Pip Elssg11 PDF
Pip Elssg11 PDF
Pip Elssg11 PDF
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April 1997
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PURPOSE AND USE OF PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES In an effort to minimize t e cost of !rocess industry facilities" t is Practice as #een !re!ared from t e tec nical re$uirements in t e e%istin& standards of ma'or industrial users" contractors" or standards or&anizations( )y armonizin& t ese tec nical re$uirements into a sin&le set of Practices" administrati*e" a!!lication" and en&ineerin& costs to #ot t e !urc aser and t e manufacturer s ould #e reduced( + ile t is Practice is e%!ected to incor!orate t e ma'ority of re$uirements of most users" indi*idual a!!lications may in*ol*e re$uirements t at ,ill #e a!!ended to and ta-e !recedence o*er t is Practice( Determinations concernin& fitness for !ur!ose and !articular matters or a!!lication of t e Practice to !articular !ro'ect or en&ineerin& situations s ould not #e made solely on information contained in t ese materials( T e use of trade names from time to time s ould not #e *ie,ed as an e%!ression of !reference #ut rat er reco&nized as normal usa&e in t e trade( Ot er #rands a*in& t e same s!ecifications are e$ually correct and may #e su#stituted for t ose named( All !ractices or &uidelines are intended to #e consistent ,it a!!lica#le la,s and re&ulations includin& OS.A re$uirements( To t e e%tent t ese !ractices or &uidelines s ould conflict ,it OS.A or ot er a!!lica#le la,s or re&ulations" suc la,s or re&ulations must #e follo,ed( Consult an a!!ro!riate !rofessional #efore a!!lyin& or actin& on any material contained in or su&&ested #y t e Practice(
/Process Industry Practices 0PIP1" Construction Industry Institute" T e Uni*ersity of Te%as at Austin" 2345 Red Ri*er Street" Suite 264" Austin" Te%as 75748( PIP mem#er com!anies may co!y t is !ractice for t eir internal use(
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April 1997
1. Introduction ..................................2
9(9 Pur!ose ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((3 9(3 Sco!e (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((3
2. References....................................2
3(9 Process Industry Practices 0PIP1(((((((3 3(3 Industry Codes and Standards ((((((((((3 3(2 :o*ernment Re&ulations ((((((((((((((((((2
6(94 +alls((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((5 6(99 Floor(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((5 6(93 Insulation((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((5 6(92 .eatin&" ?entilation and Air@ Conditionin& 0.?AC1 (((((((((((((((((((((((( 5 6(96 Electrical Accessories(((((((((((((((((((((((> 6(98 Coatin&s ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 93 6(9< ;a#elin& and Ta&&in& ((((((((((((((((((((( 93 6(97 Ot er Accessories (((((((((((((((((((((((((( 92
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PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter April 1997
1.1 Pur#ose T is Practice co*ers t e &eneral re$uirements for t e desi&n" materials fa#rication" ins!ection" testin& and s i!!in& of Po,er Centers for enclosin& and ousin& electrical e$ui!ment for installation in c emical !lants and !etroleum facilities( 1.2 Sco#e 9(3(9 T e Po,er Center s all include installed li& tin&" rece!tacles" s,itc es" transformers" !o,er !anels" .?AC system" doors" ard,are" ,irin& and ot er com!onents re$uired for a com!lete unit( 9(3(3 T e Po,er Center s all #e ca!a#le of accommodatin& t e s!ecified electrical e$ui!ment" , ic may include any of t e follo,in&A medium and lo, *olta&e
s,itc &ear" medium and lo, *olta&e motor control centers" medium and lo, *olta&e ad'usta#le s!eed dri*es" UPS systems" transfer s,itc es" and ot er electrical distri#ution and control e$ui!ment( 9(3(2 T e s!ecific re$uirements of electrical e$ui!ment installed ,it in t e Po,er Center 0suc as s,itc &ear" motor control centers" etc(1 ,ill #e co*ered #y se!arate s!ecifications( 9(3(6 Any failure #y t e Seller to ta-e e%ce!tion to any !art of t is s!ecification in t e initial #id !ro!osal s all indicate com!lete com!liance to t e s!ecification( 9(3(8 It s all #e t e SellerBs res!onsi#ility to #e" or to #ecome" -no,led&ea#le of t e re$uirements of t e Standards and Codes referenced in Section 3( 9(3(< T e Seller s all #rin& any conflicts #et,een standards=codes and t is s!ecification to )uyerCs attention for resolution(
A!!lica#le re$uirements in t e latest edition 0or t e edition indicated1 of t e follo,in& industry standards and Process Industry Practices s all #e considered an inte&ral !art of t is Practice( S ort titles ,ill #e used in t is s!ecification , en a!!ro!riate( 2.1 Process Industr( Practices )PIP* PIP E;SS:99D @ ata Sheet for esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter 0com!leted for a!!lication1 2.2 Industr( Codes and Standards Institute of Electrical and Electronics En&ineers 0IEEE1 IEEE C27(34(3 @ 9>>2 Section 8(3(> % Standard for &etal%clad and Station% 'ype #u"icle Switchgear American Society for Testin& Daterials 0ASTD1
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April 1997 PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter
ASTD A2<=2<D@>6 @ Standard Specification for #ar"on Structural Steel ASTD A>4=>4D@>2 @ Standard 'est ðod for (eight )&ass* of #oating on Iron and Steel Articles (ith +inc or +inc%Alloy #oatings 0AAS.TO T<81 ASTD A838 Re* A@>9 @ Standard Specifications for General ,e-uire.ents for Steel Sheet/ +inc%#oated )Gal0ani1ed* 2y 'he 3ot% ip Process ASTD )997@>6 @ Standard Practice for 4perating Salt Spray )!og* 'esting Apparatus ASTD D<8>@5< @ ðod for E0aluating egree of #hal5ing of E6terior
Paints ASTD D796@>6 @ Standard 'est ðod for E0aluating of Paints ASTD D9<86@>3 @ ðod for E0aluation of Painted or #oated Speci.ens Su"8ected to #orrosi0e En0iron.ents ASTD D3366@5> @ 'est ðod for #alculating of #olor ifferences !ro. Instru.entally &easured #olor #oordinates ASTD E56@>6 @ Standard ðod for Surface 2urning #haracteristics of 2uilding &aterials National Fire Protection Association 0NFPA1 NFPA 74 @ National Electrical #ode 0NEC1 NFPA 949 @ Life Safety #ode NFPA 388 @ ðod of 'est of Surface 2urning #haracteristics of 2uilding &aterials NFPA 6>< @ Standard !or Purged and Pressuri1ed Enclosures !or Electrical E-uip.ent 2. Go+ern'ent Regulations Federal Standards and Instructions of t e Occu!ational Safety and .ealt Administration 0OS.A1" includin& any additional re$uirements #y state or local a&encies t at a*e 'urisdiction , ere t e electrical ,or- is to occur" s all a!!ly( E OS.A 9>94" Su#!art D @ (al5ing%(or5ing Surfaces egree of 2listering
NE&A9 National Electrical Danufacturers Association Power #enter9 For t e !ur!oses of t is document" a Po,er Center is a factory assem#led" self@contained" en*ironmentally controlled" ,al-@in s-id@mounted unit( Seller9 T e successful #idder of t is e$ui!ment s all erein #e referred to as Seller(
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PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter April 1997
General Design Criteria 6(9(9 All Po,er Center materials" includin& finis " insulation" and acoustical treatments" s all a*e a ma%imum flame s!read of 38 or less( Refer to N!PA $;;( T e materials s all #e tested as defined in AS'& E<:%9:( 6(9(3 All o!enin&s into t e Po,er Center s all #e sealed to !ro*ide a ,eat erti& t seal from outside elements( 6(9(2 Fire e%tin&uis ers" car#on dio%ide ty!e" 94 !ound ca!acity" and@carry" ,it an&in& #rac-et" ose" ose nozzle" and and s$ueeze *al*e control s all #e !ro*ided , en and in t e $uantity s!ecified on Data S%eet( 6(9(6 Po,er Center s all #e desi&ned to com!ly ,it seismic zone desi&nation as indicated on t e Data S%eet(
General Fabrication Criteria 6(3(9 All structural #olts and fasteners s all #e SAE &rade 8 or #etter and s all #e ot di!!ed &al*anized( 6(3(3 All e%ternal nonstructural #olts" fasteners" and Po,er Center ard,are s all #e Ty!e 244 Series stainless steel( 6(3(2 All e$ui!ment s all #e securely #olted to t e Po,er Center( 6(3(6 Enclosure s all meet t e rain test !erformance re$uirements of IEEE #77=$>=$ % 9>>2 Section 8(3(>( Danufacturer s all #e a#le to furnis documentation t at Seller desi&n meets t is re$uirement(
La(out 6(2(9 T e e$ui!ment layout" door and !anel location" Po,er Center size" anc orin& details" s i!!in& s!lit0s1 ,it e$ui!ment dimensions and ,or-in& clearances s all #e indicated on t e La(out Drawing( 6(2(3 Conduit" ca#le tray" and #us duct entrances s all #e !ro*ided and located as s o,n on t e La(out Drawing( Su!!orts for conduit" tray" and duct s all #e !ro*ided as !art of t e Po,er Center desi&n( 6(2(2 Da%imum dimensions 0len&t " ,idt " ei& t1 of Po,er Center s all #e in com!liance ,it local trans!ortation codes for t e mode of trans!ortation( Restricti*e dimensions suc as ma%imum ei& t or ,idt s all #e indicated on La(out Drawing #y t e )uyer( 6(2(6 Inside ei& t of ceilin& to finis ed floor s all #e a minimum of > feet < inc es or as indicated on t e La(out Drawing( 6(2(8 +or-in& s!ace around e$ui!ment s all #e in accordance ,it t e e$ui!ment manufacturerCs recommendations" #ut s all not #e less t an as indicated in N!PA 7> Ta#le 994@9< 0a1 condition 2 for <44 *olts nominal or less e$ui!ment and Ta#le 994@26 0 a1 condition 2 for a#o*e <44 *olts( Sufficient
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aisle s!ace s all #e !ro*ided to allo, for remo*al of e$ui!ment( Re$uirements of N!PA 1>1 s ould #e used , en layin& out e$ui!ment and doors( 6(2(< Pro*ision for future e%tension s all #e as indicated on t e La(out Drawings. !.! Structural loading 6(6(9 Desi&n s all meet all load com#inations( 6(6(3 T e structural steel #ase s all #e desi&ned to ,it stand all s i!!in& and erection loads in addition to normal dead and li*e loads( 6(6(2 T e #ase of t e Po,er Center s all #e of ade$uately sized AS'& A76 structural steel mem#ers ri&idly #raced ,it structural steel cross@mem#ers for installation on a concrete sla# or !iers #y ot ers as s!ecified on Data S%eet( 6(6(6 Da%imum #ase deflection s all #e ;=364( 6(6(8 Floor s all #e desi&ned for a 9=23@inc ma%imum deflection , en mo*in& remo*a#le e$ui!ment elements( 6(6(< Fac-in& facilities s all #e !ro*ided for #ase le*elin&( 6(6(7 Assem#led Po,er Center or eac s i!!in& assem#ly ,it all e$ui!ment installed s all #e desi&ned for ma%imum four 061 !oint #ottom lift( 6(6(5 ;iftin& eyes s all #e remo*a#le( 6(6(> S!reader #ar for liftin& t e com!lete Po,er Center s all #e !ro*ided alon& ,it s-etc and calculations" , en s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 6(6(94 T e #earin& surfaces of t e liftin& eyes" s!reader #ar and ot er re$uired liftin& means s all #e free from s ar! ed&es( !." Roof 6(8(9 Roof !anels s all #e minimum 95@&au&e steel conformin& to AS'& A;$; s!ecifications ,it t e &al*anized coatin& conformin& to AS'& A9> 09@9=6 ounce1 standards( 6(8(3 Dinimum yield stren&t of roof !anel material s all #e 2<"444 !si( 6(8(2 Roof !anels s all #e factory !ainted , ite or as s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 6(8(6 Roof 'oints 0if !resent1 s all #e of standin& seam construction ,it a ca! o*er t e seam or interloc-in& !anel desi&n( 6(8(8 Roof !anels s all #e su!!lied in a sin&le continuous len&t from ea*e line to rid&e line and s all #e desi&ned to ti& tly interloc- so t at fasteners are not re$uired at intermediate !oints alon& t e !anel side la!s( 6(8(< T e Po,er Center roof s all #e slo!ed 9 inc !er foot nominal and of suc a desi&n to carry a load of 64 !ounds !er s$uare foot unless ot er,ise s!ecified on Data S%eet. 6(8(7 T e roof s all not drain on any side t at as a !ersonnel entry door,ay(
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6(8(5 Aluminum &utters and do,n s!outs s all #e !ro*ided , en s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( !.$ Doors,Rain Cano#(,E-it Signs 6(<(9 091( A minimum of t,o 2<@inc ,ide &as-eted doors" one at eac end of t e !o,er center" s all #e !ro*ided and located to facilitate e&ress and to !re*ent entra!ment of !ersonnel( 031( T e doors s all #e desi&ned to !ro*ide ade$uate eadroom" #ut in no case s all t e ei& t #e less t an 7 feet < inc es nor any !ro'ection #e less t an < feet 5 inc es from t e floor( 021( All doors s all o!en out,ard( 6(<(3 Doors s all #e made from 96.&au&e steel minimum( 6(<(2 Doors s all #e insulated and made of dou#le ,all construction ,it inte&ral frame( 6(<(6 All doors s all #e flus at t e to! to !re*ent ,ater entry( 6(<(8 Inside !anic ard,are desi&ned to o*erride all loc-s" -ey loc-" door closer and stay in&e s all #e !ro*ided( Common -eyed loc-s s all #e !ro*ided on all doors( A minimum of fi*e 081 -eys s all #e !ro*ided ,it eac Po,er Center( 6(<(< Door closer ard,are s all #e !neumatic or ydraulic and s all #e ca!a#le of oldin& door in t e fully o!en !osition( 6(<(7 All e$ui!ment loadin& door@o!enin&s s all #e a minimum 2< inc es ,ide #y >< inc es i& ( T e ><@inc ei& t can include remo*a#le transom !anel and standard ei& t door( 6(<(5 E$ui!ment loadin& doors s all #e of ade$uate size to remo*e or install lar&est e$ui!ment section in t e Po,er Center( 6(<(> Doors s all #e !ro*ided ,it a dou#le !anel safety &lass ,indo,s in t e to! alf of t e door , en s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 6(<(94 +eat ers ields" a minimum of < inc es o*er an&" s all #e !ro*ided o*er all e$ui!ment access doors and !ersonnel entry doors( 6(<(99 In addition to t e ,eat ers ield" a rain cano!y s all #e !ro*ided o*er eac !ersonnel entry door( Rain cano!y s all e%tend a minimum of 2< inc es from t e structure and e%tend < inc es on eac side of t e door o!enin&( 6(<(93 +eat ers ields and rain cano!ies s all #e com!ati#le ,it #uildin& e%terior material and ,ind *elocity desi&n( 6(<(92 En&ra*ed or li& ted e%it si&ns s all #e !ro*ided on or on to! of eac door at a cons!icuous location( E*ery e%it si&n s all a*e t e ,ord GE%itH in !lainly le&i#le letters not less t an < inc es i& " ,it t e !rinci!al stro-e of letters not less t an 2=6 inc ,ide(
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April 1997 PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter
6(<(96 Any o!enin& li-ely to #e confused for an access door" suc as e$ui!ment access !anels for future e$ui!ment" s all #e clearly mar-ed ,it a si&n readin& GNot an E%it(H !.& /ccess Panels,Cable Entr( 6(7(9 Outside e$ui!ment access !anels #e ind e$ui!ment s all #e !ro*ided , en s o,n on t e La(out Drawing( 091( Panels s all #e ca!a#le of #ein& o!ened ,it e$ui!ment in !lace( 031( Panels s all #e insulated" ,eat er!roof and &as-eted" full@ ei& t and in&ed( 021( Panels s all a*e 2 !oint latc in& mec anism ,it !adloc-a#le andle( 061( Panels s all #e 99@&au&e steel minimum( 6(7(3 All e$ui!ment access !anels for future e$ui!ment s all #e !ro*ided ,it an easily remo*a#le ,all !anel to !re*ent #ein& used as an access door( 6(7(2 + en indicated on t e La(out Drawing" side entrance metal framed #ul- ead o!enin&s or ot er )uyer a!!ro*ed met ods s all #e !ro*ided #y t e Seller( 6(7(6 + en #ottom entrance is indicated on t e La(out Drawing for ca#le entry" remo*a#le nonma&netic !lates s all #e !ro*ided to facilitate drillin& for conduit and ca#le o!enin&s( !.0 Ste#s 6(5(9 Access ste!s and !latform ,it inte&ral andrails for eac e%terior door" s all #e !ro*ided , en s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 6(5(3 Treads s all #e minimum No( 99@&au&e &al*anized steel ,it o!en &ri! &ratin&( 6(5(2 Dinimum tread size s all #e 2< inc es ,ide #y 93 inc es dee! #y 3 inc es i& ( 6(5(6 Ste! unit s all a*e a <@inc ma%imum rise and 93@inc minimum treads and a minimum ,idt of 2< inc es( 6(5(8 Remo*a#le andrails s all #e !ro*ided on #ot sides of t e ste!s and s all a*e a minimum and &ri! surface of 9@9=3 inc es( .andrails s all com!ly ,it all 4S3A 191>/ Su"part re$uirements =
6(5(< Platform at eac door s all #e of sufficient dimensions to allo, full o!enin& of doors and minimum 35 inc es ,ide clearance #et,een t e door and andrails ,it door o!en( !.1 Ceiling T e metal ceilin& system s all consist of !anels of minimum 9< &au&e interloc-ed formed &al*anized steel conformin& to AS'& A;$; s!ecifications ,it t e &al*anized coatin& conformin& to AS'& A9> 09@9=6 ounce1 standards" factory !ainted , ite" interloc-ed ,it t e roof !anels(
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PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter April 1997
!.12 3alls 6(94(9 Outer ,all !anels s all #e minimum 95@&au&e &al*anized steel conformin& to AS'& A;$; s!ecifications ,it t e &al*anized coatin& conformin& to AS'& A9> 09@9=6 ounces1 standards( Inner ,all !anels s all #e fa#ricated of 9<@ &au&e minimum" interloc-ed" formed &al*anized steel( Dinimum yield stren&t of !anel material s all #e 2<"444 !si( Panels s all #e a#le to ,it stand 944 m! desi&n ,ind loads( 6(94(3 E%terior ,all !anels of t e Po,er Center s all #e a sin&le continuous len&t from t e #ase c annel to t e roof line of t e Po,er Center at t e side,alls and end ,alls of t e Po,er Center" e%ce!t , ere interru!ted #y ,all o!enin&s( !.11 Floor Floor s all #e 9=6@inc ASTD A2< steel minimum" ,elded to all !erimeter c annels and cross #eams to !roduce a flat surface" free from any e%!osed seams" ri!!les or irre&ularities( !.12 Insulation 6(93(9 Po,er Center s all #e insulated for t e climatic conditions s o,n on t e Data S%eet( Roof and sides as re$uired s all a*e a minimum insulation *alue for an effecti*e R *alue of 99( Insulation to a*e minimum flame s!read as noted in Section 6(9(9( 6(93(3 Roof insulation s all #e secured #et,een t e roof and ceilin& !anels( !.1 4eating5 6entilation and /ir.Conditioning )46/C* 6(92(9 .?AC system to #e suita#le for installation accordin& to t e electrical area classification( 6(92(3 + en t e Data S%eet indicates Po,er Center installation in an electrically classified area" t e Po,er Center s all #e !ressurized in accordance ,it t e latest edition of N!PA :96" C a!ter 6" GPur&ed Po,er E$ui!ment Enclosures
in Class I ;ocationsH to result in a nonclassified inside en*ironment( 6(92(2 .?AC system s all consist of ,all mounted unit desi&n t ermostatically controlled from ,it in t e Po,er Center" unless s!ecified ot er,ise on Data S%eet( 6(92(6 T e Po,er Center s all #e essentially airti& t desi&n" and t e .?AC system s all !ro*ide a sli& t !ositi*e inside !ressure to !re*ent entry of dust laden air and contaminants(
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April 1997 PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter
6(92(8 Su!!ortin& calculations to determine eatin& and air@conditionin& loads s all #e furnis ed #y Seller as descri#ed in Section 7(9(8 d( 6(92(< T e .?AC system s all #e ca!a#le of maintainin& a tem!erature of 54F 037C1 at t e ma%imum am#ient tem!erature s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 6(92(7 T e eater s all #e a#le to maintain a tem!erature of <8F 095C1 I74F 039C1 , en #atteries are installedJ at t e minimum am#ient tem!erature s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 6(92(5 T e #asis for calculatin& eat load s all include all e$ui!ment load losses" e$ui!ment #y Seller and consideration for all defined s!are and future s!ace0s1( 6(92(> T e *entilation system s all !ro*ide a minimum si% 0<1 air c an&es !er our( 6(92(94 An enclosed safety disconnect s,itc ,it !ro*isions for !adloc- in GOFFH !osition" a!!ro*ed for t e area classification" s all #e !ro*ided on or mounted ad'acent to outdoor unit0s1( For nonclassified areas" a NEDA 2R enclosure s all #e used( Source of !o,er s all #e identified on t e disconnect s,itc ( 6(92(99 One form C contact s all #e !ro*ided to acti*ate an alarm if interior tem!erature e%ceeds >4F 023C1( 6(92(93 + en #atteries are installed in t e Po,er Center" t e .?AC system s all #e ca!a#le of maintainin& 74F 039C1 under t e minimum am#ient conditions s!ecified in t e Data S%eet( T e *entilation system s all maintain ydro&en concentration from #atteries to less t an 9 !ercent #y *olume ,it one unit o!eratin&( T e ydro&en emmission from #atteries s all #e calculated #ased
on e$ualizin& c ar&e into fully c ar&ed #atteries at t e ma%imum am#ient tem!erature s!ecified in t e Data S%eet( 6(92(92 Re!lacea#le filters s all #e accessi#le from ,it in t e Po,er Center( !.1! Electrical /ccessories !.1!.1 General 091( Su!!ly *olta&e for li& tin&" rece!tacles" and e$ui!ment accessories s all #e as s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 031( Po,er !anels s all #e constructed as follo,sA Pro*ide a minimum one 091 !o,er !anel ,it inte&ral main #rea-er" #olt@on" industrial ty!e #ranc circuit #rea-ers" neutral #us" and &round #us( All #ranc circuit #rea-ers s all #e a minimum 34 am! ,it !ro*ision for !ad loc-in& in GOFFH !osition( Size to #e determined #y Po,er Center load( Pro*ide a minimum one 091 circuit for li& tin&" one 091 for rece!tacles" and one 091 eac for s!ace eatersK one 091 for .?AC
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PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter April 1997
if re$uired from eac !anelK and minimum four 061 s!are circuits on eac !anel for )uyerCs use( ;i& tin& and .?AC units s all #e s!lit #et,een t,o !anels( An en&ra*ed circuit directory s all #e !ro*ided on t e front of t e !anel( Additional !o,er !anels s all #e !ro*ided , en s!ecified on t e Data S%eet( 021( Pro*ide one 091 solidly &rounded" dry@ty!e transformer ,it t,o 031 3@ 9=3L ta!s a#o*e and #elo, normal !rimary *olta&e( A &round ,ire s all #e connected to center ta!" to case" to &round in a continuous" un#ro-en loo!( Dry@ty!e transformer s all #e rated #ased on 54C rise a#o*e am#ient at full load and 334C rated insulation( 061( +irin& s all #e installed as follo,sA T e Po,er Center s all #e furnis ed com!lete ,it all interconnectin& ,irin& installed and connected !rior to s i!!in&( +irin& s all #e <44 ?" co!!er" minimum 93 A+:(
All ,irin& s all #e installed in surface mounted metal conduit or ca#le trays( Eac interconnectin& ,ire s all #e identified #y tu#ular ,ire mar-ers at eac end( +ire identification s all matc t e manufacturerBs interconnection dra,in&s( 081( Ca#le tray , en utilized s all #e NEDA Class 34@)" aluminum( 0<1( All ,irin& met ods" race,ays" and ca#le systems s all conform to N!PA 7>( !.1!.2 Con+enience Rece#tacles5 122 6olt 091( A minimum of four 061 U; ty!e A :FCI rece!tacles s all #e !ro*ided" t,o 031 inside and t,o 031 outside of t e Electrical Po,er Center( 031( Rece!tacles s all #e ,ired to Po,er Center !o,er !anel( 021( Inside t e Electrical Po,er Center t e rece!tacles s all #e s!aced e*ery 94 feet( 061( Rece!tacles located outside s all #e !ro*ided ,it ,eat er!roof co*ers and s all #e located near eac door( 081( E%terior rece!tacles s all #e a!!ro*ed for t e area electrical classification s!ecified on t e Data S%eet(
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April 1997 PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter
!.1!. Lig%ting 091( Interior ;i& tin& a( T e Po,er Center s all #e furnis ed com!lete ,it inte&rally !rotected industrial ty!e ra!id start fluorescent li& tin& fi%tures" ener&y efficient #ul#s and an industrial &rade 2@,ay s,itc at eac !ersonnel door on t e non in&ed side of t e door( +ire &uards s all #e !ro*ided o*er t e fi%tures( #( T e illumination le*el" minimum maintained foot@candles" s all #e 84 foot@candles 0fc1 at t e floor le*el ,it 24 fc on t e *ertical face of eac e$ui!ment line@u!( 031( Emer&ency ;i& tin&
+ en s!ecified on t e Data S eet" t e Po,er Center s all #e furnis ed com!lete ,it self@contained #attery o!erated emer&ency li& tin&( Emer&ency li& tin& system s all !ro*ide immediate emer&ency li& t 0for at least >4 minutes1 u!on failure of t e normal !o,er source and s all s,itc off automatically , en !o,er is restored( Muartz .alide sealed #eam lam!s s all #e utilized( T e emer&ency li& tin& s all #e connected to a rece!tacle located ad'acent to t e fi%ture and su!!lied from t e li& tin& circuit for t at area( 021( E%terior ;i& tin& T e Po,er Center s all #e furnis ed com!lete ,it factory@installed" instant@restart" 934@?olt" 84@,att minimum i& @!ressure sodium li& t fi%tures ,it inte&ral ! oto control and ,it &lo#e and &uard located ad'acent to eac door,ay and connected to t e Po,er Center !o,er !anels( E%terior li& tin& s all #e enclosed and &as-eted and a!!ro*ed for t e area electrical classification s!ecified in t e Data S%eet. !.1!.! Grounding and 7onding 091( System and e$ui!ment &roundin& and #ondin& s all #e in accordance ,it N!PA 7>" Article 384( 031( All e%!osed noncurrent carryin& metal !arts includin& Po,er Center additions" suc as ste!s" etc( s all #e electrically #onded( 021( T e &round loo! s all #e constructed of N6=4 A+:" stranded" class )" soft dra,n" co!!er conductor a*in& &reen insulation and s all #e connected to t e &round !ads descri#ed #elo,( 061( :roundin& system su!!lied and installed #y t e Seller s all !ro*ide system and e$ui!ment &roundin& for all electrical e$ui!ment and t e Po,er Center frame( Eac e$ui!ment assem#ly &round #us s all #e connected at eac end to t e Po,er Center &roundin& loo!( 081( One NEDA standard 6@ ole stainless steel &round !ad s all #e located at eac corner of t e e%terior of t e Po,er Center 0total of four 061
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&round !ads1 and s all #e connected to t e &round loo! descri#ed a#o*e( !.1" Coatings 6(98(9 All structural framin& mem#ers s all #e cleaned to near , ite metal( T e use of c emical or sol*ent cleanin& of structural steel s all not #e !ermitted #y t e Po,er Center manufacturer( Follo,in& cleanin&" one s o! coat of zinc@
c romate !rimer 09(8 mils minimum dry t ic-ness1 s all #e a!!lied( 6(98(3 Floor surface s all #e finis ed ,it a dura#le" scuff@resistant" nons-id e!o%y or enamel coatin&( 6(98(2 All Po,er Center seams outside t e Po,er Center s all #e sealed ,it 38@year marine sealant to !reclude cre*ice corrosion and assure t e en*ironmental inte&rity of t e Po,er Center a&ainst #lo,in& rain" dust=dirt or sand( 6(98(6 All interior and e%terior e%!osed metal surfaces s all recei*e factory !aint coats to meet or e%ceed 3444 ours of salt s!ray testin& as defined #y AS'& 2117%9: and e*aluated !er AS'& 16;:%9$ and AS'& 71:%9:( 6(98(8 Interior and e%terior color coatin& desi&n s all meet t e follo,in& !erformance standards after 94 years continuous e%!osure in normal atmos! eric conditionsA 091( Panels s all s o, no e*idence of #listerin&" !eelin&" or c i!!in&( 031( Panels s all s o, no surface c al-in& in e%cess of t e AS'& No( 5 ratin&( 6;9%<6
021( Panels" after cleanin&" s all s o, no color c an&e in e%cess of se*en 071 units , en measured in accordance ,it t e AS'& $$::%<9 standard( 6(98(< E%terior ,all !anels and trim s all #e !ainted , ite" unless s!ecified ot er,ise on Data S%eet( 6(98(7 All structural mem#ers under t e floorin& s all #e coated ,it an additional 34@38 mils of #itumastic or e$ual undercoatin& to eliminate #ase rustin& and su#se$uent !otential corrosion( 6(98(5 T,o 031 one@$uart cans of touc @u! !aint s all #e su!!lied !er e$ui!ment assem#ly for eac color used( !.1$ Labeling and Tagging 6(9<(9 T e Po,er Center and all e$ui!ment s all #e ta&&ed( 091( Po,er Center ta& s all #e laminated !lastic" #lac- letterin& on , ite #ac-&round !ermanently attac ed to eac !iece of e$ui!ment( 031( E$ui!ment la#els s all #e installed ,it stainless steel ard,are( 021( De*ice mar-ers and s rin- slee*e ,ire mar-ers s all #e !ro*ided identifyin& all circuits and e$ui!ment(
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April 1997 PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter
6(9<(3 Name!lates s all #e !ro*ided for !anel#oards" annunciator !anels" dry ty!e
transformers" s!ecialty e$ui!ment" and e%terior access !anels not ot er,ise co*ered #y t e e$ui!ment s!ecifications( 6(9<(2 ;i& tin& fi%tures" rece!tacles" .?AC and ot er electrical e$ui!ment s all #e identified ,it !o,er source 0!anel name and circuit num#er1( !.1& 8t%er /ccessories 6(97(9 + en s!ecified on t e Data S%eet" Seller s all !ro*ide #atteries( 6(97(3 + en field ser*icea#le #atteries are s!ecified on t e Data S%eet for installation in t e Po,er Center" Seller s all !ro*ide a series 244 stainless steel dri! !an ,it a stainless steel 9@inc drain !i!e and s utoff *al*e under t e #attery rac-( 6(97(2 Floor and ,alls ,it in 2 feet of t e #attery rac- s all #e !ainted ,it t,o 031 coats of acid resistant !aint( 6(97(6 )attery rac- s all #e secured to t e ,all( 6(97(8 Co*ers s all #e !ro*ided o*er #attery terminals( )attery size s all #e as s!ecified on t e Data S%eet(
S%i##ing <(9 Pre!aration for S i!ment s all #e in accordance ,it SellerBs standards unless ot er,ise noted on t e Re$uest for Muotation and=or Purc ase Order( T e Seller s all #e solely res!onsi#le for t e Pre!aration for S i!ment( ;oose e$ui!ment" suc as au%iliary test de*ices" c arts" re!lacement !arts" manual o!eratin& andles" !ac-in& de*ices" etc(" s all #e a!!ro!riately !ac-a&ed" ta&&ed for easy identification and secured for s i!ment inside t e Po,er Center( Relays" contactors and ot er com!onents ,it mo*in& !arts t at mi& t #e dama&ed in s i!ment s all a*e all suc mo*in& !arts securely #loc-ed and #raced(
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April 1997
Additional s i!!in& and andlin& re$uirements t at a!!ear in t e indi*idual e$ui!ment s!ecifications referred to in Section 9(3(6 s all #e strictly ad ered to" , en a!!lica#le( + en Po,er Center is s i!!ed in more t an one section" eac o!en s i!!in& s!lit s all #e !rotected ,it !ly,ood or ot er a!!ro*ed met od(
&.1 Docu'entation Content 7(9(9 All en&ineerin& data !ro*ided for t is e$ui!ment s all re!resent t e actual e$ui!ment s!ecified and ordered( 7(9(3 :eneric dra,in&s are not acce!ta#le unless t e dra,in&s are re*ised to s o, only t e e$ui!ment #ein& furnis ed( 7(9(2 A!!ro*al Dra,in&s 0documents listed in column ) of t e Dra,in& and Data Re$uirements C art" 7(31 s all #e !ro*ided and a!!ro*ed #y )uyer !rior to start of manufacturin&( 7(9(6 Final factory dra,in&s and data 0as listed in column D of t e Dra,in& and Data Re$uirements C art" 7(31" com!leted to O,nerCs satisfaction" s all #e !ro*ided no later t an t,o 031 ,ee-s after s i!ment of e$ui!ment( 7(9(8 T e Seller s all !ro*ide t e follo,in& dra,in&s and details for #uildin& and su!!ort facilitiesA 091( T ree@line dia&ram s all includeA Fuse data Relay and=or C) data Transformer data )ill of Daterials item reference )us size and *olta&e DCC data Feeder num#ers and identification Dinimum motor data !ro*ided #y )uyer CT and PT sizes 031( +irin& and sc ematic dia&rams s all includeA All de*ice and com!onent identification Coil data Contact data E$ui!ment num#ers Com!onent sizes" suc as fuse" CPT and circuit #rea-ers
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April 1997 PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter
If a##re*iations are used" a le&end s all #e !ro*ided on t e dra,in&( )ill of Daterials item reference s all also #e indicated on t e sc ematic dia&rams( 021( Structural dra,in&s s all includeA Com!lete dimensions Arran&ement Calculations ;i*e and dead load limitations Plan and ele*ation *ie,s Su!!ort locations and ,ei& t on eac su!!ort Ot er details as re$uired for ci*il=structural desi&n for installation of t e Po,er Center Conduit and #us duct entrance locations Anc or #olt size and locations ;iftin& and 'ac-in& !ro*isions :roundin& connections Estimated ,ei& t of eac !iece of e$ui!ment Total ,ei& t of Po,er Center" includin& layout of floor #eams 061( .?AC dra,in&s s all includeA .eat loss and &ain calculations Pressurization calculations E$ui!ment selection calculations Arran&ement" !lan Ele*ation *ie,s Purc ased .?AC e$ui!ment cut s eets s o,in& ca!acities and ! ysical data All maintenance" testin& and o!erations manuals
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PIP ELSSG11 esign and !a"rication of Electrical Power #enter April 1997
O O Detailed )ill of Daterials
:eneral layout of e$ui!ment" s o,in& all dimensions" ,ei& ts" location and outline dra,in&s s o,in& t e final assem#led confi&uration( Connection ,irin& dia&rams" su!!ort locations and ,ei& t on eac s su!!ort" and final assem#led confi&uration and instructions for assem#ly of e$ui!ment and Po,er Center 2@line" and control sc ematic dia&rams Certified test re!orts Installation" O!eration and Daintenance Danual
O O O091
A )idder s all furnis t ese documents ,it !ro!osal( ) Seller s all furnis t ese documents for )uyerBs re*ie, and aut orization to !roceed #efore fa#rication( C Seller s all furnis t ese documents as !art of t e final certified document su#mittal( 091 E$ui!ment s ould #e s i!!ed ,it one set of installation" o!eration" and maintenance manuals( D Final As@)uilt Dra,in&s !ro*ided ,it in t,o 031 ,ee-s follo,in& s i!ment( Note091A Seller to !ro*ide one 091 re!roduci#le set of dra,in&s !lus t e s!ecified num#er of co!ies of all documentation and o!eratin& manuals as indicated on t e Data S%eet( Preferred format for re!roduci#le is CAD reada#le(
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