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April 1997

Process Industry Practices Electrical

PIP ELSSG11 Design and Fabrication of Electrical Power Center

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PURPOSE AND USE OF PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES In an effort to minimize t e cost of !rocess industry facilities" t is Practice as #een !re!ared from t e tec nical re$uirements in t e e%istin& standards of ma'or industrial users" contractors" or standards or&anizations( )y armonizin& t ese tec nical re$uirements into a sin&le set of Practices" administrati*e" a!!lication" and en&ineerin& costs to #ot t e !urc aser and t e manufacturer s ould #e reduced( + ile t is Practice is e%!ected to incor!orate t e ma'ority of re$uirements of most users" indi*idual a!!lications may in*ol*e re$uirements t at ,ill #e a!!ended to and ta-e !recedence o*er t is Practice( Determinations concernin& fitness for !ur!ose and !articular matters or a!!lication of t e Practice to !articular !ro'ect or en&ineerin& situations s ould not #e made solely on information contained in t ese materials( T e use of trade names from time to time s ould not #e *ie,ed as an e%!ression of !reference #ut rat er reco&nized as normal usa&e in t e trade( Ot er #rands a*in& t e same s!ecifications are e$ually correct and may #e su#stituted for t ose named( All !ractices or &uidelines are intended to #e consistent ,it a!!lica#le la,s and re&ulations includin& OS.A re$uirements( To t e e%tent t ese !ractices or &uidelines s ould conflict ,it OS.A or ot er a!!lica#le la,s or re&ulations" suc la,s or re&ulations must #e follo,ed( Consult an a!!ro!riate !rofessional #efore a!!lyin& or actin& on any material contained in or su&&ested #y t e Practice(

/Process Industry Practices 0PIP1" Construction Industry Institute" T e Uni*ersity of Te%as at Austin" 2345 Red Ri*er Street" Suite 264" Austin" Te%as 75748( PIP mem#er com!anies may co!y t is !ractice for t eir internal use(

Not printed with state funds

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April 1997

Process Industry Practices Electrical

PIP ELSSG11 Design and Fabrication of Electrical Power Center

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ..................................2
9(9 Pur!ose ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((3 9(3 Sco!e (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((3

2. References....................................2
3(9 Process Industry Practices 0PIP1(((((((3 3(3 Industry Codes and Standards ((((((((((3 3(2 :o*ernment Re&ulations ((((((((((((((((((2

6(94 +alls((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((5 6(99 Floor(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((5 6(93 Insulation((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((5 6(92 .eatin&" ?entilation and Air@ Conditionin& 0.?AC1 (((((((((((((((((((((((( 5 6(96 Electrical Accessories(((((((((((((((((((((((> 6(98 Coatin&s ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 93 6(9< ;a#elin& and Ta&&in& ((((((((((((((((((((( 93 6(97 Ot er Accessories (((((((((((((((((((((((((( 92

. Definitions..................................... !. Design and Fabrication ...............!

6(9 :eneral Desi&n Criteria(((((((((((((((((((((6 6(3 :eneral Fa#rication Criteria((((((((((((((6 6(2 ;ayout(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((6 6(6 Structural ;oadin&(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((8 6(8 Roof((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((8 6(< Doors=Rain Cano!y=E%it Si&ns ((((((((((< 6(7 Access Panels=Ca#le Entry (((((((((((((((7 6(5 Ste!s ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((7 6(> Ceilin& ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((7

". Ins#ection and Testing..............1 $. S%i##ing .....................................1 &. Docu'entation........................... 1!

7(9 Documentation Content (((((((((((((((((( 96 7(3 Dra,in& and Data Re$uirements (((( 9<

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PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter April 1997


1.1 Pur#ose T is Practice co*ers t e &eneral re$uirements for t e desi&n" materials fa#rication" ins!ection" testin& and s i!!in& of Po,er Centers for enclosin& and ousin& electrical e$ui!ment for installation in c emical !lants and !etroleum facilities( 1.2 Sco#e 9(3(9 T e Po,er Center s all include installed li& tin&" rece!tacles" s,itc es" transformers" !o,er !anels" .?AC system" doors" ard,are" ,irin& and ot er com!onents re$uired for a com!lete unit( 9(3(3 T e Po,er Center s all #e ca!a#le of accommodatin& t e s!ecified electrical e$ui!ment" , ic may include any of t e follo,in&A medium and lo, *olta&e

s,itc &ear" medium and lo, *olta&e motor control centers" medium and lo, *olta&e ad'usta#le s!eed dri*es" UPS systems" transfer s,itc es" and ot er electrical distri#ution and control e$ui!ment( 9(3(2 T e s!ecific re$uirements of electrical e$ui!ment installed ,it in t e Po,er Center 0suc as s,itc &ear" motor control centers" etc(1 ,ill #e co*ered #y se!arate s!ecifications( 9(3(6 Any failure #y t e Seller to ta-e e%ce!tion to any !art of t is s!ecification in t e initial #id !ro!osal s all indicate com!lete com!liance to t e s!ecification( 9(3(8 It s all #e t e SellerBs res!onsi#ility to #e" or to #ecome" -no,led&ea#le of t e re$uirements of t e Standards and Codes referenced in Section 3( 9(3(< T e Seller s all #rin& any conflicts #et,een standards=codes and t is s!ecification to )uyerCs attention for resolution(


A!!lica#le re$uirements in t e latest edition 0or t e edition indicated1 of t e follo,in& industry standards and Process Industry Practices s all #e considered an inte&ral !art of t is Practice( S ort titles ,ill #e used in t is s!ecification , en a!!ro!riate( 2.1 Process Industr( Practices )PIP* PIP E;SS:99D @ ata Sheet for esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter 0com!leted for a!!lication1 2.2 Industr( Codes and Standards Institute of Electrical and Electronics En&ineers 0IEEE1 IEEE C27(34(3 @ 9>>2 Section 8(3(> % Standard for &etal%clad and Station% 'ype #u"icle Switchgear American Society for Testin& Daterials 0ASTD1

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April 1997 PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter

ASTD A2<=2<D@>6 @ Standard Specification for #ar"on Structural Steel ASTD A>4=>4D@>2 @ Standard 'est &ethod for (eight )&ass* of #oating on Iron and Steel Articles (ith +inc or +inc%Alloy #oatings 0AAS.TO T<81 ASTD A838 Re* A@>9 @ Standard Specifications for General ,e-uire.ents for Steel Sheet/ +inc%#oated )Gal0ani1ed* 2y 'he 3ot% ip Process ASTD )997@>6 @ Standard Practice for 4perating Salt Spray )!og* 'esting Apparatus ASTD D<8>@5< @ &ethod for E0aluating egree of #hal5ing of E6terior

Paints ASTD D796@>6 @ Standard 'est &ethod for E0aluating of Paints ASTD D9<86@>3 @ &ethod for E0aluation of Painted or #oated Speci.ens Su"8ected to #orrosi0e En0iron.ents ASTD D3366@5> @ 'est &ethod for #alculating of #olor ifferences !ro. Instru.entally &easured #olor #oordinates ASTD E56@>6 @ Standard &ethod for Surface 2urning #haracteristics of 2uilding &aterials National Fire Protection Association 0NFPA1 NFPA 74 @ National Electrical #ode 0NEC1 NFPA 949 @ Life Safety #ode NFPA 388 @ &ethod of 'est of Surface 2urning #haracteristics of 2uilding &aterials NFPA 6>< @ Standard !or Purged and Pressuri1ed Enclosures !or Electrical E-uip.ent 2. Go+ern'ent Regulations Federal Standards and Instructions of t e Occu!ational Safety and .ealt Administration 0OS.A1" includin& any additional re$uirements #y state or local a&encies t at a*e 'urisdiction , ere t e electrical ,or- is to occur" s all a!!ly( E OS.A 9>94" Su#!art D @ (al5ing%(or5ing Surfaces egree of 2listering

NE&A9 National Electrical Danufacturers Association Power #enter9 For t e !ur!oses of t is document" a Po,er Center is a factory assem#led" self@contained" en*ironmentally controlled" ,al-@in s-id@mounted unit( Seller9 T e successful #idder of t is e$ui!ment s all erein #e referred to as Seller(

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PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter April 1997


Design and Fabrication


General Design Criteria 6(9(9 All Po,er Center materials" includin& finis " insulation" and acoustical treatments" s all a*e a ma%imum flame s!read of 38 or less( Refer to N!PA $;;( T e materials s all #e tested as defined in AS'& E<:%9:( 6(9(3 All o!enin&s into t e Po,er Center s all #e sealed to !ro*ide a ,eat erti& t seal from outside elements( 6(9(2 Fire e%tin&uis ers" car#on dio%ide ty!e" 94 !ound ca!acity" and@carry" ,it an&in& #rac-et" ose" ose nozzle" and and s$ueeze *al*e control s all #e !ro*ided , en and in t e $uantity s!ecified on Data S%eet( 6(9(6 Po,er Center s all #e desi&ned to com!ly ,it seismic zone desi&nation as indicated on t e Data S%eet(


General Fabrication Criteria 6(3(9 All structural #olts and fasteners s all #e SAE &rade 8 or #etter and s all #e ot di!!ed &al*anized( 6(3(3 All e%ternal nonstructural #olts" fasteners" and Po,er Center ard,are s all #e Ty!e 244 Series stainless steel( 6(3(2 All e$ui!ment s all #e securely #olted to t e Po,er Center( 6(3(6 Enclosure s all meet t e rain test !erformance re$uirements of IEEE #77=$>=$ % 9>>2 Section 8(3(>( Danufacturer s all #e a#le to furnis documentation t at Seller desi&n meets t is re$uirement(


La(out 6(2(9 T e e$ui!ment layout" door and !anel location" Po,er Center size" anc orin& details" s i!!in& s!lit0s1 ,it e$ui!ment dimensions and ,or-in& clearances s all #e indicated on t e La(out Drawing( 6(2(3 Conduit" ca#le tray" and #us duct entrances s all #e !ro*ided and located as s o,n on t e La(out Drawing( Su!!orts for conduit" tray" and duct s all #e !ro*ided as !art of t e Po,er Center desi&n( 6(2(2 Da%imum dimensions 0len&t " ,idt " ei& t1 of Po,er Center s all #e in com!liance ,it local trans!ortation codes for t e mode of trans!ortation( Restricti*e dimensions suc as ma%imum ei& t or ,idt s all #e indicated on La(out Drawing #y t e )uyer( 6(2(6 Inside ei& t of ceilin& to finis ed floor s all #e a minimum of > feet < inc es or as indicated on t e La(out Drawing( 6(2(8 +or-in& s!ace around e$ui!ment s all #e in accordance ,it t e e$ui!ment manufacturerCs recommendations" #ut s all not #e less t an as indicated in N!PA 7> Ta#le 994@9< 0a1 condition 2 for <44 *olts nominal or less e$ui!ment and Ta#le 994@26 0 a1 condition 2 for a#o*e <44 *olts( Sufficient

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esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter

aisle s!ace s all #e !ro*ided to allo, for remo*al of e$ui!ment( Re$uirements of N!PA 1>1 s ould #e used , en layin& out e$ui!ment and doors( 6(2(< Pro*ision for future e%tension s all #e as indicated on t e La(out Drawings. !.! Structural loading 6(6(9 Desi&n s all meet all load com#inations( 6(6(3 T e structural steel #ase s all #e desi&ned to ,it stand all s i!!in& and erection loads in addition to normal dead and li*e loads( 6(6(2 T e #ase of t e Po,er Center s all #e of ade$uately sized AS'& A76 structural steel mem#ers ri&idly #raced ,it structural steel cross@mem#ers for installation on a concrete sla# or !iers #y ot ers as s!ecified on Data S%eet( 6(6(6 Da%imum #ase deflection s all #e ;=364( 6(6(8 Floor s all #e desi&ned for a 9=23@inc ma%imum deflection , en mo*in& remo*a#le e$ui!ment elements( 6(6(< Fac-in& facilities s all #e !ro*ided for #ase le*elin&( 6(6(7 Assem#led Po,er Center or eac s i!!in& assem#ly ,it all e$ui!ment installed s all #e desi&ned for ma%imum four 061 !oint #ottom lift( 6(6(5 ;iftin& eyes s all #e remo*a#le( 6(6(> S!reader #ar for liftin& t e com!lete Po,er Center s all #e !ro*ided alon& ,it s-etc and calculations" , en s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 6(6(94 T e #earin& surfaces of t e liftin& eyes" s!reader #ar and ot er re$uired liftin& means s all #e free from s ar! ed&es( !." Roof 6(8(9 Roof !anels s all #e minimum 95@&au&e steel conformin& to AS'& A;$; s!ecifications ,it t e &al*anized coatin& conformin& to AS'& A9> 09@9=6 ounce1 standards( 6(8(3 Dinimum yield stren&t of roof !anel material s all #e 2<"444 !si( 6(8(2 Roof !anels s all #e factory !ainted , ite or as s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 6(8(6 Roof 'oints 0if !resent1 s all #e of standin& seam construction ,it a ca! o*er t e seam or interloc-in& !anel desi&n( 6(8(8 Roof !anels s all #e su!!lied in a sin&le continuous len&t from ea*e line to rid&e line and s all #e desi&ned to ti& tly interloc- so t at fasteners are not re$uired at intermediate !oints alon& t e !anel side la!s( 6(8(< T e Po,er Center roof s all #e slo!ed 9 inc !er foot nominal and of suc a desi&n to carry a load of 64 !ounds !er s$uare foot unless ot er,ise s!ecified on Data S%eet. 6(8(7 T e roof s all not drain on any side t at as a !ersonnel entry door,ay(

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6(8(5 Aluminum &utters and do,n s!outs s all #e !ro*ided , en s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( !.$ Doors,Rain Cano#(,E-it Signs 6(<(9 091( A minimum of t,o 2<@inc ,ide &as-eted doors" one at eac end of t e !o,er center" s all #e !ro*ided and located to facilitate e&ress and to !re*ent entra!ment of !ersonnel( 031( T e doors s all #e desi&ned to !ro*ide ade$uate eadroom" #ut in no case s all t e ei& t #e less t an 7 feet < inc es nor any !ro'ection #e less t an < feet 5 inc es from t e floor( 021( All doors s all o!en out,ard( 6(<(3 Doors s all #e made from 96.&au&e steel minimum( 6(<(2 Doors s all #e insulated and made of dou#le ,all construction ,it inte&ral frame( 6(<(6 All doors s all #e flus at t e to! to !re*ent ,ater entry( 6(<(8 Inside !anic ard,are desi&ned to o*erride all loc-s" -ey loc-" door closer and stay in&e s all #e !ro*ided( Common -eyed loc-s s all #e !ro*ided on all doors( A minimum of fi*e 081 -eys s all #e !ro*ided ,it eac Po,er Center( 6(<(< Door closer ard,are s all #e !neumatic or ydraulic and s all #e ca!a#le of oldin& door in t e fully o!en !osition( 6(<(7 All e$ui!ment loadin& door@o!enin&s s all #e a minimum 2< inc es ,ide #y >< inc es i& ( T e ><@inc ei& t can include remo*a#le transom !anel and standard ei& t door( 6(<(5 E$ui!ment loadin& doors s all #e of ade$uate size to remo*e or install lar&est e$ui!ment section in t e Po,er Center( 6(<(> Doors s all #e !ro*ided ,it a dou#le !anel safety &lass ,indo,s in t e to! alf of t e door , en s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 6(<(94 +eat ers ields" a minimum of < inc es o*er an&" s all #e !ro*ided o*er all e$ui!ment access doors and !ersonnel entry doors( 6(<(99 In addition to t e ,eat ers ield" a rain cano!y s all #e !ro*ided o*er eac !ersonnel entry door( Rain cano!y s all e%tend a minimum of 2< inc es from t e structure and e%tend < inc es on eac side of t e door o!enin&( 6(<(93 +eat ers ields and rain cano!ies s all #e com!ati#le ,it #uildin& e%terior material and ,ind *elocity desi&n( 6(<(92 En&ra*ed or li& ted e%it si&ns s all #e !ro*ided on or on to! of eac door at a cons!icuous location( E*ery e%it si&n s all a*e t e ,ord GE%itH in !lainly le&i#le letters not less t an < inc es i& " ,it t e !rinci!al stro-e of letters not less t an 2=6 inc ,ide(

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April 1997 PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter

6(<(96 Any o!enin& li-ely to #e confused for an access door" suc as e$ui!ment access !anels for future e$ui!ment" s all #e clearly mar-ed ,it a si&n readin& GNot an E%it(H !.& /ccess Panels,Cable Entr( 6(7(9 Outside e$ui!ment access !anels #e ind e$ui!ment s all #e !ro*ided , en s o,n on t e La(out Drawing( 091( Panels s all #e ca!a#le of #ein& o!ened ,it e$ui!ment in !lace( 031( Panels s all #e insulated" ,eat er!roof and &as-eted" full@ ei& t and in&ed( 021( Panels s all a*e 2 !oint latc in& mec anism ,it !adloc-a#le andle( 061( Panels s all #e 99@&au&e steel minimum( 6(7(3 All e$ui!ment access !anels for future e$ui!ment s all #e !ro*ided ,it an easily remo*a#le ,all !anel to !re*ent #ein& used as an access door( 6(7(2 + en indicated on t e La(out Drawing" side entrance metal framed #ul- ead o!enin&s or ot er )uyer a!!ro*ed met ods s all #e !ro*ided #y t e Seller( 6(7(6 + en #ottom entrance is indicated on t e La(out Drawing for ca#le entry" remo*a#le nonma&netic !lates s all #e !ro*ided to facilitate drillin& for conduit and ca#le o!enin&s( !.0 Ste#s 6(5(9 Access ste!s and !latform ,it inte&ral andrails for eac e%terior door" s all #e !ro*ided , en s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 6(5(3 Treads s all #e minimum No( 99@&au&e &al*anized steel ,it o!en &ri! &ratin&( 6(5(2 Dinimum tread size s all #e 2< inc es ,ide #y 93 inc es dee! #y 3 inc es i& ( 6(5(6 Ste! unit s all a*e a <@inc ma%imum rise and 93@inc minimum treads and a minimum ,idt of 2< inc es( 6(5(8 Remo*a#le andrails s all #e !ro*ided on #ot sides of t e ste!s and s all a*e a minimum and &ri! surface of 9@9=3 inc es( .andrails s all com!ly ,it all 4S3A 191>/ Su"part re$uirements =

6(5(< Platform at eac door s all #e of sufficient dimensions to allo, full o!enin& of doors and minimum 35 inc es ,ide clearance #et,een t e door and andrails ,it door o!en( !.1 Ceiling T e metal ceilin& system s all consist of !anels of minimum 9< &au&e interloc-ed formed &al*anized steel conformin& to AS'& A;$; s!ecifications ,it t e &al*anized coatin& conformin& to AS'& A9> 09@9=6 ounce1 standards" factory !ainted , ite" interloc-ed ,it t e roof !anels(

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!.12 3alls 6(94(9 Outer ,all !anels s all #e minimum 95@&au&e &al*anized steel conformin& to AS'& A;$; s!ecifications ,it t e &al*anized coatin& conformin& to AS'& A9> 09@9=6 ounces1 standards( Inner ,all !anels s all #e fa#ricated of 9<@ &au&e minimum" interloc-ed" formed &al*anized steel( Dinimum yield stren&t of !anel material s all #e 2<"444 !si( Panels s all #e a#le to ,it stand 944 m! desi&n ,ind loads( 6(94(3 E%terior ,all !anels of t e Po,er Center s all #e a sin&le continuous len&t from t e #ase c annel to t e roof line of t e Po,er Center at t e side,alls and end ,alls of t e Po,er Center" e%ce!t , ere interru!ted #y ,all o!enin&s( !.11 Floor Floor s all #e 9=6@inc ASTD A2< steel minimum" ,elded to all !erimeter c annels and cross #eams to !roduce a flat surface" free from any e%!osed seams" ri!!les or irre&ularities( !.12 Insulation 6(93(9 Po,er Center s all #e insulated for t e climatic conditions s o,n on t e Data S%eet( Roof and sides as re$uired s all a*e a minimum insulation *alue for an effecti*e R *alue of 99( Insulation to a*e minimum flame s!read as noted in Section 6(9(9( 6(93(3 Roof insulation s all #e secured #et,een t e roof and ceilin& !anels( !.1 4eating5 6entilation and /ir.Conditioning )46/C* 6(92(9 .?AC system to #e suita#le for installation accordin& to t e electrical area classification( 6(92(3 + en t e Data S%eet indicates Po,er Center installation in an electrically classified area" t e Po,er Center s all #e !ressurized in accordance ,it t e latest edition of N!PA :96" C a!ter 6" GPur&ed Po,er E$ui!ment Enclosures

in Class I ;ocationsH to result in a nonclassified inside en*ironment( 6(92(2 .?AC system s all consist of ,all mounted unit desi&n t ermostatically controlled from ,it in t e Po,er Center" unless s!ecified ot er,ise on Data S%eet( 6(92(6 T e Po,er Center s all #e essentially airti& t desi&n" and t e .?AC system s all !ro*ide a sli& t !ositi*e inside !ressure to !re*ent entry of dust laden air and contaminants(

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6(92(8 Su!!ortin& calculations to determine eatin& and air@conditionin& loads s all #e furnis ed #y Seller as descri#ed in Section 7(9(8 d( 6(92(< T e .?AC system s all #e ca!a#le of maintainin& a tem!erature of 54F 037C1 at t e ma%imum am#ient tem!erature s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 6(92(7 T e eater s all #e a#le to maintain a tem!erature of <8F 095C1 I74F 039C1 , en #atteries are installedJ at t e minimum am#ient tem!erature s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 6(92(5 T e #asis for calculatin& eat load s all include all e$ui!ment load losses" e$ui!ment #y Seller and consideration for all defined s!are and future s!ace0s1( 6(92(> T e *entilation system s all !ro*ide a minimum si% 0<1 air c an&es !er our( 6(92(94 An enclosed safety disconnect s,itc ,it !ro*isions for !adloc- in GOFFH !osition" a!!ro*ed for t e area classification" s all #e !ro*ided on or mounted ad'acent to outdoor unit0s1( For nonclassified areas" a NEDA 2R enclosure s all #e used( Source of !o,er s all #e identified on t e disconnect s,itc ( 6(92(99 One form C contact s all #e !ro*ided to acti*ate an alarm if interior tem!erature e%ceeds >4F 023C1( 6(92(93 + en #atteries are installed in t e Po,er Center" t e .?AC system s all #e ca!a#le of maintainin& 74F 039C1 under t e minimum am#ient conditions s!ecified in t e Data S%eet( T e *entilation system s all maintain ydro&en concentration from #atteries to less t an 9 !ercent #y *olume ,it one unit o!eratin&( T e ydro&en emmission from #atteries s all #e calculated #ased

on e$ualizin& c ar&e into fully c ar&ed #atteries at t e ma%imum am#ient tem!erature s!ecified in t e Data S%eet( 6(92(92 Re!lacea#le filters s all #e accessi#le from ,it in t e Po,er Center( !.1! Electrical /ccessories !.1!.1 General 091( Su!!ly *olta&e for li& tin&" rece!tacles" and e$ui!ment accessories s all #e as s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 031( Po,er !anels s all #e constructed as follo,sA Pro*ide a minimum one 091 !o,er !anel ,it inte&ral main #rea-er" #olt@on" industrial ty!e #ranc circuit #rea-ers" neutral #us" and &round #us( All #ranc circuit #rea-ers s all #e a minimum 34 am! ,it !ro*ision for !ad loc-in& in GOFFH !osition( Size to #e determined #y Po,er Center load( Pro*ide a minimum one 091 circuit for li& tin&" one 091 for rece!tacles" and one 091 eac for s!ace eatersK one 091 for .?AC

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if re$uired from eac !anelK and minimum four 061 s!are circuits on eac !anel for )uyerCs use( ;i& tin& and .?AC units s all #e s!lit #et,een t,o !anels( An en&ra*ed circuit directory s all #e !ro*ided on t e front of t e !anel( Additional !o,er !anels s all #e !ro*ided , en s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 021( Pro*ide one 091 solidly &rounded" dry@ty!e transformer ,it t,o 031 3@ 9=3L ta!s a#o*e and #elo, normal !rimary *olta&e( A &round ,ire s all #e connected to center ta!" to case" to &round in a continuous" un#ro-en loo!( Dry@ty!e transformer s all #e rated #ased on 54C rise a#o*e am#ient at full load and 334C rated insulation( 061( +irin& s all #e installed as follo,sA T e Po,er Center s all #e furnis ed com!lete ,it all interconnectin& ,irin& installed and connected !rior to s i!!in&( +irin& s all #e <44 ?" co!!er" minimum 93 A+:(

All ,irin& s all #e installed in surface mounted metal conduit or ca#le trays( Eac interconnectin& ,ire s all #e identified #y tu#ular ,ire mar-ers at eac end( +ire identification s all matc t e manufacturerBs interconnection dra,in&s( 081( Ca#le tray , en utilized s all #e NEDA Class 34@)" aluminum( 0<1( All ,irin& met ods" race,ays" and ca#le systems s all conform to N!PA 7>( !.1!.2 Con+enience Rece#tacles5 122 6olt 091( A minimum of four 061 U; ty!e A :FCI rece!tacles s all #e !ro*ided" t,o 031 inside and t,o 031 outside of t e Electrical Po,er Center( 031( Rece!tacles s all #e ,ired to Po,er Center !o,er !anel( 021( Inside t e Electrical Po,er Center t e rece!tacles s all #e s!aced e*ery 94 feet( 061( Rece!tacles located outside s all #e !ro*ided ,it ,eat er!roof co*ers and s all #e located near eac door( 081( E%terior rece!tacles s all #e a!!ro*ed for t e area electrical classification s!ecified on t e Data S%eet(

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!.1!. Lig%ting 091( Interior ;i& tin& a( T e Po,er Center s all #e furnis ed com!lete ,it inte&rally !rotected industrial ty!e ra!id start fluorescent li& tin& fi%tures" ener&y efficient #ul#s and an industrial &rade 2@,ay s,itc at eac !ersonnel door on t e non in&ed side of t e door( +ire &uards s all #e !ro*ided o*er t e fi%tures( #( T e illumination le*el" minimum maintained foot@candles" s all #e 84 foot@candles 0fc1 at t e floor le*el ,it 24 fc on t e *ertical face of eac e$ui!ment line@u!( 031( Emer&ency ;i& tin&

+ en s!ecified on t e Data S eet" t e Po,er Center s all #e furnis ed com!lete ,it self@contained #attery o!erated emer&ency li& tin&( Emer&ency li& tin& system s all !ro*ide immediate emer&ency li& t 0for at least >4 minutes1 u!on failure of t e normal !o,er source and s all s,itc off automatically , en !o,er is restored( Muartz .alide sealed #eam lam!s s all #e utilized( T e emer&ency li& tin& s all #e connected to a rece!tacle located ad'acent to t e fi%ture and su!!lied from t e li& tin& circuit for t at area( 021( E%terior ;i& tin& T e Po,er Center s all #e furnis ed com!lete ,it factory@installed" instant@restart" 934@?olt" 84@,att minimum i& @!ressure sodium li& t fi%tures ,it inte&ral ! oto control and ,it &lo#e and &uard located ad'acent to eac door,ay and connected to t e Po,er Center !o,er !anels( E%terior li& tin& s all #e enclosed and &as-eted and a!!ro*ed for t e area electrical classification s!ecified in t e Data S%eet. !.1!.! Grounding and 7onding 091( System and e$ui!ment &roundin& and #ondin& s all #e in accordance ,it N!PA 7>" Article 384( 031( All e%!osed noncurrent carryin& metal !arts includin& Po,er Center additions" suc as ste!s" etc( s all #e electrically #onded( 021( T e &round loo! s all #e constructed of N6=4 A+:" stranded" class )" soft dra,n" co!!er conductor a*in& &reen insulation and s all #e connected to t e &round !ads descri#ed #elo,( 061( :roundin& system su!!lied and installed #y t e Seller s all !ro*ide system and e$ui!ment &roundin& for all electrical e$ui!ment and t e Po,er Center frame( Eac e$ui!ment assem#ly &round #us s all #e connected at eac end to t e Po,er Center &roundin& loo!( 081( One NEDA standard 6@ ole stainless steel &round !ad s all #e located at eac corner of t e e%terior of t e Po,er Center 0total of four 061

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&round !ads1 and s all #e connected to t e &round loo! descri#ed a#o*e( !.1" Coatings 6(98(9 All structural framin& mem#ers s all #e cleaned to near , ite metal( T e use of c emical or sol*ent cleanin& of structural steel s all not #e !ermitted #y t e Po,er Center manufacturer( Follo,in& cleanin&" one s o! coat of zinc@

c romate !rimer 09(8 mils minimum dry t ic-ness1 s all #e a!!lied( 6(98(3 Floor surface s all #e finis ed ,it a dura#le" scuff@resistant" nons-id e!o%y or enamel coatin&( 6(98(2 All Po,er Center seams outside t e Po,er Center s all #e sealed ,it 38@year marine sealant to !reclude cre*ice corrosion and assure t e en*ironmental inte&rity of t e Po,er Center a&ainst #lo,in& rain" dust=dirt or sand( 6(98(6 All interior and e%terior e%!osed metal surfaces s all recei*e factory !aint coats to meet or e%ceed 3444 ours of salt s!ray testin& as defined #y AS'& 2117%9: and e*aluated !er AS'& 16;:%9$ and AS'& 71:%9:( 6(98(8 Interior and e%terior color coatin& desi&n s all meet t e follo,in& !erformance standards after 94 years continuous e%!osure in normal atmos! eric conditionsA 091( Panels s all s o, no e*idence of #listerin&" !eelin&" or c i!!in&( 031( Panels s all s o, no surface c al-in& in e%cess of t e AS'& No( 5 ratin&( 6;9%<6

021( Panels" after cleanin&" s all s o, no color c an&e in e%cess of se*en 071 units , en measured in accordance ,it t e AS'& $$::%<9 standard( 6(98(< E%terior ,all !anels and trim s all #e !ainted , ite" unless s!ecified ot er,ise on Data S%eet( 6(98(7 All structural mem#ers under t e floorin& s all #e coated ,it an additional 34@38 mils of #itumastic or e$ual undercoatin& to eliminate #ase rustin& and su#se$uent !otential corrosion( 6(98(5 T,o 031 one@$uart cans of touc @u! !aint s all #e su!!lied !er e$ui!ment assem#ly for eac color used( !.1$ Labeling and Tagging 6(9<(9 T e Po,er Center and all e$ui!ment s all #e ta&&ed( 091( Po,er Center ta& s all #e laminated !lastic" #lac- letterin& on , ite #ac-&round !ermanently attac ed to eac !iece of e$ui!ment( 031( E$ui!ment la#els s all #e installed ,it stainless steel ard,are( 021( De*ice mar-ers and s rin- slee*e ,ire mar-ers s all #e !ro*ided identifyin& all circuits and e$ui!ment(

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6(9<(3 Name!lates s all #e !ro*ided for !anel#oards" annunciator !anels" dry ty!e

transformers" s!ecialty e$ui!ment" and e%terior access !anels not ot er,ise co*ered #y t e e$ui!ment s!ecifications( 6(9<(2 ;i& tin& fi%tures" rece!tacles" .?AC and ot er electrical e$ui!ment s all #e identified ,it !o,er source 0!anel name and circuit num#er1( !.1& 8t%er /ccessories 6(97(9 + en s!ecified on t e Data S%eet" Seller s all !ro*ide #atteries( 6(97(3 + en field ser*icea#le #atteries are s!ecified on t e Data S%eet for installation in t e Po,er Center" Seller s all !ro*ide a series 244 stainless steel dri! !an ,it a stainless steel 9@inc drain !i!e and s utoff *al*e under t e #attery rac-( 6(97(2 Floor and ,alls ,it in 2 feet of t e #attery rac- s all #e !ainted ,it t,o 031 coats of acid resistant !aint( 6(97(6 )attery rac- s all #e secured to t e ,all( 6(97(8 Co*ers s all #e !ro*ided o*er #attery terminals( )attery size s all #e as s!ecified on t e Data S%eet(


Ins#ection and Testing

8(9 T e Seller s all conduct all tests and ins!ections necessary to determine t at all e$ui!ment and ,irin& is installed in accordance ,it t is Practice and is in satisfactory condition to #e ener&ized( All test results s all #e documented and su#mitted to t e )uyer for record( All e$ui!ment s all #e ins!ected for com!liance ,it all !arts of t is !ractice( )uyerBs ins!ection and testin& &uide s all #e used to test t e entire assem#ly 0,ired Po,er Center1( In addition to testin& re$uired #y indi*idual e$ui!ment s!ecifications" a functional test s ould #e !erformed to ensure !ro!er o!eration of all de*ices and com!onents( Unless s!ecified ot er,ise on t e Data S%eet" )uyer s all ,itness all !roduction and functional tests( T,o ,ee-s notice s all #e &i*en to )uyer for re$uired ins!ection and testin& date to meet s i!ment deadlines(




S%i##ing <(9 Pre!aration for S i!ment s all #e in accordance ,it SellerBs standards unless ot er,ise noted on t e Re$uest for Muotation and=or Purc ase Order( T e Seller s all #e solely res!onsi#le for t e Pre!aration for S i!ment( ;oose e$ui!ment" suc as au%iliary test de*ices" c arts" re!lacement !arts" manual o!eratin& andles" !ac-in& de*ices" etc(" s all #e a!!ro!riately !ac-a&ed" ta&&ed for easy identification and secured for s i!ment inside t e Po,er Center( Relays" contactors and ot er com!onents ,it mo*in& !arts t at mi& t #e dama&ed in s i!ment s all a*e all suc mo*in& !arts securely #loc-ed and #raced(



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April 1997


Additional s i!!in& and andlin& re$uirements t at a!!ear in t e indi*idual e$ui!ment s!ecifications referred to in Section 9(3(6 s all #e strictly ad ered to" , en a!!lica#le( + en Po,er Center is s i!!ed in more t an one section" eac o!en s i!!in& s!lit s all #e !rotected ,it !ly,ood or ot er a!!ro*ed met od(



&.1 Docu'entation Content 7(9(9 All en&ineerin& data !ro*ided for t is e$ui!ment s all re!resent t e actual e$ui!ment s!ecified and ordered( 7(9(3 :eneric dra,in&s are not acce!ta#le unless t e dra,in&s are re*ised to s o, only t e e$ui!ment #ein& furnis ed( 7(9(2 A!!ro*al Dra,in&s 0documents listed in column ) of t e Dra,in& and Data Re$uirements C art" 7(31 s all #e !ro*ided and a!!ro*ed #y )uyer !rior to start of manufacturin&( 7(9(6 Final factory dra,in&s and data 0as listed in column D of t e Dra,in& and Data Re$uirements C art" 7(31" com!leted to O,nerCs satisfaction" s all #e !ro*ided no later t an t,o 031 ,ee-s after s i!ment of e$ui!ment( 7(9(8 T e Seller s all !ro*ide t e follo,in& dra,in&s and details for #uildin& and su!!ort facilitiesA 091( T ree@line dia&ram s all includeA Fuse data Relay and=or C) data Transformer data )ill of Daterials item reference )us size and *olta&e DCC data Feeder num#ers and identification Dinimum motor data !ro*ided #y )uyer CT and PT sizes 031( +irin& and sc ematic dia&rams s all includeA All de*ice and com!onent identification Coil data Contact data E$ui!ment num#ers Com!onent sizes" suc as fuse" CPT and circuit #rea-ers

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April 1997 PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter

If a##re*iations are used" a le&end s all #e !ro*ided on t e dra,in&( )ill of Daterials item reference s all also #e indicated on t e sc ematic dia&rams( 021( Structural dra,in&s s all includeA Com!lete dimensions Arran&ement Calculations ;i*e and dead load limitations Plan and ele*ation *ie,s Su!!ort locations and ,ei& t on eac su!!ort Ot er details as re$uired for ci*il=structural desi&n for installation of t e Po,er Center Conduit and #us duct entrance locations Anc or #olt size and locations ;iftin& and 'ac-in& !ro*isions :roundin& connections Estimated ,ei& t of eac !iece of e$ui!ment Total ,ei& t of Po,er Center" includin& layout of floor #eams 061( .?AC dra,in&s s all includeA .eat loss and &ain calculations Pressurization calculations E$ui!ment selection calculations Arran&ement" !lan Ele*ation *ie,s Purc ased .?AC e$ui!ment cut s eets s o,in& ca!acities and ! ysical data All maintenance" testin& and o!erations manuals

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Drawing and Data Re9uire'ents



O O Detailed )ill of Daterials


:eneral layout of e$ui!ment" s o,in& all dimensions" ,ei& ts" location and outline dra,in&s s o,in& t e final assem#led confi&uration( Connection ,irin& dia&rams" su!!ort locations and ,ei& t on eac s su!!ort" and final assem#led confi&uration and instructions for assem#ly of e$ui!ment and Po,er Center 2@line" and control sc ematic dia&rams Certified test re!orts Installation" O!eration and Daintenance Danual

O O O091


Final As@)uilt Dra,in&s Recommended !riced s!are !arts list

A )idder s all furnis t ese documents ,it !ro!osal( ) Seller s all furnis t ese documents for )uyerBs re*ie, and aut orization to !roceed #efore fa#rication( C Seller s all furnis t ese documents as !art of t e final certified document su#mittal( 091 E$ui!ment s ould #e s i!!ed ,it one set of installation" o!eration" and maintenance manuals( D Final As@)uilt Dra,in&s !ro*ided ,it in t,o 031 ,ee-s follo,in& s i!ment( Note091A Seller to !ro*ide one 091 re!roduci#le set of dra,in&s !lus t e s!ecified num#er of co!ies of all documentation and o!eratin& manuals as indicated on t e Data S%eet( Preferred format for re!roduci#le is CAD reada#le(

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