ThoughtSpot Manufacturing Fortune 500 Case Study

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Data-Driven Manufacturer: Managing

Operations with Search-Driven Analytics


Data-Driven Operations
Manufacturers are faced with razor-thin margins. They
work hard to bring the best products to market faster
and more efficiently than their competitors. From supply
chain and facilities management to product design and
100 Users
HR, they are always looking to identify bottlenecks and Product Delivery,
optimize production operations. Data captured at all
Customer Care
levels of production help drive these efficiencies.
One global semiconductor manufacturer produces
billions of computer chips each year. The faster and 200 GB
more efficiently they can move new ideas through the
development process and into the hands of customers, Design, Microsoft,
the more revenue they can generate.

Limited Views Slow Production 1300 Searches

Ad hoc searches
For this semiconductor manufacturing company, weekly across the
engineering operations teams are tasked with analyzing organization
project plans and product design data to build higher-
performing products, reduce operational costs, and beat
competitor devices. The teams used multiple BI tools—
including Cognos, Oracle OBIEE, and QlikView—to try
and get visibility into product and operations data.

Unfortunately, because these tools were too complex

for the engineers to use, they relied heavily on the
BI team to set up their data and produce reports for 10% Cost Reduction
them. The overworked BI team struggled to get data
into engineers’ hands fast enough. And this proved to Engineers identified opportunities to
be a bottleneck of it’s own, slowing production across reduce costs in product materials.
product lines.
Using Search to Analyze Data in Seconds

Eliminating Bottlenecks
To give engineers faster visibility into operational data,
the company needed a BI solution that would be easy Now our BI team
enough for anyone to use, but would still allow for
analysis across multiple data sources.
can focus on
Now engineering management can analyze headcount, strategic projects,
design goals, and project milestones by product and tier
to optimize the entire delivery process. instead of being
With ThoughtSpot they no longer have to wait for the BI distracted by a
team to create reports for them, anyone can use search
to analyze and drill down into any metric. backlog of report


Self-Service Analytics for All FORTUNE 500 MANUFACTURER

Now ThoughtSpot is an integral part of the BI stack at

this manufacturer:
• The product delivery team is using ThoughtSpot to
analyze test result data from the subcomponents of
microchips. They are performing root-cause analysis by
component and defect to see what areas are causing
the biggest problems and fix them quickly. They are now
delivering products to customers 10% faster.
• The engineering operations team is using
ThoughtSpot to optimize the supply chain, and have Total Material Cost, Avg Chip Area by Day
eliminated delays in the product pipeline.
• The customer service team is using ThoughtSpot to
identify trends around cases by customer, product and
region—they have improved productivity and customer
satisfaction by 15%.
With access to search-driven analytics, business users
at this manufacturing company are performing 1,300
searches a week. Teams have been able to increase
productivity, reduce material waste, and streamlining
operations at all levels of the business.


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