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Project Bank
Development of a user friendly ,feature-rich, practical Appraisal Trac er .

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3itle of the project -e'elopment of a user friendly #feature-rich# practical .ppraisal /rac"er. .bstract of the project /his project is aimed at de'eloping an .ppraisal /rac"er that is of importance to either an organisation or a college. /his .ppraisal /rac"er system is used to trac" the performance of an indi'idual. .n indi'idual0s performance is rated by himself and his superior in the organi1ation. /he tas"s for the ne2t 3 months are set by the superior. /he performance rating is done based on se'eral attributes *li"e the timeliness# ,uality of wor"# communication s"ills etc+. 4e5words 6eneric 3echnlo&5 ke5words -atabases# Programming# %etwor" and middleware Specific 3echnolo&5 ke5words 4a'a cript # .cti'e er'er Pages # 5/67 # -5/67# 8racle 9i Project t5pe ke5words .nalysis# -esign# !mplementation# /esting# User !nterface "unctional components of the project :ollowing is a list of functionalities of the system. 6ore functionalities that you find appropriate can be added to this list. .nd# in places where the description of a functionality is not ade,uate# you can ma"e appropriate assumptions and proceed. ;. /he system should ha'e appropriate login facility. <ele'ant options li"e change password and creating profile etc. =. /he system should allow administrator to control all the aciti'ties hence identify the roles and accessibility of other users. >. /he admin should ha'e the facility to add/modify/delete new performance measures. ?. /he superior should be able to rate the indi'idual wor"ing for him. @. 8nce the rating is done# an automatic mail should be sent to the indi'idual informing him about the ratings.

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3. /he indi'idual should be able to rate himself on all the tas"s *so that a comparison between this self-rating and the rating gi'en by his superior can be made+ A. /he superior should be able to set the tas"s for the ne2t 3 months for employees wor"ing for him. Steps to start-off the project ;. tudy and be comfortable with technologies such as . P # 4a'a cript and 8racle 9i. =. Understand the specification and come up with any suggestions that could be included. >. -ecide on the strategy or plan or software model to be used. ?. Create flowcharts or -:-0s. @. Create -atabase design. 3. -ecide on BU! with good loo" and feel. A. tart on creating the frontend and bac"end. 9. Bo module wise in a simple step by step manner rather than rushing on all modules together. !e7uirements 8ardware re7uirements Number 'escription .lternati,es 9If a,ailable: ; PC with = BB hard-dis" %ot-.pplicable and =@3 6B <.6 Software re7uirements Number 'escription ; $indows C@/C9/DP with 6 -office = 8racle > 4a'a cript ? 5/67/-5/67 @ !! ?.E or higher 3 Braphics upport /ool .lternati,es 9If a,ailable: %ot .pplicable %ot .pplicable %ot .pplicable %ot .pplicable %ot .pplicable %ot .pplicable

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%anpower re7uirements = to > students can complete this in ? & 3 months if they wor" thrice a wee". %ilestones and 3imelines Number %ilestone Name %ilestone 'escription 3imeline $ee" number from the start of the project ; !emarks

<e,uirements pecification

/echnology familiari1ation

Complete specification of the system *with appropriate assumptions+ . . document detailing the same should be written and a presentation on that be made. Understanding @-3 of the technology needed to implement the project. . database of >-? atleast ;EE entries of employees of all grades should be created.

.ttempt should be made to add some more rele'ant functionalities other than those that are listed in this document. /ry t ounderstand the business re,uirement and pro'ide solutions. /he presentation should be from the point of 'iew of being able to apply it to the project# rather than from a theoretical perspecti'e. !t is important to finali1e on the database at this stage itself so that de'elopment and testing can proceed with the actual database itself. /he scenarios should map to the re,uirement specification as well as suggestions on tudents part would be in'ited


-atabase creation

5igh-le'el and 7isting down A-C -etailed all possible -esign scenarios li"e different types of tutorials. /hen coming up with flow-

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charts or pseudocode to handle the scenario. !mplementation !mplementation 3-A of the front-end of the main of the system screen gi'ing the login# screen that follows the login gi'ing 'arious options# screens for each of the options. !ntegrating the /he front-end ?-@ front-end with de'eloped in the database the earlier milestone will now be able to update the employee database. !n short# the system should be ready for integration testing. !ntegration /he system >-? /esting should be thoroughly tested by running all the testcases written for the system. :inal <e'iew !ssues found =-> during the pre'ious milestone are fi2ed and the system is ready for the final re'iew.

with concrete reasoning. -uring this milestone period# it would be a good idea for the team *or one person from the team+ to start wor"ing on a testplan for the entire system. /his testplan can be updated as and when new scenarios come to mind.

.nother = wee"s should be there to handle any issues found during testing of the system. .fter that# the final demo can be arranged. -uring the final re'iew of the project# it should be chec"ed that all the re,uirements specified during milestone number ; are fulfilled *or

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appropriate reasons gi'en for not fulfilling the same+ 6uidelines and !eferences *. P tutorial+ *8racle+ Boo"s : $ro2 Publications for . P and 8racle 9i

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