The Good News of Canaan: Keeping The Faith - The Next Level

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The Good News Of Canaan

Keeping The Faith - The Next Level

Proverbs 11:30 - II Corinthians 9:6-15 - I Corinthians 15:58

A Monthly Publication of the Canaan Baptist Church

"So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work." (Nehemiah 4:6)

March 2014
Inside this issue:
Arise And Build 1 Campaign Dates Monthly Spotlight Bible Answers Renew Your Spirit Get Connected

Grace and peace unto you.


As you know, we are embarking on another era in the life of our church. The time has come for the implementation of our Phase II Capital Campaign project. This campaign supports our vision of a new facility that will provide a fellowship hall, kitchen, classrooms, and additional storage space for our church ministries, congregation, and community. What a wonderful opportunity to be a part of and experience. And yes, God is calling us to rise to a new level of commitment and dedication. Currently, the Capital Campaign Committee has been working diligently in establishing a timeline for the campaign to be presented to the congregation. Within this timeline, the committee has created teams of competent leaders and members to continue the progression of providing a successful campaign. These teams include Admin Support, Celebration Event, Children/Youth, Communication, Epic Event, Follow Thru, Invitation, Leadership Events, and Spiritual Journey. Of course, with the guidance of the Capital Campaign Administrator and Directors to provide and monitor all task completions by each specialized team, we will move closer to our vision's completion. It is the goal of the teams to ensure an effective representation that clearly focus on the church, congregation, and community needs in the foreseeable future. The new facility will address those needs in a positive, relevant, and impactful way. As we proceed, there will be many events planned throughout the Capital Campaign in the next few days, weeks, and months. The high level of excitement will be contagious and genuine. As your pastor, I encourage each one of you to strive towards a level of commitment and a sense of unity. We will be undertaking a great challenge that requires a bold approach and effort as we enter into this next phase together. We are ready for the next level! Finally, let's keep in mind as we journey through Phase II Capital Campaign, this is a wonderful opportunity to pass onto our children a rich heritage that reflects the reward of hard work and sacrifice. Our prayers and obedience will give way to a tremendous step forward in the challenge ahead. Our desire to continue God's work will benefit many and address our growth needs as well. This branch of Zion will reaffirm our commitment to God and the many blessings present in our lives as we seek His will. Together with God's grace and mercy, we can make Phase II happen! Arise and Build! Dr. Christopher Alan Bullock, Senior Pastor

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The GOOD NEWS of Canaan

Publisher Canaan Baptist Church
Editor-in-Chief Dr. Christopher Alan Bullock Editor Michelle White Staff Deirdre Crew Alan Hicks Alveretta Mobley Pat Risher Rutha Williams

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Welcome and Greetings

Thank you for worshipping with us at Canaan Baptist Church. The corporate life of this congregation is the true witness of the vitality of our faith. While the high point of our Christian service is to be found in the experience of Sunday worship, what we do from Monday to Saturday, speaks volumes about Canaans commitment and dedication to Christ and our community. Canaan is a family where all of us are saved sinners hammering out our salvation under the auspices of Gods amazing grace. We are structured, but not so structured as to prevent the powerful work of the Holy Spirit to impact the life of our in-reach and outreach ministries. We are organized, but not so organized to prevent the organism, which is the Church, from bearing full life. We Welcome You! Dr. Christopher Alan Bullock and First Lady Dr. Debbie Bullock and the Canaan Baptist Family

Canaans Mission Statement An urban Baptist Church which serves as a vanguard of liberation, faith and empowerment through our Christian witness. Canaans mission is to do ministry for the Master through the five-fold ministries of Discipleship, Fellowship, Service, Worship and Evangelism. Acts 2:42-47

Canaans Core Values Congregational Intimacy (1 Corinthians 13:13)

Salvation For The Lost (St. John 3:16) Applied Christianity (James 2:14-20) Impact the Human Condition (St. Luke 4:18-19)

The Good News of Canaan is a monthly publication created to inform and encourage Canaan friends and family. Material must be submitted before the 15th of the month preceding each issue.

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Ministry Spotlight
Canaan Baptist Church is committed to do ministry for the Master. Through its mission to impact the human condition, it is through the churchs ministries that this mission is fulfilled. The Evangelism Ministry led by Reverend Bailey looks to spread the word of God and bring people to the Lord. This ministry goes out into the community and touches the lives of others in a very tangible manner. By linking food and prayer this ministry is able to evangelize to the community in a way that they can relate to. Christianity is not only for those who actively seek the church and who are already committed. The Evangelism Ministry at Canaan goes out and seeks those who may not know the word of God or how it applies to their lives. As a church located on the avenue, Canaan through the Evangelism Ministry has gone out and sought those who need to know the word of God the most and who could benefit greatly from Christianity.

Evangelism Ministry

Jesus himself did all he could to bring others to the Father. At times, that meant that he had to go places others thought he should not. He had to do things that he may not have wanted to. One might say that the key to the early church of Christ was its willingness to go out and seek those non-believers that they might be brought to the church. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). As Christians it is easy to forget that we were not always believers and that at times we have not shined our lights brightly so that others might know that we are saved. The Evangelism ministry is pivotal to the success of Canaan and impacts the human condition in a very important way. This ministry is one which brings non-believers to the church so that they may share in the bounty of goodness offered by Christianity. Throughout the year this community goes out into the streets handing out informational packets and offering the word of God to those in need. If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him (John 12:26). God is everywhere, even in the darkest of corners. The Evangelism Ministry in its mission goes anywhere there is a need and shines brightly so that the world may see the glory of God.

Spiritual Enrichment Schedule

Worship Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday Church School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m.

Noon Prayer

Wednesdays - (WOW) Worship On Wednesdays Fellowship Hour Meal 5-6 p.m. Bible Study - 6 p.m.

*Celebration of Holy Communion - Every 1st Sunday (Both Services)

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The Joy of the Lord

Be glad in the lord and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy all ye that are upright in heart - Psalms 32:11

Join us each Sunday at 9:30am 10:45am for empowering Sunday school lessons

The Christian Education Ministry is continuing its

Like the majesty of an avalanche flowing down the mountain side the joy of the Lord consumes me. Like the power of a whale with its graceful rise from the deep the joy of the Lord moves me. Im transformed into a disciple, compelled to praise always ready to tell the world about the goodness of the Lord. I cant keep it to myself. When I work I am filled with joy When I play I am filled with joy When I laugh and when I cry I am filled with joy My story like so many was a life without truth. One day I asked for deliverance and He set me free.Hallelujah! All I want to do is share my joy and praise the Lord. In the midst of a storm, I praise Him.

Stewardship series during Church School in

March. Please join us immediately after the 8 a.m. Worship Service as Rev. Jeff Miller, Rev. Robert Daniels, Rev. Sheila Winfrey-Brown and Rev. William (Chuck) Johnson present powerful Stewardship lessons on Time, Treasure, Temple, and Talent. Come ready to receive God's blessings.

On the mountain top, I praise Him.

Know The Bible

Keep Learning

Down in the valley, I praise Him. Dont misunderstand my rivers of tears. Count it all joy. God is above me and His spirit is in me. With every breath I take, I intermingle my heart with the Holy Spirit and exhale a divine interpretation of life. Its like a glass of ice water in the middle of the desert. Its like a healing that will cancel a surgery. Its a peace and joy beyond all understanding.

February Know Your Bible Answers

1. An Evil Spirit 2. Endor 3. D 4. 12 Months

I praise Him in the morning, I praise Him throughout the day, I praise Him before I sleep.
Not because I want something its because Hes worthy. Resurrect Resurrect Resurrect Photo of the Month The Joy of the Lord in You!

Our favorite attitude should be gratitude

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Renew Your Spirit

The cold, dull grey of winter will soon turn to spring. Lets celebrate the renewal of God's creation. Flowers put forth their roots and shoots and the grasses which were dull, grey or brown turn green again and we sense the renewal of life. Let God revive your spirit. Gods Word is filled with ways to find new strength and to renew your spirit.

Walk with Godnothing will restore your soul like time with God. Find a place where you can have quiet and calm. No distractions, no time limits, no pre-planned structure, no agendajust be with Him. Get outdoors and literally walkwith God. (Genesis 6:9) Cast Your Cares Upon Himwhile youre with God, you might as well put everything youre carrying into His hands, including yourself! (1 Peter 5:7) Meditate on Biblical Principleschoose a passage, a promise, or a verse and just rest upon it. Find a place to jot down some reflections. (Psalm 1:2) Listen to Godly Musicwhether with an iPod, a CD player, or your own voiceset aside time to really listen to Christ-honoring music. Think about the message, and let Gods Holy Spirit restore and encourage you. Music is one of Gods great gifts to help us walk in the Spirit. (Psalm 118:14) Read an Encouraging Bookpick up something biblical and enjoyablean inspirational book. Make sure it connects to some practical aspect of your life. (Proverbs 25:11) Serve Someone Elsecould be your spouse, your kids, your neighbor, a church member, or a local business owner. Theres something really refreshing about choosing to perform an act of kindness just because. (1 Corinthians 9:19) Share the Gospel with SomeoneNo matter whats going on in your life, your whole perspective changes when you set the burdens aside and share the Gospel.. (Ephesians 6:15) Restsounds so unspiritual compared to the others doesnt it? But its not only spiritualits vital! Quite often, we just run on empty, physically speaking. (Psalm 127:2) Spend Time with Someone You Loveyour spouse, your family, a friend. Right relationships are energizing. They have a restoring and renewing quality. (Proverbs 17:17) Use Your Spiritual Gift(s)take your unique personality combined with Gods Divine enabling(s) in your life, and put them to use for His purposes. (1 Peter 4:10) Its only a matter of time before God breathes new strength into your spiritual life. Patiently enjoy His presence as He renews your strength. (Isaiah 40:31)

Arise and Build

Architects Rendering of our Phase II build

Canaan Baptist Church

3011 New Castle Avenue - New Castle, DE 19720 - 302-654-8818 Office Hours: 9 a.m. 4 p.m. (Offices Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays) Fax: 302-654-8819

Get Connected
Please note that all requests for announcements to be displayed on the sanctuary screens and outer sanctuary monitors must be submitted using the approved form for approval by the Monday prior. Additionally, all announcements requested to be placed in the monthly newsletter must be submitted for approval by the 15th of the month preceding each issue. Please call the church for further information.

Day Trip to New York City

The deadline is fast approaching for you to get your ticket for our trip to the Brooklyn Academy of Music to see the Dance-Africa performance and the shopping at the African street fair that surrounds the theater in downtown Brooklyn, NYC! See Sisters Jennifer Grace-Umoete, Mitzie Hamilton, Earlean Oduaran or anyone in the ACLA Ministry for more information.

Lost and Found Youth MinistrySave The Date

Canaans Youth and College Connections ministry will host their Inaugural Scholarship Ball at the Cavalier Country Club on April 4, 2014. Attire will be semi-formal to formal. Press those suits and party dresses and come dressed to impress! See any member of the Youth and College Connection Ministry for additional details after each service. Bibles, gloves, scarf and other miscellaneous articles have been found left behind here at church. Please check with any usher to see if any of these articles are yours.

Canaan Business Network Featured Businesses

The following businesses are featured for this month. Please support our businesses. For more information, contact Rev. Norman Miller (302)377-7004 or Sis. Nikki Hurd (240)9881526.

Womens Bible Study

The Sisters of Canaan Womens Ministry will be having their bible study on Friday March 14, 2014 at 5:30 pm here at Canaan. A light meal will be served. Come out and be blessed by the Word of God.

Marriage Ministry Meeting

Friday, March 28, 2014 at 7 pm in the church sanctuary. Come rebuild the flame!

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

The Singles Ministry invites all youth and young adults to attend the Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 12, 2014 from 12pm3pm. If any ministry would like to assist, please contact Margaret Boins at 302-983-0575 or any member of the Singles Ministry.

Altar Flowers
Any individual who is interested in beautifying our church sanctuary and would like to place flowers on the altar to commemorate a special occasion or- just because, please contact Sister Jane Baylor at 302-834-7678.

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