Scholarship Essay

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My name is Kiranjeet Kaur a/p Manjit Singh and I am applying for the Securities Commission undergraduate scholarship.

The reason that I am applying for this scholarship is because deep inside,T kno that I ha!e the courage and ability to go all the ay.These kind of opportunities are golden and do not come around all the time."s Sun T#u once said $opportunities multiply as they are sei#ed.I belie!e that by obtaining this scholarship,it ill lead me to a hole orld of benefits and I am illing to go the distance in achie!ing my goals. %ast achie!ements are a person&s treasure hold and I am one of those people.My past achie!ements ha!e moulded me into the person I am today.'uring my schooling period,I e(celled in my education and as a constant participant in e(tra curricular acti!ities.)eing in the top ten band in my e(amination as al ays a must for me.In both primary and secondary school,I held the prefect&s spot and I de!oted my time and did my best in maintaining the discipline in my school.In sports,my passions ere hockey and football and I represented my primary school in both these sports.Mean hile,in secondary school,I honed my skills in my football.My school on the cup tournament hen I as in *orm T o.It as an ama#ing e(perience for me as e defeated our old foes in the final and I as really proud of my achie!ement.I also acti!ely took part in public speaking and choral speaking during my time as a student."s a member of the choral speaking team of my secondary school, e ere the champions at district le!el.My in!ol!ement in +ui##es such as the ,n!ironmental -ui#,%rime -ui# and .ational Chemistry -ui# as one that as really beneficial and opened my mind in terms of kno ledge and e(perience.*urthermore,I as the assistant secretary for the Science Society.My past achie!ements ha!e left a big mark on me and it means a lot to me for going do n the path. The idea of me applying for this scholarship is to pursue a degree in la and thus making the grade as a la yet.The la yer profession branches out into many areas such as publishing,ad!ertising,banking,journalism to name a fe .The idea of plying my trade in in!estment or a consulting firm is !ery appealing to me as I ill be presented ith the chance to specialise in the performances of companies,market sectors and the economy./ith this career option,the fact of a steady income is really alluring and it can be +uite lucrati!e depending on your e(pertise.My career aspiration in line ith this application is to help create ne financial products that ill impro!e the competiti!eness of the company that I ill orking for.In line ith this,I intend to able to address financial +uestions .This is the ultimate aspiration I ish to achie!e. The benefits I ould attain from the la field are numerous and unimaginable.I ill be presented ith the chance to indulge in a ide range as specialities such as in!estment,finance,statistics and more.The idea of participating in corporate buildings such as mergers and ac+uisitions is also a boon in this field of study.I ill also ha!e the chance to impro!e my communication skills and learn to interact ith people from all alks of life.The ability to communicate is one of man&s best assests. "fter successfully completing the course I ha!e specialised in,I am positi!e that I can contribute to Securities Commission ith all the benefits I ha!e reaped in."ll the positi!e

attributes and skills that I ha!e gained during the duration of my course ill be put to good use in perspecti!e of mo!ing the company to greater heights.I ill use my e(pertise in the finance and in!estment fields to strike deals and create products that ill contribute to the gro th of Securities Commission is a highly respected and reno ned body.Thus,I ha!e to be on my toes at all times to keep the prestige of the company intact.*urthermore,I ould be referred to financial +uestions by using my kno ledge and e(perience.In line ith finance,I ill be able to map out financial strategies and plans that ill benefit the securities Commission. The benefits that I hope to deri!e from the field of study I am pursuing ill fuel the fire of hard ork and competitiness to continue to the gro th and steady surge of Securities cCommission.The famous ords of "lbert ,instein 0 e ha!e to do the best e can.This is our sacred human responsibility&.I belei!e e!ery single ord ,instein said and I hope my best is enough.I ould like to sign off by kindly saying thank you for gi!ing me the opportunity to apply.

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