1ield o1 ches" h+ir.
HPro1essor Sh+r+1i#G he c+lled ou" "o <+hed.
<+hed +c&no$ledged hi9 $i"h + s9+ll $+.e +nd + nod.
HSuley9+n Topr+&# bu" you c+n c+ll 9e Sully#G "he guide s+id $i"h + big# "oo"hy s9ile
+nd + Fu+si;A9eric+n +ccen" "h+" see9ed "o o$e 9ore "o $+"ching A9eric+n "ele.ision "h+n "o
+ny +c"u+l "i9e spen" s"+"eside. They shoo& h+nds.
HAli Sh+r+1i#G <+hed s+id# his eKper" eye "he loc+le + Fuic& sc+n. !e didn8" spo"
+ny"hing ou" o1 pl+ce. HI89 so gl+d you $ere +.+il+ble +" such shor" no"ice.G !e8d chosen hi9
ou" o1 loc+l guides $ho h+d 6eb si"es "ou"ing "heir ser.ices# +nd boo&ed hi9 be1ore Is"+nbul.
HI89 gl+d you c+lled#G Sully replied. HThis sounds li&e 1un.G
<+hed ges"ured +" Si99ons. HThis is 9y colle+gue# Ted *h+y&in.G <+hed h+d chosen
n+9es "h+" his c+p"i.e $ouldn8" e+sily 1orge"# +s per his "r+ining# bu" i" s"ill g+.e hi9 + per.erse
in"ern+l "ic&le "o $+"ch Si99ons8s re+c"ion "o "he ones he8d chosen.
The guide s+id# HGre+" "o 9ee" you bo"h. I hope you h+d + good dri.e.G
HNo proble9s# eKcep" "h+" Ted8s go" so9e s"o9+ch proble9s. 6e h+d "o s"op + 1e$ "i9es
on "he $+y.G <+hed gri9+ced $i"h 9oc& e9p+"hy. H!e8s usu+lly 9uch bubblier "h+n "his.G
HI" h+ppens so9e"i9es#G Sully nodded. HNo"hing + s"rong gl+ss o1 r+&i $on8" 1iK. And
1or"un+"ely# I &eep + bo""le in 9y c+r. @or $hen $e ge" b+c&# o1 course.G !e 1l+shed "h+" big s9ile
+g+in +nd g+.e Si99ons + conspir+"ori+l $in&# "hen "urned "o <+hed. HSo "his 9on+s"ery you
s+id you $ere loo&ing 1or#G he +s&ed. H%ou s+id you h+d 9ore in1or9+"ion +bou" $here i" 9igh"
<+hed pulled ou" + s9+ll no"ep+d on $hich he8d $ri""en "he in1or9+"ion "h+" @+"her
AleKios# "he gr+nd +rchi9+ndri"e o1 "he libr+ry# h+d 1ound +nd "r+nsl+"ed 1or hi9 shor"ly be1ore
he8d pu9ped + bulle" "hrough "he pries"8s 1orehe+d. H6e8re s"ill loo&ing 1or 9ore clues# bu" +" "he
9o9en"# "he bes" "hing $e h+.e "o go on is "he Journ+l o1 + bishop 1ro9 An"ioch $ho described
.isi"ing "he 9on+s"ery b+c& in "he "hir"een"h cen"ury.G
HGre+"# Jus" gi.e 9e + second.G !e do.e in"o his c+r +nd c+9e b+c& holding + l+rge
cli9bing 9+p# $hich he spre+d ou" on "he Toyo"+8s hood. H6e8re here# +nd "his +re+ here is "he
9oun"+in#G he "old his ne$ clien"s# indic+"ing "he pl+ces on "he 9+p.
HO&+y# $ell . . . $h+" $e &no$ is "his. The bishop describes ho$ he $en" nor"h# 1ro9 Sis#
$hich# +" "he "i9e# $+s "he c+pi"+l o1 "he Ar9eni+n &ingdo9 o1 *ilici+.G <+hed $+s "+l&ing $i"h
gre+" nonch+l+nce +nd +ssur+nce# +s i1 "his $ere +ll second n+"ure "o hi9. HAnd Sis# +s you
prob+bly &no$# is "he old n+9e o1 "he ci"y o1 BoD+n.G
A 1lic&er o1 recogni"ion li" up in "he guide8s eyes. HBoD+n. Th+"8s here#G he s+id#
indic+"ing i"s posi"ion on "he 9+p. HAbou" + hundred &ilo9e"ers sou"h o1 here.G
H-K+c"ly#G <+hed con"inued. HThe bishop "hen .isi"ed "he 1or"ress o1 3+beron be1ore
crossing in"o SelJu& "erri"ory "hrough "he *ilici+n G+"es.G
HTh+"8s "he GWle& P+ss# here.G Sully poin"ed i" ou". HI"8s "he only e+sy $+y "o ge"
+cross "he T+urus /oun"+ins.G
HThen he s+ys he he+ded nor"he+s"# "o$+rd /oun" Arg+eus# +nd# I Fuo"e# L.en"ured in"o
"he 9oun"+in# p+s" orch+rds resplenden" $i"h +pple# Fuince# +nd $+lnu"# +cross p+s"ures s"re$n
$i"h sheep +nd go+"s# "hen +cross + s"eep incline +nd + s9+ll 1ores" o1 popl+r "rees. 6e "hen
cli9bed p+s" + glorious $+"er1+ll be1ore re+ching "he 9os" pious o1 9on+s"eries# dedic+"ed "o S".
The guide8s 1+ce clouded. !e s"udied "he 9+p# his 9ind .isibly scrolling "hrough +ll "he
.isu+ls he h+d eKperienced "he ye+rs. A1"er + 9o9en"# he s+id# H6ell# i1 he $+s "r+.eling
1ro9 3+beron# he prob+bly 1ollo$ed "his ro+d# i"8s been + "r+ding rou"e 1or cen"uries.G !e poin"ed
ou" "he +re+ he $+s re1erring "o on "he 9+p. HAnd on "his side o1 "he 9oun"+in# I c+n "hin& o1
"hree# e.en 1our spec"+cul+r $+"er1+lls "h+" he 9igh" h+.e been "+l&ing +bou". S+9e 1or "he "rees2
"here +re poc&e"s o1 "he9 in "his +re+.G !is "one los" i"s bounce. H%ou don8" h+.e +ny"hing
H6ell# he describes "he sunse" "he dis"+n" horiDon# $hich "ells us "h+" he $+s
so9e$here here# on "he $es";1+cing ridges o1 "he 9oun"+in. 3u" "here is so9e"hing else# +n
in"riguing re1erence "o so9e"hing he s+$ +long "he $+y#G <+hed "old hi9. HSo9e"hing he
describes $i"h highly re.eren" "er9s +s being + s"one 1ro9 "he .essel o1 "he 4ord inscribed $i"h
crosses +nd "he sign o1 Ni9rod.G
HThe sign o1 Ni9rodIG
HA di+9ond#G <+hed eKpl+ined. HNi9rod. @ro9 "he !ebre$ 3ible. No+h8s gre+";
gr+ndson# "he 1irs" &ing +1"er "he gre+" 1lood.G
The guide8s 1+ce li" up. HA big s"one $i"h crosses c+r.ed in"o i". @ro9 "he Ar&.G
H%ou &no$ i"IG <+hed +s&ed.
Sully nodded "o hi9sel1 +s "he cogs in his 9ind 1ell in"o pl+ce# "hen his 1+ce $idened $i"h
+ s9ug grin. H4e"8s go 1ind "his 9on+s"ery o1 yours.G !e 1olded up "he 9+p +nd "ro""ed o11 "o his
c+r. H@ollo$ 9e# o&+yIG he shou"ed b+c&. H6e c+n dri.e up "he 1irs" bi".G
H4e+d "he $+y#G <+hed replied. !e $+"ched "he guide 1ire up "he Toyo"+8s engine# "hen
gl+nced +" Si99ons +nd g+.e hi9 + s+"is1ied nod. H4e"8s go 1ind "h+" 9on+s"ery# LTed.8 G
6i"hin 9inu"es# "he "$o )K)s $ere "rundling up "he 9oun"+in.
Chapter 2+

The $+"ers o1 "he 3osphorus shi99ered + 9es9eric gold under "he 9orning sun +s "he
s9+ll Je" b+n&ed Is"+nbul +nd $his&ed 7eilly# Tess# +nd -r"ugrul ou" o1 -urope +nd in"o
Asi+. The +ircr+1"# + slee&# $hi"e Tur&ish Air @orce *essn+ *i"+"ion :II# $+s 1errying "he9 "o "he
ci"y o1 B+yceri# b+ng in "he 9iddle o1 "he coun"ry# $here + uni" o1 Tur&ish Speci+l @orces $ould
be $+i"ing "o "+&e "he9 up in"o "he 9oun"+in.
As "he +ircr+1" s"re+&ed up "o i"s cruising +l"i"ude# 7eilly "oo& in "he receding p+nor+9+ o1
do9es +nd 9in+re"s $i"h $e+ry eyes "h+" he could b+rely &eep open. !e8d los" coun" o1 ho$
9+ny cups o1 co11ee he8d drun& in "he l+s" "$en"y;1our hours or so# + nu9ber "h+" $ould h+.e "o
be 9ul"iplied by + 1+c"or o1 "$o or "hree "o "+&e in"o +ccoun" "he high po"ency o1 Tur&ish co11ee.
S"ill# he needed "o ge" so9e sleep i1 he $+s going "o be e11ec"i.e in "he 1ield op "h+" $+s co9ing
All "hree o1 "he9 h+d $or&ed l+"e in"o "he nigh" +" "he consul+"e# +nd "hey8d ended up no"
bo"hering $i"h ho"el roo9s +nd cr+shing "here ins"e+d. Tess h+d spen" her "i9e "rying "o ge" +
cle+rer h+ndle on $here *onr+d +nd his g+ng could h+.e been he+ding# $hile 7eilly +nd -r"ugrul
h+d spen" long hours poring +ll "he loc+l sur.eill+nce in"el "h+" h+d co9e in 1ro9 bo"h *IA
+nd Tur&ish sources# loo&ing 1or +ny"hing ou" o1 "he ordin+ry "h+" 9igh" sugges" co9plici"y $i"h
"he :+"ic+n bo9ber. Addi"ion+lly# c+lls h+d h+d "o be 9+de "o "heir superiors in Ne$ %or& *i"y +s
$ell +s "o 4+ngley +nd "o @or" /e+de# ho9e o1 "he NSA# $here ch+""er $+s being +n+lyDed +nd
.oice in"ercep"s co9bed 1or +ny"hing "h+" could help +ns$er "he one pressing Fues"ion? ho$ "he
bo9ber $+s ge""ing 1ro9 Is"+nbul "o his in"ended des"in+"ion.
3y "he "i9e "he sun c+9e up# none o1 i" h+d borne 1rui". All "hey h+d "o go on $+s "he
9os" recen" upd+"e 1ro9 "he loc+l polis "elling "he9 $h+" c+rs h+d been s"olen in +nd +round
Is"+nbul in "he l+s" 1or"y;eigh" hours. Unsurprisingly# "here h+dn8" been "h+" 9+ny# gi.en "he shor"
"i9e 1r+9e. @i1"y;se.en .ehicles $ere on "he lis". 7eilly +nd -r"ugrul h+d been +ble "o eli9in+"e
9ore "h+n h+l1 o1 "he9 on "he grounds "h+" "hey $ouldn8" be sui"+ble 1or + "en; "o "$el.e;hour
dri.e. They8d "hen $+i"ed $hile "he d+"+ $+s 1ed in"o "he police8s /O3-S- in1or9+"ion +nd
securi"y ne"$or&# lin&ing + "hous+nd sur.eill+nce c+9er+s +cross "he ci"y "o + license pl+"e
recogni"ion +nd .ehicle "r+c&ing cen"er. o1 "he c+rs on "he ho" lis" h+d been pic&ed up on
.ideo +" .+rious loc+"ions# +nd gi.en "h+" 7eilly +nd -r"ugrul &ne$ $hich direc"ion "he bo9ber
$+s he+ded# "hey $ere +ble "o n+rro$ i" do$n e.en 1ur"her# "o 1our"een .ehicles o1 in"eres". Then
shor"ly +1"er d+$n# $ord h+d co9e in 1ro9 Air *o9b+" *o99+nd "h+" "hey8d +greed "o le" "he9
h+.e one o1 "he Glob+l !+$&s. I" $+s on "he ground +" "he Al Udeid Air 3+se in M+"+r# in "he
Persi+n Gul1# being re+died 1or i"s sor"ie# +nd $+s eKpec"ed "o be in posi"ion "he "+rge" +re+
by 9id;9orning. The lis" o1 ho" c+rs h+d been rel+yed "o "he drone8s con"rollers in "he ,"h
7econn+iss+nce 6ing +" 3e+le Air @orce 3+se in *+li1orni+# $here co9pu"ers $ould +n+lyDe "he
drone8s .ideo 1eed 1or +ny 9+"ching .ehicles.
There $+s no"hing 9ore "hey could do eKcep" $+i". And hope. And "ry no" "o d$ell "oo
9uch on $h+" h+d h+ppened so 1+r +nd $h+" 9is"+&es "hey "hough" "hey 9igh" h+.e 9+de.
7eilly s$ung his g+De "o "he se+" 1+cing hi9. Tess 1el" i" +nd loo&ed up 1ro9 her l+p"op.
-.en +1"er + .ir"u+lly sleepless nigh" in "he disco91or" o1 + consul+"e 9ee"ing roo9# "he sp+r&le
in her loo& +nd "he 9ischie.ous curl +" "he edge o1 her lips $+s s"ill "here. !e h+d "o s9ile# bu" i"
$+s + $e+& s9ile "h+" didn8" re+ch his eyes.
Tess c+ugh" i". H6h+" is i"IG
!e $+s "oo "ired "o go in"o i". Ins"e+d# he de1lec"ed "he Fues"ion +nd +s&ed# HAny .erdic"
She s"udied hi9 1or + be+"# +s i1 deb+"ing $he"her or no" "o le" i" go. Then her eyes 1lic&ed
do$n "o her screen +nd she s+id# HI "hin& so. I89 no" sure i"8s enough "o help us 1ind *onr+d8s
gr+.e $i"hou" &no$ing on $h+" side o1 "he 9oun"+in "h+" 9on+s"ery is# bu" i" 9igh".G
HSho$ 9e#G he +s&ed# le+ning 1or$+rd.
Tess spun her l+p"op +round so he could see i"s screen# +nd poin"ed +" "he 9+p on i". HIn
his dying 9issi.e# "he 9on& s+ys "hey s+id "h+" *onr+d +nd his 9en $ere going "o *orycus#
$hich is do$n here# on "he co+s".G She indic+"ed + s9+ll "o$n on "he sou"h co+s" o1 "he coun"ry.
HI"8s c+lled BiD&+lesi "od+y.G
H!e could h+.e been $rong#G 7eilly s+id. HThey could h+.e lied "o hi9.G
H/+ybe# bu" I don8" "hin& so. I 9e+n# i" 9+&es senseC"hey didn8" h+.e "oo 9+ny choices.
3y '3'(# "he Order h+d been +bolished. They $ere $+n"ed 9en in 6es"ern -urope# so "hey
couldn8" go "here. They couldn8" he+d e+s"# ei"her# since "he /usli9s h+d "+&en b+c& "he $hole
co+s" +nd "orn do$n "heir 1or"resses.G
HSo $here $ere "hey goingIG
HThe only logic+l pl+ce 1or "he9 "o go? b+c& "o *yprus. *onr+d prob+bly s"ill h+d 1riends
on "he isl+nd. The pope8s 9en $eren8" po$er1ul "here. !e could l+y lo$ "here in rel+"i.e s+1e"y
+nd pl+n "heir neK" 9o.e. 6hich 9e+ns "h+" $ "hey $ere on "h+" 9oun"+in# "hey8d h+.e
"o he+d sou"h# "o one o1 "hese p+sses "hrough "he T+urus /oun"+ins# "o 9+&e i" "o "he co+s". The
Fues"ion is# $hich oneIG
7eilly nodded# no" re+lly 1ocused on $h+" she $+s s+ying.
She s"udied hi9 1or + be+"# "hen s+id# H%ou 1re+&ed 9e ou" b+c& "here# you &no$ "h+"IG
!is 1+ce $rin&led. H6h+" +re you "+l&ing +bou"IG
HOu"side "he P+"ri+rch+"e. The $+y you ch+rged +" "he guy# "he $+y you s"or9ed o11 +1"er
hi9 li&e + one;9+n +r9y . . . Ju9ping in "he She p+used# "hen +dded# HI"8s no" your 1+ul"#
H6h+"8s no" 9y 1+ul"IG
H6h+" h+ppened +" "he :+"ic+n. The bo9bs +nd +ll "h+". !ell# I89 9ore responsible 1or i"
"h+n you +re.G She le+ned in closer# +nd "igh"ened her h+nd +round his. HI &no$ you $+n" hi9.
And I $+n" you "o $ipe "h+" b+s"+rd o11 "he 1+ce o1 "he -+r"h e.en 9ore "h+n you do. 3u" you
c+n8" &eep going b+llis"ic li&e "h+". %ou need "o &eep your r+ge in chec& or you8re going "o ge"
hur". And "h+" sc+res "he li1e ou" o1 9e. I don8" $+n" "h+" "o h+ppen.G
!e nodded Fuie"ly. A" so9e le.el# he &ne$ she $+s righ". !e $+s le""ing his +nger cloud
his Judg9en". Only proble9 $+s# $i"h so9eone li&e "he bo9ber# 7eilly &ne$ "h+" h+l1 9e+sures
$ouldn8" be enough. !e h+d "o be rec&less i1 he $+s going "o h+.e + ch+nce +" "+&ing hi9 do$n.
I" $+s p+r" o1 "he Job descrip"ion. 3u" i" $+s +lso so9e"hing +bou" $hich he didn8" necess+rily
need "o &eep re9inding Tess.
!e h+l1;s9iled. HI"8s no big de+l# hones". I h+.e h+d + bi" o1 "r+ining in "h+" &ind o1 "hing#
you &no$.G
!er eKpression didn8" so1"en. She $+sn8" buying i". She pulled her h+nd b+c&. HI89
serious# Se+n. I don8" $+n" you dying on 9e. No" here. No" no$. No" 6e8.e s"ill go" + lo" "o
do "oge"her# don8" $eIG
!er co99en" "oo& hi9 by surprise +nd 9+de his 9ind $+nder b+c&# "o $h+" "hey8d been
"hrough 9on"hs e+rlier. A1"er + 9o9en"# he s+id# HDon8" $orry. I89 no" going +ny$here.G
A s+dness d+r&ened her 1+ce. H3u" I did. I b+iled on you. And I89 sorry. I89 re+lly sorry
+bou" "h+". 3u" you unders"+nd# don8" youI %ou unders"+nd $hy I h+d "o go# righ"IG
Sound bi"es 1ro9 "heir p+r"ing con.ers+"ion echoed 1+in"ly in his e+rs. H!+s +ny"hing
Tess "oo& in + deep bre+"h +nd gl+nced ou" "he $indo$. I" $+sn8" + Fues"ion she $+s &een
"o "hin& +bou". H6h+" i1 i" doesn8" h+ppen 1or usIG she 1in+lly s+id. H6ill $e be +ble "o
re+lly 9o.e beyond i"# or $ill i" be + hole in your li1e "h+" I8ll be +ble "o plugIG
7eilly pondered i" 1or + be+"# "hen shrugged. HGi.en $h+" $e do# $h+"8s brough" us ou"
here +g+in . . . I" +ll 9+&es 9e $onder $he"her or no" $e should h+.e e.en "ried.G
*oun1usion +nd surprise 1looded her 1+ce. H%ou8re second "hough"s no$I Abou"
us + b+byIG
HI"8s prob+bly + 9oo" poin" no$# isn8" i"IG
H6h+" i1 i" $+sn8"IG
!e "hough" +bou" i" 1or + 9o9en"# +nd surprised hi9sel1 by re+liDing he $+sn8" so sure
+ny9ore. HI don8" &no$. %ou "ell 9e. I 9e+n# "his is $h+" $e do# isn8" i"I %ou# $i"h your long;
los" 9ys"eries "h+" see9 "o bring +ll &inds o1 $h+c&os ou" o1 "he $ood$or&. /e# $i"h 9y Job#
running do$n guys $ho ge" $e" dre+9s +bou" sl+99ing pl+nes in"o "o$ers. 6h+" &ind o1
p+ren"s $ould $e h+.e beenIG
Tess $+.ed i" o11. H6h+" +re $e gonn+ do# gi.e i" +ll up +nd pl+y Scr+bble e.ery nigh"
$hile sipping ch+9o9ile "e+I 4i&e you s+id# "his is $ho $e +re. I"8s $h+" $e do. And reg+rdless
o1 "h+"# $e8d be gre+" p+ren"s. I don8" doub" "h+" 1or + second.G She g+.e hi9 + sligh" grin +nd
"igh"ened her h+nd +round his +g+in. H4oo&# don8" $orry +bou" i". %ou8re + guy. %ou8re no"
supposed "o ge" "hese "hings. >us" le+.e "h+" p+r" o1 i" "o 9e# o&+yI All I need you "o do is "ell 9e
$e c+n ge" p+s" i" i1 i" doesn8" $or& ou" 1or us on "h+" 1ron" . . . +nd 9+&e sure you don8" 9+&e
yoursel1 "oo big + "+rge" 1or "h+" creep in "he 9e+n"i9e. De+lIG
An +cu"e sense o1 "iredness o.erc+9e 7eilly. !e nodded $i"h + 1+in" s9ile# his eyelids
no$ 1eeling li&e "hey $ere 9+de o1 le+d. HDe+l.G
Despi"e her $ords +nd despi"e his eKh+us"ion# i9+ges o1 "he c+rn+ge +" "he :+"ic+n &ep"
s$ooping "hrough "he d+r& recesses o1 his 9ind. !e shu" his eyes +nd decided "h+" 9+ybe + n+p
$ouldn8" be such + b+d "hing +1"er +ll# +nd le+ned b+c& +g+ins" his he+dres". 3u" 9uch +s he
needed "o sleep# i" Jus" $ouldn8" co9e# +nd 9igh" no" 1or + $hile# he &ne$.
No" un"il "he hun" $+s
Chapter 2,

Alpine 9e+do$s +nd .+s" orch+rds o1 .ine +nd 1rui" g+.e $+y "o + h+rsher# roc&ier "err+in
+s <+hed +nd Si99ons 1ollo$ed "he guide8s b+""ered SU: up "he 9oun"+in.
The p+.ed ro+d# i"s "ired +sph+l" 1issured +nd p+"chy 1ro9 "he big se+son+l s$ings in
"e9per+"ure# $+s b+rely $ider "h+n "heir c+rs. A1"er + couple o1 9iles# i" "urned in"o +n e.en
n+rro$er p+"h "h+" 9ules $ould h+.e + h+rd "i9e cli9bing# bu" none o1 "h+" see9ed "o 1+De "he
guide. !e &ep" on going# "he Toyo"+8s "ired diesel engine s"r+ining +g+ins" "he bone;r+""ling
incline# i"s suspension springs s"re"ching +nd co9pressing li&e 1our big Slin&ys# le+ding "he9
1+r"her up "he desol+"e 9oun"+in# un"il "he "r+il 1in+lly c+9e "o +n end in + s9+ll cle+ring +" "he
1oo" o1 + big roc& slide.
Sully gl+nced up +" "he 9idd+y sun# "hen chec&ed his $+"ch.
H6e8ll le+.e "he "en"s +nd e.ery"hing else here 1or no$ +nd "r+.el ligh"#G he "old <+hed
+nd Si99ons. H6e8ll be +ble "o 9ore ground "h+" $+y. 3u" $e8ll need "o be b+c& do$n
here by sunse"# $hich is in +bou" eigh" hours8 "i9e.G
HI hope you 9+n+ged "o pic& up so9e hi&ing ge+r 1or usIG <+hed +s&ed.
HI "hin& I8.e go" e.ery"hing you need.G !e re"rie.ed + big du11el b+g 1ro9 "he b+c& o1 his
c+r +nd h+nded i" "o <+hed. HT;shir"s# shor"s# 1leeces# soc&s# +nd shoes. 4e"8s go# gen"le9en#G he
s9iled. HThe 9oun"+in8s $+i"ing.G

ON*- T!-% /AD- IT UP "he n+rro$ p+"h "h+" sn+&ed +long "he s"eep roc& 1+ce "h+"
+bu""ed "he cle+ring# "hey h+d + rel+"i.ely e+sy "re& 1or "he 1irs" hour# "r+.ersing yaylas#
"he high;+l"i"ude 9e+do$s "h+" ringed "he .olc+no in + series o1 undul+"ing hills. Despi"e "he
Augus" sun# "he +ir 1el" 9ore crisp +nd dry $i"h e+ch ne$ 9e"er o1 +l"i"ude# + 9+r&ed di11erence
1ro9 "he hu9id 1urn+ce +" "he b+se o1 "he 9oun"+in. Sc+""ered herds o1 +ni9+lsCsheep# c+""le#
+nd "he Angor+ go+"s "he region $+s 1+9ous 1orCgr+Ded pe+ce1ully in "he +rid gr+ssl+nd# $hile
o.erhe+d# 1loc&s o1 pin& rose 1inches s$ooped p+s" 1or + loo& be1ore resu9ing "heir +eri+l b+lle".
Despi"e "he p+s"or+l sereni"y surrounding hi9# <+hed $+s no" +" e+se. Ti9e $+s dr+ining
+$+y# "i9e in $hich 7eilly +nd "he res" o1 his ene9ies could pic& up his "r+il +nd close in on hi9#
+nd ye" here he $+s# ou" on + leisurely hi&e $i"h s&e"chy in1or9+"ion +nd li""le 9ore "h+n + hope
"h+" "he s"r+nger he8d selec"ed h+s"ily &ne$ $h+" he $+s doing.
Si99ons h+dn8" s+id 9uch "hroughou" "he cli9b# $hich $+s Jus" +s <+hed h+d ins"ruc"ed
hi9 "o do. Sully# ho$ +nd 9uch "o <+hed8s irri"+"ion# 9ore "h+n "oo& up "he sl+c&# y+pping
+l9os" nons"op# cle+rly su11ering 1ro9 +no"her 1or9 o1 di+rrhe+.
The "err+in soon bec+9e 9ore ch+llenging +s "he slope s"eepened +nd "he 9e+do$s g+.e
$+y "o slippery bo$ls o1 scree +nd co+rse .olc+nic roc&. !igh +bo.e# + series o1 J+gged roc&
spires deline+"ed "he .+lley he+d. T$o hours in"o "he cli9b# "he guide sugges"ed "hey "+&e + bre+&
in "he shel"er o1 + "hic&e" o1 "rees. !e h+nded "he9 so9e $+"er bo""les +nd spicy su"uk
s+nd$iches# +long $i"h so9e energy b+rs# +ll o1 $hich "hey consu9ed he+r"ily $hile "+&ing in
"he bre+"h"+&ing .ie$.
The An+"oli+n Pl+in s"re"ched ou" 1+r belo$ "he9# +n in1ini"e# s"ri&ing golden;beige
pl+"e+u "h+" $+s punc"u+"ed by +n +rr+y o1 unusu+l sh+do$s 1ro9 "he l+"e;+1"ernoon sun. !o" +ir
b+lloons dri1"ed slo$ly by# 9ul"icolored gu9drops gliding "he dis"+n" .+lleys +nd "he hidden
c+nyons. -.en 1ro9 "his dis"+nce# one could 9+&e ou" "he dis"inc"i.e 1e+"ures "h+" 9+de "he +re+
one o1 "he 9os" unusu+lC+nd spec"+cul+rCl+ndsc+pes on "he pl+ne".
/ore "h+n "hir"y 9illion ye+rs +go# during "he *enoDoic -r+# "he en"ire +re+ h+d been
s9o"hered by .olc+nic erup"ions 1ro9 /oun" Arg+eus +nd + couple o1 o"her .olc+noes. They8d
du9ped l+.+ +ll i" on +nd o11 1or "ens o1 "hous+nds o1 ye+rs. Once "he erup"ions h+d pe"ered
ou"# s"or9y $e+"her# ri.ers# +nd e+r"hFu+&es +ll colluded "o churn "he deposi"s +nd "urn "he9 in"o
"u1+# + so1"# 9+lle+ble s"one 9+de up o1 l+.+# 9ud# +nd +sh. *en"uries o1 erosion "hen c+r.ed "he
pl+in in"o .+lleys +nd c+nyons# +nd lined "he9 $i"h +n +s"onishing l+ndsc+pe o1 undul+"ing#
sensuous roc& 1or9+"ions "h+" loo&ed li&e 9+99o"h dollops o1 $hipped cre+9# endless 1ields o1
9+ssi.e cones o1 roc&# +nd H1+iry chi9neys#G s"r+nge spires o1 bone;$hi"e "u1+ "h+" loo&ed li&e
+sp+r+gus "ips "opped by gr+.i"y;de1ying c+ps o1 reddish;bro$n b+s+l" s"one. And i1 n+"ure8s
$or& $+sn8" ph+n"+s9ogoric enough# 9+n h+d +dded "o i" by burro$ing in"o "he "u1+ $
he could. S9+ll holes po&ed ou" o1 roc& 1or9+"ions o1 +ll sh+pes +nd siDes# $indo$s "o "he 9os"
unli&ely o1 hu9+n h+bi"+"ions# en"ire .+lleys c+r.ed in"o $+rrens o1 underground ci"ies# her9i"
cells# roc& churches# +nd 9on+s"eries.
H3e+u"i1ul# isn8" i"IG Sully +s&ed.
H:ery#G <+hed replied.
The guide "oo& + s$ig 1ro9 his c+n"een +nd s+id# H%ou8re 1ro9 Ir+n# righ"IG
HOrigin+lly# yes. 3u" 9y 1+9ily le1" "he coun"ry $hen I $+s se.en.G !e lied $i"h e+se. I"
$+s + pro1ile he8d used be1ore.
HThe n+9e o1 "his $hole +re+# *+pp+doci+#G Sully s+id# Hi"8s origin+lly Persi+n# you
&no$. LB+"p+"u&+.8G
HLThe l+nd o1 be+u"i1ul horses#8G <+hed "old hi9.
Sully nodded. H4ong +go# "hey used "o be +ll "he pl+ce. No" +ny9ore# "hough. 3u" i"
9us" h+.e been so9e"hing# "o co9e +cross $ild horses ro+9ing 1ree in + l+ndsc+pe li&e "his.G !e
le" his eyes $+nder "he ou"l+ndish "err+in belo$# suc&ing in slo$# deep bre+"hs# "hen s+id#
H!+.e you h+d + ch+nce "o eKplore "he .+lleysIG
HThis "rip $+sn8" re+lly pl+nned in +d.+nce# +nd $e h+.e "o ge" b+c& "o "he uni.ersi"y
.ery soon.G
HOh# you8.e go" "o 1ind so9e "i9e "o do i" $hile you8re here#G Sully en"hused. HI"8s no"
li&e +ny"hing you8.e seen be1ore. I"8s +no"her pl+ne" do$n "here. And i"8s +ll bec+use o1 "his
9ons"er here#G he s+id# poin"ing up +" "he pe+& o1 "he eK"inc" .olc+no "h+" loo9ed "he9.
<+hed shrugged $i"h 1+&e ch+grin. H6e8ll "ry.G
Sully nodded# "hen + coc&y grin spre+d +cross his 1+ce. H%ou h+.en8" no"iced $here $e8re
s"+nding# h+.e youIG
<+hed gl+nced +round# unsure o1 $h+" Sully $+s "+l&ing +bou". !e c+ugh" Si99ons8s eye
C"he +rch+eologis" $+s loo&ing up +" "he "rees.
HPopl+rs#G Si99ons s+id. HThey8re popl+r "rees.G
H%ep.G Sully $+s enJoying "his. HAnd i1 you8d c+re "o 1ollo$ 9e# "here8s "his roc& I8d li&e
"o sho$ you.G

!A4@ AN !OU7 4AT-7# "hey re+ched i".
I" $+s + l+rge# uprigh"# rec"+ngul+r roc&# roughly cu" "o sh+pe li&e + 9+ssi.e gr+.e
9+r&er# +bou" eigh" 1ee" "+ll# "uc&ed +$+y in + n+rro$ h+nging .+lley "h+" sep+r+"ed "$o ridges.
I"s 1ron" h+d crosses c+r.ed in"o i"# +long $i"h + di+9ond sh+pe in i"s bo""o9 righ" corner.
*lose "o i"s "op# + hole o1 +bou" se.en inches in di+9e"er h+d so9eho$ been drilled "hrough i".
<+hed s"udied i" curiously. H6h+" is i"IG
Si99ons $+s +lso eK+9ining i" closely. The sigh" h+d inJec"ed so9e li1e b+c& in"o hi9.
HThere +re Fui"e + 1e$ o1 "hese 1+r"her e+s"# ne+r "he border $i"h Ar9eni+. So9e people "hin&
"hey8re drogue s"onesC+nchor s"ones "h+" +ncien" 9+riners used "o suspend 1ro9 "he b+c&s o1
"heir hulls "o slo$ "heir bo+"s do$n +nd 9+&e "he9 9ore s"+ble in s"or9y se+s. 3u" gi.en "h+"
$e8re 1+r inl+nd . . . "hey "hin& "hey8re 1ro9 No+h8s Ar&. >e""isoned be1ore i" se""led on /oun"
Ar+r+".G !is "one h+d + "inge o1 9oc&ery +nd pi"y.
H%ou don8" +greeIG <+hed Fues"ioned.
Si99ons g+.e hi9 + loo& o1 Fuie" surprise. H%ou re+lly "hin& I $ouldIG !e sco11ed. HI"8s
+l9os" +s i1 you don8" &no$ 9e# LAli.8 G Th+" l+s" $ord h+d + bi"e "o i".
3e1ore <+hed could pl+y i" do$n# Sully $+ded in# obli.ious "o Si99ons8s li""le g+9e.
H%ou don8" belie.e in "he Ar&IG
The +rch+eologis" sighed. HO1 course no". The s"ory o1 "he Ar& $+s 9e+n" "o be
"+&en li"er+lly. I"8s in "he boo& o1 Genesis# 1or God8s s+&e# +nd . . .G !e shrugged# +s i1 he didn8"
e.en &no$ $here "o begin on "h+" one. HThis roc&# 1or eK+9ple. I"8s b+s+l". :olc+nic. 3ocal. And
"he Ar&C+ccording "o "he Old Tes"+9en"C$+s 9e+n" "o h+.e se" o11 1ro9 /esopo"+9i+. No
.olc+noes "here. And you8d eKpec" drogue s"ones "o be 9+de ou" o1 9+"eri+l 1ro9 "he pl+ce "he
ships se" ou" 1ro9# no" 1ro9 $here "hey l+nded# noIG
Sully +s&ed# HSo $h+" do you "hin& "hey +reIG
HP+g+n s"ones# 1ro9 long be1ore *hris"i+ni"y. There +re 9+ny o1 "he9 sc+""ered +cross
Ar9eni+ +nd e+s"ern Tur&ey. The crosses $ere c+r.ed in"o "he9 9uch l+"er# $hen *hris"i+ni"y
"oo& 1ro9 p+g+nis9. This is $here "he *hris"i+n concep" o1 "o9bs"ones $i"h crosses c+r.ed
in"o "he9 1irs" s"+r"ed. @irs" $i"h "he p+g+ns. Then $i"h *hris"i+ns.G
HAnd "he holesIG
H>us" niches 1or l+9ps.G
<+hed sc+nned "he +re+# "hen s+id# HO&+y. 6h+" +bou" "he $+"er1+llIG
HI "hin& I &no$ $hich one $e need#G Sully s+id. HI"8s "he only one "h+" 9+&es sense#
gi.en "h+" he p+ssed "his $+y.G

IT DIDN8T TAB- TOO 4ONG 1or "he9 "o re+ch "he $+"er1+ll. And +n hour +1"er "h+"#
"hey $ere eKploring "he ruins o1 "he 9on+s"ery.
No" "h+" "here $+s 9uch o1 i" le1" "o eKplore.
A1"er se.en hundred ye+rs o1 +b+ndon9en"# "here $+s li""le "o sho$ "h+" i" $+s +ny"hing
9ore "h+n + series o1 pri9i"i.e +lbei" ones $i"h cuboid sh+pes +nd $i"h 9ore;or;less
rec"+ngul+r openings in "heir $+lls. An in1es"+"ion o1 $ild gr+ss +nd "hic&# "+ll bushes shielded
"he ruins 1ro9 .ie$# +nd $hen Sully# <+hed# +nd Si99ons did 9+n+ge "o cu" "heir $+y "hrough
"he o.ergro$"h +nd en"er "he roo9s o1 "he 9on+s"ery# "here $+s no"hing "here beyond b+re# cold
$+lls +nd "he ghos"s o1 long;1+ded 9ur+ls depic"ing# "hey +ssu9ed# 3iblic+l scenes.
S"ill# i" $+s in no $+y + dis+ppoin"9en". They $eren8" "here "o 1ind +ny"hing beyond "he
9on+s"ery i"sel1.
They "oo& + bre+"her +nd huddled on so9e boulders on + ridge ou"side# +" "he he+d o1 "he
s"eep roc&y incline "h+" led up "o "he ruins. In "he l+"e;+1"ernoon s&y o.erhe+d# + lone buDD+rd
circled +round l+Dily# hi"ching + ride on + "her9+l# $hile do$n belo$# "he .+lleys h+d shi1"ed "o +
brooding p+nor+9+ o1 purples +nd gr+ys. Sully $+s using "he 1old;ou" bl+de o1 his 9ul"i"ool "o
cu" pieces o1 pis"+chio helva "h+" he $+s h+nding ou" "o his clien"s. !is 9+p $+s b+c&# spre+d ou"
beside hi9. !e8d +lre+dy 9+r&ed "he posi"ion o1 "he 9on+s"ery on i".
HSo no$ you need "o 1ollo$ +no"her se" o1 direc"ions 1ro9 hereIG he +s&ed <+hed in
be"$een 9ou"h1uls.
H%es. The direc"ions o1 + "r+.eler $ho p+ssed "hrough here in "he 1our"een"h cen"ury.G !e
pulled ou" + 1olded piece o1 no"ep+per +nd h+nded i" "o Sully. On i" $ere "he de"+ils o1 "he
inFuisi"or8s Journey "h+" Si99ons h+d"ed 1ro9 "he Te9pl+r 7egis"ry. H6e need "o 1ind "he
c+nyon he $+s "+l&ing +bou".G
Sully gl+nced +" "he shee"# "hen loo&ed up +" <+hed. H6h+" is "his +ll +bou" +ny$+yIG A
chee&y grin bro+dened +cross his 1+ce# li&e he $+s on "o "he9. HAre you guys on so9e &ind o1
"re+sure hun"IG
<+hed chor"led. HA "re+sure hun"I Do $e loo& li&e "re+sure hun"ers "o youIG !e "urned "o
Si99ons# poin"ing 9ir"h1ully +" Sully# sh+&ing his he+d +nd l+ughing o11 "he sugges"ion. H%ou
$+"ch "oo 9+ny 9o.ies# 9y 1riend.G
Si99ons dredged up + $e+& l+ugh "h+" didn8" re+ch his eyes.
H6h+" "henIG Sully prodded. HI 9e+n# $hy "he rushIG
H6e didn8" eKpec" "o be here. 6e8re pu""ing "he 1inishing "ouches "o + boo& +bou" "he
*rus+des# +nd "hese could pro.e so9e &nigh"s sur.i.ed ou" here longer "h+n $e +ssu9e#
$hich $ould con"r+dic" "hings $e8.e s+id in "he boo&. 3u" +s $e8re on + budge"# $e c+n8" s"+y
here 6e8re due b+c& +" "he uni.ersi"y in "$o d+ys.G
Sully loo&ed cres"1+llen. HSo "here8s no "re+sureIG
<+hed shrugged. HSorry. 3u" $e8ll be h+ppy "o send you +n +u"ogr+phed copy o1 our
HTh+" $ould be gre+".G Sully s9iled# cle+rly "rying no" "o sound "oo cres"1+llen. !e "hen
dropped his eyes "o "he no"e <+hed h+d gi.en hi9 +nd s"udied i"# his g+De 1lic&ing +cross "o "he
9+p +nd b+c&# his 9ind consu9ed by "he ch+llenge.
A1"er + long 9o9en"# he see9ed "o re+ch + .erdic". HThe descrip"ion is + bi" .+gue "o be
sure o1 +ny"hing# bu" gi.en $h+"8s in here . . . i1 I h+d "o guess# I8d s+y "hey $ere "rying "o ge" "o
"he GWle& P+ss# "he 9oun"+in p+ss "h+" "he bishop +lso "oo& on his Journey nor"h. I" $+s "he only
$+y "o ge" +cross "he T+urus /oun"+ins. 6hich 9e+ns "he c+nyon he8s "+l&ing +bou" is sou"h o1
here# in "his +re+.G !e circled "he +re+ he $+s re1erring "o on "he 9+p. H3u" "here +re lo"s o1
c+nyons "here. I c+n8" s+y $hich one o1 "he9 i" 9igh" be# +ssu9ing I8.e go" "he 1irs" p+r" righ"#
$i"hou" 9+&ing "h+" Journey +nd 1ollo$ing in his 1oo"s"eps.G
<+hed nodded "hough"1ully. HThen "h+"8s $h+" $e need "o do. @irs" "hing "o9orro$.G !e
p+used# "hen grinned +nd +dded# H6e8.e go" "o be+" "he o"her "re+sure hun"ers "o i".G
Sully chuc&led. HNo" + proble9#G he replied# "hen his 1+ce li" up $i"h +n ide+. H%ou &no$
$h+"I 4e" 9e c+ll 9y uncle# AbdWl&eri9. !e8s + 3yD+n"inis"# he used "o be + pro1essor +" +
uni.ersi"y in An&+r+. !e no$ $or&s +s + "ouris" guide. %ou8ll li&e hi9. !e do$n in %+hy+li#
$hich is ne+r "he c+nyons I89 "+l&ing +bou". !e &no$s "he9 be""er "h+n +nyone# +nd i1 +nyone
c+n help us 1igure i" ou"# he c+n.G !e pulled ou" his cell phone# gl+nced +" i" brie1ly# "hen see9ed
"o re9e9ber so9e"hing. HD+9n# I 1orgo"#G he s+id# holding up his phone $i"h + sheepish loo& on
his 1+ce. HThere8s no sign+l up here.G
<+hed8s $en" +s "+u" +s s"eel c+bles. !e &ne$ $here "hose $ords $ould reson+"e#
+nd gl+nced +cross +" Si99ons.
The erup"ion in "he +rch+eologis"8s eyes $+s +ll "he con1ir9+"ion he needed.
Chapter 2-

No cell phone signal. The co99en" se" Si99ons8s neurons on 1ire. No cell phone sign+l.
No de"on+"or.
No bo9b.
I" $+s no$ or ne.erCe.en 9ore so +s he s+$ his +bduc"or8s righ" h+nd di.e in"o his
ruc&s+c&# $here Si99ons &ne$ he8d s"+shed + h+ndgun.
H!e8s go" + gun#G he yelled +s he l+unched hi9sel1 +" <+hed.
!e re+ched hi9 Jus" +s "he $e+pon 9+de i"s +ppe+r+nce +nd "hrus" his le1" h+nd ou" +" "he
h+nd gripping i" $hile bending his righ" +r9 +nd +i9ing his elbo$ +" his opponen"8s 1+ce. !is
h+nd cl+9ped do$n h+rd on "he Ir+ni+n8s righ" $ris" +nd sho.ed "he gun +$+y# 1lic&ing i" o11;
"+rge" Jus" +s + $ild round de"on+"ed ou" o1 i". I"s ro+r eKploded in Si99ons8s e+rdru9s +nd
re.erber+"ed up "he cli11 behind "he9# bu" i" didn8" slo$ do$n his righ" elbo$# $hich connec"ed
$i"h "he shoo"er8s 1+ce + spli" second l+"er. <+hed8s "r+ining c+9e in"o pl+y +nd he 9+n+ged "o
+.oid "he $ors" o1 "he blo$ by lunging b+c&$+rd# bu" "he +rch+eologis"8s "+u" 1ore+r9 s"ill
plo$ed in"o "he Ir+ni+n $i"h + sic&ening crunch "h+" li" up Si99ons8s shoulder. The 9o9en"u9
o1 "he collision c+used "he9 bo"h "o "u9ble o11 "he boulder# Si99ons h+nging on "o <+hed8s gun
h+nd +nd 1igh"ing hi9 1or "he $e+pon# "he "$o o1 "he9 "$is"ing e+ch o"her +nd sliding
b+c&$+rd be1ore hi""ing "he ground.
The Ir+ni+n8s he+d sl+99ed b+c& he+.ily +g+ins" "he loose roc&s "h+" li""ered "he "op o1
"he incline# c+using hi9 "o ho$l $i"h p+inC+nd loosening his 1ingers8 loc& on "he h+ndgun.
Si99ons# s"ill h+l1;de+1 1ro9 "he gunsho"# s+$ his opening +nd "oo& i". 6i"h bo"h h+nds no$
gripped +round <+hed8s $ris"# he r+ised i" o11 "he ground +nd pounded i" b+c& do$n# once# "$ice#
+g+in# h+99ering "he b+c& o1 "he Ir+ni+n8s h+nd +g+ins" "he sh+rds o1 roc&# blood spur"ing ou"
1ro9 i"# un"il he s+$ "he 9+n8s grip $e+&enC+nd 1el" +n erup"ion o1 p+in in his righ" 1l+n& $here
<+hed8s b+lled 1is" h+d Jus" i9p+c"ed $i"h "he 1orce o1 + pile The blo$ $+s s"+ggering.
Si99ons grun"ed ou" loud +s he 1ough" "o &eep con"rol o1 his hold long enough 1or one l+s" hi"C
$hich he Jus" 9+n+ged# bu" in y+n&ing <+hed8s $ris" "oo .iolen"ly# he"en"ly sen" "he gun
1lying o11 +nd s&i""ering do$n "he roc&y slope behind "he Ir+ni+n.
Si99ons8s he+r" s"opped +s he gli9psed i" "u9ble ou" o1 re+ch# his n+ils no$ cl+$ing
in"o <+hed8s $ris"# pinning i" do$n +g+ins" "he scree# his 9ind reeling $i"h con1usion +s "o $h+"
"o do neK". !e s+$ Sully8s shoc&ed 1+ce loo9ing do$n on hi9 1ro9 higher up +nd yelled ou"#
HDo so9e"hing# help 9e ge" "he gCG
P+in li" up his ches" +nd brough" "he +ir in his lungs gushing ou" +s <+hed l+nded +no"her
blo$# "his "i9e using "he heel o1 his 1ree p+l9. Si99ons Jer&ed b+c&# g+sping 1or bre+"h# his rib
c+ge 1eeling +s i1 so9eone h+d 1illed i" $i"h n+p+l9 +nd "orched i". As he "oppled b+c&# <+hed
rose in "+nde9# curling uprigh" +nd lunging +" Si99ons $i"h + bloodcurdling scre+9 o1 pure
1ury. !is 1ingers d+r"ed +" Si99ons8s "hro+" li&e "he 1+ngs o1 + cobr+# "igh"ening +round i" $i"h
bru"+l s"reng"h. Si99ons "$is"ed his he+d le1" +nd righ"# "rying "o esc+pe "he Ir+ni+n8s de+"h grip#
his +r9s 1l+iling $ildly +nd l+nding insigni1ic+n"# puppe" J+bs +" "he shoo"er. <+hed h+d
Si99ons8s he+d pinned do$n side$+ys no$# crushing his le1" eye +g+ins" "he J+gged edges o1 "he
gr+.el# sFueeDing "he li1e ou" o1 hi9. Si99ons 1el" his .ision d+r&en +s "he l+s" .es"iges o1
s"reng"h seeped ou" o1 hi9# +nd in "h+" 9o9en"# he 1igured "his $+s 9+ybe + be""er $+y "o go
"h+n $+"ching his insides dr+in ou" o1 + huge hole in his bellyC"hen so9e"hing c+lled ou" "o hi9#
so9e"hing on "he ground $i"hin re+ch# + s"one# "he siDe o1 + 9+ngo# Jus" si""ing "here in "h+"
side$+ys +ngle o1 .ision# o11ering hi9 s+l.+"ion. !e8d +l9os" los" +ll 1eeling in his +r9s by "hen#
bu" so9eho$ he 9+n+ged "o s$ing his +r9 "o i"# co+K his 1ingers "o "igh"en +round i"# +nd
$ill his 9uscles "o gi.e hi9 one l+s" s$ing.
The blo$ s"ruc& <+hed Jus" belo$ his e+r# r+""ling hi9 h+rd enough "o c+use his lips "o
Judder ou" o1 sync $i"h "he res" o1 his he+d +nd send spi" +nd blood spe$ing "o one side.
Si99ons $heeDed# his lungs desper+"e 1or +ir# +nd he l+shed ou" $i"h bo"h +r9s# "he
Ir+ni+n o11 hi9. <+hed 1ell b+c&# on"o his side# "hen snor"ed in + big gulp o1 +ir# sh+&ing his he+d#
his eyelids h+l1;shu"# his h+nd co9ing b+c& 1ro9 "he $ound dripping $i"h blood. Then his eyes
popped b+c& open +nd loc&ed on Si99ons $i"h + r+ge so pri9+l# li&e no"hing "he +rch+eologis"
h+d $i"nessed be1oreC+nd he $+s pushing hi9sel1 "o his 1ee" li&e he $+s possessed.
Si99ons bol"ed uprigh"# bre+"hing h+rd# +l+r9s bl+ring inside his he+d +nd "elling hi9 he
shouldn8" s"ic& +round +nd ch+nce +no"her 9+no + 9+no# no" $i"h "his guy.
Telling hi9 "o ge" "he hell ou" o1 "here $hile he could.
!e scr+9bled up "he boulders "o reJoin Sully# $ho $+s s"ill s"+nding "here# "r+ns1iKed# his
1+ce glis"ening $i"h +n ou"burs" o1 s$e+"# his eyes +ligh" $i"h + co9bin+"ion o1 horror +nd
con1usion. Sully s"+r"ed "o 9ou"h# H6h+" +re you dCG
3u" his $ords dried up +s he s+$ "h+" Si99ons $+sn8" lis"ening. The +rch+eologis"8s
9ind $+s loc&ed on one "hough"# his eyes scouring "he ground 1r+n"ic+lly# desper+"e "o 1ind i"C
+nd "hen he spo""ed i"# $here he8d l+s" seen i". S"ill in Sully8s h+nd.
The 9ul"i"ool.
HGi.e 9e your &ni1e#G he r+sped# +nd $i"hou" $+i"ing 1or +n +ns$er# he lunged +" "he
guide +nd sn+"ched i" 1ro9 hi9. !e loo&ed +round# ge""ing his be+rings# "hen sensed 9o.e9en"
"o his side +nd "urned "o see <+hed cl+9bering up "he boulders "o reJoin "he9.
The Ir+ni+n h+d so9e"hing in his h+nd. !is h+ndgun. The b+s"+rd h+d 9+n+ged "o
re"rie.e i".
H7un#G he yelled "o "he guide# gr+bbing hi9 by his coll+r +nd y+n&ing hi9 do$n "he roc&;
s"re$n incline +nd +$+y 1ro9 "he 9on+s"ery.

<A!-D8S !-AD 6AS STI44 7INGING 1ro9 "he blo$# bu" he &ne$ ho$ "o bury "he
p+in un"il he h+d co9ple"ed $h+" he se" ou" "o do. !e $+sn8" +bou" "o le" so9e piss+n"
+rch+eologis" 9ess up his pl+ns. The 9+n $ould be brough" "o heel. !e8d "e+ch hi9 + lesson in
respec" +nd 9+&e sure he 1orgo" i".
3u" he h+d "o ge" "o hi9 1irs".
!e 9+de i" on"o "he l+s" boulder in "i9e "o see "he +rch+eologis" scurrying do$n "he slope
+bou" + hundred y+rds +$+y# his 1ee" s"ruggling 1or purch+se in "he loose roc&s. The guide $+s
close behind hi9# bu" less +ssured in his 9o.e9en". So9e"hing else# "ooChe $+s $+s"ing "i9e
by loo&ing his shoulder repe+"edly# $+ry o1 <+hed co9ing +1"er "he9. Unli&e Si99ons# "his
$+s +ll ne$ "o hi9# i" h+d hi" hi9 co9ple"ely uneKpec"edly# +nd "here $+s s"ill + sligh"
uncer"+in"y +bou" $h+" $+s going on# +n in1ini"esi9+l hesi"+"ion inside hi9# "h+" $+s holding hi9
b+c& Jus" sligh"ly.
The hesi"+"ion $+s +ll <+hed needed.
The Ir+ni+n sn+"ched his ruc&s+c&# sho.ed his gun in"o i"# +nd slung i" his shoulder
+s he b+rreled +1"er "he9# his eyes sc+nning "he ground +he+d +nd 9+&ing sure "o selec" "he
per1ec" 1oo"ings 1or hi9 +s he hurried do$n "he roc&y incline. !is 9ind $+s loc&ed on "he
i99edi+"e essen"i+ls o1 "he "+s& +" h+ndC9+&ing sure he didn8" "rip +nd "$is" +n +n&le# &eeping
his bre+"hing deep +nd sh+rp "o &eep his energy up# +ssessing his ene9ies8 ch+nging posi"ions
+nd 9+&ing 9icro;+dJus"9en"s "o his he+ding "o g+in precious seconds on "he9.
I" $+s $or&ing.
!e g+ined ground $i"h e.ery s"ride +s his Fu+rry sc+9pered +cross + "r+c& o1 loose gr+.el
be1ore "r+.ersing di+gon+lly do$n + s"eep hillside "o re+ch + bro+d# gr+ssy ridge. 3y no$# Sully
h+d 1+llen behind Si99ons by +bou" "en y+rds or soC+nd $hen he "$is"ed +round 1or +no"her
gl+nce# <+hed $+s close enough "o see "he 1e+r in his eyes. The sigh" g+.e hi9 + boos" o1
+dren+line "h+" li" up his legs li&e +n +1"erburner +nd soon brough" "he guide $i"hin re+ch.
!e "+c&led his 1irs" "+rge" in + s"eeply +ngled scree bo$l. They rolled do$n "he slope#
$i"h <+hed8s +r9s clu"ched +round Sully8s nec&. !e &ep" "he9 in pl+ce un"il "hey re+ched "he
bo""o9 o1 "he slope# $here <+hed +dJus"ed "he posi"ions o1 his h+nds Fuic&lyCgr+bbing hold o1
Sully8s he+d $i"h + "igh"# cl+$ed gripC"hen "$is"ed "he9 +round in one s+.+ge $rench "o sn+p
"he guide8s nec&. I" g+.e $+y ins"+n"ly in + loud cr+c& o1 bone +nd c+r"il+ge# his he+d s+gging "o
one side +s his li1eless body "oppled "o "he ground.
<+hed didn8" $+s"e +ny "i9e. !e g+.e Sully8s poc&e"s + Fuic& 1ris&# 1ound "he guide8s
phone# +nd s"u11ed i" in his o$n p+c&. !e +lso "oo& "he 9+n8s &eys +nd his $+lle". Then he
gl+nced +round# s+$ +n ou"cropping o1 roc&s + doDen or so y+rds +$+y# +nd gr+bbed hold o1 "he
de+d 9+n8s +n&les +nd dr+gged hi9 "o + posi"ion $here he $ouldn8" be e+sily spo""ed. The
precious seconds $ould pu" 9ore dis"+nce be"$een hi9 +nd Si99ons# bu" he $+s con1iden" he
$ould s"ill re+ch hi9 in "i9e# +nd gi.en "h+" he s"ill h+d + lo" o1 un1inished business in Tur&ey# i"
$+s bes" no" "o le+.e de+d bodies lying "oo 1+r ou" in "he open.
Then he resu9ed his ch+se.
Si99ons $+s + s9+ll silhoue""e in "he dis"+nce by "hen# bu" i" $+s enough. <+hed $+sn8"
in "h+" 9uch o1 + rush "o c+"ch up $i"h hi9. They $ere s"ill hours 1ro9 $here "hey8d le1" "he
c+rs# +nd "he 1+s"er "hey go" do$n "here# "he be""er# +s 1+r +s he $+s concerned. !e Jus" needed "o
&eep Si99ons in sigh" +nd 9o"i.+"e hi9 "o &eep going +s 1+s" +s he could# $hich he 9+n+ged "o
do by s"+l&ing hi9 1ro9 + s+1e enough dis"+nce.
A1"er +bou" +n hour o1 doing "his# <+hed 1el" i" $+s "i9e "o pounce. Si99ons h+d slo$ed
do$n +nd $+s +$&$+rdly# +nd "he Ir+ni+n guessed $h+" he $+s up "o.
!e c+ugh" up $i"h hi9 by + n+rro$ scree col +nd "he he+d o1 + .+lley. Si99ons s+$ hi9
+ppe+r +nd s"opped running. !e $+s ben" $i"h "he "ool in his h+nd# s+$ing desper+"ely +"
"he bo9b bel"# "rying "o cu" i" o11.
<+hed Jus" s"ood "here +nd $+"ched hi9 1ro9 +bou" "en y+rds +$+y# bre+"hing in deeply#
slo$ing his he+r" r+"e b+c& do$n# $iping his bro$.
Si99ons loo&ed up# p+n"ing. !is h+nd8s 9o.e9en"s Fuic&ened +s he s+$ed 9ore
I" $+sn8" $or&ing. The clo"h $+s "oo s"rong.
HI $ouldn8" bo"her#G <+hed yelled ou" "o hi9. HI"8s 9+de o1 s+ilclo"h. Be.l+r s+ilclo"h.
%ou c+n8" cu" "hrough i". No" $i"h "h+"# +ny$+y.G
Si99ons gl+red +" hi9# s$e+" s"re+&ing do$n his 1+ce# 1e+r glis"ening in his eyes.
!e coll+psed on"o his &nees# his h+nds $or&ing h+rder s"ill# desper+"ely "rying "o cu" "hrough "he
H3esides#G <+hed s+id +s he pulled ou" his phone +nd gl+nced +" i"# Hguess $h+"IG !e held
"he phone 1+ce;1ron" +" Si99ons# &no$ing "he +rch+eologis" $+s "oo 1+r +$+y "o re+d i"s screen#
bu" enJoying "he "+un". HI8.e go" + sign+l +g+in.G
Si99ons loo&ed +" hi9# bre+"hless# his 1+ce con"or"ed in eKh+us"ion +nd desp+ir.
HI"8s up "o you#G <+hed c+lled ou". H%ou $+n" "o li.eI Or +re you re+dy "o p+c& i" +ll inIG
Si99ons shu" his eyes +nd didn8" 9o.e 1or +n +goniDing 9o9en". Then# $i"hou" loo&ing
up# he le" "he &ni1e "u9ble ou" o1 his h+nd. I" clin&ed +g+ins" "he scree. !e didn8" 9o.e# didn8"
loo& up. !e Jus" s"+yed "here# i99obile# slu9ped# his he+d drooped# his chin "uc&ed in +g+ins"
his ches"# his +r9s "igh"ening +round his $+is"# his en"ire body "re9bling.
HTh+"8s + good boy#G <+hed s+id +s he $+l&ed righ" up "o hi9. !e s"ood "here# li&e +
bull1igh"er loo9ing his do$ned priDeC"hen he 1lic&ed his h+nd ou" +nd g+.e Si99ons +
1erocious b+c&h+nded sl+p "h+" li1"ed "he +rch+eologis" o11 "he ground +nd sen" hi9 plo$ing in"o
"he gr+.el.
Chapter 30

This is !+$& *o99+nd. Pull;b+c& $ill be in Jus" under "hir"y 9inu"es.G
The .oice o1 "he drone8s con"roller boo9ed "hrough 7eilly8s $ireless e+rpiece $i"h +
cl+ri"y "h+" belied "he 1+c" "h+" "he 9+n $i"h "he Joys"ic& $+s si""ing co91or"+bly "hous+nd
9iles +$+y# in "he rolling hills o1 nor"hern *+li1orni+. !is $ords didn8" co9e +s + surprise. The
drone h+d been circling o.erhe+d "hroughou" "he nigh". I"s d$ell $+s long# bu" i" $+sn8"
inde1ini"eC+nd "he bird s"ill h+d + long 1ligh" ho9e.
7eilly 1ro$ned. H*opy "h+"#G he responded. H!+ng on.G !e pulled his eyes o11 "he "$o
s9+ll or+nge blobs on "he screen o1 his l+p"op +nd +cross "o "he burly co99+ndo huddled + 1e$
1ee" +$+y 1ro9 hi9 +nd -r"ugrul. H!o$ 9uch longer "ill $e goIG he +s&ed# his .oice c+u"iously
*+p"+in /us+ Bes&in o1 "he Tur&ish Gend+r9eri+8s Speci+l @orces Uni"C"he XDel
>+nd+r9+ Bo9+ndo 3YlWRWCchec&ed his $+"ch +nd loo&ed up in"o "he nigh" s&y. D+$n $+s
close. The sun $ould h+.e "o sc+le "he su99i" o1 "he big 9oun"+in "h+" $+s 1+cing "he9 be1ore
"hey8d see i"# bu" i"s glo$ $ould su11use "he +re+ long be1ore "hen. A s"oc&y 9+n# Bes&in h+d +
"ree s"u9p 1or + nec& +nd 1ore+r9s "h+" $ould h+.e dri.en Popeye in"o + Je+lous "iDDy. !e g+.e
7eilly +n H+l9os" "hereG nod# "hen 1l+shed hi9 +n open;p+l9ed# 1i.e;9inu"e sign+l be1ore
"urning +nd his 9en "he s+9e ges"ure.
7eilly nodded# +nd loo&ed up in"o "he 9ur&y dis"+nce. H6e8re going in 1i.e#G he "old "he
H*opy "h+". And good luc&#G "he .oice s+id. H6e8ll be $+"ching.G
7eilly 1el" + o1 +nKie"y. They $ere "here 9ore ou" o1 + l+c& o1 o"her op"ions "h+n
ou" o1 +ny cer"+in"y "h+" "hey $ere in "he righ" pl+ce. 3e1ore "he sun h+d se" hours +go#
"he drone h+d pic&ed up + .ehicle "h+" 9+"ched "he descrip"ion +nd color o1 + c+r "h+" h+d been
repor"ed s"olen in Is"+nbul + d+y e+rlier. >us" +s i9por"+n"ly# i" h+dn8" spo""ed +ny o"her .ehicle in
"he "+rge" +re+ "h+" 9+"ched +ny"hing on "he lis" 7eilly +nd -r"ugrul $ere gi.en. 3ec+use o1 "he
"err+in# "he drone h+dn8" been +ble "o ge" + 1iK on "he c+r8s license pl+"es in order "o con1ir9
"hings ei"her $+y# bu" "he .ehicle# + bl+c& 4+nd Disco.ery# $+s p+r&ed +longside +no"her
SU: in "he 1oo"hills o1 "he .olc+no# in +n +re+ "h+" $+sn8" usu+lly 1reFuen"ed by cli9bers +nd in
"he Fu+dr+n" "h+" Tess h+d "hough" $+s 9os" li&ely "o be "he righ" one. I" $+sn8" +ny &ind o1
con1ir9+"ion "h+" "hey h+d + be+d on "heir "+rge"Cbu" i" $+s +ll "hey h+d.
The :+"ic+n bo9berCi1 indeed i" $+s hi9Ch+d 9+de i" "ough 1or "he9 "o ge" + be""er
loo&. There $+s no $+y 1or + sniper or + spo""er "o ge" eyes on $ $+s up "here. The "$o
SU:s $ere p+r&ed in + s9+ll cle+ring "h+" b+c&ed up +g+ins" + big roc& 1+ce# $hich e11ec"i.ely
cu" o11 +ny ch+nce o1 ge""ing + .isu+l 1ro9 "he b+c& or 1ro9 9os" o1 "he sides $i"hou" ris&ing
+ler"ing hi9 "o "heir presence. The only i9+gery "hey h+d "o $or& $i"h $+s in1r+red +nd "her9+l
+nd co9ing do$n "o "he9 1ro9 "hir"y "hous+nd 1ee" o.erhe+d .i+ "he un9+nned drone8s
oper+"ors +" 3e+le Air @orce 3+se.
The cle+ring8s loc+"ion h+d +lso 9+de "hings di11icul" 1or "he9. The only $+y "o re+ch i"
$+s up + n+rro$# $inding# roc&;s"re$n 9ule p+"h "h+" pre""y 9uch nu&ed +ny ch+nce o1 sne+&ing
up un+nnounced. The engine noise o1 "heir .ehicles $ould gi.e "he9 +$+y long be1ore "hey
re+ched i". 7eilly# -r"ugrul# +nd "he Tur&ish p+r+9ili"+ry sFu+d h+d been 1orced "o le+.e "heir
.ehiclesC+nd TessC+l9os" + 9ile do$n "he ro+d +nd hi&e "he res" o1 "he $+y up. They $ere
no$ in "he o1 + "hic&e" o1 b+ss$ood s+plings +nd $ild bush +" "he edge o1 + s9+ll yayla# +
couple o1 hundred 1ee" +nd sligh"ly do$nhill 1ro9 "he cle+ring.
The "$o or+nge blobs on 7eilly8s screen $eren8" >udging by "heir oblong sh+pes#
"hey see9ed "o be lying do$n# +sleep# $hich $+s h+rdly surprising# gi.en "he "i9e. A long;
dis"+nce direc"ion+l 9icrophone $+sn8" pic&ing up +ny chi"ch+" or snoring. The Fues"ion $+s#
$ho $ere "heyI 6+s one o1 "he9 "he "+rge"# or $ere "hey Jus" + couple o1 ci.ili+ns sleeping under
"he s"+rsI And i1 one o1 "he9 $+s "he bo9ber# $ho $+s "he o"herI Si99onsI Or "he o$ner o1 "he
second SU:I In $hich c+se# $here $+s Si99onsI
The pl+n $+s "o go Jus" be1ore sunrise. Use "he +d.+n"+ge o1 "he righ" ge+r# "he
!+$& circling o.erhe+d# $hile &no$ing "h+" i1 "hings didn8" $or& ou" +s pl+nned# d+yligh"
$+sn8" 1+r o11. 7eilly gl+nced +round hi9. The 9en o1 "he XDel Ti9 $ere 9+&ing "heir 1in+l
prep+r+"ions# chec&ing "heir $e+pons +nd +dJus"ing "he s"r+ps on "heir nigh" .ision goggles.
There $ere siK"een o1 "he9 +l"oge"herC"hree do$n "he ro+d $i"h Tess# "he o"hers# under
Bes&in8s co99+nd# up "here $i"h 7eilly +nd -r"ugrul. They h+d +ll co9e 1ro9 "he 9ili"+ry +nd
$ere speci+lly "r+ined in +n"i;guerrill+ $+r1+re. They $ere $ell eFuipped +nd he+.ily +r9ed# +nd
1ro9 $h+" 7eilly h+d seen so 1+r# "hey see9ed "o &no$ $h+" "hey $ere doing.
7eilly "ried "o rele+se "he &no" o1 "ension +" "he b+c& o1 his nec&. !e "old hi9sel1 "h+"
"hings $ere loo&ing up. I1 his guy $+s up "here# "he son o1 + bi"ch $+s cornered# ou"nu9bered#
+nd seriously ou"gunned. 3u" he 9igh" h+.e + hos"+ge. And# 7eilly &ne$# "h+" &ind o1 "hing
r+rely $or&ed ou" $i"hou" so9e &ind o1 $rin&le.
!e c+ugh" Bes&in8s eye. The burly 9+n nodded# r+ised + bullhorn# +nd +i9ed i" +" "he "$o
SU:s up +he+d.
H&ikkat, dikkat#G "he c+p"+in bello$ed. A""en"ion# +""en"ion. H%ou# up "here by "he c+rs#G
he c+lled ou" in Tur&ish. HThis is "he >+nd+r9+. %ou +re surrounded. *o9e ou" $i"h your h+nds
$here $e c+n see "he9.G !e repe+"ed i"# "hen s+id i" +g+in in + he+.ily +ccen"ed# bro&en -nglish.
7eilly peered ou" in"o "he d+r&ness# "hen dropped his eyes b+c& "o his screen. The ghos"ly#
or+ngey sh+pes on i" spr+ng "o li1e. They 9o.ed +round by "he .ehicles# 9erging in"o e+ch o"her
+nd spli""ing up +g+in li&e 9olecules in + pe"ri dish. The .eins in his nec& h+rdened +s he "ried "o
pic"ure $h+" $+s going on up "here. Seconds "urned "o + 9inu"e# "hen Bes&in r+ised his bullhorn
+nd sounded ou" his $+rning +g+in.
The sh+pes s"+yed 9erged 1or + "ense 9o9en"# "he be""er p+r" o1 +no"her 9inu"e. Bes&in
gl+nced +" 7eilly +nd -r"ugrul# his h+rd 1e+"ures bri99ing $i"h con1idence.
HI1 "hey $ere Jus" regul+r ci.ili+ns up "here# "hey $ould h+.e shou"ed b+c&#G he "old "he9.
HI "hin& i"8s your 9+n.G
HThe Fues"ion is# $ho8s up "here $i"h hi9IG 7eilly +s&ed. HIs i" Si99ons or +n
H-i"her $+y# he c+n h+.e us belie.e i"8s + hos"+ge#G -r"ugrul no"ed. Addressing "he
c+p"+in# he +s&ed# H!o$ do you $+n" "o pl+y "hisIG
H6e8ll gi.e "he9 +no"her 9inu"e or so# no 9ore. Then $e8ll hi" "he9 $i"h s"un gren+des
+nd go in.G !e "urned "o one o1 his 9en +nd 1ired o11 so9e crisp $ords in Tur&ish. The 9+n
nodded +nd slipped +$+y Fuie"ly# ges"uring "o his 9en "o ge" re+dy.
7eilly "urned "o his screen. The 1igures $ere s"ill one# s"ill in "he s+9e posi"ion# behind
"he Disco.ery. Then "hey s"+r"ed gliding +round "he b+c& o1 "he c+rC"hen "hey de"+ched.
One o1 "he9 re9+ined behind "he SU:# "he o"her s"opped 9o9en"+rily# "hen he+ded ou". In"o
open ground.
7eilly r+ised his nigh" .ision binocul+rs +s clipped shou"s burs" ou" +round hi9. !e s+$ +
lone 1igure +ppe+r behind "he Disco.ery# + p+le green silhoue""e in + se+ o1 bl+c&. !e sFuin"ed "o
+llo$ his 1ocus "o +dJus". The 1igure no$ de1ini"ely loo&ed li&e i" $+s + 9+n. !e $+s $+l&ing
"o$+rd "he9# slo$ly# his g+i" reluc"+n". 7eilly 1lic&ed + gl+nce do$n +" his screen. The o"her
or+nge blob $+s s"ill behind "he Disco.ery# bu" i" h+d edged "o "he .ery b+c& o1 "he c+r.
H6ho is i"IG -r"ugrul +s&ed +s he +lso "r+c&ed "he 9+n8s +ppro+ch "hrough in1r+red
HNo" sure ye"#G 7eilly replied# his eyes loc&ed on "he 1igure.
The 9+n s"+r"ed do$n "he n+rro$ p+"h "h+" led "o "he9. The lenses8 3. 9+gni1ic+"ion
r+nge no$ +llo$ed 1or + cle+r ID. !is 1+ce c+9e in"o .ie$# "he long h+ir# "he +"hle"ic build.
H!old your 1ire#G 7eilly hissed. HI"8s Si99ons.G
A 1e$ brie1 co99+nds in Tur&ish bounced do$n "he line o1 p+r+9ili"+ries. Si99ons $+s
no$ b+rely 1i1"y y+rds +$+y# +nd 7eilly could see hi9 9ore cle+rly. !e $+s $e+ring +
$indbre+&er +nd h+d his +r9s behind his b+c&# +nd +s he s$ung +round "o h+.e + loo& behind
hi9# 7eilly could see "h+" "hey $ere he+.ily "ied $i"h duc" "+pe. !e +lso h+d + side s"rip o1 "+pe
+round his 9ou"h.
The o"her blob $+s s"ill huddled behind "he Disco.ery.
Si99ons $+s +bou" "hir"y y+rds +$+y $hen Bes&in b+r&ed +no"her order. A h+l1 doDen
9en in c+9ou1l+ge 1+"igues# bl+c& b+l+cl+.+s# +nd nigh" .ision goggles surged 1ro9 behind "rees
+nd boulders +nd con.erged on hi9. They gr+bbed hold o1 hi9 +nd hus"led hi9 b+c& "o s+1e"y.
7eilly &ep" his eyes l+sered on Si99ons. The +rch+eologis" see9ed "o"+lly dis"ressed# in
+ p+nic e.en# "$is"ing +round# sh+&ing his he+d side$+ys# s"ruggling +g+ins" "he co99+ndos# +
9u11led# high;pi"ched $+il co9ing 1ro9 behind "he "+pe.
A loud siren s"+r"ed bl+ring inside 7eilly8s he+d.
Why is he struggling like that Why isn%t he "umping for "oy
Then his g+De dropped "o "he "hin $indbre+&er Si99ons $+s $e+ring# ho$ i" $+s Dipped
+ll "he $+y up# ho$ i" see9ed 9uch pu11ier "h+n he8d h+.e eKpec"ed i" $ould be on "h+" ripped
&i"esur1er8s "orso.
.h shit.
A rush o1 blood 1looded his br+in +nd he bol"ed up# $ $ildly# shou"ing ou" +" "he "op
o1 his lungs# HNo# ge" +$+y 1ro9 hiCG
And Si99ons ble$ up.
Chapter 31

The nigh" $en" brigh" $i"h + 1l+sh o1 se+ring ligh" "h+" obli"er+"ed e.ery"hing 1ro9 .ie$ +
n+nosecond be1ore "he bl+s" $+.e hi" 7eilly. I" punched "he $ind ou" o1 hi9 +nd $renched hi9
o11 his 1ee"# 1linging hi9 b+c& in"o "he gr+.el;s"re$n ground. In "he blin& o1 +n eye# +ll o1 his
sensory inpu"s $ere shu" do$n +nd he $+s plunged in"o + d+r& +nd silen" bubble.
I" $+sn8" "he s9+ll bel" ch+rge.
Th+" one $ould h+.e only &illed Si99ons +nd $ouldn8" h+.e hur" +nyone else unless
"hey h+ppened "o be lying on "op o1 hi9.
No# "his $+s en"irely di11eren".
This $+s "hir"y;odd pounds o1 pl+s"ic eKplosi.e s"r+pped +round "he +rch+eologis"8s $+is".
A proper# 1ull;bore suicide bo9ber8s rig. And "he e11ec" $+s de.+s"+"ing.
As he s"irred "o consciousness# 7eilly 1el" +s i1 his e+rs h+d been "urned inside ou". !e
couldn8" he+r +ny"hing +p+r" 1ro9 his o$n r+gged bre+"hing# +nd he 1el" he+.y;he+ded +nd
unb+l+nced# +s i1 he $ere los" deep under$+"er +nd couldn8" "ell $hich $+y $+s up. !is eyes
$ere "rouble 1ocusing# bu" 1ro9 "he .+gue sh+pes dri1"ing in"o .ie$# he 1igured "h+" he
$+s on his b+c&. !e "ried "o 9o.e his +r9s +nd legs# bu" "hey $ouldn8" respond +" 1irs". !e
gri""ed his "ee"h +nd 1ound "he s"reng"h "o roll slo$ly on"o his righ" side# $+n"ing "o chec& +nd
9+&e sure none o1 his li9bs $ere 9issing# bu" no" $+n"ing "o "h+" $+sn8" "he c+se. !e
li1"ed his h+nds +nd s+$ "h+" +" le+s" "hey $ere bo"h s"ill "here. !is h+nd se""led on "he h+ndgun in
his hols"er 1or + spli" second be1ore he re+liDed "he $e+pon $+s burning ho" +nd Fuic&ly pulled i"
!e propped hi9sel1 up on one elbo$ +nd loo&ed ou".
The 9oun"+in h+d "urned in"o + .ision o1 !ell.
The "rees +round hi9 $ere +bl+De# spe$ing +crid bl+c& s9o&e# $hich s"uc&
unco91or"+bly in his "hro+". Scre+9s +nd 9o+ns re.erber+"ed +round hi9. Through "he h+De# he
gli9psed s"re$n body p+r"s li""ering "he screeC+n +r9# + leg s"ic&ing ou" o1 + s"r+y boo". InJured
co99+ndos $ere spr+$led on "he ground# cr+dling "heir $ounds# c+lling ou" 1or help. The
eKplosion h+d shredded Si99ons8s body "o bi"s be1ore ripping "hrough "he co99+ndos $ho
$ere escor"ing hi9 b+c& "o s+1e"y. -.ery bone in his body# e.en his $ris"$+"ch +nd his bel"
buc&leCi" h+d +ll been s9+shed in"o superhe+"ed shr+pnel "h+" burs" ou" +nd sliced "hrough +ny
1lesh "h+" s"ood in i"s $+y.
7eilly8s eyes ro+9ed +round "he c+rn+ge +nd "he ch+os# "hen 1ell on + couple o1 bodies on
1ire by "he "rees# "he +ir "hic&ening $i"h "he sic&ly s9ell o1 "heir burning 1lesh. One o1 "he9 $+s
s"ill +li.e# slo$ly in + 1l+9ing de+"h;cr+$l. Then he spo""ed -r"ugrul# closer "o hi9# +
doDen y+rds or so "o his le1". !e $+s on "he ground# si""ing up# 9o"ionless +nd soundless# loo&ing +" 7eilly $i"h + shoc&ed# con1used s"+re# his righ" h+nd on his chee&# his 1ingers inching
"heir $+y up "o$+rd + big hole in his s&ull# + shr+pnel $ound "h+" $+s spe$ing blood.
H-edat#G 7eilly 9ou"hed# bu" "he $ord c+ugh" in his "hro+" +nd he coughed. !e "ried "o
push hi9sel1 "o his 1ee" "o help hi9# 1+l"ered# "hen +""e9p"ed i" +g+in +nd 9+n+ged "o ge" upC
$hich $+s $hen "$o "hings h+ppened.
@irs"# 9ore eKplosions $en" o11 ne+rby# s9+ller de"on+"ions# bu" s"ill loud +nd po"en"
enough "o send hi9 reeling b+c&$+rd. !e re+liDed "hey $ere gren+des "h+" "he co99+ndos h+d
on "he9# blo$ing up +s "he 1l+9es lic&ed "he9.
Then he he+rd "he dis"+n" $+il o1 + c+r engine. *o9ing s"r+igh" +" hi9.
!e s"u9bled 1or$+rd +nd "urned# his 9ind s"ill 1r+DDled# no" sure $h+" "o 9+&e o1 "he
noise# 1eeling + "ric&le o1 blood no$ ooDing 1ro9 his le1" e+r +nd do$n "he side o1 his nec&.
Through "he s9o&e# he gli9psed "he grille o1 "he Disco.ery# glin"ing 1ro9 "he 1l+9es# hur"ling
do$n "he 9ule p+"h# i"s engine scre+9ing. !e s+$ + lone co99+ndo rush "o$+rd "he SU: 1ro9
"he dri.er8s side# his $e+pon r+ised# unle+shing + "orren" o1 bulle"s on "he Disco.eryC"hen he
s+$ +n +r9 gripping + h+ndgun d+r" ou" o1 "he c+r8s $indo$ +nd he+rd + "rio o1 sh+rp gunsho"s
slice "he +ir Jus" +s "he co99+ndo 1+l"ered +nd cr+shed "o "he ground# 1+ce;1irs".
The Disco.ery $+s be+ring do$n on hi9# no$ so close his eyes could 1ill ou" "he
Ir+ni+n8s 1e+"ures "hrough "he d+r& $indshield. 7eilly shoo& his he+d +nd "ried "o bre+"he in so9e
+ir# 1ocusing on $h+" he $+s doing "here# on $ho $+s in "h+" c+r# on ho$ 9uch he $+n"ed hi9
de+d. !e $+s re+ching 1or his gun $hen + 1igure burs" ou" in 1ron" o1 hi9# "he XDel Ti9
co99+nder# Bes&in. The 9+n $+s co.ered in blood +nd li9ping# $i"h + "ell"+le cr+"er in his
"high +nd +no"her in his shoulder# bu" he see9ed i9per.ious "o "he p+in# li&e he $+s on cr+c&. !e
h+d + h+un"ed loo& in his eye +nd +n +u"o9+"ic in his h+nd +nd $+s lurching righ" in"o "he p+"h o1
"he onrushing SU:.
Bes&in s"opped +nd r+ised his $e+pon# +dJus"ing his +i9C
7eilly s"+red in d+Ded disbelie1 +s "he +r9 d+r"ed ou" +g+in 1ro9 "he c+r8s side $indo$#
only "his "i9e i" $+s +i9ed 1or$+rdC
HNo#G 7eilly yelled ou"C
C+nd bol"ed "o$+rd Bes&in# 1eeling "he big 9+n8s body shudder 1ro9 "he i9p+c" o1 "he
bulle"s Jus" +s he "+c&led hi9 1ro9 "he side +nd sho.ed hi9 ou" o1 "he Disco.ery8s p+"h. The "$o
o1 "he9 hi" "he ground h+rd Jus" +s "he bl+c& SU: plo$ed "hrough "he .ery spo" "hey8d been
s"+nding in +nd "hundered do$n "he 9ule "r+c& +nd ou" o1 .ie$.
7eilly $+s $inded +nd 1el" hi9sel1 "ee"ering on "he edge o1 consciousness. Through
1oggy eyes# he gl+nced +" Bes&in. The 9+n $+s s"+ring b+c&# his eyes $ide open# blood gurgling
ou" o1 his 9ou"h. 7eilly 1el" +n i9po"ence +nd + pri9+l r+ge he8d eKperienced be1ore# +
c+uldron o1 h+"e roiling deep $i"hin hi9. !e 1el" +ny s"reng"h re9+ining inside hi9 dr+in +$+y#
+nd "he "hough" o1 p+ssing ou" +nd 1+lling in"o + d+r& sleep see9ed li&e +n +""r+c"i.e one un"il
one $ord burs" "hrough his d+De +nd his 1ury +nd re9inded hi9 o1 $ho $+s in "he bo9ber8s p+"h.

T-SS !-A7D T!- -ZO4OSION +nd Ju9ped.
This $+sn8" p+r" o1 "he g+9e pl+n. 6orseCi" $+s "oo big# 1+r bigger "h+n +ny"hing she
i9+gined "he $e+ponry she8d seen 7eilly +nd "he co99+ndos "+&e up $i"h "he9 could sound
li&e. 6hich 9e+n" "h+" i" $+s so9eone else8s doing. And "h+" didn8" sound good +" +ll. No" $hen
you considered ho$ h+ndy "he 9+n "hey $ere ch+sing $+s $i"h
She s$i"ched o11 "he 1l+shligh" she $+s using "o s"udy "he 9+p o1 "he +re+ "h+" she8d
brough" $i"h her +nd loo&ed up "he 9oun"+in. Seconds s"re"ched ou" "or"urously# "hen 9ore
eKplosions 1ollo$ed. S9+ller ones# di11eren"# 9ore 9u11led# li&e "hudsCbu" eKplosions
none"heless# echoing +cross "he hills. Then c+9e so9e sc+""ered gun1ire# +nd by no$ Tess $+s
crippled $i"h 1e+r. I" sounded li&e I$o >i9+ up "here.
The co99+ndos +round her $ere +s s"+r"led +s she $+s. They eKch+nged ner.ous $ords
in Tur&ish "h+" she couldn8" unders"+nd# "hough "heir body l+ngu+ge s+id plen"y. They didn8"
&no$ $h+" $+s going on ei"her. One o1 "he9 re+ched 1or his $+l&ie;"+l&ie +nd# in + con"rolled
"one# r+dioed "he o"hers. No reply c+9e b+c&. !e "ried +g+in# "his "i9e $i"h 9ore +l+r9 in his
.oice. S"ill no"hing.
Then c+9e "he dis"+n" gro+n o1 + diesel engine# s"r+ining +s i" 1ough" "o slo$ "he he+.y
SU: do$n "he s"eep incline. Tess couldn8" see +ny ligh"s co9ing do$n "he 9oun"+inC"hen in
"he 1+in" gli99er o1 9oonligh"# she s+$ + d+r&# boKy sh+pe s$er.e do$n + h+irpin be1ore
dis+ppe+ring 1ro9 .ie$. The co99+ndos s+$ i" "oo +nd $en" in"o +c"ion 9ode# re+dying "heir
$e+pons +nd 1lipping do$n "he lenses o1 "heir nigh" .ision goggles +s "hey shou"ed ou" "o one
+no"her. One o1 "he9 gr+bbed Tess $i"h his 1ree +r9 +nd hus"led her b+c& "o s+1e"y# behind +
*obr+ ligh" +r9ored .ehicle# posi"ioning hi9sel1 "o shield her. The o"hers duc&ed behind "he "$o
!u9.ees "h+" $ere +lso p+r&ed "here# +nd $+i"ed.
/ore ner.e;r+c&ing seconds 1ollo$ed# "he engine8s gro$l rising +nd 1+lling +s "he SU:
sn+&ed do$n "he 9oun"+inC"hen i" +ppe+red. A d+r& sh+pe# he+ding "o$+rd "he9.
The co99+ndos hesi"+"ed# unsure +bou" $he"her or no" "o 1ireC"hen "he c+r8s he+dligh"s
suddenly c+9e on# high be+9s# 1ull bl+s".
They "ore "heir goggles o11# bu" "heir re"in+s $ere +lre+dy se+red# +nd in "he precious
seconds i" "oo& 1or "he9 "o +dJus"# "hey $ere eKposed. 3ulle"s Fuic&ly "ore in"o one o1 "he
co99+ndos# sending hi9 sn+pping side$+ys li&e he8d been $hipped. /ore rounds punched in"o
"he ! "he o"her soldier $+s using 1or bi"ing in"o i"s p+nels +nd punching "hrough i"s
Tess huddled lo$ +nd co.ered her e+rs +s "he co99+ndo pro"ec"ing her &ep" le+ning ou"
+nd 1iring Fuic& burs"s 1ro9 his /P 9+chine gun. !is rounds "oo& ou" one o1 "he SU:8s
he+dligh"s +nd drilled in"o i"s 1ron" grille# bu" i" &ep" on co9ing# "urning no$ so i" $+s he+ded +"
"he ! I" clipped "he 1ron" le1" side o1 "he $ide Jeep +nd sen" i" +rcing righ"# sl+99ing in"o
"he second soldier +nd &noc&ing hi9 "o "he ground. / $i"h unc+nny speed +nd precision#
<+hed sl+99ed on "he br+&es# burs" ou" o1 "he SU: +nd +round i"s b+c&# +nd pu9ped "$o bulle"s
in"o "he do$ned co99+ndo.
A shrie& o1 +nguish +cco9p+nied e+ch sho"# 1ollo$ed by h+un"ing gro+ns o1 +gony. Tess
spun her g+De "o her gu+rdi+n# unsure o1 $h+" "o 9+&e o1 i" +" 1irs"# "hen she unders"ood. The
bo9ber h+dn8" &illed "he co99+ndo. !e $+s "oying $i"h his .ic"i9# &illing hi9 one piece +" +
"i9e "o go+d +ny re9+ining opponen"s +nd unse""le "he9. 6h+" he didn8" &no$ $+s "here $+s
only one 9+n le1".
One 9+n# +nd Tess.
The 9o+ns $en" on 1or "he be""er p+r" o1 + 9inu"e# "hen died ou". The cle+ring $+s Fuie"
no$# eKcep" 1or "he clic&ing o1 "he idle diesel engine. Tess loo&ed "o her gu+rdi+n 1or guid+nce.
!e r+ised + 1inger "o his 9ou"h# "hen edged side$+ys 1or + pee&. Tess s$+llo$ed h+rd +nd
pressed b+c& +g+ins" "he cool hull o1 "he +r9ored c+rrier. She gl+nced do$n +nd suddenly
bec+9e .ery conscious o1 "he high ground cle+r+nce o1 "he .ehicle# +nd edged closer "o "he
co99+ndo# bo"h o1 "he9 no$ "uc&ed in behind one o1 i"s big# donu"li&e "ires. !er pro"ec"or $+s
loo&ing ou"# his bro$ 1urro$ed $i"h concen"r+"ion# + lone be+d o1 s$e+" glis"ening in "he 1+in"
ligh"# inching slo$ly do$n "he side o1 his 1+ce.
!e loo&ed +s sc+red +s she $+sC"hen + 9e"+llic sn+p cu" "hrough "he silence# 1ollo$ed
by "he sound o1 so9e"hing spinning +cross "he +ir.
The co99+ndo8s eyes ins"+n"ly $en" $ide $i"h recogni"ion. !e gr+bbed Tess +nd "hre$
her "o "he ground# "hro$ing his body on "op o1 hers# pressing her do$n. 6h+" 1le$ "he9
l+nded in "he loose gr+.el beyond "he *obr+ +nd bounced + couple o1 "i9es $i"h + 9e"+llic
clin&ing noise be1ore eKploding. The soldier &ne$ $h+" pulling + clip ou" o1 + gren+de sounded
li&e# bu" i" h+d been "hro$n "oo 1+r "o c+use "he9 d+9+ge. Then Tess s+$ boo"ed 1ee" rush up "o
"he9# 1el" "he co99+ndo scr+9ble o11 her# +nd he+rd "he bulle"s sl+9 in"o hi9 +nd punch hi9
do$n "o "he ground.
The bo9ber h+dn8" $+n"ed "o &ill "he9 $i"h "he gren+de. !e only needed "he dis"r+c"ion.
Tess loo&ed up.
!e $+s loo9ing her# his eyes d+r"ing do$n +" her $hile sc+nning "he surroundings
1or +ny re9+ining "hre+"s. Tess &ne$ "here $eren8" +ny le1".
!e pic&ed up "he de+d co99+ndo8s sub9+chine gun +nd "old her# HGe" up.G
!is .oice $+s +s she re9e9bered i". Dry# 9ono"one# de.oid o1 +ny "r+ce o1 e9o"ion.
She pushed hersel1 "o her 1ee"# her +r9s +nd legs "re9bling +" "he sigh" o1 "he s+9e 9+n
$ho8d &idn+pped her in >ord+n +nd s"u11ed her in"o "he "run& o1 + c+r +longside + big $+d o1 And no$ here she $+s# in "he 9iddle o1 no$here# +lone $i"h hi9. A" his 9ercy.
!oping he $+sn8" +bou" "o u""er "he l+s" $ords she $+n"ed "o he+r 1ro9 hi9.
No such luc&.
H4e"8s go#G he "old her.
She "hough" o1 running# "hough" o1 l+shing ou" +" hi9 1or e.ery"hing she &ne$ he8d done#
bu" she &ne$ i" $ould be poin"less. Ins"e+d# she le" hi9 le+d her "o "he Disco.ery +nd $+"ched
helplessly +s he pu9ped rounds in"o "he "ires o1 "he !u9.ees +nd "he *obr+ "o ground
"he9. She go" in"o "he p+ssenger se+" beside hi9# +nd s+id no"hing +s "hey pulled +$+y 1ro9 "he
&ill Done +nd dro.e o11 in"o "he An+"oli+n nigh".
Chapter 32

Jus" ge""ing up on"o his 1ee" $+s + "i"+nic e11or". 7eilly 1el" li&e + boKer $ho8d been
&noc&ed do$n one "i9e "oo 9+ny +nd could do no"hing else bu" hug "he c+n.+s +nd ride ou" "he
coun". 3u" he couldn8" s"+y do$n. No" $hile Tess $+s ou" "here.
!e 9+n+ged "o push hi9sel1 uprigh". All +round hi9# s9+ll 1ires $ere bl+Ding# ligh"ing
up + 9+c+bre "+ble+uK o1 su11ering. The +crid s"ench o1 de+"h shrouded "he scorched e+r"h ne+r
hi9. Bes&in $+s s"ill "here# by his 1ee". The bee1y co99+ndo $+sn8" +ny9ore.
7eilly 1ough" "o reg+in so9e &ind o1 1ocus in his 9ind# "o order his 1r+DDled "hough"s in"o
so9e &ind o1 coheren" pl+n. !e spo""ed -r"ugrul +round "hir"y y+rds 1ro9 hi9. The leg+" $+s 1l+"
on his b+c& +nd $+sn8" ei"her. 3eyond hi9# 7eilly could see + couple o1 co99+ndos
$ho see9ed uninJured +nd $ere "ending "o "he $ounded. !e s"+r"ed "o$+rd "he9# hoping "hey
$ere in r+dio con"+c" $i"h "heir co9r+des do$n "he hill# "he ones $ho h+d s"+yed behind $i"h
Tess. Then he re9e9bered his o$n co99 se" +nd ins"inc"i.ely brough" his h+nd up "o his e+r.
!is $ireless he+dse" $+s gone# no doub" blo$n +$+y by "he bl+s". !e 1el" his poc&e"s# bu" his
"r+ns9i""er $+sn8" "here ei"her. !e p+used +nd dropped his g+De "o "he ground# sc+nning "he
rough soil 1or i"# bu" Fuic&ly decided "h+" $+s poin"less. !e8d 9o.ed +round since "he 1irs"
eKplosion# +nd "here $+s li""le hope o1 spo""ing "he "r+ns9i""er in "he d+r&ness. !e s"+ggered
+cross "he cle+ring +g+in# "o$+rd "he co99+ndos# +nd s"opped $hen he go" "o -r"ugrul. A l+rge
p+"ch o1 blood h+d d+r&ened "he soil +round "he leg+"8s he+d# +nd i" didn8" loo& li&e he $+s
bre+"hing. !e $+s Jus" s"+ring ou" in"o no"hing# $i"hou" blin&ing. 7eilly ben" do$n beside hi9
+nd pu" "$o 1ingers "o his nec&. -r"ugrul8s c+ro"id +r"ery $+sn8" "hrobbing. !e $+s gone.
7eilly se" his h+nd on "he 1+llen +gen"8s shoulder +nd eKh+led he+.ily. !e gl+nced +round
"hrough see"hing eyes# "he 1rus"r+"ion pinning hi9 do$n. Then he s+$ i"# shi99ering in "he
1l+9es# + 1e$ 1ee" behind -r"ugrul8s body? "he leg+"8s e+rpiece. !e go" b+c& on his 1ee" +nd
re"rie.ed i"# +nd held i" up $i"h "re9bling 1ingers "h+" $ere c+&ed $i"h blood +nd 9ud. I" see9ed
in"+c". !e clipped i" on"o his e+r# hoping i" $+s s"ill $or&ing# +nd $i"h + ho+rse# 1+in" .oice#
9u""ered# H!+$& *o99+ndI *o9e in# !+$& *o99+nd.G
The con"roller8s .oice "hundered b+c&. H>esus *hris"# $h+" "he hell h+ppened ou" "hereI
%ou o&+yIG
HI89 o&+y# bu" -r"ugrul8s de+d#G 7eilly s+id. !e $+s b+c& $i"h "he leg+" no$# ru99+ging
"hrough his poc&e"s# loo&ing 1or "he de+d 9+n8s "r+ns9i""er +nd 1eeling li&e + .ul"ure. HO"hers
"oo. I"8s b+d. 7e+l b+d. 6e8re going "o need 9ede.+cs. %ou need "o ge" "he9 here no$.G
H*opy "h+". !+ng on#G "he con"roller s+id. HI89 h+nding you "o 9y *O.G
H6+i"#G 7eilly in"errup"ed. HThe bird. Is i" s"ill hereIG
HA11ir9+"i.e. Pull b+c& is in se.en 9inu"es.G
7eilly shu" his eyes "igh"# bloc&ing ou" "he c+rn+ge +round hi9# "rying "o &eep his 9ind
1ocused. HThe "+rge" .ehicle. Are you "r+c&ing i"IG
HA11ir9+"i.e. I" "r+.eled do$n "he 9oun"+in Jus" +1"er "he bl+s". 6h+" $+s "h+"IG
7eilly &ne$ "he eKplosion $ould h+.e regis"ered +s + big 1l+sh on "he drone8s in1r+red
sensors# bu" chose "o ignore "he Fues"ion. HAnd "hen $h+"I 6here did i" goIG
HI" re+ched "he de"+ch9en" +" "he bo""o9 o1 "he hill +nd i" loo&s li&e i" cr+shed in"o one o1
"he !u9.ees. One person go" ou" o1 i". 6e8re +ssu9ing "h+"8s your "+rge"# correc"IG
7eilly8s insides "igh"ened. HThen $h+"IG
H6e8re +ssu9ing +n eKch+nge o1 gun1ire. There $+s so9e 9o.e9en". 6e8re sho$ing
"hree 1riendlies do$n.G
The "igh"ening "urned in"o + g+rro"e +s his 9ind r+ced "hrough i"s c+che# "rying "o
re9e9ber ho$ 9+ny co99+ndos h+d s"+yed b+c& $i"h Tess. HThreeI %ou8re sure o1 "h+"IG
HA11ir9+"i.e. Then "$o 1igures go" b+c& in"o "he "+rge" .ehicle +nd i" dro.e o11.G
Two figures. 7eilly8s he+r" 1l+red. H6here is i" no$IG
H!+ng on.G A1"er + brie1 9o9en"# "he .oice c+9e b+c&. HI"8s +bou" 1our clic&s sou"h o1
your posi"ion# he+ding "o$+rd + "o$n c+lled *+yiroDu.G
HBeep "r+c&ing i" +s long +s you c+n# I "hin& our "+rge"8s go" Tess *h+y&in $i"h hi9 +nd
The con"roller in"errup"ed# his "one dis"+n" +nd robo"ic. HPull b+c&8s no$ in under 1i.eCG
HS"+y on "he9# do you he+r 9eIG 7eilly r+sped. HDon8" lose "he9. And ge" "hrough "o "he
>+nd+r9+8s co99+nd +nd gi.e "he9 "heir posi"ion. I89 going +1"er "he9.G !is 1ingers 1ound
-r"ugrul8s "r+ns9i""er. !e poc&e"ed i"# "oo& one l+s" loo& +" his de+d colle+gue# "hen go" up +g+in
+nd he+ded do$n "he hill.
!e &ne$ "hey8d soon lose sigh" o1 "he Disco.ery# once "he drone h+d "o b+il +nd he+d
b+c& "o i"s b+se in M+"+r be1ore i"s 1uel r+n ou". No one +" 3e+le $+s going "o +u"horiDe "r+shing +
9ul"i9illion;doll+r piece o1 "op secre" $iD+rdry Jus" "o "r+c& do$n 7eilly8s "+rge". And e.en $i"h
"he bes" $ill in "he $orld# i" $ould "+&e + $hile "o ge" +no"her drone +ppro.ed +nd re;"+s&ed. 3y
"hen# "he Disco.ery $ould be long gone# "+&ing Tess +long $i"h i".
No" $h+" he needed "o 1ocus on righ" no$.
No" $i"h "he endless slog do$n# in ne+r;d+r&ness# +long "he roc&;s"re$n "r+il# on legs "h+"
could b+rely hold hi9 up.

IT TOOB !I/ T6-NT% /INUT-S "o re+ch "he cle+ring $here he8d le1" Tess. The 1irs"
gli99ers o1 d+yligh" $ere rising 1ro9 behind "he 9oun"+in# p+in"ing "he +re+ in + so1"# golden
glo$. The sigh" "h+" gree"ed hi9# ho$ $+s +" gre+" odds $i"h i"s p+s"or+l se""ing. Three de+d
co99+ndos. Three crippled .ehicles. And no sign o1 Tess.
!e le+ned +g+ins" "he ! $here he8d l+s" seen her s"+nding# +nd c+ugh" his bre+"h.
!e +ssu9ed "he Tur&s $ould h+.e rein1orce9en"s on "he $+y by no$# bu" "hey8d need "i9e "o
ge" "here. !e h+d "o decide $h+" "o do. I1 he s"+yed "here +nd $+i"ed 1or "he9# i" $+s li&ely "h+"
he $ould ge" e9broiled in + Jurisdic"ion+l "ug;o1;$+r +nd ge" sidelined. The Tur&s $ouldn8" "+&e
&indly "o "he 9+ss+cre "h+" h+d occurred# +nd "hey $ouldn8" necess+rily $+n" +n ou"sider "o
in"er1ere $i"h "heir 9+nhun". Plus "here $+s "he l+ngu+ge b+rrier "o consider. 3y "he "i9e s"rings
$ere pulled "o "ry "o &eep hi9 in "he g+9e# precious "i9e $ould h+.e been los".
/ore i9por"+n"ly# he re+liDed "h+" ge""ing Tess b+c& s+1ely $ouldn8" be "he Tur&ish
9ili"+ry8s priori"y. They $ould be desper+"e "o ge" "heir h+nds on "he bo9ber# "h+" $ould be "heir
pri9e obJec"i.e. Tess8s s+1e"y $+s + dis"+n" second. I1 i" c+9e do$n "o i" +nd ge""ing "heir
9+n 9e+n" s+cri1icing Tess# 7eilly h+d no illusions "h+" she $ouldn8" be eKpend+ble in "heir eyes.
!ell# he8d be eKpend+ble "oo. No" "h+" he8d been p+r"icul+rly e11ec"i.e +" &eeping Si99ons s+1e
ei"her. No# he couldn8" "rus" +nyone else "o "ry "o rescue her.
!e h+d "o &eep going# on his o$n. Ahe+d o1 "he "roops.
S"+y on poin".
They $ere 9ore "h+n $elco9e "o 1ollo$ in his "r+c&s +nd s$oop in. In 1+c"# he8d c+ll in
1or b+c&up +nd in.i"e "he9 inCafter she $+s ou" o1 h+r98s $+y.
!e 1ound "he p+c& he8d le1" in "he ! +nd reco.ered i". I" s"ill held his 3l+c&3erry
+nd his $+lle". So9e"hing on "he se+" beside i" c+ugh" his eye? + h+s"ily 1olded 9+p# neK" "o +
1l+shligh". !e recogniDed "he 9+p. 6hen he8d le1" Tess# she h+d been "rying "o l+y ou" "he
inFuisi"or8s Journey on i" no$ "h+" "hey &ne$ $here "he 9on+s"ery $+s.
!e opened i" up. Sure enough# Tess h+d 9+r&ed "he 9on+s"ery8s rough posi"ion on i"#
b+sed on "he loc+"ion o1 "he p+r&ed SU:s +nd on "he +ssu9p"ion "h+" Si99ons +nd his +bduc"or
h+d +c"u+lly 1ound i". She8d "hen 9+r&ed possible rou"es +nd scribbled no"es +longside "he9#
using "he con"ours o1 "he "err+in "o "ry "o 1ollo$ "he inFuisi"or8s no"es. The rou"e spli" up in"o
di11eren" br+nches +" + couple o1 loc+"ions# +nd she8d pu" Fues"ion 9+r&s +long "he $+y.
One rou"e# ho$ h+d been 9+r&ed o11 9ore solidly +nd see9ed "o s"+nd ou". I" loo&ed li&e
"he one she "hough" $+s "he righ" one.
7eilly s"udied i" 1or + 9o9en"# "hen 1olded up "he 9+p.
H* girl#G he s+id under his bre+"h. !is deple"ed reser.oir o1 +dren+line h+d Jus"
go""en + s9+ll "op;up.
!e chec&ed "he .ehicles# gr+bbed + c+n"een 1ull o1 $+"er# + p+ir o1 po$er1ul 1ield
binocul+rs# + h+ndgun# +nd "hree 1ull 9+g+Dines# "hre$ "he lo" +long $i"h his s"u11 in"o + 1ield
p+c&# +nd se" o11 +g+in.
Chapter 33

Tess s+" Fuie"ly in "he p+ssenger se+"# crippled $i"h dre+d# +s "he Disco.ery cu" "hrough
"he sleepy "o$n. The ro+ds $ere deser"ed +" "h+" e+rly hour. There $ere + 1e$ signs o1 li1e here
+nd "hereC+n old 9+n on + ric&e"y horse;dr+$n c+r" lu9bering do$n "he side o1 "he ro+d#
+no"her 9+n +nd his son $+l&ing +cross + .iney+rdCbu" none o1 i" $+s re+lly regis"ering in her
9ind. All she $+s "hin&ing +bou" +nd +goniDing $+s $h+" h+d h+ppened 1+r"her up "he
9oun"+in 1ro9 $here she8d been# $ho 9igh" s"ill be +li.e# +nd $ho 9igh" h+.e died. She8d seen
hi9 &ill up close# she &ne$ ho$ e11ec"i.e he $+s +" i"# +nd no 9+""er ho$ h+rd she "ried "o
console hersel1 +nd s"+y hope1ul# "he "hough" "h+" 7eilly could be lying so9e$here up "here#
bleeding ou"Cor $orseC$+s "e+ring her up inside.
She s+$ her +bduc"or chec& his $+"ch# "hen loo& +he+d +g+in# his 9ind cle+rly pl+nning.
HAre $e l+"e 1or so9e"hingIG she +s&ed# "rying "o +ppe+r s"oic +nd +.oiding "he Fues"ion
"h+" $+s burning inside her.
!e didn8" re+c" 1or + 9o9en"# "hen "urned "o her# sphinKli&e +s +nd g+.e her +
hu9orless s9ile "h+" ree&ed o1 pi"y +nd condescension. HDid you 9iss 9eIG
She 1el" her spine "igh"en up# bu" 9+de sure no"hing in her eKpression g+.e i" +$+y. She
"hough" o1 + sn+ppy re"or" or "$o "h+" she could hi" hi9 $i"h# bu" she didn8" $+n" "o eng+ge $i"h
hi9 "h+" $+y# pre1erring "o &eep so9e &ind o1 b+rrier be"$een "he9. Ins"e+d# she 1in+lly
succu9bed "o her desper+"e need "o &no$ +nd +s&ed# H6h+" h+ppened up "hereIG
!e ignored her 1or + be+"# "hen s+id# HI h+d "o i9pro.ise.G
!is s9ugness $+s her nu"s. She 1el" li&e gr+bbing his he+d +nd pounding i"
repe+"edly +g+ins" "he s"eering $heel# +nd she 1ound + snippe" o1 ple+sure in pic"uring hersel1
doing i". She r+n "hrough + couple o1 $ild in her 9indCy+n&ing "he s"eering $heel 1ro9
hi9 +nd 1orcing "he c+r o11 "he ro+d# $+i"ing 1or + slo$ "urn +nd le+ping ou" "he doorCbu"
decided +g+ins" "he9. They $ouldn8" $or&. She resigned hersel1 "o "he ide+ "h+" she needed "o
bide her "i9e +nd hope 1or + 9ore pro9ising opening "o presen" i"sel1.
She c+l9ed hersel1 +nd +s&ed# HAnd >edIG
!e loo&ed +" her curiously. H%ou +s& +bou" hi9# +nd no" +bou" your boy1riendI Despi"e
e.ery"hing 7eilly did "o ge" you b+c&IG
She re+lly didn8" $+n" "o gi.e hi9 "he s+"is1+c"ion o1 &no$ing he could "oy $i"h her
e9o"ions li&e "h+"# bu" she h+d "o &no$. HAre "hey s"ill +li.eIG
!e shrugged. H/+ybe. /+ybe no". I" $+s pre""y d+r& up "here. 3u" you shouldn8" $orry
"oo 9uch +bou" "he9. Thin& 9ore +bou" yoursel1# +nd +bou" $h+" you c+n do "o s"+y +li.e.G !e
p+used# "hen +dded# H%ou c+n s"+r" by "elling 9e ho$ "hey 1ound 9e.G
Tess 1roDe# con1lic"ing "hough"s colliding in her 9ind. She couldn8" pu" o11 +ns$ering 1or
"oo long# so she s+id# HI don8" &no$#G re+liDing ho$ uncon.incing she sounded e.en be1ore "he
$ords h+d le1" her 9ou"h.
!er +bduc"or slid + &no$ing loo& her $+y# "hen re+ched in"o his $+is"b+nd +nd pulled ou"
+ h+ndgun. !e s$ung i" +cross un"il i" se""led +g+ins" her chee&. HPle+se. %our boy1riend8s
le+ding "he ch+rge +nd you8re no" eK+c"ly + $+ll1lo$er. So I8ll +s& you one l+s" "i9e? !o$ did
you 1ind 9eIG
The s"eel 9uDDle $+s pressing unco91or"+bly +g+ins" her J+$. H6e . . . $e guessed.G She
"hough" "he p+use# +nd his ine.i"+ble re"or"# $ould buy her "i9e.
H%ou guessedIG
H6ell# +n educ+"ed guess# re+lly. 6e loo&ed +" "he prob+ble rou"e "he Te9pl+rs "oo& 1ro9
*ons"+n"inople# $h+" side o1 "he 9oun"+in "hey8d 9os" li&ely h+.e been on $hen "hey s"u9bled
on "he 9on+s"ery. Then $e s"udied de"+iled "opogr+phic 9+ps o1 "h+" +re+ +nd +pplied "he
inFuisi"or8s no"es 1ro9 "he 7egis"ry "o "he9. And $e go" luc&y.G
HI"8s + big 9oun"+in#G "he 9+n pressed. H!o$ did you pinpoin" our posi"ionIG
HThey used + s+"elli"e#G she lied. HThey 1ed i" de"+ils o1 recen"ly s"olen c+rs 1ro9 "he
Is"+nbul police.G She hoped he +lre+dy &ne$ $h+" she h+d only recen"ly le+rned 1ro9 7eilly
+bou" "he di11erence be"$een "he loi"ering c+p+bili"ies o1 + s+"elli"e +nd + drone. I1 he did# +nd i1
he bough" her lie# 9+ybe he $ouldn8" $orry "h+" + drone could s"ill be up "here "r+c&ing "he9.
The 9+n pondered her $ords 1or + be+"# "hen pulled his gun b+c& +nd "uc&ed i" +$+y. !e
1ocused +he+d# +nd +" "he neK" cur.e# he slo$ed "he c+r +nd pulled by + "hic&e" o1 pine "rees.
!e p+r&ed under "he o1 "he "rees# "hen "oo& "he &ey ou" o1 "he igni"ion. H6+i" here#G
he "old her.
She $+"ched hi9 ge" ou" +nd $+l& "o "he edge o1 "he sh+ded +re+. !e "hen Jus" s"ood "here
+nd loo&ed up in"o "he s&y# in "he direc"ion o1 "he 9oun"+in.

<A!-D SU7:-%-D T!- SB% O:-7!-AD# loo&ing 1or "he d+r& spo" "h+" $ould
con1ir9 his suspicions.
She $+s good# he h+d "o gi.e her "h+". Able "o 1inesse "he "ru"h "o "ry "o &eep so9e &ind
o1 +n +d.+n"+ge. 3u" "his $+s his 1ield o1 eKper"ise# no" hers. And gi.en "heir reFuire9en"s +nd
"he urgency in.ol.ed# +nd "he re+li"ies o1 $h+" $+s Fuic&ly +chie.+ble# he &ne$ "hey $ere 1+r
9ore li&ely "o be using +n un9+nned sur.eill+nce drone "h+n + s+"elli"e.
Sure enough# he soon spo""ed i"# + "iny do" ho.ering silen"ly high up in "he .irgin d+$n
s&y# &eeping "r+c& o1 his 9o.e9en"s. I" $+s circling +" high +l"i"ude# bu" gi.en "h+" i" h+d "he
$ingsp+n o1 + 737# i" $+sn8" eK+c"ly in.isible. !e sco$led +s he s"+red +" i"# s"udying i"s
"r+Jec"ory. -.+ding i" $ould be .ery "ric&yCe.en 9ore so $i"h + prisoner in "o$.
Then he s+$ so9e"hing he h+dn8" eKpec"ed. The drone en"ered in"o + long# b+n&ing be1ore gliding +$+y in +n e+s"erly direc"ion# b+c& "o$+rd "he 9oun"+in. !e "r+c&ed i"
un"il he couldn8" see i" +ny9ore# "hen sc+nned "he res" o1 "he s&y# loo&ing 1or +no"her do".
!e didn8" see one.
<+hed s9iled in$+rdly. The drone 9us" h+.e re+ched "he li9i" o1 i"s loi"er# +nd i" see9ed
"o hi9 li&e "hey h+dn8" +n"icip+"ed needing + repl+ce9en" "o con"inue i"s 9ission. !e s"+yed "here
1or +no"her "en 9inu"es# +" "he edge o1 "he c+nopy o1 "he "rees# scru"iniDing "he s&y# 9+&ing sure
+no"her drone didn8" sho$ up. Once he $+s re+son+bly con1iden" "h+" "here $ouldn8" be one# he
pulled ou" his cell phone +nd hi" "he c+ll bu""on "$ice# redi+ling "he l+s" nu9ber he h+d c+lled. I"
$+s + nu9ber he h+d "+&en o11 Sully8s phone.
A1"er "$o rings# + dro$sy .oice pic&ed up.
<+hed8s "one $en" +ll greg+rious. HAbdWl&eri9I Good 9orning. Ali Sh+r+1i here.
Suley9+n8s clien". 6e spo&e l+s" nigh"IG
The 9+n he8d c+lledCAbdWl&eri9# Sully8s uncle# "he eKper" "he guide h+d $+n"ed "o
con"+c" $hen "hey $ere up by "he ruins o1 "he 9on+s"eryCh+d cle+rly been +sleep. A1"er + Fuie"
9o9en"# <+hed8s $ords see9ed "o h+.e regis"ered. H%es# good 9orning "o you#G "he 9+n blur"ed
in"o "he Ir+ni+n8s e+r. !is .oice "r+iled o11# ob.iously surprised by "he e+rly c+ll +nd s"ill 1oggy;
HI89 sorry "o be c+lling you "his e+rly#G <+hed con"inued# Hbu" our pl+ns ch+nged +nd $e
go" here + bi" e+rlier "h+n eKpec"ed. I $+s hoping $e could 9ee" sooner "h+n +greed# perh+ps in
"he neK" hour or soI %ou &no$# ge" +n e+rly s"+r". Our "i9e here is un1or"un+"ely li9i"ed# so "he
sooner $e ge" going# "he be""er# re+lly.G
AbdWl&eri9 cle+red his "hro+" +udibly +nd s+id# HO1 course# o1 course. I"8s no" + proble9.
-+rlier $ill be be""er +ny$+y. 4ess sun.G
HTh+"8s gre+"#G <+hed s+id. H6e8ll see you soon. And "h+n&s 1or being so
!e "oo& no"e o1 $here +nd $hen "hey $ould 9ee" up +nd ended "he c+ll# s+"is1ied $i"h
"he ou"co9e. !e +ppro+ched "he c+r +nd gl+nced "hrough "he re+r $indshield. !e could see "he
silhoue""e o1 Tess8s he+d 1ro9 behind. !is 9ood d+r&ened. There $+s so9e"hing else he needed
"o do.
!e opened "he Disco.ery8s re+r h+"ch# pic&ed so9e"hing ou" o1 i"# +nd sl+99ed i" shu"
+g+in. Then he $en" +round "o Tess8s door +nd s$ung i" open.
HGe" ou"#G he "old her.
Tess s"+red +" hi9 1or + be+"# + loo& o1 surprise on her 1+ce# "hen cli9bed ou". She s"ood
"here in 1ron" o1 hi9# in silence. !e Jus" loo&ed +" her $i"hou" s+ying + $ordC"hen# $i"h
ligh"ning +gili"y# his h+nd 1le$ up +nd s"ruc& her $i"h + .icious# b+c&h+nded sl+p.
!er he+d "$is"ed side$+ys .iolen"ly under "he i9p+c" +nd she 1ell "o "he ground. She
s"+yed do$n# 9o"ionless# her he+d "urned +$+y# s+ying no"hing. A1"er + 9o9en"# she pushed
hersel1 b+c& on"o her 1ee" +nd# brushing "he soil o11 her h+nds# "urned b+c& "o 1+ce hi9. !er eyes
$ere "e+r1ul# bu" de1i+n". !er chee& $+s se+red red# "he i9prin" o1 his h+nd +nd 1ingers cle+rly
.isible on i".
HDon8" lie "o 9e +g+in#G he "old her. HUnders"oodIG
She didn8" re+c". !e r+ised his h+nd 9en+cingly +g+in# re+dy "o s$ing +g+in. She didn8"
1linch# bu" "his "i9e she nodded 1+in"ly.
!e li1"ed up his o"her h+nd. In i" $+s + $ide c+n.+s bel".
!e held i" ou" "o her +nd s+id# HI89 going "o need you "o pu" "his on.G
Chapter 3&

Reilly $+s 1+s"# +s 1+s" +s his "ired legs could c+rry hi9. !e $+s 1inding i" + bi"
e+sier# no$ "h+" "he s"eep# une.en "r+il do$n "he 9oun"+in h+d gi.en $+y "o + 1l+""er +nd
s9oo"her dir" ro+d. S"ill# he $+s b+rely 9+n+ging "o s"+y on his 1ee". The ne+res" "o$n# + s9+ll
clus"er o1 houses +" "he b+se o1 "he .olc+no# $+s s"ill h+l1 + 9ile +$+y. !e needed "o 1ind so9e
&ind o1 "r+nspor"+"ion "h+" $ould gi.e his 9uscles + res" i1 he didn8" $+n" his body "o shu" do$n
in pro"es" +" "he +pp+lling "re+"9en" i" $+s ge""ing. And he h+d "o do i" 1+s".
The drone# he &ne$# $+s long gone.
-.ery second coun"ed.
!e cle+red + lo$ ridge +nd spo""ed so9e"hing + couple o1 hundred y+rds +he+d.
So9eone# riding so9e"hing. The sigh" g+.e hi9 + s9+ll boos". As he closed in on i"# 7eilly s+$
"h+" i" $+s +n old 9+n si""ing +s"ride + h+gg+rd;loo&ing horse. The scr+$ny +ni9+l h+d "$o huge
s"r+$ b+s&e"s slung on ei"her side o1 i"s ru9p +nd $+s "rudging +he+d l+Dily# obli.ious "o "he 1lee"
o1 1lies "h+" $ere circling i".
7eilly pic&ed up his p+ce +nd shou"ed# H!ey#G $ his +r9s 1r+n"ic+lly. !e s+$ "he
9+n "urn his he+d nonch+l+n"ly# $i"hou" slo$ing do$n. H!ey#G he shou"ed +g+in# +nd +g+in# +nd
"his "i9e# "he 9+n pulled on "he reins +nd "he horse s"opped.
H%our horse#G 7eilly "old hi9# poin"ing +nd ges"uring $ildly# his p+n"ing 9+&ing hi9
sound e.en 9ore incoheren" "o "he con1used loc+l. HI need your horse.G
The 9+n8s $e+"hered 1+ce suddenly "ensed up +s his eyes 1ell on "he $e+pon in 7eilly8s
$+is"b+nd. 3u" ins"e+d o1 going +ll 1e+r1ul +nd p+nic&y# he s"+r"ed shou"ing +" 7eilly# see9ingly
ber+"ing hi9 1or his +11ron". %oung or old# s"rong or 1r+il# "he 9en 7eilly $+s encoun"ering didn8"
see9 "o be e+sily co$ed. 7eilly shoo& his he+d +nd spre+d his +r9s ou" c+l9ingly# doing his bes"
"o ge" "he 9+n "o e+se b+c&.
HPle+se# Jus" lis"en "o 9e. I"8s no" li&e "h+". I need your help# o&+yI I need your horse#G he
"old hi9# 9+&ing +ll &inds o1 ges"ures "h+" he "hough" could sign+l hu9ili"y +nd respec".
The 9+n $+s s"ill eyeing hi9 suspiciously# bu" +1"er + 9o9en" he c+l9ed do$n + "ouch.
7eilly re9e9bered so9e"hing +nd re+ched in"o +n inside poc&e". !e pulled ou" his
H!ere#G he "old hi9 +s he 1ished ou" +ll "he c+sh he h+d in i". I" $+sn8" 9uchCbu" i" $+s
s"ill 9ore "h+n he suspec"ed "he "ired old horse $+s $or"h. !e held i" ou" "o "he 9+n. HPle+se.
T+&e i". *o9e on. Don8" 9+&e 9e re+ch 1or "he gun.G !e &ne$ "he 9+n $ouldn8" unders"+nd "h+"
l+s" bi".
The 9+n s"udied hi9 curiously 1or + be+"# "hen 9u""ered so9e"hing +nd relen"ed. !e
cli9bed o11 "he horse $i"h surprising e+se +nd h+nded 7eilly "he reins.
7eilly s9iled +" hi9# "he gr+"i"ude on his 1+ce cle+rly co9ing "hrough. The 9+n8s
eKpression so1"ened up. 7eilly loo&ed in"o "he b+s&e"s. They $ere 1illed $i"h gr+pes.
H!ere# you &eep "hese#G he "old hi9 +s he loosened "he "ies "h+" held "he9 in pl+ce +nd
helped "he old 9+n se" "he9 do$n by "he side o1 "he ro+d. !e "hen cli9bed on "he "+""ered
bl+n&e"s "h+" $ere "here in lieu o1 + s+ddle# pulled ou" Tess8s 9+p# +nd s"udied i".
!e "hough" o1 +s&ing "he old 9+n "o con1ir9 his he+ding# bu" he &ne$ "he >+nd+r9+8s
b+c&up $ould soon be cr+$ling +ll "he 9oun"+in +nd he didn8" $+n" "o gi.e "he9 + he+d
s"+r". Ins"e+d# he used "he sun8s posi"ion "o orien" hi9sel1. The ro+d 1ro9 his loc+"ion "o "he "+rge"
+re+ Tess h+d 9+r&ed up# so9e$here c+lled "he Ihl+r+ :+lley# $+s + circui"ous one. Th+" $ould
be "he ro+d "he bo9ber $ould be "+&ing. A 9ore direc" rou"e +cross open "err+in# +s "he
pro.erbi+l cro$ $ould 1ly# $+s 1+r shor"er +nd didn8" see9 "o be in"ersec"ed by +ny 9+Jor
obs"ruc"ions such +s + or + 9oun"+in r+nge. And gi.en "h+" his s"eed $+sn8" eK+c"ly +
Thoroughbred# 7eilly decided "h+" +ny g+in in dis"+nce "h+" needed "o be co.ered $+s + gi1" he
couldn8" "urn do$n.
!e pu" "he 9+p +$+y# g+.e "he 9+n + p+r"ing nod +nd $+.e# +nd spurred "he horse
1or$+rd# le+ding i" o11 "he ro+d +nd in"o + $ide open 1ield# +nd hoping "he poor +ni9+l $ouldn8"
die on hi9 be1ore he go" "o $here he needed "o be.
Chapter 3)

The 9iles ble$ by +s "he Disco.ery "r+.eled sou"h +long "he $inding# poc&9+r&ed ro+d.
The b+rren l+ndsc+pe only +dded "o "he nu9bness "h+" Tess 1el"# bo"h in body +nd soul# +
nu9bness "h+" $+s only pierced by "he p+in1ul Fues"ions "h+" re9+ined un+ns$ered.
She loo&ed +cross +" her c+p"or. !e 1el" her g+De +nd gl+nced +" her.
H6e should be +" "he rendeD.ous in +bou" "en 9inu"es#G he "old her# "hen 1illed her in on
"he s"ory "hey8d be using# "he s+9e one he8d used on SullyC"he one "h+" h+d hi9 posing +s
+ uni.ersi"y pro1essor c+lled Ali Sh+r+1i.
Tess8s 1+ce "igh"ened +" his c+su+l use o1 "he de+d Ir+ni+n his"ori+n8s n+9e. H%ou h+.e no
sh+9e# do you#G she s+id. HUsing his n+9e li&e "h+". A1"er $h+" you did "o hi9.G
She $+sn8" +s&ing# +nd he didn8" re+c".
H6hy +9 I here +ny$+yIG she pressed. H6h+" do you need 9e 1orI The Tur&s +ren8"
going "o b+rg+in $i"h you Jus" bec+use you h+.e 9e. No" +1"er e.ery"hing you8.e done.G
!e shrugged. H%ou8re no" here +s + hos"+ge# Tess. %ou8re here bec+use o1 your eKper"ise.
I c+n8" do "his by 9ysel1. And since I h+d "o gi.e up your de+r 1riend >ed# I need you "o s"ep in"o
his shoes.G
She $+sn8" sure $h+" "h+" 9e+n"# $he"her or no" Si99ons $+s no$ s+1e. So9eho$#
gi.en "he preceden"s in 7o9e# she doub"ed i". The "hough" sen" + sho" o1 bile up her "hro+". HAnd
$h+" is i" eK+c"ly "h+" you c+n8" do by yoursel1IG
!e gl+nced side$+ys +" her# loo&ing +9used. H*o9e no$# Tess. %ou re+d "he 9on&8s
con1ession. %ou s+$ "he "er9s he used "o describe "his . . . trove. These 9on&s# "hese gen"le#
pious ser.+n"s o1 GodC"hey +c"u+lly resor"ed "o 9urder "o &eep i" hidden. So you "ell 9e#
Tess . . . 6h+" do you "hin& I89 +1"erIG
There $+s no poin" in pl+ying coy. HThe de.il8s h+ndi$or&I So9e"hing "h+" could sh+&e
"he .ery roc& upon $hich our $orld is 1oundedIG
!e s9iled. HI"8s $or"h 1inding# don8" you "hin&IG
HNo" "his $+y#G she gru9bled. H6ho +re youI 6h+" do you $+n" $i"h i"IG
!e didn8" s+y +ny"hing +nd Jus" &ep" his eyes de+d +he+d. A1"er + 9o9en"# he s+id# H/y
coun"ry +nd yours . . . $e8.e been 1igh"ing + dir"y# undecl+red $+r 1or 1i1"y ye+rs. I89 Jus" +
p+"rio" "rying "o help 9y side $in.G
H%our side being Ir+n#G she .en"ured.
!e gl+nced +" her +nd s9iled enig9+"ic+lly.
H6e8re no" +" $+r $i"h you#G she "old hi9. HAnd $h+" your proble9s +re# $e8re no"
"he re+son 1or "he9.G
Th+" r+ised + dubious eyebro$ on hi9. HAren8" youIG
H!ey# $e8re no" "he ones 1unding "erroris"s +nd "hre+"ening "o $ipe o"her coun"ries o11 "he
1+ce o1 "he e+r"h.G
!er $ords didn8" see9 "o c+use +ny 1lu""er inside hi9. Ins"e+d# he Jus" coolly +s&ed her#
HDo you &no$ +bou" Oper+"ion AJ+K# TessIG
She8d he+rd o1 i". HNo.G
HI didn8" "hin& so. Th+"8s p+r" o1 your proble9# you see. %ou people h+.e no +ppreci+"ion
1or his"ory. %ou only h+.e "i9e 1or "$ee"s +nd @+ceboo& +nd $ho Tiger 6oods is 1uc&ing. And
$hen i" co9es "o "he big s"ories# "o $+rs "h+" c+n &ill "hous+nds +nd ruin 9illions o1 you bo"her "o loo& behind "he he+dlines# you don8" "+&e "he "i9e "o re+d +bou" $hy "hings +re
"he $+y "hey +re +nd loo& 1or "he "ru"h behind "he spin o1 your poli"ici+ns or "he hys"eri+ o1 "hose
"+l&ing he+ds on your T: screens.G
Tess sco11ed. HTh+"8s Jus" gre+". I89 being lec"ured on "he sub"le"ies o1 his"ory +nd "he
gre+" 1+ilings o1 our de9ocr+cy by + 9+n $ho cu" o11 +n innocen" $o9+n8s he+d Jus" "o pro.e +
poin". There8s so 9uch $e c+n le+rn 1ro9 you guys# isn8" "hereIG
!e "urned "o 1+ce her +g+in# only "his "i9e "here $+s so9e"hing deeply unse""ling in his
loo&. So9e"hing .ery d+r& +nd sinis"er h+d been prodded +$+&e. !is h+nd slid side$+ys +nd
se""led on her "high. I" sen" + Jol" o1 dre+d "hrough her. !e Jus" le" i" si" "here 1or + 1e$
in"er9in+ble seconds# s+ying no"hing. Then he sFueeDed her "high sligh"ly be1ore i" +
p+"roniDing li""le "+p.
H%ou8re + .ery +""r+c"i.e $o9+n# Tess. A""r+c"i.e# +nd "oo. 3u" you re+lly need "o
brush up on your his"ory#G he "old her# loo&ing +" her $hile &eeping +n eye on "he ro+d. H4oo& up
Oper+"ion AJ+K. I"8s +n i9por"+n" 9iles"one in "he his"ory o1 our "$o coun"ries. And $hile you8re
+" i"# 1ind ou" $h+" h+ppened on "he 9orning o1 "he 3rd o1 >uly# in ',55. 6h+" really h+ppened
"h+" d+y.G !is 1+ce d+r&ened 1ur"her. The 9en"ion o1 "he d+"e see9ed "o s"ir up + c+uldron o1
h+"red deep in his soul. !e held her g+De 1or + be+"# "hen "urned his +""en"ion b+c& "o "he ro+d
Tess8s he+r" $+s "hudding +g+ins" her rib c+ge li&e +n +lien $+n"ing ou". She 1ough" "o
&eep her co9posure +s she r+c&ed her br+in 1or +ny insigh" in"o $h+" he $+s "+l&ing +bou"# +nd
$+s 1rus"r+"ed +" co9ing up bl+n&. She h+"ed no" &no$ing $h+" he $+s re1erring "o# +nd h+"ed
no" being +ble "o "hro$ his s9ug +ssu9p"ions b+c& in his 1+ce.
HI "hin& "his is i"#G he 1in+lly +nnounced# "hen poin"ed +he+d. HAnd "h+"8s go" "o be our
9+n. 4e"8s hope he &no$s his s"u11.G
Tess 1ollo$ed his g+De. Up "he ro+d# by + dus"y "hree;$+y in"ersec"ion# she s+$ +
r+9sh+c&le 1rui" +nd .ege"+ble s"+ll neK" "o + s9+ll g+s s"+"ion. A 9+n $+s s"+nding "here# by +
p+r&ed 9us"+rd;colored >eep *hero&ee. !e see9ed "o be in his l+"e 1i1"ies +nd loo&ed so9e$h+"
incongruous in his c+rgo p+n"s# deni9 shir"# +nd &h+&i boonie h+". !e h+d "o be "heir con"+c"#
AbdWl&eri9# Sully8s 3yD+n"inis" uncle. *on1ir9ing i"# "he 9+n $+.ed +s he s+$ "he9 +ppro+ch.
The Ir+ni+n slo$ed do$n# +nd +s he pulled he g+.e Tess + s"ern loo&. HThis doesn8"
h+.e "o end b+dly 1or you. %ou unders"+nd "h+"# don8" youIG
HSure#G she nodded# 9+&ing sure "he $ord $+s cle+rly seeping s+rc+s9# no" 1e+r.

A3D[4B-7I/ D-@INIT-4% BN-6 !IS STU@@.
The poin"ers 9en"ioned in "he inFuisi"or8s Journ+l h+d been s&e"chy# re1erring "o n+"ur+l
l+nd9+r&s "h+" "i9eC9ore "h+n se.en hundred ye+rs8 $or"hCcould $ell h+.e eroded# i1 no"
er+sed +l"oge"her. 3u" "he 9+n $+s no" only in"i9+"ely 1+9ili+r $i"h "he region +nd $i"h i"s
uniFue geogr+phic 1e+"ures# he +lso h+d + "horough unders"+nding o1 i"s his"ory. This +llo$ed
hi9 "o pu" "he $ri"ings in "heir proper his"oric+l con"eK"C$h+" "he 9+in "o$ns $ere +" "he "i9e#
$here "he "r+ding rou"es $ere# $hich .+lleys $ere popul+"ed +nd $hich ones $eren8"C+nd s"+y
on "he inFuisi"or8s "r+il.
They $ere +d.+ncing o11;ro+d# +ll "hree o1 "he9 riding in AbdWl&eri98s >eep. The
3yD+n"inis"8s sugges"ion "o "h+" e11ec" h+d sui"ed <+hed per1ec"ly# +llo$ing hi9 "o di"ch "he
s"olen# 1l+gged Disco.ery# $hich he "uc&ed +$+y ou" o1 sigh" behind "he g+s s"+"ion. The e+rly
s"+r" h+d +llo$ed "he9 "o + lo" o1 ground +nd s"ill h+.e plen"y o1 d+yligh" le1"# +nd
AbdWl&eri9 $+s re+lly pu""ing "he *hero&ee "hrough i"s p+ces. They bounced +cross pl+"e+us +nd
cli9bed up +nd do$n ridges on "he "r+il o1 "heir se.en;hundred;ye+r;old ghos"# s"opping +" +
couple o1 loc+"ions +nd hi&ing +round "o con1ir9 "heir be+rings be1ore piling b+c& in"o "he >eep
+nd con"inuing on.
The sun $+s +l9os" +" i"s Deni"h in "he per1ec"# unble9ished s&y $hen AbdWl&eri9 pulled by + s"eep ridge +nd s$i"ched o11 "he >eep8s engine. They +ll do$ned so9e 9iner+l $+"er
+nd lahmacun 1l+" bre+d# "hen he led Tess +nd <+hed do$n + long# n+rro$ "r+il "h+" r+n "hrough
so9e oddly sh+ped roc& spires +nd led "o "he .+lley 1loorC"he beginning o1 "he c+nyon "h+"# "he
3yD+n"inis" suspec"ed# held "he Te9pl+rs8 "o9bs.
The c+nyon $idened +nd n+rro$ed +s i" undul+"ed sou"h. On ei"her side o1 "he9# "he cli11
1+ce rose 9ore "h+n "$o hundred 1ee"# + dr+9+ o1 so1"# ble+ched s"one c+r.ed ou" o1 "he e+r"h by
long;gone ri.ers. The c+nyon 1loor i"sel1 $+s dry +nd dus"y gi.en "he "i9e o1 ye+r# bu" "u1"s o1
green bushes +nd rich clus"ers o1 popl+rs +nd $illo$s helped so1"en i"s b+rren# rugged 1eel.
HThese .+lley $eren8" popul+"ed "he $+y "he ones 1ur"her nor"h $ere#G AbdWl&eri9
eKpl+ined. !e h+d + peculi+r $+y o1 "+l&ing2 he spo&e -nglish 1luen"ly# considering i" $+sn8" his
9o"her "ongue# eKcep" 1or one li""le Fuir&? he h+d "his peculi+r h+bi" o1 o1"en# +nd Fui"e r+ndo9ly#
1orge""ing "o +dd +n HsG "o plur+ls. HThey8re "oo 1+r sou"h# "oo close "o "he 9oun"+in p+sses "h+"
/usli9 r+iding p+r"y $ere using. %ou $on8" 1ind lo"s o1 roc& church or underground ci"ies here
C$hich is $hy you don8" ge" 9+ny "ouris" "re&&ing +round. They8re +ll up +round Gore9e +nd
<el.e# $hich +re +lso# $i"hou" + doub"# 9uch 9ore dr+9+"ic "o loo& +".G
HSo $e8.e he+rd#G <+hed s+id# sur.eying "he s+.+gely be+u"i1ul l+ndsc+pe surrounding
hi9. H3u" i1 "he Te9pl+rs $ere "rying "o re+ch "he co+s" $i"hou" ge""ing spo""ed by Gh+Di r+iders#
i" 9+de sense 1or "he9 "o s"ic& "o "hese c+nyonsIG
HAbsolu"ely. So9e o1 "hese c+nyon +re "en 9iles long. Th+"8s + lo" o1 9iles o1 gre+"
co.erCbu" "hey8re +lso + gre+" pl+ce 1or +n +9bush.G
They spli" up# <+hed s"ic&ing $i"h Tess# AbdWl&eri9 on "he opposi"e side o1 "he c+nyon
1ro9 "he9# +nd 9o.ed slo$ly# co9bing bo"h roc& 1+ces# loo&ing 1or "he 9+r&ings "he inFuisi"or
h+d re1erred "o. The sun $+s b+&ing no$# i"s he+" $eighing he+.ily on "he9 +nd 9+&ing e+ch
s"ep 9ore o1 + chore. They "oo& "urns $or&ing "he sh+ded side o1 "he c+nyon $hen "here $+s +ny
sh+de "o be h+d# bu" e.en "h+" $+sn8" 9uch o1 + respi"e 1ro9 "he he+".
A1"er + couple o1 hours# "he going go" e+sier +s "he sun dropped ou" o1 .ie$ +nd "he
c+nyon $+s plunged in"o sh+de. "he neK" 9ile or "$o# "hey c+9e +cross + couple o1 s9+ll
roc& ch+pelsCsingle cells "h+" h+d been c+r.ed ou" o1 "he so1" .olc+nic "u1+ cen"uries +go# "he
si9ple 1rescoes p+in"ed direc"ly on "heir $+lls +nd ceilings b+rely .isible no$Cbu" li""le else.
Un"il "he 3yD+n"inis" c+lled ou" "o "he9. here#G he bello$ed +cross "he c+nyon.
Tess +nd <+hed rushed "o Join hi9.
!e $+s ben" do$n# scru"iniDing "he roc& 1+ce +" "he b+se o1 "he cli11# brushing i" so1"ly
$i"h + glo.ed h+nd. A" 1irs"# $h+" h+d sn+gged his in"eres" $+sn8" ob.iousC"hen i" c+9e in"o
.ie$? 1+in" 9+r&ings# chiseled in"o "he s9oo"h roc&# "heir rough edges eroded by "he p+ss+ge o1
The AbdWl&eri9 $+s dus"ing o11 $+s +bou" "en inches sFu+re. Though crudely
eKecu"ed# i" $+s s"ill e+sily recogniD+ble +s + cross# $hich $+sn8" surprising# gi.en "he huge
*hris"i+n presence in "he region in "he 1irs" "hous+nd ye+rs or so o1 "he 1+i"h. *rosses $ere
sc+""ered +cross "he l+ndsc+pe in +bund+nce. 3u" i"s loc+"ion $+s unusu+lC+" "he b+se o1 "he
cli11# $i"h no roc& church in sigh"C+s $+s i"s sh+pe. This $+sn8" Jus" +ny cross. I"s +r9s $ere
$ider +" "heir eK"re9i"ies "h+n +" "heir b+se# + dis"inc"i.e 1e+"ure o1 "he croi1 patt2e "h+" $+s used
by groups "hroughou" his"oryCincluding "he Te9pl+rs.
HThis could be i"#G "he his"ori+n s+id# .isibly eKci"ed by "he possibili"y. !e &ep" brushing
"he sur1+ce +round +nd belo$ "he cross. /ore c+r.ings +ppe+red# b+rely discernible +" 1irs"# bu"
cle+rer $i"h e.ery s"ro&e o1 his glo.e.
They $ere le""ers. No"hing in"ric+"e# no" "he $or& o1 + 9+s"er cr+1"s;9+n. They loo&ed
li&e "hey8d been 1+shioned h+s"ily# using $h+" "ools $ere +.+il+ble. 3u" "hey $ere "here# +nd
"hey $ere legible.
Tess le+ned do$n beside "he his"ori+n# her eyes loc&ed on "he roc& 1+ce. !er s&in
Fui.ered $i"h +n"icip+"ion +s "he le""ers bloo9ed in"o cl+ri"y. And +s she re+d ou" "he $ords "hey
1or9edC"here $ere "hree o1 "he9# +rr+nged one underne+"h "he o"herCher 9ind r+ced +he+d#
churning "heir signi1ic+nce.
H!ec"or . . . /iguel . . . +ndGCshe loo&ed up +" her +bduc"orCH*onr+d.G
Chapter 3*

The Ir+ni+n nodded# his bro$ &no""ed $i"h concen"r+"ion +s he s"+red +" "he c+r.ings.
HSo#G he 1in+lly s+id# Hour Te9pl+r is buried here.G
AbdWl&eri98s 1+ce $+s be+9ing $i"h eKci"e9en". HNo" Jus" one. Three o1 "he9. They
could +ll be buried here# under our 1ee".G !e "oo& + couple o1 s"eps b+c& +nd dropped his g+De#
s"udying "he soil +" "he b+se o1 "he cli11. There $+s + sligh" rise in "he ground "h+" $+s o"her$ise
pre""y uni1or9ly 1l+". !e gl+nced up +nd do$n "he .+lley# "hen loo&ed up +" "he sheer blu11 1+ce
"o$ering pro"ec"i.ely "he9. HThis is 9+r.elous. 6e could be s"+nding "he "o9b o1
"hree Te9pl+r &nigh"# here# in +n +re+ $here "here8s been +ny record o1 + Te9pl+r
Tess $+sn8" p+ying +""en"ion "o hi9. She $+s busy processing $h+" "heir 1ind 9e+n"# +nd
+ 1ur"i.e gl+nce +" "he Ir+ni+n "old her he $+s doing "he s+9e "hing.
The 3yD+n"inis"8s eKpression ch+nged "o one o1 be$ilder9en" +" "he l+c& o1 euphori+C
+nd "he e.iden" "ensionCco9ing b+c& +" hi9 1ro9 his clien"s. HThis is $h+" you $ere loo&ing
1or# isn8" i"IG
She ignored hi9. HI1 he8s buried here#G she "old her +bduc"or# H"hen "h+"8s "he end o1 "he
"r+il# isn8" i"IG She hesi"+"ed# no" sure i1 her conclusion boded $ell 1or her +nd "he Tur&# "hen
+dded# H6e8re done# +ren8" $eIG
The Ir+ni+n didn8" see9 con.inced. H6ho buried "he9I 6e &no$ "hree &nigh"s le1" "he
9on+s"ery. They h+d i" $i"h "he9. 6h+" h+ppened "o "he9 hereI !o$ did "hey dieI And $ho
buried "he9I 6ho c+r.ed "heir n+9es ou"IG
HDoes i" 9+""erIG Tess replied.
HO1 course i" does. 3ec+use "h+"8s $here "he "r+il con"inues. So9eone $+l&ed +$+y 1ro9
$h+" "oo& pl+ce here. 6e need "o 1ind ou" $ho "h+" $+s.G
AbdWl&eri9 $+s cle+rly con1used. H6h+" do you 9e+n# "hey h+d Li"8 $i"h "he9I 6h+" +re
you "+l&ing +bou"I I "hough" $e $ere Jus" loo&ing 1or "hese "o9b. 6h+" 9ore do you &no$ +bou"
"hese &nigh"IG
Tess ignored hi9 +g+in +nd s"+yed on her +bduc"or. H!o$ c+n $e possibly do "h+"I They
died se.en hundred ye+rs +go. All $e h+.e +re "he 9+r&ings on "his $+ll. Th+"8s i". There isn8"
+ny"hing 9ore "o go on. No" in "he Te9pl+r 7egis"ry# no" in "he inFuisi"or8s Journ+l. I"8s "he end
o1 "he ro+d.G
The Ir+ni+n sco$led# 9ulling her conclusion. HI"8s no" "he end o1 "he ro+d. 6e don8" &no$
$h+"8s buried here. And un"il $e do# $e h+.en8" "+&en "his se+rch "o i"s li9i".G !e 1iKed her $i"h
+ resolu"e s"+re +nd s+id# H6e need "o dig "he9 up. @or +ll $e &no$# i" could be buried here $i"h
Tess8s he+r" s+n& +" "he sugges"ion. The 9+n $+sn8" up.
The 3yD+n"inis"8s eyes $en" $ide "oo. HLDig "he9 up8I UsIG
<+hed "urned "o hi9. H%ou h+.e + proble9 $i"h "h+"IG
The h+rd s"+re "hre$ "he Tur&. HNo# o1 course no"# i"8ll h+.e "o be done. 3u" "here8s +
procedure "o 1ollo$. 6e8ll need "o +pply 1or per9ission 1ro9 "he 9inis"ry# i"8s + .ery co9plic+"ed
process +nd I89 no" e.en sure "hey8llCG
H@orge" +bou" ge""ing per9ission#G "he Ir+ni+n in"errup"ed. H6e8re going "o do i" 7igh" no$.G
AbdWl&eri98s J+$ dropped +n inch. HNo$I %ou $+n" "o . . . %ou c+n8" do "h+". 6e h+.e
.ery s"ric" l+$s in "his +re+. %ou c+n8" Jus" dig "hings up.G
<+hed shrugged# nonch+l+n"ly re+ched in"o his ruc&s+c&# +nd pulled ou" + gr+phi"e gr+y
+u"o9+"ic. !e ch+9bered + round +nd s$ung his +r9 ou" so "he $e+pon $+s le.eled righ" +" "he
3yD+n"inis"8s 1+ce. HI $on8" s+y +ny"hing i1 you don8".G
!e held "he gun b+rrel "here# ho.ering 9illi9e"ers 1ro9 AbdWl&eri98s eyes. Drople"s o1
s$e+" 9ul"iplied on "he Tur&8s 1orehe+d li&e so9eone h+d "urned on + sprin&ler inside his s&ull.
!e r+ised his h+nds "o his sides ins"inc"i.ely +nd "oo& + "en"+"i.e s"ep b+c&# bu" "he Ir+ni+n
inched 1or$+rd +nd J+99ed "he gun b+rrel +g+ins" "he 9+n8s 1orehe+d.
H6e dig. 6e h+.e + loo&. 6e le+.e. No h+r9 done. O&+yIG <+hed "old hi9# his "one e+sy
+nd c+l9.
AbdWl&eri9 nodded ner.ously.
HGood#G "he Ir+ni+n s+id# pulling b+c&. HNo$# "he sooner $e s"+r"# "he sooner $e c+n +ll
ge" ou" o1 here.G !e "uc&ed "he gun in"o his $+is"b+nd# re+ched in"o his p+c&# +nd pulled ou" +
d+r& green c+n.+s !e 1lipped i" open +nd "oo& ou" + co9p+c"# 1olding c+9ping "ool "h+"
h+d + sho.el on one side +nd + pic& on "he o"her.
!e eK"ended "he "ool8s h+ndle +nd sn+pped i"s he+ds in"o posi"ion# "hen held i" ou" "o Tess.
H%ou8re "he eKper"# righ"IG
She sco$led +" hi9# "hen# grudgingly# she "oo& i". HThis could "+&e + $hile#G she s+id# "he s9+ll "ool + s+rdonic gl+nce.
HNo" necess+rily. %ou8.e go" +n +ble +ssis"+n" Jus" dying "o help you ou"#G <+hed s9iled.
!e "urned "o "he 3yD+n"inis" +nd opened his p+l9 ou" in +n in.i"ing ges"ure. AbdWl&eri9 nodded
+nd Joined Tess.
They go" do$n on "heir &nees +nd s"+red +" "he ground +s "he ine.i"+bili"y o1 "heir "+s&
se""led in# "hen "hey go" "o $or&.

T-SS US-D T!- PI*B "o loosen "he "op l+yer o1 soil# $hich $+s dry +nd co9p+c"ed.
AbdWl&eri9 cle+red "he clu9ps o1 dried 9ud she $+s bre+&ing o11# chuc&ing "he9 in"o + pile
+$+y 1ro9 "he $+ll. I" didn8" "+&e "h+" long 1or "he9 "o cle+r +n +re+ +round siK 1ee" sFu+re# "hen
Tess s"+r"ed "o dig deeper.
The pic& s"ruc& s"oneCno"hing "oo big# Jus" + bo$ling b+ll;siDed roc&. She cle+red "he
soil +round i" +nd AbdWl&eri9 helped her pull i" ou". There $ere o"her roc&s "uc&ed in +round i"#
+nd 9ore underne+"h# "$o "igh"ly p+c&ed l+yers o1 "he9 bl+n&e"ing $h+" $+s buried belo$.
HThese roc&s $eren8" here n+"ur+lly#G Tess s+id. H4oo& +" ho$ "hey8re +rr+nged. So9eone
pu" "he9 "here.G She hesi"+"ed# "hen +dded# HTo &eep $ild +ni9+ls 1ro9 ge""ing +" "he bodies.G
<+hed nodded. HGood. Then "he bones should s"ill be in one pl+ce.G
!e g+.e her + loo& "h+" prodded her on# +nd she go" b+c& "o $or&# prying "he s"ones loose
+nd h+nding "he9 "o AbdWl&eri9# $ho $ould "hen "hro$ "he9 cle+r behind "he9. They $or&ed
in "+nde9# in p+r+llel# +nd go" + good rhy"h9 going un"il so9e"hing in"errup"ed "he 1lo$.
A loo&# 1ro9 "he Tur&C+ Fues"ioning# $orried loo&.
!e8d no"iced "he bo9b bel" +nd i"s p+dloc& under Tess8s loose shir".
She 1l+shed hi9 +n in"ense# s"+ying loo&# $i"h + b+rely percep"ible sh+&e o1 "he he+d#
sign+ling hi9 no" "o +s& +bou" i" +nd unsure +bou" $he"her or no" "heir c+p"or h+d spo""ed "he
Tur&8s re+c"ion. I1 he h+d no"iced i"# he didn8" s+y +ny"hing. She s+$ AbdWl&eri98s J+$bone
"igh"en +s he g+.e her + "iny nod b+c& be1ore c+rrying on.
3e1ore long# "he roc&s $ere gone +nd her pic& $+s bi"ing in"o loose soil +g+in# less "h+n
"$o 1ee" 1ro9 "he sur1+ce. And "hen "he 1irs" bone +ppe+red. A 1e9ur. S9+ller bones# ph+l+nges
1ro9 $h+" +ppe+red "o be + le1" h+nd# l+y sc+""ered +round i".
She $+s using her 1ingers no$# cle+ring "he soil c+re1ully.
The res" o1 "he s&ele"on soon c+9e in"o .ie$.
I"s bones $ere + sic&ly bro$n# in1used $i"h "he e+r"h i" h+d been lying in 1or cen"uries.
And e.en "hough "he soil o1 "he region didn8" su11er 1ro9 high +cidi"y# Tess h+dn8" eKpec"ed "o
1ind 9uch else. There $+sn8" + lo" "h+" could sur.i.e se.en hundred ye+rs o1 buri+l. Ar9ies o1
9+ggo"s +nd $or9s $ould see "o "h+". !er 1ingers s"u9bled upon so9e copper;+lloy buc&les# "he
only re9n+n"s o1 + bel" +nd so9e boo"s $hose le+"her h+d long been e+"en +$+y# bu" she s+$
no"hing else. I" $+sn8" i99edi+"ely ob.ious $he"her she $+s s"+ring +" "he re9+ins o1 + 9+n or +
$o9+n# bu" Judging 1ro9 "he leng"h +nd "he gir"h o1 "he 9+in leg +nd +r9 bones# she "hough" i"
$+s 9ore "h+n li&ely "h+" i" h+d been + 9+n.
HThere8s no"hing here "o "ell us $ho "his $+s#G she re9+r&ed +s she s"ood up +nd $iped
her 1orehe+d $i"h her slee.e. She $+s eKh+us"ed# "he +rduous e11or" dr+ined $h+" li""le
s"reng"h she8d h+d le1" +1"er "he sleepless nigh" +" "he 9oun"+in s"+&eou". Adding "o her
disco91or"# "he bo9b bel" h+d been s"r+ining +g+ins" her ribs +nd digging in"o her $i"h e.ery
9o.e# bruising "he edge o1 her rib c+ge# bu" she &ne$ "here $+sn8" +ny"hing she could do +bou"
The Ir+ni+n s"ood neK" "o her# eyeing "he re9+ins. !e chec&ed his $+"ch# "hen s+id#
HO&+y# good $or&. 4e"8s &eep going.G
Tess shoo& her he+d $i"h disd+in +nd desp+ir# +nd dr+n& so9e $+"er 1ro9 "he c+n"een
AbdWl&eri9 h+d gi.en her. Then she go" b+c& do$n on her &nees +nd &ep" going.
An hour or so l+"er# she +nd "he 3yD+n"inis" h+d unco.ered "he re9+ins o1 one 9ore
One 9oreCno" "$o.
Tess dug s9+ll eKplor+"ory holes on ei"her side o1 "he co99un+l gr+.e# bu" c+9e up
bl+n&. There $ere no l+yers o1 roc&s "here ei"her# con1ir9ing "h+" no one else h+d been buried
"here# no" close "o "he "$o s&ele"ons +ny$+y.
6hich 9e+n" "he "r+il $+sn8" de+d.
6hich +lso 9e+n" her orde+l $+sn8"
She go" up# drenched in s$e+"# +nd le+ned b+c& +g+ins" "he roc& 1+ce# "+&ing in deep
bre+"hs "o slo$ her he+r" r+"e do$n. AbdWl&eri9 ru99+ged in his b+c&p+c& +nd sh+red "he l+s"
o1 his honey c+&es $i"h her. She che$ed on "he so1"# gooey p+s"ry slo$ly# relishing "he "+s"e#
1eeling "heir e11ec" su11use her body# +nd "ried "o gi.e her 9ind + bre+& 1ro9 $ondering $h+"
"heir 1ind 9e+n".
HT$o bodies# no" "hree . . . And ye"# "here +re "hree n+9es on "he gr+.e#G "he Ir+ni+n
+nnounced# cle+rly ple+sed $i"h "he ou"co9e. H6hich r+ises so 9+ny Fues"ions# $ouldn8" you
!e 1iKed her $i"h + curious# sligh"ly +9used g+De.
She $+s "oo $orn ou" "o pl+y g+9esCbu" she h+d "o "ry so9e"hing. She replied# HSuch
+s# $hich "$o +re "hey# righ"I 6ell# hey# you $+n" "o pl+y *SI +nd co9e up $i"h +n +ns$er 1or
"h+" one# be 9y gues".G
!e &ep" s"+ring +" her $i"h "he s+9e be9used s9ir& on his 1+ce. H7e+lly# TessI Th+"8s "he
bes" you c+n doIG
AbdWl&eri9 spo&e up# s"epping in "o de1end Tess. HThey8re se.en;hundred;ye+r;old
s&ele"ons. !o$ c+n $e possibly &no$ $ho "hey $ereIG
The Ir+ni+n g+.e her + Hco9e# no$G dubious loo&. HTessIG
!e s+id i" li&e he &ne$ +lre+dy. A sp+s9 o1 dre+d sho" "hrough Tess +s she considered "he
conseFuences o1 being 1ound ou"C+g+in.
She relen"ed# $ondering ho$ 9uch >ed h+d "old "he Ir+ni+n. HI don8" "hin& ei"her o1 "hese
is *onr+d.G
H6hy no"IG AbdWl&eri9 +s&ed.
She loo&ed +" "he Ir+ni+n. !e nodded his +ppro.+l. HThese s&ele"ons . . . "hey8re
co9ple"e. 3o"h o1 "he9.G
The 3yD+n"inis" see9ed los". HAnd . . . IG
H*onr+d $+s hur" +" "he b+""le o1 Acre. 3+dly.G A sense o1 doo9 1looded her 1+ce# her
spiri"s dro$ning +" "he "hough" o1 no" 1inding closure in "he gr+.e she8d Jus" opened up. HThis
isn8" hi9.G
Chapter 3+

$AY 1310

They spen" "he 1irs" nigh" in + n+rro$ .+lley do$n "he 9oun"+in 1ro9 "he 9on+s"ery#
c+9ped ou" +round + "+ll# rec"+ngul+r roc& "h+" h+d crosses +nd o"her 9+r&ings chiseled in"o i".
They rode ou" e+rly "he neK" 9orning# spre+d ou" 1ro9 one +no"her $i"h !ec"or riding poin"#
*onr+d 1+r"her b+c& in "he he+.ily l+den $+gon# +nd /iguel "r+iling 1+r behind "o $+"ch "heir
b+c&s# +ll "hree o1 "he9 +cu"ely +$+re o1 "he d+ngers "hey 9igh" encoun"er +nd &een "o ge" "o "he
rel+"i.ely s+1er "erri"ory 1+r"her sou"h +s Fuic&ly +s possible.
*onr+d s"ill $+sn8" sure $h+" "heir bes" 9o.e $ould be. I" h+d +ll h+ppened "oo 1+s"# +nd
i" $+sn8" so9e"hing "h+" he8d "hough" he8d be doing. !e h+d so9e i9por"+n" decisions "o
9+&e. The 1irs" o1 $hich $+s $here "o s"+sh "heir consign9en". Once "h+" $+s se""led# he8d need
"o 1igure ou" ho$ "o go +bou" using i" "o ge" "he pope "o rele+se his bre"hren +nd rescind "he
ch+rges +g+ins" "heir Order.
!e "hough" o1 "+&ing "he consign9en" "o @r+nce. The pope# + @rench9+n# $+s no$ b+sed
"here# in A.ignon. *onr+d8s i9prisoned bro"hers $ere +lso in @r+nce# +s $+s "heir ne9esis# Bing
Philip. Any +ppro+ch "o "he pope +nd +ny 9oni"oring o1 i"s resul"s $ould need "o h+ppen "here.
3u" @r+nce $+s d+ngerous. The &ing8s senesch+ls $ere e.ery$here. I" $ould be di11icul" "o "r+.el
+round $i"h + conspicuous c+rgo in "o$# +nd *onr+d didn8" &no$ $ho9 he could s"ill "rus" "here.
The o"her op"ion $+s *yprus. !e h+d 1riends "here# +nd "here $+s li""le @r+n&ish presence on "he
isl+nd. They could hide "heir "ro.e "here# he could le+.e !ec"or +nd /iguel in pl+ce "o gu+rd i"
+nd .en"ure +lone "o @r+nce "o 9+&e his pl+y. -i"her $+y# "hey h+d "o ge" "o + por" 1irs"# "he one
"hey8d l+nded in $hen "hey8d le1" *yprus? *orycus. !e+ding "here 9+de sense in +no"her $+y?
Once "hey go" +cross "he T+urus /oun"+ins# "hey8d be in "he Ar9eni+n &ingdo9 o1 *ilici+# $hich
$+s *hris"i+n "erri"ory.
The proble9 $+s# "he going $+s slo$. The old $+gon $+s lu9bering +long# i"s "$in
horses s"r+ining 1ro9 "he he+.y lo+d under i"s c+n.+s !+rder s"ill $+s "h+" "he &nigh"s h+d
"o +.oid "he e+sy rou"e. The l+s" "hing "hey $+n"ed $+s "o 9ee" up $i"h so9e ro+9ing Gh+Di
$+rriors# $hich 9e+n" "hey needed "o &eep +$+y 1ro9 +ny $ell;"rodden "r+ils. Ins"e+d# "hey $ere
"rudging up roc&y# less s"+ble "err+in +nd cu""ing "hrough dense 1ores"s# $hich $+s del+ying "heir
progress e.en 9ore.
3y "he end o1 "he neK" d+y# "hey8d re+ched + $ide pl+in "h+" s"re"ched +ll "he $+y "o "he
dis"+n" 9oun"+in r+nge "hey needed "o cross. The open ground +he+d o1 "he9 pro.ided li""le in
"er9s o1 $hich 9+de *onr+d unco91or"+ble. !is only o"her choice $+s Jus" +s
un+""r+c"i.e? "he long# n+rro$ c+nyons "h+" sn+&ed +cross "he pl+in# cu" in"o "he 1l+"l+nds +s i1
gouged ou" by + se" o1 g+rg+n"u+n cl+$s. Gi.en "he lo+d "hey $ere c+rrying +nd "heir l+c& o1
ch+in 9+il +nd b+""le $e+ponry# co9ing +cross + horde o1 b+ndi"s in one o1 "he c+nyons $ould
le+d "o + cer"+in de1e+". The odds o1 encoun"ering one# "hough# h+d "o be less li&ely "h+n being
spo""ed ou" in "he open. A1"er + shor" deb+"e# "hey op"ed "o "+&e "he c+nyon rou"e +nd c+9ped ou"
on + ridge +" "he 9ou"h o1 "he one "hey "hough" $ould be "heir bes" be"# using so9e unusu+l roc&
spires 1or
Their re+soning $+s soundCeKcep" "h+" "he "hre+" c+9e 1ro9 else$here.
The 1irs" +rro$s s"ruc& "he neK" 9orning# + couple o1 hours +1"er "hey h+d se" o11. !ec"or
$+s on poin"# le+ding "he s9+ll con.oy "hrough "he "$is"s +nd "urns o1 "he c+nyon# $hen one o1
"he bol"s sl+99ed in"o his ches"# 1+r enough under his righ" shoulder "o cu" in"o his lung. T$o
o"hers buried " in"o his horse# one o1 "he9 hi""ing i" in i"s 1oreleg +nd c+using i"s leg "o
coll+pse under i". !ec"or hung on +s his 9+re neighed in +gony +nd c+9e do$n in + 9essy cloud
o1 blood +nd dus".
*onr+d spo""ed "$o +rchers +" "he "op o1 "he c+nyon# +he+d o1 "he9# +nd pulled h+rd on
"he reins o1 his s"eed "o spin i" +round# +n"icip+"ing $h+" $+s co9ing up behind "he9 +nd hoping
he $+s $rong.
!e $+s righ".
@our riders $ere ch+rging +" "he9# riders "h+" he recogniDed.
The "r+der# his son# +nd "$o o1 "he 9en "hey8d brough" $i"h "he9.
!e 1el" + 1lush o1 +cid in "he pi" o1 his s"o9+ch. !e &ne$ "he "r+der $+s greedy# bu"
"hey8d been c+re1ul +bou" co.ering "heir "r+c&s +nd h+d /iguel 9+&ing sure "hey h+dn8" been
*le+rly# "hey h+dn8" been c+re1ul enough.
T$en"y ye+rs e+rlier# in "he he+" o1 b+""le# *onr+d $ouldn8" h+.e b+";"ed +n eyelid +bou"
eng+ging "he9. 6i"h + hel9e" +nd ch+in 9+il# + l+nce# bro+ds$ord# +nd 9+ce# +nd + $ell;
shielded horse# +ny Te9pl+r &nigh" $ould h+.e "hough" no"hing o1 "+&ing on 1our ene9y
This $+s di11eren".
This $+sn8" "$en"y ye+rs +go. I" $+s no$. A1"er Acre.
A1"er "he de1e+" "h+" h+d cos" hi9 his h+nd.
!e8d los" i" in "he he+" o1 b+""le "o + /+9elu&e sci9i"+r# she+red righ" o11 +" "he $ris"# +
cle+n cu" "h+" c+9e close "o cos"ing hi9 his li1e. !e h+d eKperienced p+in li&e $h+" he 1el"
$hen "he in1ir9+rer h+d 1ough" "o se+r his $ound shu" $i"h + red;ho" bl+de. !e8d los" +
buc&e"lo+d o1 blood# +nd +s he +nd his bre"hren s+iled +$+y 1ro9 "he 1+llen ci"y# he
ho.ered +" "he precipice o1 de+"h 1or d+ys on end# un"il + gus" o1 li1e so9eho$ 1ound hi9 +nd
dr+gged hi9 b+c& 1ro9 i". During his long reco.ery in *yprus# he "ried "o 1ind so9e co91or" in
"he 1+c" "h+" i" h+d been his le1" h+nd +nd no" "he h+nd $i"h $hich he held his s$ord# bu" "h+"
didn8" cheer hi9 9uch. !e &ne$ he $ould be "he 1or9id+ble $+rrior he h+d once been.
Then he 1ound + "+len"ed *yprio" bl+c&s9i"h $ho s+id he could help +nd 9+de hi9 + copper
pros"hesis# + 1+lse h+nd "h+" 1i" snugly on"o "he s"u9p o1 his 1ore+r9 $i"h le+"her s"r+ps "o hold i"
in pl+ce. I" $+s be+u"i1ully cr+1"ed +nd h+d 1i.e 1iKed 1ingers "h+" $ere + re+son+ble rendi"ion o1
$h+" he h+d los" +nd $ere 1iKed in + ben" posi"ion "h+" +llo$ed hi9 "o do cer"+in &ey "+s&s such
+s holding on "o his horse8s reins# li1"ing + Jug o1 $+"er# c+rrying + shield# or punching "he J+$ o11
+nyone $ho crossed hi9.
S"ill# gi.en his h+ndic+p# he &ne$ "he odds $eren8" 1+.oring hi9 +nd /iguel. The odds
shr+n& "o 1our;"o;one +n ins"+n" l+"er $hen +no"her +rro$ "hudded in"o "he Sp+ni+rd8s b+c& +nd
"hre$ hi9 o11 his horse.
*onr+d dre$ his sci9i"+r +nd s"ruggled "o con"rol his re+ring horse +s /eh9e" +nd his
9en "hundered in. The "$o hired riders $ere +" 1ull g+llop +nd s"re+&ed p+s" hi9# one on ei"her
side# righ" up +g+ins" "he $+gon. !e $hipped his bl+de +cross in + $ide# up$+rd +rc +nd c+ugh"
one o1 "he9 +cross "he 1+ce# opening up + $ide g+sh under "he 9+n8s e+r +nd 1linging + $+&e o1
blood "hrough "he +ir behind i"# bu" "he o"her rider cu" hi9 in "he "high +s he "hre$ hi9sel1 on"o
hi9 +nd &noc&ed hi9 o11 his perch.
!e 1ell he+.ily "o "he ground# his +r9s bre+&ing "he 1+ll bu" losing "he sci9i"+r in "he
process. !e pushed hi9sel1 "o his 1ee"# sur.eying "he si"u+"ion "hrough h+Dy eyes. All "hree o1
"he9 $ere no$ do$n? !ec"or# "r+pped under his $ounded horse# blood gurgling ou" o1 his
9ou"h# g+sping 1or bre+"h2 /iguel# b+c& on his 1ee" no$# bu" s"+ggering li&e + drun&+rd 1ro9 his
inJury2 +nd *onr+d# li9ping no$# blood 1looding do$n his leg# s"r+igh"ening up in "i9e "o see "he
"r+der +nd his son riding in 1or "he &ill.
M+sse9 $+s be+ring do$n on hi9# 1+s". *onr+d8s eyes sc+nned "he ground +round hi9#
loo&ing 1or so9e"hing# +ny"hing he could use +s + $e+pon. There $+s no"hing $i"hin re+ch# no
"i9e "o "hin& o1 +ny"hing 1+ncy. !is body re+c"ed ins"inc"i.ely +nd he Jus" le+p" up +" "he Tur& +s
he ble$ p+s"# le+ding $i"h his 9e"+l h+nd +nd le""ing i" "+&e "he brun" o1 "he bl+de8s s"ri&e $hile
gr+bbing "he 9+n8s bel" $i"h "he o"her h+nd +nd pulling hi9 o11 his horse.
They 1ell in + he+p o1 1lesh +nd bone +nd + 1renDy o1 elbo$s +nd 1is"s# bu" i" $+s + 1igh"
*onr+d &ne$ he8d lose. A &ic& "o "he g+sh in his "high sen" + shoc& o1 p+in "hrough hi9 +nd
brough" hi9 "o his &nees. An elbo$ "o "he chee&bone 1loored hi9. !e sFuir9ed on "he ho"
c+nyon bed# + 9e"+llic "+s"e o1 blood b+c& in his 9ou"h# + sensory bl+s" "o + long;gone er+# one
"h+" h+d +lso ended in de1e+".
!e loo&ed up. The "r+der h+d dis9oun"ed +nd $+s s+un"ering "o Join his son# $ho
loo9ed proudly his .+nFuished opponen". 3ehind "he9# *onr+d s+$ /iguel# lying de+d +"
"he 1ee" o1 "he "$o riders $ho h+d rushed hi9# +nd# 1+r"her +$+y# he s+$ "he prone body o1
HI "old you "hese l+nds $eren8" s+1e#G "he "r+der chor"led. H%ou should h+.e lis"ened "o
*onr+d s+" up +nd sp+" so9e blood ou"# hi""ing "he son8s boo"s. M+sse9 pulled his leg
b+c& +nd $+s +bou" "o l+unch + &ic& +" "he &nigh"8s 1+ce $hen his 1+"her8s shou" s"illed hi9.
HS"op#G /eh9e" ordered. HI need hi9 +$+&e.G !e sco$led +" his son 1or + 9o9en"# "hen
"urned his +""en"ion +" so9e"hing up "he c+nyon +nd s9iled con"en"edly.
*onr+d 1ollo$ed his g+De. The +rchers h+d cli9bed do$n 1ro9 "heir +9bush posi"ions
+nd $ere bringing "he $+gon b+c&.
The "r+der $+.ed "he9 HSo "his is ho$ you "re+" your p+r"nersIG he "old *onr+d.
H%ou c+ll on 9e "o help you $i"h +ll your li""le s$indles# "hen $hen + big de+l sho$s up# you
decide "o &eep i" "o yoursel1 +nd brush 9e +$+y li&e so9e pus"ul+r ser.+n"IG
HThis doesn8" concern you#G *onr+d hissed b+c&.
HI1 i"8s $or"h so9e"hing# i" concerns 9e#G "he "r+der replied +s he s"epped +$+y "o
eK+9ine "he p+c&horses8 c+rgo. HAnd I h+.e + 1eeling i"8s $or"h Fui"e + lo".G
!e cli9bed on"o "he body o1 "he $+gon +nd nodded "o "he 9en. They loosened "he cl+sp
+round "he 1irs" o1 "he ches"s +nd opened i" up.
The "r+der loo&ed inside i"# "hen "urned "o *onr+d# his 1+ce crin&led $i"h con1usion.
H6h+" is "hisIG
HI" doesn8" concern you#G "he &nigh" repe+"ed.
/eh9e" blur"ed ou" so9e orders $hile $ his h+nds 9+nic+lly# cle+rly disple+sed.
!is 9en 9o.ed 1uriously# unloc&ing +nd opening "he o"her "$o ches"s.
!is eKpression only d+r&ened 1ur"her +s he loo&ed inside e+ch one.
!e Ju9ped o11 "he $+gon# s"or9ed "o *onr+d# +nd sho.ed hi9 b+c& on"o "he ground
$i"h + .icious 1lic& o1 his leg. !e "hen dre$ + d+gger 1ro9 under his bel" +nd dropped do$n "o
1+ce hi9# pulling "he &nigh"8s h+ir "o y+n& his he+d b+c& +nd pushing "he d+gger8s bl+de righ" up
+g+ins" his nec&. H6h+" is "he 9e+ning o1 "his ""yIG he r+sped. H6h+" &ind o1 + "re+sure is
HI"8s o1 no .+lue "o you.G
/eh9e" pushed "he bl+de h+rder. HTell 9e $h+" "hese +re. Tell 9e $hy you $+n"ed "he9
"his b+dly.G
HGo "o hell#G "he &nigh" replied +nd lunged up li&e +n uncoiled spring# "he
"r+der8s d+gger +$+y $i"h one h+nd $hile l+nding + crushing blo$ 1ro9 his 9e"+l h+nd $i"h "he
The "r+der shrie&ed +s he 1le$ o11 hi9 +nd hi" "he ground# +n +irborne ri.ule" o1 blood
"r+iling ou" o1 his 9ou"h +nd nose. *onr+d "hre$ hi9sel1 +1"er hi9# bu" M+sse9 Ju9ped in +nd
pulled hi9 o11 his 1+"her be1ore he +nd his hired h+nds pu99eled *onr+d in"o subser.ience.
3+rely conscious# *onr+d loo&ed on helplessly "hrough .eiled .ision +s "he "r+der8s son#
d+gger in h+nd# c+9e in 1or $h+" loo&ed li&e "he 1in+l blo$. !e br+ced hi9sel1 1or i"# bu" i"
$+sn8" $h+" he eKpec"ed. M+sse9 didn8" gu" hi9 or sli" his "hro+". Ins"e+d# he ben" do$n +nd se"
one &nee 1ir9ly +g+ins" *onr+d8s ches" "o hold hi9 in pl+ce# "hen used "he bl+de "o cu" "he le+"her
s"r+ps o1 *onr+d8s copper pros"hesis +nd y+n& i" o11. !e held i" up# glo+"ing# s"+ring +" i" li&e
so9e &ind o1 priDe sc+lp be1ore holding i" up proudly "o "he o"hers.
The "r+der pushed hi9sel1 "o his 1ee" +nd 1+l"ered be1ore s"e+dying hi9sel1 +g+ins" his
son# spi""ing blood# his eyes bloodsho" $i"h r+ge. H%ou +l$+ys $ere + s"ubborn b+s"+rd# $eren8"
M+sse9 held his d+gger up +nd hunched do$n *onr+d. HI8ll 9+&e "he in1idel "+l&.G
The "r+der sho" his +r9 ou" +nd s"opped his son. HNo#G he s+id# s"ill gl+ring do$n +" "he
1+llen &nigh". HI don8" "rus" $h+" he8d "ell us. 3esides# $e don8" need hi9. 6h+"8s in "hese "run&s
is cle+rly o1 gre+" .+lue. And I89 sure $e c+n 1ind so9eone in Bony+ $ho c+n "ell "h+" i" is.G
H6h+" +bou" hi9IG M+sse9 +s&ed.
The "r+der 1ro$ned +nd loo&ed +round# c+s"ing his eye +bou" "he deser"ed c+nyon. I" $+s
Fuie"# +p+r" 1ro9 "he gro+ns o1 "he 1+llen horse. The sun h+d risen $ell cle+r o1 "he c+nyon8s
$+lls +nd $+s no$ be+"ing do$n on "he9 $i"h +ll i"s 9id;su99er 9igh".
*onr+d s+$ "he "r+der gl+nce up +" "he s&y. Three gri11on .ul"ures $ere circling high
+bo.e "he9# +""r+c"ed by "he de+d +nd "he dying. !e $+"ched +s "he "r+der "hen dropped his g+De
"o "he bloodied horse# "urned "o his son# +nd 9+n+ged $h+" $+s cle+rly + p+in1ul h+l1 grin.
!e pic"ured "he 1+"e "h+" no$ +$+i"ed hi9# +nd $ished "h+" +n +rro$ h+d 1ound hi9 "oo.

T!- !-AT 6AS STI@4ING# +nd i" $+sn8" Jus" bec+use o1 "he sun.
I" $+s bec+use o1 "he horse.
The one he8d been se$n in"o.
They8d "+&en !ec"or8s dying horse +nd sliced i" open# pulled 9os" o1 i"s inn+rds ou"# "hen
s"u11ed *onr+d inside i"# b+c& "o 1ron"# be1ore su"uring i" shu" +round hi9. They h+d hi9 on his
b+c&# $i"h his he+d s"ic&ing ou" o1 $h+" h+d been "he +ni9+l8s +nus. !is +r9s +nd legs $ere +lso
pro"ruding# ou" o1 holes "hey8d cu" in"o "he s"+llion8s hide# +nd eKcep" 1or "he s"u9p o1 his le1"
+r9# his li9bs $ere securely "ied "o $ooden s"+&es "h+" h+d been dri.en in"o "he h+rd ground.
They8d le1" hi9 li&e "h+"# cruci1ied +g+ins" "he c+nyon 1loor# be1ore "ro""ing o11 $i"h "he
horses +nd "he $+gon +nd e.ery"hing "hey8d been c+rrying.
I" $+s unbe+r+bly ho" in "here. 6orse "h+n "he he+"# "hough# $+s "he s9ell. And "he
insec"s. Pu"rescen" 1lesh +nd gelling blood li""ered "he ground +round hi9# ro""ing in "he sun.
6i"h "he "r+der +nd his 9en s"ill in .ie$ +nd receding do$n "he c+nyon# 1lies +nd $+sps $ere
+lre+dy s$+r9ing hi9 +nd his de+d bre"hren8s corpses# 1e+s"ing on "he +bund+nce o1
spoils# buDDing +nd l+nding +nd nibbling +$+y +" "he open cu"s on his lips +nd +cross "he res" o1
his 1+ce.
Th+" $ould Jus" be "he s"+r" o1 i".
The re+l +gony $ould co9e cour"esy o1 "he "hree .ul"ures "h+" $ere ho.ering o.erhe+d.
They8d s$oop in# sin& "heir cl+$s in"o "he horse8s c+rc+ss +nd "e+r +$+y +" i" $i"h "heir sh+rp
be+&s. -.en"u+lly# "hey8d bre+& "hrough "he horse8s s&in +nd s"+r" 1e+s"ing on *onr+d8s body#
9orsel by 9orsel# pulling "he 1lesh o11 hi9 be1ore on "o his in"ern+l org+ns.
!e &ne$ de+"h $ouldn8" co9e Fuic&ly.
!e8d he+rd o1 "his 1or9 o1 sc+phis9 be1oreC"he n+9e $+s deri.ed 1ro9 "he Gree& $ord#
skaphe# $hich 9e+n" H.essels#G +s "he origin+l 9e"hod in.ol.ed se+ling "he .ic"i9 inside b+c&;
"o;b+c&# c+noe;li&e ro$bo+"s. So9e .ic"i9s $ere co.ered $i"h honey +nd 9+de "o drin& 9il&
+nd honey un"il "hey could no longer hold "heir bo$els# "hen "hey $ere se" +1lo+" on s"+gn+n"
pondsChence "he bo+"s. The 1eces 9+de sure "he insec"s sho$ed up. O"her .ic"i9s $ere le1"
under "he sun# in + hollo$ed;ou" "ree or +n +ni9+l8s c+rc+ss. *onr+d h+d he+rd ho$ "he Tur&s
+nd "he Persi+ns $ere 1ond o1 sc+phis9# he+rd ho$ horri1ic "he re9+ins loo&ed $hen "hey $ere
ul"i9+"ely 1ound# bu" he8d $i"nessed i" hi9sel1. In + $+y# he $+s luc&y "he buDD+rds $ere
"here. In +re+s $here "here $ere only insec"s "o 1eed on "he .ic"i9# de+"h could "+&e d+ys. *onr+d
h+d he+rd o1 + Gree& pries" $ho h+d sur.i.ed "he9 breeding inside hi9 +long $i"h g+ngrene
1er9en"ing +cross his body 1or se.en"een d+ys be1ore his body 1in+lly g+.e in.
I" $+s + p+r"icul+rly .ile $+y "o die# he "hough" +s he s"+red up +" "he circling .ul"ures#
&no$ing "hey $ouldn8" be circling 9uch longer.
They didn8".
T$o o1 "he9 c+9e do$n in Fuic& succession +nd l+nded he+.ily on "he horse# $i"h "he
"hird se""ling 1or "he Sp+nish &nigh"8s corpse. They beg+n "e+ring +$+y +" "he eKposed 1lesh# "heir
be+&s +nd cl+$s $or&ing in + r+.enous 1renDy# li&e "hey h+dn8" e+"en 1or $ee&s. *onr+d sp+s9ed
le1" +nd righ" "o "ry "o sh+&e "he9 o11# bu" his 1r+n"ic $ere s"ric"ly li9i"ed by his "ies +nd
he didn8" 9+&e +ny i9pression on "he birds. They Jus" ignored hi9 +nd &ep" on digging +$+y#
ripping +nd pulling +nd che$ing +nd 1linging bi"s o1 1lesh o11 "he c+rc+ss +nd spl+""ering *onr+d
$i"h dripping $e" 9orsels. Then "he one closes" "o his he+d spun +round# eyed hi9 1or + be+"#
+nd do.e i"s be+& in 1or + "+s"e. *onr+d 1lic&ed his he+d 1ro9 side o1 side +nd yelled 1iercely# bu"
"he buDD+rd &ne$ $h+" i" $+s doing +nd &ep" going# unde"erred. *onr+d buried his he+d +s 1+r
in"o "he c+rc+ss +s he could# bu" he couldn8" ge" in 1+r enough# +nd he $+s s"+ring s"r+igh" in"o "he
bird8s $ide;open be+& +s i" d+r"ed in 1or + bi"e# $hen so9e"hing "hudded in"o i" +nd sl+99ed i"
cle+r o11 hi9# "oo 1+s" 1or hi9 "o see $h+" i" $+s# "oo sudden 1or his dulled senses "o process $h+"
h+d h+ppened.
!e he+rd "he pred+"or8s $ings do + li""le de+"h;s$+" +g+ins" "he ground# ou" o1 .ie$#
behind "he c+rc+ss. The second .ul"ure didn8" 1linch. I" Jus" sides"epped +cross "he horse8s hide "o
"+&e i"s de+d 1riend8s pl+ce# bu" so9e"hing sl+99ed in"o i" "oo +nd 1lung i" "o "he ground# "his
"i9e closer "o *onr+d# hi9 + cle+r .ie$ o1 $h+" h+d h+ppened?
The .ul"ure h+d +n +rro$ "hrough i".
!e spun his he+d +round# his he+r" pu9ping $ildly# his senses 1r+DDled# s"r+ining "o see
$ho $+s "here# $ondering $ho h+d s+.ed his li1eC+nd he s+$ her# sprin"ing "o hi9# +
crossbo$ in her h+nds.
-l+"ion cr+c&led "hrough hi9.
!e $+"ched her ch+rging in +nd s+$ her le" go o1 her crossbo$ +nd pull ou" + big d+gger
Jus" +s he 1el" + sudden be+"ing o1 +ir +round hi9 +nd so9e"hing bris"ly brush up +g+ins" his 1+ce.
The "hird .ul"ure "hudded he+.ily on his ches"# i"s cl+$s bi"ing in"o "he horse hide# +nd Jus" +s i"
do.e in 1or + "+s"e# /+ysoon $+s +lre+dy in 9id+ir# pouncing on"o i" li&e + p+n"her# gr+bbing i"s
nec& $i"h one h+nd +nd sli""ing i" open $i"h "he o"her.
She "ossed "he .ul"ure +side +nd "urned "o 1+ce hi9# bre+"hing he+.ily# her 1+ce dripping
$i"h s$e+"# her eyes 1ierce $i"h de"er9in+"ion. She s$+""ed "he +ir + 1e$ "i9es "o disperse "he
s$+r9 o1 insec"s# "hen ben" do$n +nd cu" "he "ies o11 his h+nd +nd 1ee" be1ore ge""ing "o $or& on
1reeing hi9 1ro9 his grueso9e co11in.
!e $+"ched her slicing +$+y +" "he su"ures. !er eyes 1ound his +nd she held his g+De
$i"hou" blin&ing +s her h+nds &ep" $or&ing eKper"ly# her 1+ce loc&ed in concen"r+"ion.
In his groggy# dehydr+"ed s"+"e# he s"ill couldn8" Fui"e belie.e she $+s +c"u+lly "here# couldn8"
belie.e he $+s s"ill +li.e# e.en +s she helped hi9 ou" o1 "he c+rc+ss +nd on"o his 1ee".
!e Jus" s"ood "here# hunched# bre+"hing h+rd# dripping $i"h blood +nd gu"s# s"+ring +" her
$i"h + 9iK o1 +$e +nd con1usion. H!o$ . . . 6h+" +re you doing hereIG
The edge o1 her 9ou"h curled up$+rd $i"h + chee&y grin. your li1e.G
!e shoo& his he+d# s"ill be$ildered. H3esides "h+".G !e s9iled. I" hur" his bruised lips.
H!o$ did you ge" hereIG
HI 1ollo$ed you. %ou# 9y bro"her# 9y 1+"her. I 1ollo$ed you +ll "he $+y 1ro9
!is "hough"s $ere "+&ing + 9o9en" longer "h+n nor9+l "o 1or9ul+"e " H6hyIG
HI he+rd "he9 "+l&ing. They suspec"ed you $ere +1"er so9e"hing big. They h+d + 1eeling
you $ouldn8" be spli""ing i" $i"h "he9. So "hey decided "hey8d "+&e i" +ll 1or " I $+n"ed
"o $+rn you# bu" I couldn8" ge" +$+y. %ou &no$ ho$ "hey +re $i"h 9e.G
H3u" "hey8re . . . your 1+"herI %our bro"herIG
She shrugged. HThey8re b+d 9en. I &ne$ you $ouldn8" gi.e up $h+" i" $+s you $ere
+1"er $i"hou" + 1igh". I &ne$ $h+" "hey8d do "o you "o "+&e i".G
HSo you 1ollo$ed "he9 . . . 1or 9eIG
She &ep" her eyes 1ir9ly loc&ed on his# +nd nodded. H%ou $ould h+.e done "he s+9e 1or
9e# $ouldn8" youIG
The si9ple hones"y o1 her reply s+n& in $i"h s"+r"ling cl+ri"y. O1 course# he $ould h+.e.
!e didn8" doub" "h+" 1or + second. There $+s +n unspo&en connec"ion be"$een "he9# +n
+""r+c"ion "h+" h+d buil" up $ee&s +nd 9on"hs o1 1rus"r+"ing encoun"ers. !e $+s $ell +$+re
o1 "h+". 3u" 1or her "o ris& her li1e li&e "his $+s beyond +ny"hing he8d i9+gined.
She h+nded hi9 + le+"her $ines&in. H%ou need $+"er. Drin&.G
!e uncor&ed i" +nd "oo& + long chug 1ro9 i".
H6h+"8s "his +ll +bou"IG she +s&ed +s she $+"ched hi9. H6h+" did you $+n" 1ro9 "h+"
!e h+nded i" b+c& "o her# s"udied her 1or + be+"# "hen led her "o so9e sh+de under +n
ou"cropping in "he c+nyon $+ll +nd "old her e.ery"hing.
@ro9 "he .ery beginning.
The $hole "ru"h +nd no"hing bu" "he "ru"h.
The origin o1 "he Order. 6h+" "he Beepers se" ou" "o do. !o$ i" +ll $en" $ell. !o$ i" +ll
$en" $rong. +nd his 9en in *ons"+n"inople. The de1e+" +" Acre. The dis+ppe+r+nce o1
"he @+lcon Te9ple. The los" ye+rs in *yprus. The &ing o1 @r+nce8s 9o.e +g+ins" "he Order.
@rid+y "he "hir"een"h. !is rebir"h in *ons"+n"inople. /ee"ing her. The s$ords. The 9on+s"ery.
The "eK"s. The +9bush.
I" $+s "he le+s" she deser.ed.
Throughou"# she lis"ened in"en"ly# no" in"errup"ing 9ore "h+n + couple o1 "i9es# 1or so9e
cl+ri1ic+"ion. And $hen he $+s done# "hey Jus" s+" "here in silence 1or + long 9o9en"# she le""ing
"he in1or9+"ion sin& in# he +ssessing his curren" si"u+"ion +nd "rying "o decide $h+" his neK"
9o.e should be.
She $+"ched hi9 rub "he s"u9p o1 his 1ore+r9 +nd nodded "o indic+"e i". HDid "hey "+&e
!e nodded b+c&. H%es.G
She $+"ched hi9 silen"ly 1or + long second# "hen s+id# HI &no$ $h+" you8re "hin&ing.G
!e eKh+led he+.ily. HI h+.e "o "ry +nd ge" i" b+c&.G
HThere8s siK o1 "he9 +nd "$o o1 us.G
!e held his s"u9p up +nd g+.e her + sel1;deprec+"ing grin. HOne +nd + h+l1.G !e 1ro$ned.
HOne 9ore "hing I need "o ge" b+c&. %our 1+"her s+id "hey8d "+&e i" "o Bony+. Do you &no$
$here "h+" isIG
HO1 course. I"8s $here $e8re 1ro9# i"8s $here I gre$ up.G
H!o$ 1+r is i"IG
She "hough" +bou" i" 1or + be+". H@our d+ys8 rideI /+ybe "hree +" + good g+llop.G
HThey8re $eighed do$n by "he $+gon +nd $h+" i"8s c+rrying. 6e8ll be 9uch 1+s"er "h+n
"he9. And "hey8ll h+.e "o 1ind so9e$here shel"ered "o s"op 1or "he nigh"# ou" o1 .ie$. 4ess e+sy
$hen you8.e go" +ll "hose horses.G !e le" his "hough"s sin& in# loo&ed +round# +nd 9+de +
decision. HI need you "o help 9e $i"h so9e"hing 1irs".G
HI need "o bury 9y 1riends.G
H6e8ll h+.e "o do i" 1+s". 6e don8" $+n" "o gi.e "he9 "oo 9uch o1 + he+d s"+r".G
H L6e8IG
She g+.e hi9 + &no$ing# s+rdonic gl+nce. HI s+.ed your li1e# re9e9berIG
HThey8re your 1+9ily.G
She 1ro$ned. I" $+s e.iden"ly no" e+sy on her. H%ou don8" &no$ enough +bou" 9e.G
HAnd i1 I didIG
H%ou8d unders"+nd be""er.G !er "one $+s le.el +nd cle+r# +nd didn8" le+.e 9uch roo9 1or
deb+"e. H4e"8s no" $+s"e "i9e. 6e c+n "+l& on "he $+y.G She s9iled. H3u" you8ll need "o ride
do$n$ind o1 9e un"il you b+"he.G
HThey "oo& our horses. I c+n8" be do$n$ind o1 you i1 $e8re sh+ring + s+ddle.G
She sho" hi9 + loo&. HI brough" "$o horses. In c+se one o1 "he9 go" hur". I"8s + long $+y
1ro9 *ons"+n"inople.G
*onr+d nodded# "hen gl+nced +" !ec"or8s corpse. H!ec"or8s 9ore or less 9y siDe. I8ll
"+&e his g+r9en"s. Un"il $e 1ind + s"re+9 "o $+sh in.G
They used her d+gger +nd "heir b+re h+nds "o open up + rec"+ngul+r hole in "he ground# +"
"he b+se o1 "he roc& 1+ce. They pl+ced !ec"or +nd /iguel8s bodies in i"# side by side# be1ore
co.ering "he9 $i"h s"ones# "o pro"ec" "he9 1ro9 +ny 9ore buDD+rds +nd o"her sc+.engers "h+"
ro+9ed "he .+lleys# +nd "opping i" +ll o11 $i"h + l+yer o1 soil. *onr+d used "he d+gger "o scr+pe
"heir n+9es in"o "he roc&y $+ll behind "he gr+.e# "hen +dded + croi1 patt2e +bo.e "he9.
!e s"ood up +nd s"+red +" "he 1l+""ened e+r"h +nd "he in "he roc&. I" $+sn8" +s
1i""ing + gr+.e 1or his 1+llen bre"hren +s he $ould h+.e li&ed# bu" i" $+s "he bes" he could do.
/+ysoon re+d "he grie1 e"ched in"o his 1+ce. HLIt may look like the end#8G she s+id. HLIt
may seem like a sunset, but in reality it%s a dawn. For when the grave locks you in is when your
soul is freed.8G
!e loo&ed + Fues"ion +" her.
H7u9i#G she s+id.
!e s"ill didn8" unders"+nd.
HI8ll eKpl+in l+"er#G she s+id. H6e need "o go.G
H:ery $ell.G !e con"e9pl+"ed "he gr+.e 1or + 1in+l 9o9en"# bu" be1ore "urning +$+y# he
decided "o do so9e"hing else.
!e c+r.ed his o$n n+9e +s $ell. 3elo$ "heirs.
I" $+s /+ysoon8s "urn "o loo& + Fues"ion +" hi9.
H>us" in c+se +nyone else should co9e loo&ing 1or 9e#G he s+id.
Then "hey rode o11# "hundering do$n "o "he end o1 "he c+nyon be1ore e9erging in"o open
1l+"l+nds +nd 1ollo$ing "he "r+il "he Tur& +nd his ou"1i" h+d le1" behind.
They didn8" ge" "oo 1+r on "h+" 1irs" d+y. The sun $+s +lre+dy sin&ing 1+s" by "he "i9e "hey
re+ched + s9+ll s"re+9 "h+" $o.e i"s $+y "hrough so9e 1ores"ed# rolling hills. I" $+s + good# s+1e
pl+ce "o spend "he nigh". They8d c+"ch up $i"h "heir Fu+rry "he neK" d+y.
*onr+d cle+ned hi9sel1 in "he s"re+9# relishing "he 1eel o1 "he cool $+"er on his $ounds.
As he did# he "hough" +bou" "he p+s" 1e$ d+ys# +bou" "he +brup" disrup"ion "o his li1e# +bou" "he
"r+pdoor "h+" 1+"e h+d conJured up +nd dropped hi9 in"o. !e didn8" h+.e 9uch "i9e "o "hin&
+bou" i". The sigh" o1 /+ysoon s"epping ou" o1 her robes +nd Joining hi9 in "he s"re+9 y+n&ed
his "hough"s "o + 1+r be""er pl+ce. And righ" "here +nd "hen# he decided he $ould su11er no 9ore
dile99+s +bou" long;de+d o+"hs +nd sel1;denying rules.
!e pulled her "o$+rd hi9 +nd &issed her $i"h + 1e.erish hunger. And "hen he buried
hi9sel1 inside her# +nd $i"h i"# he buried "he l+s" .es"iges o1 his li1e +s + $+rrior;9on&.
@ro9 here on# "he 9on& p+r" o1 his li1e $+s de1ini"ely
!e $+s Jus" + $+rrior no$.
Chapter 3,

The h+nds. They8re +ll here# +ll 1our o1 "he9#G Tess gru9bled. HNei"her one o1 "hese is
*onr+d. !e didn8" die here.G
AbdWl&eri9 s"+red +" her $i"h u""er con1usion. HSo $hy is his n+9e c+r.ed in"o "h+"
Tess ignored "he Fues"ion +nd slid do$n on"o her h+unches# cupping her 1+ce in her h+nds
+nd bloc&ing "he $orld ou" 1or + 9o9en". She $+n"ed i" +ll "o go +$+y# +ll o1 i". She Jus" $+n"ed
"o be b+c& ho9e# in Ne$ %or&# $i"h Bi9 +nd her 9o9 close by# spending her d+ys 1illing her
l+p"op8s bl+n& screen $i"h $ords +nd her nigh"s curled up $i"h + cool gl+ss o1 s+u.ignon bl+nc#
*orinne 3+iley 7+e8s dre+9y s$oons in "he b+c&ground# +nd 7eilly by her side. The 9und+ne 1el" so +""r+c"i.e# or ou" o1 re+ch# +nd she $ondered i1 she8d enJoy such si9ple "i9es
HTessI Our 1riend +s&ed you + Fues"ion.G
The Ir+ni+n8s eerily disp+ssion+"e .oice y+n&ed her b+c& "o "he ble+&ness o1 "he c+nyon.
She loo&ed up# h+l1;d+Ded# s"ruggling "o order her "hough"s. They $ere bo"h s"ill "here# o1
course# "he Ir+ni+n loo9ing her i9p+"ien"ly +nd "he 3yD+n"inis" si""ing on + $ide boulder
opposi"e her.
H6hy is *onr+d8s n+9e on "his $+llIG she +s&ed# her "one ree&ing $i"h eK+sper+"ion.
H!o$ "he hell should I &no$IG
HThin&#G "he Ir+ni+n insis"ed dryly.
Tess 1el" "he $+lls o1 "he c+nyon creeping in on her. She $ondered i1 i" $+s be""er 1or her
"o re9+in use1ul "o hi9# .ery 9uch doub"ing "h+" he8d +c"u+lly Jus" le" her go i1 his Fues" did hi" +
bric& $+ll# bu" her br+in $+sn8" pl+ying b+ll. No epiph+nies $ere 1or"hco9ing.
HI don8" &no$.G
HThin& h+rder.G The Ir+ni+n8s $ords h+d +n unse""ling 1in+li"y "o "he9.
HI don8" &no$#G she sho" b+c& +ngrily. HI don8" &no$ +ny 9ore "h+n you do. I 9e+n# God
&no$s $h+" h+ppened here. 6e don8" e.en &no$ i1 "hese s&ele"ons +re re+lly "hose o1 "he o"her
H6ell# le"8s loo& +" bo"h possibili"ies. 6h+" i1 "hey +reIG
She shrugged. HI1 "hey8re re+lly "he bones o1 "he &nigh"s $ho $en" "o "he 9on+s"ery $i"h
*onr+d# "hen he8s "he only one o1 "he9 le1". And i1 "h+"8s "he c+se# "hen I8d eKpec" "h+" he $+s "he
one $ho buried his buddies here +nd c+r.ed "he n+9es on "he $+llCincluding his o$n.G
H6hy $ould he do "h+"IG
An +ns$er Fuic&ly 1or9ed in Tess8s 9ind# +nd 9uch +s she didn8" $+n" "o .oice i"# she
didn8" h+.e 9uch o1 + choice. HTo buy hi9sel1 so9e pe+ce. To pu" o11 +nyone $ho $+s on his
H6hich 9+&es sense i1 he8s c+rrying so9e"hing i9por"+n". So9e"hing he $+n"s "o
H/+ybe#G Tess 1u9ed. HI"8s no" here# is i"I 3u" i1 he didn8" die here# he could be +ny$here
. . . Though I c+n8" i9+gine "h+" + one;+r9ed 9+n +lone in ene9y "erri"ory could ge" "oo 1+r# e.en
i1 he $+s + Te9pl+r &nigh".G
HUnless he 1ound re1uge $i"h one o1 "he *hris"i+n co99uni"ies Jus" nor"h o1 here#G "he
Ir+ni+n specul+"ed.
>us" "hen# so9e"hing c+ugh" her eye. A re+c"ion# s9+ll bu" percep"ible# in "he 3yD+n"inis"8s
The Ir+ni+n c+ugh" i" "oo. H6h+"IG he +s&ed.
H/eI No# i"8s no"hing#G AbdWl&eri9 9u""ered# no" .ery con.incingly.
The Ir+ni+n8s h+nd 1le$ ou" so 1+s" nei"her Tess nor "he Tur& s+$ i" co9ing. The sl+p
h+99ered "he 3yD+n"inis"8s J+$# roc&ing i" side$+ys +nd sending hi9 1lying o11 his perch +nd
cr+shing on"o "he ground in + he+.y "hud +nd + plu9e o1 dus".
HI $on8" +s& you +g+in#G "he Ir+ni+n "old hi9.
AbdWl&eri9 s"+yed do$n# "re9bling. A1"er + 9o9en"# he r+ised his eyes "o "he Ir+ni+n.
!e loo&ed pul.eriDed by 1e+r. HThere 9igh" be so9e"hing#G he s"+99ered. HNo" 1+r 1ro9 here.G
!e "urned "o Tess. HDo you &no$ $hich h+nd *onr+d $+s 9issingIG
HThe le1" one. 6hyIG
AbdWl&eri9 1ro$ned# li&e he $+sn8" sure he should be s+ying "his. HThere8s + 1resco# in
"he roc& church# in "he <el.e :+lley. The church is in ruins# li&e +ll "he o"her# bu" . . . "he p+in"ing
is s"ill "here. I" sho$s + 9+n# + $+rrior. So9eone "he .ill+ger "here "hough" highly o1. A
H6h+" does "h+" h+.e "o do $i"h *onr+dIG "he Ir+ni+n +s&ed.
HThe $+rrior $+s re1erred "o on "he 9ur+l +s L"he one "rue h+nd#8 1igh"ing o11 "he he+"hen.
One o1 his h+nd is .isible $hile "he o"her is 9issingC"he le1" one. I +l$+ys +ssu9ed i" $+s +
9e"+phor# you &no$# one o1 "hose cr+Dy legend 1ro9 "he "i9es o1 "he *rus+de.G !e p+used# "hen
poin"edly +dded# HThe 9+n in "he 1resco is buried in "he church8s cryp". I "hin& i" could be your
HLThe one "rue h+nd#8G "he Ir+ni+n repe+"ed. !e g+.e Tess + s+"is1ied# H"his sounds
pro9isingG loo&. HI "hin& I8d li&e "o see "h+" church.G

7-I44%8S !O7S- S4O6-D +s i" re+ched "he ridge "h+" bordered "he yayla he h+d
"r+.ersed. P+"ches o1 $ild l+.ender +nd $or9$ood scrub co.ered "he slope# beyond $hich $+s +
$ide pl+in "h+" spre+d sou"h +ll "he $+y "o dis"+n" 9oun"+ins. !e p+used "here "o ge" his be+rings#
his b+c& +nd "highs +ching 1ro9 "he long# s+ddleless ride. The horse# p+n"ing he+.ily +1"er "he
unin"errup"ed Journey# $+s +lso in b+d need o1 + bre+"her.
The +ir $+s s"ill# "he .+lley silen". 7eilly sensed 9o.e9en" do$n his le1" 1l+n& +nd
loo&ed +cross. An old $o9+n $+s s"+nding underne+"h + "hic&e" o1 +l9ond "rees# be+"ing "he
br+nches o1 one o1 "he9 $i"h her $+l&ing s"ic&. @resh $ere 1+lling "o "he ground# $here +
s9+ll 1loc& o1 sheep $ere 1e+s"ing on "he9. The "rees $ere +ll s"un"ed +1"er cen"uries o1 being
s"ruc& "h+" $+y. The old $o9+n 1el" 7eilly8s +""en"ion +nd loo&ed She eyed hi9 $i"h li""le
in"eres"# "hen "urned +$+y +nd c+rried on $i"h $h+" she $+s doing.
7eilly pulled ou" his 9+p +nd co9p+red i" "o "he l+ndsc+pe l+id ou" be1ore hi9. The
.+lley $+s + beige c+n.+s bordered by so1"ly undul+"ing roc& 1or9+"ions +nd do""ed by poc&e"s
o1 pine "rees# +prico" orch+rds# +nd .iney+rds. !e 1ocused on "he le1" side o1 "he .+lley# his eyes
ro+9ing +cross "he +re+ "h+" Tess h+d circled on "he 9+p. !e could 9+&e ou" "he d+r& cr+c&s o1 c+nyons "h+" h+d been cle+.ed in"o "he .+lley bed# bu" he s+$ no signs o1 li1e. >us"
undis"urbed n+"ure# s"re"ching 1or 9ilesC
C"hen he no"iced so9e"hing.
A dis"urb+nce.
A spo" o1 9o.e9en"# h+l1 + 9ile +$+y# +" "he edge o1 one o1 "he c+nyons.
!e pulled ou" his binocul+rs.
They $ere dis"+n"# bu" "here $+s no 9is"+&ing "he 1+9ili+r silhoue""es. I" $+s "he9. Tess#
"he Ir+ni+n# +nd so9eone else# so9eone he h+dn8" seen be1ore.
!e 1el" li&e his he+r" h+d been rele+sed 1ro9 + be+r "r+p. The sigh" o1 her bl+s"ed + $+.e
o1 relie1 "hrough hi9. She $+sn8" 1ree# or s+1eCbu" +" le+s" he8d c+ugh" up $i"h her.
The "hree "iny 1igures re+ched + "hic&e" o1 "rees $here 7eilly s+$ + p+r&ed .ehicle# +
beige SU: "h+" he recogniDed +s + >eep *hero&ee# "he s9+ller# boKy one 1ro9 + couple o1
gener+"ions b+c&. !e "urned his +""en"ion "o "he "hird 1igure# $ondering i1 i" $+s 1riend or 1oe#
"hen $+"ched +s +ll "hree o1 "he9 cli9bed in"o "he c+r. The ne$ guy $+s behind "he $heel# $i"h
Tess neK" "o hi9 +nd "he Ir+ni+n in "he b+c&. There $+s no"hing in "he +rr+nge9en" "h+" indic+"ed
$he"her "he $+s +n +lly o1 "he Ir+ni+n or so9eone else# 9+ybe so9eone he $+s using "o
dri.e "he9 +round or so9e &ind o1 + loc+l guide. @or "he "i9e being# 7eilly h+d "o +ssu9e "he
9+n $+s +n ene9y. No" "h+" i" re+lly 9+""ered Jus" ye". !is gu" $+s +lre+dy "$is"ing +" "he
"hough" o1 $h+" $+s h+ppening.
Sure enough# "hey $ere no$ o11# +$+y 1ro9 hi9C+nd he $+s h+l1 + 9ile +$+y
+nd si""ing on + h+l1;de+d horse.
!e spurred "he horse on# &ic&ing +nd yelling +nd sl+pping i"s ru9p "o ge" i" The
"ired +ni9+l lurched 1or$+rd hesi"+n"ly# cle+rly reluc"+n" "o he+d do$n "he slope.
H*o9e on# d+9n i"# le"8s go#G 7eilly yelled +s he "ried co+King i" on by sFueeDing his
"highs "oge"her +nd nudging "he b+c& o1 e+ch o1 "he +ni9+l8s 1ron" legs +s i" c+9e "o$+rd hi9.
The horse grudgingly pic&ed up + bi" o1 speed# $hinnying in pro"es" +nd &ic&ing up dus" +s i"
1in+lly cl+9bered do$n "he hill. 7eilly "ried "o &eep "r+c& o1 "he >eep8s 9o.e9en"s $hile guiding
his ride on$+rd# +nd s+$ "he SU: bouncing +cross "he pl+in# he+ding $es". !e s"eered his 9oun"
"o "he righ" +s soon +s i" hi" le.el ground# pu""ing i" on + di+gon+l "r+Jec"ory "o "he >eep8s 9o"ion#
bu" he $+s s"ill + 1e$ hundred y+rds +$+y 1ro9 "he SU:. Then he s+$ i" re+ch + s9+ll ro+d +nd
"urn on"o i". I" $+s no$ he+ding direc"ly +$+y 1ro9 hi9# +nd his he+r" shri.eled up +s he re+liDed
"here8s $+sn8" 9uch he could do "o c+"ch up $i"h i".
S"ill# he &ep" "he pressure on# su99oning his inner co$boy +nd urging "he horse on +s
bes" he could. The SU: h+d dis+ppe+red 1ro9 .ie$ by "he "i9e he re+ched "he ro+d. !e guided
"he horse on"o "he cr+c&ed +sph+l"# bu" he &ne$ i" $+s "oo slo$ly "o h+.e +ny ch+nce o1
c+"ching up $i"h Tess. !e h+d "o 1ind +no"her $+y "o &eep going. A c+r# + "ruc&# + 9o"orcycle#
+ny"hing 9o"oriDedCe.en +n old# be+";up pic&up "ruc& cre+&ing under "he s"r+in o1 + 9oun"+in
o1 $+"er9elons# $hich $+s $h+" he go"# "rundling up "he ro+d +nd hon&ing 1or hi9 "o 9o.e
!e h+d li""le choice.
!e s"eered "he horse in"o "he ro+d# "hen "ugged on "he reins# 1orcing i" "o s"op side$+ys
+nd bloc& "he $+y. The pic&up "ruc& slid "o + h+l" Jus" + 1e$ 1ee" shor" o1 hi9. T$o 9en $ere in
i"s c+b# "he J+bbing his horn +ngrily# his p+ssenger le+ning ou" "he $indo$# bo"h 9en
yelling +nd $ 1or 7eilly "o ge" ou" o1 "he $+y.
I" didn8" "+&e long.
A $+.e o1 "he h+ndgun did "he "ric& $i"h ru"hless e11iciency# +nd + 1e$ 1r+n"ic seconds
l+"er# 7eilly $+s on "he ro+d +g+in# hur"ling +1"er "he long;gone >eep $i"h + "ruc&1ul o1
$+"er9elons in "o$.
Chapter 3-

#i"h e.ery le+den s"ep# re+li"y receded 1ur"her +nd 1ur"her 1ro9 Tess8s 9ind +s she
1ollo$ed <+hed +nd AbdWl&eri9 +cross "he +lien "err+in.
She $+sn8" sure $here she $+s +ny9ore. !er eyes $ere + h+rd "i9e 1ocusing# +nd
her 1ee" 1el" li&e "hey $ere 9+de o1 le+d. The relen"less s"r+in o1 "he l+s" 1e$ d+ys# co9pounded
$i"h "he he+" +nd "he l+c& o1 sleep# $+s debili"+"ing. 6ors" o1 +ll $+s "he h+un"ing 9ir+ge "h+"
$+s 7eilly. I" $ouldn8" le+.e her. She $+s desper+"e "o &no$ "h+" he $+s +ll righ"# "h+" he h+dn8"
died on "h+" 9oun"+in# bu" she &ne$ she $+sn8" +bou" "o 1ind ou" soon# +nd possibly
$ould. The uncer"+in"y $+s crippling +nd +dded "o "he sense o1 disorien"+"ion "h+" she 1el"# +
1eeling "h+" $+s heigh"ened e.en 9ore by "he be$ildering l+ndsc+pe +round her.
The .+lley "hey $ere hi&ing "hrough $+s .ery di11eren" 1ro9 "he c+nyon $here "hey8d
1ound "he Te9pl+rs8 gr+.e. In 1+c"# i" $+s unli&e +ny"hing she8d seen be1ore. I" $+s bro+der
+nd $+s edged by biD+rre clus"ers o1 huge# pin&ish;$hi"e s"one cones +nd "urre"s. @ields o1 1+iry
chi9neys do""ed "he pl+in h+ph+D+rdly# 9ushroo9li&e spires "$en"y or 9ore 1ee" "+ll "h+" $ere
"opped by c+ps o1 rus";red b+s+l". @r+9ing "he $hole surre+l spec"+cle $ere gen"le slopes "h+"
rose up "o + cro$ning cornice o1 .er"ic+l "u1+. And $hile "he .+lley 9+y h+.e loo&ed
disconcer"ingly li&e + behe9o"hi+n 9eringue "r+y# i" $+s "he c+nyon $i"hin i"# "he one "h+" "hey
$ere no$ "r+.ersing# "h+" "hre$ Tess "he 9os". -.ery$here she loo&ed# d+r& openings in "he roc&
1or9+"ions pee&ed ou" +" her. One o1 "hree p+r+llel c+nyons "h+" held "he +ncien"C+nd no$
deser"edC.ill+ge o1 <el.e# i"s $+lls $ere riddled $i"h Fu+r"ers# her9i"+ges# churches# +nd
9on+s"eries "h+" h+d been eKc+.+"ed ou" o1 "he 9os" unli&ely o1 pl+ces. @ro9 "he n+rro$es" o1
H1+iry chi9neysG "o "he so+ring roc& $+lls "h+" lined "he r+.ines# "here didn8" see9 "o be + p+"ch
o1 s9oo"h roc& "h+" $+sn8" s"udded $i"h + s9+ll $indo$. !undreds o1 roc&;he$n s+nc"u+ries
$ere sc+""ered +cross "he region# "uc&ed +$+y in i"s .+lleys +nd hidden r+.ines# "heir $+lls
co.ered $i"h + .eri"+ble "ro.e o1 3yD+n"ine +r".
@ro9 "he e+rlies" d+ys o1 "he 1+i"h# *+pp+doci+ $+s +n i9por"+n" cr+dle o1 Or"hodoK
*hris"i+ni"y# second only "o *ons"+n"inople. P+ul o1 T+rsusCS". P+ulCpre+ched "hroughou" "he
+re+ Jus" "$en"y ye+rs +1"er "he *ruci1iKion. *+pp+doci+ soon bec+9e + re1uge 1or "he 1irs"
1ollo$ers o1 "he *ross $ho $ere 1leeing 7o9+n persecu"ion# i"s 9+De;li&e l+ndsc+pe pro.iding +
n+"ur+l shel"er 1ro9 d+nger. In "he 1our"h cen"ury# 3+sil "he Gre+"# "he bishop o1 ne+rby B+yseri
+nd one o1 "he so;c+lled H*+pp+doci+n @+"hersG o1 "he 1+i"h# $i"nessed 9on+s"icis9 on + "rip "o
-gyp" +nd brough" "he concep" b+c& $i"h hi9. /on&s s"+r"ed coloniDing "he +re+ li&e 9oles#
building +ny"hing 1ro9 indi.idu+l pr+yer cells in "en;1oo";$ide spires "o roc&;cu" churches o1
surprising gr+ndeur +nd 9ul"ile.el 9on+s"eries "h+" re+ched high in"o "he cli11s.
The burro$ing didn8" only eK"end +bo.eground. 6i"h "he /ongol +nd /usli9 conFues"s
under $+y# i" eKp+nded belo$ "he sur1+ce. DoDens o1 underground ci"iesCso9e $hose origins
d+"ed b+c& "o "he !i""i"esCriddled "he +re+# +nd 9+ny o1 "he9 h+dn8" ye" been 1ully eKplored.
So9e o1 "he9 eK"ended +s 9uch +s + doDen le.els belo$ "he sur1+ce# perh+ps e.en 9ore# .+s"
l+byrin"hs o1 "unnels# Fu+r"ers# +nd s"or+ge roo9s. 6i"h "heir ingeniously designed +ir
sh+1"s +nd one;"on H9ills"oneG "r+pdoors "o &eep ene9ies ou"# "hey ser.ed +s s+nc"u+ries 1or
en"ire co99uni"ies $ in.+ding hordes $ere running r+9p+n" +bo.eground +nd helped
"he Or"hodoK *hris"i+n popul+"ion cling "o "he .+lleys +nd ride ou" "he cen"uries o1 SelJu& +nd
O""o9+n rule pre""y 9uch unsc+"hed.
Ironic+lly# i" $+sn8" un"il ',03# in "he d+$n o1 "he secul+r Tur&ish 7epublic# "h+" "he
*hris"i+ns $ere 1in+lly eKpelled 1ro9 "he region. Under "he 1orced rep+"ri+"ion +gree9en"
be"$een Tur&ey +nd Greece "h+" 1ollo$ed "he 1our;ye+r $+r be"$een "he "$o coun"ries# "he loc+l
Or"hodoK popul+"ion $+s rese""led in Greece $hile /usli9 Tur&s 9o.ed in"o "he .+lleys in i"s
pl+ce. @ollo$ing "he eKodus# 9os" o1 "he churches +nd 9on+s"eries "here gr+du+lly 1ell in"o
disrep+ir# "hrough neglec" +nd .+nd+lis9# + s+d end "o "he l+s" lin& "o "he glory o1
3yD+n"iu9 "h+" h+d s"+r"ed one +nd + h+l1 "hous+nd ye+rs e+rlier.
As "hey 9o.ed "hrough + clus"er o1 "hir"y;1oo";"+ll roc& cones# Tess $+s 1inding i" h+rd "o
&eep in 9ind "h+" "he c+nyon h+d been coloniDed by hu9+ns. In her eKh+us"ed# $e+ry s"+"e# i"
loo&ed 9ore li&e so9e"hing "rolls $ould inh+bi"# +nd her 9ind &ep" dredging up dis"urbing
i9+ges o1 /orloc&s +nd s+nd people creeping ou" o1 "he d+r& recesses +nd dr+gging her +$+y.
<+hed8s .oice bro&e "hrough her d+De.
H6here +re +ll "he "ouris"sIG he +s&ed AbdWl&eri9. HThis pl+ce is li&e + ghos" "o$n.G
Al"hough "he .+lley $+s + n+"ion+l p+r&# "hey h+dn8" encoun"ered 9ore "h+n + h+l1 doDen
groups o1 hi&ers# e+ch $i"h no 9ore "h+n + h+nd1ul o1 indi.idu+ls in i".
HThis c+nyon +nd "he "$o on ei"her side o1 i" $ere dee9ed uns+1e b+c& in "he 1i1"ies#G "he
3yD+n"inis" eKpl+ined. HThe $ere cru9bling on "heir occup+n". All "he .ill+ger $ere
reloc+"ed "o + ne$ "o$n + 1e$ &ilo9e"ers +$+y# +nd no$+d+ys# "our group pre1er "o s"ic& "o s+1e
+re+s# li&e GYre9e.G
HThe less# "he 9errier#G <+hed s+id# his eyes sur.eying "he "r+il +he+d. H!o$ 9uch
HAl9os" "here.G
/o9en"s l+"er# "hey h+d cle+red "he cone .ill+ge +nd p+used by + 1e+"ureless roc& 1+ce.
The sun $+s 9uch lo$er no$# i"s shi1"ing +ngle b+"hing "he 9oonsc+pe +round "he9 in + s"ri&ing
9iK o1 pin&s +nd blues.
HThis is i"#G "he 3yD+n"inis" +nnounced.
I" didn8" loo& li&e 9uch un"il "he 9+n poin"ed up$+rd. Tess 1ollo$ed his direc"ion. There
$+s + g+ping# sFu+re;cu" hole in "he side o1 "he cli11# +bou" 1i1"y 1ee" +bo.e her he+d. I" $+s +n
eKposed roo9Cp+r" o1 + roo9# +c"u+llyC"h+" h+d been c+r.ed in"o "he roc&.
HThe church8s ou"er $+ll coll+psed in + roc& slide cen"uries +go#G AbdWl&eri9 eKpl+ined#
H"+&ing $i"h i" "he en"r+nce "unnel +nd "he s"+ir "h+" led up "o i".G
HSo ho$ do $e ge" up "hereIG <+hed +s&ed.
HThis $+y#G "he Tur& s+id +s he led "he9 "o "he edge o1 "he cli11 +nd poin"ed ou" "he
1oo"holds "h+" h+d been chiseled in"o "he s9oo"h $+ll o1 "u1+.
H4e+d "he $+y#G <+hed ges"ured.
AbdWl&eri9 $en" 1irs"# 1ollo$ed by Tess# "hen <+hed. They cl+$ed "heir $+y up "he
cru9bly $+ll +nd 9+n+ged "o re+ch + s9+ll ledge. S"eep# eroded s"eps led 1ro9 "here "o "he
"hree;$+lled ch+9ber. There $+s no r+iling +" i"s edge. I"s 1loor Jus" ended $i"h + drop s"r+igh"
do$n "he cli11.
Tess loo&ed do$n. The sigh" 9+de her $ince. HI c+n see $hy "his isn8" eK+c"ly
$i"h "ouris"s.G
The Tur& shrugged. HThis $+s "he .es"ibule o1 "he church#G he eKpl+ined. H*o9e. The
n+.e is "hrough here.G
!e led "he9 "hrough + n+rro$ door$+y +nd s$i"ched on his 1l+shligh".
The roo9 "hey $ere s"+nding in $+s surprisingly l+rge# +round 1or"y 1ee" deep +nd h+l1 +s
$ide. Aisles r+n +long ei"her side o1 i"# sep+r+"ed 1ro9 "he n+.e by colu9ns "h+" $ere purely
decor+"i.e +s "hey $eren8" suppor"ing +ny"hing# gi.en "h+" "he en"ire church h+d been c+r.ed ou"
o1 "he so1" roc&. The n+.e rose "o + so+ring# b+rrel;.+ul"ed ceiling +nd ended in $h+" loo&ed li&e
+ horseshoe;sh+ped +pse.
HThe 9ur+l8s "his $+y#G AbdWl&eri9 s+id# le+ding "he9 1+r"her in"o "he church# H+nd "he
buri+l ch+9ber8s under us.G
Tess 1ollo$ed hi9# her eyes ro+9ing "he 3yD+n"ine 1rescoes "h+" co.ered e.ery inch o1
"he c+.ernous ch+9ber8s $+lls +nd ceiling. In "he so1"# bouncing be+9 o1 his 1l+shligh"# she
gli9psed biblic+l scenes she $+s 1+9ili+r $i"h# such +s *hris"8s Ascension +nd "he 4+s" Supper#
+s $ell +s 9ore loc+l religious iconogr+phy# li&e + 9ur+l o1 *ons"+n"ine "he Gre+" +nd his
9o"her# S+in" !elen# $ho $+s holding "he HTrue *ross#G "he +c"u+l cross on $hich >esus $+s
cruci1ied# $hich she belie.ed she h+d 1ound on + relic;1inding pilgri9+ge "o >erus+le9 in A.D.
The $+lls $ere +lso r+9p+n"ly co.ered $i"h 9ore dis"urbing i9+gery. One 1resco sho$ed
+ 9ons"er $i"h "hree he+ds +nd "he body o1 + serpen"# de.ouring "he d+9ned. Ano"her sho$ed
n+&ed $o9en being +""+c&ed by sn+&es# +nd +no"her sho$ed + gi+n" locus" being $+rded o11 by
"$o crosses. Adding "o "he disco91or" $+s "he 1+c" "h+" 9os" o1 "he 1igures in "he 9ur+ls h+d "heir
eyes# +nd so9e"i9es "heir en"ire 1+ces# scr+"ched ou"# de1+ced by "he /usli9 in.+ders $ho
belie.ed "h+" doing so &illed "he subJec" in "he p+in"ing. The 1rescoes higher up +nd "he ones on
"he cur.ed ceiling# ho$ $ere und+9+ged# presu9+bly bec+use "hey $ere h+rder "o re+ch.
*old# s"ri&ing 1+ces $i"h in"+c" +l9ond eyes# bl+c&# cordli&e eyebro$s# +nd s"ern# +ngul+r 9ou"hs
s"+red do$n +" Tess# "he s9oo"h p+in" 9+&ing i" see9 +s i" "heir s&in i"sel1 h+d been pl+s"ered
on"o "he $+ll.
AbdWl&eri9 s"opped +" "he 1+r end o1 "he n+.e# by "he +pse. Tess no$ re+liDed "h+" "he
d+r&ness h+d hidden "he 1+c" "h+" "here $ere in 1+c" "hree +pses spre+ding ou" o11 "he n+.e. NeK"
"o one o1 "he9 $+s + door$+y# "hrough $hich Tess could 9+&e ou" + p+ss+ge.
The 3yD+n"inis" shone his ligh" +" + 9ur+l high up on "he h+l1 do9e o1 one o1 "he +pses. I"
$+s + richly de"+iled $or&# delic+"e +nd 1inespun# do9in+"ed by p+le hues o1 red ocher +nd
green. *ruci+lly# i" $+s +lso unsc+"hed. I" sho$ed + 9+n# on 1oo"# eng+ged in b+""le +g+ins" 1our
$+rriors. !e $ore no hel9e" or ch+in 9+il +nd h+d no horse. 3ehind hi9# .ill+gers $ere
sho$n "o be hiding in d+r& openings in + roc& 1+ce.
The $+rriors# gi.en "h+" "hey $ore "urb+ns +nd held sci9i"+rs# $ere cle+rly /usli9. The
1igure 1igh"ing "he9 $+s lunging $i"h + bro+ds$ord in his righ" h+nd. !is le1" h+nd $+s held up
high# de1i+n"ly.
Tess le+ned in 1or + closer loo&.
The 1igure8s le1" h+nd $+s cle+rly 9issing# bu" i" $+sn8" due "o +ny p+in" 1l+&ing o11. I"
si9ply h+dn8" been p+in"ed in. The 1igure8s 1ore+r9 Jus" ended in + rounded s"u9p.
She s+$ "he inscrip"ion on "he 9ur+l. I" $+s in Gree&# $ri""en in bold unci+l le""ering. She
concen"r+"ed on "r+nsl+"ing i"# dr+$ing on + re+son+ble 1+9ili+ri"y $i"h "he l+ngu+ge# bu" one "h+"
she h+dn8" pu" "o use in + long "i9e. The 3yD+n"inis" s"epped in +nd s+.ed her "he "rouble.
HLThe one true hand vents his wrath on the heathen raiders#8G he re+d ou".
Tess gl+nced +" "he Ir+ni+n. I1 he $+s 1eeling +ny +n"icip+"ion# he $+sn8" sho$ing i". She
"urned b+c& "o "he 9ur+l. There $+s +no"her inscrip"ion# in s9+ller le""ers# +bo.e +nd "o "he righ"
o1 "he b+""ling 1igures.
H6h+" does "h+" one s+yIG she +s&ed.
HL!s for pain, like a hand cut in battle, consider the body a robe you wear. The worried,
heroic deeds of a man and a woman are noble to the draper, where the dervishes relish the light
bree(e of spirit.8 I"8s 1ro9 + poe9. A Su1i poe9# $ri""en by none o"her "h+n 7u9i hi9sel1.G
6hich "hre$ Tess. HA Su1i poe9I !ereI 6ri""en in Gree&IG
The 3yD+n"inis" nodded. HI"8s unusu+l# bu" i"8s no" "h+" surprising. 7u9i li.ed +nd died in
Bony+# $hich is only + couple o1 hundred 9ile $es" o1 here. Bony+ $+s "he cen"er o1 Su1is9.
S"ill is# spiri"u+lly +" le+s". The Su1is +nd "he *hris"i+n o1 "hese .+lley $ould h+.e been +llies o1
sor"# ou"sidersC1ollo$ers o1 +n +l"ern+"i.e 1+i"h in + se+ o1 Sunni /usli9.G
H4e"8s see "he "o9b#G "he Ir+ni+n in"erJec"ed. So9e i9p+"ience $+s coloring his "one# 1or
AbdWl&eri9 loo&ed +" hi9 $i"h Fuie" resign+"ion# "hen shrugged. HThis $+y#G he
The "hree o1 "he9 $+l&ed in single 1ile# "r+iling "he 1l+shligh"8s be+9 do$n "he n+rro$
p+ss+ge by "he side +pse. Any n+"ur+l ligh" 1ro9 ou"side $+s no$ b+rely co9ing "hrough# bu" "he
be+9 $+s s"rong enough "o ligh" up "he ceiling# $hich $+s enli.ened by +n el+bor+"e p+""ern o1
crosses "h+" $ere c+r.ed in lo$ relie1 $i"hin + grid o1 sun&en loDenges# be1ore i" 1+ded in"o "he
The p+ss+ge led "o + s"eep 1ligh" o1 n+rro$ s"eps "h+" cor&scre$ed do$n$+rd. A s9+ll
.es"ibule $+s +" i"s b+se +nd g+.e on"o 1i.e roo9s. I" $+s "oo d+r& "o see beyond "heir door$+ys.
AbdWl&eri9 shone his ligh" in"o e+ch o1 "he9 brie1ly "o ge" his be+rings# "hen s+id# HI"8s "his one.G
!e led "he9 in"o "he cryp". I" $+s + long# lo$;ceilinged roo9. In i"s 1l+" 1loor# Tess
no"iced "$o p+r+llel ro$s o1 rec"+ngles o1 h+rd;p+c&ed e+r"h# one ro$ lining e+ch side o1 "he
roo9. They $ere h+rd "o discern# bu" "hey $ere "here# cu" in"o "he "u1+ 1ro9 $hich "he en"ire
church h+d been c+r.ed. -+ch p+"ch see9ed Jus" big enough "o +cco99od+"e + hu9+n body# +nd
"he $+lls behind "he9 bore inscrip"ions "h+" $ere 9ore or less regul+rly sp+ced. On closer loo&#
Tess re+liDed "hey $ere n+9es.
HThey8re church elders# +nd donors#G AbdWl&eri9 eKpl+ined. HThese church $ere
eKpensi.e "o c+r.e +nd decor+"e. The p+in" +lone cos" + s9+ll 1or"une b+c& "hen. 3y p+ying 1or
"his church# "hese people bough" " + "ic&e" "o !e+.en. And + buri+l spo" in here.G
Tess sur.eyed "he n+9es +nd s"opped +" one o1 "he She recogniDed "he Gree&
le""ers. HThis is i"#G she s+id.
<+hed +nd AbdWl&eri9 Joined her.
HLThe one "rue h+nd#8G she re+d.
She loo&ed +" "he Ir+ni+n# guessing $h+" $+s in s"ore. Sure enough# he $+s +lre+dy
unlo+ding "he pic&;sho.el co9bo# $hich he h+nded "o her.
H4e"8s ge" "o $or&.G
Chapter &0

This one $+s h+rder "o dig ou"# bu" +" le+s" i" $+s Jus" one gr+.e. The n+rro$ sp+ce 1el"
su11oc+"ing# $h+" $i"h "he $e+&ening ligh" o1 "he 1l+shligh" +nd "he dus" "h+" "he digging $+s
&ic&ing up. I" 9+de Tess $or& e.en h+rder. She Jus" $+n"ed "o be ou" o1 "here +s Fuic&ly +s
The body "hey 1ound $+s $r+pped in "$o;1oo";$ide s"rips o1 $hi"e linen# li&e + 9u99y#
+nd co.ered $i"h seeds "h+" h+d long since pe"ri1ied. Tess +nd AbdWl&eri9 go" do$n close +nd
c+re1ully peeled b+c& "he s"i11 1+bric. The bones $i"hin $ere loose +nd Ju9bled up# bu" one "hing
soon bec+9e cle+r. There $ere only enough o1 "he9 1or one h+nd.
There $+s so9e"hing else in "here# "oo.
A pros"he"ic h+nd# 9+de ou" o1 copper. I" $+s corroded +nd oKidiDed# "+rnished "o + d+r&
bro$n p+"in+ $i"h greenish;blue p+"ches +ll i". I" $+s s"+r"lingly el+bor+"e +nd $ell cr+1"ed
1or so9e"hing "h+" $+s se.en hundred ye+rs old.
She held i" up "o "he Ir+ni+n. HI"8s *onr+d#G she s+id# "hen g+.e hi9 + H$h+" no$IG loo&.
!e 9ulled i" 1or + be+"# "hen s+id# HI1 he h+d i" $i"h hi9# i"8s go" "o be +round here
so9e$here. /+ybe e.en buried $i"h hi9.G !e "hough" +bou" i" 1or + 1ur"her 9o9en"# "hen s+id#
HT+&e hi9 ou". 4e"8s see i1 "here8s +ny"hing else do$n "here.G
Tess +nd "he 3yD+n"inis" li1"ed "he linen cocoon ou" +nd se" i" do$n in "he 9iddle +isle.
Tess "hen s"epped b+c& in"o "he sh+llo$ pi"# go" do$n on her &nees# +nd s"+r"ed digging so9e
9ore. A1"er only + 1e$ s"ro&es# "he pic& s"ruc& so9e"hing h+rd# sending + recoil o1 +dren+line
"hrough her. 6i"h rene$ed 1ocus# she s"+r"ed cle+ring "he e+r"h +round "he h+rd obJec" $i"h her
HGi.e 9e so9e 9ore ligh"#G she "old AbdWl&eri9.
!e shone "he 1l+shligh" +" her h+nds +s she scr+ped "he e+r"h b+c& "o eKpose $h+"
+ppe+red "o be + d+r& round sh+pe. She cle+red 9ore soil 1ro9 +round i" "o re.e+l + pl+in
e+r"hen$+re coo&ing po"# lo$ +nd $ide# +bou" + 1oo" +nd + h+l1 in di+9e"er +nd under + 1oo" "+ll.
!er bre+"h c+ugh". She s"udied i" 1or + be+"# "hen li1"ed i" ou" c+re1ully +nd se""led i" on "he 1l+"
p+r" o1 "he gr+.e.
She eK+9ined i" closely. I" $+s pl+in +nd unre9+r&+ble# l+c&ing +ny eK"ern+l decor+"ion#
+nd i" h+d so9e &ind o1 + bo$l 1or + lid "h+" $+s se+led in"o pl+ce $i"h bi"u9en.
AbdWl&eri98s eyes bounced +round 1ro9 "he po" "o Tess +nd "o "he Ir+ni+n +nd b+c&.
H6h+" do you "hin& is in i"IG
HOnly one $+y "o 1ind ou"#G <+hed s+id.
!e sn+"ched "he pic& 1ro9 Tess +nd# be1ore she could s"op hi9# sl+99ed i" in"o "he "op o1
"he po". The pl+"e "h+" $+s se+ling i" sh+""ered. <+hed "hen pried o11 "he pieces "h+" $ere s"ill
h+nging in pl+ce.
!e "oo& "he 1l+shligh" 1ro9 "he 3yD+n"inis" +nd +i9ed i" inside "he po"# "hen "urned "o
Tess# 9+&ing +n in.i"ing ges"ure $i"h his h+nd.
H3e 9y gues"#G he "old her. HA1"er +ll your h+rd $or&# you deser.e i".G
She loo&ed +" hi9 +s&+nce# "hen le+ned in 1or + loo&. The sigh" 9+de her he+r" bol". She
re+ched in +nd pulled ou" "he po"8s con"en"s? "$o codicesCs9+ll# +ncien" le+"her;bound boo&s#
e+ch roughly "he siDe o1 + no.el.
She held "he9 $i"h Fui.ering 1ingers# c+re1ully# +s i1 "hey $ere 9+de o1 "he 9os" 1r+gile
porcel+in# 9+r.eling +" "he9. @or + bliss1ul ins"+n"# +ll "he horrors she8d been "hrough# "he
Ir+ni+n 9ons"er s"+nding inches 1ro9 herCi" +ll 1+ded +$+y. Then she se" one do$n in her l+p
+nd eK+9ined "he o"her.
H6h+" +re "heyIG AbdWl&eri9 s+id# his "one + $hisper.
Tess gen"ly un1urled "he "hin# le+"her s"r+p "h+" $+s rolled +round "he 1irs" codeK. The
b+c& eK"ended in"o + "ri+ngul+r 1l+p "h+" 1olded "he 1ron" one. She peeled "h+" b+c&#
"hen# slo$ly# opened "he codeK.
The golden;bro$n p+pyrus inside $ere cle+rly bri""le# "heir edges cru9bled in
pl+ces. She didn8" d+re "urn + single p+ge# so +s no" "o d+9+ge "he 9+nuscrip"# bu" "he le""ering
on "he 1irs" p+ge $+s enough "o +nnounce $h+" she $+s loo&ing +".
HAleK+ndri+n "eK";"ype le""ers#G she s+id. HI"8s $ri""en in Gree&.G
H6h+" does i" s+yIG "he Ir+ni+n +s&ed.
Tess re+d i"# "hen loo&ed up +" AbdWl&eri9 +nd sho$ed i" "o hi9. -.en in "he 1+in" ligh" in
"he c+.ern# "he +s"onish9en" on her 1+ce $+s e.iden".
The 3yD+n"inis" $+s cle+rly 1+9ili+r $i"h Gree& $ri"ing# his +re+ o1 eKper"ise. HThe
Gospel o1 Per1ec"ion.G !e loo&ed +" Tess. HI8.e he+rd o1 i".G
H/e nei"her. 3u" i"8s in Gree&. 9oine 5reek#G Tess s+id "o "he 3yD+n"inis"# e9ph+siDing
"he poin".
The 3yD+n"inis"8s eKpression 9orphed "o 9i9ic Tess8s surprise +s her poin" s+n& inC
so9e"hing "he Ir+ni+n c+ugh" "oo.
H6h+" +bou" i" being in Gree&I 6hy8s "h+" such + surpriseIG he +s&ed.
HBoine Gree& $+s "he lingu+ 1r+nc+C"he $or&ing l+ngu+geCo1 "he Ne+r -+s" during
7o9+n "i9es. I"8s $h+" +ny gospels "h+" $ould h+.e been $ri""en +round "he "i9e o1 >esus8s li1e
$ould h+.e been $ri""en in. 3u" $e don8" h+.e +ny origin+l copies o1 gospels 1ro9 b+c& "hen.
The oldes" 3ibles $e h+.e +re in Gree&# bu" "hey8re 1ro9 "he 1our"h or 1i1"h cen"uries. The older
"eK"s $e h+.e +ren8" 1ro9 "he 3ible. They8re non;c+nonic+l# gnos"ic gospels# li&e "he Gospel o1
Tho9+s "h+" $+s 1ound in -gyp" in ',)C+nd "hey8re *op"ic "r+nsl+"ions o1 e+rlier Gree&
"eK"s.G She held up "he codeK. HThis isn8" /+""he$# /+r&# 4u&e# or >ohn. 3u" i"8s in Boine Gree&#
$hich 9e+ns i"8s +n origin+l. No" + "r+nsl+"ion. I" 9igh" be "he oldes" 1ull gospel 1ound.G
The 3yD+n"inis" loo&ed b+11led. H6hy is i" hereI !o$ did you &no$ +bou" "hisIG
H6h+" +bou" "he o"her oneIG "he Ir+ni+n in"erJec"ed# ignoring AbdWl&eri9.
Tess se" "he 1irs" codeK do$n +nd pic&ed up "he second boo&. Ag+in# "+&ing gre+" c+re#
she opened i". Al"hough "he "$o codices $ere .ery si9il+r ou"$+rdly# "his one $+s di11eren" in
"h+" i" consis"ed o1 bound p+rch9en" no" p+pyrus# indic+"ing "h+" i" $+s li&ely "o be 9ore
recen" "h+n "he 1irs". The le""ering $+s "he s+9e# "hough. I" $+s +lso $ri""en in Boine Gree&.
HThe Gospel o1 "he !ebre$s#G she re+d. This $+s + "i"le she recogniDed. She loo&ed up
1ro9 i". HThis is one o1 "he Llos"8 gospels. So9e o1 "he 1ounders o1 "he *hurch "+l&ed +bou" i" in
"heir $ri"ings# bu" i"8s been 1ound.G !er 1ingers brushed "he open le+1 $i"h pro1ound
re.erence. HUn"il no$.G
!er he+r" pounding# she $+s le+1ing "hrough i"s 1irs" 1e$ p+ges slo$ly# her eyes ro+9ing
"he "iny le""ers# "rying "o gr+sp $h+" "hey s+id# $hen she s+$ so9e"hing else. A 1olded shee" o1
p+rch9en"# inser"ed be"$een "he p+ges o1 "he boo&.
She pulled i" ou" +nd re+liDed i" $+sn8" Jus" one shee"# bu" 1our# +ll 1olded on"o one
+no"her. I" h+d "o be +n o11ici+l docu9en" o1 so9e &ind# +s i" $+s se+led $i"h + d+r& reddish;
bro$n $+K se+l "h+" h+d le1" i"s i9pression on "he p+ges o1 "he codeK i" h+d been si""ing +g+ins".
She pulled AbdWl&eri98s ligh" closer 1or + be""er loo& +nd ben" + corner o1 "he "op shee" b+c&
sligh"ly# bu" she couldn8" see 9uch beyond so9e o1 "he le""ers on i". They $ere di11eren" 1ro9
"hose in "he codices.
HI "hin& i"8s 4+"in# bu" I c+n8" see $h+"8s inside $i"hou" bre+&ing "he se+l#G Tess "old
HSo bre+& i"#G he replied.
Tess eKh+led $i"h 1rus"r+"ion. I" $+s poin"less "o +rgue $i"h "he 9+n. She Jus" 1u9ed in
silence +nd slid her 1ingers under "he upper 1old o1 "he shee". As gen"ly +s she could# she popped
"he se+l o11 "he p+rch9en"# bu" s"ill couldn8" help cr+c&ing i" in "$o. The se+l h+d 1ul1illed i"s
purpose# e.en hundreds o1 ye+rs +1"er i" h+d been pu" in pl+ce.
Tess 1olded "he shee"s open sligh"ly# 9+&ing sure she didn8" cr+c& "he9.
The $ri"ing on "he9 $+s indeed di11eren". The $ords "hey held $ere $ri""en in 7o9+n
li"er+ry cursi.e scrip"C"h+" is# in 4+"in# no" Gree&.
H6h+" is i"IG AbdWl&eri9 +s&ed.
HI" loo&s li&e + le""er.G She sFuin"ed +s she s"udied i". H/y 4+"in8s no" gre+".G She held i"
up "o hi9. H*+n you re+d i"IG
The 3yD+n"inis" shoo& his he+d. HGree&# no proble9. 4+"in# no" 9y speci+li"y.G
She perused "he "eK"# "hen her g+De rushed "o "he bo""o9 o1 "he l+s" shee".
HL.sius e1 #ispanis, 4gatus Imperatoris et Confessarius /eato Constantino !ugusto
Caesari#8G she re+d ou". She p+used# her neurons +bl+De $i"h "he signi1ic+nce o1 $h+" she could
be holding in her h+nd# $hich $+s "re9bling. 4os" in her o$n $orld 1or + brie1 9o9en"# she
9ou"hed# in + lo$ .oice# H!osius o1 Sp+in# i9peri+l co99issioner +nd con1essor "o "he -9peror
<+hed8s eyebro$s rose in + r+re displ+y o1 piFued curiosi"y.
H!osius#G AbdWl&eri9 obser.ed. HThe bishop o1 *ordob+. One o1 "he *hurch8s 1ounding
HThe 9+n $ho presided "he *ouncil o1 Nic+e+#G Tess +dded. So9e"hing occurred "o
her +s she s+id i". HNic+e+8s ne+r here# isn8" i"IG she +s&ed.
The 3yD+n"inis" nodded# 1ro$ning $i"h con1usion +s he processed "he in1or9+"ion. HI"8s
close "o Is"+nbul# bu" yes# I suppose i"8s no" "h+" 1+r 1ro9 here. I"8s c+lled IDni& no$+d+ys.G
Tess could see "h+" he $+s burs"ing "o +s& her + hundred Fues"ions +nd $+s Jus" b+rely
9+n+ging "o hold hi9sel1 b+c&. Nic+e+ $+s +n iconic $ord +s 1+r +s "he e+rly d+ys o1
*hris"i+ni"y $ere concerned. There $ere + lo" o1 un+ns$ered Fues"ions +s "o $h+" h+d re+lly
h+ppened +" "h+" his"oric g+"hering b+c& in A.D. 30# $hen *ons"+n"ine "he Gre+" h+d su99oned
"he senior bishops 1ro9 +ll o1 *hris"endo9 +nd 1orced "he9 "o se""le "heir dispu"es +nd +gree on
$h+" *hris"i+ns $ere supposed "o belie.e in.
Tess loo&ed +" <+hed. H6e need "o ge" "his "r+nsl+"ed#G she "old hi9.
The Ir+ni+n $+s +lso los" in his "hough"s. H4+"er#G he replied. HP+ss "he9 "o 9e.G
Tess "oo& one l+s" loo& +" "he docu9en"# hesi"+"ed# "hen 1olded i" +nd pl+ced i" b+c& inside
"he codeK +s she h+d 1ound i". She h+nded bo"h boo&s b+c& "o hi9# +nd he slipped "he9 in"o his
H4e"8s see i1 "here8s +ny"hing else buried $i"h hi9#G he s+id +s he h+nded "he pic& b+c& "o
Tess8s 9ind s"u9bled. The 9+n didn8" see9 +" +ll 1ired up by $h+" "hey h+d Jus"
une+r"hed. She "hough" o1 Fues"ioning i"# bu" decided +g+ins" i". Ins"e+d# she Jus" go" b+c& on her
&nees +nd dug +nd prodded +round "he res" o1 "he gr+.e.
There $+sn8" +ny"hing else buried "here.
She loo&ed +cross +" "he Ir+ni+n.
!e see9ed diss+"is1ied. H6e8re 9issing so9e"hing.G
Tess couldn8" hold b+c& +ny9ore# +nd her eK+sper+"ion spilled H6h+" +re $e
9issingIG She 1l+red up +ngrily. HThis is i". 6e8.e done e.ery"hing $e c+n. I 9e+n# hell# $e
1ound his gr+.e. 6e 1ound "hese "eK"s# +nd $h+"e.er8s in "he9# "h+"8s +lre+dy one hell o1 + 1ind.
These gospels . . . "hey8re uniFue. And "his 9+n# !osius . . . he $+s *ons"+n"ine8s he+d pries". !e
$+s "here $hen *ons"+n"ine decided "o beco9e + *hris"i+n. !e $+s +" Nic+e+# 1or God8s s+&e# he
$+s "here $hen +ll "he +rgu9en"s +bou" $h+" >esus re+lly did +nd $h+" he re+lly $+s $ere
"hr+shed ou" +nd $hen *hris"i+ni"y bec+9e $h+" $e &no$ i" +s "od+y. I"8s $here "hey c+9e up
$i"h "he Nicene *reed "h+" churchgoers s"ill reci"e e.ery Sund+y. !is le""er c+n "ell us + hell o1 +
lo" +bou" ho$ "h+" re+lly h+ppened. 6h+" 9ore do you $+n"I 6h+" "he hell +re $e doing here
+ny$+yI 6h+" 9ore do you "hin& you8re going "o 1indIG
The Ir+ni+n s9iled. HThe de.il8s h+ndi$or&# o1 course. All o1 i".G
HThere is no de.il8s h+ndi$or&. They8re old gospels.G >us" +s she s+id i"# she gri9+ced.
An unders"+nding c+9e burs"ing ou" o1 "he dus" +nd "he d+r&ness.
H%ou don8" ge" i"# do youIG he s+id# 9oc&ing her. HThese $ri"ings +nd $h+" else "he
Te9pl+rs $ere "r+nspor"ing "erri1ied "hose 9on&s so 9uch "h+" "hey $ere $illing "o 9urder "o
&eep "he9 hidden. Then "hey &illed " $hen "hey los" con"rol o1 "he9. They8re no" Jus"
gospels. To "he9# "hey are "he de.il8s h+ndi$or&. They re1er "o "he9 +s so9e"hing "h+" could
de.+s"+"e "heir $orld# "heir Christian $orld.G !e p+used# "hen +dded# poin"edly# H%our $orld.G
HAnd "h+"8s $hy you $+n" "he9IG
!is s9ile bro+dened. HO1 course. %our $orld is +lre+dy cru9bling. And 9y guess is# "his
could re+lly help you +long your do$n$+rd spir+l. *o9ing on "he b+c& o1 +ll "hese pedophile
sc+nd+ls "he :+"ic+n h+s been so help1ul in suppressingI The "i9ing couldn8" be be""er.G
A n+s"y chill pric&led "he b+c& o1 her nec&# bu" she "ried no" "o sho$ i". H%ou "hin& you
c+n under9ine people8s 1+i"h "h+" e+silyIG
HAbsolu"ely#G "he Ir+ni+n shrugged. HI "hin& your people +re 9ore deeply religious "h+n
you gi.e "he9 credi" 1or. 6hich 9+&es "he9 +ll "he 9ore .ulner+ble.G
HI &no$ ho$ religious + lo" o1 us +re. I Jus" don8" "hin& +nyone re+lly c+res +bou" "he 1ine
H/+ybe no" +ll o1 "he9 . . . bu" + lo" o1 "he9 do. -nough o1 "he9 "o re+lly c+use
proble9s. And "h+"8s good enough 1or 9e. 3ec+use "h+"8s $h+" i"8s +ll +bou". Th+"8s $h+" you
people don8" unders"+nd. This b+""le# "his $+r# be"$een us . . . "his Lcl+sh o1 ci.iliD+"ions#8 +s your
people li&e "o c+ll i". I"8s + long;"er9 1igh". I"8s no" +bou" $ho8s go" "he bigges" gun. I"8s no" +bou"
l+nding one big &iller punch. I"8s +bou" +""ri"ion. I"8s +bou" &illing "he body slo$ly# $i"h lo"s o1
$ell;pl+ced J+bs. I"8s +bou" relen"lessly chipping +$+y +" "he soul o1 your ene9y $i"h e.ery
oppor"uni"y you ge". And righ" no$# your coun"ry8s in b+d sh+pe. %our econo9y8s sho". %our
en.iron9en"8s sho". No one "rus"s your poli"ici+ns or your b+n&ers. %ou8re losing e.ery $+r you
ge" in"o. %ou8re 9ore di.ided "h+n +nd you8re 9or+lly b+n&rup". %ou8re on your &nees on
e.ery 1ron". And e.ery J+b# e.ery uppercu" "h+" c+n help bring you 1ur"her do$n is $or"h
pursuing. -speci+lly $hen i" co9es "o religion# bec+use you8re +ll religious. All o1 you. No" Jus"
"he churchgoers. %ou8re e.en 9ore religious "h+n $e +re.G
HI doub" "h+"#G Tess sco11ed.
HO1 course you +re. In 9ore $+ys "h+n you re+liDe.G !e "hough" 1or + be+"# "hen s+id# HI8ll
gi.e you +n eK+9ple. 7e9e9ber "h+" e+r"hFu+&e "h+" &illed "ens o1 "hous+nds o1 people in !+i"i
recen"lyI Did you no"ice "he $+y your le+ders re+c"ed "o i"IG
Tess didn8" ge" "he connec"ion. HThey sen" 9oney +nd "roops +ndCG
H%es# o1 course "hey did#G "he Ir+ni+n in"errup"ed. H3u" so did "he res" o1 "he $orld. No#
$h+" I89 "+l&ing +bou" is ho$ your le+ders re+lly 1el" +bou" i". One o1 your 9os" popul+r
pre+chers $en" on n+"ion+l "ele.ision $hen i" hi". %ou re9e9ber "h+"I !e s+id i" h+d h+ppened
bec+use "he !+i"i+ns h+d 9+de + p+c" $i"h "he A p+c" $i"h "he he l+ughed# H"o help
"he9 ge" rid o1 "he @rench "yr+n"s $ho ruled "he9 + long "i9e +go. And "he +9+Ding "hing
is# he $+sn8" l+ughed o11 "he s"+ge. @+r 1ro9 i". !e8s s"ill hugely respec"ed in your coun"ry# e.en
"hough he Jus" s+" "here 9+&ing "he s+9e ridiculous speech pre+chers h+.e been 9+&ing 1or
hundreds o1 ye+rs# $ +n e+r"hFu+&e or so9e o"her dis+s"er s"ri&es. 3u" here8s "he p+r" I
1ind re+lly "elling. !e $+sn8" "he only one. %our o$n presiden"Cyour liber+l# 9odern#
in"ellec"u+l presiden"Che 9+&es + speech +bou" i" +nd he s+ys "h+" Lbu" 1or "he gr+ce o1 God#8 +
si9il+r e+r"hFu+&e could h+.e hi" A9eric+. Thin& +bou" i". 6h+" does "h+" 9e+n# Lbu" 1or "he
gr+ce o1 God8I Does he 9e+n God8s gr+ce is pro"ec"ing A9eric+ns +nd "h+" !is gr+ce chose
ins"e+d "o $ipe ou" "he people o1 !+i"iI !o$ di11eren" is "h+" 1ro9 $h+" "h+" pre+cher $+s
s+yingI %ou re+lly "hin& your presiden"8s +ny less religious# +ny less supers"i"ious# "h+n "h+"
HI"8s Jus" +n eKpression#G Tess coun"ered. HPeople sur.i.e so9e"hing "errible +nd "hey
"hin&# LGod $+s $+"ching 9e.8 They don8" 9e+n i" li"er+lly.G
HO1 course "hey do. Deep do$n# "hey re+lly do. They belie.e i"# your presiden" i".
%ou +ll belie.e "h+" your God is "he re+l "hing +nd "h+" by being *hris"8s chosen people# !e $ill
pro"ec" you. %ou8re +s b+c&$+rd +s $e +re#G he chor"led. H6hich is $hy +ll "his is i9por"+n" "o
9e. And i"8s $hy I $on8" gi.e up un"il $e8.e 1inished $h+" $e s"+r"ed.G
Tess 1el" her "e9ples "hrobbing. The 9+n $+s going "o gi.e up. And i1 he did#
he $+sn8" going "o le" her $+l& +$+y.
The Ir+ni+n s"+red her do$n in silence# his eyes n+rro$ing "o 1er+l sli"s. HThis is + gre+"
s"+r". %ou8.e done $ell. 3u" i"8s no" "he $hole s"ory. No$# $e &no$ *onr+d c+9e here. @ro9 "he
loo&s o1 i"# he b+""led so9e /usli9 1igh"ers. /+ybe he died here "oo. /+ybe. 6h+" $e do &no$
1or sure is "h+" $hen he +nd his 9en le1" "he 9on+s"ery o1 /oun" Arg+eus# "hey h+d "hree l+rge
"run&s $i"h "he9. Three l+rge "run&s "h+" 9us" h+.e h+d 9ore "h+n Jus" "$o boo&s in "he9.G !e
spre+d his h+nds ou" Fues"ioningly. HSo $here8s "he res" o1 i"IG
Chapter &1

/A% '3'(

They c+ugh" up $i"h "he9 l+"e "he neK" d+y. /+ysoon &ne$ ho$ "o re+d "he "err+in $ell.
I" helped "h+" she h+d gro$n up in "he region. 6h+" didn8" help $+s "h+" "here $ere siK 9en ou"
"here# 1i.e o1 "he9 .iciously 1i" +nd +ble# +nd "hey $ere escor"ing so9e"hing *onr+d $+s &een "o
ge" b+c& $i"hou" ris&ing +ny d+9+ge "o i".
Gi.en "heir dis+d.+n"+ge# "here $+s only one op"ion. An +9bush. I" h+d $or&ed 1or "he
Tur&s. I" $ould h+.e "o $or& 1or *onr+d +nd /+ysoon# i1 "hey chose "heir spo" $ell.
They h+d "o choose i" eKceedingly $ell.
They s"+l&ed M+sse9 +nd his ou"1i" 1or + 1e$ hours# "hen "r+c&ed +round "he9 shor"ly
be1ore sunse" +nd rode +he+d "o siDe up "he ground "he Tur&s $ould be co.ering "he neK" d+y.
/+ysoon "old *onr+d "hey $ould h+.e "o 9+&e "heir 9o.e "h+" 9orning. Any l+"er# +nd "he
con.oy $ould re+ch "he $ide# open pr+iries "h+" led "o Bony+. I" $ould be .ir"u+lly i9possible "o
"+&e "he9 by surprise "here. The l+ndsc+pe $+s "oo 1l+" +nd eKposed. They needed "o hi" "he9
$hile "hey $ere s"ill 9+&ing "heir $+y ou" o1 "he poc&e"s o1 "rees# "he s$ell o1 rolling# sun;b+&ed
hills +nd .+lleys.
The proble9 $+s# e.en "here# "here $eren8" +ny gre+" spo"s "o choose 1ro9. None +" +ll.
The l+ndsc+pe $+s s"ill "oo open "o presen" +ny pro9ising +9bush poin"s. There $eren8" +ny
n+"ur+l 1e+"ures "h+" "hey could use. @ur"her9ore# bec+use "he +re+ didn8" h+.e +ny n+rro$ "r+ils#
bridges# or crossings "h+" "he Tur&s $ould h+.e no choice bu" "o "+&e# /+ysoon couldn8" e.en be
+bsolu"ely cer"+in o1 $hich rou"e "hey $ould 1ollo$. 6hich 9e+n" "h+" e.en "he 9os" cunning
+9bush could end up going "o $+s"e# $i"h "he in"ended .ic"i9s no" sho$ing up.
They only h+d one choice. To hi" "he Tur&s during "he nigh"# $here "hey $ere c+9ped
ou". 6hich $+sn8" + b+d op"ion# necess+rily. They Jus" needed "o pl+n i" righ".
-Kceedingly righ".
One +nd + h+l1 .ersus siK.
I" "oo& + $hile "o 1ind "he9. The Tur&s $ere c+9ped ou" in + sloping "hic&e" o1 "rees# by
"he b+se o1 + $inding .+lley. *onr+d +nd /+ysoon le1" "heir horses behind +nd cr+$led "o $i"hin
"$en"y y+rds o1 "he9# guided by "he +9ber 1lic&er o1 + s9+ll c+9p1ire "he Tur&s h+d going +nd
+ssis"ed by "he glo$ o1 + brigh" gibbous 9oon. They "r+c&ed +round "heir peri9e"er +nd no"ed "he
rel+"i.e posi"ions o1 $h+" "hey s+$? "he horses# eigh" o1 "he9# "ied "o so9e "rees o11 by "he lo$er
end o1 "he slope2 one 9+n# se+"ed cross;legged $i"h his b+c& "o + "ree "run&# $+"ching "he
+ni9+ls2 "he $+gon# i"s "$o horses s"ill h+rnessed "o i"# "he "ell"+le silhoue""e o1 "he "run&s .isible
under + c+n.+s co.er2 "he 9en# +sleep +round "he 1ire2 +no"her gu+rd# on "he opposi"e side o1 "he
s9+ll c+9psi"e# one "hey $ould h+.e 9issed i1 i" h+dn8" been 1or + 1or"ui"ous ch+nge o1 posi"ion
he 9+de "h+" "riggered + s9+ll rus"le.
*onr+d nodded "o /+ysoon. !e8d seen +ll he needed.
They cr+$led b+c& "o s+1e"y# +nd *onr+d eKpl+ined his pl+n "o her. They h+d + lo" o1
prep+ring "o do# +nd "here $+sn8" 9uch "i9e "o do i". *onr+d $+n"ed "o hi" "he Tur&s Jus" be1ore
1irs" ligh"# $hen "he 9en $ould be 9os" $e+ry.
3y "he 1irs" hin"s o1 d+$n# "hey $ere re+dy.
A1"er hiding "heir horses $ell ou" o1 .ie$ 1ro9 "he c+9psi"e# *onr+d +nd /+ysoon 9+de
"heir $+y b+c& "hrough "he "rees +nd "he bushes# c+rrying "he bundles o1 dried br+nches +nd rope
"h+" "hey8d cr+1"ed# sn+&ing "heir $+y "o "heir s"+ging poin" o.erloo&ing "he Tur&s8 9oun"s. They
crouched lo$ +nd $+"ched. The 9+n gu+rding "he horses $+s s"ill $here "hey8d le1" hi9. !e $+s
+lso s"ill +$+&e. No" ide+l# bu" no" + dis+s"er. *onr+d h+d pl+ns 1or hi9 +ny$+y. Pl+ns "h+"
in.ol.ed sne+&ing up on hi9 +nd s"u11ing his 1ore+r9 +g+ins" "he 9+n8s 9ou"h $hile sli""ing his
"hro+" $i"h /+ysoon8s d+gger.
Pl+ns "h+" $en" "hrough $i"hou" + hi"ch.
!e g+.e /+ysoon + lo$ H+ll;cle+rG $his"le# +nd she Joined hi9 by "he horses.
They $or&ed Fuic&ly +nd Fuie"ly# "ying one bundle securely "o e+ch horse.
*onr+d gl+nced in "he direc"ion o1 "he $+gon. I" $+s +bou" 1or"y y+rds +$+y# "hough
/+ysoon $ould h+.e "o "+&e + longer# +rced "r+Jec"ory "o re+ch i" $hile s"eering cle+r o1 her
1+"her +nd his 9en.
*onr+d nodded "o her. She re+ched in"o + le+"her pouch she h+d s"r+pped her
shoulder +nd pulled ou" "he "ools she no$ needed? + 1ire;s"eel# + *;sh+ped piece o1 h+rd s"eel
$i"h + s"r+igh"# sh+rp 9idsec"ion2 + long# n+rro$ s"ri&ing s"one "h+" h+d + pro9inen" groo.e
do$n i"s cen"er2 + s9+ll# egg;siDed b+ll o1 dry gr+ss2 +nd + p+"ch o1 ch+r clo"h 9+de o1 dried
"ouch$ood 1ungus "h+" h+d been so+&ed +nd boiled in urine.
She crouched lo$# "urning her b+c& "o "he clus"er o1 sleeping 9en +" "he cen"er o1 "he
c+9psi"e# +nd spre+d her "unic $ide "o shield her h+nds 1ro9 +ny $isp o1 $ind. She "hen s"+r"ed
be+"ing "he 1ire;s"eel +g+ins" "he 1l+" piece o1 1lin"# using shor"# choppy s"ro&es# holding "he
"ouch$ood "igh"ly c+n"ile.ered "he edge o1 "he s"ri&ing s"one. I" didn8" "+&e long 1or + sp+r&
"o 1ly up on"o "he ch+r clo"h# +nd + s9+ll p+"ch o1 red e9ber li" up $i"hin i". 6i"h +n eKper" "ouch#
/+ysoon "hen "il"ed "he ch+r in"o "he nes" o1 dry gr+ss +nd s"+r"ed blo$ing on i"# so1"ly. A
9o9en" l+"er# 1l+9es lic&ed ou" o1 "he "inder. She "hen slid i" under + 9ound o1 &indling "h+"#
+l9os" ins"+n"ly# c+ugh" 1ire.
The dry gr+ss +nd br+nches cr+c&led in "he nigh".
They no$ h+d "o 9o.e 1+s".
HGo#G he $hispered. HI8ll be close behind.G
H%ou8d be""er be#G she $hispered b+c&. She pl+n"ed + Fuic&# h+rd &iss on his lips# "hen
slipped +$+y.
!e $+i"ed un"il she $+s +bou" h+l1$+y "o "he $+gon# "hen he e+sed +cross "o "he horses
+nd un"ied "he9# Fuie"ly# one +1"er +no"her# +ll bu" "he one "h+" he +nd /+ysoon h+dn8" lu9bered
$i"h + speci+l "re+". !e $+i"ed un"il he s+$ /+ysoon8s silhoue""e cli9b on"o "he $+gon8s bench#
"hen he pulled + clus"er o1 br+nches ou" o1 "he &indling +nd# d+r"ing 1ro9 one horse "o "he neK"#
he li" up "he bundles he +nd /+ysoon h+d "ied "o "heir s+ddles. One +1"er +no"her# "hey burs" in"o
1l+9e# c+using "he horses "o p+nic +nd re+r up $hile $hinnying 1iercely# $i"h *onr+d sl+pping
"heir ru9ps +nd yelling 9+nic+lly "o se" "he9 o11 e.en 9ore.
The nigh" burs" "o li1e.
The horses ch+rged o11 "hrough "he "rees# g+lloping 1uriously# dr+gging "he bundles o1
1l+9ing br+nches close behind "he9 li&e 1iery *hris"9+s "ree b+ubles# $i"h 1l+9es lic&ing +" "heir
"+ils +nd "heir bu""oc&s. T$o o"her burs"s o1 +c"i.i"y sn+gged *onr+d8s +""en"ion. Through "he
"rees# he gli9psed "he $+gon lurch 1or$+rd +nd "hunder +$+y 1ro9 "he c+9psi"e# $i"h /+ysoon
+" "he reins +nd cr+c&ing + $hip# $hile by "he cen"r+l bon1ire# "he Tur&s $ere on "heir 1ee"
+nd scurrying +round in +pp+ren" con1usion.
/+nic shou"s +nd p+nic&ed neighs echoed +round hi9 +s "he b+lls o1 1l+9e dis+ppe+red
in"o "he 1ores". I" $+s "i9e 1or hi9 "o ge" ou" o1 "here. !e sprin"ed b+c& "o "he horse he8d le1"
"e"hered "o i"s "ree# "he one he $ould ride ou" o1 "here. !e $+s "en 1ee" 1ro9 i" $hen + 9+n spr+ng
in"o his $+y# bloc&ing hi9. I" $+s one o1 "he "r+der8s hired h+nds. The 9+n dre$ + big sci9i"+r.
*onr+d didn8" e.en 1linch. 6i"hou" slo$ing do$n# he 1eigned + le1" +nd duc&ed righ" ins"e+d#
+.oiding "he $ild s$ing o1 "he 9+n8s bl+de +nd plunging /+ysoon8s d+gger deep in"o his rib
c+ge. !e only s"opped long enough "o y+n& i" ou" o1 hi9 +nd gr+b "he 9+n8s sci9i"+r# "hen he
bol"ed 1or "he horse# le+p" on"o i"# +nd spurred i" "hrough "he "rees# ho" on "he "r+il o1 /+ysoon
+nd "he $+gon.

/A%SOON *!A7G-D T!7OUG! T!- :A44-% $i"hou" loo&ing b+c&# her sole
1ocus being $r+ngling 9ore speed ou" o1 "he "$o horses "h+" $ere pulling her +nd her he+.ily
l+den $+gon.
-.ery bone in her body $+s r+""ling# e.ery .ein "hrobbing# +s "he open $+gon bounced
+cross "he rugged "r+il. She needed "o pu" +s 9uch dis"+nce +s possible be"$een hersel1 +nd her
1+"her8s ou"1i". They8d be co9ing +1"er her# o1 "h+" she h+d no doub"# e.en "hough "here $+s no
re+son 1or "he9 "o &no$ $ho she re+lly $+s. They8d h+.e + h+rd "i9e ge""ing "heir horses b+c&#
bu" +" so9e poin"# "hey $ould. The 1l+9ing b+lls o1 br+nches "he horses $ere dr+gging $ould die
ou"# +nd "hey $ould s"op running. They 9igh" e.en see& ou" "heir o$ners " She
needed "o gi.e hersel1 +s big + bu11er +s possible +nd &ep" on $hipping her horses. She &ne$
*onr+d $ould be 1+s"er "h+n her. !e8d e.en"u+lly c+"ch up $i"h her. Once he didC+ssu9ing he
didC"hey8d .eer o11 on"o + sou"herly he+ding# "o$+rd *hris"i+n l+nd# $hile "+&ing "he "i9e "o "heir "r+c&s.
So 1+r# so good.
Un"il + p+ir o1 1leshy h+nds gr+bbed her 1ro9 behind +nd pulled her o11 her se+".
In "he di9 pred+$n ligh" +nd $i"h "he 1rene"ic# J+rring p+ce o1 "he $+gon# i" "oo& +
9o9en" 1or /+ysoon "o regis"er $ho her +ggressor $+s# "hen her long h+ir ble$ o11 her 1+ce +nd
+ he+r";s"opping re+liD+"ion s"ruc& "he9 bo"h.
I" $+s her 1+"her.
!e8d been +sleep in "he b+c& o1 "he $+gon bed# behind "he "run&s. And righ" no$# he
loo&ed e.en 9ore s"+r"led "h+n she $+s.
H%ou h+rlo"#G he r+sped +s he "igh"ened his grip +round her nec&# pressing her do$n
+g+ins" "he "run&s. H%ou "r+i"orous h+rlo". %ou s"e+l 1ro9 you o$n 1+"herIG
!e $+sn8" re+lly her 9uch o1 + ch+nce "o +ns$er hi9. She could b+rely bre+"he.
She "ried pushing his +r9s o11# bu" he Jus" s$+""ed her h+nds +$+y +nd g+.e her + bru"+l sl+p#
be1ore digging his 1ingers b+c& in"o her nec& +nd cho&ing her +g+in.
H%ou "ry "o s"e+l 1ro9 your 1+"herIG he blur"ed +g+in# in + 9+d r+ge. H@ro9 9eIG
/+ysoon $+s g+sping 1or bre+"h. The horses $ere s"ill ch+rging +he+d +" 1ull s"re"ch#
1ollo$ing "he n+"ur+l bends in "he .+lley# +nd "he old $+gon $+s c+reening ou" o1 con"rol# Jer&ing
+nd sh+&ing .iolen"ly under her +s i"s "hin# $ooden $heels bounced +nd 1le$ "he rough
"err+in. She 1el" her eyelids droop# 1el" hersel1 bl+c&ing ou"# 1el" "he $orld closing in +round her
+nd "he d+r&ness s$+llo$ing her up. Then one o1 "he $heels 9us" h+.e hi" + big roc&# +s "he
$hole $+gon bounced .iolen"ly +nd s$er.ed le1" +nd righ"# c+reening ou" o1 con"rol be1ore
so9eho$ s"r+igh"ening up +nd resu9ing i"s 1r+n"ic ch+rge. The Jol" h+d &noc&ed "he "r+der o11
her# "ossing hi9 "o one side# his h+nds co9ing o11 her nec& +nd 1reeing up her $indpipe. She
he+.ed in so9e deep# desper+"e gulps +nd pushed hersel1 +$+y 1ro9 hi9# "hen spun +round "o
1+ce hi9# her b+c& "urned "o "he horses.
/eh9e" righ"ed hi9sel1# &eeping one h+nd on "he b+c& o1 "he bench 1or b+l+nce. HI don8"
&no$ ho$ you "hough" you $ould ge" +$+y $i"h "his#G he b+r&ed +s he re+ched under his s+sh
$i"h his o"her h+nd +nd pulled ou" + cur.ed d+gger. !e held i" up "o her# i"s bl+de horiDon"+l +nd
le.el $i"h her eyes. H3u" I8ll 9+&e sure you "hin& "h+" $+y +g+in.G
!e lunged +" her# s$inging $ildly# his 1+ce 9+ngled under + 1urious sco$l. /+ysoon
d+r"ed b+c& $i"h e+ch s"ro&e# duc&ing +nd bending +nd Jus" 9+n+ging "o +.oid "he bl+de8s p+"h.
Then he suc&ered her $i"h +no"her s$ing +nd 1ollo$ed i" $i"h + punch "h+" c+ugh" her on "he e+r
+nd sen" her cr+shing b+c& do$n on"o "he c+n.+s.

T!- T7AD-7 S*U77I-D ON TOP o1 her +g+in# pinning her do$n on "op o1 "he
c+n.+s "h+" co.ered "he "run&s. !e h+d one h+nd cl+sped +round her "hro+"# cho&ing "he li1e ou"
o1 her# $hile "he o"her h+nd held "he d+gger righ" up +g+ins" her chee&.
HSh+9e. Such + pre""y girl#G he grun"ed +s he "igh"ened his grip on her nec&C+nd Jus"
"hen# he s+$ her eyes 1l+re b+c& "o li1e +nd $iden in shoc& +s "hey "oo& in so9e"hing behind hi9.
!e8d been so c+ugh" up in "he 9o9en" "h+" i" $+s only "hen "h+" he bec+9e +$+re o1 "he loud
cl+""er o1 + horse "h+" $+s g+lloping righ" +longside "he $+gon. !e "$is"ed +round in + curious
d+De# +nd "he sigh" "h+" gree"ed hi9 "hre$ e.ery 9uscle o1 his in"o + p+nic&ed loc&? *onr+d#
+li.e +nd unsc+"hed# on horseb+c&# s"+ring righ" +" hi9. !e held "he reins in his 9ou"h# bi"ing
do$n on "he9 "hrough clenched "ee"h# $hich only +dded "o "he de9onic glin" in his eyes.
/eh9e" 1lic&ed + gl+nce le1" "o see $hy "h+" $+s# bu" his br+in h+d +lre+dy +n"icip+"ed $h+" "hey
$ould 1ind? + sci9i"+r# s$ooping do$n in + big +rc# i"s bl+de slicing "hrough "he bulbous 1lesh o1
his nec&.
The "r+der8s 1+ce "$is"ed $i"h shoc& +s he dropped "he d+gger +nd gr+bbed +" his nec&.
3lood $+s gushing ou" o1 hi9# his he+r" s"ill pu9ping +$+y $i"h +b+ndon# 1looding his h+nds.
!e held "he9 up "o his 1+ce +nd s"+red +" "he9 in disbelie1 1or + 9o9en"# "hen so9e"hing J+rred
"he $+gon +g+in# + di"ch or +no"her obs"+cle "h+" "he $heels plo$ed in"o +" 1ull "il".
The $+gon bounced $ildly# bending +nd pi"ching he+.ily "o one side# +nd in his
$e+&ened s"+"e# "he "r+der los" his b+l+nce +nd 1le$ "he side.

/A%SOON S!7I-B-D AS T!- 6AGON buc&ed o11 "he ground +nd c+9e b+c& do$n
$i"h + he+.y "hud. She couldn8" see $h+" i" h+d hi"# bu" $h+" i" $+s# i" 9us" h+.e done so9e
serious d+9+ge# +s "he $+gon8s ride h+d ch+nged dr+9+"ic+lly. So9e"hing 9us" h+.e h+ppened
"o i"s +Kles or "o i"s $heels# +s i" $+s no$ $obbling +nd Juddering +ll "he pl+ce.
*onr+d $+s s"ill +" 1ull g+llop# only he8d .eered +$+y sligh"ly "o +.oid "he run+$+y
$+gon +nd $+s no$ 1ee" o11# "hough s"ill +longside i". She s+$ hi9 eyeing i"s $heels#
"hen he loo&ed up +nd c+ugh" her eye.
HThe hub8s co9e o11#G he shou"ed. HThe $heel8s cr+c&ed# i"8s going "o co9e o11 +ny
second no$. *+n you gr+b "he reinsIG !e $+s ges"uring 1r+n"ic+lly $i"h his b+re 1ore+r9#
indic+"ing "he horses. H%ou need "o s"op "hoses horses.G
/+ysoon nodded +nd cl+9bered "he "run&s +nd on"o "he bench. She loo&ed 1or "he
reins# "hen s+$ "he9 dr+gging on "he ground# under "he drop "ongue# be"$een "he "$o horses.
She "urned "o *onr+d +nd $+.ed neg+"i.ely. HI c+n8" ge" "o "he9#G she yelled b+c&.
3e1ore she could s+y +no"her $ord# "he $+gon dropped 1ro9 under her +s one o1 "he
$heels# "he 1ron" le1" one# c+9e o11. She hung on +s "he $+gon lurched "o one side "hen .eered
.iolen"ly. *rossb+rs sn+pped +nd pins popped +s "he ric&e"y con.ey+nce 1lipped up +nd "oppled 1linging /+ysoon i"s edge. She hung on +s i""urned# "hen she 1ound hersel1 1lying
o11 +s i" cr+shed on"o i"s side +nd plo$ed "hrough "he p+rched ground be1ore "he drop "ongue
she+red o11 under "he "ug o1 "he horses. The $+gon lurched "o + s"op +s "he horses ch+rged +$+y#
relishing "heir rele+se.
/+ysoon hi" "he ground h+rd# rolling "i9es be1ore 1in+lly co9ing "o res" on
her b+c&. Through groggy eyes# she s+$ *onr+d +ppe+r beside her# le+p o11 his horse# +nd hurry
"o her side.
H/+ysoon#G he yelled +s he slid "o his &nees beside her. HAre you +ll righ"IG
She $+sn8" sure. She s"+yed do$n 1or + 9o9en"# he+.y;he+ded# her body r+c&ed by +ches
+nd bruises# her bre+"hing r+gged# "hen "ried si""ing up# bu" her h+nd g+.e $+y under her +nd she
"oppled b+c&.
H/y $ris"#G she gro+ned. HI "hin& i"8s bro&en.G
*onr+d helped her si" up +nd held her h+nd gen"ly. Trying "o 9o.e i" sho" + bol" o1 p+in
up her +r9. I" $+s b+dly spr+ined or bro&en# bu" ei"her $+y# i" $+s ou" o1 +c"ion.
She held i" up "o hi9 $i"h + bi""ers$ee" s9ile. HNo$ $e8re "$o she s+id.
!e "oo& her h+nd# &issed i" so1"ly# "hen le+ned in +nd g+.e her + long# in"ense &iss.
!e helped her "o her 1ee". The .+lley $+s Fuie" +nd s"ill. There $+s no breeDe# no
9o.e9en" +ny$here. The sun $+s Jus" creeping "he edge o1 + s"eep# b+re slope "o "heir
righ". I" $ould soon ge" 9uch $+r9er.
The $+gon l+y + 1e$ y+rds +$+y# on i"s side# bro&en up# + "r+il o1 $ooden debris behind
i". The "run&s h+d 1+llen ou" +nd $ere sc+""ered +round i". They $+l&ed "o sur.ey "he
d+9+ge. T$o o1 "he "run&s $ere in"+c"# bu" "he "hird h+d spli" open during i"s 1+ll +nd i"s con"en"s
$ere spe$ed +round i".
The horses $ere no$here in sigh".
H6e need "o ge" "hose horses b+c&#G she s+id.
HThey8re long gone#G *onr+d replied# do$nc+s". HNo re+son 1or "he9 "o co9e b+c&.G
/+ysoon $+s +bou" "o +ns$er $hen she spo""ed so9e"hing behind hi9# +bou" + hundred
y+rds +$+y. A hu9+n;sh+ped lu9p. She 1ro$ned +nd nodded i" "o *onr+d. !e "urned +nd s+$ i"
They $+l&ed "o$+rd i" "oge"her. I" $+s "he "r+der8s corpse# "$is"ed +round +nd co.ered in
dus". They re+ched i" +nd s"ood "here# $i"h /+ysoon Jus" s"+ring +" her de+d 1+"her in silence.
A1"er + long 9o9en"# she he+.ed ou" + long sigh +nd s+id# HI"8s 9y "urn "o +s& you "o help 9e
bury so9eone.G
*onr+d pu" his +r9 +round her. HO1 course.G
!e used his sci9i"+r "o dig in"o "he p+rched soil. /+ysoon helped hi9 $i"h her one good
h+nd. !e didn8" s+y +ny"hing +" 1irs". She see9ed "o need "o be le1" "o her "hough"s.
A1"er + $hile# he s+id# H-+rlier# $hen I +s&ed you +bou" $hy you $ere doing "his. %ou
s+id i1 I &ne$ you be""er# I8d unders"+nd. 6h+" did you 9e+nIG
She $+s s"ill 1or + 9o9en". H/y 1+"her# 9y bro"her . . . "hings $eren8" +l$+ys li&e "his.
6hen I $+s + child# in Bony+# $e h+d + good li1e. /y p+ren"s $ere good Su1is. /y 9o"her
especi+lly. She 1illed our ho9e $i"h c+ring +nd lo.e. And I "hin& 9y 1+"her $+s di11eren" b+c&
"hen "oo. I s"ill h+.e 9e9ories o1 "he9# "oge"her. 3u" +1"er she 1ell ill +nd died . . . e.ery"hing
ch+nged. 6e le1" Bony+. 6e "r+.eled +round. /y 1+"her bec+9e 9ore bi""er +nd n+s"ier by "he
d+y. /y bro"her 1ell under "he spell o1 "he Gh+Dis. !e8s been $+n"ing "o Join "he9# you &no$.
The ide+ o1 spre+ding "he 1+i"h by "he 9igh" o1 "he bl+de holds gre+" +ppe+l "o hi9. And 9y
1+"her $+s + 9+n. !e could see "he $+y "he $ind $+s "urning. !e &ne$ "hey8d end up
conFuering +ll "hese l+nds# +nd he $+n"ed "o 9+&e sure he $+s on "he $inners8 side.G
HAnd you dis+greed $i"h "he9IG
H%ou don8" &no$ +bou" 7u9i. %ou don8" &no$ $h+" i" 9e+ns "o be + Su1i. And 1or "he9
"o "urn "heir b+c&s on so9e"hing so noble# so subli9e . . . I couldn8" Jus" si" b+c& +nd $+"ch "he9
"urn in"o "hese 9ons"ers.G
*onr+d nodded. HThey didn8" "+&e "h+" $ell# did "heyIG
She shoo& her he+d# her 1+ce 1looded $i"h s+dness. HNo. No" +" +ll.G
H6hy didn8" you le+.eI 7un +$+y# 9+ybe go b+c& "o Bony+IG
H%ou don8" "hin& I "riedIG
!e re9e9bered "he bruises +nd nodded# "hen re+ched ou" +nd g+.e her 1+ce + gen"le
c+rress. HI89 sorry i" h+d "o co9e "o "his.G
She shu" her eyes +nd le+ned in"o his h+nd# enJoying i" 1or + 9o9en". Then she &issed i"
+nd pushed i" gen"ly +$+y. H*o9e on. 6e h+.e $or& "o do.G
I" $+sn8" "he deepes" o1 bu" i" $ould h+.e "o do. And /+ysoon $+s righ". They
s"ill h+d + lo" "o do.
They h+d "o de+l $i"h "he "run&s +nd "heir con"en"s.
They couldn8" "+&e "he9 $i"h "he9. All "hey h+d $+s one horse# "he one *onr+d h+d
ridden in on. They couldn8" Jus" le+.e "he9 "here ei"her. And $h+" "hey $ere going "o do#
"hey h+d "o do i" 1+s". A" so9e poin"# her bro"her +nd his ou"1i" $ould "heir horses. They8d
ride up "he .+lley +nd 1ind "he9.
Ti9e $+s running ou".
Then *onr+d s+$ so9e"hing. In "he s"eep hill "h+" rose up 1ro9 "he .+lley# no$ 9ore
no"ice+ble under "he high sun.
I"s 1+ce $+s poc&9+r&ed $i"h bl+c& holes.
!undreds o1 "he9.
They $ould h+.e "o do.
I" "oo& hours# bu" "hey 9+n+ged i". *onr+d cu" up siK;1oo";sFu+re sec"ions o1 "he
c+n.+s "hen used "he9 +s 9+&eshi1" $r+ps "o 1erry lo+ds o1 "he "run&s8 con"en"s "h+" $ere
ligh" enough 1or hi9 "o c+rry. /+ysoon helped hi9 di.ide "he con"en"s up in"o 9+n+ge+ble lo+ds.
!e chose one o1 "he upper one "h+" $+s big enough "o cr+$l "hrough co91or"+bly +nd
"uc&ed ou" o1 .ie$# +nd slung "he p+c&s his shoulder +nd h+uled "he9 up "o i"# one by one. I"
"oo& +l9os" nine "rips# bu" by "he end o1 i"# "he en"ire con"en"s o1 "he ches"s $ere s+1ely nes"led in
"he c+.e# $r+pped in + pro"ec"i.e l+yer o1 c+n.+s# ou" o1 .ie$.
*onr+d $+sn8" co91or"+ble +bou" "he $+gon behind. I1 +nd $hen /+ysoon8s
bro"her +nd his 9en c+9e +cross i"# "hey 9igh" suspec" "h+" "he consign9en" i" held $+s s"ill
+round so9e$here. On "he o"her h+nd# "he Tur&s h+d no $+y o1 &no$ing $ho h+d +""+c&ed "he9#
or ho$ 9+ny "hey $ere. I" h+d been d+r&# +nd no one h+d seen hi9 or /+ysoon close enough "o
be +ble "o iden"i1y "he9. Pro.ided "he "run&s $ere gone# *onr+d 1el" "here $+s + s"rong ch+nce
"h+" "he Tur&s $ould "hin& $ h+d +""+c&ed "he9 h+d brough" +long enough horses "o c+rry
"he9 o11.
As long +s he go" rid o1 "he "run&s.
6hich he did# using his sci9i"+r "o pry "he lids o11 "he "$o "h+" $eren8" bro&en# "hen
lugging +ll "hree o1 "he9 up in pieces# "o + di11eren" c+.e. Once he8d done "h+"# he used so9e
dried bushes "o s$eep +$+y his "r+c&s 1ro9 bo"h
They could 1in+lly 9+&e + 9o.e.
H6ill you re9e9ber ho$ "o ge" us b+c& hereIG he +s&ed her.
/+ysoon sur.eyed "he .+lley# "+&ing no"e o1 +ny l+nd9+r&s "h+" $ould help her iden"i1y
i" +g+in. !er eyes se""led on "he dis"+n" 9ound "h+" $+s her 1+"her8s gr+.e. HDon8" $orry#G she
s+id. HI $on8" 1orge" "his pl+ce. No" soon enough.G
!e helped her on"o his horse# "hen cli9bed up behind her.
H6hich $+yIG he +s&ed.
They needed "o 1ind 1ood# shel"er# +nd horses# c+9els# or 9ules# +ny &ind o1 "r+nspor" "h+"
$ould +llo$ "he9 "o "he "ro.e +nd co9ple"e "heir in"ended Journey. A Journey "h+"# gi.en
"he de+"hs o1 !ec"or +nd /iguel# no$ see9ed Fues"ion+ble.
She nodded +he+d +nd s+id# HNor"h. There +re *hris"i+n co99uni"ies "here# s9+ll .ill+ges
+nd 9on+s"eries buil" in"o cli11s. They8ll "+&e us in.G
*onr+d g+.e her + doub"1ul loo&.
HThey don8" need "o &no$ $h+" you Jus" hid in "hose she "old hi9.
!e shrugged. She $+s righ".
!e spurred his 9oun" 1or$+rd.
They "ro""ed +$+y# behind her 1+"her8s gr+.e# behind "he "ro.e "h+" so
9+ny h+d died 1or# uncer"+in +bou" $h+" "o do $i"h i" 1ro9 here on.
Chapter &2

Reilly +d.+nced c+u"iously +cross "he c+nyon# hugging "he sh+do$s. !e8d spo""ed "he
dus"y *hero&ee p+r&ed in + s9+ll cle+ring by "he side o1 "he ro+d# si""ing sligh"ly +p+r" 1ro9 +
h+nd1ul o1 o"her c+rs. A rus"ing sign in "hree l+ngu+ges h+d "old hi9 i" $+s + s"+ging poin" 1or
hi&ers se""ing o11 "o eKplore "he <el.e c+nyons +nd h+d se" his Spidey;sense "ingling.
!is eyes s"r+ined +s "hey 9oni"ored "he surre+l l+ndsc+pe +round hi9. There $+s "oo
9uch 1or "he9 "o "+&e inCunusu+l sh+pes c+s"ing unusu+l sh+do$s# sh+pes his eyes $eren8"
+ccus"o9ed "o# "he en"ire "+rge" +re+ riddled $i"h o9inous d+r& openings "h+" 1el" li&e + "hous+nd
eyes "r+c&ing his e.ery 9o.e. !e 1el" li&e he8d been suc&ed in"o + D+li p+in"ing or "elepor"ed in"o
+n episode o1 'tar Trek# +nd i" $+s i9possible "o &eep i" +ll under $+"ch. S"ill# he concen"r+"ed on
"he bigger pic"ure# 9+&ing sure his peripher+l .ision $+s on high +ler" 1or +ny sign o1 9o.e9en".
!e n+.ig+"ed his $+y "hrough + clus"er o1 1+iry chi9neys +nd re+ched + 1ield o1 9+ssi.e
roc& cones "h+" nes"led +" "he b+se o1 + "+ll cli11. S9+ll $indo$s pee&ed ou" o1 e.ery one o1 "he9#
.es"iges o1 + long;gone co99uni"y "h+" h+d li.ed $i"hin. The cli11 b+n&ed "o "he righ"#
dis+ppe+ring ou" o1 .ie$ behind + "hic&e" o1 +l9ond "rees. The $hole .+lley $+s eerily Fuie"
no$# +dding "o "he sense o1 une+se "h+" 7eilly 1el" $i"h e+ch ne$ s"ep "hrough "he ghos" "o$n.
!e $+s +bou" "o cle+r "he l+s" o1 "he roc& cones $hen he gli9psed 9o.e9en" beyond "he
"rees. !e Fuic&ly duc&ed ou" o1 .ie$ in"o "he door$+y o1 "he ne+res" house. !e cr+ned his he+d
ou" c+re1ully $hile re+ching in"o his p+c& 1or his $e+ponC+nd "hey +ppe+red. The 9+n he didn8"
&no$# 1ollo$ed by Tess# "hen his Fu+rry.
6+l&ing his $+y.
Un+$+re o1 his presence.
6i"hou" "+&ing his eyes o11 "he +ppro+ching 1igures# 7eilly 9u11led "he gun be"$een his
"high +nd "he roc& 1+ce +nd ch+9bered + round# "hen brough" "he $e+pon up. I1 "hey $ere
9+&ing "heir $+y b+c& "o "he >eep# "hey $ould go p+s" hi9. 6hich $ould gi.e hi9 +n
oppor"uni"y "o 1inish i"C1or good.
!e $+"ched +s "hey rounded "he cones# dis+ppe+ring 9o9en"+rily behind one o1 "he9
be1ore re+ppe+ring in + g+p be"$een "$o o"hers. !e crep" c+re1ully 1ro9 one cone "o +no"her#
&eeping Tess +nd "he o"hers in .ie$# inching closer# his gun re+dy in + "igh"# "$o;1is"ed grip# un"il
he $+s +bou" "hir"y y+rds 1ro9 "he9 +nd h+d + be+d on "he Ir+ni+n8s b+c&.
!e deb+"ed pulling "he "rigger righ" "here. Thir"y y+rds# unobs"ruc"ed .ie$Che $ouldn8"
h+.e "oo 9uch "rouble dropping "he b+s"+rd "here +nd "hen. !e s"r+igh"ened his +r9s +nd "oo&
+i9# "r+c&ing his "+rge" $i"h "he sigh" on "he +u"o9+"ic8s b+rrel. !is ches" cons"ric"ed +s he
"igh"ened his 1inger +round "he "rigger. One pull $+s +ll i" $ould "+&e. One pull +nd "he
9o"her1uc&er $ould be gone.
And none o1 "he Fues"ions $ould be +ns$ered.
No" $ho he re+lly $+s. 6ho he $+s $or&ing 1or. 6h+" else he h+d done. 6h+" else he
$+s pl+nning.
The +ns$ers $ould die $i"h hi9.
7eilly ground his "ee"h# h+rd. 6+n"ing "o pull "h+" "rigger. 6+n"ing i" b+d. 3u" un+ble "o
1ollo$ "hrough. And in "h+" 9o9en" o1 indecision# in "hose 1lee"ing 1e$ seconds# "he oppor"uni"y
.+nished. The +ngle o1 "he p+"h 9e+n" "h+" "he Ir+ni+n $+s no$ posi"ioned direc"ly be"$een
7eilly +nd Tess# +nd + bulle" 1ro9 7eilly8s gun ris&ed going "hrough hi9 +nd hi""ing Tess. !e h+d
"o 1ind + cle+r sho" +g+in +nd "hough" o1 going 1or + "high sho" "o +" le+s" cripple hi9C
Then he decided he $+n"ed hi9 +li.e +nd spr+ng ou" 1ro9 his
HTess# 9o.e +$+y#G he yelled# his he+r" &ic&ing +" his rib c+ge. !e $+s s"epping side$+ys
"o 1ind + cle+r +ngle +" "he Ir+ni+n +nd &eep hi9 o11 b+l+nce $hile $ Tess "o one side be1ore
J+bbing + 1inger s"r+igh" +" "he Ir+ni+n. H%ou# ge" your h+nds up $here I c+n see "he9. Do i".G
They +ll spun +round in surprise. 7eilly 1lic&ed + Fuic& gl+nce +" Tess +nd regis"ered "he
relie1 1looding her 1+ce# bu" he couldn8" +11ord +ny 9ore "h+n "h+" +nd y+n&ed his eyes b+c& on"o
his "+rge".
The Ir+ni+n h+d spre+d his +r9s ou" sligh"ly# lo$# le.el $i"h his $+is". !e h+d his g+De
loc&ed on 7eilly +nd $+s inching side$+ys "oo# cle+rly "hin&ing "he s+9e "hing +s 7eilly +nd
"rying "o &eep Tess in + .ulner+ble pl+ce 1or + "hrough;sho".
7eilly s"ruc& ou" +n open p+l9 +" hi9. HS"op righ" "here +nd ge" your h+nds +ll "he $+y
up. Do i"#G he gro$led. HTess# ge" "he hell +$+y 1ro9 hi9CG
And in "h+" ins"+n"# e.ery"hing $en" $rong.
The Ir+ni+n lunged +" Tess# "oo 1+s" +nd "oo close "o her 1or 7eilly "o ris& "+&ing + sho"#
gr+bbing her +nd 1linging her in 1ron" o1 hi9 "o shield hi9sel1. !e h+d his righ" +r9 "igh"ly
cl+sped +round her nec&# "hen he 9o.ed his le1" h+nd ou"# Jus" enough "o gi.e 7eilly + cle+r .ie$
o1 i". !e $+s holding + phone in i".
HShe8s $e+ring + bo9b#G he shou"ed b+c&. !is righ" h+nd $en" do$n her 1ron" +nd
y+n&ed her shir" up "o re.e+l "he c+n.+s bel" +round her $+is". HI8ll blo$ her gu"s +ll "his
1uc&ing c+nyon i1 you don8" drop your $e+pon righ" no$.G
3lood 1lushed in"o 7eilly8s "e9ples. H%ou8ll "+&e yoursel1 ou" "oo i1 you do "h+"#G he
blur"ed# "he re+liD+"ion "h+" he $+s pl+ying + losing h+nd 1l+ring "hrough hi9.
The Ir+ni+n grinned. H%ou "hin& + good /usli9 li&e 9e $ould h+.e + proble9 dying 1or
his c+useIG !is 1+ce "igh"ened. HPu" "he 1uc&ing gun do$n or she dies#G he b+r&ed.
7eilly 1el" his 1ee" ri.e"ed "o "he ground# his +r9 9uscles "+u" "o "heir "e+ring poin". !e
h+d no choice. !e suc&ed in + deep# slo$ bre+"h +nd ro"+"ed "he gun side$+ys +nd up# on displ+y
"o "he Ir+ni+n# his o"her p+l9 open in + c+l9ing ges"ure.
HPu" "he s+1e"y on +nd "hro$ i" +$+y#G "he Ir+ni+n ordered# his h+nd sign+ling "o 7eilly "o
"oss i" "o his righ". H@+r.G
6i"hou" "+&ing his eyes o11 "he bo9ber# 7eilly 1lic&ed "he s+1e"y on. Then he chuc&ed "he
gun +side +nd $+"ched i" l+nd +bou" "en y+rds 1ro9 hi9# "hudding 1l+" +g+ins" "he h+rd soil# his
insides pul.eriDed by "he re+liD+"ion "h+" he8d 9essed up +nd $ould prob+bly soon be s"one de+d.
The Ir+ni+n8s 1+ce rel+Ked# +s did his grip on Tess. !e "oo& + s"ep b+c& +nd +$+y 1ro9
her# +nd +s he did# his h+nd do.e Fuie"ly in"o his ruc&s+c&.
The ruc&s+c& dropped "o "he ground by his 1ee" +s his h+nd c+9e b+c& up. I" h+d + gun in
i"s grip.
HS+y hi "o "he .irgins 1or 9e#G he yelled ou" +s his 1inger pulled "he "rigger.
Chapter &3

He%s going to kill 'ean. 6ild e9o"ions ripped "hrough Tess +s her eyes 1ollo$ed "he
h+ndgun8s 1ligh" +nd $+"ched i" hi" "he ground. @irs" he8s s"ill +li.eCno" Jus" +li.e# bu" here#
s"+nding in 1ron" o1 her# unsc+"hed. No" Jus" "h+"# bu" he8s rescuing her# he8s go" + gun on "he son
o1 + bi"chC+nd no$ he8s going "o dieI
3ec+use o1 herI
3ec+use o1 her d+9n phone c+llI
No way.
She couldn8" le" i" h+ppen.
No fucking way.
6i"h + 1erocious# pri9+l yell# she l+unched hersel1 +" her c+p"or $i"h "he unbridled 1ury o1
+ c+ged pred+"or. 7eg+rdless o1 "he conseFuences. 7eg+rdless o1 $he"her or no" she $+s going "o
ge" blo$n +p+r". I1 she $+s going "o die# i1 he $+s going "o hi" "h+" bu""on# she $+s d+9n $ell
going "o "+&e hi9 $i"h her.
She "oo& hi9 by co9ple"e surprise.
She hi" hi9 h+rd# sl+99ing in"o hi9 1ro9 his le1"# "he side$+ys "+c&le pushing hi9 o11
his 1ee" +nd s$inging his gun h+nd $ide Jus" +s he sFueeDed "he "rigger. She didn8" see $here "he
round $en"# didn8" h+.e "i9e "o see i1 7eilly $+s s"ill s"+nding# bu" her gu" "old her she8d go"
"here in "i9e +nd "h+" 7eilly h+d "o be o&+y. 6h+" she did see $+s "he Ir+ni+n8s le1" h+ndC"he
one $i"h "he phone. She s+$ i" co9e up in + de1ensi.e re1leK Jus" +s she r+99ed hi9# s+$ i"
rising "o bloc& her# s+$ i"s gr+sp loosen# s+$ "he phone 1ly ou" o1 i" +nd 1+ll "o "he groundC+nd
in "h+" 9illisecond# she 1el" her bre+"hing cu" ou"# 1el" "he $hole $orld 1reeDe# eKpec"ing "he
eKplosion# eKpec"ing "o 1eel her insides ripped ou"Cbu" i" didn8" h+ppen. She didn8" eKplode. She
$+s s"ill "here# in one piece# s"ill "here "o 1eel "he 1ull brun" o1 "he Ir+ni+n8s elbo$ "h+" 1le$ up
+nd s9+shed in"o "he b+c& o1 her J+$ +s "hey bo"h 1ell "o "he ground.

7-I44%8S !-A7T 34-6 A GASB-T +s he s+$ Tess 9+&e her 9o.e.
I" "oo& o.erriding his br+in# cu""ing o11 +ny +""e9p" +" "hough" +nd spurring his legs
"o Jus" "+&e o11.
6hich he didC1+s"# li&e + sprin"er going 1or gold. Or s"eel# in "his c+se. The h+rd#
"e9pered s"eel o1 "he +u"o9+"ic# "en y+rds "o his righ".
!e8d seen "he phone 1ly ou" o1 "he bo9ber8s h+nd# seen Tess "u9ble "o "he ground $i"h
hi9. !e didn8" h+.e enough "i9e "o ge" "o "he9 +nd in"er.ene. The Ir+ni+n $ould .ery Fuic&ly
h+.e "he upper h+nd +g+in. 7eilly h+d "o ge" "o his gun# 1+s"# +nd hope his +i9 $ould pro.e +s
"rue +s i" h+d been on his bes" d+y +" "he 1iring r+nge. Or be""er. !e8d ge" one sho"# i1 "h+". I"
h+d "o coun".
!is legs +" 1ull g+llop# he 1lic&ed + Fuic& gl+nce side$+ys# bu" couldn8" see 9ore "h+n "he
"+ngle o1 bo"h bodies. !e 1lung his eyes b+c& +" "he ground +he+d# +" "he gun.
@i.e y+rds.
!e $+s "here.

T-SS @-4T !-7 37AIN 7ATT4- under "he i9p+c" o1 "he Ir+ni+n8s elbo$# bu" she
s"+yed on hi9# bo"h h+nds cl+9ped "igh" +g+ins" his gun $ris" li&e "he J+$s o1 + r+bid $ol1.
She h+d "o &eep "he $e+pon +" b+y# Jus" + second or "$o longer# &no$ing 7eilly h+d "o be
on "he 9o.e# hoping he8d soon be $i"h her# bu" she only 9+n+ged "o &eep "he Ir+ni+n8s gun h+nd
pinned "o "he ground 1or + couple o1 he+r"be+"s be1ore his le1" h+nd 1le$ up "o her 1+ce +nd
sho.ed her he+d b+c&. She 1ell b+c&$+rd# bu" didn8" le" go# e.en +s his gun h+nd rose o11 "he
ground +nd s$ung "o$+rd her.
Ins"e+d o1 recoiling b+c&$+rd# she surprised hersel1 by doing "he opposi"e. She lunged
1or$+rd +nd pulled his h+nd closer "o her be1ore bi"ing do$n in"o i" +s h+rd +s she could. She
he+rd "he Ir+ni+n grun";curse +s her "ee"h s+n& in"o hi9# +nd she 1el" "endons +nd c+r"il+ge
sn+pping under her bi"e. In "he 1renDy o1 "he 9o9en"# she s+$ his 1ingers loosen +round "he
$e+pon8s grip# +nd her bi"e $en" in"o o.erdri.e. The Ir+ni+n shou"ed +ngrily +nd re+red up#
li1"ing her up $i"h hi9 +s he 1lung his +r9 "o sh+&e her o11. She "$is"ed on hersel1# 1el" her nec&
bending ou" o1 sh+pe# bu" s"+yed on hi9# her "ee"h s"ill digging inC"hen "he gun 1le$ ou" o1 his
!e l+shed ou" $i"h his o"her h+nd +g+in# his 1ingers digging in"o her chee&s# loo&ing 1or
her eyes. The p+in $+s "oo in"enseCshe h+d "o le" go. The rele+se unle+shed hi9# +nd he pushed
her o11 $i"h + h+rd sho.e "o her ches". She scurried b+c&$+rd# ou" o1 his re+ch# her eyes d+r"ing
le1" +nd righ"# se+rching 1or "he gun.
As $ere his.
3o"h 1ound i" +" "he s+9e "i9e# + 1e$ 1ee" behind hi9. She 9e" his eyes 1or + n+nosecond#
"he r+$ +nger bl+Ding ou" o1 "he9 9ore "erri1ying "h+n "he gun i"sel1.
Then he 9o.ed# 1or "he gun.

7-I44% SNAT*!-D T!- GUN o11 "he ground +nd s$ung his +r9s +round +nd up# in"o
posi"ion# in + "$o;1is"ed s"+nce# re+dy "o "+&e "he sho"# his eyes "+&ing +n ins"+n" re+d o1 "he
The 1irs" "hing "h+" regis"ered $+s "h+" "he Ir+ni+n +nd Tess $ere + 1e$ 1ee" +p+r" +nd she
$+s cle+r o1 hi9# $hich $+s good. 4ess good $+s "h+" "he Ir+ni+n h+d "he gun in his h+ndC+nd
$+s +i9ing i" righ" +" hi9.
7eilly sFueeDed o11 + round +nd do.e "o his le1" Jus" +s + .olley o1 bulle"s $hiDDed by# so
close "h+" he +c"u+lly he+rd "he9 cu""ing "he +ir 9ere inches 1ro9 his chee&. !e rolled on "he
ground# he+ding "o$+rd "he ne+res" cone house# pulling "he "rigger e.ery "i9e he $+s lying on his
1ron"# bu" he &ne$ 1ull $ell "h+" he $+sn8" li&ely "o hi" hi9 li&e "h+"# especi+lly gi.en "h+" "he
Ir+ni+n $+s +lso lo$ on "he ground +nd 9+de 1or + s9+ll "+rge". !e Jus" h+d "o &eep hi9 pinned
do$n long enough "o gi.e Tess + ch+nce "o 9+&e + bre+& 1or i".
6hich# he no$ s+$# she $+s doing.

T!- 3U44-TS T!UND-7-D T!7OUG! T-SS8S -A7S+nd 1roDe her in pl+ceC"hen
she sn+pped b+c& +nd go"
She s+$ AbdWl&eri9 $ "o her 1ro9 behind + cone house +nd s"+r"ed 1or hi9 be1ore
+l9os" "ripping so9e"hing? "he Ir+ni+n8s ruc&s+c&. She scooped i" up by "he h+ndle $i"hou"
slo$ing do$n +nd sprin"ed +cross "o Join "he 3yD+n"inis".
The 9+n $+s buDDing $i"h p+nic. HThe phone# "h+"8s "he "rigger "o . . . IG !e couldn8"
e.en s+y "he $ord.
H%es#G she 1ired b+c&# 1linching $i"h e+ch gunsho" "h+" echoed "hrough "he .+lley.
H6here is i"IG
HI don8" &no$#G she replied# s"ill bre+"hless. H!e dropped i".G
H*o9e#G he "old her. H@ollo$ 9e.G
!e led her "hrough "he 9+De o1 "igh"ly p+c&ed cone houses.
H6here +re $e goingIG she +s&ed.
HIn "here#G he s+id +s he s"opped by "he door$+y o1 + nondescrip" d$elling. !e poin"ed
inside i". HThere8s +n underground ci"y. Under "his .ill+ge. I"8s been shu" do$n 1or ye+rs bec+use
o1 "he roc& slides# bu" so9e o1 i" 9us" s"ill be +ccessible. %ou need "o go do$n "here Fuic&ly#
you8ll be s+1e in "here. There8s prob+bly no phone sign+l# righ"IG
Tess nodded. !e $+s righ". HO&+y# bu"Cyou8re co9ing $i"h 9e# +ren8" youI I"8s s+1er 1or
you "oo.G
HNo# ICG !e hesi"+"ed# his eyes "$i"ching le1" +nd righ". HI8ll go ge" help.G
H4is"en "o 9e#G she insis"ed# gr+bbing hi9 by "he shoulders# Hyou8ll be s+1er in "here.G
!e loo&ed +" her# his 1orehe+d b+"hed $i"h s$e+"# "hen shoo& his he+d +nd s+id# HI c+n8".
I8ll ge" help. %ou need "o go no$. !ere#G he s+id# digging in"o his p+c& +nd h+nding her his
Tess "oo& i" 1ro9 hi9C+nd Jus" "hen# his eyes $en" $ild +nd he poin"ed behind her.
H!e8s co9ing#G he blur"ed.
Tess "urned# her 9ind +ll Ju9bled $i"h con1lic"ing i9pulsesC+nd s+$ "he Ir+ni+n
ch+rging +" her# s+$ hi9 r+ise his gun# he+rd "he sho"# +nd 1el" AbdWl&eri98s blood spl+""er +cross
her chee&.

<A!-D BN-6 !- !AD "o ge" ou" o1 "here.
7eilly $+s rolling his $+y "o Once he go" "here# "he A9eric+n $ould be +ble "o ge"
+ cle+rer sho" +" hi9. <+hed re+liDed he $+s "oo eKposed $here he $+s2 he h+d "o 9+&e + run
$hile he s"ill h+d "he ch+nce.
!e8d gli9psed Tess scurrying +$+y $i"h his ruc&s+c&C"he one $i"h "he codices +nd his
h+ndgun8s eK"r+ 9+g+Dines in i". !e8d brough" his gun +round "o drop her# bu" "he d+9ned
A9eric+n8s relen"less 1iring h+d 1orced hi9 "o duc& 1or +nd gi.en her + ch+nce "o slip
No$ he h+d "o do "he s+9e.
!e s"+yed lo$ +nd le" his eyes 9+&e + Fuic& sc+n o1 "he ground +round hi9# se+rching 1or
"he phone. !e Fuic&ly 1ound i"Co11 in "he opposi"e direc"ion "o "he cone houses he needed "o ge"
"o 1or "he ones $here Tess h+d dis+ppe+red.
!e decided "o ris& i".
!e rolled "o i"# 1iring + couple o1 sho"s +s he did +nd re+ching i" in "hree spins. !e
gr+bbed i"# "hen suc&ed in + couple o1 Fuic& bre+"hs "o s"eel hi9sel1 +nd spring "o his 1ee". !e
hur"led "o "he ne+res" cone house# peppering 7eilly $i"h gun1ire +s he sprin"ed +cross "he h+rd
ground# &no$ing "h+" e+ch bulle" coun"ed no$ "h+" he no longer h+d "he eK"r+ +99o clips. >us"
+s he do.e in"o one o1 "he +gen"8s rounds bi" in"o "he roc& inches 1ro9 his he+d sending
"u1+ shr+pnel bi"ing in"o his chee&# bu" he $+s o"her$ise un"ouched.
!e rushed "hrough "he cone houses# on edge# eyes sc+nning "he shi1"ing sh+do$s. Then he
s+$ "he9# "$o houses +he+d# Tess +nd "he 3yD+n"inis"# by "he d+r& door$+y.
!e h+d "o ge" "o Tess. !e needed "he boo&s +nd "he +99o clips# +nd she $+s +ll "he he needed +s 1+r +s 7eilly $+s concerned.
The 3yD+n"inis" $+s less cruci+l righ" no$.
/ore o1 + li+bili"y# +c"u+lly.
6hich $+s $hy <+hed r+ised his gun +nd 1ired.

T-SS S*7-A/-D AS S!-6AT*!-D AbdWl&eri9 drop "o "he ground. 3lood $+s
spe$ing ou" o1 his 9ou"h# pu9ped up 1ro9 "he hole "h+" been punched "hrough his ches".
She spun her he+d b+c& +round. The Ir+ni+n $+s ch+rging +" her# no$ only + couple o1
cone houses +$+y. A crippling 1e+r surged "hrough her. I1 "he Ir+ni+n $+s up +nd co9ing 1or her#
9+ybe he h+d his phone b+c&.
6i"h chilling synchronici"y# he r+ised his h+ndC"he one $i"h "he phone in i"C"o sho$
her "h+" he did. !is sco$l h+d one cle+r 9ess+ge in i"?
&on%t move an inch$or else.
So9e"hing sn+pped inside her. A surge o1 r+ge pushed her 1e+r +side# 1igh" "+&ing
1ro9 1ligh". !er h+nds 9o.ed "o ei"her edge o1 "he ruc&s+c& +nd slid i" +cross her 9idri11 so i"
$+s no$ pressed +g+ins" "he bo9b in her c+n.+s bel". !er 1+ce h+rdened +s she gl+red +" hi9
de1i+n"ly# +nd she c+ugh" + re+c"ion +cross his 1+ce +nd in his s"ep. I" $+sn8" +ny 9ore "h+n his
eyes $idening +nd his J+$ "igh"ening +nd hi9 1+l"ering 1or Jus" + spli" second# bu" i" $+s "here#
+nd i" $+s enough "o send + burs" o1 b+dly needed s+"is1+c"ion "hrough her.
I" didn8" ch+nge "he 1+c" "h+" he $+s s"ill co9ing +" her.
She h+d "o 9o.e.
She c+s" one l+s" gl+nce +" "he 1+llen 3yD+n"inis". The gurgling h+d s"opped# +nd his eyes
$ere s"+ring ou" in + de+d gl+De. She 1orced hersel1 "o +ccep" "h+" "here $+s no"hing she could do
1or hi9 no$C"hen# $i"h "he ruc&s+c& s"ill clu"ched +g+ins" her 9idri11# she do.e "hrough "he
She &ne$ she h+d "o ge" deep inside# +nd 1+s". The cone house $+s b+sic+lly + h+bi"+ble
c+.e. 6h+" 1+in" ligh" $+s seeping in 1ro9 ou"side $+sn8" re+ching 1+r in. There $+s no"hing
bu" d+r&ness +he+d.
She rushed in"o i".

7-I44% 7O44-D INTO *O:-7 3-!IND "he cone house +nd ris&ed + 1+s" pee& in
"i9e "o see "he Ir+ni+n 9+&e + bre+& 1or i".
!e 9+n+ged "o loose + couple o1 rounds# bu" h+d "o pull b+c& 1ro9 "he b+rr+ge o1 gun1ire
"he Ir+ni+n r+ined b+c& +" hi9. !e cursed in$+rdly +s he rode i" ou" 1or + couple o1 seconds# "hen
he peered ou" +g+in# &no$ing "he Ir+ni+n $ouldn8" be "here +ny9ore.
!e $+sn8".
7eilly bol"ed ou" +nd ch+sed +1"er hi9# hoping +g+ins" hope "h+" "he b+s"+rd h+dn8"
+lre+dy c+ugh" up $i"h Tess.
Chapter &&

Tess g+.e "he c+.e;li&e in"erior + Fuic& sc+n. The roo9 h+d been hollo$ed ou" o1 "he so1"
roc&# "he $+lls +round her riddled $i"h c+r.ed;ou" niches# so9e s9+ll# o"hers big enough "o sleep
in. I"s 1loor $+s li""ered $i"h debrisC+ bro&en;up r+""+n ch+ir# "he 1+ded shee"s o1 +n old Tur&ish
ne$sp+per# + 1e$ disc+rded $+"er bo""les +nd sod+ c+ns. I" didn8" loo& li&e +nyone h+d li.ed
"here in ye+rs.
She spo""ed so9e s"+irs "h+" spir+led up$+rd in + 1+r corner +nd s"epped "o$+rd "he9#
hoping "he $+y do$n $+s "here "ooC+nd her 1ee" s"u9bled +g+ins" + $ooden h+"ch "h+" $+s
sun&en in"o "he 1loor. She dropped "o her &nees +nd r+n her h+nds +cross i"# brushing "he dus" o11
i"s une.en sur1+ce. I" $+s hinged on one side. A" i"s opposide end# her 1ingers 1ound +n old piece
o1 rope "h+" $+s 1+shioned in"o + h+ndle# e9bedded in"o "he dir" 1loor +round i".
She y+n&ed "he h+"ch open. A cloud o1 dus" billo$ed up# pric&ling her eyes +nd "hro+".
She coughed +s she poin"ed her 1l+shligh" in"o "he g+ping hole. A .ery s"eep 1ligh" o1 s"eps# +lso
c+r.ed ou" o1 "he "u1+# led do$n$+rd.
A gro$ing rus"le 1ro9 ou"side# "he crush o1 1oo"1+lls dr+$ing ne+r# spurred her "o 9o.e.
6i"h "he 1l+shligh" cl+sped "igh"ly in one h+nd# she cl+9bered do$n "he s"+irs +s 1+s" +s she

<A!-D *A7--N-D TO A STOP ou"side "he cone house# by "he blood;so+&ed body o1
"he 3yD+n"inis".
There $+s no one +round# bu" he s"ill didn8" li&e "he ide+ o1 hi9 lying "here#
signpos"ing $h+" h+d h+ppened. !e s"u11ed his gun in his p+n"s +nd dr+gged AbdWl&eri9 inside#
du9ping hi9 Jus" inside "he door$+y# ou" o1 .ie$ 1ro9 +nyone $+l&ing by.
!e s+$ "he open h+"ch +nd# in "he 1+r corner# "he s"+irs le+ding up. !e dre$ his gun +nd
loo&ed do$n "hrough "he opening in "he 1loor. There $+s no sign o1 9o.e9en"# no noise co9ing
1ro9 "here. !e "hough" +bou" i" 1or + second# "hen crossed "o "he s"+irs +nd cli9bed up + 1e$
s"eps# lis"ening in"en"ly. !e didn8" need "o go +ny higherChe could see debris li""ering "he
l+nding. I" didn8" loo& li&e i" h+d been dis"urbed. !is ins"inc"s h+d "old hi9 she8d gone "hrough
"he h+"ch +ny$+y.
!e hurried b+c& do$n +nd duc&ed in"o "he bl+c& hole.

T-SS 6AS 37-AT!ING !A7D +s she 9o.ed "hrough "he n+rro$ "unnel.
The b+""eries in AbdWl&eri98s 1l+shligh" $ere cle+rly on "heir l+s" legs# +nd "he ligh" i"
$+s o11 $+s $e+&ening no"ice+bly. She &ne$ i" $ouldn8" l+s" long# +nd did her bes" "o
s+.e b+""eries by no" &eeping i" on +ll "he "i9e. She $ould 1lic& i" on +nd o11 in"er9i""en"ly# using
i" "o ge" her be+rings be1ore +d.+ncing "o "he neK" l+nd9+r& in "o"+l d+r&ness. -lec"ric c+bling
r+n +long "he $+lls# lin&ing one ligh" 1iK"ure "o +no"her. There h+dn8" been +ny curren" running
"hrough "he $iring 1or ye+rs# bu" i" $+s s"ill + use1ul "r+il "o 1ollo$# +nd Tess did her bes" "o &eep
one h+nd running +long i"s "hic&# bl+c& rubber co+"ing +s i" led her deeper +nd deeper in"o "he
sub"err+ne+n 9+De.
3y no$# $i"h 9ore "h+n + doDen c+.erns +nd "unnels behind her# her sense o1 direc"ion
$+s co9ple"ely$hel9ed. She h+d no ide+ $here she $+s. The Hunderground ci"yG 9+y no"
h+.e been + ci"y eK+c"ly# bu" i" $+s s"illCli"er+llyC9ind;boggling? + see9ingly endless $+rren
o1 ch+9bers o1 +ll sh+pes +nd siDes connec"ed "o one +no"her by lo$;ceilinged "unnels +nd
n+rro$ s"eps. There $+sn8" + righ" +ngle or + sh+rp corner "o be 1ound. Ins"e+d# e.ery edge $+s
rounded# e.ery $+ll +nd ceiling cur.ed# +nd i" +ll h+d "he s+9e nu9bing color# + ch+l&y o11;$hi"e
"inged $i"h "he dir"y bro$n $+sh o1 "i9e.
And i" $+s "igh". /+ddeningly# su11oc+"ingly "igh". -.en "he l+rger ch+9bers "h+" $ere
used +s co99un+l sp+ces 1el" unner.ingly cl+us"rophobic. The "unnels +nd s"+irs $ere "he $ors".
They $ere li""le $ider "h+n her shoulders# +nd she h+d "o s"+y hunched "o ge" "hrough "he9. They
$ere "h+" $+y by design. In.+ding $+rriors# i1 "hey 9+n+ged "o ge" p+s" "he h+nd1ul o1
s"r+"egic+lly pl+ced 9ills"ones "h+" could be rolled ou" $i"h "he 1lic& o1 + s9+ll s"one "o bloc&
+ccess "o "he en"ire underground 9+De# $ould h+.e "o +d.+nce single;1ile +1"er "heir
bul&y shields behind. Th+" 9+de "he9 e+sier "o repel. In 1+c"# "he en"ire honeyco9b $+s
brilli+n"ly designed +s + re1uge? There $ere huge s"or+ge sp+ces 1or 1ood +nd +ni9+l 1eed#
$ineries# $ells 1or $+"er +nd +ir sh+1"s 1or .en"il+"ion. -.ery"hing $+s pl+nned de1ensi.ely2 e.en
"he chi9neys o1 "heir 1ire pi"s br+nched ou" in"o 9+ny s9+ll ou"le"s be1ore "hey e9erged
+bo.eground# "o spre+d ou" "he s9o&e +nd help +.oid de"ec"ion.
As she +d.+nced 1+r"her in"o "he hollo$ed;ou" ground# Tess did her bes" "o "ry "o no" "hin&
+bou" "he 1+c" "h+" "he en"ire c+nyon +bo.e her h+d been conde9ned bec+use o1 uns"+ble ground
+nd roc& slides. Ins"e+d# she "ried "o re9e9ber "h+" "here $+s + gr+ce "o her being "here?
The bo9b she $+s c+rrying +round her $+is" $+s prob+bly no" + "hre+" righ" no$. S"ill# i" $+sn8"
enough "o c+l9 her +s her e+rlier 1e+r $+s no$ being repl+ced by one "h+" $+s e.en 9ore
"erri1ying? $he"her she8d 1ind her $+y b+c& ou" o1 "h+" roc&y l+byrin"h +nd see d+yligh"
A1"er going do$n so9e s"eps +nd b+n&ing righ" "hrough + p+r"icul+rly n+rro$ p+ss+ge#
she 1ound hersel1 in + l+rger# +irier roo9 "h+" h+d "hree rough;he$n colu9ns do$n i"s cen"er. A
s"+ble# perh+ps# or +n underground church. I" didn8" re+lly 9+""er. She p+used "o c+"ch her bre+"h
+nd "hin&. She guessed she $+s no$ on ei"her "he second or "hird le.el# +nd &ne$ "h+" "here
could be 9+ny 9ore belo$ her. She didn8" $+n" "o .en"ure "oo 1+r do$nC"he pl+ce $+s + 9+De
+nd she r+n + re+l ris& o1 no" 1inding her $+y b+c&. She couldn8" go b+c& ou" ye"# "hough. No"
un"il she &ne$ "he Ir+ni+n +nd his cell phone $ere no longer + "hre+".
The Ir+ni+n8s yell shoo& her "o her roo"s +s i" echoed "hrough "he hollo$ c+.erns.
HI Jus" $+n" "hose boo&s#G he bello$ed. HGi.e "he9 "o 9e +nd I8ll le+.e you +lone.G
She &ne$ $h+" he $+s doing. Go+ding her# prodding her "o 9+&e + 9o.e# 9+&e + noise#
+ns$er b+c&C+ny"hing "h+" $ould re.e+l her posi"ion. S"ill# he 1el" d+ngerously close. So close#
in 1+c"# "h+" she no$ he+rd scr+ping +long "he $+ll# co9ing her $+y.

<A!-D *7-OT @O76A7D# 1ollo$ing "he c+bling# his "r+ined senses +ler" 1or "he
s9+lles" sign o1 li1e.
!e 1igured Tess h+d "o be 1ollo$ing "he c+bling "oo. !er sur.i.+l ins"inc" $ould h+.e "old
her "o do so. @ollo$ i" do$n# +nd you c+n 1ollo$ i" b+c& up. She h+d +n +d.+n"+ge# "hough. The
1l+shligh". !e8d seen + 1+in" gli99er o1 i"# 1lic&ing on +nd o11 1or "he brie1es" 9o9en"s# bu" i" h+d
been enough "o dr+$ hi9 in li&e + ho9ing be+con.
!e "hough" o1 using his phone "o ligh" "he $+y +nd "ried i" ou". The screen didn8" gi.e o11
9uch ligh"# +nd in his si"u+"ion# i" $+s 9ore o1 + hindr+nce "h+n +n +d.+n"+ge. I" didn8" re+lly
sho$ hi9 9uch# bu" i" $ould +nnounce his presence "o Tess. !e decided no" "o use i" 1or "he "i9e
being. Th+" $ould +lso s+.e b+""eries# +nd he needed "o be +ble "o con"+c" S"eyl +nd o"her suppor"
$hen he needed i".
!e 1el" hi9sel1 e9erging 1ro9 + n+rro$er p+ss+ge in"o + l+rger sp+ce# +nd s"opped +nd
lis"ened. !e couldn8" see +ny"hing +round hi9# bu" he sensed her close. !e held his bre+"h +nd
1roDe# concen"r+"ing on loc&ing in on her li&ely posi"ion.
A lopsided s9ile spre+d +cross his 1+ce +s he "igh"ened his grip on "he h+ndgun +nd
+ngled i" +he+d o1 hi9.
Then he 1ired + single round.

T!- D-TONATION 3OO/-D T!7OUG! T!- *A:-7N +s "he round $hiDDed p+s"
Tess +nd crunched in"o "he $+ll so9e$here beyond her. I" "oo& her by co9ple"e surprise +nd she
couldn8" help bu" shrie&C+nd in "h+" ins"+n"# she he+rd 1oo"s"eps ch+rging "o$+rd her.
*lu"ching "he ruc&s+c& "igh"# she lunged +$+y 1ro9 "he $+ll "o$+rd "he cen"er o1 "he
roo9# cursing +" gi.en hersel1 +$+y li&e "h+"# su99oning her rec+ll o1 "he l+you" o1 "he
ch+9ber +nd hoping she $+sn8" +bou" "o sl+9 in"o one o1 i"s colu9ns. She 1el" "he Ir+ni+n
.eering "o$+rd her# +nd her $hole body "igh"ened in +n"icip+"ion o1 his "+c&le or# $orse# +no"her
gunsho". Then + di11eren" ou"co9e pl+yed i"sel1 ou" +" hyper;1+s" 1or$+rd in her 9ind8s eye# +nd
she ins"+n"ly +dJus"ed her "r+Jec"ory +ccordingly +nd sped up# hoping she8d go""en i" righ".
!er spl+yed 1ingers 1ound one o1 "he "hree sFu+re colu9ns# +nd she rounded i" +nd "urned
sligh"ly# pu""ing i" be"$een her +nd "he r+pidly +ppro+ching s"+l&erC+nd Jus" +s she rounded i"#
she he+rd i"# s&in +nd bone sl+99ing +g+ins" s"one +long $i"h +n +ngry yell o1 p+in.
5otcha, you bastard.
She8d suc&ered hi9 righ" in"o one o1 "he colu9ns# bu" "here $+s no "i9e "o s"ic& +round
+nd glo+". She h+d "o ge" ou" o1 "here. She .eered b+c& "o$+rd +n opening she8d spo""ed in "he
opposi"e $+ll +nd spre+d her +r9s ou" pro"ec"i.ely# loo&ing 1or "he edge o1 "he $+ll. They 1ound
"he corner o1 "he roc&y sur1+ce +nd she slo$ed righ" do$n +nd slun& in"o "he p+ss+ge#
c+re1ully $hile running her h+nd up "he $+ll un"il i" 1ound "he c+bling. There $+s no Fues"ion o1
using her 1l+shligh" +ny9ore. She scu""led +he+d# her 1ee" 1eeling "he ground +he+d# $+ry o1 +n
unseen s"epC+nd "hen she he+rd i" +g+in.
/o.e9en"# 9ore r+sh# 9ore in"ense "his "i9e.
*h+sing +1"er her.
Only "his "i9e# i" $+s +cco9p+nied by "he +ngry# "hro+"y ro+r o1 so9eone $ho8d been

<A!-D 3OUN*-D O@@ T!- STON- OI44A7 +nd $en" do$n li&e + r+g doll. !is
eK"ended +r9 h+d hi" i" 1irs"# $hich g+.e hi9 + spli" second "o "il" +$+y +nd +.oid + 1ull;1ron"+l
S"ill# i" hur" li&e hell. !is ches"# his shoulder# his hip# his &nee# +nd his chee&C"hey8d +ll
sl+99ed in"o "he solid roc& under 1ull +cceler+"ion. !e 1el" + 9e"+llic "+s"e in his 9ou"h +nd
$iped i" cle+n $i"h "he b+c& o1 his h+nd. I" $+s $e" $i"h blood.
!is 9ind Fuic&ly +ssessed "he d+9+ge. No"hing see9ed bro&en# bu" "he he+.y bruising
$ould de1ini"ely slo$ hi9 do$n +nd li9i" his +gili"y 1or + $hile. !e bun&ered "he p+in +nd
1ocused on "he 9ore i99edi+"e concern. The gun. !e8d dropped i" in "he collision.
!e s"+yed do$n +nd r+n Fuic& concen"ric s$eeps o1 "he ground +round hi9. I" didn8" "+&e
long 1or hi9 "o 1ind i". *ursing hi9sel1 1or his 9is"+&e# he pushed hi9sel1 b+c& "o his 1ee"# his
e+rs sc+nning 1or "+rge" +cFuisi"ion.
!e sp+" so9e 9ore blood ou" +nd scre+9ed her n+9e in r+ge# +nd $+s b+c& +1"er her
$i"hin seconds.

HT-SSP 6!-7- A7- %OU# 3IT*!PG
The yell re.erber+"ed +round her# propelling her 1or$+rd li&e $ind "o + s+il. She he+rd
hi9 en"ering "he n+rro$ p+ss+ge Jus" +s she $+s re+ching "he ch+9ber +" i"s o"her end.
This "i9e $ould be h+rder. She couldn8" use her 1l+shligh"# +nd she couldn8" use "he
c+bles ei"her. She didn8" &no$ $h+" "he roo9 loo&ed li&eCho$ big i" $+s# i"s l+you"# $h+"
obs"+cles or pi"1+lls i" presen"ed. She $+s +s .ulner+ble in i" +s he $+s. 6orse# she $+s "he
Fu+rry. She h+d "o be Fuie"# she h+d "o eKplore i" $i"hou" 9+&ing + sound. All he h+d "o do $+s
1ollo$ "he noise# +nd in "he de+"hly Fuie" o1 "he sub"err+ne+n ci"+del# e.en "he "inies" noise she
9+de $+s ge""ing +9pli1ied $+y ou" o1 propor"ion. She sounded +s discree" +s "he percussion
sec"ion o1 + 9+rching b+nd.
She pushed +$+y 1ro9 "he $+ll +nd i"s c+bling +nd pro$led "hrough "he d+r&ness blindly#
her +r9s eK"ended de1ensi.ely li&e +n insec"8s +n"enn+e# groping "he +ir# $+ry o1 +ny obs"ruc"ion.
She 1ound "he opposi"e $+ll# 9+&ing "he roo9 ou" "o be +round 1i1"een 1ee" $ide or so. She r+n
her 1ingers up +nd do$n i"s s9oo"h sur1+ce +s she +d.+nced 1+r"her# +nd "hen "hey 1ound
so9e"hing else. A lo$;le.el niche in "he $+ll# +bou" 1our 1ee" $ide# s"+r"ing Jus" +bo.e ground
le.el +nd going up "o her $+is".
She &ne$ "here $ere +ll &inds o1 roo9s do$n "here? $ineries# &i"chens# 1ood s"or+ge
ch+9bers# +ll o1 $hich h+d c+.i"ies o1 .+rious siDes cu" in"o "heir $+lls +nd 1loors. 3e1ore she
could "hin& o1 $h+" "his one $+s# she he+rd hi9 ge""ing ne+rer +nd 1roDe.
She couldn8" ris& +he+d# no" $i"h hi9 "h+" close. She didn8" h+.e 9uch o1 +
choice. She ben" do$n +nd cli9bed in"o "he niche# pushing hersel1 in"o i" +s 1+r +s she could. I"
$+s only +bou" + 1oo" +nd + h+l1 deep.
Then she $+i"ed.
She8d b+rely 9+de i" in $hen she he+rd "he so1" p+dding o1 his 1ee" gro$ sh+rper. !e8d
Jus" en"ered "he roo9. Spiders scurried $ildly "hrough her belly +s she shri.eled up +nd pressed
b+c& +g+ins" "he $+ll.
She he+rd hi9 scu""le +long "he opposi"e $+ll.
'o far, so good. 9eep going.
!e s"opped.
She s"opped bre+"hing.
!e didn8" 9+&e + sound 1or $h+" 1el" li&e She i9+gined hi9 "here# + 1e$ 1ee"
+$+y 1ro9 her# lis"ening in"en"ly# li&e + p+n"her in "he d+r&. She 1el" e.ery pore on her body
puc&er up +s she 9+de hersel1 +s s9+ll +s she could# her body rigid $i"h "ension# her lungs
desper+"e "o bre+"he 1reely# her 9ind "+u" in +n"icip+"ion o1 so9e o"her Jol"C+ shou"# + bulle"#
so9e"hing designed "o 9+&e her Ju9p.
I" didn8" "+&e long "o co9e.
HI &no$ you8re here# Tess. I c+n he+r you bre+"hing.G
She 1el" her he+r" con"r+c" +nd 1reeDe +s she br+ced hersel1 1or his neK" 9o.e# repe+"ing "o
hersel1 +nd "h+" she couldn8" +11ord "o re+c". She concen"r+"ed in"en"ly on her he+ring#
using her e+rs +s son+r.
She he+rd + 1+in" scu11.
Then +no"her.
!e $+s
!e+ding s"r+igh" 1or her.
Chapter &)

Tess 1el" +ll "he blood in her body rush up "o her "e9ples. !e $+s only + 1e$ 1ee" +$+y.
And closing.
She $en" co9ple"ely rigid. -.ery 9uscle o1 her body $+s loc&ed do$n "igh". @orge" + 1inger. She $+sn8" e.en blin&ing. I" $+s +ll ch+nneled in"o her J+$# $hich she $+s
bi"ing do$n# h+rd. She $+s eKpec"ing hi9 "o "ry "o spoo& her. I" $+s co9ing# she &ne$ i". And
she couldn8" +llo$ hersel1 "o ge" c+ugh" by i" +g+in.
She $+i"ed# e+ch second s"re"ching "o hours. !e $+s ge""ing closerCso close "h+" she
could no$ he+r his bre+"hing. I" $+s subdued# d+9pened# he &ne$ $h+" he $+s doing. !e h+d "o
be bre+"hing "hrough his 9ou"h# she i9+gined# +s she $+s. I" $+s Fuie"er "h+" $+y. 3u" i" $+s s"ill
"here# +" "he edge o1 her percep"ion. A bi" bloc&ed# $e"# g+rgly. A bi" l+bored. /+ybe 1ro9
sl+99ing in"o "h+" colu9n# she hoped.
I" did li""le "o +lle.i+"e her "error.
She could +lso 1eel hi9 no$. So9eho$# e.en "hough "hey $eren8" "ouching# she could
1eel his presence. I" $+s +s i1 she +c"u+lly did h+.e + son+r $i"hin her "h+" h+d de"ec"ed hi9. She
he+rd his 1ingers l+nd on "he $+ll +bo.e "he c+.i"y in $hich she $+s crouched# "he "inies" scr+pe
o1 n+ils +g+ins" porous roc&. !e $+s s"+nding righ" in 1ron" o1 her# 1eeling "he $+ll# 9ere inches
+$+y no$# his $+is" 9ore or less le.el $i"h her he+d.
!er he+r" $+s roc&e"ing +$+y# +bou" "o burs" ou" o1 i"s c+ge. The pounding in her e+rs
$+s de+1ening# +nd she $+s +9+Ded he couldn8" he+r i" hi9sel1. She &ne$ "h+" i1 his h+nd 9o.ed
do$n$+rd# e.en sligh"ly# he8d 1ind "he c+.i"y +nd he8d 1ind her.
She $+sn8" +bou" "o $+i" 1or "h+".
No choice bu" "o +c" 1irs".
She spr+ng ou" 1ro9 her coiled posi"ion# sl+99ing in"o hi9 +" "high;le.el# "hrus"ing ou"
$i"h +s 9uch po$er +s she could 9us"er# her 1is"s clu"ched "igh" +g+ins" "he bu"" end o1 her
1l+shligh"# using i" li&e + 9ini; b+""ering r+9 +nd hoping i" c+used hi9 so9e d+9+ge. She he+rd
hi9 grun" he+.ily +s she sl+99ed in"o hi9 +nd "hough" she 9us" h+.e hi" hi9 $here i" coun"ed.
!e los" his b+l+nce under "he uneKpec"ed "+c&le +nd 1ell b+c&# $i"h Tess "u9bling hi9 bu"
9+n+ging "o s"+y on her 1ee". !is +r9s l+shed ou" +" her 1uriously# +nd one o1 "he9 s"ruc& her
+cross "he chee&# bu" she h+d "he +d.+n"+ge o1 being on "op +nd pulled b+c& Fuic&ly.
She disen"+ngled hersel1 1ro9 hi9 +nd bol"ed ou" o1 "he roo9 be1ore he $+s b+c& on his
1ee". She h+d "o 9o.e +s 1+s" +s she could# bu" couldn8" ris& cr+shing in"o +ny"hing. She h+d "o
use "he 1l+shligh"# Jus" Fuic& on;o11 1lic&s "o guide her +s she ble$ "hrough "he sub"err+ne+n
9+De# &eeping +n eye on "he c+bling +nd 1ollo$ing i"s "r+il# 1lying 1ro9 one ch+9ber "o +no"her#
hunched "hrough "he n+rro$ "unnels# her ches" $i"h p+nic. She $+s 9+&ing "oo 9uch
noise "o be +ble "o he+r hi9 co9ing up behind her# bu" she didn8" c+re. All she $+s 1ocused on
$+s co.ering +s 9uch ground +s 1+s" +s possible +nd pu""ing +s 9uch dis"+nce +s possible
be"$een hi9 +nd her.
She $+s ch+rging ou" o1 + s"epped p+ss+ge$+y $hen "$o +r9s gr+bbed her +nd pulled her
in. She le" o11 "he beginning o1 + shrie& be1ore one o1 "he h+nds pressed h+rd +g+ins" her 9ou"h
+nd 9u11led her scre+9.
HShh# pipe do$n#G he hissed# lo$ +nd urgen". HI"8s 9e.G
!er he+r" so+red.

7-I44% OU44-D !-7 TIG!T4% AGAINST !I/# +$+y 1ro9 "he opening she8d Jus"
burs" "hrough.
!e &ep" one h+nd cl+sped +g+ins" her 9ou"h +nd "r+ined his he+ring in "he direc"ion she8d
co9e 1ro9. !e he+rd no"hing# bu" he &ne$ i" $ouldn8" be long be1ore "he Ir+ni+n c+ugh" up $i"h
H!o$8d you 1ind 9eIG she $hispered.
H/y 3l+c&3erry8s screen +nd "hose c+bles#G he "old her. HI 1ollo$ed "he9 do$n +nd s+$
"he ligh" 1lic&ering. %ou h+.e + 1l+shligh"IG
H%es#G she 9ou"hed. H!e8s righ" behind 9e. And he8s pissed o11.G
7eilly "hough" h+rd +nd 1+s". HO&+y. Beep going. I8ll s"+y here. !e c+n8" be 1+r behind.
Dr+$ hi9 ou". 4e" hi9 1ollo$ you. I8ll ge" hi9 $hen he co9es "hrough here.G
HAre you suCG
H>us" go# do i"#G he insis"ed# herding her +$+y.
She d+r"ed b+c& in +nd her h+nd 1ound his 1+ce. She pl+n"ed + Fuic& &iss on his lips
be1ore se""ing o11.
!e "uc&ed his h+ndgun in"o "he s9+ll o1 his b+c& +nd s+n& b+c& +g+ins" "he $+ll by "he
opening# 1eeling "he coolness o1 "he perspir+"ion +long his spine +s i" c+9e in"o con"+c" $i"h "he
.olc+nic roc&. There $+s no poin" $+s"ing +99o in "he d+r&# +nd besides# he $ould pre1er "o ge"
"he Ir+ni+n +li.e. !e "hough" he8d be 9ore ni9ble $i"h "$o 1ree h+nds2 he8d be +ble "o in1lic"
9ore d+9+ge. 6hich righ" no$ $+s + .ery +ppe+ling prospec".
!e s+$ "he 1lic&ering o1 Tess8s 1l+shligh"# ge""ing di99er +s she dis+ppe+red 1+r"her in"o
"he bo$els o1 "he ci"+del.
Then he he+rd hi9.
@r+n"ic 9o.e9en"# closing in.
7eilly "ensed up.
The scr+pes gre$ louder# "he bre+"hing 9ore in"ense. The Ir+ni+n $+s plo$ing +he+d
no$# li&e + s"e+9roller. 7eilly could +l9os" s9ell his 1ury.
!e $+i"ed# his body s"i11ening up 1or "he br+$l# his h+nds "igh"ening in"o 1is"s# his 9ind8s
eye"ing e.ery sound in"o + .isu+l +nd proJec"ing i" in"o "he i9pene"r+ble d+r&ness +round
hi9C"hen he he+rd hi9 e9erge 1ro9 "he p+ss+ge$+y +nd pounced.
!e hi" hi9 1ull;on +nd r+99ed hi9# sl+99ing hi9 +g+ins" "he $+ll. !e &ne$ "he Ir+ni+n
h+d + gun# +nd his h+nds do.e s"r+igh" 1or $here he guessed "he bo9ber8s gun h+nd $ould be.
!e Fuic&ly 1ound his opponen"8s righ" $ris" Jus" +s "he Ir+ni+n sFueeDed o11 + "hunderous round
"h+" li" up "he ch+9ber in + cold $hi"e 1l+sh. 7eilly &ep" his le1" grip cl+9ped +round "he
bo9ber8s gun h+nd# pinning i" b+c& +g+ins" "he $+ll +nd pounding i" repe+"edly +g+ins" "he "u1+
$hile his o"her 1is" 1lic&ed 1ierce J+bs +" "he Ir+ni+n8s he+d. !e connec"ed h+rd# once# "$ice#
he+ring "he c+r"il+ge sn+p +nd "he blood gurgle# $+i"ing "o 1eel "he 9+n8s gun "u9ble ou" o1 his
h+nd# bu" "he Ir+ni+n $+s h+nging on "o i" s"ubbornly. 7eilly $+s loo&ing "o l+nd + "hird punch
$hen he go" so9e"hing he h+dn8" coun"ed on? + &nee "o "he &idneys# Fuic&ly 1ollo$ed by +
b+""ering r+9 o1 +n uppercu" s"r+igh" "o his chin. The 1irs" i9p+c" $inded hi9# +nd "he second
r+""led his br+in +nd c+used hi9 "o lose his grip 1or + 9o9en"C$hich $+s Jus" enough 1or "he
Ir+ni+n "o sho.e hi9 o11 $i"h + scre+9 o1 r+ge.
The gun $+s s"ill in "he 9+n8s h+nd.
7eilly do.e +nd rolled hi9sel1 Jus" +s "he bulle"s drilled in"o "he ground +round hi9.
Sh+rds o1 "u1+ splin"ered o11 +nd cu" in"o hi9 +s he y+n&ed ou" his o$n gun +nd loosed o11 rounds o1 his o$n# bu" none o1 "he9 see9ed "o connec". !is e+rs ringing 1ro9 "he
de+1ening gun1ire# he "hough" he he+rd his opponen" sc+9pering ou" o1 "he ch+9ber +nd he
ch+sed hi9 ou" $i"h + couple o1 rounds# bu" he didn8" he+r "he "ell"+le sound o1 + round punching
"hrough hu9+n s&in +nd bone +nd "he +cco9p+nying ou"burs" o1 p+in.
6orse# "he Ir+ni+n $+s no$ he+ding "o$+rd Tess.
7eilly 1ound "he c+bling +nd 1el" his $+y 1or$+rd# 1r+n"ic+lly no$# one h+nd on
"he $iring# "he o"her clu"ching "he gun "igh"ly# his e+rs +""uned "o 9+&e sure "he Ir+ni+n h+dn8"
s"opped +nd $+sn8" +bou" "o +9bush hi9.
!e s"opped +" "he 9ou"h o1 +no"her "unnel. HI $ouldn8" go ou" "here i1 I $ere you#G he
shou"ed in"o "he d+r&ness# hoping "o ge" + h+ndle o1 "he 9+n8s posi"ion +nd "o dis"r+c" hi9 1ro9
1inding Tess. HThe >+nd+r9+ should be +ll "his c+nyon by no$ +nd "hey8re no" going "o le"
you $+l& ou" o1 here +li.e.G !e $+i"ed 1or +n +ns$er# "hen +dded# HI1 you $+n" "o li.e# your bes"
be"8s $+l&ing ou" $i"h 9e. The "hings you &no$ c+n be o1 gre+" .+lue "o us.G
!e crep" "hrough "he "unnel# "hrough +no"her c+.ern# +nd up "o "he en"r+nce o1 +no"her
p+ss+ge$+y. H%ou $+n" "o die# +ssholeI Is "h+" i"IG
S"ill no"hing. The Ir+ni+n $+sn8" + ligh"$eigh". 3u" "hen# 7eilly h+d &no$n "h+" +lre+dy.
!e pressed +he+d# "hrough + s"+ir$ell +nd +cross +no"her ch+9ber# +nd $+s +bou"
"o go up $h+" 1el" li&e + "igh" "unnel $hen he he+rd her. here#G Tess $hispered# 1ro9 his righ".
She re+ched ou" +nd pulled hi9 "o her.
H!e p+ss youIG
H%es#G she replied. H6hen you $ere c+lling ou" "o hi9. !e s"opped "o lis"en "o you# bu"
didn8" see 9e.G
HAny ide+ $here $e +reIG
HNo. 3u" $e8.e co9e up + bi". I8d guess $e8re 9+ybe + couple o1 le.els undergroundIG
HThere8s no poin" "rying "o ge" hi9 in here. I"8s "oo d+ngerous#G he s+id. H6e8.e go" "o ge"
ou" o1 here.G
H6e need "o ge" "his bel" o11 9e 1irs"#G she "old hi9. HThere8s no sign+l in here. I c+n8" go
go b+c& ou"side# no" $hile I89 $e+ring i".G
7eilly8s insides &no""ed. H!o$8s i" loc&ed in"o pl+ceIG
HThere8s + p+dloc&. On "he b+c&.G She "oo& his h+nd +nd guided i" +round her b+c&.
!e 1el" i". I" see9ed he+.y +nd solid. !e g+.e i" + "ug "o "es" i"# 9ore ou" o1 1rus"r+"ion
"h+n $i"h +ny eKpec"+"ion "h+" i" $ould gi.e. H*+n you "urn i" +round so "he p+dloc&8s on your
HSure# i"8s no" on "h+" "igh". 6hyIG
HI c+n "ry "o shoo" "he p+dloc& o11. 3u" I need ligh".G
Tess eKh+led he+.ily. H%ou sureIG
HI1 you s"+nd righ" up +g+ins" "he corner o1 "he opening o1 "he "unnel# I8ll +ngle "he sho"
+$+y 1ro9 you +nd in"o "he "unnel. -.en i1 i" bounces o11 "he 9e"+l# i"8s no" going "o hi" you.G
H%ou sureIG she repe+"ed. She didn8" sound con.inced.
HI $+n" i" o11 you#G 7eilly insis"ed. HTrus" 9e. 3u" I8ll need you "o 1lic& "he ligh" on. >us"
1or + second. On +nd o11# "h+"8s +ll. O&+yIG
!e8d r+rely# i1 he+rd her sc+red. !+dn8" re+lly &no$n her "o 1e+r 9uch.
She $+s sc+red no$.
!e helped her posi"ion hersel1 righ" +g+ins" "he edge o1 "he opening in"o "he neK" "unnel.
She "il"ed her $+is" ou" +s 9uch +s she could +nd "uc&ed her +r9s behind her b+c&# ou" o1 .ie$.
7eilly held "he p+dloc& ou" so i" $+s pee&ing ou" 1ro9 "he corner o1 "he door$+y. !e brough" "he
b+rrel o1 his gun righ" up +g+ins" i"s body# pushing i" e.en 1+r"her +$+y 1ro9 Tess.
H7e+dyIG he +s&ed.
H%ou done "his be1oreIG
HNo" re+lly.G
She shrugged. HNo" "he +ns$er I $+s hoping 1or.G
HOn "hree. One. T$o.G
She 1lic&ed "he ligh" on +" "hree +nd 7eilly pulled "he "rigger. The p+dloc& eKploded $i"h
+n e+r;spli""ing cr+c& +nd + 1lurry o1 sp+r&sC+nd Jus" "hen# rounds punched "he "u1+
+round "he9.
H3+c&#G 7eilly hollered# pulling Tess +$+y 1ro9 "he "unnel opening +s roc& sh+rpnel 1le$
$ildly +round "he9.
Then he he+rd i"C"he de+d sn+p o1 "he h+ndgun8s slide loc&ing b+c& +1"er i" h+d belched
ou" i"s l+s" round.
H!e8s ou" o1 +99o#G 7eilly yelled +s he pulled "he bel" o11 Tess +nd 1lung i" in"o + 1+r
corner# "hen gr+bbed "he 1l+shligh" +nd ch+rged ou" +1"er hi9. H*o9e on.G
!e r+&ed "he be+9 +he+d o1 hi9 +nd spo""ed "he Ir+ni+n duc&ing ou" o1 "he "unnel +nd
crossing +no"her c+.ernous roo9.
!e ch+sed +1"er hi9# his legs 1lying no$# closing in on his prey# "he "+s"e o1 "he i99inen"
c+"ch coursing "hrough hi9.

<A!-D G7OUND !IS T--T! +s he hur"led "hrough "he honeyco9b.
!e cursed "he A9eric+n $o9+nCcursed her 1or luring hi9 do$n here# cursed her 1or
"+&ing his ruc&s+c&# cursed her 1or hi9 ou" o1 +99o.
I" $+s "i9e "o cu" his losses +nd ge" "he hell ou"# +ssu9ing he8d be +ble "o. !e didn8"
&no$ $h+" $+s $+i"ing 1or hi9 +bo.eground. !e &ne$ 7eilly h+d "o be blu11ing +bou" "here
being +ny "roops "here# bu" he couldn8" be sure o1 "h+". -.en "hough "he c+nyon h+dn8" been
s$+r9ing $i"h "ouris"s# so9eone $+s bound "o h+.e he+rd "heir e+rlier gun1igh". They 9igh"
h+.e c+lled "he cops. The +re+ could soon be seriously hos"ile# +nd slipping +$+y 1ro9 i"
$ouldn8" be e+sy# gi.en "he li9i"ed nu9ber o1 $+ys in +nd ou" o1 "he c+nyon.
!e h+d "o 9+&e i" ou" 1irs".
!e s"or9ed "hrough + l+rge co99un+l roo9 +nd do.e in"o + s$eeping p+ss+ge$+y# "he
ch+sing ligh" 1lic&ering in +nd ou" o1 .ie$. I" $+s helping hi9# bouncing o11 "he $+lls# ligh"ing
up p+ss+ges# hi9 gli9pses o1 cl+ri"y# bu" +s long +s i" $+s "here# he $+s "he deer in "he
he+dligh"s. !e h+d "o ge" ou" o1 i"s r+nge. !e $+s 1r+n"ic+lly# +s 1+s" +s he could# +nd
didn8" &no$ $here he $+s going. I" didn8" 9+""er righ" no$. All he could do $+s 1ollo$ "he
c+bling# hoping i" led b+c& "o "he en"r+nce.
!e could he+r 7eilly &eeping p+ce# no" 1+r behind. !e needed "o lose hi9. !e gli9psed +
n+rro$ s"+ir$ell +nd "oo& "he s"+irs# "$o +" + "i9e. They led bo"h le1" +nd righ". !e chose righ"
+nd hunched "hrough "he p+ss+ge$+y# Fuie"er no$# hoping "o con1use his pursuer +nd
buy hi9sel1 so9e "i9e.
!e h+d "o do so9e"hing. Del+y hi9 so9eho$.
And "hen he s+$ i".
A" "he 9ou"h o1 "he "igh" "unnel. A rounded edge# s"ic&ing ou" 1ro9 "he side o1 i"s $+ll.
!e8d spo""ed i" on "he $+y in.
I" $+s + 9ills"one;li&e "r+pdoor. A circul+r# one;"on piece o1 roc&# $i"h + di+9e"er o1
+round 1our 1ee". I" $+s designed "o &eep in.+ders ou" +nd could be rolled in"o pl+ce Fuic&ly Jus"
by rele+sing + couple o1 "i9ber $edges "h+" held i" b+c&.
H@reeDe# +sshole.G
<+hed "urned.
7eilly $+s "here# +" "he o"her end o1 "he "unnel. The A9eric+n h+d bo"h gun +nd 1l+shligh"
+i9ed +" hi9# "he be+9 9+&ing hi9 sFuin".
!e gli9psed Tess +ppe+ring behind "he +gen". !is eyes loo&ed 1or her bel"# bu" i" didn8"
see9 "o be "here# +nd 1ro9 "he de1i+n" gl+re in her eyes# he g+"hered she $+s no longer $e+ring
HI should h+.e &illed you b+c& in 7o9e#G <+hed c+lled ou" "o 7eilly# buying "i9e.
HToo l+"e no$# dic&he+d. Pu" "he gun do$n.G
<+hed8s eyes d+r"ed +cross "o "he b+se o1 "he 9ills"one +nd b+c&. The "i9ber $edges "h+"
$ould h+.e been used by "he e+rly .ill+gers $ere long gone. Ins"e+d# + rus"ed piece o1 iron b+r# +
1+r 9ore recen" +ddi"ion# s"uc& ou" 1ro9 "he side $+ll +nd held "he s"one in pl+ce. I" loo&ed li&e +
crude 1i""ing "h+" h+d been pu" in dec+des +go# be1ore "he c+nyons h+d been conde9ned +nd
e.+cu+"ed. There $ere h+rdly +ny "ouris"s .isi"ing *+pp+doci+ "hen# so s+1e"y h+dn8" been +
p+r+9oun" issue 1or "he loc+l# sel1;+ppoin"ed cus"odi+ns o1 "he underground ci"ies.
6hich $+s Jus" +s $ell.
HI c+n8" $+l& ou" o1 here $i"h you# you &no$ "h+"#G he yelled ou" +s he 1lic&ed Fuic&
gl+nces +" "he iron rod# processing his op"ions# e.+lu+"ing his ch+nces.
HI"8s your choice# p+l. 6+l& ou" $i"h 9e# or be c+rried ou" in + bl+c& Dip b+g#G 7eilly sho"
b+c&. HI89 e+sy# ei"her $+y.G
HOn second "hough"# you &no$ $h+"IG !e p+used 1or + second# "hen shou"ed ou"# H@uc&
you#G brie1ly enJoying "he con1used loo& on "he +gen"8s 1+ceC+nd 9o.ed li&e ligh"ning. !e
d+r"ed "o his righ"# "he edge o1 "he 9ills"one shielding hi9 1ro9 h+r9# +nd 1lipped "he gun +round
in his righ" h+nd so he could use i"s grip li&e + h+99er.
And sl+99ed i" +g+ins" "he b+se o1 "he iron rod.
The +ngle $+s per1ec".
The b+r 9o.ed# cru9bling "he so1" roc& i" $+s si"""ing in. A second s"ri&e J+rred i" 1ur"her.
Tess yelled so9e"hing ou"# +nd 7eilly $+s +lre+dy rushing "o$+rd hi9# 1iring.
The "hird s"ri&e did "he "ric&# loosening "he b+rCJus" +s + round 1ro9 7eilly8s gun
eKploded s"r+igh" "hrough his eKposed h+nd.

7-I44% SA6 T!- I7ANIAN 4UNG- side$+ys +nd r+ise his gun li&e + h+99er.
!e didn8" unders"+nd $h+" he $+s up "oCbu" he &ne$ i" $+sn8" good. !e couldn8" ge" +
cle+n sho" +" hi9# no" $i"h "h+" pro"ruding disc o1 s"one bloc&ing hi9. All he could see o1 hi9
$+s his h+nd# gripping "he e9p"y $e+pon.
HThe 9ills"one#G Tess yelled. HI"8s + "r+pdoor.G
7eilly ch+rged "hrough "he "unnel li&e he8d been sho" ou" o1 + c+nnon# 1iring +s he 9o.ed.
!e he+rd <+hed8s righ" h+nd h+99ering +$+y +" so9e"hing# e+ch s"ri&e echoing b+c& +" hi9# his
he+r" pounding inside hi9 +" "riple;speed. !e s+$ "he erup"ion o1 blood 1ro9 his opponen"8s le1"
h+nd +nd he+rd hi9 grun" he+.ily 1ro9 "he hi"# +nd $+s Jus" + 1e$ 1ee" +$+y 1ro9 re+ching hi9
$hen "he huge s"one disc suddenly rolled ou" o1 "he $+ll. The ground under his 1ee" shoo& +s "he
9ills"one sl+99ed in"o "he opposi"e side o1 "he "unnel Jus" +s he go" "o i"# his 1ingers ins"inc"i.ely
re+ching ou" "o s"op i" be1ore pulling b+c& +" "he 1u"ili"y o1 his 9o.e.
The "unnel $+s bloc&ed. *o9ple"ely# u""erly bloc&ed.
7eilly "ried "o push "he 9ills"one b+c&# bu" i" $ouldn8" budge. I" $+s designed "o roll in"o
posi"ion on +n incline# +nd $+s "oo he+.y 1or hi9 "o 9o.e b+c& on his o$n. 7eilly cursed +loud
+nd r+n his 1ingers +ll i" in desper+"ion. I" h+d + s9+ll opening +" i"s cen"er# +bou" "hree
inches sFu+re. !e peered "hrough i"# + sin&ing 1eeling cho&ing his "hro+". !e couldn8" see
+ny"hing on "he o"her side. I" $+s shrouded in d+r&ness.
Then he he+rd hi9. Gro+ning# cursing# +goniDing his inJury. 6hich $+s nice "o he+r.
The Ir+ni+n see9ed "o be in serious p+in.
A1"er + 1e$ dr+$n;ou" seconds# "he $ounded 9+n8s .oice r+ng ou" 1ro9 behind "he
"r+pdoor. H%ou co91y in "here# 7eillyIG
7eilly brough" "he b+rrel o1 his $e+pon up "o "he hole +nd replied# H!o$8s "he h+nd# Jer&;
o11I I hope I didn8" pu" "oo big + den" in your lo.e li1e#G be1ore s"u11ing "he gun "hrough "he
opening +nd 1iring o11 1our rounds. Their repor"s bounced "hrough "he "unnels +nd died ou"# "hen
he he+rd "he Ir+ni+n +g+in.
HS"op $+s"ing your bulle"s +nd s"+r" loo&ing 1or + $+y ou" o1 "here.G !is .oice $+s loud#
bu" no" loud enough "o 9+s& "he +gony "he 9+n $+s cle+rly su11ering. HI"8s no" going "o be e+sy. I
"hin& i" 9igh" be i9possible. 3u" "ry. Do i" 1or 9e. /+&e "he i9possible h+ppen. And i1 you do#
&no$ "his. This isn8" So9e$here# so9eho$# I8ll 1ind you. you +re. I8ll co9e 1ind
you# +nd Tess . . . +nd "hen $e8ll end "his properly# +ll righ"IG
7eilly sho.ed his gun "hrough "he hole +g+in +nd e9p"ied his clip 1e.erishly# yelling ou"
in 1rus"r+"ion# hoping one o1 "he rounds $ould 1ind 1lesh +nd bone. And $hen "he echoes o1 "he
de"on+"ions died do$n# +ll "h+" $+s le1" $+s "he 1urious 9u""erings +nd "he dis"+n" 1oo"1+lls o1 "he
Ir+ni+n# $hich receded un"il "here $+s no"hing le1" bu" + dro$ning silence.
Chapter &*

#h+" +bou" 9olesI They don8" h+.e 9oles do$n here# do "heyIG H/olesI
H%ou &no$#G Tess r+9bled on. She $+s 1inding i" h+rd "o &eep Fuie" in "he oppressi.e
d+r&ness. H/oles. Or +ny o"her &ind o1 n+s"y cri""ers $i"h big "ee"h +nd cl+$s.G She 1ell silen" 1or
+ 9o9en"# "hen +dded# H6h+" +bou" b+"sI %ou "hin& "hey h+.e b+"s in hereI 6e8re no" "h+" 1+r
1ro9 Tr+nsyl.+ni+. /+ybe "hey h+.e .+9pire b+"s ou" here. 6h+" do you "hin&IG
HTess# lis"en "o 9e#G 7eilly s+id c+l9ly. HI1 you lose i"# I89 going "o h+.e "o shoo" you.
%ou do re+liDe "h+"IG
Tess l+ughed. I" $+s + he+r"y l+ugh# borne 9ore ou" o1 1e+r +nd ner.ousness "h+n ou" o1
her "hin&ing his $ords $ere p+r"icul+rly 1unny. The re+li"y o1 "heir si"u+"ionCbeing s"uc& do$n
"here# in + conde9ned underground l+byrin"h# le.els belo$ "he sur1+ceC$+s ge""ing "o
her. She usu+lly prided hersel1 on no" being "he &ind o1 person "o p+nic. She8d li.ed "hrough +
1e$ h+rro$ing si"u+"ions# +nd she8d done +ll righ" +nd go""en "hrough "he9. Adren+line usu+lly
&ic&ed in +nd 1ueled her dri.e 1or sur.i.+l.
This $+s di11eren".
This $+s loo&ing li&e + slo$# +goniDing# +nd 1rus"r+"ing end. 4i&e being 9+rooned in
sp+ce $i"hou" "he rel+"i.ely Fuic& rele+se o1 + li9i"ed supply o1 oKygen.
I" $+s enough "o dri.e one 9+d.
She8d los" "r+c& o1 ho$ long "hey8d been do$n "here.
!ours# cer"+inly. !o$ 9+ny# "hough# she couldn8" s+y.
They8d "ried "he 9ills"one b+c&# bu" i" $+s i9possible. I" h+d been designed "o be
rolled b+c& 1ro9 "he inside# bu" "hey l+c&ed "he "i9ber le.ers "o do so. They8d "hen loo&ed
e.ery$here 1or +no"her $+y ou"# 1ollo$ing "he cob$eb o1 elec"ric+l c+bling in +ll &inds o1
direc"ions. They8d used "he 1l+shligh" sp+ringly# bu" i" h+d e.en"+lly died ou". They8d "hen
resor"ed "o "he 1+in" ligh" 1ro9 "he screen o1 7eilly8s 3l+c&3erry# bu" "h+" h+d died ou" "oo.
Tess &ne$ "hese sub"err+ne+n ci"+dels $ere huge. -s"i9+"es 1or "he nu9ber o1 people "h+"
could shel"er in "he l+rger ones "h+" h+d been unco.ered .+ried $ildly# r+nging 1ro9 + 1e$
"hous+nd "o +s 9+ny +s "$en"y "hous+nd. 6hich $+s + lo" o1 sp+ce "o A lo" o1 "unnels. And
+ lo" o1 de+d ends.
She &ne$ "hey $eren8" going +ny$here +ny"i9e soon.
H6h+" i1 $e8re "r+pped here 1ore.erIG
7eilly held her "igh"# his +r9 coiled +round her. H6e $on8" be.G
H%e+h# bu" $h+" i1IG she pressed# "uc&ing in"o hi9 e.en closer. HSeriouslyI 6h+" h+ppens
"o usI Do $e s"+r.e "o de+"hI Do $e die o1 "hirs" 1irs"I Do $e lose i" +nd go nu"sI Tell 9e. %ou
9us" h+.e h+d so9e "r+ining in "his s"u11.G
HNo" re+lly#G 7eilly "old her. HI"8s no" eK+c"ly "he &ind o1 "hing "hey eKpec" you "o go
"hrough in "he Ne$ %or& 1ield o11ice.G
The d+r&ness $+s +bsolu"e no$# so d+r& i" $+s +c"u+lly blinding. There $+sn8" e.en "he
1+in"es" gli99er o1 ligh". Tess couldn8" see +ny"hing o1 7eilly# no" e.en "he ghos" o1 + re1lec"ion
co9ing 1ro9 his eyes. She could only he+r hi9 bre+"hing# 1eel his ches" rise +nd 1+ll +nd his
1ingers "igh"en +round her. !er 9ind $+ndered "o "he no";so;dis"+n" p+s"# "o +n e+rlier "i9e#
curled up $i"h 7eilly in "he d+r&# no" "h+" 1+r +$+y 1ro9 $here "hey no$ $ere.
H%ou re9e9ber "h+" 1irs" nigh"IG she +s&ed hi9. HIn "he "en"# be1ore $e go" "o "he l+&eIG
She sensed his 1+ce bro+den in"o + s9ile. H%up.G
HTh+" $+s nice.G
HI" $+s pre""y +9+Ding.G
H/ore "h+n +9+Ding.G She "hough" +bou" i"# i". I" s"irred up + co91or"ing $+r9"h
inside her. HI8.e +l$+ys $+n"ed "o reli.e "h+" 1irs" &iss#G she "old hi9. HNo"hing co9p+res "o
i"# does i"IG
H4e"8s "es" "h+" "heory.G !e cupped her 1+ce in his h+nds +nd dre$ her ne+r +nd &issed her
long +nd h+rd# + desper+"e# hungry &iss "h+" s+id 9ore "h+n +ny $ord could eKpress.
HI could be $rong#G she 1in+lly s+id# dre+9ily. HOr 9+ybe "here8s so9e"hing +bou" "his
Tur&ish +ir. 6h+" do you "hin&IG
HThis +irI In hereI No" eK+c"ly doing i" 1or 9e# bu" hey# don8" le" 9e spoil your p+r"y.G
D+r&er "hough"s pushed "heir $+y "hrough. HI don8" $+n" "o die here# Se+n.G
H%ou8re no" going "o die here#G he "old her. H6e8re going "o 9+&e i" ou".G
She s9iledC"hen i" +ll c+9e b+c&. 6h+" she8d been "hrough "he l+s" 1e$ d+ys# ho$
"hey8d go""en here. A g+ggle o1 disp+r+"e "hough"s# s$ooping in +nd ou" o1 her 9ind.
HThe guy#G she re9e9bered# H"he bo9ber. !e "old 9e so9e"hing. A couple o1 "hings he
s+id I ough" "o loo& up. !e s+id i" $+s i9por"+n".G
H!e +s&ed 9e i1 I8d he+rd o1 Oper+"ion AJ+K.G
Tess couldn8" see 7eilly8s 1e+"ures in "he d+r&ness# bu" she didn8" need "o. !is p+use# +nd
his bre+"hing# "old her +ll she needed "o &no$. !e &ne$ $h+" i" $+s.
H6h+" $+s "he o"her "hingIG 7eilly +s&ed her# his .oice s"ill subdued.
H!e s+id I needed "o 1ind ou" $h+" h+ppened on "he 9orning o1 >uly 3# ',55.G
7eilly p+used +g+in# inh+ling +nd eKh+ling deeply "his "i9e.
H6h+"IG Tess +s&ed.
A1"er + 9o9en"# 7eilly s+id# HI8d s+y our guy is "elling us he8s Ir+ni+n. And "h+" he8s go"
so9e serious +nger 9+n+ge9en" issues.G
HTell 9e so9e"hing I don8" &no$.G
7eilly le" ou" + sligh" chor"le. HOper+"ion AJ+K is "he code n+9e o1 +n old scre$up o1
ours. A 9+Jor one. In Ir+n# b+c& in "he 1i1"ies.G
Tess $inced. HOuch.G
7eilly nodded. H%e+h. No" our 1ines" hour.G
H6h+" h+ppenedIG
HAround "he "i9e o1 6orld 6+r One# "he 3ri"ish con"rolled Ir+n8s oil produc"ion#G he "old
her. H3+c& $hen "hey $ere +n e9pire. And "hey $ere b+sic+lly r+ping "he coun"ry. They $ere
"+&ing +ll "he oil re.enues +nd "hro$ing b+c& cru9bs "o "he loc+ls. The Ir+ni+n peopleCrigh"lyC
go" re+lly pissed o11 +bou" "h+"# bu" "he 3ri"ish go.ern9en" didn8" gi.e + r+"8s +ss +nd &ep"
re1using "o renego"i+"e "er9s. This $en" on 1or "hir"y# 1or"y ye+rs un"il "he Ir+ni+ns elec"ed + guy
c+lled /oh+9ed /os+ddegh "o beco9e "heir pri9e 9inis"er. 6e8re "+l&ing +bou" Ir+n8s 1irs"
de9ocr+"ic+lly elec"ed go.ern9en" here. /os+ddegh $on by + l+ndslide +nd i99edi+"ely s"+r"ed
"he process o1 "+&ing b+c& Ir+n8s oil produc"ion +nd n+"ion+liDing i"# $hich $+s $hy he $+s
HI be" "he 3ri"s 9us" h+.e lo.ed "h+"#G Tess re9+r&ed.
HAbsolu"ely. /os+ddegh h+d "o go. And guess $ho s"epped in "o help "he9"hro$
Tess gri9+ced. H*IAIG
HO1 course. They $en" +ll ou" 1or hi9# +nd "hey pulled i" o11. They bribed +nd
bl+c&9+iled scores o1 people in "he Ir+ni+n go.ern9en"# in "he press# in "he +r9y# +nd in "he
clergy. They s9e+red "he guy +nd e.eryone close "o hi9# "hen "hey go" 9obs o1 p+id "hugs "o
9+rch do$n "he s"ree"s +nd de9+nd his +rres". The poor b+s"+rd# $ho $+s b+sic+lly + sel1less
p+"rio"# spen" "he res" o1 his li1e in prison. !is 1oreign 9inis"er go" "he 1iring sFu+d.G
Tess sighed. HAnd $e pu" "he Sh+h in his pl+ce.G
H%ep. Our 1riendly puppe" dic"+"or $ho $e could coun" on "o sell us che+p oil +nd buy
our $e+pons by "he shiplo+d. Our guy rules his coun"ry $i"h +n iron 1is" 1or "he neK" "$en"y;1i.e
ye+rs# $i"h "he help o1 + secre" police "h+" $e "r+ined +nd "h+" 9+de "he BG3 loo& li&e pussies.
And "h+" $en" on un"il ',7, $hen Ay+"oll+h Bho9eini ch+nneled "he Ir+ni+n people8s +nger +nd
go" "he9 "o rise up +nd &ic& "he Sh+h8s +ss ou" o1 "he coun"ry.G
HAnd $e go" +n Isl+9ic re.olu"ion "h+" h+"es us.G
H6i"h + p+ssion#G 7eilly +dded.
Tess8s 1+ce "igh"ened $i"h 1rus"r+"ion# "hen + re+liD+"ion 1lourished in her 9ind.
H/os+ddegh $+sn8" + religious le+der# $+s heIG
HNo. No" +" +ll. !e $+s + c+reer diplo9+"# + sophis"ic+"ed# 9odern 9+n. The guy h+d +
Ph.D. in l+$ 1ro9 so9e S$iss uni.ersi"y. The 9ull+hs running "he coun"ry "od+y 9en"ion
hi9 $hen "he coup co9es up# li&e on i"s +nni.ers+ry. !e $+s $+y "oo secul+r 1or "heir li&ing.G
!e p+used# "hen s+id# HThere $+s no Isl+9ic 7epublic b+c& "hen. We caused it. 3e1ore $e
scre$ed "h+" pooch# Ir+n $+s + de9ocr+cy.G
HA de9ocr+cy "h+" didn8" sui" us.G
HI"8s no" "he 1irs" "i9e "h+"8s h+ppened# +nd i" $on8" be "he l+s". I"8s +ll +bou" che+p oil . . .
S"ill . . . Jus" i9+gine ho$ di11eren" "he $orld $ould be righ" no$ i1 $e h+dn8" done "h+" b+c&
"hen#G he l+9en"ed.
She le" "he in1or9+"ion sin& in 1or + be+"# "hen s+id# HI89 no" sure I $+n" "o +s& +bou" "he
"hird o1 >uly.G
HAno"her s"ell+r 9o9en" 1or Uncle S+9#G 7eilly gru9bled.
HTell 9e.G
-.en in "he pi"ch;bl+c& c+.ern# Tess 1el" 7eilly8s 1+ce d+r&en.
HIr+n Air# 1ligh" siK;1i.e;1i.e#G he "old her. HT+&es o11 1ro9 Ir+n on + h+l1;hour hop +cross
"he gul1 "o Dub+i. T$o hundred +nd nine"y p+ssengers +nd cre$ on bo+rd# including siK"y;siK
Tess 1el" + s"+b o1 horror. HThe one $e sho" do$n.G
H6hyI !o$ did i" h+ppenIG
HI"8s co9plic+"ed. The pl+ne8s "r+nsponder $+s $or&ing +nd i" $+s sending ou" "he righ"
code. The pilo" $+s in his +ssigned 1ligh" +ir$+y +nd he $+s in "ouch $i"h +ir "r+11ic con"rol +nd
spe+&ing in -nglish. All rou"ine# +ll by "he boo&. 3u" 1or + bunch o1 re+sons# our guys "hough" i"
$+s +n @;') +""+c&ing "he9 +nd "hey lobbed + couple o1 9issiles +" i".G
HThey &ne$ i" $+s + ci.ili+n pl+neIG
HNo. No" un"il i" $+s "oo l+"e. The ship h+d + lis" o1 +ll loc+l ci.ili+n 1ligh"s# bu" "hey
scre$ed up "heir "i9e Dones. The ship $+s running on 3+hr+in "i9e $hile "he 1ligh" lis" sho$ed
Ir+ni+n loc+l "i9e# $hich is h+l1 +n hour o11.G
H%ou8re &idding 9e.G
HNope. And i"8s no" "he 1irs" "i9e so9e"hing li&e "h+"8s h+ppened ei"her. 7e9e9ber *ub+
+nd "he 3+y o1 PigsI One o1 "he 9+in re+sons "h+" 1+iled $+s + "i9e Done scre$up. The bo9bers
"h+" 1le$ ou" o1 Nic+r+gu+ $ere 9e+n" "o ge" +ir 1ro9 1igh"er Je"s co9ing o11 one o1 our
c+rriers. The bo9bers $ere under *IA con"rol +nd $or&ing on *en"r+l Ti9e. The 1igh"ers $ere
con"rolled by "he Pen"+gon# $hich $+s on -+s"ern Ti9e. They hoo&ed up# +nd "he bo9bers
$ere +ll sho" do$n.G
7eilly shrugged. HSi9ple 9is"+&es# bu" ones "h+" shouldn8" h+ppen. 6i"h "he Ir+ni+n
pl+ne# i" $+s + co9bin+"ion o1 + lo" o1 "he9. Our ships h+.e sys"e9s "h+" +ssign codes "o
po"en"i+l "+rge"s. @or so9e re+son# "he code "he +irliner $+s gi.en $+s ch+nged +1"er "hey8d
logged i" in# +nd "hen i" $+s gi.en "o +no"her pl+ne# $hich $+s +no"her 9is"+&e. So "he r+d+r
oper+"or loo&s do$n +" his screen# sees i" in one pl+ce# loo&s +$+y# loo&s do$n +g+in# sees i"8s
so9e$here else# i" loo&s li&e i"8s 9o.ed incredibly 1+s"# +nd he p+nics# "hin&ing i"8s go" "o be +
1igh"er Je". Plus "he +rro$s "h+" sho$ $he"her + pl+ne is cli9bing or co9ing do$n +re re+lly h+rd
"o re+d. The ship8s r+d+r oper+"or p+nic&ed +nd "hough" "he pl+ne $+s +nd +""+c&ing "he9.
So he sounded "he +l+r9 +nd "he c+p"+in 1ired his 9issiles. The guy $+s +pp+ren"ly + ho"he+d
$ho li&ed "o pic& 1igh"s. Shoo" 1irs" +nd +s& Fues"ions l+"er. The *O o1 + 1rig+"e "h+" $+s "here
+longside "he9 "h+" d+y singled "he guy ou" +s being $+y "oo +ggressi.e. 3u" i" $+s + 9+Jor
1uc&up# + "r+gic one. 3o"h our ship +nd "he +irliner $ere in Ir+ni+n $+"er +nd +irsp+ce. A lo" o1
people died. A lo" o1 &ids. I" deser.ed +n +pology. A huge one.G
H6hich "hey go".G
HNo" + $ord. 6e +d9i""ed +ny $rongdoing. 6e cu" "he rel+" o1 "he .ic"i9s +
1e$ chec&s# bu" $e +ccep"ed responsibili"y# +pologiDed. -.en $orse# "he guys on "h+"
ship go" 9ed+ls. /ed+ls. @or eKcep"ion+l conduc". !o$8s "h+" 1or + sl+p in "he 1+ceI 3ush senior#
$ho $+s .ice presiden" +" "he "i9e under 7e+g+n# +c"u+lly s+id# LI8ll +pologiDe 1or "he
Uni"ed S"+"es o1 A9eric+. I don8" c+re $h+" "he 1+c"s +re.8 G
HThe noble# 9e+sured $ords o1 + "rue s"+"es9+n#G Tess s+id $ryly.
HAnd $e $onder $hy $h+c&Jobs li&e "heir curren" presiden" ge" so 9uch "r+c"ion $hen
"hey "e+r in"o us +nd c+ll us "he LGre+" S+"+n#8 G 7eilly +dded. HThey go" "heir re.enge# "hough.G
HThe P+n A9 Ju9bo "h+" go" blo$n ou" o1 "he s&y 4oc&erbie#G 7eilly "old her.
HI "hough" "he 4iby+ns $ere behind "h+". Didn8" "hey "ry "$o o1 "heir +gen"s 1or i"# +nd one
o1 "he98s no$ dying o1 c+ncer or so9e"hingIG
H!e8s no" dying. And you c+n 1orge" $h+" you8.e re+d. The Ir+ni+ns $ere behind i".G
Tess $en" Fuie" 1or + long second. HSo# do "hey gi.e you his"ory lessons +" Mu+n"ico# or
$h+"IG she 1in+lly +s&ed.
7eilly bre+"hed ou" + dry l+ugh. HSo9e. 3u" no" +bou" "h+". I"8s no" + gre+" ide+ "o l+y ou"
your dir"y l+undry 1or i9pression+ble +gen"s during b+sic "r+ining# is i"I !+rdly "he bes"
H6h+" "henIG
H*o9e on. Gi.e 9e so9e credi" here. Ir+n8s + ho" bu""on righ" no$. Priori"y one. And I
need "o &no$ "he $hole b+c&s"ory o1 $ho $e8re de+ling $i"h# especi+lly $hen "hey8re "rying "o
ge" "heir h+nds on nu&es.G
Tess nodded# processing $h+" he8d "old her. A1"er + 9o9en"# she +s&ed# HSo ho$ does i"
1eelI Bno$ing "he b+d guys you8re +1"er 9igh" be "he resul" o1 so9e"hing $e didIG
7eilly shrugged. H!is"ory8s one long series o1 one coun"ry 9essing $i"h +no"her. 6e8re
+s guil"y o1 i" +s +nyone else# +nd i" goes on. So + lo" o1 $h+" I do h+s "o do $i"h de+ling $i"h
blo$b+c& 1ro9 "he 1uc&ups o1 o"hersCusu+lly "he geniuses running our 1oreign policy. 3u" i"
doesn8" ch+nge "he 1+c" "h+" +ssholes li&e our Ir+ni+n 1riend need "o be "+&en ou". I" h+s "o be
done# +nd I h+.e no proble9 doing i". I 9e+n# sure# 9+ybe "he guy h+s grie.+nces "h+" s"+c& up#
9+ybe $e8re "he ones $ho "riggered $h+" "urned hi9 in"o "his b+d 9o"her1uc&er . . . i"
doesn8" ch+nge $h+" he is no$# or Jus"i1y $h+" he8s done.G
Tess 1ro$ned# deep in "hough". H%ou "hin& he 9igh" h+.e los" so9e 1+9ily on "h+"
HSounds li&e i". I" h+ppened in ',55. Th+"8s "$en"y;"$o ye+rs +go. S+y he8s in his 9id;
"hir"ies no$. Th+" pu"s hi9 in his e+rly "eens +" "he "i9e. No" + gre+" +ge "o lose your p+ren"s# i1
"h+"8s $h+" h+ppened. I"8s e+sy "o see + lo" o1 h+"e co9ing ou" o1 "h+".G
HGod# yes.G She pic"ured "he Ir+ni+n# +s + boy# being "old "h+" his p+ren"s or his siblings
h+d been &illed. !er 9ind dri1"ed "o Bi9# +nd 1or + brie1 ins"+n"# she i9+gined her in "he s+9e
si"u+"ion. Then +n ide+ dropped in"o her he+d +nd rescued her 1ro9 "h+" gri9 pic"ure. H%ou guys
9us" h+.e + p+ssenger 9+ni1es" o1 "h+" 1ligh"I A lis" o1 "he .ic"i9sIG
HThere is + lis". The one "hey used "o p+y "he sur.i.ors8 rel+" 3u" 1iguring ou" $hich
one o1 "he9 le1" behind + son# in + coun"ry $e h+.e Dero diplo9+"ic rel+"ions $i"h# +in8" gonn+ be
HSo e.en &no$ing "h+" $on8" help 1igure ou" $ho he isI8
HProb+bly no".G
H%ou don8" sound "oo hope1ul.G
7eilly shrugged +g+in# re9e9bering his "hough"s in "he c+r# $hen -r"ugrul h+d pic&ed
"he9 up +" "he +irpor". since AJ+K# e.ery "i9e $e8.e gone he+d "o he+d $i"h "he Ir+ni+ns . .
. $e8.e los". The e9b+ssy in Tehr+n. The choppers in "he deser". The hos"+ges in 3eiru". Ir+n;
*on"r+. The insurgen"s in Ir+F. -.en "he godd+9n 6orld *up# b+c& in ',,5. 6e8.e los" e.ery
HNo" "his "i9e "hough#G she s+id# "rying "o belie.e i".
HD+9n righ"#G he s+id# hugging her close "o hi9.
She snuggled up +g+ins" his ches"# lis"ening "o his bre+"hing# +nd so9e"hing inside her
s"irred. An +nger# + resol.e# + hunger. She righ"ed hersel1 +nd "urned "o 1+ce hi9# "hen 9o.ed in
+nd pl+n"ed her 9ou"h on his# li1"ing her leg "o si" +s"ride hi9.
H!ey#G he 9u9bled.
HShu" up#G she 9ou"hed b+c&.
H6h+" +re you doingIG
H6h+" do you "hin&IG
!er 1ingers $ere $or&ing on loosening his bel".
H6e8re supposed "o conser.e energy#G he 9+n+ged in be"$een hungry 9ou"h1uls o1 her.
HS"op "+l&ing "hen.G She $+s no$ "ugging do$n her o$n p+n"s.
HTess#G he s"+r"ed "o s+y# bu" she in"errup"ed hi9# sFueeDing his 1+ce in her h+nds.
HI1 $e8re going "o die here#G she $hispered in"o his e+r# lo$ering hersel1 on"o hi9 +s she
"+s"ed "he s+l"iness o1 + lone "e+r "h+" slid do$n her chee& +nd "ric&led on"o her lip# HI $+n" "o die
&no$ing "here8s + big s9ile on your 1+ce. -.en i1 I c+n8" see i".G
Chapter &+

Reilly $+s "he 1irs" "o s"ir. The silence +round hi9 $+s surre+l# +nd i" "oo& hi9 + 9o9en"
"o process $here he $+s. !e sensed Tess# +sleep beside hi9 on "he h+rd ground# her bre+"hing
sh+llo$ +nd c+l9. !e didn8" &no$ ho$ 9uch "i9e h+d p+ssed since "hey8d 1+llen +sleep in e+ch
o"her8s +r9s +nd didn8" h+.e + clue +s "o $h+" "i9e o1 d+y or nigh" i" $+s.
!e s+" up# slo$ly# "$is"ing his he+d +round "o s"re"ch "he s"i11ness ou" o1 his nec&#
conscious "h+" e.ery 9o.e9en" he 9+deC"he brushing o1 clo"h +g+ins" clo"h# "he "inies" scr+pe
o1 his shoe +g+ins" "he h+rd groundC$+s ge""ing +9pli1ied ou" o1 +ll propor"ion. I" 9+de "he
n+"ur+l isol+"ion ch+9ber he $+s in 1eel e.en 9ore !e rubbed his eyes# "hen loo&ed
+round# 9ore ou" o1 ins"inc" "h+n ou" o1 necessi"y# gi.en "he s"ygi+n d+r&ness +round hi9C+nd
so9e"hing regis"ered. So9e"hing he h+dn8" 1irs" no"iced.
There $+s +n odd shi99er in "he +ir# + &ind o1 phosphorescence# 1lo+"ing +cross "he $+lls
o1 "he c+.ern. I" $+s b+rely .isible# 1+in" +nd ghos"ly. A" 1irs"# he $+sn8" sure i" $+s +c"u+lly
"here# or i1 i" $+s Jus" so9e &ind o1 + re+c"ion in his re"in+s# 9+ybe due "o being depri.ed o1 +ny
&ind o1 ligh". !e "ried blin&ing "he "iredness +$+y +nd 1ocused on "he $+ll +g+in.
I" $+s "here.
A spec"r+l glo$ o1 ligh"# 1il"ering "hrough.
@ro9 ou"side.
!ope s$elled inside hi9. !e go" up +nd# his +r9s ou"s"re"ched "o &eep hi9 1ro9 hi""ing
+ny"hing# he +d.+nced slo$ly +cross "he c+.ern. The gli99er $+sn8" enough "o ligh" his $+y# bu"
he 1el" 9+rgin+lly 9ore co91or"+ble +round $i"h i" "here "h+n $i"hou" i". I" see9ed "o be
co9ing 1ro9 + "unnel "h+" led +$+y 1ro9 "he c+.ern# one he +nd Tess h+d# he "hough"# chec&ed
ou". !e crouched +nd crep" "hrough "he p+ss+ge$+y# his spl+yed 1ingers 1eeling "he $+lls +round
They 1ound +n opening in "he "unnel $+ll. I" $+s $+is";high# + round hole +round "hree
1ee" in di+9e"er. The ligh" see9ed "o be gliding in 1ro9 "here. 7eilly r+n his h+nds +long i"s
ledge# le""ing his "ouch do "he eKploring. The ledge $+s only +bou" + 1oo" +nd + h+l1 deep.
3eyond i" $+s + .oid. A .oid "h+" dropped do$nC+nd rose up.
A sh+1".
7eilly le+ned righ" in"o i" 1or + closer loo&. 4igh"Cd+yligh"C$+s de1ini"ely seeping in
1ro9 +bo.e. 3u" "here $+s so9e"hing else. Noise# 1ro9 belo$. The gen"le 9ur9ur o1 $+"er. No"
+ gush. /ore o1 + slo$ 9e+nder.
!e b+c&ed ou" o1 "he hole +nd go" do$n on his h+unches# his 1ingers se+rching "he
ground. !e 1ound + plu9;siDed piece o1 loose roc& +nd pic&ed i" up. !e le+ned b+c& in"o "he
opening# eK"ended his +r9 "he hole# +nd dropped "he s"one. A1"er +bou" "$o seconds# +nd
$i"hou" bouncing +g+ins" +ny bends in "he sh+1"# i" s"ruc& $+"er $i"h + cle+n spl+sh "h+" echoed
up "o hi9.
!e &ne$ he8d 1ound + $ell "h+" cul9in+"ed in so9e &ind o1 .en"il+"ion sh+1". !e guessed
"h+" "he sun $+s possibly +" +n +ngle $here i"s r+ys $ere co9ing "hrough "he sh+1" $i"h enough
s"reng"h "o 1ind "heir $+y do$n "o "he "unnel he $+s in# bu" i1 "h+" $+s "he c+se# i" 9e+n" "h+" "he
ligh" $ouldn8" necess+rily be "here 1or long. !e s"+r"ed dr+$ing + 9en"+l pic"ure o1 ho$ "he $ell
could be l+id ou". During "heir 1rui"less eKplor+"ion "he nigh" be1ore# Tess h+d "old hi9 +bou" "he
underground ci"ies8 el+bor+"e $+"er;collec"ion +nd .en"il+"ion sys"e9s# designed "o +llo$ "he
esc+ping .ill+gers "o bun&er do$n 1or eK"ended periods o1 "i9e $hile hiding ou" 1ro9 in.+ding
1orces. The .en"il+"ion sh+1"s eK"ended +ll "he $+y "o "he bo""o9 o1 "he co9pleK +nd $ere b+rely
n+rro$ enough 1or + hu9+n +dul" "o cr+$l "hrough. They h+d g+"es +nd spi&es buil" in"o "he9 "o
bloc& +ny unin.i"ed gues"s. The design +lso c+"ered "o + s+1e supply o1 drin&ing $+"er# one "h+"
couldn8" be cu" o11 or "+9pered $i"h 1ro9 "he ou"side. The .ill+gers h+d dug $ells "h+" +llo$ed
+ccess "o sub"err+ne+n s"re+9s# +nd c+r.ed ou" o"her sh+1"s "h+" collec"ed r+in$+"er 1ro9 "he
sur1+ce. 3o"h sys"e9s h+d "o be $ell hidden "o bloc& ene9ies +bo.eground 1ro9 ei"her cr+$ling
in or pouring poison in"o "he9.
7eilly "hough" i" !e doub"ed he could 9+&e i" up "o "he sur1+ce "hrough +
.en"il+"ion sh+1". On "he o"her h+nd# Tess h+d "old hi9 "h+" "he h+nd1ul o1 $ells in "he
underground se""le9en"s $ere usu+lly connec"ed "o one +no"her "hrough + sys"e9 o1 ch+nnels.
Gi.en "h+" i" $+s "he heigh" o1 su99er# he "hough" "here $+s + ch+nce "h+" "he $+"er le.el do$n
"here $+s 9+n+ge+ble. 6hich 9e+n" "h+" 9+ybe# Jus" 9+ybe# he could use "he $ell "o re+ch
+no"her p+r" o1 "he co9pleKCone "h+" $+sn8" bloc&ed "o "he ou"side $orld.
!e roused Tess 1ro9 her sleep +nd sho$ed her $h+" he8d 1ound. The gli99er $+s 1+ding#
no doub" 1ro9 "he sun8s shi1"ing posi"ion. They h+d "o 9o.e 1+s".
HI8ll go 1irs"#G he "old her. HBeep +n e+r ou" in c+se +ny help sho$s up 1ro9 "he "unnels.G
!er h+nd re+ched ou" +nd gr+bbed his +r9# s"illing hi9. HDon8". There8s $+"er do$n
"here. 6h+" i1 you c+n8" ge" b+c& upIG
H6e don8" h+.e + choice#G he s+id. !e dredged up + s9ile# "hough i" $+s b+rely .isible.
HI"8s su99er. The le.els c+n8" be "h+" high.G
HI8d buy "h+"Ci1 i" $eren8" 1or "he 9el"ing sno$# doo1us.G
HI8ll be 1ine#G he +ssured her $i"h + sligh" chuc&le.
She 1ro$ned. HThe codices#G she s+id. HI1 "here8s $+"er . . . "hey 9igh" ge" d+9+ged.
3eyond rep+ir.G
HSo le+.e "he9 behind.G
H6e 9igh" 1ind "he9 +g+in.G
7eilly re+ched up +nd cupped her chee& in his h+nd. H6h+"8s 9ore i9por"+n"I %our li1e#
or "hese boo&sIG
She didn8" +ns$er# bu" he 1el" her nod sligh"ly. Then her "one $en" de+d serious +g+in.
H6h+" i1 you don8" 1ind your $+y b+c&IG
7eilly could Jus" +bou" see "he re1lec"ion in her eyes. Th+" co99en" $+s h+rder "o de1lec".
She $+s righ". Then he re9e9bered so9e"hing# +nd gli9psed + possible solu"ion on "he $+ll
behind her.
HThe elec"ric+l c+bling. !elp 9e rip i" o11 "he $+lls.G
They $en" +round "he p+ss+ge$+ys +nd c+.erns in "he d+r&ness# 1eeling "heir $+y +round
+nd y+n&ing +s 9uch elec"ric+l c+bling +s "hey could. They 9+n+ged "o g+"her + couple o1
hundred y+rds o1 i" +nd "ied "he .+rious sec"ions "oge"her "o 9+&e i" one con"inuous leng"h.
7eilly "oo& one end o1 i" +nd "ied i" on"o "he 1iKings o1 one o1 "he $+ll ligh"s. !e "ugged +"
i"# h+rd. I" didn8" budge. The 1iKing i"sel1 see9ed solid enough "o hold his $eigh"# +nd "he c+ble
$+s s"rong. The $e+& lin& $+s "he so1" roc& "he 1iK"ure $+s +nchored in"o. !e h+d no $+y o1
&no$ing i1 i" $ould hold# or i1 $ould Jus" cru9ble o11. 7eg+rdless# he du9ped "he big roll o1
c+ble do$n "he $ell# "hen Tess h+nded hi9 "he pic&;sho.el co9bo "ool 1ro9 "he Ir+ni+n8s
H%ou8.e go" "he gun. Use i" i1 you h+.e "o#G he s+id.
Tess nodded# s"ill cle+rly unco91or"+ble $i"h "he ide+ o1 his She g+.e hi9 + deep
&iss# "hen he cli9bed in"o "he hole.
HI8ll be b+c&#G he "old her.
H%ou8d be""er be#G Tess replied# her h+nd holding on "o his "igh"ly 1or + 1e$ seconds 9ore
be1ore 1in+lly le""ing go.

T!- *4I/3 DO6N 6AS# +s 7eilly8s drill ins"ruc"or b+c& +" Mu+n"ico li&ed "o s+y#
ch+r+c"er;building. *h+r+c"er;building# +nd slo$. !e 9+de his $+y do$n one s9+ll# prec+rious
9o.e +" + "i9e# his b+c& pressed +g+ins" "he $+ll o1 "he "unnel# his +r9s +nd legs sprung ou"
+g+ins" "he opposi"e 1+ce o1 "he n+rro$ p+ss+ge# his "+u" 9uscles cl+9ping hi9 in"o pl+ce.
The $+y b+c& up# i1 "here $+s one# $+sn8" going "o be 9uch 1un ei"her.
The "unnel didn8" $iden# $hich +llo$ed hi9 "o 9+&e i" +ll "he $+y do$n un"il his 1oo"
1el" $+"er# +1"er $h+" he es"i9+"ed $+s + descen" o1 no" 1+r 1ro9 + hundred 1ee". !e held "here 1or
+ 9o9en" +nd c+ugh" his bre+"h# hesi"+"ing. !e h+d no $+y o1 &no$ing ho$ deep "he ch+nnel
$+s. I1 he le" go +nd +llo$ed hi9sel1 "o 1+ll in"o i"# +nd i1 i" $+s "oo deep 1or hi9 "o s"+nd in# he
ris&ed ge""ing c+rried +$+y by "he curren"C+nd dro$ning# i1 "he c+n+l didn8" h+.e +n +ir g+p
+bo.e i".
!e didn8" h+.e 9uch choice.
!e "oo& hold o1 "he c+ble +nd# slo$ly# e+sed hi9sel1 o11 "he $+ll +nd on"o i"# his legs "he
l+s" "o le" go o1 "he "unnel. The c+ble held. !e bre+"hed ou" $i"h relie1 +nd# one h+nd +" + "i9e#
lo$ered hi9sel1 do$n in"o "he $+"er. The s"re+9 $+s# surprisingly# 1reeDing. Surprisingly#
bec+use o1 "he in"ense he+" +bo.eground. Tess8s co99en" +bou" "he 9el"ing sno$ brough" +
s9+ll s9ile "o his 1+ce. !e &ep" going un"il "he $+"er $+s up "o his +r9pi"sC"hen his 1ee" 1el"
so9e"hing +nd l+nded on solid ground.
HI89 do$n#G he yelled up. HI c+n s"+nd in i".G
H*+n you see +ny"hingIG she shou"ed b+c&.
!e loo&ed do$ns"re+9. The p+le shi99er on "he $+"er8s sur1+ce dis+ppe+red in"o
bl+c&ness. !e "urned "he opposi"e $+y. I" $+s Jus" +s d+r&.
!is he+r" s+n&.
HNo#G he shou"ed# "rying "o &eep his .oice e.en.
Tess $en" Fuie". H6h+" do you $+n" "o doIG she 1in+lly +s&ed.
!e 9o.ed +$+y 1ro9 under "he sh+1" +nd "oo& + couple o1 s"eps ups"re+9# his h+nds
holding on "o "he c+ble "igh"ly. There $+s +n +ir g+p be"$een "he sur1+ce o1 "he $+"er +nd "he
roo1 o1 "he ch+nnel. I1 he ben" his &nees +nd crouched "hrough# he8d be +ble "o $+l& ups"re+9C
1or + $hile# +ny$+y. !e couldn8" see ho$ 1+r i" s"+yed "h+" $+y. !e "ried "he s+9e do$ns"re+9.
The roo1 $+s lo$er "here# +nd +1"er b+rely + h+l1 doDen s"eps# i" dis+ppe+red under$+"er.
!e c+lled up "o her. HI89 going "o see i1 "here8s +no"her sh+1" ou" o1 "his pl+ce. Ups"re+9
loo&s do+ble.G
Tess $en" Fuie" +g+in. A1"er + be+"# she s+id# HGood luc&# "iger.G
HI lo.e you#G he hollered b+c&.
HI89 +l9os" "hin&ing i" $+s $or"h ge""ing in"o "his 9ess Jus" "o he+r you s+y i"#G she
!e reeled in "he c+ble +nd "ied i"s end +round his $+is"# "hen s"+r"ed hi&ing up "he
The bo""o9 $+s s9oo"h +nd slippery# "he so1" "u1+ bu11ed +nd polished by eons o1 $+"er.
!e h+d "o 9o.e slo$ly +nd $i"h eK"re9e c+re# +nd e.en "hough "he 1lo$ o1 "he s"re+9 $+sn8" "oo
o.erpo$ering# i" $+s s"ill "here. The di11icul"y $+s in "o use his +r9s "o &eep 1eeling "he
roo1 o1 "he ch+nnel in se+rch o1 +no"her sh+1". !e n+rro$ly los" his 1oo"ing "$ice 1ro9 "he
+$&$+rd s"+nce# bu" be1ore long i" bec+9e + 9oo" poin" +s "he roo1 dropped do$n +nd
dis+ppe+red under$+"er.
The +ir g+p $+s gone.
7eilly s"ood "here 1or + be+"# 1roDen# eKh+us"ed# his 1ingers +nd "oes +ching 1ro9 "he
cons"+n" eKer"ion. !e s"+red in"o "he bl+c&ness# con"e9pl+"ing $h+" i" 9e+n" i1 he h+d "o 9+&e
his $+y b+c& "o Tess $i"hou" 1ound + $+y ou". !e cursed in$+rdly# $+n"ing "o yell ou" his
r+ge +nd pound his 1is"s +g+ins" "he d+9n "unnel $+lls# bu" he held b+c& +nd suc&ed in so9e deep
bre+"hs +nd "ried "o c+l9 hi9sel1 do$n.
!e re1used "o gi.e up.
There h+d "o be + $+y ou".
!e couldn8" 1+il Tess. Nor could he le" "he Ir+ni+n $in.
!e h+d "o &eep going.
!e 1illed his lungs $i"h +ir +nd eKh+led "$ice# "hen suc&ed in + deep bre+"h +nd held i"
+nd crouched under$+"er. The $+"er chilled his eyes +s he s"r+ined "o loo& +he+d# "hen he &ic&ed
1or$+rd +nd s"+r"ed s$i99ing ups"re+9. !e s"ruggled "o 9+&e +ny he+d$+y +s his +r9s +nd 1ee"
pushed "he $+"er b+c& 1uriously# +nd he &ep" d+r"ing one h+nd up$+rd# his he+d# running i"
+g+ins" "he roo1 o1 "he "unnel# hoping i" $ould 1ind +n opening +nd presen" hi9 $i"h +no"her +ir
g+p. !e 1el" his lungs +bou" "o eKplode# +nd "urned +nd he+ded b+c&# coun"ing "he nu9ber o1
s"ro&es he "oo&# +nd $i"h + greedy gulp burs" ou" in"o "he +ir poc&e" he h+d le1".
!e s"ood "here# le""ing his bre+"hing se""le# +nd 9ulled i" !e "hough" he8d 1el" "he
roo1 rising sligh"ly be1ore he8d h+d "o gi.e up +nd "urn b+c&. The proble9 $+s# "here $+s + poin"
o1 no re"urn in .en"uring up "h+" "unnel# +nd he needed "o &no$ $h+" i" $+s. A" so9e poin"# he8d
h+.e "o decide $he"her "o "urn b+c& or &eep goingC&no$ing "h+" i1 he did "he l+""er# he $ould
run ou" o1 oKygen be1ore he 9+de i" b+c& "o "he +ir poc&e". !e decided "o "es" i" +nd see ho$ long
he could s"+y under. !e "oo& in +s deep + bre+"h +s he could# "hen duc&ed under "he sur1+ce#
s"+ying in pl+ce bu" i9+gining hi9sel1 s$i99ing# +nd coun"ed ho$ 9+ny s"ro&es he could 9+&e
be1ore he h+d "o co9e up 1or +ir.
!e 9+n+ged siK"een. 6hich $ould be less i1 he $ere +c"u+lly doing i" +nd pushing
+g+ins" $+"er# so he 1+c"ored i" do$n "o 1our"een. 6hich 9e+n" "h+" +1"er se.en s"ro&es
under$+"erCor possibly eigh" or nine# gi.en "h+" "he $+y b+c& $ould be 1+s"er +s he8d be
s$i99ing $i"h "he curren"Che8d need "o decide $he"her "o &eep going# +nd possibly dro$n# or
he+d b+c&. !e "hough" he8d 9+n+ged +bou" 1i.e or siK s"ro&es on his e+rlier +""e9p"# +nd he8d
b+rely 9+de i" b+c&# so "h+" sounded +bou" righ".
!e 9o.ed b+c& ups"re+9 +nd go" righ" up "o "he poin" $here "he roo1 o1 "he "unnel hi" "he
$+"er. 6i"h his &nees spl+yed $ide +nd ben"# he crouched righ" do$n +nd cr+ned his he+d b+c&
+nd side$+ys un"il his 1orehe+d $+s li"er+lly scr+ping "he roo1. !e p+used 1or + shor" res" "o
+llo$ his 9uscles "o regroup# "hen he "oo& "he "hree bre+"hs# &ep" "he "hird in# +nd $en" under.
This "i9e# he "ried 1+s"er# his 1ee" &ic&ing h+rder# his +r9s s"+ying do$n +nd no"
loo&ing 1or +n +ir poc&e" he &ne$ "hey $ouldn8" ye" 1ind. As he 1ough" "he s"re+9ing $+"er# s"ill
in u""er d+r&ness# he coun"ed do$n e+ch s"ro&e in his 9ind.
!is he+r"be+" roc&e"ed +he+d +s he "oo& his siK"h s"ro&e.
Then his se.en"h.
Then his eigh"h.
!is h+nd rose up# bu" i" $+s s"ill sub9erged. There $+s s"ill no +ir +bo.e hi9.
!e h+d "o decide. 7igh" "here +nd "hen. !e h+d "o decide $he"her "o &eep going or "urn
b+c&. !e "hough" he8d sensed "he roo1 rising "he l+s" "i9e +round# bu" righ" no$# he $+sn8" sure
+ny9ore. Too 9+ny .+ri+bles $ere clouding his 9ind.
!e &ep" going.
Chapter &,

%is lungs $ere on 1ire. /+ybe cle+r +ir $+s only 1i.e or siK s"ro&es +he+d o1 hi9. /+ybe
he could 9+&e i" "hereCi1 he c+l9ed do$n. 3u" "he +$+reness o1 "he i9pending dro$ning# "he
+$+reness o1 "he 1ini"e +9oun" o1 "i9e he h+d le1"# $+s 9+&ing i" $orse. I" $+s 1looding his body
$i"h +dren+line +nd s"o&ing his he+r"be+" "o + poin" $here his lungs $ere re+dy "o eKplode
@or + spli" second# 7eilly i9+gined $h+" dro$ning $ould be li&e# bu" he Fuic&ly Fu+shed
"he "hough" +nd pushed h+rder# e.en 1+s"er no$. !is h+nd $+s s"ill sliding +g+ins" "he
s9oo"h roo1 o1 "he "unnel# desper+"ely see&ing ou" his s+l.+"ion. @or +n ins"+n" "here# i" did 1eel
li&e "he roo1 $+s sloping up$+rd# b+rely percep"ibly# bu" enough "o gi.e hi9 hope# enough "o
9+&e hi9 1igh" "he $+"er e.en h+rderC"hen so9e"hing pulled +g+ins" hi9# y+n&ing hi9 b+c&.
The c+ble# "he one +round his $+is". !e8d run ou".
!is h+nds $en" in"o + 1renDy# $or&ing 1e.erishly +" "he &no"# pulling +nd "ugging
1erociously un"il he bro&e 1ree 1ro9 i"s grip. !e 1lung i" +side +nd s"+r"ed +g+in# bu" "he re+li"y o1
i" +ll $+s 1looding in# "he re+liD+"ion "h+" he h+d "o die no$# "h+" his $illpo$er $+s 1igh"ing +
losing b+""le "o con"+in his lungs8 need "o le" so9e"hing in# +ny"hing# e.en i1 i" $+s 1reeDing cold
!e 1el" + surge o1 blood in his 1orehe+d# + p+nic "h+" r+ced "hrough e.ery neuron in his
body +nd cho&ed his .ery soul# +nd +l"hough he $+sn8" re+dy "o gi.e up# +l"hough he +bsolu"ely
did no" $+n" "o die# "he need "o bre+"he in $+s s"ronger "h+n hi9# s"ronger "h+n he could no$
o.erco9eC+nd in "h+" 9o9en" o1 pure "error# in "h+" ins"+n" $hen his li1e see9ed li&e i" $+s
+bou" "o ge" 1lushed +$+y in + surge o1 9ol"en sno$# so9e"hing bro&e "hrough# + sign+l# co9ing
1ro9 "he "ips o1 his 1ingers# 1igh"ing o11 "he dre+d $i"h + s"+b o1 hope.
A coolness.
The coolness o1 +ir slipping p+s" d+9p s&in.
!is 1ingers $ere in open +ir.
I" sen" +n elec"ric shoc& "hrough his body +nd spurred hi9 1or$+rd e.en 1+s"er. !e
pl+n"ed his 1ee" +g+ins" "he bo""o9 +nd "oo& + couple o1 s"eps 1or$+rd# his h+nd groping "he roo1
o1 "he "unnel 1r+n"ic+lly# "he $+"er spl+shing +g+ins" i" +nd con1using his senses# his 1+ce "urned
up +nd s"+ring desper+"ely in"o "he in&y bl+c&ness +bo.e hi9C"hen he rose. !e couldn8" l+s"
+no"her second. !e Jus" burs" up# his 1+ce "il"ed side$+ys# hoping his 1+ce $+sn8" +bou" "o collide
$i"h solid roc&.
!e 1ound +ir. The cle+r+nce $+s no 9ore "h+n + couple o1 inches# bu" i" $+s enough. !e
inh+led 1uriously# le""ing "he +ir ho$l in"o his lungs# coughing +nd spu""ering 1ro9 "he $+"er "h+"
$+s +lso "ric&ling in# diDDy $i"h oKygen +nd el+"ion.
!e didn8" 9o.e# no" 1or + 9inu"e or so. !e Jus" le" his he+r" c+l9 do$n# le" his lungs
gorge " $i"h +ir# le" "he "ension seep ou" o1 his 9uscles. 6hen he 1el" se""led +g+in# he
"oo& + couple o1 s"eps 1+r"her ups"re+9# chec&ing "he roo1 +s he did. I" $+s rising +g+in# slo$ly
bu" surely. And in "he dis"+nce# +s i1 congr+"ul+"ing hi9 on p+ssing so9e &ind o1 s+dis"ic "es"# +
$r+i"hli&e h+lo o1 ligh" $+s bec&oning hi9 1ro9 "he roo1 o1 "he ch+nnel# 9+ybe "hir"y or so y+rds

G-TTING INTO T!- S!A@T $+s "he h+rdes" p+r" o1 "he orde+l.
7eilly used "he pic& "o hois" hi9sel1 up in"o i"# "he 9o.e +ll "he 9ore +rduous due "o "he
+dded $eigh" o1 his drenched clo"hes. !is 1irs" 1e$ +""e9p"s ended in de1e+" +s "he so1" "u1+ he8d
pl+n"ed "he pic& in"o cru9bled under his $eigh" +nd sen" hi9 spl+shing b+c& in"o "he s"re+9# bu"
he 1in+lly 9+n+ged "o hoo& i" in"o + 9ore solid p+"ch +nd li1" hi9sel1 in"o "he .er"ic+l sh+1".
4i&e + 9o"h dr+$n "o "he ligh"# he cli9bed up +nd 1ound hi9sel1 in + si9il+r p+ss+ge$+y
"o "he one he h+d le1" Tess in. !e 1ound "he c+bling on "he $+ll +nd 1ollo$ed i" 1irs" in one
direc"ion# "hen in "he o"her un"il he 1ound so9e s"eps "h+" led up$+rd.
!e 1ound his $+y b+c& "o "he 9ou"h o1 "he sh+1" +nd pulled "he c+bling o11 "he $+ll
beside i" +s + 9+r&er 1or his re"urn "rip# "hen 1ollo$ed "he c+bling "hrough + see9ingly endless
series o1 ch+9bers +nd p+ss+ge$+ys# s9+shing "he ligh" 1iK"ures $ he encoun"ered "he9
"o le+d hi9 b+c& "o "he sh+1". And "hen i" +ppe+red# 1irs" +s + hin" o1 i"s presence# "hen Fuic&ly
gro$ing so i" brough" b+c& "he +round hi9 in"o .ie$? sunligh"# brigh"# glorious# +nd
!e e9erged in + c+nyon he didn8" recogniDe. There $+s no one +round ei"her# Jus" + b+re#
desol+"e l+ndsc+pe. I" $+s si9il+r "o "he one "h+" h+d led in"o "he underground ci"yC9ore roc&
1or9+"ions o1 $h+" loo&ed li&e huge# upside;do$n incisors# 9ore 9eringue;li&e hillsCbu" i" $+s
+ di11eren" c+nyon# o1 "h+" he $+s cer"+in. !e used his pic& "o gouge + big Z by "he en"r+nce o1
"he c+.e d$elling he h+d e9erged 1ro9# "hen# 9+&ing sure he 9+de + 9en"+l no"e o1 e.ery "urn
he "oo& +nd using his pic& "o le+.e 9+r&ers behind +" e.ery bend# he s"+ggered +he+d# loo&ing
1or help.
A lone 9ule# "ied "o + s"+&e in "he ground# in"errup"ed his +i9less $+nder. Then "he r+sp
o1 + "hro+" "h+" h+d endured dec+des o1 nico"ine d+9+ge +dded "o his con1usion.
H,erhaba, oradaki.G
!e s"opped +nd sc+nned his surroundings. There $+s no one +round.
:;<te burada. /uraday7m,= "he .oice c+lled ou".
!e 1ollo$ed i" up$+rd +nd s+$ +n old 9+n Jus" si""ing "here# in "he 9iddle o1 no$here#
perched on + ric&e"y $ooden ch+ir in + s9+ll# eKposed ch+pel "h+" h+d been c+r.ed in"o "he roc&
1+ce. The 9+n $+s $ +" hi9 $i"h + slo$# 1r+il +r9. A s9+ll "+ble neK" "o hi9 displ+yed +
1e$ c+ns o1 so1" drin&s# $hile + "in &e""le s"ood re+dy on + s9+ll c+9ping g+s burner.
The 9+n 1l+shed hi9 + 9os"ly "oo"hless s9ile. :I>mek i>in bir<ey ister misini(, efendi=
he +s&ed# poin"ing +" "he c+ns on "he "+ble.
7eilly shoo& his he+d +nd loo&ed +" hi9 1or + curious second# 9+&ing sure "he 9+n $+s
+c"u+lly "here +nd no" so9e 1ig9en" o1 his b+""ered 9ind# "hen hurried "o hi9.

IT 6AS ANOT!-7 T!7-- !OU7S be1ore he 9+de i" b+c& "o Tess. !e8d brough" help
$i"h hi9# in "he 1or9 o1 "he old 9+n8s son +nd "$o gr+ndsons# +long $i"h plen"y o1 rope +nd +
1e$ 1l+shligh"s.
!e h+dn8" been +ble "o eKpl+in $here he8d le1" her# no" "h+" he &ne$ hi9sel1. The sures"
$+y "o ge" b+c& "o her $+s "o re"r+ce his s"eps. 6i"h "he +id o1 "he loc+ls# i" $+s +n e+sier Journey
"h+n his solo "re&. The sub9erged p+r" o1 "he ch+nnel $+s "he only re+l ch+llenge "hey 1+ced2 +
buc&e"# held upside do$n li&e + bell# $+s "he only +.+il+ble solu"ion# bu" i" did "he "ric&.
7eilly h+d +lso "+&en +long "he one "hing he &ne$ Tess $ould be h+ppier "o see "h+n his o$n
1+ce? + pl+s"ic b+g# one "h+" $+s big enough "o se+l shu". To &eep "he codices# +nd !osius8s
docu9en"# dry.
The grin on her 1+ce $hen she s+$ i" "old hi9 he $+s righ".
Th+" $+s "he good ne$s.
The b+d ne$s $+s con1ir9ed once "hey 1in+lly go" b+c& "o "he en"r+nce o1 "he
sub"err+ne+n ci"+del "h+" "hey h+d gone "hrough on "he $+y in.
AbdWl&eri9 $+s s"ill de+d. And "he Ir+ni+n h+d# i" see9ed# .+nished.
Chapter &-

I" didn8" "+&e long 1or "he c+nyon "o be s$+r9ing $i"h cops. The >+nd+r9+ h+d been on
+ler" in "he +re+# +nd "he old 9+n8s c+ll "o his loc+l cop h+d brough" "he9 s"or9ing in. There $+s
li""le "hey could do. The ro+dbloc&s "hey8d se" up h+dn8" ne""ed "he Ir+ni+n. The c+.+lry h+d
ridden in "oo l+"e.
The procession o1 gri9 ne$sCcon1ir9+"ions# re+llyCcon"inued. -r"ugrul h+dn8"
sur.i.ed his he+d $ound. Bes&in# "he c+p"+in o1 "he XDel Ti9 uni"# $+s +lso de+d# +long $i"h o1 his 9en. The "roops scurrying +cross "he c+nyon $ere cle+rly enr+ged by "he
bloodb+"h up "he 9oun"+in +nd desper+"e 1or p+yb+c&# bu" "here $+s none "o be 1ound. All "hey
could do $+s c+r" o11 AbdWl&eri98s body +nd se+l o11 "he h+nd1ul o1 en"r+nces "o "he underground
se""le9en" $hile +$+i"ing "he +rri.+l o1 + bo9b dispos+l eKper" $ho $ould dis+r9 "he de"on+"or
in "he rigged bel" Tess h+d been $e+ringC+ssu9ing "hey 1ound i".
An urgen" +ler" $+s sen" ou" "o loc+l cops "o con"+c" +ll doc"ors +nd 9edic+l 1+cili"ies in
"he region. @ro9 $h+" 7eilly h+d seen# "he Ir+ni+n8s gunsho" $ound h+dn8" see9ed "ri.i+l. !e
$+sn8" sure $here "he bulle" h+d s"ruc&# bu" he &ne$ enough +bou" gunsho"s "o &no$ "h+" + h+nd
inJury li&e "h+" $+s +n e+sy $ound "o 1iK. 6i"hou" "he proper debride9en"# 1r+c"ure
s"+biliD+"ion# +nd +n"ibio"ics# "he li&elihood o1 "he Ir+ni+n8s being +ble "o &eep +ll 1i.e 1ingers +nd
no" lose signi1ic+n" us+ge o1 his h+nd $+s 1+r 1ro9 cer"+in. !e8d need + good "r+u9+ cen"er +nd +
s&illed surgeon "o +.oid +n irre.ersible dis+bili"y.
One "hing "he Tur&ish +u"hori"ies $ouldn8" be doing $+s +n+lyDing "he codices Tess h+d
1ound. Tess h+dn8" 9en"ioned going in"o "he roc& church "o "he9. She insis"ed on &eeping "h+"
li""le seg9en" o1 her 9is+d.en"ure ou" o1 "he debrie1# +nd 7eilly h+d +greed.
Once "he 1or9+li"ies h+d been de+l" $i"h# "hey $ere dri.en "o + ne+rby ho"el# pending
1ur"her ins"ruc"ions. The ho"el# + 1i1"een;roo9 $+rren buil" in"o + cli11 o.erloo&ing + s9+ll
s"re+9# h+d been 1+shioned 1ro9 "he re9+ins o1 + 9on+s"ery. S"+bles +nd dor9i"ories h+d been
"urned in"o gues" roo9s# +nd niches in i"s p+ss+ge$+ys h+d been 1i""ed $i"h gl+ss 1ron"s +nd used
"o displ+y +rch+eologic+l curiosi"ies 1ro9 "he 9on+s"ery8s p+s". 7eilly +nd Tess $ere gi.en +
roo9 "h+" $+s +"ed ch+pel. P+le sunligh" 1ro9 + s9+ll# soli"+ry $indo$ su11used "he d+r&
sp+ce $i"h + "i9eless glo$ +nd hin"ed +" "he re9+ins o1 "hous+nd;ye+r;old 1rescoes "h+" +dorned
i"s decor+"i.ely c+r.ed $+lls. Tess h+d ini"i+lly b+l&ed +" "he ide+ o1 spending +ny 9ore "i9e in
+ny c+.e;li&e surroundings# bu" "he ho"el o$ner8s soo"hing de9e+nor +nd "he s9ell o1 his $i1e8s
$hi"e be+n# l+9b +nd "o9+"o s"e$ soon Fuelled her une+se.

@U-4-D 3% A *ONSTANT SUPP4% O@ T!I*B# s$ee" Tur&ish co11ee# 7eilly spen"
"he be""er p+r" o1 +n hour in "he o$ner8s o11ice# on "he phone $i"h >+nsson# Ap+ro# +nd + h+nd1ul
o1 o"her +gen"s $ho $ere +ll huddled in"o + con1erence roo9 b+c& +" @eder+l Pl+D+ in lo$er
The ne$s $+sn8" good# bu" "hen +g+in# 7eilly h+dn8" eKpec"ed 9uch 1ro9 "heir end. This
$+s $+y ou"side "heir pl+yground. I1 "he Ir+ni+n $+s going "o be 1ound# i" $+s going "o h+ppen
bec+use o1 "he e11or"s o1 "he Tur&ish +u"hori"ies# no" "he @3I. They h+d no signi1ic+n" in"el "h+"
$+s rele.+n" "o sh+re $i"h 7eilly reg+rding "he :+"ic+n bo9bing or "he +""+c& on "he P+"ri+rch+"e
in Is"+nbul# +nd "here $+s no poin" in c+lling in +no"her drone# no" un"il "hey h+d so9e &ind o1
le+d on <+hed8s $here+bou"s.
They h+d one ne$ piece o1 in1o# "hough. A body h+d been reco.ered in I"+ly# close "o +
su99er resor"# in "he 9oun"+ins. I" $+s iden"i1ied +s "h+" o1 +n +d9inis"r+"or 1ro9 + s9+ll
+ir1ield +bou" +n hour +nd + h+l1 e+s" o1 7o9e. The 9+n8s corpse $+s unli&e +ny"hing "he
+u"hori"ies "here h+d seen. -K"re9e body "r+u9+ didn8" e.en begin "o describe i". -.ery bone in
his body h+d been pul.eriDed. They8d concluded "h+" "he 9+n 9us" h+.e 1+llen 1ro9 + gre+"
heigh"# ei"her 1ro9 + helicop"er or 1ro9 + pl+ne. @+llen# or "hro$n ou"# 9ore li&ely. And gi.en "he
proKi9i"y o1 "he +irpor" "o 7o9e# "hey8d 1l+gged i" +s po"en"i+lly lin&ed "o "he :+"ic+n bo9bing.
6hich# 7eilly "hough"# $+s prob+bly on "he 9oney.
!e 1illed "he9 in on $h+" "he Ir+ni+n h+d "old Tess +bou" Oper+"ion AJ+K +nd "he +irliner.
!e $+sn8" surprised +" "o eKpl+in $h+" "hey $ere "o 9os" o1 "he personnel on "he c+ll.
>+nsson "old hi9 "hey8d go "hrough $h+" in"el "hey h+d on "he do$ned 1ligh"8s p+ssenger
H%ou should ge" b+c& here no$#G >+nsson concluded. HI" loo&s li&e our guy8s gone d+r&.
6ho &no$s $here he8ll resur1+ce. In "he 9e+n"i9e# "here8s no"hing 9ore you c+n do ou" "here.
4e" "he Tur&s +nd In"erpol "+&e i" 1ro9 here +nd do "heir Job.G
HSure#G 7eilly grun"ed. !e $+s "oo "ired "o +rgue# +nd 9uch +s he h+"ed "o gi.e up "he
hun"# he &ne$ >+nsson $+s prob+bly righ". Unless so9e"hing ne$ c+9e up# "here $+s li""le he
could do "o Jus"i1y s"ic&ing +round.
HGe" b+c& "o Is"+nbul#G "he +ssis"+n" direc"or in ch+rge o1 "he Ne$ %or& 1ield o11ice "old
hi9. H6e8ll ge" "he e9b+ssy "o sor" ou" so9e "r+nspor"+"ion 1or you.G
H/+&e sure "hey 1+c"or Tess in#G 7eilly s+id.
HO&+y. I8ll see you $hen you ge" b+c&. 6e8.e go" + 1e$ "hings "o "+l& +bou"#G >+nsson
+dded so9e$h+" s"i11ly be1ore ending "he c+ll.
7eilly didn8" li&e "he sound o1 "h+". >+nsson ob.iously $+sn8" going "o le" 7eilly8s solo
+d.en"ure slide. !e8d be ge""ing his +ss h+nded "o hi9# no Fues"ion.
!e $en" b+c& "o "he roo9 +nd 1ound Tess co9ing ou" o1 "he b+"hroo9# 1reshly sho$ered#
$r+pped in + "hic& $hi"e "o$el. A r+di+n" s9ile li" up her 1+ce $hen she s+$ hi9# "he s+9e s9ile
"h+" re+ched deep in"o his .ery core +nd 1+iled "o igni"e hi9 li&e + blo$"orch. Despi"e
e.ery"hing "h+" $+s s$irling +round in his he+d# he cr+.ed her 9ore "h+n be1ore +nd 1el" li&e
pulling her in"o his +r9s +nd spending + 1e$ d+ys in bed $i"h her. !e dre$ her +nd g+.e her
+ long# deep &iss# enJoying "he s9oo"h 1eel o1 her shoulders under his 1ingers# bu" i" didn8" go
1ur"her. There $+s "oo 9uch bouncing +round inside hi9.
Tess 9us" h+.e sensed i". H6h+"8s "he scoopIG
7eilly gr+bbed + c+n o1 *o&e 1ro9 "he 9inib+r +nd se""led hi9sel1 on "he bed.
HNo" 9uch. Our guy8s gone. Th+"8s +bou" i".G
Tess pu11ed up her chee&s +nd eKh+led slo$ly. HSo $h+" do $e do no$IG
H6e go ho9e.G
!er 1+ce s+n&. H6henIG
HI89 $+i"ing "o he+r b+c&. They8re going "o send + pl+ne "o 1ly us b+c& "o Is"+nbul.G
Tess nodded. Then she dropped her "o$el +nd# ins"e+d o1 Joining hi9 on "he bed# re+ched
1or her clo"hes.
H6here +re you goingIG
Tess pic&ed up !osius8s le""er +nd held i" up. HI $+n" "o &no$ $h+"8s in here be1ore $e
7eilly sho" her + loo&. HTess# co9e on.G
H7el+K. I89 Jus" going "o see i1 "hey8.e go" + co9pu"er I c+n use. /+ybe + sc+nner "oo. I
could use so9e help "r+nsl+"ing "his.G
7eilly s"udied her 1or + be+"# "hen shoo& his he+d. H6h+" is i" $i"h you +nd "hese boo&sIG
!e sighed $i"h eK+sper+"ion. HI "ell you +bou" 9y 1riend *o""on /+loneIG
!e le+ned b+c& +g+ins" "he pillo$s. HGre+" +gen". One o1 "he bes". A 1e$ ye+rs b+c&# he
decides he8s h+d enough in"rigue 1or one li1e"i9e. 4oo&ing 1or so9e pe+ce +nd Fuie". So he "he +nd "o *openh+gen +nd opens +n +n"iFue boo&shop.G
Tess g+.e hi9 + loo& "h+" s+id she &ne$ $here "his $+s going. HAnd . . . IG
H!is d+ys +s + gun;"o"ing go.ern9en" +gen"I /uch 9ore pe+ce1ul.G
Tess grinned. HI be". I should 9ee" hi9 so9e"i9e. Sounds li&e he 9igh" h+.e so9e good
s"ories "o "ell# s"+r"ing $i"h $here he go" "h+" n+9e. In "he 9e+n"i9e#G she s+id +s she held up "he
docu9en" +nd crossed "o "he door# HI8.e go" so9e "r+nsl+"ing "o do.G
7eilly shrugged +nd slid do$n "he bed. HBnoc& yoursel1 ou"#G he "old her +s he curled up
$i"h + pillo$# deciding his 9ind +nd body could use + bre+&.

!e spr+ng up +" her .oice# his eyes s"inging in pro"es". !e h+dn8" re+liDed he8d 1+llen
H6h+" "i9e is i"IG he +s&ed groggily.
HDoesn8" 9+""er.G !er .oice $+s +li.e $i"h eKci"e9en" +s she bounced on"o "he bed neK"
"o hi9 +nd held up "he +ncien" shee"s "o his 1+ce. HI go" "his "r+nsl+"ed. I" re+ds li&e !osius $ro"e
i" in his o$n h+nd. In A.D. 30. In Nic+e+. A" "he end o1 "he council.G !er eyes $ere d+ncing le1"
+nd righ"# scru"iniDing e.ery re+c"ion on 7eilly8s groggy 1+ce. H!e $ro"e i" hi9sel1# Se+n. 7igh"
+1"er "he big 9ee"ing.G
7eilly8s 9ind $+s s"ill boo"ing up. HO&+y# soCG
!er en"husi+s9 ble$ his $ords. HI "hin& I &no$ $h+" *onr+d h+d in "hose "run&s.G
Chapter )0

A.D. 30

The i9peri+l p+l+ce $+s Fuie". The long# dr+$n;ou" council $+s no$ 6ee&s +nd
9on"hs o1 he+"ed deb+"e h+d 1in+lly ended $i"h grudging co9pro9ise. All presen" h+d signed o11
on $h+" h+d been +greed +nd $ere no$ he+ding b+c& "o "heir dioceses# "o "he e+s" +nd "o "he
$es"# +ll "he e9peror8s do9inion.
*ons"+n"ine $+s ple+sed.
7esplenden" in his i9peri+l purple robes# 1es"ooned $i"h + diDDying +rr+y o1 gold +nd
Je$elsC"he s+9e +s he $ore on "he 1irs" d+y o1 "he proceedings# $hen he8d +ddressed "he
+sse9bled clergy9en# 1ully conscious o1 "he +$e his gli""ering ou"1i" $ould ins"ill in "he9Che
loo&ed ou" "he $indo$ +" "he sleeping ci"y +nd s9iled.
HI89 ple+sed# !osius#G he "old his gues". H6e h+.e +cco9plished + lo" here. And I
couldn8" h+.e done i" $i"hou" you.G
!osius# "he bishop o1 *ordob+# nodded gr+ciously 1ro9 his se+" by "he l+rge# ro+ring
1irepl+ce. /ild +nd concili+"ory by n+"ure# "he pries" $+s in his se.en"h dec+de. I" h+d been +
h+rd 1e$ 9on"hs 1or hi9# +nd "hey h+d "+&en "heir "oll on his 9ind +s $ell +s his body. 4i&e
.ir"u+lly +ll $ho held high o11ice in "he *hurch# !osius h+d su11ered under "he persecu"ions o1
"he 7o9+n e9perors. !is $rin&led s&in s"ill bore "he "r+ces o1 i". Then e.ery"hing h+d ch+nged
$i"h *ons"+n"ine. The rising gener+l h+d e9br+ced "he *hris"i+n 1+i"h# +nd +s he consolid+"ed his
hold on "he "hrone# he8d ordered +n end "o i"s suppression. !osius8s repu"+"ion h+d go""en hi9
in.i"ed "o "he e9peror8s cour"# +nd e.en"u+lly# he8d beco9e "he ne$ e9peror8s chie1 "heologi+n
+nd spiri"u+l +d.isor.
They8d co9e + long $+y since "hen.
HThese dispu"es#G *ons"+n"ine s+id. HArius# A"h+n+sius# S+bellius# +nd "he res" o1 "he9#
+nd +ll "heir pe""y con"en"ions . . . 6+s *hris" di.ine# or $+s he + cre+"ed beingI Are "he Son +nd
"he @+"her o1 one subs"+nce# or no"I 6+s >esus "he son o1 God or no"IG !e shoo& his he+d#
+ngered by "he repor"sChe h+dn8" seen "he9 $i"h his o$n eyesCo1 9os+ics in Ari+n churches in
$hich >esus *hris" $+s depic"ed +s + 9+n $ho +ged "o + ripe old +ge# $hi"e h+ir +nd +ll. H%ou
&no$ $h+" "he re+l proble9 isI These 9en h+.e "oo 9uch "i9e on "heir h+nds#G he s+id# his "one
Fuie"ly +ngry. HThey don8" re+liDe "h+" besides being un+ns$er+ble# "he Fues"ions "hey &eep
+s&ing +re d+ngerous. 6hich is $hy "hey h+d "o be s"opped be1ore "hey ruined e.ery"hing.G
*ons"+n"ine unders"ood po$er.
!e h+d +lre+dy done $h+" no e9peror h+d done be1ore hi9? !e h+d uni1ied "he e9pire.
3e1ore his +scend+ncy# "he 7o9+n -9pire h+d been di.ided in"o e+s"ern +nd $es"ern p+r"s# e+ch
ruled by i"s o$n e9peror. 3e"r+y+ls +nd "erri"ori+l $+rs $ere co99onpl+ce. *ons"+n"ine
ch+nged +ll "h+". !e "oo& po$er "hrough cunning poli"ic+l 9+neu.ering +nd + series o1 brilli+n"
9ili"+ry c+9p+igns# de1e+"ing bo"h e9perors +nd procl+i9ing hi9sel1 "he sole e9peror o1 e+s"
+nd $es" in "he ye+r 30).
3u" his people $ere s"ill di.ided.
3eyond e+s" +nd $es"# he h+d 9+Jor religious ch+s9s "o bridge? p+g+n .ersus *hris"i+n
+nd# e.en 9ore "roubleso9e# *hris"i+n .ersus *hris"i+n. @or "here $ere 9+ny di11eren"
in"erpre"+"ions o1 "he leg+cy o1 "he pre+cher "hey c+lled >esus *hris"# +nd "he dispu"es be"$een
"he .+rious groups o1"s $ere "urning .iolen". Accus+"ions o1 heresy $ere hurled +nd
coun"er;hurled. Inciden"s o1 "or"ure gre$ 9ore grueso9e. One .ic"i9CTho9+s# "he bishop o1
/+r+shC$+s p+r"icul+rly 1righ"1ul "o loo& +". !e8d h+d his eyes# nose# +nd lips cu" ou". !is "ee"h
h+d been pulled# +nd he8d h+d his +r9s +nd legs chopped o11. !e8d been &ep" prisoner by his
*hris"i+n "or9en"ors in Ar9eni+ 1or 9ore "h+n "$en"y ye+rs# su11ering +n +ddi"ion+l 9u"il+"ion
on e+ch +nni.ers+ry o1 his c+p"i.i"y.
I" h+d "o s"op.
6hich $+s $hy *ons"+n"ine h+d c+lled +ll "he bishops +nd senior church digni"+ries 1ro9
+cross his e9pire "o "he ci"y# "o +""end "he 1irs" gener+l council o1 "he *hurch. "hree hundred
prel+"es# +cco9p+nied by 9+ny 9ore pries"s# de+cons# +nd presby"ers# h+d heeded "he c+ll o1 his
s"rongly $orded epis"les. Only "he bishop o1 7o9e# Pope"er I# $+sn8" in +""end+nce. !e8d
sen" "$o o1 his 9os" senior leg+"es "o represen" hi9. *ons"+n"ine didn8" 9ind his +bsence. The
e9peror +lre+dy h+d enough "o con"end $i"h# $h+" $i"h "he presence o1 "he 9ore +u"hori"+"i.e
bishops o1 "he -+s". !e $+s h+ppy "o preside 9+""ers hi9sel1 +nd $+.e his big s"ic& "o ge"
"he9 "o si" do$n# h+.e "heir deb+"es# +rgue $ho +nd $h+" *hris" re+lly $+s +nd $h+" he did#
"+ngle ho$ "hey $ere going "o sh+re in "he Jurisdic"ion o1 his boun"i1ul leg+cyC+nd +gree.
On e.ery"hing.
*ons"+n"ine h+d long been +$+re o1 "he uns"opp+ble popul+ri"y o1 "he *hris"i+n 1+i"h. !is
9o"her $+s + 1er.en" *hris"i+n. T$en"y ye+rs e+rlier# he8d $i"nessed Diocle"i+n8s Gre+"
Persecu"ion# $hen "he e9peror h+d ordered churches +cross his e9pire "o be des"royed# "heir
"re+sures plundered# "heir scrip"ur+l $ri"ings burned# +c"ing on "he o1 "he or+cle o1 Apollo
C+nd he8d seen i" 1+il. !e8d seen "he $ide +ppe+l o1 *hris"i+ni"y8s inclusi.e +nd hope1ul
9ess+ge# +nd i"s relen"less spre+d +cross "he e9pire. !e &ne$ "h+" p+in"ing hi9sel1 +s "he 1+i"h8s
gre+" de1ender# r+"her "h+n e9ul+"ing his predecessors +s i"s gre+" persecu"or# $ould buy hi9 + lo"
o1 1ollo$ers. @ur"her9ore# "he dis"+n" l+nds he8d conFuered held di.erse "ribes o1 b+rb+ri+ns#
1ro9 "he Alle9+ni "o "he Pic"s +nd "he :isigo"hs. !e needed "o 1ind + $+y "o uni"e "he9 +ll.
One religion# co99on "o +ll# $ould +chie.e "h+" in sp+des.
*hris"i+ni"y# he &ne$# $+s "h+" religion.
And# +s he8d disco.ered# no" e.en he $+s i99une "o i".
!e "hough" b+c& "o "he 3+""le o1 "he /il.i+n 3ridge 9ore "h+n + dec+de e+rlier# $here his
+r9y h+d de1e+"ed "h+" o1 his bro"her;in;l+$# "he e9peror /+Ken"ius. !e8d seen so9e"hing in "he
le+d;up "o "he big b+""le. In "he s&y. !e $+s cer"+in o1 i". A sign. The Chi0)ho# + 9onogr+9
co9prised o1 "$o superi9posed Gree& le""ersC"he 1irs" le""ers o1 "he $ord Christ. Th+" nigh"#
he8d dre+9ed o1 .ic"ory +nd h+d + .ision o1 + 9+nC$+s i" *hris" hi9sel1IC"elling hi9 "o go
ou" +nd conFuer in "he n+9e o1 "h+" sign. !e8d ended up "he *hris"ogr+9 p+in"ed on "he
s"+nd+rds c+rried by his "roops# +nd he8d been blessed $i"h + s"unning .ic"ory "h+" h+d gi.en hi9
one;h+l1 o1 "he e9pire he co.e"ed.
The sign h+d &ep" on bringing hi9 .ic"ories.
*ons"+n"ine unders"ood po$er# bu" he +lso unders"ood "he po$er o1 9y"h. !e $+s deeply
s"eeped in religion# been brough" up +round p+g+n +nd *hris"i+n "hin&ers in Nico9edi+#
in "he -+s"ern -9pire. 4i&e +ll his peers# he sough" ou" "he o1 or+cles +nd belie.ed in "he
re$+rds o1 religious pie"y. A1"er "h+" 1+"e1ul b+""le# +nd "hroughou" his c+9p+igns# *ons"+n"ine
cl+i9ed "h+" + di.ine h+nd h+d helped hi9 +chie.e his .ic"ories. And inspired by +ncien"
scrip"ure# he c+9e "o see hi9sel1 +s + 9essi+hC+ $+rrior;&ing# +noin"ed by God "o rule "he
people he h+d uni"ed +nd le+d "he9 "o + golden +ge o1 pe+ce +nd prosperi"y.
In hoc signo vinces indeed# he "hough". HIn "his sign# conFuer.G 3u" "he po$er o1 "he
9ess+ge $+sn8" Jus" e11ec"i.e in conFuering +n ene9y2 i" $+s +lso e11ec"i.e in conFuering "he
he+r"s +nd 9inds o1 "he people. And 1or "h+"# i" $+s + $or& o1 genius.
H6e h+.e "o pro"ec" "his 1+i"h# !osius#G he "old "he bishop. H6e h+.e "o s+1egu+rd i" +nd
s9o"her +ny ch+llenges "o i" be1ore "hey c+n gro$. 3ec+use "his 1+i"h is "ruly di.inely inspired.G
!e p+ced +round "he roo9# his 1+ce +li.e $i"h De+l# his +r9s s$eeping "he +ir $i"h unbridled
en"husi+s9. HI" $elco9es +ll +nd i"8s e+sy "o Join. *"s don8" need "o "urn "heir upside
do$n "o be p+r" o1 i". They don8" need "o beco9e celib+"e or $orry +bou" $h+" "hey c+n +nd c+n8"
e+" or chop o11 p+r"s o1 "heir 9+nhood "o be +llo$ed in. And "he org+niD+"ion . . . "he hier+rchy in
"he clergy# "he churches# "he disciplineCi"8s +ll hugely e11ec"i.e +" bringing in"s +nd
&eeping "he9 in line. 3u" 9os" o1 +ll# i"s di.ine inspir+"ion is in i"s 9ess+ge.G !e s9iled +" his
se+"ed gues"# + s9ile o1 deep s+"is1+c"ion. HGood +nd !e+.en +nd !ell# e"ern+l p+r+dise +nd
e"ern+l d+9n+"ionI 7e$+rds in "he neK" li1e "o gi.e hope "o "hose $ho h+.e no"hing in "his one
+nd &eep "he9 1ro9 rebellingI Sin +nd "he need "o &eep "e9p"+"ion +" b+y# "he lo" o1 i"
+d9inis"ered by 9en $i"h di.ine +u"hori"y +nd se+red in"o "he consciousness o1 e.ery child 1ro9
"he d+y "he child is bornIG !e chor"led. HI"8s so brilli+n"ly concei.ed +nd bru"+lly e11ec"i.e i"
could only h+.e been dre+9" up "hrough di.ine in"er.en"ion. I 9e+n# i9+gine . . . "hese people
ou" "here# "hese *hris"i+ns . . . 9y predecessors +nd 9y ri.+ls h+.e been hounding "he9 +nd
&illing "he9 Jus" +s "hey &illed >esus "hree hundred ye+rs +go. They8.e been persecu"ed#
hu9ili+"ed# sh+c&led +nd sp+" upon# +nd le1" "o ro" in dungeons bec+use "hey $ouldn8" $orship
our p+g+n gods +nd per1or9 "he s+cri1ices reFuired o1 "he9. They8.e been bl+9ed 1or e.ery"hing
1ro9 1+9ine "o 1looding# "hey8.e h+d "heir $o9en r+ped +nd "heir proper"y con1isc+"ed . . . +nd
ye" "hey s"ill cling "o "heir 1+i"h. They s"ill soldier on.G !e p+used# 9+r.eling +" "he .ery concep"
he $+s describing. HTh+"8s po$er. Th+"8s re+l po$er. And $e need "o pro"ec" i" i1 $e8re going "o
h+rness i"s 1ull po"en"i+l.G
The Sp+nish bishop cle+red his "hro+" +nd s+id# H%ou8.e +chie.ed + lo"# %our /+Jes"y.
%ou pu" +n end "o "heir persecu"ion. %ou sho$ered "he9 $i"h don+"ions +nd "+K bre+&s +nd g+.e
"he9 + ch+nce "o be p+r" o1 "he ruling cl+ss +nd prosper +nd spre+d "heir 9ess+ge.G
H%es#G "he e9peror +greed# H+nd i"8s going "o "urn "his e9pire in"o "he gre+"es" e9pire in
"he his"ory o1 9+n&ind. 6hich is $hy I c+n8" le" "his 9ess+geC"his .isionCbe co9pro9ised.
Th+" gen"le re.olu"ion+ry 1ro9 "hree hundred ye+rs +go is 9y en+bler# he8s "he ins"ru9en" "h+"
+llo$ed 9e "o uni1y "his e9pire +nd rule i"s people $i"h + 9+nd+"e 1ro9 God hi9sel1. And I
c+n8" le" +ny"hing "hre+"en "h+". I" $ould be 9os" un$iseC+nd d+ngerous 1or us +ll.G
/uch +s "he pr+g9+"ic ruler $i"hin hi9 $+s concerned +bou" "he dispu"es# "he
supers"i"ious p+r" o1 *ons"+n"ine $+s Jus" +s $orried. !e 1e+red "h+" schis9s $i"hin "he *hurch
$ere "he $or& o1 "he +nd "h+" + di.ided *hurch could o11end God +nd incur his $r+"h.
*ons"+n"ine h+d "o "h$+r" "he de.il8s +9bi"ions. !e s+$ hi9sel1 +s + successor "o "he origin+l
e.+ngelis"s# + 9+n $hose God;gi.en 9ission $+s "o pro"ec" *hris"i+ni"y +nd spre+d "he $ord o1
God "o "he 1+r re+ches o1 his e9pire +nd beyond.
A "hir"een"h +pos"le.
!e h+d "o pu" +n end "o "he in1igh"ing.
All o1 $hich $+s $hy he8d in.i"ed "he bishops o1 his e9pire "o co9e "o Nic+e+ +nd "old
"he9# in no uncer"+in "er9s# "h+" "hey $ouldn8" be "he i9peri+l p+l+ce un"il "hey8d se""led
"heir dispu"es +nd +greed on $h+" s"ory "hey8d be pre+ching 1ro9 "heir pulpi"s.
One s"ory.
One dog9+.
No di.ergence.
A1"er 9+ny $ee&s o1 1ierce deb+"e# "hey8d 1in+lly re+ched + consensus. They8d +greed.
They h+d "heir s"ory.
!osius s+" "here in silence 1or + long 9o9en"# $+"ching "he e9peror. Then# hesi"+n"# he
+s&ed# HThere is one l+s" 9+""er "o be discussed# %our /+Jes"y.G
*ons"+n"ine "urned "o hi9# curious. H%esIG
HThe "eK"s#G !osius +s&ed. H6h+" $ould you li&e done $i"h "he9IG
*ons"+n"ine 1ro$ned. The "eK"s . . . "he in1ern+l $or&s "h+" h+d c+used so 9uch discord.
Ancien" $ri"ings# gospels +nd ru9in+"ions 1ro9 "he .ery d+$n o1 "he 1+i"h# opening up +ll &inds
o1 Fues"ions.
Un$elco9e Fues"ions.
H6e h+.e se""led on one or"hodoKy#G "he e9peror s+id. H6e8.e +greed on $h+" "he gospel
"ru"h sh+ll be 1ro9 here on. I see no need "o cloud "he issue 1ur"her.G
H6h+" +re you s+ying# %our /+Jes"yIG
*ons"+n"ine "hough" +bou" i" 1or + 9o9en"# + o1 doub" scu""ling do$n his spine.
H3urn "he9#G he "old his "rus"ed +d.isor. H3urn "he9 +ll.G

!OSIUS T!OUG!T 3A*B "o "he e9peror8s $ords +s he $+"ched his "$o +coly"es lo+d
up "he c+rri+ge in "he di9ly li" co+ch house.
!e unders"ood "he e9peror8s decision# e.en sy9p+"hiDed $i"h i" +" 9+ny le.els. I" $+s
"he $ise "hing "o do. The "eK"s $ere# indeed# d+ngerous.
!osius $+s in"i9+"ely 1+9ili+r $i"h "he deb+"es "h+" h+d been r+ging +" "he he+r" o1 "he
1+i"h. !e8d $i"nessed# 1irs"h+nd# "he De+l $i"h $hich "he .+rious *hris"i+n 9o.e9en"s +rgued
"heir .ie$s. In "he l+s" ye+r +lone# "he e9peror h+d sen" hi9 "o An"ioch "$ice "o 9edi+"e such
"heologic+l dispu"es. They h+dn8" been ple+s+n" "rips.
3u" he +lso h+d his doub"s.
%es# "he 1+i"h needed "o be uni1ied under one .ision. %es# + uni1ied 1+i"h $ould bring
+bou" +n er+ o1 unp+r+lleled pe+ce +nd prosperi"y.
3u" +" $h+" cos"I
!osius &ne$ "h+" once *ons"+n"ine $+s done $i"h i"# *hris"i+ni"y $ould 1+r 9ore
rese9ble "he p+g+n belie1s "h+" i" $+s superceding# p+r"icul+rly /i"hr+is9 +nd "he cul" o1 Sol
In.ic"us# "h+n i"s o$n >ud+ic origins. 3y necessi"y. /os" o1 "he e9peror8s subJec"s $ere p+g+n.
To $in "he9 "hey needed "o 9o.e "he9 gen"ly "o "he ne$ 1+i"h. They couldn8" 1orce
"he9 "o drop +ll "heir pre.ious ri"u+ls +nd belie1s# ones "hey h+d been prep+red "o die 1or. -.en
"he e9peror hi9sel1# !osius &ne$# s"ill h+rbored doub"s +nd# deep do$n# didn8" $+n" "o ris&
disple+sing "he gods o1 his p+s".
!osius could +lso see +no"her d+nger in $h+" $+s h+ppening. !e $+s 1ully +$+re "h+" "he
*hurch h+d been e11ec"i.ely i"s blessing "o *ons"+n"ine8s suppl+n"ing o1 >esus *hris" +s
"he /essi+h. The e9peror $+s no$ "he godsend# no" *hris". !e $+s "he $+rrior;&ing $i"h di.ine
b+c&ing# "he 9+n $ho $ould +chie.e $i"h "he s$ord $h+" *hris" h+d 1+iled "o do $i"h his $ords.
!e $+s "he pol+r opposi"e o1 "he pe+ce; gen"le s+.ior# +nd he s"ill h+d "he b+c&ing o1 +ll
"he pries"s# de+cons# +nd bishops +cross his e9pire.
D+ngerous indeed.
3u" i1 "he *hurch $+s going "o sur.i.e# i" needed + ch+9pion.
*ons"+n"ine h+d e9br+ced "he 1+i"h# s"opped "he persecu"ions# +nd $+s 9+&ing
*hris"i+ni"y "he ne$ly uni1ied e9pire8s o11ici+l religion. !e $ould bring +bou" + ne$ golden +ge.
And# +s p+r" o1 "h+" pl+n# he $+s "urning "he old ci"y o1 3yD+n"iu9 in"o his ne$ c+pi"+l# his Ne$
7o9e. A c+pi"+l "h+" $+s ho9e "o gre+" +.enues# 9+gni1icen" p+l+ces# +nd subli9e buildings.
3uildings li&e "he ne$ I9peri+l 4ibr+ry# $here + s9+ll +r9y o1 c+lligr+phers +nd libr+ri+ns
$ould "oil +" "r+nscribing +ncien" "eK"s 1ro9 "he 1r+gile p+pyrus "hey8d been $ri""en on on"o 9ore
dur+ble p+rch9en" +nd &eep "he 1l+9e o1 &no$ledge +li.e.
The libr+ry $ould +lso &eep so9e"hing else +li.e.
So9e"hing !osius 1el" + need "o conser.e.
!e $+"ched his +coly"es pu" "he "hird o1 "he ches"s on"o "he $+gon bed +nd i" $i"h +
"igh" c+n.+s !e "ensed up $i"h +n"icip+"ion. They $ould soon se" o11# pro"ec"ed by + s9+ll
de"+il o1 gu+rds# under o1 "he nigh".
!e hoped his be"r+y+l $ould be unco.ered. -.en i1 i" $ere# he $+s prep+red "o die
"o pro"ec" i".
!e couldn8" burn "he9.
-.en i1 "hey "hre+"ened "he or"hodoKy. -.en i1 "hey "hre$ up d+ngerous Fues"ions.
They h+d "o be &ep". They h+d "o be pro"ec"ed.
They $ere s+cred.
And i1 no" no$# i1 no" during his li1e"i9e or "he li1e"i9es o1 9+ny o1 his descend+n"s#
"here $ould co9e + "i9e $hen "hey $ould be re+d +nd s"udied openly. A "i9e $hen "hey $ould
enrich 9+n8s unders"+nding o1 his p+s".
!e $ould see "o "h+".
Chapter )1

So !osius decides "hese $ri"ings shouldn8" be des"royed +nd s"+shes "he9 +$+y
so9e$here s+1e. !o$ did "hey end up in "he Te9pl+rs8 h+ndsIG
HI don8" &no$#G Tess replied# her 9ind hur"ling do$n 9+ny +.enues +" "he s+9e "i9e.
H3u" so9eho$# "he 1irs" Te9pl+rs "o sho$ up +" "he 9on+s"ery# "he ones led by
HThe ones "he 9on&s poisoned#G 7eilly in"erJec"ed.
H%es# so9eho$# "hey go" hold o1 "he9.G A be+con li" up so9e$here in "he 9+De +nd dre$
her "o$+rd i". HTh+" $+s in '0(3. >us" be1ore "he s+c& o1 *ons"+n"inople#G she "old 7eilly# her
eyes 1l+ring $i"h "he "hrill o1 + ne$ly es"+blished connec"ion. H6h+" i1 "h+"8s $here "hey8d been
&ep" +ll +long# in *ons"+n"inopleI 6h+" i1 $ !osius h+d en"rus"ed "o loo& +1"er "he9
1igured "hey h+d "o ge" "he9 ou" o1 "here +nd 9o.ed "o so9e$here s+1e be1ore "he ci"y $+s
o.errun by "he crus+dersIG
HThe crus+dersCin o"her $ords# "he pope8s +r9y.G
Tess 1el" her s&in ligh" up. HThe pope8s +r9y h+d "he ci"y under siege. They8d Jus"
pill+ged <+r+# + *+"holic ci"y. The people o1 *ons"+n"inople could eKpec" e.en $orse# gi.en "h+"
i" $+s "he c+pi"+l o1 Or"hodoK *hris"i+ni"y. The Or"hodoK p+"ri+rchs +nd "he popes h+d spen" "he
l+s" couple o1 hundred ye+rs "r+ding insul"s +nd eKco99unic+"ing e+ch o"her. I" didn8" "+&e +
soo"hs+yer "o &no$ $h+" "he crus+ders $ould do "o "he9 once "hey go" inside "he ci"y $+lls.
6he"her "he pope &ne$ "he docu9en"s $ere "here or no"# "hey $ere s"ill +" ris&.G
HSo "hey +s& "he Te9pl+rs "o "+&e "he9 so9e$here s+1eI 6hy "he Te9pl+rsIG
Tess processed "he "i9eline. Ano"her be+con 1l+red up# d+DDlingly brigh" +nd irresis"ible.
H6h+" i1 "he Te9pl+rs $ere in on i" 1ro9 "he beginningIG
H6h+" do you 9e+nIG
HThree ye+rs +go# +" "he :+"ic+n# "he 1irs" "i9e you 9e" 3rugnone# he "old you "he
Te9pl+rs h+d 1ound >esus8s Journ+l in >erus+le9. !e con1ir9ed $h+" :+nce h+d suspec"edC"h+"
"hey8d used i" "o bl+c&9+il "he pope +nd "h+" "h+" $+s ho$ "hey go" so rich +nd po$er1ul so
Fuic&ly. 6ell . . . $here did "h+" Journ+l re+lly co9e 1ro9IG
HDidn8" "hey 1ind i" buried so9e$here in "he re9+ins o1 "he old Te9ple o1 Solo9on in
>erus+le9I I "hough" "he s"ory $+s "h+" "hey spen" "heir 1irs" 1e$ ye+rs ou" "here digging +round#
+nd "hen $hen "hey 1ound i"# i" +llo$ed "he9 "o bl+c&9+il "he :+"ic+n in"o b+c&ing "he9 +nd
"h+"8s $hen +ll "he don+"ions o1 9oney +nd l+nd s"+r"ed pouring in.G
HTh+"8s $h+" $e8.e +l$+ys +ssu9ed. 3u" $h+" i1 $e $ere $rongIG She "hough" b+c& "o
"he origin o1 "he Te9pl+rs "h+" $+s co99on loreCnine &nigh"s 1ro9 +cross -urope $ho +ll
sho$ed up in >erus+le9 one d+y b+c& in '''5# ou" o1 "he blue# +nd "old "he &ing "hey $+n"ed "o
pro"ec" "he *hris"i+n pilgri9s $ho $ere s"re+9ing in "o see "he ne$ly conFuered holy ci"y. The
&ing g+.e "he9 huge pre9ises "o use +s "heir b+se# "he si"e o1 "he old Te9ple o1 Solo9onC
hence# Bnigh"s o1 "he Te9ple# or Te9pl+rsCpre9ises "hey didn8" +pp+ren"ly le+.e 1or nine
ye+rs# ye+rs "h+" "hey supposedly spen" digging +round# loo&ing 1or so9e"hing "h+"# $hen "hey
1ound i"# g+.e "he9 gre+" $e+l"h +nd po$er. So9e"hing "h+" Tess belie.ed she +nd 7eilly h+d
unco.ered "hree ye+rs e+rlier.
HDid "he 1irs" Te9pl+rs re+lly 1ind i" +1"er digging +round "hose ruinsIG she +s&ed. HOr
$+s "h+" Jus" "heir s"oryI 6h+" i1 i" h+d been p+r" o1 "he "ro.e o1 Nic+e+ 1ro9 d+y oneIG
HSo "hey lied "o "he pope "o seK i" upI To 9+&e i" sound 9ore 9ys"erious# 9ore
HP+r"ly#G Tess specul+"ed. HI" $ould +lso &eep "he res" o1 "he "ro.e s+1e. There $+s no
re+son 1or "he9 "o +ler" "he pope +nd his cronies "o "he 1+c" "h+" "here $ere +ll "hese o"her gospels
+nd $ri"ings ou" "here. 6hy pu" i" +ll +" ris&IG
H3u" "h+" $ould 9e+n "he 1ounding Te9pl+rs &ne$ +bou" "he "ro.e 1ro9 d+y one#G 7eilly
H6hich begs "he Fues"ion#G Tess Ju9ped in# H$ho $ere "hey re+lly# +nd $hy did "hey
choose "o 9+&e "heir 9o.e +nd bl+c&9+il "he pope $hen "hey didIG She $+s "rouble
&eeping up $i"h "he i9plic+"ions o1 e.ery ne$ re+liD+"ion. -.ery"hing she8d "hough" she &ne$
+bou" "he origins o1 "he Te9pl+rsC$ho "hey re+lly $ere# $here "hey c+9e 1ro9# $hy "hey
+ppe+red $hen "hey did# $h+" "hey $ere re+lly "rying "o +chie.eCi" $+s +ll suddenly "hro$n in"o
H6hen did "hey 1irs" sho$ up on "he 9+pIG
HIn '''5. A pre""y re.olu"ion+ry "i9e#G she "hough" +loud# her 9ind on 1ire no$. HI" $+s
"he 1irs" "i9e "h+" +ny pope# "he le+der o1 "he *+"holic *hurch +nd >esus8s represen"+"i.e on e+r"h#
$+sn8" spre+ding !is 9ess+ge o1 lo.e +nd pe+ce. Ins"e+d# he $+s "elling his 1loc& "o go ou" +nd
&ill in "he n+9e o1 *hris"# "elling "he9 +ll "heir sins $ould be 1orgi.en +nd !e+.en $ould be
"heirs i1 "hey $en" ou" +nd bu"chered "he he+"hen in "he n+9e o1 "he *ross. And +" "h+" poin"# his
holy +r9y $+s $inning. They h+d "+&en >erus+le9# "he /usli9s $ere on "he ropes. The
pope $+s "he le+der o1 "he only superpo$er +round# +nd "he $orld $+s his 1or "he "+&ing.G
7eilly processed her $ords. H/+ybe so9eone# so9e$here decided "o cre+"e +
coun"erpoin"IG he pu" in. HA 1orce "h+" could chec& 7o9e8s supre9+cy +nd 9+ybe pu" "he br+&es
on be1ore i" +ll go" ou" o1 h+ndIG
Tess nodded# her eyes dis"+n". H/+ybe e.ery"hing $e "hough" $e &ne$ +bou" "he
Te9pl+rs is $rong.G
A silence 1ell "he9# +llo$ing "heir ide+s "o 1ind so9e purch+se. Then Tess8s
eKpression los" i"s inspired ligh"ness +nd s+n&# he+.y $i"h "repid+"ion. HI c+n see $hy our Ir+ni+n
1riend $+n"ed "o ge" his h+nds on !osius8s s"+sh. 6e8.e go" "o 1ind i"# Se+n. I1 i"8s ou" "here#
$e8.e go" "o 1ind i" 1irs". 6e c+n8" le" so9e b+s"+rds in Tehr+n du9p i" on +n unprep+red $orld.G
H%ou re+lly "hin& i" c+n s"ill c+use "roubleIG he Fues"ioned. H-.en in "od+y8s $orldI
People ou" "here +re pre""y cynic+l.G
HNo" +bou" "his. No" +bou" "he 3ible. There +re "$o billion *hris"i+ns ou" "here# Se+n# +nd
+ lo" o1 "he9 "hin& o1 "he 3ible +s God8s $ords. #is actual words. They "hin& "he "$en"y;se.en
"eK"s "h+" 9+&e up "he Ne$ Tes"+9en" $ere h+nded do$n "o us by God hi9sel1# "o help us le+d
be""er +nd +chie.e e"ern+l s+l.+"ion. They don8" re+liDe "h+" no"hing could be 1+r"her 1ro9
"he "ru"h +nd "h+" $h+" $e c+ll "he 3ible $+s +c"u+lly pu" "oge"her + 1e$ hundred ye+rs +1"er
>esus8s cruci1iKion. 3u" $e &no$ di11eren". 6e &no$ 1or + 1+c" "h+" e+rly *hris"i+ni"y $+s .ery
di.erse in i"s belie1s +nd in i"s $ri"ings. I" $+s 9+de up o1 sc+""ered co99uni"ies o1 people $ho
h+d co9pe"ing in"erpre"+"ions o1 $h+" >esus $+s +nd $h+" he pre+ched +nd $h+" he did#
co99uni"ies "h+" b+sed "heir 1+i"hs on .ery di11eren" ide+s. And be1ore "oo long# "hey s"+r"ed
sFu+bbling +bou" $hose .ersion $+s righ". Ul"i9+"ely# one o1 "hese groups $on by g+ining 9ore"s "h+n "he o"hers. And "he $inners decided $hich o1 "hese e+rly $ri"ings $ere "he ones
"heir"s should 1ollo$# "hey ch+nged "he9 "o 1i" "he s"ory "hey se""led on# +nd "hey br+nded
+ll "he o"hers bl+sphe9ous +nd here"ic+l +nd suppressed "he9. They buried "he co9pe"i"ion#
+long $i"h "heir belie1s +nd pr+c"ices# +nd "hen "hey re$ro"e "he his"ory o1 "he $hole s"ruggle.
/y poin" is# "hey decided $h+" $ould be considered genuine# s+cred scrip"ure# +nd $h+"
$ouldn8". And "hey did + gre+" Job. There8s h+rdly +ny"hing le1" o1 "he "eK"s "hey didn8" li&e. The
only re+son $e &no$ "hey e.en eKis"ed is "h+" "hey8re occ+sion+lly 9en"ioned by e+rly church
$ri"ers# +nd "he h+nd1ul o1 copies $e h+.e o1 +ny o1 "hese co9pe"ing .ersions +re do$n "o "he
occ+sion+l 1lu&e# li&e "he disco.ery o1 "h+" s"+sh o1 gnos"ic gospels +" N+g !+99+di b+c& in "he
HUn"il no$#G 7eilly pu" in.
HAbsolu"ely. And i9+gine 1or + second $h+" $ould h+.e h+ppened i1 one o1 "he o"her
groups o1 *hris"i+ns h+d $on "h+" s"ruggle. 6e could h+.e ended up $i"h + .ery di11eren"
religion# one "h+" doesn8" h+.e 9uch in co99on $i"h $h+" $e c+ll *hris"i+ni"y "od+y. And "h+"8s
if i" $ould h+.e 9+de i" "his 1+r in "he 1irs" pl+ce. 8*+use i"8s possible# e.en li&ely# "h+" i1
*hris"i+ni"y h+dn8" "+&en on "he 1or9 i" did "+&e# "he +ll;$elco9ing# supern+"ur+l s"ory o1 de+"h
+nd resurrec"ion +nd e"ern+l s+l.+"ion "h+" cobbled "oge"her ele9en"s 1ro9 +ll "he e9pire8s
eKis"ing religions in"o + ne$# one;siDe;1i"s;+ll p+c&+geC/i"hr+is9# Sol In.ic"us# + .irgin bir"h# +
resurrec"ion "hree d+ys l+"er# "he d+y o1 "he sun +nd LSund+y#8 "he "$en"y;1i1"h o1 Dece9berC+nd
+llo$ed i" "o gro$ in +n org+niDed $+y +nd beco9e "he o11ici+l religion o1 "he 7o9+n
-9pire . . . *ons"+n"ine 9igh" no" h+.e e9br+ced i". !e 9igh" no" h+.e been +ble "o con.ince his
p+g+n popul+ce "o +ccep" i"# +nd our $orld $ould be .ery di11eren" "od+y. 6i"hou" *hris"i+ni"y +s
i"s bedroc&# 6es"ern ci.iliD+"ion $ould8.e de.eloped in $+ys you +nd I c+n8" e.en begin "o
i9+gine. !nd it%s all down to the sacred te1ts the founders chose to build their church on. *+use
"h+"8s $h+" +ny religion boils do$n "o# isn8" i"I Scrip"ure. S+cred "eK"s. A s"ory# + 1+ble# +
9y"hic+l "+le "h+" so9eone $ro"e do$n + hell o1 long "i9e +go.
H3u" "hose e+rly# co9pe"ing *hris"i+ni"ies $ere .ery# .ery di11eren". And "heir gospels#
"heir scrip"ure# described + .ery di11eren" se" o1 e.en"s +nd + .ery di11eren" se" o1 belie1s 1ro9
"hose in "he Ne$ Tes"+9en". So9e described >esus +s + 3uddh+;li&e pre+cher $hose secre"s
$ould only be re.e+led "o + 1e$ luc&y ini"i+"es. O"hers "+l& +bou" hi9 +s + re.olu"ion+ry le+der
$ho $ould liber+"e "he poor 1ro9 "heir 7o9+n oppressors by 1orce. So9e o1 "he9 describe >esus
+s + di.inely inspired guide "o spiri"u+l enligh"en9en" $ho $en" +round s+ying .ery Ne$ Agey
"hings li&e L?ou saw the 'pirit, you became 'pirit. ?ou saw the Christ, you became Christ. ?ou
saw the Father, you shall become Father.8 They h+.e r+dic+lly di11eren" "+&es on "he $hole
hu9+n;di.ine deb+"e +bou" >esus +nd on ho$ $e c+n +chie.e s+l.+"ionC"hough i" usu+lly boils
do$n "o unders"+nding "he "rue 9e+ning o1 >esus8s $ords +nd disco.ering "he "ru"h +bou" our
o$n di.ine $i"hou" "he need 1or pries"s or churches or $eird c+nnib+lis"ic ri"u+ls li&e
e+"ing "he body o1 *hris" +nd drin&ing his blood. And 1+ns o1 "hese non;c+nonic+l gospels $ill
"ell you "hey pred+"e "he 1our "h+" +re in "he 3ible. They8ll cl+i9C+nd "here8s + lo" o1 e.idence "o
suppor" "hisC"h+" "he 1our gospels in "he c+non $ere he+.ily edi"ed +nd 9+ss+ged "o suppor" "he
se""ing up o1 +n org+niDed church in !is n+9e +nd "o Jus"i1y + hier+rchy o1 bishops#
pries"s# +nd de+cons +nd gi.e "he9 po$er "heir 1ollo$ers +s "he legi"i9+"e heirs o1 "he
+pos"les +ndC+nd "his is "he &ey p+r"C"he eKclusi.e pro.iders o1 e"ern+l s+l.+"ion. 6hich is
$h+" "hey +chie.ed. -Kclusi.i"y. 7e9e9ber# be1ore *hris"i+ni"y# people in "he 7o9+n -9pire
$orshipped +ll &inds o1 gods. No one h+d + proble9 $i"h "h+". There $+s huge "oler+nce +nd
respec"# +nd "he concep" o1 heresy +nd o1 in L"he righ" god8Cor"hodoKyCdidn8" eKis".
There $+s no sin $e needed "o be s+.ed 1ro9# ei"her. I" $+s only $i"h *hris"i+ni"y "h+" "he ide+
o1 $h+" + person belie.ed in s"+r"ed "o 9+""er# +nd 9+""er + lo"# bec+use his or her e"ern+l li1e
suddenly depended on i".
HPuris"s +nd s"+unch 3ible de1enders# on "he o"her h+nd# $ill "ell you +ny"hing "h+"
doesn8" con1or9 "o "he 1our gospels in "he c+non is o1 dubious origin. They8ll s+y "hey h+d "o be
$ri""en after "he 1our gospels "h+" +re in "he 3ible# +nd "hey8ll "ell you "heir +u"hors $ere
Lcorrup"ed8 by gnos"ic in1luences. They l+bel "he9 Lhere"ic.8 %ou &no$ $h+" "he $ord 9e+nsI
Choice. 4i"er+lly. Th+"8s "he roo" o1 "he $ord. I" Jus" 9e+ns so9eone $ho chooses "o belie.e
so9e"hing else. Th+"8s +ll. 3u" "he $inners chose $h+" $e should belie.e in. They chose $hich
$ri"ings $ere s+cred +nd $hich ones $ere Lhere"ic+l.8
HThe "hing is# righ" no$# $e don8" &no$ 1or + 1+c" $hich one o1 "he "$o sides is righ". 6e
don8" &no$ $hich $ri"ings +re "he Lcorrup"ed8 ones. I"8s +ll "heory +nd conJec"ureCbec+use
"here8s so li""le "h+" 1ro9 b+c& "hen. 6e don8" &no$ 1or + 1+c" $hen /+""he$# /+r&#
4u&e# +nd >ohn $ere $ri""en# or in $h+" order. 6e don8". 6e don8" re+lly &no$ $ho $ro"e "he9#
bu" $e &no$ i" $+sn8" +ny o1 "he9C"hey8re no" $ri""en in "he 1irs" person# 1or s"+r"ers# +nd $e
&no$ "hey $ere $ri""en long +1"er "hey $ere de+d. 3u" $e8re "old "hey8re "he re+l de+l# $e8re "old
"hey8re "he ones "h+" "ell "he "rue s"ory o1 >esus +nd his pre+ching +nd "h+" +ny"hing "h+" de.i+"es
1ro9 "he9 is bogus. 3u" "here8s no proo1 o1 "h+". And "here8s + hell o1 + lo" o1 9+"eri+l "o suppor"
Fues"ioning i". The $orld8s "op biblic+l schol+rs h+.e docu9en"ed re1erences "o 9+ny o"her
$ri"ings# o"her gospels "h+" h+.e been 1ound bu" "h+" could pred+"e "he ones in "he 3ibleC
close "o 1i1"y o1 "he9# +" l+s" coun". Th+"8s 1i1"y o"her gospels "h+" $e8.e h+d + ch+nce "o
re+d# +nd "hose +re Jus" "he ones $e &no$ +bou". And ye" $e s"ill "+&e "he boo& $e8.e been
h+nded do$n 1or gr+n"ed +s being "he re+l "hing# +nd "h+"8s "he boo& "h+" rules +l9os" e.ery
+spec" o1 our I"8s "he boo& "hey Fuo"e in "he Sen+"e $hen "hey8re deciding $he"her or no" "o
go "o $+r# or i1 + $o9+n c+n h+.e +n +bor"ion or no". I"8s "he boo& "h+" people belie.e con"+ins
"he $ords o1 God. 4i"er+lly. 6i"hou" "he 1irs" clue +bou" $here i" c+9e 1ro9 or ho$ i" $+s
re+lly pu" "oge"her.G
HAnd "his "ro.e could ch+nge +ll "h+"#G 7eilly no"ed.
Tess nodded. HAre you &idding 9eI 6e8re no" "+l&ing +bou" pos"+ge s"+9p 1r+g9en"s li&e
"he De+d Se+ Scrolls or e.en + 1e$ r+ndo9 codices li&e "he ones 1ro9 N+g !+99+di. 6e8re
"+l&ing +bou" +n en"ire libr+ry o1 gospels +nd e+rly *hris"i+n $ri"ings here# Se+n. D+"ed#
docu9en"ed# co9ple"e# +nd origin+l# no" "r+nsl+"ions o1 "r+nsl+"ions o1 "r+nsl+"ionsC+ 1ull#
+u"hen"ic# un+dul"er+"ed pic"ure o1 +ll "he di11eren" "+&es on >esus8s li1e +nd $ords. I" could
re.olu"ioniDe our unders"+nding o1 "he 9+n +nd "he 9y"hCin 1+c"# I89 sure i" $ould. 8*+use I
don8" doub" 1or + second "h+" >esus8s $ords $ere .ery di11eren" 1ro9 $h+" $e8.e been sold since
Nic+e+. I 9e+n# ho$ else could !is 9ess+ge o1 possession;1ree sel1lessness# + 9ess+ge "h+" $+s
+i9ed +" li1"ing up "he poor +nd "he oppressed# h+.e ended up +s + religion o1 "he rich +nd
po$er1ul in 7o9e $i"hou" being corrup"ed "o 1i" i"s ne$ +gend+IG
HThe religion o1 "he e9peror#G 7eilly s+id# rec+lling !osius8s le""er.
H-K+c"ly. Thin& +bou" $h+" re+lly h+ppened +" "he *ouncil o1 Nic+e+. An e9perorCno" +
popeCbrough" "oge"her "he 9os" in1luen"i+l pries"s +nd bishops 1ro9 +ll his e9pire# s+"
"he9 in + roo9# +nd "old "he9 "o $or& ou" "heir di11erences +nd co9e up $i"h one doc"rine "h+"
$ould beco9e "he o11ici+l# +ccep"ed .ersion o1 *hris"i+ni"y. An e9peror# no" + pope. A $+rrior;
&ing# + ruler# a messiah# re+lly# i1 you $+n" "o use "he re+l 9e+ning o1 "h+" $ordC+ 9+n $ho h+d
Jus" de1e+"ed his opponen"s +nd "+&en con"rol o1 + di.ided l+nd +nd $ho needed so9e"hing
incredibly po$er1ul "o uni1y +ll "he di11eren" p+r"s o1 his e9pire. 6e h+.e + ch+nce "o
"he "eK"s "h+" didn8" 9+&e "he cu"# "he o"her .ersions o1 $h+" >esus s+id +nd didC"he ones
*ons"+n"ine +nd "he 1ounders o1 "he *hurch decided $e shouldn8" &no$ +bou".G
!er eyes bl+Ded in"o hi9. H6e8.e go" "o 1ind i"#G she insis"ed. HI"8s +n incredible# cruci+l
&ey "o our his"ory# bu" i" c+n +lso be de.+s"+"ing. 6e8.e go" "o 1ind i" +nd 9+&e sure i"8s h+ndled
"he righ" $+y. These $ri"ings could +ns$er + lo" o1 Fues"ions 1or "hose $ho c+n h+ndle "he "ru"h#
bu" "hey8ll +lso &ic& up one hell o1 + crisis 1or "hose $ho c+n8"# +nd "here +re + $hole lo" 9ore o1
"hose ou" "here. A 1e$ ye+rs +go# one line# Jus" one line 1ro9 so9e 1r+g9en"s o1 + supposedly
e+rlier .ersion o1 "he Gospel o1 /+r&# $+s enough "o $hip up + s"or9 o1 con"ro.ersy bec+use i"
insinu+"ed "h+" >esus h+d spen" + $hole nigh" "e+ching L"he secre"s o1 his &ingdo98 "o +no"her
9+n $ho $+s only $e+ring + Llinen g+r9en"#8 $i"h +ll "he conno"+"ions "h+" en"+ils. I9+gine $h+"
+ "ruc&lo+d o1 +l"ern+"e gospels 9igh" do.G
7eilly s"udied her "hough"1ully# +bsorbing her $ords# bu" e.en be1ore she $+s done# he
+lre+dy &ne$ he couldn8" he+d ho9e. No" ye". No" be1ore doing e.ery"hing he could "o "ry "o 1ind
"hose ches"s. In "he $rong h+nds# "hey $ere po"en"i+lly + $e+ponC+ $e+pon o1 9+ss desp+ir# i1
you considered "h+" + "hird o1 "he pl+ne"8s inh+bi"+n"s $ere *hris"i+n# +nd "h+" + lo" o1 "he9
considered e.ery $ord in "he 3ible "o be s+cred +nd inerr+n". The proble9 $+s# he didn8" $+n" "o
in.ol.e "he 3ure+u +nd# by +ssoci+"ion# "he :+"ic+n. Things h+dn8" "urned ou" "oo $ell on "h+"
1ron" "he l+s" "i9e +round. And he cer"+inly didn8" $+n" "he Tur&s in.ol.ed ei"her. !is"oric
+r"i1+c"s# especi+lly religious ones# $ould ge" con1isc+"ed be1ore "hey8d e.en h+d + ch+nce "o
loo& +" "he9.
No# i1 he +nd Tess $ere going "o do "his# "hey $ere going "o h+.e "o do i" on "heir o$n.
3elo$ "he r+d+r. 6+y belo$. Sub"err+ne+n belo$.
HI89 $i"h you#G he 1in+lly +greed. H3u" ho$I 6h+" 9ore c+n $e doI %ou hi" + $+ll#
didn8" youI %ou s+id "he "r+il $en" cold.G
Tess $+s up no$# p+cing +round# + bundle o1 ner.ous en"husi+s9. HI" did# bu" . . . $e8re
9issing so9e"hing. *onr+d 9us" h+.e le1" us + clue# e.en in de+"h. !e 9us" h+.e.G A re+liD+"ion
igni"ed her eyes. HI"8s go" "o be in "h+" church# $here he8s buried.G
H%ou $ere Jus" "here. %ou s+id "here $+s no"hing else buried $i"h hi9.G
HThere8s go" "o be so9e"hing else#G she insis"ed. HSo9e"hing $e 9issed. 6e h+.e "o go
b+c& "here.G
Chapter )2

Tess clo+&ed her une+se +s she $+"ched 7eilly go in"o no;nonsense# s"e+9roller 9ode "o
ge" p+s" "he "$o >+nd+r9+ soldiers $ho $ere pos"ed ou"side "he ho"el.
!e "old "he9 he8d los" his 3l+c&3erry so9e$here in "he c+nyon during "he shoo";ou"# +nd
insis"ed in no uncer"+in "er9s "h+" he +bsolu"ely h+d "o go b+c& "here "o "ry "o i" since i"
held con1iden"i+l @3I 9+"eri+l. A" "he 1irs" b+l&# he r+"che"ed his "one up + no"ch +nd 9+de i"
sound li&e + 1ull;bore diplo9+"ic inciden" $+s in "he o11ing i1 +ny del+y resul"ed in his no" ge""ing
"he b+c& +nd "h+"# i1 he didn8" ge" "here soon# "he +re+ $ould be s$+r9ing $i"h A9eric+n
"roops in order "o secure "he 9issing c+che o1 s"+"e secre"s.
The sno$ Job $or&ed. T$en"y 9inu"es l+"er# "he ho"el8s .+n deposi"ed "he9 in "he
cle+ring +" "he 9ou"h o1 "he c+nyon. A >+nd+r9+ ! $+s s"ill s"+"ioned "here. The only
o"her c+r in "he lo" $+s "he de+d 3yD+n"inis"8s dus"y *hero&ee# + gri9 re9inder o1 "he blood;
so+&ed "r+il "h+" h+d cl+i9ed i"s o$ner.
They $ere soon "rudging p+s" "he cone house $here "he 9+n h+d been gunned do$n. The
blood sp+""er h+d so+&ed in"o "he so1"# porous roc& by "he door$+y# i"s 1+ded +ppe+r+nce +lre+dy
9+&ing i" loo& li&e + re9n+n" 1ro9 "he dis"+n" p+s". There $ere no cops cordoning o11 "he +re+#
no yello$ "+pe# no cri9e scene"ig+"ors poring e.ery inden"+"ion in "he "u1+. There $+s
no need 1or +ny o1 i". I" $+s +ll pre""y cu" +nd dried# +nd i1 "he Ir+ni+n $ere "o be c+ugh"# he
$+sn8" going "o 1+ce + "ri+l by Jury.
As she $en" by# Tess 1ound hersel1 shi.ering +nd couldn8" sh+&e "he i9+ge o1
AbdWl&eri98s 1+ce burs"ing $i"h +nguish "he 9o9en" "he bulle"s ripped "hrough hi9. She8d
b+rely 9e" "he 9+n# b+rely go""en "o &no$ hi9. She re+liDed she &ne$ no"hing +bou" hi9#
$he"her or no" he $+s 9+rried or h+d &ids. And no$ he $+s de+d. All $i"hin hours o1 her
9ee"ing hi9.
They cli9bed up "o "he church. Using 1l+shligh"s borro$ed 1ro9 "he ho"el# Tess poin"ed
ou" "he 9ur+l in "he +pse8s h+l1 do9e "o 7eilly be1ore le+ding hi9 do$n "o "he cryp". She $+s
s"ill shi.ering +s "hey en"ered "he buri+l ch+9ber# $hich $+s Jus" +s "hey8d le1" i". 3eing "here
$+s 9+&ing her reli.e "he scene. I" $+s +s i1 she $ere $+"ching hersel1 in + 3;D hologr+phic
dior+9+# + h+un"ing repl+y $i"h AbdWl&eri98s $orried 1+ce 1ron" +nd cen"er.
7eilly 9us" h+.e sensed i". H%ou o&+yIG he +s&ed.
She shoo& "he dis"urbing i9+ges +$+y +nd nodded# "hen sho$ed hi9 *onr+d8s open
gr+.e. The bro&en pieces o1 "he coo&ing po" $ere lying beside i". No"hing h+d been 9o.ed.
7eilly gl+nced +round "he roo9. H6h+" +bou" "hese o"her gr+.esIG
She r+&ed "he be+9 +cross "he 9+r&ings on "he $+lls. H*hurch digni"+ries +nd
HThey could be hiding so9e"hing else.G
H/+ybe#G Tess "old hi9# her "one s&ep"ic+l. HShor" o1 digging "he9 +ll up# i"8s i9possible
"o "ell. The "hing is# i1 "h+"8s $here !osius8s s"+sh is buried# I "hin& "hey $ould h+.e le1"
so9e"hing behind# so9e clue "o poin" "o i". O"her$ise# i" could be los" 3u" "hey8re Jus"
n+9es# +nd none o1 "he9 s"+nd ou" +s being ou" o1 pl+ce.G
HO&+y. So "here8s "he 9ur+l +nd "his cryp". Any"hing elseIG
Tess shoo& her he+d. H6e loo&ed +round "he res" o1 "he church be1ore $e le1". Th+"8s i".G
As she s+id i"# she re9e9bered so9e"hingCso9e"hing "h+" h+d occurred "o her b+c& $hen she
$+s online +nd ge""ing !osius8s le""er "r+nsl+"ed# +" "he ho"el. She $en" b+c& "o $h+" he s+id.
HThe 9ur+l.G
Al9os" in + "r+nce# she led hi9 b+c& up "o "he +pse. She s"udied "he 9ur+l +g+in# +i9ing
her ligh" +" "he Gree& le""ering +bo.e "he p+in"ing.
HI"8s Jus" $eird#G she s+id# +l9os" under her bre+"h# lines 1ro9 + Su1i poe9 here#
in + church.G
HSu1i being . . . IG
HI"8s + 9ys"ic+l 1or9 o1 Isl+9#G she eKpl+ined. H:ery popul+r in Tur&ey. I" $+s# +ny$+y#
be1ore i" $+s ou"l+$ed in "he ',0(s.G
H!+ng on# + /usli9 s+ying in + churchIG
HNo" eK+c"ly /usli9. Su1is9 is di11eren". I"8s so di11eren" "h+" h+rdcore /usli9s li&e our
S+udi 1riends +nd "he T+lib+n consider i"s 1ollo$ers d+ngerous here"ics +nd h+.e "o"+lly b+nned
"he9. They8re "erri1ied o1 "he9 bec+use Su1is9 is .ery p+ci1is" +nd "oler+n" +nd liber+lC+nd i"8s
no" +bou" $orship. I"8s + person+l eKperience# i"8s +bou" see&ing one8s o$n p+"h "o God +nd
"rying "o re+ch spiri"u+l ecs"+sy. 7u9i# "he 9ys"ic $ho $ro"e "his poe9# $+s one o1 Su1is98s
1ounding 1+"hers. !e pre+ched "h+" Su1is9 $+s open "o people o1 +ll religions +nd "h+" 9usic#
poe"ry# +nd d+ncing $ere "he $+y "o open "he g+"es o1 p+r+dise +nd re+ch GodC+ god $ho8s no"
"he god o1 punish9en" or "he god o1 re.enge# bu" "he god o1 lo.e.G
HSounds groo.y#G 7eilly s9ir&ed.
HI" is. 6hich is $hy 7u9i8s re+lly popul+r b+c& ho9e. /+ssi.ely popul+r. I e.en re+d
so9e$here "h+" S+r+h >essic+ P+r&er does her +erobics "o roc& 8n8 roll .ersions o1 his poe9s.
!e8s been "urned in"o "his Ne$ Age guru# $hich doesn8" re+lly do Jus"ice "o "he in"ensi"y +nd
dep"h o1 his $ri"ing# bu" i"8s unders"+nd+ble gi.en "h+" he $ro"e "hings li&e# L,y religion is to
live through love#8 $hich# you8.e go" "o +d9i"# is pre""y r+dic+l 1or + "hir"een"h;cen"ury /usli9
HI c+n see $hy "he S+udis don8" $+n" his 9ess+ge "o spre+d.G
HI"8s s+d# re+lly. Tr+gic. I"8s + 9ess+ge "h+" could do + lo" o1 good ou" "here righ" no$.G
7eilly s"+red +" "he 1resco +g+in. HO&+y# bu" here"ic or no"# $e s"ill h+.e + /usli9;li"e
line o1 poe"ry on + "hous+nd;ye+r;old church $+ll. 6hich# li&e you s+id# is pre""y $eird. 6h+"
does i" s+y +ny$+yIG
HAbdWl&eri9 re+d i" ou" 1or us.G She highligh"ed "he Gree& $ri"ing +bo.e "he $+ll
p+in"ing +nd "r+nsl+"ed i" +loud# re9e9bering "he 3yD+n"inis"8s $ords. HL!s for pain, like a hand
cut in battle, consider the body a robe you wear. The worried, heroic deeds of a man and a
woman are noble to the draper, where the dervishes relish the light bree(e of spirit.8G
7eilly shrugged. HL! hand cut in battle.8 There8s your re+son. *+n8" be "h+" 9+ny poe9s
$i"h "h+" line in "he9.G
HSure. 3u" 7u9i died in '073. !e h+d "o h+.e $ri""en i" long be1ore *onr+d los" his
7eilly re1lec"ed on "he lines. H6h+" does i" 9e+n +ny$+yIG
HI89 no" sure. I8.e go" "he res" o1 "he poe9 here# I pulled i" up online.G She 1ished +
bunch o1 prin"ou"s 1ro9 her ruc&s+c& +nd 1ound "he righ" shee". H!ere $e go. The poe9 is c+lled
L4igh" 3reeDe.8 I" s+ys# @!s for pain, like a hand cut in battle, consider the body a robe you wear.
The worried, heroic deeds of men and women seem weary and futile to dervishes en"oying the
light bree(e of spirit . . .% = She s"opped. !er 1+ce cru9pled up $i"h con1usion. H6+i" + sec. This
is di11eren" 1ro9 $h+"8s on "he $+ll.G
H7e+d i" ou" +g+inIG
Tess concen"r+"ed on "he Gree& le""ers# co9p+ring "he9 "o $h+" $+s on her prin"ou". HThe
9ur+l s+ys "he heroic deeds +re Lnoble#8 no" L$e+ry +nd 1u"ile.8 And i"8s "he deeds o1 L+ 9+n +nd +
$o9+n#8 no" o1 L9en +nd $o9en#8 plur+l. The res" o1 i"8s .ery di11eren" "oo.G She p+used 1or +
be+"# concen"r+"ing on "he p+r+llel sen"ences. pu" "h+" inscrip"ion up "here 9us" h+.e
been "rying "o "ell us so9e"hing.G !er bre+"hing Fuic&ened. H/+ybe i"8s "elling us $here "he res"
o1 "he ches"s +re.G
HThe resul" o1 *onr+d8s L$orried# heroic deeds8IG 7eilly +s&ed.
HNo" Jus" *onr+d8s. I" s+ys "he deeds o1 L+ 9+n +nd + $o9+n.8 *ould "h+" 9e+n *onr+d
+nd so9e $o9+nIG She 1ro$ned# deep in "hough". H6+s "here + $o9+n $i"h hi9I And i1 "here
$+s# $ho $+s sheIG
H!+ng on# $eren8" "he Te9pl+rs 9on&sI 4i&e $i"h .o$s o1 ch+s"i"y +nd +ll "h+"IG
H%ou 9e+n celib+cy# +nd yes# "hey $ere celib+"e. No $o9en +llo$ed in "heir $orld.G
HAnd "hey did "his .olun"+rilyI A" + "i9e $hen "here $+s no -SPNIG
She ignored hi9 +nd brooded i" 1or + 1e$ seconds# "hen pulled ou" + pen 1ro9 her
s+c& +nd scribbled do$n "he .ersion 1ro9 "he 9ur+l on "he shee" o1 p+per# neK" "o "he prin"ou" o1
"he origin+l.
She co9p+red "he9 +g+in. HO&+y. 4e"8s +ssu9e "he ch+nges $ere 9+de 1or + re+son. To
poin" us so9e$here. So $ $ro"e "his ch+nged "he deeds 1ro9 being L$e+ry +nd 1u"ile8 "o
being Lnoble.8 6h+" i1 "h+" re1ers "o reco.ering "he s"+sh o1 Nic+e+ +nd &eeping i" s+1eIG
HBeep going.G
A $+.e o1 heigh"ened +$+reness 1looded "hrough her. I" $+s + sens+"ion she lo.ed# "he
1eeling o1 being in "he Done +nd &no$ing i". HThe deeds +ren8" $e+ry +nd 1u"ile# "hey8re noble. To
L"he dr+per.8 L6here8 "he der.ishes relish "he ligh" breeDe o1 spiri".G
HI89 +ll e+rs# %od+#G 7eilly s+id.
H6h+" i1 i"8s "elling us $ho $+s loo&ing +1"er "he9IG
HThe Ldr+per8IG
HA dr+per $here "he der.ishes li.e.G
H6hich is . . .G
HIn Bony+# o1 course.G
7eilly shrugged. HI &ne$ "h+".G
HShu" up. %ou don8" e.en &no$ $h+" + der.ish is.G
!is eKpression "urned 9oc&;sheepish. HI"8s no" so9e"hing I89 proud o1.G
HA der.ish is + 9e9ber o1 + Su1i bro"herhood# you Ne+nder"h+lC+ Su1i order. 7u9i8s
1ollo$ers +re "he 9os" 1+9ous o1 "he9. They8re &no$n +s L$hirling der.ishes8 bec+use o1 "he
pr+yer ri"u+l "h+" "hey do $here "hey $hirl +round li&e spinning "ops# $hich "hey do "o re+ch +
&ind o1 "r+nce;li&e s"+"e "h+" le"s "he9 1ocus on "he god $i"hin "he9.G
HLThe god $i"hin "he9#8G 7eilly no"ed# serious no$. HSounds &ind o1 gnos"ic# doesn8" i"IG
Tess r+ised +n eyebro$. HTrue.G She 1l+shed hi9 +n i9pressed loo& +nd s+id# H/+ybe no"
so Ne+nder"h+l +1"er +ll#G "hen 9ulled "he ide+ 1or + be+". The spiri"u+l 9ess+ge $+s indeed
si9il+r. She p+r&ed "he "hough" 1or "he "i9e being +nd s+id# H7u9i +nd his bro"herhood $ere
b+sed in Bony+. !e8s buried "here# his "o9b is no$ + big 9useu9.G !er 9ind $+s +lre+dy "$o
s"eps +he+d o1 her 9ou"h. HBony+. I"8s go" "o be in Bony+.G
H*onr+d died here. Bony+8sCho$ 1+r is i" 1ro9 hereIG
Tess "ried "o re9e9ber $h+" AbdWl&eri9 h+d s+id. HA couple o1 hundred 9iles $es" o1
HNo" + s9+ll dis"+nce "o in "hose d+ys. So ho$ did i" ge" "hereI 6ho "oo& i" "hereIG
H/+ybe "he s+9e person $ho $ro"e "his#G she s+id# ges"uring +" "he Gree& le""ering on "he
9ur+l. !er 9ind $+s s"ill le+p1rogging +he+d in se+rch o1 +ns$ers. H3u" Bony+ $+s Su1i
"erri"ory b+c& "hen. S"ill is. I1 !osius8s s"+sh $+s "+&en "here# $ did i" 9us" h+.e been
close "o "he Su1isCor been + Su1i hi9sel1.G
H!i9; or hersel1#G 7eilly correc"ed her. H7e9e9ber# + 9+n +nd + $o9+n. *ould our
9ys"ery $o9+n be "his Su1iIG
H*ould be. /en +nd $o9en +re considered eFu+l in Su1is9# +nd 9+ny Su1i s+in"s $ere
9en"ored by $o9en.G She "hough" +bou" i" 1or + long second# "hen s+id# H6e8.e go" "o go "here.
6e8.e go" "o go "o Bony+.G
7eilly g+.e her + deeply dubious loo&. H*o9e on# you don8" re+lly "hin& "h+"CG
HThese ch+nges $ere 9+de 1or + re+son# Se+n. And I re+lly "hin& "here8s + s"rong ch+nce
i"8s "elling us "h+" !osius8s "ro.e $+s h+nded 1or s+1e&eeping "o so9e Su1i dr+per in
Bony+#G she insis"ed. HTh+"8s $here $e8ll s"+r".G
HPro1essions +re o1"en h+nded do$n 1ro9 gener+"ion "o gener+"ion in "his p+r" o1 "he
$orld. 6e need "o 1ind + dr+per $hose +nces"or $+s in one o1 7u9i8s lodges.G
7eilly see9ed 1+r 1ro9 con.inced. H%ou re+lly "hin& you8re going "o 1ind + 1+9ily o1
dr+pers "h+" goes b+c& se.en hundred ye+rsIG
HI &no$ I89 going "o "ry#G she "+un"ed hi9. H%ou go" + be""er ide+IG
Chapter )3

A 1e$ precocious s"+rs $ere ushering ou" "he se""ing sun +s + "+Ki dropped 7eilly +nd
Tess o11 in "he he+r" o1 one o1 "he oldes" se""le9en"s on "he pl+ne".
-.ery s"one in "he ci"y $+s so+&ed in his"ory. 4egend h+d i" "h+" i" $+s "he 1irs" "o$n "o
e9erge 1ro9 "he gre+" 1lood# +nd +rch+eologic+l e.idence sho$ed people "here
con"inuously since Neoli"hic "ribes se""led in "he +re+ 9ore "h+n "en "hous+nd ye+rs +go. S". P+ul
$+s s+id "o h+.e pre+ched "here "hree "i9es 1ro9 +s e+rly +s A.D. 3# se""ing "he ci"y on"o +
s"ell+r p+"h "h+" re+ched i"s pe+& $hen i" bec+9e "he c+pi"+l o1 "he SelJu& Sul"+n+"e in "he
"hir"een"h cen"uryC"he s+9e "i9e "h+" i" $+s ho9e "o 7u9i +nd his bro"herhood o1 der.ishes.
The ci"y h+d declined precipi"ously since i"s glory d+ys under "he sul"+ns# bu" i" $+s s"ill ho9e "o
"he second;9os" .isi"ed +""r+c"ion in Tur&ey# $i"h 9ore "h+n "$o 9illion .isi"ors s"re+9ing in
e.ery ye+r "o p+y ho9+ge "o "he gre+" 9ys"ic. !is 9+usoleu9# "he %esil TurbeC"he HGreen
To9bGC$+s "he spiri"u+l epicen"er o1 "he Su1i 1+i"h.
I" $+s +lso $here Tess decided "hey8d s"+r" "heir se+rch.
She &ne$ i" $ouldn8" be e+sy. Su1is9 $+s s"ill b+nned in Tur&ey. There $ere no lodges "o
po&e +round in# no elders "o +s&. A" le+s"# no" ou" in "he open. Su1i spiri"u+l g+"herings $ere only
conduc"ed in s"ric" pri.+cy# +$+y 1ro9 unin.i"ed eyes. The "hre+" o1 prison sen"ences s"ill loo9ed
l+rge 1or po"en"i+l o11enders.
Su1is9 h+d been ou"l+$ed in ',0# soon +1"er "he 1+"her o1 9odern Tur&ey# Be9+l
A"+"Wr&# 1ounded his republic ou" o1 "he +shes o1 "he religion;dri.en O""o9+n -9pire. Desper+"e
"o de9ons"r+"e ho$ 6es"erniDed his ne$ coun"ry $ould be# he s"ro.e "o ensure "h+" his ne$ s"+"e
$+s s"ric"ly secul+r +nd pu" up +n i9per9e+ble $+ll be"$een religion +nd go.ern9en". The
Su1is# $hose lodges $ielded in1luence +" "he highes" le.els o1 O""o9+n socie"y +nd go.ern9en"#
h+d "o go. The lodges $ere +ll shu" do$n# $i"h 9os" "urned in"o 9osFues. Public ri"u+ls# $hich
$ere percei.ed by A"+"Wr& +nd his go.ern9en" +s "oo b+c&$+rd +nd + dr+g on "he 6es"ern;
inspired 9oderni"y "hey +spired "o# $ere b+nned# +s $+s +ny "e+ching o1 "he "r+di"ion. In 1+c"# "he
only .isible 9+ni1es"+"ion o1 Su1is9 in "he coun"ry le1" "od+y $+s in "he 1ol&loric d+nce
per1or9+nces o1 "he sema# "he $hirling pr+yer cere9ony o1 7u9i8s 1ollo$ers "h+" h+d# ironic+lly#
no$ beco9e one o1 "he 9+in "ouris"ic e9ble9s o1 "he coun"ry. And "h+" $+s only +1"er "hey h+d
been grudgingly re;+llo$ed in "he ',(s# 1ollo$ing +n inFuiry by "he curious $i1e o1 + .isi"ing
A9eric+n diplo9+" $ho $+s &een "o +c"u+lly see one. And so "he bighe+r"ed 1+i"h ended up
being b+nned by bo"h "he 1und+9en"+lis" regi9es 1+r"her e+s" in coun"ries li&e S+udi Ar+bi+ +nd
A1gh+nis"+n# 1or being here"ic+lly liber+l# +nd by "he progressi.e Tur&s# 1or "he opposi"e re+son.
@ro9 "he se+ o1 +us"ere be+rds +nd "igh" he+d +ll +round "he9# i" $+s cle+r "h+"
Bony+ $+s + .ery pious +nd conser.+"i.e pl+ce. *on"r+s"ingly# 6es"erners in c+su+l su99er
clo"hing $ere +lso ou" in +bund+nce# bo"h groups 9ingling +nd 9iKing c+su+lly. Tess +nd 7eilly
Joined "he 1lo$ o1 pilgri9s# doDens o1 9en +nd $o9en# young +nd old# 1ro9 +ll corners o1 "he
globe# he+ding "o$+rd "he shrine. I" loo9ed up +he+d# un9iss+ble $i"h i"s sFu+"# poin"ed#
"urFuoise;"iled "o$er. The big# gr+y 9edie.+l building h+d been 7u9i8s tekke# "he lodge $here he
+nd his 1ollo$ers li.ed +nd 9edi"+"ed. The lodge $+s no$ + 9useu9 buil" +round his "o9b +nd
"hose o1 his 1+"her +nd o"her Su1i s+in"s.
They 1ollo$ed "he procession "hrough "he l+rge +rched por"+l +nd in"o "he he+r" o1 "he
9+usoleu9. Dior+9+s o1 9+nneFuins in "r+di"ion+l Su1i se""ings 1illed 9os" o1 "he roo9s# li1eless
re;cre+"ions o1 no$;ou"l+$ed pr+c"ices# +n eerie re9inder o1 + no";so;dis"+n" "r+di"ion "h+" h+d
been s"opped in i"s "r+c&s.
Tess 1ound + s"+ll $i"h p+9phle"s in .+rious l+ngu+ges +nd pic&ed up +n -nglish one#
"hen perused i" +s "hey 9e+ndered p+s" "he .+rious displ+ys. So9e"hing in i" 9+de her nod "o
hersel1# $hich 7eilly c+ugh".
H6h+"IG he +s&ed.
H7u9i8s $ri"ings. 4is"en "o "his. LI searched for 5od among the Christians and on the
Cross and therein I found #im not. I went into the ancient temples of idolatryA no trace of #im
was there. I entered the mountain cave of #ira and then went very far but 5od I found not. Then
I directed my search to the 9aaba, the resort of old and youngA 5od was not there. Finally, I
looked into my own heart and there I saw #imA #e was nowhere else.8G
H3r+.e guy#G 7eilly co99en"ed. HI89 +9+Ded "hey didn8" lop his he+d o11.G
HThe SelJu& Sul"+n +c"u+lly in.i"ed hi9 "o li.e here. !e didn8" h+.e + proble9 $i"h
7u9i8s ide+s# Jus" li&e he didn8" h+.e + proble9 $i"h "he *hris"i+ns in *+pp+doci+.G
HI 9iss "hose SelJu&s.G
Tess nodded# her 9ind 1lo+"ing +cross "he i9+gined l+ndsc+pes o1 +l"ern+"e $orlds. H%ou
&no$# "he 9ore I "hin& +bou" i"# "he 9ore I see ho$ 9uch co99on ground "here $+s be"$een
$h+" "he Su1is belie.ed +nd $h+" I "hin& "he Te9pl+rs $ere going 1or. They bo"h s+$ religion +s
so9e"hing "h+" should bring us +ll closer "oge"her# no" + di.isi.e 1orce.G
HA" le+s" "hese guys didn8" ge" burned +" "he s"+&e.G
Tess shrugged. HThey didn8" h+.e + &ing lus"ing +1"er "he gold in "heir co11ers.G
They s"epped "hrough + door$+y "h+" led in"o "he gr+nd roo9 $here /+$l+n+ >el+luddin
7u9i# "he mevlana hi9sel1C"he 9+s"erC$+s buried. The c+.ernous sp+ce +round "he9 $+s
bre+"h"+&ing# i"s $+lls 9+s"erpieces o1 orn+"e gold c+lligr+phy c+r.ings# i"s ceilings d+DDling
&+leidoscopes o1 +r+besFues. A" i"s cen"er $+s his "o9b. I" $+s o.ersiDed +nd s"+"ely# s$+"hed by
+ huge# gold;e9broidered clo"h +nd "opped by +n enor9ous "urb+n.
They s"ood b+c& +nd $+"ched +s "e+ry;eyed pilgri9s rubbed "heir 1orehe+ds on +
s"ep +" "he b+se o1 "he "o9b be1ore &issing i". O"hers s"ood +round "he roo9# re+ding "he poe"8s
$ords "o " or sh+ring "he9 in s9+ll groups# "heir 1+ces +li.e $i"h 1elici"y. A gre+" hush
su11used "he sp+ce# +nd "he 9ood in "he shrine $+s gen"ly re.eren"# 9ore +&in "o 1+ns .isi"ing "he
"o9b o1 + gre+" poe" "h+n "o +ny &ind o1 1er.en" religious pilgri9+ge. 6hich $+s $h+" Tess h+d
1e+red. There $+s no"hing "here "h+" loo&ed li&e i" $+s going "o help her loc+"e her elusi.e 1+9ily
o1 dr+pers# +ssu9ing "hey8d eKis"ed +" +ll. She needed "o +s& +round bu" didn8" &no$ $ho "o
They le1" "he shrine +nd $+ndered do$n + bro+d boule.+rd "h+" led deep in"o "he old ci"y.
Shops# c+1es# +nd res"+ur+n"s "ee9ed $i"h loc+ls +nd .isi"ors# $hile &ids pl+yed 1reely on gr+ssy
&nolls. The ci"y eKuded + "r+nFuili"y "h+" Tess +nd 7eilly h+d bo"h sorely 9issed.
H/+ybe $e c+n 1ind + "o$n h+ll#G Tess s+id# her g+i" slo$ +nd ponderous# her +r9s 1olded
$i"h 1rus"r+"ion. HSo9epl+ce $here "hey &eep ci.ic records.G
H/+ybe "here8s + dr+pers sec"ion in "heir yello$ p+gesIG 7eilly +dded.
Tess $+sn8" in "he 9ood.
H6h+"I I89 serious.G !e g+.e her +n e9p+"he"ic grin# "hen s+id# HProble9 is# $e8.e go" +
sligh" l+ngu+ge b+rrier here.G
HThe only der.ishes +round see9 "o be "he ones doing "he big sho$s 1or "he "ouris"s.
They de+l $i"h 1oreigners. 6e should be +ble "o 1ind so9eone $ho unders"+nds us "here. /+ybe
$e c+n con.ince one o1 "he9 "o in"roduce us "o + Su1i elder.G
7eilly poin"ed + 1inger do$n "he ro+d. H4e"8s +s& "he9.G
Tess "urned. A sign +nnounced HIconiu9 Tours#G +nd belo$# in s9+ller le""ers# HTr+.el

HI *AN G-T %OU IN "o see + sema "onigh"#G "he o$ner o1 "he +gency# + greg+rious 9+n
in his e+rly 1i1"ies by "he n+9e o1 4e.+n"# "old "he9 $i"h in1ec"ious en"husi+s9. HI"8s + $onder1ul
sho$# you8ll lo.e i". %ou li&e 7u9i8s poe"ry# yesIG
H:ery 9uch.G Tess s9iled unco91or"+bly. H3u" $ould "his be + re+l pr+yer cere9ony or +
9ore . . .GCshe $+.eredCH"ouris"ic sho$IG
4e.+n" g+.e her + curious loo&. !e see9ed sligh"ly o11ended. HAny sema is + re+l pr+yer
cere9ony. The der.ishes $ho $ill be $hirling "here "+&e $h+" "hey do .ery seriously.G
Tess 1l+shed hi9 + dis+r9ing s9ile. HO1 course# "h+"8s no" $h+" I 9e+n".G She "oo& + deep
bre+"h# loo&ing 1or "he righ" $ords. HI"8s Jus" . . . see# I89 +n +rch+eologis"# +nd I89 "rying "o
unders"+nd so9e"hing I 1ound. An old boo&. And i" "+l&s +bou" + dr+per# "his is going b+c& Fui"e
so9e "i9e# + 1e$ cen"uries +go.G She p+used# h+s"ily pulling ou" + cru9pled piece o1 p+per 1ro9
her poc&e". HA ka((a(# or + be((a(# or + der(i# or + >ukac7#G she s+id# s"u9bling "he di11eren"
$+ys o1 re1erring "o + clo"h 9+&er "h+" "he "+Ki h+d gi.en her. She $+sn8" sure ho$ "o
pronounce "h+" l+s" one +nd sho$ed "he +gen" $h+" "he h+d $ri""en do$n 1or herCin
le""ers she could re+d# since +no"her o1 A"+"Wr&8s 9o9en"ous re1or9s $+s "o +b+ndon "he Ar+bic
+lph+be" +nd 9+&e 4+"in le""ers "he nor9 1or $ri"ing in Tur&ish. HA dr+per $ho $+s + der.ish
here in Bony+. Prob+bly + senior one# +n elder# "h+" &ind o1 "hing. I &no$ i"8s + bi" "ric&y "o "+l&
+bou" i"# bu" . . . you don8" &no$ +nyone $ho 9igh" &no$ + lo" +bou" "h+"# +n eKper" on your loc+l
der.ish his"oryIG
4e.+n" pulled b+c& sligh"ly# +nd his eKpression re"re+"ed in"o 9ore gu+rded "erri"ory.
H4oo&# I89 no" here in +ny &ind o1 o11ici+l c+p+ci"y#G Tess +dded by $+y o1 co91or"ing
hi9. HThis is Jus" + person+l Fues". I89 Jus" "rying "o unders"+nd so9e"hing +bou" +n old boo& I
1ound# "h+"8s +ll.G
The "r+.el +gen" 9+ss+ged his 9ou"h +nd his chin $i"h his h+nd# "hen r+n i" up his 1+ce
+nd +ll "he $+y +cross his b+lding p+"e. !e gl+nced +" 7eilly# s"udying hi9 "oo. 7eilly s+id
no"hing +nd Jus" s"ood "here# "rying "o +ppe+r +s sheepish +nd un"hre+"ening +s he could. The b+ld
9+n8s eyes se""led b+c& on Tess# "hen he le+ned in +nd his eKpression $en" +ll conspir+"ori+l.
HI c+n "+&e you "o + pri.+"e dhikr "his e.ening#G he "old "he9# re1erring "o + Su1i
re9e9br+nce cere9ony. HI"8s + .ery pri.+"e +11+ir# you unders"+nd. In1or9+l. >us" 1riends ge""ing
"oge"her "o#G he p+used# Hcelebr+"e li1e.G !e held her g+De# $+i"ing "o see i1 she go" his gis".
She nodded. HAnd you "hin& "here8ll be so9eone "here $ho c+n help 9eIG
4e.+n" shrugged# li&e# ,aybe. 3u" his H9+ybeG $+s de1ini"ely s&e$ed posi"i.e.
Tess s9iled. H6henIG

T!- -4D-7 6ASN8T /U*! !-4P.
The pr+yer cere9ony i"sel1 h+d been spellbinding. I" $+s held in "he gr+nd roo9 o1
+ l+rge# old house. The der.ishes# + doDen or so 9en +nd $o9en# los" " in "heir "r+nces
+nd spun +round endlessly# +r9s spre+d ou"# righ" h+nds opened up$+rd "o recei.e "he blessings
o1 !e+.en# le1" h+nds poin"ing do$n "o ch+nnel i" "o "he e+r"h# "o "he "ender# 9es9eriDing
9usic o1 + reed 1lu"eC7u9i8s belo.ed ney# "he di.ine bre+"h "h+" bes"o$s li1e on e.ery"hingC
+nd + dru9. @ro9 + se+"ed posi"ion# +n old 9+n# "heir 9+s"er# +cco9p+nied "he9 by reci"ing "he
n+9e o1 God repe+"edly# "he p+r" o1 "he cere9ony "h+" $+s 9os" s"ric"ly 1orbidden. 3u" no one
s"or9ed "he house +nd no one $+s +rres"ed. The "i9es $ere# i" see9ed# +;ch+nging.
3u" "he elder $+sn8" 9uch helpCin 1+c"# he $+sn8" +ny help +" +ll. 6i"h his gr+ndson "o
"r+nsl+"e# he "old Tess he didn8" &no$ o1 +ny dr+pers or clo"h 9+&ers $ho h+d been no"+ble
der.ishes# +nd didn8" &no$ o1 +ny $ho $ere curren"ly# ei"her. Tess +nd 7eilly "h+n&ed "heir hos"s
1or "heir hospi"+li"y +nd $+ndered o11 in se+rch o1 "he ho"el "he "r+.el +gen" h+d boo&ed "he9
HI shouldn8" h+.e le" 9ysel1 ge" c+rried +$+y li&e "h+"#G Tess gru9bled# 1eeling eKh+us"ed
+nd cres"1+llen. HThere $ere plen"y o1 lodges in Bony+# e.en b+c& "hen. The odds o1 s"u9bling
on"o "he righ" one . . . i" $+sn8" li&ely# $+s i"IG She sighed. HThis could "+&e + $hile.G
H6e c+n8" s"+y here +ny longer#G 7eilly s+id. HThey $+n" 9e b+c& in Ne$ %or&. And $e
don8" e.en h+.e + ch+nge o1 clo"hes or + "oo"hbrush be"$een us. Seriously. This is nu"s. 6e don8"
e.en &no$ i"8s here.G
HI89 no" up. 6e Jus" go" here. I need "o go "o 9ore o1 "hese cere9onies# "+l& "o
9ore elders.G She gl+nced +" 7eilly. HI8.e go" "o do "his# Se+n. 6e8re close. I c+n 1eel i". And I
c+n8" $+l& +$+y 1ro9 i". I8.e go" "o see i" "hrough. %ou go. I8ll s"+y.G
7eilly shoo& his he+d. HI"8s "oo d+ngerous. Th+" son o1 + bi"ch is s"ill ou" "here
so9e$here. I89 no" you here +lone.G
The co99en" soured Tess8s 1+ce. 7eilly8s concern $+sn8" un1ounded.
H%ou8re righ"# I &no$#G she s+id# nodding slo$ly "o hersel1# unsure +bou" $h+" "o do.
7eilly pu" his +r9 +round her. H*o9e on. 4e"8s 1ind "h+" ho"el. I89 be+".G
They re+ched "he b+D++r dis"ric"# $here "hey +s&ed 1or direc"ions be1ore cu""ing "hrough +
g+lleried 9+r&e" h+ll "he siDe o1 +n +ircr+1" h+ng+r. Despi"e "he l+"e hour# i" $+s s"ill buDDing. All
&inds o1 s9ells +ccos"ed "he9 1ro9 color1ul piles o1 1rui" +nd .ege"+bles# buc&e" lo+ds o1 1reshly
9+de dolmates sal>asi "o9+"o s+uce# +nd huge s+c&s o1 sug+r bee" +nd spices o1 e.ery color# "he
$hole succulen" "+pes"ry 9+nned by old 9en in p+""erned h+"s# old $o9en in 9ul"icolored he+d +nd >ay boys h+$&ing syrupy;s$ee" "e+. A pi" s"op o1 doner &eb+bs +nd 9in"y yogur"
drin&s $+s h+rd "o resis". They h+dn8" e+"en 9uch +ll d+y.
H*+n8" you s"ic& +round + couple o1 9ore d+ysIG Tess ple+ded# "he ide+ o1 he+ding ho9e
+nd up "he se+rch si""ing +s he+.ily in her s"o9+ch +s "he "hough" o1 s"+ying "here +lone.
HI doub" i".G !e chuc&ed his e9p"y s+nd$ich $r+pper in"o +n o.er1lo$ing g+rb+ge bin
+nd do$ned "he l+s" o1 his drin&. HI s"ill h+.e + lo" o1 eKpl+ining "o do 7o9e.G
H7o9e#G Tess shrugged# her "one dis"+n". I" 1el" li&e + li1e"i9e +go.
HThey don8" e.en &no$ $e8re here. I need "o c+ll in +nd 1ind ou" $hen $e8re being
pic&ed up +nd see i1 "hey c+n pic& us up 1ro9 here. 3esides# I $+n" "o ge" b+c&. There isn8" 9uch
I c+n do 1ro9 here. I need "o be b+c& +" 9y des& "o coordin+"e "he in"el +nd 9+&e sure +ll "he
+ler"s +re properly in pl+ce so $e don8" 9iss hi9 "he neK" "i9e he pops up.G !e pu" his h+nds on
Tess8s shoulders +nd pulled her closer "o hi9. H4oo&# i" doesn8" 9e+n you h+.e "o gi.e up on "his.
6e8.e go" + con"+c" here no$# "h+" "r+.el +gen". %ou c+n c+ll hi9 1ro9 Ne$ %or&. 4e" hi9 do
your leg$or&. !e8s be""er pl+ced "o do i" +ny$+y. 6e c+n p+y hi9 1or i"# he see9s li&e + help1ul
guy. And i1 he co9es up $i"h so9e"hing# $e8ll 1ly b+c&.G
Tess didn8" +ns$er hi9. !er eKpression h+d gone +ll curious +nd she $+s s"+ring +"
so9e"hing beyond hi9. 7eilly eyed her 1or + be+"# "hen "urned +nd s+$ $h+" she $+s s"+ring +". I"
$+s + c+rpe" shop. A b+ld# chubby 9+n $+s c+rrying in +n"ising s+nd$ich bo+rd 1ro9 "he
side$+l&. I" loo&ed li&e "hey $ere closing up 1or "he nigh".
H%ou8.e gone in"o shopping 9ode no$IG 7eilly +s&ed. H6i"h e.ery"hing else "h+"8s going
Tess sho" hi9 + repro+ch1ul gri9+ce +nd poin"ed + sly 1inger +" "he sign +bo.e "he shop. I"
re+d# HBis9e" *+rpe"s +nd Bili9s#G +nd belo$ "h+"# HTr+di"ion+l !+ndicr+1" 6or&shop.G
7eilly didn8" ge" i".
Tess poin"ed +g+in +nd 9+de + 1+ce li&e# 3ook again.
!e loo&ed +g+in. Then he s+$ i".
In s9+ller le""ers# +" "he bo""o9 o1 "he sign. NeK" "o shop8s phone nu9ber. A n+9e. The
n+9e o1 "he o$ner# presu9+bly. !+&+n B+DD+Doglu.
7eilly recogniDed "he 1irs" p+r" o1 "he $ord# bu" i" didn8" gel $i"h $h+" he eKpec"ed "o see.
There $+sn8" + 1+bric in sigh". HI"8s + c+rpe" shop#G he no"ed# his "one con1used. HAnd $h+"8s $i"h
"he Loglu8IG
HI"8s .ery co99on su11iK in Tur&ish 1+9ily n+9es#G Tess replied. HI" 9e+ns Lsons o1#8 or
Ldescend+n"s o1.8 G
She $+s +lre+dy he+ding in"o "he s"ore.
Chapter )&

As Tess h+d deduced# "he c+rpe" seller $+s indeed "he descend+n" o1 + dr+per. In her
desper+"ion# Tess h+d been 9ore 1or"hco9ing $i"h hi9 "h+n she h+d been $i"h "he Su1i 9+s"er#
"elling hi9 "h+" she h+d co9e +cross so9e old biblic+l 9+nuscrip"s +nd $+s "rying "o 1ind ou"
9ore +bou" "heir pro.en+nce. A1"er + bi" o1 hesi"+"ion# she8d e.en re+ched in"o her ruc&s+c& +nd
sho$n hi9 one o1 "he9. S+dly# he didn8" "urn ou" "o be +ny 9ore help1ul "h+n "he elder.
I" $+sn8" "h+" he $+s being e.+si.e or di11icul" in +ny $+y. The 9+n Jus" genuinely
see9ed no" "o &no$ $h+" Tess $+s "+l&ing +bou"# despi"e being .ery c+ndid +bou" his 1+9ily
his"ory +nd +bou" being + pr+c"icing Su1i hi9sel1.
I" didn8" de"er Tess. She 1el" sure "h+" "hey $ere on "o so9e"hing. I" $+sn8" necess+rily +
dr+per +nd his 1+bric s"ore "hey $ere loo&ing 1or. I" $+s + n+9e. A 1+9ily n+9e# one "h+" could
be +ssoci+"ed $i"h +ny pro1ession or +ny &ind o1 shop. And in "h+" sense# "he c+rpe" seller h+d
been help1ul. !e $ro"e do$n + lis" o1 +ll "he o"her B+DD+Doglus he $+s +$+re o1 +nd $here "heir
pl+ces o1 business $ere. There $ere 9ore "h+n + doDen o1 "he9# e.ery"hing 1ro9 o"her c+rpe"
sellers "o po""ers +nd e.en + den"is". !e +lso lis"ed o"her possibili"ies $here "he 1+9ily
n+9es $ere +lso deri.ed 1ro9 "he o"her $+ys o1 s+ying Hdr+perG in Tur&ish# using "he s+9e
$ords "he "+Ki h+d gi.en Tess.
They "h+n&ed "he 9+n +nd le1" hi9 "o close do$n his shop.
Tess 1el" re&indled. H6e c+n8" le+.e#G she "old 7eilly# holding "he lis" up "o hi9. H*o9e
on. One 9ore d+y. >us" buy us one 9ore d+y. Gi.e "he9 so9e line +bou" + le+d concerning "he
Ir+ni+n. %ou c+n co9e up $i"h so9e"hing.G
!e rubbed "he $e+riness 1ro9 his 1+ce +nd loo&ed +" her. !er in1ec"ious dri.e $+s h+rd "o
resis" +" "he bes" o1 "i9es. Gi.en $h+" he8d been "hrough "he l+s" 1e$ d+ys# he didn8" s"+nd +
H%ou8re b+d#G he s+id.
HThe $ors"#G she s9iled# +nd led hi9 b+c& "o "he ho"el.

7-I44% GA:- AOA7O T!- 4O6DO6N on $h+" "hey $ere going "o do +nd se" up +
.+gue le+d s"ory 1or his p+r"ner "o gi.e "heir boss. !e +nd Tess "hen le1" "he ho"el brigh" +nd e+rly
"he neK" d+y +nd spen" i" scouring "he shops "he c+rpe" seller h+d lis"ed 1or "he9.
The people "hey 9e" $ere$hel9ingly &ind +nd $elco9ing. 6i"h e+ch inFuiry# Tess
1ound i" e+sier "o be 9ore open +nd 1el" no Fu+l9s +bou" sho$ing +round "he "$o codices. 3u" i"
$+s ul"i9+"ely poin"less. No one &ne$ +ny"hing +bou" + s"+sh o1 +ncien" boo&s# +nd i1 "hey did#
"hey $eren8" s+ying +nd $ere hiding i" $ell.
She +nd 7eilly closed ou" "he d+y $i"h "he l+s" n+9e on "he lis". I" $+s + cer+9ics +nd
e+r"hen$+re shop $i"h +n +s"ounding .+rie"y o1 9ul"icolored +nd in"ric+"ely decor+"ed "iles#
pl+"es# +nd .+ses in i"s 1ron" $indo$# run by + chubby# so1";spo&en# +nd e+sygoing
1or"yso9e"hing;ye+r;old $i"h in"ensely d+r& eyel+shes "h+" $ould h+.e 9+de hi9 "he per1ec"
plus;siDe 9odel 1or /+ybelline i1 "hey chose "o 9+r&e" 9+sc+r+ 1or 9en. They spo&e openly
1or "en 9inu"es or so# helped by "he 1+c" "h+" "here $+s no one else in "he s"ore +p+r" 1ro9 "he
o$ner8s "een d+ugh"er# $ho sh+red her 1+"her8s eyel+shes bu" no" his corpulen" physiFue +nd $+s
+ 9uch be""er /+ybelline be"# +nd + shrun&en# elderly $o9+n "he o$ner in"roduced +s his
9o"her# $ho $+s eFu+lly clueless +bou" Tess8s inFuiries.
Despi"e "heir no" being +ble "o help Tess# "he sigh" o1 "he r+re boo& h+d piFued + surge o1
in"eres" in bo"h "he shop&eeper +nd his 9o"her# +s i" h+d $i"h 9+ny o1 "he o"hers. The old $o9+n
shu11led +nd# so1"ly# +s&ed i1 she could "+&e + closer loo& +" "he codeK. Tess h+nded i" "o her.
The $o9+n opened i" gen"ly# gl+ncing +" "he inside p+ge +nd "urning + couple 9ore.
HI"8s be+u"i1ul#G "he $o9+n s+id +s she perused i"s con"en"s. H!o$ old do you "hin& i" isIG
HAbou" "$o "hous+nd ye+rs old#G Tess replied.
The $o9+n8s eyes $idened $i"h surprise. She nodded slo$ly "o hersel1# "hen closed "he
codeK +nd g+.e i"s bri""le le+"her + so1" p+". HThis 9us" be $or"h + lo" o1 9oney# noIG
HI suppose so#G Tess +ns$ered. HI re+lly "hough" +bou" "h+".G
6hich see9ed "o surprise "he old $o9+n. HIsn8" "h+" $h+" you8re +1"erI %ou8re no"
hoping "o sell "hisIG
HNo. No" +" +ll.G
H6h+" "henIG
HI89 no" sure#G Tess s+id# "hin&ing +loud. HThis gospelC+nd +ny o"hers "h+" 9igh" be ou"
"hereC"hey8re p+r" o1 our his"ory. They need "o be s"udied# "r+nsl+"ed# d+"ed. And "hen#
$h+"e.er8s in "he9 needs "o sh+red $i"h $hoe.er8s in"eres"ed in le+rning 9ore +bou" $h+" "oo&
pl+ce in "he !oly 4+nd b+c& "hen.G
H%ou could s"ill do "h+" by selling i" "o + 9useu9#G "he $o9+n pressed# her eyes no$
+li.e $i"h + hin" o1 9ischie1.
Tess h+l1;s9iled. HI89 sure I could. 3u" "h+"8s no" $h+" I89 loo&ing 1or. I" $+s. And
"hese boo&s . . .G !er eKpression d+r&ened +s she re+ched ou" +nd "oo& "he codeK b+c& 1ro9 "he
$o9+n. HA lo" o1 people go" hur" on "he $+y "o 1inding "he9. The le+s" I c+n do is 9+&e sure
"heir p+in +nd su11ering $+sn8" en"irely in .+in. These boo&s +re "heir leg+cy +s 9uch +s
The $o9+n "il"ed her he+d $i"h + &ind o1 H"oo b+dG shrug. HI89 sorry $e couldn8" help
you#G she o11ered.
Tess nodded +nd "uc&ed "he +ncien" boo& b+c& in"o her ruc&s+c&. HTh+"8s o&+y#G she
replied. HTh+n&s 1or your "i9e.G
6i"h no"hing 9ore "o discuss# +ll "h+" $+s le1" 1or her +nd 7eilly $+s "o poli"ely eK"ric+"e
" 1ro9 "he shop once "he con.ers+"ion "urned "o "he 1ine cer+9ics "he 1+9ily produced
+nd "he b+rg+in prices "h+" $ere on o11er.
They le1" "he "hree gener+"ions o1 B+DD+Doglus "o close up "heir s"ore +nd s"epped ou" in"o
"he s"ill nigh". The ho"el $+sn8" "oo 1+r# + "en;9inu"e $+l& 1ro9 "he shop. I" $+s + si9ple#
9ediu9;siDed pl+ce. /odern# "hree s"ories high# "he &ind o1 ho"el one usu+lly +ssoci+"ed $i"h +
second+ry +irpor". 4ong on 1unc"ion+li"y# shor" on ch+r9. Then +g+in# 7eilly +nd Tess $eren8"
eK+c"ly on "heir honey9oon. Their roo9# $hich o.erloo&ed "he 9+in s"ree" 1ro9 "he "op 1loor#
pro.ided "he9 $i"h + decen" sho$er +nd + cle+n bed# +nd "h+" $+s +ll "he ch+r9 "hey needed
righ" no$. I" h+d been + long d+y# "he l+"es" in + s"ring o1 long d+ys +nd longer nigh"s.
Tess 1el" glu9. She &ne$ she $+s ou" o1 "i9e. They8d be he+ding ho9e "he neK" d+y#
e9p"y;h+nded. There $+s no $+y +round "h+". They &issed +nd held e+ch o"her Fuie"ly 1or + long
9inu"e in "he cocoon o1 "heir unli" roo9# "hen 7eilly pulled ou" his phone +nd di+led Ap+ro8s
cell. Tess crossed "o "he $indo$ +nd s"+red ou"# los" in "hough". The ci"y h+d se""led in"o
sleep 9ode# +nd "he s"ree" belo$ her $+s deser"ed. A lone s"ree" l+9p s"ood sen"inel "o "he le1" o1
"he ho"el en"r+nce# b+"hing "he cr+c&ed side$+l& $i"h i"s J+undiced ligh". The only 9o.e9en"
c+9e 1ro9 + "rio o1 s"r+y c+"s "h+" slipped in +nd ou" 1ro9 under so9e p+r&ed c+rs +s "hey hun"ed
1or scr+ps.
As her eyes "r+c&ed "he9 +bsen"9indedly# she "hough" b+c& "o "he l+s" "i9e she8d no"iced
+ny# ou"side "he P+"ri+rch+"e in Is"+nbul# Jus" +1"er she8d been "old "hey $ere re.ered in Tur&ey +s
bringers o1 good 1or"une. The 9e9ory 9+de her They h+dn8" been p+r"icul+rly +uspicious
on "h+" occ+sion. She loo&ed ou" +cross "he c+nopy o1 "rees +nd roo1"ops +nd# 1or + 9o9en"#
pic"ured hersel1 ou" "here# on her o$n# ro+9ing "he "o$n# $i"hou" 7eilly close by. The "hough"
g+.e her li""le co91or". The Ir+ni+n $+s s"ill ou" "here# so9e$here. Ou" "here +nd pissed o11. No#
7eilly $+s righ". She couldn8" s"+y. I" $+sn8" "he sensible "hing "o do# +nd righ" no$# $i"h +
d+ugh"er +nd + 9o"her $+i"ing 1or her b+c& ho9e# sensible $+s de1ini"ely "he $+y "o go.
She "urned "o Join 7eilly# +nd her g+De s$ep" do$n$+rd# 1inding "he c+"s +g+in. They
s&ir"ed "he edge o1 + s"ore1ron" be1ore slipping in"o + d+r&ened +lley$+yCp+s" + lone 1igure "h+"
$+s s"+nding +" "he +lley8s 9ou"h.
A lone 1igure "h+" $+s loo&ing up in Tess8s direc"ion.
Tess s"i11ened. There $+s so9e"hing 1+9ili+r +bou" i"s silhoue""e. !er eyes loc&ed in on
"he sigh"# her re"in+s s"r+ining "o sh+rpen "he i9+ge bouncing o11 "he9.
I" $+s + "een+ge girl.
No" Jus" +ny "een+ge girl.
The girl 1ro9 "he cer+9ics shop.
She didn8" 9o.e. She $+s Jus" s"+nding "here# in "he sh+do$s# $+"ching "he ho"el. And
despi"e "he d+r&ness# Tess could 9+&e ou" "he $hi"e o1 her eyes# "iny "$in be+cons o1 ligh" in "he
desol+"e nigh"sc+pe.
Their eyes 9e". Tess 1el" + Jol" +" "he b+se o1 her nec&. I" see9ed 9irrored in "he girl# $ho
"urned +brup"ly +nd sc+9pered in"o "he +lley.
Tess bol"ed 1or "he door# scre+9ing "o 7eilly# HI"8s "he girl 1ro9 "he shop# she8s ou"side
$+"ching us#G be1ore rushing ou".
She 1le$ do$n "he s"+irs +nd ou" "he ho"el doors +nd "ore do$n "he +lley$+y# $i"h 7eilly
close behind. There $+s no sign o1 "he girl. Tess &ep" going un"il she re+ched +n in"ersec"ion $i"h
+ n+rro$ s"ree". She loo&ed le1" +nd righ". The s"ree" $+s li1eless.
H6here "he hell did she goI She couldn8" h+.e gone "h+" 1+r "h+" 1+s"#G she blur"ed.
H%ou sure i" $+s herIG
HDe1ini"ely. She $+s loo&ing righ" up +" 9e# Se+n. She 9us" h+.e 1ollo$ed us b+c&. 6hy
$ould she do "h+"IG Then she re9e9bered so9e"hing. HShi". The gospels. They8re in 9y
She 9o.ed "o he+d b+c& "o "he ho"el# bu" 7eilly s"illed her $i"h +n +r9 +nd brough"
+round her ruc&s+c&# $hich $+s slung his shoulder# $i"h "he o"her. H*+l9 do$n. I"8s here.G
The b+g $+s +ll "hey8d brough" $i"h "he9 "o Bony+. In +ddi"ion "o "he "$o codices# i" +lso held
7eilly8s h+ndgun.
Tess eKh+led he+.ily $i"h relie1. H%ou "hin& "his is $h+" "hey8re +1"erI %ou "hin& she $+s
scoping us ou" "o "ry +nd gr+b "he9IG
HI don8" &no$. /+ybe.G 7eilly gl+nced +round +nd go" his be+rings. !e ges"ured righ".
HTheir shop8s in "h+" direc"ion. /+ybe "h+"8s $here she8s he+ded.G
Tess "hough" +bou" i" 1or + Fuic& second# "hen nodded. H/+&es sense. 4e"8s go "here.G
HI $+n" "o &no$ $h+" "he hell she $+s doing here.G
Chapter ))

'inding "he shop $+s e+sier s+id "h+n done. The old dis"ric"8s n+rro$ s"ree"s +nd
+lley$+ys $ere + con1using 9+De# e.en 9ore so +" nigh"# $i"h .ery 1e$ s"ree" l+9ps +round. And
$hen "hey 1in+lly re+ched i"# i" $+s +ll d+r& +nd loc&ed up 1or "he nigh".
Tess 9+rched righ" up "o i" +nd s"+r"ed sl+99ing her p+l9 +g+ins" i"s +lu9iniu9 shu""ers.
H!ey#G she yelled ou". HOpen up. I &no$ you8re in "here.G
7eilly s"epped in +nd s"opped her. H%ou8re going "o $+&e up "he $hole neighborhood.G
HI don8" c+re#G she blur"ed b+c&. H/+ybe "heir neighbors need "o &no$ +bou" $h+" &ind o1
sc+9s "hese people +re running.G She pounded "he shu""ers +g+in# shou"ing# HOpen "his door. I89
7eilly $+s +bou" "o in"er1ere +g+in $hen + ligh" c+9e on behind "he lou.ered# $ooden
shu""er o1 + $indo$ +bo.e "he s"ore. Seconds l+"er# i" sFue+led open# +nd "he he+d o1 "he
shop&eeper po&ed ou".
H6h+" +re you doing hereIG he +s&ed. H6h+" do you $+n"IG
HI $+n" "o "+l& "o your d+ugh"er#G Tess s+id.
H/y d+ugh"erIG The shop&eeper $+s cle+rly du9b1ounded. HNo$I 6hyIG
H>us" "ell her I89 here#G Tess insis"ed. HShe8ll &no$.G
H4oo&# I don8" &no$ $h+" you "hin& you8reCG
A .oice co9ing 1ro9 + n+rro$ +lley "h+" r+n do$n "he side o1 "he s"ore in"errup"ed hi9.
H?ata67na dBn.=
The old $o9+n s"epped ou" o1 "he sh+do$s# +ddressing her son s"ernly +nd $ hi9
b+c& inside $i"h bo"h h+nds. H?ata67na dBn,= she repe+"ed. H/unu halledebiliri(.G She $+"ched
+s he nodded# "hen he reluc"+n"ly closed "he shu""ers +nd dis+ppe+red behind "he9.
The $o9+n "urned "o Tess +nd Jus" eyed her $i"hou" s+ying + $ord# "hough "he "ension in
her 1+ce $+s e.iden"# e.en in "he di9 ligh" o1 + lone s"ree" l+9p 1+r"her do$n "he ro+d. 6hen she
9o.ed +side# "he "een girl $+s "here# behind her.
H6h+" $+s she doing ou"side our ho"elIG Tess +s&ed# her $hole body buDDing $i"h
H4o$er your .oice#G "he $o9+n hissed. H%ou8re going "o $+&e e.eryone up.G She r+""led
o11 + Fuic& sen"ence in Tur&ish# +nd "he girl slipped +$+y.
H!ey#G Tess blur"ed# s"epping 1or$+rd. H6here8s she goingIG
HThe girl did no"hing $rong#G "he $o9+n coun"ered. H%ou should le+.e.G
H4e+.eI I89 no" I $+n" "o &no$ $hy she 1ollo$ed us b+c& "o "he ho"el. Or
9+ybe $e should Jus" repor" i" "o "he police +nd see i1 she8d li&e "o "ell "he9 ins"e+d.G
This 9+de "he old $o9+n 1linch. HNo. No police.G
Tess opened ou" her p+l9s Fues"ioningly +nd g+.e her + H$ell "henIG loo&.
The $o9+n 1ro$ned# .isibly "or9en"ed by so9e"hing. HPle+se go.G
So9e"hing in "he $+y she s+id i" li" up + di11eren" p+"h$+y in Tess8s 9ind. She8d been so
pro"ec"i.e o1 "he codices she8d 1+iled "o consider "he o"her possibili"y.
!er "one so1"ened +nd she inched closer "o "he old $o9+n. HDo you &no$ so9e"hing
+bou" "hese boo&sIG
HNo# o1 course no".G
!er r+pid;1ire deni+l $+s 1+r 1ro9 con.incing.
HPle+se#G Tess insis"ed. HI1 you do . . . you need "o &no$ "his. There +re o"hers loo&ing 1or
"hese boo&s. /urderers. They8.e &illed 9+ny people $hile "rying "o 1ind "he9. And Jus" li&e $e
1ound you# "hey could 1ind you "oo. I1 you &no$ +ny"hing +bou" "he9# you should "ell us. I"8s no"
s+1e 1or you righ" no$.G
The $o9+n s"udied Tess# her 9ou"h + "igh" line# her bro$ &no""ed# her h+nds shi.ering
percep"ibly despi"e "he b+l9y $e+"her# her eyes be"r+ying so9e in"ense deb+"e going on deep
$i"hin her.
HI89 "elling you "he "ru"h#G Tess +dded. HPle+se. %ou8.e go" "o "rus" 9e.G
The seconds s"re"ched in"er9in+bly# "hen + .erdic" see9ed "o scr+pe "hrough $i"h "he
"hinnes" o1 9+Jori"ies# +nd "he $o9+n grudgingly s+id# H*o9e $i"h 9e#G be1ore "urning +nd
he+ding do$n "he side +lley.
The shop $+s + s9+ll# de"+ched# s"one s"ruc"ure# "$o s"ories highC"he shop i"sel1 +nd "he
+p+r"9en" +bo.e. Tess +nd 7eilly 1ollo$ed "he old $o9+n p+s" + 1rees"+nding 1ligh" o1 s"+irs "h+"
led up "o "he shop&eeper8s Fu+r"ers +nd s"opped ou"side +n old o+& door +" "he b+c& o1 "he
building. A1"er so9e 1ussing $i"h so9e &eys# "he old $o9+n sn+pped i"s loc& open +nd led "he9
They 1ollo$ed her "hrough + s9+ll h+ll$+y +nd in"o + l+rger roo9# $here "he $o9+n
s$i"ched on + 1loor;9oun"ed l+9p. They $ere s"+nding in + roo9 "h+" h+d + se" o1 @rench
doors on"o so9e &ind o1 b+c&y+rd. I" $+s +lso clu""ered $i"h "he 9e9or+bili+ o1 + long#
1ull li1e. O.ercro$ded s"r+ined under "he $eigh" o1 boo&s# pic"ure 1r+9es# +nd .+ses. A
couch +nd "$o +r9ch+irs $ere +rr+yed +round + lo$ co11ee "+ble +nd $ere b+rely .isible under +
c+9ou1l+ge o1 &ili9 "hro$s +nd needlepoin" cushions# $hile "he $+lls $ere + p+"ch$or& o1 s9+ll
p+in"ings +nd old bl+c&;+nd;$hi"e 1+9ily pho"os.
HI8ll 9+&e so9e co11ee#G "he old $o9+n gru9bled. HI &no$ I89 going "o need i".G
She p+dded ou" o1 "he roo9. /o9en"s l+"er# "he +udible 1u9blings o1 + po" +nd + "+p $ere
Fuic&ly 1ollo$ed by "he sound o1 + s"ruc& 9+"ch +nd "he so1" hiss o1 + g+s burner. Tess edged
+cross "o "+&e + closer loo& +" "he 1r+9ed pho"ogr+phs. She recogniDed younger .ersions o1 "heir
reluc"+n" hos"ess +longside .+rious people# records o1 +no"her er+. A couple o1 doDen 1r+9es in"o
"he slide sho$# she s"opped in 1ron" o1 one "h+" re+ched ou" 1ro9 "he $+ll +nd gr+bbed her by "he
"hro+". I" sho$ed + young girl s"+nding +longside +n older 9+n# + proud 1+"her;+nd;d+ugh"er
pose. 3ehind "he9 $+s + l+rge $ooden con"r+p"ion 1ro9 + bygone +ge# + se9i+u"o9+"ic loo9 o1
so9e &ind.
A loo9 used "o 9+nu1+c"ure clo"h.
A piece o1 9+chinery used by + dr+per.
HTh+"8s 9y 9o"her# +nd her 1+"her#G "he old $o9+n s+id +s she re"urned 1ro9 "he &i"chen
$i"h + s9+ll "r+y +nd se""led do$n on "he couch. HI" $+s our 1+9ily business 1or +s long +s
+nyone c+n re9e9ber.G
Tess8s s&in $+s "$i"ching. H6h+" h+ppenedIG
H/y gr+nd1+"her los" +ll his 9oney. !e spen" i" +ll on + 9odern loo9 "h+" $+s supposed
"o co9e 1ro9 -ngl+nd# bu" "he 9iddle9+n he bough" i" 1ro9 "oo& +ll his 9oney +nd
dis+ppe+red.G She poured "hic& co11ee in"o s9+ll# sho";siDed cups +nd ges"ured 1or Tess +nd
7eilly "o Join her. H!e died he+r"bro&en no" long +1"er "h+". /y gr+nd9o"her h+d "o do so9e"hing
"o 9+&e + She &ne$ ho$ "o 1ire cl+y# i" $+s her 1+"her8s business. And "hisGCshe $+.ed
her h+nds +round herCHis "he resul".G
H%ou sell so9e be+u"i1ul "hings#G Tess re9+r&ed $i"h + s9ile +s she s+" do$n on "he
couch by "he $o9+n. 7eilly Joined "he9# se""ling in"o "he +r9ch+ir +nd pu""ing "he ruc&s+c&
do$n by his 1ee".
The old $o9+n c+su+lly $+.ed +$+y Tess8s co99en". H6e "+&e pride in $h+" $e do#
$h+" i" is. I"8s no" $or"h doing o"her$ise.G She "oo& + sip 1ro9 her co11ee# decided i" $+s "oo
ho"# +nd se" i" b+c& do$n. She s+" Fuie"ly 1or + 9o9en"# "hen le" ou" + long sigh +nd r+ised her
eyes "o Tess. HSo "ell 9e . . . $ho +re you# eK+c"lyI And ho$ did you end up here# in "his los"
corner o1 "he $orld# $i"h "hese old boo&s you8re c+rryingIG
Tess gl+nced +" 7eilly# unsure +bou" $h+" "o s+y. A 9o9en" +go# she $+s see"hing $i"h
indign+"ion# "hin&ing "he old $o9+n $+s ou" "o s"e+l "he codices. And ye" here "hey $ere no$#
co91or"+bly ensconced in "he $o9+n8s roo9# sipping co11ee +nd + cour"eous li""le
7eilly nodded her + go;+he+d# 9irroring her o$n 1eelings.
So she "old her. -.ery"hing. The $hole s"ory# 1ro9 Sh+r+1i8s +ppe+r+nce in >ord+n "o "he
shoo";ou" in "he underground ci"y# +l"hough she s&ir"ed +round "he gorier p+r"s o1 i"# no" $+n"ing
"o shoc& her hos". Throughou"# "he old $o9+n lis"ened in"en"ly# surprise +nd 1e+r pl+ying on her
1+ce# her eyes ro+9ing Tess8s 1+ce +nd gl+ncing +$+y "o 7eilly e.ery no$ +nd "hen# only +s&ing
1or +ddi"ion+l cl+ri1ic+"ion + "i9e or "$o. 3y "he end o1 i"# her h+nds $ere shi.ering. And once
Tess $+s done# she s+" Fuie"ly 1or + long 9o9en"# $or&ing "he s"ory in silence# cle+rly
r+c&ed by indecision +nd $orry.
Tess hesi"+"ed "o $+de in. A1"er her $h+" she 1el" $+s enough "i9e "o process i" +ll#
she +s&ed# H6hy did your gr+ndd+ugh"er 1ollo$ us "o our ho"elI %ou +s&ed her "o# didn8" youIG
I" see9ed li&e "he $o9+n didn8" he+r her. She Jus" &ep" s"+ring in"o her co11ee cup# los" in
"hough"# b+c& in "he grips o1 so9e 9o9en"ous s"ruggle. A1"er +no"her leng"hy deliber+"ion# her
$ords c+9e ou" slo$ +nd so1".
HThey didn8" &no$ $h+" "o do $i"h "he9# you &no$#G she "old Tess# b+rely +ble "o loo& +"
her. H6e8.e &no$n $h+" "o do $i"h "he9.G She shu" her eyes $i"h re9orse# "hen "urned "o
1+ce Tess. I" $+s +s i1 she8d Jus" crossed + line 1ro9 1ro9 $hich "here $+s no re"urn.
Tess s"+red +" her bl+n&ly 1or + second# 9+&ing sure she8d he+rd her righ"# "hen + se+ring
ch+rge o1 el+"ion burs" ou" o1 her he+r" +nd s$ep" "hrough her. H%ou h+.e "he9I %ou h+.e "he
o"her boo&sIG She $+s no$ on "he .ery edge o1 "he couch# e.ery pore in her body bri99ing $i"h
The old $o9+n s"udied her# "hen nodded slo$ly.
H!o$ 9+nyIG
H/+ny.G She $+s surprisingly c+su+l +bou" i"# +s i1 she $ere con1ir9ing "he 9os" "ri.i+l
o1 co99en"s. HThe $o9+n# /+ysoon. She brough" "he9 here# 1or s+1e&eeping. A1"er *onr+d
Tess couldn8" belie.e $h+" she $+s he+ring. !er 1+ce 1el" li&e i" $+s on 1ire. !er eyes
1lic&ed +cross "o 7eilly +nd $ere 9e" $i"h + bro+d# suppor"i.e grin. She "urned b+c& "o "he old
$o9+n. HSo *onr+d did h+.e + $o9+n $i"h hi9IG
HThey 9e" in *ons"+n"inople# $here "hey bo"h li.ed.G
HShe $+s + Su1iIG 7eilly +s&ed.
Tess +s&ed# HSo $h+" h+ppened "o "he9I *onr+d did die in <el.e# didn8" heIG
Chapter )*

$AY 1310

The .ill+gers recei.ed "he9 $i"h + $+r9# i1 "en"+"i.e# $elco9e. *onr+d +nd /+ysoon
1ound "he s9+ll se""le9en" in + n+rro$ c+nyon# "uc&ed +$+y 1ro9 "he ou"side $orld# + clus"er o1
roc& cones se" +round + church "h+" h+d been c+r.ed in"o + cli11 1+ce. Their +rri.+l $+s +n
unusu+l occurrence. The .ill+gers didn8" ge" 9+ny .isi"ors +nd $ere $+ry o1 "he9 +" 1irs". S"ill#
"hey brough" $i"h "he9 ne$s o1 "he ou"side $orld +nd + sense o1 e.en" "h+" $+s r+rely seen in "he
isol+"ed# c+nyon;b+sed co99uni"y# +nd "he loc+ls soon rel+Ked. The pries" $ho "ended "he roc&
church +lso ended up grudgingly "he9 his +ppro.+l# despi"e his ob.ious $+riness +" "he
sigh" o1 + &nigh" o1 "he *ross "r+.eling $i"h + he+"hen co9p+nion. The 1+c" "h+" *onr+d h+d
1ough" "o 1ree "he !oly 4+nd +nd los" his h+nd doing so 1orced "he 9+n "o o.erco9e so9e o1 his
preJudice. /+ysoon +lso helped $in hi9 $hen# 9uch "o his surprise# she Fuo"ed lines o1
scrip"ure "h+" she h+d le+rned +s + child $hile s"udying "oler+nce under her Su1i 9+s"er.
The loc+l 9id$i1e $ho doubled +s "he "o$n8s physici+n helped *onr+d splin" +nd dress
/+ysoon8s $ris"# +nd "hey $ere o11ered 1ood +nd drin&. 3y nigh"1+ll# "he "$o o1 "he9 $ere
huddled "oge"her by + $indo$ high in + c+r.ed;ou" cone o1 roc& $hose sole occupier h+d
recen"ly p+ssed +$+y# $+"ching "he s&y +bo.e "he ri9 o1 "he c+nyon run "he g+9u" o1 i9+gin+ble
pin&s +nd purples be1ore se""ling in"o + crisp# uni1or9 bl+c&ness.
*onr+d h+dn8" s+id 9uch +ll e.ening# +nd he h+dn8" s+id + $ord 1or "he l+s" h+l1 hour.
-.ery bre+"h he eKh+led $+s s$irling $i"h desp+ir.
/+ysoon pulled b+c& 1ro9 his ches" +nd scru"iniDed his 1+ce.
H6h+" is i"IG she +s&ed.
!e didn8" +ns$er or 9ee" her eyes +" 1irs"# see9ingly los" in his 9el+ncholy. A1"er + long
9o9en"# he s+id# HThis. 6h+" I89 doing. I"8s poin"less.G
H6hy do you s+y "h+"IG
HI"8s poin"less. !ec"or# /iguel . . . "hey8re gone. God &no$s $h+"8s $+i"ing 1or 9e in
*yprus.G !e sighed he+.ily. HI c+n8" do "his +lone.G
H%ou8re no" +lone.G
!e loo&ed +" her# +nd his 1+ce brigh"ened + "ouch. H%ou8.e been 9+gni1icen". 3u" i"8s s"ill
poin"less. -.en "oge"her# $e c+n8" do "his. I $+s + 1ool "o "hin& I8d be +ble "o 9+&e +
She edged closer. HNo# you $eren8". %ou $ere righ" "o go +1"er i"# you $ere righ" "o 1ind
"hose boo&s +nd ge" "he9 b+c&. 3u" i1 you c+n8" +chie.e $h+" you se" ou" "o do . . . i" doesn8"
9e+n you s"ill c+n8" ch+nge "he $orld.G
H6h+" do you 9e+nIG
H%ou $+n"ed "o use "hese $ri"ings# "his &no$ledge# "he s+9e $+y i"8s been used 1or "he
l+s" couple o1 hundred ye+rs. %ou $+n"ed "o bl+c&9+il "he pope $i"h i" +nd ge" hi9 "o 1ree your
1riends +nd reins"+"e your Order. 6hich is + noble go+l# o1 course. %ou h+d "o "ry +nd 9+&e "h+"
h+ppen. 3u" i1 you8d succeeded . . . "he &no$ledge in "hese boo&s $ould h+.e s"+yed loc&ed
+$+y +nd hidden 1ro9 "he res" o1 "he $orld.G
*onr+d8s 1+ce crin&led $i"h con1usion. HBeeping i" secre" $+s $hy "he popes g+.e us
+ny"hing $e $+n"ed. I"8s $h+" +llo$ed us "o build up our s"reng"h +nd our s"+nding $hile $+i"ing
1or "he righ" "i9e "o sh+re i" +ll $i"h e.eryone ou" "here.G
H6+s "here going "o be + righ" "i9eI Or is i" +l$+ys "he righ" "i9eIG She shoo& her
he+d. HPeople h+.e &ep" "hese "eK"s hidden 1or + "hous+nd ye+rs. %ou +nd "he Te9pl+rs $ho c+9e
be1ore you h+.e been using "he9 +s + $e+pon 1or cen"uries# +nd i1 !ec"or +nd /iguel $ere s"ill
+li.e# you8d s"ill be "rying "o use "he9 "h+" $+y. /+ybe "he "i9e h+s co9e "o loo& +" "hings
di11eren"ly. /+ybe i"8s "i9e you s"+r"ed "hin&ing +bou" ho$ "o bring "hese $ri"ings "o ligh"
ins"e+d o1 &eeping "he9 loc&ed +$+y.G
HI"8s no" possible#G *onr+d coun"ered. HNo" no$. No" $hen "he pope is +s s"rong +s he is.
4oo& +" $h+" h+ppened "o "he *+"h+rs. The :+"ic+n h+s inFuisi"ors e.ery$here. No"hing here"ic+l
c+n be +llo$ed "o 9+&e i"sel1 he+rd.G
HThere8s +l$+ys + $+y. 4oo& +" 7u9i. !is pre+chings $ere +ll +bou" lo.e +nd loo&ing
inside 1or enligh"en9en". !is $ords $ould h+.e been considered bl+sphe9ous by +ny
conser.+"i.e cleric# bu" "hey c+ugh" "he he+r" o1 "he sul"+n hi9sel1# $ho in.i"ed hi9 "o li.e +nd
pre+ch in his c+pi"+l +nd bec+9e his pro"ec"or.G
HI89 no" + pre+cher.G
She s9iled. HNo# bu" 9+ybe i"8s "i9e you s"+r"ed "hin&ing li&e one.G She dre$ ne+rer +nd
&issed hi9 be1ore slipping her "unic o11 her shoulders. H3u" no" in e.ery sense o1 "he $ord.G

T!-% SP-NT T!- N-ZT DA%S $or&ing "he $he+" 1ields $i"h "he .ill+gers by d+y +nd
deb+"ing "heir op"ions by nigh". !o$ "o "r+nspor" "he "eK"s $+s s"ill + cen"r+l proble9. They only
h+d one horse "o "heir n+9e# +ndCno" "h+" "hey h+d "he 9e+ns "o p+y 1or i"C"here $+s only one
open $+gon in "he se""le9en"# one "he .ill+gers couldn8" do $i"hou".
*onr+d couldn8" see + $+y ou" o1 "heir Fu+nd+ry# +nd $i"h e+ch p+ssing d+y# his +nger
+nd 1rus"r+"ion gre$. The "hough" o1 his bre"hren ro""ing +$+y in @rench J+ils +nd his i9po"ence
+" doing +ny"hing "o help "he9 $+s e+"ing +$+y +" hi9. A $ee& e+rlier# he belie.ed he could
9+&e + di11erence. All "h+" h+d ch+nged $i"h "he +9bush in "he c+nyon.
Then on "he 9orning o1 "he nin"h d+y# e.ery"hing ch+nged +g+in $hen h+l1 + doDen p+irs
o1 +nd + 1+9ili+r .oice echoed "hrough "he .ill+ge.
H/+ysoon#G "he 9+n bello$ed. H*onr+d. Sho$ i1 you don8" $+n" e.ery 9+n#
$o9+n# +nd child in "his .ill+ge "o perish.G
*onr+d hurried "o "he $indo$# closely 1ollo$ed by /+ysoon. They loo&ed ou" "o see her
M+sse9 +nd "he "$o hired h+nds "ro""ing slo$ly do$n "he cen"r+l +lley o1 "he cone
houses. !er bro"her h+d + $o9+n $i"h hi9# si""ing side;s+ddle on his horse. !e held + d+gger "o
her "hro+". They recogniDed her 1ro9 "he 1ields. She $+s "he sis"er o1 "he 9id$i1e $ho h+d
"ended "o /+ysoon8s $ris".
H!o$ did "hey &no$ i" $+s usIG /+ysoon +s&ed.
HThe $o9+n#G *onr+d s+id# indic+"ing "he hos"+ge $i"h + nod. HShe &no$s our n+9es.G
H3u" ho$ did "hey 1ind usIG
HGreed +nd re.enge#G he s+id. HThere +re no be""er 9o"i.+"ors.G
H6h+" +re $e going $e doIG
*onr+d gl+red +" "he "hree 9en# 9en $ho h+d &illed his 1riends# 9en $ho h+d scu""led his
pl+ns +nd se+led his bre"hren8s 1+"e.
/en $ho h+d "o p+y.
H-nd "his#G he replied. !e "hen le+ned ou" +nd shou"ed# H4e" "he $o9+n go. I89 co9ing
M+sse9 loo&ed up# s+$ *onr+d# +nd s+id no"hing. !e Jus" "hre$ "he $o9+n "o "he ground
+nd gl+red +" hi9.
*onr+d spo""ed his pros"he"ic h+nd# d+ngling 1ro9 "he side o1 "he Tur&8s s+ddle. I" only
9+de hi9 +ngrier. !e pulled b+c& 1ro9 "he $indo$ +nd s"rode +cross "o + $+ll niche +nd re+ched
1or his sci9i"+r.
H%ou8re no" going do$n "here +lone#G /+ysoon "old hi9# 1inding her crossbo$# bu" +s she
gr+bbed i"# her $ris" g+.e $+y under i"s $eigh". She $inced $i"h p+in +s "he crossbo$ cl+""ered
"o "he 1loor.
HNo#G he 1l+red. HNo" $i"h your $ris" li&e "h+". I need you "o s"+y here. This is 9y 1igh".G
HI $+n" "o help#G she insis"ed.
H%ou8.e done 9ore "h+n enough# 9ore "h+n I h+d "he righ" "o +s& 1or#G he s+id# his
eyes burning $i"h de"er9in+"ion. HI need "o do "his +lone.G
!is "one 9+de i" cle+r he $+sn8" open "o nego"i+"ion.
She bre+"hed long +nd h+rd# "hen nodded grudgingly.
!e pic&ed up "he crossbo$# se" i" do$n in "he niche# +nd pic&ed up her d+gger. H!elp 9e
$i"h "his#G he s+id# pl+cing i" +g+ins" his le1" 1ore+r9. HTie i" "o 9y +r9.G
H*onr+d . . .G
HDo i"# ple+se.G
She 1ound so9e le+"her s"r+ps +nd used "he9 "o +""+ch "he d+gger8s h+ndle "o "he s"u9p
o1 his le1" +r9.
HTigh"er#G he s+id.
She "igh"ened "he s"r+ps "o + solid# "ourniFue";le.el pinch. The bl+de $+s no$ +n
eK"ension o1 his +r9.
!e pic&ed up "he sci9i"+r $i"h his righ" h+nd. @el" his .eins s$ell $i"h 1ury. 4oo&ed +"
her. /o.ed in +nd s$ep" her up in + long# 1e.erish &iss.
And s"epped ou" in"o "he sun.
H6here8s 9y $hore o1 + sis"erIG M+sse9 b+r&ed.
HInside#G *onr+d replied# sides"epping# in"o $ider# open ground. H3u" you8ll need
"o ge" "hrough 9e 1irs".G
M+sse98s eyes 1l+""ened "o n+rro$ sli"s# +nd he s9iled. HTh+" $+s 9y pl+n.G
The Tur& nodded "o his 9en. The "$o riders dre$ "heir sci9i"+rs# spurred "heir 9oun"s#
+nd ch+rged.
*onr+d $+"ched "he9 hur"le "o$+rd hi9# side by side# +nd pu" hi9sel1 in"o + de1ensi.e
crouch# &nees ben"# shoulders "igh"# "he bl+de o1 his s$ord held s"r+igh" up in 1ron" o1 his 1+ce.
Old ins"inc"s 1l+red b+c& "o li1e +nd slo$ed do$n "i9e# pu""ing e.ery de"+il o1 his +ppro+ching
opponen"s in"o h+rd 1ocus# +llo$ing hi9 "i9e "o re+d "he9 +nd pl+n his blo$s $i"h de+dly
+ccur+cy. !e spo""ed + .ulner+bili"y in "he s"+nce o1 "he rider "o his le1"# $ho $+s righ";h+nded#
+nd decided "o "+&e hi9 ou" 1irs". 6i"h "he riders less "h+n "en y+rds +$+y# he ch+rged "he9#
bol"ing +" +n +ngle# beelining 1or "he 9+n "o his le1". The 9o.e s"+r"led his opponen"s# $ho h+d "o
y+n& on "heir horses8 reins .iciously "o +dJus" course. *onr+d "i9ed i" per1ec"ly +nd go" righ" up
"o "he horse9+n "o his le1" be1ore "he one "o his righ" could correc" course 1+s" enough. !is "+rge"
$+s +lso s"ruggling "o con"rol his 9oun"# opening hi9 up "o *onr+d8s bl+de "h+" s"ruc& hi9
+cross his 9idsec"ion +nd sliced righ" "hrough his side. The Tur& 1linched side$+ys +nd 1ell o11
his 9oun". >us" +s he hi" "he ground# *onr+d $+s on hi9 +nd 1inished hi9 o11 $i"h + d+gger "o
"he he+r".
The second rider pulled his horse +round +nd# +ngered by "he &nigh"8s coun"er+""+c&#
c+9e s"or9ing b+c&. *onr+d didn8" 9o.e. !e s"ood his ground# his 9ind "he "i9e i"
needed "o 1ind +n opening in "he 9+n8s rec&less ch+rge# coiling his 9uscles 1or "he neK" +ss+ul".
!e s+$ i" +nd 9+de his 9o.e# d+r"ing side$+ys# pu""ing "he de+d Tur&8s body be"$een
hi9sel1 +nd "he horse9+n "o con1use his +d.+nce. The rider 9+de "he s+9e 9is"+&e his crony h+d
+nd +llo$ed *onr+d "o ge" on"o "he $rong side o1 his bl+de# "he &nigh" "he +d.+n"+ge o1
going 1or his unde1ended 1l+n&. *onr+d le" his s$ord rip# s$inging $i"h 1erocious s"reng"h +nd
opening up + $ide g+sh righ" "hrough "he 9+n8s "high# .ir"u+lly chopping i" o11. The rider
ins"inc"i.ely pulled on his reins# shoc&ed by "he sigh" o1 his eKposed 9uscle +nd 1lesh. *onr+d
didn8" gi.e hi9 +ny bre+"hing sp+ce. !e ch+rged +1"er hi9 +nd $+s on hi9 be1ore "he rider e.en
re+liDed he $+s "here# s"ri&ing hi9 1ro9 "he righ"# ripping his b+c& open be1ore hi9 o11
his s+ddle +nd 1inishing hi9 o11 $i"h +no"her blo$.
And "h+"8s $hen "he bol" s"ruc& his shoulder.
I" r+99ed in"o hi9 1ro9 behind $i"h + .iolen"# silen" i9p+c".
*onr+d s"+ggered 1or$+rd + couple o1 s"eps under "he 9o9en"u9 o1 "he hi"# "hen "urned
+round# he+.y;1oo"ed. M+sse9 h+d dis9oun"ed. !e $+s s"+nding by his horse# s"+ring +" *onr+d#
"he spen" crossbo$ in his h+nd. !e "hre$ i" "o "he ground# dre$ his sci9i"+r# +nd s"rode "o$+rd
*onr+d# his bro$ gn+rled in +n in1ern+l sco$l.
*onr+d &ne$ i" $+s b+d. I" h+d hi" hi9 in "he righ" shoulder. !is good +r9. !is only good
one. The one he needed "o $or& "he s$ord. The +rro$ $+s lodged 1ir9ly in his shoulder bl+de#
unle+shing + c+sc+de o1 p+in $i"h "he sligh"es" 9o.e9en" o1 his righ" +r9.
A c+sc+de he $ould h+.e "o ignore i1 he $+s going "o de1end hi9sel1.
M+sse9 didn8" bre+& s"ep# his eyes loc&ed on *onr+d# his s$ord held lo$ "o his side.
Then his s"ride "urned "o + "ro"# "hen + sprin"# +nd $i"h + loud ho$l# he r+ised his s$ord +nd# $i"h
+ running le+p# brough" i" cr+shing do$n on"o *onr+d.
*onr+d lunged side$+ys# pu""ing his body ou" o1 re+ch +nd bloc&ing "he blo$ $i"h his
o$n s$ord. The bl+des cl+nged he+.ily in"o e+ch o"her# "he s"ri&e re.erber+"ing "hrough *onr+d
+nd shoo"ing + sp+s9 o1 $hi"e;ho" p+in +cross his shoulder. !e 1el" his &nees buc&le# bu" he
couldn8" le" "he9 1+il hi9 no$# couldn8" le" "he p+in cripple hi9. M+sse9 spun +round +nd s$ung
+g+in# his bl+de 1lying "hrough + 1ull loop be1ore cr+shing b+c& do$n +g+ins" *onr+d8s s$ord.
The "hird s"ri&e 1lung "he sci9i"+r ou" o1 *onr+d8s h+nd# his 1ingers un+ble "o ignore "he
+gony in his shoulder.
M+sse9 s"ood s"ill# bre+"hing in deep snor"s# +nd s9iled. !is eyes dropped "o "he d+gger
s"r+pped "o *onr+d8s 1ore+r9 +nd his s9ile "urned in"o + 9oc&ing grin.
HI don8" &no$ $he"her "o &ill you# or Jus" "+&e your o"her h+nd o11C9+ybe your 1ee" "oo
C+nd le" you li.e on li&e + p+"he"ic# crippled 9+ggo"#G he chor"led. H/+ybe I should do "h+" "o
you bo"h.G
*onr+d8s 1ee" 1+l"ered. !e $+s "rouble bre+"hing# +nd he 1el" + "+s"e o1 blood in his
9ou"h. !is he+r" sp+s9ed +" "he re+liD+"ion. The +rro$ h+dn8" Jus" lodged in his shoulder. I" h+d
punc"ured his lung.
!e &ne$ ho$ "h+" $ould end.
!e8d seen i" enough "i9es.
!e loo&ed up +" M+sse9# +nd s+$ + re1lec"ion o1 his re+liD+"ion in "he Tur&8s 1+ce. The
9+n held his g+De 1or + 9o9en"# "hen r+ised his sci9i"+r li&e +n eKecu"ioner +nd held i" "here.
H6h+" "he hell. /+ybe I8d be""er do i" no$ be1ore you rob 9e o1 "he ple+sureCG
And his 1+ce 1roDe in + "igh" clench Jus" +s so9e"hing "hu9ped in"o hi9 1ro9 behind +nd
crunched i"s $+y ou" o1 his ches".
A bol".
!e s"+red do$n +" "he +rro$he+d "h+" $+s s"ic&ing ou" o1 his rib c+ge +nd dripping $i"h
blood# +nd surprise 1looded his 1+ce. !e "urned +round# slo$ly# *onr+d 1ollo$ing his g+De.
/+ysoon $+s s"+nding in "he cle+ring# by his horse.
A crossbo$ in her h+nds.
P+in .isibly e"ched in"o her 1+ce.
The $o9+n 1ro9 "he 1ields# "he one "he Tur& h+d "+&en hos"+ge# $+s "here# beside her. A
clu"ch o1 bol"s in her h+nd.
M+sse9 9o.ed "o he+d "o$+rd "he9# bu" *onr+d $+sn8" +bou" "o gi.e hi9 "h+" ch+nce.
!e pushed h+rd on his legs +nd rose up# using his body8s 9o9en"u9 "o "+c&le "he Tur& +nd
plunge his d+gger deep in"o his b+c&# "$is"ing +nd "urning +nd grinding i" in# 9+&ing sure he cu"
"hrough +s 9+ny org+ns +nd duc"s +nd +r"eries +s possible.
The "$o 9en "u9bled "o "he ground in + bloody# dus"y he+p.
The Tur& sp+s9ed +nd gurgled 1or + 1e$ seconds# his eyes $ide +nd loc&ed on "o *onr+d
$i"h silen" r+ge# be1ore he g+.e ou" + 1in+l shudder +nd his body $en" li9p.
*onr+d le" his he+d drop b+c& on"o "he h+rd# dry soil. !e s"+red +" "he s&y# "hen /+ysoon
$+s righ" $i"h hi9# cr+dling his he+d# running her 1ingers "hrough his h+ir# "e+rs s"re+&ing do$n
her 1+ce.
HDon8" le+.e 9e#G she sobbed. he replied# bu" he &ne$ he $+s lying. 3lood $+s bubbling ou" o1 "he edge o1 his
9ou"h +nd his bre+"hing $+s ge""ing 9ore r+gged. The +ir he $+s 1igh"ing "o "+&e in $+s
esc+ping be1ore ge""ing + ch+nce "o do i"s Job.
HBeep i" s+1e#G he 9u9bled. H@ind + $+y. Beep i" s+1e. And 9+ybe# one d+y# so9eone
$ill be +ble "o do $h+" $e couldn8".G
HI $ill. I pro9ise . . . I $ill.G
6i"h s"+r"ling speed# his lips beg+n "o "urn blue +nd his s&in "oo& on + dus&y p+llor. !is
9ou"h 1el" he+.ier# +nd +s his br+in gre$ s"+r.ed o1 oKygen# his $ords bec+9e 9ore slurred.
And "hen he $+s gone.
Chapter )+

They buried hi9 "here# in "he church. Then she c+9e "o Bony+ +nd se""led here#G "he old
$o9+n con"inued. HShe Joined + tekke. And 1or "he neK" 9on"hs# she $en" b+c& "o "h+"
c+.e 9+ny "i9es# +lone# "+&ing +n eK"r+ horse $i"h her# +nd brough" b+c& "he "eK"s# one s9+ll
lo+d +" + "i9e. She &ep" "he9 hidden +nd didn8" "ell +nyone +bou" "he9. And "hen# ye+rs l+"er# she
9e" so9eone.G
HA dr+per#G Tess guessed. She $+s u""erly spellbound# h+nging on "he $o9+n8s e.ery
H%es. !e $+s +lso p+r" o1 "he s+9e lodge. She con1ided in hi9. Told hi9 her secre".
-.en"u+lly# "hey go" 9+rried. S"+r"ed + ne$ li1e "oge"her# here# in Bony+.G !er 1+ce so1"ened in"o
+ bi""ers$ee" s9ile. HThey $ere 9y +nces"ors.G
HSo "he 9ur+l# "he lines 1ro9 "he poe9 . . . "h+" c+9e +1"erIG Tess +s&ed.
The $o9+n nodded. H%es. She $en" b+c& +nd h+d i" +dded 9uch l+"er. In "he church
$here *onr+d $+s buried# +s you s+$.G
7eilly +s&ed# H!o$ do you &no$ +ll "hisIG
The $o9+n pushed hersel1 "o her 1ee" +nd crossed "o +n old des&. She ru99+ged "hrough
i" +nd reco.ered + s9+ll &ey# $hich she used "o open one o1 i"s dr+$ers. She pulled ou" + 1olded
docu9en" +nd brough" i" "o sho$ Tess.
I" $+s co9posed o1 h+nd$ri""en p+ges# old +nd yello$ed. Tess couldn8" re+d
"he9# +s "hey $ere co.ered in + "igh" Ar+bic scrip"# "he +lph+be" used in Tur&ey be1ore ',05.
HThis "ells "he $hole s"ory#G "he old $o9+n s+id. HI"8s e.ery"hing *onr+d "old /+ysoon.
I"8s been h+nded do$n 1ro9 gener+"ion "o gener+"ion. !+s been 1or close "o se.en hundred
HAnd +ll "his "i9e# "he "eK"s s"+yed hidden#G Tess s+id.
H/+ysoon h+d pro9ised *onr+d "o &eep "he9 s+1e +nd "o "ry +nd sh+re "he9 $i"h "he
$orld. 3u" "here $+s no $+y 1or her "o do "h+". No" b+c& "hen. -+s" +nd 6es" $ere 1iercely
di.ided. In "his l+nd# "he SelJu&s $ere on "he $+y ou" +nd "he O""o9+ns +nd "heir hordes o1
L$+rriors o1 "he 1+i"h8 $ere "+&ing They $ere ou" "o cre+"e +n Isl+9ic e9pire# +nd "he l+s"
"hing /+ysoon $+n"ed $+s 1or "hese $ri"ings "o be used +s + $e+pon "o discredi" +n ene9y
Tess gl+nced +" 7eilly. !e8d +lso c+ugh" "he echo in "he $o9+n8s $ords +nd g+.e Tess +
discree"# cogniD+n" nod "h+" c+used + s9+ll 1lu""er in her belly.
The old $o9+n c+ugh" "heir dri1" +nd h+l1;s9iled $is"1ully# "hen her 9ou"h 1olded $i"h
desp+ir. HShe didn8" &no$ $ho "o "urn "o in "he 6es" ei"her. The Te9pl+rs $ere gone# o1 course.
And "he *hurch $+s hugely po$er1ul b+c& "hen. No one# no" e.en + &ing# $ould h+.e d+red "o
ch+9pion so9e"hing "h+" "hre+"ened i"s do9in+nce.G
HSo "hey &ep" "he9 "uc&ed +$+y . . . hereIG
H%es#G "he $o9+n s+id. HS+1ely s"ored# $+i"ing 1or "he righ" d+y.G
Tess8s "hro+" "igh"ened up li&e + pinched s"r+$. She h+d "o +s& +g+in. H#ere hereIG
The old $o9+n nodded.
Tess s$+llo$ed +n in.isible gol1 b+ll. H*+n $e see i"IG
The $o9+n didn8" +ns$er +" 1irs". Then she go" up 1ro9 "he couch +nd s"epped +cross "o
"he des&# $here she re"rie.ed so9e &eys. She "urned "o 1+ce "he9 +nd s+id# H*o9e.G
She led "he9 +cross "he roo9 +nd "hrough + d+r&# n+rro$ h+ll$+y "h+" h+d "he
&i"chen o11 one side +nd loo&ed li&e i" g+.e on"o + bedroo9 +" i"s 1+r end. I" h+d + lo$er ceiling
"h+n "he roo9 +nd $+s lined $i"h cupbo+rd doors on one side. A &ili9 c+rpe" hung 1ro9 +
br+ss r+il on "he opposi"e $+ll. The old $o9+n opened + cupbo+rd door +nd brough" ou" +
1l+shligh"# "hen $en" up "o "he &ili9 +nd pulled i" "o one side. *u" in"o "he $+ll behind i" +nd
b+rely .isible in "he d+r&ness $+s + n+rro$# $inding s"+irc+se# no" 9uch $ider "h+n + 9+n8s
The old $o9+n en"ered "he niche +nd cli9bed do$n# "+&ing e+ch o1 "he "+ll risers $i"h
c+re# s"e+dying hersel1 +g+ins" "he $+ll# "he ligh" o1 her 1l+shligh" pl+ying +g+ins" i"s
rough# poc&9+r&ed sur1+ce. Tess +nd 7eilly 1ollo$ed. The s"+irs $ound do$n "$ice be1ore
ending in + "unnel# +lso n+rro$ +nd rough. I" +ll h+d + si9il+r 1eel "o "he underground ci"y "hey8d
been "r+pped in# +nd Tess $ondered i1 i" $+s o1 "he s+9e .in"+ge.
The old $o9+n led "he9 p+s" + series o1 old $ooden doors lining one side o1 "he "unnel# + leng"h o1 +bou" "hir"y y+rds# un"il she re+ched "he l+s" door# one "h+" 1+ced do$n "he
"unnel. She "hen unloc&ed i"# s"epped inside# +nd ushered "he9 in behind her.
They $ere s"+nding in + s9+ll roo9. /ore o1 + $+l&;in cupbo+rd# re+lly. I" $+s
$indo$less +nd lo$;ceilinged +nd# li&e "he ch+9bers in "he underground ci"y# h+d + ple+s+n"
"e9per+"ure despi"e "he he+" +bo.eground# +nd none o1 "he hu9idi"y.
Tess loo&ed +round# +nd e.ery l+s" 9olecule o1 +ir in her lungs gushed ou".
All o1 "he s9+ll roo98s $+lls# +p+r" 1ro9 "he one $i"h "he door in i"# $ere lined $i"h The in "urn# $ere lined $i"h boo&s. Old boo&s. S9+ll# le+"her;bound# posi"i.ely
+ncien" codices. The oldes" boo&s on "he pl+ne"? "$o;"hous+nd;ye+r;old gospels# 1ro9 "he e+rlies"
d+ys o1 "he *hurch.
DoDens o1 "he9.
Tess couldn8" belie.e i".
!er 9ou"h 9+n+ged "o +s&# H/+y IIG +s she poin"ed +" one o1 "he9.
The old $o9+n g+.e her + resigned Hhelp yoursel1G ges"ure.
Tess re+ched ou" +nd pic&ed up one o1 "he boo&s. I" $+s .ery si9il+r "o "he "$o codices
she8d 1ound in *onr+d8s gr+.e. S+9e &ind o1 le+"her binding# s+9e 1olded b+c&# s+9e s"r+p
$r+pped +round i". I" see9ed in eFu+lly good condi"ion. She hesi"+"ed# "hen peeled b+c& "he 1old
+nd opened "he boo& +nd loo&ed inside. I" h+d si9il+r le""ering# Boine Gree&.
She "r+nsl+"ed i"s "i"le p+ge +loud? HThe Gospel o1 -.e.G
Tess $+sn8" 1+9ili+r $i"h i". The old $o9+n $+"ched her $i"h sligh" be9use9en"# "hen
s+id# HI $+s curious +bou" "h+" one "oo. 3u" i"8s no" "he -.e you "hin&.G
Tess g+.e her + curious loo&. H%ou &no$ $h+"8s in "hese boo&sI %ou8.e re+d "he9IG
HNo" en"irely. I8.e Jus" "+ugh" 9ysel1 + li""le bi" o1 *op"ic +nd so9e old Gree& here +nd
"here +nd 9+n+ged "o unders"+nd so9e o1 $h+"8s inside "he9.G
A p+r"icul+r Fues"ion $+s cl+$ing +$+y inside Tess# desper+"e "o ge" ou". HI1 I +s& you
+bou" + p+r"icul+r "eK"# $ould you &no$ i1 i"8s here or no"IG
The old $o9+n shrugged. HProb+bly.G
Tess inh+led ner.ously. HA 1e$ ye+rs +go# I held in 9y h+nds so9e"hing I belie.ed $+s
"he Journ+l o1 >esus. !is o$n $ri"ings. !is di+ry.G
The $o9+n8s eyes $idened. H%ou s+$ i"IG
H%es# bu" I couldn8" "ell i1 i" $+s re+l or i1 i" $+s + 1orgery. And I go" + ch+nce "o pu"
i" "hrough +ny l+b "es"s "o 1ind ou". Do you &no$ +ny"hing +bou" i"I Do you &no$ i1 i" $+s "he
re+l "hingIG
The $o9+n s9iled# "hen shoo& her he+d. HI" $+sn8". I" $+s + 1orgery.G
The 1in+li"y o1 her +ns$er s"unned Tess. H!o$ do you &no$ "h+"IG
H/+ysoon8s le""er. *onr+d "old her +ll +bou" i".G She ordered her "hough"s# "hen +dded#
HThey $ere only +ble "o 9+&e i" bec+use "hey h+d +ll "his "o $or& $i"h#G ges"uring +" "he
o1 +ncien" "eK"s.
H6+i" + sec# you8re s+ying "he Te9pl+rs &ne$ +bou" "his "ro.e +ll +longIG
HBne$ +bou" i"I They $ouldn8" h+.e eKis"ed $i"hou" i". Th+"8s ho$ i" +ll s"+r"ed. 6i"h "he
origin+l &eepers o1 "his "ro.e# "he 9en $ho loo&ed +1"er i" +nd &ep" i" s+1ely hidden +" "he
I9peri+l 4ibr+ry in *ons"+n"inople. I" $+s +ll "heir pl+n.G
H%ou8re s+ying "he Te9pl+rs $ere dre+9" up in *ons"+n"inopleIG
The old $o9+n nodded. HThe Beepers h+d been gu+rding "he "ro.e o1 Nic+e+ 1or
cen"uries# since !osius h+d s+.ed i" 1ro9 burning +nd s9uggled i" o11 "o s+1e"y in
*ons"+n"inople. The Beepers gu+rded i"# $+i"ing 1or "he righ" "i9e "o 9+&e i" public +nd sh+re i"
$i"h "he res" o1 "he $orld. 3u" "h+" 9o9en" see9ed "o co9e . . . +nd by "he end o1 "he 1irs"
9illenniu9# "he $orld "oo& + d+r&er "urn. The pope $+s ou" o1 con"rol. And $hen he c+9e up
$i"h "he no"ion o1 + holy crus+de +nd ordered *hris"i+ns "o go "o $+r +nd &ill in "he n+9e o1
*hris"# "hey &ne$ he h+d los" i" co9ple"ely. >esus8s 9ess+ge h+d been co9ple"ely obli"er+"ed.
3u" "he crus+ders $ere $inning "heir b+""les +nd "he pope 9ore +nd 9ore po$er. 6i"h
con"rol "he !oly 4+nd +nd +ll "he 9on+rchs o1 -urope &issing his 1ee"# "he pope $ould h+.e
supre9e po$er 9os" o1 "he &no$n $orld. The Beepers $ere horri1ied by $h+" $+s
h+ppening +nd 1el" "hey h+d "o do so9e"hing. They needed "o 1ind + $+y "o rein hi9 in. And "hey
c+9e up $i"h + r+dic+l ide+. They decided "o cre+"e + coun"er1orce. A 9ili"+ry org+niD+"ion "h+"
could ch+llenge 7o9e8s supre9+cy +nd &eep i"s in1luence in chec&. They h+d +ll "his "o $or&
$i"h#G she s+id# $ +" "he +s"ounding collec"ion o1 $ri"ings +round her. HThe "hre+" o1
9+&ing i" public $ould h+.e prob+bly been enough "o sc+re "he pope in"o "he9 $h+" "hey
$+n"ed# bu" "hey 1el" "hey needed 9ore. They needed "o be sure. They needed one 9ore boo&.
One hugely po$er1ul "eK" "h+" $ould "erri1y 7o9e in"o sub9ission. So "hey decided "o cre+"e "he
ul"i9+"e gospel.G
HThe person+l Journ+l o1 >esus#G Tess s+id.
H-K+c"ly#G "he old $o9+n nodded.
Tess loo&ed +" 7eilly# +nd "h+" 1+"e1ul 9o9en" o1 ye+rs e+rlier c+9e rushing b+c&. The
"$o o1 "he9# s"+nding on "h+" cli11. 6+"ching "he .ellu9 p+ges glide do$n +nd ge" s$+llo$ed up
by "he churning se+. The +ns$er "hey go"Cun"il no$.
The old $o9+n pressed on. HThey h+d +ll "his "o b+se "heir $or& on# "o cre+"e "heir 1orged
9+s"erpiece# "o ge" i" righ". I" $ould +lso 9+&e "he 1ind see9 unFues"ion+bly belie.+ble. A1"er
+ll# +ll "hese boo&s +re "he re+l "hing. I" $+s only n+"ur+l 1or >esus8s o$n Journ+l "o be p+r" o1 "his
collec"ion. So once i" $+s re+dy# "hey +c"ed. They sough" ou" o"hers $ho sh+red "heir concerns.
Bnigh"s# le+rned +nd enligh"ened 9en 1ro9 +cross -urope $ho "hey h+d 9e" "he ye+rs# +"
"he libr+ry. Nine o1 "he9.G
HThe 1irs" nine Te9pl+rs. !ughes de P+yens +nd his 9en#G Tess s+id.
The old $o9+n nodded +g+in. HThe &nigh"s $en" "o >erus+le9# $here "hey +ppro+ched
"he &ing. They "old hi9 "hey $ere "here "o pro"ec" "he pilgri9s co9ing "o "he holy ci"y# +nd go"
hi9 "o gi.e "he9 "he ruins o1 "he old "e9ple "o use +s "heir b+se. And +1"er ye+rs o1 supposedly
digging +round# "hey sen" + 9ess+ge "o 7o9e# s+ying "hey8d 1ound so9e"hing. So9e"hing . . .
dis"urbing. The pope sen" his en.oys. The &nigh"s sho$ed "he9 so9e o1 "he gospels "h+" you see
here. Then "hey sho$ed "he9 "he re+l priDe. The pope8s 9en $ere horri1ied. They $en" b+c& "o
7o9e +nd con1ir9ed "he 1ind. The pope g+.e "he Te9pl+rs e.ery"hing "hey $+n"ed in eKch+nge
1or &eeping i" Fuie".G
Tess8s he+d $+s spinning. I" $+s + lo" "o "+&e in. HAnd +1"er "h+"# "he Te9pl+rs sen" "he
gospels b+c& hereCor r+"her# b+c& "o *ons"+n"inopleIG
HThey8d been s+1e "here 1or 9+ny cen"uries. The !oly 4+nd $+s + $+r Done. The Beepers
$+n"ed "o 9+&e sure "he gospels $ere s+1e.G
H3u" no" >esus8s di+ryIG
HNo#G "he old $o9+n s+id. HTh+" s"+yed $i"h "he Te9pl+rs# +" Acre. I" $+s "he source o1
"heir s"reng"h. They $+n"ed "o &eep i" close# under "heir gu+rd. 6hich $+s + 9is"+&e. 3u"
re9e9ber# i" $+s +lso + 1orgery. As 1+r +s "he Beepers $ere concerned# i"s .+lue $+s s"r+"egic#
no" his"oric.G
Tess $+s co9ple"ing "he puDDle in her 9ind. HSo "hen in '0(3# "he pope8s +r9y is +" "he
g+"es o1 *ons"+n"inople. The Beepers +re $orried +bou" losing "heir "ro.e. They send ou" +
dis"ress sign+l.G
H%es. The Te9pl+rs send ou" + 1e$ 9en "o s9uggle i" ou" "o s+1e"y. 3u" "hey lose i" un"il
*onr+d +nd /+ysoon 9+n+ge "o ge" i" b+c& . . . + hundred ye+rs l+"er.G
H3u" by "hen# i"8s "oo l+"e "o do +ny"hing $i"h i". The !oly 4+nd is b+c& in /usli9 h+nds#
"he 1orged di+ry o1 *hris" is los"# +nd "he Te9pl+r Order8s been $iped ou" by "he Bing o1 @r+nce#
$i"h "he help o1 his puppe" pope.G Tess 1ro$ned# re9e9bering "he un1or"un+"e "+le o1 "he l+s"
sur.i.ors o1 "he @+lcon Te9ple "h+" she +nd 7eilly h+d unco.ered "hree ye+rs +go. HI9+gine . . .
I1 *onr+d h+d 9+n+ged "o ge" his h+nds on "his Jus" + 1e$ ye+rs sooner . . . i" could h+.e ch+nged
The old $o9+n shoo& her he+d. HThere $+s no ch+nce o1 "h+" h+ppening. *onr+d only
he+rd +bou" i" bec+use he $+s in *ons"+n"inople. And "he only re+son he $+s "here $+s
bec+use "he Te9pl+rs $ere $+n"ed 9en.G
Tess nodded. The cruel 9+chin+"ions o1 1+"e h+d lo+ded "he dice +g+ins" hi9 righ" 1ro9
"he beginning. HThese Beepers#G Tess +s&ed. H6h+" h+ppened "o "he9I Did /+ysoon "ry "o 1ind
HShe did#G "he old $o9+n s+id. H3u" "here $+s no "r+ce o1 "he9. They $ere prob+bly
&illed during "he s+c&ing o1 "he ci"y# 9+ybe by +gen"s o1 "he pope $ho $ere loo&ing 1or "he
HAnd so /+ysoon +nd her descend+n"sCyour 1+9ilyCbec+9e "he ne$ Beepers#G Tess
The old $o9+n nodded. H*o9e#G she s+id. H4e"8s go b+c& up. I8ll 9+&e +no"her po" o1
They 1iled b+c& do$n "he p+ss+ge +nd up "o "he &i"chen +nd s"ood "here $hile "he old
$o9+n re1illed "he "in po"# 1ired up one o1 "he g+s rings on her coo&er# +nd se""led "he po" on i". A
lo+ded silence s9o"hered "he roo9. A1"er + long 9o9en"# Tess bro&e i".
HSo $h+" do $e do no$IG
The $o9+n $eighed her $ords# "hen loo&ed +" Tess +nd s+id# HI don8" &no$.G She p+used
1or + be+"# "hen +s&ed# HThese &illers. They8re s"ill ou" "hereIG
Tess nodded.
HThen i" h+s "o be 9o.ed# doesn8" i"IG "he old $o9+n s+id. HI" c+n8" s"+y here.G She
sighed he+.ily. H*+n you ge" i" so9e$here s+1eIG
Tess h+d been 9ulling .+rious so1" +ppro+ches "o "ry +nd propose "he .ery s+9e
"hing# bu" 1or "he old $o9+n "o o11er i" li&e "h+" "oo& her by co9ple"e surprise.
HO1 course.G
The old $o9+n8s shoulders hunched sligh"ly under "he $eigh" o1 her decision. HI don8"
h+.e 9uch choice# do II And 9+ybe "h+"8s no" + b+d "hing. %ou h+.e "o unders"+nd. This . . .G
She $+.ed her h+nds eKp+nsi.ely# "+&ing in "he ground under "heir 1ee" +nd "he secre" i" held.
HI"8s 9uch bigger "h+n us. I" +l$+ys h+s been. I"8s + burden "h+"8s been h+nded do$n# gener+"ion
+1"er gener+"ion . . .G She shoo& her he+d rue1ully. HI didn8" +s& 1or "his. I didn8" h+.e + choice in
"he 9+""er# Jus" li&e 9y +nces"ors didn8". 3u" I did $h+" $+s eKpec"ed o1 9e# +s 9+ny o"hers did
be1ore. And no doub"# i1 +nd $hen "he d+y co9es# 9y son $ill do "he s+9e. 3u" "o $h+" endI
6h+" c+n $e possibly do $i"h i"# 1ro9 hereI 6e8re + si9ple people# /iss *h+y&in. 6e li.e
si9ple And "his . . . "his so9e serious +""en"ion. The &ind o1 +""en"ion so9eone
li&e you c+n bring "o i". %ou $ould be doing 9e +nd 9y descend+n"s + 1+.or. %ou8d be
us o1 "his enor9ous $eigh"Cespeci+lly no$ "h+" you8re "elling 9e "here +re people ou" "here
$illing "o &ill 1or i".G She pu" her h+nds on Tess8s +r9s. HI" needs "o be 9o.ed "o s+1e"y. %ou need
"o "+&e i" 1ro9 here +nd do $h+" you "hin& is bes" $i"h i". 6ill you do "h+"IG
HI" $ould be + pri.ilege.G
HAnd don8" $orry#G 7eilly +dded. HI8ll 9+&e sure you8re $ell pro"ec"ed un"il "his "hing8s
The old $o9+n8s 1+ce so1"ened $i"h + hin" o1 relie1# "hen &no""ed $i"h + Fues"ion. H6h+"
$ill you do $i"h i"IG
HI"8ll need "o be properly pho"ogr+phed +nd c+"+logued#G Tess s+id. HThen "r+nsl+"ed.
Then $e8ll need "o 1igure ou" $ho "o sh+re i" $i"h +nd ho$ "o do "h+" $i"hou" s"irring up "oo
9uch o1 + 1uss.G
The old $o9+n didn8" see9 con.inced. HThe De+d Se+ Scrolls +re s"ill shrouded $i"h
suspicion. The N+g !+99+di gospels +re b+rely &no$n . . . 6h+" 9+&es you "hin& "hese $ill be
recei.ed di11eren"lyIG
H6e h+.e "o "ry. These $ri"ings . . . "hey8re p+r" o1 our e.olu"ion# +s + ci.iliD+"ion. They8ll
help us g+in in 9+"uri"y +nd enligh"en9en". 3u" i" needs "o be done slo$ly# c+re1ully. I" h+s "o be
"i9ed righ". And no" e.eryone $ill be con.inced# or e.en in"eres"ed. Those $ho $+n" "o belie.e#
"hose $ho re+lly need "o belie.e . . . none o1 "his $ill 9+""er "o "he9. I"8s no" going "o ch+nge
"hings 1or "he9. They8ll +l$+ys belie.e# no 9+""er $h+". Th+"8s $h+" "he $ord L1+i"h8 9e+ns "o
"he9. I"8s +ll +bou" 9+in"+ining + solid# un$+.ering belie1 reg+rdless o1 +ny proo1 "h+" s+ys
o"her$ise. 3u" 1or "hose $ho +re 9ore open;9inded +nd $ho8d li&e "o 9+&e up "heir o$n
9inds . . . "hey deser.e "o h+.e +ll "he necess+ry in1or9+"ion +" h+nd "o help "he9 9+&e "h+"
decision. 6e o$e i" "o "he9.G
The old $o9+n nodded# see9ing so9e$h+" 9ore +" pe+ce $i"h her 9o9en"ous decision
C"hen + cre+& 1ro9 "he roo9 +re+ c+ugh" her +""en"ion +nd 9+de her 1ro$n. 7eilly +nd
Tess "ensed up +nd $en" rigid. 7eilly brough" his h+nd up "o his 9ou"h in + s"illing +nd silencing
!e crep" "o "he edge o1 "he &i"chen +nd lis"ened. !e+rd no"hing. Bep" his e+r "urned
1or + 9o9en"# Jus" "o be sure. S"ill he+rd no"hing. Despi"e "h+"# he $+sn8" co91or"+ble $i"h Jus"
ignoring $h+" "hey8d he+rd. !e ges"ured +g+in 1or "he $o9en "o s"+y s"ill# +nd his o"her h+nd
re+ched ins"inc"i.ely "o see& ou" his h+ndgunC"hen he re+liDed he didn8" h+.e i" on hi9. I" $+s
in "he ruc&s+c&# in "he roo9.
!e gl+nced +round +nd spo""ed + l+rge &i"chen &ni1e on "he dr+ining bo+rd by "he sin&. !e
gr+bbed i"# "hen crep" "o "he door$+y +nd 1lic&ed o11 "he &i"chen8s o.erhe+d ligh"# plunging "he
s9+ll sp+ce in"o d+r&ness +nd c+s"ing "he9 in "he cold +nd 1lic&ering or+nge;blue glo$ o1 "he g+s
The old $o9+n suc&ed in + shor" +nd sh+rp in"+&e o1 bre+"h.
Tess "ensed up e.en 9ore.
She $+"ched "he sh+do$y con"ours o1 7eilly8s silhoue""e s&ul& ou" "he door +nd dis+ppe+r
1ro9 .ie$. She held her bre+"h# $+i"ing# lis"ening# "he euphori+ o1 "he l+s" h+l1 hour no$
.+poriDed. @or + 1e$ s"rung;ou" seconds# she he+rd no"hing bu" "he 1r+n"ic bongo solo in her
e+rdru9sC"hen she he+rd + sh+rp sn+p 1ollo$ed by + grun" o1 p+in# + cl+""er o1 so9e"hing
9e"+llic# +nd + loud "hu9p# li&e + he1"y 9+ss hi""ing "he 1loor.
A 1leshy# he1"y 9+ss.
The +brup" noise 1roDe her solid. Then she he+rd i". The .oice she h+d hoped "o
he+r +g+in# "he one she h+d pl+nned "o eKpunge 1ro9 her 9e9ory $i"h eK"re9e preJudice. The
one $i"h "he +nnoyingly s9ug "inge "o i".
H*o9e on ou"# l+dies#G "he Ir+ni+n s+id be1ore +ppe+ring +" "he &i"chen door +nd 1lic&ing
"he ligh" on. !e s9iled +nd c+su+lly $+.ed "he9 ou" o1 "he roo9 $i"h his h+ndgun. H>oin us. The
p+r"y8s Jus" ge""ing s"+r"ed.G
Chapter ),

Reilly8s .ision $+s blurred +nd his s&ull $+s 1looded $i"h p+in +s he $ri"hed on "he 1loor
o1 "he roo9. The hi" h+d co9e in 1+s" +nd h+rd# + ri1le bu"" "o "he J+$ "h+" cu" his legs ou"
1ro9 under hi9 +nd dropped hi9 be1ore he e.en s+$ $ho8d hi" hi9.
!e could see "he9 no$. /en he didn8" recogniDe# "hree o1 "he9# +r9ed +nd e11icien"#
slipping p+s" hi9. Then he s+$ one he did recogniDe. The Ir+ni+n $+s herding Tess +nd "he old
$o9+n in"o "he roo9# +" gunpoin". 7eilly8s +ngle o1 .ision# lo$ +nd obliFue gi.en "h+" he
$+s s"ill do$n +nd h+d his he+d "$is"ed "o one side# 9+de "he sigh" loo& e.en 9ore dis"urbing.
HSi" do$n#G "he Ir+ni+n s+id +s he nudged Tess $i"h his silencer +nd prodded her "o$+rd
"he couch.
The "$o $o9en se" " do$n on "he edge o1 "he se+" cushions# side by side. The
Ir+ni+n "hen sp+" ou" so9e orders "o his 9en in + l+ngu+ge 7eilly couldn8" unders"+nd +nd $+.ed
"he9 o11. The "hree 9en scurried ou" o1 "he roo9# presu9+bly "o chec& ou" "he res" o1 "he house.
7eilly c+ugh" Tess8s eye. !e g+.e her + slo$ blin& +nd + "iny nod "o "ry "o re+ssure her. I"
didn8" do 9uch "o +lle.i+"e "he 1e+r in her eyes# bu" she s"ill 9+n+ged + sligh" nod b+c&. 7eilly
"hen g+.e "he res" o1 "he roo9 + Fuic& s$eep# 1ro9 his lo$ .+n"+ge poin". !e spo""ed Tess8s
ruc&s+c&. The one $i"h "he gun in i". I" $+s s"ill $here he8d le1" i"# le+ning +g+ins" "he side o1 "he
+r9ch+ir# by "he side o1 "he couch. Abou" eigh" 1ee" +$+y 1ro9 hi9. A p+l"ry dis"+nce "o in
+ sprin"# bu" + signi1ic+n" one gi.en his curren" s"+nce.
7eilly inh+led deeply +nd "ried "o 1lush "he grogginess ou" o1 his he+d. !e peered up +"
"he Ir+ni+n. The Ir+ni+n# +s i1 sensing hi9# loo&ed do$n +" hi9. !e didn8" loo& gre+". !is 1+ce
$+s 9ore s+llo$ "h+n 7eilly re9e9bered i"# +nd he h+d + sheen o1 s$e+" +cross his 1orehe+d.
/ore no"ice+ble# "hough# $+s "he r+ge "h+" $+s see"hing in his gl+re. I" see9ed "o 7eilly "h+" "he
9+n could b+rely con"+in "he 1ury "h+" $+s r+ging inside hi9. 7eilly decided "o &eep Fuie". The
si"u+"ion $+s "oo prec+rious# his posi"ion "oo $e+& "o ris& pro.o&ing "he 9+n +ny 1ur"her. !e
decided "o bide his "i9e +nd pl+y i" sub9issi.e# +nd bro&e o11 eye con"+c" +nd lo$ered his g+De.
!e $+s surprised "o 1ind "h+" "he $ound "o "he Ir+ni+n8s le1" h+nd loo&ed li&e i" h+d been
properly "ended "o. The dressing $+s ne+" +nd "idy# "hough "here $ere "r+ces o1 blood seep+ge on
i". 7eilly r+n + Fuic& 9en"+l +ssess9en" o1 $h+" $+s going on +nd $ho he $+s de+ling $i"h +nd
decided "he Ir+ni+n8s 9en $ere prob+bly PBBC9ili"+n" Burdish sep+r+"is"s "h+" Ir+n h+d 1unded
+nd +r9ed "he ye+rs. They undoub"edly h+d doc"ors on "+p $ho h+d + $e+l"h o1 eKperience
in de+ling $i"h $+r inJuries. They could +lso "r+.el unch+llenged "hroughou" Tur&eyCbeing
Tur&sC"o lend + 1riendly 1is" "o so9eone li&e "he Ir+ni+n bo9ber $hen needed.
6hich $+sn8" gre+" ne$s.
7eilly didn8" &no$ ho$ 9+ny 9en "he Ir+ni+n h+d co;op"ed. !e8d seen "hree o1 "he9.
There h+d "o be 9ore ou"side.
No" gre+" +" +ll.
HSo $h+"8s going onIG "he Ir+ni+n +s&ed# spre+ding his +r9s ou" "he+"ric+lly +nd loo&ing
+round "he roo9. HOne 9inu"e you8re se""ling in"o your roo9 1or + nice# coDy nigh"# "hen you8re
running +round "he ci"y8s b+c&s"ree"s li&e he+dless chic&ens. 6h+" could h+.e possibly "riggered
"his urgen" l+"e nigh" ge";"oge"herIG
A holler c+9e 1ro9 deep inside "he house. The Ir+ni+n "urned# +c&no$ledged i" $i"h +
cur" reply# "hen "urned "o Tess +nd s9iled. A 9o9en" l+"er# one o1 his 9en +ppe+red "hrough "he
door$+y. !e h+d +n AB;)7 slung his shoulder +nd in his h+nds $ere + 1e$ o1 "he old boo&s.
The Ir+ni+n "oo& "he9 1ro9 hi9 +nd s"udied "he9 1or + 9o9en"# "hen he gl+nced up +"
Tess# his 9ou"h +rced $i"h glee. H/ore gospelsIG !e held her g+De 1or + 9o9en"# "hen +s&ed "he
9+n + Fues"ion. The 9+n8s reply see9ed "o re+lly i9press "he Ir+ni+n. HA $hole roo9 o1 "he9IG
he s+id "o Tess. !is grin bro+dened. HI" sounds "o 9e li&e your persis"ence h+s p+id o11
Tess didn8" reply.
The Ir+ni+n shrugged# r+""led o11 so9e ins"ruc"ions "o "he 9+n $ho8d brough" hi9 "he
boo&s# "hre$ one l+s" gl+re +" 7eilly# "hen le1" "he roo9. The 9+n r+ised his B+l+shni&o. 9+chine
gun +nd held i" 1ir9ly. !e &ep" oscill+"ing i" slo$ly b+c& +nd 1or"h 1ro9 7eilly "o "he "$o $o9en
$hile &eeping +n unblin&ing $+"ch "he9.
7eilly8s ins"inc"s 1l+red. !e &ne$ "his 9igh" $ell be his l+s" oppor"uni"y "o do so9e"hing.
One 9+n gu+rding "he9.
A gun in "he ruc&s+c&.
A ch+nce.
!e $+i"ed un"il "he 9+n8s g+De s$ung +$+y 1ro9 hi9 +nd 9+de his 9o.e# pushing
hi9sel1 1or$+rd on his h+nds +nd &nees "o$+rd "he ruc&s+c&.
The 9o.e $+s clu9sy.
The gu+rd s+$ i". !e 1re+&ed ou" +nd yelled +" 7eilly $hile ch+rging "o in"ercep" hi9.
7eilly s+$ "he 9+n8s boo"ed legs hur"ling "o$+rd hi9 +nd he+rd Tess shrie& +s he re+ched ou" 1or
"he ruc&s+c&# bu" he couldn8" ge" "o i" 1+s" enoughC"he gu+rd cu" hi9 o11 $i"h + 9+ssi.e &ic& "o
his le1" 9idsec"ion. 7eilly8s &idneys li" up +s he 1le$ b+c& 1ro9 "he i9p+c" +nd rolled
grun"ing $i"h p+in. The 9+n &ep" p+ce $i"h hi9# cr+b;s"epping +1"er hi9 in + "ense crouch $hile
shou"ing ou" + "orren" o1 $+rnings +nd curses# his gun b+rrel s$inging 1ro9 7eilly8s 1+ce +nd
+cross "o "he "$o $o9en +nd b+c&.
7eilly c+9e "o + s"op righ" by + side "+ble +cross 1ro9 "he +r9ch+ir. !e $+s hunched gro+ning $i"h p+in# bre+"hing h+rd. !e peered up +nd# 1ro9 "he corner o1 his eye# gli9psed
"he gu+rd loo9ing hi9. The 9+n $+s +ll $ild;eyed +nd Ji""ery +nd s"+nding less "h+n "$o
1ee" 1ro9 hi9. 7eilly c+ugh" his bre+"h 1or + be+" $hile his h+nd sli"hered silen"ly under "he side
"+ble. !e &ne$ he8d only ge" one ch+nce "o ge" i" righ"# +nd "he do$nside o1 ge""ing i" $rong $+s
"oo horri1ic "o i9+gine.
!is 1ingers groped "he 1loor "iles +nd 1ound "he 1+llen &i"chen &ni1e# "he one he8d dropped
$hen he8d been &noc&ed do$n# "he one he8d spo""ed $hen he $+s spr+$led on "he 1loor.
The 1ingers "igh"ened +round i"s h+ndle.
The Ir+ni+n8s .oice bello$ed ou" Fues"ioningly 1ro9 deep in "he house.
The gu+rd "urned his +""en"ion "o "he door$+y "o +ns$er hi9.
7eilly pounced.
!e 1lipped $i"h ligh"ning +gili"y# r+ising his +r9 +nd plunging "he &ni1e s"r+igh"
do$n in"o "he 9+n8s boo"ed 1oo". The bl+de cle+.ed righ" "hrough le+"her# s&in# +nd bone $i"h +
sic&ening sound# + co9bin+"ion o1 ripping +nd suc"ion# +nd "he 9+n ho$led $i"h p+in# "he p+in
"h+" 7eilly &ne$ $ould dis"r+c" hi9 1or + second# 9+ybe "$oCei"her $+y# long enough 1or
7eilly "o l+unch hi9sel1 +" hi9.
!e sprung up +nd cl+sped his le1" h+nd +round "he gun8s $ood 1oregrip $hile s$inging +
1erocious righ" elbo$ s"r+igh" in"o "he 9+n8s 1+ce. 3one +nd 9uscle "ru9ped s&in +nd c+r"il+ge
e+sily +s "he gu+rd8s nose i9ploded in + geyser o1 blood +nd "he 9+chine gun sp+" ou" + $ild
"riple burs" "h+" bi" "hrough "he old c+rpe" +nd h+99ered "he 1loor. 7eilly pushed h+rder "o 9+&e
sure he &ep" "he AB;)78s b+rrel +i9ed +$+y 1ro9 "he $o9en $hile he spun +round# his
o"her elbo$ in"o "he 9+n8s ches" +nd pu""ing his b+c& "o hi9# using "he 9o9en"u9 "o "ry "o
$res"le "he gun ou" o1 his gr+sp Jus" +s +no"her one o1 "he Ir+ni+n8s 9en burs" "hrough "he 1ron"
The d+9+ged gu+rd $+sn8" le""ing go. !e $+s h+nging on "o his gun "en+ciously# his
1ingers cl+sped +round i". 7eilly s+$ "he second gun9+n r+ise his $e+pon +nd did "$o "hings in
Fuic& succession. !e 1lic&ed his he+d b+c&# r+99ing "he b+c& o1 "his s&ull in"o "he gu+rd8s
+lre+dy b+""ered 1+ce# +nd he $renched "he gu+rd +round so he $+s no$ 1+cing "he 9+n in "he
door$+y# pulling his 9+chine gun up +s he did. The AB;)78s b+rrel lined up $i"h "he second 9+n
+ spli" second be1ore "he gun 1+cing b+c& c+9e up 1+r enough# +nd 7eilly sFueeDed "he gu+rd8s
1ingers +g+ins" "he "rigger. Ano"her "riple;"+p r+ng ou" +nd "he 9+n in "he door$+y s"+ggered
b+c&$+rd# d+r& red pu11s erup"ing 1ro9 his ches" +nd shoulder.
7eilly s+$ Tess +nd "he old $o9+n# crouched lo$ on "he so1+# Tess $i"h her +r9 +round
"he $o9+n. !is eyes loc&ed $i"h hers.
HGe" ou"#G he yelled "o her +s he 1ough" $i"h "he gu+rd# $ho s"ill $+sn8" le""ing go o1 his
$e+pon. HGe" ou"# "h+" $+y#G he r+sped# 9o"ioning $i"h his he+d "o$+rd "he gl+ss doors "h+" g+.e
on "o "he b+c&y+rd.
Tess didn8" 9o.e +" 1irs"C"hen loud 1oo"1+lls +nd shou"s echoed 1ro9 "he h+ll$+y "h+" led
b+c& 1ro9 "he &i"chen.
HGo#G 7eilly b+r&ed +g+in he s"ruggled +g+ins" "he gu+rd8s .ise;li&e grip. H/o.e.G
!e s+$ Tess +nd "he old $o9+n ge" up +nd 9+&e 1or "he @rench doors Jus" +s + "hird
gun9+n e9erged 1ro9 "he h+ll. The Ir+ni+n $+s righ" behind hi9. They bo"h h+d "heir $e+pons
The gun9+n "urned +nd spo""ed Tess +nd "he old $o9+n Jus" +s "hey re+ched "he g+rden
doors +nd s"+r"ed 1iddling $i"h "he door&nob. 7eilly s+$ hi9 shou" so9e"hing +nd spin his
$e+pon +round "o 1+ce "he9. 6i"h one s+.+ge pull# 7eilly y+n&ed "he B+l+shni&o. ou" o1 "he
gu+rd8s grip +nd 1lung i" +" "he gun9+n. The 9+chine gun 1le$ +cross "he roo9# "$irling +round
i"sel1 horiDon"+lly li&e + boo9er+ng +nd cle+ring "he couch be1ore sl+99ing in"o "he gun9+n8s
ches" +nd de1lec"ing "he rounds his $e+pon $+s spi""ing ou".
7eilly $+s no$ running on hyperdri.e. There $+sn8" + n+nosecond "o lose i1 he $+s
going "o buy Tess +nd "he old $o9+n enough "i9e "o ge" +$+y. !e $+s no longer "hin&ing or consciously. Ins"inc"s he$n ou" o1 ye+rs o1 "r+ining +nd 1ield $or& h+d "+&en +nd
$ere ordering his 9uscles "o 9o.e. !e 1el" hi9sel1 "$irl +round +s i1 c+ugh" in + sudden in.isible
.or"eK# 1el" his 1is" "igh"en up +nd $+"ched i" plo$ in"o "he chee& o1 "he 9+n he $+s gr+ppling
$i"h# "hen he $+s +lre+dy 1ollo$ing "he 1lying 9+chine gun +cross "he roo9 be1ore his opponen"
hi" "he ground. !e s+$ his legs "+&e "$o long s"rides# .+ul" "he couch# +nd le+p +" "he
gun9+n by "he door$+y# "+c&ling bo"h hi9 +nd "he Ir+ni+n +nd sending "he9 cr+shing b+c&
+g+ins" "he door 1r+9e.
!e he+rd "he Ir+ni+n shrie& $i"h p+in +s his $ounded h+nd hi" "he ground# +nd 9+n+ged +
couple o1 solid hi"s on "he do$ned gun9+n# hur"ing hi9 b+dly be1ore "he Ir+ni+n8s &nee c+9e ou"
o1 "he "+ngle o1 li9bs +nd pu99eled 7eilly in "he groin. I" punched "he +ir ou" o1 hi9. !e
s"+ggered b+c&$+rd +nd his he+d sn+pped b+c& +g+ins" "he 1loor. Through J+rred .ision# he
c+ugh" + .+gue gli9pse o1 Tess +nd "he old $o9+n. They h+d 1in+lly 9+n+ged "o pry open "he
@rench doors +nd $ere rushing ou"C
Cbu" "he Ir+ni+n h+d reco.ered his $e+pon +nd $+s no$ scr+9bling "o his 1ee".
7eilly needed "o buy "he $o9en + l+s" reprie.e.
!e lunged 1or$+rd +nd in"ercep"ed "he Ir+ni+n# cl+sping bo"h h+nds on "o "he 9+n8s
9+chine gun +nd +g+ins" i" "o sl+9 hi9 in"o "he $+ll. The Ir+ni+n grun"ed h+rd +s he
plo$ed in"o i". 7eilly h+d "he +d.+n"+ge o1 "$o us+ble h+nds +nd pried "he AB;)7 ou" o1 "he
Ir+ni+n8s grip# "$is"ing "he 9+chine gun up$+rd +s he did +nd r+99ing his opponen"8s J+$ $i"h
"he bu"" o1 i"s 1olded 9e"+l s"oc&. A spur" o1 blood spe$ed ou" o1 "he Ir+ni+n8s 9ou"h +nd
spl+""ered "he $+ll behind hi9 +s his $ounded h+nd c+9e up "o bloc& +no"her hi".
I" $+s li&e + red r+g "o 7eilly.
!e "urned "he 9+chine gun on i"s end +nd# using "he gun8s 1olding 9e"+l s"oc& +s +
b+""ering r+9# h+99ered "he Ir+ni+n8s h+nd "o "he $+ll.
The Ir+ni+n le" ou" +n ele9en"+l ho$l +s "he gun8s 9e"+l s"oc& pul.eriDed "he bones +nd
"ore +p+r" "he "endons in his h+nd. The eKcruci+"ing p+in c+used his &nees "o buc&le +nd he Jus"
r+g;dolled "o "he 1loor# his eyes shu" "igh". 7eilly 1el" his .eins popping $i"h bloodlus". !e
brough" "he gun b+c& up# lining i" up "o pound "he Ir+ni+n8s he+d "his "i9e# &no$ing "he blo$
$ould crush "he 9+n8s s&ull +nd possibly end his li1e "here +nd "henC
Cbu" be1ore he could bring i" do$n# so9e"hing h+rd hi" hi9 1ro9 behind# b+""ering hi9
+" "he b+se o1 his nec& +nd cu""ing o11 "he po$er supply "o his +r9s.
One o1 "he o"her gun9en $+s b+c& on his 1ee".
As 7eilly "u9bled "o "he ground# he s+$ "h+" i" $+s +c"u+lly $orse "h+n "h+". T$o o1 "he9
$ere b+c& up# "he gu+rd $hose 1+ce he8d $rec&ed +nd "he gun9+n $ho8d +ppe+red $i"h "he
The res" $+s + blur o1 1is"s# elbo$s# +nd &ic&s# r+ining do$n on hi9 1ro9 +ll sides. 6i"h
e.ery blo$# he 1el" his s"reng"h seep +$+y# 1el" "he blood 1ro9 his cu"s cloud his .ision +nd cho&e
his "hro+"# 1el" "he bre+"h 1igh"ing "o 1ind i"s $+y in"o his lungs# 1el" his 1ingers +nd h+nds go
nu9b 1ro9 "he l+c& o1 circul+"ion. The l+s" "hing he s+$ $+s "he Ir+ni+n8s 1+ce# gl+ring do$n +"
hi9 1iercely "hrough + 1og o1 r+bid sneers# his en"ire 1+ce Jus" dripping $i"h .eno9C"hen + 1in+l
&ic& "o "he 1+ce cu" ou" +ll "he ligh" +nd du9ped hi9 in"o + p+inless sleep.
Chapter )-

Enda1i# "o$er. *le+r "+&eo11# run$+y "$o 1i.e# $ilco. 7eFues" 9+in"+in 1i1"een hundred
1ee" "o +lph+ "o "+&e + good loo& +" your be+u"i1ul isl+nd# Niner /i&e Alph+.G
H@i1"een hundred 1ee" "o +lph+ is +ppro.ed. -nJoy "he .ie$.G
S"eyl s9iled +nd "hro""led 1or$+rd. H7oger. 4fkharisto poli.G
!e nursed "he *essn+ *onFues" o11 "he run$+y +nd in"o "he e+rly 9orning s&y. I" 1el"
good "o be +irborne +g+in. !e h+d been ge""ing +n"sy# si""ing idle +" 7hodes8s Di+gor+s
In"ern+"ion+l Airpor"# re1ueled +nd re+dy# un+ble "o .en"ure 1+r 1ro9 his +ircr+1" $hile he $+i"ed
1or <+hed8s sign+l. !e8d been 1+s" +sleep $hen "he c+ll h+d 1in+lly co9e in# l+"e in"o "he nigh".
Then he8d gone b+c& "o sleep 1or + 1e$ hours be1ore se""ing o11 +" 1irs" ligh".
!e $+s 1lying sou"h$es"# he+ded 1or +no"her isl+ndC+ 9uch s9+ller one "his "i9e# "he
isl+nd o1 B+ssos# his o11ici+l des"in+"ion. I" $+s in "he opposi"e direc"ion "o $here he needed "o
end up# bu" i" $+s "he 9os" sui"+ble 1oil# gi.en "h+" i"s "iny +irpor" didn8" h+.e + con"rol "o$er +nd
"h+" procedures h+d "o be 1ollo$ed rigorously i1 he didn8" $+n" "o r+ise +nyone8s suspicion.
6hich he $ouldn8". @inding holes in "he procedures# no 9+""er ho$ rigorous# $+s second n+"ure
"o S"eyl. !e &ne$ $h+" he $+s doing# prob+bly be""er "h+n +nyone in "he business.
!e re+ched "he +ppro.ed +l"i"ude in less "h+n + 9inu"e +nd r+dioed "he "o$er +g+in# +nd
$+s ins"ruc"ed "o s$i"ch "o "he +ppro+ch con"roller8s 1reFuency. !e did so# go" cle+red "o
s"+y +" 1i1"een hundred 1ee" +ll "he $+y "o B+ssos# +nd $+s "old "o s$i"ch +g+in# "his "i9e "o
A"hens In1or9+"ion# 1or "he res" o1 his Journey. 6hich he did. 3u" he +lso did so9e"hing else. !e
s$i"ched o11 his "r+nsponder. 6i"hou" i"# "he pl+ne8s "r+nsponder code# +l"i"ude# +nd regis"r+"ion
$ouldn8" +ppe+r on "he "o$er8s r+d+r. I" $ould only sho$ +n +nony9ous blip.
!e &ep" up "he pre"ense +nd s"+yed on his +nnounced he+ding 1or +no"her 9inu"e $hile
gen"ly descending "o +n +l"i"ude o1 1i.e hundred 1ee". !e con"+c"ed "he "o$er +g+in# bu" go"
no"hing b+c&. 6hich 9+de hi9 s9ile. They couldn8" he+r hi9. !e $+s ou" o1 r+dio con"+c"C
$hich +lso 9e+n" he $+s ou"side "he r+d+r8s s$eep.
!e could no$ go +ny$here he li&ed# undis"urbed.
!e b+n&ed le1" "o he+d sou"h +nd p+ssed "he sou"h$es"ern "ip o1 7hodes. !e 9+in"+ined
"h+" he+ding 1or +no"her "en &ilo9e"ers open $+"er# "hen pulled "he pl+ne sh+rply +round "o +
nor"he+s"erly he+ding# "o$+rd his re+l des"in+"ion? + re9o"e loc+"ion Jus" under "hree hundred
9iles +$+y# deep inside Tur&ey.
The .isibili"y "h+" lo$ $+s lousy. A ligh" $ind +nd high b+ro9e"ric pressure h+d
gener+"ed + ligh" 9is" "h+" sFu+""ed o9inously "he $+"er. S"eyl couldn8" see 7hodes +ny9ore
bec+use o1 i"# $hich $+s good. I" 9e+n" no one could see hi9 1ro9 l+nd. !is only re9+ining ris&
$+s being spo""ed by + ship. So he s$i"ched on his $e+"her r+d+r# $hich $ould sho$ +ny .essels
+he+d o1 hi9. !e8d h+.e plen"y o1 "i9e "o s&ir" +round +ny "h+" h+ppened "o crop up +nd
con"inue on his s"e+l"hy .oy+ge.
A" lo$ +l"i"ude# he8d ge" "here in + li""le +n hour. !e didn8" pl+n on spending 9ore
"h+n + 1e$ 9inu"es on "he ground# so "he round "rip $ould "+&e +round "$o +nd + h+l1 hours#
"o"+l. 6hich $+s 1ine 1or + lo$;+l"i"ude# sigh"seeing "rip "o + s9+ll isl+nd "h+" didn8" h+.e +
con"rol "o$er. !e $ouldn8" be 9issed.
!e chec&ed his $+"ch# "hen pulled ou" his s+"phone +nd c+lled <+hed. !e in1or9ed hi9
o1 his progress# "hen se""led b+c& +nd "oo& in "he .ie$ +s "he *onFues"8s "$in "urboprops reeled
in "he Tur&ish co+s". I1 +ll $en" $ell# he +n"icip+"ed p+r"ing co9p+ny $i"h "he Ir+ni+n by "he end
o1 "he d+y. !e8d "hen he+d b+c& "o his .ill+ in /+l"+# $here he $ould lie on his sundec& $i"h +
cold beer in his h+nd +nd 1igure ou" ho$ "o spend his l+"es" chun& o1 e+sy 9oney.

<A!-D 6AIT-D ON T!- -DG- o1 "he s+l" l+&e +nd $+"ched +s "he sun "ore i"sel1
1ro9 "he 1+r side o1 "he $+"er8s pris"ine# 1l+" sur1+ce.
3y 9id;9orning# i" $ould loo& li&e +n in1ini"e eKp+nse o1 $hi"e under + r+di+n" blue
do9e. 7igh" no$# "he lo$ sun $+s b+"hing i" $i"h + crisp# bronDe;li&e $+sh. I" loo&ed li&e + dull
9e"+l shee" "h+" s"re"ched ou" 1ro9 righ" under his 1ee" +ll "he $+y "o "he horiDon. !nother insane
landscape# he "hough". !e8d seen 9ore o1 "he9 in "he l+s" 1e$ d+ys "h+n he "hough" possible. The
en"ire cursed region see9ed "o hi9 li&e i" h+d been cu" +nd p+s"ed 1ro9 +no"her pl+ne". !e "oo&
co91or" 1ro9 "he "hough" "h+" he8d soon be ou" o1 i". 3+c& in"o co91or"+ble# 1+9ili+r# e+r"hly
se""ings. 3+c& ho9e. 6here he8d be 1e"ed 1or "he i9possible.
@or bringing b+c& his priDe.
The e+rly 9orning +ir $+s s"ill +nd cool +nd ree&ed o1 s+l". I" helped $i"h his diDDiness#
bu" no" $i"h his "hro+"# $hich 1el" +s p+rched +s "he dry l+nds "h+" $ere spre+d ou" be1ore hi9. !e
$+s +lso shi.ering. !e8d los" + lo" o1 blood# +nd despi"e "he p+in&illers# he $+s s"ill hur"ing b+dly.
The sh+&es $ere +lso ge""ing $orse. !e needed 9edic+l +""en"ion# +nd soon. !e &ne$ his h+nd
$+s b+d. !e &ne$ i" 9igh" $or& properly +g+in# &ne$ he 9igh" lose i" +l"oge"her. -i"her
$+y# i" $ould h+.e "o $+i". !e h+d "o ge" ou" o1 "here# 1+s". The A9eric+n $o9+n h+d 9+n+ged
"o esc+pe. She $ould h+.e +ler"ed "he Tur&s. !is h+nd $+s + huge price "o p+y# bu" i" $+s s"ill
che+p $hen co9p+red "o his 1reedo9 +nd# Fui"e prob+bly# his li1e.
!is phone beeped. !e re+ched 1or i" +nd "urned "o 1+ce "he opposi"e direc"ion +nd
concen"r+"e on "he horiDon. I" $+sn8" long be1ore he spo""ed "he "iny do"# s"re+&ing in lo$ +nd
1+s"# "he lo$ sun glin"ing o11 i"s $indshield. !e con1ir9ed "o S"eyl "h+" e.ery"hing $+s cle+r# "hen
g+.e his 9en + nod +nd "oo& + s"ep b+c& 1or + $ider .ie$. The engines o1 "$o SU:s# $hich $ere
p+r&ed + hundred 9e"ers +p+r"# one behind "he o"her# ru9bled "o li1e. Then "heir ligh"s +nd "heir
1l+shers c+9e on# "$o dis"inc" se"s o1 red +nd yello$ be+cons +g+ins" + per1ec"ly 1l+" copper
<+hed $+"ched "he pl+ne line up +long "he +Kis 9+de by "he "$o SU:s +nd s"udied "he
9+&eshi1" run$+y beyond "he9. I" loo&ed per1ec". Dry +nd h+rd# 1l+" +s + 1oo"b+ll 1ield# no" +
ripple +s 1+r +s "he eye could see. The l+&e8s n+9e# Tu( 5BlC# si9ply 9e+n" Hs+l" l+&e.G 6hich is
$h+" i" $+s. A 9+ssi.e# siK;hundred;sFu+re;9ile pool o1 sh+llo$# s+line $+"er "h+" dried up +nd
"urned in"o + g+rg+n"u+n bed o1 s+l" e.ery su99er. T$o;"hirds o1 "he s+l" "h+" ended up on dining
"+bles +cross Tur&ey c+9e 1ro9 "here# bu" "he 9ines +nd processing pl+n"s "h+" 9+de i" h+ppen
$ere 1+r"her nor"h or on "he o"her side o1 "he l+&e. The +re+ S"eyl h+d chosen $+s# +s "he pilo"
h+d predic"ed# deser"ed. I" $+s +lso less "h+n +n hour8s dri.e 1ro9 Bony+. %e" 9ore 1e+"hers in
"he pilo"8s pe+coc& "+il o1 + c+p. And ye" 9ore con1ir9+"ion 1or <+hed "h+" he h+d chosen $ell.
/o9en"s l+"er# "he 1+in" buDD o1 "he +ircr+1" cu" "hrough "he silence. I" $+s b+rely +udible
+" 1irs"# "hen i" "urned in"o +n e+rspli""ing ro+r +s "he pl+ne s$ep" lo$ "he p+r&ed c+rs# i"s
iner"i+l sep+r+"ors open "o direc" +ny s+l" po$der +$+y 1ro9 i"s engines. I"s underc+rri+ge
.ir"u+lly s&i99ed "he 1ron" c+r8s roo1 be1ore "ouching do$n 1l+$lessly. <+hed $+s +lre+dy cl+9bering in"o "he le+d c+r +s S"eyl eng+ged "he engines8 re.erse "hrus" +nd br+&ed
h+rd up +he+d.
The "$o SU:s +cceler+"ed he+.ily +nd ch+sed +1"er "he +ircr+1". 4ess "h+n se.en hundred
9e"ers l+"er# "hey $ere p+r&ed +longside i".
The "r+ns1er didn8" "+&e long. 6i"h "he pl+ne8s "urboprops s"ill be+"ing "he +ir# "he boKes
o1 codices $ere lo+ded up 1irs"# s"+c&ed behind "he b+c&s o1 "he "$o re+r se+"s. Then i" $+s "he
hu9+n c+rgo8s "urn.
!e $+s hus"led up "o "he pl+ne +nd du9ped behind + p+r"i"ion +" "he .ery b+c& o1 "he
S"ill unconscious. 3u" +li.e.
6hich $+s ho$ "he Ir+ni+n $+n"ed hi9.
4ess "h+n 1our 9inu"es +1"er "ouching do$n# "he *essn+ $+s +irborne +g+in. An hour +nd
ele.en 9inu"es l+"er# i" $+s b+c& on "he ground +" Di+gor+s. I" didn8" spend 9ore "h+n "$en"y
9inu"es on "he "+r9+c. The h+ndling +gen" $ho dro.e up "o "he pl+ne $+s "he s+9e 9+n "h+"
S"eyl h+d de+l" $i"h $hen he8d 1irs" l+nded in 7hodes. !e didn8" need "o chec& "he pl+ne +g+in.
<+hed s+" ou" "he 1or9+li"ies silen"ly huddled behind "he p+r"i"ion# +longside "he iner" 7eilly.
S"eyl 1iled his 1ligh" pl+n +nd signed "he 1or9s# go" "he +ll cle+r# +nd "oo& o11 +g+in.
Ir+ni+n +irsp+ce $+s less "h+n "hree hours +$+y.
Chapter *0

Si""ing in "he b+c& o1 "he >+nd+r9+ ! Tess 1el" pul.eriDed. A1"er $h+" h+d 1el" li&e
+n in"er9in+ble run o1 horrors# she8d 1in+lly 1ound so9e"hing "o 1eel good +bou". A cr+c& o1 ligh"
h+d so9eho$ 1ound i"s $+y "hrough "he d+r& shroud "h+" h+d been su11oc+"ing her since "h+"
1+"e1ul d+y in >ord+n# bu" Jus" +s Fuic&ly +s i" h+d +ppe+red# i" $+s no$ gone +g+in. All "he
el+"ion# relie1# +nd eKci"e9en"C$iped ou" in + 1e$ 9inu"es +nd repl+ced Jus" +s Fuic&ly $i"h
9ore 1oreboding +nd gloo9.
She h+"ed "he helplessness# "he sense o1 de1e+"# "he 1+c" "h+" ye" +g+in# she +nd 7eilly h+d
been bes"ed. /os" o1 +ll# she dre+ded 1inding ou" $h+" h+d h+ppened "o hi9 +nd couldn8" help
bu" i9+gine "he $ors". The Ir+ni+n no$ h+d $h+" he $+n"ed. There $+s no re+son 1or hi9 "o
h+ng +round. There $+s +lso no re+son 1or hi9 "o sho$ +ny res"r+in" in $h+" i" $+s he h+d
pl+nned 1or 7eilly.
The "hough" 9+de her s"o9+ch "urn.
The loc+l police h+d sho$n up soon +1"er "he shoo";ou"# +ler"ed by "he gunsho"s. The
>+nd+r9+ h+d s$ooped in shor"ly +1"er$+rd. The Ir+ni+n +nd his "hugs h+d "+&en +$+y "heir de+d
crony8s body# bu" "here $+s s"ill plen"y o1 e.idence o1 "he bloody shoo";ou" in "he old $o9+n8s
house# +ll o1 $hich h+d only 9+de "he >+nd+r9+ o11icer +ngrier. Tess h+d s+" "here p+ssi.ely +s
he8d b+$led her ou" 1or le1" "he ho"el in <el.e $i"hou" +u"horiD+"ion# +nd she8d pl+yed
du9b# s+ying she8d only been 1ollo$ing 7eilly8s le+d. She +lso concen"r+"ed on &eeping "he old
$o9+n8s role in +ll "his under $r+ps +nd 9+de sure "he $o9+n unders"ood "o 1ollo$ her le+d +nd
no" 9en"ion "he gospels "he Ir+ni+n $+s +1"er or "he s"+sh o1 " in "he underground cryp".
I" see9ed "o be $or&ing. They $ere "+&ing her +nd "he old $o9+n "o "he loc+l police
s"+"ion 1or "heir o$n s+1e"y# +s $ell +s# undoub"edly# 9ore Fues"ions. I" h+dn8" been + co91or"+ble
lie# since she &ne$ "h+" her only hope $+s $i"h "hese loc+l cops# bu" she didn8" "hin& "h+" +dded
le.el o1 disclosure $+s rele.+n" "o "heir e11or"s. All she could do no$ $+s $+i"C+nd hope.
/+ybe "hey8d 9+n+ge "o loc& do$n "he coun"ry be1ore "he Ir+ni+n 9+de i" ou". /+ybe "hey8d ge"
luc&y +nd s"op hi9 +" so9e ro+dbloc&. /+ybe "hey8d c+"ch hi9 +" so9e border crossing or +"
so9e loc+l +ir1ield.
She rubbed her eyes +nd "ried "o 9+ss+ge "he $orry ou" o1 her "e9ples. The "hough"s
$eren8" o11ering her 9uch sol+ce# no" $hen +ll "hey $ere doing $+s conJuring up h+rro$ing
i9+ges o1 + bloody con1ron"+"ion "h+" ended in dis+s"er 1or "he 9+n she lo.ed.
HI89 sorry#G "he old $o9+n s+id# her so1";spo&en $ords pulling Tess ou" o1 her s$+9p o1
H@or $h+"IG
HI1 I h+dn8" sen" 9y gr+ndd+ugh"er . . . I1 I h+d s"+yed hidden . . . none o1 "his $ould h+.e
Tess shrugged. O1 course# "here $+s "ru"h in her $ords. She +nd 7eilly could $ell h+.e
been 1lying b+c& "o Ne$ %or& righ" no$. 3u"# she +lso &ne$# li1e didn8" $or& "h+" $+y.
Unin"ended conseFuences $ere p+r" o1 i"s 1+bric# +nd "here $+s li""le poin" in $+llo$ing in
HI"8s no" ye"#G Tess "old her# "rying "o belie.e her o$n $ords.
The old $o9+n brigh"ened. H%ou "hin& . . . IG
HThere8s +l$+ys + ch+nce. And Se+n8s usu+lly pre""y good +" spo""ing "he9.G
The old $o9+n s9iled. HI hope you8re righ".G
Tess 9+n+ged "o gi.e her b+c& + h+l1 s9ile +nd "ried "o bloc& ou" "he grueso9e $ors";
c+se scen+rios "h+"# she &ne$# $ere no" only possible# bu" prob+ble.
Chapter *1

Reilly $o&e $i"h + s"+r"# 1linching b+c&$+rd $i"h + sudden in"+&e o1 bre+"h. An +crid
s9ell $+s spe+ring his nos"rils# +n in"ensely .ile odor "h+" re9inded hi9 o1 ro""ing corpses. !is
eyes 1l+red $ide# +nd his .ision sn+pped "o +""en"ion +nd bro&e "hrough "he "+rli&e 9ire inside his
The Ir+ni+n $+s righ" "here# up close +nd person+l# 9ere inches +$+y 1ro9 his 1+ce. !is
h+nd $+s ho.ering under 7eilly8s nose# holding "he s9+ll +9pule "here 1+r longer "h+n $+s
necess+ry. The 9+n $+s s$e+"ing +nd $+s blin&ing $i"h ner.ous energy# +nd he see9ed "o be
.isibly enJoying "he disco91or" he $+s c+using. Then he 1lic&ed "he +99oni+ "+b +$+y +nd
pulled b+c&# 7eilly + 1uller .ie$ o1 his c+p"or.
H%ou8re b+c&#G "he Ir+ni+n s+id. HGood. I re+lly didn8" $+n" you "o 9iss "his.G
7eilly didn8" &no$ $h+" he $+s "+l&ing +bou". There $+s + dis"inc" l+g be"$een "he $ords
co9ing ou" o1 "he Ir+ni+n8s 9ou"h +nd his +bsorbing "heir 9e+ning. They didn8" sound
pro9ising. !is "hough"s spun o11 "o Tess +nd he loo&ed +round# $orried he8d 1ind her "here "oo.
!e couldn8" see her +ny$here.
HNo# she8s no" here#G "he Ir+ni+n "old hi9# +s i1 re+ding his "hough"s. H6e didn8" h+.e "he
"i9e "o go loo&ing 1or her. 3u" I89 sure I8ll bu9p in"o her +g+in so9e"i9e. I8d li&e "h+".G
7eilly 1el" his blood boil# bu" he &ep" i" hidden. There $+s no poin" in "he Ir+ni+n
"he s+"is1+c"ion o1 seeing hi9 unse""led. Ins"e+d# he grinned +nd "ried "o s+y so9e"hing# bu" 1el"
his lips cr+c&. !e 9ois"ened "he9 $i"h his "ongue# "hen s+id# H%ou &no$# "h+"8s no" + b+d ide+.
She doesn8" h+.e +ny g+y 1riends.G
The Ir+ni+n8s h+nd 1le$ up +nd punched 7eilly +cross "he chee&.
7eilly &ep" his he+d "urned +$+y 1or + 9o9en" "o le" "he p+in se""le# "hen 1+ced "he
Ir+ni+n +g+in +nd 9+n+ged + sligh"# lopsided grin. H/y b+d. Guess you h+.en8" co9e ou" o1 "he
close" ye"# huhI No" "o $orry. I"8ll be our li""le secre".G
The Ir+ni+n r+ised his h+nd +g+in 1or +no"her s"ri&e# "hen pulled b+c& +nd s9iled. H/+ybe
she c+n" 9e. 6h+" do you "hin&IG
7eilly 1el" he+.y;he+ded +nd decided "here $+s no poin" in riling "he 9+n up +ny 1ur"her.
!e 1ocused on "+&ing s"oc& o1 his surroundings +nd s+$ "h+" he $+s in + s9+ll +ircr+1"# one $i"h
+ c+bin he $ouldn8" be +ble "o s"+nd uprigh" in. A prop pl+ne# Judging by "he engine noise.
One "h+" $+s +irborne.
Th+" l+s" poin" s"ruc& ho9e +nd goosed his blood pressure. I" didn8" help his condi"ion#
$hich $+s pre""y d+9n +$1ul. !is he+d $+s pounding 1ro9 "he inside $i"h $h+" 1el" li&e +
poloniu9;le.el !is bre+"hing $+s h+rd +nd p+in1ul. 3lood h+d c+&ed inside his
nos"rils# bloc&ing 9os" o1 "he +ir1lo$ "o his lungs# $hich $ere +lso hur"ing 1ro9 "he b+""ering his
rib c+ge h+d su11ered. !e could +lso "+s"e + 1oul 9iK o1 9ucus +nd blood "h+" $+s si""ing in his
"hro+". The sens+"ion $+s soon repl+ced by "he p+in "h+" $+s being "elegr+phed 1ro9 e.ery
corner o1 his body +s his neurons c+9e b+c& online. !is eyelids 1el" he+.y# +nd one o1 his eyes#
he no$ re+liDed# $+s h+l1;shu"# no doub" 1ro9 s$elling. !is lips +lso 1el" s$ollen +nd h+d
sc+bbed cu"s in pl+ces. !e &ne$ he h+d "o h+.e bus"ed ribs +nd h+d prob+bly los" + "oo"h
or "$o +s $ell. 6eirdly# his soc&s +nd shoes $ere +lso 9issing.
!e $+s l+id ou" on so9e &ind o1 cushioned se+"ing +" "he .ery b+c& o1 "he c+bin# +n 4;
sh+ped b+nFue""e "h+" +bu""ed + $ood;p+neled p+r"i"ion "h+" sep+r+"ed "he s9+ll niche 1ro9 "he
res" o1 "he c+bin. !e "ried "o 9o.e +nd re+liDed "h+" his h+nds +nd 1ee" $ere "ied. !is h+nds $ere
behind his b+c&# so he couldn8" see $h+" $+s holding "he9 "oge"her# bu" his +n&les $ere bound
"oge"her $i"h so9e $hi"e s"ring. All 1our Join"s $ere +lre+dy hur"ing 1ro9 "he s"r+in# +nd he
could see "he s$elling +nd bruising $here "he s"ring $+s bi"ing in"o his 1lesh. An odd "hough"
glided in"o his 9ind# "he no"ion "h+" i" 9igh" h+.e been pulled 1ro9 "he cur"+ins +" "he old
$o9+n8s house. I" $+sn8" p+r"icul+rly "hic&# bu" i" $+s s"rong +nd "here h+d been enough o1 i" "o
go +round his +n&les 9+ny "i9es.
!e didn8" "hin& he $+s going "o be $riggling his $+y ou" o1 i" +ny"i9e soon.
!e gl+nced ou" o1 "he s9+ll o.+l $indo$ on "he c+bin $+ll 1+cing hi9. !e couldn8" see
+ny clouds. There $+s no"hing ou" "here bu" endless blue s&y# cle+r +nd unble9ished. !e "ried "o
1igure ou" $h+" direc"ion "hey $ere 1lying in. The sun see9ed "o be s"re+9ing in"o "he c+bin 1ro9
"he 1ron" o1 "he +ircr+1"# sligh"ly "o "he righ" +nd +" +bou" + 1or"y;1i.e;degree +ngle. I" h+d "he
brigh" in"ensi"y o1 + 9orning sun. I" see9ed "o indic+"e "h+" "hey $ere 1lying e+s". -+s"# 1ro9
so9e$here in cen"r+l Tur&ey.
!e pic"ured "he 9+p. No"hing good $+s e+s"# no" 1or hi9. Syri+. Ir+F. Ir+n. No" "he
1riendlies" o1 pl+ces 1or +n A9eric+n @3I +gen".
!is blood pressure spi&ed 1ur"her.
!e loo&ed +" "he Ir+ni+n. H6e8re he+ding e+s".G
The Ir+ni+n didn8" respond.
7eilly s+id# H6h+"# your .is+ run ou"IG
The Ir+ni+n s9iled "hinly +nd s+id# HI 9iss "he 1ood.G
7eilly gl+nced do$n +" "he 9+n8s h+nd. I" didn8" loo& gre+". I"s dressing $+s loose +nd
9essy# +nd i" $+s he+.ily s"+ined $i"h blood.
7eilly nodded in i"s direc"ion. H%ou 9igh" need so9e help cu""ing up your s"e+&s.G
The Ir+ni+n8s s9ile dis+ppe+red. !e s9oldered Fuie"ly 1or + be+"# "hen his righ" h+nd 1le$
up +nd punched 7eilly +g+in. !e bre+"hed in deeply +nd s+id# H!+ng on "o "h+" "hough". %ou8ll
need i" on your $+y do$n.G
A 1lood o1 unple+s+n" i9+ges c+sc+ded "hrough 7eilly8s 9ind. I9+ges o1 hos"+ges held
1or ye+rs in gri9y cells deep inside hos"ile "erri"ory# ch+ined "o $+lls# be+"en +nd +bused +nd
1orgo""en un"il so9e n+s"y illness 1in+lly liber+"ed "he9 1ro9 "heir "or9en". !e $+s +bou" "o s+y
so9e"hing# "hen he re9e9bered so9e"hing else +nd his blood pressure sho" 1ur"her in"o "he red
The repor". The one he8d been gi.en b+c& in Is"+nbul.
The one +bou" "he I"+li+n +irpor" o11ici+l $i"h "he pul.eriDed bones. The one "hey "hough"
h+d been "ossed ou" o1 + helicop"er or + pl+ne.
!e 1lushed "he 1e+r +$+y +nd sn+red "he Ir+ni+n8s s9ug loo&. HI don8" e.en &no$ your
1uc&ing n+9e.G
The Ir+ni+n deb+"ed +ns$ering 1or + be+"# "hen see9ed "o decide "here $+s no h+r9 in i"
+nd s+id# HI"8s <+hed. /+nsoor <+hed.G
HGood "o &no$. 6ouldn8" $+n" you buried in +n +nony9ous gr+.e. Th+"8s Jus" no" righ"#
is i"IG
<+hed g+.e hi9 + "hin s9ile. H4i&e I s+id. !+ng on "o "h+" one "oo. %ou8ll h+.e plen"y o1
"i9e "o s+.or i".G

T!- I7ANIAN -%-D 7-I44% *U7IOUS4%.
Al"hough he "hough" he8d decided $h+" "o do $i"h hi9# he $+s s"ill o1 "$o 9inds +bou"
i". 3o"h op"ions $ere .ery +""r+c"i.e.
!e could s"ill "+&e 7eilly b+c& "o Ir+n. 4oc& hi9 up in so9e isol+"ed hellhole in one o1
"he coun"ry8s prisons. !+.e 1un $i"h hi9 1or ye+rs "o co9e. The +gen" $ould be + gre+" source o1
in"el. They8d bre+& hi9# $i"hou" + doub". Then he8d "ell "he9 e.ery"hing he &ne$ +bou" @3I +nd
!o9el+nd Securi"y procedures +nd pro"ocols. On "op o1 reco.ering "he "ro.e o1 Nic+e+#
c+p"uring +nd bringing b+c& "he he+d o1 "he *oun"er"erroris9 Uni" o1 "he @3I8s Ne$ %or& *i"y
1ield o11iceC+nd $i"hou" + "r+il o1 bre+d cru9bs +" "h+"C$ould be + spec"+cul+r coup
1or <+hed.
I" +ll sounded rosyCun"il re+li"y crep" b+c& in. <+hed $+s + pr+g9+"is" +nd &ne$ ho$ i"
could +c"u+lly pl+y ou". !e &ne$ he8d prob+bly end up losing con"rol o1 7eilly8s 1+"e. -.en i1
<+hed "ried "o &eep his presence Fuie"# "he A9eric+n +gen" $+s such + priDe "h+" $ord $ould ge"
ou". !e8d s"ir + lo" o1 in"eres". O"hers $ould ge" in.ol.ed. O"hers $ho 9igh" h+.e o"her ide+s
+bou" ho$ bes" "o 9+&e use o1 such +n +sse". A" so9e poin"# "hey 9igh" e.en decide "o use 7eilly
+s + b+rg+ining chip 1or so9e"hing "hey $+n"ed b+dly. I1 +nd $hen "h+" h+ppened# he $ould be
1reed. A" $hich "i9e# <+hed &ne$# "he 9+n $ould 9+&e <+hed8s li1e hell# e.en 1ro9
"hous+nd 9iles +$+y.
Th+" possibili"y 9+de "he op"ion un+ccep"+ble.
No# he "hough" +g+in. !e8d 9+de "he righ" decision. !e couldn8" "+&e 7eilly b+c& "o Ir+n
$i"h hi9. 3esides# "he op"ion he8d chosen $ould gi.e hi9 i99ense ple+sure. I" $ould be +
9o9en" he8d 1orge"# one he8d s+.or 1or "he res" o1 his d+ys. I" $+s Jus" + sh+9e he
$ouldn8" be +ble "o see 7eilly8s 9+ngled body +1"er he h+d hi" "he sur1+ce o1 "he $+"er# $hich# "o
so9eone "r+.eling +" "h+" speed# $ould 1eel Jus" +s h+rd +s concre"e. The +gen" $ould be de+d
be1ore he e.en go" + "+s"e o1 "he s+l" $+"er.
<+hed enJoyed le""ing "he i9+ge pl+y ou" 1or + 9o9en" in his 9ind8s eye# "hen pluc&ed +n
in"ern+l h+ndse" o11 "he $+ll +nd hi" "$o &eys.
S"eyl# in "he coc&pi"# pic&ed up ins"+n"ly. HIs he upIG
H%es. 6here +re $eIG
H6e Jus" en"ered *yprus +irsp+ce. Abou" h+l1 +n hour 1ro9 l+nd1+ll.G
H4e"8s do i"#G <+hed s+id.
HO&+y#G S"eyl replied.
<+hed hung up +nd s9iled +" 7eilly. HI89 re+lly# re+lly going "o enJoy "his.G
Then he punched hi9 +g+in.
Chapter *2

Niner /i&e Alph+# $e h+.e + proble9. Un+ble "o 9+in"+in c+bin pressure. 7eFues"
descen" 1ligh" le.el one "$o Dero.G
The con"roller $+s Fuic& "o respond. HNiner /i&e Alph+# +re you decl+ring +n
S"eyl &ep" his "one e.en. HNeg+"i.e# no" +" "his "i9e# /i&e Alph+. 6e suspec" +n unloc&ed
door. 6e need "o depressuriDe# loc& i"# +nd repressuriDe. I"8s h+ppened be1ore.G
H7oger# /i&e Alph+. Descend +" your con.enience. No &no$n "r+11ic belo$ you. 3+se o1
con"rolled +irsp+ce +" eigh" "hous+nd 1ee". Good luc&.G
S"eyl "h+n&ed "he "o$er# "hen +dJus"ed "he +u"opilo" pi"ch con"rol $heel up$+rd# c+using
"he pl+ne8s nose "o "il" do$n$+rd# +nd "hro""led b+c&# dr+9+"ic+lly reducing po$er 1ro9 bo"h
engines. This 9+de "he +ircr+1" "hin& i" $+s l+nding +nd "riggered "he l+nding ge+r +l+r9 "o
re9ind i"s pilo" "o drop "he ge+r. S"eyl h+d +n"icip+"ed "he loud# con"inuous beep "h+" $+iled
brie1ly "hrough "he c+bin +nd hi" + bu""on by his righ" &nee "o &ill i".
6i"h i"s nose pi"ched do$n by 1i1"een degrees# "he *onFues" s"+r"ed + sh+rp descen" 1ro9
i"s cruising +l"i"ude o1 "$en"y;1i.e "hous+nd 1ee" do$n "o "$el.e "hous+nd. I" $+s "he 9+Ki9u9
c+bin +l"i"ude "he +ircr+1"8s sys"e9s $ould +llo$ S"eyl "o reFues"# gi.en "h+" "he c+bin $+s
+lre+dy pressuriDed. Accordingly# S"eyl "urned "he pressuriD+"ion con"rol &nob cloc&$ise "o i"s
9+Ki9u9 posi"ion# ge""ing "he co9pressors "o r+ise "he c+bin +l"i"ude 1ro9 i"s cruising se""ing o1
eigh" "hous+nd 1ee" "o "he less co91or"+ble# reduced;oKygen eFui.+len" o1 "$el.e "hous+nd 1ee".
A" + r+"e o1 ch+nge o1 1i.e hundred 1ee" per 9inu"e# i" $ould "+&e eigh" 9inu"es 1or "he pressure
"o ge" "here. Then# once inside +nd ou"side pressures $ere eFu+liDed# <+hed $ould be +ble "o
open "he c+bin door. The Ir+ni+n h+d "old S"eyl he $+n"ed 7eilly "o h+.e "he longes" 1+ll possible#
+nd +l"hough S"eyl &ne$ i" $+s possible "o open "he door 1ro9 + couple o1 "hous+nd 1ee" higher#
"$el.e "hous+nd $+s + s+1er be". @ro9 "h+" heigh"# 7eilly8s drop $ould l+s" + li""le + 9inu"e.
S"eyl &ne$ "h+" +s 1+r +s <+hed $+s concerned# longer $ould h+.e been be""er# bu" + 9inu"e $+s
s"ill long enough. I" $ould s"ill 1eel li&e +n e"erni"y "o +nyone# especi+lly $hen "h+" person $+s
+$+re o1 $h+" $+s lying in $+i" +" "he end o1 i".

7-I44% !-A7D T!- -NGIN-S 6!IN- DO6N# 1el" "he c+bin pi"ch 1or$+rd +nd "he
pl+ne s"+r" "o drop# +nd &ne$ $h+" $+s h+ppening.
A sp+s9 o1 1e+r roc&ed hi9# bu" ins"e+d o1 p+r+lyDing hi9# i" Ju9p;s"+r"ed his 9ind +nd
"hre$ i" in"o sur.i.+l 9ode. There $+sn8" 9uch he could do# gi.en ho$ he $+s "ied up# bu" he
h+d "o "ry so9e"hing.
!e gl+nced +round. !e .ie$ $+s li9i"ed by "he p+r"i"ion "o his righ". !e could only see
"he .ery b+c& o1 "he c+bin. !e s+$ + s"+c& o1 c+rdbo+rd boKes piled up behind "he Ir+ni+n# +nd
gli9psed "he le+"her binding o1 +n old codeK po&ing ou" 1ro9 "he upper9os" boK. !is 9ood
d+r&ened +s he re9e9bered "h+" <+hed +nd his 9en $ere no$ in possession o1 "he "ro.e o1
Nic+e+. !e pulled his g+De +$+y 1ro9 "he boKes +nd sur.eyed "he res" o1 "he sp+ce. !e spo""ed +
dr+$er $i"h + green cross sy9bol on i"# under one o1 "he re+r se+"s. The 1irs" +id &i". !e i9+gined
he8d 1ind + s9+ll p+ir o1 scissors in "here# scissors "h+" could cu" "hrough his binds. There $+s +
sligh" obs"+cle bloc&ing his $+y "o "he &i"# in "he 1or9 o1 "he Ir+ni+n# $ho $+s $+"ching hi9 li&e
+ 1+lcon +nd c+ugh" 7eilly8s $+ndering eyes.
<+hed didn8" s+y +ny"hing. >us" brough" up his good h+nd +nd did + s9+ll "s&;"s& $+.e o1
his 1ore1inger $hile hi9 + chiding loo&.
7eilly8s eyes s"+yed loc&ed on "he Ir+ni+n# +nd he 9+n+ged + $ry# rel+Ked s9ile. 6hich
c+used <+hed8s eKpression "o "igh"en.
7eilly le" ou" + s9+ll chuc&le. I" 9igh" no" h+.e been 9uch# bu" righ" "here +nd "hen#
unse""ling "he Ir+ni+n# e.en Jus" + li""le# 1el" re+lly good.

*4OS- TO SIZ /INUT-S A@T-7 s"+r"ing i"s descen"# "he *onFues" le.eled +" "$el.e
"hous+nd 1ee". S"eyl chec&ed "he c+bin +l"i"ude re+ding. I" $+s s"ill $or&ing i"s $+y up "o i"s
I" $+s "i9e "o ge" 7eilly in"o posi"ion.
!e cli9bed ou" o1 his se+" +nd Joined <+hed +" "he b+c& o1 "he c+bin.
H6hich end do you $+n"IG he +s&ed <+hed.
HT+&e "he legs.G
S"eyl nodded.
!e gr+bbed 7eilly8s legs 1ir9ly +nd loc&ed +n +r9 +round his +n&les "o &eep hi9 in
pl+ce# "hen he s"epped b+c&# hunched in "he lo$ cle+r+nce o1 "he c+bin# +nd pulled hi9 o11 "he
bench +nd on"o "he c+rpe"ed 1loor.
Then he s"+r"ed dr+gging hi9 "o$+rd "he c+bin door.
Chapter *3

Reilly hi" "he c+rpe" $i"h + 9u11led "hud +nd $en" b+llis"ic. !e $+s buc&ing +nd $ri"hing
1uriously "o 1ree hi9sel1 1ro9 "he gr+sp o1 "he Sou"h A1ric+n# "$is"ing his body le1" +nd righ"
$hile +l"ern+"ing ben" &nees $i"h sudden &ic&s despi"e bo"h +n&les "igh"ly +nchored
"oge"her. -+ch "$is" +nd e+ch &ic& sen" p+in ricoche"ing "hrough hi9# bu" he Jus" ignored i" +nd
&ep" 1igh"ing. Then 1ro9 so9e$here behind hi9# "he Ir+ni+n 9o.ed in. Using his good +r9# he
pu" 7eilly in + cho&e hold. 7eilly $+s no$ res"r+ined 1ro9 bo"h ends +nd h+d "o 1igh" e.en
h+rder. The cho&e $+s .ise;"igh"# bu" +1"er 9+nic "$is"s +nd lunges# he 9+n+ged "o slip
ou" o1 "he Sou"h A1ric+n8s grip. Using his p+l9s "o b+l+nce hi9sel1# he l+shed ou" +" "he 9+n $i"h
big# "$o;legged &ic&s# &eeping hi9 +" b+y $hile 1lic&ing b+c&$+rd he+d bu""s "o "ry "o hur"
H*hris"# I "hough" you $ere going "o sed+"e "he 1uc&er#G "he Sou"h A1ric+n blur"ed +s he
"ried "o $res" con"rol o1 7eilly8s legs.
HNo#G "he Ir+ni+n s+id# s"ruggling "o &eep 7eilly8s nec& "ied do$n $i"h his elbo$# HI $+n"
hi9 1ully +$+&e. I $+n" hi9 "o 1eel e.ery second o1 i" $i"h + cle+r 9ind.G
This only spurred 7eilly 1ur"her +s he s$ung his legs $ildly# +i9ing 1or "he Sou"h
A1ric+n8s 1+ce. !is posi"ion $+s "oo +$&$+rd "o re+lly pu" 9uch s"ing in "he &ic&s# +nd "he 9+n
&ep" bloc&ing "he9 be1ore "hey connec"ed. Then 7eilly decided "o double his e11or"s on "he
Ir+ni+n8s 1ron". The Ir+ni+n $+s "he $e+&er o1 "he "$o. One decen" hi" "here could be + g+9e;
!e h+d "o l+nd i" 1irs".
!e sn+pped his he+d 1uriously 1ro9 side "o side# li&e + 9+rlin 1igh"ing o11 + he+.y line#
"rying "o sh+&e "he Ir+ni+n8s grip# $idening "he s"ri&e Done <+hed needed "o &eep cle+r o1C"hen
he sensed "he 9+n $i"hin re+ch +nd buc&ed b+c&# +rcing his he+d b+c&$+rd +s suddenly +nd +s
.iciously +s he could. The b+c& o1 his s&ull connec"ed $i"h so9e p+r" o1 "he Ir+ni+n8s 1+ce. !e
couldn8" "ell $here i" hi"# bu" i" $+s h+rd enough 1or hi9 "o he+r "he spl+""er +nd 1eel <+hed8s grip
1+l"er. 7eilly 9o.ed Fuic&ly +nd sFuir9ed his he+d under "he 9+n8s elbo$. The Ir+ni+n "ried "o bu" 7eilly8s he+d h+s +lre+dy slipped p+r"i+lly "hrough "he 9+n8s ben" elbo$.
!e bi" in"o i" li&e + r+bid dog.
<+hed cursed $i"h p+in +nd 1lic&ed his +r9 up# bu" 7eilly $ouldn8" le" go# sin&ing his
"ee"h e.en deeper in"o "he 9+n8s 1ore+r9. 3u" 1ocusing on "he Ir+ni+n 9+de hi9 lose 1ocus on "he
o"her 9+n $ho 9o.ed in +nd 9+n+ged "o hoo& his +r9s +round 7eilly8s +n&les# reining hi9 in
+g+in. Then <+hed 1reed his elbo$ +nd dro.e i" b+c& do$n in"o "he b+se o1 7eilly8s e+r# r+""ling
his he+d +g+in +nd +llo$ing "he Ir+ni+n "o pu" his cho&e hold b+c& on.
7eilly &ep" "$is"ing +nd buc&ing# bu" "hey h+d hi9 solidly loc&ed in +s "hey $r+ngled
hi9 p+s" "he ho+rd o1 +ncien" "eK"s +nd "hrough "he "igh" sp+ce be"$een "he "$o 1or$+rd;1+cing
club se+"s# be1ore du9ping hi9 1+ce;1irs" on"o "he s9+ll cle+ring be"$een "hose +nd "he "$o re+r;
1+cing ones. The 1loor o1 "he c+bin $+s $+y "oo n+rro$ 1or hi9 "o 1i" +cross i". They "$is"ed hi9
+round so he $+s lying di+gon+lly# his 1ee" by "he 1ron" righ" se+"# his he+d only inches 1ro9 "he
b+se o1 "he c+bin door.
H%ou gonn+ be +ble "o hold hi9IG "he Sou"h A1ric+n +s&ed.
H>us" do $h+" you h+.e "o do#G <+hed s+id# bre+"hing h+rd +s he s"r+ddled 7eilly8s b+c&#
his $eigh" 7eilly8s "ied +r9s in"o his b+c& +nd <+hed8s righ" 1ore+r9C"he good oneC
pressing +cross "he b+se o1 his nec&# b+rely +llo$ing 7eilly "o bre+"he. HI8.e go" hi9.G

ST-%4 !-4D T!-7- @O7 A 3-AT# 9+&ing sure <+hed did h+.e 7eilly pinned do$n
solidly# "hen he pulled b+c& o11 hi9# slo$ly# re+dy 1or +ny sudden 1renDy 1ro9 "he @3I +gen".
None c+9e.
HI8ll r+dio in +nd slo$ us do$n#G he "old <+hed. HGi.e 9e + 9inu"e.G
S"eyl go" b+c& in his se+".
!e r+dioed Nicosi+ con"rol "o in1or9 "he9 he $+s le.el +" 1ligh" le.el one "$o Dero +nd
+s&ed 1or per9ission "o slo$ do$n "o one hundred &no"s. !is reFues" $+s pro9p"ly +ppro.ed.
6i"h his engine po$er +lre+dy reduced# "he pl+ne $+s slo$ing do$n. S"eyl incre+sed propeller
pi"ch "o ch+nge "he +ngle o1 "he bl+des. This $+s li&e do$nshi1"ing + c+r 1ro9 1i1"h ge+r "o
second. The props sho" up "o +l9os" nine"een hundred rp9# +nd "he noise inside "he c+bin $en"
1ro9 + lo$;1reFuency ru9ble "o + high;pi"ched $hine.
S"eyl $+"ched "he +irspeed drop "o "he "+rge" le.el.
I" go" "o + hundred.
They $ere re+dy.
HOpen "he door#G he c+lled ou" "o <+hed. HI8ll Join you +s soon +s i"8s 1ully open.G !e h+d
"o s"+y in his se+" $hile bo"h sec"ions o1 "he door $ere being opened# "o 9+&e sure he could de+l
$i"h +ny uneKpec"ed co9plic+"ions during "he unor"hodoK
!e "urned +round +nd $+"ched +s <+hed# s"ill s"r+ddling 7eilly# re+ched up +nd "$is"ed
"he l+"ch "o unloc& "he upper sec"ion o1 "he door.
The Ir+ni+n nudged i" ou".
The $ind c+ugh" i" ins"+n"ly +nd 1lung i" open.
A g+le o1 cold +ir bl+s"ed in"o "he c+bin $i"h + de+1ening ho$l.
Then c+9e "he 1renDy.
Chapter *&

Reilly 1el" "he seconds "ic&ing +$+y inside hi9 li&e he8d s$+llo$ed + "i9e bo9b. !is
1+ce $+s pressed do$n +g+ins" "he rough nylon c+rpe"# J+99ing his righ" eye shu" +nd 9+&ing i"
h+rd "o bre+"he.
!e couldn8" 9o.e. The Ir+ni+n h+d hi9 loc&ed do$n solid. 3u" +" le+s" "he 9+n $+s no$
+lone. I1 7eilly $+s going "o do so9e"hing# he h+d "o do i" be1ore "he pilo" c+9e b+c&. Tied up +s
he $+s# he8d be pre""y helpless +g+ins" "he "$o o1 "he9.
6hich 9e+n" he h+d "o 9+&e his 9o.e re+l soon.
Then he he+rd "he pilo" gi.e "he Ir+ni+n "he go;+he+d# 1el" "he Ir+ni+n li1" up sligh"ly o11
hi9# he+rd "he l+"ch clic& open.
!e &ne$ "he Ir+ni+n8s good h+nd $+s busy $or&ing "he door. Bne$ "he 9+n couldn8" use
his o"her h+nd "o coun"er 7eilly8s 9o.e.
Decided i" $+s no$ or
*oiled his s"reng"h# concen"r+"ing i" $here he needed i" 9os".
!e+rd "he door $hip open# 1el" "he +ir ro+r in# 1el" "he br+cing cold sl+p "he urgency in"o
3+nished "o obli.ion +nd $en" 1or no$.
!e l+shed ou"# "$is"ing side$+ys +g+ins" his le1" shoulder +nd li1"ing o11 "he ground $i"h
+s 9uch 1orce +s he could 9us"er# "urning his b+c& +$+y 1ro9 "he re+r o1 "he c+bin +nd 1ro9 "he
Ir+ni+n. A" "he s+9e "i9e# he "hre+ded his 1ingers "oge"her +nd s$ung his righ" elbo$ b+c& +s
h+rd +s he could $hile bending his &nees righ" b+c& +nd unle+shing + 1urious b+c&;&ic&. -lbo$
+nd 1ee" connec"ed $i"h 1lesh +nd bone +nd gener+"ed 1+celess p+ined grun"s# bu" "hey $eren8"
g+9e ch+ngers in +nd o1 " 7eilly &ne$ he $ouldn8" re+lly hur" "he Ir+ni+n $i"h "he !e Jus" needed "o des"+biliDe hi9 +nd ge" hi9 o11 his b+c&Cli"er+llyC1or + couple o1
6hich he did.
The Ir+ni+n los" his b+l+nce +nd 1+l"ered o11 hi9 1or no" 9uch 9ore "h+n + couple o1
precious seconds# bu" i" $+s long enough "o +llo$ 7eilly "o co9ple"e his 9o.e.
6i"h ice;cold +ir $hipping +round hi9 li&e + "orn+do# 7eilly 1ollo$ed "hrough $i"h his
1lip un"il he $+s 1ully on his b+c& +nd did "$o "hings in Fuic& succession. !e pulled his legs in
+nd le" loose $i"h + 9+ssi.e# "$o;1oo"ed &ic& "h+" c+ugh" "he Ir+ni+n righ" in "he ches" +nd
sho.ed hi9 b+c& +g+ins" "he bul&he+d. Then 7eilly roc&ed b+c& +nd brough" his &nees righ" up
in"o + 1e"+l posi"ion +nd +rced his b+c& "o shor"en "he dis"+nce 1ro9 his shoulders "o his hips +nd
+llo$ his h+nds "o slip ou" 1ro9 under hi9 in one 1luid s$ing.
They $ere s"ill "ied "oge"her. 3u" +" le+s" "hey $eren8" behind hi9 +ny9ore.
<+hed s"r+igh"ened up Jus" +s 7eilly rose "o his 1ee". The Ir+ni+n $+s in 1ron" o1 "he h+l1;
opened c+bin door +nd sides"epped +$+y 1ro9 i"# "o$+rd "he 9iddle o1 "he c+bin. They sFu+red
o11 1or + be+" under "he 1i.e;1oo" cle+r+nce# hunched under "he c+bin8s lo$ ceiling# eyeing
e+ch o"her# g+uging "heir neK" Then 7eilly c+ugh" + sligh" "$i"ch in "he Ir+ni+n8s eye +nd
re+liDed he $+s +bou" "o ge" +9bushed.
!e spun +round +s s$i1"ly +s he could# gi.en "h+" his +n&les $ere "ied "oge"her# +nd
lunged +" "he Sou"h A1ric+n "hrough "he n+rro$ sp+ce be"$een "he "$o re+r;1+cing se+"s# $i"h his
+r9s eK"ended 1or$+rd. !e couldn8" use "he9 "o l+nd +ny decen" s"ri&e# no" $i"h "he9 "ied
"oge"her +nd no" $i"h his prec+rious 1oo"ing. Ins"e+d# he used "he9 "o gr+b "he pilo" by "he nec&
+nd Jus" pulled hi9 in "o$+rd hi9# $hile +ngling his 1orehe+d sligh"ly do$n + n+nosecond be1ore
i" s"ruc& "he bridge o1 "he pilo"8s nose. I" $+s +s s+.+ge + he+d bu"" +s 7eilly h+d deli.ered#
i"s cr+c& +udible despi"e "he g+le 1orce $ind spinning +round "he c+bin. The Sou"h A1ric+n
s"+ggered b+c& "hrough "he "igh" sp+ce be"$een "he "$o se+"s# bounced +g+ins" "heir sides li&e +
pinb+ll be1ore cr+c&ing his he+d +g+ins" "he $ood;p+neled .er"ic+l p+r"i"ion "h+" sep+r+"ed "he
coc&pi" 1ro9 "he c+bin +nd cr+shing "hrough i"s n+rro$ opening.
7eilly &ne$ <+hed $ould be on hi9# bu" he s"ill didn8" 9+n+ge "o "urn in "i9e "o
1ully de1lec" "he s"ri&e. The Ir+ni+n h+d his gun ou" +nd brough" i" do$n on 7eilly $i"h + .icious
righ";h+nded s$ing# c+"ching hi9 on "he edge o1 his J+$. I" $+sn8" + cle+n hi"# bu" i" s"ill c+used
serious d+9+ge# shoo"ing p+in +cross 7eilly8s 1+ce +nd bl+c&ing ou" his .ision 1or +n ins"+n".
7eilly 1le$ side$+ys# "o his righ"# in "he direc"ion o1 "he s$ing# sl+99ing in"o "he le1"
re+r;1+cing club se+"# "he one "h+" b+c&ed up +g+ins" "he pilo"8s se+". !e "urned his he+d in "i9e "o
gli9pse <+hed in 1or +no"her blo$# +r9 r+ised# +n"hr+ci"e 9e"+l glin"ing under "he
c+bin8s do$n ligh"ers# +nd he 9+n+ged + desper+"e lunge o11 his se+" in "i9e "o sl+9 in"o <+hed
+nd send hi9 reeling b+c& + 1e$ 1ee".
7eilly bounced b+c& in"o "he ch+ir# his he+d spinning# his 1ee" $obbly# p+in se+ring e.ery
inch o1 his body. In his d+De# he s+$ <+hed +nd co9e +" hi9 +g+in# s+$ hi9 r+ise his
h+ndgun li&e + h+99er# 1el" his s"reng"h ebbing +$+y +nd his +r9s un$illing "o rise +g+in "o
de1lec" +no"her blo$. !e d+r"ed his eyes +round unconsciously# loo&ing 1or + $e+pon# so9e"hing#
+ny"hing "o use "o bloc& "he +""+c&. The only "hing his eyes sn+gged $+s + 1luorescen" yello$
nylon c+se $i"h "$o bl+c& h+ndles. I" $+s +bou" "$o 1ee" long# + 1oo" high# +nd h+l1 + 1oo" $ide#
si""ing innocuously behind "he righ";h+nd club se+"# glin"ing +" 7eilly.
!e re+ched ou" +nd gr+bbed i". I" $+s he+.yC"$en"y;1i.e pounds# 9+ybe "hir"y. 6hich
1el" li&e + hundred# gi.en 7eilly8s s"+"e.
!e didn8" h+.e "i9e "o "hin&. Didn8" e.en &no$ $h+" he $+s doing. !e $+s Jus" 1lying on
ins"inc"# his li9bic sys"e9 running "he sho$ $hile his consciousness reboo"ed. !e Jus" y+n&ed
"he c+se ou" +nd s$ung i" +" <+hed# b+""ering hi9 in "he ches" +nd sending hi9 1lying b+c&
+g+ins" "he le1"# 1or$+rd;1+cing club se+"# "he one direc"ly behind "he h+l1;open c+bin door. 7eilly
los" his grip on one o1 "he h+ndles +" "he end o1 "he s$ing +nd "he c+se8s :elcro 1i""ings 1le$ open
under "he 9o9en"u9 o1 i"s he+.y lo+d# $hich $+s +no"her 1luorescen" yello$ nylon boKli&e
bundle# only "his one h+d + couple o1 di11eren"ly sh+ped h+ndles s"ic&ing ou" o1 i".
A bol" o1 unders"+nding roc&ed 7eilly.
I" $+s "he pl+ne8s li1e r+1". S"o$ed $i"hin e+sy re+ch +nd cle+rly .isible in c+se o1 +n
6hich# +s 1+r +s he $+s concerned# "his sure +s hell $+s.
!e s+$ <+hed rise ou" o1 "he se+" +nd re+ched 1or "he bundle8s h+ndles. 7eilly8s 1ingers
cl+9ped +round "he9# +nd he pulled# h+rd# +nd duc&ed +$+y# "o$+rd "he opposi"e side o1 "he
c+bin# +$+y 1ro9 <+hed +nd "he c+bin door.
The li1e r+1" s"+r"ed in1l+"ing ins"+n"ly# un1olding i"sel1 $i"h + loud# .iolen" hiss +nd
spre+ding ou" $i"h s"+r"ling speed. Gi.en "h+" i" $+s se.en 1ee" $ide# "he c+bin8s 1i.e;1oo"
di+9e"er bloc&ed i" 1ro9 1ully in1l+"ing up$+rd# do$n$+rd# or side$+ys. The only pl+ce 1or i" "o
go $+s +long "he +Kis o1 "he c+bin# sFu+shed in"o +n uprigh" o.+l ring. The "igh" sp+ce $+s +lso
9+&ing i" eKp+nd 9uch 9ore .iolen"ly "h+n i" $ould under nor9+l# uncons"r+ined condi"ions.
A1"er 1our seconds# i" $+s +lre+dy big enough "o +c" +s + b+rrier be"$een 7eilly +nd <+hed. A1"er
eigh" seconds# i" $+s 1ully in1l+"ed# i"s underside 1+cing 7eilly# i"s "opside 1+cing <+hed# i"s
le+ding edge burs"ing "hrough "he p+r"i"ion behind "he 1ron" ro$ o1 se+"s. As i" cro$ded in"o "he
coc&pi"# "he engine $hine rose no"ice+bly# "urning i" in"o + higher pi"ched scre+9. The pl+ne
+cceler+"ed no"ice+bly# i"s propeller bl+des no$ spinning e.en 1+s"er. No" only "h+"# bu" "he c+bin
+lso pi"ched 1or$+rd by +bou" "en degrees. The li1e r+1" h+d pushed 1or$+rd "he po$er le.ers#
prop le.ers# +nd +u"opilo" pi"ch con"rol $heel# +ll o1 $hich s+" side by side in "he coc&pi"8s
cen"r+l console.
The pl+ne $+s dropping.
7eilly c+ugh" his bre+"h +nd s"e+died hi9sel1 +g+ins" "he se+" ne+res" "o hi9. !e he+rd "he
$ind $rench "he open door p+nel o11 i"s hinges +nd $+"ched i" ge" she+red o11 "he pl+ne. !is eyes
$ide $i"h +l+r9# he sc+nned le1" +nd righ"# loo&ing 1or direc"ion $hile "rying "o c+l9 his 9ind#
1igh"ing "he pri9+l 1e+r 1ro9 "he surge o1 che9ic+ls "h+" his +9ygd+l+ $+s 1looding his br+in
$i"h +nd "rying "o reins"+"e so9e &ind o1 r+"ion+l con"rol.
Gunsho"s in"er1ered $i"h "he process.
On "he o"her side o1 "he li1e r+1"# <+hed $+s 1iring 1uriously# ob.iously "rying "o de1l+"e
"he r+1" or &ill 7eilly.
Or bo"h.
3ulle"s $ere ripping "hrough "he li1e r+1"8s nylon s&in# +nd "here $+s no$here 1or 7eilly
"o "+&e
!e duc&ed do$n +nd 9o.ed 1or$+rd +s obJec"s 1ell "o "he c+bin 1loor +nd rolled
1or$+rd# "he con"en"s o1 "he li1e r+1"8s e9ergency p+c& "h+" h+d 1+llen ou" o1 i" +s i" "$is"ed in "he
con1ined sp+ce.
7eilly8s eyes d+nced "he c+sc+de o1 i"e9s# processing "heir .+lue. !e s+$ +n
eKp+nd+ble p+ddle. A se+ 9irror. A Jug $i"h + h+ndle 1or b+iling. 7escue line. !+nd 1l+res.
And + &ni1e.
No" huge. No" + c+rbon;s"eel co9b+" &ni1e "h+" could gu" +n +llig+"or. >us" + s+1e"y &ni1e
$i"h + 1lo+"ing or+nge h+ndle +nd + "+9e;loo&ing# 1i.e;inch serr+"ed bl+de.
I" $+s Jus" lying "here# res"ing +g+ins" "he b+se o1 "he club ch+ir.
*+lling ou" "o hi9.
S"+bbing hi9 $i"h hope.
!e re+ched do$n +nd gr+bbed i". @i.e seconds l+"er# his h+nds +nd 1ee" $ere 1ree. A
round pene"r+"ed "he se+" behind hi9# drilling in"o i"s "hic& le+"her p+dding# "hen +no"her nic&ed
his le1" shoulder +nd plo$ed in"o "he bul&he+d. The li1e r+1" $+s 9+de up o1 sep+r+"e
co9p+r"9en"s +nd# despi"e "he holes cu""ing "hrough i"# i" $+s s"ill 1ully in1l+"ed# bu" i" $ouldn8"
be long be1ore i" s"+r"ed "o s+g +nd gi.e <+hed "he oppor"uni"y "o ge" ou" 1ro9 behind i".
7eilly h+d "o "+&e hi9 ou" be1ore "h+" h+ppened.
!e +lso h+d "o 9o.e 1+s". The pl+ne $+s s"ill dropping.
!e crouched lo$ +nd bol"ed "o$+rd "he b+c& o1 "he c+bin# +$+y 1ro9 $here "he bulle"s
$ere l+nding. !e s"opped +" "he edge o1 "he li1e r+1"# "oo& + deep bre+"h "o s"e+dy hi9sel1# +nd
pounced# pulling "he r+1"8s edge +$+y $i"h his righ" +r9 $hile lunging $i"h "he &ni1e in his le1"
!e c+ugh" <+hed by surprise +nd cu" hi9 +cross his righ" $ris".
The Ir+ni+n8s h+ndgun 1ell 1ro9 his h+nd +nd + 1oun"+in o1 1lood erup"ed 1ro9 his
+r"eries. !e Jus" s"ood "here# 1roDen in pl+ce# s"+ring +" 7eilly in u""er shoc&# s"ill pinned +g+ins"
"he c+bin door by "he li1e r+1"8s sel1;erec"ing c+nopy.
7eilly8s eyes l+sered in"o hi9. !e $ould h+.e li&ed "o s+.or "he sigh" 1or longer# bu" he
couldn8" +11ord "o loi"er. The pl+ne $+s s"ill dropping# s9oo"h +nd un1ussed# $i"hou" b+n&ing le1"
or righ"# Jus" he+ding do$n "o "he se+ in + s"r+igh" line# "he +u"opilo" cle+rly s"ill eng+ged.
7eilly sco$led +" "he Ir+ni+n.
7e+ched behind "he 9+n +nd popped open "he lo$er sec"ion o1 "he c+bin door.
*onsigned e.ery piKel o1 /+nsoor <+hed8s $ide;eyed# eKpression "o his 9e9ory.
Shou"ed# HI guess you $on8" be needing "h+" "o9bs"one +1"er +ll.G
And sho.ed hi9 ou" $i"h + heel &ic& "o "he groin.
Chapter *)

The Ir+ni+n dropped ou" o1 .ie$ ins"+n"ly +nd $i"hou" + sound. 7eilly s"ood in "he
1reeDing g+le +nd $+"ched "he rising se+ "hrough "he open door$+y. @or + 9o9en"# he $ondered
i1# o1 "he "$o o1 "he9# "he Ir+ni+n $+sn8" "he luc&ier one. Then he "urned his +""en"ion "o "he
9+ssi.e nylon bu9per bloc&ing his rou"e "o "he pl+ne8s con"rols# s"epped +round i" "o $here i"
$+s J+99ed "hrough "he coc&pi"8s door$+y# +nd s"+r"ed h+c&ing +$+y +" i" $i"h his bl+de.
!e shredded# pulled# peeled# +nd ripped +$+y +" "he yello$ nylon $+ll li&e + psychop+"h
on + r+9p+ge.
!e couldn8" 1eel +ny p+in +ny9ore.
!is "r+ining $+s p+ying o11# +dJus"ing +nd op"i9iDing his bodily 1unc"ions 1or "he one
"+s& "hey needed "o ensure righ" no$? sur.i.+l. -.ery"hing $+s $or&ing "o$+rd "h+" end. !is
+dren+l gl+nds h+d 1looded his sys"e9 $i"h +dren+line# heigh"ening his br+in8s +bili"y "o process
in1or9+"ion +nd 9+&ing i" 9ore +ler" "o + b+rr+ge o1 sensori+l inpu"s. -ndorphins $ere 1looding
"hrough hi9 "o d+9pen +ny p+in he 1el" +nd s"op i" 1ro9 dis"r+c"ing hi9. !is br+in h+d unle+shed
+ 1lood o1 dop+9ine# c+using his he+r"be+" "o speed up +nd his blood pressure "o rise. !is
bronchi+l p+ss+ge$+ys h+d dil+"ed# +llo$ing 9ore oKygen in"o his lungs "o 1uel his bloods"re+9
1+s"er. !is $+s secre"ing + rush o1 glucose "o boos" his energy. -.en his pupils h+d $idened#
1or be""er .ision.
A synchroniDed piece o1 9+chinery# dedic+"ed "o i"s o$n longe.i"y.
!e pulled +p+r" enough o1 "he li1e r+1" "o cle+r + p+"h in"o "he coc&pi". P+ges 1ro9 S"eyl8s
in1or9+"ion ring binder $ere 1lying +ll "he pl+ce# ripped ou" by "he hurric+ne "h+" $+s
s$irling inside "he c+bin. !e s$+""ed + couple o1 "he9 +$+y +s he s"epped "he 1+llen pilo"8s
prone body +nd cli9bed in"o his se+".
!e "uc&ed "he &ni1e under his bel"# s"r+pped hi9sel1 in Fuic&ly# +nd loo&ed ou". The se+
le.el $+s loo&ing $orryingly close +nd ge""ing closer by "he second. 6orse# "he +ircr+1" $+s
.ibr+"ing he+.ily# i"s +irspeed d+ngerously high.
7eilly8s eyes scru"iniDed "he ins"ru9en" p+nel. !e h+d 1lo$n +n +ircr+1" be1ore# bu"
he8d been in enough coc&pi"s o1 s9+ll +ircr+1" in "he course o1 his $or& "o &no$ bro+dly $h+" "he
con"rols did +nd $h+" "he 9+in g+uges 9e+n". !e s+$ one "h+" "old hi9 "he pl+ne $+s dropping
+" close "o 1i1"een hundred 1ee" per 9inu"e. :+rious o"her di+ls h+d "heir needles $ell beyond "heir
red lines. One o1 "he9# "he +irspeed indic+"or# h+d + needle "h+" $+s pushing +g+ins" i"s s"op pin#
o11 "he sc+le +nd $+y beyond "he red;+nd;$hi"e H/+Ki9u9 Oper+"ing SpeedG b+rber pole. !e
&ne$ he needed "o "hro""le b+c& "o "ry "o slo$ "he pl+ne do$n# bu" be1ore his h+nd re+ched "he
"$in le.ers# he he+rd + 9ech+nic+l splu""er "he high;pi"ched scre+9 o1 "he engines. I" $+s
co9ing 1ro9 his righ". !e 1lic&ed + gl+nce ou" "he side $indo$ in "i9e "o see "he s"+rbo+rd
engine8s eKh+us" pipe belch ou" + "r+il o1 bl+c& s9o&e +nd 1l+9es.
6i"hin seconds# "he por" engine did "he s+9e.
@ull po$er +" lo$ +l"i"ude $+s beyond "he engines8 design li9i"s# +nd s9o&e s"+r"ed
pouring in"o "he c+bin "hrough "he +ir .en"s in "he ceiling. A bunch o1 $+rning ligh"s li" up +" "he
"op o1 "he ins"ru9en" p+nel. 7eilly le+ned in 1or + closer loo&. The 9os" pro9inen" p+ir +9ong
"he9 h+d H@I7-C34--D AI7 S!UTO@@ PUS!G 9+r&ed on e+ch o1 "he9. !is he+r" pounding#
he 1lic&ed up "he s+1e"y 1l+ps on "he9 +nd pressed "he sFu+re bu""ons# $hich &illed "he +ir in"+&e
1ro9 "he engines +nd cle+red "he s9o&e 1ro9 "he c+bin. >us" "hen# "$o o"her bu""ons li" up. They
$ere 9+r&ed H3OT A7/-D PUS!.G !e $+sn8" sure $h+" "hey $ere# bu" 1igured "hey $ere +lso
rel+"ed "o "he 1ire +nd hi" "he9 "oo. Those 9us" h+.e "riggered "he eK"inguishers# +s "he 1ire +nd
"he bl+c& s9o&e "h+" $ere gushing ou" o1 "he engines s"opped. 3u" "hen# so did "he engines. They
shu" do$n# cu""ing ou" "he noise +nd slo$ing do$n "he pl+ne8s descen". 6i"hin seconds# "he props
s"opped "urning +l"oge"her. 7eilly s+$ "h+" "hey h+d 1e+"hered# "heir bl+des no$ +ngled p+r+llel "o
"he +ir1lo$ +nd perpendicul+r "o "he $ings. On cue# "$o green +u"o1e+"her ligh"s $i"hin "he
$+rning ligh"s clus"ers s"+r"ed blin&ing.
!e8d succeeded in pu""ing ou" "he 1ire# bu" in doing so# he8d +lso &illed "he engines.
The *onFues" $+s no$ hur"ling "o$+rd "he se+. Disconcer"ingly# i" $+s s"ill doing "h+" in
+ con"rolled 9+nner# "he +u"opilo" 9+in"+ining i" in + cle+n# line+r glide slope.
A he+ding 7eilly needed "o o.erco9e.
!e "igh"ened his grip on "he $heel +nd pulled i" h+rd "o$+rd hi9. !e 1el" "he pl+ne8s nose
edge up + "ouch# bu" i" $+s "oo h+rd "o 9+in"+in "he pull on i"# +nd "he second he rel+Ked his grip#
e.en b+rely# "he nose $en" righ" do$n "o i"s s"+nce# rushing "o$+rd + $+"ery gr+.e. !e
$+s 1igh"ing + losing b+""le. So9e"hing $+s bloc&ing his e11or"s +nd &eeping "he pl+ne
s"ubbornly glued "o i"s "r+Jec"ory.
Then he spo""ed i". The s9+ll# red s$i"ch on "he pilo" $heel 9+r&ed HAEP
Au"opilo" disconnec".
!e h+d no"hing "o lose. I1 "he +u"opilo" $+s running "he sho$# i" $+s "he ene9y. I" needed
"o be eli9in+"ed.
!e hi" "he s$i"ch +nd he+rd so9e"hing "h+" sounded disconcer"ingly li&e + loud doorbell.
The $heel i99edi+"ely $en" looser in his h+nds. !e h+uled i" b+c& +g+in# 9+&ing sure he &ep" i"
+nd "he ped+ls cen"ered "o &eep "he $ings le.el. This "i9e# he 1el" + ch+nge. The nose $+s edging
up. No" 9uch# bu" enough "o be no"ice+ble. I" 1ueled hi9 "o "ry e.en h+rder. !e &ep" pulling# +s
9uch +s he could. !e s+$ "he $+"er le.el rising up diDDyingly "o 9ee" hi9 +nd pulled e.en 9ore.
I" 1el" li&e he $+s "rying "o physic+lly li1" "he pl+ne up hi9sel1# $hich# in + $+y# he $+s.
6i"h e+ch concer"ed pull# "he *onFues"8s nose c+9e up so9e 9ore# +nd +s i" did# "he
pl+ne8s +irspeed decre+sed. 3u" "hen i1 7eilly rel+Ked his grip# e.en 9+rgin+lly# "o regroup 1or +
ne$ pull# "he nose 1ough" hi9 +nd $en" b+c& do$n. I" $+s li&e "rying "o reel in + 9ons"er 9+rlin.
3y "he "i9e he could see "he "eK"ure o1 "he indi.idu+l ripples in "he se+8s sur1+ce# "he indic+"or
$+s "elling hi9 he $+s "r+.eling +" + li""le + hundred &no"s. 6+"er $+s rushing p+s" belo$
hi9 no$# +n endless d+r& blue con.eyor bel" "h+" $+s $hiDDing by# "+n"+liDingly close +nd
$elco9ing +nd ye" e+sily de+dly i1 "he di"ching $en" $rong.
7eilly "ried "o s"e+dy his bre+"hing +nd &ep" "he pl+ne s"r+igh" +nd +l9os" le.el# +.oiding
+ny b+n&ing +nd bringing i" do$n so gen"ly. !e $+s in no rush "o hi" "he $+"er. Unless +
"+n&er +ppe+red in his 1ligh" p+"h# he 1el" s+1e $here he $+s. As long +s he didn8" "ry "o l+nd# he
didn8" run "he ris& o1 plo$ing in"o "he se+ +nd ge""ing shredded in "he process.
S"ill# he h+d "o l+nd +" so9e poin". And he h+d "o do i" be1ore he hi" l+nd1+ll# $hich $+s
ou" "here so9e$here.
!e concen"r+"ed h+rd# +nd &ep" 9+ss+ging "he $heel "o &eep "he nose 9ore or less le.el
+nd con"rol "he glide. Then + con"inuous horn bl+redC"he s"+ll $+rning.
!e h+d "o bring i" do$n no$.
!e nursed "he $heel 1or$+rd by + 1r+c"ion o1 + 9illi9e"er. The pl+ne dri1"ed lo$er# one
1oo" +" + "i9e# slo$ly# gr+ce1ully. I" s&i99ed "he "ips o1 "he s9+ll s$ells in + .eil o1 spr+y# "hen i"
"ouched do$n. The se+ $+s pre""y c+l9# +nd +l"hough "he *onFues"8s 1usel+ge s&i""ered +cross
"he $hi"e "ips# i" didn8" 1lip or bre+& up. The 1e+"hered props helped &eep "he di"ching
s9oo"h# +nd "he s9+ll +ircr+1" &ep" bouncing +long un"il "he $eigh" o1 "he $+"er 1in+lly$hel9ed i"s 1or$+rd 9o9en"u9 +nd i" plo$ed "o + sudden s"op in + cloud o1 $hi"e 1o+9.
The deceler+"ion $+s bru"+l# nine"y &no"s "o Dero in under + second. 7eilly $+s "hro$n
1or$+rd +g+ins" his shoulder h+rness# bu" i" did i"s Job +nd &ep" hi9 1ro9 sl+99ing in"o "he
con"rols or 1lying ou" "he $indshield.
6+"er s"+r"ed rushing in"o "he c+bin ins"+n"ly.
7eilly &ne$ he didn8" h+.e long "o ge" ou". No" $i"h "he c+bin doors she+red o11. !e
y+n&ed his h+rness o11# go" ou" o1 his se+"# +nd scr+9bled ou" o1 "he coc&pi" +nd "hrough "he
n+rro$ g+p be"$een "he "$o 1ron" se+"s# "he de+d pilo"8s body. inches o1 $+"er $ere
+lre+dy sloshing +round in "he c+bin# $i"h 9ore 1looding in e.ery second. !is eyes d+r"ed
+round# se+rching 1or + li1e J+c&e". They 1ound so9e"hing be""er# +no"her brigh" yello$ pouch#
"his one "uc&ed +$+y behind "he o"her 1ron" club se+" +nd s9+ller "h+n "he li1e r+1"8s .+lise. 3ig
blue le""ers +cross i" "old hi9 i" $+s "he H-9ergency Gr+b 3+g#G $hich sounded Jus" righ" "o hi9.
!e gr+bbed i" +nd bol"ed "o "he c+bin door# "hen he s"opped in his "r+c&s +nd c+s" his eye
"o$+rd "he b+c& o1 "he c+bin# "o "he cr+"es "h+" $ere s"+c&ed be"$een "he re+r se+"s +nd "he
p+r"i"ion behind $hich he8d been s"o$ed.
The "eK"s.
The ones "h+" h+d sur.i.ed since "he d+$n o1 *hris"i+ni"y.
The "$o;"hous+nd;ye+r;old leg+cy "h+" Tess h+d brough" "o ligh".
!is ches" cons"ric"ed +" "he "hough" o1 losing "he9# o1 le""ing Tess do$n# +1"er e.ery"hing
"h+" h+d h+ppened.
!e h+d "o do so9e"hing.
!e h+d "o "ry "o s+.e "he9.
!e s"or9ed up "o "he cr+"es# sc+nning "he c+bin +round hi9# loo&ing 1or so9e"hing he
could use "o s+.e "he9# so9e"hing he could pu" "he9 in "h+" $+s $+"er"igh". Any"hing. A b+g#
so9e pl+s"ic shee"ingCp+r" o1 "he li1e r+1". I" $+s "here# ripped +p+r"# big chun&s o1 yello$
pl+s"ic sloshing +round in "he rising $+"er.
I" $ould h+.e "o do.
!e gr+bbed hold o1 + big chun& o1 i" +nd pulled i" "o$+rd hi9# loo&ing 1or + decen" piece
"h+" $ould be l+rge enough "o do "he Job. !e 1ound + sec"ion "h+" 9igh" $or&# p+r" o1 "he "ubul+r
ring o1 "he r+1". !e pulled ou" his &ni1e +nd s+$ed +$+y +" i"# cu""ing ou" + du11el b+g;sh+ped
sec"ion "h+" $+s open +" one end +nd se+led +" "he o"her.
The $+"er $+s no$ +" his &nees +nd rising 1+s".
!e s"o9ped +cross "o "he cr+"es# pulled "he "op one open# +nd s"+r"ed lo+ding up "he
le+"her;bound codices in"o "he nylon "ube# one by one. !e &ne$ he $+sn8" h+ndling "he9 $i"h
+ny"hing ne+r "he c+re "hey deser.ed# bu" he didn8" h+.e + choice. !e &ne$ he $ouldn8" be +ble
"o s+.e "he9 +ll# he &ne$ "h+"# bu" e.en so9e o1 "he9# + 1e$ o1 "he9# $+s s"ill so9e"hing.
The $+"er re+ched his "highs.
!e &ep" going. Popped "he "op o11 "he second ches"# s"+r"ed lo+ding boo&s 1ro9 i" "oo.
The $+"er $+s no$ +" his $+is". 6hich 9e+n" "he "hird ches" $+s no$ sub9erged.
!e h+d "o go. !e h+d "o "ry "o se+l "he "op o11 "he nylon "ube +nd ge" ou" o1 "here. I1 he
didn8" 9o.e 1+s"# he8d be "r+pped in "he c+bin.
!e "$is"ed "he "op o1 "he "ube +round on i"sel1# "igh"ening i" +s 9uch +s he could. I"
$ouldn8" be $+"er"igh"# he &ne$ "h+". 3u" i" $+s "he bes" he could do. !e gr+bbed i"s nec& +nd
1ough" "he "orren" o1 $+"er +ll "he $+y b+c& "o "he c+bin door.
I" $+s li&e "rying "o cli9b in"o + s"or9 pipe during + 9onsoon.
!e "oo& + deep bre+"h# duc&ed under $+"er# +nd pushed hi9sel1 "hrough "he n+rro$
opening# pulling "he nylon "ube $i"h one h+nd# "he gr+b b+g $i"h "he o"her.
!e c+9e ou" on "he o"her side $i"h "he pl+ne p+r"i+lly sub9erged# +nd s"epped on"o "he
$ing. !e scu""led +cross "o "he por" engine +nd s+" on i"s co$ling# $hich $+s s"ill Jus" +bo.e
$+"er. !e ru99+ged "hrough "he gr+b b+g +nd pulled ou" + li1e J+c&e"# $hich he slipped on +nd
in1l+"ed# +nd + person+l loc+"or be+con# $hich he clipped on"o "he J+c&e" +nd +c"i.+"ed.
!e rode "he co$ling do$n +s i" slipped belo$ "he sur1+ce. The *onFues"8s "+il 1ollo$ed
+nd $en" under less "h+n + 9inu"e l+"er# hi9 1lo+"ing +round $i"h "he eerily serene $hi"e
silhoue""e o1 "he pl+ne dis+ppe+ring in"o "he d+r&ness belo$ hi9.
!e hung on "o "he nylon "ube# gripping i"s nec& +s "igh"ly +s he could $i"h bo"h h+nds#
1igh"ing "o &eep "he $+"er ou" o1 i". 3u" he &ne$ i" $+s hopeless. !e could see $+"er seeping in
"hrough "he 1olds in i"s nec&. The nylon i" $+s 9+de o1 $+sn8" designed "o be e+sily 1olded. I"
$+s designed "o be "ough# "o $i"hs"+nd punc"ures +nd he+.y se+s. And 9uch +s he "ried# 7eilly
&ne$ he $+s 1igh"ing + losing b+""le.
6i"h e.ery p+ssing 9inu"e# 9ore $+"er seeped in. And "he 9ore i" seeped in# "he he+.ier
"he "ube bec+9e. A1"er +bou" h+l1 +n hour# eKpended e.ery l+s" 9icron o1 energy "h+" he
possessed# 7eilly couldn8" &eep i" +1lo+" +ny longer. I" $+s si9ply "oo he+.y. !e +lso &ne$ i" $+s
prob+bly poin"less. The "eK"s $ere so+&ing $i"h $+"er by no$. They $ere no doub" +lre+dy
ruined# "he "ro.e o1 in1or9+"ion in "he9 los" And i1 he &ep" h+nging on "o "he9# "hey8d
soon "+&e hi9 $i"h "he9.
6i"h + long# soul;$renching ho$l# he le" go.
They dri1"ed +$+y# "hen $en" under# + yello$ nylon "ube o1 ines"i9+ble .+lue#
hi9 1lo+"ing +round +i9lessly# one lone spec& o1 li1e in +n se+.
Chapter **

Reilly 1el" hi9sel1 slip in +nd ou" o1 consciousness "i9es# "he cool $+"er l+pping
+g+ins" his he+d +nd nudging hi9 +$+&e e+ch "i9e his 9ind +nd body "ried "o shu" do$n.
The se+ $+s being &ind "o hi9# $i"h no"hing 9ore "h+n + gen"le s$ell "h+" 9+de s"+ying
+$+&e e.en h+rder. 3u" he &ne$ i" $ould ge" colder# +nd possibly rougher# +s nigh"1+ll
+ppro+ched. The .es" could &eep hi9 +1lo+"# bu" i" $ouldn8" &eep hi9 +li.e i1 "he $+"er go"
choppier +nd his body decided "o surrender "o eKh+us"ion.
!e 1ound hi9sel1 "hin&ing o1 Tess# "hin&ing "h+" she $+s 9os" prob+bly s+1e# $hich $+s
good# bu" "h+" he8d le" her do$n in losing "he "ro.e o1 Nic+e+# $hich $ould be + big blo$. !e
"ried 1ocusing on "h+" dis+ppoin"9en"# using i" "o s"+y +1lo+"# "hin&ing "h+" +" le+s" i1 he &ep"
hi9sel1 +li.e# he $ouldn8" c+use her +no"her loss# +nd he8d be +ble "o "ell her eK+c"ly $h+" h+d
h+ppened# $hich $ould +" le+s" do +$+y $i"h "he burden o1 uncer"+in"y "h+" $ould o"her$ise
gn+$ +$+y +" her 1or "he res" o1 her d+ys.
A1"er + $hile# he Jus" le" hi9sel1 go# relying on "he li1e J+c&e" +nd i"s person+l loc+"or
be+con "o do i"s Job. !e Jus" dri1"ed +long "he deep $+"er# dr+ined beyond $ords# $+i"ing 1or +
rescue he hoped $ould e.en"u+lly sho$ up.

ON- !UND7-D AND -IG!T% /I4-S due e+s" o1 his posi"ion# "he +ir "r+11ic
con"roller $ho h+d been "r+c&ing "he *onFues"8s progress +1"er S"eyl h+d r+dioed in 1or
per9ission &ne$ so9e"hing $+s $rong +s soon +s he s+$ "he pl+ne drop belo$ "$el.e "hous+nd
1ee" +nd +cceler+"e.
A1"er "hree no;response c+lls +nd less "h+n + 9inu"e +1"er he8d 1irs" no"iced "he pl+ne8s
unusu+l beh+.ior# "he con"roller +c"i.+"ed "he e9ergency SA7 pl+n. A 3ri"ish 7oy+l N+.y Se+
Bing !A73 Se+rch;+nd;7escue chopper "oo& "o "he +ir 1ro9 i"s b+se +" A&ro"iri in *yprus Jus" +s
7eilly8s pl+ne $+s hi""ing "he $+"er.
The sign+l 1ro9 7eilly8s P43# his loc+"ion# $+s 1or$+rded "o "he chopper8s pilo"
$hile i" $+s speeding "o "he *onFues"8s l+s" &no$n posi"ion. And Jus" +n hour +1"er he8d
1ound hi9sel1 1lo+"ing in "he /edi"err+ne+n# + 1rog9+n $+s riding + h+rness do$n "o pull hi9 "o

!- 6AS @4O6N 3A*B TO AB7OTI7I# $here he h+d his inJuries loo&ed +" +nd
dressed by 9ili"+ry 9edic+l personnel +" "he So.ereign 3+se Are+8s Princess /+ry8s hospi"+l.
-.en "hough "he pl+ne h+d di"ched in in"ern+"ion+l $+"ers# "here $+s + $hole bunch o1
Fues"ions "h+" 7eilly needed "o +ns$er reg+rding $ho $+s on i"# $h+" h+d h+ppened +nd $hy i"
h+s h+ppened. The 3ri"ish $ere +s&ing. 3e1ore long# o11ici+ls 1ro9 "he *yprio" Direc"or+"e o1
* A.i+"ion +nd "he N+"ion+l Gu+rd sho$ed up# +nd "hey $ere +s&ing "oo.
@or + $hile# 7eilly $+s on his o$n. !e 1ielded "he Fues"ions $i"h +s 9uch res"r+in" +s he
could 9us"er# bu" he $+s "ired +nd he $+s hur"ing +nd his p+"ience $+s running "hin. !e pu" +
c+ll in "o Ne$ %or&# go" "hrough "o Ap+ro +nd +s&ed hi9 "o help ge" hi9 ou" o1 "here# bu" he
&ne$ i" $ould "+&e "i9e. The A9eric+n -9b+ssy $+s +n hour8s dri.e +$+y# in Nicosi+# +nd "he
@3I didn8" &eep + leg+" "here. S"ill# c+lls $ere 9+de# +nd +" +round 9idd+y# "he e9b+ssy8s
de1ense +""+chO sho$ed up# "oo& con"rol +nd $his&ed 7eilly ou" o1 "here. /ore i9por"+n"ly# he
$+s +ble "o help 7eilly $i"h "he Fues"ion he h+d been desper+"e "o h+.e +ns$ered 1ro9 "he .ery
9o9en" he8d been $inched +bo+rd "he Se+ Bing.
I" $+sn8" +n e+sy Fues"ion "o +ns$er. 6i"h +ll "h+" h+d h+ppened +nd $i"h -r"ugrul de+d#
"here $+s r+9p+n" con1usion +" "he *onsul+"e in Is"+nbul +nd i" $+s h+rd "o pin do$n "he person
$ho $+s bes" sui"ed "o 1ind her. I" "oo& 9+ny phone c+lls +nd 1rus"r+"ing $+i"s# bu" "hey
$ere 1in+lly +ble "o "r+c& her do$n "o + police s"+"ion in Bony+.
!e+ring her .oice did 9ore "o soo"he his +ches +nd p+ins "h+n +ll "he p+in&illers "hey8d
gi.en hi9. She $+s s+1e +nd $ell. 3u" she +lso needed help.
She $+s +lso c+ugh" up in + si9il+r bure+ucr+c"ic $eb. A $hole di11eren" bunch o1
Fues"ions needed "o be +ns$ered# +nd "hey $eren8" +bou" "o le" her go un"il "hey go" "heir
H!+ng "igh"#G he "old Tess. HI89 co9ing "o ge" you.G

T!- >-T A77I:-D 4AT- IN T!- NIG!T# + spo"less $hi"e &nigh" be+ring "he discree"
e9ble9 o1 "he Gul1s"re+9 Aerosp+ce *orpor+"ion. 7eilly $+"ched $i"h 9oun"ing i9p+"ience +s
i" "+Kied "o "he pri.+"e h+ng+r +nd i"s engines $hined do$n. Then i"s c+bin door sn+pped open
+nd "he :+"ic+n8s Secre"+ry o1 S"+"e# *+rdin+l /+uro 3rugnone# s"epped ou".
!is 1urro$ed 1+ce cringed $i"h surprise +nd sy9p+"hy +s he "oo& no"ice o1 "he bruising
+nd cu"s li""ering 7eilly8s 1+ce +nd h+nds. !e spre+d his +r9s $ide +nd e9br+ced "he +gen"
be1ore pulling +$+y +nd s+ying# HSo . . . i"8s goneI I"8s de1ini"ely goneIG
!e +lre+dy &ne$ i" $+s. 7eilly h+d "old hi9 so $hen he8d c+lled hi9# bu" he h+dn8" "old
hi9 "he $hole s"ory.
HI89 +1r+id so#G 7eilly replied.
HTell 9e#G "he c+rdin+l s+id# in.i"ing 7eilly on bo+rd.
6hile "he pilo" hurried "o co9ple"e "he reFuisi"e p+per$or& "h+" $ould +llo$ "he9 "o "+&e
o11 +g+in# 7eilly 1illed in his hos" on $h+" h+d h+ppened. 3y "he end o1 i"# "he c+rdin+l8s b+c& $+s
hunched 1or$+rd# "he s&in under his eyes +nd s&in $eighed do$n by "he dis"ressing re.el+"ions.
They s+" in silence 1or + 9o9en"# "hen "he pilo" re;+ppe+red +nd con1ir9ed "hey8d h+.e
$heels up $i"hin 9inu"es. 3rugnone didn8" s+y +ny"hing. !e Jus" nodded# s"ill s"e$ing $h+"
7eilly h+d "old hi9.
H/+ybe $e c+n "he9#G 7eilly o11ered. HI" c+n8" be "h+" deep ou" "here. I89 sure
i"8s $i"hin re+ch. And i1 $e did# 9+ybe $e c+n s"ill re+d $h+" $+s on "he9. @orensics l+bs c+n do
+9+Ding "hings "hese d+ys.G
3rugnone loo&ed +" hi9 $i"h + shrug +nd r+ised eyebro$s. -.iden"ly# he didn8" pu" +ny
9ore s"oc& in 7eilly8s $ords "h+n 7eilly did hi9sel1.
HThis sui"s you# doesn8" i"IG 7eilly +s&ed. HI 9e+n# i1 "hey8re gone 1or good. No Fues"ions
+s&ed. No d+9+ging re.el+"ions . . . no he+d+chesIG
3rugnone 1ro$ned# "hen s+id# HO1 course# I pre1er "h+" $h+" $+s in "he9 should co9e ou". I $ouldn8" $+n" e.eryone "o &no$ $h+" "hey s+id. 3u" I $ould h+.e li&ed "o
&no$. :ery 9uch so.G
!e held 7eilly8s g+De 1or + long be+"# "hen "urned +nd s"+red ou" in"o "he d+r&ness#
loo&ing li&e + 9+n in deep 9ourning.
Chapter *+

They $ere 9e" +" "he s9+ll# 9os"ly 9ili"+ry +irpor" by 7ich 3urs"on# "he leg+" 1ro9 "he
@3I8s o11ice in An&+r+. 3urs"on h+d 1lo$n do$n 1ro9 "he Tur&ish c+pi"+l in + 9ili"+ry helicop"er.
!e h+d been -r"ugrul8s boss# +nd +s "hey dro.e "hrough "he deser"ed# d+r& 1l+"l+nds on "heir $+y
in"o "he ci"y# 7eilly $+s +ble "o "ell hi9 1irs"h+nd +bou" ho$ his +gen" h+d been &illed.
The leg+" $+s +nKious. H6e need "o be in +nd ou" +s Fuic&ly +s $e c+n#G he "old 7eilly. HI
don8" $+n" "hese guys 1iguring ou" $ho you re+lly +re. Unless you $+n" "o spend "he neK" 1e$
d+ys +ns$ering "heir Fues"ions.G
7eilly unders"ood $h+" "he leg+" $+s "+l&ing +bou". The pl+ne h+d gone do$n in
in"ern+"ion+l $+"ers. I" h+d "+&en o11 1ro9 + Gree& isl+nd. There $+s only so 9uch "he *yprio"
+u"hori"ies could de9+nd "o &no$.
This $+s di11eren".
7eilly h+d been direc"ly in.ol.ed in e.en"s "h+" h+d led "o "he de+"hs o1 Tur&ish
soldiers# including# 7eilly &ne$# + senior +nd $ell;respec"ed o11icer. The Tur&ish +u"hori"ies
$ould $+n" "o &no$ eK+c"ly ho$ +nd $hy "h+" h+ppened.
HI8d r+"her "+l& "he9 "hrough i" "he phone 1ro9 @eder+l Pl+D+#G 7eilly "old hi9.
H%e+h# I don8" bl+9e you. >us" le+.e "he "+l&ing "o 9e +nd 1ollo$ 9y le+d.G
7eilly s+id he $ould# "hen "urned "o "he c+rdin+l. 3rugnone Jus" nodded his +gree9en".

IN T!- -ND# i" +ll $en" do$n re+son+bly s9oo"hly. They $ere +ble "o ge" Tess +nd "he
old $o9+n ou" o1 cus"ody $i"hou" "oo 9uch +ggr+.+"ion. The l+"e hour helped# +s did "he 1+c"
"h+" "he br+ss o1 "he >+nd+r9+ $eren8" b+sed in Bony+.
A loc+l police de"+il $+s +ssigned "o &eep +n eye on "he old $o9+n +nd her 1+9ily
business 1or + 1e$ d+ys# +l"hough 7eilly didn8" "hin& she $+s in +ny 9ore d+nger# no" $i"h <+hed
de+d +nd "he s"+sh o1 codices gone. S"ill# i" $+s be""er "o be s+1e "h+n sorry# +nd he $+s h+ppy "o
&no$ "h+" she8d be pro"ec"ed un"il "hings died do$n.
The p+le gli99er o1 d+$n $elco9ed "he9 +s "hey $+l&ed ou" o1 "he police s"+"ion. The
s"ree" $+s deser"ed. The ci"y $+s s"ill $ell se""led in"o i"s h+bi"u+l nigh"ly slu9ber# $i"h only "he
hu9 o1 sc+""ered +ir;condi"ioning condensors de"r+c"ing 1ro9 i"s sereni"y.
Tess held 7eilly8s h+nd in hers +s "hey $+l&ed "o "he $+i"ing c+rs. She $+s eKh+us"ed#
physic+lly +nd 9en"+lly. She $+s +lso deeply dis+ppoin"ed. In + 1e$ $ords# $hispered in +
sn+"ched# pri.+"e 9o9en"# 7eilly h+d "old her +nd "he old $o9+n "h+" "he "eK"s h+d been los"#
s$+llo$ed up by "he se+.
The ne$s h+d gu""ed her. The codices h+d sur.i.ed close "o "$o "hous+nd ye+rs o1
in"rigue. They8d 9+de i" "hrough "he *rus+des# "he 1+ll o1 +n eKp+nsionis" e9pire# +nd + couple o1
6orld 6+rs# bu" "hey h+dn8" sur.i.ed "he s+.+gery o1 "he "$en"y;1irs" cen"ury.
They s"opped ou"side "he police c+r# "he one "h+" $+s "+&ing "he old $o9+n b+c& "o her
son8s +p+r"9en" +bo.e "he shop. Tess le" go o1 7eilly8s h+nd +nd g+.e "he old $o9+n + hug.
The old $o9+n held on "o her 1or + long 9o9en"# "hen pulled b+c&. H6ill I see you
"o9orro$IG she +s&ed. She h+d Tess8s h+nd "igh"ly cupped in bo"h o1 hers.
Tess hesi"+"ed# +nd "urned "o 7eilly. !e $+s s"ill dosed up on p+in&illers +nd loo&ed +
9ess. She &ne$ he $+s &een "o ge" ou" o1 "here +s soon +s possible. 3rugnone8s Je" $+s $+i"ing
"o 1ly "he9 ou" o1 "he coun"ry +nd b+c& "o 7o9e# +nd "hey8d "+&e + co99erci+l 1ligh" b+c& "o
Ne$ %or& 1ro9 "here. She +lso $+n"ed "o ge" ho9e "o "ry "o pu" "he 9+dness behind her. 3u"
s"+nding "here# loo&ing in"o "he old $o9+n8s delic+"e eyes# she re+liDed she couldn8" le+.e here
li&e "h+". She $+n"ed "o spend 9ore "i9e $i"h her. In li""le 9ore "h+n "$en"y;1our hours# "hey8d
been "hrough + lo" "oge"her# +nd she 1el" i" $ould be rude "o Jus" dis+ppe+r 1ro9 her li1e li&e "h+"#
e.en i1 i" $+sn8" 3u" she didn8" "hin& she h+d + choice.
7eilly8s gri9 eKpression con1ir9ed i". HI89 sorry#G he "old her. H6e c+n8" s"+y. There8s +
pl+ne $+i"ing 1or us.G
The $o9+n8s eKpression s+gged. HNo" e.en 1or + 1e$ hours in "he 9orningI I $+s hoping
you $ould co9e 1or bre+&1+s" +" 9y son8s pl+ce. "he shop.G She "ried "o gi.e hi9 +
s9ile# bu" i" b+rely 9+de i" p+s" "he 9el+ncholy "h+" $+s $eighing her do$n.
7eilly gl+nced +cross +" "he leg+". The 9+n shoo& his he+d so1"ly# his eKpression
"elegr+phing + genuine sense o1 regre".
HI89 sorry#G 7eilly "old "he $o9+n.
She nodded slo$ly $i"h resign+"ion. One o1 "he cops opened "he c+r door 1or her. She
s"ood s"ill 1or + 9o9en"# "hen "urned "o Tess +nd s+id# H*+n you 1ollo$ 9e "o "he shopI On your
$+y "o "he +irpor"IG
!er $ords surprised Tess. H6h+"# no$IG
She "igh"ened her hold +round Tess8s h+nd. H%es. I8d li&e "o gi.e you so9e"hing. A
sou.enir. Gi.e 9e "he ch+nce "o le+.e you $i"h + nicer 9e9ory o1 Bony+ "h+n $h+" you8.e seen
so 1+r.G
Tess held "he $o9+n8s g+De. There $+s so9e"hing 9ore "here# so9e"hing uns+id.
So9e"hing "he $o9+n re+lly needed Tess "o respond "o.
Trying no" "o "elegr+ph her suspicions +nd suddenly $+ry o1 "he c+rdin+l8s presence# she
loo&ed + Fues"ion +" 7eilly +nd "he leg+".
The leg+" shrugged. HI suppose $e could. As long +s i"8s Jus" + Fuic& s"op. And I do 9e+n
+ Fuic& s"op. I don8" $+n" ei"her o1 you here + 9inu"e longer "h+n you need "o be.G

T!- 4-GAT AND T!- *A7DINA4 6AIT-D in "he co91or" o1 "he +ir;condi"ioned c+r
$hile Tess +nd 7eilly Joined "he old $o9+n ou"side "he s"ore1ron".
She $o&e her son up +nd go" hi9 "o co9e do$n +nd unloc& i"s en"r+nce 1or "he9# "hen
shooed hi9 +$+y +nd sen" hi9 b+c& up "o bed be1ore in.i"ing "he9 in.
Tess h+dn8" re+lly no"iced ho$ gorgeous so9e o1 "heir cer+9ics $ere. There $ere .+ses#
bo$ls# +nd pl+"es o1 +ll siDes# eleg+n"ly sh+ped +nd eKFuisi"ely p+in"ed.
H*hoose +ny"hing you li&e# ple+se#G "he old $o9+n "old "he9. HI8ll be righ" b+c&.G
Tess $+"ched her s"ep +$+y "o "he b+c& o1 "he s"ore +nd dis+ppe+r do$n so9e s"+irs "h+"
9us" h+.e led "o + b+se9en".
She gl+nced +" 7eilly. !e loo&ed rough +nd $e+ry# li&e being "here $+s "he l+s" "hing in
"he $orld he needed. 6hich# in 1+irness# i" prob+bly $+s.
She $+s hoping i" $ould pro.e di11eren".
She $+s +bou" "o con1ide her suspicions "o hi9 $hen "he $o9+n re+ppe+red. T$o "hings
i99edi+"ely sign+led "o her "h+" she $+s righ"# +nd she 1el" + 1lu""er in "he pi" o1 her belly. One
$+s "he $+y "he old $o9+n gl+nced 1ur"i.ely beyond her +nd 7eilly +nd ou" "he shop $indo$# +s
i1 she $ere chec&ing "o see i1 +nyone $+s $+"ching. The o"her $+s $h+" she $+s c+rrying.
I" $+s +n old shoeboK.
The old $o9+n c+s" +no"her loo& ou" 1ron"# "hen presen"ed "he boK "o Tess. HThese +re 1or
Tess8s he+r" Ju9ped + couple o1 ge+rs +s she loo&ed +" her FuiDDic+lly. She $+n"ed "o +s&
"he ob.ious Fues"ion# bu" "he $ords died ou" in her "hro+". She Jus" "oo& "he boK +nd opened i".
I" $+s 1illed $i"h doDens o1 pl+s"ic
Tess "oo& one ou" +nd opened i" up. I" $+s +bou" siK inches $ide +nd $+s +ll 1olded up on
i"sel1# li&e +n +ccordion;s"yle $+lle" slee.e "h+" people used "o hold 1+9ily pho"os in "he pre;
iPhone er+.
She opened i" up.
I" $+s 9+de up o1 + couple doDen poc&e"s# e+ch one +bou" +n inch +nd + h+l1 "+ll. Inside
e+ch poc&e" $+s + siK;inch s"rip. On e+ch s"rip $ere 1our 399 neg+"
Tess &ne$ $h+" "hey $ere be1ore she held "he slee.e up "o "he ligh". Al"hough "he i9+ge
$+s d+r& +nd re.ersed# she could see "he dis"inc" silhoue""e o1 + rec"+ngul+r obJec" +g+ins" +
neu"r+l b+c&ground. So9e o1 "he9 sho$ed "he b+c&1l+ps +nd "he le+"her "ies cle+rly. The i9+ge
on e+ch neg+"i.e $+s re.ersed# so "he obJec" in "he pho"ogr+phs loo&ed d+r&# i"s b+c&ground
ligh". Inside "he d+r& rec"+ngles $ere ro$s o1 "iny# ligh" ch+r+c"ers# +s i1 $ri""en in $hi"e in& on +
bl+c& p+ge.
The $ri"ings on "he codices.
They $ere "here. 4o"s +nd lo"s o1 "he9.
H%ou "oo& "heseIG she +s&ed "he $o9+n.
H/y husb+nd did. /+ny ye+rs +go# long be1ore he died. 6e "hough" $e h+d "o &eep so9e
&ind o1 record o1 "he9# in c+se "hey $ere des"royed in + 1ire or so9e"hing. They $ere so
1r+gile# $e h+d "o be .ery c+re1ul# bu" $e 9+n+ged i". I h+.e prin"s o1 +ll "he pic"ures in s"or+ge#
bu" "hey8re "oo he+.y 1or you "o c+rry $i"hou" +nyone no"icing.G
Tess8s 1ingers s&ipped deeper in"o "he boK. HAre "hey +ll in hereIG
The old $o9+n nodded. H-.ery p+ge o1 e.ery boo&.G She shrugged# + p+ll o1 resign+"ion
d+r&ening her 1+ce. HI &no$ "hey $on8" con.ince +nyone. People $ill e+sily s+y "hese pic"ures
+re 1+&es. 3u" i"8s "he bes" I c+n do.G
Tess considered her $ords 1or + be+"# "hen shoo& her he+d. HI" doesn8" 9+""er.G She g+.e
"he $o9+n + $+r9# co91or"ing s9ile. HThis isn8" +bou" con.incing +nyone o1 +ny"hing. I"
$+s. I"8s +bou" &no$ledge. I"8s +bou" his"ory# +nd "ru"h. Those $ho belie.e e.ery $ord in "he
3ible $+s dic"+"ed by God hi9sel1C"hey $ere going "o be s$+yed +ny$+y. 6e &no$ "h+".
-.en seeing +nd eK+9ining "he codices $i"h "heir o$n eyes $ouldn8" h+.e 9+de + di11erence "o
"he9. 3u" 1or "hose o1 us $ho +re loo&ing "o unders"+nd "he roo"s o1 1+i"h be""er# 1or "hose o1 us
$ho +re curious +bou" our his"ory +nd +bou" ho$ $e go" "o be "he $+y $e +re . . . "hese +re
plen"y. 3elie.e 9e. Plen"y.G
The old $o9+n see9ed ple+sed $i"h Tess8s $ords +nd nodded her +gree9en". H3e
c+re1ul $i"h "he9.G
HOh# "rus" 9e# I8ll 9+&e sure "hey8re s+1e.G She loo&ed +" 7eilly# her 1+ce +ll lu9inous
+nd giddy +nd bri99ing $i"h +n +l9os" childli&e glee. H6e8ll 9+&e sure o1 "h+"# righ"IG
7eilly s"udied her 1or + be+"# +9use9en" pl+ying +cross his bruised 1+ce# +nd r+ised +n
eyebro$. HI89 guessing you h+.e your ending no$IG
H%ou be"#G she s9iled. H*o9e on. 4e"8s go ho9e.G
/y "h+n&s "o +ll "he 1riends +nd colle+guesC3+sh+r# Nic# *+rlos# 3en# >on# 3ri+n# *l+ire#
Sus+n# -ugenie# >+y# 7+11+ell+# +nd e.eryone +" Du""on# NA4# +nd OrionC$i"hou" $ho9 9y
e11or"s $ould be no"hing 9ore "h+n piKels on "he screen o1 9y l+p"op. Th+n&s +lso "o "he
3urs"ons# >oorises# +nd *h+l+bis 1or lending 9e "heir secluded ho9es (+nd s+ilbo+")# $here s+id
e11or"s could 1lourish $i"hou" "oo 9+ny dis"r+c"ions.
3igger "h+n&s# "hough# "his "i9e +round# +re due "o +ll "he 1riends +nd 1+9ily $ho helped
us "hrough "his less;"h+n;9e9or+ble "i9e. There +re 1+r "oo 9+ny o1 you "o 9en"ion# bu" you +ll
&no$ $ho you +re +nd $e8re .ery 1or"un+"e "o h+.e you in our %our 1riendship# help# +nd
suppor" h+s been pheno9en+l# +nd i1 +nyone "o be "h+n&ed 1or 9+&ing "his boo&
possible# i"8s you.

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