DHR and Alice

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THE MERITS AND DRAWBACKS OF MONEY "Crabs and all sorts of thin s!

" said th" Sh""#$ "#l"nt% of &hoi&"! onl% 'a(" )# %o)r 'ind* No+ +hat do %o) +ant to b)%," Through the Looking-glass* THE -A./E OF MONEY "Wh"n I )s" a +ord!" H)'#t% D)'#t% said in rath"r a s&ornf)l ton"! "it '"ans 0)st +hat I &hoos" it to '"an 11 n"ith"r 'or" nor l"ss*" "Th" 2)"stion is!" said Ali&"! "+h"th"r %o) can 'a(" +ords '"an diff"r"nt thin s*" "Th" 2)"stion is!" said H)'#t% D)'#t%! "+hi&h is to b" 'ast"r 11 that3s all*" Through the Looking-glass* THE 4/ANTITY OF MONEY "It3s lon !" said th" Kni ht! "b)t it3s 5"r%! 5"r% b"a)tif)l*"Through the Looking-glass* BANK MONEY AND THE 6RICE1.E-E. "And th" 'oral of that is 11 3Th" 'or" th"r" is of 'in" th" l"ss th"r" is of %o)rs*3" Alice's Adventures in Wonderland* THE WAR AND THE 6RICE1.E-E. "And thi&( and fast th"% &a'" at last! And 'or"! and 'or"! and 'or"*" Through the Looking-glass* THE 4/ESTION OF THE STANDARD "Wo)ld %o) t"ll '"! #l"as"!" said Ali&"! "+hi&h +a% I o) ht to o fro' h"r"," "That d"#"nds a ood d"al on +h"r" %o) +ant to "t to7" said th" Cat* "I don3t ')&h &ar" +h"r"!" said Ali&"* "Th"n it do"sn3t ')&h 'att"r +hi&h +a% %o) o!" said th" Cat* Alice's Adventures in Wonderland* THE FOREI8N E9CHAN8ES Th" Cat"r#illar +as th" first to s#"a(* "What si:" do %o) +ant to b"," it as("d* "Oh! I3' not #arti&)lar as to si:"!" Ali&" hastil% r"#li"d7 "onl% on" do"sn3t li(" &han in so oft"n! %o) (no+*" Alice's Adventures in Wonderland* MONETARY 6O.ICY "W"ll! in our &o)ntr%!" said Ali&"! still #antin a littl"! "%o)3d "n"rall% "t to so'"+h"r" "ls" 11 if %o) ran 5"r% fast for a lon ti'"! as +"35" b""n doin *" "A slo+ sort of &o)ntr%;" said th" 4)""n* "No+ here! %o) s""! it ta("s all th" r)nnin you &an do! to (""# in th" sa'" #la&"* If %o) +ant to "t so'"+h"r" "ls"! %o) ')st r)n at l"ast t+i&" as fast as that;" "I3d rath"r not tr%! #l"as";" said Ali&"* Through the Looking-glass*

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