Malta Update en Final Nov13 Rev
Malta Update en Final Nov13 Rev
Malta Update en Final Nov13 Rev
Since the launch of the LIFE programme by the European Commission in 1992, a total of 18 projects have been financed in Malta. Of these, two focus on environmental innovation, five on nature conservation, three on information and communication and eight on capacity building. These projects represent a total investment of 16 million, of which 8 million has been contributed by the European Union. This document provides an overview of LIFE in Malta. It showcases success stories and ongoing initiatives, indicates how to find further information on the projects and provides a list of current projects in Annex. Every year a call for project proposals is launched for its three components: Nature and Biodiversity, Environment Policy and Governance, and Information and Communication. You will find more details on all recent LIFE projects in Malta in the annexed lists.
European Commission, DG Environment LIFE E.3 & E.4 Units ( Page 1
Demonstration of the feasibility of electric vehicles towards climate change mitigation (DemoEV) LIFE06/ENV/MT/000088
During this LIFE project, volunteer test drivers of electric vehicles (EVs) will be carefully monitored to generate data on the potential for reducing carbon emissions, especially in comparison with standard mobility habits and trends. A key monitoring distinction will be between EVs charged via the electricity grid and EVs charged via photovoltaic (PV) panels. Specifically, the project will: study if carbon neutrality can be achieved by recharging secondgeneration EVs using photovoltaic systems installed on buildings; evaluate the actual environmental efficiency of secondgeneration EVs; seek to convince the target audience to switch to electromobility, as opposed to the standard, highly polluting, conventional-fuel vehicles; and study the environmental and economic efficiency of different methods of recharging secondgeneration EVs. The primary aim of the study will be to evaluate if PV panels installed on buildings can produce enough energy to recharge an electric vehicle and thus create carbon neutral transportation. The study will involve 24 second-generation EVs, distributed among volunteers from private households, commercial delivery companies and government bodies. The selection of the volunteers will ensure that the vehicles will be used for very different purposes. Households will test Class B private cars used for personal transport. Delivery companies will test Class C light-goods vehicles, used for delivering goods to shops in Valletta. The main project result will be a database detailing the daily driving habits of volunteers, and the related carbon impacts, which will be compared with benchmark data obtained during a three-month period prior to the start of the project. The project will be an important demonstration, underpinning EV take-up in Malta. For further information:
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SPA Site and Sea Actions Saving Puffinus yelkouan in Malta (GARNIJA-MALTIJA) LIFE06/NAT/MT/000097
Over the last 25 years, the Yelkouan shearwater - a species of strategic importance at the European level - has been in decline in Malta. The bird is under threat because of premature mortality, loss of breeding habitats and human disturbance at nesting sites. The GARNIJA-MALTIJA LIFE project achieved some significant ecological results that have benefited the sustainability of Maltas Puffinus yelkouan population. Specific outcomes included: improving trends in population sizes of the target species (by 10%) - adult survival rates reached 96% and breeding success increased from 21% to 90%. Other key project actions resulted in: human disturbance at the project site being reduced; NGOs and Government working successfully in partnership; a proposal (roadmap) for the identification and designation of Marine SPAs off the Maltese islands; and increased awareness among the public and decision makers. In overall terms, the project was the first major and positive experience for protecting a rare bird species in Malta. The Management Plan and the After-LIFE Conservation Plan produced by the project represent major assets for the species long term sustainability. For further information:
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Changing cultural attitudes to Trapping in order to facilitate implementation of the Birds Directive in Malta (BIRD MIGRATION AND TRAPPING) LIFE07/INF/MT/000554
This project made an important contribution to raising awareness in Malta of the damage caused to wild songbirds by trapping, and to changing attitudes and activities in this field. It highlighted the importance of significant communications activities in areas where hunting/trapping pressures are strong and resistance to environmental measures is significant. Although the Maltese Environment and Planning Authority was not comfortable providing contact data on trappers and some stakeholder boycotted the project activities, the beneficiary still managed to meet with 409 trappers. Information was disseminated during face-to-face meetings to these trappers, who represented 9% of those licensed during the transition period. The project successfully produced and disseminated key awareness-raising products, namely: a pocket calendar of wild songbirds; stickers; a TV series of thirteen 40-minute programmes, which was shown on the 2nd most important channel in Malta; an international seminar on trapping of wild songbirds in Malta, which was attended by 75 participants, despite boycotting by certain key stakeholders; and education and information activities about trapping and biodiversity carried out in primary and secondary schools and involving more than 25 000 pupils. The project contributed to achieving the following outcomes: more than 84% of the general public were made aware of the threat represented by the trapping of bird species; around 40% of the general public were made aware that trapping of wild songbirds is forbidden in EU countries; monitoring of 4 787 trapping sites between 2008 and 2010 showed that only 24.8% of the sites were still active or maintained; and the number of licensed trappers fell from 4 616 in 2008 to 2 896 in 2010. For further information:
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Third countries
At the end of 2006, the LIFE Third Countries component had co-financed eight projects in Malta. These projects represented a total investment of 3.4 million, of which 2.2 million was contributed by the European Union. The projects had wide-ranging themes, including: developing a soil information system for the Maltese Islands; setting up the first coastal nature reserve in Malta; financial support to the Government for an EcoAudit and the preparation of an environmental action plan; setting up a maritime environmental riskmanagement system; evaluation of pollution risk and prevention measures; a pilot air quality monitoring project; and the integrated management of specially protected coastal areas. These projects were implemented by national authorities or NGOs in Malta and had a duration of between 17 and 38 months. The project presented in the box opposite is an example of a successful LIFE Third Countries project in Malta.
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Demonstration of the feasibility of electric vehicles towards climate change mitigation (DemoEV) Constructing two demonstration green roofs to illustrate the potential of meeting environmental and energy targets (LifeMedGreenRoof)
LIFE10 ENV/MT/000088 d=187
09/2011> 12/2014
LIFE12 ENV/MT/000732
SPA Site and Sea Actions Saving Puffinus yelkouan in Malta (GARNIJA-MALTIJA) Creating an inventory of Marine IBAs for Puffinus Yelkouan, Calonectris diomedea and Hydrobates pelagicus in Malta (MALTA SEABIRD PROJECT) Conservation Status and potential Sites of Community Interest for Tursiops truncatus and Caretta caretta in Malta (Project MIGRATE) Soil stabilisation measures to protect Annex I habitats in Buskett-Girgenti Natura 2000 site (LIFE SAVING BUSKETT) Life+ Benthic Habitat Research for marine Natura 2000 site designation (LIFE BaAR for N2K)
LIFE11 NAT_MT_000070
LIFE12 NAT_MT_000182
LIFE12 NAT_MT_000845
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Changing cultural attitudes to Trapping in order to facilitate implementation of the Birds Directive in Malta (STOPTRAPPING-MALTA) Achieving Reduction in Water Consumption by Business in Malta (Investing in Water) Information and communications campaign for the proper use and management of nitrates in agriculture and livestock breeding (InfoNitrates)
LIFE07 INF_MT_000554
Project duration
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