Ausubel Theory

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Meaningful Verbal
Learning / Subsumption
Prepared by: Mitschek, Ariane B.
Ausubel’s Subsumption Theory

Meaningful Reception Four Processes for

Advance Organizers
of Information Meaningful Learning

Learner’s Cognitive Expository
Use of Advance
Graphic Organizer Superordinate

Subsumption Combinatorial
Graphic Organizers
Meaningful Reception of Information

According to David Ausubel, knowledge is

hierarchically organized, and new information
can be attached/anchored to what is already
known. Once a learner successfully attached
this new information to their existing
knowledge, this is where Meaningful
Reception of Information takes place.
Learner’s Cognitive Structure
Learner’s Cognitive Structure is the most
important factor influencing learning. It
pertains to the learner’s present knowledge
including facts, concepts, propositions,
theories and raw perceptual data that the
learner has available at any point in time.
Use of Advance Graphic Organizer

Since the learner’s cognitive structure is the

most important factor influencing the learning,
this should be strengthened. Ausubel proposed
the use of advance organizers to allow students
to already have a bird’s eye view or to see the
“big picture” of the topic to be learned.

Whenever the learner’s cognitive structure is

successfully strengthened, acquisition and
retention of new information is facilitated.
This process is called “subsumption”, in which
new material is related to relevant ideas in the
existing cognitive structure.
Four Processes for
Meaningful Learning

Meaningful Learning can take

place through four processes:
Derivative Subsumption
This describes the situation in which the new
information you learn is an example of a
concept you already learned.
EXAMPLE: Your concept of bird is that, it has
feathers, beak, and lay eggs. Now you’ve seen
a blue jay, new kind of bird that conforms to
your concept of bird. Your new knowledge
about blue jay is attached to your concept of
bird without altering the concept.
Correlative Subsumption
This describes the accommodation of new
information by changing or expanding the
EXAMPLE: You’ve seen a new kind of bird, which
is the ostrich. The ostrich can’t fly, has big body
and long strong legs. To accommodate this new
information, you need to include the concept of an
ostrich to your previous concept of bird. You
expand the concept by including the possibility of
bird being big and having long strong legs.
Superordinate Learning
Superordinate learning is when you knew a lot
of examples of the concept, but did not know
the concept itself until it was taught to you.
EXAMPLE: You knew about banana, mango,
dalandan, guava etc., but you did not know,
until you were taught, that these were all
examples of fruits.
Combinatorial Learning
It describes a process by which the new idea is
derived from another idea that is neither higher or
lower in the hierarchy, but at the same level ( in a
different, but related, “branch”).
EXAMPLE: To teach someone about how plants
“breathe” you might relate it to their previously
acquired knowledge of human respiratory where
man inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide.
This is because they are related to each other as
they are both labeled as “process of breathing”.
Advance Organizers
The advance organizer is a major instructional
tool proposed by Ausubel.
Two Benefits of Advance Organizers:
• You will find it easier to connect new
information with what you already know about
the topic.
• You can readily see how the concepts in a
certain topic are related to each other.
Types of Advance
Advance Organizers
• Expository – describes the new content.
• Narrative – presents the new information in
form of a story to students.
• Skimming – is done by looking over the new
material to gain a basic overview.
• Graphic organizer – visual to set up or outline
the new information. This may include
pictographs, descriptive patterns, concept
patterns, concept maps.

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