1.1 Project Description: Modules Involved in The Project: Students Module

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The project title Online College Management is one of the ways to implement
all the college details going to proceed automated and Internet applications. We are using
advance technology for this project. sing this technology we have easily implement the
internet applications. !nd data"ase connectivity is also very much used in this project. #o
we have easily access the difficult data"ase.
In this project we are using four modules respectively #tudent module$ Course
module$ Office module and admin module. sing this module we can easily access the all
%ind of information&s with this software. On the same time we have more "ranches$ using
this software we have e'ecute the online. #o online solutions give all the ways of the
The software gives solutions of !dmin$#tudent$Course and Office details. We are
planned to !utomation and Online. These are the two important solutions for (ow days.
#o sing this software we can a"le to maintain !ll the details of data.Online College
Management is the software have all the details and Online capa"le
Modules Involved in the project Students Module
This involves the course details and the mar%s. )or e'ample if a student want to
%now a"out the courses which are availa"le inside the college he can view it.If he is an
already registered student then he can a"le to view his mar% list which was produced as a
result of his e'amination.
St!"" Module
This involves the student list and the staff list. If a staff want to find out the list of
students who are studying in their college as well as the co+curricular staffs who are
wor%ing along with them.
O""ice Module
This involves the course details$ "oo% details$ implementation of the #tudents
fee$data"ase "an% of "oo%s$ the newly designed course and the e'am results to "e posted
on the "asis of the student e'amination.
#d$in Module
This involves the registration of the newly admitted students$ newly added staffs
and the details of the students fee li%e the total fee$paid fee and "alance fee details.
%.1 'E#SI(I)IT& STUD&
The feasi"ility of the project is analy-ed in this phase and "usiness proposal is
put forth with a very general plan for the project and some cost estimates. .uring
system analysis the feasi"ility study of the proposed system is to "e carried out. This
is to ensure that the proposed system is not a "urden to the company. )or feasi"ility
analysis$ some understanding of the major re/uirements for the system is essential.
Three %ey considerations involved in the feasi"ility analysis are
0CO(OMIC!1 )0!#I2I1IT3
T0C4(IC!1 )0!#I2I1IT3
#OCI!1 )0!#I2I1IT3

This study is carried out to chec% the economic impact that the system will have on
the organi-ation. The amount of fund that the company can pour into the research and
development of the system is limited. The e'penditures must "e justified. Thus the
developed system as well within the "udget and this was achieved "ecause most of the
technologies used are freely availa"le. Only the customi-ed products had to "e purchased.

This study is carried out to chec% the technical feasi"ility$ that is$ the technical
re/uirements of the system. !ny system developed must not have a high demand on the
availa"le technical resources. This will lead to high demands on the availa"le technical
resources. This will lead to high demands "eing placed on the client. The developed
system must have a modest re/uirement$ as only minimal or null changes are re/uired for
implementing this system.
The aspect of study is to chec% the level of acceptance of the system "y the user.
This includes the process of training the user to use the system efficiently. The user must
not feel threatened "y the system$ instead must accept it as a necessity. The level of
acceptance "y the users solely depends on the methods that are employed to educate the
user a"out the system and to ma%e him familiar with it. 4is level of confidence must "e
raised so that he is also a"le to ma%e some constructive criticism$ which is welcomed$ as
he is the final user of the system
The Colleges may attend the students $ staffs and office staffs involvements
through manual wor% and rectify their pro"lems. It can ta%e lot of time$human resource
and money. The offices staffs and staffs can&t descri"ing the full details of the pro"lems$
so to solve the pro"lems is very difficulty.
The e'isting system is manual$ doesn&t have the fle'i"ility to maintain the whole
processes carried out in the College. There are many possi"ilities for the mista%e to ta%e
place when the entries or calculations are made manually.
The e'isting system is tedious and time consuming. It also re/uires handling
%nowledge and s%illed manpower. The maintenance cost with this system is periodical
and unavoida"le.
In our issue trac% system 6call center we"site7 clients will register their
issues 6pro"lems7 .Our company employees will process the issues and give the solutions
through we"site. In this we are using the internet without phone. #o it will reduce the cost
and time.
*. Monitor the status of the entire at any time and the verification of reports
generated "y the admin.
,. 1ess time consuming.
The hardware used for the development of the project is9
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The software used for the development of the project is9
O:0;!TI(A #3#T0M 9 WI(.OW# B:
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1!(A!A0 9 <I#!1 2!#IC.(0T
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The .(0T )ramewor% is a new computing platform that simplifies application
development in the highly distri"uted environment of the Internet.
*. To provide a consistent o"ject+oriented programming environment whether o"ject
codes is stored and e'ecuted locally on Internet+distri"uted$ or e'ecuted remotely.
,. To provide a code+e'ecution environment to minimi-es software deployment and
guarantees safe e'ecution of code.
5. 0liminates the performance pro"lems.
There are different types of application$ such as Windows+"ased applications and We"+
"ased applications.

To ma%e communication on distri"uted environment to ensure that code "e accessed "y
the .(0T )ramewor% can integrate with any other code.
The common language runtime is the foundation of the .(0T )ramewor%. It
manages code at e'ecution time$ providing important services such as memory
management$ thread management$ and remoting and also ensures more security and
ro"ustness. The concept of code management is a fundamental principle of the runtime.
Code that targets the runtime is %nown as managed code$ while code that does not target
the runtime is %nown as unmanaged code.
T*E .NET 'R#ME .OR0 C)#SS )I(R#R&
It is a comprehensive$ o"ject+oriented collection of reusa"le types used to develop
applications ranging from traditional command+line or graphical user interface 6AI7
applications to applications "ased on the latest innovations provided "y !#:.(0T$ such as
We" )orms and BM1 We" services.
The .(0T )ramewor% can "e hosted "y unmanaged components that load the
common language runtime into their processes and initiate the e'ecution of managed
code$ there"y creating a software environment that can e'ploit "oth managed and
unmanaged features. The .(0T )ramewor% not only provides several runtime hosts$ "ut
also supports the development of third+party runtime hosts.
Internet 0'plorer is an e'ample of an unmanaged application that hosts the runtime
6in the form of a MIM0 type e'tension7. sing Internet 0'plorer to host the runtime to
ena"les em"eds managed components or Windows )orms controls in 4TM1 documents.
The common language runtime manages memoryE thread e'ecution$ code
e'ecution$ code safety verification$ compilation$ and other system services these are all
run on C1;.
The runtime enforces code access security. The security features of the runtime
thus ena"le legitimate Internet+deployed software to "e e'ceptionally feature rich. With
regards to security$ managed components are awarded varying degrees of trust$
depending on a num"er of factors that include their origin to perform file+access
operations$ registry+access operations$ or other sensitive functions.
The runtime also enforces code ro"ustness "y implementing a strict type+ and
code+verification infrastructure called the common type system6CT#7. The CT# ensures
that all managed code is self+descri"ing. The managed environment of the runtime
eliminates many common software issues.
The runtime also accelerates developer productivity. )or e'ample$ programmers
can write applications in their development language of choice$ yet ta%e full advantage of
the runtime$ the class li"rary$ and components written in other languages "y other
The runtime is designed to enhance performance. !lthough the common language
runtime provides many standard runtime services$ managed code is never interpreted. !
feature called just+in+time 6GIT7 compiling ena"les all managed code to run in the native
machine language of the system on which it is e'ecuting. )inally$ the runtime can "e
hosted "y high+performance$ server+side applications$ such as MicrosoftH #C1 #erverI
and Internet Information #ervices 6II#7.
<isual #tudio .(0T is the single I.0 that all the .(0T languages can use. It
ma%es everything availa"le to all languages.
<isual #tudio .(0T is a great Multilanguage development environment and offers
a complete set of tools to "uild Windows )orms $ !#:.(0T We" applications $ and BM1
We" services.
St!rt P!4e
The #tart page offers three ta"s at the top of the window that ena"les to
modify <isual #tudio.(0T as well as find important information. The ta"s are
*TM) Server Controls versus .e5 Server Controls
Control T6pe .hen to use this Control T6pe
4TM1 #erver
When converting traditional !#: 5.@ We" pages to
!#:.(0T We" pages and speed of completion is a
concern. It is a lot easier to change your 4TM1
elements to 4TM1 server controls than it is to
change them to We" server controls.
When you prefer a more 4TM1+type
programming model.
When you wish to e'plicitly control the
code that is generated for the "rowser.
We" #erver Controls When you re/uire a rich set of functionality to
perform complicated page re/uirements.
When you are developing we" pages that will "e
viewed "y a multitude of "rowser types and that
re/uire different code "ased on these types.
When you prefer a more <isual 2asic+type
programming model that is "ased on the use of
controls and control properties.
Projects t!5 This ta" is the one to start new projects and launch projects
that already e'ists. This ta" lets you to create a new project or open an e'isting project.
Online Resources t!5 This ta" provides a num"er of online resources
when connected to the Internet.
M6 Pro"ile t!5 This ta" ena"les to customi-e the <isual #tudio.(0T
environment to resem"le the structured environment that is familiar with.
Server E7plorer
This window ena"les to perform a num"er of functions such as data"ase
connectivity$ performance monitoring$ and interacting with event logs.
2y using #erver 0'plorer you can log on to a remote server and view
data"ase and system data a"out that server. Many of the functions that are performed with
the 0nterprise Manager in #C1 #erver can now "e e'ecuted in the #erver 0'plorer.
Solution Explorer
This provides an organi-ed view of the projects in the application.The
tool"ar within the #olution 0'plorer ena"les to
<iew code page of the selected item.
<iew design page of the selected item.
;efresh the state of the selected item.
Copy the We" project "etween We" servers.
#how all the files in the project$ including the hidden files.
#ee :roperties of the selected item.
Cl!ss 1ie8
The Class <iew window can "e viewed from the #tart :age "y clic%ing the
Class <iew ta". The Class <iew shows all the classes that are contained within your
The Class <iew shows the hierarchical relationship among the classes in
your solution as well as the num"er of other items including methods$ enumerations$
namespaces$ unions$ and events. It is possi"le to organi-e the view of these items within
the window "y right+clic%ing anywhere in the Class <iew area and choosing how the
items are sorted.
The Tool"o' window ena"les to specify elements that will "e part of the
Windows )orms or We" )orms. It provides a drag and drop means of adding elements
and controls to the pages or forms. The code snippets can also "e stored within the
Properties 8indo8
This window provides the properties of an item that is part of the
application. This ena"les to control the style and "ehavior of the item selected to modify.
D6n!$ic *elp
This window shows a list of help topics. The help topics change "ased on
the item selected or the action "eing ta%en.
The .ynamic 4elp window shows the help items displayed when you
have a 2utton control on the page selected. !fter the item is selected$ a list of targeted
help topic is displayed. The topics are organi-ed as a list of lin%s. Clic%ing one of the
lin%s in the .ynamic 4elp window opens the selected help topic in the .ocument
Docu$ent 8indo8
The .ocument window is the main window within <isual #tudio.(0T
where the applications are "uilt.
The .ocument window shows open files in either .esign or 4TM1 mode.
0ach open file is represented "y a ta" at the top of the .ocument window. !ny num"er of
files can "e %ept open at the same time$ and you can switch "etween the open files "y
clic%ing the appropriate ta".
Desi4n $ode versus *TM) $ode
<isual #tudio.(0T offers two modes for viewing and "uilding files9
.esign and 4TM1. 2y clic%ing the .esign ta" at the "ottom of the .ocument window$
you can see how the page will view to the user. The page is "uilt in the .esign mode "y
dragging and dropping elements directly onto the design page or form. <isual #tudio
.(0T automatically generates the appropriate code.
When the page is viewed in 4TM1 mode$ it shows the code for the page.
It ena"les to directly modify the code to change the way in which the page is presented.
.or9in4 8ith S:) Server throu4h the Server E7plorer
sing <isual #tudio.(0T $ there is no need to open the 0nterprise
Manager from #C1 #erver. <isual #tudio.(0T has the #C1 #ervers ta" within the #erver
0'plorer that gives a list of all the servers that are connected to those having #C1 #erver
on them. Opening up a particular server ta" gives five options9
.ata"ase .iagrams
#tored :rocedures
D!t!5!se Di!4r!$s
To create a new diagram right clic% .ata"ase diagrams and select (ew
.iagram. The !dd Ta"les dialog ena"les to select one to all the ta"les that you want in
the visual diagram you are going to create.
<isual #tudio .(0T loo%s at all the relationships "etween the ta"les and
then creates a diagram that opens in the .ocument window.
0ach ta"le is represented in the diagram and a list of all the columns that
are availa"le in that particular ta"le. 0ach relationship "etween ta"les is represented "y a
connection line "etween those ta"les.
The properties of the relationship can "e viewed "y right clic%ing the
relationship line.
The #erver 0'plorer allows to wor% directly with the ta"les in #C1 #erver.
It gives a list of ta"les contained in the particular data"ase selected.
2y dou"le clic%ing one of the ta"les$ the ta"le is seen in the .ocument
window. This grid of data shows all the columns and rows of data contained in the
particular ta"le.
The data can "e added or deleted from the ta"le grid directly in the
.ocument window. To add a new row of data $ move to the "ottom of the ta"le and type
in a new row of data after selecting the first column of the first "lan% row. 3ou can also
delete a row of data from the ta"le "y right clic%ing the gray "o' at the left end of the row
and selecting .elete.
2y right clic%ing the gray "o' at the far left end of the row$ the primary
%ey can "e set for that particular column. The relationships to columns in other ta"les can
"e set "y selecting the ;elationships option.
To create a new ta"le right+clic% the Ta"les section within the #erver
0'plorer and selecting (ew Ta"le. This gives the design view that ena"les to start
specifying the columns and column details a"out the ta"le.
To run /ueries against the ta"les in <isual #tudio .(0T$ open the view of
the /uery tool"ar "y choosing <iew+KTool"ars+KCuery.
To /uery a specific ta"le$ open that ta"le in the .ocument window. Then
clic% the #C1 "utton which divides the .ocument window into two panes+one for /uery
and other to show results gathered from the /uery.
The /uery is e'ecuted "y clic%ing the 0'ecute Cuery "utton and the result
is produced in the lower pane of the .ocument window.
To create a new view $ right+clic% the <iew node and select (ew <iew.
The !dd Ta"le dialog "o' ena"les to select the ta"les from which the view is produced.
The ne't pane ena"les to customi-e the appearance of the data in the view.
!s you develop applications using !.O.(0T$ you will have different
re/uirements for wor%ing with data. 3ou might never need to directly edit an BM1 file
containing data + "ut it is very useful to understand the data architecture in !.O.(0T.
!.O.(0T offers several advantages over previous versions of !.O9
:erformance #cala"ility
!.O.(0T applications can ta%e advantage of the fle'i"ility and "road acceptance
of BM1. 2ecause BM1 is the format for transmitting datasets across the networ%$ any
component that can read the BM1 format can process data. The receiving component
need not "e an !.O.(0T component.
The transmitting component can simply transmit the dataset to its destination
without regard to how the receiving component is implemented. The destination
component might "e a <isual #tudio application or any other application implemented
with any tool whatsoever.
The only re/uirement is that the receiving component "e a"le to read BM1. #O$
BM1 was designed with e'actly this %ind of interopera"ility in mind.
In the life of a deployed system$ modest changes are possi"le$ "ut su"stantial$
!rchitectural changes are rarely attempted "ecause they are so difficult. !s the
performance load on a deployed application server grows$ system resources can "ecome
scarce and response time or throughput can suffer. )aced with this pro"lem$ software
architects can choose to divide the serverLs "usiness+logic processing and user+interface
processing onto separate tiers on separate machines.

In effect$ the application server tier is replaced with two tiers$ alleviating the
shortage of system resources. If the original application is implemented in !.O.(0T
using datasets$ this transformation is made easier. !.O.(0T data components in <isual
#tudio encapsulate data access functionality in various ways that help you program more
/uic%ly and with fewer mista%es.
!.O.(0T datasets offer performance advantages over !.O disconnected record
sets. In !.O.(0T data+type conversion is not necessary.
!.O.(0T accommodates scala"ility "y encouraging programmers to conserve
limited resources. !ny !.O.(0T application employs disconnected access to dataE it
does not retain data"ase loc%s or active data"ase connections for long durations.
<isual #tudio .(0T is a complete set of development tools for "uilding !#: We"
applications$ BM1 We" services$ des%top applications$ and mo"ile applications In
addition to "uilding high+performing des%top applications$ you can use <isual #tudioLs
powerful component+"ased development tools and other technologies to simplify team+
"ased design$ development$ and deployment of 0nterprise solutions.

<isual 2asic .(0T$ <isual CMM .(0T$ and <isual CN .(0T all use the same
integrated development environment 6I.07$ which allows them to share tools and
facilitates in the creation of mi'ed+language solutions. In addition$ these languages
leverage the functionality of the .(0T )ramewor% and simplify the development of !#:
We" applications and BM1 We" services.

<isual #tudio supports the .(0T )ramewor%$ which provides a common language
runtime and unified programming classesE !#:.(0T uses these components to create
!#: We" applications and BM1 We" services. !lso it includes M#.( 1i"rary$ which
contains all the documentation for these development tools.
BM1 We" services are applications that can receive the re/uested data using
BM1 over 4TT:. BM1 We" services are not tied to a particular component technology
or o"ject+calling convention "ut it can "e accessed "y any language$ component model$
or operating system. In <isual #tudio .(0T$ you can /uic%ly create and include BM1
We" services using <isual 2asic$ <isual CN$ G#cript$ Managed 0'tensions for CMM$ or
!T1 #erver.
0'tensi"le Mar%up 1anguage 6BM17 provides a method for descri"ing structured
data. BM1 is a su"set of #AM1 that is optimi-ed for delivery over the We". The World
Wide We" Consortium 6W5C7 defines BM1 standards so that structured data will "e
uniform and independent of applications. <isual #tudio .(0T fully supports BM1$
providing the BM1 .esigner to ma%e it easier to edit BM1 and create BM1 schemas.
<isual 2asic. (0T$ the latest version of visual "asic$ includes many new features.
The <isual 2asic supports interfaces "ut not implementation inheritance.<isual "asic.net
supports implementation inheritance$ interfaces and overloading. In addition$ <isual
2asic .(0T supports multithreading concept.
<isual 2asic.(0T is also compliant with C1# 6Common 1anguage #pecification7
and supports structured e'ception handling. C1# is set of rules and constructs that are
supported "y the C1; 6Common 1anguage ;untime7. C1; is the runtime environment
provided "y the .(0T )ramewor%E it manages the e'ecution of the code and also ma%es
the development process easier "y providing services.

<isual 2asic.(0T is a C1#+compliant language. !ny o"jects$ classes$ or
components that created in <isual 2asic.(0T can "e used in any other C1#+compliant
language. In addition$ we can use o"jects$ classes$ and components created in other C1#+
compliant languages in <isual 2asic.(0T .The use of C1# ensures complete
interopera"ility among applications$ regardless of the languages used to create the
<isual 2asic.(0T supports implementation inheritance. This means that$ while
creating applications in <isual 2asic.(0T$ we can drive from another class$ which is
%now as the "ase class that derived class inherits all the methods and properties of the
"ase class. In the derived class$ we can either use the e'isting code of the "ase class or
override the e'isting code. Therefore$ with help of the implementation inheritance$ code
can "e reused.
Constructors are used to initiali-e o"jects$ whereas destructors are used to destroy
them. In other words$ destructors are used to release the resources allocated to the o"ject.
In <isual 2asic.(0T the su" finali-e procedure is availa"le. The su" finali-e procedure is
used to complete the tas%s that must "e performed when an o"ject is destroyed. The su"
finali-e procedure is called automatically when an o"ject is destroyed. In addition$ the
su" finali-e procedure can "e called only from the class it "elongs to or from derived
Aar"age Collection is another new feature in <isual 2asic.(0T. The .(0T
)ramewor% monitors allocated resources$ such as o"jects and varia"les. In addition$
the .(0T )ramewor% automatically releases memory for reuse "y destroying o"jects that
are no longer in use. In <isual 2asic.(0T$ the gar"age collector chec%s for the o"jects
that are not currently in use "y applications. When the gar"age collector comes across an
o"ject that is mar%ed for gar"age collection$ it releases the memory occupied "y the
Overloading is another feature in <isual 2asic.(0T. Overloading ena"les us to
define multiple procedures with the same name$ where each procedure has a different set
of arguments. 2esides using overloading for procedures$ we can use it for constructors
and properties in a class.
<isual 2asic.(0T also supports multithreading. !n application that supports
multithreading can handle multiple tas%s simultaneously$ we can use multithreading to
decrease the time ta%en "y an application to respond to user interaction. To decrease the
time ta%en "y an application to respond to user interaction$ we must ensure that a separate
thread in the application handles user interaction.
<isual 2asic.(0T supports structured handling$ which ena"les us to detect and
remove errors at runtime. In <isual 2asic.(0T$ we need to use TryOCatchO)inally
statements to create e'ception handlers. sing TryOCatchO)inally statements$ we can
create ro"ust and effective e'ception handlers to improve the performance of our
/.% 'E#TURES O' S:) SER1ER %;;;
The O1!: #ervices feature availa"le in #C1 #erver version F.@ is now called
#C1 #erver ,@@@ !nalysis #ervices. The term O1!: #ervices has "een replaced with
the term !nalysis #ervices. !nalysis #ervices also includes a new data mining
component. The ;epository component availa"le in #C1 #erver version F.@ is now
called Microsoft #C1 #erver ,@@@ Meta .ata #ervices. ;eferences to the component
now use the term Meta .ata #ervices. The term repository is used only in reference to
the repository engine within Meta .ata #ervices
#C1+#0;<0; data"ase consist of si' type of o"jects$
They are$
1. T#()E
%. :UER&
-. 'ORM
<. M#CRO
! data"ase is a collection of data a"out a specific topic.
1IE.S O' T#()E
We can wor% with a ta"le in two types$
*. .esign <iew
,. .atasheet <iew
Desi4n 1ie8
To "uild or modify the structure of a ta"le we wor% in the ta"le design view. We
can specify what %ind of data will "e hold.
D!t!sheet 1ie8
To add$ edit or analyses the data itself we wor% in ta"les datasheet view mode.
! /uery is a /uestion that has to "e as%ed the data. !ccess gathers data that
answers the /uestion from one or more ta"le. The data that ma%e up the answer is
either dynaset 6if you edit it7 or a snapshot6it cannot "e edited7.0ach time we run
/uery$ we get latest information in the dynaset.!ccess either displays the dynaset or
snapshot for us to view or perform an action on it $such as deleting or updating.
! form is used to view and edit information in the data"ase record "y record .!
form displays only the information we want to see in the way we want to see it.
)orms use the familiar controls such as te't"o'es and chec%"o'es. This ma%es
viewing and entering data easy.
1ie8s o" 'or$
We can wor% with forms in several primarily there are two views$
They are$
1. Desi4n 1ie8
%. 'or$ 1ie8
Desi4n 1ie8
To "uild or modify the structure of a form$ we wor% in forms design view. We can
add control to the form that are "ound to fields in a ta"le or /uery$ includes te't"o'es$
option "uttons$ graphs and pictures.
'or$ 1ie8
The form view which display the whole design of the form.
! report is used to vies and print information from the data"ase. The report can
ground records into many levels and compute totals and average "y chec%ing values
from many records at once. !lso the report is attractive and distinctive "ecause we
have control over the si-e and appearance of it.
! macro is a set of actions. 0ach action in macros does something. #uch
as opening a form or printing a report .We write macros to automate the common
tas%s the wor% easy and save the time.
Input design is the process of converting user+originated inputs to a computer+"ased
format. Input design is one of the most e'pensive phases of the operation of
computeri-ed system and is often the major pro"lem of a system
Output design generally refers to the results and information that are
generated "y the system for many end+usersE output is the main reason for developing the
system and the "asis on which they evaluate the usefulness of the application.
The output is designed in such a way that it is attractive$ convenient and
informative. )orms are designed in <2.(0T with various features$ which ma%e the
console output more pleasing.
!s the outputs are the most important sources of information to the users$
"etter design should improve the system&s relationships with us and also will help in
decision+ma%ing. )orm design ela"orates the way output is presented and the layout
availa"le for capturing information.
<.- D#T#(#SE DESI,N
The data"ase design is a must for any application developed especially more for
the data store projects. #ince the chatting method involves storing the message in the
ta"le and produced to the sender and receiver$ proper handling of the ta"le is a must.
In the project$ login ta"le is designed to "e uni/ue in accepting the username and
the length of the username and password should "e greater than -ero. 2oth the company
and see%er username are stored in the same ta"le with different flag values.
The jo" and /uestion ta"le is common to all companies. 1i%ewise jo" apply
details are stored in the common Papply& ta"le. The different users view the data in
different format according to the privileges given.
The complete listing of the ta"les and their fields are provided in the anne'ure
under the title PTa"le #tructure&.
<./ D#T#')O. DI#,R#M
)E1E) ;
#d$inistr!tor Module
ser .etails
#taff 0ntry !dministrator
#taff .etails
ser 0ntry
!dmin .etails ser .etails
#taffs !dmin ser
)E1E) 1
St!"" Entr6
!dds #taff
#taff #taff .etails
!ssigns Go"s to
respective staffs
)E1E) %:
#d$in Entr6

others jo"
;esponse to the
!dmin .etails
)E1E) -
User Entr6
ser .etails
#taffs 0ntry
!dmin 0ntry
#taff .etails
Office .etails
from users
ser .etails
nit Testing focuses on verifying the effort on the smallest unit of software+
module. The relative comple'ity of test and uncovered error is limited "y the constraint
scope esta"lished for unit testing. The module interface is tested to ensure that the
information flows properly into and out of the program unit under test. The local data
structure is e'amined to ensure that the data stored temporarily maintains its integrity
during all steps in the algorithm e'ecution.
The unit testing in the system is done at various levels such as
<erification of the username and password.
<alidation of the data"ase.
Typing the input format in the forms such as e+mail address and password
confirmation etc...
The individual modules are also tested using this test.
.ata can "e tested across an interface. One module can have an effect on other.
#o$ all the su"+modules are tested and desired result is attained. Integration Testing is a
systematic techni/ue for constructing a program structure while conducting tests to
uncover errors associated with interfacing. The o"jective is to ta%e unit test modules and
"uild a program that has "een dictated "y design.
)or e'ample the registration module is integrated with data"ase and also with
admin module.
<alidation testing is where re/uirements esta"lished as a part of software
re/uirement analysis is validated against the software that has "een constructed This test
provides the final assurance that the software meets all functional$ "ehavioral and
performance re/uirements. The errors$ which were not uncovered during integration
testing$ are found out and corrected during this phase.
The o"jectives of this maintenance wor% are to ma%e sure that the system gets into
wor% all time without any "ug. :rovision must "e for environmental changes which may
affect the computer or software system. This is called the maintenance of the system.
(owadays there is the rapid change in the software world. .ue to this rapid change$ the
system should "e capa"le of adapting these changes. In our project the process can "e
added without affecting other parts of the system.
Maintenance plays a vital role. The system lia"le to accept any
modification after its implementation. This system has "een designed to favor all new
changes. .oing this will not affect the system&s performance or its accuracy.
Implementation is the most crucial stage in achieving a successful system and
giving the user&s confidence that the new system is wor%a"le and effective.
Implementation of a modified application to replace an e'isting one. This type of
conversation is relatively easy to handle$ provide there are no major changes in the
0ach program is tested individually at the time of development using the
data and has verified that this program lin%ed together in the way specified in the
programs specification$ the computer system and its environment is tested to the
satisfaction of the user. The system that has "een developed is accepted and proved to "e
satisfactory for the user. !nd so the system is going to "e implemented very soon. !
simple operating procedure is included so that the user can understand the different
functions clearly and /uic%ly.
Initially as a first step the e'ecuta"le form of the application is to "e created
and loaded in the common server machine which is accessi"le to all the user and the
server is to "e connected to a networ%. The final stage is to document the entire system
which provides components and the operating procedures of the system.

0very application has its own merits and demerits. The project has covered
almost all the re/uirements. )urther re/uirements and improvements can easily "e done
since the coding is mainly structured or modular in nature. Changing the e'isting
modules or adding new modules can append improvements. )urther enhancements can "e
made to the application$ so that the we" site functions very attractive and useful manner
than the present one.
The ON)INE CO))E,E M#N#,EMENT S&STEM is a comple'
system involving many su" process. The system overcomes the limitation of e'isting
manual system. This project has "een designed$ developed and implemented thus
providing a full+fledged approach for proficient and "est of results. The project satisfies
each efficient user for saving his time and also helps him in clearing the "ugs and also
satisfies various organi-ations to use their 2ug Trac%er to recruit "ugs.
The College management services can "e updated with necessary
enhancements in the data"ase. The system overheads the pro"lem in the e'isting ones "y
capa"le of processing voluminous data in a user+friendly manner.
The persons$ who are involved in wor%ing the tas% manually$ have seen
this project running and e'pressing s!tis"!ction a"out the wor%ing procedures and the
Aconversion h!ndlin4 incorporated in the project.
)uture enhancements can "e made such as issuing user id to the user$
where "y the user can use that as a reference which specifies all his previous
performance$ the project wor% us stopped at this satisfactory level$ due to time
#d$in 'or$
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