Adapted Aquatics Lesson Plan 3
Adapted Aquatics Lesson Plan 3
Adapted Aquatics Lesson Plan 3
# of Males_____1_____ # of Females__________ Number of Accommodations and/or pertinent IEP Objectives Students 1 1. Matt will swim the width of the pool about 25 feet performing the front crawl and using rhythmic breathing without stopping and using correct form. 2. Matt will tread water for 30 seconds 2 of 3 times in a class period, keeping his head above the water by kicking and waving with his arms and legs. 3. Matt will be able to proficiently perform a kneeling dive from the edge of the pool correctly and swim underwater for 15 feet. 0
Use information here to complete the Differentiated Instruction and Classroom Management prompt within actual lesson plan.
Introduction Total time: 3 Lesson Objective(s): #1 I will bring the students together outside of the pool and tell them what skills we will be practicing and ask if there is anything else they would like to do if there is time at the end. Planned Transitions Pick a couple diving toys and move into the deeper end.
Formations / Cues
I will ask the students if they have any questions and if they understand everything for what we will be doing. -Do you remember what we worked on last time? -Can you show me the skills we worked on last time? -What are the teaching cues for a kneeing diving?
Formations / Cues
Formation 1
-see fishes hear fishes - tickle T touch -frog kick -Big slow waving, thumbs up forward, thumbs down backward -Big slow kicks -Lean forward, hands hit first, dives down -Lean forward, hands hit first, pushes with legs, dive out for distance
Planned Transitions If time pick some toys to dive for and play with or jump off low board
Cool Down
-review strokes and skills practiced and cues used for each stroke or activity Assessment at the end of the lesson
All assessment will be done using the personal check list.
Safety Considerations -no running on pool deck -watch were you are swimming/diving, very busy and full pool -stay closer to the wall if you get tired, we will be in deep end most of the time
Differentiated Instruction Modify equipment-If students have any trouble swimming life vest can be used or if there is room we will move closer to the shallow end. Modify task- if the students are having trouble with any skills they can practice by holding the wall first. Modify instruction- skills can be demonstrated as many times as needed by teacher and different cues can be used. Classroom Management/Democratic Practices If students are struggling with a skill or become bored quickly the teacher will move onto the next skill or take a break and play with the toys for a little while. Activity Formations and or field diagrams: Formation 1
Start of deep end
Check List:
Day 1 Ryhmic Breathing (front crawl) Continues swimming well breathing Elementary Back (arms) Extends arms straight out and down to hips Elementary Back (legs) Glides after every kick, frog kick used Tread Water (arms) Big slow waving Tread Water (legs) Big slow kicks Diving (standing) Leans forward, hands hit first, dives down Diveing (from blocks) Leans forward, hands hit first, pushes with legs, dive out for distance + +
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Additional Comments:
+ NA